#Magic trans day powers ig
letthe-skyfall · 6 months
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Happy Trans Day of Visibility from my OC Birchpaw to all the trans people out there :)
He supports you and thinks you are amazing.
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Long awaited oc lore post that I kept forgetting to do for @ghostly-schematics hehe
Lot of stuff has changed since i first made these guys in like 8th grade so there might be some contradictory stuff that I haven’t ironed out yet haha 🥲
tw for death and abuse (kind of?)
Bianca (she/her)- ~19 years old, born and raised in a fishing island in the middle of the ocean called Moorhill and has never left. Her mom is sick+bedridden and her dad was a sailor who went out on a voyage one day and got lost at sea, so she has to pick up a bunch of jobs to support her and her mom, two of which include working at the local inn and delivering newspapers.
Simon(he/him)- same age as Bianca. Also grew up in Moorhill, and his dad is the mayor. His mom died when he was young, ~7yrs (are you noticing a trend here?) and he has 3 siblings; one older brother (Finn) and two little sisters (Ana and Evelyn). Grew up relatively rich compared to the rest of the town and traveled a lot as a child. Doesn’t have the best relationship with his dad, his dad is very tough on his kids and is very emotionally distant. Simon spends most of his time working with his dad w/ paperwork and other mayorly activities. (I don’t know what mayors do)
Anya(she/her)- somewhere in her early 20s, ~22ish. From the mainland (forgot the name so it’s just mainland for now) College student studying engineering. Trying to make a breakthrough invention/ achievement but is stuck. She goes to Moorhill to visit extended family and get a break from the stress+ also maybe get inspiration for an invention. Stays at the inn in exchange for working there part time  bc she’s a broke college student and meets Bianca while working there. 
Theo(he/him)- early 20s, little older than Anya, ~24. Anya’s ex, they went to college together. He is from a very wealthy family on the mainland. He sails the world on his boat smuggling things and just being cool in general. You can tell I was very into ya fantasy when I wrote him, very Nikolai lantsov inspired. Has kind of a strained relationship with his family members. His parents are very conservative and traditional, very into keeping the values and traditions, and he is a trans guy who left home as soon as he turned 18 so they don’t get along geat. He has a younger sister (Clara, you’ll learn more abt her later) who was very close w him as a child and kind of feels left behind when he left. Also has a younger brother (Charles/Charlie) who is very young and basically doesn’t know Theo at all, as he left when he was still very young. Theo also has kind of a crazy backstory that I’ll explain later when you meet another character.
Elaine(she/her)- ~21, little younger than Anya. Ohh where to begin. Elaine is from the island of  Faeglenn, home of the elves. The elves are basically just fairies, like they have wings and magic and stuff I just wanted to have a special name ig. The elves have a pretty simple magic system. From a young age, all elves are able to control the 4 elements; air, fire, water, and earth. As they get older, they are taught to control their magic better and utilize the elements to shape the world around them. However, in some rare cases, an elf can be born with a malfunctioning magic ability, basically the elements mix or are too strong, creating a new type of unique magic. In Elaine’s case, she is able to create and manipulate lightning/thunder storms. When she was a child, the other elves tried to control or suppress her powers, but it soon became clear that they were uncontrollable. So instead, they took this poor 13 year old and chopped off her wings and exiled her from the isle. She was sent away on a boat to the mainland where she met a couple who owned a tavern/inn in town and let her live with them for a while. After a few years, she met Clara, who introduced her to Theo. He offered her a chance to see the world if she would help him get around storms unharmed. She agreed and now the two of them sail around smuggling things and being cool.
Clara(she/her)- ~20. Theo’s younger sister. After Theo left, she basically raised Charlie by herself because her parents were too busy trying to find Theo and bring him back home because they don’t want him to make them look bad. Her relationship with Theo is complicated because she looks up to and respects him but also feels abandoned by him, even though she understands why he left. She goes out to bars a lot and is an alcoholic. She met Elaine when she was out partying one night and they dated briefly. She also dreams of leaving one day but doesn’t want to leave Charlie alone.
Meg(she/they)- ~20. Meg grew up with Clara and Theo as children. Their parents were nobles and good friends with Clara and Theo’s family. When she was 6, her parents died in a crash and they were sent to live on Clara and Theo’s estate. While she was technically under the care of Clara and Theo’s parents, she developed a close bond with the gardener and his wife, who raised them as their own. They became very close with Clara, especially after Theo left. She was also close with Rufus (you’ll meet them next) who was also adopted by the gardeners, but they drifted apart as they got older.
Rufus(they/them)- ~26. Ohh boyyyy. As a baby, Rufus was left on the doorstep of Clara and Theo’s family estate. No one knows who their parents are or why they were left there. They were found and adopted by the gardener and his wife, who were unable to have children of their own. As a child, Rufus was very close with Theo, and doted on Meg when she was adopted. When Theo was ~12 and Rufus was ~14, they were playing by a river when Theo fell in and got pulled down by the current. When Rufus found him, he was caught under a rock, bleeding and not breathing. They panicked, as they were the one supposed to be watching Theo. Uhh i haven’t really figured out the logistics of the next part, but basically Rufus somehow was able to make a deal with an angel to bring Theo back in exchange for their soul. Basically, if Theo dies, so does Rufus. It doesn’t work the other way around though, like if Rufus died, Theo would still live.   Rufus never told anyone about the deal that they made. All anyone knows is that Theo fell into the river and Rufus somehow saved him. Because of this, Theo’s parents appointed Rufus a Theo’s bodyguard. Basically, Rufus had to be near Theo at all times and report all behavior back to Theo’s parents. Neither of them were really happy about this. Theo was angry about his lack of freedom, and Rufus was forced to betray their best friend’s trust. Theo grew resentful of Rufus and started doing increasingly more dangerous things and sneaking around behind their back. In turn, Rufus became more distant towards both Theo and Meg. When Theo left, they took up more jobs around the estate, working as a butler, a carriage driver, etc.
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rodolfoparras · 6 months
Nah it's ok, I just have crippling addiction to twinks and I'm weak for pretty boys who look like elven and angelic. I swear... a pretty thing bats his eyes at me and I'm fucking goner. ANYWAYS-
Acheron is old D&D character that went through quite a bit of development and he will always be one of my favourite characters I ever created hence why I made him into my Tav. He was originally female character for a brief while just because drow society is matriarchal and I intended for him to start out as royalty and threat to his aunt's power. Buuuut I quickly decided that I want him to be man after all so he's canonically trans now.
I don't want to prattle on about drow history and politics even though I could but essentially men are seen as slaves and toys and have no worth in the society and drows are notorious for turning on each other and killing one other constantly. Acheron's older brother wasn't like that at all and he was super sweet and him and Acheron were very close. Acheron was child prodigy and quickly gained favour of their matriarch and head priestesses and became champion of Lolth and his entire goal was to become head matriarch so he could build better life for his brother. That's also the reason why he repressed his real self and only his brother knew that he was trans.
Acheron was noticed and chosen by Raven Queen who sensed his grief and sorrow even while he as young child and she became mother figure to him while he secretly prayed to her. He got infused with shadow magic through the sword she sent down to him and she became his patron goddess. When he was still young man, his aunt (fearing his influence and the influence of his mother), slaughtered his entire family and Acheron only survived because his brother manage to hide him and his goddess kept him safe. That event broke something in him that was never able to be repaired.
Acheron fought his way out of Underdark and escaped to surface where he saved by young druid who would become his best friend (who is actually my bestie's D&D character). He only had locket with his brother's picture, lock of his hair and his ring to remember his brother by and he treasures it deeply. Also since hexblades (weapon he received) are kind of semi sentient and can talk to their wielders, Acheron believes his brother's soul is in the blade and he talks to it regularly.
He completely buried his old life, transitioned and made a name for himself, eventually being known as The Scourge of Underdark and he and very chaotic but mostly decent person. He had quite a few other tragic things happen to him that kind of shaped him into being cold and ruthless and no-nonsense person. And side note but he actually has genuinely good relationship with his patron and she does genuinely love him as sees him as her son.
Every other companion in bg3 has horrible and abusive relationship with their goddesses and Acheron is there all like 😶😶 "Mmm skill issue ig, imma go tell mom about my day and ask for new spells"
And his story fits so well with bg3 story and I even headcanon Minthara, female drow that can become your companion, as his cousin and her mother to be the aunt that slaughtered his family. And Astarion is like.... second person Acheron had genuinely romantic feelings for ever probably and his companions are one of few people he grew to care about. And Acheron is very much ready to do whatever it takes for his friends and especially for Astarion.
He doesn't care about power or influence or anything, he just wants to keep Astarion safe because he can't risk losing the most important person in his life again. That's why I hc that after the events of the game he goes back to Underdark and kills his aunt and everyone loyal to her and he makes it clear that unless he and his loved ones are left alone, he will not hesitate to wipe them all out. He's a little unhinged but ordinary people know him as a hero, albeit very scary one.
Sugar!!! I am genuinely amazed how in depth this is it felt like I was watching a movie reading this!!’ First of all I’ll always be a sucker for good healthy sibling relationship and the fact that their bond still remains in some ways is why I’m not sad despite everything tragic that happened to him also Im so glad he has a best friend by his side to love and support him because it can’t be easy having gone through all that trauma and continue life on your own also astarion being all starry eyed over him, to him it’s like seeing a sweet puppy flash its teeth but he absolutely loves it feels himself get all warm and light 🥹 this is genuinely a beautiful story and I’m throughly impressed with how thought out every step is
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corvuscrowned · 3 years
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**T4T stands for “trans for trans” and is commonly used in personal ads. 
for @magicaltrans i’ve been posting a little ficlet each day that’s specially dedicated to some of the remarkable trans & nonbinary friends i’ve made in fandom who have made this place feel like a home.
today’s fic is dedicated to @ihopeyoubothstaysafefromharm​​ for spreading so much cheer throughout the fandom in record time and for just being an allaround delight of a dude - and to @jalesidor​​ who is my live, my laugh, my love, and has been the most incredible support both in and out of fandom.
thanks again to @opalesqueopioid​​ for the pep and beta on this fic!!
for the prompt T4T. cw: closeted trans character, contemplations of coming out.
Harry wakes to her phone buzzing on her pillow. It takes a few moments for the haze of sleep to clear and everything to come into focus — the light trickling in through her window, the patch of drool on her pillowcase. She passed out texting again, and fell asleep with her glasses on.
Her phone buzzes again, and she flips it open.
L: wake up you slag L: i can’t believe you fell asleep on me again L: i’m the most fascinating person to ever exist and she falls asleep on me anyway L: smdh
Harry smiles to herself — at Lucy’s ridiculous texts and at the sight of the name she’s trying out for herself, Jamie, spelled out in blocky pixels just for her. She rubs sleep out of her eyes as she texts back. 
J: merlin, needy much? J: some of us need to sleep, you know, sometimes. J: something tells me you were up all night doing something ridiculous like J: i dunno J: researching potions ingredient interactions
She waits a few moments for Lucy’s text to light up her screen.
L: ha ha ha  L: shut up L: for your information L: i was researching cauldron material interactions actually L: so fuck u  L: youre lucky youre hot
J: you don’t even know what I look like
L: i can tell anyway
Harry snorts.
J: and how is that?
L: u act like a smarmy asshole who gets away with everything L: so probably hot
J: wow J: for once in your life, you’re right about something
L: :| L: well, good morning L: i hope you slept well or whatever L: have a good day etc etc L: :* 
Harry laughs to herself, feeling the smile that seems to be reserved for Lucy spread across her face. She hadn’t realized how much she needed someone like this in her life — someone who understood her like this — until she finally had it. She’d just never expected to find them through a personal ad.
It was the simplicity of it the ad, tucked away at the end of The Prophet, that made Harry send the first text. “Something of a late bloomer trying to figure out this whole ‘woman’ thing,” Lucy’s ad read. “Looking for someone who might understand.”
And then there it was at the end, like an ancient spell no one but the initiated would understand: “T4T.” 
J: thanks J: and thanks for letting me get all depressing about stuff last night J: i appreciate you and all that rot J: but seriously though
L: of course love L: that’s what i’m here for. L: plus, i’m used to it L: you’re always depressing
Harry snorts. She glances up into the corner of her screen to see the time, and  springs from her bed in a panic. She’s very late for work.
keep reading under the cut!
Most wizards don’t really understand cell phones, which means Harry can get away with a lot of texting at work. Sometimes she isn’t sure how she’d survive it all otherwise. 
“Mr. Potter,” Robards snaps, and Harry scrambles to attention, dropping her phone into her lap. “Is there something more pressing going on in your little gadget than being properly prepared for this mission? Because I’m sure we’d all delight to know.”
The other Aurors let out a chorus of snickering, one of them murmuring something about The Boy Who Texted. “No, sir,” Harry says. “Sorry.” 
Robards’ glare lingers on her for a few moments before he launches back into his droning. Harry opens her phone under the desk.
J: all this texting is going to get me bloody fired from my job
L: are you sure it’s the texting and not, like, general incompetence?
J: ha ha ha.
Lucy doesn’t reply for a few moments, and then Harry’s phone buzzes again.
L: is it any better lately, though?
J: no J: not really.  J: idk, all the mistering and he’s and him’s J: idk J: sucks sometimes
L: yeah i know L: i get it. I do L: it’ll be alright, though, jamie. L: it’ll get better L: it’s temporary L: you just have to get through it.
Harry smiles down at her phone. Sometimes, when Lucy says it, she can believe it.
L: what did you say you do again?
J: uhhh J: i didn’t
L: oh right right, anonymity and all that L: like i’m going to be able to stalk you just from knowing your job
J: well, err J: you’d be surprised.
She meets up with Ron and Hermione after work just like she does every Friday, and even though being around them used to feel like the time she was most herself, lately it feels like there’s something dense forming between them, like a thick glass wall she can see through but can’t quite reach past.
“He’s not even listening,” Ron mumbles, then raps lightly on Harry’s head. “Anyone home in there?”
“Sorry, sorry,” Harry says, and finishes off the end of her ale. “You were telling me about the Cannons.”
“Erm, maybe two topics ago,” Hermione says. “We’ve been talking about the new Defense professor for at least the past ten minutes.” She fixes Harry with a particularly Hermione look. “Harry, are you alright?”
It would be as good a time as any to tell them. She’s going to do it eventually, and she knows they won’t care. But every time she tries to find the words, her mouth goes dry. 
“Yeah,” she says. “Sorry. Just —” 
Her phone buzzes in her pocket. She flips it open to find a very pixely image of a very angry cat wearing a very tall tophat.
L: jamie jamie look at this L: i think this is what Muggles do for fun L: they put hats on cats and such it’s quite fascinating L: … L: it’s cute actually L: maybe I should get a cat  L: so i can put hats on it.
“Merlin,” Ron says on a laugh. “You’ve gone and met someone, haven’t you? No wonder you’ve been so spacey. Who is he?”
“Ron!” Hermione says chidingly. “Harry will tell us whenever he’s ready.” She casts him a playful smile. “Though I do hope he’s better than that last bloke who couldn’t hold a conversation if he was carrying it in a bucket.” 
Hermione and Ron quickly forget he’s there, launching into some debate about Harry’s ex, a Kestrels player who Ron was more in love with than Harry ever was. Harry looks down at her phone.
J: brilliant J: thanks for looping me in
L: you alright?
It’s almost staggering, really, how Lucy can pick up on things so quickly through nothing but pixels on a screen. Sometimes Ron and Hermione don’t even pick up on things when they’re sitting right across from her.
J: long day J: the cat helps tho J: thanks.
L: it gets easier, jamie
J: i hope so.
When Harry gets home from the pub, there are ten more cat pictures on her phone. 
L: i can’t get enough of these L: pretend these stupid pix are runes that will magically fix ur shit day
A smile spreads across Harry’s face as she scrolls through the photos. Most of them have strange captions about “cheezeburgers.” They’re absolutely inane, but they’re from Lucy, so she loves them.
J: it wasn’t so shit J: i got to talk to you
L: awwwwwwwwwww L: that’s so gay!
J: yup.
Lucy doesn’t reply for a while, and Harry thinks she may have fallen asleep on her for once. She busies herself cooking dinner, halfheartedly cleaning her flat, and working on some paperwork - checking her phone too often like she always does, in case she missed a text. She’s about to turn in when her phone finally buzzes.
L: jamie?
J: lucy? 
Another long silence before Lucy texts again.
L: do you think we’ll ever actually meet up? L: i mean, i know it’s maybe fast. but L: you live in London, too, right? and L: i dunno
Harry watches the texts fill her screen. She pictures neatly manicured nails holding a phone somewhere in this massive city, typing out words that are only for her.
L: i just thought maybe L: we could see if there’s L: i don’t know. L: something.
In Harry’s mind, the manicured hand attaches to the faint outline of a person. Someone feminine and polished, a perfect vision of womanhood. Or maybe someone like her, moving through life in a form that doesn’t exactly align with who she is.
Her fingers shake slightly as she types a response.
J: maybe.
L: maybe we’ll meet? L: or maybe there’s something?
J: both. maybe. J: i dunno. J: i keep thinking that maybe if it’s meant to happen it’ll just J: happen.
L: wow L: that’s very poetic L: you never struck me as the type to believe in that sort of thing L: like... fate J: well J: i believe in it more lately than i used to
L: hm. L: alright L: well L: i can deal with maybe 
There’s another long pause.
L: at least for now L: i can’t wait my whole life jamie smdh L: i’m a very busy woman etc etc L: and powerful L: and, like, hot and stuff
J: yes i believe i remember all of this seeing as you make a point to remind me of it every single day
L: well i won’t have you forgetting these most important facts of life
Harry smiles at her phone. Inside of her, waves of chaos and confusion, devoured by butterflies.
L: goodnight, jamie.
J: goodnight, lu.
Harry tries to sleep, but it’s elusive, scattered apart by a wash of nerves and excitement and deep echoes of fear. After staring at her ceiling for either ten minutes or two hours, she climbs out of bed and pulls on a jumper and jeans, unsure how to work through all of her pools of nervous energy, but sure she has to do something about it. When she grabs her phone to walk out of her flat, she sees she missed a text from Lucy.
L: uuuGGGHH i can’t sleep
J: yea me neither J: somehow i feel like this is your fault
L: probably L: i tend to be accidentally evil that way
Harry finds herself under the warm golden lights of the mostly-empty Leaky, nursing a butterbeer by the fire. It’s where she always comes when she can’t sleep, and the patrons generally leave her alone. This time of night, mostly everyone is too busy seeing her as Harry Potter Brooding in A Corner to really see her anyway — but then, lately it feels like everyone is too busy seeing Harry Potter to see anything deeper.
J: what are you doing awake?
L: thinking, i guess
J: rare J: don’t hurt yourself
L: ha
J: what are you thinking about?
L: idk L: you
Harry feels her heart flutter and swallows down a bundle of nerves.
J: oh  J: so we’re doing the same thing
L: thinking about you?
J: lol no J: you know what i meant
L: but honestly im thinking about how i’m just L: really glad we met L: even if it was through somewhat odd channels L: it’s just been L: well, i dunno L: you’re marvelous
Harry’s breath catches in her throat. Lucy can’t really know, after all. She doesn’t know Harry, not really. But there’s something about her anyway, something that seems to run deeper than just words on a screen, words that Harry can hardly believe. 
J: i feel the same way
L: that you’re marvelous?
J: well yea that too J: but honestly  J: i have a lot to thank you for, lucy J: i don’t know where i’d be without you J: who i’d be J: so thank you.
L: no L: jamie you’re doing all of it on your own L: but it’s been truly remarkable to watch.
The door to the Leaky opens, pulling Harry’s attention away from her phone. A woman stands at the entrance, surveying the sparse scene before turning to the bar. She looks half-asleep, dressed in a pastel pink jumper and jeans and stylish suede boots that come up to the middle of her thighs. Harry’s eyes linger on her from across the pub, the effortlessness of it all, the understated nature of her femininity, something that feels just out of reach — something that maybe even feels familiar. There’s a small smile on the woman’s lips, something quiet and only for herself. Harry looks back down to her phone.
J: is that humility i sense? you must be very tired
Harry’s tired, and she may be imagining things — but she thinks she hears the faint buzz of a cell phone receiving a text a few paces away.
Harry watches as the woman at the bar fiddles with her hair while she waits for her drink, taking it out of the messy bun atop her head. It unspools in waves of silver-white that drop down a few inches past her shoulders, and she threads her fingers through it while she waits for the bartender. She pays for her drink and finds an empty table in the corner across from Harry. 
Harry watches as the woman takes out her phone. The smile widens on her lips.
L: ha  L: honestly though  L: you mean a lot to me L: i hope you know that
Harry’s fingers are so shaky she can hardly coordinate her texting, her eyes glancing between her phone and the woman across the room — the woman who looks uncannily familiar, light hair and lighter eyes, a narrow nose that reminds her of someone from another life.
J: yea J: i do
Harry listens as the phone in the woman’s hand buzzes, her smile illuminated by the light from the screen in the darkness.
J: you mean a lot to me too J: even if you’re certifiably mental
In the empty pub, the sound of the woman’s laughter carries across the room. She drops her phone to her lap and takes a sip of her whiskey. As she drinks, her eyes flit up over her glass and out across the room. Harry’s heart pounds through her chest. She feels frozen to the spot. 
And that’s how she is when the woman’s eyes fall upon her — shocked stupid, phone in one hand, the other wrapped around her butterbeer like a vice.
Recognition passes through the woman’s face in layers. Harry watches it happen. First, she sees Harry. Then, she sees Jamie.
The smile spreads until it’s taking up the woman’s entire face — high cheekbones, pink lips, eyes twinkling between deep affection and complete and utter bewilderment. 
Harry thinks she may have imagined it — all of it. Maybe it was just an odd set of coincidences. Maybe she was wrong about where she seems to remember the woman from, the confusing echo radiating from her childhood. But then, it all felt too perfect, too familiar from the very beginning. And things slowly click into place — the name, the potions, the unmistakable snark. She can see the woman across the room working through all of it as well, her eyes locked on Harry’s as she does.
The woman closes her phone, and her lips form around a silent word.
“Hi,” she mouths.
Harry blinks, not sure if she imaged it. Then she mouths back: “Hi.”  It’s the first time Harry has seen her smile — at least like this — but the sight of it feels like a memory.
crow’s magical trans comfest
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spicyicymeloncat · 2 years
talk/doodle about hatsune miku for the art/opinions thing
Hatsune Miku???
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Oh wow… my favourite Ninjago character… ig I can work with this…
Happy belated birthday Hatsune Miku
Hatsune miku is a vocaloid (a vocal synthesiser) created by Crypton Future Media and she is used to sing (and feature as a character) in songs (usually in Japanese) created by various artists that own her software. She is a widespread internet sensation, globally famous making cameos in various other mediums, like comics, anime and lady gaga concerts.
If you’d rather not delve in the horrors of EC (which is murder and everything that’s worse than murder) then just skip this paragraph. Miku tends to be given character of a sentient doll constantly in an existential crisis and severe daddy issues. One of her roles is Maria Moonlit (which could be counted as her first appearance (or her last), if we’re counting song wise in chronological order. Idk? who’s counting amirite?). Maria Moonlit is an orphan born near the beginning of time, got struck by lightning and chosen to be the prophet and figure head to a technologically advanced medieval civilisation. She supposedly had the power to hear the voices of the gods who claimed to be her parents. However, the gods were evil and trapped somewhere and wanted to be born into human vessels, so she made up a lie to trick the people into starting a project to create magic twin babies to house the gods. This turns into an incredibly convoluted science experiment which involved serial killers, cloning, incest????, the government being overthrown, dragons and the entire city exploding and all technology being lost as the world is thrust into the dark ages. Maria lives the sad life of wondering who she is and wondering whether she’s just been used like a plaything to the gods, and technically she was, because she was a doll wound up like clockwork to repeat her miserable life forever (literally, there’s time travel shanigannery). We can assume she’s a doll because she’s the reincarnation of one that has been sent back in time. Okay Ik that was entirely crazy but that’s only the first part of evillious. Miku’s two most prominent parts in the series however, is trans lesbian servant girl Michaela, who got assassinated in the name of a jealous betrothed of a man with a one sided crush on her and became a tree - and licensed doctor by day, drug supplier mafia member by night, Margarita, who is unable to sleep because she’s secretly a doll and her husband only married her because she was rich and he likes gambling and sleeping around, so she released an airborne toxin killing a whole town whilst calling herself the sleep princess. The first girl, Michaela, is part of the more well known section of the series, the story of evil. She was originally a tree spirit in the form of a bird, who became a human in order to become close to a depressed peasant girl who was ostracised from her village due to her ancestry to a certain clan. She learns the joys of being human, hanging out with her friend, falling in love with said friend, but eventually her otherworldly beauty causes conflict and the continent goes to war, which ended in the genocide of a country and Michaela stabbed and left in a well. The other girl, Margarita, is a pretty significant character in the series due to the fact that the series is structured around the biblical seven deadly sins, with her story being Sloth (Michaela is a side character of Pride’s story). Margarita may seem like an odd choice for sloth as part of her story follows how she is unable to sleep, and instead works hard to develop her gift to her loved ones (but gift in the German meaning of the word check below image). But sloth also means lacking devotion or care, and Margarita by the end of it, despite once vowing she’d always her husband, couldn’t give a damn about him in the end, describing herself again like “a plaything, broken from the start” and eventually she gives up on everything. All these Miku characters all have the same things in common (other than being screwed over by men), which is their relationship with inhumanity and artificiality, which is kinda meta given how Hatsune Miku is an artificial singer made for the amusement of others. But at least she’s not about to poison anyone because of it.
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I’ve spoken too much evillious, so let me info dump about a much more palatable Miku related thing. That was a pun because it’s Colourful Palette. Or Colour Stage? Uhh Project Sekai. Yeah. A rhythm game (that’s free), that revolves around the concept of different genres of hatsune Miku that come from magic other worlds and are really good therapists. There are five storylines of different music groups that have really strong feelings tm that their emotions spawned whole other worlds that are inhabited by vocaloids, who want to help the main characters, discover what their feelings are so they can write songs about it. Yeahhh… Miku comes in five different flavours! School, idol, street, catgirl clown and depressed! ALSO EVILLIOUS DID A CROSS OVER WITH THE GAME SO THE POISON LADY IS HERE ALSO. The songs used in the rhythm game consists of a lot of iconic vocaloid songs as well as songs specifically commissioned for the game, sung by both vocaloids and the real life voice actors, which is very fun. Hatsune Miku, due to coming in different forms in this game, kinda works like a character from a multiverse story (like spider verse or the incredibly convoluted branch of the undertale fandom), and it seems like Miku is kinda just born from emotions and music, which makes her way more cryptid/deity like than the game presents her to be. Miku is just an entity yknow? I haven’t finished the main storylines of the game yet, but they’re good and also the vocaloid side plots are cool. For example the School world Miku tries her hardest to act like a mentor figure to the humans, whilst Luka (another vocaloid) who is more of a mentor figure to Miku looks on. I think in the fandom, the theme park theatre storyline and the emo shut ins storyline are more popular (because they are the embodiment of the “nothing in life matters” millennial vs gen z meme), and can we talk about depressed Miku because she’s literally born out of somebody’s mommy issues and depression but she’s really sweet. The whole “Miku’s personality is based around the feelings that are put into her songs” are again in reference to how the character of Miku works.
To round off this ramble about Miku I’m going to talk about some of my favourite Miku songs. I’m more of a kagamine Len listener, especially when I was younger and first discovered vocaloid but these are my Miku picks.
Miku by Anamanaguchi: yeah so this chiptune song is about Miku herself and it’s pretty iconic. A lot of vocaloid songs are kinda vague, but this one seems to describe who and what Miku is in a way that makes her seem mysterious, like an interesting technological phenomenon which checks out. She mentions how “anyone can find her” and that people can “play me break me” referring to how she’s easily found on the internet and she can be used to make songs. The ending of the song seems to take a more sinister turn where Miku seems to want to make you stay forever (in like a ddlc Monika way). It does make sense in a way, since Miku is a program that relies on other people’s interest to stay alive and relevant, and in a sense, people’s dedication/addiction to Miku is what keeps her going. She’s like one of those spooky maybe??sentient AIs.
The Disappearance of Hatsune Miku by cosMo: so this is a song depicting what happens to Miku when no one likes her. Specifically this is supposedly about that one time in 2007 when suddenly, Miku disappeared from the search engines, and every time someone tried to look her up, the search results came up blank. She became incredibly popular in a short amount of time that allegedly people searched her so much that Google and yahoo blocked the search, because it looked like spam. The incident upset people so much they created a fan made character, that later was recognised as an official derivative of Miku, based on their boredom. There’s also a conspiracy on whether this was actually a motivated attack on Miku’s popularity due to an anti Miku campaign lead by an advertising agency that influenced the Japanese music industry but idk there are a lot of stories on the internet. Evidently the problem is fixed. The song came out around that time and is about Miku lamenting the fact that she’s getting shut down, and all she wants to do is sing before she dies. Yeah. The song is notorious, not just for its background but also for its incredibly fast paced rap?? part that gets as fast as 240bpm, and I think the fact that’s is almost impossible for a human to sing it, works well with Miku’s struggle with the fact that’s she’s not human.
Okay that’s a lot of talking so here are some quick recommendations:
The maiden of the tree ~ Millennium Wiegenlied ~ by Akuno-P: this is the evillious song about Michaela the spirit turned human lesbian. Very boppy!
Patchwork staccato by toa: I like this one for the actual music it’s a bop. There’s a few interpretations of the song but generally it’s about relationship problems, be it one sided love or a toxic relationship that’s hard to break away from.
Kagerou Daze by Jin: more of a rock song, which is part of a wider vocaloid series (The Kagerou Project) and it’s about a boy who keeps living through the same day over and over again because his friend keeps dying no matter where he takes her. It’s a time travel trauma loop! The song ends when the boy realises to break the cycle, he has to die instead, and m the last verse of the song reveals the girl is also trapped in the same loop. Fun! The actual story is a little different but I don’t need another incredibly complex and convoluted vocaloid series to cry about so I didn’t get into it. Also the animation for it is so cool
Anything from the Night ∞ Series by Hitoshizuku-P x Yama△: a series consisting of four songs sung by eight vocaloids (ofc Hatsune Miku is included), which tell the tale of a group of actors who get trapped repeating the same play of a manor in the woods forever which also becomes real life because someone lost the last page of the script (and also someone perhaps died??). The songs all tell the same story from different perspectives and end differently (but usually either Miku or everyone else dies). There’s a novel about it. It’s confusing spooky and good music. I also feel like I’ve listed way too many dark songs oops.
Aww man I can’t talk about “all phone zombies lead to Rome” by manbo-p because it’s a gumi song, not Miku. It was going to be the one not tragic song on this list! Oh well you should totally listen/watch it, it’s hilarious and also educational.
Well yeah that’s it! My tastes in Miku songs are a little intense but yeah!
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I made a comic for 2 reasons:
1. I wanted to show off my Grimwalker/Hunter hc.
(I hc that, since he’s made with a Galdorstone, he can control the Galdorstone. Like he can “borrow” and strengthen people’s magic, but only if they’re using it.)
2. I wanted to make cool art. 😎
He says (thinks?) “Galdorstone theory” because I hc he and Luz would talk about it sometimes. He hasn’t told anyone the Grimwalker thing yet, only Luz knows. Also here’s the sketch for the last panel/drawing.
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Some of my Hunter headcanons for extra spice:
- He has rounder ears then a normal witch. (Human <—specifically Grimwalker thing.)
- He can use others powers when they’re using it and he’s touching them. (As stated earlier. Galdorstone thing.)
- His chest (very faintly) glows in the dark. His eyes also glow but their more ‘potent’ if you will. (This ones gonna make for a good shit post in the future. Galdorstone thing and just Grimwalker thing. 🙄)
- He has that weird ‘relax/off switch’ stonesleepers have. (Stonesleeper lungs thing.)
- His lungs harden in his sleep, so he doesn’t look like he’s breathing. (They don’t turn to stone just get more ‘dense’. Stonesleeper lungs thing.)
- His heart is, surprise surprise, a Galdorstone!! So his blood moves constantly, making his ‘heart beat’ just a vibration. (Combine this with the lung thing and we got a horribly awesome prank. Good luck with checking for vitals. 💀 Galdorstone thing.)
- He can’t speak to palismen directly unless he’s bonded with them (Flapjack). He can, however, speak to them telepathically. (Palistrom wood thing.)
- He’s immune to the boiling sea/rain. (Not fire though. Palistrom wood and mainly Selkidomus scale thing.)
- Plant magic works on his hair, nails and top layer of skin. (A.K.A the keratin body part things. Palistrom wood thing.)
- He’s trans. (Mtf? Or ftm? Will we ever know? Idk man I love both of them, depends on the day ig.)
- He purrs when comfortable. (This is a Stonesleeper thing, right?)
- Most witches move their ears like cats/dogs, it’s a communication thing, but Hunter can’t. (Human specifically Grimwalker thing.)
- I think he would be impossibly good at DDR. (Dance Dance Revolution.)
- He’s the ‘big bro’ friend. (Mom friend? No. 🙄 Dad friend?? No. 😡 Big brother friend??? Yes. 😁)
- He’s neurodivergent, there’s NO WAY he’s neurotypical. (Which isn’t a bad thing, idk if I accidentally made it sound like a bad thing or not.)
- His hands are badly scarred. I think he probably has nerve damage in them, so his gloves are tailor made. They also probably shake so his gloves help steady them and, due to nerve damage, he can’t feel heat/cold well so they’re there to help prevent burns/frostbite. His typing is bad because he never knows if it’s too much/too little pressure, and scars/calluses don’t help either. (After the first few tries of getting it grammatically correct he basically said ‘Fuck this’.)
This one isn’t a headcanon but, I think he could beat Amity. I need to tell someone so YOUR gonna listen. 🔫👈😡 When they fought at Eclipse Lake he was extremely exhausted, just had a mental breakdown AND it was his first time using Flapjack. Yet when they fought he put up a good fight, sure Amity probably would have won, but she didn’t. It ended in a tie. (That could be argued as an unfair statement because Hunter did manipulate her, buuuut, SHHHHH.) I mean it’s probably a no brainer because Hunters an actual child soldier, but my Tumblr my posts. 🙄
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kaaytea · 3 years
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Potions and Prophecies
Miyuki Kazuya x reader
Synopsis: Despite being a wizard, there is one magical substance Miyuki will never believe in—Amortentia. Now the quidditch-obsessed boy is caught in a predicament, one that has to do with the exact substance he turns his nose at.
Word count: 7k
Warnings: strong language, slight Kurasawa if you squint, injury, Hogwarts au
A/n: Funny how I say I want to take a break from Miyuki and still find myself posting content for him...anyways, happy first day of my small Halloween celebration!! I loved writing this, it's a bit different bc I've never written in 3rd pov for a insert fic, but ig I'll see what you guys think :)
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"Right then," professor Slughorn announced, grabbing the mismatched student's attention as they slowly settled at their tables, all blinking curiously at the potions professor. "Now that everyone has arrived, I would like us to dive straight into today's lesson. No need to get your cauldrons out, today is purely for observational purposes."
Miyuki watched Slughorn blabber on about the selection of potions on the table at the front of the classroom; occasionally he would scribble down a note or two but he mainly sat with his head against his hand and a bored expression.
Don't get him wrong, Miyuki loved potions class—it was his favorite out of the classes he was taking this year—but his mind had been elsewhere the past few days and a lecture about Felix Felicis or Wolfsbane wasn't exactly helping.
Miyuki's week so far had been entirely dedicated to developing an anti-Gryffindor strategy for the Slytherin quidditch team; more specifically, an anti-Narumiya Mei strategy. The start of Hogwarts' quidditch season had been an utter disaster for Slytherin by getting absolutely slaughtered by the Gryffindors. Mei had promised he and his team wouldn't be holding back this year and that first game proved just how serious he was about winning the cup; the Gryffindors played far more violent than usual, truly leaning into their brash, implosive house characteristics—hell, even Kuramochi had almost taken Miyuki's head off with a bludger a few times during the match.
Miyuki looked at the green-haired Gryffindor sitting beside him. Mochi looked as equally bored as Miyuki and had opted to doodling on the edge of his scroll. Centuries long house rivalries aside, Miyuki and Kuramochi had formed the strongest—but no less weird—friendship ever.
Slughorn's voice made him jump in his seat slightly, he quickly looked over to the stout professor in hopes of looking somewhat engaged compared to his previous daydreaming.
"Perhaps you could tell us what the last potion is?"
Miyuki strained his neck slightly to get a look of the cauldron's contents from his seat. The pearlescent sheen and swirling steam rising from the pot gave him the answer instantly.
"Amortentia," he said, "It's branded as a love potion."
"Correct!" Slughorn beamed, all the more satisfied with a favorite student answering right. He shuffled over to the potion and moved it to the middle of his table. "Amortentia doesn't create actual love mind you. Instead, it makes a powerful—almost dangerous—infatuation." Slughorn stepped away and looked over the class. A select few girls blinked starry-eyed at the potion, forbidden hope swimming in their consciousness as they stalked the liquid.
"Amortentia's scent is different for everyone as it's based on what you find attractive," the professor stated, "That is why I would like you all to come up by table and record what exactly the potion smells like to you."
Excited whispers rippled through the class like a stone dropped in water; small squeals and happy sighs escaped the mouths of the hopeless romantics speckled throughout the classroom.
"You will then be writing an essay, two scrolls long, about Amortentia on my desk by Friday morning." The happy cheers crumbled at the topic of actual work. Short grumbles and complaints rang through the group of sixth years.
"First group, make your way up please!"
The two students—a pair of Slytherins—hurried up towards the front of the classroom, excitedly whispering to one another. Miyuki's eyes followed their movements like a lazy cat before heaving a sigh.
"What's up with you?" Kuramochi mumbled, side-eyeing the Slytherin before turning back to the drawing of a dragon he was enchanting to flap its wings.
"I just think it's pointless to study Amortentia," Miyuki said, eyes trailing after the little ink dragon flapping around on Kuramochi's piece of parchment. "It's not like it's actually accurate."
Kuramochi snorted at Miyuki's response. At first, the boy thought Miyuki was joking, but when he turned to look at his face he was flooded with disbelief.
"You're serious?!"
Miyuki nodded.
"Miyuki you fly on a broom for sport but don't believe a potion does what it's intended to do?!" Kuramochi kept his voice to a whisper, his eyes flicked over to where Slughorn was happily chatting with a Gryffindor, almost as though he were afraid to find out what the potions master would do if he discovered his favorite student doubted a potion.
"Maybe it's the muggle ideology in me, but no I don't."  
"Muggle ideology?" Mochi questioned, "Are you forgetting your dad is literally a wizard?"
Miyuki just rolled his eyes and leaned even more onto his hand. "Really? I never would have guessed!" Fake amusement dripped from the boy's voice causing Kuramochi to whack his arm with the closest book he could reach, Miyuki just laughed at the Gryffindor's irritation. "I did spend time with my mom before she died you know," he said when Kuramochi's attacks died down, "Coming from a muggle, her outlook on magic stuck with me."
Kuramochi hummed in response. Miyuki's mother was a touchy topic so he took it as a sign to steer clear of that corner of the conversation.
"I still don't get what exactly you don't believe about Amortentia though. How couldn't it be accurate?"
"You know—it's like a mood ring or horoscopes," Miyuki sighed, "They just take the surface level characteristics of you and market it as some deep astounding discovery."
"A mood what?" Kuramochi looked utterly lost, staring back at his friend in confusion due to the unfamiliar words.
"Right, forgot you’re not familiar with muggle stuff. Uh...ok it's the same concept as divination. Tea leaves, studying dreams—that sort of thing."
Kuramochi's nose scrunched up in distaste at the mention of the subject, "Ok yeah I get it now—let’s maybe not mention divination for the rest of the day because Sawamura already babbles about it enough."
Both boys shuttered at the mention of Sawamura Eijun's obsession with divination. He was a lovely Hufflepuff to be around, but he had no loss for words when trying to convince someone that he could tell your future with a glass ball.
"Don't get me started, yesterday he told me I would meet the love of my life through a book after looking at the coffee grounds in my mug."
Miyuki's deadpan look only made Kuramochi laugh even harder; just as Miyuki does, Kuramochi found his friend’s misfortunes a prime source of entertainment.
"Miyuki. Kuramochi."
The boys looked up to where professor Slughorn was waving them over for their turn with the Amortentia. Miyuki slid off his stool and shuffled behind Kuramochi up towards the front of the class; he really didn't want to smell some potion he already knew the result of, but Slughorn praised the ground he walked on, so he decided it would be best to humor him.
"Now then, don't go putting your whole face into the cauldron, it can cause for a terrible migraine," Slughorn laughed in little wheezes. Miyuki and Kuramochi just awkwardly chuckled along, sharing a look of concern with one another.
Kuramochi went first, breathing in the scent of the potion before scribbling down what Miyuki thought said spearmint—it was hard to tell with his handwriting. Just as Kuramochi went to step away he froze, his nose scrunched up from whatever scent had met him and scratched down one last thing: Earl grey tea.
Like a machine, as Mochi headed back towards their shared table, Miyuki took his place. He stared down at the pearly potion, scowling on the inside but emotionless on the outside as he watched the steam twist and swirl up towards him. His first breath was met with the scents he expected: the cooking mirin his mother used, the leather of his keeper’s gloves, broom polish, and rosemary.
Just as he had expected. Scents that briefly describe him and his interests, nothing revolutionary. It was impossible for a meer potion to dive deeper into a person's consciousness and gather their true attractions.
Similar to Kuramochi, just as Miyuki finished jotting down the scents, a new one emerged—one he couldn't instantly place. It was softer than the harsher things he had written down on his parchment; welcoming and warm like a hug, like the very embodiment of sunshine had flooded through his body. After a few more seconds he was able to distinguish what the scent actually was—marigolds.
Confused and slightly concerned, he messily scribbled the flower down and hurried back to his seat. On his way back he briefly made eye contact with Narumiya Mei, who cheekily stuck his tongue out at him as he passed only to get a thwack to the back of his head by his friend, and table mate, (y/n). Miyuki ignored Mei's childish instigating and sat heavily down on the stool next to Kuramochi.
For the rest of the class period, Slughorn gave a short lecture about Amortentia, giving the students a minimal amount of information so that they had a general understanding of the concoction, but not enough as to write their essay for them. Miyuki couldn't focus on the words and information spilling from the professor's mouth. His thoughts—once ruled by quidditch strategies—were now being overloaded and filled with the simple name of a flower.
Where did this damned plant come from? What part of his subconscious involved the small orange flower?
The only time he had encountered marigolds was in the garden of the old, crotchety woman who lived in the house besides his. Even then, his encounters with the neighbor had been less than pleasant which definitely couldn't warrant an attraction to the flowers that speckled her flower beds.
The emergence of the marigold scent just further proved to Miyuki that Amortentia was exactly what he thought it was—a hoax for people betting their lives on the prospect of love.
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Potions was the last class of the day for sixth-year Gryffindors and Slytherins; the loud clanging of the Hogwarts bell signaled the few hours of freedom the students were granted at the end of the school days. For Miyuki, the bell signified his mad dashes from potions to the Slytherin common room where he would throw off his school robes and replace them with his emerald green quidditch jumper. From the common room tucked away in the dungeons, he would then race up to the Great Hall, wolf down whatever food was being served for the night, and get down to the quidditch pitch in time for evening practice.
As Miyuki burst into the Great Hall—quidditch bag slung over his shoulder and shoelaces untied—he bumped straight into someone, causing the person to stumble and fall flat on their butt.
"Ah sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going," he apologized to the person—who he now saw was (y/n). Miyuki reached out his hand and they graciously accepted his help up.
"It's alright, Miyuki," they said with a shy smile. Their eyes flicked to the bag with his quidditch gear before meeting his bespectacled gaze again. "Good luck with practice tonight, I can't wait to see what your team pulls at the next Gryffindor-Slytherin match!" And with that (y/n) sent him one last smile and a small wave before hurrying over to where Mei was sitting.
As Miyuki stood there watching (y/n) run off he swore he could smell the marigolds again—it was like the god damn potion was following him.
Miyuki walked over to the Slytherin table and slumped down in the spot across from the Slytherin team beaters—the Kominato brothers. Miyuki slowly piled food onto his plate now that he finally had a short moment to relax, but he couldn't help his eyes drifting over to where (y/n) was laughing at something Mei had said.
"A little distracted tonight, are we?" Ryousuke's smooth voice rang out in a teasing way, a cheshire smirk spread across his lips.
"I haven't exactly had time to think about anything but quidditch," Miyuki said, sticking his fork into some food on his plate and taking a bite, "I need to put together a strategy we can use against Gryffindor by our next game."
Ryousuke just hummed from where he was languidly leaning his head on his palm, "I wasn't exactly referring to quidditch."
"What were yo—"
"I'm heading down to the pitch," Ryou cut in, standing up from the bench and grabbing his bag from the floor. "See you two at practice."
Miyuki shook his head out of confusion and bafflement as the older boy walked from the hall.
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Perhaps putting off an essay that was two scrolls long wasn't the smartest move on Miyuki's part. In his defense, Slytherin and Gryffindor were granted extra practice hours in preparation for their game Saturday which left little time for schoolwork. His only problem was it was now Thursday and the essay was due tomorrow morning.
The Keeper reluctantly made his way to the library during his free period. He was lucky the vast room was fairly empty at this time of day, the only students there being a few seventh and sixth years. The emptiness made the place a little less stuffy than it usually felt. After setting his things down at a table, Miyuki started weaving through the towering shelves stuffed full of books. He skimmed his fingers over the hundreds of decaying potions books in the room, on a mission to find one fully about Amortentia. After about ten minutes of continuous searching, he spotted it—a worn mauve book with light pink detailing around the spine. If there was ever a book about Amortentia it had to be that one. With his attention fully absorbed in grabbing the book, Miyuki failed to notice the other student reaching for it until their fingers bumped his as they both went to pull the object from the shelf.
Slightly startled, Miyuki looked to his right to find who he had just bumped hands with; his heart involuntarily fluttered at the sight of the figure beside him.
"We seem to just keep finding one another, huh?" (Y/n) said, their voice barely above a whisper.
"Yeah," he breathed out. Miyuki's hand retracted from the potion book, his eyes never leaving the glittering ones before him. "You can uh— take the book."
(Y/n)'s index finger hooked the book's spine, pulling it off the shelf and into their awaiting hand. After obtaining the mauve book they turned back to Miyuki with a shy expression, "How about we share it?" They said in a melodic tone, "I assume you need it for Slughorn's essay too, right?"
Before Miyuki could even respond (y/n) was already moving towards the table he had placed his things at, leaving him to stand dumbfounded in the middle of the grandiose bookcases. His only response was a soft 'sure' that no one but him heard.
As Miyuki sat down at the cozy table—Amortentia book splayed open and pages of notes scattered about—he struggled to calm the irregular beating of his heart, his hand shook nervously each time he dipped his quill into the inkpot on the table; his writing came out shaky and illegible. He couldn't tell why his body was acting this way, but then it hit him—or more accurately, a scent did.
The marigolds scent was back and it was strong. Almost as though the source was sitting right infro. . .
Miyuki sat staring down in shock at where his hand had ceased writing as his thought trailed off. The Slytherin's eyes slowly glided over to where (y/n) was blissfully flipping through the book on Amortentia.
They were the source of the marigolds.
He didn't know what to do, it was as though thousands of bells and sirens were going off in his brain, all of them ringing at different pitches to form a garbled mess. Time had frozen as every instance he had ever interacted with them flooded to the forefront of his mind. Every laugh, smile, greeting, or brush of their hands started to weigh on him; seemingly insignificant actions that weren’t looking very insignificant anymore.  
Through the keeper’s mild crisis, a certain Hufflepuff's words spoke from the back of his mind.
“You're going to meet your soulmate through a book, Miyuki Kazuya!”
It couldn't be. There was no bloody way that Eijun and his silly tea leaves had been right—that that stupid potion had been right. Miyuki took one last glance at the person beside him and forced himself to work on his essay.
Yet for some reason, there was a little, unnoticed piece of Miyuki's heart hoping that what he had uncovered would turn out to be true.
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The Great Hall on quidditch days was always chaotic. The teams, clad in their house-colored quidditch jumpers, scurried around trying to get organized and shake off their nerves —some shoveling down breakfast while others looked as though they'd be sick at even the thought of food. The team captains always scanned the hall to double, sometimes triple, check to make sure their entire team was present.
For students not on the quidditch team, mornings before a game were less stress-inducing, but instead filled with house pride and hearty cheers. Bets and wishes of luck were thrown between the two teams as their housemates and friends anxiously waited to start heading down towards the stands.
Miyuki hadn't taken a single bite from his breakfast that morning, instead opting for a mug of black coffee and a mind filled with romantic turmoil. He had spent the past two days thinking about his sudden realization in the library; being pulled between the two blatant, but possibly coincidental, facts and his strong disbelief of any and all things divination and fortune-telling.
His thoughts were interrupted by a cup of hot tea being innocently pushed in front of him; the strong earl grey aroma made his nose involuntarily scrunch up in distaste.
"I'm not drinking that," he said flatly, not even looking up from where he was pushing around his, now soggy, bowl of cereal.
"C'mon Kuramochi let me tell his!" Sawamura whined.
Miyuki looked up at the Hufflepuff sitting across from him; the boy’s freckled face was pulled down into a pitiful attempt at guilting his victim into complying with his wishes.
"You're no fun," Sawamura groaned.
Not one to be discouraged easily, Sawamura reached over the table and snatched Miyuki's empty coffee mug, despite the latter’s protests. With a triumphant look the boy whipped out a small book from his bag—Dahnus Decan's Pocket guide to Divination and Dreams read in bold iridescent writing across the cover.
Miyuki let out a sigh as he watched Sawamura flip frantically through his book—mumbling something about stars and injuries as he went.
"Isn't that a bit sacrilegious?" Miyuki said, referring to the two scarves hanging from the boy’s neck—one Slytherin and one Gryffindor.
Sawamura looked up, blinking mindlessly at the older boy across from him, "What's wrong with me wanting to support my friends?"
"Nothing, Nothing," Miyuki dismissed with a wave of his hand, "It's just a bit ironic of you to wear the scarves of the two houses with the worst house rivalry—how did you even get those anyway? You're a Hufflepuff."
Sawamura put his book down and picked up the end of the Slytherin scarf with a large smile, "This one I stole from Furuya when he was napping, and this one—" he said gently grabbing the end of the Gryffindor scarf, "Kuramochi gave me!"
Miyuki hummed in understanding as Sawamura instantly went back to flipping through his book. The Slytherin's gaze drifted over to where Kuramochi was sitting at the Gryffindor table, his green hair contrasting harshly with his maroon quidditch jumper. The two of them made eye contact to which Miyuki sent him a shitty grin and an exaggerated waggle of his fingers in greeting. In return, Kuramochi flipped him off followed by a sweet smile.
"Ok, I've got it!" Sawamura yelled, breaking the small moment Miyuki and Kuramochi were sharing from across the hall.
"Distractions will be your downfall!"
Miyuki frowned, "What the hell is that supposed to mean?"
"I don't know," Sawamura shrugged, snapping his book close and placing the coffee mug back in front of the Keeper, "Coffee isn't as accurate and is way harder to read compared to tea leaves."
"Of course how could I forget," the Slytherin muttered, leaning against his hand.
Sawamura wasn't fazed by Miyuki's less than enthusiastic response and instead scrambled to gather his things and stood from the bench.
"Haruichi and Furuya are here!" He cheered before turning back to look at Miyuki, "Good luck today, I'll be rooting for you guys!"
With a final wave, Miyuki Watched the bubbly Hufflepuff dash over to his friends; the boy’s loud laughs easily being heard over the consistent drone in the Great Hall.
Now alone, Miyuki sat like a pessimistic blob in the sea of green and red; happy calls to friends and competitive taunts being passed around like a plate of fresh cookies, contrasted harshly with his lone self.
Not wanting to blemish the rest of the school’s excitement, the Slytherin keeper stood from his uneaten breakfast, left the Great Hall, and headed straight for the quidditch pitch.
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He immediately noticed the frigid bite in the air the second he stepped foot outside and started his long trek across the school grounds. Unlike the subtle transition of months, the weather always changed rapidly—one day you could be basking in the gentle warmth of late summer and the next you were bundling up in thick layers.
In the safety of the Slytherin locker room, Miyuki slipped on his quidditch robes and all his keeper's padding; experimentally flexing his fingers in the snug, leather gloves to help the material settle comfortably against his skin.
In a swift motion, Miyuki turned on his heel and made a beeline for the doorway to retrieve his broom from the broom shed—perhaps a few laps around the stadium would help clear his mind.
Unfortunately for him, his plans came crashing to a halt as a person rammed straight into his chest as he walked through the changing room entrance. The force was strong enough for him to trip over his feet and fall backward, the unnamed student grabbed onto his arm in a wasted attempt at preventing him from falling, only to get pulled down with him—their face smooshed firmly into his chest from his hand cradling them close to cushion their fall. When he looked down at the student he was embraced by the smell of marigolds and an anxious laugh.
"Maybe we should both wear bells to keep this from happening all the time," (y/n) said through laughs. Their face burned hotly at the sight of Miyuki staring down at them—glasses askew and hair ruffled. Instinctively their hand reached up to straighten his crooked specs; Miyuki stiffened slightly at their advances, his reaction causing them to realize what they were doing and clamber off of him.
"I'm really sorry about knocking you over," they said, extending their hand out to help him up, which he graciously accepted, "I was so focused on getting the Slytherin banners out I didn't even think to make sure no one was in here."
"It's alright," he responded, hand going up to rub awkwardly at the back of his neck, "I was a bit distracted too so. . ."
The pair stood looking at each other—marigolds and quidditch leather dancing through the air, trapping them under its spell. Unknowingly they shifted closer to one another, bodies millimeters away from touching. The pair were completely absorbed in the other, their eyes darting from feature to feature as though they were desperately trying to set the person in front of them to memory.
"I uh," (y/n) stuttered, breaking the almost chemical attraction pulling the both of them together, "Good luck today, Kazuya."
All Miyuki could muster was a soft thanks in return, his soul still star-struck from the feeling of their warmth.
He hurried out of the changing room and towards the broom shed, his green and silver robes billowing behind him.
What the hell was happening to him?
Miyuki proved to be even worse during the game—his fingers twitched from the loss of (y/n)’s, the insistent marigold smell stuck to his senses and melted his stomach into a pool of nerves. He couldn't get focused. Marigolds, Sawamura's silly little prophecy; it all kept pushing back into the front of his mind each time he tried to train his eyes on the quaffle.
A loud ding resounded around the pitch as Mei scored another point; the Gryffindor supporters cheering ballistically as their token player secured an even larger lead.
Miyuki frustratedly pushed his bangs away from his face, squeezing his eyes shut and taking a deep breath. When he opened them they locked onto Mei. The blonde stared back at him, his brows furrowed as he sat suspended in the air analyzing Miyuki—an almost worried expression glinting in his eyes.
Miyuki sent him a cocky smirk, one that Mei briefly returned before it morphed back into the straight-faced look he bore seconds before.
Mei had just started to open his mouth to call something out to the keeper only to be cut off by a whistle from madam Hooch, signaling him to circle back towards his side of the pitch.
The quaffle was thrown in from Slytherin's side, the chasers weaving and fighting madly for a grip on the leather ball. Flashes of green and red were all Miyuki could make out from the speed the players were going at; the shiny surface of the quaffle was only visible for seconds at a time in the tangle of limbs.
Miyuki's concentration on the chasers completely distracted him from one of the more fatal elements of quidditch. Just as he watched a Gryffindor chaser hurl the quaffle towards Mei, a voice of warning called out to him—one that didn't reach him quick enough.
The Keeper turned just in time to see a bludger fling straight at him, colliding harshly with his left shoulder and knocking him off his broom, leaving him to plummet straight towards the sandpits beneath the hoops. He landed with a heavy thud; a splitting pain shot from his right elbow and ribs, choking out a breath as his lungs struggled to bring in air.
His eyes started to droop as his body sent itself into a state of shock, the sharp pain that had been so persistent before slowly faded as his mind shut down. The shouts from the stands and startled screams faded away as he lay there limply in the sand—the last thing he saw before passing out being blurs of green and red rushing towards him.
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"Stop crowding him! He fell off a fucking broom!"
"He looks dead."
"Furuya don't say that!"
"Maybe if you all shut up you'd notice that he's waking up."
Miyuki groaned as his conscience started to reconnect with the world. His body felt like it had been hit by a train. Scratch that, it was like he was mauled by a bear then hit by a train. His muscles felt like they were being torn apart by a paper shredder as he shifted to sit up in his bed. He blinked his eyes a few times to get used to the bright light, on instinct he went to rub them only to find his left arm strapped securely in a cloth sling. When he looked up he was met with a blurry view of the entire Slytherin quidditch team crowding around his bed.
"We lost, didn't we?"
"You could have died and the first thing you're worried about is if your team won the match?!"
Miyuki looked over to the source of the voice, squinting to try and get his less than perfect eyes to focus. Surrounded by all the green, and wearing Slytherin quidditch robes, Kuramochi stood at the foot of the hospital bed—the only giveaway of his misplacement being the slivers of red peeking from beneath the robes.
"Why are you wearing Slytherin robes?" The Keeper questioned aloud, muttering a soft thank you to Haruichi who handed him his glasses. Now that Miyuki could see properly, it was almost comical to see such a proud Gryffindor in the silver and green.
"They were only letting the team visit you so I snuck in," Kuramochi said, crossing his arms.
A pleased smile spread across Miyuki's face, "Awwwww! Were you worried about me, Youichi?"
If Miyuki weren't currently injured Kuramochi probably would have put him in a headlock by now. Instead, the boy stood there stewing in his exasperation.
"You got hit by a bludger and fell out of the sky, of course I was fucking worried!"
Miyuki was slightly shocked at Kuramochi's response. Their friendship wasn't all that touchy-feely, so he must look pretty bad for the boy to get this antsy. Miyuki scanned over his team, all of them had strained looks as they shifted uncomfortably around his hospital bed.
"How bad is it?" His voice came out quieter than he expected, the underlying fear surfacing as the team's anxiety spread to him.
Ryousuke stepped forward slightly from the ring of green; the older boy didn't ever show much emotion but in this situation, it made Miyuki even more fearful as the short Kominato stared him down.
"You've got two cracked ribs and minimal bruising. You broke your elbow too but Pomfrey fixed that up in an instant," Ryousuke paused slightly, he wet his lips and sighed slightly before continuing. "The bludger dislocated your shoulder. Madam Pomfrey is keeping you here till Monday evening and you're off the starting line up until she says it's safe for you to play again."
No one moved or spoke as they watched Miyuki digest the information Ryousuke had just laid on him, his mouth hung open slightly in disbelief and all light evaporated from his eyes. He was completely and utterly crushed; Miyuki had nothing without quidditch.
"Miyuki," Ryousuke's voice came out gentler than anyone had ever heard before—a few team members even turned their heads in surprise. "Stop worrying. Yui will fill in for you as keeper—just focus on resting right now."
The older Kominato's words seemed to be the team's cue to file out of the hospital wing now that they were sure their teammate was ok and that the hard news had been delivered. Each member gave him well wishes as they walked from his bedside—Kuramochi sent him a sad smile and promised to come visit after dinner.
The hospital wing seemed so much larger when it wasn't filled with Miyuki's few friends; the distant clicking of shoes on the stone floors and laughs echoing throughout the halls only deepened the empty feeling seeping into his body.
He was alone, injured, and had just been torn away from his greatest love in the world—quidditch.
To top everything off, not having quidditch to keep him busy meant Miyuki would have a lot more free time. Free time that would most definitely be used stressing over his current prophecy-Amortentia dilemma.
From the corner of his eye, Miyuki spotted a head of blonde peeking from behind the tall wooden doors at the entrance of the hospital wing. After a quick scan of the room, the blonde Gryffindor swiftly walked across the wing and sat himself in the chair next to Miyuki's bed; with an elegant flick of his wand, one of the privacy curtains whipped around the bed to shield the pair from any nosy beings that happened to enter the hospital wing.
"Come to brag about your win?"
"Oh hardly," Mei sniggered, lounging back in the wooden chair. "This game was no victory to me—especially with the way you were playing today."
Miyuki frowned at the boy’s words; his shoulder lit with a dull pain.
"Don't even try," Mei huffed, easily cutting Miyuki off. "We've been playing quidditch together since we could walk. I've seen you on your off days, Kazuya. Today was something completely different."
There wasn't a trace of malice in Mei's voice, but the hard glare the two students were holding gave the impression that they were seconds away from hexing each other.
Miyuki sat there staring back at his childhood friend, analyzing the blonde's blue eyes for the source of his sudden interest in Miyuki's lackluster performance earlier today.
"I'm cut from the team until my shoulder is healed."
Mei's steely gaze faltered slightly at his words—the Gryffindor quickly compensated for his momentary breach in resolve, his nose scrunching up and brows furrowed.
"There's something else bothering you. Stop trying to hide it. I know you better than you think."
Miyuki broke their stalemate, bringing his hands up and digging the heels of his palms into his eyes, heaving an exasperated sigh as he contemplated his fate.
"Do you believe that Amortentia is accurate?"
Miyuki looked over at Mei when he didn't respond immediately. The Gryffindor was staring at his bedridden friend like he had just sprouted ears and a tail—which wasn't a rare occurrence at Hogwarts.
"You're thinking of our potions essay while I'm trying to interrogate you?!" Mei shouted, his left eye twitching in annoyance.
"No," Miyuki protested, "Well...kinda, when Slughorn asked us to record the things we smelled there was something I wasn't really expecting."
"Are you going to tell me? Or do I have to continue this twenty questions thing we have going on?"
"Marigolds," Miyuki stated, "I smelt marigolds."
"Mari—" Mei cut himself off as something dawned on him. The boy’s eyes slowly widened before his head whipped up to meet Miyuki's gaze. "(Y/N)?!"
The Slytherin tore his eyes from Mei's, his lips twitched and his uninjured hand fidgeted with the cotton sheets chaining him to the hospital bed; having it said out loud caused all of Miyuki's suppressed emotions to surface, his ears tinting a bright scarlet to seal the deal.
Mei's shock had very quickly transitioned into amusement, his expression had melted into one reminiscent of the Cheshire cat. The boy's smirk widened as he reached over and continuously nudged Miyuki's side.
"You like them, Kazuya~" he teased, breaking into triumphant laughs when Miyuki slapped his hand away. "Godric, I can't believe this is happening—you know I was convinced you'd die alone with how quidditch obsessed you are."
"Wow thanks, Mei," Miyuki said in a flat tone.
Mei grinned and scooted his chair closer to the hospital bed, "So when are you confessing? Oh actually! (Y/n) and I were supposed to go to Hogsmeade next Saturday, I could conveniently not show up and you can take them on a date! Or I could always—"
"Mei!" Miyuki practically shouted, cutting off the impending long-winded ramble the blonde was about to embark on. "I'm not planning on confessing to them."
It was like that simple sentence had sucked all the joy out of the Gryffindor; one second he was planning Miyuki's wedding, the next he was about to explode in a fit of rage.
"WHAT?!" He shrieked, mouth opening and closing like a gaping fish as he stuttered out words. "You can't just not confess!"
"I shouldn't date a person just because a potion and some tea leaves told me to. Do you know how crazy that sounds?"
"But it's destiny, Kazuya!" Mei wailed, grabbing onto the Slytherin's arm—who immediately tried to shake him off.
"Merlin, you sound just like Sawamura," Miyuki mumbled as he pried the boy off his side.
Mei pouted slightly and crossed his arms with a frustrated huff. In an instant, his expression changed, like he had just remembered something vitally important.
"You know what?" He paused, his mouth hung open as he thought over whatever was in his head. The look of confidence swiftly left Mei—his shoulders deflating like a decrepit balloon. "Nevermind. I'm a good friend so I can't tell you that."
Miyuki watched Mei scramble out of the bedside chair and gather his things before the boy whipped out his wand and commanded the privacy curtain to spiral back to its original spot. Mei turned sharply to look back at Miyuki—who continued to squint up at him in confusion.
"Quidditch won't give you everything in life, Kazuya. Sometimes it’s worth it to take a chance."
And with that Mei turned and left the hospital wing, leaving Miyuki—once again—completely alone.
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Pomfrey released Miyuki from the hospital wing just after dinner on Monday evening, leaving the boy to trudge all the way down to the Slytherin common room by himself. He felt a sense of dread flopping down onto his bed; the thick, emerald green comforter did little help at cushioning his heavy thoughts.
Any other day he would be down on the pitch, a place that felt more like home than his actual one. Now his keeper's guards and quidditch jumper—folded neatly and placed on the foot of his bed, most likely done by a teammate—gleamed at him in a taunting manner.
Like his own personal hell, he sat there, watching the items remind him of what he could, what he should be doing.
The emptiness of his room eventually started to swallow him. Miyuki was a fickle creature who liked his space, but not a space that would cause him to go mad. The trapped, fruitless atmosphere started to suffocate him; he needed to escape the feeling of uselessness and he knew exactly what that answer was.
The boy frantically scattered about his room, grabbing a pencil and as many papers he could carry with one good arm; there was no time for him to search through his bag for his quidditch notebook—in fact, the idea hadn't even occurred to him.
Even if he couldn't play quidditch he could still observe the team and work on defensive strategies.
The Slytherin keeper went barreling down the corridors of the castle, dipping and cutting through the halls he knew a teacher or Filch wouldn't halt him to scold his insistent running. His surroundings blurred together like one of those impressionist paintings as he ripped through the castle like a tornado.
The door out to the grounds came into view, he could feel the cold breeze drifting in from the open door—the portal to his freedom after days of being glued to a bed was right in front of him.
In the final stretch towards the doors, a figure rounded the corner where the three halls met. His attention was so captivated by the outside that Miyuki hadn't noticed the person until he was ramming straight into them; the papers he and the person were holding spilled across the floor like a bucket of water, both parties following suit in crashing to the ground.
"Oh my gosh! Miyuki, are you ok?!"
The person's voice was frighteningly familiar, a voice that was closely followed by the aroma of marigolds.
Miyuki looked over to where (y/n) was sitting on the floor. He watched their eyes trail over him, their gaze briefly getting caught on the cloth sling his left arm was still securely wrapped in.
"Yeah—yeah I'm fine," he said, hoping to ease their worried expression. "I'm really sorry about running into you."
"It's alright," they responded, waving his apology off with a warm smile. "I did the same thing to you so it's only fair."
He attempted to return their comforting look, the pair of them staring back at each other with similar giddy feelings bubbling in their chests.
"I-ah...let me help you pick your stuff up!" (Y/n) stuttered out. The student scrambled onto their knees as they sorted through the papers, placing them into neat stacks.
Not wanting to be completely rude, Miyuki picked up the paper that fell beside him. The white parchment had neatly printed script at the top spelling out Amortentia followed by a list of objects and scents—two of which were quidditch gloves and broom polish.
"I didn't know you liked quidditch so much," the Slytherin said, handing the paper back to its owner.
(Y/n)'s eyes just about popped out of their head when Miyuki uttered those words; their face burnt hotter than the torches lighting the halls.
"I didn't know either."
Miyuki watched them closely as they nervously nibbled away at the skin of their bottom lip, their hands shook slightly as they picked up the two stacks of paper and reached out to help him up. He didn't know what happened but a rush of adrenaline and anxiety rushed through him, the high feeling made his mouth move faster than his mind.
"Do you like marigolds?!"
It came out sort of like a shout, the volume made (y/n) jump slightly before they processed his words. Instantly, Miyuki felt sick over what he had done; not even two days ago he had said he wasn't going to confess and yet here he was—if he could he'd probably punch himself right now, maybe it'd knock some sense into him.
"I do—it's actually the scent of my shampoo," (y/n)'s brows furrowed, "Why do you ask?"
"Same reason you have quidditch gloves written on that paper."
A small, surprised gasp left (y/n); they bit down harshly on their bottom lip to hide the grin fighting to surface.
It felt like a weight had been lifted off of Kazuya's body; the stifling secret had been eradicated—and from the glittery look in the eyes of the person opposite him, he'd say it was well-received.
"You were heading down to the pitch?"
Miyuki nodded.
"Good we can head down together!" (Y/n) held onto his things and led the way out the door leaving Miyuki to hurry to match paces with them. The early October wind blew softly around them, chilling their fingers and cheeks as they walked in a Comfortable silence.
As the pair continued down the path—treading over crunchy leaves and the dusty autumn ground—Miyuki's good hand brushed theirs continuously. Their fingers bumped and brushed until eventually Miyuki shyly linked their fingers together.
He decided then that he never wanted to let go.
Maybe he should start putting more faith into this whole magic thing.
114 notes · View notes
eorzeanflowers · 3 years
FFXIV Character Roster
Hi! I’m Leigh! This is a simple, at a glance roster for the characters that (occasionally) appear between the random stuff that appears on this blog. There is much more random stuff and reblogs than character posts, just wanting to make that clear to new follows!
This my one and only blog, so everything is mismashed here. I tag my character stuff with their respective flower (i.e. the lily) and my personal thoughts with ‘the rare leigh’ Other than that, I really only tag spoilers for things for up to about 2-3 weeks. I just don’t have the spoons (usually) to tag anything else, apologies!
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The Lily
Name: The Lily
IG Name: Orleien Lily
Age: Mid to late twenties
Race: Raen Au Ra
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Status: Single, but not looking
Looking for: Friends, treasure hunters
Available zones: EW (Malboro)
The Lily is a foreigner from the distant shores of Hingashi. Drawn to Eorzea by its incredibly varied geography and ease of disappearing from the world at large, Lily has traveled and explored much and more of the continent. Always on the move, she seems to be attempting to outrun a dark past, a lost liege and subsequent escape from Hingan authorities.
Nonetheless, Lily keeps a chipper attitude and is always up for an adventure or two. The odd job to take an item from someone or clean up a mess spices up her days of exploring old forgotten ruins and tombs.
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The Azalea
Name: The Archaeologist
IG Name: Archie Archaeologist
Age: Appears mid to late twenties
Race: Rava Viera
Gender: Non-binary (She/her)
Sexuality: Demisexual
Status: Single, but not looking
Looking for: Friends/companions, people to run away from danger with
Available zones: ShB (Courl)
A quick quip from a Viera with eyes filled with a soul that appears to be older than time itself is how you find yourself speaking with the famed diplomat and eccentric wonder that is the Archaeologist. A cheeky and chatty individual, the Archaeologist will always listen to the woes of an individual and, if she feels the cause is just or she is just feeling generous, try to help them out to the best of her ability. Trouble does seem to follow her as she disappears from one person’s life and reappears in the next. If you ever meet her, be wary, as something exciting and adventurous is soon to follow!
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The Rose
Name: Benoit Thibodeux
IG Name: Benoit Thibodeux
Age: Early forties
Race: Wildwodd Elezan
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Asexual Biromantic
Status: Single
Looking for: Crewmates, fancy friends
Available zones: ShB (Malboro)
The typical scoundrel with a heart of gold, Benoit has seen much over his time on the waves. Meeting and wooing the various ports of Eorzea and beyond, he has many friends in high places. There is very little that his still dazzling smile and charisma can get him. He harbors a few dark secrets, as a chance encounter with a powerful figure alerted him to his true destiny.
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The Sunflower
Name: A’tyla Tvera
IG Name: A’tyla Tvera
Age: Mid twenties
Race: Midlander Hyur
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Homosexual
Status: Single
Looking for: Friends, magic practitioners 
Available zones: Early Endwalker (Malboro)
A Scion from Thanalan, A’tyla is a cheerful and easily excitable mage. She is an elegant fighter, dancing across the battlefield with either chakrams or a sword and focus. She is a wanderer at heart, taking her from land to land, helping as she can. Her apprentice, Arya, and her are a welcome sight across Eorzea.
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The Gardenia
Name: Yasha Raile
IG Name: Yasha Raile
Age: Early to mid twenties
Race: Highlander Hyur
Gender: Trans Female
Sexuality: Bi/Pansexual, Polyamorous
Status: In a Polycule
Looking for: Friends, other people to help her save the world
Available zones: ShB (Malboro)
A Warrior of Light, Yasha is quite a mystery. She seems more a background figure, rather than the legendary hero that has saved the realm countless times over. Those that meet her have to be told at a later time that they met her. And honestly, Yasha prefers it that way. The Warrior of Light is a grand figure, righteous, calm, collected, always knows the best way forward. She has never felt any of those things. She has just moved forward the best she can. Nowadays, she can mostly be found with her partners, Lyse, Fordola and Arenvald, enjoying life as a simple and honest soul.
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The Snapdragon
Name: Tatiava Eir Arctah
IG Name: Tatiava Arctah
Age: Late twenties
Race: Half Garlean, Half Hyur
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Status: Committed to partner
Looking for: Friends, adventurers
Available zones: ShB (Malboro)
Operative Tatiava Eir Arctah was a member of the Garlean Infiltration Corps, a group of agents that has been gone deep undercover into the greater culture of the Eorzea alliance after the calamity. Long since her inclusion into that group, she defected to the Eorzean Alliance because of one man, the scoundrel intelligence officer of the Company of Heros turned Crystal Brave turned Scion, Riol Forrest. Her whirlwhind courtship with that man with its intrigue and careful slip ups showed her that the Garleans were more the aggressors and villains. Now she is a Scion like her partner, gathering intelligence for the group to help them handle the world ending threats that exist around them.
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The Dahlia
Name: Archon Lhei Veha
IG Name: Lhei Veha
Age: Late thirties
Race: Keeper of the Moon Miqo’te
Gender: Nonbinary (They/She)
Sexuality: Demisexual
Status: Married
Looking for: Research aides
Available zones: Early Shadowbringers (Malboro)
An Archon from Old Sharlayan, Lhei Veha is a, as they define it, eternal student of the aetherological kind. They wander the lands of Eorzea trying to figure the changes that happened to the crystal aetherology of Dalamud’s descent. Brushing off all other worldly concerns (including their husbands increasing worry and frustration at them being gone so long.) they march to the beat of their own logic.
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The Strelitzia
Name: Beat Caralli
IG Name: Beatrice Caralli
Age: Late twenties
Race: Corvosi Hyur
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Pansexual
Status: Committed to Partner
Looking for: Friends, rogues, scallywags
Available zones: EW (Malboro)
A Corvosi noble’s brat, Beat is a former pirate that seeks adventure with the love of her life, Mai. A brash personality, with a mouth that sometimes says too much, Beat is a fighter. She never backs down from a challenge and has a hard time admitting defeat. A skilled marksman, Beat keeps herself and her partner safe from all that would threaten their small slice of happiness.
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The Tulip
Name: Mai
IG Name: Mai Muted
Age: Mid twenties
Race: Midlander Hyur
Disability: Mute
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Demisexual
Status: Committed to Partner
Looking for: Friends, those that need help
Available zones: Shb (Zalera)
Mai is a woman who has pushed past her traumas to enjoy life. A former slave of a crew operating out of the Rhotano Sea, Mai cannot speak. To combat this, Mai acquired an Allagan node to help her converse with people, but it is prone to not accurately projecting her thoughts so she gets annoyed with it easily. Mai has a head for numbers, keeping her and her love’s finances in check while they adventure through the lands of Etheirys.
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The Triteleia
Name: Goes by Myste
IG Name: Myste Masked
Age: Unknown
Race: Looks Midlander Hyur
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Asexual
Status: Not looking
Looking for: the downtrodden, those that need healing
Available zones: ShB (Zalera)
A strange man that appeared following the Final Days, Myste is a traveling healer of those downtrodden. With his three part process, he can cure nearly any ailment. Only as long as the recipient believes. Most consider the man a false peddler of healing, and there are a few arrest warrants out for him. Myste is a being of pure Dynamis brought about by Etheirys to help alleviate the suffering on its face. As such he wanders and tries to ease as many burdans as he can.
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The Gladiolus
Name: Jana Verity
IG Name: Jana Verity
Age: 28?
Race: Raen Au Ra
Gender: Non-binary (She/they)
Sexuality: Bisexual Demiromantic
Status: Not looking
Looking for: adventures, the excitement of a good fight
Available zones: EW (Zalera)
When people think of the Warrior of Light, Jana’s bravado and skills easily match that description. An accomplished fighter of many styles and a strong personality easily make people believe her title. As an uneasy member of the Scions, Jana has indeed helped shape events with their ‘sibling’ Anaj. Honest to a fault, Jana says what she means and means what she wants. This has her butt heads with the elder Scions quickly and often.
Unknown to her, she is a soul many more times rejoined, from a far distant timeline that nearly became the World that Was once more. Her amnesia does not bother her however, as the new memories she makes in this world are far more precious to her.
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The Linnaeas
Name: Deta L’rae and Pola L’rae
IG Name: Deta L’rae and Pola L’rae
Age: 75 (Twins)
Race: Veena Viera
Gender: Female (She/they) (Deta) Non-Binary (They/them) (Pola)
Sexuality: Asexual (Deta) Pansexual (Pola)
Status: Not looking
Looking for: those that need help (Deta), those with coin (Pola)
Available zones: Mid EW (Deta) Late EW (Pola) (Both Zalera)
A nearly inseperable pair of wandering knights, Deta and Pola L’rae are the only suriviors of the Seventh Shard of Etheirys, escaping to the source through a very experimental and unconventional vehicle. The twins took to the new land they were now in with gusto and integrated themselves as adventurers eager for work. Now travelers with more than enough gil to support themselves, the twins enjoy seeing the new sights of this world that now call home.
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The Hyacinth
Name: Eulanne aan Saforias
IG Name:Eulanne Saforias
Age: Mid to late twenties
Race: Ilsabardan Elezen
Gender: Non-binary (She/her)
Sexuality: Asexual Homoromantic
Status: Not looking
Looking for: adventures, people in need of a bodyguard
Available zones: Shb (Zalera)
Eulanne aan Saforias, Reaper, Scion, is a quiet reserved individual. Having made a pact with a very powerful voidsent, Eulanne has fits of murderous rage and destructive impulses that she has to stamp down deep in her soul. She is a dedicated member of the Scions, using them to do good while her soul and pact-partner call out for murder and death. For now she has a grip on her wounded soul, but she still worries that one day she will give in to her darker urges.
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The Amaryllis
Name: Marisol Jahenna
IG Name:Marisol Jahenna
Age: Early thirties
Race: Turalan Miqo’te
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Status: Not looking
Looking for: adventures, people in need of a bodyguard
Available zones: Shb (Zalera)
A Viper from Tural, Marisol always had a desire to see the world that her four siblings did not share. So she stole to the eastern world and became a wandering mercenary to make gil. Once she had acquired a sizable fortune, she become instead a wanderer that does good and explores the magnificent world of Etheirys. Those that are saved by this savvy fighter walk away with stories of her elegance and beauty in combat.
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The Lewisia
Name: Glifet Ortheia
IG Name: Glifet Ortheia
Age: Over three thousand years old
Race: Merycidian Roegadyn
Gender: Agender (it/its)
Sexuality: Asexual Aromantic
Status: Not looking
Looking for: fellow monster hunters, tech savvy people
Available zones: Shb (Zalera)
An ancient Merycidian given new life, Glifet is a monster hunter that gathers rare parts and ingredients for people. As a mechanical being and andriod, it is incredibly durable and knows when to take a hit or flee. It wields its great axe with casual efficiency, cleaving into strong prey with ease. Using its faith and lightning crystals, it can grow in size to better combat some of the larger beasts, occasionally throwing its axe to the side to grapple with the monsters with its bare hands.
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The Iris
Name: Lucca Truce
IG Name: Lucca Truce
Age: Late twenties
Race: Sharlayan Lalafell
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Hopelessly bisexual
Status: Not looking
Looking for: engineers, inventors
Available zones: Shb (Zalera)
A member of Garlond Ironworks, Lucca is a prodigy of engineering. Or so would her flying boots insinuate. In realty the poor Lalafell can barely keep any other invention together. Techincally out on a years long assignment as a gleaner for her mother, Lucca enjoys the life of tinkering with magitek and allagan machines. It would be a perfect life if not for her hopeless crushes on her bosses, Cid Garlond and Jesse Jaye. She can barely handle the pressure of working for them!
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The Aconite
Name: Tista-Moa Cailei
IG Name: Tista-Moa Cailei
Age: Mid thirties
Race: Lakeland Mystel
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Status: Not looking
Looking for: pawns, others with power
Available zones: Mid EW (Courel)
A former member of the Crystarium Honor Guard, Tista-Moa has embraced her new life in the void. A brilliant mind and a selfish edge, she plots to usurp all power that lords over her. The Light of a Warden protecting her from the Astral corrupting aether of the void and a heavy heaping of Draconic aether from her current lord Golbez, she now has the power to back up her smarts. Soon she will arrive at the Source, and carve out a place for herself to lord over.
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The Dicentra
Name: Cissnei Eclaire
IG Name: Cissnei Eclaire
Age: Late twenties
Race: Raen Au Ra
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Demisexual
Status: Not looking
Looking for: a good fight, those that need defending
Available zones: EW (Courel)
A brilliant fighter from Bozja, Cissnei is a Scion that works by herself most of the time. Seeking fights and causes that she can defend is her modus operandi. She is a very skilled gunbreaker, having it be her specialty. Blessed by the echo, she fights to protect the star. And for her own enjoyment.
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inosukeslefttoe · 3 years
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SO i just finished wonder egg priority and i think that with confidence i can say it has been one of my favorite animes like... ever ?? and not even from hyperfixation or obsession over it just... its so fucking real yet so simple in a way that i havent rlly seen shown in any other shows you feel ??
but first i wanna talk about how sexy the art and animation is real quick... HOMIE ITS SO GOOD LIKE EVERYTHING ABOUT IT JUST... serotonin... the characters are all so unique and iconic and fun but not over the top in their designs yknow ??? they seem like regular every day girls but they stand out and theyre all sO CUTE !!!! also i love how the style is like this soft bubbly slice of life lookin stuff with bright happy colors and the most beautiful scenes you could find but they also have the SICKEST fight scenes complete with whimsical animal helpers and terrifying villains and crazy weapons unique to each character. and the animation. god DAMN shawty i am obsessed with everything in this show. i might make a post solely about the art later lol bc i wanna get into the other stuff.
so the themes in the show right ?? it starts just as this cute lil magical girl kinda deal but within the first episode we see that like.. oh damn... thats kinda heavy... tbh i was a little shocked and thought about stopping bc yknow bad mental health BUT i was so intrigued that i had to keep going and i am SO GLAD that i did. because this show just so beautifully discusses all these heavy topics in such an eloquent and artistically expressive way. and also like, , the juxtaposition of the charming childlike vibe with bright colors and 14 yr old girl protagonists against the dark themes of suicide and so much else,, i think is just perfect. bc a lot of heavy animes are more of the seinen genre and have some middle aged dude as a protag or make the entire color palette dim or offer little relief to the pain of these heavy themes right ?? but NO not wonder egg bitches B) because these problems arent just things that ppl face later in life or just problems that need to be talked about among adults or the edgy seinen watching squad,, these are REAL problems that face people of every age, gender etc and i think its awesome that wonder egg addresses that. some may cringe at the thought of their high schooler watching animes that discuss sexual harassment, suicide, abuse, self harm, eating disorders etc,, but in reality it is the most comforting thing i have ever come across and is basically jsut free anime therapy. because not only does wonder egg present these themes to the viewers as something real that happens to all kinds of people (making said people feel heard in a way that maybe they hadnt before), but it also makes sure to vanquish all of these forms of trauma. and the way the trauma is vanquished isnt always beautiful and it isnt always just magically gone with a poof. the struggles of overcoming or living with that sort of thing are shown in such a real and relatable way that addresses every hardship trauma survivors have to go through. and i just. god i cry bro. 
oh m y GOD and the lgbtq+ rep in this show ?? like shawty... as soon as i saw episode one i was picking up on some gay/lesbian themes but then again im sapphic and project that a lot so i tend to see that sort of stuff like... everywhere... but NE WAYS... episode ten made me FUKCING CRY BRO LIke i cant believe there was a whole trans character with a whole trans pride hoodie like LKGHKDGH my heart is just so.. so fucking full thinking about him. bc like yeah i know there are trans characters in anime but i feel like theyre always very ambiguous about actually being trans or not or erased or portrayed as a harmful stereotype or theyre constantly misgendered and still refered to as their assigned gender at birth and i hate it. HOWEVEr... Kaoru.. *chefs kiss* it was so amazing to see a character straight up say “yeah im trans” in such a casual yet powerful way bc i personally have never seen that before. and i love love loved how he went into his backstory and talked to momoe about gender bc i think thats what she rlly needed and that it helped her find herself and it makes me so happy oh my god,, and the way they talked about it never seemed forced or like it was the focal point of his existence yknow ?? like yeah he existed to help momoe overcome some of her trauma but he also just existed to be HIM yknow ?? also... personally, i headcanon momoe as a trans girl even though i dont remember it being explicitly stated plus the school scenes of her and stuff would seem like they suggest otherwise ??but,,, SHAWTY THE AMOUNT OF SUBTEXT and her complicated relationship w gender is... something i feel like a cis girl would not go through so harshly yknow ?? with all of the questioning and feeling detached from femininity or feeling like ppl dont see her as an actual girl and only like her as a guy or for her masculine traits,,, but dont take my word on this bc i myself am a cis girl but that was just my take on it as someone in the lgbtq+ community trying to educate myself on the transgender community :) either way,, wonder eggs portrayal of momoe and kaoru and the way that momoe becomes so passionate about expressing herself the way she wants to as a girl is just... good lord im gonna cry its so perfect,,,.so ... i just love this show way too much. i also am honestly super lost about the relationship btwn acca and ura-acca ?? bc i was gonna mention ura-acca as a canonically gay guy bc when i was watching i interpreted ep 11 as him being in love with acca and being jealous of Azusa (bc i mean,, they lived together (i swear to god there was only one bed in that apartment) and had a daughter together and def loved each other and also when Frill said they were husbands and then when ura-acca said he wasnt attracted to azusa but he was def jealous of their relationship ??) but then i saw somewhere that theyre brothers ?? which would make sense ig since they look kinda similar and accas daughter called ura-acca “uncle”.. but at the same time its ANIME SO THEY ALL LOOK SIMILAR and referring to gay couples as siblings is an EXTREMELY common euphemism soooo... IM JUST LOST HERE... but yeah i tried doing research and found different things so i cant say anything for sure >:( however,,, if they are canonically a lil fruity for each other... when frill refered to acca as ura-accas husband i imploded dude you never hear that sort of wording in anime.. but if theyre related i am so sorry. 
god this is so much longer than i planned it to be oops but i also love the theme about like.. relying on friends to help carry your weight but at the same time not becoming completely dependent on those friends and using their support to learn how to love yourself and rely on yourself yknow ?? bc that is exactly what healthy friendships look like. bc i think ai sort of had a codependency thing goin on with koito maybe ?? but now she has a whole squad of funky friends that are so so different but all struggle with different kinds of trauma and although they fight over it, they always get through it with each other together. and they push each other no matter what to be the best versions of themselves and they teach other that getting hurt is okay because theyre always gonna be there to pick up the pieces no matter what happens. they can give each other space when they need and adapt to meet each others needs but theyre always able to balance it out with their own needs and thats such a beautiful thing in friendships especially at their age like damn i wish i had that maturity when i was 14 but no all i had was depression. another thing is that through these friendships you get to see all the different sides of each girl; you get to see them being strong or a shining light to their friends when theyre hurting but you also get to see them being hurt and weak and allowing themselves to be on the receiving end of the comfort. their friendships allows them to have weaknesses but it also allows them to highlight their strengths and thrive off of each others. I LOVE FRIENDSHIP DUDE
next i wanna briefly mention some of the themes connected to suicide that ive noticed. a big one is the survivors guilt that ai feels once koito is dead. several times she screams that she wishes she couldve gone with koito and she dreams of a “perfect world” where they committed a double suicide. one of the main reasons for her troubles is that she blames herself for koitos death and feels like it should be her thats dead... but at the same time she feels like too much of a coward to do anything now that koito is gone. she just has all these complex and contradicting feelings that wear away at her in ways that ppl that havent gone through the suicide of a loved one could never imagine. a lot of the times when things like this are portrayed in media i feel like its more in a way thats meant to guilt trip those that have taken their own lives and paint suicide as this selfish sin thats unforgivable but... not only does wonder egg reject that idea and instead portray it as a heartbreaking tragedy with,,, so so many terrible reasons, but it focuses on the feelings of ai separate from koito without blaming her in any way. not once did i feel like the show antagonized koito or that ai blamed koito for doing any of this, but they simply mourned her loss and touched on ais reaction towards the event but separate from koito herself if that makes sense. and i think that discussing survivors guilt without painting koito as the bad guy is something so beautifully done in wonder egg that can really resonate with those that have lost a loved one to suicide and have struggled with these same things.
okay i think this is the last thing ill mention,,, but HOMIE THE PARALLEL UNIVERSE BIT AT THE END. I AM. OBSESSED. i am such a whore for anything about the multiverse okay n e ways...,, not only did this make a super epic trippy ending of season one and add a little bit more magical girl whimsy to the show,, but it had such a powerful message. from the perspective of og ai,, finding out that you killed yourself in another world is... i mean its definitely not a surprise but at the same time it rlly makes you think how close og ai herself couldve been to that point and what decisions led her out of that dark place in her life. if i were in her shoes i would be terrified and id cry bc the thought of going back to such a dark place and actually going through with something like that is my worst fear and probably something that ai fears too. but at the same time,,, think from the perspective of ai two !!! like yeah its true that theres this awful terrible version of ai that dies but theres also a whole version of ai that is a superhero magical girl fighting off monsters to save countless ppls lives !! and she has a badass lizard and a gang of awesome friends !!! at first i was worried that ai two would be jealous of og ai and compare herself to her and feel inferior but like.. THEYRE LITERALLY THE SAME PERSON AND CAPABLE OF THE SAME THINGS !!! and ai two realized that !! just within the span of one episode, she went from the version of ai who took her life,, to the version of ai jumping in front of a friend to take a bullet for them and save their life. and that just inspired THE SHIT OUT OF ME. i think that ai was sent another version of herself to sort of beat her own worst enemy yknow ?? those doubts and fears that shes no good or that shes that same bystander from episode one and that she hasnt changed at all. but getting to interact with her parallel self and see her grow was just what she needed to realize that while yeah sometimes the worst thing can happen and things can be terrible but on the other hand sometimes the most wonderful thing imaginable can happen because she has the power to do either. 
so im gonna go ahead and stop rambling bc i got all my thoughts out that i wanted to for this post :D but yeah lol i might make another if i feel like it sometime. long story short: this show is perfect and it is going on my favorite of all times.
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flyingcookierambles · 3 years
wittwe muwues
jgriohagorhbiorghfvhgifvoghf ano really tho this is a gonna be a rambling weird gender shit post i just wanted to have a stupid name ghriohaguohguovhoge ok under the cut if you wanna read if not just move along bye lol
ok disclaimer on gender swap/genderbends, stuff like that
personally i am the person on the right of this post that doesn’t mind rule 63 of the internet its a good post that explains how some ppl may be ok with this trope and some are not
also more nuanced post explaining how genderswap/genderbends can be transphobic if not done well, etc.
ive realized that in hindsight maybe i shouldve realized that i was not cis sooner bc i was always drawn to female/afab characters that crossdressed or hid their gender such as:
haruhi from ouran
haru from aoharu x kikanjuu that really edgy anime about some japanese ppl who have local bb gun tournaments in the woods, etc.
jackie faber, a girl who for various reasons disguises herself as a boy and sneaks onto a british navy ship
also altho it was minor and she wasn’t doing it in real life, moriko morioka from mmo junkie played her mmo with a male avatar
also not cross dressing or anything, but i was very interested by gender bends of characters and especially love the fiona and cake episodes of adventure time
alex dragalia lost (she doesn’t hide her gender or crossdress or anything, but she is very androgynous and i love her)
i guess that, much like how i never referred to myself with feminine terms or with she/her pronouns when thinking of myself, on some subconsciousness level,  related to/with or wanted to be like them in the way that they were able to physically pass as male or be at least gender ambiguous. in hindsight, i probably was experiencing some major gender envy or something.
anywyas uwuwuuwuwuwuwu i wish that shapeshifting or devil fruit powers like iva’s (instant magical hrt via control of hormones) were real so i (and all other trans/gnc ppl can just instantly get the types of bodies that we want and can just change them any time or day and stuff like uuu that’d be so cool
maybe thats also why sci-fi things like altered carbon and ghost in the shell also appeal to me. like. if you have enough money, just. make your own android body and put your brain in it. discard your former useless flesh prison.
anyways ill probs make some meme with more recent characters that are like. gender envy. to me lol. more recently its just. like. androgynous boys. lol. like. mascula, summer norwin, vice, and delphi from dragalia lost. albedo from genshin. just. short king representation. love to see it lol.
(ironically, despite being a short person irl and i guess wanting to look like a short androgynous monarch of some kind, my ffxiv avatar is just. tall. tall man. tall lizard au ra manly man. fjrhiaoghreogiheriogheiohfg lol i couldve picked an average or slightly smaller than average cat man avatar but no. i want to be tall. playing ffxiv and having basically all the other scions look up to me in cutscenes bc they’re all not male au ra and im literally the physically tallest person in the room (other than urianger ig lol) gives me some small joy in my heart daily lololol)
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moonlight22oa · 4 years
!! is it okay if u can talk abt some of ur ocs? 👀 they sound interesting
anon you have MADE MY DAY by asking about my ocs
Moon Dusk
her name's also moon but we're not the same person, she's almost nothing like me. every oc has a bit of me in them bc that's just How It Is
Moon is technically an alien, but the planet she's from is incredibly similar in terms of geography and climate so it's more like she's from an alternate Earth if that makes sense
She's from Danisria, a town in the country Anathemia, where Congo would be on Earth. There's less pollution there because of the magical means many countries have that help with things we use technology for.
Moon left home at 14 and travelled the multiverse, going on adventures and learning new things until she finally settled on an alternate Earth where there are superheroes and got sibling-adopted by a bunch of them at age 19
fun facts: she's aroace and has a twin brother named Sun who isn't as developed as her since I haven't thought about him much
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[ID: a stylised cartoon drawing of Moon, she has dark brown skin and a purple afro. She is wearing a superhero suit that is blue and goes into pink at the top and a yellow hooded cape and calf high light gray shoes]
Jaxon's an Irish fae. He goes mainly by he/him but will answer to any pronouns. he's like 18? in human years at least
This universe's fae don't operate by the same rules as fae legends, they're mostly the same but he can tell little lies and things like that.
He's got a prankster attidue and enjoys messing with people, but doesn't go too far and actually hurt people.
his relationship with his parents is pretty good and he went to Canada (where my ocs live) to explore new horizons and make new friends and stuff.
fun facts: he's had lots of boyfriends, girlfriends and partners in the past and generally considers himself to be pan
(he has wings that look like a dragonfly but I didn't draw them here)
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[ID: a stylised image of Jaxon. He has bright pink hair braided behind him reaching to his wrist, pale skin and is wearing brown pants, a navy blue shirt with a university logo on it and red sneakers]
Charlie Tiput
Charlie's a mermaid type person coming from the seas around Thailand, she generally considers herself to be Thai. She was adopted by a woman who found her wandering the streets after being sent away from the sea by her parents, saying that it's too dangerous for her to remain. The woman went Bruce Wayne and adopted the sad kid she saw wandering around the clearly wasn't human and took her home. The woman's a millionaire after she inherited her nice uncle's fortune and decided to use it to give the employees at his big tech company a good living wage etc (basically she's Bruce Wayne but without the brooding Batman bit akdjdjs)
currently she's 20
Charlie's a raging lesbian who alternates between combat boots and leather jackets and swishy skirts and flower crowns and that's a Fact.
She makes clothes and uses scraps from her friends' wardrobes to make new stuff. she's the one who made their superhero outfits.
Charlie's super nice and has a million honorary siblings that she yoinked off the streets and basically live at her house skkdjdjd
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[ID: a stylised drawing of Charlie, she has light brown skin, dyed hair that is parted down the middle, half icy blue and half ocean blue. she is wearing a black dress this stops over her knees, a striped long sleeve shirt underneath, fishnet tights with leaf patterns and brown boots]
Connor 💕💕💕
Connor is my boy and me and my friend simp for him.
He's a Hispanic young adult (19/20 ish). he's gay and has a boyfriend.
His power is super speed and uses it to fight crime, obviously, but he likes learning languages so that's what he does in his free time
He's a chemist which is really funny because superspeed means he needs to know about physics, and he is SHIT at physics so he spent a lot of time reading after getting his powers aldjdjjd
Connor is also a punk kid, the prompt I got when I first made him was "rebel scientist" so that's what he is. He's an activist in gay rights, trans rights and superhuman rights since superhumans in this universe are unfairly discriminated against like any minority
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[ID: A stylised drawing of Connor. He has medium brown skin and dyed red hair that is growing black at the roots. He's wearing a gray t-shirt over a black and white striped long sleeve shirt, ripped dark red jeans and black sneakers]
I have WAY more but I'm not gonna write them all here akdkfjjdks, send another ask if you want to see more ig
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