#Hearthstone Promotion
elodieunderglass · 2 years
I really like the idea that one of the weird lurkers of your blog (like me) just hangs around looking for inspiration to write papers about. Like I realize that's not how it probably actually went down, but 2017 to 2022 seems like a pretty reasonable lead time from reading your post to conducting the research to writing and publishing the paper.
In reference to this:
It’s amusing that the original post only got 22 notes (likes), but when I looked at it again it had 19, which I’m choosing to interpret as the authors sheepishly withdrawing their likes in order to preserve their anonymity.
I think they probably just googled the phrase “friends to lovers pathway” before using it as the title of their paper and pulled up my post, or the other alternative being that the post popped onto their timeline when they were in the early stages of manuscript prep, and it was a moment of academic serendipity. I definitely don’t think I inspired the work in any way - just the quote and title. But it’s funny to imagine being studied.
I should say that I don’t necessarily expect permission to be asked if people intend to prosper or advance their careers from my words or art. However, I do appreciate the courtesy of being told that it’s happened. So far I’ve been quoted in a published book, quoted to name an academic paper, a person is actively selling plushies and other merchandise based on a post of mine while claiming that it’s their intellectual property actually, and screenshots of my work are regularly considered hilarious enough to steal but not pay me for. (the cricket post in particular was screencapped, went viral on Twitter some years ago without reference to me, was shared around BBC journalist twitter, and hundreds of people in the media industry said things like ‘lol we should pay this person to write’ …. in the apparent ignorance of the fact that if they had asked I would probably be open to…. Being paid to write……… and all the other times my posts have broken containment to go viral on other platforms for other people, with comments about how I should be commissioned to write a book; obviously that’s a normal part of online journalism and media, and I’m not naive about it, but it’s a bit much to for these people to be enriching their platforms with screencapped content, without the OP’s knowledge let alone consent, and joking about how they should pay for it or would read a whole book about it, when they’re the only people who could actually do something about it in the nightmare media landscape.) And nobody told me about any of these examples, I always find out by trying to retrieve links to my own stuff, or by friends telling me that someone else has gone so viral with my recognisable work that it got around to them.
Anyway if you do use my stuff in your own stuff, do let me know! I’m not here to prosper, but I am here to connect, and I’m quite willing to link your paper (and write a lay summary for free), buy your book or art, make your acquaintance, promote your work, or just add it to my portfolio - because if I ever DID want to prosper from my work here, which I wouldn’t usually consider except that it is evidently peer-reviewed good-enough-for-others-to-prosper-from, all of that would be valuable and helpful for me to know.
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lunarsilkscreen · 5 months
Long-Term Strategy for Game Series Support
We're entering an era of Long-Term support for Video Games Series. (THAT'S A LIE, WEVE BEEN THERE FOR A MINUTE NOW.)
As Developers and Publishers start shutting down online services for older games (and in some cases disabling the game entirely)
Which is necessary, considering that servers take money to continue running. And older game players simply aren't bringing in revenue to keep the lights on. (Because they're not bringing in any money)
The question that AAA developers should be asking; "How do we integrate our games backend into a shared eco-system in order to reduce costs for each individual game, and increase adoption of newer services/games for our players?"
This is a question that must be asked because Developers and Publishers already know how difficult it is to retain profits while competing with the Resale and Third-Party markets like GameStop.
Many developers have started creating "Always On" services which require the game to be connected to the internet in order to play offline portions. (To verify authenticity that the game was purchased from an official source and not pirated.)
After-all it's hard to continue paying for online services if pirates are using them.
Still, services like Hearthstone provide a free service, free product, and still manage to turn profit. Part of this is because of the competitive environment and sponsored tournaments.
By offering a prize, plenty of players can be convinced to play, just in case they feel like going pro next year.
But they probably won't. Despite that; the game is incredibly fun to play. Except when several players in a row have the exact combo that enables them to keep tempo, and so you gotta grin and bear it till it becomes fun again.
Or buy more cards.
Still, how do you create an environment for the casual players of casual games. Like Animal Crossing, or Pokemon. Since most Pokemon players aren't competitive.
After a half-a-decade, the business model dictates that you sell a new game to replace the old one.
Part of the problem here is that each new game has a lot of the same content as the old game, and thus; in order to switch you need throw away your old save file and start from scratch.
Many players that would do that just because they can would have done so already. And so older players may end up giving up both the old and new, simply because it's easier to do so.
Despite the newest games having a lot of the same content, a lot of old content is lost. Like the Story. What would traditionally be called the "Movie" or "Novel" portion. Depending on if it was a cutscenes or several hundred lines of text.
And so in order to re-experience the old content; many players may instead choose to simply to pirate the old content, or read about it from online sources.
Part of the solution is to simply offer the old content to new players. And to try to convince older players into the new areas by allowing them to bring their old content and achievements with them.
This can be accomplished a few different ways. Crypto is one way to create a ledger tied to a players account so that they can share their content between platforms and games.
Nearly every platform, PlayStation, XBOX, and while Nintendo doesn't offer a platform specific variant, game often still include achievements.
And this system can be used to store certain content on a player basis to brought into newer or different games.
This would also enable cross-game items/content/achievements that players could bring with them from series to series.
Which would be a boom for cross-promotional purposes. And by creating an environment and a system that enables to store this in the same place(cloud). You could also control for DataBase specifications in order to reduce size and increase speeds for each individual game.
Now, I am pretty well Versed in Learning Content Distribution. SCORM(This is an acronym you don't need to know, and would only raise more questions if I explain it, so I'll stick to the surface here.) SCORM, TinCan, and xAPI (not to be confused with Twitter) are specifications created for the Learning Management Environment (Education, College, Government, and corporate training models) in order to do exactly what I'm talking about with as little or as much data bandwidth requirements, is relatively secure and includes cross-service achievement-like systems.
As well as content-distribution systems.
I would assume there's a way to integrate it with Crypto. It would replace the monkey WEBMs with something more substantial.
And this service or system would allow not only players to bring their accounts and achievements and items with them from game to game (or from game to social media) but games to communicate with each other.
Again, I'm thinking "Eco-system" here. Publishers would be able to do large-scale cross-promotional events with many games simultaneously. And enable platform-hoping between games with content from each individual event.
What this means is that you would also be able to provide a place for those old games to exist, even if they don't participate it the Events anymore. AND encourage players to try new and other games because they don't lose their original save files doing so.
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pixelsproject · 3 months
『Marvel Snap』 Pixel Variants (pt. 1)
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Released in 2022, Marvel Snap is a free-to-play card game developed by a collective of former Hearthstone designers, Second Dinner.
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Every card in Marvel Snap has "Variants" with different artwork which can be acquired through a few ways, and while it is possible to unlock them without spending a cent, they almost certainly exist as way of enticing players to spend money.
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Particular Variants are often grouped together in the Marvel Snap store to highlight a theme. Most commonly, Variants themes are based upon illustrations by artist like Rian Gonzalez, Peach Momoko, Jim Lee and Dan Hipp.
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Even more plentiful than Hipp's 161 Variants, are the 212 "Pixel Variants". Sadly, these 16-bit styled special edition cards aren't what they ought to be.
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Marvel Snap's producers clearly have the ability to work with top-tier comic artists to produce bespoke artwork for their title, so why not hire a reknown pixel artists like Paul Robertson to craft some sprite-based Variants? (flashing lights, NSFW)
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Marvel Snap thankfully credits all of the creators who produce the artwork for every version of every card. However, the listed artist for the Pixel Variants, isn't an individual but a company called G-Angle.
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G-Angle's is a Japanese company that appears to do a little of everything— voice acting, CGI, promotional illustrations, music, localization and more.
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For better or worse, their website doesn't credit the artist(s) who created the Pixel Variants for Marvel Snap. Additionally, G-Angle is also responsible for some of Snap's Chibi Variants.
SOURCES ↴ Marvel Snap (iOS) Peach Momoko card compilation (Game Rant) (Higher, Further, Faster Guide [Novemeber 2023 Season] by Mohsen Bagery) Marvel Snap (iOS) Pixel Variant sprites ripped by drabspirit (Reddit) (r/MarvelSnap) Marvel Snap (iOS) Pixel Variant cards (Marvel Snap Zone) Marvel Snap (iOS) Rian Gonzales card compilation (Marvel Snap Zone)
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pocketramblr · 1 year
So, for the ask game, got any more headcannons for the "Dalinar thinks Time-Traveling Kaladin is his illegitimate son" AU from the last ask game?
(in reference to this one)
1. Well now I have to make the call on if there's a younger Kaladin still around. I'm going to go ahead and say no, and I would explain more but the explanation involves secret project spoilers. Point is, Kaladin has been missing from Hearthstone for a few days, and suddenly shows up after a high storm. Looking years older. And with Prince Renarin Kholin, and a shardblade.
2. With Kaladin missing and possibly not sheltered during the storm, Hesina is freaking out, Tien is terrified, Lirin inconsolable. And then Kaladin lands, and hopes to see a younger face of himself- but it isn't there. Renarin pats his shoulder awkwardly. Kaladin isn't sure how to explain what happened. These aren't the parents who helped him at Urithiru. He's not the son they were looking for. He asks Tien to show Renarin his rock collection, and pulls his parents aside to explain- Tien died, in the future, and Kaladin was trying to save him. This happened instead. Lirin and Hesina assume it was Nightwatcher Old Magic, and Lirin doesn't like the soldier he sees in his son now - but he can understand Kaladin trying to prevent fighting, trying to prevent his little brother's death.
3. Kaladin then goes to Roshone, with Renarin. He spells out very clearly that Hearthstone's leadership will be reexamined, that Jasnah and Elhokar final say and he just did Jasnah a pretty big favor, and that he absolutely should not do stupid stuff while hunting, especially not with his son. Kaladin genuinely would prefer nothing happen to the guy. Roshone, who isn't sure who this guy who looks weirdly like Lirin's brat but has a shardblade and is "making threats" assumes that he's trying to secure a marriage with Laral, ousting Roshone and his son. Kaladin is like "no really. I am super not doing that. You'll get a spanreed from the kholins in a second authorizing me to do what I need to, and I'm about to take away the only surgeon in town so you shouldn't get injured. Also, Prince Renarin needs all your Sing- uh Parshmen. Yeah all of them." Renarin just nods at everything Kaladin says, Laral gets the message, and they book it out of there.
4. Out of Hearthstone (only managing because Kaladin promised to have another surgeon sent to town when Lirin dug his feet in), Kaladin has A Time transporting everyone. It's a longer journey even with him using all the stormlight they can get from spheres between storms, but when they stop in Kholinar at least they can resupply. Also he keeps asking Renarin to look for any strange spren. He almost gets a heart attack when Tien pipes up instead and asks if this is what Kaladin meant, holding up a bag with a swirling patterned spren on it.
5. I don't know what it'll mean that Tien has an enlightened cryptic but I bet it'll be great. Anyway Kaladin hasn't slept for a week when he drops everyone at the Plains, so he's not really in the mood to explain everything to Dalinar, who has been trying to figure out how Kaladin is the illegitimate son the Nightwatcher removed all memory of if he has two parents with him now. Hesina certainly doesn't show any sign of recognition, though Lirin doesn't look like he likes him? Well weird Nightwatcher magic can handwave everything. Point is Kaladin just says "hey btw we got two more new baby knight radiants. After I catch some z's I'm going to fly out and talk to the Listeners about about a peace treaty, which I'm going to just assume I'm fully authorized to do because giving battlefield promotions is what I do. Good night"
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jeremymartin789 · 4 months
Exploring Online Fantasy Games: A Comprehensive Guide
Lotus ID Login fantasy games have surged in popularity, offering immersive and engaging experiences to players around the globe. These games span a range of genres, from sports simulations to epic role-playing adventures, providing unique opportunities for strategic thinking, teamwork, and creativity. This article delves into the world of online fantasy games, exploring their types, benefits, and the appeal they hold for diverse audiences.
Types of Online Fantasy Games
Fantasy Sports Platforms
Description: Fantasy sports games allow players to create virtual teams composed of real athletes from various sports, such as football, cricket, basketball, and more. Players earn points based on the real-life performance of their selected athletes.
Popular Platforms: DraftKings, FanDuel, Dream11
Benefits: Enhances sports knowledge, promotes strategic thinking, and offers competitive social interaction.
Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games (MMORPGs)
Description: MMORPGs are vast virtual worlds where players create characters and embark on quests, battling monsters and interacting with other players in real-time.
Popular Games: World of Warcraft, Final Fantasy XIV, The Elder Scrolls Online
Benefits: Encourages teamwork, enhances problem-solving skills, and fosters a sense of community and adventure.
Fantasy Strategy Games
Description: These games require players to develop and execute strategies to achieve objectives, often involving resource management, tactical combat, and long-term planning.
Popular Games: League of Legends, Dota 2, Clash of Clans
Benefits: Develops critical thinking and decision-making skills, promotes strategic planning, and offers both competitive and cooperative gameplay experiences.
Fantasy Adventure and Role-Playing Games
Description: These games focus on storytelling, character development, and exploration, allowing players to immerse themselves in rich narratives and expansive worlds.
Popular Games: The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, Skyrim, Diablo III
Benefits: Enhances narrative comprehension and empathy, promotes exploration and creativity, and provides a sense of achievement through character progression.
Fantasy Card and Board Games
Description: Digital versions of card and board games that involve strategic deck building and competitive matches.
Popular Games: Hearthstone, Magic: The Gathering Arena, Gwent
Benefits: Encourages strategic thinking and foresight, enhances memory and concentration, and provides social interaction and competition.
Benefits of Online Fantasy Games
Cognitive Development
Strategic Thinking and Problem-Solving: Players must plan, strategize, and solve complex problems, which enhances their cognitive abilities.
Memory and Concentration: Games with detailed environments and intricate plots help improve memory and focus.
Social Interaction
Multiplayer Collaboration: Games designed for multiplayer experiences foster teamwork and cooperation.
Building Friendships: Online gaming communities offer platforms for making new friends and interacting with like-minded individuals.
Stress Relief and Mental Health
Escapism and Relaxation: Games provide a break from daily stressors and offer a form of entertainment that can be relaxing and enjoyable.
Mental Stimulation: Engaging with challenging games keeps the mind active and stimulated, which can be beneficial for mental health.
Creativity and Innovation
Creative Expression: Games like "Minecraft" and "The Sims" allow players to express their creativity through building and designing.
Learning and Education: Educational games and simulations provide valuable learning experiences in a fun and interactive way.
Economic Opportunities
E-Sports and Streaming: Professional gaming and streaming have become viable career paths, offering substantial income through competitions and viewer donations.
Game Development: Interest in gaming can inspire careers in game development, design, and programming.
Popular Platforms for Online Fantasy Games
PC and Console Platforms
Examples: Steam, PlayStation Network, Xbox Live
Advantages: High-quality graphics, immersive gameplay, extensive game libraries, and robust online communities.
Mobile Platforms
Examples: iOS App Store, Google Play Store
Advantages: Portability, accessibility, free-to-play options, and regular updates.
Web-Based Platforms
Examples: Browser games, social media games
Advantages: Easy access, low system requirements, and integration with social networks.
Dedicated Gaming Services
Examples: Blizzard Battle.net, Epic Games Store, Origin
Advantages: Exclusive content, integrated social features, game management tools, and regular promotions.
Online fantasy games offer a vast array of benefits, from cognitive and social development to stress relief and creative expression. Their appeal lies in their ability to provide engaging and immersive experiences tailored to a wide range of interests and skill levels. Whether you are a casual gamer seeking relaxation or a competitive player looking for a challenge, the world of online fantasy games has something to offer everyone.
As the gaming industry continues to grow and evolve, online fantasy games will likely expand their influence, offering new opportunities for learning, connection, and entertainment. Embrace the world of online fantasy games and discover the countless ways they can enrich your life, providing endless hours of enjoyment and personal growth.
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traveltoobulgaria · 7 months
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The Brutal Aftermath Pillage and Massacre
Chaos and Carnage Unleashed
As night fell and the following morning arrived, troops and Bashi-Bazouks descended upon the town, initiating a rampage of pillage, violence, and slaughter reminiscent of the infamous events at Batak. No one, regardless of age or gender, was spared from the brutality unleashed upon the town. Homes were looted and set ablaze, with approximately one-fourth of the houses reduced to ashes. The streets became a battleground where people met their demise, whether on their own doorsteps or before their hearthstones. The cries of the elderly begging for mercy mingled with the screams of terrified children and infants, all falling victim to the merciless swing of the sabre. It is estimated that around 3,000 individuals lost their lives in this onslaught, including approximately 400 town residents and the remainder from neighboring villages seeking refuge Bulgaria Tours.
Attempts to Conceal the Atrocities
Unlike the scenes of horror witnessed in Batak, Hafiz Pacha acted swiftly to bury the bodies within three days, seeking to obscure the evidence of his heinous deeds. This calculated move aimed to erase traces of the massacre and evade accountability.
Responsibility of the Authorities
Despite attempts to attribute the atrocities solely to the Bashi-Bazouks, evidence suggests complicity of the authorities in the massacres. Whether perpetrated by regular troops or irregular forces, the cruelty displayed was equally appalling. Mr. Schuyler’s report will affirm that both regular and irregular troops were equally culpable, underscoring the guilt shared by Hafiz Pacha and his counterparts. The root of this savagery lies in the shared identity of the perpetrators as Turks, with distinctions between regular and irregular troops being insignificant in the face of their barbarism. These massacres were sanctioned by the authorities, evident in the subsequent rewards bestowed upon those responsible in the form of decorations and promotions.
The aftermath of the pillage and massacre depicted a harrowing scene of devastation and loss, with innocent civilians bearing the brunt of unchecked violence. The attempts to conceal the atrocities and deflect blame underscore the systemic nature of the brutality, implicating the highest echelons of authority. Such atrocities serve as a sobering reminder of the human cost of unchecked power and the urgent need for accountability and justice.
0 notes
holidaysinn · 7 months
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The Brutal Aftermath Pillage and Massacre
Chaos and Carnage Unleashed
As night fell and the following morning arrived, troops and Bashi-Bazouks descended upon the town, initiating a rampage of pillage, violence, and slaughter reminiscent of the infamous events at Batak. No one, regardless of age or gender, was spared from the brutality unleashed upon the town. Homes were looted and set ablaze, with approximately one-fourth of the houses reduced to ashes. The streets became a battleground where people met their demise, whether on their own doorsteps or before their hearthstones. The cries of the elderly begging for mercy mingled with the screams of terrified children and infants, all falling victim to the merciless swing of the sabre. It is estimated that around 3,000 individuals lost their lives in this onslaught, including approximately 400 town residents and the remainder from neighboring villages seeking refuge Bulgaria Tours.
Attempts to Conceal the Atrocities
Unlike the scenes of horror witnessed in Batak, Hafiz Pacha acted swiftly to bury the bodies within three days, seeking to obscure the evidence of his heinous deeds. This calculated move aimed to erase traces of the massacre and evade accountability.
Responsibility of the Authorities
Despite attempts to attribute the atrocities solely to the Bashi-Bazouks, evidence suggests complicity of the authorities in the massacres. Whether perpetrated by regular troops or irregular forces, the cruelty displayed was equally appalling. Mr. Schuyler’s report will affirm that both regular and irregular troops were equally culpable, underscoring the guilt shared by Hafiz Pacha and his counterparts. The root of this savagery lies in the shared identity of the perpetrators as Turks, with distinctions between regular and irregular troops being insignificant in the face of their barbarism. These massacres were sanctioned by the authorities, evident in the subsequent rewards bestowed upon those responsible in the form of decorations and promotions.
The aftermath of the pillage and massacre depicted a harrowing scene of devastation and loss, with innocent civilians bearing the brunt of unchecked violence. The attempts to conceal the atrocities and deflect blame underscore the systemic nature of the brutality, implicating the highest echelons of authority. Such atrocities serve as a sobering reminder of the human cost of unchecked power and the urgent need for accountability and justice.
0 notes
travelcamp · 7 months
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The Brutal Aftermath Pillage and Massacre
Chaos and Carnage Unleashed
As night fell and the following morning arrived, troops and Bashi-Bazouks descended upon the town, initiating a rampage of pillage, violence, and slaughter reminiscent of the infamous events at Batak. No one, regardless of age or gender, was spared from the brutality unleashed upon the town. Homes were looted and set ablaze, with approximately one-fourth of the houses reduced to ashes. The streets became a battleground where people met their demise, whether on their own doorsteps or before their hearthstones. The cries of the elderly begging for mercy mingled with the screams of terrified children and infants, all falling victim to the merciless swing of the sabre. It is estimated that around 3,000 individuals lost their lives in this onslaught, including approximately 400 town residents and the remainder from neighboring villages seeking refuge Bulgaria Tours.
Attempts to Conceal the Atrocities
Unlike the scenes of horror witnessed in Batak, Hafiz Pacha acted swiftly to bury the bodies within three days, seeking to obscure the evidence of his heinous deeds. This calculated move aimed to erase traces of the massacre and evade accountability.
Responsibility of the Authorities
Despite attempts to attribute the atrocities solely to the Bashi-Bazouks, evidence suggests complicity of the authorities in the massacres. Whether perpetrated by regular troops or irregular forces, the cruelty displayed was equally appalling. Mr. Schuyler’s report will affirm that both regular and irregular troops were equally culpable, underscoring the guilt shared by Hafiz Pacha and his counterparts. The root of this savagery lies in the shared identity of the perpetrators as Turks, with distinctions between regular and irregular troops being insignificant in the face of their barbarism. These massacres were sanctioned by the authorities, evident in the subsequent rewards bestowed upon those responsible in the form of decorations and promotions.
The aftermath of the pillage and massacre depicted a harrowing scene of devastation and loss, with innocent civilians bearing the brunt of unchecked violence. The attempts to conceal the atrocities and deflect blame underscore the systemic nature of the brutality, implicating the highest echelons of authority. Such atrocities serve as a sobering reminder of the human cost of unchecked power and the urgent need for accountability and justice.
0 notes
xholidays · 7 months
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The Brutal Aftermath Pillage and Massacre
Chaos and Carnage Unleashed
As night fell and the following morning arrived, troops and Bashi-Bazouks descended upon the town, initiating a rampage of pillage, violence, and slaughter reminiscent of the infamous events at Batak. No one, regardless of age or gender, was spared from the brutality unleashed upon the town. Homes were looted and set ablaze, with approximately one-fourth of the houses reduced to ashes. The streets became a battleground where people met their demise, whether on their own doorsteps or before their hearthstones. The cries of the elderly begging for mercy mingled with the screams of terrified children and infants, all falling victim to the merciless swing of the sabre. It is estimated that around 3,000 individuals lost their lives in this onslaught, including approximately 400 town residents and the remainder from neighboring villages seeking refuge Bulgaria Tours.
Attempts to Conceal the Atrocities
Unlike the scenes of horror witnessed in Batak, Hafiz Pacha acted swiftly to bury the bodies within three days, seeking to obscure the evidence of his heinous deeds. This calculated move aimed to erase traces of the massacre and evade accountability.
Responsibility of the Authorities
Despite attempts to attribute the atrocities solely to the Bashi-Bazouks, evidence suggests complicity of the authorities in the massacres. Whether perpetrated by regular troops or irregular forces, the cruelty displayed was equally appalling. Mr. Schuyler’s report will affirm that both regular and irregular troops were equally culpable, underscoring the guilt shared by Hafiz Pacha and his counterparts. The root of this savagery lies in the shared identity of the perpetrators as Turks, with distinctions between regular and irregular troops being insignificant in the face of their barbarism. These massacres were sanctioned by the authorities, evident in the subsequent rewards bestowed upon those responsible in the form of decorations and promotions.
The aftermath of the pillage and massacre depicted a harrowing scene of devastation and loss, with innocent civilians bearing the brunt of unchecked violence. The attempts to conceal the atrocities and deflect blame underscore the systemic nature of the brutality, implicating the highest echelons of authority. Such atrocities serve as a sobering reminder of the human cost of unchecked power and the urgent need for accountability and justice.
0 notes
bookforgroup · 7 months
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The Brutal Aftermath Pillage and Massacre
Chaos and Carnage Unleashed
As night fell and the following morning arrived, troops and Bashi-Bazouks descended upon the town, initiating a rampage of pillage, violence, and slaughter reminiscent of the infamous events at Batak. No one, regardless of age or gender, was spared from the brutality unleashed upon the town. Homes were looted and set ablaze, with approximately one-fourth of the houses reduced to ashes. The streets became a battleground where people met their demise, whether on their own doorsteps or before their hearthstones. The cries of the elderly begging for mercy mingled with the screams of terrified children and infants, all falling victim to the merciless swing of the sabre. It is estimated that around 3,000 individuals lost their lives in this onslaught, including approximately 400 town residents and the remainder from neighboring villages seeking refuge Bulgaria Tours.
Attempts to Conceal the Atrocities
Unlike the scenes of horror witnessed in Batak, Hafiz Pacha acted swiftly to bury the bodies within three days, seeking to obscure the evidence of his heinous deeds. This calculated move aimed to erase traces of the massacre and evade accountability.
Responsibility of the Authorities
Despite attempts to attribute the atrocities solely to the Bashi-Bazouks, evidence suggests complicity of the authorities in the massacres. Whether perpetrated by regular troops or irregular forces, the cruelty displayed was equally appalling. Mr. Schuyler’s report will affirm that both regular and irregular troops were equally culpable, underscoring the guilt shared by Hafiz Pacha and his counterparts. The root of this savagery lies in the shared identity of the perpetrators as Turks, with distinctions between regular and irregular troops being insignificant in the face of their barbarism. These massacres were sanctioned by the authorities, evident in the subsequent rewards bestowed upon those responsible in the form of decorations and promotions.
The aftermath of the pillage and massacre depicted a harrowing scene of devastation and loss, with innocent civilians bearing the brunt of unchecked violence. The attempts to conceal the atrocities and deflect blame underscore the systemic nature of the brutality, implicating the highest echelons of authority. Such atrocities serve as a sobering reminder of the human cost of unchecked power and the urgent need for accountability and justice.
0 notes
traveltobalkan · 7 months
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The Brutal Aftermath Pillage and Massacre
Chaos and Carnage Unleashed
As night fell and the following morning arrived, troops and Bashi-Bazouks descended upon the town, initiating a rampage of pillage, violence, and slaughter reminiscent of the infamous events at Batak. No one, regardless of age or gender, was spared from the brutality unleashed upon the town. Homes were looted and set ablaze, with approximately one-fourth of the houses reduced to ashes. The streets became a battleground where people met their demise, whether on their own doorsteps or before their hearthstones. The cries of the elderly begging for mercy mingled with the screams of terrified children and infants, all falling victim to the merciless swing of the sabre. It is estimated that around 3,000 individuals lost their lives in this onslaught, including approximately 400 town residents and the remainder from neighboring villages seeking refuge Bulgaria Tours.
Attempts to Conceal the Atrocities
Unlike the scenes of horror witnessed in Batak, Hafiz Pacha acted swiftly to bury the bodies within three days, seeking to obscure the evidence of his heinous deeds. This calculated move aimed to erase traces of the massacre and evade accountability.
Responsibility of the Authorities
Despite attempts to attribute the atrocities solely to the Bashi-Bazouks, evidence suggests complicity of the authorities in the massacres. Whether perpetrated by regular troops or irregular forces, the cruelty displayed was equally appalling. Mr. Schuyler’s report will affirm that both regular and irregular troops were equally culpable, underscoring the guilt shared by Hafiz Pacha and his counterparts. The root of this savagery lies in the shared identity of the perpetrators as Turks, with distinctions between regular and irregular troops being insignificant in the face of their barbarism. These massacres were sanctioned by the authorities, evident in the subsequent rewards bestowed upon those responsible in the form of decorations and promotions.
The aftermath of the pillage and massacre depicted a harrowing scene of devastation and loss, with innocent civilians bearing the brunt of unchecked violence. The attempts to conceal the atrocities and deflect blame underscore the systemic nature of the brutality, implicating the highest echelons of authority. Such atrocities serve as a sobering reminder of the human cost of unchecked power and the urgent need for accountability and justice.
0 notes
alltours · 7 months
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The Brutal Aftermath Pillage and Massacre
Chaos and Carnage Unleashed
As night fell and the following morning arrived, troops and Bashi-Bazouks descended upon the town, initiating a rampage of pillage, violence, and slaughter reminiscent of the infamous events at Batak. No one, regardless of age or gender, was spared from the brutality unleashed upon the town. Homes were looted and set ablaze, with approximately one-fourth of the houses reduced to ashes. The streets became a battleground where people met their demise, whether on their own doorsteps or before their hearthstones. The cries of the elderly begging for mercy mingled with the screams of terrified children and infants, all falling victim to the merciless swing of the sabre. It is estimated that around 3,000 individuals lost their lives in this onslaught, including approximately 400 town residents and the remainder from neighboring villages seeking refuge Bulgaria Tours.
Attempts to Conceal the Atrocities
Unlike the scenes of horror witnessed in Batak, Hafiz Pacha acted swiftly to bury the bodies within three days, seeking to obscure the evidence of his heinous deeds. This calculated move aimed to erase traces of the massacre and evade accountability.
Responsibility of the Authorities
Despite attempts to attribute the atrocities solely to the Bashi-Bazouks, evidence suggests complicity of the authorities in the massacres. Whether perpetrated by regular troops or irregular forces, the cruelty displayed was equally appalling. Mr. Schuyler’s report will affirm that both regular and irregular troops were equally culpable, underscoring the guilt shared by Hafiz Pacha and his counterparts. The root of this savagery lies in the shared identity of the perpetrators as Turks, with distinctions between regular and irregular troops being insignificant in the face of their barbarism. These massacres were sanctioned by the authorities, evident in the subsequent rewards bestowed upon those responsible in the form of decorations and promotions.
The aftermath of the pillage and massacre depicted a harrowing scene of devastation and loss, with innocent civilians bearing the brunt of unchecked violence. The attempts to conceal the atrocities and deflect blame underscore the systemic nature of the brutality, implicating the highest echelons of authority. Such atrocities serve as a sobering reminder of the human cost of unchecked power and the urgent need for accountability and justice.
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lunarsilkscreen · 5 months
Gaming Sucks These Days
I know, I know, what a cliche thing to say.
I want to enjoy mobile gaming, and there's some hidden gems I can't bring myself to play because they feel like every other rogue-lite, freemium, gacha-enabled, starter pack pushing, resource management simulator out there.
Which, I get; devs gotta make their money somehow. But seriously? This is the best gaming has to offer at the indie level these days?
The are clones of the same 5 games on every different store and streaming service. Not wordle-scapes with friends, freemium sonic infini-runner nonsense.
"I like infinite runners though" you may be saying.
You don't know any better. The good parts of the game are drowned out by the excessive use of the worst elements.
Actually, on second thought. I think you know exactly what I mean.
Mobile gaming serves as the entry point for gamers these days, And the only thing I'm seeing are old indie titles from a decade ago. And Genshi Honkai Railpact. (And Raid Shadow whatever's.)
Terrabound valley. Issac. Hearthstone. Diablo.
And I enjoy them I do.
But what the 🦆 ppl?
I couldn't even enjoy The mobile Nier. A gacha game with the same elements as every other SQEX gacha game. Non-transferable too, despite being hosted in the same ecosystem.
What a missed opportunity for cross-promotion.
Which, the reason I couldn't enjoy it, is *because* it was a gacha game targeted at younger gamers. It's one of my absolute pet-peeves.
The game itself was a simple story-book style RPG. And it was absolutely well made. A way to teach youngsters about the harsh realities of life in a digestible way.
AND STILL. The game exemplifies that reality with it's gacha system.
Again; I know that's just how mobile devs operate and make money. AND YET. it's really bad guys. Like so bad.
My expectation is that the AAA publishers actually lead the way in encouraging a better way to engage audiences and make money. To raise the bar.
{is my expectation to high?}
Don't get me wrong; many games offer ways to get plenty of what you can purchase in game for free. Provided you're skilled enough.
Or happen upon a free-holiday, or promotional week.
Most games however advertise their in game purchases every few steps. In order to entice gamers to spend money immediately.
Others include grind-walls, and play limits. Not to limit young player play time. Since a lot of these games are AFK games, that is; they play themselves while you multitask. Similar to how boomers listen to TV in the background while doing chores.
And many of the rewards aren't more story, or fun gameplay, but anime fight scene fish tank.
There has to be a better way, there just had to. :/
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huytas · 7 months
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The Brutal Aftermath Pillage and Massacre
Chaos and Carnage Unleashed
As night fell and the following morning arrived, troops and Bashi-Bazouks descended upon the town, initiating a rampage of pillage, violence, and slaughter reminiscent of the infamous events at Batak. No one, regardless of age or gender, was spared from the brutality unleashed upon the town. Homes were looted and set ablaze, with approximately one-fourth of the houses reduced to ashes. The streets became a battleground where people met their demise, whether on their own doorsteps or before their hearthstones. The cries of the elderly begging for mercy mingled with the screams of terrified children and infants, all falling victim to the merciless swing of the sabre. It is estimated that around 3,000 individuals lost their lives in this onslaught, including approximately 400 town residents and the remainder from neighboring villages seeking refuge Bulgaria Tours.
Attempts to Conceal the Atrocities
Unlike the scenes of horror witnessed in Batak, Hafiz Pacha acted swiftly to bury the bodies within three days, seeking to obscure the evidence of his heinous deeds. This calculated move aimed to erase traces of the massacre and evade accountability.
Responsibility of the Authorities
Despite attempts to attribute the atrocities solely to the Bashi-Bazouks, evidence suggests complicity of the authorities in the massacres. Whether perpetrated by regular troops or irregular forces, the cruelty displayed was equally appalling. Mr. Schuyler’s report will affirm that both regular and irregular troops were equally culpable, underscoring the guilt shared by Hafiz Pacha and his counterparts. The root of this savagery lies in the shared identity of the perpetrators as Turks, with distinctions between regular and irregular troops being insignificant in the face of their barbarism. These massacres were sanctioned by the authorities, evident in the subsequent rewards bestowed upon those responsible in the form of decorations and promotions.
The aftermath of the pillage and massacre depicted a harrowing scene of devastation and loss, with innocent civilians bearing the brunt of unchecked violence. The attempts to conceal the atrocities and deflect blame underscore the systemic nature of the brutality, implicating the highest echelons of authority. Such atrocities serve as a sobering reminder of the human cost of unchecked power and the urgent need for accountability and justice.
0 notes
balkansofia · 7 months
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The Brutal Aftermath Pillage and Massacre
Chaos and Carnage Unleashed
As night fell and the following morning arrived, troops and Bashi-Bazouks descended upon the town, initiating a rampage of pillage, violence, and slaughter reminiscent of the infamous events at Batak. No one, regardless of age or gender, was spared from the brutality unleashed upon the town. Homes were looted and set ablaze, with approximately one-fourth of the houses reduced to ashes. The streets became a battleground where people met their demise, whether on their own doorsteps or before their hearthstones. The cries of the elderly begging for mercy mingled with the screams of terrified children and infants, all falling victim to the merciless swing of the sabre. It is estimated that around 3,000 individuals lost their lives in this onslaught, including approximately 400 town residents and the remainder from neighboring villages seeking refuge Bulgaria Tours.
Attempts to Conceal the Atrocities
Unlike the scenes of horror witnessed in Batak, Hafiz Pacha acted swiftly to bury the bodies within three days, seeking to obscure the evidence of his heinous deeds. This calculated move aimed to erase traces of the massacre and evade accountability.
Responsibility of the Authorities
Despite attempts to attribute the atrocities solely to the Bashi-Bazouks, evidence suggests complicity of the authorities in the massacres. Whether perpetrated by regular troops or irregular forces, the cruelty displayed was equally appalling. Mr. Schuyler’s report will affirm that both regular and irregular troops were equally culpable, underscoring the guilt shared by Hafiz Pacha and his counterparts. The root of this savagery lies in the shared identity of the perpetrators as Turks, with distinctions between regular and irregular troops being insignificant in the face of their barbarism. These massacres were sanctioned by the authorities, evident in the subsequent rewards bestowed upon those responsible in the form of decorations and promotions.
The aftermath of the pillage and massacre depicted a harrowing scene of devastation and loss, with innocent civilians bearing the brunt of unchecked violence. The attempts to conceal the atrocities and deflect blame underscore the systemic nature of the brutality, implicating the highest echelons of authority. Such atrocities serve as a sobering reminder of the human cost of unchecked power and the urgent need for accountability and justice.
0 notes
travelinbulgaria · 7 months
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The Brutal Aftermath Pillage and Massacre
Chaos and Carnage Unleashed
As night fell and the following morning arrived, troops and Bashi-Bazouks descended upon the town, initiating a rampage of pillage, violence, and slaughter reminiscent of the infamous events at Batak. No one, regardless of age or gender, was spared from the brutality unleashed upon the town. Homes were looted and set ablaze, with approximately one-fourth of the houses reduced to ashes. The streets became a battleground where people met their demise, whether on their own doorsteps or before their hearthstones. The cries of the elderly begging for mercy mingled with the screams of terrified children and infants, all falling victim to the merciless swing of the sabre. It is estimated that around 3,000 individuals lost their lives in this onslaught, including approximately 400 town residents and the remainder from neighboring villages seeking refuge Bulgaria Tours.
Attempts to Conceal the Atrocities
Unlike the scenes of horror witnessed in Batak, Hafiz Pacha acted swiftly to bury the bodies within three days, seeking to obscure the evidence of his heinous deeds. This calculated move aimed to erase traces of the massacre and evade accountability.
Responsibility of the Authorities
Despite attempts to attribute the atrocities solely to the Bashi-Bazouks, evidence suggests complicity of the authorities in the massacres. Whether perpetrated by regular troops or irregular forces, the cruelty displayed was equally appalling. Mr. Schuyler’s report will affirm that both regular and irregular troops were equally culpable, underscoring the guilt shared by Hafiz Pacha and his counterparts. The root of this savagery lies in the shared identity of the perpetrators as Turks, with distinctions between regular and irregular troops being insignificant in the face of their barbarism. These massacres were sanctioned by the authorities, evident in the subsequent rewards bestowed upon those responsible in the form of decorations and promotions.
The aftermath of the pillage and massacre depicted a harrowing scene of devastation and loss, with innocent civilians bearing the brunt of unchecked violence. The attempts to conceal the atrocities and deflect blame underscore the systemic nature of the brutality, implicating the highest echelons of authority. Such atrocities serve as a sobering reminder of the human cost of unchecked power and the urgent need for accountability and justice.
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