#He overthink at nights why Mac is observing him
nekohime19 · 5 months
Mini Mac #5 : lil guy observation log
Mini Mac chap 5 already, Macaque thinks he's sneaky this chap, it backfires.
Sun Wukong was definitely one of the weirdest individuals Macaque ever met. If at first the black-furred monkey wasn't really interested in the Monkey King, only tolerating his presence and having fun at his expense, he found himself being intrigued by a number of things after spending some time with him. He told himself he was only researching this matter because Sun Wukong had settled in his house and didn't seem ready to leave anytime soon. As the proverb said, if you know the enemy and know yourself you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. He forgot who pronounced those words but it surely came from a wise place.
Thus, Macaque began to follow the sage around. Of course, the black-furred monkey never stepped outside of the water - curtain cave and, because winter was still ongoing, he was reluctant to leave the safety of the mansion walls. He hid in the shadows and silently observed the sage as he interacted with the outside world. He was peeking over the basket put on the living room's table, eyes following the sage's figure as he groomed some of his subjects. Sun Wukong had always struck him as someone brutish. The numerous tales spreading about his feats always depicted him as an arrogant power-driven beast or a brash rising star. People outside of the mountain either feared him or admired him. It was quite surprising to see him being so delicate. His fingers weaved around the strands with great care, flowing like the course of a river, removing bugs and twigs. The monkey seated on his lap was one of the youngest, squirming around his fingers with high pitched giggles. He looked quite slippery, yet the King managed to keep him still, distracting him with his tail.
Once the youngling was properly groomed he escaped the sage hold and jumped on one of his friends waiting in the inner garden. Both cubs stumbled in the garden and chased one another throughout the house. Sun Wukong huffed, probably amused by their games, eyes softened by fondness.
Sun Wukong was close to his people. This was something Macaque learned quite early on in his observation of the great sage. Contrary to many other rulers the black-furred monkey knew of, the sage lived as his people. They shared tables and beds, manners and riches, of course the King still viewed himself as somewhat greater than his people (or perhaps it would be more accurate to say he viewed himself as the most powerful being within his troop, which wasn't untrue) but he never looked down on them. The monkeys honored him, and in return the sage protected them, beyond this simple fact they acted like family.
It was odd, yet it suited the great sage, thought Macaque. He didn't seem like one to be fond of complicated political relationships. Yet, contrary to what many could think, this simplessness of mind was in no cases proof of foolishness. Despite liking a simple way of living and a more direct approach when it came to warfare, the sage was sharp-minded. Macaque never followed him outside, but the wind brought echoes of his battles and the way he carried himself on the battlefield. Sun Wukong was by no means a fool, even if he often acted the part. He could manage a kingdom with a complicated hierarchical system and a tendency for trickery, he simply chose not to.
Sun Wukong turned towards the basket, the one Macaque was hiding behind, and leaned over it to pick up the roundest peaches. The black-furred monkey crouched down and slipped in the basket’s shadow to remain unseen. The sage didn't seem to notice him, or if he did he gave no hints of it. He brought one peach to his mouth and bit the pinkish skin eagerly, tail swaying contently behind him. This was the other thing Macaque quickly learned about the sage, he was greedy, in particular for peaches. He liked to indulge himself and could somehow eat dozens of peaches without even breathing. Macaque had been half-disgusted, half-amazed to see him devour his entire pantry (consisting of more than thirty peaches) after one particularly drunken night. But the sage greed wasn't limited to peaches, it expanded beyond that. Sun Wukong seeked strength and, most of all, acknowledgement. Macaque could see it in the way the sage paraded before his so-called sworn-brothers, the echoes of their nights often traveled far and wide on the mountain. Macaque didn't truly understand this want, for contrary to the sage he wanted nothing to do with other people, but he guessed it was because he was used to living alone, the sage however was not.
Macaque decided that he did enough observing for one day, he didn't want to get caught after all, it would be quite embarrassing. The black-furred monkey turned around, ready to dive in the basket’s shadows and travel through the dark, he stilled however when he felt a pair of eyes on him. Macaque looked up and narrowed his eyes at the cub hanging on the table's edges. The fuzzy lil thing was barely hanging on the table, cheeks squished by the rims, eyes wide and filled with childish wonder. The youngling blabbered in this messy language only understood by youngsters. Macaque recognized one chirp, “Ghost!” and he sighed. When he first came on Flower Fruit Mountain he scared a group of younglings with some shadowy tricks (in his defense they were horribly loud and brash). Since then a rumor went around the younglings, something about a ghost in the shape of a monkey haunting the mountain. Of course, the adults didn't take it seriously, and Macaque had thought the rumor died down with the passing years.
It was at the same time flattering and bothering to learn the rumor subsisted within the younger generations.
The back-furred monkey puffed out his chest and tried to be intimidating, he weaved some shadows around his face to look more menacing, hoping this would be enough to scare the fuzzy lil thing. The youngling giggled and clapped, chubby arms stretched towards him in hope of grabbing him. Macaque groaned and escaped the tiny chubby paws of the cub, not willing to be grabbed.
“Don't grab him Yue, he's gonna bite you.” Macaque flinched at the voice, he glanced upward and groaned when he crossed gaze with the sage. Sun Wukong took the lil Yue and let her latch on his chest, she giggled, always happy to see her king, and began to chew on her fingers.
“I was just passing by.” Mumbled the macaque, the tip of his ears reddening in embarrassment.
“Huh huh, so that's why you've been following me around for the past few days?” Chuckled Sun Wukong with a smirk etched on his lips.
“I was just… observing.” It was no use denying it now, he underestimated how keen the sage's eyes were.
“I see, so we're your observations any good?” Macaque raised one eyebrow at the King's odd skittish tone, when he glanced at him he found the sage looking at him with something akin to hope in his eyes.
“I learned some surprising things.” Was Macaque only answer, the sage tail lowered a little in defeat but he quickly brushed his sombering mood away, muttering about how he could work with that and how it wasn't outrightly negative.
“You never leave the water-curtain, do you?” Asked the King after a few seconds of silence.
“No.” Carefully replied the macaque.
“That's a shame, there are so many pretty sights outside!”
“It's dangerous.”
“Well…maybe I can be with you when you're outside? Y-you know I'm quite powerful and I'm the King so I'm friends with the tigers, the dragons, the foxes and the phoenixes and everyone, really.” Sun Wukong seemed oddly nervous, one of his hands played with lil Yue chubby paws, probably to distract himself.
“I'm not interested.”
“Really? You're not curious about the sky? There is no sky in the cave. Or the hills, the sun, the moon?” Macaque flinched at the moon mention, some deeper part of him crying in longing, he threw a tentative glance at the sage and muttered :
“The moon sounds nice…”
“I can take you to see it! I know many spots and all!” Beamed the sage, tail wagging behind him.
“I…I'll come back to you if I change my mind.”
“Yes, of course! I'll always be glad to take you there!”
Sun Wukong was definitely one of the weirdest individuals he met but it wasn't necessarily a bad kind of weird, thought Macaque as he slipped in the shadows, a small smile blooming on the edge of his lips.
++ always more memes
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Not like other people (Sherlock x Reader)
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Chapter Two: Where am I?
Chapter Three: A coincidence?
“I spoke to Samuels from the funeral home.” Molly rushed back in, her ponytail flying everywhere. “He came in this morning to signed transfer papers and since everything looked all right, he took the Porters with him- They were cremated two hours ago-”
“The login data, Molly.” Sherlock was getting more impatient by the second. For all they knew (Y/N) was kidnapped hours ago and with every passing minute the chances of finding her alive diminished.
Reaching over and taking the card from Molly’s hands Sherlock sped over to (Y/N)’s computer. Typing in her username and password he opened her first voice recording from the night before. Turning up the volume of the speakers he bent forward. Slowly the room was filled with the sound of her voice.
“Dr. (Y/L/N), performing an autopsy on Mr. Daniel Porter. According to the first investigator at the scene, Mr. Porter and his wife Sarah were found shot to death at their flat in Chiswick after both of them didn't show up at work on Tuesday. Lestrade’s forensic-”, her voice turned mocking. “Anderson states it was an ‘extended suicide’… That idiot wouldn't even know it if it jumped in his face.” Sherlock snorted in agreement. “Just because both were found shot and the weapon of crime’s in his hand doesn’t mean it was the husband.”
(Y/N) was probably the only other person that flat out hated the forensic scientist just as much as Sherlock, which was only one of the many reasons they got along so well.
Deeply sighing, (Y/N) went on. “Tell me Daniel, is that idiot right? Did you really kill your wife? I’m going to find out what really happened and rub it in that idiot’s face-”
It’s been 20 minutes since Sherlock started the record. Molly’s been taking notes just in case, but so far there was nothing that could help them find their friend. Sherlock though was hanging on every word (Y/N) said - storing away every piece of information.
John was starting to worry. He had faith that Sherlock would find (Y/N), but the thoughts of ‘what if’ were starting to get to him. He filled Lestrade in on (Y/N)’s disappearance right away to which the DI rushed to the funeral home to take the testimony of Samuels and to check the transfer papers, saying he would come by right after. But so far nothing-
“...hm, that’s weird…” They heard background noise as (Y/N) was moving the voice recorder over the metal table. “...it looks like you were left-handed, huh, Daniel? So why would you use your right hand to kill your wife but your left to kill yourself?”
That was a good question. Sherlock tried to remember ever hearing about a similar case, but came up blank. This case was getting better and better. If his friend's life wasn't at stake, he'd even enjoy it. Who was he kidding? He was enjoying it.
“What’s this? There’s blood behind his left earlobe. And also on the left side of his neck, like dripping at a 90 degree angle - which is physically impossible.” (Y/N) hummed lost in thought. “Call it a hunch, but I suspect it's from his wife.”
Sherlock frowned. He trusted her observation, and without a body it was all they had. But if the ‘perpetrator’ really had blood from his ‘victim’ drop at a 90 degree angle on his neck- which was not possible if she died first- His thoughts raced with the speed of light.
“Was there a lab report on the blood?”, he asked Molly, hands folded under his chin.
“No-” Molly shook her head in defeat. She felt guilty about not staying with (Y/N) - if she had stayed, the pathologist wouldn't have been kidnapped. (Y/N) was always willing to lend a hand or a sympathetic ear and always had time for Molly - to which she was very grateful. And not being able to help find her-
“Stop overthinking, Molly. It’s not your fault and would have happened even if you had been here.” Sherlock interrupted her troubled thoughts.
Meanwhile, (Y/N) was finishing up the autopsy until-.
“The hell-” Sherlock snapped his eyes up.
“Is this a puncture wound?” They heard some shuffling and a zipper hissing, then a confused ‘what the-’ before the steps came closer again. “BOTH- both Porters have puncture marks from a syringe in their necks so small I would have missed if not for Sherlock’s ‘lectures’. That guy talked my ear off last time I had a junkie on the table.” She mumbled the last part.
Sherlock rolled his eyes. He only stated facts he was sure she didn’t know while she was hanging on every word coming from his mouth, writing down every piece of new information. She always lit up like a Christmas tree when he told her new interesting facts, which in turn made him smile.
Meanwhile, (Y/N)'s voice turned sugar-sweet. “Thank you, Sherlock. I’ve been working in New York for 5 years, but I never knew what ‘puncture marks’ look like. You’re so smart.” 
Lowering her voice a few octaves she cleared her throat sounding more like a man now. “You’re welcome, (Y/N). Most people are idiots, but you’re less stupid.” 
John snorted. She was getting better at impersonifying Sherlock, which she did when she was annoyed or distressed. 
”Dear God, what's it like in your funny little brains? It must be so boring.” The last word drowned in her laughter.
Once her laughter died down she sighed, tapping her fingernails across the metal table. “Thinking about it- the whole thing rings some bells… Maybe I should ask Mac, why this all seems so familiar-”
Wait, what did she say about… Sherlock was fast-forwarding all his conversations with (Y/N) since she returned to London, until he remembered the one he was searching for. Checking her emails he jumped up in euphoria. “Yes!”
“Did you find anything?” John eyed his friend hopefully.
“Yes. The name ‘Mac’ was ringing some bells. So I checked my mind palace and remembered (Y/N) talking about some Mac fella she was working with in New York. Knowing (Y/N), she wouldn’t wait and get in contact with him right away… So I checked her emails and found this report on an extended suicide from 2 years ago. A short scan confirmed my suspicion.“ He stated matter of factly. Taking a deep breath- more for effect- he grinned. “It’s the same case… down to the blood on his neck. The only difference: the puncture marks in their necks.”
“Maybe it’s a coincidence?”
“A coincidence where some guy kills his wife getting her blood drop on his neck at a 90 degree angle, and then shoots himself? The universe is rarely so lazy.”
Chapter Four: See what you made me do?
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emblem-333 · 5 years
What-If Triple H Turned Face in 2001???
Turning a wrestler from face to heel is a risky proposition. Especially if the talent is already popular. Look at Bayley. Even in her dog days the lovable hugger still endeared herself to the demographic (children) her persona was meant to appeal to. Since September she’s been a heel, made some kids cry and hasn’t done anything significant in her new role other than winning the title against Charlotte Flair three-months ago, and is likely to lose it to Lacey Evans in the upcoming months.
Sometimes changing the character of someone is an absolute necessary. The Rock, prior to 1997, wasn’t getting over as a white meat babyface. Rock saw his push halted thanks to fans chanting “Die Rocky Die” on a weekly basis. With his career in dire straights, Bruce Pritchard convinced Vince McMahon to put Rock in The Nation of Domination. A black nationalist group heel faction lead by Ron Simmons, known in the WWF as Farooq.
Under the umbrella of NoD Rock’s mic skills flourished and he quickly outshined his stablemates, eventually overthrowing Farooq as leader and proceeded to feud with D-Generation X. By 1999, the Rock was over to the point it was time for him to return to singles action. If Rock had never turned he likely never reaches the heights of stardom he currently enjoys.
Before WrestleMania X-7, the WWF couldn’t have dreamt to be in a better position. Their rival company World Championship Wrestling was bought out by Vinnie Mac himself. The XFL began its first and only season two months prior. The world was Mr. McMahon’s oyster.
The world anticipated The Rock vs Steve Austin title match. The first time since WrestleMania XII (Bret Hart vs HBK) that two faces would main event a WrestleMania. The table was set for Austin to regain the title after having it snatched away from him in 2000 when Rikishi ran him over with a car for Triple H, forcing Austin out of action for a year. In reality, Austin badly needed time off for neck surgery. The source of Austin’s neck problems stretches back to 1997, Owen Hart botched a piledriver and nearly broke Austin’s spine in the process.
Despite the two being good guys, Austin was sure to receive the biggest pop because the match was taking place in his hometown of Houston, Texas inside the Astrodome. This had the makings for a Cinderella tale. All the WWF needed to do was not overthink it.
They over thought it.
Possibly, it wasn’t even their fault. Austin expressed dissatisfaction with his character and worry fans were souring on his anti-hero schtick. Of course this is all unfounded paranoia on the part of Austin. His merchandise was flying off the shelves and showed no signs of stopping. Fans are hard to peg. One night they are responsive, the next they are catatonic. That doesn’t stop the WWE from shoving talent we don’t want down our throats.
Regardless, Austin lobbied to Vince to turn heel and ally himself with the big bad Mr. McMahon. Since Rock was leaving to film ‘The Scorpion King’ Austin could start his title reign as a monster heel. Worried fans wouldn’t jeer him, he requested to partner with Triple H, who talent planned to turn Babyface after The Undertaker humbled the brash, brutal bastard at ‘Mania.
HHH was in the middle of transitioning from his run as the punk jock who married into a rich family and began running his father-in-laws business through his daughter. From 1999 to 2001, HHH with his wife Stephenie by his side ruled the wrestling world. Retiring Mick Foley, walking out of WrestleMania XVI champion (the first heel to do so), and winning the title four times before 2001. Gaining wins over The Rock, Stone Cold, and the aforementioned Foley.
2001 was gearing up to be a banner year for Hunter. Though no longer the champion, he was sure to be cheered since fans became so invested in him as the prick who wormed his way into a family dynasty. Since Austin was now a heel the WWF could use a heavy hitter in the face department to challenge him every step of the way. Potentially, this could have been the only time Stephenie was a Babyface and not have it be forced, contrived trite.
Instead, Hunter helped Austin retain the title against The Rock in a rematch the night after ‘Mania. Despite HHH and McMahon clashing backstage during Raw. This is probably when the “Fuck The Fans” era began in the WWF and has been going on ever since. Stringing them along before swerving them and giving them something they are sure to hate.
Austin and WWE creative seemed preoccupied with getting the point across the audience is supposed to boo the Texas Rattlesnake. Austin would brutalize real life good friend and fan favorite Jim Ross, then assault Lita in concert with Triple H. Still, fans persisted and rejected this version of Austin.
Let’s take one second to observe how paranoid Austin was fans were turning on him, how he felt a heel turn was needed to keep things fresh. So he turns does every cheap trick in the wrestling handbook to achieve their hatred and is still universally loved.
Why the Austin heel turned failed was simply because it should have never happened in the first place. And there wasn’t a face able to chase Austin for the title. The Power Trip stable proved too powerful for their own good and zapped any interest fans could have had.
So what if creative stuck to their original plan HHH?? Tough to say. HHH would go down to a torn quadricep two months later and would miss the rest of 2001. But if HHH managed to remain healthy he and Austin could have feuded until Summerslam, at least until Rock came back and when the nWo crashed the WWF. Maybe Austin is in the nWo rather than their rival. Maybe Jericho walks out of WrestleMania X-8 still the undisputed champ?
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