#He is such a clotpole ๐Ÿ˜…
i-swear-to-merlin ยท 1 year
I thought of an art for u! Merlin lovingly brushing Arthur's hair out of his face while arthur blushes/smiles! It would be so cute I might make it my phone background
"Art of Merlin brushing Arthur's hair out of his eyes while arthur smiles and blushes would be super cute ๐Ÿฅฐ๐Ÿฅฐ"
@sunnylittlebisexual (hot guess you are the anon as well ๐Ÿ˜, thanks for the prompt! Its not exactly what it was supposed to be but oh well! ;D)
As always, best to click and zoom cuz my camera is an ass (shamelessly making up excuses for my shitty art lol)
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@maryluis (tagging you because i just want to tell you your flustered arthur are the best thing ever, you know, when he is drowing in hearts? Anyone looking for a blushing flustered in love arthur should definetly see that)
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