#Heath Graff
obigem · 1 year
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As Heath scampered off with his tail between his legs, Saunders checked in with Melody.
"Are you OK? He didn't hurt you or anything did he?"
"Heath? Please, he isn't capable. Only thing he ever bruised of mine was my dignity. Now tell me, when did I become your wife?"
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"Wife leaves more of an impact than girlfriend."
"Lukas." Mel shot him eyes.
"It got him to leave, right?" He sighed. "I know. And I won't ask again. I know you'll say no."
"Oh yeah? Well, don't give up on me. Maybe I'm close to saying yes."
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He gave her a look of such warmness, she wanted to melt.
"You're doing it again. You're asking me to marry you with your eyes."
"It's only because you don't respond well to my words."
"Well, I respond well to this." She leaned in and kissrf him deeply with a wordless I love you.
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While Melody and Saunders were getting steamy, Heath was getting hot about their recent exchange.
"Mimi why didn't you warn me?! I was just over there and made a fool of myself hitting on her, and she's MARRIED?"
"What're you mad at me for, I told you she's married."
"If you spent more time with me, you'd know my jokes are better than that."
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"And she's pregnant too? You didn't say a thing about that. And that dude said it's not even their first one."
"I mean, no offense, Dad, but other people's kids are kind of none of your business."
"Look, kid, I just would've appreciated a heads up."
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"Sure, I'll do that once I get my last payment of back child support you owe me. Oh and Dad, that's what my A joke material sounds like. But no, seriously, my inbox is open to any and all checks from you. I'm looking forward to that child-father bonding."
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bountyofbeads · 5 years
What could go wrong with a DNI who misleads about his own resume?
. @Wired "The idea that a person prone to wild conspiracy theories might soon occupy the role legally designated to be the final voice in the president’s ear on intelligence matters should terrify Americans—as well as both our allies and adversaries the world over." https://t.co/hsqdaD1ISK
By GARRETT M. GRAFF | Published July 30, 2019 6:30 PM ET | Wired | Posted July 31, 2019 11:01 AM ET |
THE PRESIDENT’S INTENT to nominate Robert Mueller’s chief Capitol Hill inquisitor to head the nation’s intelligence community might just be the Trump administration’s most alarming personnel decision yet—even in an administration whose list of departed, disgraced, and indicted former top officials reads like a casualty list from Game of Thrones.
The news Sunday that Trump planned to tap representative John Ratcliffe (R-Texas) as director of national intelligence, replacing former senator Dan Coats, left many even on Capitol Hill scratching their heads: Who? “I don’t know John. I’ve met him a couple times, seen him on TV,” Senate Homeland Security Committee chair Ron Johnson (R-Wisconsin) toldPolitico, among other choice quotes it gathered.
Indeed, very few Americans had ever heard of the congressman from Texas’s fourth district until last Wednesday’s House Judiciary Committee hearing, when Ratcliffe lambasted former special counsel Robert Mueller about “not exonerating” Donald Trump. Watching the hearing on TV with a group of journalists, I turned to my colleagues and said, “He’s auditioning to be DNI.”
Days later, Axios scooped the news of Ratcliffe’s impending nomination, saying Trump was “thrilled” by the congressman’s performance at the Mueller hearing.
That the administration is so predictable in its terrible choices should not make those terrible choices any less troubling.
The men who have occupied the relatively new role of DNI so far are among the most experienced intelligence leaders and diplomats in the country. After the job was created as part of the post-9/11 reshuffling of the US national security apparatus, George W. Bush tapped an experienced hand to fill it: John Negroponte had served as an ambassador in four countries, including Iraq; been UN ambassador; and worked at the National Security Council. His successor, Mike McConnell, was a vice admiral in the Navy and a former director of the National Security Agency. Barack Obama’s first DNI was another admiral, Dennis Blair, who had led Pacific Command and served as associate director of the CIA.
James Clapper, Obama’s second pick as DNI, was arguably the most experienced intelligence officer in the entire country—a career Air Force intelligence officer who had served for four decades, risen to the rank of lieutenant general, and personally headed two of the nation’s most critical intelligence agencies, the Defense Intelligence Agency and the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency. Clapper had also served as undersecretary of defense for intelligence, where he oversaw all three of the Pentagon’s intel agencies: DIA, NGA, and the National Reconnaissance Office, which runs the nation’s spy satellites.
And even though Coats, the outgoing DNI who Ratcliffe may replace, had no field intelligence background, he served in the Army during the Vietnam War, spent nearly 30 years in Congress—in both the House and the Senate, including stints on the intelligence committee—and had served as ambassador to one of America’s top allies, Germany.
Ratcliffe’s experience pales in comparison to any of his would-be predecessors. He served as the mayor of Heath, Texas—population 8,000—for a decade, and while he did a brief stint as a politically appointed US attorney in Texas in the final months of George W. Bush’s administration, his résumé on national security matters is practically nonexistent.
He had previously claimed to be involved in a single terrorism-related case, against the Holy Land Foundation, but appears to have far overstated his role. As ABC News’ James Gordon Meek reportedTuesday, “The fact is that @RepRatcliffe did not convict anyone in the Holy Land Foundation trial. His staff now admits he simply reviewed the first mistrial and issued no report to [attorney general Mike] Mukasey, which is why no one we contacted remembers him at all.”
Similarly confounding, he asserts on his House website that he once “arrested 300 illegal aliens in a single day,” which would have been quite a feat, since US attorneys don’t have arrest authority.
That lack of experience is almost certain to make Ratcliffe an ineffective DNI, a position that has little direct power and whose few levers and moral suasion only Clapper—the longest-serving DNI yet—managed to handle effectively.
But while Ratcliffe will likely have trouble herding the cats that make up the nation’s 17 sprawling intelligence agencies, ranging from the Justice Department to the State Department to the Pentagon to even the Energy Department, that’s not what seems primed to make him a dangerous DNI.
The biggest danger Ratcliffe poses is to the integrity of the job of director of national intelligence in the first place; the core principle of the intelligence professional is to speak truth to power.
The US spends $60 billion a year on the nation’s intelligence apparatus, a workforce of tens of thousands ranging from CIA officers and FBI agents to NSA cryptologists and hackers, NGA analysts, interpretation experts at the NRO, financial wizards at the Treasury Department’s Office of Intelligence and Analysis, and much more.
All of that money and all of those workers share a simple uniting goal: To ensure that the president of the United States is, in every conversation and decision, the most informed, knowledgeable, best-prepared person in the room. They enable the president and his advisers to anticipate problems and opportunities; understand the mind, decisionmaking, and internal pressures of foreign leaders far and wide; know from satellites overhead, cables underground, and agents in the field what’s happening the world over—and why.
The career analysts, agents, officers, and leaders of the intelligence community work every day to ensure that the information flowing up to the Oval Office is the most thorough, accurate, and best-analyzed it can be. That mission requires that the information presented to the president be presented in a fair, objective, nonpartisan, and apolitical manner. (The rare instances where the CIA or other agencies have skewed their intelligence toward political ends, as with the run-up to the Iraq War, only underscore the devastating consequences of anything less than fair-eyed analysis.)
It’s here that the DNI plays his most important role. By statute, the DNI is the president’s lead intelligence adviser. That’s supposed to mean that the DNI leads the effort to provide the President’s Daily Brief—the world’s most elite newspaper—filled with daily intelligence and big-picture analysis of global, geopolitical trends affecting the US, its allies, and its adversaries. That role of chief intelligence adviser is one that Coats, Trump’s outgoing DNI, never quite grew into. Mike Pompeo arrived first in the administration as CIA director, before Coats was confirmed, big-footed the PDB, and hit it off with Trump before Coats could really establish a bond with the commander-in-chief.
Yet Coats did try to speak truth to power. He spoke up when it mattered, was honest about Russia’s attack on the 2016 election, and was willing to contradict Trump publicly on the future of North Korea’s nuclear program. One of Coats’ final acts as DNI actually was to appoint the nation’s first election security czar. That honesty appears to be a not insignificant part of why Coats was shoved aside, and ultimately out the door.
With a president so divorced from daily reality as Trump, it’s all the more important to fill the role of DNI with someone whose first duty is to puncture the Fox News fever swamp bubble that surrounds the White House, provide real facts and grounded analysis, and ensure—to whatever extent possible—that the information that flows into the Oval Office and the decisions that flow out of it are informed and strategic.
There’s little evidence that Ratcliffe is the man for the job. Beyond his antics cross-examining Mueller last week, he’s long been on the leading edge of criticizing the Russia investigation writ large. He was even the congressman who started the completely false rumor that the FBI—one of the intel agencies he is set to oversee—had an anti-Trump “secret society.”
Ratcliffe seems to appeal to Trump for the same reason most of the sycophants around him do: Loyalty first and foremost to No. 1. But the DNI is not supposed to walk through the door of the Oval Office attempting to please the president—he is supposed to tell the president whatever he needs to hear, consequences be damned.
Trump wants nothing of the kind. Instead, as he told reporters Tuesday afternoon, “We need somebody strong that can really rein it in. Because as I think you've all learned, the intelligence agencies have run amok. They've run amok.”
The fact that Trump, who has  skirmished with the  intelligencecommunity ever since the campaign, still sees the truth-telling tradition of the intelligence world as making them his adversaries rather than his allies underscores how little Donald Trump has risen to the role of the commander-in-chief. As The New Yorker’s David Rohde wrote this week, the message Trump sends with Ratcliffe's appointment is clear: Be loyal or leave.
That’s a recipe for the type of geopolitical mistake that gets Americans killed.
The idea that a person prone to wild conspiracy theories might soon occupy the role legally designated to be the final voice in the president’s ear on intelligence matters should terrify Americans—as well as both its allies and adversaries the world over. The fact that Senate GOP members have so far been relatively muted in their support for Ratcliffe encourages hope that maybe this disaster-in-waiting might be averted.
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crackspinewornpages · 2 years
Ender’s Game 3/15 -Orson Scott Card
(if I have to read this tripe for class might as well get something useful out of it)
Two people, Graff and Anderson, (you know for quite a while it’s kept ambiguous who these observants are I guess for surprise factor or something) are discussing the titular character, his siblings failed but him, “He’s too malleable. Too willing to submerge himself in someone else’s will.” “Not if the other person is his enemy.”p.1 Surround him with enemies if they have to do it, they’ll do it to save the world.  
Ender knows the nurse was lying when she said it wouldn’t hurt to take out the monitor. “Sometimes lies were more dependable than the truth.”p.1 He tried to imagine not feeling it on his neck anymore, his brother won't hate him for it anymore, he’ll be a normal kid. They’ll be brothers, but he’s too dangerous and angry to be friends. He’ll leave him alone, but Ender knew he wouldn’t, he’s seen it in his eyes.
When it was removed Ender felt pain running down his spine and he thrashed in agony. The doctor ordered muscle relaxants, after being injected he could cry out of fear. They checked him over and the doctor is appalled they put those in kids for years risking brain damage and death. (so the big brother military government puts these monitors in toddlers that connects to their brains and nervous system and is removed in a school nurse’s office with no anesthesia risking brain damage and death what if the prospecting kid had irreversible brain damage from this they just screwed themselves over this wasn’t really well thought out was it huh) After being observed for an hour he’s sent back to class and his teacher tells him to sit down as his classmates whisper his monitor’s gone.
Ender wasn’t paying attention to the lesson, (he’s so smart he doesn’t have to pay attention) doodling mountains when a word marched across his desk screen, Third. He was a Third, the government authorized it, now their experiment apparently failed, (how do you know it failed do you see any adults with them no then they have to get removed at some point) if they could they would erase him. (this isn’t that kind of dystopia) At the end of the day the students gathered their data and Ender didn’t leave until everyone else was gone but the bad ones were waiting. His monitor was gone and without it they could do what they liked without getting seen, he wouldn’t be rescued. (my guess is he wasn’t rescued before so what difference does it make)  
Stilson called him Third and kept mocking him when he didn’t respond. (those adults that say ignore your bullies and they’ll get bored and go away that’s bullshit bullies want a response if you don’t give them one they’ll escalate) They started to push him around, “This would not have a happy ending. So Ender decided that he’d rather not be the unhappiest at the end.”p.5 He tried to stop Stilson’s aim and he takes it as a fight. Ender kicks him in the sternum knocking him down surprising Ender and he takes the opportunity. “I have to win this now, and for all time, or I’ll fight it every day and it will get worse and worse.” p.5 He knew only animals attacked when the enemy was down, he gives a don't mess with me speech and kicks Stilson in the face. (spoiler this kills Stilson but how most six yes Ender is six year olds don’t even weigh fifty pounds and they don’t know how to fight have you ever seen small children fight they might get a few weak punches in but most of it is rolling on the ground) Then he walked away and cried alone until the bus came, thinking he’s just like his brother.
Graff and Anderson talk about what just happened, not to psychoanalyze since they’re soldiers, (since when has the military ever cared about mental heath) Ender passed. He’s not afraid of what the brother will do, it’s a no risk business. Anderson couldn’t help but review the tapes and is worried. “I think we’re going to screw him up.” “Of course we are. It’s our job.”p.7 (spoiler Graff is an abusive asshole)
Valentine tells him she’s sorry, then Peter comes in, Ender didn’t see the golden child the adults saw, he only recognized his dangerous moods, like anger when he saw the monitor was gone. Valentine tried to placate but Peter wouldn’t, she lost hers at three, him at five, Ender didn’t say anything when Peter said they’re not watching them anymore. Mother’s gone and their father never answers calls, Peter’s in charge and forces Ender to play his games. (yeah the parents are latchkey absentee love at a distance why are they even here for all they give to the story parents but Peter is like what eleven shouldn’t they had at least hired a babysitter it’s later retconned they knew what was going on but I don’t believe it)
Astronaut vs Bugger, the ones playing the buggers never win and it sometimes got mean. In their home it started mean and was never over until the astronaut wanted it to be. “and the bugger couldn’t just go empty and quit the way buggers did in the real wars.”p.8 Their mother was upset and didn’t want them to play those games but their father argued for it. “Better to play the war games, and have a better chance of surviving when the buggers come again.”p.8 (you know how children play army and are given toy guns basically prepping them) Ender wonders if he’ll survive putting on the mask, wondering if buggers played similar games. (he tries to think like a bugger as foreshadowing how he can know his enemy)
Peter knocks him down and Stands on his pelvis and calls him a Third and presses his weight on his chest so he couldn’t breathe. He tells Ender he could kill him and pass it off as an accident, he’d be dead and everything would be fine. He really means it, they only authorized Ender because he was already promising but it didn't pan out. They think he’s better, he didn’t want a better brother, he didn’t want a Third. (you think Peter’s cruelty is built on resentment but when Ender is gone Peter just gets worse and better at hiding it)
Valentine threatens to tell, they won't believe her and threatens to kill her too. She points out he couldn't get away with it, Peter tells them they can't always be together, there’ll be an accident. Valentine says he doesn’t mean it since he wants to work in the government and he can't if they find out about this (well considering our current heads of government sibling murder wouldn’t be that shocking) and she bluffs about a secret file to be opened at her death. Peter threatens her to always watch Ender then, she replies they are smarter than him in some things, he’s just the biggest. He reminds her one day she won’t remember in time but he won't forget, even if it takes years.
He makes a move to her to make her flinch, (two for flinching) then falls back laughing at them. Ender thinks of what he did to Stilson but Valentine stops him. Ender shows Peter the blood on his shoe but Peter wasn’t fazed, nobody but Ender and Valentine knew he was a capable murderer.
When their parents got home, they were happy the government allowed them to have three children and wouldn’t take any. Ender wanted to shout he’s sorry they have three children with no explanation and is an embarrassment. (Ender you can clearly see your parents are happy they could have you and keep you) At night he hears Peter walk to his room and stand by his bed and thinks he’s going to kill him. “Ender, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I know how it feels, I’m sorry, I’m your brother, I love you.”p.11 (does Peter really feel this as we see later he’s good at manipulation so probably not so what’s his goal) He could hear Peter sleeping again and thought of what he whispered and cried again that day.
Graff and Anderson discuss how Ender really loves his sister a weakness he won't leave her so they have to convince him, the truth if they have to. (these cut aways will later have a real mwah hahaha we’re evil tone)
Ender didn’t want to go to school to face Stilson after yesterday, their mother comments on her genius children, (this comes up because when told to eat Ender gesture to inject it into him WTF) Peter says they got the genes from her. The table beeped so someone was at the door, (why the table a regular doorbell could do it this is superfluous technology) the International Fleet. Peter tells Ender he’s in for it, they found out what happened at school, he’s a Third, he has no rights. Valentine looks worriedly at Ender and Peter’s a snot saying they realized it was really him that was the best.
Their father calls Ender in and their mother is anxious over what happened, (this happened yesterday outside of the school you think they would have been informed but no gotta make it a surprise) his father calls it an unfair fight. (yeah a gang of kids against a smaller than average six year old is unfair) The officer asks if he can explain, he wouldn’t but would take the punishment. The officer says it looked like he enjoyed it, he didn’t, why did he do it, his gang was there, doesn’t excuse it. Then why kick him when he was down, “Knocking him down won the first fight. I wanted to win all the next ones, too. So they’d leave me alone.”p.14 Her cries again in front of his parents and military, it was worse. (I know he’s six and feeling like shit but he’s just a downer all the time)
Colonel Graff introduces himself and invites Ender to Battle School. The final test was to see what he’d do with the monitor off, the Stilson boy died, that’s why he passed. (because the army wants emotionally unstable murderers) He’s already given consent by being born, he’s been theirs if he’s qualified. His father is appalled they’d make them think they didn’t want him then take him away. It depends on Ender; the parents already consented the risk of his conception. “Conscripts make good cannon fodder, but for officers we need volunteers.”p.15 (doesn’t matter how good you are if you’re drafted you don’t rise in ranks we just needed more fresh meat at the front lines)
That’s what the Battle School is for, the ones that end up as commanders is classified but all received an officer commission. All who want to make it through the first year do, Ender almost said yes but it would mean leaving his parents and Valentine. He also doesn’t like fighting, Peter’s kind, “the strong against the weak, and he didn’t like his own kind either, the smart against the stupid.”p.15 (because no one can be strong and smart or weak and stupid)
His father can’t stop Graff from talking to him alone, he gives Ender the truth, that Battle School is harsh, no vacations, or visitors until he finishes at sixteen. (then what kid in a good home would agree to it we are later told the IF are basically black bagging children from their families who emotionally write them off as dead since they never see them again) People change, when he sees his sister again, they’ll be strangers, he’ll love her but he won’t know her. He’s been watching Ender; he won’t miss his parents for long and they won't miss him either. He tells Ender what he cost them; his father was the seventh of nine children, but people do that for religion. Taxes rise with each child and at sixteen his father left his family and changed his name and vowed not to have more children than allowed to spare them the shame and persecution he had.
No one wants a Third anymore, his parents are ashamed of coming from noncompliant families, having a Third undoes everything. (why are Third+ children hated in society I can only assume it’s propaganda for the military government to control the populace more it can’t be depleted resources and space since we see no evidence of it and earth can safely support up to 10 billion people and since the buggers attacked earth eighty years ago a fuck ton of people were killed so that morbidly made more space) But his father still baptized them at home, they fought about it, named them after saints. They’re proud of him to allow them to circumvent law, but it’s also a badge of cowardice, he’s a badge of public shame. They know all of this through the monitors, it goes right to their brains, they understood even if he didn’t. (how is this done how many people do you have that have the time to watch the Truman Show and take every little detail) They love him, but do they want him here, (earlier they said they were happy he could stay) his brother resents him but Valentine loves him, the choice isn’t easy.
Graff tells him the school curriculum and all the boys are organized into armies to make battle, winning and losing matters. The end result is the future of the human race, how well he learns and fights, he won't have a normal childhood but as a Third he doesn’t have one anyway. There’re a few girls though, “They don’t often pass the tests to get in. Too many centuries of evolution are working against them.”p.17 (hey Orson your sexism is showing) They’re not like Valentine and boys like Peter don’t get in, but Peter is the reason Ender was approved. (yeah the government went this child’s to hard this child’s too soft the third will be just right since Ender was left alone with his siblings he was basically raised by an abusive dad and protective mother)
If it was for choosing his happiest future, he’d tell Ender to stay at home. “There are worse things than being a Third,”p.18 Battle School is one of them, but they need him, the games he plays are real, (foreshadowing) they only won from being wiped out by having a brilliant military commander and luck. (no you didn’t) But he’s gone and Ender is the best chance in eighty years. “Maybe you’ll break down under pressure, maybe it’ll ruin your life, maybe you’ll hate me for coming here to your house today.”p.18 But if there’s a chance, he’s going to risk it. Ender thought of leaving, then of the military films, how they were weak but won, he’ll go. (I know he’s six but I’ll say it now and keep saying it Ender you’re an idiot) They inform the parents and siblings he doesn’t have to pack, no need for toys, his parents say they’ll write and at the car Valentine cried for him to come back and she’ll always love him.
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Calabasas Classic Run 2017 To Be Held In November
Calabasas, California (September 12, 2017) - Coldwell Banker Calabasas and Agoura Hills/Calabasas Community Center joined hands with Cookies for Kids' Cancer to present the Calabasas Classic Run, a community fitness event on Sunday, November 12th, 2017. The race is a grand celebration of Community, Fun and Fitness. Featuring 5k and 10k run courses, 5k/10k combo race and a 1-mile Fun Run. The run courses are going to explore the beautiful scenic roads of Calabasas. This course is Certified and Sanctioned by USATF. Both competitive as well as non-competitive runners can enjoy this challenging race course that ends with a great post-run party expo celebrating all the participants. Featuring food trucks, stretches and massages, kids’ fun zone, free giveaways and raffles, vendors and community organizations along with guest appearance (TBD) by American Ninja Warrior Jessie Graff. Community Center Alliance is organizing this race as a fundraiser event for the programs, services and activities provided at Agoura Hills / Calabasas Community Center. Participants should pick up their race packets prior to the race day, on Friday, November 10 between 11:00 am and 6:00 pm and Saturday, November 11 between 10:00 am and 4:00 pm at Kings Fish House at The Commons. All entry fees are non-refundable and non-transferable. About Calabasas Classic Run: The Calabasas Classic Run is a community health and fitness event that is going to be held in Calabasas, California. The event is being organized by the Community Center Alliance Director, Annemarie Flaherty, board members Patti Mardell, Matt Heller and Heath Patton along with Debbie Polakov, Cookies for Kids Cancer rep and Tiffany Kennedy of Coldwell Banker Calabasas.   To sign up and more information, please visit https://racewire.com/register.php?id=7641 and http://www.calabasasclassicrun.com/registration-details Contact: Patti Mardell or Annemarie Flaherty Email: [email protected] Phone: (818) 222-0023 (818) 880-2993 ###
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hearnsolo · 7 years
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#streetphotography #streetartlondon #heart 🖤#cat 🐱 #graff #graffiti #art #urbanphotography #urbanart #urbandecay #urban #london #londongraffiti #londonart #londonstreetart #hackney #hometown #lookup (at Cambridge Heath)
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obigem · 1 year
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"Excuse me, is everything good hear?" Saunders had found them both as his Melody in peril sense was tingling.
"Heath was just leaving, Lukas."
"Sorry dude, but we're kind of in the middle of something, so if you don't mind giving us some space."
"Actually I do mind."
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Saunders moved to Melody's side and placed his arm around her waist pulling her toward him.
"Cause ya see, I'm not all that keen on other men having moments alone with my wife."
"Wife?" Melody said incredulously under her breath, but Saunders shot her a look to just go with it.
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"OK, very funny. Ya know Mimi told me that you were married and I thought she was joking. The two of you are terrible comediens."
"Actually, he was telling the truth. Melody 𝘪𝘴 my wife, and she's currently carrying my child, so I'd appreciate you not agitating her."
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"That thing is real?!!" Heath was taken aback. "Mel?! You didn't marry him just cause he got you pregnant did you? I mean, you didn't have to."
"I married her before the pregnancy. It's not our first child. But even if it was, I love her. Why wouldn't I marry her?"
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"Oh, I—I didn't mean—dude, I honestly I didn't know. I wouldn't have—ugh. Can we just forget this whole thing happened?"
"I can't foget you hitting on my wife, but I will give you a headstart to get lost before I hurt you."
"Easy! I'm gone. I promise." Heath squirmed.
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obigem · 1 year
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"So I went by your mom's place," Heath approached Mimi without so much as a hi, "and that asian lady, Ms. Suzuki, she said she moved. Said she ran off with some guy and got married. She was joking, right?"
"Mom, married?"
"Yeah, that's not true is it?"
Mimi thinks a few beats... "Nope, it's totally true."
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Despite Mimi's words, Heath shrugged off his answer, and went looking for Melody. He was fresh off a disatrous divorce from his wife Marien, and he knew Melody had exactly what he needed to make himself feel better about it. So when he ran into her, he couldn't hide his own elation.
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"Woah, Melody! I thought you'd be here."
"Well, it's only my best friend's Spooky Day party, it's more surprising you got an invite."
"You know Andrea always invites me when Mimi's invited. I'm her dad."
"His dad. Thought she'd stop doing that now that he's an adult"
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"Yeah, well it's lucky that she did otherwise I'd miss how hot you look in your Spooky Day costume. Pregnant cheerleader? That's sexy." He cocked an eyebrow.
"Yeah, um thanks I guess." The compliment made her skin crawl. She attempted to leave but Heath stopped her.
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"Not so fast, we should dance." Heath shot her a suggestive look.
"Yeah, I'm sure your wife would love that."
"No, didn't you hear? Marien and I ended things. So now you and I—"
"You and I? There is no you and I. Now if you'll excuse me—"
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"Come on! I know I messed up last time. Should've told you about the Marien thing. But now that's not an issue. So dance with me. Later we might even be able to sneak off to an empty bedroom, and who knows, maybe we can make a real baby."
"Excuse me?" Melody looked disgusted.
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obigem · 1 year
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It was that time of year again.
When the weather grows colder and everyone is filled with mirth and good cheer.
Spooky Day of course 👻
And no one enjoyed the festivities of dressing up and getting in the Spooky Day spirit like Andrea Fletcher. So naturally, she got dressed up in the most wild costume she could find and spent the whole day prepping to host a big Spooky Day bash at Casa Fletcher.
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Andros and new baby Fletcher were too small and too cranky to participate in the festivities this year, but the rest of the Fletcherlings were in perfect form as each one of them got dressed up in extravagent costumes, as deemed appropriate by Queen Dre. Least surprising costume of the bunch was Cordelia, all decked as a princess. Of course 😉
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It was a great turn out from all their friends and extended family, but unfortunately, Dre made an error in her invite list. Specifically someone she was meant to leave off: Heath Graff.
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obigem · 2 years
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"I dunno, Heath. Maybe staying with you isn't such a good idea." His head and heart were screaming at him that it was a terrible idea.
"Whadaya mean? Where else are you gonna go?"
"I dunno. I'll figure out something." He could really only think of one place that made sense.
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obigem · 2 years
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"Look, us guys gotta stick together, especially when all the chicks out there are committed to doing us dirty.'
"Umm....I guess." Cam was really unsure at where their conversation was going at this point.
"Mi casa es su casa till you figure it out, dude."
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"Cam Bam, you're gonna need a place to stay. You can crash at my place. It'll be a little tight since Rafe's wife has all those kids. But we can carve you out a spot on the couch."
"The couch?"
"We'll make it work!" Heath rose his glass. But Cam wasn't so sure.
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obigem · 2 years
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"I told her I loved her the last time we were together, ya know. And instead of admitting she felt the same way, she blew up at me just cause I have this marriage of convenience thing."
"You're married, Heath?"
"That's besides the point! The point is I get how you're feeling."
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"I just love her so much, ya know? She wouldn't even talk to me about it. Just ripped my heart apart and left. Won't even answer my calls."
Somehow this commiseration took a turn as Heath focused on his own romantic woes.
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obigem · 2 years
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Once Heath sat down, Cam gave him the briefest of cliffnotes of what happened so he had someone to commiserate with.
"Yeesh, women, am I right? I can't believe she did you like that!"
"I mean, it was a long, long time ago at this point, but it still happened, ya know?"
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"Man, don't give her that pass! She did that to you before you proposed? I always knew Andrea was a—"
"Heath, watch it. She's still my wife." Cam shot a stern look.
"OK, but I mean she did you wrong, bro. It's just like Mel. She completely ripped my heart out."
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obigem · 2 years
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Cam wasn't clear at all on where he was going for his time away. He hadn't thought that far ahead. Staying with any of his gym buddies would mean coming clean about his marriage being on the rocks. He wasn't ready for that fall from grace. So instead he called someone else.
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They decided to meet up at a bar in San Myshuno. Cam had just ordered them some drinks when he finally arrived.
"Thanks for coming," Cam said glumly as he came over.
"Of course, Cam Bam. No way I could leave you hanging like this." Heath replied, trying to be supportive.
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obigem · 3 years
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"So that's it? You don't even wanna talk about this and try and make this right?"
"Heath, what is there to talk about? You're married, I'm done, and don't call or text me unless it has to do with Mimi. Now I /have/ to go!"
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Somehow, Mel had found herself early on a Monday morning doing the ultimate walk of shame. She didn't want to admit it, but she had reached 3 strikes in one day. First Akito, then Saunders, and now even Heath.
"Face it, Mel. Three strikes. You're out."
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obigem · 3 years
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"What is it that we have, again? Years of us sliding into each other's DMs, sleeping with each other with no strings attached, while you barely spend any time with our kid and fail to pay child support?" Melody tried not to roll her eyes at the "treasured" memories.
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"Ugh! Melody, you're always doing this! Focusing on all the wrong things. This is why you and I can never get anywhere and really be together like we're supposed to be."
Mel, yawned, "Heath, I can't do this with you. I gotta get out of here."
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obigem · 3 years
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Heath let out an audible "ARGH."
"Mel, you're taking this all the wrong way. I'm a different person than I was back then. Can't you see? I'm finally ready to be with you, and I know you feel the same way. Otherwise you never would have come here. You love me too, admit it!"
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"You know what, Heath? Coming here did confirm something for me, but it wasn't that I love you. It's that I want to be wanted by someone I actually want. And I don't want you."
"So that's it then, you're just gonna throw away everything we have?" Heath asked in a huff.
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