#Hayle always loves surprises
izayoichan · 1 year
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Surprise! 🎶
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dandylion240 · 3 months
💐 What’s their favorite “domestic bliss” moment? Do they cook/clean together? Do they like to go out shopping together?
🍬 Who is their biggest supporter (friend, family, etc)?
💛 What are their favorite activites to do together?
For whoever is your current favourite 😄
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💐 What’s their favorite “domestic bliss” moment? Do they cook/clean together? Do they like to go out shopping together?
They love just working on the farm together. Josie fell in love with this old run down farm. Her parents tried to discourage her from buying it because it was going to take a lot of work but she was adamant that it was going to be beautiful once it was loved. It was a surprise to both of them to find out they both lived so close to each other and soon they sort of bonded over the work of turning the farm into what Josie always saw it as.
🍬 Who is their biggest supporter (friend, family, etc)?
I think their number one support is Hayle. Once Hayle knew who and what Trent was he felt confident that Josie was in good hands. If Hayle didn't feel that way there's no way Hayle would have let Trent get close.
Josie's parents will always support Josie but Jayden still has his moments of being a protective papa bear.
💛 What are their favorite activites to do together?
Working on the farm. Feeding the animals. Gardening. But their favorite thing to do together is taking their elderly horses, that Josie homed from River's animal shelter, for a slow, leisurely ride together.
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l-r-christian · 3 years
Hii can you please do a story about Elijah getting the reader pregnant and Hayley is jealous, love your story 😘
Let's go surprise pregnancy
Warnings: Fluff, A bit of smut, Jealous!Hayley, Overly protective Elijah, Y/N is just a small bean,
Morning light shined in Elijah's bedroom making him groan before his eyes snapped open feeling a cold body snuggled closer to him. Elijah looked seeing Y/N, a sweet woman that knew the Mikaelsons becoming their close friend when they first got to New Orleans.
Elijah carefully lifted the sheets to find Y/N in his shirt and him in pajama pants but what really caught his eye was her bare thighs and peek of her bare center. Elijah swallowed trying to remember what happened last night bits and pieces came back.
"Dance with me 'Lijah?" Y/N's light Irish accent reached his ears looking at her away from Hayley and Jackson who were having their first dance as husband and wife.
"Of course dear Y/N." Elijah says ignoring the pain in his chest seeing the woman he loved dancing with another.
Elijah remembered the Hayley had gotten married yesterday and how he drank a little more than he should have....but it hadn't explained why Y/N was in his bed not that it wasn't normal as the human was always in one of the siblings bed sleeping or cuddling. But Elijah knew something clearly something happened between them.
Lips on skin, hands entangled in his hair as moans and his growls fill the air, Elijah attacked Y/N's neck leaving more bite marks as he lifted her hips thrusting hard encouraging her to moan loudly.
"Elijah.....please. " Y/N whimpered shaking as Elijah kissed her roughly growling when she whined against his mouth as he got deeper. Elijah pulled away seeing her flushed face watery eyes as her walls fluttering around him and he licked his bottom lip.
"I'll give you more, baby."
Elijah layed there remembering that last night he had slept with Y/N.... no more like he fucked her as it made him feel sick as he didn't want to hurt Y/N. Elijah froze feeling Y/N move sitting up yawning getting out of bed and Elijah saw the bite marks on her thighs as more memories flooded him.
Y/N was shaking as Elijah groaned against her neck as his thrusts got rougher and he growled feeling Y/N's nails rake down his back. Elijah's fangs brushed along her neck.
"I trust you.....you are welcome to a taste." Y/N rasping out as Elijah's eyes darken nose brushing against her neck before sinking his fangs into her neck. Y/N arched off the bed crying out as he moved harder and Y/N moans encouraging him.
"Morning." Y/N says flopped down on Elijah snapping him from his thoughts looking at the smiling woman.
"It is okay 'Lijah. I am not expecting you to be emotionally available or for to start dating me. I am a big girl that can handle a one-night stand."
"Oh...I apologize, I just didn't want to hurt you." Elijah says cupping Y/N's cheek rubbing it with his thumb as Y/N laughed a bit leaning forward kissing Elijah's nose. Elijah felt his heart fluffer as warmth filled his chest smiling kissing her cheek as they just layed cuddling talking.
"You slept with Y/N." Elijah heard Rebekah say as he choked on his tea looking at his sister as the blonde smirked. Elijah felt his face warmed not that his was shamed of sleeping with his best friend, he just didn't want people treat Y/N any different because she slept with Elijah.
"Yes she spend the night in my bed, like she would any of us."
"Right, so the love bites on her neck are nothing?" Rebekah asked smirking as Elijah looked away coughing as Kol came in with a mischievous smirk.
"Are we teasing Elijah for sleeping with Y/N."
"Yes but he denies he did." Rebekah says still smirking as Elijah stood feeling flustered.
"Yes I did and it was a one time thing." Elijah tells his younger siblings before leaving as for the rest of the week Elijah had to deal with his siblings teasing him.
Y/N came rushing into the Abattoir looking for Elijah seeing him with Hayley which the hybrid frowned when the human so easily capture Elijah's attention.
"Can I talk to you....alone?" Y/N asked Elijah as he looked her over seeing her dressed in leggings and one of his old college sweaters, messy red curls up in a ponytail.
"Of course, dear." Elijah says letting her pull him away from Hayley as both missed the jealous look in her eyes watching Elijah walk off.
"Something wrong?"
"I'm pregnant." Y/N blurted out as Elijah stared at her pushing away the jealous thought of his closest friend pregnant with another's child.
"I am ha....."
"It's yours.....I was a virgin we slept together." Y/N tells Elijah as the vampire felt a bit of guilt raise in his chest. Y/N noticed right away and grabbed Elijah's hands smiling up at him.
"Eli, I don't regret that night and you made it every enjoyable. Please don't feel guilty." Y/N tells Elijah as he nodded leaning down kissing her forehead.
"I want to be there for you both."
"I won't stop you." Y/N tells Elijah surprised when Elijah kissed her softly as his hand settled on her abdomen.
"Pregnant?!" Hayley was the first to speak when Y/N and Elijah got everyone together to tell them of the human's pregnancy.
"It isn't unheard-of for a vampire to impregnate a virgin." Freya says looking through a grimoire as Klaus smirked looking at the family's long time friend.
"Well no way of leaving us now love."
"I wouldn't have it any other way."
Hayley noticed right away how Elijah shifted his attention on the young Irish woman that carried his child, not that Elijah had spent time with Hayley after she married but Hayley rarely saw Elijah without Y/N. Hayley walked in frowning seeing Y/N sitting with Elijah reading from a book of old Irish tales.
"It seems our little one enjoys the sound of your voice." Elijah says sounding half asleep as he layed his head on her shoulder rubbing her belly.
"So do you."
"Humm I do." Elijah mumbled against Y/N's neck, since Elijah found out the pregnancy he had been more affectionate with the young woman. Something the siblings pointed out a lot and Elijah would brush it off saying Y/N was just a friend like she was to the others.
"You need more sleep, love." Y/N said softly as Hayley paused at the pet name jealously tugging at her even more seeing Elijah smile.
"I know baby."
The relationship between Y/N and Elijah grew as the Original was taking care of the woman and so affectionate with her. At first Elijah thought it was because she was carrying his child but realized that his feelings for her grew after their one night stand.
While Hayley felt like Elijah shouldn't be with woman even if she was carrying child but Elijah just kept getting closer and Hayley felt the air leave her when Elijah announced he was committed to Y/N.
"So marrying her?"
"No Hayley....not yet we are together." Elijah answered Hayley smiling watching Y/N making scrapbook for the baby and with that Hayley watched Elijah join Y/N and Hayley watched Elijah fall in love with someone else that wasn't her.
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slstmaraudersjple · 2 years
5 writing updates & links!
For the night crowd, Trial of Fate is live! (Also, it features my first smut scene, so please be gentle!)
You’ve been casually sleeping with one of your bosses. It’s never been anything more than a fling between the both of you, until you end up pregnant, and everything changes. Dancer!Reader x MobBoss!Boba. I *THINK* this will be a one-shot but that honestly will depend on my plot bunny. (Takes place in the same universe as Hand of Fate but can be read as a standalone.)
Your entire life flashes before your eyes when the two pink lines appear on the test.
Kriffing hell.
You’ve been so goddamn careful. Always making sure you used multiple forms of protection. You’re already on birth control, but you always had him use condoms just in case and you followed through with Plan B the following morning.
At least you know the father doesn’t want anything to do with the – your – baby.
But… that leaves you with two dilemmas. One, what you’re going to do. And two, how you’re going to keep this from him.
Especially considering that he’s one of your bosses and he’s also one of the most powerful men in the city.
Boba Fett.
A Love Like This chapter 7 (omega!Reader x alpha!Din)
“…if you’re going to kill me, please make it quick.”
It’s like pain shooting up his spine, and as your words echo loudly in the silence and he’s forced to contemplate the idea of you not being there, the final pieces slide into place.
He inhales sharply, and before he can help himself, he drops to his knees as he whispers,
You run.
The moment the airship docked, the moment you noticed that no one had eyes on you, your survival instincts took over and you slipped on a dark nondescript cloak and made your way for the back ramp.
Getting off the ship is easier than you expected, and no one pays you any mind as you leave, but the fear curling in your belly urges you on and forces you to ignore the hunger pangs.
Your owner (ex-owner?) hadn’t been the worst owner you could have had. It had truly been an amiable couple years. He hadn’t been truly kind but you were provided for – you always had food in your belly and a warm place to sleep and occasionally small trinkets that were gifted to you – and that was all you could have asked for. But then he met his mate, who turned out to be a jealous and vindictive woman. She punished you for your very existence in her life, and she finally presented him with an ultimatum: her and their future offspring, or you.
You hadn’t been surprised by his choice – after all, children could only be born of a true mate union.
You had been sent to a slave market, and the moment it was decided, you stopped being provided for. You found yourself scrounging for scraps of leftover food, drank tepid water from the faucet, and gathered whatever shreds of cloth you could hunker down with for the evenings.
You swear you hear shouts behind you, and you run faster. You’re not sure if they’re talking about you, but you can’t take any chances.
You aren’t even sure where you are. You don’t even know what planet you’re on. All you know is that you have to run.
Day turns to dusk as you round corners and duck around equipment, droids, and other airships. Panic starts to set in as you try to find a place to hide for the night.
Just one night, you tell yourself. You’ll give yourself one night to rest, and then you’ll figure out the rest of your escape.
I Don’t Want Easy chapter 2 (Klaroline AU, Carenzo brotp)
Summary:  “How do you think she felt, finding out from someone else? She’s someone who believes in actions over words, and your actions told her that you didn’t think she was worth it. So of course she walked away, because she deserves better.” Four years later, Klaus and Caroline are reunited in NOLA under unexpected circumstances.
The news caught her by surprise.
The cold smile on Tyler’s lips and the taunting in his voice as he revealed, “Oh, Klaus didn’t tell you? Hayley’s pregnant, with his baby. They’re setting up house in New Orleans and they’ll be one big happy family. I guess all his promises to you were lies after all, hmmm? You were just another game to him, and you fell for it. You were always so naïve, Caroline. You’re pathetic.”
Tears sprang to her eyes at the unexpected pain that burned through her heart. She remembered reeling from the hurt and the surprise feeling of betrayal.
She didn’t have a response at the time, but the memory of Tyler’s cruelty would be seared in her mind forever.
Thankfully, Enzo had been with her at the time, and the Augustine vampire had no compulsions about punching Tyler square in the jaw and snarling at him to leave.
Caroline barely had time to process the news before she received some of her own.
After she started throwing up and feeling nauseous, Bonnie took a blood sample to conduct some magical tests with. Bonnie had been confused at first by the results, but then Stefan’s friend Valerie shared some insight into their situation.
Apparently, when Jo was dying, the Gemini Coven collectively cast a spell to save the babies by magically transporting them into the closest available womb at the time.
That womb had belonged to Caroline.
She was pregnant.
Watch Your Step Therapy AU 2: Pictures of You (inspired by WYS by @charnelhouse)
Summary:  She had a life before all this. One day, while Faire is in therapy, the boys decide to check out her old house. They learn a lot about her.
If anyone (mainly Z) asks, it was Frankie’s idea. Technically, it was Benny’s idea, but they blame it on Frankie because they know that Z has a soft spot for him and can’t be too upset with him.
The house itself is nothing spectacular. It’s old and run down. It looks like someone attempted to clean the place up, as evidenced by the half-started projects littering the place.
It’s easy enough for them to break in, or rather, to simply walk in. The front door is unlocked.
The kitchen countertop is littered with empty bottles of booze. They find pills and drugs haphazardly stashed throughout the house. There’s broken glass littering the walls.
But then.
But then, when they pass the threshold of the kitchen and dining table, everything changes.
Hand of Fate part 4 (server!Reader x mobboss!Din)
Summary:  You are a server at the exclusive Palace nightclub, run by best friends and mob co-bosses Mando and Boba Fett. Life is relatively normal until you accidentally save your bosses and catch the attention of the very people you’ve been trying to avoid. Mob AU inspired by other mob AUs.
Despite the Palace nightclub being mob territory of the Mandalorians and run by your bosses, you have never felt unsafe the way you do tonight. Although you have never met said bosses, they ensure that there is constant security throughout the building, keeping the staff safe and keeping the patrons from getting too rowdy. You’ve only been groped once, by a clearly drunk man, and before you could blink, a security guard grabbed the man and escorted him out, only pausing to give you a nod of acknowledgement before they disappeared out of sight.
You can’t quite put your finger on it. You’re just a server, and the job came recommended by a friend from your college days. You interviewed with a pair of gorgeous women, Fennec Shand and Cara Dune, who each represented one of your mysterious bosses, and they were more interested in your ability to do your job than anything else. They hired you on the spot, and that was 6 months ago. The pay is fantastic and the tips are better. You work five nights a week at the Palace, and on your off days you curl up in your apartment catching up on new books or TV shows.
The only thing that would make this better would be if you didn’t have to wear such kriffing high heels, no matter how cute they are. Thankfully, you only have to wear the heels on the weekends, and you can wear more comfortable shoes throughout the week. All the girls wear the same uniform – a gorgeous deep olive corset top with a silver halter strap and tight black shorts with fishnet leggings. When the weather is colder, you are allowed to wear tight leather pants instead.
The Palace has a specific dress code, one that is followed by both staff and patrons. For the sake of anonymity, everyone wears a mask that must cover at least half their face. You and the girls wear gorgeous black lacey masks that cover the top half of your faces and tie behind your head with soft ribbons. They’re actually quite comfortable to wear. The security guards wear solid black masks in a simple design.
But tonight… tonight feels off. You’re not sure if it’s the way it feels like certain people are watching you intensely. That’s not new, but there’s something… different about it. All you know is that you’ve never felt this way in the 6 months that you’ve worked for the Palace, and it is deeply unsettling.
I’m going to crawl into bed now and pass out, but thanks so much for all your patience! <3
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rayondeneige · 3 years
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Jonerys Advent Calendar 2020 || Day 20
Since We Have No Place to Go, Let It Snow
Jon Snow decided to come back home for Christmas after three years of finding excuses, three years of trying not to hear his mother’s pleas. Back at Winterfell he found more than he was hoping for, more than family; he found the stranger he met in Dragonstone and tried to forget, with her molten hair, her blazing fire and her summer scent, like sunshine and citrus, like sunscreen and lavender.
Christmas never tasted so sweet and yet felt so short.
Chapter 1 : All Hearts Come Home for Christmas
He struggled with his bag, trying to open the door of his room. It smelled like burning wood and his eyes immediately went to the hearth, ember still burning away, glowing, casting red and orange light in the room. He was surprised his dad would still light a fire in this room, knowing that he wasn’t coming back for Christmas.  
The fire was almost out at this hour of the night, there was the smallest amount of golden light in the room, just enough for him to put his bag on the dresser and see that his bed was already unmade on his side, the sheet rumpled, stuck under the heavy headboard. He didn’t even have the time to form a question, to think of something before he felt a sharp pain at the back of his head, like an explosion, like something just fell on his head, like someone just hit him with a rock.
“What the fuck?” he exclaimed, his vision getting blurry and full of dark spots. He immediately brought his hand to the back of his head, not sure if he actually felt blood or if it was just the nastiness of his hair sticking on his fingers. With his other hand he tried to find his balance against the wall, searching for the light switch, trying to understand what the fuck was going on.
Someone hit him again on the shoulder. Hard. He grunted and turned around too fast, the dizziness assaulting all his senses, making him feel like Bambi stepping on ice. With all his training, he should have known someone was in the room, he should have added up all the clues, the fire and the bed. He felt fucking ridiculous.
“Oh my Gods, Commander!?” someone exclaimed in front of him, dropping something on the floor. He felt like he was submerged in water, like he was in a fishbowl and someone was screaming at him but all he could hear was half the words. Even underwater, even in a fishbowl and with a throbbing head, he was certain he could pick this particular voice out of a thousand sounds, in the most crowded space and in the most deafening silence. He could recognize the Essosi timbre of her voice around the end of her sentence, around the edge of her words.
He tried to find her in the low light, to find her around the black dots intruding his vision, big enough to make everything seem black. He was probably imagining her, torturing himself with her, with the regrets and all the missed opportunities, with all the reasons he had to brood over her.
His legs buckled under him and he sat on the floor -crashed- on the floor with all the finesse he could master.
As always, thank you to my better half, Hayl @targsdaenerys​ for the beta work and the way you accept to share your talent with words with me and my French ass ! I love you to the moon and back! You are magic!
Thank you to Erika @youwerenevermine​ for the constant encouragement when I though I could never finish this with one arm! ... I was kind of right, but you were always there! Thank you for the ideas and opinion! you’re amazing!
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gingerale2017 · 3 years
𝟜| 𝔹𝕚𝕣𝕥𝕙𝕕𝕒𝕪
Present Day
Winter was getting on her nerves. First, she drops in the middle of an argument between Selene and her aunt. Then Winter didn't come for patrol at 5:00, so Scarlet had to cover. And she ate the last cookie that Selene had been saving for herself. Well, at least she got to see Kai today. Her heart thumped at the thought of him. Jeez, Selene, get a grip! she thought. Every time she saw those copper-brown eyes and his breath-taking smile, her heart would expand to the size of Jupiter. She fantasized at night how it would be like to date Kai Pierce. Probably better than Selene could ever imagine; it might be even better than Scarlets and Wolf/ Ze'ev romance. But it wasn't possible. They were only friends, after all.
Sighing, she walked over to where her friends were sitting. Scarlet and Ze'ev gave lovey eyes to each other while Thorne flirted with Iko. Winter laughed as she ate Selene's cookie but had protection from Jacin's icy glare. Selene sat down next to Thorne, who started using his antics on her. She hit him and groaned into her hands.
"Hey, Cinder?" Scarlet asked. Her friends preferred to call Selene since it still felt weird to call her by her real name.
"So I forgot to do West Streets today. Can you cover?" Selene nodded, "Thanks." Wolf kissed Scarlet, and they started yet another make-out session. Ever since the team got Wolf out of Blackburn Skyscraper, he and Scarlet hit it off immediately. And they made Scarlet, Winter, Jacin, and Wolf part of their team. Officially, they were One-Shot, Snowflake, Assasin, and Wolf (his real name was Ze'ev), and the team has been better than ever.
But Selene couldn't say the same for herself. She pushed herself out of the worn couch and made her way towards the lockers. When she first thought of creating an alter-ego, it was mostly to get revenge on the crooks who killed her stepsister, Peony.
Peony was an innocent human being and the only one in the Linh household who accepted Selene for her deformities. When Selene was three, a terrible fire happened in the Blackburn Industries Skyscraper, killing three. Selene's mother and the CEO of the company, Channary Blackburn. Evret Hayle, Winter's father and Levana's husband. The third person being herself, Selene. Everyone thought she died in the fire, but she survived and was placed in a coma secretly for most of her childhood. Instead of letting the fire consume her, she consumed the fire and scarred her arm and leg. She can heat those parts at will, and sometimes she can melt items. Not only that, she had the famous Blackburn power, mind control. When she was eleven, the Links took her in and compensated heavily from Levana for keeping it a secret until she was 14, when Cinders already existed. Winter had found her in a burning house in one of her strange dream predictions and figured out who she was. Selene met up with Winter, and her step-cousin advised her to reveal herself to the public. Which she did, and here she was two years later.
Back to Peony, when Selene was thirteen, she had figured out that she had a knack for mechanics and the sort. So she, Iko (her best friend other than Scarlet), and Peony went to a junkyard in the city's dark parts. Some thugs with superpowers assaulted Peony because they knew who Selene was (as the dead girl, not the hero) and wanted money. Peony begged them to stop, but they hit her on the head hard once, knocking the poor girl out. Selene watched it happened from afar and couldn't reach Peony in time. The thug paid no attention to Selene as she sobbed over Peony's body and headed towards Iko. But little did he know that Iko's power was invincibility. So he tried to attack her, but failed and ran away, but his partner didn't and stayed behind to taunt the girls.
Iko went in for a punch but knew nothing of the sort and fell. On the other hand, Selene attacked the guy, putting full force on her scarred hand and burned him. He screamed and ran away, but Selene used her Blackburn power, mind control, on him. She remembered torturing him, but not too well. It was almost as if Selene zoned out and let her powers take over. Then she fainted and woke up in the hospital and heard the news.
Peony was brain-dead.
Peony's brain was bleeding, and the doctors took her in for surgery. She flat-lined, and the doctors couldn't resuscitate her in time, leaving the body without enough oxygen to work, and the brain couldn't function right. She went into a coma, and the doctors said she would never wake up. Pearl and Andri hated Selene after that and mistreated her even more. Peony was left in a coma because Adri was too much of a coward to pull the plug. Selene's little sister had to live off of machines for the rest of her life. It was terrible to watch a loved one live that way, and Selene had a lump in her throat every time she thought of it.
That's when she realized that there was too much crime in New Beijing, most of them having powers. So Selene created a team with Iko and a guy she knew who was three years old than her but could fly and super strength (apparently, his parents mixed their powers and created this weirdo). Their first few fights went viral on the internet, and everybody was proclaiming about New Beijing's heroes. And here they were today.
"Cindyyyyy," Thorne tapped her shoulder, and Selene jumped. She just put her black and orange jacket on and was chalking her hair orange.
"Don't call me that, " she growled and went back to chalking her hair. Thorne ignored her and began to pick his nails.
"Winter told me to tell you that she got info about some girl Levana's got trapped or something like that."
"Not another one. Levana likes locking people up, I guess."
"I dunno. She's your aunt."
"Ugh, don't remind me," Cinder grabbed her boots and zipped them up, "anyways, I'm off to Kai Pierce's place for the second time today."
"Oh, and happy birthday," he winked at her.
"Whatever, " she got off the used bench she was using for support and tapped Thorne's chest, "try not to burn down the place while I'm gone." He gave her a thumbs up and smiled while she turned away, heading for the exit.
The worn walls of the abandoned warehouse they chose to take over all those years ago greeted her on the way out. Knowing the streets of New Beijing well, she headed for West Streets.
The white wall towered over Selene's head, and beyond that, she could smell flowers. She knew that jumping over the fence is trespassing, and as both Cinders and Selene, if she were caught, there would be terrible consequences. But she remembered once Kai had told her that the Pierce mansion was famous for their garden. Selene always denied Kai's requests to take her there, but now she let her curiosity get the best of her. 
She grabbed the nearby tree and claimed it until she was above the wall. Hopping off, she landed on the other side of the wall and found a beautiful garden. There were all kinds of flowers, all sorts of colors, all sorts of scents. There was also a mini koi pond with little fishes swimming in it. 
Laughing, Selene let herself explore a bit before continuing with patrol. Nothing ever happened on West Streets anyways; it's filled with rich people with high-tech security systems. Selene wandered over towards the peonies and sighed, remembering her little sister. 
"Hello?" Selene turned around so fast that the peony she was holding ripped out of the stem. She put the ripped flower with the others and patted it so it wouldn't fall. Turning around once again, she saw the boy who recognized her. 
"Sorry. I was doing patrol, and I heard about your gardens, and I got curious, so I jumped over the wall, and now I'm here. Sorry again." Selene's heart did a little flip when Kai blinked in surprise. He opened his mouth to say something but changed his mind and closed it, "I better get going. Sorry again!"
She walked towards the wall but stopped when he asked her to wait. She turned around a bit clumsily and inwardly cursed herself. Was she always this clumsy when she was Cinders? Was she clumsy when she was Selene? That's embarrassing. She met his eyes, and his ears turned red.
"Sorry. It's not every day a superhero jumps over your wall while you're trying to study." He smiled at her, and Selene's heart was going to town. His copper-brown eyes were just so perfect, and his lips... SNAP OUT OF IT CINDERS, she thought; Selene gets feelings for Kaito Pierce. Cinders does not. 
 "Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt-"
"Do you want to talk?" she blinked.
"Excuse me?"
"I meant, you looked so sad when you were holding that flower, and for a moment, I thought you were going to cry," Kai scratched the back of his head, "So, do you want to talk about it?"
Selene looked down, "Well, it's a sad day for me because," she paused to lick her lips. Daring to look up, she saw that his eyes were a mix of concern and curiosity, "because it's the anniversary of my sister's death." 
"I'm sorry," he reached out to consulate her but pulled away, "I'm a terrible person; I shouldn't have pried."
"It's fine. If anything, I'm sorry for trespassing-."
"Don't be. Besides, it gets a little lonely here. It's nice to have some company," Kai smiled and gestured towards the bench, "stay as long as you'd like."
Woah. Was Kai this nice towards strangers? Not that Selene was hardly a stranger but still. Maybe she could stay a little longer...
"Um, thanks, I guess," she awkwardly made her way towards the bench near the roses and sat, "anyways, do you have anything to talk about?" Selene already knew the answer. Earlier today, he confessed to her that he was worried about his father. Kai already lost his mother and didn't think that he would cope well after losing his parents. He said this over chocolate cake, Selene's favorite.
"You probably already know about my dad, so I'm worried about him. Levana is taking advantage of this, and she's getting on my nerves. And then there's Selene." She flinched when he said her name. What did Selene do to anger him? 
"Oh." She nodded and listened intently to his following words.
"Yep. It's Selene's birthday, but she seemed so distant today. She's my closest friend, and I didn't know why." Selene never liked her birthday, it reminded her of the day she failed.
"Maybe something happened that day, and she didn't feel like sharing?"
"Maybe," he looked at her and smiled softly, but it was more forced than before, "Thanks for letting me rant to you. You probably have places to be."
"Yeah, actually I do," she got up and walked towards the white wall. There was another bench near, and Selene stood on that one, "I hope your dad feels better and don't let Levana get to you." She jumped and hauled herself up until she was sitting on the wall, "Also, Selene will come around."
"Thanks." He waved and turned around.
"Wait!" Kai looked back at her, "maybe I'll come again, and you can rant to me some more. I also have some ranting to do. Also, you won't be so lonely." She flashed him a smile.
"Yeah. I would like that." She hopped off the wall and landed on the other side, blushing crazily. 
"Yeah. I would like that too," Selene whispered as she disappeared into the night.
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Tagging: @cerenoya @salt-warrior @cindersassasin @not-the-founder-of-rome @winterrhayle
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vampire207343 · 3 years
Faith Liac Mikaelson
         What if....  Youngest Potter died and reborn, in another wold leaving her beloved husband and two sons.
             After the defeat of the Dark Lordthe oldest Daughter of tge Potters, Camilia Liliana Potter (The-Girl-Who-Lived) found out that her younger twin sister Hyacinth Lilac Potter (Fem!Harry Potter) has been dating Camalia’s sworn enemies, Draco Lucius Malfoy for almost 4 years, she never known about the relationship even though Draco and Hycinth Potter never hidden their relationship from anyone, Even Hyacinth’s GodFather Sirius Orion Black had known about the relationship when he was alived.
               Evenutally Camalia and Hyavinth drift away from one another. It wasn’t long before Draco and Hyacinth married when the Potter twins finally lost all contact with one another.
A year after the war ended and Draco & Hyacinth gotten married when they gaved the news to the family and friends that they will be welcoming two new members of the family in 7 months and by then Hyacinth already drop the Potter name and began going by Black being the Lady of the house of Black. And one day her first born son would take the title from her when he come of age.
                     On May 15, 2001
Hyacinth Black Malfoy gaved birth to two healthy twin boys the oldest son who has Black hair of his grandfather and Sliver Blue eyes like his father, is given the name James Sirius Black Malfoy the secound the future Lord of the house of Black, and the youngest son who is identical to Draco Malfoy himself is given the Scorpio Rigel Black Malfoy the future Lord ofbthe house of Malfoy.
                  18 years later....
The Malfoy twins recently turn 17 years old and recently graduate Hogwarts, James Surius Black Malfoy is currently the new Lord of the most Ancient and most Noble House of Black, and Scorpio Rigel Black Malfoy is also the current Lord of the most Ancient Noble House of Malfoy.
When Hyacinth Black Malfoy unexpectedly died of Dragon pox since they were unawared that she even has it since she never showed any sign of having Dragon Pox until her death when the Healer’s scan her body, Draco Malfoy  was devested by the Death of his beloved wife, but he has to stay strong for his two sons.
               4 years after, Hyacinth Black Malfoy’s death, Draco Malfoy re-married after get the blessing of his two sons, he courted the youngest Greengrast sister for 2 & 1/2  years, Astoria Greengrass who made a silent vowbthe day her bestfriend Hyacinthb Black Malfoy died that she would watch over her three boys for herand that she would be their for them like she promise in her death bed.
Death collected Hyacinth Black Malfoy’s soul, but the moment Hyacinth arrived in the realm of the dead she quickly reborn in another world so simikar to her old one. She is reborn a twin once again. She is the youngest Daughter of Klaus Mikaelson and Hayle Marshall.
                    Faith lilac Mikaelson the reborn self of Hyacinth Black Malfoy one of the most powerful witch of her generation that rivals her former twin sister Camalia Liliana Potter Weasley. So it was no surprised that she is a powerful witch on her new life as well. But she isn’t treated right by her new family, she is ignored by her parents Klaus Mikaelson & Hayley Marshall, and her Aunt Rebekah who always dream of having children of her own ignore her as well she take my presence as a nuisance to the family. The same could be said for Elijah Mikaelson the so called Noble Uncle. Then their’s Freya Mikaelson the long lost sister of the original Family, she is no better than the rest of their family, they all ignored Faith Mikaelson for the Suppose Strongest twin, Hope Andrea Mikealson.
But if you had ask Kol Mikalson who was the strongest witch between Hope and Faith. He’ll say Faith is more powerfull than do called “First Born” witch of the Mikaeldon family. He is the only one who knows what Faith is feeling being ignored like they woild rather be anywhere but with her. He know that feeling since been their for almost all his life never fiting in with his brothers or sister even when they were human so it was no surprise that he favore Faith his youngest niece. Other than him his wife Davina Claire and Marcel Gerald are the only one who loves her.
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            Faith Lilac Mikaelson was ignored by almost by all her family with the exception of her favorite Uncle Kol Mikaelsonand his wife her Aunt Davina along with her brother figure Marcel Gerald for 6 years and she can’t afford to stay in the same house as hrt so call family any longer, so she run away from home only telling her Uncle Kol and her Aunt Davina along with her brother figure Marcel and made them promise not say anything to their so call family not that that they would even know that she run away at all.
when she arrive at her desried location Mystic Fall, and she cast a powerfull cloaking spell on herself to make sure her Aunt Freya can’t tract her
“coeur la vous votre tai ma say tou” with the help of the spirit of Esther and Dahlia Mikaelson.
And it wasn’t long before she vefan casting the Rescurrection spell of her own creation that her Uncle Finn was brought a vampire with out needing to drink human blood at all. The spell work like it should she was affair that it would fail. She conjured him some clothes to wear before telling him Everything thatvhappen since he died and that the only one who cared about what haappen to her is her Unclec Kol and his wife her Aunt Davina other than both of them shebis mostly ignored by the rest of her family  for first 6 years of her life.
Finn Mikaelson didn’t think that his family could get any worse, But he was proven wrong,  they have chosen to ignore a child like her very existen didn’t worth a thing. Like how they all treated Kol when we were all human. He talk to his new discovered niece the youngest Daughter of his brother Klaus. He even had the chance to speak with his youngest brother Kol in the phone. He decided to rise his youngest niece like my brother Klaus should have done. The only one who even rised Faith right is my youngest brother Kol Mikealson and his wife Davina Clair and in a year Kol and his wife would be moving back to Mystic Fall to be near Faith. The only one who remotly change from all my siblings is my youngest brother Kol and he use to be the most iresponsible of all my siblings.
         Finn enroled his young niece to Salvator Boarding School for the Gifted where she meet children her age and made her very first friend  in Jason “Jace” Alexsander Salvator the son of Caroline Forbes and her late husband Stefan Salvator, He is a Heretic Vampire, she also befriend the saltzman twins but she closer to Jace and Lizzy more
            Faith Mikaelson past memories of her past life has been slowly returning to her, but while she regaining the memories of her past life she has no connection to that life except for the memories that’s returning. She also began re-creating every spells that Hyacinth Black Malfoy knows and use it to daily life. Even re-creating all the spell she ever created in that life.
  It didn’t take long before Faith befriend Jace’s cousin Hunter Grayson Salvator the son of Elena Gilbert and Damon Salvator.
      While both Elena and Damon Salvator still hate  Klaus Mikealsonbfor everything that he ever did to them, but his youngest daughter Faith is innocent from Klaus own crime, in fac she has their sympathy for having Klaus Mikaelson as her father and never having a real childhood being ignored by most of her family. It wss hard to believed the most iresponsible Mikalson end up to be the one carring for this innocent and sweet little girl. The more they get to kow Faith Mikaelson, she remind everyone so much of Elena herself when she was a kid, so it was no surprise to anyone that Damon end up liking Faith so much.
          1 year later...
Kol Mikaelson and his wife Davina Claire start to distance themself from the rest of the family after their favorite niece Faith Lilac Mikaelson run away from home they didn’t even notice she was even missing for 5 months after the Hallow to possession of Hope and in order to keep Hope safe, Freya divided all the Hallow in equal part of 4 before being sealed inside there body before their seperate way to keep Hope safe, and Hayle knows to keep of Mystic Fall since that’s where Kol and Davina plan to move. 
The part of the Hallow inside Kol wouldn’t be able to try to take possession of Faith’s body since Faith casted a powerful cloakihg and protection spell on her person that not even Freya can break through.
             6 & 1/2 years later..
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Faith Lilac Mikaelson and
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Jason “Jace” Alexsander Salvator  both recently turn 18 years old and graduate at Salvator boarding school after attenteding the school for 12 years. And they both plan on leaving Mystic Fall for Collage and attented Norwich University of the Art in England.
But before they leave for Collage they are going to attend the wedding of her srcound favorite 
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Uncle Finn Mikaelson’s big wedding to our favorite teacher in Salvator Boarding School
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Adela Harper Jones my new Aunt teach Salvator Boarding School as the Defence Teacher and she’s a Phoenix.
       After Uncle Finn and Aunt Adelab left for their Honeymoon in Paris did both Faith and Jace left gor Collage as well.
Freya found away to destroy all the Hallow without her brothers and sister dying so that Hope may have all her family together again so with the Hallow gone.
Hope Andrea Mikaelson is trying yo convince her parents to allow her to attented normal school like any teenager. It only took her two months, before all of them leaves New Orlean to move back to Mystic Fall for Hope’s new school, Freya already called Salvator Boarding School to enrole Hope Mikaelson.
The Salvators, and Bennett witch along with the rest of their friends that the rest of the Mikaelson are moving back in town. The reason they accept Kol and Finn Mikaelson is because they know both of them have change, so they aren’t happy that Klaus and the rest of his siblings return to Mystic Fall.
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Hope Mikaelson is having problem making friends until 5 months later, when she offically meet Jossie Saltzman and befriend her but Jossie’s twin sister Lizzie tend to avoid me no matter what, I gotten the feeling that Lizzy hates my gut.
          Lizzie Saltzman don’t get what’s so imprortant about Hope Mikaelson that her family ignored her best friend very existence well it can’t be because Hope being more powerful witch because Faith is alot more powerful witch than her older twin sister, just because Hope Mikaelson is a tribird dosen’t mean she’s more powerful than Faith their uncle Kol and Finn would be able to tell you that.
5 months later on March 5, Hope Mikaelson meet another new student who’s a blonde Doppleganger of Faith Mikaelson
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 who is a new werewolf student, and Hope befriend Clarrisa “Clary” Rose Smith unknown to Hope that that the reason why Kol and Finn are shock to meet Hope’s new friend is because she look like a blonde version of Faith Mikaelson not that Hope knows her new friend look is a look a like her younger twin.
Damon and Elena are worried that their might be another Doppleganger Drama again in the coming future since Clary Smith look like a blonde werewolf version of Faith Mikaelson. They already went through Doppleganger drama that would last them a life time. 
          2 years later...
Faith and Jace graduate Norwich University of Art only attented Collage for 2 years graduating early. After graduating Faith and jace are getting married after they get out of Collage which their close friends and family are invited for the wedding. They got married in England.
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Faith Lilac Mikaelson and 
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Jason “Jace” Alexsander Salvator are in their honeymoon  in singapore they stayed their for 3 months before visit their family in Mystic Fall, but they plan to settle in England instead of staying  in England to work where Faith has slowly been creating her own Fashion Line called FLMS Fashion since the beging of their collage career, while Jace also been directing small movies of his own is slowly rising up like his wife so they decided to stay in England.
Mystic Fall...
While Faith and Jace Salvator visit their family Klaus and Hayley manged to catch a glimps of their youngest daughyter Faith wuo’s living a successful life recently married to her lingbtime Boyfriend Jace Salavtor the son of Caroline Forbes and her late husband Stefan Salvator. She’s close to both Finn and Kol along with their respected wifes.
The family tried to approach her over the week she was in mystic fall but they never manged to talk to her and how they all wish yo make up for everything  when she was a child leaving her out to celebrate Hope and Faith’s birthday they realized that Kol and Davina were more Faith’s parents than they were. It wasn’t long before returning to England.
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janisarkisian · 4 years
A Palace of Games and Wolves
Today is Ryu day! This isn’t my best fic, but that’s okay. This takes place when Winter is 10 and Jacin is 12. I hope you enjoy!
Word Count: 717
“Winter! Come out, come out wherever you are!” Jacin called down the hallway. Where was she? They had agreed to play only in the downstairs west wing, so it wouldn’t be too hard to find each other, but he couldn’t find her anywhere and he only had a few rooms left to check.
He looked into the informal sitting room across from the huge room called the menagerie. Jacin had always loved the menagerie, but Winter loved it more. She played with the birds and the dogs. Occasionally, an earthen would be held hostage in there, and Winter would try to set them free.
At twelve years old, Jacin knew she shouldn’t be trying to let Queen Levana’s hostage’s free. If she truly succeeded, Levana would have her on trial at best. At worst, Princess Winter would be dead. He wasn’t ready for her to be gone.
Jacin was not used to feelings. He loved his parents, but that was different. He had never had a crush. Until recently.
As much as his parents had deemed it improper, Winter had insisted on having a sleepover in the guard chamber. She had said Levana wouldn’t notice her absence. Winter had been right. But that didn’t surprise Jacin. It wasn’t out of the ordinary. Once, during the sleepover, Winter had hugged him. He couldn’t remember why. It didn’t matter. During that moment, he had developed a crush on Winter.
No. Winter shouldn’t be in his thoughts. She was a princess. He wanted to be a doctor. And he knew very well that princesses did not marry doctors.
“Jacin?” A voice asked from across the hall. He immediately recognized it as his dad’s. “Do you know where Princess Winter is?” His dad asked.
Jacin shook his head. “Nope. We’re playing hide and seek.”
Sir Clay nodded. “Okay son, when you find her, tell her that Queen Levana wants to see her.”
He proceeded to search the informal parlor. She wasn’t near the desk, or in the small waiting room attached. Jacin wondered why it was even there. He had never seen anyone meet in this parlor or any other room in this wing other than the menagerie. He supposed it could be for the public. Occasionally, Queen Levana would have an event that the rich aristocrats of the inner sectors would be allowed to attend. The menagerie was a very popular spot, and this could be open with it.
After scouring the room for quite some time, he knew there was only one logical spot for her to be. The menagerie.
Jacin felt the urge to run over to the menagerie but decided against it. He and Winter were lucky to be able to play hide and seek like this. He didn’t want to jinx there shot at playing one of the few games they were allowed to.
Entering the menagerie, Jacin instantly felt warmer than before. The exotic plants in the room needed to be at tropical temperatures, which he normally loved, but not when his dad made him wear this stuffy shirt.
Normally, Jacin was fully captivated by the menagerie. The crazy plants and animals, and the small river that flowed through some of the exhibits. But today, there was something much more beautiful blocking his view.
It was Winter.
“Jacin,” she whispered, “Do you want to come and meet Ryu?”
“Princess Winter Hayle-Blackburn,” the guard announced, “The Queen has requested your company immediately.”
“Thank you, Sir Ramson,” Winter replied sweetly, “I’ll go right away.” Jacin watched Sir Ramson nod. They had been playing with Winter’s nice wolf-friend Ryu for quite some time now. Jacin had thought wolves were vicious, foul creatures, but after meeting Ryu, he wasn’t quite so sure. Ryu had just been brought to the palace yesterday and seemed mostly scared.
He had been reluctant to warm up to Jacin, but after doing so, the three of them played for a while. Winter had played fetch with him, but he had decided against it. Even though Ryu was sweet, he didn’t want to take his chances.
“Bye Winter,” he said softly, almost embarrassed by saying it.
“Bye Jacin,” she responded, “We should come to play with Ryu again tomorrow. He’s lonely.”
“I think so too.” It was the start of a beautiful friendship.
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izayoichan · 3 months
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It was only a couple days later that Vy stood at work, looking out the window. So much had happened, the kids were all growing up, again, and once more before he was ready, he would have to see Ibuki and Kaylin also leave the nest. Luckily, he knew they were already talking about taking in some new kids from the orphanage, but it was always a bit sad to let them go.
But it was another feeling that pulled most of his attention. Now that Arlo had managed to make their heartlight connection work as it had once done, he could feel it, the drain, the pain, and the sadness from his loved one. It had taken them both a little while to get used to it again as of course Hayden’s body had protested slightly when the link was back, and with that also the healing power. 
Walking back and checking his schedule, he decided to ask if one of his interns could handle his last patient today, so he could head home and see what was happening. It was a routine appointment, so he knew his intern was more than capable.
Stepping inside the house, he noticed Hayle, who nodded, and just said bathroom which he did not find surprising. If Hayden was feeling bad, he often took help from a cold bath. Nodding he climbed the stairs and made his way to the bathroom. 
Vy: Bad day? There was a long quiet, where all he heard was Hayden breathing. He could feel the internal turmoil, he knew all too well what this feeling meant.
(pose by @herecirmsims)
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easyluckyfree45 · 4 years
tag game
tag game!
tagged by @latenightcoffeetalks. thanks babe!!
1. what is the color of your hairbrush? it’s a green one that i bought in taiwan that is specifically for detangling and asian hair!
2. name a food you never eat. i eat everything. i prefer not to eat peas but if you put it in front of me at a dinner table, i’ll still eat it. 
3. are you typically too warm or too cold? too warm. i run hot.
4. what were you doing 45 minutes ago? watching the second season of unsolved mysteries. i watched the one about the earthquake & tsunami that hit Japan and now i am very sad.
5. what’s your favorite candy bar? 100 grand. does anybody still remember those? no, just me? kkz, cool.
6. have you ever been to a professional sports game? yeah, i live in boston. it’s pretty much illegal if i’ve never attended a red sox game so yes, i have. 
7. what is the last thing you said out loud? okay, bye! (to my husband who just left)
8. what is your favorite ice cream? banana cinnamon
9. what was the last thing you had to drink? iced coffee
10. do you like your wallet? i love my wallet
11. what is the last thing you ate?  noodles bless up
12. did you buy any new clothes last weekend? i did not
13. what’s the last sporting event you watched? probably football. i don’t really remember though.
14. what is your favorite flavor of popcorn? i liked the regular buttered kind. extra butter tho because wtf are you doing if you don’t get it with extra butter?!
15. who is the last person you sent a text message to? my best friend ethan yelling at him for recc-ing the unsolved mysteries episode i just watched because now i am sad
16. ever been camping? yeeeeee
17. do you take vitamins? i’m old so yes, i take multiple vitamins a day
18. do you regularly attend a place of worship? nope
19. do you have a tan? yeah! though it’s fading because winter is coming
20. do you prefer chinese or pizza? chinese
21. do you drink your soda through a straw? of course
22. what color socks do you usually wear? just regular black socks
23. do you ever drive above the speed limit?  in residential areas, no. on the freeway, yes.
24. what terrifies you? the dark and scary stories
25. look to your left, what do you see? my cat moo. he’s hanging out.
26. what chore do you hate most? cleaning out the litter box
27. what do you think of when you hear an australian accent? hugh jackman
28. what’s your favorite soda? a&w root beer
29. do you go in a fast food place or just hit the drive thru? it depends on the place but i usually go in. it’s faster.
30. what’s your favorite number? 45 (not surprising i’m sure!)
31. who’s the last person you talked to? @moons2stars brainstorming her potterdale fic
32. favorite meat? duck
33. last song you listened to? all for you by janet jackson
34. last book you read? last book: just finished arrogant boss by olivia hayle
35. favorite day of the week? saturday
36. can you say the alphabet backwards? ughhh yes but it takes me a while to do it. also, how do people do this drunk? i can barely do it sober
37. how do you like your coffee? iced always. plus vanilla creamer
38. favorite pair of shoes? i love my sandals from dsw and my allbirds. yes, i am a millennial. 
39. time you normally get up? well it’s covid time so i get to sleep more so weekdays, 8am and weekends, 10:30am
40. what do you prefer, sunrise or sunsets? sunset
41. how many blankets are on your bed? two
42. describe your kitchen plates: i have a variety. most of them are either from ikea, west elm or crate & barrel
43. describe your kitchen at the moment: it’s big. there’s an island and a bunch of cabinets. i cook a loooooooooooot so a big kitchen is very important to me. 
44. do you have a favorite alcoholic drink? wine: riesling or moscato, beer: unfiltered cider, i prefer downeast or bantam. cocktail: anything sweet and fruity. always vodka.
45. do you play cards? i do
46. what color is your car? i don’t have a car rn but i’m probably going to buy one within the next year and it’s going to be either red or grey
47. can you change a tire? yes. very proud of this. 
48. your favorite state or province? california!!!!!
49. favorite job you’ve had? my current job. i work in an art museum as a registrar. i love the constant interaction with art and helping to increase accessibility to our collection.
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llucy-san · 4 years
OTP Questions Meme
I was tagged by always supportive and wonderful friend of mine @nightwingshero 🥰💕 thank you Jo for always thinking about me.
I took me a while to do it cause I haven’t much thought about this details but here it is.
John Seed & Hayley Moore
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Who is more likely to raise their voice? Neither of them. John sometimes gets moody, but he'd never raise his voice at Hayle.
Who threatens to leave but never actually does? Neither.
Who actually keeps their word and leaves? The only time Hayley left was while they were  still engaged. She foolishly believed things that weren’t true, but later  the truth came to light.
Who trashes the house? Neither of them.
Do either of them get physical? No, John would never hurt Hayley and Hayley's the same.
How often do they argue/disagree? Arguing? No. Disagree? Sometimes. They don’t always agree with each other or have the same opinion, but it’s always about normal things.
Who is the first to apologize? Depends on who started. Hayley admits she was wrong, but there's no way that same could be said about John. He doesn't say it out loud, but rather with a bouquet of her favourite roses and with puppy eyes of his.
Who is on top? Usually, John but Hayley sometimes takes her chance, and John has to admit that he enjoys the view.
Who is on the bottom? Look above.
Who has the strangest desires? They do have some, they likes to explore each other but  there is nothing strange.
Any kinks? Look above.
Who’s dominant in bed? John, absolutely .
Is head ever in the equation? Sometimes.
If so, who is better at performing it? They share but I'd say John's more experienced.
Ever had sex in public? Of course. Listen to me, John couldn't help himself, sometimes in his office, in his car or in the old Duncan mansion. However, after arriving in County, they eased a bit, but their little place is down in the docks.
Who moans the most? Hayley, and John is proud of himself. But even Hayley can't be ashamed of herself, she can play his games too.
Who leaves the most marks? John, he likes to leave love marks, but Hayley leaves small marks of her own too.
Who is the more experienced of the two? John.
Do they ‘fuck’ or ‘make love’? Usually according to the mood, but it always ends with making love.
Rough or soft? Depends on the mood.
How long do they usually last? John usually lasts longer than Hayley. But it depends on how tired they are.
Is protection used? At the beginning of their relationship, Hayley was on birth control but later she stopped.
Does it ever get boring? Nope, not at all.
Where is the strangest place they’d have sex? On the roof of their ranch.
Do they plan on having children/or have children? They didn't think much of having kids. Hayley wanted to build a career first as a lawyer and later find a life partner, and John didn't think much about it, given his past and his acquaintances. However, when they were together as a couple, this idea was there. And yes, they do have kids.
If so, how many children do they want/have? They have twins, son and daughter.
Who likes to cuddle? They both do. Just hanging out, wrapped in a blanket, enjoying each other company.
Who gets naughty in the most inappropriate of places? John, absolutely John. This boy won't stop at anything to get what he wants, and that is to see his wife blush only from what he whispers in her ear during Joseph's service.
Who struggles to keep their hands to themself? John wins. One time, while they were still living in Atlanta during a conference, he just couldn't help himself, his hand “just happened” to land on her thigh and went higher and higher.
Who gives the most kisses? John.
What is their favourite non-sexual activity? Talking to each other in bed or just spending time together or later with their kids.
Where is their favourite place to cuddle? Most of the time on the couch, John's head in her lap, her fingers combing through his hair and reading her favourite book. The second option is a bed, where they talk until they fall asleep.
How often do they get time to themselves? Depends on how they manage to combine time. John is very busy with baptisms and confessions and Hayley helps those souls who find it difficult to face their fears to accept the place in project.
Who snores? Neither of them, Hayley just wrinkles her nose in her sleep and John finds it cute.
If both do, who snores the loudest? -
Do they share a bed or sleep separately? They share.
If they sleep together, do they cozy up together or lay far apart? They cozy up.
What do they wear to bed? Hayley most often wears John's old hoodie he had from the time when he was studying law, which she stole from a night spent in the old Duncan residence. John usually wears sweatpants.
Are either of them insomniacs? Just John, beacuse of his nightmares.
Can sleeping pills be found by the bedside? No.
Do they wrap their limbs around each other or just lay side by side? They both tend to wrap themselves around each other and keep the partner close.
Who wakes up with bed hair? They both do.
Who wakes up first? John most often.
Who prepares breakfast in bed for the other? Of course it's John. Hayley can't cook, but that doesn't mean that when she cooks, she's gonna burn the kitchen. She just loves his culinary skills.
What is their favourite sleeping position? Curled up with each other, Hayley's head tucked under his chin and his arms wrapped around her waist or her back pressed against his chest.
Do they set an alarm each night? Nope.
Can a television be found in their bedroom? No.
Who has nightmares? Only John who has nightmares about his past with Duncans.
Who has ridiculous dreams? Hayley, sometimes.
Who sprawls out and takes up most of the bed? Neither.
Who makes the bed? Hayley.
What time is bed time? They don't have, they like to talk about their day and later they fall asleep.
Who’s the grumpiest when they wake up? John, he can be a brat sometimes.
Who is the busiest? John, he has more to do in project.
Who rakes in the highest income? Upon arrival in the County, they no longer receive a salary, EG supports them instead.
Are any of them unemployed? No.
Who takes the most sick days? Hayley always finds out that something is wrong with her husband, even though he tries to hide it, but eventually she usually convinces him to take a few days off. 
Who is more likely to turn up late to work? Neither of them.
Who sucks up to their boss? Neither. They're practically bosses themselves.
What are their jobs? Before Joseph found John, Hayley worked for him in his law firm and later became his partner. Not just in life, but at work. After coming to Hope, John became the Baptist (Inquisitor) of Eden’s Gate and Hayley his right hand-woman.
Who stresses the most? Hayley, no doubt.
Are they financially stable? Yes.
Who does the washing? John cooks and Hayley washes.
Who takes out the trash? They share it.
Who does the ironing? Hayley.
Who does the cooking? Definitely John, he's a great cook.
Who is more likely to burn the house down just trying? Hayley!! She likes to sit on the kitchen counter and watch him cook.
Who is messier? Neither of them.
Who leaves the toilet roll empty? Neither.
Who leaves their dirty clothes on the floor? Neither of them.
Who forgets to flush the toilet? Neither.
Who is the prankster around the house? John, still acting like a little kid.
Who loses the car keys when it comes time to go somewhere? Neither.
Who mows the lawn? They have people for that, but Hayley doesn't mind to do that. She likes to do jobs around the house, especially taking care of the flowers.
Who answers the telephone? Both.
Who does the vacuuming? Hayley.
Who does the groceries? John.
Who takes the longest to shower? Obviously John.
Who spends the most time in the bathroom? John, it takes him a long time to get ready for the day, and Hayley makes fun of it sometimes. “Sweetie, sometimes I think you're more of a woman than I am.”
Is money a problem? No.
How many cars do they own? Hayley has her camaro and John his SUV.
Do they own their home or do they rent? They own ranch.
Do they live in the city or in the country? Country.
Do they enjoy their surroundings? They both loved city life and everything that life offered them. But when they moved to Hope, they wouldn't have traded their ranch for anything. John loves the open sky and Hayley loves the nature that surrounds their home.
What’s their song? Wherever you will go by Charlene Soraia
What do they do when they’re away from each other? First of all it’s the job in project or doing something around the house (more likely Hayley) John likes to holed up in his hangar or spend time with twins.
Where did they first meet? At Nadia's bar (her best friend from college) but officially face-to-face at the audition for a new job at his firm.
Who spends the most money when out shopping? John likes to surround not only his wife but also his children with many gifts.
Who’s more likely to flash their assets? Neither.
Who finds it amusing when the other trips over? They both do.
Any mental issues? John from his childhood.
Who’s terrified of bugs? Hayley, she hates any kinds of bugs.
Who kills the spiders around the house? John does.
Their favourite place? There are many, the riverbank at the docs, the backyard. . .
Who pays the bills? John.
Do they have any fears for their future? No, if the opportunity arises, the fisrt one will support the other.
Who’s more likely to surprise the other with a fancy dinner? John, definitely him.
Who’s the tallest? John. Hayley is just 5′6″, reaching his nose.
Who’s more likely to just randomly hop into the shower with the other? *cough* John.
Who wanders around in their underwear? John but only when he is looking for fresh clothes.
Who sings the loudest when singing along to the radio? Hayley doesn't like to sing in front of anyone. She likes to sing to herself and later to her children.
What do they tease each other about? Hayley makes fun of how long it takes John to get ready in the morning and John, on the other hand, makes fun of her drinking, because Hayley can't take much. She is bad drinker.
Who is more likely to cringe at the other’s fashion sense at times? Neither of them.
Who crushed first? I wouldn't put it that way, but the more time they spent together, the more they'd bond.
Any alcohol or substance related problems? John, in his past but Hayley help him taught how to not go the same way as he used to.
Who is more likely to stumble home, drunk, at 3am? Neither, John is used to alcohol and know how much he can handle and he take care of Hayley to not drink much.
Who swears the most? Both but John more.
I don’t know who already did this but. . . @oktraoktra @tomexraider @yedrua97 @strangestarheart @seed-addicted @wibbiboy @thekillingjokeisonyou
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saiilorstars · 4 years
The Girl in the Forest
Chapter 13: My Dear Friends
// Story Masterlist //
Fandom: The Originals
Pairings: Klaus Mikaelson x Original Female Character
Pronunciation of OC’s name: Ma-leh-nee
No real warnings for now!
Requested tag: @queenmj10​
~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~
Chapter Summary: Maleny struggles to keep her decision to leave the compound which, as days pass by, just make it harder not to clash with Klaus.
A/N: A reminder that Maleny is back in her original body so her new face claim is the actress Angelique Boyer!
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While things may have not been as perfect as everyone wished for, there had been a visible change in moods - all save Hayley of course. In the lounge room upstairs were Elijah and Cami, having a rousing game of chess. They had the small table between them, and while Cami was looking as if she were ready to flip the table over in frustration, she was managing to win.
"Another one," remarked Elijah as Cami took out another of his chess piece.
"Yeah, well, I'm pretty sure you're letting me win," Cami announced with a mocking smile.
"Why would you believe that?" Elijah asked, matching her smile with an innocent one.
Cami raised an eyebrow, "Because I've never played before," she smirked and placed his chess piece beside them, "and I just so happened to mention this right before we began playing."
"Coincidences," Elijah gave a shrug and pretended to focus on his move.
Cami shook her head, unable to contain a laugh, "You are full of crap!"
"Camille, I would have thought you'd have better language," Elijah looked up from the table with a less than serious face, "There are far more beautiful things to say don't you think?"
Cami rolled her eyes and motioned him to get on with his chess move. While he did so, Klaus strode into the room with an air of aggravation as he went straight for the drinks across.
"Isn't it a bit early to drink?" Cami gave a call, "It's not even noon yet."
"Well, that goes to show you how bad it's already going," Klaus waved his glass before taking a long gulp down.
"Did you retrieve the stake, brother?" Elijah finally looked up from the table after making a move. Cami gaped at how quickly she was now losing - he most certainly was playing for real now.
"I attempted to," Klaus muttered, "Hayley and I found some witches whom we tried persuading to locate the white oak stake for us."
Both chess players alarmed, shouted simultaneously, "You took Hayley on a witch hunt!?"
Klaus wasn't very surprised by the stunned question and so turned to the table to pour himself another drink, "She heard and I couldn't very well say no, could I?"
"I'm sorry isn't that what you always do?" Cami shook her head, "You realize Hayley is like inches from falling apart, right?" she began looking through her remaining chess pieces for another move.
"Perhaps the problem is your high standards? Hayley is a vampire now. Being it only exaggerates what you truly are, and wolves are wild things. Your judgment only hurts her more."
Elijah angrily looked up at his brother, "We are not judging her, we are concerned for her. Someone needs to talk to her before she does something she truly will regret."
"What about Maleny?" Cami suddenly asked, having just thought of the idea, "Think about it, Hayley lost a daughter and Maleny was a daughter who lost a mother," both brothers glanced at each other with consideration, "Not to mention they're both basically orphans. I'm sure they can connect on some level."
"I will talk to her, see if she's okay with it," Klaus volunteered after a moment. He set his glass down and turned to the two again, "Of course that would be after I find somewhere for her to live at."
"What do you mean?" Elijah asked, both he and Cami sharing confused expressions.
"You haven't heard?" Klaus bitterly huffed, "She says she must live somewhere else until we find her previous corpse and burn it. That is the only way her curse can officially be broken. And since no one knows where it is she has to 'play it safe'." He was still highly upset Maleny had persisted in that direction even after sleeping well and thinking more on it. He had been so sure she would change her mind...but he was wrong. And now he had to actually look for a place she could stay, other than the compound.
Cami leaned back on her spot, "Well, it does sound logical. I'm sure we can find a place for her nearby," but after a minute of studying Klaus she began smirking, "Oh, but that's not what you expected is it? Cos you did expect something, right?" Klaus shot her a glare warning her to stop but Cami just laughed at the attempt, "Oh c'mon, Klaus, you spend months brooding over her and you expect us not to form ideas about it?"
"If it bothers you, perhaps have a talk with her," suggested Elijah.
"You two are no bloody help at all," was all Klaus said before leaving with a glass in hand.
Cami raised her eyebrows though she wasn't surprised with the response, "Does he ever stop acting like he doesn't care?"
"It's difficult for him. Think about it, every time there is a woman - who we assumed has been Maleny - she disappears. It's not easy to openly care about someone after a while."
Cami had to agree with Elijah on that, "Alright fine. But that doesn't mean we can't help."
And judging by the smirk on her face, Elijah figured there was already a plan forging in her mind, "Anything in mind?"
"Perhaps," Cami knocked down another of his chess pieces, "but we can discuss that after I beat you."
Elijah looked at his knocked down piece with genuine surprise, "Well," he picked it up and placed it down by his other lost ones, "you're turning out to be a challenge."
Cami giggled and motioned him to make his next move. He had no idea.
~ 0 ~
In Maleny's room, that had finally been opened up last night, stood the blonde in front of a finished painting. She'd seen it last night but had been too tired to study its details. Now wide awake and changed, she took her time. It only took minutes to conclude she loved it. She recognized the painting as the one Klaus had been working on months ago, after Elijah's faction party had gone rogue. At the time there had been only scenery - the forest - but now there was a prominent figure...herself. There she sat on her knees, with her long, blonde hair cascading over her chest. One of her favorite blue dresses was the choice of clothing with her prized golden chain necklace around her neck. She was genuinely surprised that Klaus had remembered her so...perfectly. Anyone else may have forgotten her likes and dislikes in a couple years, but not him despite it being a thousand years.
Now Maleny would've continued to admire her new painting - as Klaus had told her last night it was hers to do as she pleased - but she heard the trotting of boots coming closer to her room. She looked back at the open door in time to see Hayley walking by. Though Hayley didn't acknowledge her Maleny quietly walked to the doorway and peered out. Hayley was leaving a trail of blood after her, and she herself was drenched in mud, blood, and tree twigs. Once Hayley entered a room, Maleny walked out and looked below into the courtyard, startled at seeing so many corpses, assumed to be witches. After a couple of minutes of thinking, Maleny decided to go find Hayley.
This couldn't keep going on.
Eventually, she found Hayley in a bathroom, taking a bubble bath. However the tub was oozing with running blood, even the water tainted.
"Are you kidding me?" Maleny stepped into the room, eyeing all that was wrong, "This is what your mornings consist of now?"
Hayley couldn't help roll her eyes, "Mal, you've been gone so to answer your question, yes this is kinda what I do now. I was having a crappy day, so Klaus took me out to the Cauldron. Wouldn't you know, we ran into some witches!"
"Hayley, I'm a witch, this makes me feel uncomfortable."
Hayley tilted her head back to see the blonde, seeing the genuine nervous shift in Maleny's expression, "Yeah, but you're not evil nor part of the group that nearly killed my baby. You're good."
"Gee, that makes me feel all better," Maleny crossed her arms and stared at the brunette who returned to 'relaxing'. After a minute she shook her head, "Absolutely not, nope. This can't and won't keep going," she headed for a table with towels and snatched one off, "Take it and get dressed," she ordered, "We're going to talk."
"Excuse me?" Hayley raised an eyebrow.
"No, I will not excuse you. You heard me, get dressed and meet me in my room. Ten minutes," Maleny warned with her two hands before walking out, giving Hayley no chance to put in a word of refusal.
~ 0 ~
Maleny sat on a couch just beside her window, her hands clutching a cushion as she stared out the window. She had taken the custom back in the French house during the early days when she couldn't walk for very long. She would watch everything work, whether it was the trees swaying to the wind or Isabelle's family in their daily chores. She often wished she was able to go downstairs but her body needed a lot of physical therapy before she could even think about stepping outside.
The sounds of shoes coming closer made her break her thoughts. Hayley strode into the room wearing a not so pleased face - not that Maleny cared. Hayley plopped down on the couch beside Maleny, "Well? What is it?"
"That's your greeting?" Maleny raised an eyebrow.
"Maleny, I'm not the same anymore-"
"Clearly," Maleny cut her off with a wide smile, "You're a new hybrid, you're a new mother, and you've taken up the sport of hunting? That's definitely not the Hayley I knew. But I'm pretty sure she wouldn't like the way you're behaving now."
"There is no other way to behave," snapped Hayley, "I lost my daughter to people I didn't even know. You tell me how I'm supposed to keep going with a bright smile on my face?"
"I can't, because I'm not a mother," Maleny conceded her fault, "but I am a daughter who also lost her parents. My mother died, and my father never loved me. I was like an orphan after my mother died."
"So was I," Hayley reminded, unsure of where the conversation was heading to, "except in my case both my parents died in some war."
"Hayley, I'm not going to tell you that everything is 'going to be okay' or 'things will get better' because that would only be an insult to you," Maleny leaned forwards and took her friend's hand, "but what I can tell you is that you're not alone in this. We know what it was like losing our parents and we would never want that for our children. But you know what your daughter has that neither of us did?"
"Her mother and father are both alive and willing to do anything it takes to get her back," Maleny smiled, "She will live with hope."
Hayley lightly smiled and looked down, "Have you had some sort of therapist training or something?"
"Not exactly," Maleny chuckled, "I had a lot of time in my hands when I was in France and couldn't move about. I took to reading - any genre. And, in one of those books, it mentioned something about getting in touch with your origins as a means to help you rehabilitate."
"I'm not a drug addict, Mal," Hayley shook her head, slightly amused.
"No, but the book still stands. Have you gone back to the bayou since you gave birth? To see your people?"
"No, and after ambushing them I'm pretty sure they're in no mood to see me."
"Don't you see Hayley? Those wolves are key to getting back your daughter. Why make an enemy when you can make best friends," Maleny smirked, a pointed finger at Hayley, "There's no need for them to be your enemies."
"Now you're sounding a lot like Klaus," Hayley blinked, surprised to hear such similarities.
Maleny sheepishly pushed some of her hair back, "Well, my mind's been a lot more clearer now so...there's bound to be some similarities."
"The thing that would really drive it home is if you were to say-"
"You need to be their alpha," Maleny finished for her, meaning every word spoken.
"You waged a just war on those who would harm your child! Not only will they respect you, they will answer to you! They have to."
But Hayley still refused to believe it, shaking her head, "Why would they do that now?"
"Because you're their queen - or so I've heard from Klaus."
"Stop hanging around with that guy," Hayley mockingly ordered, "I don't want to have to deal with two arrogant vampires."
"Hey," Maleny laughed, "First of all, I'm not arrogant. Second of all, I'm a witch," she gestured to herself, "I may not have all my power but I am still one, alright? And you know what, this witch is going to accompany you to the bayou so you can see your family."
"You're going to what?" Hayley's eyebrows shot up, the idea already giving her a bad ache in her stomach.
"You heard me," Maleny leaned back on her spot, giving a light shrug, "I've got to play it safe around this city and it would look less suspicious if they see me with you instead of Klaus or even Elijah. They would probably think of me some wolf friend of yours."
"Mal, I don't know…"
"I'll go with you for a while then I'll come back home so you can do all your little wolf things on your own. I want to stop by and see Davina anyways. She doesn't know I'm back yet. I don't know how she's doing."
"Word on the street is she told her coven to 'shove it' and she's now back at school," Hayley decided to share as a preview of what she would later hear.
"Really?" Maleny chuckled, "That's Davina. I'm happy for her. So, bayou?"
"...bayou," Hayley eventually agreed and watched Maleny laugh again, easily noticing there was something else that Maleny was so giddy about, "You seem in an awfully cheerful mood for someone who, I hear, is still cursed."
Maleny sobered up but still ended up smiling, "Well," she tucked some hair behind her ear and turned her head to the right, pretending to study her room, "there's just a lot more gained now for me."
"Nothing," Maleny shrugged. At that moment, Klaus appeared at her doorway, lightly knocking on her door to alert of his presence. Maleny looked at him with a cheery smile, "Morning," she greeted.
"Actually it's noon, but good morning," Klaus corrected as he came further into the room, "I came to tell you that Cami and Elijah will be looking into that apartment of yours."
"You're moving out?" Hayley immediately frowned at Maleny, "But you just got here."
"Like I said, I need to play it safe," Maleny repeated with a sigh, "How would it look that the Mikaelsons' just accepted a brand new woman in the city into their home? If someone has my corpse and the knowledge about me, it won't be long until they figured it out. I can't be here."
Hayley could see the necessity for Maleny to live somewhere else and so decided to leave the subject at that. Besides, she could already tell the idea wasn't sitting well with Klaus anyways and saw no need to keep talking about it.
"Cami and Elijah will come up with something for you," Klaus reiterated to Maleny, "Meanwhile I will go to the witches at the graveyard to meet this 'Cassie' - the last of the Harvest girls - who is now, I hear, leading both the witches and the wolves."
"What?" Hayley hissed, nearly jumping out of her spot on the couch, "Why!?"
"Because of Oliver of course," Klaus shrugged as if it were obvious, "You should see into that, little wolf. It won't bode well for us if the wolves and witches unite against us."
"She absolutely will," Maleny flashed Hayley a knowing smile, "She's going to the bayou today."
"Excellent," Klaus was severely satisfied to hear it, "and in the meantime you will stay here," he told the blonde.
"Alright," Maleny accepted though both she and Hayley knew that wasn't happening.
"I mean it Maleny," it seemed like Klaus was also doubting her easy acceptance, "You said it yourself, you need to play it safe around."
"I got it," Maleny raised both hands in her defense.
Klaus stared at Maleny longer before adding, "Cami and Elijah won't be long, so you won't have time to make an escape," and with that he left the room.
Maleny made a face as she stood up, chucking her cushion back on the couch, "So, bayou?" she looked at Hayley as if nothing had happened.
Hayley looked between Maleny and the open doorway, "Didn't you hear?"
"Oh I heard," Maleny went over to her night stand and picked up her cellphone. She entered the messaging tab and began writing to Cami.
"And you're still going to leave? Cami and Elijah are going to be back early."
"Done," Maleny cheered and stuffed her phone into her jean's pocket. She turned to Hayley and walked over, "Cami's gonna cover for me."
Hayley stared at the blonde with slight amusement, one she hadn't had in many months, "I'm glad you're back," she said after a moment.
"Me too," Maleny clapped her hands, "Let's go!"
~ 0 ~
The bright green bayou was difficult to walk through when one visits, as was the case for Maleny. Knowing she had to leave earlier, she and Hayley left the car they back where it would no longer be able to go through. Maleny was trudging along slightly behind Hayley who was having no trouble getting through. In fact, she didn't even notice Maleny struggling to keep up. Maleny had the good idea to have Hayley keep talking about the occurrences that happened after she'd 'died' at the cemetery and while Hayley was over explaining some things while briefly touching others, Maleny was putting in pieces of the big picture fairly easy.
"So you've like...distanced yourself from everyone," Maleny concluded after Hayley finished one story.
"I had to, Mal," Hayley crossed her arms, looking down as they walked, "I cried all day, I fed all night. I was no good to anyone. That's probably why I lost things."
"What kind of things?" Maleny curiously asked, though by the tone of Hayley's voice she was already forming ideas.
"My pack, for starters," Hayley huffed, "I lost connection with them when I turned. I used to be close with people and now...things have changed. Take Elijah, for starters. When I got to this city he was overbearing with all these concerns and now...I'm lucky if we have one conversation a day. He likes to spend time with Cami now…"
Maleny awkwardly cleared her throat once she sensed the smidge of jealousy covering Hayley's last words, "Cami's a new vampire, he's probably just mentoring her or something. Believe me, he does that with many people - even Marcel," she recalled lastly.
"You haven't seen them, Mal. While you've been in France, I've stayed here, remember?" she glanced back at Maleny, "I know what I see."
Maleny sadly looked at her friend, assuming Hayley had felt like she was (and had) lost everything, "I'm sorry."
"It's not your fault," Hayley continued walking, now facing straight ahead, even though Maleny was still behind she kept the calm facade on her face, "It's not Cami's fault either, nor Elijah's - it's mine. I turned into a monster and who could love that?"
"You're not a monster," Maleny scolded, wishing she could speed walk to comfort her, "You're just sad, and with great motives to be. Besides, if this didn't happen then it's probably cos someone else is waiting for you somewhere."
Hayley received that comment with a scoff, "Okay."
"I mean it Hayley," warned Maleny.
Hayley would've continued to refuse the statement if it hadn't been for the fact they'd finally found the remnants of her pack. Minutes later, Maleny finally caught up and looked out to a small clearing where several Crescents were gathering up their belongings.
"So, Jackson is MIA and Oliver seems to think he's the Alpha," Hayley gestured the obvious, "They're not going to listen to me."
"Hey," Maleny turned to the brunette, tugging on Hayley's black jacket to reveal her birthmark, "that birthmark on your shoulder did not disappear when you became a hybrid so as far as anyone's concerned you're still one of them - just with a few upgrades."
"Upgrades?" Hayley gave her a long look.
Maleny shrugged, "Or perks, whatever you want to call them. Just go," she pointed to the clearing, "Go on, talk to them."
With a deep sigh, Hayley emerged from their spot by the trees and walked for the clearing. Maleny followed behind and immediately noticed the tension that had settled in the air. The group had formed a circle around them as if they were waiting to attack.
"The hell you want?" Oliver demanded from Hayley, taking no notice of the blonde.
However, that didn't stop Maleny from making a snarkish response, "Hey, shut the hell up before you end up down in a lake," and to prove she could very well practice enough magic she snapped her fingers causing a branch from a tree behind the group to plummet to the ground.
Hayley shot her a look, both surprised of the magic and irritated for the imprudence, "Hey, I thought we were coming to talk, remember?"
"Yeah, but I'm not gonna have disrespect for either of us," Maleny crossed her arms.
"You with Cassie?" Oliver decided to ask her, suddenly realizing he had never seen her near the covens. For all he knew she could be under Cassie's order.
"Don't know who she is, don't really think I want to know," Maleny shrugged, uninterested.
"We didn't come here to fight, Oliver," Hayley clarified, "Our pack has been divided by people who want us to be their slaves. What we need right now is a leader. Someone who will reunite us and make us strong again. Someone who will fight for our pack. If you let me, I can be that person."
Oliver scoffed at the idea, "You think we can trust you? You're not one of us! Hell, you're not even a wolf, you're a blood-sucking vampire parasite!"
"And yet you're working for Cassie," Maleny spoke up again, leaving him quiet for a minute. Her eyes looked at the other wolves intently listening to them, "I mean, do you guys really trust a man who I hear, caters to a teenage witch?"
"That witch can help us all," Oliver snapped, growing more irritated with the stranger, "She can give us moonlight rings-"
"Which would then make you all her slaves for the rest of your lives," Hayley replied then.
"Yeah, they would rather follow a witch than you," Oliver stepped towards the two women, "Me? Hell, I'd rather die than follow you."
"That's it," Maleny shut her eyes and waited to feel the channeling of powers between her and Isabelle's coven. With a thrust of her hand she blew Oliver to the ground, "Follow witches and you'll so end up on your back, dead," she told the group, "That's what you want? To be dead?"
"Mal," Hayley hissed, not at all pleased with the stunt she'd pulled.
"It's time to learn politics, Hayley," Maleny stepped forwards, wearing an uncommon sinister smile on her face, "You gain support by killing your detractors!"
"What ever, look, they may not like me very much, but these people, including Oliver, are my family," Hayley softly explained, feeling slightly awkward with the burning stares everyone had on her.
Maleny smirked as she looked around, "See that?" she jerked a thumb at Hayley, "That's the kind of leader you want and need - not some fool," she then pointed at Oliver, "that only talks loud to be heard. Choose to follow this 'Cassie' witch and you'll eventually be killed, whether by her or her enemies - who knows."
She retreated back to Hayley's side, "I have to go see Davina. You can take it from here, I think. See you back at the compound."
"Thanks," Hayley whispered before the blonde left, grateful she had been forced to come and do this. Yes, she was definitely glad to have Maleny back.
~ 0 ~
It didn't take long for Maleny to locate Davina in the Quarter. It seemed like the girl had taken refuge in the church attic again. Maleny gave a light knock on the open door, already peering inside to see the teenager reading over a grimoire, "Knock, knock."
At the unfamiliar voice, Davina looked up in alarm and ready to battle, "Who ever you are," she stood up from the couch with a hand raised towards Maleny, "you need to leave."
However, her invisible companion, Mikael, was stunned to see the blonde at the doorway, "By all the Gods…" he sucked in a breath. Davina quickly looked at the man for further explanation.
Maleny laughed, clueless of the third member in the room, "Davina, it's me, Maleny. I know I look a little different," she grabbed a handful of her loose hair, "but it's good ole Mal, I promise."
Davina's head snapped back to the blonde, her eyes wide, "Maleny!?"
"I'm finally back."
"Oh my God!" Davina scurried across the room to encase Maleny in a tight hug, "I can't believe you're back!"
"Of course I was coming back," Maleny pulled back, "Did you give up hope on me or something?"
"Never," Davina declared instantly.
"So," Maleny looked around the wooden room, unable to stop thinking of the gruesome activities that took place long ago, "word on the street is you told your coven to shove it?"
Davina chuckled and moved back, "That may or may not have happened."
"You're a badass," Maleny moved around the room, missing the stiffness in Davina as she watched the blonde walk pass Mikael.
If Maleny was back then it surely meant she was also back with the Mikaelsons. She didn't doubt for a second Maleny was already living there. The most horrendous thing would be if Maleny was now actually with Klaus. That would definitely put a damper on their friendship. Her plans still consisted in letting Mikael kill Klaus after she de-linked Klaus' sireline. Could Maleny forgive her for that if she was still in love with Klaus?
"Any particular reason why you're reading a de-linking spell?" Maleny had found Esther's grimoire on the couch and become interested in the current page.
"Um…" Davina quickly racked her mind for an excuse.
"If you tell her your plans she will never forgive you," Mikael warned in all seriousness, "She was the fool who loved that bastard."
Davina stared at him for a long time, truly taking in his words. Maleny followed her gaze to the empty spot in which Mikael stood, "Davina?" she called again, making the teenager flinch and look back.
"Uh, I was just...studying," Davina settled for a weak answer, "Telling your coven to shove it kind of means you have to learn on your own."
Maleny accepted the answer with ease, "I'm sorry for that. But you know, even though I don't have all my power back doesn't mean I can't teach you what I've learned."
"You've learned?" Davina walked to the couch, stopping just behind it.
"Mhm. My original body was in a French coven's care and when I woke up Isabelle, the leader, gave me some lessons. I even have a channeling spell between her coven and myself to help me with magic."
"That's incredible," Davina was happy to hear her friend had garnered at least a little magic of what had been taken.
"Plus, I still have my mother's grimoire. You can take it any time you want."
The kindness Maleny showed towards her made Davina feel worse of her secret plans. Since Maleny arrived to the Quarter she'd done nothing but help Davina and now Davina would repay her by killing her (hopefully past) love?
That was cruel on every standard.
"Davina, you'll have to forgive me, but this time I do come with a favor to ask," admitted a sheepish Maleny.
Davina however found no offense and quickly motioned she wanted to hear, "What is it?"
"It's about my previous body's corpse. I need to have it burned so that any link between it and the curse can officially die. This way the curse would be broken and I would be, well, free. Klaus says he doesn't know what happened to it because apparently someone took it."
Davina's gaze dropped to the floor, alerting Maleny she was already in the know of the situation. "I tried to find it," Davina began quietly, the guilt visible in her stance, "but it was cloaked. There's a powerful spell covering its location."
"So someone is intentionally hiding it," Maleny turned away, running her hands through her hair in frustration, "And they're probably waiting for me to come back so that they can..." she swallowed hard, "...capture me again..."
Davina watched her friend with sympathy. Although Maleny played out to be the tough, sarcastic woman Davina knew very well Maleny was just scared beyond belief of her cursers, and now the person who held her previous corpse. The fact she could, at any time, be once again thrown back into the cycle of jumping bodies and forgetting everything had to be something traumatizing for one person to live under for centuries.
While Davina was lost in thought, Maleny heard a cellphone vibrating, and figuring it wasn't hers she turned back. She saw Davina's phone and picked it up, reading the contact name as 'Kaleb'. With a smirk, she passed it to Davina then promptly asked, "Who's that?"
Davina blushed as she took the cellphone from Maleny, "Just...someone I met," she answered quietly and read the text sent to her.
'Can I make it up to you over dinner?'
Maleny watched a bright smile spread across the teen's face after reading the message. She chuckled when Davina remembered she wasn't alone and quickly looked back with an embarrassed look.
"So, you want to tell me more about this guy?" Maleny raised an eyebrow, resisting the urge to laugh.
"Yes, definitely yes," Davina pointed, making a face, "just maybe another time?"
"Ooh, I know that, that's a nice way of telling me to leave," Maleny backed away, now fully laughing, "Rebekah used that one on me back then so she could have some fun."
"Not like that," Davina looked mortified and blushed again.
"I expect full coverage on this tomorrow," Maleny warned, turning to leave as Davina grabbed her own things to follow.
"Definitely," Davina shut the door of the attic then hurried on out, leaving a chuckling Maleny to leave afterwards.
~ 0 ~
As the day grew darker Maleny found it was time to return home before someone grew confused. She'd spent some hours on her own getting to know the Quarter again, while also discreetly looking out for any potential enemies that could be holding her previous corpse. She also had gone to a shop for certain ingredients that would help keep a strong, constant connection of power between her and Isabelle's coven. As she was coming out of the shop, she accidentally bumped into someone.
"Sorry!" the blonde quickly went.
A dark-skinned man was the receiver of the push and appeared stunned by her presence, "You…" was all that came out of his lips.
Maleny lifted an eyebrow, "I'm sorry? What was that?"
The man, named Vincent, (or so everyone thought) quickly recollected himself and shook his head, "No, no, it's my bad. I wasn't looking where I was going…" he paused to stare at her one more time before forcing himself to go, "Excuse me."
Confused, Maleny watched after the man, wondering what was wrong with him. A vibration of her phone reminded her it was time to go. She dashed for the car and made way to the compound.
~ 0 ~
Upon entering the compound Maleny walked in the midst of people she didn't know. It wasn't until she came into the courtyard and saw Hayley giving instructions to the group.
"Take any of the rooms on the first floor," she was motioning the group to head into the downstairs corridors.
"Hayley, what's going on here?" Maleny went up to the woman.
At the same time she asked the question, Klaus and Elijah emerged from the downstairs living room, "Are we running a kennel now?" Klaus called.
"I'll handle them," Hayley told the group before dragging Maleny up to the brothers.
"And where the hell have you been?" Klaus demanded once he caught sight of Maleny.
But before Maleny opened her mouth, Hayley answered, "She was with me at the bayou helping me reconnect with my pack."
Klaus looked at Maleny, studying her face for any thing that would give reason to doubt, "You agreed to stay in here."
"I was with Hayley, someone very capable of keeping me safe," Maleny swung an arm around Hayley's shoulders, "That's not bad is it?"
"No," Elijah answered before Klaus could say something, "I think it's good you two went out," he could already tell a difference it made in Hayley and he would not have anything ruining it.
"Well, these are the ones that are not with the witches," Hayley explained as more of the pack entered.
"I don't see Oliver amongst them," Klaus observed the incoming Crescents, "Am I to assume you finished him off?"
"We made a deal," Hayley said, "He'll pledge his loyalty to Cassie, report back, and tell me everything that he learns."
Maleny blinked with surprise, "Wow, you managed to do that in the span of a day?"
Hayley smugly smiled, "Yeah."
"You're good!"
"Hey," Cami entered the compound holding a rolled up paper in hand, "I got the apartment," she declared with a smile.
"I thought you two were looking into that together," Maleny looked in between Cami and Elijah.
"We were," agreed Cami, throwing Elijah a mock glare, "then I was ditched for Davina."
"Davina? What does Davina have to do with this?" Maleny frowned, seeing the change in Elijah and even Klaus.
Elijah motioned for them to follow and while Hayley took care of the remaining Crescents.
"What's going on?" Maleny asked again once they were in the living room. The air had suddenly turned dense, like something was incredibly wrong.
"It appears our troubles with the witches are far from being over," Elijah began, "more than we thought anyways."
"How so?" Cami questioned, glancing at Maleny.
"They have the white oak stake don't they?" Maleny assumed by their behavior. Hayley had told her of the predicament the two Originals found themselves in with the loss of the stake.
"Yes and no," Klaus pointed at her, appearing irritated for some reason, "Your little witch friend, Davina, has it...along with my deceased father."
"Come again?"
"Davina somehow brought our father back from the dead and has him under her control," Elijah explained thoroughly, "and with him and the stake she has the perfect weapon to finish us once and for all."
Maleny shook her head, "That can't be. I just spoke to Davina earlier today-"
Klaus immediately stopped her after she'd basically given up her lie, "So you weren't with Hayley all day."
Maleny stiffened but quickly came up with, "I left just for a bit. I only saw Davina for like five minutes. She didn't mention anything of the stake-"
"I doubt she would have even if you asked," that response had come from neither Mikaelson brother.
Stunned, Maleny turned to face Cami, "Cami! How can you say that?"
"Well, it's just what I've seen," Cami gave a shrug and went to take a seat at the couch, "Davina's changed while you've been gone. She doesn't address me the same anymore because I keep seeing those two," she nodded towards Klaus and Elijah, "I'm not doubting her love for you because she's proven it's real, but despite all that Davina has never and probably will never desist on her attempts of killing the Mikaelsons'."
Maleny ran her hands through her hair, still reluctant to believe that one of her friends was going to kill the people that were practically her family, "I have to go talk to her," but before she even turned to leave Klaus gave her a call.
"You will not go anywhere!"
Maleny glanced back, startled of his snark, "What?"
"You're not leaving this place unless one of us," Klaus gestured to his brother and Cami, "is with you."
"I don't need a babysitter," Maleny turned back with her arms crossed, "I told you that long ago and I stand by that statement."
"Maleny, in this case, I think he's right," Elijah spoke up, getting an agreeing nod from Cami.
"Yeah, if their deranged father -" Cami began but then winced at her rudeness and apologized, "Sorry -," she told the brothers before continuing with Maleny, "is back then he'll definitely use whatever he can to his advantage."
"It's not just our father we have to deal with," Klaus announced, wanting Maleny to see just how grave the situation was, "Our mother has taken the last Harvest's girl's body, Cassie, and I doubt she's here for a simple visit."
"So both your parents are back," Maleny scowled at the idea, "Well I'd love to have a chat with Esther. Let me at her."
"This isn't funny, Maleny," Klaus snapped, "Now do you see why you need to be here?"
"No, honestly, no," Maleny shook her head, "Because as bad as things are I can't remain here. I need to have my own place and you're not going to stop me," she moved to Cami and snatched the apartment's contract from her hand before leaving the room.
"MALENY!" but Maleny ignored the shout of the hybrid as she speed walked towards her room.
Down below in the courtyard, Hayley was watching the blonde hurriedly going towards her room. She then saw Klaus coming out of the upstairs living room wearing that common angry face that usually led to some violence in the end.
"Klaus?" she called and stopped the man midway towards Maleny's room, the latter now shut and loudly.
"Not now, Hayley," Klaus warned with a finger and made to move when Hayley called again.
"Yes now," Hayley mimicked his tone. After sending the last of her pack to the needed rooms, she directed herself entirely to Klaus, "I heard everything from down here and believe me when I say shouting will not get you anywhere."
"Are you really going to give me lessons on how to speak with Maleny?" Klaus scoffed at the idea, "You are forgetting I've known her since we were children."
"Then you should have learned by now that your shouting does no good to her - nor anyone," Hayley crossed her arms, "Isn't that how you lost her the first time around?" at the question she received glaring daggers from upstairs, "You shouted and told her you'd never turn her. So then she ran away and that was the horrible ending of your relationship."
"None of this is your business, why not go and attend to those of your pack you so easily let into this house?"
"I will and currently am," Hayley remained calm, "but I'm also going to take care of my friends. Look," she took a step towards the rails, "I'm on your side, I think it's a lot safer for Maleny to stay here if Esther's back, not to mention Mikael."
"Then you talk to her," Klaus angrily motioned for her to get moving, "Because she doesn't want to listen to me!"
"Maybe because you're not understanding the problem here," Hayley gave him a narrowed look, "You don't get it, do you? She's scared, Klaus, and she doesn't know how to deal with it. She wants to leave because she's scared. Show her she's protected here, and try not to shout. Good luck," she gave a pretend salute before leaving to tend to her pack.
Klaus rolled his eyes and turned for Maleny's room, taking a moment for himself to push down any shouts that could possibly come out. He needed to be in control of himself if Maleny was to agree to stay.
~ 0 ~
Inside her room, Maleny was busily pacing back and forth thinking of how exactly she would be leaving the compound without causing unnecessary commotion. She was also thinking of where her corpse was in and who had it, not to mention what the person was doing at the moment. Had they already figured out she was back? Were they going to act on their plan now? Or would it be like the Dawsons, straight to the point?
The knock on her door made her stop momentarily and out of politeness she called, "Who?"
"Klaus," came the answer.
Maleny looked around for a minute before deciding to go and open the door, "If you're here to keep ordering me what I can and can't do you might as well get going. I would have guessed that by this time you have learned that I'm a grown woman."
Klaus took a deep breath, making it clear he was doing an effort to stay at ease, "I just...want to talk…"
Maleny opened the door wider and motioned him to come in, "What about, exactly? I think we've said everything by now."
"Mal," Klaus turned to face her, "I need you to stay here," he pointed to the room, "where I can make sure that you are, in fact, safe."
"But it doesn't matter where I go, I'll be unsafe until I can find the corpse. But living somewhere else makes me just a little safer."
"Not with Mikael and Esther walking the Earth," Klaus shook his head, "No one is safe and you being out there is specifically the thing we need to avoid. Do you have any idea what my mother would do if she found out you were here in the Quarter?"
"No, I don't know, but I'm going to find out whether or not I live here. Esther has things to pay for and in that are my powers she stole. I'm seeing her no matter what."
"Then if you're going to do that, at least be with us until things are safer," Klaus nearly pleaded but maintained an aura of calmness, "Hayley lives here, Cami lives here now, Elijah is here and so am I. We can take care of you, we can protect you."
Maleny stared at him for a long while before breaking down with a long sigh and hands in her hair, "I don't...I don't know what to do..."
As much as it pained her, and perhaps Klaus if he knew, she was utterly confused on what to do with her life. On the one hand, she wanted to stay in another place (in the Quarter) and start a new life with her newfound (albeit little) freedom. She hadn't had much time to get to know the modern world after waking up in France, and now that she was back in the Quarter perhaps she could start to. There were so many things she wanted to do...but she was completely afraid. The other part of her wanted to stay in the compound, with everyone she knew, where it felt safe and secure. Her mind was going crazy trying to come up with the decision.
Klaus walked up to her and removed her hands from her hair, "Mal, it's not difficult-"
"Yes it is," Maleny meekly insisted, embarrassed he was seeing her unable to make such an apparent decision, "I don't know what to do. I was already nervous coming back but now that your parents are here I can literally feel my heart," she gulped, "I...I..."
"You're scared," Klaus thought back to Hayley's words, his gaze on her turning soft with sorrow. Maleny sniffed as the tears welled in her eyes and without a word took her hands out of his to hug him. With a light sigh, Klaus wrapped his arms around her, "How about a compromise?" he asked quietly, one hand stroking her soft hair.
"What kind?" she whispered, keeping her head resting over his shoulder.
"You can stay here until Mikael and Esther are gone," he proposed, and he was shamefully hoping that took a long while so that he would have enough time to convince her to stay permanently with him.
"I guess...that sounds okay," she said slowly, still thinking, "but you can't tell me to stay here all the time."
"Well, you can't go escaping all the time," he countered with a hint of amusement.
"I want to stay out of trouble," she admitted sheepishly, knowing that was just about the opposite of her entire person, "But it gets a little complicated sometimes. Still," she raised her head and looked at him, now wearing a small smile across her lips, "I think we can make a compromise. But you know I want to focus entirely on this curse," she shook her head, missing the brief flash of pain in Klaus' eyes, "I wouldn't want to break my promise to you and have to forcibly leave because someone stole me."
He scowled, "I've always lived with danger at my side..."
"And for that very detail I would like to change it so that I don't cause you unnecessary pain," she insisted, deeply sighing, "It's difficult, I understand, but this is merely my attempt to help. So please, just abide by this rule."
"I don't have much of a choice," he grumbled. But when she took his hands again and he saw her smiling at him, he couldn't keep up his disappointment. She would at least be staying with him where it was safer, where he could make sure it was safe for her.
But he was still going to make his attempts and persuade her to permanently stay with him. After all, soon Hope would be returning and he wanted nothing more than to introduce one to another. One day, he would have both of his girls together, and with him.
~ 0 ~
The same man Maleny had bumped into earlier hastily walked into the witches' lycee where Cassie - or Esther - was busy handling herbs.
"Mother," he called in urgency, making Esther glance back, "She's here, she's back in the Quarter. Maleny's returned."
"Has she?" Esther raised her eyebrows, clearly content with the news.
"I bumped into her by the witches' voodoo shop. It was her," her eldest son, Finn, assured.
A smirk started spreading across Esther's lips, "Then it's most definitely the appropriate time to make contact with your brothers in their home. There is much to do now."
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rayondeneige · 3 years
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Since We Have No Place to Go, Let It Snow
Jon Snow decided to come back home for Christmas after three years of finding excuses, three years of trying not to hear his mother’s pleas. Back at Winterfell he found more than he was hoping for, more than family; he found the stranger he met in Dragonstone and tried to forget, with her molten hair, her blazing fire and her summer scent, like sunshine and citrus, like sunscreen and lavender.
Christmas never tasted so sweet and yet felt so short.
Chapter 2 : 1440 minutes
“What is your favourite holiday?” she asked in a whisper against his ear, settling more comfortably, moving her hands in an abstract pattern against his skin, taking that step, leaping toward more.
“Christmas,” he said, his eyes closed, his head lolling back. He chose to ignore the pain irradiating from his bump, he chose to concentrate all he had on the feeling of her wrapped around him, on the feeling of the morning after absolutely nothing happened.
“Favourite Color?”
“That’s not a color,” she protested, running her fingers between his abs, tracing a road back to his chest, making him breakout in goosebumps, “it’s the absence of color.”
He could actually see her and Sansa being friends, having poor opinions on what could be considered a color or not.
“Forest green then,” he corrected, pointing at the color of his wall, a green so dark it was almost black, like pine trees at night. He craned his neck to roll his eyes at her and yelped in surprise when she bit the tendon in his neck in retaliation. He laughed under his breath, trying to bring his shoulder to his ears to protect his neck from her teeth.
All of this felt right somehow, like another extension of their story, like she asked for just another day again, for more moments, for more minutes.
Thank you to my wonderful and extraordinary Beta Hayl @targsdaenerys​ You have no idea how amazing that girl is! (or maybe you’re lucky and you do!). She did a wonderful job on this chapter, as always. Love you BB! 
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phobidawg · 4 years
Holiday Lunar Bake-Off; Episode 1, Introductions and Welcomes
A hot new portscreen series (Hosted by Iko!) where some of your favorite celebrities (including Emporer Kaito, Queen Selene, and Ambassador Winter Hayle-Blackburn and more,) compete to win the title of Lunar Bake-Off Champion! 
(or a *really* cringy crack fic where Iko throws them all in a baking competition and none of them know how to bake. It gets funnier in the later chapters, I promise. Also excuse and grammar or editing mistakes, I know there are many but I started this a long time ago and don’t want to bothering going through all of it again. I will be updating this once a week until I run out of prewritten chapters!)
Iko: *bursts onto screen in a flurry or glittery snowflakes* I just love the holidays! Lots of friends, family, presents, cute outfits..... and supposedly best of all, the food! *mumbles something under breath about not having taste buds*
Anyway, Welcome to the Holiday Lunar Bake-off! We've selected eight celebrity contestants from all over Earth and Luna to compete for the grand prize, 50,000 univs!! Enough to buy over 300 amazing outfits! Without further ado, the contestants!!! *throws arms open wide gesturing to side door of Kitchen*
*nothing happens*
Iko: I said, the contestants!!!
(off-screen Cinder) Iko, you have each name individually!
Iko: I do? Well then, *looks at paper in hand* our very first contestant is Luna's very own, Selene Jannali-Blackburn, aka Cinder!!
*Cinder emerges from side door, looking annoyed*
Cinder: Why am I always first?! First to be shot at, first to be enlisted to overthrow a queen, first to bother *cough*Thorne*cough*...
Iko: *cutting of rant* So, Cinder, tell us about yourself. *sticks mic in Cinder's face*
Cinder: *leaning away from mic and taking a step back* Um, well, I used to live in New Beijing as a mechanic...
(Off-stage) Kai: The best one there was!
Cinder: *shooting glare at door* And anyway then I found out I was a missing princess of a rock in space and saved a bunch of people from a tyrant and turned Luna into a democracy. So yeah. *feeble jazz-hands*
Iko: *swooning* And most importantly, your now engaged to dreamy Emperor Kai! Tell us, how does it feel knowing you'll be married to Kai soon?!
Cinder: I thought we were here to bake, not gossip!
Iko: I don't know about you, but Kai's smile definitely bake's my wires *cheesy wink*
(off stage awkward coughing)
Cinder: *ignoring horrible pun* By the way, would you mind showing me how to work that complicated fondant roller in the back because I really don't want to lose my other hand too....
Iko: Next up we have Scarlet Benoit of Rieux, France!
Kinney the Cameraman (off-screen): Um, Iko? My portscreen's battery is running a bit low...
Iko: Shh! We're filming!
Kinney: But...
Iko: The show must go on! SCARLET! Scarlet: *kicks open double-doors* Bonjour mon ami. (hello my friend)
Iko: Bonjour! Est-ce nous parlons en francais? (can we speak in french)
Scarlet: *Shrugs* D'accord. (sure)
Kinney: *coughs* Um, bless you?
Iko: Kinney! For the last time cameramen don't talk!
Kinney: *mumbles something under breath*
*Whole screen tilts sideways toward ground for a moment, before righting itself*
Iko: Kinney!
Kinney: *mumbling* whoops.
Iko: So Scarlet, you are probably the most accomplished baker in this whole set of people, and most likely the only one who knows how to use an oven! Where did you learn?
Scarlet: My grandmere taught me a while ago, when I was young. Our favorite thing to make was lemon cake, so I make on the anniversary of her birthday every year.
Iko: How sweet! Maybe even sweeter than sugar ;) *wink*
Cinder: *standing awkwardly off in corner* So....should I just leave?
Iko: *flapping hand in general direction to her right.* There's an exit somewhere around there. Now, I have a baking show to run!
Cinder: *to herself* Time to go get lost in a celebrity kitchen. Fun. *starts wandering off to try and find exit*
Iko: SO Scarlet, tell me more about this lemon cake. Is it sweet and tart, or tart and sweet?
Scarlet: *Looking confused* Ummm....
Kinney (off-screen): *cough* ten minutes of battery left *cough*
Iko: TEN MINUTES! Well, thank you Scarlet, good luck finding the exit.... *nudges a supremely confused looking Scarlet in vague direction* Next we have Captain Carswell Thorne!!
Thorne: *throws open doors, beaming blindingly* Finally, my time as a reality tv star has come! *pauses to consider screen* Wait a minute, we're filming with a portscreen?!
Kinney: Got a problem with that?
Iko: FOr the last time, cameramen don't speak! Now don't worry Thorne, this video will go viral soon enough.
THorne: Well, a camera's a camera. *smiles blindingly again*
Kinney: Eww... *turns camera not so subtly away from him*
Thorne: *noticing* Keep the camera on me!
Kinney: *reluctantly turns back at Iko's glare*
Iko: So, Carswell, it is said that your smile hides a shady past. What do you have to say on this?
Thorne: *sending a furtive look over shoulder at entrance, where a hint of a blond head suggests Cress peek out from door* All I have to say is that my ways are changing, and when I got together with Cress I even made a list... *starts digging around in coat pocket* it's in here somewhere.. I always keep it on me...
Iko: *starts fangirling* OMS that's so cute!!! However, we have a time limit *sour look at camera* so speaking of Cress good luck with the competition and finding the waiting room bye!
Thorne: Wait, what? You're kicking me out!
Iko: Cress! You're on!
Kinney the cameraman: Thorne if you're not gonna leave... *shifts camera so Thorne is out of frame*
Thorne: Fine! I get the picture! *makes a point of stomping away*
Cress: *pops onstage with a worried look in Thorne's direction, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, avoiding gaze with the camera.* Hello Iko.
Iko: *once again happy and bubbly* Cress! Welcome to the Holiday Baking Championship! Are you ready to bake?!
Cress: Um, yes?
Iko: I'm sure you can be a bit more confident than that!
Cress: *casting furtive look into the direction where Thorne disappeared, looking for help. Hesitates, and decides to remove the 'um'* Yes?!
Iko: That's better! Nothing like holiday spirit right?
Cress: *blushing nervously to be onstage* mhm.
Iko: Well, what's your favorite part of baking?
Cress: *pauses, and appears to being pulling herself together. Is actually envisioning herself as a famous chef (shh I didn't say that)* I love decorating the most. *newly confident*
Iko: Me too! I absolutely love cookie decorating, although a certain someone always steals the cookies when I'm done! *glares at camera aka Kinney*
Kinney: Hey! You don't even have taste buds, so how could you eat them anyway?!
Iko: That is so beside the point! What if I wanted to give them as gifts or something?! And just because I don't have taste buds... *trails off*
Kinney: Would you like to finish that sentence? Because I'm actually interested to hear what you might have to say.
Iko: *snaps* Cameramen aren't allowed to talk!
Kinney: Talk about being beside the point.
Iko: *fuming*
Cress: Uhhhhh..... Are you okay Iko?
Iko: I'm fine, just fine.
Kinney: *crisp* 4 minutes left.
Iko: AHHH! *looking murderous at Kinney's interruption*
Cress: *looking scared* Iko... *seeing Iko can't be helped* I'm going to leave *slips away*
Iko: *takes a calming breath*
Kinney: *wisely decides not to comment*
Iko: Wolf and Jacin, on stage! *looks very smug at having the smart idea to add two at a time*
Wolf + Jacin: *enter*
Iko: Hello and welcome to the Holiday Baking thing, merry Christmas, ect. Ect. ect. Ok we're on a time crunch so I'm going to start and end with a basic question. What ingredients do you like to use most in baking? Jacin, you're up.
Jacin: I don't bake.
Iko: Aw, come on, just list any ingredient you use for baking then that's nice.
Jacin: Fine, flour.
Iko: *confused* flour?
Jacin: Flour. It's used in pretty much every baking recipe, so that makes it a logical choice. As a bonus, it is bland and tasteless.
Iko: Well then. Wolf?
Wolf: *instantaneously* tomatoes.
Iko: *under breath* why am I not surprised *out loud* Tomatoes?! How do you bake with tomatoes?!
Wolf: Easily! Tomato muffins, tomato pancakes, tomato cupcakes...
Iko: *looking queasy* For once I'm glad I don't have taste buds... I mean that sounds delicious! Good luck in the competition! *under breath* You'll need it. *louder, and much more excited* Next up, former princess Winter Blackburn Hayle and the dreamy Emperor Kaito!
*Kai and Winter wander onstage, Kai looking bemused as Winter rambles to him. Iko swoons*
Iko: Best for last! Don't tell anyone I said that though *wink at screen* Welcome to the Holiday Baking Championship! My first question is for Winter. Wherever did you get that dress?!
Winter: Oh, this? Well, it's pretty isn't it? *giggles and twirls, making her flowy dress swirl* I don't know really, it just seemed to show up in my room this morning!
Iko: I don't know about you, but I have a listed inventory of all my dress', so nothing ever randomly shows up in my room ;) Now Kai... *turns to Kai, who grins cutely/winningly*
Kinney: *cough*one minute*cough*
Iko: *snaps out of adoring reverie* 1 minute! Well Kai, Iloveyou--I mean Good Luck and welcome to both of you!
Kai + Winter: Thank you. Good night! *look at each other in surprise before turning and leaving*
Iko: *talking unnaturally fast* Well that's it for today folks! Please share and repost, and Happy Holidays y'all! Keep a lookout for Episode Two, Christmas Caking! Merry Christmas, Kwanzaa, and Hanuk-
*screen goes dark*
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asharinhun · 4 years
5. have they done anything they thought they’d never do? (For any of your OCs, or all of them!)
// Doing this to all my current Warcraft oCs xD
- Asharinhun Feralclaw
“I never believed in love at first sight… yet it happened to me, which was something I didn’t expect, especially not that I’d actually proposed to her.”
- Kielastrasza/Kiela Feralclaw
“Honestly? I often thought of finding and finishing off our mother’s killer, but didn’t truly believe we had the strength for it. Yet we did it.”
- Elyenastrasza/Elyena Feralclaw
“Yelling at people.” She nods sagely. “I’m usually the nervous, timid one, but upon seeing the mistakes those unqualified healers did, something snapped and the next moment I was in charge.” 
- Ash'Arina Feralclaw
“Marrying a woman. Don’t get me wrong, she’s the love of my life. I just didn’t expect it to turn out like this, as I was always fawning over the guys as a teen.”
- Eoloran Soursea
“To actually reunite with my sister. To find out she was alive and relatively well in Suramar for all these years… Even we old ones can get surprised.”
- Sharyssa Dustshade
“Finding relatives after the barrier of Suramar went down. Mom always said noone could have survived outside of our family. I’m truly happy she was wrong.”
- Serena Brightspring
“It was already a wonder that I could love a kaldorei, let arone he feeling the same. And here we are, husband and wife, and he loves me all the same despite me becoming a cripple.”
- Brigitte Fársaw
“Befriending a mainlander. Ok, ok, he is a druid of sorts too, that helped, but I don’t trust them in general. I wonder why, but I do trust him.”- Vaela Moonbreeze
“Succeeding in becoming a demon hunter. It was my goal after I got blinded, but somewhere deep inside I was sure I would fail, especially with weapon training. Yet here I am, one of the Slayers.”
- Leanna Crowshade
“I actually admitted to someone else she’s more beautiful than me. That confession still hurts… my beauty was my life… but I will make every remaining free demon pay, espcially the imps.”
- Arlyn Zien
“Brawling was not new to me before, the number of times I did it as a kid, but it always felt a necessity.” She paused, grabbing the cold drink and gently held it against her swollen shut eye while glancing up to the questioner with her working one. “But, now I friggin’ love brawling. Especially as all patrons know to keep my smile intact. Nothing better than a good brawl, bruises or not, so long I can still sing the next day on the stage.”
- Lynesera
“I fell in love with a mortal. Me, a green dragon. Do you know how ridiculous and impossible does that sound? Yet it happened, and it seems I wasn’t even the only one.”
- Legana Al'Vera
“Attacking my eldest sister with the intent to kill. It’s her fault. First letting my twin die, then putting all the blame on me and forcing me to run. So I found a way, gained power and returned for revenge. I attacked her all right, taking one of her eyes, she took one of mine as payback. next time we meet, only one will walk away alive.”
- Alanrya Al'Vera
“After I was raisedas an undead, I thought I won’t have feelings and regrets from when I was alive. I was wrong. Worse, I didn’t interrupt the fight between my sisters. I was there, hidden from sight… and did nothing but watch.”
- Nevana Al'Vera
“I let our family fall apart. I promised mother I will always support the twins, for I am the eldest, it is my responsibility. I failed utterly.”
- Lyala
“Winning a race on three legs. I broke one of my hindlegs during the most recent demonic invasion, and the healers didn’t have the capacity as it wasn’t that serious. Still, I joined in for a small race with my fellow dryads to cheer up our moods. I actually won!”
- Laz'jea
“Da incident during da coronation of Queen Talanji. I was -still am- only an apprentice, I did what I could to be of use despite being ordered to hide. At one point my weapon broke, and I thought I’d die for sure. Yet da next blow never came. My teacher, Wardruid Loti saved me.”
- Alarastrasza/Alara Feralclaw- deceased
She’s no longer alive, but she’d say meeting Asha and having 2 beautiful duaghters with him was out of her wildest imagination, but she was really happy it happened. Even if it meant she had to give up her life to save them, she died with no regrets.
- Gerrard ‘Bastion’
“Somewhat looked down on mercenaries. Was a minor noble in Gilneas before its fall, with enough gold so even the third son like me could be tutored. Guess life has a sense of humour, however twisted. Ended up becoming a merc, changed my opinion of the profession quickly.”
- Lola Hayles
“The number of times we restarted with Gerrard… it didn’t work for long when we were together, but it became just as bad and worse when we were separate. I had almsot given up o nthe whole thing, then got kidnapped. He actually managed to track us across half of Azeroth, to Pandaria, and when he thought I was dead, he was preparing for a ‘heroic’ last stand to take as many with him as possible.” She paused, turning her head towards the direction from where the question was asked. “He is a fool, but he is my precious fool.” A small golden band was visible on her finger.
- Korhien Sunpaw
“ ‘ve an adopted sister. She was better to me than my siblings by blood. She got together with a conartist bastard. Told myself its her life, warned her, the rest wasn’t up to me. Didn’t stop me from trying to get rid of the bastard. Lucky for Sis -and so for me as well-, the prick showed his true colors. Now she’s fine.”
- Korhil Sunpaw
“I was always better at using weapons than my little brother, especially swords. Never lost to him, never thought I would. He became better than me with a bow, that i admit freely, but blades were my specialty. That is, until the day I found his injured daughter and brought her home. The fool, mad with worry, thought it was me who hurt her, called me for a duel. I thought it will be easy, just knocking some sense into him and that’s it. How wrong I was. My blade was out of my hands after the first few exchanges, his at my throat. I lost to him utterly.”
- Marcus the Bloodthirsty
“Where I go, blood flows. My sword needs it. I need it. I spare noone who gets in my way.” was what he said, but it was not the truth. Once, he spared someone.
- Niariona/Nia
Niariona should not even exist, yet she does. Result of a monstrous experiment by the Twilight Hammer, her very being is the result of brilliant but warped minds playing creators. She shoudl have been eradicated already. There were attempts, and her current wherebauts ar eunknown, but she is still alive.
// Thank you @nocturnedreaming , this was a nice challenge.
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frangipanidownunder · 4 years
3, 14, 20!
3 Do you feel more connected to the moon or the sun?
The moon is always a surprise, somehow. Clearly, she's there every night but i she never fails to make me gasp when I see her. Mysterious beauty.
14. Talk about one of your most cherished childhood memories.
My nan took us on holiday one year, me, my brother and a cousin, in a caravan on Hayling Island in the south of England. She madecus peanut butter sandwiches and spaghetti and we drank fizzy drinks and stayed up late and roamed the island. It was a hot summer and it was a magical time.
20. What is the sweetest thing someone has done for you.
When I had my first baby, a good friend bought me a bottle of Lucozade, a big bar of chocolate and a bunch of magazines. She told me everyone got things for the baby, but nobody thought about the new mother. I've carried this with me, and always buy or do something for new mums as well as the bub.
Thanks, lovely. 💜
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