#He's still laying on the ground throwing a fit XD
and-stir-the-stars · 1 year
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It's they!!
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Escapades [Minhyuk x Reader] (18+)
A/N: Seasons greetings - this is a fic that I never intended to post here. I had originally posted it anonymously on AO3 because I didn't really want my username attached to it, BUT THEN SOMEBODY STOLE MY WORK AND CLAIMED IT AS THEIR OWN AND THAT ANNOYED THE FUCK OUTTA ME.
So....here's some smut. I wrote this.
Happy reading. XD
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You startled awake from your dream, huffing and puffing, arms flailing out in either direction to hoist yourself into a sitting position. Once the world came into focus around you and you had caught your breath, you realized how dry your mouth had become in the night. You reached out for the glass of water that was often waiting for you on the bedside table. You never had the forethought to leave a glass of water there for yourself, but Minhyuk had often done so after you’d woken up in a fit of coughs one night early on when you'd first begun crashing at the dorms.
You shrugged it off, sure that he’d just stayed out late after one of his broadcasts and headed to the kitchen to grab a glass of water for yourself. You felt your way across the room in the darkness and down the hallway to the kitchen. Once you felt your feet on the cold tile of the kitchen you let out a sigh of relief, flipping on the light to find yourself a glass.
In the middle of filling your glass you heard a familiar groan from the couch, followed by the sound of tossing and turning. You turned toward the couch just in time to catch a familiar tuft of blonde hair pop into view as Minhyuk adjusted the afghan that he had wrapped tightly around his shoulders and pulled up to his neck. The throw blanket was too short and the room too cold, causing him to have curled up into a tight ball.
Your water forgotten, you turned off the sink and walked around the couch to be met with his sleeping figure. “Minhyuk-ah,” you said softly, kneeling down in front of him and pressing a kiss to his temple as his face scrunched up in displeasure. He was never one who liked to be woken up, “why didn’t you come to bed when you got home? Did we have a fight that I don’t remember?” you joked, the curve of your smile pressing against the shell of his ear.
“Mm, you were dead asleep by the time I got home,” he grumbled, reaching a limp arm over the edge of the couch to pat your hand where it lay against your thigh. “Didn’t wanna wake you.”
"But you're gonna be sore if you sleep like that all night. And I want my cuddles."
Fishing blindly with his eyes still closed, he grabbed your wrist and began to pull, wrapping an arm around your waist when he was close enough to do so. "What are you doing?" You chuckled as he dragged you down onto the couch with him, sandwiching you between the couch cushions and his frame. 
"My baby wants cuddles, my baby gets cuddles," Minhyuk grumbled in reply, throwing an arm over your waist and a leg over your hips before pressing a kiss to your temple.
"Minhyuk-ah," you giggled as he rolled to bear more of his weight onto you, "you're going to kill me. I can't breathe."
He groaned in his sleep, rolling finally so that you rested almost completely on top of him. "Someone's picky."
"I am," you agreed, burrowing into the spot just under his ear and leaving kisses there, "thank you for indulging me."
And with that the two of you proceeded to doze off once again.
When you awoke a few hours later, it was to the morning sun's rays that were only just beginning to peek through the windows.
…And a rather persistent grinding motion from beneath you.
"Hey," you grumbled, giving Minhyuk's shoulder a slap as you realized what was happening, "you can at least wake me up if you're gonna hump me like a dog."
When he gave no reaction to your words you suddenly realized the situation that you had found yourself in. Quickly, you began to plot something devious. Without hesitation, you leaned forward, pressing feather-light kisses to his jaw as you ground with him in tandem.
Minhyuk let out a low groan as he came to, hands reaching blindly for your hips in order to get a better angle.
"Good morning," you whispered against his ear, licking at the shell before sucking the lobe in between your teeth causing a shutter to ripple down his spine. "Looks like somebody was having a really good dream, hm?" You asked with a wicked lilt as you met a particularly hard thrust. "You wanna tell me about it?"
"Was I…?" The words were lost in his throat, caught up in the sensation. "Fucking hell."
"You don't have to be embarrassed, baby, it's okay," you murmured into his ear, forcing him closer to the edge by the minute as he rutted against you, "Feels good, doesn't it?"
Still in the space between sleep and wakefulness, he let out a little whimper, "Mhmm."
"You think you can come just from this?" You asked softly, this time intrigued. "Gonna make a mess of yourself?"
"Mhmm," he moaned, grinding up into your clothed heat desperately.
You nodded knowingly, hovering over him as you admired the state you'd gotten him to. "That's okay. You can. Just be quiet because we don't want your boys to hear," you said, leaning closer still, launching inward for a heated kiss as you rolled against him.
He was nearing the precipice - only a moment or so from falling over the edge by the looks of him, when you leaned forward once more, all teeth and tongue as you nipped at the sensitive bend of his neck. His lips hung open in a prolonged gasp as he stiffened beneath you. With one final thrust he was emptying himself into the confines of his sweatpants.
"Holy shit," Minhyuk huffed in stunned satisfaction, trying his best to regulate his breathing as he peered up at you, his head flopping back against the couch, "uh...sorry. And...thank you?" How do you really put a button on a dry-humping session?
"Don't apologize," you murmured into his ear, grinding down once more, enjoying both the friction and the hiss it pulled out of your partner's lips, "that was super hot. We need to do that more often."
"Mm, yeah maybe," he grumbled as he blindly palmed at your thighs, still resting on either side of his waist, gripping and dragging you forward. "Come here..."
"What are you doing?" you laughed in hushed tones as he weaseled your hips closer.
"I want you to sit on my face so I can make you cum like you deserve."
"What? No, you don't have to-"
"Of course I don't have to," he whined, fingers running up and down your bare thighs as his eyes opened to find yours, "Don't make me beg."
The thought of that alone had heat unfurling throughout your body. It didn't take much convincing after that as you wiggled your way up forward, your thighs bracketing Minhyuk's head. In the next moment, he slid one bold hand forward, yanking your panties out of the way and using the fabric to drag your heat to his lips.
"Shit," you gasped, your body nearly curling in on itself as you grappled with his hair for purchase and ground forward into his mouth, finding satisfaction in his fucked out groan from below as he clung to your thighs. "God, keep going. Just like that - I-"
When the kitchen light flipped on, your brain went into panic mode. With a squeal, you detached yourself from your boyfriend, heaving the afghan (that had fallen to the floor sometime during the night) over your shoulders, trying to cover the both of you as best you could.
Peeking up over the top of the couch, your eyes landed on Kihyun, who was shuffling around the kitchen in a tired daze. "Don't mind me," he grumbled, pulling coffee, a filter, and mug from the cupboard, "I didn't see anything. As you were."
Your cheeks flamed with humiliation as you slid back down Minhyuk's body. Burying your face in his shoulder and heaving the blanket over your head, you prayed that the couch would simply open up and eat you both alive. A comforting hand landed in your hair as you groaned in embarrassment.
"What do you think the over-under is on him not mentioning this to anyone?" you asked.
"Not a chance."
"We're never gonna live this down, are we?"
"Probably not."
If you stuck around to the end, then thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed. I'm currently accepting MTL and drabble requests for multiple groups, so feel free to shoot me a message!
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cozymoko · 3 years
Hey, soo how would Inosuke, Tanjiro and Giyuu react to having a crush where they look perfectly healthy, are amazingly atheletic but for some reason they always sit odd or fidget. (Or Avoid Inosuke perfectly if he attempts to tackle s/o like a scared squirrel. Cuz he for sure would at some point xD). And it comes out at some point that s/o has a long lasting spinal injury which makes it uncomfortable for s/o to stand, lay or sit at certain positions. S/o does not typically make a fuss about the discomfort which is why you would never know. They used to be paralysed which was how serious the injury was and why the injury still has after effects?
KNY || Spinal Trauma
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Pairing: Inosuke Hashibira, Tanjiro Kamado, Giyuu Tomioka x Gender Neutral Reader.
Format: Headcanons
Synopsis: A partner with spinal trauma that hides it.
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When you avoid Inosuke's embrace he'll pause for a second, stuck in place at his obvious confusion, "Ha?" Trying again only to be dodged with such ease. "Hey, why are you avoiding me?!" Now, now, Inosuke try not to throw a fit.
When you finally tell him about your spinal injury, it all makes sense. Your dismissive actions, your odd way of sitting. "Huh, Why are you sitting like that?" What a simple-minded fellow, I suppose living in the wild didn't do him too well.
The boar doesn't have too ample knowledge on long-lasting injuries and goes to Tanjiro for some advice. However, the idea of not being able to help you sets him off. Although that won't stop him from trying!
"Here, hand it over!" said Inosuke, gesturing to the heavy baggage resting in your arms. "Hm, no Inosuke it's fi—" "Hand it over!" You have no choice but to hand it over, the slayer hiking a bit in front of you as you proceed your long walk down the path.
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Sturdy boy Tanjiro Kamado, a good-natured soul. He frequently fusses over you as is but this turns him into a nervous wreck! In battles, he noticed your lack of immobility, the fatigue rapidly overtaking your body. Though no wounds littered your body, at least nothing visible.
Upon finding out about your spinal injury he's heartbroken. Tearing up over all the pain you had to endure and the long going effects. It's quite adorable to see him dote on you, resting his head on your lap, playing with the fabric of your clothing.
New habit acquired: Sniffing you whenever he sees you! Strange, certainly, but he has his reasons. It's a routine thing; sniffing you, greeting you, then avoiding your questions about his actions. Allow me to explain— Tanjiro can tell your emotions solely off of your scent, thus he'll take advantage of the fact. Although of course, you realized that!
"Is this okay?" Tanjiro asks, gradually hoisting you onto his back. He waited for your reply but the low hiss that escaped your lips was enough. "Ah-I'm sorry!" He shouts, lowering you to the floor. You laugh at his frantic state, petting his burgundy strands, "I'm fine."
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Tomioka discovers your injury during battle with an upper-ranked demon. You lost your footing, taking a harsh blow to your back as you hit the ground. Luckily, you were caught as your partner finished the fight with a mere swing of his blade. Giyuu whisked you back to headquarters, arriving in what seemed to be seconds. You were brought to the infirmary, where he was later informed of your tiny secret.
Nonetheless, he's impressed over your ability to suppress it. The bitter feeling of not being able to protect you finally blowing over. But this incident has prompted him to keep his guard up more when around you. From lingering behind you to scanning the area before your arrival. A bit ridiculous though he wishes you nothing but the best. Hence this being a simple way to ensure that.
Reminds you fairly often to take care of yourself. What a surprise — who would have known he could be so charming! It'd be best if you refrain from pointing out such actions or he may just disappear. Not literally, perhaps he's ogling you from afar simply to escape embarrassment.
"Don't push yourself, you know I worry for your safety," The Hashira sighed, pressing his palm to the small of your back. Lying his head against your own, inhaling your sweet scent, "I can't imagine the pain you're going through."
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hobbitsnapes · 3 years
Corpse x MGK!sister reader
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(Found this image on Pinterest so all credit goes to artist, if you know who it is please comment below so I can credit them)
A/N: this was requested by @heyitssab
Tree is tall of sex in this, but it’s more in a joking matter, plus corpse has stated he doesn’t mind as long as you are not a minor or send or tag him. I’m literally 2 years younger than him, and have no intentions of ever tagging him or sending him any of my work XD
Summary: how many idiots does it take to tell the brother and friend they’re dating? Apparently takes 2 very forgetful people, who kept their relationship secret without knowing it.
It had just been by chance, a small chance that he had been scrolling through his tags. liking and reposting art, when he saw a tag from someone he followed. He wrecked his brain for when he had followed her, coming up empty. She was cute, no denying the beauty she had as she laughed in the video. It was a clip from a stream that he didn’t know she had, as he couldn’t even remember her name, wearing his merch as it fit her snug. It fit her perfectly in fact, the large hood covering her face, hiding the flush to her face from her rather large chuckles that left her body. He couldn’t help but like the photo, and he couldn’t help but to press message either.
It was first only small likes to posts, an Occasional message, and a view on their livestreams, but that all changed when he spoke of the song he was working on with her older brother.
It all started that night, when both lay in their beds as they talked, laughed, and felt their hearts flutter each time they heard one another speak.
Her phone rang violently in her bag, nearly making her drop the to go bag all over the ground as she walked. “Hello?” She asked, as she held both bags with her hands as her shoulder gripped the phone as if it’d fall down a cliff. “Hey bug!” He exclaimed, making her chuckle as she heard the booming sound of his voice. She had always detested the nickname, as he gave it to her as kids due to her horrendous fear of the creatures. But, it brought more joy to her, as it reminded her of their youth. Having been adults for years, it was fun to hear such a childish name that’s stuck.
“Hey mopey.” She chuckled, as that was the name she gave him when he was in his emo phase that he never outgrew.
Both talked as she walked towards the elevator, mainly about how his day had gone as she silently listened.
She had always been this way, always the shyer of the two, the one to listen to others first before she said a word. He had teased her for it most of their childhood and teen life, but he had grown to love it, as he could let loose or rant to her about anything, and he knew she’d be there just to listen to him.
“So what’re you doing right now?” He asked, as she got into the elevator. “Just grabbed some dinner a few minutes before you called and nearly made me shit.” A smile painted on her face at his boisterous laughter.
“Are you at home?” He asked, as he heard the sound of the elevator beeping in the background. “No, I’m spending the night with my boyfriend.”
She had mentioned about a month prior that she was seeing someone, the joy it brought him to hear the excitement and joy in her tone as she gushed about their first date.
If this was 7 or 8 years prior, he would be bombarding her with questions about the man, who he was, where he lived, where he could meet him to find his intentions with his baby sister. But, in the last few years, he found himself feeling calmer whenever she’d mentioned her love life. He knew she was smart, and would never date a man who treated her poorly. The few breakups she had, they always ended amicably, her head still high as she told him. So, he never asked her any questions about the man, as he could tell from the few times she mentioned him, he could feel the love this man had for her, and Vice versa.
The strong barreling of her phone alerted them awake, both groaning out as she reached for her phone without lifting her head from his shoulder. “Hello?” She mumbled, voice slurred as the saliva was thick in her mouth, barely awake as she fought to listen in on who dares to wake them up.
“Hey!” He exclaimed, making her equally exhausted lover groan. She shifted off of him, laying on her back as he turned away from her, as to hopefully shut his eyes and fall back asleep. She was used to her brother's large voice, as it hardly phased her after growing up with him. “Colson, why are you calling me this ungodly hour?” “Oh come on, it’s not that early.” “Col its-“ She pulled her phone from her ear, eyes shutting violently as the bright light blinded her “5 o’clock in the morning. So again, I’m going to ask you, why did you call me at the asscrack of dawn?” “You don’t remember?” He asked, making her irritation grow. “No, that’s why I’m asking.” She says, as she rubbed her sleep crusted eyes. “You were coming up today to hang out with casie, remember?” Her hand stopped rubbing her face, as she felt her heart stop momentarily. “Wait, you mean today? I thought I was coming Friday?” “No, both of you settled on today, remember I told you that’s perfect because I have a day off?” She felt her heart pain as she heard the sadness in his tone, knowing he’s expecting her to bail. “Yeah sorry, I thought you meant Friday so I mixed it up, let me get ready and I’ll be out the door okay? Love you” she said, as she hung up the line.
Before she could even move, she felt his arm wrap around her body. A tired groan leaving his lips. “Nooo stayyyy.” He groaned, pulling her body to his. She smiled as she looked down at him, wrapping her arm on his chest and the other behind his neck. “I wish I could live, but I can’t.” Planting a soft kiss against his lips. “Stay in bed for a few more hours, please?” Her heart pulled at his tone, hearing just how tired he was. “I can’t, casies wanted me to come up for weeks now. And it takes a good 3 hours to get there. I wanna spend as much time as I can with them before it gets dark so I can get back safely.” He groaned at this, wrapping his arms around her. “Yeah but it’s only 5, it wouldn’t be safe to drive since we went to bed like, 2 hours ago.” “Yeah, and whos fault was that mister?” She teased, “hmm, sorry but I just couldn’t keep my hands to myself after not seeing you for a few days.” He mused, pulling her body closer to his, planting his lips against hers. A small hum left her lips as he pulled her thigh over his, grabbing the flesh harshly as their lips cascaded together. “Mm, no no no, you’re not gonna convince me to stay here just to go another round.” She said, as she got off from his warm body, throwing his large hoodie over her bare body. “Oh come on babe, are you sure about that?” He said, making her turn around to him. A small gasp left her lips as her eyes took in his milky white complexion. His honey brown eyes looking back at her with a small smile etched onto his face. His hair a tousled mess that resembled a bird's nest, some pieces falling onto his face. “Honey, I’ve been wanting to see my family for weeks now, I see you almost everyday and practically live here. I’ll be back tomorrow so I can grab more clothes from my place okay?” She placed a kiss to his lips, both holding one another in their arms. “I don’t know why you don’t just say fuck that place and just move in.” He mumbled, making her chuckle and heart warm. “Don't you think it’s a little soon though? I mean we’ve only been together a few months love.” “Yeah, but you’ve practically lived here since we got together, you literally just go there to get more clothes that you end up leaving here.” She looked into his eyes as she thought about his words. “Hm, I’ll think about it today okay?” She mused, planting a kiss to his lips. A soft okay leaving him as she got up.
“And babe, remember if you live here, we can have all the sex we want and not have to worry about driving to get one another.” He exclaimed, laughing at the loud honey she screamed from the bathroom.
She couldn’t help but laugh out as she watched, as her niece tried her hardest to braid her fathers grown out hair. It was near impossible not to, as pieces would fall out, resulting in her pulling them harsher, nearly pulling his eyelids back due to the tension from his temples. “Okay okay you’re gonna fuckin scalp me.” He chuckled , as all three bursted out in large laughter.
“So how’s school going this year?” She asked her, as she delicately painted her nails. Both of the girls had found themselves on the floor in front of the nice coffee table, as colson sat and chatted with them. “It’s going really well.” “Oh yeah? Make any new friends?” She teased. “I mean, kinda.” She couldn’t help but hear the wavering in her tone, spotting the faint blush dusting her skin. “Ohh, so there’s a someone eh?” She teased to her, making the preteen hide her face as to conceal the flush. “His names Garrett, and we both take social studies together. He always sits next to me at lunch, and we’ll draw on my notebook.” She gushed, making her smile. “Soo, do you think he likes you?” “I mean, that’s what everyone keeps saying.” “Yeah well don’t worry about it to much cas, you’re not dating anyone for many more years. You’re still a kid.” Her das said, making the young girls face fall.
Y/N knew he was only saying this to protect her, as he said the same thing to her growing up. “Hey, don’t be bummed out about it. He is right, you both are only 12 and should focus on school. But don’t worry, he’ll come around. He was just like that with me up until my current boyfriend.” She whispered, making the young girl chuckle.
“Speaking of which, how are you guys doing?” He asked, as she hadn’t mentioned hun to her in a while. He didn’t think it’d hurt to ask. “Great actually, we’re thinking of moving in together actually.” “That’s great! I’m really happy that y’all met.” “Yeah, I am too.” She hummed, a flush dusting her cheeks.
Both men laughed as they chatted on the phone, talking about anything that would come to mind. What was once only a collaboration for a song, turned into an amazing friendship that caused both of them to call at late hours just to shoot the shit.
A yawn left his lips, as he listened to colson ramble on about another song he was making. “Woah, you tired man?” Colson asked, shocked to hear the sound. “Yeah sorry, was up most of the night last night.” He mumbled, rubbing his eyes. “Were you feeling alright?” He asked, worry laced in his tone. He knew all about his friends illnesses, even once being on the other end of the phone during a bad spell one day.” “Oh yeah yeah yeah, was just, up with the misses last night.” He chuckled, a flush blooming on his cheeks. “Ohhh yeah? And how was it?” This shocked him, nearly feeling his heart stop. Like, does he usually know about his sisters sex life? He didn’t think much of it, as he knew just how close both were. “It was absolutely fucking amazing. Like I thought we’d be done for the night, fully tapped out but after like 5 minutes she’d be right back on me for another round.” He chuckled, his flush even worse than before. “Ayyyeee good for you corpse, glad to hear that puss is bussin.” He laughed at this, throwing his head back. “Yeah, it’s bussin bussin.”
Both men talk as they read from their phones, eyes wide in absolute awe of the love they received from the song. They had just dropped it a few days prior, not expecting the cry of joy from both fan bases.
He didn’t even look up from it when she walked in, until she bent down to plant a kiss to his forehead. “Sorry I had completely forgot about the tea I made you an hour ago, but I put it back on the stove to heat it up so if it’s twisting funky just tell me okay?” Before he could even thank her, both their heads whipped towards the loudness from the other line. “Y/N? Is that you? What in the hell are you doing there with corpse!” He didn’t sound angry, more shocked than anything, both of them looking at the phone in confusion. “I, I love here? Remember I told you like a month ago I was moving in with him?” “WHAT!” Both jumped at the loud scream. “Wait so you guys are dating!?” Both we’re even more perplexed, until it dawned on both of them. Their eyes wide as they turned their heads to one another slowly. “Wait you didn’t tell him?” “No? He’s one of your best friends so I thought you did!” “He’s your brother! So I thought you did!” Both whisper, until all three lay silent. That was until, the large cry of laughter that leaves the two, leaving colson even more confused. He wasn’t mad, not at all actually. More shocked and confused than anything. Until he started thinking, it does make sense, all the times they spoke about one another without him knowing, all the times they mentioned-“OH GOD!” He yelled, gagging violently, making them stop their laughing fit. “What's wrong? Why are you yelling?” She asks “like a month ago corpse was talking about how he was tired cause he was up all night having sex AND I HAD NO IDEA HE WAS TALKING ABOUT YOU! OH GOD WAS THAT WHY YOU WERE LIMPING THAT DAY WITH CAS AND I!” Both laugh even harder, as they listen to his ever growing gags.
“So yeah,. That’s literally how we had no idea we were keeping the relationship secret from her brother.” He laughed, as he red the comments and listened to his friends' laughter. She sat beside him, head laying on his shoulder as he told the story. She couldn’t help but to look back up into his eyes, as he glanced down at her, planting a soft kiss to her lips. “Keep it pg guys.” Colson said from the other line, making them chuckle.
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birdbrain90 · 3 years
Raindrops on Roses - A Sylki Fanfic
@swinging-stars-from-satellites (DAMMIT I told you it would make me write Sylki fic xD . This is what I came up with. I didn't do that "I end up in your bed" prompt correctly at ALL, but creative liberties are a thing. This is what I tell myself. It's not TERRIBLE for a 24 hour fic, at any rate. LOL) BASED ON THIS TROPE/PROMPT - "there were two beds but in the middle of the night, you still slip into mine and i don’t complain because you’re sick with a cold/fever because we were running away from the authorities last night and it was pouring rain, and i wake up the next morning and we’re not cuddling or anything, although i wish we were, but we’re facing each other and oh my god, you’re still asleep and i can see every strand of disheveled hair, every freckle, every eyelash, every single detail of your face, illuminated by the 6 am sunrise from the molding motel window behind you, is this love?" The rain hadn't ceased all day, and they wondered if it ever would. Loki and Sylvie had been running all morning and afternoon, trying to cover as much ground as possible before their next jump. They had taken to apocalypse hopping, because two Lokis, separate entities fulfilling the same cosmic role, could not exist together on the timeline. Neither of them found themselves satisfied with that answer, so they ran, and ran, and ran some more.
This time though, neither was alone. It had become fun for both of them, ducking and dodging order while chaos ensued around them. It wasn't much of a permanent life, but it fit somehow.
Finally they came upon a motel. It didn't take long for Sylvie to enchant the receptionist, procuring a room for the night.
"Some day you will have to teach me how to do it." Muttered Loki as he peeled his sopping wet jacket off.
"It's freezing. This weather is absolute shit." Looking like a drowned rat indeed, Loki smiled and waved his wrist, conjuring sleeping clothes for both of them. "Thanks. I'm going to take a shower."
There was an odd pause before she left. She wanted to ask if he wanted to join, and he wanted to ask if she wanted company. Neither had the courage, so the moment was lost on both.
When Sylvie emerged from the shower, her cheeks were blazing red. She flopped down on her bed, looking over at Loki who laid on his bed reading a book.
"My turn?" He muttered, not looking up from the pages. Eventually he got up and headed to do the same thing. When he also emerged clean and dry, he spied Sylvie asleep on her bed. Smiling, he raised his hands, grunting a little as a green glow lit his hands, and an unseen force lifted her into the air, while the same force prepared her bed, tucking her gently into it. "Goodnight, Sylvie darling." He smiled, secretly terrified that she might hear that last part.
Sylvie awoke some time later, shivering so hard her teeth were chattering. She was...cold? That was unusual enough on its own. Every movement seemed to make her colder. She sat up and looked over at Loki, sound asleep in the bed next to hers. He didn't seem to be in any sort of distress. There was no way someone as sturdy as her would fall ill, but that's certainly how she felt. Maybe it was from being soaking wet all day…
Sylvie continued shivering in bed, debating going and taking another shower when something disrupted her thoughts.
"Sylvie…" came a whisper from the bed next to her. She rolled over and stood, throwing her shivering legs over the side of the bed.
“Sorry. I didn’t mean to wake you. I can’t sleep.” When she received no response, she stood and padded over to his bed. He was very clearly still sleeping. Why was he whispering her name in his sleep? “Loki…?” She called.
“Hmm?” Came his groggy reply. His eyes didn’t open, and she honestly wondered whether the oaf was even conscious or not.
“Loki I’m freezing. I can’t sleep. I dunno what’s wrong.” She shivered, immediately missing her blankets.
Loki said nothing, and his eyes still did not open. He took a sharp breath in through his nose, and clumsily peeled back the blanket, wordlessly inviting her into his bed. Sylvie faltered, not knowing what to think, but also not wanting to wait long enough for him to actually wake up and see her embarrassment if he was indeed still sleeping. Slowly, she climbed into the bed next to him and pulled the covers back up over herself. Immediately she was greeted with the smell of his skin. Sweet and spicy all at once. She was frustrated by how intoxicating it all was.
They’d grown close over the time they’d been running, but they were both too cripplingly shy to make any sort of advance. Sylvie didn’t understand it at all. She was no stranger to seducing in order to get what she wanted. Information, a drink or ten, relief from needs, it all came easily to her. Yet somehow here, in front of this beautiful man who had stolen her heart, it was way too real, and she felt reduced to a stuttering teenager. She huffed, rolling away from him in an attempt to forget his sleeping face. She had also completely forgotten the fact that she had been shivering from head to toe just minutes prior. Her quaking had ceased, in favor of warm, restful sleep.
The word “cozy” wasn’t a word Loki normally included in his vocabulary. He’d grown up surrounded by princely comforts, with more brought to him if only he asked. But cozy? That was a new one, and when he awoke the following morning it was certainly at the forefront of his mind. He hummed, stretching lazily and extending his arm. His entire body stiffened in fear when his arm rested on top of something soft and curvy. His breath halted in his throat, and he feared he might choke on it as his eyelids flew open to reveal Sylvie sleeping peacefully next to him. His eyes darted under the blanket, relieved and somehow disappointed at the same time when he saw they were both still clothed. When had she moved into his bed? He certainly remembered falling asleep separately last night. Having to consciously breathe in and out, he tried to relieve himself of some of the rigidity in his body, save for the painfully obvious spot.
Shaking his head, he steeled his nerves. He wasn’t sure exactly when he’d been reduced to a terrified teenager. He looked over at the woman lying near him, his mouth falling open in quiet reverence when a sunbeam poked through the window and illuminated her face. Every gentle crease in her face, the swell of her lips, the long lashes that concealed the eyes he found himself staring into for way too long, it was all too much. He gasped, averting his eyes for fear his heart would leap right out of his chest. He stiffened again when he felt her shift, inching barely closer to him. He wanted to reach out and caress her face, the fear of waking her and ruining this moment overpowering his desires in that moment.
Loki wasn’t sure how long he had laid there, attempting to commit her sleeping face to memory. Her face while she was awake was its own kind of beautiful. He loved the way her nose would scrunch up at certain jokes, the way she would roll her eyes at him throughout the day. When they would get into trouble, her almost inhuman snarl set his blood aflame. He felt he could do anything while the heat of her battle rage encompassed him. Sleeping, though, she was completely different. Her face was peaceful, something he suspected she hadn’t had much of while she was awake. That thought, combined with the tranquility of the moment brought tears to his eyes. He wanted to give her a life of peace. Of stability. But he feared they might never get that chance.
Sniffling quietly, he decided to damn the consequences, and he reached out and brought a hand to her cheek. She did not move under his ghostly touch. He drew his thumb down the bridge of her nose, gliding it under her eyes, memorizing every hill and valley on her face. Moving a bit closer to her, he continued, his desire for her to know how he felt only increasing with physical contact. He removed his hand from her face, sliding it down her arm and eventually resting on her hip. Loki would never be able to explain where his sudden hubris came from, but he decided he would risk the angry palm that would surely fly at his face before too long. Butterfly kisses. Feather light touches of his lips that he was sure would wake her when she felt his quivering breaths on her face. He began at her forehead, kissing as much of her face as he could cover, before finally resting on her lips. He lingered there a bit longer, savoring the feeling. They had kissed before, in the citadel, and hadn’t seemed to find time for it since. He had been able to sneak a kiss on her cheek, or her knuckles every so often, but they hadn’t been able to find time to lay together and explore each other properly.
His heart bounced into his throat when he saw her eyelids bunch up, and finally flutter open. As soon as they did, she gasped and lurched backward.
“Loki! I-I… Uh….”
“Shh…” He crooned, stretching his hand out. “It’s okay. It’s only me, after all.”
“I-I… I was really cold last night. You pulled back the blanket so I… I just…”
“I have no memory of that.” He chuckled, before his face dissolved into concern. “But you? Cold? Are you okay?” He reached out a hand, pressing the back of it to her forehead. He shrugged, feeling no difference in her normal temperature. “You feel okay now. Likely from being out in the rain all day.
“Yeah…” She laid back down, still facing him. Loki followed suit, letting his head hit the pillow once more. They stared awkwardly for a while, fumbling around in their own heads and letting their cheeks darken several shades before someone spoke again. It was Sylvie who spoke first, looking down and counting the wrinkles in the sheets. Anything but meeting his eyes. “Loki…?”
“We’re in a bed.” Oh that was dumb. Of all the things she’d ever said in her life, that had to be the dumbest.
“Okay? Yes. Yes we are.” She heard him chuckle, ending with a snort that made her want to reach out and smack him. “Brilliant observation, darling.” That word slipped out, and she saw fear creep into his eyes for a brief moment. What he didn’t know is how that one word flipped her stomach and filled it with butterflies.
“Idiot. That’s not what I mean. I mean…” What did she mean? She had no idea. “I want…”
“I want it to be like this. Just like this. Default. You and me.” The shit eating grin had not left his face, and she wasn’t sure if she wanted to jump on him and strangle it off, or kiss it off. Maybe both. She wondered if he’d be into both.
“Of course. Next time, enchant the receptionist into giving us a key to a room with only one bed.” He laughed, grunting as she finally decided to reach out and shove his chest. He did notice, however, that after she was done shoving him, her hand lingered. He took the opportunity to place his hand over hers, urging her to feel the heart that beat only for her. “I’m teasing you. No need to get violent.” He smiled, his face melting into lovesickness. “I would love nothing more than to wake up with you in my arms every morning, wherever we are, at the end of a thousand worlds I only want to feel your skin and your heart entwined with mine. I lo-....” He froze, the phrase that threatened to leave his lips and the possibility that she might reject it cooled the flame in his gut. “Wh-what I mean to say is I…Um….Y-you see, I’ve thought about this quite a bit... I-I lov-...” He sighed, frustrated. “Can I just kiss you instead? Words are hard when they’re all for you.”
She nodded. His heart sang at her quiet acceptance as he joined his lips with hers. Eventually as their clothing began to fall away piece by piece, the drab motel around them became a luminous place of worship. The world could have ended around them and neither would have cared. This was enough, it was glorious, and it was all their own. Whatever came their way, they’d figure it out somehow, and they’d figure it out together. (This will be cross posted on my Archive of our Own account, Wonderchild90. So if you happen to see it there, that's me! It's not stolen. Oh but also if you enjoy sickening fanfics for these two dumb demigods, come have a look! Shameless self plugging. LOL.)
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raendown · 3 years
A story for @insaneflowergirl as part of the @madatobigiftexchange! Only took me six days to realize it’s June. A grand improvement over the last couple months. xD
Pairing: MadaraTobirama Word count: 4049 Rated: T+ Fandom: Naruto Summary: Trapped together by an avalanche in the middle of a mission, Madara and Tobirama make a passing attempt at dealing with the discovery that they are soulmates. And also the discovery that there is only one bed to share for the night.
Follow the link or read it under the cut!
KO-FI and commission info in the header!
Warmth in Winter Hearts
“I don’t suppose if I happened to suggest laying down to rest you might actually listen?” 
“You’re not my mother!”
Tobirama pressed the bridge of his nose tightly between two fingers and breathed slowly. “Gods but I hope not. I have neither the parts nor the patience for that.”
Across the cavern Madara scowled, looking very much like he was only moments away from sticking out his tongue. If he were perfectly honest Tobirama would not have been surprised in the least to see that sort of childish behavior after the emotionally taxing week they’d been going through. Getting put on a mission together was bad enough; they fought like cats and dogs in the tower with separate offices to retreat to, how Hashirama expected them to survive an entire month out here in the wilderness together was a mystery. Yet the worst part had to be getting snowed in separate from the man they were meant to be escorting with no way to make sure the idiot was still alive. 
“When we get out of here,” Madara growled, “I’m going to tear out that asshole’s hair strand by strand.”
“I’m not sure how much of a threat that is.”
“Excuse you, that is a terrifying threat.”
“Not everyone is as attached to their hair as you are,” Tobirama pointed out. 
He was already turning away to build up the meager fire he’d hastily thrown together upon realizing they were trapped in here. Still, he could practically feel the weight of dark eyes glaring at him from across the cave, probably staring at the back of head and judging the hair that he kept short purely for utilitarian purposes. If he hadn’t looked so ridiculous the one time he’d shaved it all off he would just do away with the stuff all together. What good did hair really do him? Not much. If his head got cold he could always throw on a hat. Beyond that he’d never found much of a use for it. 
“Maybe if you took better care of yours then you’d understand.”
“I very much doubt that,” Tobirama murmured under his breath.
The glaring intensified but he refused to take the bait. Feeding the fire and making sure they stayed warm throughout the night was much more important than tending to the quicksilver emotions of a man who, until today, had been nothing but a thorn in his side at every turn. If not for this blasted mission he never would have been anything else. Tobirama closed his eyes and counted his breaths in and out, in and out, slowly, evenly, searching for the calm balance that so many people mistook for unfeeling cold. It hadn’t been so difficult to center himself in years. 
As much as he tried, however, calm remained far beyond his reach. He could keep a placid expression for the idiot across the room but on the inside his emotions were tumbling over each other like a business of ferrets all fighting over the same morsel of food. They were soulmates. Even in his own head that felt strange to admit. So many years spent glaring across the battlefield, several more glaring across council tables and mokuton sturdy desks, only now to discover their connection mere hours before they got themselves trapped inside a system of caves by nothing more than a raging blizzard. Honestly if he weren’t so angry at the timing of it all Tobirama might have been impressed by the sheer volume of snow Mother Nature had seen fit to dump over their heads without warning. More so than the weather he was angry at their client. When he’d told that fool to stay close it had been for his own safety, not to ruffle his overinflated ego without reason. Now he’d trapped himself somewhere else in these caves by dashing off just before an avalanche of snow collapsed over the entrance. Madara had offered to melt through it all but there was little point. There would always be more to come down on top. 
Either their client would be dead of cold in the morning or he wouldn’t. Being here with them wouldn’t do much to change that outcome when he’d already declared that he would rather freeze to death than seek body heat from, in his words, lowly shinobi types. Tobirama would rather lose the income from this mission than let such an asshole touch him after words like that. 
“Ugh.” Behind him Madara sniffed a couple of times. “These smell terrible.”
“Probably because you’re still bleeding inside them.” Tobirama didn’t even need to turn around to know what the other was talking about. He’d wrapped those bandages himself only hours before. 
“I should probably change them. But it’s so cold…”
Standing up to brush the snow from his knees, Tobirama nodded shortly. “Cold indeed. An excellent excuse not to care for your wounds. I’ll be sure to share that one with Izuna when he asks how I could allow you to come home with blood poisoning.” 
A smile flickered across his face when the snuffling turned in to barely muted grumbling, probably a bad mockery of him since that was usually Madara’s last defense against being told to do something he already knew he should have been doing. It only took another minute or two of waiting before heavy footsteps were thumping across the snow-dusted rock to pause just at his back. The hand that shoved itself in to his view looked like some child’s imaginative drawing of a zombie, covered as it was in off-white linen turned black in some places with drying blood. 
“If you’re so worried for me then do something about it yourself!” 
“Use your manners if you want help.”
“Fuck you!” Madara snatched his hand back. When Tobirama looked he was cradling it to his chest with a pout that looked all the more ridiculous than usual when set above a full suit of battle-worn armor. “I’ll just do it myself then!” 
“Will you now?”
A raised eyebrow sent his companion storming off to where they had scraped the snow off a few square feet of ground. Dark mutterings made a lovely background tune as Madara dug through both of their packs trying to find the rest of their medical supplies. When he found them he gave a vicious little noise of triumph and then flopped down on to a nearby rock to pick at the knot on the back of his injured hand. It was hardly the only injury either of them had suffered during the past week of escorting their jittery client through one of the most dangerous sections of the border with Yugakure, just the most serious since it hampered the grip Madara needed on his infamous gunbai. He’d trained himself to use the other hand like most shinobi did but his effectiveness in battle was markedly different when doing so, forcing Tobirama to take point constantly rather than switching out by turns. 
“Don’t forget the ointment,” Tobirama called over helpfully, not bothering to hide a snicker when Madara lifted his head to glare in response. 
“I know that!” 
“Ah so you were leaving it behind in the pack, what, to keep it warm?” 
Madara tore off a strip of bandage and hauled it ineffectually through the air, shouting, “Leave me alone!” 
He should. In truth he really should leave the man alone. Both of them needed a little time to process the discovery of their unexpected connection. Unfortunately Tobirama didn’t have nearly half the interpersonal skills his brother did, he’d never really learned when to leave well enough alone, so instead of giving them both a little space he watched the fluttering bandage until it hit the ground and then lifted his face with a smirk. 
“Very effective. I’m all but shaking in my boots.”
“You will be if you ever let me catch you on the training fields alone!” 
“Go on then, we’re alone right now.”
“Fuck off!” Madara grunted.
Tobirama peeked over his shoulder to make sure the fire wasn’t going to collapse on itself and then turned back to his mission partner. “I don’t think I will. You are literally my only entertainment right now.”
“I am not your entertainment!” 
“No, you’re right. You’re more like a natural disaster that I just can’t help watching. It’s human nature, you know? Like a morbid curiosity.”
Even as he spoke the words he knew he was being an ass but, as he’d said, it wasn’t like there was much else for him to do in this godforsaken cave. He might as well get a few licks in while he still had the energy. Watching Madara’s ears turn red with anger was just as fascinating as it had ever been, though having to force his mind away from examining why he was so fascinated was new. 
“If anyone here is morbid it’s you!”
“Well I’m not denying that.”
“Be more insulted!” Madara screeched. “I hate when you do that!”
Tobirama folded his arms and lifted one hand to tap at his chin. “Do what, pray tell?”
“You’re always so fucking unflappable! Just- just- it isn’t fair! Be...flapped! Or something!”
“Flapped?” He’d never heard anything so ridiculous in his life. It was perfectly reasonable that he should throw his head back and start laughing, thoroughly amused by his companion’s loss for words. Madara didn’t seem to appreciate his reaction but really that wasn’t far out of the ordinary. For the most part Madara had never seemed to appreciate much about him at all and until recently that hadn’t exactly bothered him. 
Right now the only thing flapping was Madara’s jaw as the man tried several times to come up with a response, any response at all. In the end he simply tossed the end of the bandage roll in Tobirama’s direction with lethal force and snatched the closest bedroll, storming off to spread it out across the space kicked free of snow. 
It was a shame to have his entertainment taken away so quickly, even more of a shame to know that if he also tried to bed down right now the only spot to do so would be within range of Madara’s vengeful hands, so Tobirama was left very suddenly with the echoes of his own laughter and little else. The grin on his face turned rapidly in to a scowl. Patient he might be when the situation called for it but he’d never been a fan of keeping the company of his own thoughts. Books were much more pleasant. Much less likely to spiral out of control in to dangerous places or earn him another lecture from his older brother. Not having his library at hand was certainly the worst part of any mission he’d ever taken, filled as they usually were with down time in which he had little to do but plan his next move or stare aimlessly at the surroundings. 
As much as it would probably be more interesting to wander off and explore how far back these caves actually went he didn’t think it was in his best interests to take the chance at getting lost. If nothing else Madara would definitely tell on him when they got back to the village. 
For a minute or so their little cavern was filled with the rustling of Madara settling himself down to sleep, wrenching the blankets off again when he realized he hadn’t put away all the medical supplies, then fussing at them to cover himself a second time. Once he finally settled down for good there was nothing but the sound of the fire crackling merrily away. Sealed off as they were from the rest of the world, the fire was their only source of light. If not for the fact that the caves obviously went pretty deep in to the mountain it would have been a very poor idea indeed to let it keep burning away all their oxygen. Tobirama was grateful he didn’t need to put it out. Aside from giving him something to listen to besides the inside of his own head it also gave him something to look at. Or rather it gave him a bit of light by which to stare off in his partner’s direction, studying the length of Madara's body and the shapes he made under the regulation wool blanket. 
Not a good idea. Definitely not a good idea. Tobirama jerked his eyes away as soon as he realized what he was doing. Better if there had been no fire. He’d rather be blind for lack of light and leave himself at the mercy of the Sharingan for seeing any possible threats than to sit here and stare across the snowy rock like some lovelorn maiden. No matter what discoveries had been made that day they were not some pair of star crossed lovers. There was no need for whatever dramatics his face had just been doing. 
Digging both hands in to his eyes with a sigh, Tobirama decided it was probably best if he just went to sleep too. It was still too early for him to be very tired but falling asleep would at least stop him from following wherever the hell his thoughts had just been trying to go. Somewhere much too thespian for his tastes. He wasn't his brother, after all, there was no need for him to sit here and analyze his feelings or some other such nonsense. If the fire burnt down while they slept and he woke to darkness, well, he did still have Madara with him; just because he was rightfully leery of the Sharingan’s powers didn’t mean he was above taking advantage of them when he needed to. Perhaps a little mean when the man was injured by, hey, he wasn’t the one who could see in the dark and that was hardly his own fault. 
Another sigh caught at the edges of his teeth and slipped out sounding more like a hiss when he pushed himself up on to his feet, striding over towards their packs with careful footsteps. There was no telling what sort of uneven ground could be hiding under all this snow. So far away from the dancing flames his already poor vision was even worse so at first Tobirama assumed that Madara had simply kicked everything out of place while looking for the bandages. It wasn’t until he gathered all of the packs together and dug through every one of them that he realized one very important item was missing. 
His eyes snapped over to the prone figure only feet away. Madara lay stretched out and perfectly still on top of his bed roll. Or, more accurately, the only bedroll. In all the kerfuffle of their client running off and the avalanche trapping them in it appeared they had lost not only some of the food they’d been carrying but also their second sleeping mat. 
If not for the snow on the ground it wouldn’t have been such a big deal. He still had a blanket and it wasn’t like he’d never bedded down for the night without something comfortable to lie on, catching a few hours up a tree whenever he had to and doing so without complaint. The problem was that lying down on frozen rock had only one outcome and with both of them already injured in various ways he certainly couldn’t take the risk of waking up with pneumonia when there was a perfectly viable - if crushingly embarrassing - solution snoozing peacefully right there. He really hoped Madara wasn’t too comfy just yet. 
“What?” his partner snarled when he was nudged lightly with one foot. 
“Shove over,” Tobirama demanded. 
“The fuck? There is literally a whole cave of space, go make your bed somewhere else.”
“Can’t. I have to share your bed so shove over, Uchiha.”
Madara snapped upright so fast they both heard something in his back pop, though neither paid it much attention. “You fucking what now?”
“There appears to be a distinct lack of a second bedroll anywhere so unless you want me sneezing all over your bandages when I inevitably have to change them you will shove the hell over.” Tobirama crossed both arms over his chest like they could hold in all the confusing emotions trying very hard to bubble their way to the surface. 
He wasn’t sure what to think of the way Madara’s jaw hung open wordlessly, couldn’t properly make out the nuances of that expression without more light to see by. Maybe if he weren’t standing at such an angle as to throw the other man in shadow- but to step aside now so he could see better would be to admit how bad his eyes really were and that was a weakness he’d never bothered to share even with his own brother. He settled instead for standing his ground until that rounded jaw snapped shut again for Madara to harrumph loudly. 
“Fucking- are you serious? This is ridiculous! Where did the other bedroll go?”
“Probably lost in the snow somewhere but I would honestly much rather be sleeping right now than trying to guess at things I may never have an answer to. So. Shove. Over. I will not say it again.”
Ignoring Madara’s voice shouting in his ear was as easy as tuning him out, a feat barely comparable to the task of tuning out Hashirama in the middle of high drama. Tobirama untied his armor and set it all aside carefully. By the time he turned back he noticed that, although the screaming hadn’t so much as paused, Madara had gone ahead and moved over a few inches anyway. He did give vent to a few choked noises when Tobirama slid in under the covers with him but it wasn’t difficult to parse out why. Tobirama was still up on one elbow when he paused to examine their situation.
Which way was he supposed to face? They would both be warmer if he faced inwards and curled himself around Madara’s back but such a position felt much too intimate. Facing away from each other would be blessedly less intimate but there wasn’t exactly a whole lot of space on the mat beneath them and it would take only a single shift for one of them to roll away from the other, taking all the blankets with them. Sleeping on his back was generally the way he preferred but, again, space was the main issue. He would have to lay half on the snow to do that. 
“Just...just pick something and go to sleep,” Madara grumbled.
“Eager to cuddle?” Tobirama snapped at him, a response born more of habit than any particular ire. 
“Fuck off!” 
Just for that Tobirama slumped down on to his right side and made sure to curl in as close as possible, grinning viciously to himself as the other man stiffened noticeably. He himself was far from immune to the awkwardness but petty spite had always driven him faster than any care for his own comfort. If Madara hated this then he would lie here awake all night before he rolled over to make them both comfortable. 
It would have been nice, he admitted silently after several minutes, having enough mercy in his soul to relent and just roll over. Tomorrow promised to be an absolute bastard of a day, not least because the task of digging them out of this place would undoubtedly fall mostly on his own shoulders. He definitely could use some rest before tackling that. Instead he lay there with eyes wide open staring at the back of Madara’s head and wondering what reactions he might get if he pulled on some of that bristling hair. Almost as though the man could hear his thoughts Madara curled in to himself a little tighter. The movement was an innocent one. The way it pushed Madara’s rump in to the cradle of Tobirama’s hips was most decidedly not an innocent result even if it was obviously unintentional. 
“Very intelligent,” Tobirama breathed, not wanting to speak louder for fear the sudden rush of want running through him might be heard in his voice. 
“That wasn’t- I didn’t- fuck off, Senju!” 
“I will have you know that it is taking all of my energy not to instinctually respond with an implication you would rather I fuck you instead.”
Madara’s screech could probably be heard through the several feet of snow blocking their cave entrance. “It doesn’t count if you still say it you idiot!” 
Yet for all the screaming protests he went on to ring both of their ears with, Madara’s reaction notably lacked one thing. He never once tried to move away. Oh he waved the arm he wasn’t lying on and jawed until Tobirama began to wonder if he wasn’t wearing down the bones of his own skull from overuse but not once did he so much as tilt his hips in to a different position. 
Such telling body language gave Tobirama all the clues he needed to figure out exactly what he’d missed in their earlier conversation. It was possible these types of clues were something he’d been missing in all of their past interactions, body language he never noticed simply because he tried to look at the other man as little as possible. To his shame such a habit had been built entirely on the premise that Madara hated it when people didn’t pay attention to him. From now on he promised himself he would pay closer attention - even if he might not let Madara see such efforts. Just because he was begrudgingly interested didn’t mean he was willing to set that spite down just yet. Some habits took longer to break than others. 
And some would never fade but maybe that was more of a personal failing than anything else. 
“White flag.” The words were out and hanging in the air before Tobirama even realized his mouth had decided to speak before his brain had a proper sentence ready. In front of him Madara stiffened impossibly further. 
“The hell are you on about?”
“I...am waving a white flag. We both need rest. This is, ah, comfortable enough. Let’s just put any further arguments or conversations on hold until tomorrow and go to sleep.” 
Madara seemed to chew that over for a moment until he asked very quietly, “Like this?” 
“I am comfortable if you are.”
He half expected to have the man roll over and deck him in the face for such presumptions. When the silence began to stretch he wondered if he was meant to take it as agreement until he heard very quiet words drift back to caress his ears, a softer sound than he had ever heard from this man in his life. 
“Your arms’ll go numb sleeping like that. Might as well...might as well stretch them out.” 
“Ah. I didn’t presume-”
Tobirama cleared his throat before very carefully shifting back to make room for where both of his arms were folded tightly against Madara’s back. When he stretched one out neither of them said anything about Madara lifting his head to make room for it beneath the pillow they shared. And when he stretched the other out with very delicate movements they both remained utterly silent as he laid it gently across Madara’s waist. 
It was the subtle relaxing of all the muscles pressed up against his front that finally made everything click. Oh but he was a blind man. A very blind man with terrible vision to boot. If anyone asked he was going to blame every misunderstanding on the man in his arms with zero shame. 
Tomorrow they would wake to fight their way past the snow and put in at least a token effort to find their wayward client. Somewhere along the way they would search for the supplies that got lost in the shuffle. But as he closed his eyes Tobirama smiled to realize neither one of them was likely to put a whole lot of work in to finding that second bedroll they had lost, not when it seemed their newly discovered bond was something Madara wanted much more than he’d let on before. 
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unknownthebook · 3 years
Alberto's Math (Pt. 6?)
Okay, so this isn't Vespa math, but I wanted to try a "sequel" scene of sorts; this is a continuation of Alberto's Vespa Math Parts 4 and 5.
Most of these drabbles will be independent of one another, and I swear after this I will go back to Vespa math XD.
Alberto has recently discovered that his math abilities span past Vespa math. However, he doesn’t see the point in doing math without Vespas. They’re the only thing he’s interested in calculating; well, besides food. He’s decided to stick to Vespa math and Vespa math alone.
(Alberto enters the kitchen to find Giulia doing summer homework at the table. She recently used him to figure out math answers, and he’s still pretty mad at her for it. When he glances over her shoulder, he can see that she’s doing different math now, though she’s just as frustrated. She won’t use him this time. Actually…)
Alberto: The answers are [-4- _/144,718]/3 and [-4+ _/144,718]/3 for the one question, and 12 for the other. (_/ is sign for square root)
Giulia: Ooh! For which ones?!
Alberto: *smirks* For the two questions you asked me last week.
Giulia: What? But I asked you those last week! I don’t need them now!
Alberto (as his smirk grows): Exactly.
Giulia: *eye twitches and she clenches her teeth as she tries to remain calm* Okay. Then what are these answers?
Alberto: Mm, pass.
Giulia (who is stuttering with rage): W-Why?
Alberto: Call it payback for using me last week. (He changes his tone to “teasing” before speaking again.) Have fun Giulia~!
Giulia: *snaps her pencil in half in rage* That’s it!!
(Giulia screams in Italian as she begins wrestling with Alberto, who’s practically choking on laughter.)
(Alberto got a few bruises from Giulia and decided to get out of the house for a bit. He’s walking through Portorosso when he spots Ercole trying to impress a group of Portorosso’s younger kids. The catfish lost a lot of followers after the Portorosso cup, but some of the really young children are still naïve to his tricks.)
Ercole: -he tried to attack me, but I outsmarted him! I used olive oil on the floor to make him slide away. *looks proud of his obvious lie*
Young girl: Wow Ercole! You’re really smart!
Ercole: Of course, I am! I am Ercole Visconti! No one can outsmart me!
Alberto (as he rolls his eyes): Really Ercole, give it a rest. Everyone is smarter than you.
Ercole: *glares at Alberto* Oh really? What do you know? You’re a sea monster, you aren’t nearly as intelligent as a human!
Alberto: *gets up in Ercole’s face* Oh yeah? What’s the square root of 9,806,452,731?
Ercole: Easy. 87,207. *puffs out his chest*
Alberto: *scoffs* Wow, you’re wrong, shocker. It’s 99,027.53522.
Ercole: *practically growls* Obviously you’re lying because you’re jealous of my mathematic prowess!
Alberto: Okay then, I’ll prove it! Er… *spots Signora Marsigliese walking down the street* Signora Marsigliese! Could we borrow a moment of your time? *waves at her*
(She approaches the group.)
Signora Marsigliese: Can I help you with something, ragazzi?
Alberto: Could you ask us a math question that you know the answer to? Preferably something difficult.
Signora Marsigliese: Mm… I can’t think of anything off the top of my head, let me grab a paper and pencil and I’ll work out a problem.
(The group waits as she fumbles through her bag, gets out paper and a pencil, and works out a math problem. Ercole and Alberto glare at each other the entire time. By the time Signora Marsigliese has finished, a slightly bigger crowd has accumulated. They heard the commotion and saw the boys glaring at one another. Luca is among the crowd.)
Signora Marsigliese: Alright then, simplify 3 to the fourth power divided by 4 to the eighth power, times 320 (3^4 / 4^8 x 320.)
Alberto: 0.395507813.
Signora Marsigliese: *looks impressed* Correct.
Ercole: What?! You could not possibly have answered that quickly! He saw through the paper!
Luca: But Ercole, he was glaring at you when he answered.
(Some of the crowd members chuckle.)
Ercole: *stamps his foot on the ground* No! That is not fair! I demand another question.
Alberto: Fine, I’ll let you answer this time. Signora Marsigliese, would you ask a similar question, please?
(The crowd remains silent as she calculates another problem.)
Signora Marsigliese: *makes sure the paper is covered* Simplify 2 to the twelfth power divided by 3 to the fifth power, times 207. (2^12 / 3^5 x 207)
Ercole: Simple. It’s eh…. C-carry the 1…. *sweat forms on his brow* 3,516?
Alberto: 3,489.185185. You’re only 26.814815 off.
Signora Marsigliese: Alberto is correct.
(The crowd gives hums of approval as Ercole begins throwing a fit. He screams and kicks over a barrel, hurting his foot in the process, which causes him to scream some more. Eventually, he stomps away from the scene. Alberto gets some praise. When the crowd dies down, Luca approaches him.)
Luca: Was Ercole picking on those kids?
Alberto: No, but he was lying to them. Probably trying to gain followers that he can boss around again.
Luca: *hmms in thought* He needs to try making honest friends for a change.
Alberto: Not like he deserves them. He tried to kill us.
(Alberto wraps his arm around Luca’s shoulder and leads him towards the Gelato shop. Celebratory gelato is required.)
Alberto: Sooo… were you impressed? *blushes*
Luca: *chuckles fondly and blushes* You always impress me; but admittedly, listening to you do math is amazing.
(Luca wraps his arm around Alberto’s back and both boys lean their heads against one another as they walk. Alberto decides that using his math powers to annoy and impress others is just as fun as Vespa math.
(Alberto and Luca are on the island. They’re stargazing from the roof of Alberto’s tower, like they used to.)
Luca: Did you know humans use a weird phrase to describe people they could get into a relationship with? They call them “fish in the sea.”
Alberto: *chuckles*What?
Luca: *sits up*Yeah! They’re all like: “Well maybe you can’t be with him, but there are still plenty of fish in the sea!”
Alberto: *laughs*That’s crazy!
Luca: I know, right!
(Luca lays back down and looks back into the night sky. He sighs and grows melancholy.)
Luca: Well… I learned that there are about 3.031 billion people in the world. And I know sea monsters have never really gotten a good population count, but the number is probably similar, right? How do they know when they’ve found the right life partner? What if the person they want to be with doesn’t want to be with them?
Alberto: *looks over at Luca* Why are you so worried about it?
Luca: Well…. What if it happens to me?
Alberto: …I can tell you the probability of that.
Luca: *locks eyes with Alberto* With math?
Alberto: *smiles at him* I don’t need math. The probability of you struggling to find someone who will love you and cherish you for the rest of your life is 0%. You’re amazing Luca, and someday you’re gonna meet someone you love that will be very lucky to have you.
Luca: *blushes*Do you really think so?
Alberto: *reaches over to intertwine their fingers* I know so.
(Both boys smile at each other before going back to their stargazing. Their hands remain intertwined with one another.)
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jaxcynsfanland · 3 years
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This was supposed to be up on Valentine's Day, buuuuut......::throws confetti:: Depression!
Last year, Bill really only had Alastor to spend it with as most of his other partners had other plans, and Angel.....Angel had a shit day as well. (He hasn't wanted to address it, so we'll respect that.)
Obviously this was something I whipped up for Inktober 2020, but after it got colored I decided to camp on it for a while and post it in celebration of all the pink and red and love related bullshit of today. (I'm chronically single, leave me alone. xD)
So anyways, let's talk about the boys. Alastor, Angel Dust and Bill are currently in an open triad kind of relationship. Alastor obviously doesn't like doing the sex thing, and Bill has other partners, so it made sense to just keep it open so Angel can still take on clients. Now, every once in a while Alastor does get kinda needy for physical affection. It's like that meme post about the cats, the one that's like “I have a hard time explaining to people I need them to lay on me until my errant soul settles the fuck down,” or something, Alastor does that. He doesn't like to be touched, but once in a while.....just, like, lay on him, very carefully, and wait for his soul to come settle down in his body again. Then get off, fast. Bill and Angel have perfected this technique, so Alastor feels quite good trusting them with the soul grounding. Enough that sometimes he passes out for a while and sleeps more solidly then he does in his own bed alone (yes, Alastor has two boyfriends and sleeps alone, he needs his space and Bill and Angel get up to shit he'd pitch a fit about anyway. It works for them and that's all that matters.)
Also, Alastor really likes Angel's chest fluff. I think we were all surprised to learn that, except for Angel. He just laughed and said that's usually the case with people. I mean, he's not wrong, I'd plant my face in it and suffocate myself, dying a blissful death if you'd let me.
Check out my other stuff:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Jaxcyns-Fanland-110734930756865 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jaxcynsfanland/ DA: https://www.deviantart.com/jaxcynsfanland
Hey look, I made a video about coloring this piece: https://youtu.be/duo-zqwOHA4
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cas-kingdom · 5 years
Just a Little Longer
A/N: Another Peaky Blinders fic with the reader as the youngest Shelby! This one, like the other, is probably set around season 4! Please enjoy! 
(There are quite a few curse words, but what do you expect from a Peaky Blinders fic?) XD
Find the OC version of this fic here.
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Title: Just a Little Longer
Summary: A man comes to the house asking for your hand in marriage. Tommy’s not pleased.
Words: 3225
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“Arthur’s called for a family meeting.” Thomas Shelby looked up from where he was seated next to you at a desk, the two of you bent over some papers, as Finn walked into the room. Immediately, he set about discreetly analysing his brother’s face, searching for any obvious sign that what Arthur wanted to discuss at this meeting was serious. The boy looked a little flustered, but apart from that he seemed fine.
“Right.” Tommy stood to his feet and you moved to follow him until Finn shook his head and gave his brother a knowing look.
“Minus the baby,” he said quietly, and Tommy rose both brows, glancing over at you just in time to catch you rolling your eyes. There weren’t many family meetings the boys had that they deemed unsuitable for you to hear - they’d been involving you in a lot more business-related work recently - and so knowing this was one of those moments set a curious glint in his eye.
“You know, I’m only one year younger than you, Finn. I’m not a baby,” you said. Nevertheless, you huffed and reluctantly plopped yourself back down onto your seat. Both your brothers smiled at your plight, clearly believing that your crossed arms, pouted lips and slumped form did nothing to aid in moving your insistent statement along the right path.
“Stay here,” Tommy told you as he moved around the desk, “and see if you can work out any more of those numbers. I’ll be back as soon as I can.”
He fell into step with his younger brother, the two of them pacing down the hallway towards the family room. “What’re you teaching her?” Finn asked a moment later, referring to the numbers he’d heard him tell you about.
Tommy adjusted his cap. “Nothing much, just simple adding up wages and such. I want her to get more involved in what we’re doing – I’d hate for us to have another Ada on our hands where she goes off with some man and leaves the business entirely to us.” He sighed deeply. “Anyway, what’s this Arthur wants to talk about?”
“Oh, Arthur’s already talked about it. He just wants your opinion on the matter, s’all,” Finn said, an odd mix of both amusement and anger in his voice. Tommy glanced down and his sharp eyes caught sight of his brother’s clenched fists. He stopped in his tracks.
“What do you mean Arthur’s already talked about it? I thought this was a family meeting; discussions don’t start until everyone’s there.” He stared at the younger Shelby, frustration getting clearer in his voice. The two of them were standing a few feet away from the door to the family room, and though there were no clear voices emanating from behind the door, the atmosphere surrounding it seemed to be seriously intense. Finn sighed and looked at the door for a moment before turning back around and stepping a little closer to his brother.
“Look, Tommy,” he said quietly, “I’m gonna tell you this now because I know how you are with these kinda things and I think you need to be somewhat prepared.”
Tommy rose an eyebrow in expectation, mind whirring with thousands of possibilities. “Spit it out, then.”
Finn swallowed. Hard. “A man knocked on the door a few minutes ago. We thought it was for business, but when he came in, he said he was here for something else.”
“What do you mean? Get to the fucking point, Finn.”
Finn honestly wished Arthur had sent someone else to get their brother, but, as always, he seemed to be the message boy of the family. The look currently on his older brother’s face was definitely not something to be trifled with, and he hated being on the receiving end of it, so quickly set about explaining. “He wants to marry Y/N. He came to our door asking to marry our sister, Tommy, and, as expected, Arthur lost his temper. Surprised the man’s not run off, yet.”
Tommy blinked, completely perplexed. He wasn’t sure whether to laugh or throw himself into some pit of rage, and so he simply settled with nothing at all. Placing a hand on Finn’s shoulder, he turned, straightened his jacket and walked through the door.
The first thing he looked for was the new face in the room. His blue eyes found it almost immediately. It belonged to a fairly tall chap, probably only a few inches shorter than himself, with dirty blonde hair and light brown eyes. He had one of those faces you couldn’t decipher – was he sad? Was he happy? Angry, excited, terrified? – but at this current moment, all he wanted to do with that face was punch it.
Arthur and John stood off a little to the side, the younger of the two’s hand gripping the older’s shoulder tightly, as if keeping him in place. Arthur was breathing heavily, face bolting around to face him as soon as he walked in. “Tommy,” he said, brushing his brother’s hand off his shoulder before moving forward, “this fucking man-”
“I know, Arthur, I know,” Tommy said, voice cooler than even he expected. Calmly, he pulled out a chair and sat down, whipping out a cigarette, lighting it, and swiftly pulling it up to his lips.
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The man belonging to this new face stepped forward with an air of forced dignity and honour about him. “Mister Shelby, I-”
“Don’t speak.”
He shut his mouth, blinking rapidly and ducking his head as if in embarrassment before slowly stepping back and unconsciously biting his lip. Tommy smirked faintly, taking a puff of his cigarette and looking over at his brothers. “Where’s Polly?”
“Says we can handle this ourselves,” John said.
Tommy nodded. That was fair enough; their aunt was protective of you, of course, but nobody could compare her protectiveness to her nephews’. Theirs was fierce and completely, totally built on deep love for you. Doubtless, she did not agree with what this man had come to ask of them, but she didn’t need to be there to add her input. She knew what the outcome would be.
“What’s your name?” A small smile accompanied his query as he looked up at the man in question and moved to lean his chin on his fist.
“Jackson, Sir,” he replied. “Jackson Rodgers.”
Tommy nodded. “Funny,” he said, “I’ve never heard my sister mention that name before.”
“That’s because she probably doesn’t even know the fucker,” Arthur spoke up from the side, though he remained where he was. Tommy knew his words were correct, though. Truthfully, he himself couldn’t remember ever seeing the damn man even once, and he’d made it a point to subtly visit every one of your friends to ensure they were what he considered safe to spend time with. If you hadn’t told him about Jackson, there’d undoubtedly be more people you hadn’t mentioned to him, and that would lead to endless trouble from him on your side. But he knew you knew that, and he also knew you didn’t want that. So, really, there was only one other option.
“Is that right?” He waited for the wisp of smoke to waft out of his mouth before he lifted his head a little more to gaze up at the man in front of him. “Do you know my sister?”
He seemed to stumble for a brief moment before settling on an answer. “Yes.”
Arthur scoffed and Tommy nodded. “Right. How?”
This garnered an even longer hesitation. “I’ve seen her around town.”
Both Finn and John stared at each other for a moment before bursting into a fit of relentless laughter, doubling over and slapping their thighs. Jackson stood silent, yet Tommy could see his face growing red – not with embarrassment, but anger. His sharp brown eyes had dimmed slightly, and his fists were clenched so tight his knuckles were almost white. Temper. This man had a temper, and if something as simple as two men laughing at his expense brought out that temper, he doubted he’d ever get himself a woman that escaped the occasional abuse. Despite this, Tommy couldn’t help the small smile that appeared on his lips before he reached his cigarette up yet again to puff. “That so?” He put a hand out to his brothers, signalling for them to quieten down. “You seen her around town, yeah?”
Jackson’s face hardened and he glared at Finn and John for a brief moment longer before turning it on Tommy. “Yes.”
“You can hardly count that as knowing someone, Mister Rodgers.” He wasn’t even looking at the man, and yet he could tell that he probably looked like a raging bull at this moment. Sure enough, when he lifted his head just enough to lay eyes on him, red was practically all he saw.
“Mister Shelby,” Jackson said, clearly still attempting to cover his angered tone with a calmer one, “I am a respectable man-”
“Respectable!” Tommy laughed. He snuffed his cigarette and threw it across the table before crossing one leg over the other, leaning back in his chair and folding his hands in his lap. “How old are you?”
“Twenty-nine,” Jackson ground out.
Tommy nodded. He’d thought as much. Looking over his shoulder, he pointed at his brothers. “You see Johnny boy over there?” John stepped forward, intense glare on Jackson never wavering. “He’s two years older than you. That’s it. You’re practically the same age, and yet you want to marry his little sister.”
Jackson fidgeted slightly, though Tommy could see it wasn’t out of awkwardness. His lip kept twitching, and his balled fists looked as though they were ready to hit someone at any time.
“Do you even know how old she is?” Arthur spoke up from the side, voice slightly calmer yet still extremely unforgiving. The man in question glanced over at him before turning his gaze back on the head of the family.
“Answer the question, Mister Rodgers,” Tommy said with a faint nod.
Jackson had the decency to look frightened for just a second before he schooled his features and lifted his chin defiantly. “No. But I do know that she’s a young lady that needs to be married-”
“Needs to be married?” Tommy’s voice had risen a notch. There was a deep frown on his face as he reached up to remove his hat, placing it on the table before standing to his feet and moving closer to the man stood in front of him. “Needs to be married, you say? My sister is seventeen, and only just turned. She’s not even of age yet, so don’t you dare tell me what she needs. I haven’t thought about her marriage once. She’s a fucking child.”
Jackson soon came to find himself face to face with none other than Thomas Shelby, his nose mere inches from his own. Now he was closer, he could clearly see the anger swimming in those blue - like hard, cold ice - eyes, and the way his jaw was firmly tended. No doubt he was trying desperately to maintain his composure and control the emotions that were so obviously struggling to take over.
“Children get married to older men all the time, Mister Shelby.”
“Not in this house and not to men like you.”
Jackson stiffened. “As I said, I am respectable-”
“There’s nothing respectable about coming into someone’s house and asking to marry their seventeen-year-old sister, a girl you’ve never even met before!” Tommy hissed. “Do you seriously believe she’d want to marry you?”
“She doesn’t have to want it,” Jackson said, moving his face closer to Tommy’s. His voice was challenging, steady, and yet nothing but poison. “You’re her brother. Make her!”
The man couldn’t contain a gasp as he was slapped hard on the face. The sting and burn that accompanied the leader of the Peaky Blinders’ hand connecting with his cheek only grew worse, even after Tommy had withdrew, and he hastily reached up to grasp at his aching skin. He turned accusing eyes on the offender not a second later, yet made no move to speak. All signs of confidence had drained from his face, leaving nothing but fear and shock. He expected to hear the faint sound of John and Finn laughing yet again, but nothing reached his ears. The room was silent, the only sound being the hazy voices of men working outside the room. He turned his attention back on Tommy as the man made to speak. “I would never make her marry a fucker like you,” he ground out. “In fact, I would never make her do anything. I’m her brother, you piece of shit, not her slave master. All you want from her is the money she has and the body she owns. I doubt you even know her fucking name.”
Jackson had the good sense not to answer. Each word the older man uttered seemed as though it was dripping with venom, and it was all aimed at him. If he’d ever doubted the notorious Peaky Blinders before, he didn’t now.
Hesitantly, he looked over at Arthur, John and Finn, all leaning against the wall, smug looks gracing their faces. “You lot are mad,” he said quietly, though it was loud enough for them all to hear. “Why you wouldn’t want someone like me as your brother-in-law I have no-” He stepped back as another slap was aimed at his still-burning skin, and this time, the distinct sound of laughter coming from the three men by the wall reached his ears. He clung to his cheek yet again and glared at Tommy, who stood rooted to the spot, feet apart, arms crossed over his muscled chest, and an all but emotionless expression on his face.
“Do you want to say anything else, Mister Rodgers?” he asked, calm and smooth. Jackson breathed in deep and had the decency to look slightly shameful.
“No, Mister Shelby. I don’t.”
Tommy nodded, the corners of his mouth turning upwards. He stepped forward. “I can’t believe you had the nerve to come here and ask that of me. You’re a brave one, I’ll admit, but if you actually walked through that door with the intention of marrying my sister than your skull is thicker than it looks. When she marries, and it won’t be for a few years yet, it’ll be for love or for business. I’m not handing her over to the first man that walks through my house.”
Jackson scoffed and opened his mouth to speak again, but Tommy held up his hand and tilted his head slightly to the side. “You’ve had your say, Mister Rodgers, don’t speak another word. You came here with a question, and my answer is no. Now, get the fuck out before I hit you again.”
“Run back to your mother, boy,” Arthur said, and Jackson had just enough time to give him the middle finger before turning and hurrying out the door.
“Yeah, and don’t come back, you rat!” John shouted. “Else Tommy’ll beat you up and leave you to rot on the front step!”
Tommy rolled his eyes at his brother’s words but nevertheless smiled slightly, shaking his head. The door shut loudly, almost shaking the building, and he sighed before reaching down for his hat. “He won’t be coming back.”
“He better not,” Arthur said, smoothing back his hair. Tommy looked at him for a moment before walking towards him. He knew his brother, and he knew Jackson had probably received a mouthful from him before he himself had had his go; Arthur’s temper was not something to be messed with and certainly not something easily reined in.
“You alright?” he asked.
Arthur nodded. “Yeah, I’m fine. The nerve of that boy, though, Tommy…”
Tommy placed his cap on his head and reached out to squeeze his brother’s shoulders. He ducked his head to catch his eyes. “No one’s going to be marrying Y/N anytime soon, Arthur, least of all someone like that. She’s the last Shelby; we’ll wait for her, this time. She’ll make her own choices when she’s older. But, for now, we look out for her, as we’ve always done, and we keep those fuckers off her tail, alright? No one’ll get near her if we have anything to say about it, which we will. The next time someone comes in here asking for her hand in marriage, we’ll say nothing, and I give you permission to punch him in the face before we kick him out onto the streets.” He smiled at Arthur, who returned it immediately, before pulling him into a quick hug. “No one’s taking our girl away from us just yet, brother.”
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You grumbled something incoherent as your mind puzzled over the numbers on the paper Tommy had told you to continue with. They were all over the place, really, and all you wanted to do was scrunch it into a small ball and throw it into the fire. Of course, you wanted to earn your firm place in the family business, but you knew it wouldn’t be for a little while yet, and even so, numbers were not your thing.
Footsteps coming towards you broke you from your slight reverie and you lifted your head, sighing in relief at the sight of Tommy. “Thank God,” you mumbled before giving him a smile. “Is everything okay?”
Your brother nodded, reaching for his pack of cigarettes still laying next to you and moving behind you while lighting one. He glanced over your shoulder. “Yeah. Just dealing with some idiot.”
“Nothing for you to worry about. How’re you doing with those numbers?” He sat next to you and listened intently as you showed him all you’d done so far and what was left to do. All the while, he couldn’t help but let his eyes linger on your guileless, youthful face, and his attention strayed entirely to the way you were rapidly talking childish nonsense and getting increasingly frustrated simply at the prospect of dividing.
He shook his head the slightest bit, wondering to himself how anyone could take one look at you and think it alright to have you as their wife. You were a child, the baby of the family, and he wasn’t just saying that. Giving you a husband would take away your freedom and your innocence, something he adored in you, but, more importantly, giving you a husband would take you away from him and your brothers. No matter what anyone said about the Shelby family, the one thing that would always remain true was the fact that you came before anything else, even the business. He’d be damned if he handed you over to a man – any man – and only saw you a few times a month, or even possibly a year. You kept the family together; you were the light, the hope, and the future of the business, and without you he’d probably spend most of his days at the pub, drinking away his problems instead of sitting with you, listening to you simply speak and feeling those worries and fears drift away into nothing. You kept him sane. You kept him whole.
And he needed to hang onto you just a little longer before he let you go.
Just a little longer.
Peaky Masterpost
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blackcatanna · 4 years
LET THE ORGY OF SADNESS CONTINUE: Okita's Route Part 3: Edo Blossoms
I'm very interested to see how this plays out. Tbh, I don't really get this relationship yet but that seems consistent with how I felt before Edo Blossoms in the other routes so, yes, I am excited! :D I hope that Kaoru doesn't die X_X I want at least one route with Kaoru redemption but I am not at all optimistic...
Chapter 1:
"Something else entirely had me preoccupied..." Could it be... one spicy, stabby boi?
Wait, are we... LIVING TOGETHER? 👀
Quick question: do silver bullets affect demons or just furies?
BWWWWAAAARRRP!!! PHYSICAL CONTACT ALARM! "I held his soft, trembling fingers in my hands," Whoa there. Please calm down. I cannot allow this level of unbridled eroticism in my Good Christian Suburb.
In all seriousness, though, I GUESS this is SOMEWHAT sweet and romantic but I want everyone to know that I'm saying this under duress. >:( If I fancied him, this would wring the fuck out of my heart.
"Are you sure? You aren't just saying that?" Glad to see that Doctor Chizuru studied under Doctor Gregory "Everybody Lies" House.
"Why is it that you're always here when I wake up?" If you can't figure it out, I sure as hell am not going to tell you!
"Okita seemed to take pleasure from my surprise, and he stared into my eyes." X_X Of course he did... Because he loves to provoke reactions.
"Answer me." MAKE ME >_<
"looking off to the side in a fit of feigned indifference." < Okita in a nutshell
Is he upset because I said that I was here because of worry and guilt? Because, tbh, fair enough. Those were pretty dumb things to say, making out like it's a burden instead of admitting that I actually like being around him >:(
"Well, I guess that's fine then." X_X Oh, come on! Don't use the f-word on me like that! D:
"She's lying." YAMAZAKI!!! >_<
"Look, I know you can't stop thinking about me, but this whole doting-all-day-and-night thing is tiring." Called. The fuck. Out. X_X
Tbf, it seems kind of hypocritical to be fussing over someone while refusing to let them even inquire about your own health. Plus, it's a very one sided arrangement, which is not healthy X_X
"stop throwing a bitch fit" XD Okita is my new hero :')
"I didn't know that my behaviour became a cause for concern for them, too." Then, perhaps, you are foolish and inconsiderate -_-
O: Okita!?? Did he faint?! O_O
Woo! Going on an adventure with YAM! :)
There had better not be any creepy bald fuckers waiting in mah house! >:(
Are all doctors bald in 1860s Japan????
I'm so happy that Yamazaki's still alive in this route :) TOUCH WOOD.
"*Grunt* *Cough*..." Ah, I knew it was only a matter of time before I caught tb -_- (jk)
No, never split the party! D:
"However the price to pay is life itself." DUN, DUN, DUUUUUUUUUN!!! So much for it granting "immortality"
"the poisonous Water of Life" uh... Isn't that kind of an oxymoron X_X
"Retaining your sanity is impossible without feasting on blood." Ah, so all along, the Shinsengumi were just feeding the furies a poor diet.
Of course. It's fucking Kaoru -_-
Blah blah, sadistic fuckery, blah blah. I'm starting to get real tired of your shit, BROTHER.
"Was he trying to play a trick on me?" -_- probably, yeah.
Wow, that's... Actually pretty helpful? Thanks!?
Okay, the doctor folk have gone! I give Okita delicious blood now? :)
Oh. HE GAWN!!! O:
"Sleeping all day is such a drag." True, so DRINK MY BLOOD AND GET BETTER >:(
Bloodlust time :O Good thing I'm a walking blood pack! :D
"How long have you been doing this?" Uh, haven't you been watching over him night and day?
"I wrapped my arms around Okita and held him tight " BWAAAA- Okay, yes, physical contact. Hug = gud >:(
"Pease, drink this " DRINK THE BLOOD >:(
"I could feel his breath brushing across my skin..." o_o Saucy...
Why are the blood drinking descriptions so erotic XD I mean, I'm not complaining but-
Who is this strange, apologetic man?
Blood > Porridge
Heh heh, apparently, Hijikata acts "all hoighty-toighty"
Oooh! Looks like Okita's trying to break free of his diligent YAM nursing...
"I am calm" Okita, last time you said that, you went on a killing spree...
Ooh, I wonder why Yamazaki and Okita don't get along... I remember seeing a picture somewhere with casual Yamazaki abuse in the background...
"Okita was acting like a petulant child, throwing his toys out of the pram..." X_X Sexy...
"Do you think the Shinsengumi still needs me?" HONEY, the Shinsengumi needs all the help it can GET!! O_O
Omg, Yamazaki's threatening to tell on Okita! XD He's playing a dangerous (and childish) game!
Side note: the painting in Okita's room is distracting me because it kind of reminds me of the dead mice my cats bring in on a regular basis.
WAIT, IT'S A FISH!!! X_X A NICE, INNOCENT LITTLE KOI FISHY X_X I need to stop spending so much time with my cats...
"What, already? Can't I stay up just a little longer?" Hakuoki: Mum simulator!
"I'll turn in on one condition..." Oo-er :O
"Okita grinned mischievously, and he peered directly into my eyes." O_O OO-ER!
"My palms became sweaty, and my heart skipped a beat." IT MUST BE LOVE O_O
"Since you're here, mind laying down next to me?" DUN DADA DUN! *fanfare plays* We got there in the end, folks! :D
"That's not a funny joke." True. And the only way to teach him a lesson is to PRETEND to take him seriously by DOING AS HE SAYS >:)
"You're so dense." FACTS.
WELL DONE, CHIZURU, YOU DONE COCK-BLOCKED YERSELF, I said, berating the fictional character as if that's not totally something that I would do in real life ..
"Okita blushed, turning away in embarrassment." O: CTRL+Z CTRL+Z CTRL+Z ):<
"I want to, erm, talk to you for a little bit longer..." Oh, we can "talk" all night long ;)
"Talk...? With me?" But I'm only a stupid woman, huh dur, with naught to say but um and er! Actually, Chizuru does say ""um..." I couldn't think of anything to say" in this route A LOT so maybe FAIR PLAY.
Just realised that I accidentally made a rhyme.
"Okita sighed, frustrated" HONESTLY, ME TOO.
"How clearly do I have to spell this out for you." I'm beginning to wonder that myself. He just wants some company, Chizuru! Is that SO HARD to imagine? X_X
"He began to run his fingers through my hair." Oooh! Physical contact :3 Chizuru = pet cat!
"as the tip of his finger touched my skin, my heart skipped." Yeeeesssss... Feel the thirst flow through you... 3:)
Are we gonna get a thirsty Western uniform pan, now? :P
"I tried facing him directly, but for some reason my heart was thudding in my chest..." :O Oh my! I cannot think of a possible explanation! You should get that checked out! >:P
"you find me sexy right now, don't you?" AH-HAH! >:D Caught red handed!
Ugh, can't believe he tricked me into saying he looks good. >:(
UGH. Doctor Matsumoto still needs to perform a final exam on Okita?! Just let him go already X_X
Wow, has Okita been seething against Hijikata this whole time? That... Can't be healthy -_-
"Okita had the tendency to act rashly and avoid looking at the bigger picture, particularly when Hijikata was involved." No shit. He's going to be such a handful X_X
"You're coming, right?" Of course. I'm not just going to sit around here while everyone I care about gets killed O_O besides, you need my nutritious and delicious blood to keep you nice and healthy ^_^
"she can't keep her eyes off me for long enough, to the point where she'll follow me wherever I go" Yeah, because that's how you win at this game >:P
"Aw, is that some blushing I see? It's the truth." Yup.
"Well, yeah," SHE ADMITTED IT!!! 8D
Doctor, why you gotta be so serious? O:
"Criminy..." Uh... Is that a real word?...
Omg, it is a real word! I have never heard anyone use it but, tbf, this is the 1860s :P
Okita needs to stop saying that every decision that Kondou makes that he doesn't like is because Hijikata "coerced" him. He's a grown man. He can think for himself. Please respect his autonomy X_X This is not healthy.
Uuuuuugh. Kaoru >_< Seriously, get a life!
"I'm here to watch the Shinsengumi flail around like pathetic losers as they watch their friends die." ... KAORU, THAT DOES NOT COUNT AS A HOBBY >_<
"Looks like you made it in time for the show, though. You'll be able to witness the glorious execution of the Shinsengumi's idiot chief." Or, in other words, we arrived in time to try and rescue him >:)
"You look nice. All your little boo-boos patched up?" Uhh... There's a lot to unpack here...
"Okita reveled in the vicious display, allowing Kaoru's blood to shower him as he swung repeatedly at the Demon." O_O Umm... Okita? Maybe CHILL THE FUCK OUT. O_O HE IS MY BROTHER, YOU KNOW?!
Aaaand, seemingly Kaoru's going to milk that fact... -_-
Did he... Stab me in the mouth?!?? What am I looking at here? X_X
Also, why doesn't he just activate his demon form!?!
Wait, is he feeding me the Ochimizu?!
Kaoru says that the water of life will eat away at Okita's body faster than if he'd just succumbed to TB but that's clearly not true if he's living long enough to see the end of the Shinsengumi. Plus, a short life of action is better than spending the rest of your days fading away in a sickbed.
"Okita comforted me with the soft tickle of his hands as they wiped away each tear with a warm touch." :3 Pretty darn wholesome! I will concede this point!
"you're a sweetheart." :3 Thank.
"You're a good girl" And am I supposed to wag my tail at that? X_X
"I... I am in love with Okita." O: Damn, that'll go straight to his head X_X
"more than anything or anyone" not that that's saying much :P Sorry, romantic moment, must resist shit talking urges!
"I believed that if I died, no one would give a shit." </3 O: )': DX Neveeeeeerrrrr!!!!
I prescribe HUG INJECTION >:(
"You look like shit" -_- Way to kill the mood.
"Here, come closer." :D Okay, I forgive you! <3
Oh, he played the uno reverse card on my hug plan :O
"How could I keep myself calm when the man I loved held me delicately in his arms?" BIG. MOOD.
Awe, he didn't kill Kaoru because "my heart knew it didn't want you to hate me..." <3 <3 <3 >.<
"My heart melted." SAME.
Chapter 2:
Damn, we're only on Chapter 2 and things are already getting pretty fluffy...
"Do you want me to sleep next to you?" DO IT. XD I dare you :P
"I wonder if Okita thought of me as nothing more than a silk kimono and a warming stone, as if that was all I could offer..." Girl, come on! Don't sell him short like this! Oh, and tell me more about what you want to offer him 3:)
Well, it looks like blood is the answer, for now O_O
"Y-You're not gonna offer me a-any blood today? Trying to play hard to get?" -_-
"his warm mouth drew my blood into his full, tender lips." X_X Sounds like someone needs a cold shower...
"I'm a diseased freak with no hope for the future." D: Don't say that! Everybody dies eventually! You still have strength to achieve the things you want and we can still be happy together! :'(
"I will be by your side, Okita... No matter what." YUS >:)
SEN!!! <3
"Would it have killed you to at least write us a letter?" O: I'm sorry! X_X
Ha. Bold of you to assume that Kodo's continued research might be in your favour.
"Kondou has surrendered to the Imperial Army." O_O OH FUCK.
And of course Okita is blaming Hijikata X_X
"You are making assumptions, most of which are uninformed" Yeah, you tell him, Sen-bae!
I still don't see why we can't at least try to rescue Kondou >:( Are we just supposed to sit tight and wait for him to be executed?!??
" I'm sure that Kondou would be very unhappy to hear his life was saved at the cost of Okita's." >:( And I'm sure that he would be even more unhappy to hear that Okita spent the rest of his days confined to his bed, in misery and anguish. >:(
The dream was pretty wholesome :'o
I guess protecting the things that are important to Kondou, like his legacy, is more important than protecting Kondou himself. Kondou entrusted his legacy to Okita, and so his efforts might be better spent elsewhere, rather than on rescuing Kondou. :'( That's up to him, though.
"No matter how many times he touched me, I couldn't have imagined ever tiring of the sensation..." XD The thirst is real!
"Y'know, ever since you came into my life, I've always given you a hard time..." WHERE IS THE LIE?
These two assholes in each other's arms, like "Welp, I'm not going to give you the satisfaction of telling you that I love you so we're just going to continue this totally not heterosexual hug right now and stfu."
:D I am happy to see Hijikata! However, I know someone who may feel differently -_-
"Would you like me to wake him." O_O Nooooot a good idea, Chizuru!
"Without me to blame, I doubt he'll have anything to motivate him, and I'm worried he'll lose the will to live." :O Hijikata, that's kind of sweet in a fucked up kind of way but you underestimate the power of LOVE >:)
:O Kazama and Amagiri?! I was beginning to think that Kazama had lost interest in me. Or, at least, hoped he had.
"This evening... Isami Kondou was beheaded." I just gasped out loud! Kondou, no! D':
"A woman who has sullied herself with the water of life is unworthy of my love. Consider this over." ... IF I KNEW THAT THAT WAS ALL IT TOOK, I WOULD HAVE DRANK THAT FUCKING CONCOCTION YEARS AGO >_<
"You are dead to me." GOOD.
Awe, Okita! :'(
NOW I'M CRYING, TOO D'X Damn this game DX
Chapter 3:
Chasing down the Shinsengumi >:) ... Again! If this is anything like Kazama's route, this is going to be depressing af...
We're like two fuzzy wood creatures, going from cozy spot to cozy spot to snooze in during the day :')
"Be a good girl," >_< Staaaaaahhhp!!!
"They went thattaway!" XD I know that this situation is pretty dire but that sentence makes me chuckle!
"Fight...? You?" Ye bitch! >:) I got me my ochimizu powers now!
"How dare you, you bastard!" UM. YOU ATTACKED US!!! WE WERE TRYING TO HAVE A NAP!
*Slash, slash, squelch, splat* X_X
"Ahahaha! You're just helpless pigs!" -_- Uh, Okita? Calm the fuck down, k? You're starting to sound like Kazama!
"his sadistic display of sword mastery." Yup, they be the right words -_-
Ugh, I got shot. Probably shouldn't have been standing around doing NOTHING X_X
"Chizuru, you're trying to hard." *Hides guide* I don't know what you could possibly mean :) :) :)
:O a kunai?! Could it be... my boy YAM?!
YAM!!! :'D
"I just assumed you died or something." Okita is the queen of tact, as always :')
Wait, Yamazaki, don't stay behind on your own O':
OMG HE'S OKAY!!! 8'D 8'D
"I... Cannot afford to die yet..." Doesn't stop you in most routes, though, does it? X_X
"This doesn't look good..." Oh no! Is he going to succumb to his injuries off screen?! D': Classic Yamazaki D,X
"You've been spying on us for days, and I didn't even notice." :') That's our Yam boy!
Aw, Okita gave Yamazaki the thank you!
I reeeeeaaally don't think that Kondou would want Okita to murder Hijikata X_X
"I am going to be late, but I promise to return." YOU HAD BETTER. >:( DON'T DIE, YAMAZAKI!
Owl <3 Hoot hoot to you too, my friend!
Don't kill Hijikata, you dumbass. -_-
"A penchant for violence" X_X That's Okita all right!
It would be funny if he were drinking from Chizuru's foot, instead... Just, something about the way he's holding her hand invites that image XD
"Okita grabbed my hand" 8D < Happy Chizuru!
Oh, I guess not. Kinda disappointed, tbh XD
Ugh, can we just catch up to Hijikata already? Let's get this over with.
Wait, his sister was "wedded off to some deadbeat"!?! I wonder how old she was... :/
"I was bullied and given shit all the time." :'(
The CG of Okita giving Hijikata the evils is BEAUTIFUL! X'D
"He was a rich snob" somehow, I doubt that...
Wow, Okita really is seething with passionate jealousy for Hijikata... Even though Kondou gave him the sword X_X
I feel like Kondou's relationship with Hijikata is different enough than Okita and Kondou's that Okita's intense jealousy seems a bit much...
It sort of feels kind of like a kid being jealous of their dad's new girlfriend X_X
"Before I knew it, you slithered your way into my heart..." That's a pretty weird but also adorable thing to say X'D SLITHER SLITHER
"And you know just what to say," I KNOW, UNCANNY, RIGHT :) :) :) *hides guide*
"We couldn't help but succumb to the hypnotic lull of our passionate embrace." XD Does this mean a fade-to-black is coming :P
I love that their following Hijikata tracks like they're hunting the wild Hijikata beast XD
Is he all alone?
Oh, he has a bodyguard XD
Really inappropriate time to mention this but this route makes Hijikata seem more attractive to me than before XD Maybe it's because of the contrast with Okita's sadistic, violent, volatile side... Maybe it's because he seems more vulnerable when being berated by Okita, idk XD Leave Hijikata alone, Okita!
"You could have saved him!" But Hijikata has RESPONSIBILITIES. He can't just abandon his men and their cause to save Kondou, even if he wanted to :'(
"I COULDN'T!!!" Yeah, you tell him, Hijikata >:(
Wait, we're not going with the Shinsengumi?! O_e
"Hijikata's a real dumbass, don't you think?" -_- .......NO!
Kondou reading to tiny Okita = mega cuteness!
"If I never met Kondou, there's no doubt in my mind that I'd be waaaaay more cuckoo than I am now." And nobody, NOBODY WANTS TO SEE THAT O_O
"You and Kondou are pretty similar" Obviously, that's a compliment and I'm super flattered but I reeeeeaaally hope that this relationship isn't just because Chizuru reminds him of Kondou XP
"My heart suddenly melted in my chest." What, again!?! Chizuru's heart had been through A LOT during this route -_-
"To be fair, it was a little strange of Okita to compare a woman he loved to a man he viewed as a father..." <<< See?! :P
Skipping off, hand in hand :')
Chapter 4:
Aw, tiny Chizuru sadness flashback </3
It's unthinkably awful, what happened to the village, but revenge =/= genocide.
Chizuru, y u lie? -_-
"There were men who took pleasure from their evil deeds." And demons, too... And Okita, to an extent XD
Ugh, I bet Kaoru's gonna sneak up on me while Okita's gone and be all, "Yeeeeesssss.... Give in to your anger... Feel the hate flow through you..." Fucking annoying hate goblin child.
"You're a real bitch, you know that?" Oh, I'M A BITCH??!! Sure thing, tiny asshole. -_-
"At long last, we can come together. We can be the siblings were born to be." ... Happy and free from the burdens of hate and bitterness? O_O
"We are going to massacre the evil forces conspiring within this country, for the good of our people." ... What people? The dead ones? Yeah, I'm sure they'll be reeeeeeaaal grateful from their graves. Sounds like you just want an excuse to torment some humans, you sadistic piece of shit -_-
"Suddenly, I craved blood..." OH HO!
"I... I craved Okita's blood..." 'Sonly fair >:P
"my entire body screamed to tear Okita limb from limb." 8O Yikes.
I... Kinda want to know what happens if I give in to the bloodlust... 😏
Buuuuut I gotta endure it. Damn.
Oh, it's cold up North, is it? ;P What can we possibly do to stay warm in bed?
PENGUIN HUDDLE is hopefully the answer.
<3 :D Looking up at the stars together!
"I want to make your wishes come true. All of them..." :D Okita is every girl's dream sexy murder genie :)
""If you still plan on walking away from me and everything you have..." Okita reached his hand to me kindly." :) :) :)
"Then, I will kill you " FFS XD THIS BITCH!!!
I bet we're gonna kiss now or something. Damn that sexy murder genie X_X
Oh, no kissing, just crying XD That's... Actually more appropriate, even if they are happy tears :')
O WAIT, "I grabbed ahold of him madly" ...
"For once in my life, I felt whole," Awe </3 "the thought of which nearly brought my tears." BITCH, UR ALREADY CRYING XD
"each breath between our zealous smacking grew more strained and sensuous." O_e ... Uh, what did I just read? XD XD XD
"now that Kondou's gone... I only have one reason to fight." Uh... I have a feeling that it's a Chizuru reason... He really needs to find his own motivations, instead of just attaching himself to the causes of people who give him attention. Okay, that was a bit harsh. X_X I'm sorry, Okita!
"How about another kiss, huh?" "B-but, um... W-we just kissed..." ... SO!?! GIRL, YOU KNOW YOU'RE HOT FOR HIM!
"I'm askin' you if you'll have me or not." ... When he says "have", does he mean . . .
"Well, I think there's a time and place for everything." ... Damn. Is this game suggesting that if I say yes, I'm a slut and he'll think less of me? XP BOOOOOOO!
"Watching you squirm like that makes me want to play with you even more." XD As I predicted: Big Dom Energy!
"As long as I will live, I will crave your touch..." *Munches popcorn* Just screw, damn it!
"Our plump lips smeared against one another, and he pulled at a fistful of my hair, drawing me deeper into him as he bit forcefully into my lower lip." :O ... Kinky! >:P I totally called it XD
"I do not mind putting up with anything you might do to me, Okita." How... Romantic?? O_e Just admit that you're horny, Chizuru! There's no shame, I swear!
"I bet when I'm gone, you'll sob like a baby." :'O YES. OBVIOUSLY. >:'(
"Okita spooned me," Classic XD
Ew, Kodo.
"You look pale. Please do not tell me that you have been refusing to drink blood." XD Thanks for your concern...
Bless Okita for offering himself as an all-you-can-eat buffet X_X
"If I were to commit to this relationship, then it meant I needed to separate myself from my family." DRAMAAAA! :D *Pulls out another bag of popcorn*
"I have no desire to carve a life that comes at the expense of hurting others." PREACH B)
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lizzylucky · 5 years
4. Human (Akiridion) Shield
WHUMPTOBER Day 4! I finished this at like 4 am last night, so I didn’t get around to posting it. Even then it was a day late XD So here it is! Today I’ll be writing yesterday’s and today’s prompts, so look forward to those! (Or don’t, if you really don’t like seeing Krel hurt)
Summary: Krel and Aja are in battle with yet another bounty hunter. When Aja is made vulnerable, Krel puts himself up to the challenge of protecting her and has to make a split-second decision at the most crucial of moments. 
WARNINGS: Whump. Obviously.
DISCLAIMER: I don’t own 3Below, Tales of Arcadia, or any of the characters except the made up and underdeveloped bounty hunter in this story.
Aja was thrown to the ground on the other side of the clearing.
“Aja! No!” Krel yelped, reaching an arm in her direction. Aja hit the ground and was knocked clean out, falling limp and losing her grip on her serrator, which rolled away from her body. Krel felt anger bubble in his core and turned toward the bounty hunter with rage in his eyes. The bounty hunter was already looking at him and their eyes met.
“Don’t touch her!” Krel growled when the hunter moved in Aja’s direction.
“And are you going to stop me?” the hunter said, clearly amused. Krel spluttered for a moment but ultimately took up a fighting stance, holding his serrator out in front of himself preparedly. The hunter barked out a laugh. “You are just a frightened child,” he said, haunching low and stalking toward Krel.
Krel took a step back but refused to let go of his expression or stance. “And you are one among countless generic bounty hunters,” he said evenly. “I’ve dealt with you before.”
The bounty hunter laughed again, throwing his head back. “Oh, have you?” he said delightedly, standing tall. “Has your sister? It would seem to me she was…” He trailed off and looked over his shoulder at Aja’s prone form. “...quite unprepared.” 
The bounty hunter quickened his pace and Krel paled.
“Back away!” Krel warned, leaning over further and activating his serrator’s blade.
“That is a mere toy, child,” the hunter said angrily. “But please! If you think you stand a chance against me, be my guest!”
Krel took the invitation and charged, yelling out a battle cry. The hunter’s reaction was instantaneous, leaping into the air and spinning in a quick circle with a set of very sharp claws sticking out.
“Ohhh, no!” Krel exclaimed, eyes widening. The bounty hunter’s paw came in contact with his right side and threw him off to the left. He hit the dirt hard, head pounding and side throbbing. 
“Amusing!” the hunter exclaimed, his long tail whipping out behind him. “Try again, I would so enjoy an easy task.”
Krel put his hands underneath himself, noting how much the one on the left hurt after his rough landing, and stood up. “Why are you even here?” he demanded, holding out his serrator and circling around the bounty hunter in Aja’s direction. “You have nothing to gain!”
“I have seven billion crestons to gain!” the hunter bellowed, whipping his tail in Krel’s direction. Krel barely managed to get his shield up in time, almost losing balance as the heavy, armoured limb crashed against his serrator. 
“Your humorous and pointless attempts at combat,” the hunter continued, licking his lips as he did so, “are only a bonus!”
Krel switched his serrator to a blaster and then back to his shield in a second’s time, firing a blast in between. The hunter easily avoided it, ducking down lazily to allow the blast to shoot past and impact a tree behind him. Krel frowned and grit his teeth. 
“You will not succeed here!” he declared, falling into a shoulder roll to the left in order to avoid the massive creature’s tail as it came sweeping by. He winced as he rolled over the left side of his body and came to a halt on his feet, kneeling on the ground to brace for another hit.
“Your own failure to so much as hit me says otherwise, boy!” The bounty hunter gave a guttural laugh, throwing his head back again. Krel took his momentary distraction and dove forward, serrator blade outstretched. “You-” The hunter began. Krel interrupted him by landing a hit to the hunter’s shoulder, then landed on his feet.
“Ha!” He cried triumphantly. Then, as he came to a stop, he blinked in surprise and glanced down at the weapon in his hands. “I hit him?” he muttered. Then, seeming to register that he had indeed hit the bounty hunter, “I hit him!” He hopped back and forth on his feet, grinning ecstatically. 
The bounty hunter turned around to face Krel, whose expression fell instantly at the look of rage adorning the hunter’s face. 
“I think you underestimate who you’re dealing with, child,” the hunter said, voice low and raspy and dangerous. 
Krel swallowed hard. “Oh, Kleb, I think I made it worse,” he muttered, arms trembling as he hesitated to move.
The bounty hunter lunged forward, heaving his entire weight in Krel’s direction. Krel yelped and threw up his shield, folding his knees and collapsing to the ground as far as he could go. He watched the bounty hunter fly over him, his clawed feet scraping up against the shield.
“I have to admit,” the hunter bellowed, “I was surprised to learn you came here of all places-” The bounty hunter threw a paw forward, hitting Krel to the ground and pinning him under his shield.
“Why would you be?” Krel grunted out, struggling to push against the hunter’s weight. “You shouldn’t even-”
“I was surprised further,” the hunter cut him off abruptly, “to learn that your parents had been killed.” He leaned over, his face hovering inches above Krel’s shield. “Must be difficult for you,” he mocked.
Krel made a face at him. “Well that’s common knowledge by now-” 
The bounty hunter let out an enraged roar and jumped up, landing his weight on Krel’s shield again and knocking the air out of the Akiridion.
“Perhaps I should have connected the dots sooner than this!” he said loudly, leaping off and circling around Krel. Krel instantly pushed himself up, stumbling a little when it made him dizzy. He faced the bounty hunter and spun slowly as he was being circled, noting suddenly, that he was much closer to Aja now than before.
“After all,” the bounty hunter continued coolly, “Gaylen’s power could come from nowhere else.”
“Gaylen’s power? What?” Krel blurted out. What did that have to do with anything? He lowered his shield somewhat in his confusion, watching the bounty hunter very carefully now.
“You don’t know?” The bounty hunter sat up tall, his eyes widening. He fell into a fit of frenzied laughter, throwing his head back once more. “This is better than I’d imagined!”
Still laughing, the hunter spun around on his toes and used his tail to hit away Krel’s serrator. Krel gasped and watched his serrator fly off into the trees behind him, disappearing completely from sight. 
“I don’t understand-” Krel cut himself off, breathing heavily and trying to back away from the hunter. Aja was right there, if he could just get to her and make sure she’s okay-
“And you never will,” the hunter told him menacingly. He lifted one clawed hand and aimed-
The bounty hunter was closer to Aja than Krel was! He was right across from her, he was going to-
“No!” Krel cried out, stumbling forward and falling in his haste. Dirt clouded around him as he landed on his stomach, and he looked up at the bounty hunter desperately. “Don’t-” he pleaded.
“You think you can stop me?” The hunter jived, taking a ground-shaking step in Krel’s direction. “Kill me? It it’s not me, it’ll be someone else!”
A stirring in the corner of his vision caught Krel’s attention and he glanced motionlessly to his left. Aja, still laying in the dirt to the side of the bounty hunter, was beginning to wake. She blinked a few times before she took in the scene.
“Krel?” she asked hoarsely, struggling to sit up. The bounty hunter didn’t seem to notice her waking, or, in the very least, did not react to it.
“Aja-” Krel muttered, glancing anxiously at her. The bounty hunter took another massive step towards Krel.
“Even if you could get rid of me, there will be others!” the hunter cried out. Krel began to slowly push himself back up, unconsciously trying to get away from the bounty hunter as he approached. 
“More bounty hunters will come!”
“Others, seeking your death, looking for revenge!”
Krel held his breath as the hunter’s shadow loomed over him and came to a halt.
“Your parents’ mistakes will follow you the rest of your life, and your bounty will never be gone!! No matter what you do, you will never be safe!”
Tears brimmed at Krel’s eyes and he glanced worriedly at Aja, who held a hand to her head. There was nothing he could do-
“And nothing will ever change that.”
The bounty hunter swung around and faced Aja directly. An enormous blaster on his back, which Krel had not seen before, came to life with a whirring sound.
Krel was running before he even knew what he was doing, and in the split second that time seemed to slow down, the only thought that crossed his mind was that he couldn’t lose Aja too.
“Krel, NO!”
Fiery red met Akiridion blue and sent up a plume of smoke where Krel had been in the moments the blaster was fired. As it cleared, Krel became visible, laying on the ground in front of Aja.
There was an enormous, round wound in the center of his torso, reaching up to just barely underneath his core and more than half way down his stomach. Little cuts and burns and scrapes littered his entire body, and Aja realized with a core-breaking start that he was still conscious and groaning in pain.
She watched a tear slide down her baby brother’s pain stricken face and saw red. Immediately she was consumed by an all-encompassing fury. Body fueled entirely by adrenaline and rage, Aja threw herself into a backwards roll and skidded to a stop beside her fallen serrator. She scooped it up and, howling out a fierce cry, and leapt into the air at the bounty hunter, with her blade activated.
“Oh, is it the Princess’s turn, now?” the hunter jeered amusedly, ducking out of the way as Aja came down with a hard swing.
“You will not harm me, or my brother, again!” Aja cried, racing around the bounty hunter’s back.
The bounty hunter grinned smugly at Aja and settled back into his game of demeaning remarks. “What makes you think you can-”
Aja interrupted him with a battle cry and slashed his side with her blade. The hunter let out an enraged cry and stumbled backwards, rearing to face her frustratedly. “I’ll have you know,” Aja said, quirking her brow, “I happen to be a much better fighter than my brother!”
She again leapt into the air, blade drawn, ready to attack. The bounty hunter caught her by surprise- literally- and locked one of his massive hands around her leg.
“Oh, no!” Aja yelped as she was swung down and slammed into the ground, dropping her serrator as she did so. The bounty hunter stood directly over her head and snarled.
“Evidence would suggest otherwise,” he sneered.
A blast rang out and the hunter was blown off of Aja. Aja exhaled sharply, relieved, and sat up. The bounty hunter lay on his side next to her. Whether he was dead or just knocked out she didn’t care about for the time being because- a glance in the other direction pictured Krel dropping his serrator, its blaster disintegrating, and letting out a pained cry.
“Krel!” Aja scrambled frantically to get off of the ground. She raced over to him and slid to a stop on her knees.
“Aja-” Krel breathed out, his lungs rattling. His breath hitched and he fell forward into Aja’s arms. “Ow-” He whimpered and sucked in a breath through his teeth. Aja wrapped her arms around him gently.
“Shh, shh- It’s okay, Krel,” she told him, her voice nearly breaking. “We have to get you back home-” Aja bit her lip and felt her insides lurch as Krel shuddered in her grasp, letting out a choking sob.
“Aja- It hurts,” Krel said, crying into her shoulder. His own shoulders shook with his sobs, and his body spasmed with every wave of pain that coursed through his body. “Make it stop!”
Aja felt tears forming in her eyes and a lump in her throat. She swallowed hard, trying to keep her voice under control. “I will, Krel, I promise, I will- Just hold on.” She shifted him sideways, wincing in tandem, and scooped him up in her arms. She got to her feet, nearly tripping over herself.
“Aja!” Krel yelped as he was jostled. He clung tightly to her and lurched. His breathing was so erratic and uneven-
“I’m sorry! I’m sorry-” 
Aja began to walk as quickly in the direction of home as she could, trying to push down the physical nausea that rose every time Krel cried out.
“Aja,” Krel started, abruptly going lax in her arms. “I don’t think-”
“No! No, don’t say it!” Aja cut him off, all but yelling at him. Krel didn’t even react, just leaned his head against her shoulder. “Krel, you’re going to be fine! We can fix this! We just have to get you home! You’ll be- You’ll be-” This time her voice did break and a sob burst from her throat.
“Aja.” Krel’s voice had evened out and his tears had stopped flowing, though he still flinched with every discomfort.
“Krel, please don’t-” Aja stopped herself, a desperate sob ringing out. She squeezed her eyes shut and choked on her own tears, rushing down her face faster than she could have wiped them away, even with all four arms. “You’ll be fine, please-!” She opened her eyes again and noticed the small smile on Krel’s face, while small pieces of his form were beginning to flake away and disappear.
“I love you,” he whispered, closing his eyes.
Aja stopped walking and held Krel close, crying so hard she could hardly breathe or see through her tears. 
“Krel-! Krel, no! No!” 
She shut her eyes tight again, somehow hoping that if she couldn’t see him that he wouldn’t go anywhere. But as she held him close she felt his body vanish within her grasp, and then something small and hard and warm fall into her hands in its place.
Not having the heart to look at her own brother’s core, she collapsed to the ground in a weeping mess, suffocating in her fit of tears
“Krel!” she grieved. The only things she was conscious of were the stream of tears running down her face and the core in her hands, which she grasped with all four arms and hugged to her chest. She knew, somehow, that if she ever saw him again, it would not be for a very long time.
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trashyswitch · 4 years
Chase’s Challenge
Chase Brody decides to challenge himself. He was gonna try and shoot every Ego in the house, with his Nerf gun. No one will be able to see it coming!
WARNING: Some swearing. But, that's kinda what you expect from the Irish YouTuber, right? XD
Chase Brody was fooling around with his Nerf Gun, and putting up a tower of empty water bottles to aim at. He had been putting up the tower, shooting it down, and building it back up again for about 15 minutes now, and it was quickly getting old. Planning on making this the last time he was gonna rebuild the bottle tower, he rearranged it, so there were two, little towers with 2 water bottles on the bottom, and one water bottle lying on its side, on top. It took a few times, but he managed to get the lying water bottle to stay there without falling over. Too lazy to even attempt that same position with the other water bottle, he just decided to place it aside, as its own separate target.
Loading his Nerf Proton Vortex, he placed the disc in, aimed, and fired. He managed to get one tower down, plus an extra bottle! A quadruple hit! As he reloaded the gun, he quickly figured out what angle he was gonna shoot the next bottle at. He went for the sideways option, so he could get both bottles in one shot. And if not, he still had an extra disk to use. He aimed...and shot! Both bottles were knocked down, along with a bottle that was still laying on the table.
"Yesss!" Chase whispered, fist-pumping the air. He put his gun down, and picked up the two scattered discs. After placing the discs beside the gun, Chase decided to throw the bottles into the recycling. And what better way to do that, then throw them like basketballs? He collected all 6 water bottles, walked out to the kitchen, and placed them on the floor. He opened the recycle bin, and threw them in, one by one. He managed to get most of them in, but one. that last one was put into the recycling like a normal person. Chase retreated back to his room, and reloaded the gun.
Suddenly, an idea popped into his head. What if he was able to practice shooting on people? Like, the other egos? Most of them were home, besides Anti, who was at the store. Chase felt a smile grow onto his lips, as he thought. Quickly, he speed walked to his drawer of discs, filled his pockets with as many as he could and left the room.
As he walked around, he started thinking of ways to catch them off guard. very soon though, Chase saw a moving figure in the corner of his eye. Hiding behind the island, he quietly peeked from behind it. It was Marvin. He was shuffling a deck of cards. Chase decided to watch for a bit. He watched as Marvin started working on a tower of cards. finishing one medium sized tower, it looked like Marvin was gonna start another one. as he finished the first layer, Marvin started aiming...aaaaaand...
"Huh?" Marvin said, rubbing his shoulder. Retreating behind the island, he reloaded before peeking at Marvin once again. Marvin seemed to have ignored the feeling, and was right back to his second tower. Chase narrowed his gun onto the unfinished tower...aaaand...
SHOOT! the sound of fallen cards filled the room for a couple seconds. Chase quickly retreated behind his hiding spot.
"WHAT THE FUCK?!" Marvin yelled. Chase had to cover his mouth, to stop a giggle from coming out. Marvin, believing someone was hiding somewhere, decided to throw cards in every direction. soon, a card somehow landed right near Chase. An idea popped into his head. He put the gun down as quietly as he could, picked up the card, readied it, and...
GO! The card went flying towards Marvin...and turned towards his finished tower! Oh shit...Chase hid behind the Island, as the sound of more cards falling filled the room.
"Alright, ya dipshit. Come on out." Marvin ordered, holding a card in his hand. Chase loaded yet another disc into his gun, and peeked at Marvin one last time. Aiming his gun, he decided to go a little lower on Marvin. Aaaaand...
"OW! Come on out, ya COWARD!" Marvin yelled, rubbing his right leg.
Coward? Oh, that is IT! Chase grabbed 5 discs, and got ready to take a run for it.
3...2...1...GO! Chase darted for the bedroom hallway, shooting one disc at Marvin, after another.
"I KNEW IT WAS- HEY! OW! WHAT THE- DUDE! STOP THAT! THAT HURTS, MAN!" Marvin yelled, as he tried to block the discs. in the middle of his blocking, he managed to throw a card in Chase's direction. It managed to hit him, but it barely even scratched him. Chuckling as he hid behind the wall, he decided to look for his new victim.
Walking around for a bit, he happened to be hearing some pump up music. peering closer, he realized that someone was in the fitness room. Most likely Jackieboy Man. Chase quietly opened the door, and peeked in. He was right! It WAS Jackieboy Man! And he was lifting weights, and counting out loud. the superhero was so busy focusing on his weightlifting, he never even heard the door open! When Chase felt hidden enough at the door, he looked around the room for a quick hiding spot. One of the first things he glanced at, was the shoulder press machine. The tall weight holder (The contraption that kept the weights in place), seemed like the best place to hide. So, when he got a chance, he made a break for it and slid behind it.
"30." Chase heard from across the room. He listened to the ego, and heard a clank against the hardwood ground. Jackieboy must've put his dumbbells on the rack. taking a quick peek, he confirmed that.
"Alright...what to play next..." Jackieboy said to himself as he flipped through his phone. Chase could hear noises that were a little familiar, but also weird-sounding. It sounded like he was pressing Shuffle over and over again, cause milliseconds of different song tunes filled the room for a couple seconds.
"Aww yeah! this is a good one!" Jackieboy Man said out loud, before clicking on it. It sounded like K-Pop, by that well-known group of singers. Who were they again? Oh ya! BTS! The song sounded familiar, but Chase couldn't quite put his finger on it.
Chase watched as Jackieboy Man headed to the Power Tower, and jumped up. PERFECT! There's a mat on the bottom of the power tower, so he can land on the ground with little injury. He got a couple more discs ready in his hand, and aimed.
SHOOT! Right onto one of the superhero's many abs!
"OW!" Jackieboy Man yelled, going from lifting himself to dangling by both arms. He looked down, and saw the green disc a few feet away from him. "Uh...Who's there? SHOW YOURSELF!" Jackieboy Man asked with full confidence. Chase started to feel slightly intimitated by the booming voice, but shoved the feeling down. reloading his gun, he looked at where else he could shoot it. Soon eyeing up a target, Chase aimed...aaand...
SHOOT! right past the guy!
"WHOA!" Jackieboy Man yelled, dodging out of instinct.
ANOTHER SHOT! Right at Jackieboy Man's closed Gatorade bottle.
"WHAT THE FUCK?!" Jackieboy Man exclaimed.
ONE MORE SHOT! Right on the FOREHEAD! Jackieboy jerked at the sudden hit, and stayed there, stunned for a couple seconds.
"Ooooooohohoho. You wanna mess with THIS BAD BOY RIGHT HERE?" the superhero said, chuckling deeply.
"Bad boy? I thought you a good boy?" Chase mocked.
A smirk appeared on the superhero's face as he knelt down, and picked up the discs near him. "Alright, smart ass. Let's play." Jackieboy Man finished, before getting himself ready to throw the discs right back at him.
Realizing the situation, Chase decided to use a similar tactic he used on Marvin. But this time, with more shooting than running. Sure, he was gonna get hit. But come on! if he could lift close to what Jackieboy Man can lift, he can handle anyone! Even the man himself! Chase made a break for it, executing his plan.
"AHA! It WAS you! I- Hey! You stop- AGH! FU-OW! DUDE! STOP IN THE NAME OF-! FUCK!!" Jackieboy Man stuttered, attempting to speak while being shot at by many small discs.
"NO WAY! I'LL NEVER STOP IN THE NAME OF FUCK!" Chase yelled, laughing his head off at the best sentence he'd heard all say.
"WHAT?!?! THAT'S NOT WHAT- Aahaha!" Jackieboy Man yelled, ending with a laugh that surprised both of them!
"Hey! I'm glad you like this!" Chase said, before shooting another disc. This time, it landed on Jack's right side.
"Ah! Hehehey!" Jackieboy laughed, covering up the spot. Chase's eyes narrowed.
"Are you ticklish, by any chance?" Chase asked. Jackieboy Man's face went slightly red.
"Uh...ya. a little bit." Jackieboy Man confessed. Chase's mouth slowly turned into a smile, as he placed down the gun and walked over to him.
"Chase...Chase, I know you're tempted. But, can we do this later? I wanna keep working on my abs and biceps, ya know what I'm saying?" Jackieboy Man asked, backing away, as calmly as possible.
"Really? Cause I think that with all those workouts, your abs are in need of a MAJOR massage. Wouldn't you think?" Chase persuaded. Jackieboy Man attempted to run away, but was tackled down.
"You ASSHO- NOHOHOHOHO! NAHAHAHAHAHA!" Jackieboy Man completely lost it within the first few seconds. Chase was rubbing his fingers in circulaar motions on as many abs as he could reach, and wiggling them once in a while, to heighten the sensation.
"My GOD, Jack! Your abs are FILLED WITH KNOTS! It's gonna take me a while to work all this tension out of ya!" Chase teased, moving his left hand towards more ab bumps on the left side.
"BUHUHULLSHIHIHIHIT! GEHEHEHET OFF MEHEHEHE!" Jackieboy Man yelled, squirming all over the place.
"HA! You wanna hear 'bullshit'? Here's some bullshit for ya! that claim you made earlier, about being ticklish? You said 'a little bit'. THIS IS A LOT MORE THAN 'a little bit'!" Chase taunted, before digging deeper into Jackieboy Man's abs on his right. Knowing this was a BAD tickle spot on Sean, he wondered if it was the same for Jackie?
"BAHAHAHAHA! NAHAHAHAT THEHEHEHERE! DAHAHAHAMMIHIT!" Jackieboy Man screamed. Chase decided to take that, as a yes. As much as Chase wanted to do this all day, he had one more person to hunt down. So, he slowed his fingers and got off the sweaty guy. While Chase was picking up all his discs, Jackieboy Man was panting, and trying to get in as much breath and energy as possible. Once Chase got all his discs, he picked up his gun, and looked down at the knocked over Gatorade near him. He kicked it towards Jackieboy, watched it roll towards reaching distance of the tired boy, and left the room.
Chase put his discs back into his pocket, as he walked through the halls. Soon, the man came across the door to Shawn's workplace. This was the room that Shawn often retreated to, when he had work to do. Chase's mind started coming up with ideas as he walked up to the door. It was times like these, that Chase was thankful Shawn had 2 entrances to his room. Turning around, he headed to the bathroom, and stood in front of the back door of Shawn's room. Realizing the door was still open, he pushed on the door to get it open. thankfully, the door didn't squeak. sneaking through the small opening he made for himself, he snuck around, hiding behind shelves of art supplies. Finally, he settled on the old book shelf, filled with Bendy and the Ink Machine merchandise. Chase eyed up his victim, who's back was facing him. inserting a disc, he quietly aimed his gun, and waited a couple seconds for Shawn to put the sewing needle into the needle pouch nearby. then...
HE SHOT! and hit Shawn's back!
"wha-...Hey! Who's shooting me? Show yourself!" Shawn warned, talking to supposed thin air. Chase smiled, and grabbed a nearby paper, pen and tape. He wrote a message, taped it onto the next disc, loaded it and aimed...
SHOOT! the disc hit the wall right in front of Shawn's desk! Perfect landing!
"What's this?" Shawn asked, grabbing the green disc off his desk.
Shawn chuckled. "oh my god...Oh No! ThAt'S TerRibLe! WhAtEvEr wiLL We dO?!" Shawn joked, acting sarcastically worried for the 'poor', bored fellow. Chase had to cover up his mouth to cover another giggle.
Chase wrote another note, taped it, loaded the disc in, and shot it near the same place. Shawn opened it, and read it:
"Next for what?" Shawn asked. Chase put another disc in, aimed it, and shot.
Chase shot two discs past Shawn's shoulders, and began shooting multiple discs at many of Shawn's body parts, discluding the head. He hit Shawn't arms, chest, middle, legs, and right near the feet as well. To try to avoid the discs at his feet, Shawn tried hopping away from each disc. However, an accidental misstep ended up with his back hitting the floor. Chase put his gun down, crawled up to him and started tickling Shawn's sides.
"Nahahahaha! Whahahahat the hehehehell?!" Shawn asked through his laughter, attempting to cover up the spots. Chase tickled there for a bit longer, before before moving his hands lower. immediately, Chase started squeezing Shawn's hips, specifically drilling into the hollows.
OHOHOHO MY GAHAHAHAHAD! CHAHAHAHAHASE!" Shawn shouted, his laughter intensifying.
"Whaaaaatt?" Chase mocked, before drilling his fingers into the back of Shawn's hips.
"WOW! I'll keep that in mind for later! But question is: Which one's worse?" Chase asked, pulling his hands off Shawn for a second.
"This?" Chase started, before drilling his thumb into the hollows of Shawn's hips.
"Or this?" Chase asked, moving his two fingers to the back of the hip, and drilling.
By now, Shawn was going nuts. was Chase seriously asking which tickle spot is worse?! Both are really bad!!
"BOHOHOHOHOTH!" Shawn replied.
"Both are bad ticklish spots for you? Holy shit, man!" Chase reacted. Looking at his hand positions, he started to wonder something...
"If both sides of the hips are bad...does that mean...if I drill in both spots, will the sensation double?" Chase asked himself out loud, for Shawn to hear.
"WAHAHAHAHAIT! DOHOHOHON'T YOU DAHAHAHARE!" Shawn threatened desperately.
Well, how about this? I'll give you a compromise. How about, I stop-"
"YEHEHEHEHEHES!" Shawn interrupted.
"I didn't even finish my compromise! I stop tickling you and give you a breather. Then, when you're ready, I can test it out?" Chase offered.
"NOHOHOHOHO! OHOHONLY STAHAHAP!" Shawn replied as best as he could.
"Oh? You want me to only stop? And never find out my hypothesis?" Chase asked, acting offended for his own amusement.
"YEHEHEHES!" Shawn responded.
"But Shaaaawwn! That's not part of the deal! I could just scratch that compromise and just test it right now..." Chase teased, watching as Shawn's eyes widened.
"NOHOHO! PLEHEHEHEHEHEASE DOHOHON'T!" Shawn begged, in a whiny voice.
"So, it's a deal?" Chase asked.
"DEHEHEHEHEHEAL! NOW PLEHEHEHEASE STAHAHAP!" Shawn begged desperately, before giving up on struggling. Chase slowed his fingers and let go of him. Shawn's body curled in on itself, as he tried to get rid of the evil little phantom tickles plaguing his hips.
"Th-Thahahank yohohou fohor stohohopping." Shawn said, as he slowly uncurled himself.
"No problem, buddy." Chase replied. After a couple minutes of calming down, Shawn managed to get his body sitting up again.
"Mahahan, that killed mehe." Shawn said. Chase felt a slight bit of guilt hit him.
"Sorry if I took it too far." Chase apologized, praying he didn't take it too far.
"It's alright. Ihit was probably good that I got mohohore tickles than normal. I dohohon't really laugh as much as I shohohould." Shawn confessed, giggling in the middle of his sentences.
a few minutes later, and Shawn was STILL giggling! It hadn't gotten any better. If anything, it actually got worse! Every time he even attempted to talk, a chuckle and sometimes a giggle would come out! There was no stopping it! All he could do, was let himself giggle till his giggle fit fades. Chase, however, thought the sight was adorable.
"Gihihiggle fits ahahahare ehehembarrassing." Shawn confessed through another set of giggles.
"Awww! I think they're quite cute! I like being the cause of your giggle fits." Chase said. He slid his arm around Shawn's waist, and gave the giggly boy's sides a little tickle. Shawn jumped, and curled in on the ticklish side.
"Yohohohohou suhuhuhuck." Shawn whined, covering his red, blushy face with his hands.
"Do I, now? Well, I suppose I would be able to suck more, if I was a vacuum." Chase joked, giving Shawn's side a little squeeze for good measure.
"Gahahahad dahahammit!" Shawn whined, before lying on his side, on the couch.
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agent-z-18 · 5 years
Journal Entry #2
October 8th
Okay, okay, so I think we’ve come up with a solution to how I can go to one of the energy orb retrievals without my family stopping me. I’m going to disguise as a villain for one of my family’s retrievals! It was all Taylor’s idea, really, but I think it’s brilliant. And it’ll keep me from being stuck at home and allow me to experience an EO retrieval without my family interfering. 
It started during lunch, the three of us decided to head down to Burger Bros and get some burgers and shakes, (senior privilege is the best, honestly,) and since the day was nice and rain-free for once, we decided to eat outside. Taylor and Jordan are the best, really. They are always willing to listen and suggest different ideas whenever it comes to my family problem. And this lunchtimes was no different. 
“You could always try telling them how you feel,” Jordan said before shoving a fistful of fries into his mouth. He says that every time we have this conversation. “You know that I’ve already tried that,” I said, huffing like I always do, “Everyone always dismisses me.” 
Jordan merely shrugged and it took a lot of will-power to not throw my strawberry-banana shake at his face. Which I’m glad that I didn’t. It would have been treason if I had. BB makes some of the best shakes around. Taylor, knowing that I was about to disgrace my milkshake, tapped my knee to gain my attention.
“What if you tried a different approach this time?” 
When it comes to asking my family about letting me get involved in the family business, I am pretty sure I have exhausted every avenue I know in how I bring up the topic. And the result is always the same. No matter day, night, weekday, weekend, school year, or summer vacation. The response is always; “No, Aydan, now just drop it.”
“A different approach?” I said back and Taylor nodded at me as she finished chewing a bite of her double cheeseburger.
“Yeah,” she said, nodding as if she was some sort of sage, “you’ve tried asking, so why not just… not ask? And just do it.”
When those words had left her mouth, I nearly choked on my drink. I, not once, have never not asked my folks before doing something. Especially when it meant leaving the house. It’s just… They lead such dangerous lives and have so much to worry about that I never wanted them to worry about me in the same way. So I would always ask before I did anything, this way they always know what I’m doing and where I am. It’s just a habit. I voiced this to Jordan and Taylor.
Taylor merely nodded and sipped her pop, “I get that, but you’re technically an adult now, right? Legally, you can join the army and vote now and next year, when we’re all in college, we aren’t going to be asking our parents to do stuff. So why not start practicing now? And I vaguely remember someone complaining about how he hasn’t been able to test out his tracker thing for his final project last year.”
  Dang. I really hate it when she’s right. But helping my family out without their permission? They’d throw a fit! But… I have been wanting a chance to test my EO tracker… And going to a retrieval without my family hovering over me would allow me to get better results… And I am the only one who knows how to use it right now. It’s really not a bad idea but…
“How would I even make it to a retrieval without my family noticing? Ray makes all of their vehicles and those only start with a chip that’s in one of their gloves,” I said, crumbling my cheeseburger’s wrapper into a small ball, “And they’re always informed when new orbs are located, so they’re always going to be at the retrieval. They’d flip if they saw me.” 
Taylor scowled in thought before snapping her fingers. “My brother is selling his old dirt bike since he got a new one for his birthday. He only wants about 70 bucks for it and it’s still in pretty decent condition. He was gonna give it to me, but Dad already promised to get me a new one as a graduation gift. I can text him and see if he’d be willing to sell it to you.”
I’ll never admit it, but now I’m thanking Evelyn for always wanting me to help her with her vehicles. I could customize it so that no one would know who it used to belong to. Eve always leaves extra parts laying around the garage, so I highly doubt she’d miss a few scrap pieces here and there.
“But there’s still the problem of his folks recognizing him at the retrieval,” Jordan reminded, flicking a fry at Taylor. It hit her in the shoulder but she managed to catch before it hit the grass and ate it just to spite Jordan.
If I hate it when Taylor is right, I absolutely hate it when Jordan is right. He’s like the mom of our group, always having this down-to-earth approach to everything we do. He is the more level-headed of the three of us while Taylor and I tend to have our heads in the clouds. And at this moment, Jordan’s face was twisted in his “You-Can’t-Be-Serious-About-This” expression and usually, that was enough to make us rethink our current train of thought. It almost worked on me but Taylor threw her burger wrapper at him.
“So? Then he can wear a disguise, just like they do,” Taylor said, shrugging, “I mean, it’s nearly Halloween, so I’m sure we could find you a hero costume and with someone’s help, fix it up to look decent enough to pass.”
“Don’t drag me into this!”
And, again, Taylor’s idea was sound, except…
“Heroes have to be registered by the government.”
Jordan looked at Taylor with a smug expression as I spoke but she merely waved her hand at me.
“Then be a villain for a night,” she said, a little too calmly in my opinion, “I highly doubt they have to be registered with the government and if they did, well, those villains are too dumb to be considered villains if you ask me.”
And here is where everything fell into place. Become a villain for one night. I mean, that would be all I need. A single night to see if I can really hold my own during a retrieval and to get the data I need for my tracker. I don’t need to be registered with the government to be a villain for a night and a lot of villains come and go. So I could go to a retrieval, see if my tracker actually works, let my family obtain the EO and then just vanish into the night, and nobody would be none-the-wiser. Then I could finally complete my tracker and prove that I can help my family without giving them a faulty gadget.
“Don’t tell me you’re actually contemplating this!” Jordan cried, grabbing at his hair. Hmm. Something is telling me that he really didn’t like our plan, but it’s a little late for that.
“But this might just be the only way I can help them out,” I said, “And besides, it’s not like I’d truly be a villain. I’d just be there for research purposes only. And if, for some reason, I do somehow get an orb or two, then I’ll just slip it into my parents’ vault. I was given access just in case Ray needs to get in, so that shouldn’t be a problem. And it’d only be for a night. Stop worrying, Jordan.”
The glare I received I will have nightmares of it for months to come. Seriously, Jordan is gonna make a great dad someday. His glare nearly rivals Mom’s and she has super strength to back up her glare. 
“Well, don’t expect me to help you…”
“I’ll let you design my villain outfit.”
Bribery of the clothe-making kind always works on Jordan. The moment those words left my mouth, Jordan’s mouth had snapped shut and this thoughtful expression crossed his face. And he’s the only one out of us who knows how to sew, so I kind of need him for this part. I’m really glad Mrs. F is keeping these journals private otherwise Jordan would kill me, knowing I use his love of making clothes to my advantage. And it helps that whatever Jordan makes is always wicked-looking, so he’s the best option for helping me make a decent villain costume. And if Mom and Dad become suspicious, then I can just use the excuse that he’s helping me with my Halloween costume or a cosplay of some kind.
And I’m just exploring all my possible career avenues as a good high school senior should. By testing my prototype and becoming a villain for a night. Mom and Dad do tell me to keep my career options open. XD.
I’m so gonna get grounded for this….
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shipmistress9 · 6 years
FTLOAP: Chapter 10: Now Here We Stand, Unafraid Of The Future
Prologue; Chapter 1; Chapter 2; Chapter 3; Chapter 4; Chapter 5; Chapter 6; Chapter 7; Chapter 8; Chapter 9
Alpha/Co-author: @athingofvikings
. o O o .
THE TRAILER! WOOOOO! I CAN'T! xD I'm so excited! Just good this chapter was finished yesterday already, not sure I could have done anything after watching the trailer. I'm still not over it, so cool! And the beard! I love the beard! xD
Okay, back to normal... I'll try...*deep breathe*
This chapter became ridiculously long... again! It was only meant as a short opening scene for the last chapter of part 1, but... oh well... It became this long on its own, without the other part. As I said, ridiculous. I simply can't help myself... Not sorry! :)
. o O o .
Hiccup recognised the voices easily. He’d spend enough time with Eret to know his laughter, and Prince Daniel’s was easy to identify as well. But if those two were here, did that mean…?
Frozen like a deer hearing a twig break, his heart racing, he stood in the middle of the corridor between the two rows of stalls and stared at the closed entrance door.
All Gods in Valhalla, please…
The smaller door within the gate opened, and, as he’d hoped, it was Astrid who entered first. The moment he saw her, he felt as if some invisible weight got lifted off his shoulders. She was here. She was here, and simply seeing her was enough to soothe him and make his heart leap in joy at the same time.
When her eyes fell on him though, she visibly tensed. He thought he saw something of the joy he felt in her eyes too, but it quickly got overshadowed by something darker, worries and a cool determination.
She’d paused in the doorway when she’d spotted him. But when the voices behind her became louder, she hastily stepped inside to make space for Eret and her brother. Her face gave nothing away as she gave him a polite nod, and Hiccup fought hard to equally school his expression, even though it felt neigh on impossible to do so. What had happened to make her act reserved like this again? Surely, she could at least have given him a small smile?
But she hadn’t. She just quickly walked past him. He could hear how she cooed and murmured at the horses, and then opened the door to one of the stalls, probably Markor’s. He didn’t dare to turn and make sure.
Both Daniel and Eret gazed after her, wide grins on their faces, before they turned their attention to Hiccup. “Good morning, Hiccup,” the Prince greeted him, amusement turning into a concerned smile. “I hope your…  accommodations are… well… tolerable?”
Glad over this distraction, Hiccup focused all his attention on the Prince – away from his sister and her odd behaviour. “Yes, Milord, they are,” he said truthfully. “It’s dry and sheltered from the wind, and warm enough too, with all the horses here. Straw is remarkably comfortable and I’m alone here. That’s definitely is a bonus, too.” He paused and averted his eyes, but then added without really intending to do so, “I’ve had much worse.” Glancing up, he looked into two concerned faces and scolded himself for letting those words slip. He hadn’t meant to sound so pathetic.
“That’s… good to hear,” the Prince finally broke the awkward silence.
Eret, however, simply snorted. “I told you, he’s fine here. It’s not like he hasn’t slept in some stables before. And it’s so much warmer down here, it’s ridiculous what you call winter.” He walked past Daniel and clapped Hiccup on the shoulder in greeting. Then he lifted a basket he was holding in his other hand. “I know you said you’re fine with living on apples, but I still brought you something more substantial. Father would never forgive me if I let you turn into that skinny fishbone of a man again.”
“Thank you, Sir,” he replied as Eret walked over to the side to place the basket onto one of the straw bales.
“Oh, stop that,” he sighed, rolling his eyes at Hiccup. “You’re not some lowly servant, okay? You don’t have to bow and scrape all the time, especially if there’s nobody around to act for. Not when it’s just us.”
“If you say so,” Hiccup mumbled. He stared at the ground, not meeting anyone’s eyes. He wanted to be a part of this group, more than anything else. But the simple truth was that he wasn’t. Not yet… There was a moment of awkward silence, a tension in the air that hadn’t been there the night before. Last night, the proverbial ice had been broken, but today, they seemed to have started anew.
“Right,” Daniel said after a few uncomfortable moments, changing the topic as he turned to Eret. “Which ones are the horses you said might be suitable? Not the mare or Astrid’s gelding, obviously, but I see you have five stallions here.”
He let his eyes wander along the row of stalls, and Hiccup made way to let the two men walk past him. These horses were Eret’s pride and joy, and it therefore was his privilege to show them to the Prince. There was no need for him to step in and take this work from his master. And then, there also was another advantage to them being occupied otherwise...
The moment Eret and Daniel turned away from him, he couldn’t keep his eyes from flickering to where Astrid stood in Markor’s stall. She was humming quietly under her breath, petting and scratching the big horse affectionately. Just like yesterday, the sight was mesmerising. He gazed in wonder, hoping to catch her attention. But she wasn’t looking, seemed completely lost in some blissful bubble of her own, and didn’t pay any attention to anyone but her horse. Certainly not to him. Swallowing, Hiccup forced himself not to stare at her, and focused back on the two men and the horses again as Eret began to introduce them.
“This one is Hunter,” Eret nodded toward the black beast in the first stall. “He belongs to Father. And that one next to him is my Crusher. You saw them both yesterday, remember?” The Prince nodded, and went past those two and the empty stall next to them. “And this is Chomp. He would be suitable, but I actually would recommend either Squish or Trample. Not that Chomp isn’t a great horse, but he’s a little thick-headed sometimes.”
“Chomp, Squish, and Trample?” Daniel inquired, snorting quietly. “Who came up with these names?” With calm steps he walked along the stalls, inspecting the horses within.
“Well, they kind of named themselves with their antics,” Eret replied dryly, rubbing his left arm where Chomp had bitten him once when he’d been little more than a colt, as Hiccup had been told. Eret was lucky to not have lost the arm, and the scar was pretty fierce. “But, of course, those aren’t their real names. Chomp, this sorrel here, is actually formally named Firewind Hookfang in the breeding register. But as I said, I wouldn’t recommend him. Not when you have a choice.” He walked next to Daniel past the stalls.
“Then we have this buckskin, Squish. Or Blazing Thunderstrike, as it says on the paper. And then there’s this black rascal, Trample. Or Twilight Shadowwalker. Fitting for his hide, don’t you think?” He gave his friend a sidelong grin. “Anyway, these two are the ones I would recommend to you. They, too, have a bit of a temperament, but you wouldn’t want a war stallion without that anyway.”
Daniel had listened with a raised eyebrow, but now shook his head, laughing quietly. “These names are hardly better... Let me guess, your sisters choose them again? Honestly, don’t they have other things to do than come up with those ridiculous names?” Eret smirked at that, but didn’t say anything as Daniel took a minute to give both stallions measuring looks. But it wasn’t much of a choice. Even over the small distance, Hiccup could see how there seemed to be an immediate connection between Daniel and Trample. With the usual noises to calm the beast, the Prince made a cautious step toward the black horse, and Trample let him pet his head without any trouble.
“Well, I guess that’s settled then,” Eret stated in an amused voice. “Let’s get him ready, and you can make a first test ride on the riding ring outside.” He made attempts to walk toward the tack room that lay behind a door at the side of the main stable room, but Hiccup beat him to it. Eret reacted with a heavy sigh, and, rolling his eyes, he said, “Hiccup, you don’t have to do this. You–”
“Yes, I do,” Hiccup interjected quietly. “I am your squire. And readying a horse for you is certainly part of my duties.”
Eret gave him a flat look, snorted, and shook his head. ”All right. If that’s how you see it. But don’t expect me to treat you any different.”
Hiccup gave his cousin a small smile before ducking into the tack room to look for where they’d placed Trample’s bridle and saddle the day before.
. o O o .
Astrid enjoyed the peaceful moments she was able to spend in Markor’s stall, she really did. Caring for him yesterday had been wonderful, partially because she’d been allowed to do so for once. But simply enjoying the horse’s company right now was great, too. She was leaning against the broad neck, her bare fingers scratching his hide as she’d pulled off her gloves the instant she’d entered the stall. Quietly humming to herself, she enjoyed being able to let her mind wander without anyone interrupting her… Yes, all in all, it was very enjoyable.
Or it would have been.
Usually, she was quite able to pay no mind to everything around her when she was around horses. But, of course, today nothing was ‘as usual’. All the time, she had to fight the urge to let her eyes flicker over to Hiccup where he stood a few steps away from Eret and her brother, attentive as he was supposed to be.
In a way, it was even worse than it had been last night. Last night, everything had been so confusing. And even after their shared minutes and their kisses, after their souls had melted together and everything had started to make sense, she hadn’t fully grasped it all. But now, she understood that her life was connected to his. And no matter how much she wanted to throw herself into his embrace, she couldn’t do anything to risk his life.
Sure, Ruff had probably been right. Daniel wouldn’t want to punish him. Not after how well they’d gotten along last night and the bits he and Eret had talked about earlier. But still, she had no doubts that, if her brother would ever learn about what had happened, he wouldn’t hesitate to have Hiccup killed. Daniel wasn’t brutal or sadistic... but she had noticed that the years on the battlefield were already starting to harden him. He’d developed a taste for expedient justice, and his law against touching her was only one example. Admittedly, he only executed said justice when guilt was obvious... but if he caught them together like they’d been yesterday... that would be pretty obvious.
She chewed at her lip at the thought. She wanted nothing more than to be with Hiccup, to feel his warmth, his touch, and get to know him. But she would need to be exceedingly careful. Daniel might be oblivious to romantic matters of any sort, but Eret surely was not. His teasing earlier might have been just a joke, but he’d been awfully close. And when it came down to choosing between her and Daniel, his loyalty surely lay with his future King.
Trying to keep her thoughts from wandering to dangerous territory, she listened as the men talked about the war stallions House Jag’r had brought. Unsurprisingly, Daniel decided on the black stallion as he had a preference for those, and equally unsurprisingly, Eret suggested to directly go for a test ride on the riding ring outside. She had expected as much, had counted on that, in fact. If only the rest of the day also went as she hoped. She would still need to keep up her act and come up with a believable excuse, but–
“Hey, You all right in there?” Eret’s cheerful voice came suddenly through the stall door.
She looked up to see him poking his head through the opening at the front of the stall. “Yes, I’m fine,” she replied, smiling, and ran her hand down Markor’s neck. “He really is amazing, and I can’t thank you enough.” And not only for the horse you brought, she added mentally.
“I’m really glad you like him,” he said, winking good-humouredly. “But I’m sorry that I had no chance to get his saddle so far. I promise to somehow get it here as soon as possible.”
“Oh, that’s fine. I don’t mind,” she stated happily as his words sparked an idea. “But what about you? Aren’t you and Daniel supposed to get his stallion ready?”
Eret snorted. “Yeah, well, the perks of having an overly eager squire… Makes me feel useless.” He paused, and a mischievous grin spread across his face. “But what about I show you the ‘pretty’ saddle we brought while we wait? Apparently, I have nothing else to do anyway, and it really is worth a look. You’ll love it.”
Astrid doubted that, but agreed nonetheless. She left Markor’s stall and followed Eret toward the attached tack room, but paused again when Daniel beckoned him over.
“Heh, Eret? A moment to take a look at this?” He didn’t call out loudly – mindful of the horses – but sounded serious nonetheless, concerned even.
Eret looked up with a frown, nodded, and turned back to Astrid. “I’ll see what he wants.You just go ahead and I’ll be there in a minute,” he said lightly, and left her standing.
She followed him with her eyes as he went toward the stall where Daniel stood near his new stallion. For a moment, she watched them as they inspected something on the horse’s leg, but then she shrugged to herself and entered the small and dusty room...
To run directly into Hiccup.
She gasped in surprise, a noise he mirrored. He dropped what he was holding, and she barely registered the clattering thud of metal and leather hitting the ground as she abruptly found herself in his arms.
Astrid froze as she felt his hands on her waist, her own hands bracing against his chest to steady herself. Dumbfounded, she gazed up into his beautiful face, his eyes wide and lips parted in surprise. Oh, how she’d yearned for his embrace! Their sudden closeness made her heart race, her breathing quickening. She could feel his breath brushing over her skin, his warmth soaking into her where she could feel him through their clothes.
For a few precious heartbeats, they held each other. She felt her heart with the piece of his soul glowing with joy, their connection thrumming at the unexpected closeness. It was wonderful, amazing, everything she’d wished for – and extremely dangerous!
His eyes glazed over, becoming more intense as he slightly bent his head, and for the fraction of a second she thought – hoped, and feared – he might kiss her.
The clicking of heavy boots on stone was the only warning.
Astrid pushed Hiccup away from her in an instant. She made a hasty step backwards and saw how he stumbled, a confused look on his face. But there was no time to explain anything. When Eret opened the door a second later, she stood frozen in place, unimaginably grateful for the lack of proper illumination that hopefully hid her blush and her frightened expression. Hiccup had hastily dropped to his knees, maybe to hide his face.
“And here I am again. Sorry you had to wait,” Eret said cheerfully, then frowned at Hiccup crouching on the ground.
“Is everything all right with Daniel’s stallion?” Astrid asked, after rummaging through her memories to come up with something reasonable to say.
“Yeah, nothing to worry. Daniel just noticed a scratch on Trample’s upper leg, but it’s nothing serious. You already took care of that, as I saw?”
The last words were obviously meant for Hiccup, who had just straightened up again. He was a little breathless, but otherwise seemed unperturbed, the dropped bridle back in his hand. “Yes, I applied the healing salve directly when I noticed it earlier,” came Hiccup’s sober affirmation.
“Good man. Not that I regret your decision, but you would have made a great stable master. Ah well, that’s how it is. Anyway, you can get started with rubbing Trample down right away, I’ll bring the saddle once we’re done here.”
“As you wish, Sir,” Hiccup replied, the teasing tone in his voice not hidden to Astrid.
Eret, however, sounded more exasperated. “Hiccup, I swear. If you don’t…” He trailed off, groaning, as Hiccup chuckled and then quickly walked toward the exit.
As he passed her, he politely bowed his head in her direction and murmured a short “Milady,” in greeting. This formal form of address sounded so wrong coming from him. But, of course, it was the only sensible one. Astrid secretly saluted Hiccup for how quickly he’d caught himself, for how easily he’d acted as if nothing had happened. Because all she was able to do in response to him was nod mutely. Hiccup left the small room, and Astrid let out the breath she hadn’t even noticed she’d been holding. Freya, she needed to do better than this. Sighing, she turned back to Eret – who gave her a scrutinizing look.
“Is everything all right?” he asked seriously. Frigga, why had he to be so good at reading her?
“Sure, why not?” she nonetheless tried to ward off his concern. But he wasn’t buying it.
“You seem… tense somehow. Especially around Hiccup. And… well, I understand, you know? Last night, Daniel told me all that happened. Why he thought this... this law to be necessary and all, and I see his point. But Hiccup isn’t like that. I promise. He’s a decent guy, and would never… You don’t need to be afraid of him. And… well, I’m sorry to pull you two in on this, but he really could use some friends right now. He’s been through a lot.”
Astrid stared at him, not sure whether to laugh or to cry. He was asking her to befriend Hiccup? Because he was a decent guy, and surely would never touch her? Gods, the irony was incredible. What could she possibly say to this?
“Okay? That’s all?” Eret, who seemed to have expected a stronger reaction, blinked in confusion.
“Well, what else should I say?” she replied lightly. “I’m not afraid of Hiccup, if that’s what concerns you. It’s just… weird, I think. Maybe because I don’t know him at all, not like I know you or the others. But I’ll try to put in some effort to change that, all right?” It was nothing but the truth.
Eret hesitated, but then nodded and gave her a broad smile. “Thanks, Swanja. That means a lot to me,” he said sincerely. Then he beckoned her to follow him. “Anyway, that’s not why we came here. Come, what I wanted to show you is over there.” He went ahead to the far corner of the room where a narrow beam of sunlight fell through a small window and provided better illumination. With mischievously gleaming eyes, he gestured toward what could be called a saddle, except…
“What in Loki’s name!?” she sputtered, disbelievingly. What hung on the saddle rack in front of her was… hilarious!
Covered in dark blue satin, the saddle was indeed a gorgeous piece of horse-riding tack. Or it would have been if that had been all. The scenery of swans swimming on a lake – embroidered with silver and gold threads – surely was beautiful and detailed, but seemed a bit... excessive on a saddle skirt, to say the least. And the additional embellishments of brocade and stitched-on glass beads around the dual pommels was assuredly, absolutely too much. The tassels hanging from the cantle were tasteful, at least, and were done in a way that managed to suggest a swan’s tail-feathers. And the leather of the fender, stirrup and straps had been neatly tooled with more waterfowl. It was a gorgeous piece of art...
That would be ruined the instant Markor went anywhere there was a hint of dirt or mud.  And while the stitching holding the seat to the saddle skirt was – yep, she checked – silver bullion wire, a ridiculous extravagance, it was at least flush with the leather. Even the seat had been embossed with a swan in flight, which just made her shake her head. And they’d clearly gone a little too enthusiastic on the decoration for the pommels; while the parts that would be touching her thighs directly were smooth leather, the rest of the pommels were embellished to the point of absurdity.
How long Astrid stared at the ludicrous, ridiculous piece of riding equipment, she didn’t know.  It looked so entirely out of place in the dusty, practical tack-room, as if it had been misplaced by some absent-minded dvergr. Her expression must have been gloriously bewildered, as  Eret clearly reached a point where he couldn’t control himself anymore and burst out laughing. “Yes, that’s the face I expected,” he guffawed. “Seriously Swanja, I wish you could see your expression right now.”
“How in all Gods’ names did this happen?” she asked incredulously. “I mean… Your father said your sisters did this, but… but don’t they know what a saddle is for? How is this… this thing supposed to survive even one ride?”
Eret shook his head, still grinning. “It’s not.”
“Just look at this!” she went on in disbelief, not reacting to his comment in any way. “Even ignoring the fact that whatever dress I wear is going to completely cover this saddle; as soon as I go anything above a trot, the skirt will wrap around the pommels and get ripped to shreds by the beading and embroidery!”
“So don’t go above a trot, then,” Eret said with a smirk.  
This time, she gave him a sour look. “I’ll simply wear my practical and thick riding leathers beneath some discarded linen dress, thank you. That way, at least my legs will survive this saddle and none of my usual outfits gets destroyed.”
“Oh, please do! Just imagine the scandal,” Eret said with teasing glee and held up a hand as he leaned over, as if visualizing something off in the distance. “The refined Princess Astrid, riding her gift horse and fine gift-saddle from House Jag’r... while wearing a pair of worn and dirty leather riding trousers beneath rags.”
She groaned.  
“Sorry to burst your bubble,” he didn’t sound very sorry, “but you’re probably going to have to use it at least once for some formal ride somewhere. Wearing a skirt. At a trot that’s so slow that you’re going to want to scream, knowing that you could be flying instead.”
Astrid groaned at the image he painted with his words. She’d been a part of such formal processions before, and they were deadly boring. But she would at least take Eret down with her...“If that’s actually going to happen one day, then I’ll make sure you’re a part of it, too. Riding somewhere behind me, just as slowly.”
“No, don’t do that! Have me locked in with my grandfather for a weekend instead!” Eret protested in mock desperation.
“What, and let you off easy?” she fired back. “Nope. Sentence is spoken. It’s that or possibly being pecked to death by swans. I can take you over to the pond and throw you in right now. Your choice.”
“Well, I suppose that might be the more pleasant choice. But then you’d have to explain things to my father, Hiccup, and Dagur,” Eret said with a grin.
Astrid snorted, making Eret chuckle. “All right, you get to live, this time,” she said, deadly serious… before she burst out laughing as well.
Laughing like this was liberating, even with the sting of her secret between them. It felt natural, normal. She knew that, once she left this small room, she would need to keep her every action in check again to not reveal how Hiccup’s mere presence affected her, to not endanger him. But when she pressed her hand to her chest, presumably to catch her breath, she knew that it was worth it. He was worth it.
Once they’d calmed down again, she continued to examine the details of the saddle’s stitchings. It truly was completely mental. There had to be a small fortune of silver thread stitched into the thing...
“You’re a sadist, and I know that you encouraged this, didn’t you?” she said after a while, shaking her head at the sheer lunacy of this thing.
“Who, me?” Eret said innocently, and then chuckled. “Don’t worry too much, we all knew you probably won’t ever actually use it. It’s more of an alibi, for you and for my sisters alike. Believe me, these days they are eagerly grasping for every excuse to claim being busy to avert any unwanted attention.”
Astrid raised an eyebrow at his words, looking up from inspecting the equally ridiculously embellished bridle. “Unwanted attention?”
“Yeah, well…” Eret scratched his neck sheepishly. “There’s been a surge in young noblemen who all came up with the same idea: marry a daughter from one of the higher Houses for the alliance and maybe a bit more power. I mean, they’re probably right. And I easily admit that this is a far more pleasant way to seek power than simply killing your rivals, especially as most seem to put honest effort into courting the girls to win their hearts and hands. But it’s become a lot more intense lately, and my sisters are grasping for every opportunity to flee their suitors.”
Astrid contemplated his words with a slight frown. “But… last time I checked your sisters were younger than I am. Isn’t it a bit… early for them to think about marriage?” She was aware of the irony for her to say these words after she’d been thinking a lot about marriage since yesterday, but still.
But Eret simply shrugged. “It’s not like Father would marry them off right away. But contracts can already be made and sealed, even if the wedding only takes place in a couple of years. Besides… waiting to get married until the bride is twenty is not a law. It’s just a custom, one you’re far more fond of down here in the south then we’re anyway. And if it serves to settle some dispute between Father’s vessels, then I’m sure he wouldn’t hesitate to concur – as long as whichever of my sisters isn’t totally against it.”
Astrid nodded in understanding. It wasn’t that much of an uncommon practice after all.
“Anyway,“ went Eret on. “It’s not like it’s that likely to actually happen anytime soon. I think Father mentioned something about how he wanted to talk with your father about other ways to calm those disputes or something. And it’s not that bad so far, for us, at least. There are just a dozen or so young men around the stud farm practically every day, hoping to talk to one of the girls. Or to impress them or Father or sometimes even me with their skills in caring for the horses, trying to convince us of their suitability. Frankly, it’s quite entertaining, from my point of view, at least. The stables are cleaner than they’ve been in years.”
“You’re horrible,” Astrid chuckled as they turned to leave the room.
“Of course, I am,” he agreed cheerfully, took a black saddle from one of the racks, and added with a wink, “And here I thought you of all people knew that already.”
. o O o .
With a strained grunt, Hiccup lifted the heavy saddle up and onto Trample’s broad back. It was difficult, but he had to get used to this. House Jag’r’s horses were so much bigger compared to those he was used to. Or… had been used to… His jaw tightened at the dull ache that accompanied this thought.
Once again, his eyes flickered to Astrid for a scant second to chase away the hurtful memories. When she’d left the tack room a few minutes before, she’d been in an exceedingly good mood, laughing about some comment Eret must have made. Then she’d returned to Markor’s stall, and was now humming quietly to herself. All he could see of her were occasional glimpses of her golden hair.
And she hadn’t even looked at him again.
But that was probably just because she was cautious. Yes, that had to be it. Despite the animated discussion he and Daniel had had last night and the friendly smile from this morning, Hiccup vividly remembered the warning he’d been given. Surely, it was just because she was trying to be careful. No need to panic...
“Okay, he’s ready,” Hiccup announced once the saddle was tightly attached to Trample. Eret and Daniel, who’d stood to the side, talking quietly, looked up and came over. “I’ve left the halter on as I guess you want to lunge first. But I can quickly bridle him, as soon as–”
“That’s alright, we can do that ourselves,” Eret said decidedly, and took the bridle out of Hiccup’s hand to lay it aside for later use. “But yes, we’ll do some lungeing first. Are you coming, Daniel? Lots to do today.”
Daniel hesitated and threw a questioning look over at his sister. “Aren't you coming, Astrid?” he asked, head cocked to the side as she made no move to leave Markor’s stall and follow them. Hiccup perked up his head to look at her, just like Eret did.
“No, I’ll stay here,” she replied absentmindedly, head leaned against the horse's neck and apparently entirely caught up in her thoughts.
His heartbeat quickened at the prospect of them staying behind – alone – but he also caught the worried expression on the Prince’s face. He seemed as if he wanted to object when Eret placed a hand on his friend’s arm.
“Hey, it’s all right,” he said quietly, his voice easily carrying toward where Hiccup stood. “I get that you’re worried for her after what you told me last night. But look at her. Does she look scared or anything? She’s fine. There’s no need to soothe any fears when there are none.”
“Maybe,” the Prince replied, murmuring. “It’s just…” Hiccup practically felt how piercing blue eyes rested on him for a moment, and he tried hard to act as if he was just lounging around and not listening in.
“Listen,” Eret interjected, even quieter than before. “There’s no need to worry about him. He’s not like that creep Thuggory or that other man. I promise – no, I vouch for him. She’s safe with him. Besides,” he added more cheerfully. “You do remember the scared swan, right? She can take care of herself.”
The Prince sighed, and from the corner of his eye, Hiccup saw how he nodded. “You’re right, I guess. Okay. Let’s get started.”
They left the stables and Hiccup gazed after them, thoughtfully. Eret’s words had hit him on many levels, and he wasn’t sure about which to think first. Why should Astrid be scared of him? He hadn’t given her any reason for that… had he? No, surely not. But what had he meant by creep? It didn’t make much sense to him. And what had that been about a scared swan? It had sounded… meaningful somehow, like there was a story behind that phrase. It at least seemed to have been important enough to convince the Prince in the end. He wondered what that had meant.
But aside from those confusing comments, there had been something else that bothered him even more. Eret had vouched for him… He’d promised that Astrid would be safe with Hiccup. Gulping, he fought to calm down the troubled emotions that started to boil up inside him.
Of course, Astrid was safe with him! The mere thought something could ever happen to her made his heart cramp painfully, and in that moment, he knew that he would do anything to ensure her safety. But that probably hadn’t been what Eret had meant.
No, the Prince wasn’t worried about something dangerous that could happen to her, some outer threat she needed protection from. And why would he be? There was not much that could actually happen to her here at the capitol. There were no Malarian raiders who could penetrate this far into the kingdom, and the only other real threat, the dragons, barely ever came this far south. No, what the Prince was worried about were some creeps, men who simply lusted after her body. And now, they’d left her alone with him, despite that fear. Because Eret had vouched for him.
Hiccup took a deep shuddering breath and closed his eyes. He’s right!, he thought to himself. He wasn’t like that, wasn’t forbiddenly lusting after some random girls like some men did. This was something different. Eret was right to leave her with him. The Prince probably would disagree if he knew about Hiccup’s feelings for her, but it was true nonetheless. She was safe with him. He would never…
As the stable door finally closed, he looked up at where she still stood inside the stall. She seemed lost in thoughts, so he felt free to gaze at her. Eret was right. When it came down to the points Daniel probably was concerned about, then she was safe with him. He would never do anything she wouldn’t want him to do. He wouldn’t venture where he was explicitly forbidden. He would never take what wasn’t rightfully his. But all Gods above, if the Prince knew about how they’d kissed last night, and how he wanted to kiss and hold her again right now, he would probably kill him on the spot.
And yet, he couldn’t bring himself to stay away from her. Not when they were finally alone.
He took a deep breath, grimacing as his leg tingled from standing still. Suddenly, he was nervous. He wasn’t sure how to approach her. Should he simply go to her, enter the stall and take her into his arms as he longed to? Simply being near her again? Somehow it felt weird to do so when she was so completely engrossed in enjoying her time with Markor.
He made a few hesitant steps in her direction, wondering why she wasn’t even looking at him. Hadn’t she noticed how Eret and her brother had left? That they were alone? Surely, she must have…
As he took another hesitant step in her direction, the stable door opened again, and Eret came in, his demeanour satisfied, and walked over to the hay bale with the basket. He snagged a pastry, took a bite, and then seemed to notice that Hiccup was sheepishly standing in the middle of the corridor.
“Why are you just standing there?” he asked, throwing Hiccup a confused look. “If you have nothing else to do, you can take a break and eat something.” He motioned to the basket. “This is for all of us, after all.”
“Erm… okay,” Hiccup said. He walked over to where Eret was standing and leaned against the straw bale as if to settle there, the basket in arm’s reach.
“How’s it going?”
Surprised at the suddenness of hearing Astrid, Hiccup turned to look; she’d poked her head out of the stall’s small opening, looking cheerful, her gaze entirely fixed on Eret, but Hiccup thought he could also see a certain tenseness in her.
“Perfectly, as expected,” Eret replied. “Daniel is leading him around so they get used to each other. But he won’t have any problems with this one.”
“That’s good to hear. I just hope he can keep him for a while this time.”
“Me too,” Eret sighed. “But the Malarians aren’t stupid. They know that, without the horses, our men are far less effective. It would be stupid of them not to target their attacks at them.”
“I know,” came Astrid’s despondent reply. “I just… I just wish all this pointless killing would stop at some point.”
“You’re not alone there,” snorted Eret, then waved and left the stables after grabbing a few more pastries on his way out.
Hiccup waited until the door was closed again, then stood up to walk over to her. Obviously, she wasn’t that lost in her thoughts, judging by her short conversation with Eret just now. Sure, she’d gone back to humming and scratching by now, but still...
He had almost reached the stall when she suddenly looked up after all. It was nothing but a quick glance, her stern blue eyes finding his without a moment’s doubt. She just looked, her expression unreadable, and then turned away again, her entire attention back on Markor.
Hiccup frowned but paused in his steps, confused. Why was she still acting like this when they were alone? Or did she genuinely want to spend time with her horse? That was something he couldn’t really begrudge her, considering how much she loved horses, according to Eret.
Indecisively, he paused in his steps, then turned and returned to the food basket. If that was what she wanted then he wouldn’t impose on her. Surely, they would get another chance… eventually…
Unsure what to do now, he reached into the basket and pulled out one of the pastries. He hadn’t paid attention to what he pulled out of the basket, instead just picking out something absently and taking a bite. But when the sweet taste of honey and nuts filled his mouth, his eyes closed on their own accord, savouring the divine taste. His thoughts drifted back to the night before, when he’d picked one of these by coincidence – the same one Astrid had reached for. It had felt like yet another string added to their connection, a tiny piece of knowledge about her, in that they had similar tastes in food.
Right… They were connected now. That was irrevocable. But that didn’t mean they would have to give up everything else. If she didn’t want to talk right now, if she wanted to enjoy her gift instead, well, that was okay. They still each had their own lives. Even though it felt to Hiccup as if his entire life was about her now.
Not wanting to sit around and feeling superfluous, Hiccup stood up and got the broom that was leaning against a wall. There were things he could do, something other than just oogle her all day if she was busy otherwise.
“Heh. I thought you wanted to eat,” came Eret’s teasing remark as he came inside again a few minutes later.
“Yes, and that’s what I did,” Hiccup replied, quickly searching his mind for more to say. “But sitting still isn’t all that comfortable on the long run. So I… I thought I could sweep the floor. You know, after grooming Trample...”
Eret gave him a strange look, but then simply shrugged. “Never try to make sense of a Tribesman,” he mumbled. Apparently, this was a common saying, but one Hiccup had never heard before two years ago. Eret walked past him to get the bridle from where it hung next to Tramples stall.
“Are you already done with lunging?”
Both Eret and Hiccup looked up at Astrid’s surprised remark. Again, she’d poked her head through the small opening and nodded at the bridle in Eret’s hand. Apparently, she was paying more attention to her surroundings then Hiccup had thought. She just didn’t seem to be interested in him.
“Yes, it works really well. A few rounds around the ring and that should be it,” Eret replied, and left the stables again.
Hiccup looked at the door through which his cousin had just left and then to where Astrid had retreated back into the stall, further avoiding even the tiniest contact. Not even a quick glance...
Had something happened to change her mind? He didn’t really believe that, didn’t want to believe that, but… seeing how she kept ignoring him didn’t exactly help to make him feel confident. Had she learned something or heard something and now didn’t want anything to do with him anymore? She probably couldn’t end this connection between them, but she surely could ignore it. Was that what she was doing? Ignoring him and move on?
A part of him wasn’t even surprised. Ever since he remembered, people had looked at him with disdain and contempt. For not being strong, for not being a fighter. For not being who they thought he would be. Was it really that surprising that Astrid, the beautiful Princess who could probably choose from a dozen or more handsome and rich Dukes didn’t want to be associated with a failure like himself?
He remembered how they’d collided in the tack room earlier. How she’d looked at him, not really happy, and how she’d pushed him away, hard enough for him to stumble to the ground. He’d thought she’d done it just because of the approaching footsteps, but now he wondered.
He looked down at his hand around the broom and snorted harshly. Of course, she didn’t want him. In the end, he was nothing. Nothing but a lowly servant, good for nothing but shovelling horse shit.
But that seemed to be the theme of his life. He hadn’t minded taking care of his father’s animals in his youth; he’d been far better at it than at fighting anyway. And he hadn’t minded doing so for his uncle during the past months, as it was his only means by which to pay him back for his kindness. He wouldn’t have minded doing it for the rest of his life if he’d chosen to become a stablemaster. He didn’t mind doing it while they were at the castle as it provided a perfect excuse for him not to be around noblemen who potentially might recognise him after all. And he didn’t mind doing it in the future as Eret’s squire either.
This was his life now, the life he had chosen. Granted, he’d chosen it to be with her. But even if she didn’t want him now anymore, then this was still his life. He would get used to it. Would have to...
His thoughts kept running in circles as he mechanically swept the floor. In Markor’s stall, she was humming a low tune to herself, sounding happy and content, and entirely ignorant of his misery. It was mind-jarring. Every now and then over the next hour or so, Eret or sometimes Daniel came inside, getting food or something to drink, or getting rid of their jackets as the sun rose higher. They gave friendly comments and Astrid happily chatted with them, but Hiccup wasn’t paying much attention.
Was that really it? One night of happiness, of dreaming about a life with her? A few hours of finally looking forward to the future? He gulped, and turned once more to look at her. In his mind’s eye, she seemed to radiate, to glow. She was joy and warmth and everything he wanted. And he wouldn’t simply give up like that!
He decided to approach her after all, taking the risk of her rejecting him against the uncertainty. He just had to try. Whatever it was that had changed her mind... maybe someone had told her something. Something that wasn’t true and he could set right. Or at least something he could explain. Reaching up to that burning spot on his chest to gather his courage, he went to Markor’s stall and was about to open the gate – when the front door opened again.
With brightly gleaming eyes, the Prince stepped inside. He directly went to the basket with the food and served himself, before he came over.
“These Jag’r-horses really are quite something,” he stated cheerily and threw a bit of cheese into his mouth. “The difference to the normal horses I had to ride during the last few weeks is almost ridiculous.” He shook his head in wonder.
Astrid looked up at him without a pause and threw him an amused smirk. “You’re aware of the fact that you say that every time? Shouldn’t you be used to that by now?”
Hiccup stood to the side, watching the exchange with trepidation and a rapidly beating heart. Had this been another sign? That he was to stay away? He felt numb. Maybe the rush of their weird connection had clouded her mind last night, and the light of day had made her see clear again. Maybe she simply didn’t want anything to do with him after all. If she decided to ignore their bond… Hiccup wasn’t sure how he was going to be able to cope then.
Astrid’s quiet but true laughter caught his attention again, and he put in some effort to concentrate on the here and now again. “You want to go on a ride? Through the countryside? Why am I not surprised?” she asked, amused.
Eret returned, too, leading Trample back inside. “It was inevitable, wasn’t it?” he dryly replied to her question, and tied the stallion to a ring mounted in his stall’s front. “But then, that’s why we’re all wearing riding gear, right? I’ll prepare Crusher, and Hiccup can help you with Markor once Cassie is ready. These two are far calmer, after all, that should go quickly. And–”
“I’m not going with you,” Astrid snorted, interrupting him. Three heads turned in her direction, all with equally surprised expressions on their faces. She didn’t want to go for a ride after she’d spent all morning cuddling her new horse? That didn’t really make sense. Surely, there was an explanation, but Hiccup wasn’t able to think right now. As if through a haze, he watched the back and forth around him, his numb mind trying to process.
“You’re not?” Daniel asked, bewildered. “Why? I thought you’d love to go for a ride with your new favourite man.” He chuckled, and Astrid threw him a dark glare.
“I would,” she admitted, a little miffed. “But as I recall, the proper saddle is still in the servants’ quarters. I surely won’t go for a ride on that hilarious torture device of a saddle.” She gestured toward the tack room, grimacing.
‘Ah, that makes sense,’ Hiccup thought numbly.
Eret and Daniel shared a concerned look. “I… didn’t think of that,” Eret admitted sheepishly.
Daniel grimaced, but then shrugged. “Ah, well... We can go on a ride on another day then. It’s not like we have much else to do during the next weeks until the Midwinter festivities.”
“No, don’t delay that ride,” Astrid said cheerily, turning back to pet Markor’s neck. “I can see how much you two are looking forward to it, and I don’t mind staying behind.”
“Seriously?” Eret gave her a sceptical look. “We’ll be gone for a couple of hours, I think. That could become quite boring.”
At that, she giggled. “I doubt that. You know me, I never notice much when I’m around horses. Surely not the passing of time.”
Despite himself, the increasingly pained thought in the back of Hiccup’s head commented, ‘Yeah, I noticed… not time... and not me.’
“True enough,” Eret shrugged.
“But you’d be all on your own,” Daniel threw in, worried. “I don’t think…”
“Oh, for Odin’s sake, I’ll be fine, Daniel,” she exclaimed. “Nobody ever comes here anyway.”
Daniel didn’t seem convinced.
“Hiccup could keep her company, if that makes you feel better,” Eret suggested, clearly eager to go for this fun ride they’d planned.
Daniel looked up at Hiccup, scrutinising him. But then his features cleared and he nodded. “Would that be all right for you, Astrid?” he asked.
She shrugged. “Sure, why not? If that makes you feel better.”
“You don’t mind babysitting my sister, right?” he asked, turning toward Hiccup with an amused twinkle in his eyes now. “She can be stubborn, but usually is good company.”
Hiccup swallowed, his gaze shifting from Daniel, who looked at him expectantly, to Astrid, who had all her attention on Markor again, and back again. “Of course, Milord. I don’t mind,” he said, as he thought ‘It can’t get any worse anyway.’
“Okay, then that’s settled,” Eret said, relieved.
Daniel stayed with Trample as Hiccup helped Eret preparing Crusher. They worked quickly; the past months had made them quite efficient, and shortly, Eret and the Prince led their horses back outside.
“Until later then. Don’t eat all the food, okay?” Eret called in parting.
“Have fun,” Astrid called back, and waved absentmindedly after them.
Hiccup followed them outside to hold the two black stallions in place until their riders sat in their saddles. Then he gazed after them as they rode past the paddock and finally disappeared behind a hill. He didn’t really want to go back inside, and dreaded the idea of spending hours with Astrid ignoring him like she’d done all day. But he had not much choice in that matter. He had agreed to keep her company, after all…
Those would be some long hours indeed.
But when he entered the stables and closed the door behind him, he suddenly found himself with an unexpected armful of Princess. Out of reflex, his arms closed around her, holding her, before his mind even had the slightest chance to understand what had happened.
“I thought they’d never leave,” she mumbled against his chest, her hands on his back clutching him tightly.
“W-What?” he stammered, disoriented by the sudden change in her behaviour. His arms around her were trembling.
“I knew they would want to go for a ride,” she explained, chuckling weakly. “They always do. I just had to convince them that they could leave me – leave us here without worrying.”
And then he understood. She’d acted so indifferent on purpose, so neither Daniel or Eret would think anything about leaving them alone? Because she’d known that would give them the chance to actually be alone? Gods…
Relief washed through him like a tangible warm wave, brushing away his tension and anxiety in a heartbeat. His arms around her tightened and he clutched her to his chest, chuckling shakily at his own stupidity. With her in his arms now and the already so familiar mayweed scent in his nose, he saw how pointless his worries had been. Of course she wouldn’t ignore their bond. Of course not…
“Eret was right,” he said, voice trembling slightly as he recalled something his cousin had said regularly. “Your mood swings really are dangerous.”
In his arms, she laughed lightly, the sweet sound making his heart swell. “Only if you don’t see them coming,” she replied, grinning up at him.
Despite her obviously good mood, her words dampened his own noticeably. “Guess I don’t know you well enough, then,” he replied throatily, grimacing as that fact hit him once again.
At his despondent tone, Astrid retreated to look up at him. She raised one hand and let her fingers glide over his face, as if to smooth out the lines that had formed there. Exhaling slowly, he leaned into her touch, warm and soft like sunshine.
“Well, we have a couple of hours to change that,” she said lightly, eyes soft as he looked at her. “What would you want to know?”
. o O o .
Okay... you knew the angst would come, right? I mean... it's me! Just a tiny droplet though... more to come in later chapters ;)
So, one chapter to go until the hiatus. Two warnings though: 1. Sticky-sweet, teeth-rotting fluff to come... xD 2. I sincerely hope the next chapter will be on time... But it's my birthday this Sunday, and usually, things always get a bit hectic. I'll do my best, though :)
Comments are always welcome :)
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lanaberryrawr · 6 years
Hello dear Lana!! It is I, trans girl! Victor Anon! \(°❤️``)/ hope you're doing well!!! I just had an idea for a ficlet. A Royalty au where Victor insists on treating his arranged marriage like a secret romance,and Yuuri rolls with it after a while and they have lots of laughs ❤️
Hello!!! :D I hope you’re doing well as well! :D And omg, I love this XD Like I really really love it, it’s probably one of my favourites! I got far too into it as I was writing it, I have to say…. It’s the longest one I’ve done, and I was laughing through all of it XD I hope you enjoy it :3
Yuuri tiptoed through the walled gardens at midnight,listening to the chirping of the crickets as they sung. Beneath that, helistened for footsteps as his gaze flickered through the darkness, searching forany moving shadows.
When he was sure that he was alone in the gardens, he snuckdeeper in. The flowers closed under the moonlight, sleeping until the earlyrays of the morning sun would peek over the horizon. They swayed in the lightbreeze and Yuuri wrapped his shawl tighter around his shoulders. He glancedover his shoulder, making sure that he wasn’t followed, and saw the outline ofthe castle against the dark blue background of the night, a few windows brightwith lights from the night guards. It rested on top of the hill, overlooking alush valley, is grounds larger than fifty football fields.
It belonged to the royal family and held them within its oldwalls. Yuuri knew them well, but that was why he had to keep his nightlyadventures a secret. While the majority of the royals slept, he snuck throughthe walled gardens, deep into its well-kept mazes and blooming flowers tosearch out a particular person.
Yuuri felt his heart clench at the thought of the personthat was waiting for him. He turned back to his task and entered the innerlevel of the garden through a hedge arch. It opened to a small hill. A river layat the bottom, glittering under the light of the moon and a thousand stars. Hecarefully tiptoed down, searching for the silhouette he most wanted to see.
It wasn’t until he reached the river that he saw it. A tallman was facing the brook with his arms behind his back. He wore fine, detailedclothing, woven with gold thread and tailored to fit no one but him. Every edgeaccentuated his form. But it didn’t compare to the man himself. As Viktorturned, his pale skin shone underneath the light, hair sparkling, eyes shiningbeautifully as if he had managed to capture the stars themselves in his gaze.He grinned as he saw Yuuri, turning to reach out one hand.
Yuuri accepted it without any hesitation. He drowned inViktor’s warmth, almost forgetting the chill in the air entirely. Viktor pulledhim close and pressed a kiss to his cheek.
“I trust that you were without difficulty?”
“Please,” Yuuri chuckled. “I know the guards’ schedule bynow. They make it easy.” He pressed a loving kiss to Viktor’s lips, cupping theman’s perfect face in his hands as gently as if he was carrying the world.
Viktor pulled back and wrapped his arms around Yuuri’swaist, pulling him closer again until there was so space between their bodies. “Itis no wonder that they have not caught us yet,” he whispered.
Viktor’s voice sent shivers up Yuuri’s spine. “We are toogood.”
“I crave more than our secret rendezvous, Yuuri. I cravemore than moonlight meetings, of passed glances in the hallway, barely a word spokenbetween us during the day. I know we must remain a secret, for the good of myfamily and for your future, but I am growing impatient with this situation.”
Yuuri pressed another kiss to Viktor’s lips to stop his wordsand to stop Yuuri’s own rising laugh as it bubbled up his chest. Supress it, hethought. “It must be this way, Viktor. You began this. You said so yourself.”
“I know, but I regret my past self for his foolishness. I donot care for what they would say about us – I want to pick you up and run off,somewhere where my title means nothing and I can marry you.”
Yuuri gentle ran his thumbs over Viktor’s skin, surprisedevery time that his cheeks were so soft. For a man that seemed to have everyedge carved out by the gods, crafted in the image of legends, Viktor wassurprisingly soft and rounded when looked at closer. He was also made of hardmuscle – Yuuri knew that well from previous meetings, of time spent with wanderinghands and rushed words, but Viktor was never limited to one thing. Hard andsoft, beautiful and dangerous, the love of Yuuri’s life and his best friend.
“We have things to think of, Viktor. This situation – it doesnot stop at us. We both have families, we have responsibilities. You have acountry.”
Viktor huffed and leaned forwards, pressing his forehead toYuuri’s. For a moment, he said nothing, simply stared into Yuuri’s eyes andbreathed between them. It was as the chill in the air was beginning to deepen,making it through their warm little bubble, that he finally spoke, “Damn our difficultlives. I would have you my husband despite what my family says. We could runthis country together. We-”
Footsteps interrupted Viktor’s speech. At first, Yuuri flinched,too immersed in their roles before he reminded himself of the reality. Heturned in Viktor’s arms just in time to see a torch light dancing across thegrass. Three guards were making their way down the hill, walking louder thanthey normally would have to warn the couple of their arrival. In the hands ofthe first guard, he held blankets and hot cups of tea.
Viktor huffed. “Must you interrupt? I was in the middle of aromantic speech.”
“Sorry Prince Viktor, but we noticed it was growing cold. Wethought it best to collect you and your fiancé before the frost settled in,”the guard with the torch informed.
Viktor glanced down to Yuuri, rubbing his hands along hisspine. He sighed. “I suppose that was a good idea. I was beginning to feel thechill.”
Yuuri couldn’t contain his grin. “It was a very romanticspeech, Viktor. Had I not been your fiancé and instead a lowly servantforbidden to be with you, I would have agreed to throw away everything to marryyou.”
“How about eloping?”
“Of course. You move me every meeting with your words,”Yuuri complimented. Viktor dipped him and pressed another kiss to his lips,this one hungrier than the last few.
As Viktor puled back, the guards settled blankets upon Yuuri’sand Viktor’s shoulders, handing them the steaming cups of tea. The first guard said,“Prince Viktor, I still do not understand why you insist on these plays. It is growinginto Autumn, much too cold for you to pretend to sneak out in the middle of thenight.”
Yuuri looped an arm around Viktor’s and took a sip of thetea, feeling it warm his chilled lips.
As they were guided back to the castle, Viktor answered, “Becauseit’s romantic!”
“You two are already arranged to marry,” the third guardchuckled.
“But in any social standing, any situation, any life, Iwould find Yuuri and fight for him,” Viktor pouted, leaning closer to Yuuri. “Andas our wedding day draws closer, our days are filled with stress. There isnothing like a secret meeting in the middle of the night to relax.”
“I agree,” Yuuri replied. “And Viktor looks so handsomeunderneath the moonlight. How could I say no to that?”
Viktor smiled and kissed his forehead.
The guards before them groaned, familiar with the cheesy words.The first said, “I have never seen an arranged couple so happy before.” Theothers agreed.
Viktor and Yuuri did not hear though. Viktor was whisperingplans into Yuuri’s ear for their next ‘secret’ meeting. This time, a rushed picnicfrom the leftovers in the kitchen before the library fireplace soundedromantic. Yuuri couldn’t agree more.
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mindofhills · 6 years
Mad World / Ethan Dolan Imagine
 Pairing: Ethan Dolan x reader
WARNING!: Smoking cigarettes, almost living on the street, drugs, very detail, hints of suicides and murders, drug addiction, depression, puking, kissing
Word Count: 4 915
Plot: You’re depressed and not happy with the way you look. You have everything, but still don’t feel like you fit in. One day you meet Ethan, who puts that sparkle back to your eyes.
A/N: I’m not saying I’m back, but I kind of am. I hope you like it, I just got that idea while listening to a song so bare with me. I don’t know, why I wrote such a dark imagine. If you want a part 2, let me know. I planned on writing it all into one imagine, but it would’ve been sooo long. It already is and I’m not even halfway through with my idea so tell me if you want another part, it’s going to be interesting. (Literally, no one requests xd)
Listen to this while reading it. You’ll get what she’s feeling and what’s going on in her head.
Kinda helpful note: Feel the beat more than the lyrics, the beat describes and makes you feel like she does, lyrics describe everything that’s going through her mind. (Not yet, but if y’all want then in next one you’ll get it more)
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I walk alone on the streets a cigarette in my mouth. A tear is falling down my cheek and I wipe it away with my sleeve. I’m wearing the clothes I usually do, they’re just dirty from sleeping on the ground. I’m not homeless. I just sleep on the streets sometimes, because I don’t want to go home. 
My mom’s okay, she’s very supportive and I love her with all of my heart. There’s nothing wrong with my home, no one beats me or something like that. It’s all very good and that’s the problem. When I’m home I feel like I’m a black stack on a white towel. I just ruin the whole picture. We’re rich and I’m just the right person for that kind of life.
My parents know I like to wander around, but I’ve always told them that I’m hiking or some kind of bullshit like that. Actually, I just love to sleep on the streets. I feel like I belong there. I feel like I’m at home when I’m sleeping in some abandoned building. Most of my friends are on the streets too.
I’m not a drug addict. I don’t do heroin or cocaine or something like that. To escape from reality I smoke a little weed or take acid. It’s suited for me, makes me happier. My friends are drug addicts, yes.
My friend Jim is addicted to heroin. I tried helping him, but nothing barely works. He promised me that he’ll go to rehab and I’m making sure he goes there. I haven’t seen him for a couple of days. I hope he’s alive. That’s the life on the streets. You never know if you’re going to see your friends after leaving them.
My friend Mickey died three months ago, he overdosed. It’s hard living like this, but as I said earlier. I feel like home. That dark life fits perfectly with me. I still cry, because I loved him. He wasn’t exactly my boyfriend, but we did flirt and stuff like this. I know he loved me too, I’m sure of it.
I’ve been living like this, well not living. Surviving like this for almost two years now. I’m not happy, but happier than I would be living with my parents want me to live. Be that perfect girl, who everyone loves and who is a role model to everyone around her.
Here I am, wandering around on the streets. The streets are wet, it rained earlier. The clock shows almost 10PM and it’s Friday night. I think I’ll go meet my friend. I take the last hit from my cigarette and throw it on the ground. I turn back to the main street and see a bunch of people laughing passing me on the street.
They act like I don’t even exist. I turn to see my reflection from a window. My mascara is a bit ruined so I fix it a little and keep walking. This is my life, I walk around the city that never sleeps, go to Times Square and look at the billboards. 
I look up my neck hurting and see all the buildings, billboards. Yet, I don’t feel like people around me are happy. Yes, they are happy, but I mean that they all have something missing in their life. We’re never happy with what we have.
My phone rings, it’s my mom. I answer it. “Hi, mom!” I say in a rusty voice. “Where are you, baby? I’m worried sick!”. “I’m in Times Square. Mom, I think I’m going over to Jim’s and then I’ll come home. Is that okay?” I ask politely. I don’t want my mom to be upset or anything.
She agrees and I hang up. I take a deep breath in and then go to Starbucks near me. I grab myself and Jim a cup of hot coffee, some sandwiches and muffins. I know he doesn’t eat that often so I’ll surprise him. I hope he’s still there, I hope he still lives. I sit down, waiting for my order and I see some guy walking in.
I have t admit he’s kind of hot, well actually really hot. I giggle to myself. “He has a twin,” I think to myself. Of course, he does, good things come in two’s. I stand up after hearing my name. I take my bag and turn around. I bump into someone and muffle a low sorry to them.
I’m pretty invisible so I don’t think much of it. They say it’s alright and I walk out to the street. Cold air brushing against my face. I sit down to the side of the road and take a sip out of my coffee. I want to see Jim, he’s all that I have. I do have my parents, but they’re not nearly close to me as Jim is to me.
He really gets me and understands me. I stand up and start walking towards the abandoned building Jim and I usually crash in, but then I hear loud screaming coming from behind me. I turn around and see some girls running towards the twins, hugging them.
I laugh to myself and watch it all godown. They take pictures, share the love and all that kind of jazz. Soon the girls leave and one of the twins with an earring walk away, but the other stares at me. I smile, turn around and start walking again until I feel a tap on my shoulder.
I turn around and see that it’s one of the twins. “Hi,” he says softly and I smile. “Hi,” I say in my rusty voice. “Do you need help going somewhere?” I ask him. I can tell that he’s not from NY, he’s all tanned and happy with everything. He doesn’t have that deep dark spot on him. He has little ones and it’s normal.
He giggles and shakes his head, “No, but how did you know I’m not from here?” he asks me. “You’re tanned and happy. It says it all,” I say smiling and start walking thinking that was it, but he follows me. “Why do you think I’m happy?” he asks me a little bit more seriously. “I don’t think that, I know that,” I respond.
“What’s your name?” he asks and I turn around to face him. I raise my brow at him. “You’re asking me my name?” I ask him. I was really surprised. I’m so used to the fact that I’m invisible. He nods. “Y/N and yours?” I ask. “Ethan,” he says. I smile “Nice to meet you, Ethan.” “Can I ask you your number?” he asks me.
“What do you need that for?” I ask him. “To ask you out on a date,” he says smirking. “I don’t think you’d want that,” I say and start walking a little faster. He doesn’t know me and if he did he wouldn’t want anything to do with me. “I do, that’s why I’ asking, Y/N” he says. I know I’m going to regret it, but I gave him my phone number.
“My coffee is getting cold so I’d better get going,” I say. He smiles, hugs me and we say our goodbyes. I was in my dirty clothes and a guy approached me. What’s going on in this world? I take out my pack of cigarettes and light one up. I love myself some nicotine.
I walk into the building and wander around. I see everyone except Jim. “Hey, Max! Have you seen Jim?” I ask my other friend. He’s 43 years old and on the streets because life happened.  gave him one sandwich and he thanked me. I went back to his ‘room’ which actually was just a room with a mattress and a couch in it. He stole it somewhere, but I don’t know exactly.
I lay down on the mattress. It still smells like him. I take a sip of coffee and start eating my sandwich. I talk to Max a little. Once I check the clock I had been here for over three hours and still no sign of Jim. I’m really worried, I haven’t seen him for so long. I can’t handle him dying too. Not all my friends.
I get up, leave him some food, but I hide it otherwise someone else eats it and I want Jim to have it. Locals know, it’s for him, but sometimes new ones come here and break the rules. They don’t know them, but still. I step out of his ‘room’ and go over to Max. “I’m gonna go,” I say to him and he pulls me in for a hug. “Max, if you see Jim please let me know. Tell him to come over to my place and ring the bell or if you’ll know.. you know..” I say and he stops me.
He knows, what I’m talking about, but we don’t want to say it out loud. It’s too much. I can’t even handle the thought of him dying. I say goodbye to others as well and start walking to home. I check the time and its 1AM. I see I’ve gotten a text from someone.
Hey, Y/N! It’s me, Ethan
It’s that twin guy from Starbuck, he actually texted me. I giggle to myself. God, I hate myself. Why am I being such a little girl? Giggling, when a guy texts me. I text him back.
Hey! What’s up?
I put my phone in my pocket and start walking, but then a thought hits me. “He might be home!” I say out loud and then start running to his house. He leaves a couple of blocks away from that building so it’s not that long run. I feel my phone buzz in my pocket. I stop and look at it.
I know it’s weird and it’s late, but do you want to meet up? :D
I laugh and response.
Okay. Meet me at the place, where we met in 20.
I put my phone away and start running again. I don’t stop until I’m in front of his house. I look at his window and there’s no light. I scream his name, but nothing. I turn around and start walking to Starbucks. I light a cigarette and wipe away a tear running down my face. I can’t lose him.
Where the fuck is he? He just can’t go missing, he’s Jim. He never goes missing. Without even realizing I was at the place, where I met Ethan. Maybe five hours ago. I’m so stupid, what the hell am I doing? I sit down and cry. My heart hurts, because of him. It’s the struggle of living on the streets, I repeat to myself.
I hear my name and quickly wipe away tears and my mascara that has been ruined once again, because of crying. “Hey,” I say smiling and he helps me up. “I know it’s weird that I wanted to meet up with you, but I just couldn’t get you out of my head. You left me with a weird vibe,” he said and I giggle.
I have to admit he’s cute and he makes me feel happier. It’s weird though. “I left you with a weird vibe?” I ask him giggling. “Yeah,” he says and looks at me. His eyes have that spark that I only have with my best friend, well and now with him.
I start walking and ask him, why? “Well, the way you talked and everything felt like there’s so much more to you and I wanted to know, what it is,” he said. Darkness, I think to myself. That’s all that I have. A hint of drugs and loneliness. My friends dying, because they overdose, get killed or kill themselves.
I don’t think he really wants to know, what’s more to me and I’m not planning on telling him that easily. “You want to know, what’s more to me?” I ask and he nods with a smile. “Or maybe you just wanted to hang out with me,” I say flirting a little and he smiles. I can see a hint of pink coming through his cheeks.
“That too,” he says and I laugh. “There’s a lot more to me that you don’t know and to be very honest with you. I think that if I told you, you would run away, because no one and I do mean no one, wants to deal with me,” I say.
“I want to deal with you, Y/N. I really do,” he says and looks at me with his pure puppy eyes. He’s so pure and yet so dark. One moment he seems like a nice kid and then again he looks like a bad boy. I like both sides, the dark one even better.
“You’re sure about that?” I ask him and he nods again. “I really am. There’s something about you, I don’t know what it is, but it’s kinda driving me crazy. I mean I just met you, but you have some kind of power over me, Y/N.”
I smile. Is he saying that he’s into me? I look like a homeless and well I kind of am and he still thinks I’m attractive in any way. Wow. We pass a basketball field, where Jim likes to play, I look over and see someone sitting down. Without even a second thought I started running. “Y/N! What happened?” Ethan screams behind me, but I hear footsteps so it means he’s running with me.
I sit down next to him and look at his face. It’s Jim. “Jim! Wake up!” I scream and check his pulse. I weird noise comes from his thought. “He needs to puke, help me please,” I say to Ethan and he helps me get him up. As soon as he’s up, he pukes. Hard. “Y/N, baby. Is that really you?” he asks me after cleaning himself up and I smile. “Yes. Where the fuck have you been? I was so fucking worried, I thought I lost you too,” I say and pull him in for a hug.
He hugs me back and I can feel him smile. “You know you’re not getting rid of me that easily,” he says. I look at him tears running down my face. He grabs my face in his hands “I’m not leaving you, Y/N! Don’t you ever fucking think that, okay? I love you,” he says. He kisses me on my forehead and hugs me again.
I look at Ethan and he seems confused as hell. I pull away from him “I have someone I’d like you to meet. This is Ethan,” I say. “Hi, I’m Jim. I’m Y/N’s best friend, her family basically,” he says and I giggle. “Hey, I’m Ethan,” he says and I see that he’s relieved. I bet he thought he was my boyfriend.
“Where were you?” I ask turning to Jim. “Well, I needed some money so Mike and I robbed a store. The rest I think you know,” he says looking down. I shake my head. “You promised me!” I almost scream at him. “You told me you’d never do that again and you’d get help!” I screamed. I was a mess. He pulled me in for a hug. “I know, baby. Listen. It’s all done okay. It was the last time I’d ever do it and I’m going to get help. For you, okay?” he says and I pull away.
“Promise me,” I say holding up my pinky. “I promise,” he says and gives me his pinkey. “Promise to Ethan as well,” I say and they both look confused, but for me, they agree and shake their pinkies. There was no explanation needed. “I left you some food back in the building. Coffee is cold, but you’ll like it. It’s like a frappe and there’s also some sandwiches and muffins,” I say and he nods.
“Did you hide it?” he asks me and I nod. “Thank you, baby. I’ll get going. You coming tonight?” he asked me hugging me. I nodded and we said our goodbyes. I sat down on the ground and watched him leave. He turned around and looked at me smiling and then he turned behind a corner.
“I know that you have a lot of questions so I’ll just explain it all myself. Jim is my best friend and he’s addicted to heroin. Our other best friends Mickey died three months ago. He overdosed and then Jim promised me that he’d get help. He’d change himself just for me. I hadn’t seen him for four days now. When I met you at the Starbucks. I was getting coffee and food for me and him. He lives in an abandoned building, where I sleep as well. I’m not homeless. My parents live pretty much next to Times Square.
As you can tell, my parents are rich. I don’t feel like I fit in though. I feel like a black stack on a white towel. I’ve always described my feelings like this. I go there to change clothes, eat and sometimes sleep. I’ve even invited Jim and Mickey there when it was cold outside. My parents were angry at first, but then they melted their hearts with how kind and adorable they were.
Jim isn’t actually homeless, he has a home, but he kind of left there, because of drugs. Same applied to Mickey. So here I am, almost living on the streets. Sometimes doing drugs myself to escape the reality and be happy for awhile.
Then you came around and your sparkly puppy eyes melted my heart. My eyes only have that shine that you see, when I was with my best friends and now they shine, because of you. Mostly, because you’re extremely attractive and so pleasing to watch, but also, because I feel some weird connection or something with you.
I can’t really describe it, but I just do. When Jim said he’s my family, it’s actually true. I’m way closer to him than I’ve ever been with my parents. That’s just how it is. So now that you know, how fucked up I am. I give you the permission to leave. Don’t worry it won’t be weird and I won’t be mad. I used to it honestly. So it has been nice knowing you and goodbye.”
I stand up, smile at him and start walking to the building. Then I hear footsteps coming from behind. I turn around and I see Ethan following me. “I’m not going anywhere, Y/N. I’m not leaving you just because your life is different. I don’t care, where do you sleep or any of that. You’re just in a very bad place with your life and if I can make it better, I will,” he said and with every word he was stepping closer and closer to me so by the end of his small speech, our bodies were touching.
My heart was beating so hard and so fast that I felt it was going to jump out of my chest. “Do you… Do you want to come to the building with me?” I asked him shyly staring at my feet. He lifted my head with his thumb and index finger and looked deep into my eyes. He smiled and said “Of course,” I smiled, took his hand and lead the way.
I was still holding his hand when we stepped in. I looked back at him and he wasn’t disgusted or anything like that. He didn’t move a muscle. “We can leave if you want,” I said and he smiled at me. “No, I want to see, where you sometimes sleep,” he said and I smiled. It means a lot to me. I’ve never had someone, who actually is interested in the life I live.
I saw Max reading a newspaper that I’ve brought him. I always bring him New York Times, he says that he likes to know, what’s going on in the world. “Hey, Max!” I say and go hug him. He giggles and hugs me back. “I see you brought a friend. Who’s he?” he asks me winking. I feel myself blush.
“Hi, I’m Ethan,” he says and shakes hands with him. “You look nice. You’re not from the streets, aren’t you?” Max asks him and he shakes his head. “No, I’m from LA actually,” he says looking at me and I raise an eyebrow. He giggles and I laugh. “I can tell, you have a tan,” Max tells and looks at me giggling.
“Come on boy. Sit here,” Max says and Ethan sits next to him on an old couch. “Tell me, what are your intentions with Y/N?” Max asks him. I was shocked for a minute and then giggled. Max was like my father, really protective of me. “Stop it, Max,” I said shyly. “I was planning on hopefully making her mine,” he said and looked at with a smirk.
I blushed. “I appreciate that. These are good intentions. Treat her like a diamond she is,” Max says. Ethan looks at me smiling “I will, Max. I promise you that,” and I felt a heatwave run through me. “Okay, let’s go,” I grabbed Ethan’s hand and whispered to Max “You need to stop that.”
He smiled and winked at me. We went back to Jim’s ‘room’. He was laying down on his mattress, sleeping. He had eaten all the food I brought him. I cleaned the papers and bags away. “Here I sleep. We pull on a blanket and it’s really comfortable,” I said to him. I was nervous, I really was.
He pulls me closer to him. “There’s no need to be nervous, Y/N. I like you the way you are,” he says and pulled me in for a hug kissing my forehead. A shiver ran down my spine. “You like me?” I whispered hoping he wouldn’t hear me. “I’m afraid I do,” he says smirking and I giggle.
I jump next to Jim. He seems to be really still so I got afraid for a minute and checked his pulse. “Y/N, I’m alive. Stop checking my fucking pulse,” he says and grabs me next to him so I roll over him laughing. “I got scared, okay? I’m worried, you know that” I said and he nodded. “I know,” he said and pulled me closer to him placing a kiss on my forehead. “Ethan’s here,” I said to him.
“That pretty boy, who I met when you thought I was dead?” he asked me and I nod. He turns around and sees Ethan sitting on a table in front of us. “Hey, dude!” he says and they shake their hands. “Never thought I’d see you in here,” he said and Ethan smiled. “Well, here I am,” he said and Jim nods.
“So, Ethan. How long have you known, Y/N? I’ve been gone for four days and she already has a guy I don’t know about,” he says and raises an eyebrow at me jokingly. “We met today actually,” Ethan says and smiles at me. “You already like each other? Damn,” he says and stands up. 
“What are your plans with her?” Jim asks him and I hide my face in the blanket. I’m so embarrassed. He is being a little too protective again. “I want to take her out on a nice date, get to know her more and hopefully make her mine if she agrees,” Ethan says and I can hear his smirk from his voice.
Jim laughs “Trust me, she will. She’s already head over heel-” “STOP!” I scream and jump out of the blankets landing on his back. I put my hand over his mouth. “Stop it! I’m not,” I whisper to him, he starts laughing and get down. “Anyways, what I wanted to say before I was rudely interrupted was that if you plan on or even intend to hurt her. I will destroy you, got it?” he was kinda scaring me too.
“Got it,” Ethan said with a cold nerve and a smile. He offered him his hand which Jim gladly took. They shook hand a lot. Why does he have to be so protective of me? I mean I get it and I like it, but stop scaring him away. I actually like him and I don’t want him to vanish into thin air.
After talking for almost two hours, we said goodbye and left. He ordered an Uber and it stopped at Time Square. I didn’t want him to drop me off at my house. It would’ve been awkward.
We stepped out of the car and he drove off. Times Square is still full of people. Ethan looks around and says “It really is a city that never sleeps, huh?” and I smile. “It is.” I look down at my feet being too scared to look at him in the face.
“I really had fun tonight,” he says smiling. He really did? “We didn’t even do anything that fun,” I say to him. He laughs “Being with you is fun,” he says and I feel myself blush. “I can say the same,” I said a huge smile on my face.
He steps closer to me, his chest now touching mine. My heartbeat got faster and faster with every passing second. Blood ran through my head and I lost my hearing. Suddenly it was just me and him. No one else, just us two. He slowly leaned in. I felt his breath on my skin and it was amazing.
His juicy lips brushed softly against mine. When he finally kissed me it felt like I was in another world. I felt like I was flying, my heartbeat was going crazy. My knees were weak. I put my hand into his hair pulling it. His hands were on my lower back pulling me closer to him.
I could tell he liked when I was pulling his hair because a soft moan escaped his lips. It was the most beautiful sound I have ever heard. He pulled away my lungs screaming for air. My eyes were still closed and his forehead was on mine.
When he pulled away and looked at me I couldn’t help, but smile. “will I see you today?” he asked me. “I hope so,” I answered with a smirk. I kissed his cheek and walked away. I looked back and I saw him giggling. He’s such an angel.
I got home and closed the door behind me. I tiptoed to my room and opened my phone. I had a text from Ethan
Goodnight, beautiful & I found your snapchat ;)
I opened my snap and saw that he had added me as a friend. I added him back and immediately I received a snap from him. It was a video, where he was laying in bed with a sleepy husky voice. “Goodnight, princess. See you today” and then it started again. I watched it at least 20 times on loop before I closed it.
Jim was right. I was already in deep and I barely knew the guy.
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