#He's an idiot and a disaster and his failure rate is ridiculous
kuzann · 1 year
Reasons I have a hard time taking canon Vlad 100% seriously:
His nemesis is a freaking 14 year old this is self-explanatory
Keeps getting beaten/outsmarted by a gaggle of teens
Blew up his own house because he couldn't be bothered to do general maintenance on a piece of very valuable and potentially explosive lab equipment
Got bodied by Jack that one time and decided to never fight him again, Jack is canonically 1-0 in a direct 1v1 fight against Plasmius and that is too funny
Gets bodied by his own idiot schemes
Somehow couldn't figure out how to hire a hitman to take out the guy he's hated for years and sends the one thing Jack is supposed to be good at fighting to do the job instead. Are you trying to fail, Vlad?
Got eaten by a monster that one time. Embarrassing.
Did not do his homework when it came to how strong a ghost was at least twice and endangered the entire world and Ghost Zone because of this
In the bad timeline he caused the apocalypse because he is that bad at parenting and somehow didn't think to just send the kid to therapy and grief counseling instead of jumping straight to the mad scientist shit
There's probably more but these are the ones I can think of at the moment. Like he's absolutely done horrible things, no question about it, but then I remember the above and I'm just. All I can do is laugh.
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redbirb · 2 years
kiri got cake (bakugo birthday special)
Fandom: BNHA | MHA Pairing: BKKR | Bakugo/Kirishima Rated T: SFW w/ undertones of intimacy, Bakusquad Shenanigans / Supportive Bakusquad
Eijiro knew his boyfriend didn’t like big parties.
What his boyfriend did like was attention and cake. Ei could give attention tenfold, but baking was a different kind of beast to tame.
“This is a disaster,” he bemoaned. Maybe enlisting his friends for help was a bad idea.
“We can salvage this,” Denki remained positive as he attempted to glue the cake back together with frosting like a deranged dessert doctor.
Mina sighed, taking a selfie and typing sadly on her phone. “Hashtag baking failures with the besties.”
Eijiro groans again, face in his hands. He’s pretty sure there is chocolate in his hair and he’s sitting on a mixing spoon. The kitchen is a war zone of burnt chocolate and fondant.
“Well, since the Battle of Rainbow Sprinkles is done, maybe we should finally call Sato,” suggested Sero.
“It’s too late for that! Katsuki is gonna be home any minute now—”
The sound of the front door opening and closing sealed their doom. Jingling keys and boot stomps got closer until a blonde and tall figure stood in the kitchen entryway. Katsuki looked around in that typical unimpressed fashion of his, noting the mess they’d created.
“What the flying fuck were you four idiots trying to do?”
Denki raised his hands in a ‘don’t hurt me’ gesture. “Uh, making you a birthday cake?”
Eijiro didn’t pick his head up from his hands, he didn’t want to see the disappointment and annoyance on his boyfriend’s face. Silence often predated an outburst.
A harsh bark of laughter startled him, looking up to see Katsuki doubled over, hands on his knees and cackling of all things.
“Oh my god, I think we broke him. We broke your boyfriend on his birthday. Ei baby, I’m so sorry.”
“Shut up, Pinky,” Katsuki wheezed, straightening up with a hand on his belly. “You’re all fucking ridiculous and lucky I’m in a good fucking mood.”
Denki fake gasped, hand clutched over his heart. “Call the local news station because the great hero Dynamight is actually not mad? Why do I feel like I’m going to get hit either way.”
A clearing throat,” You’ll get my fist if you don’t leave with Stooge One and Two. As funny as this is, Ei and I have some cleaning up to do.”
Sero’s eyes widened. “Oh dude, we’ll help! We did like… eighty percent of this anyway.”
Hitching a thumb over his shoulder, Katsuki repeated his order. Eijiro glumly watched his friends wave a sad goodbye, leaving him to deal with the aftermath alone. He was half-surprised his friends got away freely, but was ready to take whatever punishment he’d earned for the disastrous state of the kitchen.
After hearing the front door closing again, Katsuki leveled him with a scorching stare. Goosebumps pebbled along his arms, a familiar heat bubbling.
“I’m sorry,” he hurriedly says,” I thought I could do it, I just couldn’t get the batter right at first—”
He was interrupted when Katsuki stepped close and slowly reached into a red mane of hair. “Is that a chocolate chip in your hair? You really are hopeless in the kitchen, huh?”
Ei pouted and threw up his arms, exasperated. “I wanted to make you a special birthday cake!”
A snort, fingers carefully getting as much dessert debris from red hair as could be managed without the use of hot water or a shower. “I don’t need a special birthday cake. I already have a special someone.”
Heart swelling, Eijiro lost his pout to a smile. “I want you to feel special. I really love you.”
Katsuki clucked his tongue, but his lips were smiling too, even if he looked a little embarrassed and shy at the declaration. “I love you too. But you didn’t need to make a fucking mess.”
Although the baking was a failure, cleaning up was still a little fun. They took a break to eat some leftover chocolate chips, turned on the radio to hum together as Eijiro swept the floor and Katsuki wiped the counter. It’s their brand of quiet and comfortable, that sweet kind of domesticity that Eijiro has come to love so dearly.
As they’re finishing up the dishes, Katsuki reaches over to place the last plate in the dishwasher. It’s the perfect vantage point for Eijiro to swoop in, lips pressing firmly against an unprotected cheek. The kiss is quick yet meaningful, he’d poured as much affection into it as he could.
“Even after all these years, you still manage to surprise me, Ei.” Katsuki looks at him fondly. “I know you wanted to do something nice, but I like this, I like having you.”
A sappy comeback couldn’t make it out of Eijiro’s mouth since a strong hand pushed him to turn around. That same hand moves quickly, a yelp resulting from a hard slap to his ass. Katsuki’s lips are at his ear,” Now get my cake to the bedroom. I have four hours before the day ends.”
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baneismydragon · 7 years
The not so secret diary of Gabriel Agreste
Because I needed some crack in my life. This is a gift for @geek-fashionista who requested my joke idea become a fic. 
And because writing ridiculous Gabe content cheers me up and I needed a good pick me up. (Hopefully this will get me back in the mood to finish the next chapter of Cut from the Same cloth. If nothing else it felt good to really sit down and write again.) 
Anyways- enjoy. 
The not so secret diary of Gabriel Agreste
(Edited and catalogued by Nathalie Sancoeur)
March 18th
So apparently driving 4 employees to a nervous breakdown in the span of 2 weeks is a problem to my board of directors. They claim it’s ‘not good for the company’. Also, apparently, backhanding one of them during the meeting for suggesting I ‘take a leave of absence to deal with the loss of your wife’ counts as assault.
To avoid charges, and more importantly a forced sabbatical, I have agreed to see a therapist. Hence this ridiculous writing exercise.  Oh well. At least it is only one wasted hour a week as opposed to several months of sitting in my house, watching them drive my company into the ground with their ineptitude.
March 25th-
My therapist says that I have a problem.
Of course I have a problem! My wife is missing. Honestly, I have to pay this man?
He says that I need to be ‘focused on healing and rebuilding a new sense of normalcy instead of lashing out at the people around me.’
Well perhaps if the people around me weren’t so incompetent I wouldn’t need to lash out so much.
Nathalie- does it count as attending my therapy sessions if I send a proxy in my place? Please investigate.
March 30th-
My therapist has informed me that I am developing an obsession, and that he is concerned that the loss of my wife and my need to get her back is driving me to an unhealthy dissociative state.
Well maybe that’s why it is so important that I get her back. Did you ever think of that? Then I won’t need to waste my time adjusting to my new circumstances, because everything can just go back to the way it was. It’s really not that complicated. For someone whose job it is to ‘help me cope with my grief’ he is quite the pessimist. He keeps insisting we discuss the possibility of if she never comes back. Thank God these sessions are only an hour long, I don’t need to get charged with assault again.
April 1st-
I told my therapist that his advice was working and that I have completely seen the error of my ways.
And Nathalie says I have a terrible sense of humor.
The crushed look on his face when I pointed out the date was priceless.
Nathalie- make sure we are having fish for dinner, Adrien will appreciate the humor even if you don’t.
April 9th-
I had the portrait artist come in today so that we could replace the family portrait at the top of the staircase. I pre-selected our mourning ensembles and Adrien was miserable the whole time. The artist asked me if he should take some artistic licence with our expressions. I asked him if he valued his commission. The finished work was a perfect testament to the state of misery in this house. Hopefully this will serve as an adequate reminder to anyone who thinks it’s acceptable to attempt to inform me that ‘things are never as bad as they seem.’
My therapist says this is yet another sign of my increased megalomania. I think that it isn’t my fault that more people don’t have the resources to afford appropriate decor for their homes based on the emotional environment. Given what I am having to pay out for these worthless sessions I wouldn’t be surprised if he has a half dozen portraits of his own scattered around some poorly decorated eyesore he calls a home.
Nathalie- please arrange for some new backlighting for the updated portrait. Either some cool blue tones or perhaps some purple.
April 14th-
Today my therapy session consisted of discussing my childhood. On the bright side I sketched out two new designs while I tuned out his prattle.
Nathalie- you owe me 20 Euro. I told you it would take less than a month for him to try the Freudian approach.
April 21st-
Yesterday was the runway launch of the new Spring line. Not some of my best work to be honest but still a far sight better than anything else released this season. Maybe the Italians will give me some competition this year at least.
One of the reporters asked if the line was being dedicated to my ‘late wife’. I ask him if he was going to dedicate this interview to his soon to be late career?
Of course Adrien heard the whole thing and has been in a mood ever since, although he didn’t let it affect his performance. Even as a child, he is more professional than a fair percentage of my staff. I am prodigiously proud of him. Now if only he would stop being so emotional. It isn’t good for him. He spent the entire morning and afternoon holed up in his room listening to angst ridden J-pop and ordering mint fudge ice cream from the kitchen staff.
My therapist says that I need to be making an effort to empathize with his grief instead of fixating on my own, and compensate more in my new role as a single parent.
Clearly the stress of this show has addled my brain because I stupidly attempted to follow his advice.
After a pre-scheduled family dinner I patted Adrien on the shoulder and told him that I promises that things will get better.
He stared at me for a few seconds like I had grown a second head, before hugging onto me like a barnacle and bursting into tears.
I managed to send my own child into hysterics.
This is the sort of disaster that comes from listening to the advice of idiots.
April 22nd-
Adrien seems to have recovered from last night’s meltdown rather admirably. Thank God children bounce back from these sorts of setbacks. I am glad to see that my poor judgement in following my therapist's advice doesn’t seem to have caused any permanent damage. Now I can go back to the important business of figuring out how to bring his mother back instead of wasting everyone’s time with pointless platitudes. Really that is the much smarter approach.
It’s like I tell my employees- if you just fix the mistake you won’t have to spend your energy explaining why it was there in the first place. No one will care how many failures you went through to get there- all that matters is the end result.
Speaking of failures, what was I thinking when I chose the dining room furniture? It’s hideous.
Nathalie- remind me to set aside time to purchase a new dining set.
April 30th-
She has been gone for exactly 100 days.
May 9th-
Today is my 20th Wedding anniversary.
It was storming today. My therapist asked me how that made me feel.
I told him- wet.
I don’t think he appreciated my answer.
May 12th-
I have fired my therapist.
No the answer to my problems is not to ‘move on and accept my loss and just be grateful for each new day.’ What sort of idiotic attitude is that? If I approached my life according to the advice of this degenerate I would be designing pink sequins party dresses for some mass produced tween fashion label. Even worse, the toad-faced troll had the audacity to suggest that I should consider arranging for Adrien to have his own therapy sessions. As if my child needs any sort of support from a second rate psychoanalyst with delusions of grandeur.
Good riddance. Besides, 2 months of this charade should be more than enough to satisfy the board.
Nathalie- make arrangement for a private investigator to look into his business. Perhaps we can do the world a favor and get his licence revoked.
May 14th-
I have decided to keep this diary. I find writing about the stupidity of others quite therapeutic.
Nathalie please find a more appropriately color coordinated journal in which to properly transcribe my entries.   
May 17th-
I have hired a bodyguard for Adrien. He keeps trying to sneak out, and I can’t keep losing Nathalie for hours at a time while she chases him down. I don’t understand why he is so desperate to go out and meet other people. Hasn’t he figured out by now that very few people are actually worth meeting? Clearly the stress of losing his mother is clouding his judgement. I’ll arrange for Nathalie to get a few more of those arcade machines he enjoys so much to be shipped in. Hopefully that will help keep him distracted.
Meanwhile, perhaps I should up his modeling engagements. After all, throwing oneself into one's work does provide some temporary solace. It’s certainly the best plan I have come up with so far.
May 22nd-
Adrien’s new Bodyguard has caught him attempting to sneak out twice. Both times he sent me a text informing me that the incident had been taken care of and requesting an appropriate stipend for the installation of new security cameras.
This is clearly the best hiring decision I have made in years.
Adrien may be the closest thing to perfection in this world but alas, children will be children, so I am glad I have some competent staff to manage him until he grows out of it. I believe this teenaged need to rebel in light of our recent family tragedy is what the media refers to as ‘Emo’. I will make some calls to the main office to have more of our black pieces added to his wardrobe. And my ex therapist said I ‘wasn’t paying attention to my sons needs.’ Ha.
June 3rd-
Still no progress in my plan. This morning I woke up from a dream and I couldn’t remember if that is what my wifes laugh actually sounded like.
I can’t live like this. I won’t live like this.
June 5th-
Nathalie I will take dinner in my office. Also I am not to be disturbed for the rest of the weekend.
June 10th-
Feeling infinitely better today.
It has been uncovered that my recently disgraced ex-therapist was having an affair, and with a former patient no less! Clearly he was taking out his own frustrations with his own failed marriage out on me.
Unlike that hypocritical cow, I will preserve my family no matter what impediments I may face. I knew I was right all along. Still, it’s nice to have outside validation.
Nathalie- be sure to send a sizable bonus to the private investigator, as well as a nice fruit basket.
June 17th-
Adrien had a piano recital today. It was exceptional of course. I do wish he had chosen something other than Chopin. Really, is this emo phase going to carry over into everything he does?
I will have to send a message to his bodyguard to start monitoring his packages for hair dye.
Apparently he didn’t approve of me leaving as soon as his piece was over. I don’t see why. It’s not like I have any interest in the other performers and I already paid my admission so it’s no loss to the institution. Children can be so demanding.
Nathalie- make a note, the next time I am required to attend one of these functions make sure I have a tablet with me.
June 23rd-
Why have I still not replaced that dining room table?
July 2nd-
On the plane to London because apparently the instructions “just recreate the exact same show we did a month ago” are too complicated for my employees.
I am doubly glad that I hired a bodyguard for Adrien since he is ill and will not be joining us on this trip.
Hopefully I shouldn’t be gone more than a day or so.
July 6th-
Still in London. Apparently I underestimated just how moronic people can be. I miss my wife. She always knew how to get people to do what I needed them to do with causing them to burst into tears.
She also would have appreciated my puns.
Once I get her home I swear I am going to reward myself with an entire month of not having to speak to anyone whose surname isn’t Agreste.
Except for Nathalie, of course.
July 10th-
Finally home. Adrien has made a full recovery.
He spent all of dinner expounding on the merits of something called ‘MOBA’s. I’ve found it best to just nod and pretend like I understand what he is talking about when he goes on these tangents.
Nathalie- please get me the definition for the term Noob.
July 15th-
I am truly at my wits end. Between my lack of progress on my search for my wife and my constant set backs at the company I am for all intents and purposes trying to go up a creek without a paddle.
Nathalie is less than thrilled with me at the moment as I have taken to locking myself in the office with my cellphone and computer turned off. She doesn’t seem to appreciate having to slide notes under the door.
July 22nd-
Nathalie Sancoeur is the only person to whom I am not related by blood or marriage whom I would make an effort to save during a zombie apocalypse. (Adrien’s current favorite pastime is discussing how he would react to various ridiculous survival scenarios with his bodyguard, or more accurately at his bodyguard.)
She suggested that given my frustrations with some of my staff perhaps some personnel changes were in order.
There is nothing quite so satisfying as telling  a worthless employee that they should pack up their desk and go.
I am quite confident that none of the individuals fired today would survive a zombie apocalypse.
Nathalie- please give yourself a 2% raise. It might come in handy for purchasing supplies when we are under siege by an army of the undead.
July 28th-
Adrien had his friend Mllm Bourgeois over again today. He has asked if he can be allowed to attend public school with her this term.
I told him that if Miss Bourgeois is an example of the merits of a public school education I would sooner be tarred and feathered than let him within 50 feet of said institution.  
He seems to believe that going to school would allow him the opportunity to make new friends- so I suppose I can at least see the appeal. Though, after observing his interactions today I am amazed he doesn’t simply swear off friendship altogether.
Nathalie- look into putting together some sort of dossier of suitable young people with whom Adrien could potentially associate. Perhaps we can arrange to have some on call for social engagements in the future.
July 29th-
Adrien is not speaking to me today. He has locked himself in his room. Why is everyone in this family so sensitive?
Apparently ‘you can’t just buy friends.’
Clearly he has never been involved in politics.
August 2nd-
Adrien is still angry at me. Fine, if he wants to get into a petty game of who can ignore the other longer I will play his game. He’ll learn that no one beats me when it comes to the silent treatment, just like his mother did. The most she ever made it was 3 days. We will see if Adrien fairs any better.
August 3rd-
Upon further reflection, at the end of those three days I ended up with a broken nose when my wife punched me in the face. Perhaps I should rethink my strategy.
Nathalie- schedule a family meeting to discuss Adrien’s grievances. Tell him it will save time if he prepares a list of his complaints and proposed solutions for me to consult before the start of the negotiations.
August 6th-
Adrien is visiting with his friend Mllm Bourgeois so I am taking the opportunity to go through and organize my wife’s belongings. (The staff has been forbidden from disturbing anything but it is starting to get a bit dusty.) It is best to do this while Adrien is gone as I don’t know if I can tolerate another weekend of melancholy foreign ballads blasting from his room. Or worse that new Jagged Stone album I was foolish enough to order for him as a reward for winning his last fencing competition. I swear that man sounds like a beached whale screaming its way through a slow and agonizing death. I don’t know what Adrien sees to admire in it.
At least his attempted breakouts seem to have come to a temporary halt. Either the efforts of his bodyguard have finally tempered his resolve or he is secretly plotting some sort of elaborate scheme and is trying to lure us into a false sense of security.
I guess we will see how much he takes after me.
Nathalie- make sure all of Adrien’s electronic devices are equipped with GPS tracking.
August 8th-
Still slowly working my way through the cleaning process. The latest edition of some video fighting game arrived for Adrien so he has been conveniently occupied by that. It’s getting harder to face him knowing that I am still no closer to having an answer as to how to get his mother back, not that he asks. He has always been far too kind for his own good.  
Still, it is a parent’s job to do what is ultimately best for their children and for the first time in my life I find myself spectacularly failing.
No matter how many hours I spend locked in my office I am still no closer to a concrete plan.
At least Adrien has stopped trying to accompany when I am in there. It’s too hard enough coping with my own failure without my son having to bare witness.
I will figure out a way. I did not get where I am today without being willing to fight for what I want. And once I am successful all of this will just seem like a bad dream. Both for me and for my son.
August 9th-
I never realized just how much of a hoarder my wife was until I took on this project. How many souvenirs does one woman need?
There is an entire suitcase from our last trip to Tibet that she didn’t even bother to unpack.
I’ll take care of it tomorrow.
Nathalie- reschedule my lunch with the mayor. Until after the election if at all possible. 4 months isn’t an unreasonable delay for a man with my obligations.
August 10th-
It seems that there is some truth to the concept that one should actually OPEN the boxes one acquires. I now have in my possession a strange magical creature named Nooroo who seems optimistic in his belief that he can help me in my quest to restore my family. It seems I will have the chance to turn into some sort of super powered empath with the ability to grant powers to others to help combat the forces of evil in this world. Seems like a rather dubious power. Most people are insufferably dim and couldn’t be trusted with a butter knife much less magical enhancements. Still, it is the first positive news in months. I tried opening the other box with the peacock pin but after 10 seconds of the creature crying upon being awakened I have decided to simply return it to dormant and lock it in the safe. Perhaps it will be useful later but for now one miraculous should be more than sufficient.  
Nathalie- In light of my new associate we will need a few changes to the house. Additional security, new curtains,  as well as some additions to the kitchen inventory. I will upload a list to your PDA.
August 12th-
And Everyone told me I would never have a use for a secret lair. Well I showed them. I have asked Nathalie to arrange for a large shipment of butterflies to be installed for ambiance. I have also brought in a private contractor to hide the control panel. The last thing I want in for Adrien to stumble upon any of this and get the idea to become some sort of hero vigilante. Honestly I don’t know where that boy gets his ridiculous flair for the dramatic. It must be from his mother. Meanwhile I have decided to keep Nooroo dormant for a little while. He keeps wanting me to talk to him about my feelings. If I wanted to do that I wouldn’t have fired my therapist.
August 20th-
Lair is finally ready to go. I realize though that perhaps I should read the instruction manual that came with the miraculous before I attempt to utilize unpredictable magical powers.
Nathalie- please arrange for a large pot of coffee and my favorite armchair to be placed in the lair this afternoon.  
August 30th-
Apparently translating ancient codes with no resources or starting point whatsoever is, in fact rather difficult. I supposed I should ask Nooroo for assistance.
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zenruption · 7 years
The Death of the Republican Party
Add to Flipboard Magazine.
by Brian McKay
The recent election night victory was small in scope but indicative of the true majority reasserting itself after the travesty that has been the last year. Conservative pundits have tried to downplay the wins based on what states they were in and by vilifying a candidate they say didn’t accept the Trump doctrine fully. Delusions are necessary for those that are self-sabotaging.
Policy failures that are tone deaf to the American people, internal divides, a coming debt showdown, science denial, blatant evangelism and the daily aberration that now passes for Presidential behavior, have a party in crises. That said party seems so oblivious, has all the makings of a doomsday cult content to blow up the world. This might make perfect sense with a political base that eagerly awaits the rapture while prosperity doctrine evangelical leaders lay their hands on and pray for the man they think has brought God back to America. The amount of delusional thinking is nothing short of astounding.
While the ardent Trump base constantly blames Hilary Clinton for every conspiracy imaginable, they are merely using it to ignore the travesty that is right in front of their faces and doing nothing for them. It is that ignorance of reality that will destroy them.
 A House Divided Cannot Stand
While the title of this section was used by America’s greatest president to describe the country pre-Civil War, a quiet civil war also exists within the Republican Party that now believes the Civil War was fought over state’s rights. The Freedom Caucus is so extreme that legislation the Republicans create that is horrifically detrimental to the people of this country is pronounced by them as not going far enough. Every piece of legislation also has to appease them due to their power and moves the bills further away from the majority of this country. Even if the Republicans were smart enough for common sense legislation, it would be seen as too liberal and unable to pass. Future legislation attempts will continue to be in vain. The delay of their tax plan is not unexpected and the 11th hour of debt ceiling negotiations to come could further threaten the U.S. credit rating.
Steve Bannon is laying siege with a promise of floating Trumpism purists (read radical) against Republican candidates to solidify his intent of destroying the Mitch McConnell’s of the world. There is no doubt that Bannon is a political and strategic idiot trying to masquerade as a king maker of sorts. Pitting far right against only semi far right will have the impact of splitting off from moderates while catering to the radical, evangelical base that turn out heavily in primaries. Faced with radicalized Republican candidates against Democrats, will be an easy choice for moderates and independents. Right now, the issues with Bannon are already evident as child abusing Roy Moore is in a close race in deep, deep red Alabama. All Breitbart can say is that the 16 and 18-year-old accusers were of the legal age of consent. A realist knows that sick is still sick.
 Low Approval Ratings Can’t Be Ignored
Let’s face it. With a Trump approval rating average of all polls of 37.7 percent and disapproval rating of 56.5 percent, according to Nate Silver’s FiveThirtyEight, a disaster is at hand. The standard bearer of the party sets the tone for its future. It seems that the question isn’t whether that approval rating goes up but how low it can actually go. That it remains at the level it is, is nothing short of astounding.
A poll that put a generic Democrat against Trump in 2020, showed the Democrat winning 46 percent to 36 percent. That’s brutal. Other polls have shown an 11 percent advantage to Democrats in the 2018 elections, only 21 percent of American’s see the country going in the right direction and 65 percent of Americans believe that Trump has accomplished little, if anything, during his term. A positive economy with a low approval President is an anomaly in modern U.S. politics.
The Republican base can believe the polls to be fake news all they want. They justify this belief on a misunderstanding that the polls before the election were wrong but refuse to acknowledge they were within the margin of error and the narrowest of wins in three states (just 11,000 votes in Wisconsin) tilted an archaic election system to Trump’s favor. The polls matter.
When the disaster that is the National Democratic Party can make such polling gains just based on how many clowns the Republicans keep pushing into the car, that shows the true train wreck the Republican Party has become.
 Detachment from the People is the Worst Way to Govern
While the Republican base is a group that votes with far higher frequency and veracity, the disaster that has been the last year is bringing out the opposing votes in record numbers. The crowd that watches four hours of Fox News daily is finally being outvoted by a group that can no longer ignore the daily aberration and national embarrassment. In their dysfunction and ignorance of what the American people want, the Republicans have been motivating the vote like never before. They have created the unintended consequence of pushing the country to vote heavily against them.
There is no better way to really motivate people to perform their civic duty than denying reality and what the populous wants.
From science denial to foreign policy disasters, most Americans are not being represented. 69 percent of us believe that climate change is real. Over 50 percent of American’s support stricter gun laws and background checks on private and gun show sales, yet the Republicans maintain a position best described as oblivious in order to kowtow to the NRA. They have been against most of the people on Obamacare repeal efforts, the current tax plan and a list that goes on and on. Dismissing the constituents yelling at them in their now rare town hall meetings with the conspiracy theory of paid Soros protestors, will only deepen the chasm.
 It’s Soon Over
Moderate Republicans are retiring and speaking their minds. Former presidents are speaking out against nativism and the lack of Presidential behavior. The party is espousing conspiracy theories, promoting evangelism and living in overall denial while their media pundits say ever more ridiculous things. Fake news is real and real news is fake. Our President regularly threatens the 1st Amendment.
The American people see it. They see the lack of connection to their beliefs and needs and are mobilizing. The action is now causing the equal and opposite reaction.
And so there is this:
Dear Republicans;
You may have set the country back 20 years by reversing laws meant to protect the citizenry. Certainly, you have made us the world’s laughing stock and unreliable partner to other nations in your exit of treaties and obligations. The nativism and fear you have given into are having a backlash. The vast majority of American’s do not accept the bigotry, the ignorance and the white evangelical martyrdom that has been soundly exposed.
At the end of the day, LGBTQ individuals are not going back in the closet. Creationism is not going to be taught in the schools. The U.S. will end up moving forward to combat climate change. Young people are rejecting the silliness of evangelical crazy. All the gerrymandering you have done will be reversed. Valuable programs and ethical assistance for our poor will one day move forward again.
Simply put, your denial and disconnect has laid the path to your own self destruction. Psychosis never ends well.
The Majority of Us
Brian McKay is a co-founder of zenruption, the President of Extra Pro Services and the President and creator of PETiO DOOR INC. He has a B.A. in Political Science from Gonzaga University and an M.B.A. from Boise State University (yes that blue field). His goal in life is to look out for the regular guy and bring as much knowledge and change to this world as he can. His purpose in founding zenruption was to do just that and help craft the world he wants his daughter to inherit. Please feel free to email him any feedback or article ideas at [email protected], Twitter or Facebook.
Avoiding politics to stay sane isn't easy for him lately.
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