#He dicho
esuemmanuel · 8 months
Cuando se tienen los ojos puestos en el alma lo mundano de la carne y lo que ésta signifique tiene nula relevancia. En otras palabras, nada que tenga que ver con tu cuerpo y tu sexualidad me importan. Yo estoy para amar lo que no se ve, y eso es el alma. Tampoco le doy interés a juegos absurdos e infantiles de gente sin una mota de dignidad o respeto, por ende, cualquier cosa que tenga que ver con chismes o dimes y diretes está fuera de mi campo de visión. Estoy aquí para enaltecer la belleza de la paz, del respeto y de la libertad no para darle atención a la basura.
When you have your eyes on your soul the mundane of the flesh and what it means is of no relevance. In other words, nothing to do with your body and your sexuality matters to me. I am for loving what is unseen, and that is the soul. I also don't care about absurd and childish games played by people without a speck of dignity or respect, therefore, anything that has to do with gossip or backbiting is out of my field of vision. I am here to exalt the beauty of peace, respect and freedom, not to pay attention to garbage.
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queen-carol · 2 years
It’s the way they’ve decided to tell the story. It’s disrespectful and incredibly insulting not only towards the audience but also towards Carol and Connie as well. As women, they deserve so much better than this. The message. The fact that they keep the little viewers they have left just waiting to see who the male protagonist will choose. It’s the fact that they have two strong female characters and decided to do this. It makes me want to vomit and I can't roll my eyes enough at this ridiculous idea. From what I’ve seen they’re teasing and playing shippers until the very end, dragging out this thing until there’s no time. I don’t want to be THAT person but even if something happens last minute and Caryl becomes canon or whatever, no one is getting a satisfying ending in this series. It takes a special talent to ruin a show like this and a pairing with so much chemistry and history until they feel like strangers. Even if something good happens last minute, it won’t change the fact that they could have done something different to keep fans engaged. Again, it’s the way they decided to tell the story. They had gold and turned it into dust. 
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nekirorgen · 2 years
Me heriste, sí, me lastimaron tus palabras tan filosas como la punta de un cuchillo. Me lastimaste para después quedarte dormida sin importar que mi emoción se desangrara. Eres ruin. Eres malvada. Tú no me amas. No te amas ni a ti misma. Sólo buscabas la cobija perfecta para abrigar tu triste soledad. Pero qué crees... Yo me voy herido amándome mientras tú, entera, seguirás tropezando con la amarga soledad, esa que no se va, sino hasta que aprendes a amarte a ti mismo.
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alasdepaloma · 1 year
A partir de ahora quien busque amarme deberá primero encontrar el gusto por leer.
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honorofword · 2 years
y'all i CANNOT with the clownery and the absolute buffoonery in mile and that poor girl's comments on their socials
like firstly, man is down with covid, it's unlikely he's seeing anyone atm and secondly the sexism in the comments,,,,,
also, why is it that people will take any opportunity to make fandom things about division?
im sorry to some of the people of twitter trying to live their kim-lock fantasy but baby, this is not some horrifying illuminati plot by vegaspete fans to get mile kicked off of the show to make way for biblebuild, it's just some people lacking basic decency
let's just be respectful.
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leukiel · 2 years
Amigos puede haber bastantes, pero sólo uno verdadero: aquel que se queda a sostenerte los pilares que se te derrumban, y hace todo a un lado para poder contenerte.
Aquél que sabe que te estás derrumbando y no hace nada... Es todo, menos amigo.
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mutsukiss · 8 months
English keeps losing bc no love name will ever be at the same level as "vida mía"
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w00fwoof · 1 year
dios mío no importa qué tan largo sea el tiempo que dejo de usar tumblr, siempre que vuelvo es como ahhhhhhh hola de nuevo safe place bello antro de internet lleno de imágenes lindas donde scrollear dos horas sin llenar mi mente de nada más que cositas que mirar y likear y rebloguear 😌🙏
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marcomontalvox · 1 year
Ya no digo te quiero, si no lo siento primero.
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esuemmanuel · 1 year
Dices que me sientes, pero, ¿qué sientes? ¿Mis letras o lo que imaginas con ellas?
— Esu Emmanuel©️, You say you feel me, but what do you feel? My letters or what you imagine with them?
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hlurz · 1 year
Mi rol en esta vida es hacer que las personas conozcan el verbo procrastinar
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balapcrdida · 2 years
ustedes perdonarán la desaparición, pero es que ya tenemos fechaaaa 💍 y no saben lo estresante que es planear todo djfj por fin entiendo a las de guerra de novias :-//
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butyourewrong · 8 months
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Me watching ant man quantumania
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CHIDI mr william jackson harper
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Reseña de ginecidio
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nekirorgen · 1 year
Dan ganas de morirse, neta...
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nad4surf · 1 year
lección de vida:
regresa a ti, reconoce tu valor, tu valentía y tu fuerza de tan simplemente estar aquí
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leukiel · 1 year
Si no te veo no existes. Y si existes aunque no te vea ya me vale verga.
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