#He has a sister too who plays a huge role šŸ‘€
kaellecappuccino Ā· 1 year
me watching people bashing j*nsa by putting Sansa down in very possible way when actually, it's the way their relationship is distorted that's delusionnal like šŸ‘€šŸ‘€
J**nsa theories are not annoying because they give Sansa too much importance, they're annoying because they completely disregard her narrative value and characterization AND Jon's as well.
Jon has so much to do and so much to learn from many other women that have and are NOTHING to do/like with Sansa : Val, Arya, Daenerys, Alys, even Melisandre. It's the way they erase the importance of those characters in his narrative that's annoying.
Sansa has not much thoughts ms for Jon, but she does have them for other male characters that played a huge role in her narrative : Sandor, Tyrion, Harry, Littlefinger, even Willas. It's also the way those relationships are ignored.
It's the way Jon is seen as this uwu boy leashed by his all powerful girl boss sister/lover, and Sansa as this political gamemaster. When he's shown over and over to be a kind, thoughtful, profoundly clever leader with insane diplomatic skills. When she's been shown to only want to be loved, and safe. When her dreams of being a queen died with Ned and have been replaced with dreams of family and a safe home.
I see lots of people hating on J*nsa uniquely by hating on Sansa, putting her down, when Jon is praised to the skies and "plz save him from that ship that wants him with this horrible bitch who sold her sister and her father to gain more power"
have we read the same books ? We've been over this. You disliking Sansa and you admitting that she did not swing Ned's head off are not exclusive statements. She's NOT a power hungry woman : she's a girl who's been raised with the idea that she was to marry someone of importance who'll take her away from her family.
When Ned says to Arya that she'll marry some rich lord and be his wife and stuff : the same goes for Sansa !
Now, if you don't like Sansa for accepting this future and not see through the mysogynistic injustice of the system the way Arya did, well that's perfectly understandable !
Saying she's genuinely ready to sacrifice her family to gain power seems strechted. As if she's was not on the verge of suicide after Ned's death. You don't need to overstrech the canon to justify your dislike of a character or of a ship, there's already plenty there and it's fine !!
Anyway. Sorry for the rant. I love all of these characters and I feel genuinely sorry for all the absurd discourse that surrounds them more and more.
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Eyyy, I'm out of my peak KanJoh brainrot atm, but Pokemon is Eternal. And yeah, Let's Go Green šŸ‘€ Best Christmas gift EVER, when I heard it was gonna be focused on the LGPE kids, I thought it was a loss, but it was in fact: the biggest WIN ever. SHE IS LITERALLY THE COOLEST!!! I CAN'T BELIEVE PEOPLE JUST SHAFT HER CHARACTER LIKE THAT?!?!? She's that player who skips an area and returns there absolutely over-leveled and SWEEPS through it RE: Nugget Bridge scene. Just oozing so much Shounen protagonist energy, like is there anything more Shounen than seeing a huge crevice in a cave and going zero hesitation, "yeah let's leap over it" AND THE CREATIVITY, THE IMPROVISING FOR FLIGHT, using Victreebel to swing over and just :D the entire time, the surf battle with Blastoise. There is a balance between her being brave and wild, in the rivalry, while still being capable of fear and concern for herself and her Pokemon, it was so reckless to run towards Blastoise when Mewtwo was launching that attack! She's fierce in battle, but knows how to calmly accept a loss too, and she's so darn cute with her mannerisms!!! In the Japanese Version Trace even calls her "nee-san" (big sister) yessss let her be their questionable almost-adult supervision, and the CHIVALRY, helping Trace in return after he helped chase away the Zubat. Running into a Gravelor and just, SLIDING ACROSS THE GROUND DRAMATICALLY, she did that more than once. I know half the fandom thinks Green and Leaf are separate characters but...Pokemon Multiverse, there's technically two different kinds of "Red" too, the black and brown haired one. And both "Green" and "Leaf" are adapted from the same prototype Kanto girl, their clothes are the same colors just reversed, Leaf's figurine merch is featured with Squirtle, Gengar, and Clefable. So to me, they are the same person in different realities! I'd be happy to talk to you more about Pokemon and KanJoh, but I'm pulling an all nighter for work and lost time to this ask already šŸ˜… Next time then, yeah?
oh my gosh i didnā€™t see this bc i was so busy with hmwrk stuff but you are so right. Warning this is a lot of rambling thoughts, but just in case a tdlr: I love green, n I just wish ppl saw n utilized her potential a lot more and better
LGPE was a big win for Leaf/Green enjoyers, and Evolutions was even a bigger win that was literally such a banger episode, iā€™ll probably rewatch it pretty soon after i post this, sheā€™s so cool and thereā€™s literally so much for Green that came from that episode.
Green in Evolutions reeks of Shounen Protag energy, And Leaf was literally a protag at one point in time. Sheā€™s tricky n resourceful. She takes the loss at the end with dignity and still being able to joke about. Sheā€™s my favourite interpretation of the Gen 1 unused Female since even when not in a true protag role they utilized her potential, sheā€™s a bit reckless but skilled, sheā€™s resourceful and strong. (ik ppl complain sheā€™s not like spe green and while she is cool it makes sense a gameverse green would be different)
I cannot see her with the same personality and exact same journey and steps as Red, But she should not be underestimated as a Champion of Kanto, Even if sheā€™s put in a rival role like Blue, she has her own strengths and her own journey. (imo if ppl see her the same as Red thatā€™s alright, they are equals, i just personally like to see her personality different)
Her personality isnā€™t set in stone since it keeps changing per universe but she has so much potential. I love Green/Leaf for that, not enough people utilize it. Maybe sheā€™s extremely lucky, maybe she plays into the more resourceful side of pokĆ©mon battling and traveling, maybe sheā€™s a avid grinder/trainer, sheā€™s the worst mentor u can find, from just the little snippets of her personality we get thereā€™s a lot to know and wonder who she really is and who she can be.
While iā€™m mainly talking about her as a separate character, she can also blend well with the Kanto Trio in the original story as a third parallel and rival on the journey
(I do get where ppl come from when sheā€™s the glue, esp bc of masters, but i personally dislike it a lot I believe Greens/Leafā€™s journey would have rises and falls like Red and Blueā€™s. I feel like she learns and grows from mistakes and victories along side them.)
i get a bit upset when she ends up pushed to the side, Masters she didnā€™t appear at all in the villain arc, even though in the PML arc she brought the three together, her story is rarely talked about, and sometimes it feels like her only purpose in masters is fill the empty slot which is rlly unfortunate, bc in Victory Road some of the potential for a pretty good Kanto Trio Dynamic shines through. (My sillies) (Unrelated but i adore the Battle Leaf/Red/Blue theme so much)
Iā€™ve seen some Fandom do this too, They boil her down to ā€œWingwomenā€ or the ā€œGlueā€ when she is and can be so much more, plus these labels make her feel isolated from the group as a whole. (Idk how to explain but imo it does)
She can be a Champion or a Rival (Red can be a rival too when sheā€™s protag you guys are just cowards) She can have personality, the story doesnā€™t have to stay intact, Green/Leaf can complete a missing part in said story. I just hope eventually people start utilizing her potential
Idk if iā€™m making any sense sorry, but I could ramble so much more on Green/Leafā€™s potential (I wrote a 3000 word essay on her thatā€™s prob better then this post but would need to be revised more if i ever put here) and i could ramble about Kanto trio and their dynamics for a while too. I hope eventually i can get my interpretation of her and her journey (+hcā€™s) down eventually.
(I like to combine the universes/interpretations of Leaf/Green (N Gold/Ethan and Red/Fire) for convenience, but i do think they are separate universes/interpretations but same character. (except kris and lyra, they both exist and they are best friends))
(stan LGPE/Evolutions Green)
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hopeaterart Ā· 1 year
Interested in the other Hamato clan members šŸ‘€ Also, aw on the idea for Tokka and Rahzar. Itā€™s nice how everyone in FHC has loved ones theyā€™re looking out for, even the villains ^_^
Love plays a role for EVERYONE in FHC, and the one person for who it doesn't (Hun) is a huge loser.
As for the new members:
Ouma: One of Habiki's nephew, Ichiro's son. A history teacher at a high school who's in the middle of a nasty divorce and custody battle. Too exhausted by said divorce to really pay attention at what's going on at the reunion, thus doesn't mind Karai and is just glad to know that his cousins are still alive. His power is healing, uses it as first aid and to help with his bad leg.
Katsuchi: One of Karai's cousins, does martial arts competitively. Reserved and quiet, usually defers to Habiki with no question or problems. Quite prideful, but is able to keep it under wraps. He doesn't like Karai, but she's able to win his respect. His power is barriers, uses it to generate armor.
Yori: One of Karai's cousins, studying to become a social worker against her family's wishes. Quite kind and timid, she was more worried for Karai than anything. Katsuchi's younger twin sister. In a lesbian polycule. Her power is healing, but she's only recently awakened to it.
Kizuki: Ouma's two years old son. Widdle baby man. Very cheerful and friendly child, immediately took a liking to Karai. Understandably hasn't awakened to his powers yet.
Kaori: One of Habiki's nephews. Works as an assassin, both professionally and for the Clan. Disturbingly cheerful in spite of that, but he is also an alchoolic, so who knows. Wary of Karai, but he makes an effort to be nice. Power is teleportation, uses it for escapes.
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circa-specturgia Ā· 2 years
It's Blorbo BLURSDAY.
(SORRY I didn't send any WBW this week, the new blog has me WORKIN so you get blorbo Blursday instead šŸ¤£!)
Tell me more about one of your characters! Was there a side character that slowly became a main character? Perhaps the more you thought about them, the more you wanted to explore them in the world? If not then one character that you haven't thought much about recently but know will play a huge role? šŸ‘€
@bloodlessheirbyjacques (: āœØā¤ļø
Happy Blorbo Blursday!!! (Iā€™m surprised that we didnā€™t have an OC-dedicated day yet, to be entirely honest, with how established TSS and WBW are! So Iā€™m glad weā€™ve finally got one!)
Thank you for the ask @bloodlessheirbyjacques Iā€™ll try and answer all the questions best I can! āœØ
Was there a side character that slowly became a main character? Perhaps the more you thought about them the more you wanted to explore them in your world?
I donā€™t recall any character who started off as side characters, though I admit the line of side character/supporting character/main character is a bit fuzzy for me as Iā€™ve changed my thoughts on narration several times, and hope to explore each character more in depth than simply through the eyes of the ā€œprotagonistā€, so I canā€™t say Iā€™ve had any characters like that, though I do have two things that I can mention!
One is a character that, as opposed to the others, was a newer addition, still a very old idea but maybe added a year after the first group, whom Iā€™ll talk about in he next question, and the second would be a character which I initially liked but ended up scrapping after a while and recycling some parts into a new character. They were a shapeshifting water bender type, with a very loud disposition, though I canā€™t recall any more details as my notes from then are totally lost when I lost my notes document from that time.
If not then one character you havenā€™t thought about recently but know will play a huge role?
One of the main cast, a character I mentioned in an earlier post and the one I mentioned above as a (technically?) newer addition would be Tamara Mkaroti Leonhardt-Arrentio. (If that middle name is in any way familiar from a previous post, youā€™re right, and Iā€™ll get to that!)
I admit the details of how I came up with her are fuzzy in my head, as with most of the main cast, which have been seriously changed but originally created a LONG time ago.
Sheā€™s the older sister of Alix, daughter of the current king of AhƦtiem, Ivo Leonhardt-Arrentio, and one of the brightest minds (adding an ā€˜of her generationā€™ to that statement would be a disservice as sheā€™s plenty smarter than lots of people from generations before her too).
She decided not to inherit the throne out of preference, with that duty falling to her younger sibling, Alix, not particularly being one to enjoy people, gatherings, or politics, and much more enjoying tinkering and drawing designs of mechanisms, even from an early age, taking apart any small toy or trinket she could get her hands on, laying out the parts, sketching them, and putting them back together, sometimes attempting to combine them into new arrangements.
Upon completing studies at the schools and with tutors, she decided to travel, and learn more, picking up forge-work, blacksmithing, metalworking, and several other crafts, including those of engineering. In her travels she also learned of the achievements of Vayana Mkaroti, the Weavemother, progenitor of Weaving, and took up her name as her own middlename, as is AhƦtieman custom to honor those whom works or deeds inspire a person.
Since then, sheā€™s studied Mkarotiā€™s works, as well as those of scholars who came after her, and found a niche in the two areas: Specturgic Technology! Atzwerter engines, Aurecim engines, ways to apply matrixes into mechanical machines, all this is her lifeblood, constantly having new ideas and sketching them out, or working on a model, or proof-of-concept.
I admit I donā€™t have many exact ideas on her position in the plot as Iā€™m reworking it currently as have only maybe 1/3 of the first part concrete, but I do know sheā€™ll have a killer rifle she designed and constructed herself, engraved on her own as well. Oh, and with custom bullets of catalytic metals, and imbued with particular strings giving them unique capabilities. Aka, fire, ice, wind, ā€œheavyā€ bullets, all possible.
Hope this answered some of your thoughts! āœØ
Taglist! āœØ @bloodlessheirbyjacques @magefaery @athenswrites @writingonesdreams Let me know if you want to be added! āœØ
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