#He's just being Birchpaw
letthe-skyfall · 6 months
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Happy Trans Day of Visibility from my OC Birchpaw to all the trans people out there :)
He supports you and thinks you are amazing.
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frostfour · 2 years
Leafpool and Crowfeather run away, tired of the expectations thrust upon them. They run so fast and hard that Midnight has no hope of catching up, her kin tearing apart the Thunderclan camp.
Cinderpelt and Sootfur give their lives protecting the clan, and by the time aid from Blackstar arrives the newly built camp is but a shadow of its former self. Cats from every position bare cuts and bruises from Goldenflower to Whitepaw. A vigil for three begins but Leafpool leaves no body to bury.
The remnants of the healers den is eerily quiet, filled only with trampled herbs and a heavy atmosphere. Brightheart moves in, followed shortly by Sandstorm and the two she-cats attempt to care for the clan just as their loved ones had done. The work is exhausting, isolated from their families as they recall over and over the little rhymes and facts their loved ones had committed to memory. Rainwhisker dies to an infected scratch that was found far too late.
Birchkit spent moons of the journey begging his mother to let him stay with his friends, asking Tallpoppy why she couldn't live with them instead and only received amused chiding in response. Yet when he crossed the Shadowclan border, gently greeted by the familiar queen he could only focus on the strange tabby tom that accompanied her. His wishes had been granted, now reunited but it had never felt more wrong.
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sorrelpaws · 2 years
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ive been playing a lotta clangen recently and heres my clan.  more info on everybody under cut :3
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first there’s the leader rosestar and deputy podflight. they’re close in age, but only really became friends as apprentices, and they’ve been pretty much inseparable every since. rosestar is a very silly average guy, a bit awkward at times but he really does mean the best. podflight is a bit more serious and stern, but she can also be a lot of fun and tends to command respect around her. they’re both getting kind of old, and recently rosestar’s memory has gotten kinda wonky, and he tends to be very confused. podflight tries to be supportive, keep the clan at ease etc, but it’s becoming increasingly obvious how unstable rosestar has gotten, and it causes the clan to be on edge.
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one of the medicine cats, sharppath. he’s a bit strange and quiet, tends to keep to himself, but he really does mean the best. he started out as a regular apprentice, but had always shown an interest in herbs, so when he asked to change positions there wasn’t really anyone arguing against him. however he lacks a connection to starclan and rarely receives any kind of omens or prophecies. he doesn’t really let it bother him, and the clan doesn’t mind too much since his healing skills are genuinely very good.
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these three are kind of the “main characters”, or at least the ones i kept my eye on the most. they’re all littermates, and they’re very close as kits. when they become apprentices meadowpaw and birchpaw start receiving frequent messages/notes/signs/whateva from starclan. birchpaw is much more fascinated by this, and has always kind of shown an interest and preference towards being a medicine cat (she never changes from a warrior apprentice though), but meadowpaw actively ignores the signs since he wants to be a warrior. he tries to talk to his sisters about his visions and dreams, but molepaw doesn’t really understand them/how to help, and birchpaw just talks about her own experiences. about halfway through their apprenticeships birchpaw dies in a dog attack, and after this meadowpaw starts feeling pressured to take on the medcat role because his sister can’t. he decides to change positions pretty much right before he’s made a warrior, and starts training under sharppath. the first months are pretty rough on him, because of his sister’s death, and him and molepaw(moledrift at this point) start growing distant. they manage to reconnect a little when they’re older, but they never really become super close.
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jaggedflight and skywing are two peas in a pod, really close brothers. emy is a loner who joins the clan in search of a community, and he becomes good friends with both of them. unfortunately skywing is murdered, and this takes a massive toll on jaggedflight. after his brother’s death him and emy become a lot closer due to their shared grief. burm joins the clan pretty soon after skywing dies, and since he’s pretty young jaggedflight offers to mentor him in order to get his mind off his brother’s death. burm has a pretty similar personality to skywing, and this helps him bond with emy and jaggedwing, and the three are kind of this middle aged father trio. like you get the kind of vibe i mean right. just terrible jokes and old stories thrown around.
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these four all join the clan around the same time, and because they all feel a little left out they get to bond!! hazelspirit is a calm and careful molly who joins the clan with her kits. she tends to help around the medicine den. thistlepelt is kind of an anxious and traumatized cat who joins the clan to ensure his kits have a good, safe life (hashtag girldad), and overtime he gets to kind of heal and become happier. yellownose and oscar both just kind of stumble across the clan. yellownose is a very prickly fella who tends to complain about almost everything. oscar tends to be much quieter and calmer, and he (+thistle and hazel) often goes around to apologize about yellownose’s behavior.
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because hazelspirit and thistlepelt’s kits are around the same age, the four of them tend to be glued together. blossompaw and lowpaw are both very excitable and adventurous, and tend to think up fun ideas or games, and since leopardpaw and beetlepaw are a bit quieter, they tend to go along with the former twos’ antics
the actual timeline isn’t laid out here very well, i may do that at a different time, but i wanna say just in case that skywing dies a good chunk of time before rosestar’s dementia kicks in
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splashtailstar · 5 months
My predictions for the protagonists of Changing Skies, the ninth arc in the Warriors series
WindClan: Leafkit
Daughter of Featherpelt and Oatclaw, her littermates are Branchkit and Grasskit, and her older siblings are Whistlepaw, Flutterfoot, and Songleap. They focused a lot on Leafkit in Wind, so I think she will likely be a POV character, especially since Whistlepaw is her older sister. The story team also said that Whistlepaw will become more prominent in the series, so having her younger sister as a protagonist will definitely serve that purpose. Adding onto this, WindClan has never had a POV character in the main series, so this is long overdue.
ThunderClan: Stempaw or Graypaw
They are Spotfur and Stemleaf's kits and perfect protagonist material. Related to Firestar? Check. Parents were plot relevant? Check. ThunderClan? Check. They are also being given a lot of attention right now. I do not think Bristlepaw will be a protagonist, due to Bristlefrost having the name of Bristlepaw one arc earlier. (Leafkit will not have this same issue as The New Prophecy was six arcs earlier.)
These are the only candidates who have really received attention, but there are several others to consider.
RiverClan: Floatkit, Rapidkit, or Troutkit
They are the kits of Havenpelt and Sneezecloud, and younger siblings to Splashtail and Fognose. They will have to deal with their older brother's legacy once he is gone. They could also provide a window on how RiverClan is doing after this current arc.
SkyClan: Ridgekit or Duskkit
They are the kits of Blossomheart (sister of Hawkwing) and Harrybrook (son of Leafstar). Duskkit is most likely named after Duskpaw, Blossomheart's dead brother.
ShadowClan: Birchpaw
He is the son of Tigerstar and Dovewing, and younger brother to Shadowsight, Pouncestep, and Lightleap. He appeared in Sky when his brother Rowankit died. I think this is the least likely option out of all of them, as I do not see much of what Birchpaw could bring as a protagonist, besides being the son of Tigerstar and Dovewing. That is unless, some sort of huge change happens within ShadowClan; then Birchpaw could provide a view into ShadowClan.
Other possible apprentice/kit options just for the heck of it (not including anyone who will receive their warrior name/medicine cat name very soon):
SkyClan: Beepaw or Beetlepaw, kits of Nectarsong and Dewspring (who are first cousins, of course)
WindClan: Grasskit or Branchkit, littermates of Leafkit; younger siblings to Whistlepaw, Songleap, and Flutterfoot; and kits of Featherpelt and Oatclaw.
ThunderClan: Bristlepaw, daughter of Stemleaf and Spotfur, and sister to Graypaw and Stempaw; or Wafflepaw
Of course, they could always choose to focus on a young warrior, like how they did with Sunbeam this arc, but these are just my speculations.
Edit: I can't believe I nearly forgot about Stripekit and Brookkit in WindClan, whose mother is Larkwing; and Cinnamontail and Slatefur's kits in ShadowClan: Firkit, Bloomkit, Streamkit, and Whisperkit.
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felis-artis · 28 days
hawkfrost's stunt huh? what's that about? (I am looking So Hard rn)
okay. so. i wrote a full scene for this ask! it's below the cut :)
HAWKFROST IF HE SLAYED!!!!! aka Crowstar’s predeath scene!
The grass shifted as Crowstar made his way forward. The new land was so interesting, with how it swayed and danced. It seemed to cheer the clans on, to keep going and take more of this beautiful land they’d found. There was a hesitancy that Crowstar had about it, though.
Something in the back of his mind said that it was wrong. He shook his head.
He’d been asked by Birchpaw to come out and check out the tide, to see if the Vigil could maybe get enough clay for a new grill, alongside their new oven. Birchpaw had followed, but had been called back by his mentor, Ashfur, and Ashfur just told him to go on ahead, that it’d only take a few moments. 
Crowstar arrived at their clay-doused beach, and made his way over to the water. The Vigil had worked most of the day on carving the area out so they could get to the red clay beneath, with direction from the Vigil of River’s Carpkin triplets, Mothwing, Hawkfrost, and Tadpolepool.
Crowstar had approved for a good chunk of it to be removed, but said to leave the rest for other cats to use if they so please, whether personal usage or large-scale projects. He was surprised when that action caused distress, and it probably showed.
Ashfur had snarled at him in the meeting. He didn’t know what to do, so he just ended the meeting then and there. 
The sand was biting at his paws as he stepped upon its grainy teeth. He hissed and shook his paws. He’d trod on a sharp twig that afternoon and it had broken skin. Blood had bled on the poem he was writing, and he had to clean the paper. The sand irritated the fresh prick. It had gushed and dribbled across the leaf and soaked bark and it made him want to hurl.
It reminded him of the past, when he’d nicked his ear during training and had tried to draw in the loose dirt afterwards. It had dripped crimson and made him want to weep. Crowpaw, Crowstar, he thinks, doesn’t matter how old I am, I still feel distraught at the sight of art being ruined.
Crowstar leaned over the water to get a drink, tongue barely touching the water, before it curled up to reach his ears. The water was a brilliant blue, mixed with a valiant red as the sun began to brush the sky with its paints. Crowstar had always loved the sky when it bled.
Suddenly, Timberstar was staring at him, eyes blue, and filled with a malice he never saw in his father’s eyes. Crowstar doesn’t understand how he didn’t connect the dots faster. Marigoldclaw and Carpwhisker were half-clan, why would Timberstar let the kittens live? Because they were his. 
Hawkfrost’s claws dragged him down to the bottom with practiced precision. Crowstar flailed against the push of both the current and the Vigil of River’s strongest battler. Blood floated in the water as Crowstar’s claws lashed out, attempting to get away from Hawkfrost.
He realized how Hawkfrost had gotten there as the water began to lead them away from the shore. He must have hidden amongst the clay, having carved it himself! Of course he did. Crowstar felt foolish. 
He was such a fool.
He had one more life left, if he died on this day.
He inhaled, the water filled his lungs and heart and soul and brain and chest and stomach and eyes and everything that he had ever loved. It splashed and sank and gushed. Crowstar felt consciousness elude him as the darkness of the lake began to fade, as Hawkfrost made for air.
As soon as he was gone, he was back. Hawkfrost was standing beside him, speaking with a cat that Crowstar could not see. He didn’t have time to listen, he had to run. Hawkfrost’s tail lay over his muzzle, making sure that he knew when Crowstar was back to life. As soon as the leader opened his eyes, it was bloodshed.
Hawkfrost whirled around and latched onto the half-drowned leader, claws sinking into skin with such a violent ease. Crowstar rose immediately, and was slammed back into the ground by the other cat. The scent finally reached him, and he knew.
Crowstar snarled, half-gurgled by water, and whirled on Ashfur. This wasn’t about not dying, Crowstar knew what this was now and they would not let him leave the clearing alive, but it was about proving Ashfur to be a guilty party.
Crowstar used all of his weight to slam Hawkfrost into Ashfur’s side, sending the two collapsed across the clearing. Panic set in, and he began to yowl in terror. Hawkfrost had stopped talking, choosing instead to work in silence. Ashfur was hissing in pain as Hawkfrost clambered off him, but wasn’t trying to hide himself.
The clearing reeked of dead fish. Trout, to be exact. 
Crowstar turned and ran, before realizing that he could barely move. The water had dulled the Vigil of Star’s ability to heal his body, he assumes, before realizing that his hind legs have been bound in leaves. He hastily begins to tear them off, when Hawkfrost slams into him.
His head slams into the ground, and blood dribbles from his nose. He slams his eyes shut at the pressure, and hisses at the pain. It all aches. 
“Frosty, you better go. He called for help.” Ashfur’s voice cuts in. 
A pause. The weight disappears from overhead, but Crowstar feels too ill to move. His head spins with the effort to think. He attempts to open his eyes, but the blood-red sky stabs into his sight, and he closes them. Too bright. He barely notices Hawkfrost fully leave the clearing, the sound of rippling water reaching his ears.
“Crowstar. I’m glad we got to work this whole situation out.. I was worried you’d brush me aside,” Ashfur begins, and Crowstar knows what will happen next. He attempts to scream.
“HELP! HELP!” His caterwauls into the sky. It bleeds alongside him, red staining the sky as his ruby stains the sand and water. Ashfur stands, and makes his way to the clearing’s edge with no fanfare. His tail is high, as though he’d just made a good catch of prey.
 He turns his head back to look at Crowstar. Angry green eyes stare into pained blue irises. Crowstar blinks and the world tilts. Ashfur is gone by the time Crowstar has his bearings. It all blends into the forest.
Brightheart bursts from the undergrowth, with Sandstorm and Birchpaw hot on her heels. Crowstar is barely aware of Birchpaw’s horrified retching as Brigtheart and Sandstorm both hiss in surprise. They rush to Crowstar’s side, and Brigtheart frantically begins to stop the bleeding that comes from his head. 
He hadn’t even noticed the wound. He feels his eyes begin to close, and knows that he’ll be okay. The first thing he needs to do, however, is make sure they all know what a traitor Ashfur is. Crowstar forces his eyes open, and frantically looks around.
He points with his claw. Sandstorm follows the action with her eyes.
An ash tree lays in its path. Birchpaw immediately goes to investigate while Sandstorm helps to keep Crowstar up as Brightheart mutters strings of curses while she frantically attempts to stop the bleeding. He lets himself rest, closing his eyes.
After all, he can just correct any incorrect assumptions once he’s all better.
Link to the Google Document Version
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greekstar · 2 years
Ok so I’ve been thinking while I’ve been out.
What if Crowpaw/feather fell in love with Squirrelpaw/flight instead of Feathertail on the journey? It would all make sense, duo to them being both around the same age and they have the same type of attitude.
Brambleclaw and Ashfur would still love her, but instead of Ashfur being evil, it’s Brambleclaw. Ashfur quickly realized she isn’t interested and moves on. Later getting with Whitewing. But Brambleclaw would be so obsessed with Squirrelflight, he gets the idea of getting power to get to her. Starting to plot against Thunderclan and Windclan with Hawkfrost and Mudclaw, so where Mudclaw who becomes leader so he can help defeat FireStar. Making his death an accident when there is a border fight and Mud’star’ and his deputy would accidentally kill FireStar. Who at the time had Brambleclaw as the deputy as he waited for Graystripe to return. Though it fails when Mudclaw is killed by Onewhisker in a one-on-one fight. And the storm rages so Brambleclaw has to retreat into the shadows. Not being seen by the Thunderclan patrol who later comes and helps defeat the rebels. So Brambleclaw is still ‘loyal’ in Thunderclan’s eyes.
Crowfeather- Now talon cause he doesn’t love Feather anymore) and Squirrelflight are still meeting at the border. More near the Moonpool and out of clan territory so no cats catches them. They often meet when their not busy and know when there is less suspicious activity.
Brambleclaw is furious and plots with Hawkfrost to take something of Squirrelflight and make him leader. Which is making FireStar follow him into the fox-trap. It some-what works and takes one life but not until Ashfur catches Hawkfrost and almost kills him. The Dark brown tabby and white tom runs back to Riverclan, stating to Leopardstar that Thunderclan ambushed him while he was going to get herbs for his sister. Which was a lie, but Mothflight wasn’t there to do anything as she was looking for herbs herself.
Riverclan plans on attacking Thunderclan and Brambleclaw tries and help. Right now, Brackenfur is deputy after Cinderpelt gets a prophecy stating that Bramble would be a reconning, which Brambleclaw is inraged that he was demotes and later finds out Squirrel has been mating with Crow and manipulates Squirrelflight into becoming his mate to hide the fact that she’s with the Windclan warrior. When Riverclan attacked Brambleclaw took Squirrelflight out of camp for a walk. Taking her to the abandoned two-leg place to hunt. When they return, the camp is destroyed. The newly built camp that they just settled into now in shambles. All the dens were torn apart. Cinderpelt was wounded and the herb store was destroyed and Birchpaw, Ashfur and Sootfur were severely injured. Only Ashfur makes it, while Birchpaw and Sootfur die. Whitewing becomes a warrior right after. (Whitewing and Ashfur end up having Dovewing and Ivypool and later end up having another kit and name is Brindlekit after Ashfur’s mother.)
Squirrelflight is devastated by this death and so is Spiderleg, Dustpelt and Ferncloud. Spiderleg, losing his last sibling, and Ferncloud and Dustpelt losing the last kit to their second litter.
Crowtalon sees that Brambleclaw is abusing his mate and comes to FireStar in secret after asking to meet with him. Crowtalon decides to tell FireStar how much he loves his daughter and asks to rightfully join Thunderclan to be with her, and Firestar having deep connects with Windclan, accepts him into Thunderclan. Crowtalon has a hard time adjusting to clan life but slowly gets used to it. Brambleclaw is furious with this as he now has to step back from being Squirrelflight’s ‘mate’ which was going to give him power. Firestar ends up seeing this and exiles Brambleclaw who ends up running to Riverclan. Where Hawkfrost convinces Leopardstar to let him join. Leopardstar agreed as she sees it as ‘Brambleclaw just wanting to be with his brother’ and when Firestar explains Brambleclaw was exiled. Leopardstar makes an excuse saying ‘Your just saying that because you lost a very good warrior’ where Firestar growls and leaves the gathering.
After this, Mistyfoot is tells Leopardstar that Firestar is right, where Leopardstar is inraged that her deputy would trust another leader and not her and demotes and exiles her and her kits, Primrosethorn and Reedwhisker. And which they join Thunderclan while Leopardstar makes Hawkfrost deputy. Who later becomes Hawkstar and makes Brambleclaw his deptuy. (Starclan gives Hawkstar his lives because they see him as a good leader who would make Riverclan strong. Which is kinda how it went with Tigerstar I)
Firestar is mad that Leopardstar has made Hawkfrost deputy but pushes forward. Allowing BlueStar’s daughter back in Thunderclan. Who decides to stay for good. While Primrose quickly gets comfortable. Clearly having Thunderclan blood while Reedwhisker has a slow process in getting used to the inclosed woods with barely any water. Though Firestar allows them to fish in the lake on Thunderclan’s territory. Primrosethorn later takes Rainwhisker as a mate.
Squirrelflight and Crowtalon have their first litter around the time Leafpool has hers with Mothflight.
They have their litter outside of camp so they can take in Leafpool’s. Who has two. She had Jaykit(named after his blue eyes) and Lionkit who was named after his golden-brown fur. While Squirrelflight has Fallowkit named after a bird like Crowtalon. Jayfeather, LionBlaze, Fallowleaf. (Hollyleaf)
-I named Holly something different cause Leaf has originally named her Holly cause that was the first patient she lost but now she isn’t Her kit so it makes sense for Squirrelflight to name her something different.
This explains why Fallowleaf doesn’t get powers. When Brambleclaw (who replaces Ashfur in the fire scene) rats out Squirrelflight saying she is a traitor for having kits with another clan cat even though Crowtalon joined the clan and says her kits should be dead’s. So Squirrelflight says their not hers though Brambleclaw still attacks her, injuring her before Squirrelflight pushes him into the fire. Making him burned for life and gets imprisoned in Thunderclan by Firestar due to Squirrelflight telling Firestar he tried to kill her and her kits.
Now, when Fallowleaf heard this she thought she wasn’t her kit either. Which is why at first she hates Squirrelflight and ignores her. But Crowfeather tells her that she is their kit, but not her brothers. So Fallowleaf doesn’t run into the tunnels, though does get trapped in them after hunting and falling into one. Which is where she meets and gets trained by Fallen Leaves to live in the tunnels.
Fallowleaf lives and I’m tempted to make her have a mate. Idk who though.
Thats all I got for now. If you have questions please ask. I know this was a bit sloppy but it was all on the top of my head for 2 days now.
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heathfall · 10 months
Leafpool's Sacrifice (Crown of Thorns AU)
Three kits are born on a cold winter's day to ThunderClan's only healer. Choices, once made, are followed through. Replaces Leafpool's Wish in the Crown of Thorns AU.
Brackenfur/Sorreltail (Warriors)
Crowfeather/Leafpool (Warriors)
Leafpool (Warriors)
Squirrelflight (Warriors)
Brackenfur (Warriors)
Sorreltail (Warriors)
Rainwhisker (Warriors) (minor)
Jayfeather (Warriors)
Hollyleaf (Warriors)
Lionblaze (Warriors)
(you can click on the link below, or the text is also underneath the "read more")
The first snow of the season fell over the ThunderClan camp, beginning to stick on the ground. The wind blew gently, promising warmer weather on the horizon, but for now, the chill settled over the camp.
Sorreltail's kits came bounding out of the nursery, squealing in delight as the snowflakes hit their noses. Sorreltail herself came padding out of the nursery to watch them, but was pushed past by Berrykit, Mousekit, and Hazelkit. Despite being nearly apprentice age, they too couldn't hide their excitement about the snow.
Over by the apprentice's den, Birchpaw was looking up at the snow. He had seen snow before, though he was younger then, back in the old forest. Beside him, Whitewing bounced about in the snow, trying to get him to join her.
Leafpool sat at the entrance of the medicine cat's den hunched over her paws. The snow frightened her, knowing she'd have to go out in it and have her kits, but she knew she couldn't wait any longer, not if she wanted to hide it from the Clan.
Sorreltail looked over at her and flicked her ears. On receiving an ear flick back, she murmured something to her kits, who bounded over to Brackenfur, and padded over to the medicine cat's den. "Come with me on a walk, Leafpool," she said. "I've been cooped up in the nursery so long. I want to see how the snow looks on the new territory."
"That's a great idea," Leafpool said, putting on a jovial tone. "I need to harvest some herbs before the frost kills them, anyway." The two made their way out of the camp, Sorreltail's kits shouting a goodbye as they passed them.
When they had made it a safe distance out of camp, Sorreltail turned to Leafpool. "How will Squirrelflight know when and where to find us?" she murmured. Squirrelflight was out hunting solo somewhere on the territory.
"She will." She had always known how Leafpool was feeling and when to come find her. Leafpool just hoped she was paying attention.
The snow continued to fall over the camp. The ThunderClan cats had almost settled into a quiet peace when Squirrelflight came bounding through the thorn tunnel, breathing heavily. "Brackenfur! Brackenfur!" she shouted. All heads turned to look at her. "Come quick! Sorreltail is having kits!"
Brackenfur swung into action. He directed his kits toward the elder's den, waving his tail apologetically at Mousefur, and came trotting toward Squirrelflight. She took off towards the territory with him following close behind.
"Did you have to shout it quite so loud?" he grumbled after they were clear of the tunnel.
"I wanted to make sure that the kits' lineage was never in question," she said.
"Yes, but did everyone in the entire Clan have to hear it? Now everyone will think that-"
"What's done is done," she said. "Now, let's focus on finding Leaf and Sorreltail." She put her head up, scenting the air. "I believe they went towards WindClan." She weaved her way onto a deer path.
"WindClan? But why would they-?"
"Would you rather them have gone towards ShadowClan? Or toward the lake where everyone could see them?"
"I suppose." Brackenfur had nearly caught up to her. Squirrelflight slowed down, walking with him side by side.  She shut her eyes, trying to picture where they had gone. The thought of a nearly-rotten stump came to mind.
"I think I know where they are!" she said, running ahead once more.
"Squirrelflight, wait-" She was already bounding away. Brackenfur trotted after her as they crossed the border marking the end of the Clan territories.
In front of them was a large, nearly-rotted stump. Squirrelflight peeked her head into the hollow by its roots. Leafpool and Sorreltail laid on either side of it. Between them were three kits.
"You're right on time," Leafpool purred, though her eyes were sorrowful.
"Is Brackenfur with you?" Sorreltail asked.
"He's right here." Squirrelflight stepped to the side to let Brackenfur peek in as well.
"I'll make sure no one is approaching," he said, settling down just outside. Squirrelflight pushed further in.
"Look at them," she cooed, looking down at the kits. "They're adorable."
"You can lick one clean, if you want," Leafpool said. Squirrelflight delicately plucked up the one closest to her, a small black she-cat, and began to lick her fur dry.
"Bracken, my love?" Sorreltail called. Brackenfur poked his head back in. "Leafpool and I were discussing names, and we think we've decided on the first one."
"That's lovely," Brackenfur said. His face was stony, and he had only looked at Sorreltail, not the kits sitting beside her.
Sorreltail nudged one of the kits, a golden tabby tom who was already attempting to yowl defiantly. "This one is Thornkit."
Brackenfur at last looked down at the kits. His gaze softened. "What do you think?" Sorreltail asked.
"That's a wonderful name," he said softly, his voice cracking as he slipped into the hollow. He laid beside his mate, giving Thornkit a lick before looking at the other two. "They're wonderful kits."
"May I name one?" Leafpool asked softly. Her eyes were mournful as she looked down at the kits.
"Of course," Sorreltail purred. Leafpool nudged the grey tabby tom with her nose, who squeaked at the cold touch.
"Oh, like Feathertail!" Squirrelflight said. "He is grey like her."
Leafpool winced, almost unnoticeably, but Squirrelflight could feel the pain pang off her. "Yes, like Feathertail."
Squirrelflight looked down at the black she-kit squirming by her paws. "While we're honoring those we've lost, I think I have a name for her. Shrewkit." The memory of her friend, one of the many cats they had lost in the old forest, still caused her heart to ache.
"That sounds like a lovely name, Squirrelflight," Sorreltail purred. "Leafpool, what do you think?"
"It's good," Leafpool said, sounding a little numb.
"I know it's hard," Sorreltail said. "I can't imagine what you're feeling right now. Brackenfur and I will love them as fiercely as we love our first four. They will never know that they weren't born to us. And they will love you too."
"I know, but-" Leafpool's ears drooped.
"Let's get some rest," she said. "Brackenfur and Squirrelflight are here, they can catch us a mouse or two, and we can move them once you feel better in the morning."
The next morning arose crisp, clear, and cold. The snow was beginning to melt, but the grass still crunched under foot with the morning frost.
Brackenfur pranced back and forth as they prepared to leave. It was obvious he was eager to get back to ThunderClan.
"I'm sure they figured morning patrol out fine," he said to Squirrelflight as she exited the hollow. "But it's not becoming of me as the deputy to leave the Clan alone like that."
"Your mate just had kits," Squirrelflight said. "I'm sure they'll give you some leniency." She felt another pang of sorrow emanate off Leafpool.  She wanted to comfort her sister, but how? This was the only way the kits could stay in ThunderClan without her getting punished. "Do you reckon Cloudtail went on patrol this morning?" she asked, trying to lighten the air.
Brackenfur snorted. "That great lump? Only if Brightheart shoved him out of his nest. I doubt he could hear anyone calling him with the way he snores."
"I'm excited to get back and see Rainwhisker," Sorreltail said. "He's been telling me about all the patrols he's been on since I haven't been able to come with him." She stretched. "Leafpool, are you ready to go?"
"I-" Leafpool was standing, but she stared down sadly at the kits.
"Leafpool?" Sorreltail flanked her, allowing her to lean on her. Squirrelflight took her other side, pressing against Leafpool as well.
"I know this is the right thing to do, but- StarClan- why does it have to be so hard?"
Sorreltail nudged her. "I know. It will get easier with time, I'm sure. Besides, I'm sure they'll be all up in your fur, causing chaos in the medicine cat den soon enough."
Leafpool snorted. "I'm sure it looks like a storm has blown through it," she said. "I can only hope Brightheart has kept an eye on it." She sighed. "Okay, I'm ready to go." She took Featherkit by his scruff, causing him to squeal with anger. Brackenfur and Sorreltail took Thornkit and Shrewkit, and the group set off together with Squirrelflight leading the way.
It was approaching sun-high when they made it back to the thorn tunnel. They had stopped a few times to rest and to let the kits nurse, and at one point Leafpool had handed Shrewkit off to Squirrelflight to pluck a few stems of parsley, which she ate. The camp was busy sharing tongues when they strode in.
"Sorreltail and Brackenfur are back!" Longtail shouted from his spot eating a mouse, hearing them first. "Squirrelflight and Leafpool are with them."
"Mama and Papa are home!" Molekit squealed next, he and his siblings barrelling toward the tunnel. Sorreltail and Brackenfur barely intercepted them before they went darting into the forest.
"I guess you had fun celebrating the deputyhood after all, eh, Brackenfur?" Rainwhisker said, coming up to the two and taking Thornkit from him. Brackenfur glared.
"Don't say something so crass in front of the kits," he said.
"They won't remember it. They're what, a day and a half old now?"
"Not those kits, you mouse-brain. Poppy, Honey, Mole, and Cinder."
Rainwhisker glanced down at his nieces and nephews. "Oh. Whoops." He handed Thornkit back to Brackenfur and slunk embarrassedly over to Squirrelflight, not making eye contact with Sorreltail, who mrrowed softly with amusement.
Poppykit stood in front of Sorreltail, nearly causing her to trip over her. "Mama?" she said in a small voice.
"Yes, dear?" Sorreltail's voice was muffled by the kit in her mouth.
"Do you love us less now that you have new kits?"
"No, of course not," Sorreltail said, setting Shrewkit down on her paws and bending down to be nose to nose with Poppykit. "Why would you ask that?"
"Berrykit said that you would. He said you had replaced us."
"That's not true at all, dear one. I have plenty of room to love all seven of you, just like I did when there was only you four. Don't worry about what bossypaws Berrykit says. I'll talk to Daisy about it." She touched her nose to Poppykit's forehead. Placated, Poppykit trotted back over to her siblings.
Sorreltail picked Shrewkit up once more. "Let's get you settled in the nursery," Leafpool said. "I'm sure the- your kits are chilly."
"I'm sure," Sorreltail said. "But a mouse and my warm nest will make us all feel better." She flicked an ear. "Rainwhisker," she said, addressing her brother, who was still trying to hide his face from her, "could you bring me a mouse, please? I'm looking forward to hearing how the patrols went while we were gone."
"I think you have a story to tell me," he said, darting off to get a mouse. Sorreltail, Leafpool, and Brackenfur made their way to the nursery. Squirrelflight broke off from the group and went into the medicine cat's den.
"Oh, look at your kits!" Daisy cooed. "Your paws are going to be full once they get a little bigger, but for now you should be okay. I wish mine were still that small. They'd get in a lot less trouble that way."
"Speaking of trouble, have you heard what Berrykit has been saying?" Sorreltail set the kits down on the soft moss, telling Daisy the story as she kneaded a comfortable spot in the nest.
"Oh, that troublemaker," she said, sighing. "I'll go get him and make him apologize to her. Let me know if you're needing anything or you're feeling sore." She darted out into the camp, shouting Berrykit's name.
"I'll be over later," Brackenfur said, licking Sorreltail's face. "I'm going to go talk to Firestar and see if I missed anything while we were gone." He gave each kit a soft lick as well, then exited the nursery, leaving Sorreltail and Leafpool alone.
"Well, this is it, I suppose," Leafpool said. "You're settled in in the nursery with your new litter of kits. You don't need any herbs?"
"I don't think so," Sorreltail said. Leafpool turned to leave, unable to bear looking at the kits anymore. "Leafpool." She glanced over her shoulder. "Thank you. For trusting me. I've promised I'll keep your secret, but I also promise that it- they- will never be a burden on me. I meant what I said to Poppykit: I have room in my heart for all seven of my kits."
"Thank you, Sorreltail. I'll leave you to rest." She exited the nursery just as Rainwhisker came trotting in, a plump field mouse hanging from his jaws.
She entered the medicine cat den, heart heavy. Squirrelflight was already in there, pretending to be engrossed in the piles of herb that sat alongside the edge.
"Leafpool!" she meowed, a touch too cheerily. "I'm glad Sorreltail is settling in nicely."
"I didn't tell her something," Leafpool said.
"You can go back and tell her," Squirrelflight said. Leafpool shook her head. She knew her sister couldn't understand.
"I can't tell her this," she said. "It would change the way she looked at the kits forever. I can't do that to her or them."
"About their father?" Squirrelflight asked. "Surely she has some idea that-"
"Not about their father," Leafpool said firmly. "It's something else. When I first found out that I was expecting, I asked StarClan as to what I should do. I was going to leave them on the WindClan border, or-" she hesitated. "But StarClan told me that their destinies were written long ago, before our own births and even before the existence of the Clans. Apparently Firestar knows too. There's fated to be three kits, kin of his kin, that will hold the power of the stars in their paws."
"Power of the stars?" Squirrelflight echoed. "What does that even mean?"
"I don't know. Whatever it is- those kits hold power beyond what we- or even StarClan can comprehend."
"Does it have to be them?" Squirrelflight asked.
"Who else could it be? You have no kits, and Whitepaw seems to be unaffected."
"I suppose so. Why won't you tell her?"
"I want them to be raised like any other ThunderClan cat," she said. "I don't want them to grow up thinking they're any different. You and I know what it was like growing up as the leader's daughters. Imagine growing up as the leader's grandkits, and cats of prophecy, no less."
"I suppose you're right," Squirrelflight said.
"Keep this a secret among us two," Leafpool said. "I don't want anyone hearing about this."
"Hearing about what?" Squirrelflight said. "You have my word."
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Back on my Hawkstar Au Bullshit
While all of the previous shit from This Post happens, Brambleclaw goes into exile, ending up in Shadowclan with his sister Tawnypelt. There he explains to her what happened and why he was exiled, and Tawnypelt feels a bit guilty thinking she could have kept this from happening if she knew sooner what Hawkfrost would try doing. They're both shocked of the news of Hawkfrost becoming leader of Riverclan, realizing his plans had worked. They both decide to try and find a way to expose him, fearing Riverclan will fall more under his manipulation, alongside genuine worry for Mothwing's sake. And with conflict between Windclan and Riverclan getting more and more frequent each and every moon, things might go from bad to worse if nothing is done..
Back in Thunderclan, after Hollykit and Lionkit mysteriously disappear, Leafpool goes into a depression, having lost two of her own kits seemingly out of nowhere. Squirrelflight comforts her throughout this duration, knowing how badly it affected her sister, and was just as wracked with grief with Jaykit being the only one of the litter left intact. They lie about Jaykit being a loner kit just like Hawkfrost, and they both take care of him, Leafpool being a sad but goofy "Aunt" and sometimes spoiling him with things like feathers and flower petals to decorate his pelt.
Squirrelflight meanwhile, is growing more and more suspicious of Ashfur. Nothing had seemed wrong back when Brambleclaw was exiled, but after Holly and Lion went missing, she had scented Thunderclan in the area. She had initially assumed it was her and Leafpool, but upon further investigation she realized the scent was vaguely similar to Ashfur. Knowing it wouldn't be wise to just call him out knowing there was a good chance something could go wrong, she keeps her mouth shut so she can focus on both finding evidence and further investigating, alongside raising Jaykit.
In Riverclan, Mothwing had not succeeded in drawing the ire of Sleekpaw to herbs, but instead Tadpolepaw. Tadpolepaw Trains under Mothwing's guidance, getting alongwell with the much older apprentice Willowpaw. She's confused often by how Mothwing acts happy and pleasant to be out of camp during trips for herb gathering and meeting with the other medicine cats, but paranoid and bitter in camp, especially towards Hawkstar. Tadpolepaw begins to learn from Mothwing about when she was a kit, when their mother Sasha left her and Hawkstar in Riverclan, how her little brother Tadpole, who she had been named after, died, but most importantly how she did not believe in Starclan. After this, she becomes very conflicted on what to do, her own mentor not believing in Starclan, what she had thought her entire kithood was the most important aspect of clan life apart from the code. Through Mothwing, she begins to learn of her father's much darker secrets, but what about her brother Sleekpaw...?
Sleekpaw is trained under Blackclaw, who overall is a good mentor, but behind the scenes Hawkstar does all the work, training him in the Dark Forest alongside Tigerstar. Sleekpaw grows used to the feeling of having his claws out, always having at least a little bit of blood spilled on his claws, and always having scars that healed far before any herbs could be used. Tigerstar and Hawkstar begin to wonder what was so strange about him, before realizing just how powerful his near invincibility in battle. Hawkstar smirked at the thought of using Sleekpaw against whatever threats came to Riverclan, and as tensions rise between Riverclan and Windclan, that time for bloodshed and claws unsheathed may come far sooner than those who don't wish for it..
Smaller less important things about the Hawkstar au: - Birchpaw gets renamed from Birchfall to Birchsmoke by Firestar during his warrior ceremony, after his mentor Ashfur's "Loyalty" from stopping Brambleclaw from murdering him. He's a little more nervous and overwhelmed in the au from Ashfur constantly promising to make him deputy when he becomes leader, making sure Birchsmoke is a cat he can trust and most importantly manipulate when the time comes to lead.
-Tawnypelt names all but Tigerkit the same as normal, renaming him to something like Adderkit, depends on whether or not I stick with that
-Jaykit actually stays a warrior apprentice, becoming Jayflight. He gets the suffix from Squirrelflight since he cares deeply for both of them, and happens to wonder what happened to his other siblings that make his mother and aunt go silent..
-Since Jaypaw never becomes a med apprentice, either Icecloud or Foxleap become one since something does happen to Leafpool at some point in the au...
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bonefall · 2 years
Ashfur: "Wait, you're leaving me for Brambleclaw...who you've been fighting with since before we arrived at the lakes and is being haunted by his dead demon dad...and you think nothing is going to go wrong with that plan?"
Squirrelflight: "Brambleclaw is a good cat, you don't know what he's gone through."
Ashfur: *blinks.* "Two weeks ago he woke up the entire warriors den screaming about Tigerstar and Hawkfrost and the Dark Forest. Cinderpelt has literally said darkness is surrounding him at all sides. I get you don't want to be with me, but girl, he is literally a walking red flag right now...well, actually now that I think about it, He's always been a walking red flag. Whatever. You do you." *walks away, calling for Birchpaw.*
Squirrelflight: "Did you hear him, Leafpaw?!? He blames Brambleclaw for things he can't help. It's not Brambleclaw's fault that Tigerstar is his dad."
Leafpaw: "....." =/
Ack, I dunno if I'd want to portray Petty Ashfur as being so much smarter than everyone else, or make Brambleclaw being so obviously bad that Squirrelflight looks blind to reality. Both of those options don't seem... great
Petty Ashfur's not about turning Ash into someone who's a perfect guy with all my opinions as a writer, it's about exploring the idea of him just being a petty asshole capable of growth.
I see Petty Ashfur still handling the breakup EXTREMELY personally, taking it out on Squilf in a very hurt and passive aggressive way, ruining their friendship because of it... at a time when she's going to need him most. Abuse is extremely isolating and a good friend is the best thing a person can have, but in his catty pity party he leaves her utterly alone
He really turns around at the Fire Scene, when he doubles back towards the blaze to save them, only to get attacked by Thornclaw attempting to kill the Three out of fear of the prophecy. After that, with the secret being revealed at the Gathering... it's sad.
Maybe not for NOBLE reasons, mind you, but Leafpool's his gossip rival and now teasing her is like kicking her while she's down. He haaaates Squilf for breaking up with him, but he's got a secret polycule now and the way the clans turned on her is... it's not what he saw in his fantasies. There's no joy in this. It makes him feel bad.
But in this AU, Petty Ashfur DOES seem to be a smart cookie... maybe in this version, he could work with Hawkfrost because his ulterior motive is exposing Brambleclaw? I could even toss in one of my favorite AU concepts and have Hawkfrost survive this? Hawkstar could be fun!
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nightly-ruse · 2 years
Overly complicated Ashstar Au: Part 1
(Spans over TNP, PO3, TBC. In this I don’t think OOTS would happen since the conflict is changed and AVOS would happen but in a shorter span of time, in like a super edition or short series)
Inspired a lot by @lockandkeyhyena ‘s au! Go check him out he’s making a animatic currently and it looks awesome for his ashstar au. Part 2 here!
Bramble becomes deputy of TC like in canon, he and Squirrel are mates but problems ofc are there bc he doesn’t like Ashfur and he’s her friend. But Squirrel doesn’t trust Hawkfrost and Bramble is being a little pissy boy about it, punishing her a lot. Very toxic already. (For technicality’s sake I’m saying he trained Whitepaw while Ash trained Birchpaw)
While Ash is now dating Hawk he does still have this attachment to Squirrel. And definitely hates seeing how Bramble treats her.
Hawkfrost crafts his plan to test his brother, either he kills Firestar or he betrays him and if he does then Ash is to leap from the bushes behind him and knock him out. What they get planned for was Brambleclaw attacking Hawkfrost. Caught in surprise he couldn’t roll out of the way of the stake going through his chest. Ashfur is horrified and leap out, but he has to act fast so he rescues Firestar who was coming back from receiving his life and told him that Bramble was working with Hawkfrost to kill him and become leader just like Tigerstar did! Fire is shocked but remembers Tigerclaw doing the same to Bluestar so long ago so he denounces Brambleclaw as deputy and makes Ashfur his deputy instead.
Squirrelflight is obviously horrified, she suspected Hawk of being untrustworthy but never her own mate. She breaks up with him and cries to Ash about it, who can’t help but love that he’s the one she turned to. Though ever beat of his heart reminds him of Hawkfrost. He felt this airy love and warmth with him. His hatred to Bramble is solidified even more. Now Brambleclaw is treated as a cat in their clan, not a clanmate but just there. And Ash makes sure to make his life even harder by giving him many unwanted chores, keeping him away from Squilf, and always making him do Dawn and Dusk patrols.
A bit after this and still reeling from the shock of her ex mate trying to kill her father she agrees to go with Leafpool, and immediately takes in the three for her. When she returns she never states who their sire is, some believing it’s most likely Brambleclaw and she just didn’t want to associate him with her kits. But Ash, looking at the small gray spotty tom with soft blue eyes can’t help but wonder what if their his? Immediately he feels unsure but keeps up the act of a uncle figure to them, helping out when Leaf isn’t there since she’s always so cold to him.
Squirrelflight asks her dad to make one of them apprenticed to Ashfur, a gesture by her to show she cares a lot about him helping her raise the kits (tho it’s purely platonic on her end). As such he gets Lionpaw, the overly ambitious, quick to act, and roaringly loud young cat just as his namesake. While he does try to be a good mentor Lionpaw is a handful and he gets real tired of the guy, sometimes being a bit too harsh though he tries to be nice. He does notice the toms fighting skill and learns that battle training is the best way to keep him interested.
Then he overhears it, walking back to drop off his squirrel and take a nap, he hears whispering form the healer den. Curious he gets closer and sneaks forward to hear. Inside Squilf and Leaf are talking in hushed voices about the three. “We should tell them Leaf it’s not right to keep them in the dark! Plus their almost warriors.” He hears in a anxious tone from Squilf though Leaf’s reply was sharper and clearly a no “Squirrel if anyone finds out who really fathered them I’ll lose everything, they’ll hate us don’t you know? Their whole world would break if they knew!”
He jumps back and drops off the squirrel, shaking the bristling down his spine and trying to stay cool. Too emotional he takes a walk instead, going down to the lake to think. Ash knows they aren’t his now. The little hope of a life after feels like it was shattered. All he can feel is the anger bc if he’s not the sire to them, then their Brambles. The cat who killed his mate here at the lake and hurt Squirrel. Sorry excuse of a mate for her at all when they were together. She chose him? Anger fuels him and he wants vengeance. He would make them feel the pain he did at losing everyone around him.
(For note, no Squirrel never “chose” Brambleclaw over him this is deluded thinking that she is his and any relation to him would be cheating. She didn’t and she is completely innocent just trapped in the crosshairs of two horrible nasty guys who like to control her)
He gets a flaming branch, one he found while checking camp after it was struck by lightning and brought it to a bramble bush near camp, where he tossed it to start the fire. He plays up being the deputy by helping everyone out, going in to ‘save’ the remaining cats who he knows are just Squirrel, the three, and Bramble.
There it is. The three trapped, Squirrel having trouble to push the branch to them. He helps but before they reach the other side he pushes it over, hanging them over the fire on this teetering branch, any moment able to catch on fire and crash them into the fiery flames below. Squirrel shrieks “What are you doing?!” And he just scoffs as he hold the branch steady. She can’t push him away or he’ll lose his grip and the branch will fall along with the three shaking cats she called her kits.
He screams his feelings out. He hated them. He hated her. But most of all he hated the blood that ran through them from their monstrous father. He’s about to lift his paw and let them plummet but Squirrel says the truth. They aren’t her kits. They aren’t Bramble’s most definitely. She took them in because their mother couldn’t. She raised them as her own but she wasn’t the one to kit them. The three are shocked, Ash is surprised. But he can’t let them die now. They don’t deserve that. They didn’t lie or share any blood with the cat who murdered his mate. And they just learned their mom wasn’t even their blood mother. He lets them over, Lionpaw saving Squirrel from a branch as they fled that tried to fall on her but they all make it out with few burns.
None of them speak of what happens as he crafts his plan to hurt the one who really deserved it, not some kits who were innocent of it all. He’s at the river, staring at its moonlit reflection. Memories of laying on his mates back as they floated on the waters surface (like otters), the bright eyes his frosty eyes look at him. He’s swirling his paws in the light when paws slam into his back, pushing him into its depths. He can’t breathe. The waters filling his lungs. But he wasn’t weak, pushing up he launches the cat off his back but they quickly bounce back to finish him off. They wrestle, the only discernible feature of his attacker being hostile glowing green eyes. He’s pinned as claws sink into his throat. He’s about to die. But he can’t yet. No matter how much he missed Hawk he couldn’t see him till he fulfilled what they couldn’t.
“I know who your parents are! I know who really kitted you!”
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ts3lightclan · 1 year
(1.32) The Distant Stones
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As Antpaw went about his daily duties- namely, hunting for his clan- he debated whether or not this was a good idea. He had decided to go back for that strange structure he'd seen the last time he visited this section of the forest, alongside his sisters. The rocks just seemed so... deliberate, so important... surely, they would mean a great deal for LightClan! Besides, if he, Birchpaw, and Mousepaw all went and explored new territories to claim, Lightrunner would be impressed with them! Which would get them that much closer to receiving their warrior names.
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"This is the weird place you saw..?" Mousepaw mewed, tipping her head curiously as she squinted off in the distance. "Those rocks over there?"
"Yeah! They're not too far, right?"
"I guess not, but shouldn't we bring a warrior..?"
Birchpaw perked up. "Like Magic-"
"Not Magicburst," Antpaw and Mousepaw answered in unison. Birchpaw seemed a little sad that her idea was shot down before she could even suggest it, but she didn't protest.
"If we explore it on our own, Lightrunner will see what good warriors we are! Taking initiative and all..."
"I guess that makes sense..." Though Mousepaw still didn't seem completely on board, Antpaw knew she would tag along anyway.
"Yeah! Let's go! Let's race there!" Birchpaw's front paws prodded the snow excitedly.
"No, no racing!"
"Yes racing!"
Before Mousepaw could stop her, Birchpaw had already pelted off into the forest, beaming. Betrayed, Antpaw started after her.
"Do BOTH of you have bees in your ears?!" Mousepaw whined, giving chase with her smaller legs. "Wait for me!"
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For once, Birchpaw actually did wait for Mousepaw, slowing down enough so that both she and Antpaw could pass. Antpaw didn't want either of his sisters to win, though, so he didn't stop. In fact, he was supposed to be the leader of this whole operation, so it only made sense that he'd be in front.
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As they continued onward, though, the mist began to grow thicker, only made more difficult to navigate by the snow that started to whirl down onto their pelts. It was a good thing he and Birchpaw had their mother's thick fur, but...
"It's so cold!" Mousepaw complained with a squeak. "My tail's gonna freeze off at this rate!"
"It'll be okay! We're nearly there!"
The closer they got to the rocks, the more Antpaw began to realize that the mist was emanating from this place, rather than this place being settled in mist. It sent a chill down his spine, almost as much as the snow did.
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Eventually, the structure loomed before them. A circle of rocks, within another circle of rocks, and with the... weirdest tree Antpaw had ever seen, right smack in the middle. It almost seemed to... twinkle?
"...This place is creepy... I don't like it..." Mousepaw whimpered, shivering due to the cold fog surrounding them. "Can we go home yet?"
"No way!" Birchpaw piped up. "This place is like, SUPER significant! We've gotta tell Lightrunner, like, right away!"
"We should probably hunt first," Antpaw shook his head. "We did come out here on a hunting trip, after all..."
Mousepaw huffed, clearly not happy with the suggestion. "Yeah, I guess so. I'm still hungry... I didn't get any breakfast..."
"We'll earn you some supper, then!" Birchpaw gave Mousepaw a good rough pat on the back with her paw. "Maybe we'll even get our warrior ceremony when we get back? You never know!"
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Antpaw, Birchpaw, and Mousepaw have discovered a new location: Misty Grotto
None of the apprentices can quite place why, but this place seems spiritually significant.
The siblings hunt while they're at the strange location, chatting happily among themselves.
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Back home, Magicburst picks a fight with Stormflower. While the healer wins the fight, she gains a minor wound in the process.
Thankfully, Stormflower is able to recover on her own with minimal effort.
Magicburst and Stormflower are currently on bad terms.
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After a full day of unsuccessful hunting back home, the apprentices' hunting patrol is a sight for sore eyes. They manage to bring back enough prey to feed the clan, if only for the evening.
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Mousepaw reports back to Lightrunner in the place of her siblings, who are so tuckered out that they immediately head to bed. Lightrunner decides that she'll send a better-equipped patrol to investigate the Misty Grotto in the near future.
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For Her Kits (short story)
Birchtuft’s body jerked back upright, but his eyes were still fluttering. How did warriors do this? 
Earlier–yesterday? It was hard to say how late it had gotten since he earned his warrior name. Now, he had to sit vigil just outside the Shadowclan camp. Which meant he had to stay up all night. Without a word. 
He felt a flash of anger thrill through him. He and his littermates, Spottedwasp and Turtlestripe, would have been made warriors together if he hadn’t been held back in his training for a moon as punishment for bringing prey to kittypets to show them how great it was to live as a wild cat. It was stupid obviously, but they had been young, and Birchpaw decided to take full responsibility, leaving his brother and sister out of the story and allowing them to hop away unscathed. How he regretted that now.
At least the anger kept him awake, even if it did make him sound like a kit. Warriors didn’t do that, wailing against the unfairness of simple things. 
He smiled to himself when he could almost hear the sound of a kit wailing. He really must be getting tired. But the sound didn’t go away, only increased, and his eyes shot open.
A kit was in danger!
He glanced back into the camp walls, but there might not be time to get help. Besides, he was a warrior now, and wasn’t it his duty as the one sitting vigil to protect others?
He raced away, zigzagging through the pines, stopping to angle his ears and follow the sound again every so often so that he wouldn’t get lost.
He skidded to a stop on the pebbly shore, small rocks sent flying by his rapid paws. He looked around wildly, but couldn’t see anything. The wail sounded again, and with a beating heart, he saw a tiny, bulging-eyed kit in the middle of the lake, little, twig-sized legs flailing.
Birchtuft wasted no time. Running along the Half-bridge, he leaped from the height it gave him and into the water. As he sank in to his neck, water sucking at his skin and fur, every instinct told him to turn back around and shake it all from his pelt. But he kicked forward, shivering at the cold. Closer…closer… 
His legs began to ache, he slowed, catching his breath. But nearer now, he could see the kit more clearly– how her throat strained to scream for help louder, how her paws, so, so small, reached desperately for him. He propelled forward. Rest could wait. 
He was just within reaching distance of the kit when she fell beneath the surface. Heart racing, Birchtuft took a breath and dived in after her.
Interlaced with his blind panic was the expectation of black nothingness, of his ears being clogged and his eyes blinded, hearing and feeling but the bubbly air blocking out everything else. Instead, as he dived in it was as though he were leaping from the ground. A ground that was muddy, dried blood sucking–no, gripping at his fur like clawed tendrils. The sky was a dark red, like a sunset promising to be the last time day would ever be seen. And it was still while exiting the water-mud, front legs stretched forward to grab the kit that had just earlier been beneath him–was he grabbed and slammed into the ground.
Hootpetal bent down to lick her daughter between the ears. “You did good, honey.”
Hootpetal and her poly knew what had to be done in order to feed their kits. She had hoped not to target someone so young, but they were most vulnerable, and weak enough not to harm Drizzlekit, should he have realized what was going on. Too, Hootpetal felt a twinge in her stomach at the knowledge that her kits would eat another cat. Myrtlewing and Alderstar had taken that step plenty of times in the past, but never Hootpetal. She had ended all dark and twisted things she had done in her grief for Alderstar now that she was here with him. It was for her kits–the kits that they had together–that she was doing this at all.
She suspected that Grousemane wasn’t so comfortable either, or at least he wasn’t excited like Alderstar appeared to be. The grey-spotted tom hung back, keeping only one eye on the commotion in case anything went wrong, though Hootpetal doubted that the three of them wouldn’t be able to handle the small tom. 
Treekit sat between his paws, complaining that he wanted to lure Birchtuft away, too. He had only been left out because he was still finding it difficult to walk while his unusual weight dragged him down.
They were silent but Birchtuft’s rapid, semi-comprehensible questions as his face was mashed against the floor, and Drizzlekit’s annoyed responses for him to shut up.
Then Myrtlewing stepped from the trees, a rotting flower dripping from his mouth. “‘Op’uee ‘is works,” he mumbled through them. Padding up to the young tom’s face, he waited for him to open his mouth again–which was about a split-second–and stuffed the flowers down. 
“You sure you got the right one?” Hootpetal asked him. She didn’t want to go through all this trouble just for a bite.
“Flea and Fading both confirmed it.”
“Do they know what we want it for?”
Myrtlewing made what could be mistaken for a shy smile, for anyone that didn’t know him. “Decided it best not to. Didn’t want them trying to stop us.” 
Hootpetal dipped her head. They couldn’t know for certain if the flower would make Birchtuft sleep long enough for her kits to eat a good portion before he woke up and faded from the Dark Forest, but it was better than nothing. 
It was for her kits, she told herself as they leapt all too eagerly forward, as the air filled with their chewing and Birchtuft’s screams of pain. As Alderstar held him down by the neck with his jaws while holding his legs in place with his own, eyes shining brightly. Myrtlewing helped him, holding the back legs in place and practically hopping happily on his own, giving the kits tips on the best places to bite and rip.
It was for them, she told herself as blood sprayed across the clearing and onto her brown pelt. As her kits mewled with delight. And in that final sound, of their happiness and the knowledge that their bellies would be filling, she relaxed.
--Hootpetal, while a deranged killer, isn’t as comfortable with this whole thing. She only killed because grief pushed her to it, and only killed those around her age (because they were mates). And she never resorted to cannibalism. 
She’s probably not as uncomfortable as a normal human (cat) would be, but DEFINITELY not as at-home as Myrtle and Alder likely are.
And Grousemane came from Starclan, so yeah the two aren’t exactly jumping for joy at this whole deal.
--Birchtuft probably did wake up pretty soon, but would die before he could say anything to his Clan. They found him where he was sitting vigil, the wounds on his body and no new scents or anything disturbing the grass.
--Birchtuft fell asleep where he was sitting vigil. The whole running to the lake thing was a dream, so Drizzle was never in any actual danger.
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valleyclan-cg · 1 year
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After a harsh leaf-bare, and an even harsher season of redcough, bought into the clans by a wandering loner from the reserve, Valleyclan seems to find peace in recovering from its great loss, the now small clan coping with the new rule of Iciclestar, the previous leaders daughter, who had stepped up after the previous leader had died without taking a new deputy. The clan seem happy with the position she inherited, as well as the new deputy, Silverbright, who took the role after being offered it.
Once the last snowstorm had finally passed and new life of newleaf rejuvenated the clan, the medicine cat, Honeyfern, had taken Iciclelarch to see their ancestors at the Stonepool. It seems they greatly approved, and Iciclelarch was given Heartpaw as her guiding spirit, who she had found a very odd choice, but welcomed the long dead apprentice nonetheless.
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Whilst nothing interesting may have happened, the clan is healthy and fed. Even without the excitement that life may bring to the clan cats, they can be grateful for being alive and healthy after such a terrible season passed.
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Silverbright, being the new deputy, seems quite curious about Iciclestar, now taking on her new position as leader. He wonders if she has time for mates anymore, and that leads into the realization that she doesn't quite have as easy of a life as he may think. This gives him a high respect for her, as his loyalty ties him back to such a strong she-cat and the clan she cares for.
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Birchpaw is also very fond of her mentor, Silverbright. She offers him feathers, to line his nest with to make him more comfortable and, in Silverbright's mind, to show her comfort and respect for him. He takes these happily before inviting her out to training.
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Despite this though... The two don't have much luck. As Silverbright expects her to lead the session, but Birchpaw seems awkward and shuffles her paws, once Silverbright prompts her, the two seem to bicker, before giving up on the expedition and they both go home.
Asides that, the clan is well fed and the border patrols come back happily.
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
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The chills of Leafbare has not quite left the tall mountains of the territory, and Silverbright finds himself waking up with a runny nose after a border patrol the night before. He checks it with Honeyfern and she tells him to relax and try to eat warm prey when it comes and sleep well at night. Silently, he thanks Birchpaw for the feathers she had given him the moon before.
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Birchpaw snuck out of camp, to hunt pressumably, but didn't think that Silverbright would come to look for her. He had planned battle training today for her, but when he found her slunking into came with a small falcon, he reprimands her, telling her that she should join the patrol with Honeyfern to collect herbs, since she already contributed to the fresh kill pile for the day. Birchpaw isn't too happy with this but she agrees.
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Iciclestar, sensing Silverbright's unhappiness, challenges him to a soft sparring match, and she's very surprised when the skinny and scrawny tom is able to beat her despite her size. The two have a good laugh and chat about it, further strengthening their bond further.
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Whilst Birchpaw is waiting for Honeyfern to be ready, she watches the two older warriors, impressed by them.
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Saplingear is very happily chatting her younger sister's ear off whilst she sorts through her herbs, they discuss Birchpaw, whilst Saplingear jokes about all the mischief she got into when she was an apprentice her age, and Honeyfern happily listens.
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Saplingear and Silverbright go out to hunt for the clan, and down the mountain they find a two-paw path they didn't recognise was on their territory before. They look at it a little confused, but Saplingear tells them not to cross, just incase of injury.
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It turns out Birchpaw's wondering earlier in the day was to clear her head, and she vents out this to Honeyfern, who listens intently.
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Unfortunately, Honeyfern can't make any sense of the vision either, which only makes Birchpaw a little more worried. It seems strange to her that they would send such a strange vision to her. They head back to camp.
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
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troutfur · 2 years
Fern and Ash partician AU: Yes! Ashfur's and Brambleclaw's whole fight is Ash being a protective uncle/older brother to Squirrel. Ashfur believing the newly named Squirrelflight 100 percent about Hawkfrost and putting himself between her and Bramble when Bramble (kinda understandably, he just wanted to know his other siblings so I can't really see him as a bad guy here, even if he's training in hell) gets angry about Squirrel prying into his life. Both Squirrel and Ash taking turns training Birchpaw, getting him ready to go to Windclan (because I bet Tallstar asked for Birchkit when Crow went missing) as a backup, and them joining Ferncloud and Dustpelt in saying goodbye to Birch when Onestar (Thinking the trade happens before Mudclaw's rebellion, so Onestar is still friendly to Thunderclan.) Ashfur taking over the Augur position in Thunderclan while Ferncloud morns Birchpaw, Hollykit and Larchkit. Ash, Bramble, and Squirrel happily welcoming Brook and Stormfur into Thunderclan, Ash and Squirrel trading looks when Storm tells them what happened in Riverclan. Thornclaw being the one who alerts Squirrel, Bramble, and Ash to Firestar and Hawkfrost, and Ash finally accepting Squirrel/Bramble after Bramble kills Hawkfrost, and Ash telling Bramble that he's sorry about Hawkfrost, and that he doesn't think HE'D have the strength to go on if he had to do that to one of his sisters, and that he's sorry about Hawkfrost.
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lockandkeyhyena · 3 years
i am once again thinking abt my ashstar au,, who would be appoint as deputy??
im torn between cloudtail n birchpaw(fall). because like,, he needs someone he can manipulate easily. who else is easiest to manipulate than close family (as well as all the other warriors in thunderclan at, being pretty headstrong)? ON THE OTHER PAW. the Drama of him having birchpaws warrior ceremony quite young (hes only abt 8, maybe 9 moons at this point if we’re being generous) just so he could appoint someone very easy for him to control as deputy.
like,, birchpaw lost his siblings rlly young and holds himself to rlly high standards and just the idea of him not rlly getting to enjoy his childhood because hes being used as a puppet by ashstar Speaks To Me
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divinefeline28 · 4 years
ashfurs involvement in hawkfrosts trap for firestar makes no sense and he shouldve been caught immediately
1. (presumably) ashfur tells birchpaw to tell firestar that blackstar is waiting for him on thunderclan territory.
2. firestar runs into the trap looking for blackstar.
3. hawkfrost and brambleclaw had already previously agreed to meet near shadowclan territory at sunrise just to casually talk about overthrowing the clans, so he goes there and finds firestar dying instead.
4. ashfur runs back to camp, and tells squirrelflight and leafpool firestar is caught in a fox trap and he didnt help because brambleclaw is there, and he couldn’t take them both at once. this implies ashfur is trying to incriminate brambleclaw, since brambleclaw does not see ashfur at the lake at any point to even think about threatening him.
5. brambleclaw debates killing firestar but decides not to. hawkfrost attacks brambleclaw, but brambleclaw kills him. as he’s dying, he says “do you think i did this alone? do you think youre safe within your own clan? think again!” and then he dies.
so why the hell did neither firestar nor brambleclaw put together that birchpaw was completely wrong about blackstar being there, once they knew it was hawkfrosts plan to kill him? why was no one like “hey birchpaw who the fuck told you that.” brambleclaw is apparently chilled by hawkfrost insisting one of his clanmates is a traitor, but then he gets his girlfriend back just fucking forgets. I GUESS.
i think point 4 gets really glossed over also; squirrelflight seems to go along with ashfur mistrusting brambleclaw because she does also. but leafpool just fought for him to be made deputy... why wouldnt she be like “wtf do you mean FIGHT brambleclaw shouldnt he be helping??” and then this is never brought up again. we learn in long shadows that he only did this to hurt squirrelflight, so it makes sense that ashfur betrayed hawkfrost by making up a bit of his own story. but how did no one?? realize this??
(ashfur is confirmed to have sent firestar to the trap during the fire scene in long shadows, when he confesses it to squirrelflight. otherwise, just from the information in sunrise it wouldnt be clear, but i was pulling from later information to set up the timeline.)
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