#Hazel Levisque x reader
alexwritingspot · 5 months
Leo Valdez x reader
request from @beeeezmelmel for a Leo Valdez x reader
prompt 10: “I can’t sleep”
words count: 1.4k
pairing: Leo Valdez x g!n reader
A night time walk to bunker 9 leads you and your best friend, Leo Valdez, to a confession of your true feelings. Could this friendship become something more?
A/n: hi darling and thank you for requesting! I honestly had so much fun writing this one cause Leo is one of my comfort character! And I find it a really realistic thing that (I wrote the thing with the reader saying the prompt’s sentence) you would definitely find Leo awake at every hour of the night. I wrote this as an eventual friends to lovers, enjoy! 🧡 Also, I’m slowly catching up on all my requests, school is going to start soon and I have lot of test and such for the end of the period, so hope no one is disappointed if I don’t answer their requests really fast, sorry again!
Loud thunders echoing through the night had woken you up before your nightmare could. Not like your rest had been the easiest, but surely things were getting better after the war with Gaea.
You jolted up straight in the bed, catching your breath while your eyes adjusted to the dime light coming from outside. It was dark and nothing other than the moon was there to lighten up your vision. Luckily enough you hadn’t woken up any of your siblings, you already knew they would have asked too many questions about how you were feeling.
So you decided that maybe taking a breather outside would have been a good solution to calm down your mind from the recurring nightmare that plagued your sleeps. You tiptoed out of bed, almost tripping in the blankets. Careful to not make any noise you slipped on a pair of sneakers, without tying up the laces, of course, and you made your way outside of the g/p cabin.
Chilly air hit your skin as you exited from the door. Gods, now you were even shivering from the cold. You let out a soft sigh before starting to walk, making sure to go unnoticed by the harpies that flew in the sky at night, you surely didn’t want to face Mr. D’s punishments.
You didn’t really know where to go. Well, you did knew who would have been able to cheer you up, but you weren’t sure if he was still awake, or if he would have cared about your stupid nightmares. You decided nonetheless to give it a try, and as you hugged yourself tighter to shield yourself from the cold, one step after the other you started to make your way to bunker 9.
Why bunker 9? Because you were confident that if he was still up, which you suspected, then he would have been surely working on some project of his in the old bunker.
Between the wind blowing the leaves on trees, and the far sound of the thunderstorm outside of camp’s borders, you quietly made your way to the hidden building in the middle of the night.
As you arrived you silently entered through the main entrance, finding yourself in a lot more hot environment, that immediately warmed you up.
Just a little bit further there was him. Sitting at one of the many tables there was Leo, who was working on some gadget of his. Beside him there was Festus, who was laying comfortably on the ground. He was the first to spot you.
You honestly would have just stayed there at the entrance, just enjoying the scene playing in front of your eyes, but the mechanical dragon had other plans.
“Come on, why won’t you work??” Leo asked to the thing he was working on, and Festus tried to get his attention by gently blowing some air onto the boy. “Not now buddy, I’m busy, can’t you see?” Answered Leo, clearly trying to find out a solution.
So this time Festus actually nudged him to get his attention. When the child of Hephaestus still ignored him, the mechanical dragon insisted slightly more, getting Leo to finally pay him attention. “What is it, huh?” He asked as he patted the dragon’s head.
Festus brushed him off, and pointed in your direction.
You could have sworn you froze in place in that moment, completely caught off guard on what to do. “Hey…” You meekly said, the room didn’t seem as hot as before.
Leo’s eyes widened when he saw you “Y/n? Are you okay? Something happened?” He gently asked as he got up and approached you. “Y-yeah, I’m good, I just… I happened to pass by… yep…” Why did you have to say the first thing that crossed your mind?? You were pretty sure that you were a blushing mess by now.
If Leo noticed he didn’t point it out. “Passing by? In the middle of the night? Let me tell you, that would be strange even for me.” He joked, trying to lighten up the mood at least a bit. “Holy Hephaestus, y/n you’re shivering!” He then noticed, and before you could find another good enough excuse he pulled you by the wrist and made you sit on the only couch of the bunker.
“You want to see what I was working on?” He then asked you with his signature smirk as he lighted up some candles that he had laying around. You doubted those would have kept you warm, but you appreciated the gesture.
“Sure thing.” You nodded. This was the thing with Leo. He understood when you didn’t want to talk about something, and he didn’t pressure it. He’d just let you be, and if you wanted you could talk about it.
He moved to the table and picked up the thing he was working on “This buddy over here won’t let me adjust him” he said frowning as he tried once again to adjust it. You chuckled, Leo was able to ease your worries in an instant.
He plopped himself besides you and showed you the small gadget. You passed a hand over it. “What is this supposed to do?” You asked him with curiosity and he started explaining. “Well you see, I projected him because I thought it was a good idea for…” as he talked you totally zoned out, simply staring at him as he talked.
You blamed it on your ADHD, but in reality you had the biggest crush on the guy since he had arrived at camp.
“And so, even if I figured out what doesn’t work I can’t seem to adjust it” he concluded and snapped back to reality. Shit, you had missed the whole explanation.
“That sounds interesting” You simply commented as he put down the small thing and scooped closer to you. “Yeah, until you don’t have to work on it” he said with a smile.
You stayed like that for a bit, embraced by the comfortable silence until you spoke up. “How come you are still awake?” You asked him, tilting your head to be able to look him in the eyes. “I can’t sleep” he answered you truthfully. “What about you?” He the quickly added “If you want to tell me of course”
You let out a sigh “I just… I have this nightmare that has been plaguing my sleep since the war with Gaea and I needed some comfort. I didn’t want to wake my siblings up and… I assumed you would have been awake, and I came here” you concluded, looking down at your hands, unsure of what he would say next.
Instead of the negative reaction you had expected on his face appeared the biggest smirk “So you thought of me to feel safe?~” he was so smudgy about it. You just chuckled “Yeah… you could put it like that.” He smiled “Well then, I’m glad” He wrapped an arm around you “I’m here for you if you need me, that is what… friends… are for, right?” If you hadn’t been so busy feeling defeated after he had defined the two of you ‘just friends’ you would have noticed the doubt in his voice.
“Yeah… friends, you’re right” you looked away, the until now comfortable silence had quickly evolved in an uncomfortable one.
“Actually…” he moved your face gently with his hand, making sure you were looking at him “You know what y/n? I just cannot keep going on like this… I’m not really good with words, but I… I uh… I appreciate your presence and just… I found you really pretty and funny but I don’t wanna be your friend anymore” You just sat there, completely shocked. So, he didn’t care after all.
He saw your hurt look and started talking again “Wait! That didn’t come out right! I didn’t mean to say that we aren’t friends! For Hephaestus’s sake, I’m such a mess with words” He shook his head chuckling, and at that point you were terribly confused. What did he mean then?
“I just… I like you y/n. And not like- I don’t just like you. I like like you, as in more than friends and I know that you probably don’t reciprocate and this will ruin our friendship but I couldn’t just hide this anymore and-“ he was talking a bit too much for your likings.
You crushed your lips on his and expressed with that gesture all the emotions that neither of you knew how to express…
a/n: GODS, I panicked so bad, I had accidentally pressed “publish” while writing! Anyway, happy New year to all my followers, and thanks for reading! 🧡
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alexwritingspot · 5 months
Hi, I’m obsessed with Jason Grace lately, so can you do #15 when he can’t stop looking at Reader any time he has the chance and Reader just asked him why and ended up in a confession. SORRY I DON’T SPEAK ENGLISH
Too beautiful to not stare…
Pairing: Jason x gn!reader
words count: 800
prompt 15: “…why are you staring at me?”
warnings: none
A day at New Rome spent with your best friend, Jason Grace, will eventually turn out as a confession by both of you.
a/n: Hi lovely! Don’t worry, I don’t speak English either 💀 And also, loved this request, I just had so much fun writing it! Hope it was what you were hoping for, as always, enjoy! (Also, I’m deeply sorry to answer this so late 😭😭 hope you can forgive me babe 🧡)
It was a warm day. You had decided to accompany Jason to New Rome after he had told you he needed to visit camp Jupiter to show his projects about the temples. And, given the huge crush you had on the blonde boy, you used every opportunity you had to spend time with him.
You both didn’t know tho, that today the responsible people for projects like these weren’t at camp, and you had to renounce about Jason’s willingness to explain why they should build other temples, and how.
So instead you decided yo take a walk around the streets of New Rome, even stopping by to buy something to eat.
“I’m sorry about it Jason” You told him as the both of you took a seat under a beautiful gazebo, its upper part adorned by a carpet of colourful flowers.
“It’s okay, it’s not like it’s your fault” He simply answered you with a gentle smile.
“Yeah, I know, but still…”
You were really sorry for what had happened. You knew just how much Jason cared about his project and how much he wanted to onor every god around, even if it would have sounded like a crazy plan to anyone else.
Jason took a bite out of his sandwich “Really y/n, don’t worry. Besides even if I didn’t present my models at least you came with me.” He smiled again, this time a bit more genuinely.
You smiled back at him “Yeah, you’re right. At least we get to spend some time together”
You stayed in a comfortable silence for the next minute, really just enjoying your sandwiches and the view. New Rome was a spectacle.
“Do you like it here?” Then Jason suddenly asked. You turned your head to look at him, noticing that his eyes were already set on you. “Yeah, I think this place it’s amazing. As you know at camp half-blood demigods don’t really have a place to stay when they’re older, or even just- you literally have college!”
You kept on talking about why you thought New Rome was actually a clever idea, and why in your opinion camp half blood should have had something’s similar.
And he actually listened to you. That was the thing with Jason. You actually felt heard in a world where demigods couldn’t have it easy. “Sorry I just- I get too worked up” you joked with a chuckle.
“I see your point, don’t worry” he offered you a kind smile. You swore you could have melted on the spot.
You two both fell back into that comfortable silence, just enjoying the sunny day when you noticed that Jason kept staring at you. You looked at him with a small frown of confusion “…why are you staring at me?” You then started panicking “Wait, do I have something on my face? No, I know! Is an insect in my hair isn’t it? Yes it is” You ruffled your hair in attempt to get away the non-existent bug.
Jason started laughing before stopping you by gently holding your wrist and putting it back down. “Nothing like that. I just… You’re too pretty”
You stopped working in that moment. You could have sworn one of those y/n.exe stopped working appeared in your brain. “What?” Was the only reaction that you could get out of your mouth, your confused frown only deepening.
He moved a strand of your hair behind your ear. “I said you’re pretty.” He declared it as if it was no big deal. You blushed slightly, trying to hide it of course.
This didn’t go unnoticed by Jason who just chuckled back. “Getting shy, aren’t we?” He teased you, and you playfully hit his arm “Jason Grace, you can’t just tell someone something like that and after pretending that it’s the most obvious thing in the world!”
He just leaned closer to you “Y/n, do you like me?” He then asked you. This guy was a moron, but he was your moron. You ignored how fast your heart was beating at the moment and quickly cupped Jason’s face with your hands and crashed your lips against his.
He was the dumbfounded one now, he just stood there, not even kissing back. You pulled away a few seconds later “Does this answer your question?” You replied playfully. He wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you closer. He answered you with a smile plastered on his face “It does” And then he kissed you again, and you smiled in the kiss. Yep, you definitely liked this guy.
a/n: hope this met your expectations! 🧡 (Btw I’m gonna reopen requests soon)
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