eminjbrylv · 6 months
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Adobe huts, yurts and hide tents fashioned a modern city on the ruins. Neighbourhood markets bustled beneath wide, street-length awnings, filling the hot air with countless voices and the redolent aromas of cooking. Local tribes, those that followed their own war chief, Mathok - who held a position comparable to general in Sha'ik's command - mingled with Dogslayers, with motley bands of renegades from cities, with cut-throat bandits and freed criminals from countless Malazan garrison gaols. The army's camp followers were equally disparate, a bizarre self-contained tribe that seemed to wander a nomadic round within the makeshift city, driven to move at the behest of hidden vagaries no doubt political in nature. At the moment, some unseen defeat had them more furtive than usual - old whores leading scores of mostly naked, thin children, weapon smiths and tack menders and cooks and latrine diggers, widows and wives and a few husbands and fewer still fathers and mothers ... threads linked most of them to the warriors in Sha'ik's army, but they were tenuous at best, easily severed, often tangled into a web of adultery and bastardy.
The city was a microcosm of Seven Cities, in Heboric's opinion. Proof of all the ills the Malazan Empire had set out to cure as conquerors then occupiers. There seemed few virtues to the freedoms to which the ex-priest had been witness, here in this place. Yet he suspected he was alone in his traitorous thoughts. The empire sentenced me a criminal, yet I remain Malazan none the less. A child of the empire, a reawakened devotee to the old emperor's 'peace by the sword'. So, dear Tavore, lead your army to this heart of rebellion, and cut it dead. I'll not weep for the loss.
House of Chains, by Steven Erikson (Malazan Book of the Fallen #4)
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apollo-cackling · 7 months
“[...] But it was only an issue of power, wasn’t it?” he said, more to himself than to the man who shared the fire. “There are no lessons worthy enough for a noble to heed. I look back on my years within that twisted, hungry company—I look back on that life now, Coll, and I see it wasn’t a life at all.” He was silent for a time, then a slow smile curved his mouth and his gaze swung to Coll. “Since I walked away from the Malazan Empire, and severed once and for all the dubious privileges of my noble blood, damn, I’ve never felt so alive. It was never a life before, only the palest shadow of what I’ve now found. Is that a truth most of us are too frightened to face?” Coll grunted. “I’m not the sharpest man you’ll meet, Paran, and your thoughts are running a touch too deep for me. But if I understand you right, you’re sitting there looking at a chopped-up old fool of a man and you’re telling him he’s alive. Right now. As alive as can be. And whatever he betrayed back then, it wasn’t life, was it?” “You tell me, Coll.” The man grimaced and ran a hand through his thinning hair. “The thing is, I want it back. I want it all back.” Paran burst out laughing, and continued to laugh until sharp pains cramped his stomach. Coll sat watching him, then a low, rumbling chuckle rose from his chest. He reached back, retrieved a handful of sticks and tossed them into the fire, one at a time. “Well, dammit, Paran,” he said, amused lines crinkling around his eyes, “you’ve come out of the blue like a god-sent bolt of lightning. And I appreciate it. I appreciate it more than you’ll ever know.” Paran wiped tears from his eyes. “Hood’s Breath,” he said. “Just one War Mule talking to another, right?” “I guess so, Paran. Now, if you’ll look in that pack of mine, you’ll find a jug of Worrytown wine. Its vintage is about a week.” The captain rose. “Meaning?” “Meaning it’s running out of time.”
suddenly remembered one of my favourite parts of GotM
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ae-neon · 8 months
Felisin asking Baudin to save Beneth irritated me a little, but THIS????
‘I wasn’t part of your escape plan, was I, Heboric?’
He glanced up, raised his brows. ‘Until tonight, it seemed you’d made Skullcup your paradise. I didn’t think you’d be interested in leaving.’
‘Paradise?’ For some reason the word shook her. She sat down on the cot.
Eyeing her, he shrugged. ‘Beneth provided.’
I almost jumped through the page and beat him to death. I wanted Felisin to gouge his eyes out and peel his skin off and ask him where his god was now
That child went through hell and back and all the while made sure it benefitted him and he has the fucking nerve to throw it back in her face, Hood should have taken his eyes and tongue in that prologue
Idk, maybe I'll jump on the Felisin hate train later but as of the beginning of Book 2: Whirlwind - she remains the MVP of the Baudin/Heboric/Felisin trio with Baudin second and Heboric dead fucking last
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projetosnopapel · 1 year
Um grande Caos!
O livro O Portal da Casa dos Mortos, o segundo da série Malazanos do autor Steve Erikson, continua a saga de muitos personagens. Duiker, o historiador imperial, e Kulp, o último mago sobrevivente do 7º Exército, estão prestes a partir de Hissar para resgatar Heboric (que não tem mãos), um historiador exilado e ex-sacerdote de Fenner, o Deus Javali. Heboric, junto com Felisin Paran e Baudin, um…
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I should probably post that before I forget, since I’m still happy with it (even though the silver pen barely shows).
Also I got the pants so now all Tyria will know that my nerd son has a flat butt.
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getzeyanez · 3 years
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Siempre me quise tomar una foto en el elevador, pero nunca le especifiqué al universo 🪐 que nunca en el del hospital.😅 Cuidado con sus deseos, sean más específicos con lo que piden a sus seres superiores, porque no hay duda de que sí cumplen de formas inesperadas...😜 #selfie #hospital #elevador #hebor #universo #deseos #cirugia #fotografia #juntas #contigosiempre #love #mamey #momanddaughter #handbag #facemask #wearamask #smile #eyes #straighthair https://www.instagram.com/p/CNIuAqIB9vD/?igshid=19qlobjzhmyga
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enolezdrata · 3 years
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I have accumulated few Malazan works. Re-reading first six books ones again and still found something new.
- Shurq Elalle and Kettle - Lostara Yil - Dujek Onearm - Heboric - Pearl
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hobbitstanaccount · 2 years
Dwarven children are less common than the dwarves would like. Because of this, they and their parents are regarded very highly. Likewise, those dwarves who have several children are seen as being highly valuable.
Twins are very uncommon, while triplets have only been recorded once; the Dwarrowdam Hebor with her children Jembur, Kelor, and Teber. Jembur is the ancestor of Bombur, which is unsurprising seeing as he has so many children.
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javapixels · 7 years
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Hebor: BOOO!
Gen: *Screams*
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ryurising · 7 years
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Cuddly child #Spawn #HeBored
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"If I could see you," Heboric muttered, "I'd conclude you've improved some."
"I have, Destriant of Treach, though I would have thought those feline eyes of yours could pierce every veil."
He grunted. "It's more that you no longer slur your words, Scillara."
"What do we do now?" she asked after a moment.
"Dusk will soon arrive. I would go out to find L'oric, and I would that you accompany me."
"And then?"
"Then, I would lead you to Felisin Younger."
"Sha'ik's adopted daughter."
Scillara glanced away, meditative as she drew deep on the rust-leaf.
"How old are you, lass?"
She shrugged, "As old as I have to be. If I am to take Felisin Younger's orders, so be it. Resentment is pointless."
An awkward conversation, progressing in leaps that left Heboric scrambling. Sha'ik was much the same. Perhaps, he reflected with a grimace, this talent for intuitive thinking was a woman's alone - he admittedly had little experience upon which he could draw, despite his advanced years. Fener's temple was predominantly male, when it came to the holy order itself, and Heboric's life as a thief had, of necessity, included only a handful of close associations. He was, once more, out of his depth. "Felisin Younger has, I believe, little interest in commanding anyone. This is not an exchange of one cult for another, Scillara - not in the way you seem to think it is, at any rate. No-one will seek to manipulate you here."
House of Chains, by Steven Erikson (Malazan Book of the Fallen #4)
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apollo-cackling · 7 months
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[transcript: the complex Felisin /end transcript]
now this may be me getting bitch eating crackers with the guy but. what the fuck do you mean complex mate she's literally just an abused kid who sucks to be around but has done (as of DG) Literally Nothing Wrong
like don't get me wrong I think felisin's the best, most deft work erikson's done yet* (im not biased at all), but that's in how her character is executed. her character concept is quite simple actually
*as of memories of ice
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ae-neon · 8 months
Finally in a more stable state of mind and starting Memories of Ice
Prologue notes and thoughts
Deadhouse Gates still, and probably forever will hold the crown for most amazing prologue, but this was an interesting start.
Those poor Jaghut babies.
Veryyyy interesting to learn how Tool became clanless! Also so glad we get to see K'rul
Mentions of the ice used by the Jaghuts in DG immediately made me think of the title Memories of Ice so I guessed we might see more of the Imass and Jaghut conflict and the real First Empire
The ash covered dome makes me think of something Kalam saw in the Imperial Warren in DG
Also I definitely think the third Elder god is Nightchill from GotM. She plays at being a mortal sorceress, is cursed to be torn apart by non-mortal or non-human hands and is told to find a loyal companion. Plus her predicting her death would come as the result of betrayal. All things that happened to Nightchill.
Initially I thought Kallor might be Hood. But checking the GotM Dramatis Personae, there's someone in Caladan Brood's host named Kallor but I never imagined that Kallor as human so idk
The bringing down of the god reminds me of Heboric forcing Fener onto the mortal plain in DG so I'm wondering if otataral was used in that ceremony and if that green jade is an otataral prototype or something
Also I think Draconus is talking about Dragnipur which is very interesting
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lowrollshighhopes · 3 years
Averhill Episode Sixty-three: The Maiden Flight
The next morning it seemed as if half the city had got up to observe the maiden flight of the Tibor. The party was woken before dawn and informed that their escort had arrived, a squad of city guards captained by Sariah Hebore, Rivers’s human persona. Nymilla and her friends took charge of Lusan and the party walked to the docks surrounded by a lively crowd.
Silas and crew were already there, and they learned the rigging had to be made of spider’s silk, treated with alchemical fire-retardant substances, as ordinary ropes couldn’t handle the weight of the silver sails. Salazar showed Ris where she was to interface with the ship, and the Tibor was launched to great fanfare. The crew rowed out into the harbour as the sun was rising, and unfurled the sails, the silver catching the morning light, dazzling, but the sails were too heavy for the gentle morning breeze to fill. It was Ris’s turn.
She placed her hand on the runes and reached out to her patron, her hair whipped in a sudden breeze and the ship flexed and shifted as if it were a live thing, and the silver sails filled and billowed, steadily, they rose out of the water, sending confused seabirds wheeling. They rose up and Silas steered the ship around, Averhill below them like a pile of treasure spilling down the hill, glittering in the morning sun.
When Ris wished to descend, Jamal made it so, and Ris sensed it took him almost no effort at all.
When they returned to port, great cheers rose up on all sides from the crowded ships and docks. Only when they disembarked did Jamal’s power leave the ship. While the others celebrated, Salazar gave Kaipo his notes on the ship’s runes, written in illusory script.
Kaipo knew it was time. She gathered her friends and broke the news that she wouldn’t be coming with them; she needed to study if she wanted to truly master her magic. They were all surprised and sad, but supported her, Flick through floods of tears. While the rest of Averhill celebrated it was a sombre group that went back to the Maltery.
Flick went in search of Sariah, who found her, and escorted her back to the Maltery. Rivers promised to see them off when they left. Not in the mood for a party, they hired horses and went to see Fennlias at Crow’s Cabin Springs. He’d been in contact with Traquinos who had a final gift for Flick. He arrived via plant, and imbued her aze with more raw power.
It was a peaceful night, and when they returned mid-afternoon the next day, Silas had organised the ship to be stocked, and made ready. They’d leave the following day.
Their last night at the Maltery, Mel meditated unsleeping and realised that it was very, very quiet. Unnaturally quiet. She leaped to her feet as two crossbow bolts flew in the window, striking her.
Ris woke to Lusan shaking her awake. He was saying something, she could see his lips moving, but she heard nothing. She saw, however, a huge metal spider pulling open the window behind him, ripping open the wall.
An unseen assailant grabbed Mel’s bag of holding, and she recognised Lorabanise, the drow assassin who’d served Lady Duskery in Crookwich. The drow smiled and teleported away with the bag in her hands. Mel dimension doored after her.
The giant spider fired a paralysing beam at Ris, grabbed her and retreated back out. Lusan grabbed Ris’s sword and swung but missed. He got up and ran for Kaipo’s room and kicked in her door, silently, and shook her awake. Unable to cast spells in the silence, Kaipo ran for Flick’s door, barged it down and woke her while the drow surrounded Mel down in the street.
The spider was fleeing up the side of the building opposite, Flick ran through Ris’s room and took a flying leap out the hole, and used her thorn whip on the spider, pulling it off the building and they both tumbled to the street. Unable to cast spells in the silence, and not game to jump, Kaipo ran for the stairs. Lusan used Ris’s shortbow against the spider, but it ignored him.
Ris reached out to Jamal, and got a distant response; he’d given her some of his power, she should use it. Ris focused on her ring, and even though she was still unable to move, she found she could fold herself into it. The ring fell to the street, and Ris found herself far more comfortably paralysed on large cushions in a silken tent. She could still sense what was going on around her, Flick fighting the spider, Mel surrounded and attacked by Drow, Lorabanise disappearing into a patch of darkness.
Kaipo emerged onto the street, now out of the zone of silence. She unleashed a fireball, sculpting it around Mel and Flick. From within the tent, Ris watched the fire roll over, and then the ring melted and burned and the tent appeared to burn too, leaving her once more on the street, and her father’s ring incinerated.
At this point, another party  joined the fray. A flying octopus-shaped drone appeared and healed Mel, while an individual in a gnome-illusion presented Ris with a crystal that removed her paralysis. It was enough for her to roll on the ground and dodge the attacks the spider unleashed upon her. Then this individual cheerfully walked up the wall. Mel cast mind spike on one of the drow. They were rather roughed up, and one cast darkness and when Kaipo dispelled it they were gone, but Mel was pointing down the alleyway they’d fled to.
The mysterious gnome granted Flick haste, and she rocketed down the alley after the drow. While the party and their mysterious ally hunted the drow down, Ris faced off against the spider. Without the ring, her connection to Jamal was unable to help her, and her rapier was little help against the construct. The spider stayed on its mission to abduct Ris, and used its paralysis beam again. Once the ally, now walking on air, had rained fire on Lorabanise, Flick ran back to see it once more climbing the building with Ris in its clutches. Once more, thorn whip brought it down. Now surrounding it, the party were able to subdue it. Lights were coming on in the windows, the guard was summoned, and the mysterious ‘gnome’ merely flew away.
Although Ris sensed Jamal would be capable of restoring her ring, Salazar’s words still rang in Kaipo’s ears: magic cannot be mastered merely by throwing fireballs, and she knew she’d made the right decision.
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tyrillina · 3 years
The Bonehunters, an incomplete list of observations (up to end of chapter 14):
Nooooooooo Joyful Union........
Nooooooooo Greyfrog (oh, phew, he liiiiiives)
Chapter seven. welp.
Pella, Truth, Borduke, Moak, Bell...
And Heboric’s little band. Dammit Felisin, I hope you don’t go the way of the last two Sha’iks, (What’s the plural of Sha’ik, anyway?)
I don’t think we’ve seen the last of Heboric. This series doesn’t seem content to kill characters unless they're done. (Or unless it’s suitably poignant, in the Errant’s own words.) There were too many flies at the ambush for Hood not to be hanging around. And we know well enough that dead doesn’t mean dead in this world...
I was surprised to see more of Corabb in this book. Not a complaint, hell no. He just seemed more of a joke character in House of Chains, or so I thought, having realized by the end that he’d escaped certain death no less than three times: ‘Leoman’s friend who just won’t die the absolute madman’. I was very entertained, just didn’t expect to see much of him in the future.
btw, speaking of joke characters, Limp has literally one joke to his name and boy does he keep living up to it.
I wonder what’s happened to the sixth Unbound T’lan Imass. Maybe it was destroyed in some as yet unknown manner, or maybe it’s off doing something else at the moment.
Conspiracy theory time: (a) Cotillion showed up with an apple when Kalam called him, such a odd detail that of course I remembered. (b) Spite shows up with an apple when Mappo meets her. (c) It isn’t until Spite flew overhead that Iskural Pust’s muttering comments led Mappo out of the swamp, right where Spite is waiting. (d) Iskural Pust is, of course, of House Shadow, as is Cotillion. (e) Conclusion: Cotillion recruited Spite to help Mappo help Icarium? Or something else? If they did have a little clandestine meeting somewhere, why apples?
Conspiracy theory 2 time: (a) Last book, we learn the rather curious worldbuilding detail that, according to the Ceda, there were at least four moons, but the others besides the main one were always far and faint and haven’t been seen in ages. He adds that maybe these others were just small and near. (b) This is in part repeated by Samar Dev, confirming it’s not just the Ceda who believes this. (c) Not-Apsalar recalls the story of Apsalar-her-namesake who tried to steal the moon. (d) Mogora does some moon-related ritual to heal Mappo, implying that the moon could be moved, but only with great difficultly. (e) We know of one skykeep literally called “Moon’s Spawn”. (f) Conclusion: Moon shenanigans???
Please someone make a meme of that sniper-on-sniper-on-sniper image from Person of Interest. You got at the very least, like, Mappo <- Dejim Nebrahl <- The Hounds <- The Deragoth.
We continue to learn trickles more about the Nascent. In Deadhouse Gates, we’re told it is a fragment of Kurald Emurlahn, which Rhulad repeats in Midnight Tides. And we learn in House of Chains that it contained people and a wall - a wall that is what I imagine the Stormwall to be, since we haven’t actually seen it yet. The warren was flooded relatively recently, by Rhulad, so was the wall already there? Or did a lot of time pass in that warren before we saw it in the ‘present’ day? Or was there already water, just not as much? 
To add to that info, we now know it is, or connected to, an underworld, one the Jaghut know of.
Giant wall -> Stormriders? -> Icy (related to Jaghut?) -> Jaghut Bridge of Death leading to the Nascent -> conclusion: idk yet?
You know, we still don’t know who that crazy mage was who opened the gate that sucked in Heboric, Felisin, Baudin, Kulp, Gesler, Stormy, and Truth. Maybe it’s not important, but it was such a consequential event. So the seemingly randomness of its origins are curious.
Glad to see Ganoes Paran again! I thought we wouldn’t, since he doesn’t show up in the Dramatis Personae. Hooray!
This is a man who spends the majority of his first two books in a general state of *sweats nervously* and *internally screaming*. But in like, a stoic way: He could still be sarcastic sometimes! Thank goodness the poor man has had seven months to relatively relax.
You know, he’s gonna go spirit walking in one of those little warrens he sees when he visits the Azath, and he going to find, like, the vulture and the scaled bear and everything else he’s Cardcaptor Sakura’d. And it will either be terrifying or very awkward. 
I’m have considered the possibility that the card trick sends the creature away, rather than trapping it. The scaled creature Karsa and Samar Dev encounter in the forest could have been (a) that scaled bear (b) the last Dejim kin, dragged there by the Hounds or (c) something unknown. It’s described with “eyes”, though, so maybe I’m overthinking it.
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