#Heimdall gow x reader
cuntysiren · 5 months
Does anyone else have a hard time writing Heimdall's character? Like we all know how he is, but I feel it's difficult to express that on paper. Or My documents realistically. How exactly could you write a character, who only cares about his father (or king) and his realm. Suddenly, starts to care about one person. That might destroy everything he ever loved, how do you tell the character development is too fast or too slow?
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grievedeeply · 9 months
the less time, the better. pt 8.
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pairing: heimdall x gn!reader
summary: still reeling from the events of what happened on niflheim, you grapple with having heimdall by your side while surrounded by people who hate him.
notes: thank you all so much for the continued love and support on this silly little series. this is taking so long because i fluctuate in and out of my god of war obsession.. so i'm very sorry for making you all wait forever lol. tagged everyone who was tagged last time, but if you're no longer interested please let me know! thank you again and please enjoy this chapter and the canon divergences <3
your father didn't know who he was at first— heimdall. he stared at him with narrowed eyes for a few moments then turned his attention back to you, his gaze softening as soon as he did so. you could feel his presence behind you. you could tell he felt out of place, scared.. these people, this man standing in front of him was the one who killed his brother, his nephews. even if he was never particularly close to them in the first place.. they all meant something to someone, didn't they?
did he? did he mean something to anyone? if kratos killed him right then and there.. would someone back in asgard care? would his father mourn him?
he shoved the thought out of his head and kept focused on the task at hand. the man in front of him had yet to pull out a weapon, so he didn't either. instead, his eyes drifted to you, only for you to be looking at him already.
"who is this?" your father's voice rang out in the silence, echoing throughout the branches of the yggdrasil. "that's.. uh," you chuckled awkwardly, lips pressed together in a thin line as you turn your focus back to him. "let's get home first, yeah?" you changed the subject, deciding that having him sit down for this whole conversation would be better than having it here.
he only grunted, still eyeing him suspiciously.
deciding to take the initiative, you gestured for him to follow after you. he was stuck here now, at least for the time being, and you know odin would want him back. with him at sindri's.. you had a feeling that the environment would be far from a calm one. you wanted to groan at that realization. why did you have to reach out to him like that? it would've been fine if he was still there!
the gateway door opened and you walked through, the feeling of warmth washing over you as you did so. heimdall followed after you and your father came close behind, his eyes still focused on him.
this would be awkward, and this would be horrible. what kind of reasonable explanation was there for an aesir god to be here? you supposed the only thing to do was tell the truth and hope that they would understand. but would they, really? heimdall wasn't their friend. they didn't know him like you did.
they didn't see that vulnerable side of him that you saw back on niflheim. that conversation replayed over and over in your mind as you pushed the door open to sindri's house. this would be horrible, you told yourself.. but you'd get through it. you got through everything.
"y/n!" you heard atreus' voice approach you, arms immediately wrapping around you as you got inside. you chuckled, returning his hug after recovering from the impact of him running at you. "i missed you," you told him, pulling away enough to look at him. "i missed you-" he cut himself off, brows furrowing as his eyes shifted from you to heimdall, who looked incredibly uncomfortable by this entire situation.
"who's that?" he asked, looking back at you. he pulled away, tilting his head as he took in heimdall's appearance. his eyes widened as he settled on the horn on his back and he turned his head to look at you once more. "don't-" you cut him off before he could say anything else, lips pursed into a fake smile. he blinked a few times and let out a sigh.
"heimdall?" freya's voice sounded out from across the house, hands on her hips as she walked towards you. you heard your father grunt again, in frustration this time. you expected he would have more to say about this whole thing, but he seemed suspiciously silent.
"frigg," heimdall spoke up for the first time since arriving on the branches of the yggdrasil. "don't call me that," she replied without missing a beat. "what is he doing here?" she asked you. you knew she had little personal history with him.. but she surely didn't like him all the same. anyone associated with odin was horrible in her book.
"i didn't mean to.. bring him with me," you muttered. by now, the entire house surrounded you. atreus had left to go pick up mimir from your father's room, knowing that he would want to watch whatever happened. "it was an accident, really." you sighed, scratching at the back of your neck.
"an accident?" sindri said. "it should've only been one person.." he murmured. you assumed it was directly only to himself than to you or anyone else as he eyed heimdall. "can he leave?" brok's voice rang out, arms crossed over his chest. "he ain't supposed to be here," he continued after a pause, referring to your obvious plan to kill odin. you were sure he knew about that already.
you let out a breath. this had been going better than you'd expected.
"no." you heard your father say from behind you, deep baritone echoing throughout the confines of the house. "we use him."
"what?" atreus asked, brows furrowed. in his hand, mimir seemed to already know what he was suggesting.
"we keep him here. begin ragnarok under our terms. use him as leverage."
heimdall laughed, shaking his head. "if you think the allfather will come for me, you'd be sorely mistaken."
it seemed like, in your time away from asgard, he had taken some time to think about his relationship with his father. had he finally realized that he only ever wanted to use him as a tool? he had never cared for him. did he know that, now?
"he will want the horn." your father muttered, eyes narrowing at heimdall as they had done so many times before. you swore you could see something fall in his eyes at the realization that he was right. he wouldn't want his son. he would want the horn.
he fell silent, clearly unhappy. there was a part of you that wanted to rub it in his face— the fact that you were right— but the other wanted to comfort him. you pushed the thought aside, your eyes focusing in on the rest standing around you.
sindri's expression was a wary one. an aesir, in his house? you were sure he hated the thought of it, but he didn't speak up to voice his concerns about it either. brok looked like he wanted to punch heimdall then and now and freya's expression almost matched his.
freyr had been suspiciously quiet the entire time, but that silence was quickly broken. "no," he laughed, shaking his head. "his family burned me alive." he held out his arms in front of him, eyes trailing down to look at his burnt skin that had never fully healed. "sorry, but no. it's a no from me." he said after a pause.
freya seemed torn on the whole idea. you knew she had only recently mended the relationship she had with her brother, and disagreeing could put another rift between them. she pursed her lips. "if he gets me closer to killing odin, so be it." she said.
"fine," mimir spoke. "but i won't like it!" he continued after a brief pause.
you heard tyr sigh from where he stood, his eyes studying heimdall who had still yet to say anything else since your father pointed out how odin would want the horn back. "this isn't a good idea," he settled on saying, eyes shifting over you and to your father who now stood next to you.
"i say we do it," atreus chimed in, cutting him off from saying anything else.
you felt their eyes on you, all waiting for your thoughts. your gaze trailed over to him, lips pursed. would it be better here for him? could he eventually be an ally? would he ever want to be? you could only imagine the turmoil he was dealing with in his mind. his bright purple eyes met yours briefly, and you swallowed the lump that had formed in your throat.
"yeah, okay." you concluded, awkwardly looking around at everyone else. you could only hope that this was the right decision. a decision that led you and everyone else down the right path.
"that settles it, then!" brok exclaimed. "majority rules, he stays." he stated.
freyr looked uncomfortable and you felt bad for making him deal with this. you understood why he didn't want him around.. but he could help. he could, if he wanted to.
with the conversation concluded, everyone split apart, looking over their shoulder as if heimdall would attack them right then and there. you cleared your throat. the only people next to you now were him and your father.
"he's alright," you muttered. it was something you would never imagine saying when you first met him, but it was the truth. he was cocky and annoying and full of himself.. but he was alright. your thoughts drifted back to the moment you'd shared in niflheim, how he had looked at you as though you were the only person in the realms he cared about.
your father said nothing in response to you, his eyes now focused on the wall in front of him. you could only watch him walk away, your heart sinking as he did.
you couldn't help but to think you'd disappointed him.
before you could dig yourself into an even deeper hole, you turned your focus back to heimdall. he looked a little more grounded now and you had wondered what he was thinking about when the entire conversation was happening. you cleared your throat, chest feeling heavy at the entire situation.
"c'mon." you told him, gesturing for him to follow you. you led him out the front door and onto the branches of the yggdrasil again. everything felt much lighter than it did with your father.
"your father," he cut himself off, swallowing. "he is right, y'know. you were right." he murmured, gaze stuck onto the ground beneath his feet. "everything i did, i did to make him proud." he admitted with a sigh, looking up towards the endless purple above the two of you.
you had brought him to the garden on the side of the house, a place you spent a lot of time at before you ever went to asgard. "i know," you told him, turning your head to look at him. a sigh escaped your lips as you took his hand in your own.
"he wouldn't dream of coming for me." his voice fell to a whisper. "he wants.. the horn." he laughed in disbelief. "i dedicated my entire life to him and i got nothing in return. but why do i still feel.. "
"feel what?"
"guilty. for thinking this way." he replied after a pause.
"you shouldn't. you were.. manipulated, heimdall." his name fell from your lips easily, but he was always happy to hear you say it anyways. "he used you. it's what he does. he uses people." you continued. "but you're his son. it's.. not your fault, for believing that he loved you."
"he never loved me, did he?"
you pursed your lips, deciding to squeeze on his hand instead of saying anything else. in your eyes, the answer was no. odin loved power and he would do anything to get it, including using his own sons.
he shook his head. he still didn't want to believe it all, but he knew it was all true. your words had perhaps gotten through to him too well.
"hey," your voice cut him out of his thoughts and brought him back into reality. "you've got me, now." you hummed, a small smile forming on your lips as you met his eyes. there was something about your gaze that was playful, full of light. something that he needed— that he wanted.
still, he said nothing in response. with every second you spent with him you swore he let you in more. what happened to the less time, the better? you had practically lived off of that statement during your time in asgard. the less time you spent with heimdall, the better it was for you. you supposed the sentiment was still true. after all.. if he wasn't with you on niflheim, perhaps you would be here by yourself and you would never see heimdall again.
that wasn't what you wanted, was it?
it was crazy to think about how quickly your mind changed. he had wiggled his way into your thoughts first, and now he was making himself a home in your heart. a part of you still hated that.
you could only hope everyone else would get used to having him around.
"your father," he started, "he killed my family."
"i know." you replied.
"did you?" he asked.
you immediately knew what he was referring to. while you had no part in the deaths of magni or modi.. your part in baldur's was much bigger. while you didn't strike the killing blow you were certainly part of how he had gotten weak enough to get there.
"i was.. there," you told him. "i.. participated. i wasn't the one who killed him. but i was part of the reason why he died."
heimdall pursed his lips. it wasn't like your answer was surprising. he didn't even know why he cared so much. perhaps it was because baldur was younger than he was. perhaps it was because he had watched him grow up, he had grown alongside him, even. it wasn't like he was close to him. but he would be lying if he said his death didn't bother him.
maybe it bothered him so much because it meant ragnarok. it meant the end, and that scared him more than he would like to admit.
"not a day goes by where i don't think about him." you admitted. your words were truthful. you were certain you would never live a day without picturing his face in your mind. would you always feel as guilty as you do for your part in his death? the answer to it, you didn't know. but you had come to terms with that you had done all the same.
"i'm sure." he said in response, his back pressed up against the wall of sindri's house.
"i'm sorry i brought you here," you changed the topic, "i didn't mean to, really." you sighed.
"it's done now, isn't it?"
you supposed he was right. it was done now, and there was no changing the past.
"still. i'm sorry."
"if you hadn't taken me with you, do you know what i would be doing?" he asked, shifting his gaze to look at you from where he stood. you shook your head.
"i would be patrolling the wall, as i always do. and i would be thinking of you." he laughed, a smile forming on his lips. his grin looked like he was in disbelief. "i would be thinking of you, y/n. that is what i would be doing. but i don't have to do that now, because you brought me here." he breathed out.
"perhaps i should be the one thanking you." he chuckled.
you pressed your lips into a thin line. you thought back to that moment in the mess hall. it felt like forever ago, now. you had teased him, claiming he had feelings for you. t felt like he really did.
would you complain, if he did?
it would be difficult, given the fact that no one in your family was a fan of him. but if you liked him.. why would that matter? after all, your life is your own.
"sounds like you're in love with me." you decided to say, your voice taking on that same tone as it did in the mess hall. only now, it sounded more genuine. less playful and more curious.
"what if i was?" he asked in response, turning his entire body to look at you, now.
"i'd think you were lying."
"i'm not lying. i don't lie." he scoffed. "i do.. feel a certain way for you, y'know." he admitted, purple eyes meeting yours. you swore that you could get lost in them. they almost looked like the sky surrounding you now.
"do you?" you asked.
he nodded.
"i can prove it."
"oh, can you?" you laughed, rolling your eyes.
"would you like me to?" he asked, his voice matching your tone from earlier. suddenly.. this all felt much more serious.
"yeah, okay." you whispered to him.
your words were all he needed to take action. in one swift move, his hand came to rest on your hip and pulled you closer to him. his other hand caressed your cheek, and his lips pressed against yours.
you froze for a moment. 'is this really happening?' you thought to yourself, but it was— it was happening, and you liked that fact. after regaining your composure, you found yourself gripping onto the fabric of his shirt. as you ran your hand over it, you noticed a tear. sewn up now, but a tear, nonetheless.
this was the outfit that he was wearing the day he meant you. this was the shirt you cut through. the shirt that you embarrassed him in, and now the shirt he was kissing you in.
it wasn't very long, but it was enough. he pulled away with a sigh, but quickly pressed his forehead to yours, eyes opening to look at you.
"how is that for proof, hm?" he hummed. you could tell from his voice that he was trying to tease you. you rolled your eyes, shoving at him playfully.
what did this make you?
you didn't know.
maybe everything would be okay after all.
tags: @ic-yourface @alisblackgf @engardeitsme @venfia @dijanur @s1mpss @gorepitt @callalillie15 @bluehorizon987 @vanserrar @trippingoverstars @mysiax @beaniebear152 @rei64bit @neverendingdumptser @a-bunny13 @lei-leigha @candy4bonez @yyourmotherr @blobdrake-theory @zarizee @rainygamingstreamingturtle @kise-kae @aesthetic-of-a-director @unodostrescuatrolove @nixeustheclamity @aiciteaa @multifand0m-gal0re @chibi668 @wonderkive @lentillo @luffysoctopus @elizabeth-hatake @black-star1472 @lacm-ac @sxmirae @maggot-baggage @emc2beans @suzumi-hiddenmistclan @white-lyra @lmorg149 @iamverydreamy @giornos-curls @reinabxitch @ourchampionofthesun @paintmekala @the-eternal-sunflower @alextric-overload @lynn-haitani
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pyromaniac-skeleton · 2 years
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Possessive Heimdall is Canon, I won’t take criticism on that- 🧍🏻‍♀️
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aurguries · 2 years
if i do what you tell me, will you love me?
pairing: heimdall x reader author's note: i always thought it would be interesting to write a little something with the concept of childhood sweethearts in terms of heimdall's character, especially since he has a hard time trusting people. but with someone he's known since he was a kid? he's a bit putty in her hands heh.
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Your arrival is abrupt and abrasive all at once, involving an irritating combination of the door to his room being thrown open, and you striding in soon after, cheeks flushed, tone impatient. 
"We need to talk."
He remains unfazed, fingers leisurely flipping to the next page of the book he had been in the midst of reading before you barged in, feet still kicked up on his desk, all while you continue to seethe for reasons yet to be made known to him.
"And what seems to be the problem now?" he drawls out.
"Well, you wouldn't know unless you stop reading and look at me," comes your sour response as the door shuts behind you with a loud thud. 
Heimdall sets the book away with a sigh, lowers his feet back down to the ground, violet gaze now trailing after you as you march across the room to plant yourself on his bed with a loud huff. 
He eyes you with a tinge of amusement. "Or you could always just tell me. You can still ... speak, can't you?"
Your gaze flickers to his, tone cutting. "And you can still read minds, can't you? 
His mouth lifts into a smirk. 
"Now that you've kicked up such a fuss, that would be too easy — me poking around in that pretty, little head of yours while you sit there doing absolutely nothing. You know, I think I'd rather hear it from you, dearest. Go on then, form the words."
Heimdall watches as your eyes narrow into slits. 
"I'm not in the mood for whatever this is."
He hums and reaches for his book. 
"Well, neither am I. Come back some other time, then. Goodbye."
A moment creeps by.
Heimdall slides his gaze over to you. 
You remain seated, as he knew you would, arms crossed, lips pursed, still glowering at him. 
The sight of you like this, in so petulant a mood, brings him back lifetimes — to a different room, a narrower bed, and a smaller, sullener version of you sitting on top of it, pouting away, arms crossed, your little feet dangling above the ground. 
In some ways, you are still that same girl, and this is still that same dance.
"Shut the door on your way out, will you?" he mentions tauntingly. "Or, dare I ask, have you actually decided to stay?"
You relent with a roll of your eyes. "You're so difficult sometimes."
"Likewise, sulky."
As soon as the words leave him, he sees your lips curl into a strange, little smile, ire seemingly forgotten. His brows crease, your eyes gleam. By the time he's decided to delve into the depths of your somewhat depraved mind, it's too late.
"You know, I much prefer what you called me earlier," you sigh, tone coy and teasing. "Were you intending on trying something new or did it just ... slip out?" 
You suddenly seem far more exasperating than usual. 
"I have no idea what you're going on about."
"Oh, you know exactly what I'm talking about."
"Please stop feeding your delusions."
"Make me." You smirk. "Dearest."
Annoyance seeps into his tone. "Do you actually have a problem you'd like to discuss or are you just here to waste my time?"
"You tell me," you say almost cheerfully, tone light, seemingly back in high spirits. "So, still want me to tell you what's bothering me, or would you rather just read my mind?"
"Or I could just throw you out."
You make a face at this suggestion. 
"I suppose you ... could. For now, at least. But given how we are soon to live together, I suggest you think of more creative ways to be mean to me. Can't exactly throw me out when we share a room, can you?"
You level your gaze at him challengingly. 
"Or is that the best you can do?"
Heimdall feigns a laugh. "You really still believe that?" 
This gives you pause. 
"Believe what?"
"That we are, soon to live together, as you so eloquently put it." He mock frowns. "You do seem rather ... unsure."
You huff. "So, you do know what's bothering me."
He scoffs, voice deadpan as he laments, "Your thoughts have been stuck on the same thing for weeks, haunting me at every waking moment. Only an idiot wouldn't know what's bothering you."
"And it's only just gotten worse," you tell him now, tone insistent. "Look into my eyes, tell me I'm not overreacting."
Heimdall stands, pretends to mull over your request before relenting with a sigh, making his way over to you. 
"Alright then. Now don't look away, hold it right there — let me concentrate — oh, I see — now that's interesting. You're very clearly ... overreacting."
You glare up at him. 
"This isn't funny. They're here, with her, in the All-Father's court. Why else except to try and wed their only daughter to the scion of the Aesir."
The corners of his mouth twitch. "My, my, I wasn't aware you held me in such high regard."
You lift your chin. "It is a mere fact. Nothing more."
"And so, so, eager to make me yours."
A rosy hue descends on your cheeks as you scoff. "That's not the point. Aren't you the least bit worried you might actually have to call her your wife instead?"
"Not in the slightest," he answers breezily with a dismissive wave of his hand. "The All-Father would never let me be bound to someone of such ... standing. I am, after all, his son, and as you so conveniently mentioned, the scion of the Aesir. So, as you can see, sulky, all that worrying of yours is really for naught."
And so are his words, it seems, because the look on your face hasn't changed. Except now — now you turn away, arms crossed, childishly refusing to look at him. 
Heimdall releases an exaggerated sigh, feels the bed dip as he takes a seat next to you.
"But, I suppose if it makes you feel any better, I did only agree to marry you, didn't I?"
The corners of your mouth begin to lift. 
His brows crease. "And?"
You smirk. 
"Tell me how much you love me. Tell me you'd rather die than continue to live lifetimes without me. Tell me I'm who you love most."
He snorts. "What?"
You turn, gaze locking with his, eyes glittering deviously. 
"You want to make me feel better, don't you, dearest?" you purr, tone sickly-sweet. "So, read my mind and tell me what I want to hear."
What you want to hear. 
What do you want to hear? 
It isn't always an easy thing, sifting through the recesses of your mind. 
Your thoughts, they often greet him how a lover would — how you would — coyly leading him astray, teasing him, toying with him. Tugging, pulling, bending him towards your will, sometimes even tainting whatever it is in him that claims to be all-seeing, all-knowing. 
He sees you reach for him, feels you reach for him. 
"Won't you do it? For me?" you murmur as you gaze up at him through half-lidded eyes, body pressed close, grip tightening around the fabric of his tunic, effectively creasing it. 
"Won't you tell me you've loved me since forever?"
He feels your breath on his heated skin with every persistent plea, and foolishly allows his senses to give in to you, be overcome by you, thoughts and all, lulling him to do as you please. 
Heimdall hums, fingers tracing your spine. "And if I let you have your way, if I do what you tell me?"
He sees your lips curl into that strange, little smile once more as you lean in to place them at his ear, your voice a hushed whisper, and your words, all that he's yearned to hear. 
In some ways, he is still that same boy who sat across that smaller, sullener version of you, his own little feet dangling above the ground, longing to make you smile.
In some ways, this is still that same dance. 
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judyfromfinance · 9 months
See You Again
(Heimdall/Reader SongFic)
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I’m trying to jump back into writing for my boy again. This song has been stuck in my head and it’s so beautiful that everyone needs to hear it. This will be like an AU to my long fic “Olden Times. Modern Thinking.” It’s the same reader but anything that happens in this fic does not impact the main storyline. It’s just supposed to be a cute lil thing for y’all.
Special shout out to my queen @engardeitsme for always slaying the writing scene and being a big inspiration for me~
The song is See You Again by Tyler, The Creator ft. Kali Uchis.
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You live in my dream state.
Relocate my fantasy.
It was so reckless of you to have followed Atreus to Freya’s old abandoned home. And even more so when you jumped through that vortex of ravens. When you realized they dropped you both off at the top of the wall instead of the outskirts of Asgard you knew things were going to be different than the game. Especially when you lifted your head and found yourself staring directly into the most beautiful violet galaxies to bless this world. Thank god for Santa Monica Studio.
“I don’t know who that is, but I assure you… they have nothing to do with my godly appearance.” Heimdall preened after reading your unmitigated thoughts. You should probably try to keep your thoughts under lock and key.
“You can try but I think we both know that won’t work.” He smirked down at you after he offered you a hand. Only one more thought crossed your mind as you could feel his unadulterated godly power beneath his skin. If he had wanted to, all he had to do was pull a little bit more on your hand and you’d be down an arm. Oh fuck.
Heimdall’s eyes filled up with mirth as he let go of your hand, perhaps a bit more gently then he had grabbed it.
“Yes, ‘oh fuck’ indeed.”
I stay in reality.
You live in my dream state.
It was, to put it mildly, fucking annoying to have someone be able to read your every thought. Especially when that person was a dickhead like Heimdall. Why was that prick allowed to be gorgeous? Like who gave him the right?
“You know it’s honestly quite pathetic how often your thoughts linger on me. Though I can’t blame you. I am, oh how did you put it…” he took a bite of his apple as he failed to look like he was actually thinking. “… oh right, gorgeous.” He tossed his half eaten apple aside as he smirked down at you. Eyes crinkled with amusement. You rolled your own as you shot back your own retort.
“You know it’s honestly quite pathetic how often you linger around me. Though I can’t blame you. You probably don’t get many compliments do you?” You uttered, trying to mock him. His mouth fell into a flat line as he walked closer towards you. He bent down to be closer to your height. Your eyes fell to Gjallarhorn before you quickly moved them back to meet his eyes as you made a conscious effort to not think about the game you were currently residing in. Their future.
Heimdall narrowed his eyes before immediately rolling them and standing back up to his full height. He immediately turned and walked away but not before slightly turning his head back towards you as he threw out the first backhanded compliment he’s ever given you.
“No need to be so feisty. All though your nothing compared to all the goddesses I’ve seen, you’re not too bad. For a mortal.” Despite being no where near nice, you felt your face heat up anyways. God he’s such an ass. And you fucking like him.
2020 2020 vision.
Cupid hit me, Cupid hit me with precision eye…
It’s been a week. A full week of being stuck in Asgard doing fuck all as Atreus went and did his little magic lessons with Odin. You tried to help out the staff here and there but it seemed they didn’t want you to. You couldn’t tell if it was because they saw you as a guest and therefore shouldn’t be doing chores or because they saw you as human and therefore were inept at even doing chores. Either way, you were stuck with nothing to do. Occasionally Thrud would show up to hang with you but for the most part, she also had her own things to do. So that left you alone with your thoughts.
Heimdall would often come by to annoy you. But for some reason his teasing had become more bearable. You can tell it was all on his part too. His snide remarks would hit less. He’s even slowed down on the constant reading of your thoughts. Though you don’t understand why. You huffed as you sat down on a bench just outside of a field of crops. Your mind began to wander to your home. And of all the things you were missing as your brain filled this void with music.
“…wonder if you look both ways when you cross my mind.”
The song and the beautiful music video played in your mind as you lost yourself to the beat, not knowing someone was watching it with you.
The video began to shift in your mind as you thought about the past week. Heimdall taking you on patrol so he could keep an eye on you, or so he says. You wondering out loud in the silence on why he would need to keep such a close eye on you, a measly mortal. Him not giving you an answer as he crossed his arms and looked over the New Midgard settlement. And that non-answer being answer enough for you.
You trying to find Heimdall in the humdrum of Gladsheim. Thinking about how maybe if you thought about him hard enough he might show up and whether or not that constitutes as praying. Heimdall showing up immediately after, answering your question that yes at least for him, it counts as praying. Heimdall then trying to poke fun at you by saying how none of your friends had time for you but never got to it as he saw in your mind that for some reason you came looking for him first. You frowned up at his frozen face as he backtracked and instead said if you had nothing better to do then at least be useful and help him brush Gulltoppr.
The past immediately transformed into the future in your minds eye as your heart beat quickened with images of what’s to come. Kratos, the intimidating yet kind god who took you in, pummeling Heimdall’s face into the ground.
Heimdall grasped his throat as these images played in your mind. The God Killer once again living up to his name as he squeezed the life out of him. Heimdall didn’t want to believe that was him on the ground. Couldn’t believe he was covered in his own blood. Missing an arm even. These images flashing through your mind seemed too real to be just visions of a potential future. It’s like you’ve witnessed them before. He noticed in this vision that you weren’t there when it happened. In this image you were holding onto some strange device. Your thumbs moving these strange black levers as a blue light emitted from it. There was a strong connection between you and Kratos in that moment. But before he can try to figure out what exactly was happening your mind warped once more.
You now were thinking about ways to alter this future. What could you say? What could you do? Is there anything you could do to persuade Heimdall that you didn’t want him to die? That for some ungodly reason, you actually like him and believed that he could be more than what his father wants him to be.
Heimdall felt a wave of emotions crash over him as he stared into the back of your head. He listened carefully to the next words you sung under your breath, hoping the breeze would carry them away from you, along with all the emotions tied to them. The breeze instead carried them straight to the man, the god, they were sung for.
“Can I get a kiss? And can you make it last forever?…”
Heimdall then wondered in his very long, very loyal life… if he was truly doing the right thing. He glanced towards the sky as black feathers danced together. Almost mocking him with the simple fact that he would never be able to dance with you. Not in the way you’d want him too.
“…I said I’m ‘bout to go to war. And I don’t know if ima see you again.”
No. Heimdall wouldn’t let you go to war. This war was his to fight in and his alone. He couldn’t be with you in the way he desperately wanted to. Lest you both face the ire of the All-Father. But he will make sure that you stay safe.
Heimdall turned on his heel as he left you to think. After all, he was given a mission by the All-Father. Shouldn’t be too hard, it’s only in Vanaheim after all.
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Just a short and cute lil oneshot to get back in the groove~ (о´∀`о)
Taglist: @sumebuddy @sissontrinity123 @different4black @r6co @slaying69696969 @dijanur @frog-cultist @jamellemal @star-angel1 @mrsurrealism @ladysaribu @shirocchi13 @noxiemoon @fullmoonwolfer1 @forg1 @onix-a @silvergoldraeven @inky-weeaboo-weirdo14 @fandomcatchall @Imorg149 @doubledaredevil @screaming-potato @6demonica9 @einsvei @mad4hugs @oreocookie24 @lunaryasha @rustypotatospork @love-giselle @entityunbound @nixeustheclamity @majestichugs @blazingstarsblog @cheesewithasideofcheese @photos-fantasy-and-scifi @shycandykitty @photographykomiko @snoriander @lunamomos @rowanlovesmoonknight @fairytale202 @cbradio18 @fantasticcollectordefendor @coochie-crawler @booksandblanketnests @sun-bae @anything-scary @frida-oydna @couldyoutellmewhatsreal @damonsalavatore-best @tnnadia @dddraven @longshlong2 @crunchychicken1231 @multifangrell @actualhawkesworld @coralpositivityclassroomsoul @pugger775 @mr-trick @romanzpixxablog @violet2507 @bonsaijoons @the-broken-faucet @missmannequin @chaoticlandsoul @a-bunny13 @httptaegi @utterlynuts @blarba-girl @jellyedkazoo @lynn-haitani @pandoras-box2 @fugtrap
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onlydeas · 2 years
someone requested to do heimdall as a dad i accidentally deleted the draft :| sadly
but here i go againnn i hope you all enjoy :)
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Heimdall as a dad headcanons!
No one could believe you married the biggest jerk there is, Heimdall. Everyone would approach you and ask what you saw in him, yet behind closed doors, Heimdall is a wonderful husband to you. when you found out you were pregnant with his child you couldn't wait to tell him
Heimdall was hallucinating, he knew you were pregnant before you told him, so when you eventually told him, he pretended to be surprised, but later told you he already knew. of course how wouldn't he know your husband can read your mind anytime after all that courage you put to tell him
He wants to do everything for you, which you appreciate, but you don't want to feel helpless. You could be on the other side of Asgard, ready to pick up something, and all of a sudden he's right there picking it up, scolding you for not calling him. he then gives you a lecture on why its "unsafe" for you to do anything
If you thought he was protective then, think again. He doesn't even want you out of his sight anymore; he needs you right next to him. He can see everything, but it would make him feel better if you were right next to him. When he spotted Sif near you, he went insane. What was she doing with you? Sif has been quite helpful, as has Thor surprisingly. You sometimes get the feeling that they are attempting to make up for what they did to Modi and Magni. but you don't say anything its none of your buisness anyways you are just happy for once they don't seem like they are angry at the world.
This has nothing to do with Heimdall a bit, but most of the time, Sif loves to follow you everywhere. This can be a little unsettling since you never know if she's upset or not, but she's really waiting for you to ask for her support. She just enjoys helping you; after all, she is the goddess of family too, and she has been unable to leave you alone since learning of your pregnancy. When she makes eye contact with you and begins walking towards you, your heart sinks, hoping she isn't upset, but she only checks to see whether you've ate properly today and drank water since she always says you are now eating for two.
heimdall hates sif being around you everyday because he's meant to be around you he's YOUR husband, Sif constantly pushes him away, claiming that "all-father put him on patrol today". This always makes Heimdall furious. he always says "she acts as if shes your wife!" poor heimdall
He talks to your big belly all the time, telling it about his day and how excited he is to meet the baby he really likes telling it stories about his adventures and protecting Asgard. You think this is so sweet, and he loves to kiss and rub your stomach. He is absolutely so in love with the fact that you are carrying his child.
Heimdall has issues with everyone, including the baby. as much as he loves the baby you're carrying he loves you even more he'd go to war for you so when the baby kicks excessively and you wake up in the middle of the night groaning, he lectures the baby, "You can't keep hurting mommy. She needs her sleep."
When the time came for you to give birth, Heimdall was more anxious and afraid than you were because he wanted things to go perfectly for the delivery of both you and his child. He was perfect. Your son was perfect. You may say that he resembles Heimdall, heimdall was so happy that he kissed your forehead and praised you on how well you did during the birth of your son. "you did amazing sunshine"
Heimdall laid by your side cuddling the baby and leaned in to kiss you as you slept. He was overjoyed to have his own small family like Thor.
He had Heimdall's beautiful glowing eyes and most of his features, and as the baby grew and grew into a toddler, you would think it was adorable that your son was at least attempting to understand some words and make out words. When people saw him walking by, they would say, "Yes, that's heimdalls and y/n’s child." 
as heimdall would live and die for you and loves you with every blood cell in his body your son loves you with every drop of water in the ocean heimdall cant say he has the best relationship with his son because they both argue about who you love the most “mommy loves me the most !!” heimdall slowly turns around to look at his son and bends down “well guess what your mommy and i got married and we had you because of the love we have for each other” you finally stepped in after watching them argue for an hour straight “heimdall please i love you both a lot” they both stared into your eyes as if they were reading your mind because they were and looked back at each other and ran to see who would hug you first
as much as heimdall and s/n would argue s/n would carry a stick around claiming it was his sword and would “train” with thrúd when she was valkyrie training. even after s/n was born sif is still always there to help you when you need she would joke that she has a husband and a wife (you) since shes with you most of the time. again this makes heimdall jealous
THE SAME ATTITUDE as his father: no one can tell him anything because he will talk back and he won't regret it. Of course, s/n wouldn't say anything to you because he loves you beyond infinty, but when he gets into trouble and Heimdall tells him something, he will just respond in the same way as his heimdall does son like father.
s/n is the reason you wake up every morning seriously he wakes you up by asking for help with getting dressed and asking if he can help with breakfast. he really copied and pasted his father's appearance and just is always prepared for everything, just like Heimdall. 
You sit down every morning to watch your son and husband either argue about who loves you more or heimdall teaching s/n something new. Your son is extremely intelligent, exactly like his father. sometimes when heimdall and s/n dont agree with something someone is doing they both have the same disappointed stare and stance you find this really funny because they’re just standing next to each other judging. heimdall is way taller then s/n of course his little mini him
Dinner is usually wonderful. The conversations you all have are so sweet. You truly love your family so much. You are your sons favorite person in the entire world. Heimdall is aware of this, but he is not angry since he also considers you to be his favorite person. They both look at you with such love in their eyes. "I love mommy so much !!" heimdall looks into your eyes and smiles "I love mommy too"
If you notice something crawling onto the bed between you and Heimdall while you are both asleep, what might it be? Of course, s/n, he just lays between you two, removing his father's face from your neck so that s/n can cuddle you instead of him.
There is nothing more in the world that Heimdall loves more than his family, you're so glad that you married him. He protects you and s/n as if his life depended on it and it does and he always swears that if something happened to you or s/n, he'd lose it.
When s/n found out he was going to be a big brother, there were mixed emotions because he was no longer going to be the baby. Of course, you smiled and reminded him that you would always love him no matter what. Heimdall was overjoyed that a new child was on the way. He wants to start a big family with you and he can't get enough of the happiness he has each morning when he watches you and s/n talking and getting ready for the day.
As your belly grew larger and larger each day, Heimdall showed s/n how to touch your belly without hurting you. he told s/n that the baby can hear him from the inside, of course s/n asked him if he would talk to him when he was inside your belly and you said "all the time there wasn't a day where he didn't speak to you"
At first, s/n wasn't too happy about having a sibling, but now he frequently talks about how he and your husband and the baby will go on adventures together and how he's going to teach his little sibling things. Every morning, s/n would run up to you and kiss your belly and ask when the baby was coming.
When you gave birth to your daughter instead of heimdall being worried and nervous about the birth of his child it was s/n he couldn't stop asking you if you were going to be okay, Heimdall and s/n would spend the daytimes sleeping next to each other since they were so exhausted from staying up all night to care for the baby while you rested.
You are the star of the show since you are what creates the family; Heimdall knows this and has so much respect and love only for you. heimdall and s/n would introduce the new family member to Asgard even though your husband didn't like this and this was s/n idea heimdall did it for his son, they were overjoyed that their family was growing.
Overall, Heimdall is a wonderful husband and father to his children. There isn't a day that goes by that he doesn't put you all first. Everyone knows that heimdall loves you and his children with all of his soul and wants the best for you all. He isn't overly strict with his children; instead, he just wants them to be happy and for you to be happy. However, if they do something wrong, of course, he will lecture them you are happy, hes happy and the children are happy.
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i hope you guys enjoyed this !! please let me know in the requests if you want more of anything :)
have an amazing day loves !!
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viharbinger · 8 months
Sweet Beloved
tags: all fluff no foul , short one shot
pairing: Heimdall (gowr) x gn! reader
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Just as always you were behind the prince of Asgard's back, sitting criss-crossed on the soft bed you both shared, looping his hair into one another to braid. The only thing you'd hear are your soft breathing and birds that were waking up from the morning. The yellow beam of light from the sun shines on you both, giving you a perfect view of his hair to work on efficiently.
He loves having you do his hair as you work on it so delicately, like as if tugging his hair even a bit hard would kill him. Of course, you had to fill the silence with your thoughts. By saying it out loud.
He didn't even have to look at you and just knew you were about to say something nobody thinks of.
"Is it just me, or do clouds move really fast? You'd think they move slow, but then you don't even realise the cloud you saw a second ago just moved out of our sights!" You gasped like as if you made a new discovery, to which Heimdall just chuckles at.
"Your mortal brain just fascinates me everytime." He laughs, the motion vibrating his head and disrupting your hair braiding. "Well— Hey! You messed up my braid." You grumbled, quickly combing his hair to braid it once again, forgetting about being gentle just as he likes. I gets he stands corrected that you're not always delicate with your handiwork.
"Don't worry, take your time. Not like there's anything to fight on the walls today." He lifts his hands up in defense, as it's usually just a boring hot day.
Finally. You're done. His hair was beautifully done and'll last hours. "Done!" You grinned, moving to place a soft kiss on his cheek, while still sitting behind him. "You'd think the watchman of the Aesir, the most ill-mannered man in Asgard, wouldn't have such a sweet beloved, huh?" You teased, resting your head on his shoulder, tracing your fingers along his back.
"I always wonder how you ever, ever got your way with me." He tsks, looking at you with his bright purple eyes on his shoulder— your faces so close, nose just touching.
"I'm just a miracle worker, am I?" You scrunched up your nose in smiling, leaning in to press a gentle kiss on his lips, to which he returns. Maybe the scion of the Aesir can be fixed after all.
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I am Kind Not Complacent Chpt 4
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as always, thank you for enjoying my stuff!! @engardeitsme, @lunaryasha, @nokolla💜💜💜
Chpt 4: 5.7k words
Kid! Heimdall x Kid! fem reader
A/N: Sorry this took a second. I am very sleepy all the time. also, this chpt was difficult to write???? I hope you enjoy and have a good time with it! We are near true friendship guys I promise it’s gonna be so cute. Heimdall has a thick shell but I have a hammer lol
Slight warnings: talking about overstimulation and panic attacks.
Heimdall stilled, his eyes staring steadily at the rock beneath him. He took in the warmth of the hands that were cupped over his own. Every cricket chirp, every rustle in the grass, every late-night cry and drunken laugh, every voice fell away as he was able to match his breathing to the rhythm of the gentle song that took over his senses. 
He relished in it for a moment.
How it was the only thing both ringing in the air around him and the only thought in his head for once. Heimdall swallowed and looked up slowly to the girl so close to him, her eyes still closed as his were, and her voice still soft as it sang to him. He was mesmerized at YN’s ability to cut out everything overwhelming his mind. How he was able to feel at peace. 
YN opened her eyes slowly, feeling him shift. Their stares bored into each other, heads still pressed together. The girl slowed her humming to a stop and pulled away just slightly, still thinking of the melody for him to listen to. Her hands left him and she placed them on top of her knees, tilting her head slightly. She waited for Heimdall patiently as he took his time to pull his own hands away from his ears and take in the silence of the night. He sniffled, rubbing his tears-stained eyes with a fist, and looked away. 
“ Why…Why are you here?” he croaked out, finding a trail of ants crawling near them all too interesting. YN followed his gaze and answered without looking back at him.
“I was taking a walk… how are you feeling?” she whispered, her eyes following the ants as they disappeared down a crack in the wall. 
“Better,” he mumbled back after a bit, his legs shifting from being pulled to his chest, into a crisscrossed position. “But what are you still doing here?... just go… run and tell my father how incompetent and pathetic I am…” His voice trailed off, and though YN knew he was trying to collect what dignity he had left, his voice still quivered, especially at the mention of his father. YN finally tore her eyes away from the trail of ants to look at Heimdall, his fists squeezed tight together. 
“Why would I do that?” She asked with a brow raised. Heimdall just scoffed in response, his knuckles going white. YN frowned at his lack of response, “I don’t think you’re pathetic.” Heimdall glared, and for a moment YN forgot that he had just been sobbing. He opened his mouth to rebuttal, wanting to spew how bad a liar she was, and the only thing on her mind was pity. But when he listened to her thoughts, all he heard was the soft humming that had helped him so much just moments ago. Heimdall closed his lips and looked back at her, his eyes glowing.
“Why…why are you still singing?” YN blinked at the question, a confused glare in her own eyes forming.
“Because… you were sad… and it was helping you.” 
“I wasn’t sad!”
“Well, you weren’t happy,” YN said simply, not breaking eye contact. “Why did you come here of all places?”  Heimdall groaned, his hands ruffling into his hair.
“Gods, you’re so frustrating!” he huffed and glared at the girl harder, his eyes still blurry with tears as he spoke. “If you must know: I am meant to guard the wall, it’s my job! S-so…so…” his voice lost its steam as he didn’t even have the energy to finish his excuse. He sighed, putting his head in his hands. “ So… I come here because people won’t ask questions… if they see me… and they can’t hear me scream…” he barely whispered, “and I can beg for the noise to stop…”
“Do you want me to stop?” He stiffened slightly at the question, tilting his head up slightly to look up at the girl. She just rested in her spot, still as the lake at the bottom of the wall, waiting for an answer. Her voice was still softly rolling through his thoughts, just loud enough to drown out everything else. “Do you want me to stop thinking of the song, Weasel?” She asked, her voice barely there. He heard it crystal clear. His frown deepened as he realized his answer. Heimdall clicked his tongue and put his hands to his ankles, squeezing.
YN didn’t hide her smile but didn’t say anything, happy he was accepting her help. They sat like this for a while, YN’s voice continuing to soothe Heimdall in the aftershocks of his panic attack. He sat in thought for a moment. How the girl had happened upon him. How he didn’t have to suffer on his own, and that she didn’t seem to have any intention of telling the All-Father. 
“Thank you,” he said finally, his body relaxing “For… making it quieter…”
YN nodded and scooted to sit next to him, shuffling in her pocket. Heimdall watched her, a bit apprehensive and frowned slightly in confusion when she pulled out her small bag of dried fruits and nuts. She popped a few in her mouth and offered the bag to him, trying to chew quietly. He just stared, looking from her to the food she had offered. She waited a moment, before shaking the bag, jostling the contents. The scent of sweet dried fruit was faint, but his stomach growled nonetheless. He reached his hand into the bag, grabbing at the snack. The fruit left a sticky residue on his fingers as he poured the contents into his mouth. YN broke the silence, looking up at the moon as she spoke.
“I always get a little hungry in the middle of the night… I think it’s because I’m used to eating throughout the day and night to keep my energy up. I haven’t yet knocked the habit.” she threw another fistful into her mouth. “I noticed you hadn’t eaten much at dinner… have some more, okay?” she handed the bag to him again, but when he hesitated, YN grabbed his hand and placed the bag in it, closing his fist over it with her fingers. He held on to the parcel for a moment, just staring at it in his closed fist. Then he noticed that the humming had stopped and his eyes darted up to see the girl starting to stand. 
“I’ll leave you alone if you’d like. Or we can walk back together?” Heimdall stared up at her and as her inner voice quieted, new sounds seemed to echo in his head. It wasn’t until she turned to walk away he realized he hadn’t responded, and without thinking he reached out his free hand, barely grasping the end of her sweater. 
“H-hold on!” He called, his voice betraying him with a crack. YN paused and turned to him again, her head tilted and her eyes concerned. Heimdall swallowed and looked at his hand desperately gripping her sweater. He felt pathetic. He felt weak. He clung to the fabric in his fist tighter and growled in frustration. He couldn’t look anywhere but the ground as he mumbled. “... s…”
“...st—y mo—-nt”
“I-I’m sorry, I can’t hear you,”
“Will you just-!” He snapped for a moment before sighing, “... please stay…just for a moment longer…keep singing…” his voice shook, and the chill of the wind crawling over the wall ran down his back and bit at his cheeks. YN smiled and shook her head, giggling softly.
“You’re hopeless.” She let herself be pulled down and sat next to Heimdall again. She pulled over her sweater and draped it over both their shoulders. 
“You don’t have to-”
“You’re shivering…” she cut him off, pulling the sweater over his outer shoulder. He didn’t speak again and she started to hum aloud. They stayed like that, in her song, eating quietly, until they saw Skoll start to disappear with the moon and Hati peek from the horizon with the sun. 
YN wasn’t sure when she had finally dosed off, but when her eyes felt the shine of the sun rising, she curled into herself, squinting and stretching up slowly. She rubbed the grogginess away from her face, brushing back her hair that had warmed in the sunlight. YN opened her eyes to find herself alone, her sweater draped over her body. She pulled it over her and sighed, looking out towards the great lodge, and wondering when the boy had left, and if he was ok.
 YN collected herself and walked back, only to see Mal running to her as she approached.
“And just where have you been!?” she started, and YN just looked up at her, confusion on her face.
“I went for a walk… is everything ok?”
“ hah!” Mal rubbed her face, the stress obvious in the tension in her shoulders and the permanent knit in her brows. “ “Is everything okay?” you have some nerve, missy.”
“You were late to breakfast! And when I went to scold you for sleeping in, you weren’t there. I went to see if you went to your lesson, and Mimir said you hadn’t shown up!  We’ve been worried sick looking for you! The whole past hour we’ve been looking!”
“Mimir’s been looking too?” YN tilted her head, her hands wringing the end of her sweater as an embarrassed flush started to hit her cheeks. She didn’t like this; the worry she felt radiating off of Mal, and the guilt that started to weigh on her for making them so upset. Mal just stared at YN for a moment, almost in full disbelief at the question. “Wha- yes? Of course, he has. Are you listening to anything I’ve been saying, we couldn’t find you anywhere!”
“But… Odin said Asgard was safe. So there was no need to worry, right?” Mal froze slightly at this, her shoulders suddenly going slack as she ran her fingers through her curls. With a deep sigh, she crouched down to the girl’s level, placing her hands on her small shoulders.
“Mimir will be happy to know you are fine… come on, let’s go see him so you can apologize.” YN let Mal lead her to the lodge, where Mimir was seen asking anyone who would listen:
“Have you seen a wee girl, ‘bout yay high? *hair color* hair and *eye color* eyes? No? Hello, excuse me, have you seen-”
“Mimir!” Mal called out over the chaos of the lunch rush. The man whipped his head around, and as soon as his eyes fell on the little girl he laughed in hysterical relief. YN waved awkwardly with a shy smile and watched as the man weaved through Einherjar to get to them and gasped as he crouched down to grab her shoulders, his golden eyes scanning across her visage. YN looked up at Mal, who patted her head, then back at Mimir.
“I’m..I’m sorry, for worrying you…I didn’t know you would be worried,” she admitted, with a sheepish smile. Mal and Mimir both looked at her and Mimir tightened his grip on her shoulders.”
“Of course, we’d be worried, lass. Where were you?” YN thought for a moment. Of course, they’d be worried. Why did that sentence warm her up inside? She thought back to Heimdall, wondering if they had been worried before they found him as well. After all, he was much more important than she was. 
“I was just... With Heimdall, at the wall,” she spoke apprehensively, remembering that last night felt like a secret needing to be kept between just the two of them. “He didn’t tell you? He got back before me, didn’t he?” 
“ The boy was gone too?” Mal whispered down to Mimir who seemed equally as confused. ‘Had they really not noticed?’ The girl thought to herself, looking at her shoes. Mal and Mimir looked at each other. The man stood, nodding to Mal that she could take her leave, and walked YN out of the great hall and to his study. 
“You were with Heimdall? Did he take you to the wall?
“No, no, I was just taking a walk and he was there.”
“Was he… upset?” YN frowned at the question, realizing there may only be a few reasons why he would have been alone.
“O-of course not. He was actually... Uh… annoyed I was bothering him.”
“Did he try to threaten you?”
“What? N-no we just talked for a bit.” She could feel Mimir’s eyes staring down at her, waiting for more information. She wrung her hands as she thought of a way to cover the boy's tracks. “I.. couldn’t sleep. So I took a walk early this morning. Heimdall was…” she thought for a moment, biting her lip, “He was practicing.”
“ Y-yes!” She looked up at Mimir, a small smile on her face as she thought out the rest of her lie. “Practicing for… when he needs to stand watch on the wall!” She then scoffed, putting an air of pompousness she knew the boy would have had if she hadn’t found him the way she had. “ “ It's a very important job, you know? And It’s meant just for me. I’m very important and powerful. You’re lucky I’m even letting you stand here! I’m supposed to smite anyone that enters Asgard! Blah blah blah!” YN mimicked Heimdall’s mannerisms, waving her hands in the air and glaring proudly up at Mimir as she mocked the boy. Mimir chortled, shaking his head at YN’s antics as she trotted around, hands on her hips looking around with a holier-than-thou attitude. 
“Alright, alright, I got it. Stop that now, you’ll get us in trouble.” He pressed his hand on top of the girl's head, pulling her closer to his side. She giggled, relieved inside that she was able to cover her tracks at least with Mimir. As they walked into the study, YN could see a glimmer of gold and white retreating from her vision as the door to the study closed. 
 Everywhere she went that day, she just barely saw a flash of white and gold, or a pair of pink eyes tracking her before disappearing. YN wasn’t a stranger to being watched, she knew exactly who it was. Yet every time she turned to get a glimpse of Heimdall or try to speak with him, he was gone. He was out of the great hall by the time she sat to eat. The door creaking closed, was her only indicator. At their regular sparing session, Thor and Baldur were by themselves, saying Heimdall must have wanted to train alone. And the more he seemed to hide from her, just out of reach, the more frustrated she got. To the point, she felt she was chasing a ghost around Asgard. It had been a full day now and YN was on the verge of giving up to go to supper. She huffed as she mentally gave in, meeting the end of another empty hall she had sworn she had seen the boy turn down. 
“Dammit!” YN groaned before walking back down the stairs, defeated. “ maybe after dinner…” she walked past Odin’s study, her feet dragging.
“Where were you last night, son?” YN heard Odin’s voice echo from the room. Her steps slowed to a stop and she turned back towards the study, the door cracked just so.
“I was off training, father. I wanted to work on my range for mindreading.”  curiosity drew her closer as she crouched to the foot of the door, peering in. Odin stood stall, looming over his youngest son. 
“Try. Again.” He nearly growled, his gravelly voice sending a tremble down YN’s spine. Heimdall tried and failed not to shrink under his father’s booming voice, his arms crossed behind his back as he waited in bitter silence for an answer. Heimdall could do nothing but stare at his feet, and YN could see his shoulders trembling from where she stood. Odin waited a beat longer before sighing and barked out, louder this time. “ Answer me, Heimdall!”
Heimdall bowed his head lower, and his hands tightened at his sides. YN shivered at the way Odin spoke to his son behind closed doors. She understood what Heimdall had meant. He could pretend all day that he didn’t care if she told anyone, but YN knew he was terrified. Because this was not the first time he had run to cry on the wall. And it was not the first time he had been reprimanded for letting his overstimulation get the better of him. YN’s fists tightened against her shirt and her heartbeat hammered in her ears. She raked her fingers through her hair, standing up and taking a deep breath before knocking on the door loud and clear, smoothing out the nervousness in her voice with a cough.
“Um, Hello? All-Father? Are you here?” she called out as she yanked the door open. Odin barely suppressed his glare as their eyes met, and Heimdall looked at her with a unique combination of shock and horror. Odin straightened and looked at the girl with a warm smile.
“Oh, hello dear girl, did you need something? I was speaking to Heimdall about a private matter.” 
“Um…” ‘I didn’t think this through.’ she thought, and if Heimdall could roll his eyes without getting caught by the All-Father, they would have been in the back of his head. YN smiled sheepishly, her fist still wrapped around the door handle. 
“Oh, I was actually going to ask… if you’ve seen Heimdall! But he’s right here! U-um can we go to dinner together?” she asked, rocking on her heels before entering the room and standing next to the boy with an eager smile. Heimdall just continued to stare, more dumbfounded by the second. Odin tilted his head, his own confusion evident on his face despite his smile. 
“Oh? Are you two getting along better now?”
“Yes! In fact um, we uh took a walk early this morning together. To the wall.”
“Ah,” Odin hummed, turning back to his son, his brows raised. “So you two were together at the wall this morning.” his jaw tightened as he watched his son cower, and turned his attention to the girl. “And did you walk there together? Or was he already there?” his voice was curious, but YN could feel his intentions like a snake constricting tighter around her rib cage. YN kept her smile, looking at Odin with innocent confusion. 
“Well actually, I-I kinda had a nightmare.” Her shoulders shrunk as she looked down at her fingers. “ a-and I uh… I think I kind of woke him up.” she smiled sheepishly, her cheeks flush with embarrassment. Odin frowned, crossing his arms. 
“I see. You know, Heimdall is not supposed to be out of his room after nightfall. He has a very strict schedule.” Odin turned to his son, his eye glaring down at him cryptically. “He needs his rest.” Heimdall looked up at his father, catching on to the girl’s act and listening to what she wanted him to say next. 
“I know, All-Father. I tried to get her back to bed but she kept making noise… it was annoying.” YN nodded in agreement, her eyes apologetic.
“I couldn’t go back to sleep… s-so I went back out into the hall. I woke him up again and I-I said I was just going to go for a walk. He, uh, “ YN looked over at Heimdall and smiled softly, “He said I’d find a way to get lost somehow…so he went with me! We got to the wall and just talked before falling asleep there.”
You slept there?” He asked Heimdall, his brow raised. YN fidgeted a bit but nodded, running to step in front of Heimdall to catch Odin’s attention.
“It’s all my fault, All-Father. I ruined his sleep and dragged him all the way out there. And when he wanted to go back I asked him to stay… because I didn’t want to be alone.” She looked down at her feet, ashamed. Heimdall looked at the girl for a moment and frowned at the feeling of her hand reaching behind to grab at his sleeve. He didn’t pull away, taking a step closer to her. Odin stroked his beard as he pondered, looking between the two of them. He looked into the girl’s eyes, a flush on her face and shuffling at her feet. Then at his son, moving closer and refusing to make eye contact. He suddenly snorts, bubbling into laughter. The children started up at him in confusion, looking back at each other before staring back at the All-Father. Odin’s laughter subsided and he gave them an all-knowing smirk. 
“ I think I see what’s going on here.” Heimdall swallowed thickly.
“ Y-you do?” The girl asked, a nervous smile on her face. 
“ I do.” He crossed his arms, tapping his foot. Heimdall tightened his grip around the girl’s wrist and she could feel him shake. Finally, he tried to speak. 
“ F-father, please-“ Odin clapped his hands suddenly with a laugh and put one hand on each child’s shoulders.
“ Oh I should have known something like this would happen! You are my son, after all!” Odin laughed, making Heimdall tilt his head, brows knit together. YN had a similar reaction, tilting her head in the opposite direction. Odin just chuckled, squeezing their shoulders tighter. “Now, don’t play coy with me. Going to the wall? Alone? At night? Hah!” he clapped Heimdall roughly on the back, making him stumble with a gasp. “ Just the place to impress a girl, hm Heimdall? Tell her all about your Asgardian duties. Make her feel safe?” Odin continued to chuckle, messing up his son’s braids with his hand as he hinted further and further at what he thought happened last night. 
The two turned to each other. YN was the first to realize Odin’s insinuation, her cheeks turning to ripe tomatoes. Heimdall followed soon after, hearing her thoughts rush with embarrassing images of the young boy trying to make the girl swoon. His face went fully red down to his neck as he looked up at his father. The two shook their heads trying to stop Odin in his tracks, but to no avail.
“ N-no, All-Father really, I was just unable to sleep!” the girl protested, her vision going blurry with embarrassment as her face heated.
“ A-and I was just trying to get her to shut up-!!” Heimdall stumbled over his tongue, somehow feeling more mortified than if his father actually knew what had happened.
“ Now, now you two. No need to try and pull a fast one on me.” He wiped a humored tear from his eye, snorting slightly. “ My goodness.” He sighed, trying to go back to a more serious voice. “ However, pining aside,” he cleared his throat, “you are both far too young. And have your duties to focus on first. So ‘whatever happened last night’,” he nudged Heimdall with a snicker, who was too horrified to even move. “It stops now, alright?”  
The two couldn’t so much as breathe, let alone muster a response. Odin looked down at their bright red faces, thinking he had fully figured the two out, and continued to chuckle to himself as he ushered the children out of the study.
“Now then,” he pushed them out the door. “I suppose that settles that. I’m glad you two are getting along better. Off to dinner now.” YN was quick to take the opportunity to escape, bowing deeply before running off down the hall, her face still hot and bright. Heimdall bowed at his father and tried to calm his flush as he started to walk away. “Oh, and Son?” Heimdall froze, turning slowly to meet his father’s gaze as he stood still at the entrance of his study. Odin smiled, grabbing the door handle. “Don’t get distracted. Or else.” and with that, he shut the door, leaving the boy in the hall to simmer. 
Heimdall walked slowly, his steps rigid as he made his way to his room. He had barely eaten at supper, and the more he thought about what Odin had said, the more stressed he became. Did he think Heimdall would get so easily swayed by some silly girl? Or that he would ever even for a moment have any feelings for her. She was annoying, she was loud, she was vile, she was-
She was right behind him.
Heimdall cursed under his breath, his mind spinning as he turned to where the girl had called, peeking out her bedroom door. She ushered him closer.
“C-can we talk?”
Heimdall rolled his eyes, deciding he had dealt with her far more than enough already and needed to get some rest.
Damn her. He could hear her mind racing from across the hall. And he doubted it would get quieter any time soon. Heimdall growled as he turned on his heel. YN opened the door a bit wider for him to enter then shut it, turning to face him. Immediately, her face started to go rosy and before she could even voice her thoughts, Heimdall cut her off. 
“Just,” He spoke sternly, his hands in front of him, “Don’t.” his face was stone, but the tips of his ears turned pink as he heard her thoughts. Her worry, her fear, her guilt, her embarrassment. It hit him in waves and made his stomach turn. The girl kicked the edge of the rug with her toes, shuffling awkwardly
“I”m sorry… I was just trying to help…” Heimdall scoffed, a sarcastic grin on his face. 
“Yeah, great job with that. Now he thinks we” they took looked at each other, a shiver going down their spines as they grimaced at the thought. “The point being,” Heimdall huffed, hands on his cheeks to cool them, “ Now the All-Father will most likely keep an even closer eye on us. On me…” he frowned, glaring at the girl. “I had everything under control. You messed it all up.” YN froze at Heimdall’s cold words, her shoulders shrinking slightly. At no answer, Heimdall rolled his eyes, making his way to the door.
“He sounded pretty mad at you.” the girl spoke up, wringing the end of her shirt in her fists. Heimdall scoffed. 
“He was concerned. That’s all.”
“No… he was angry…just like you knew he would be.” Heimdall’s hand rested on the door handle, frozen in place. “How long have you had these attacks?... how many times have you-”
“Shut up.” His voice rumbled in a low growl, YN stood ridged, their backs to each other. She swallowed thickly before turning to glare at Heimdall’s back. 
“No. This is important.”
“You are putting your nose where it doesn’t belong.” He snapped back, turning to face her. “You have been nothing but a thorn under my nail since the moment you came to Asgard.” he took a step closer, then another, slowly backing her up as he spoke, eyes glowing. “Who do you think you are? Acting concerned, coddling me when you barely have any baring of your own senses.” He jabbed a finger into her shoulder, “ I was fine before you were here and I’m fine now. So do us both a favor,” he glared, his face looming over her own, “Stay away from me. Chittering bird.” 
YN Swallowed, meeting the boy’s gaze. She didn’t tremble or break eye contact, and locked Heimdall in a stare, daring him to make good on any threat he held in his voice. 
“I’m not scared of you, Heimdall,” she spoke finally. “And I don’t pity you, either.” She took a step closer and Heimdall frowned, edging backward. YN spoke as she thought, with no wavering in her voice or mind. It confused the boy. Frustrated him. Vexed him to no end. “ You talk all the time about how you are better than everyone because you can see the lies they tell to others and themselves. But you are no better.” she pushed him further away, a scowl growing larger as she shook her head at him. “You lie to yourself as much as anyone else. We are alike in that way. Lying to make living easier.”
“We are not the same!” he snapped, pacing around the room like a caged gradungr. 
“Then why didn’t you tell me off, yesterday… why did you ask me to make everything quiet, only to say you never wanted me there to begin with.” Her voice was gentle, asking innocent questions that made the boy’s head spin.
She had made him careless. Made him rest too peacefully. Made him too calm. He had run to the wall before. Let it be the refuge for him to let out his frustrations and fears. But to be so careless and let someone else in was a mistake.
“What about you?” He switched the subject. He felt no desire to unpack anything tonight. He just wanted answers. “Why didn’t you say anything? Why did you bother to help at all? And why did you lie for me? What is your motive in all of this!” 
He had panicked when YN got back, terrified she would tell the first person she saw about the pathetic display he put on last night. But when she ran into Mal and Mimir, she was more confused that they weren’t aware he had been gone as well.
 He listened to the story she spun to Mimir, a deep frown on his face the entire time. Despite her insults, however, she protected his truth, and that confused him. Heimdall followed her, waiting to see her speak to anyone. Tyr, Thor, Baldur. But when asked where he was, she gave some little excuse about thinking he was mad at her for taking the last apple at breakfast, or that she was looking forward to sparing him but wasn’t sure where he had gone. She never once even tried to seek the All-Father. Never once tried to out him.
“Why were you looking for me, all day? You think you can dangle this over my head like blackmail?” His voice was low, and his gaze pierced through her. His shoulders shook, as the girl matched his stare and froze as he slowly started to hear what now felt like a haunting melody in the air. It forced his heart to slow to a steady beat, and cleared his mind despite his best efforts to stay riled up.
“I just wanted to make you feel better,” she spoke, shrugging slightly. The answer was lame, and she knew it. But it was also the only thing that came to mind. She sighed, pivoting on her heel to turn away from him. “I think… my powers give me a disposition… to want to help people. I just want to solve things. So when I heard you and saw you last night, I didn’t think to myself, “This is something for me to use later.” I just… wanted to stop your sadness. And give you peace.” Heimdall felt his heart steady and the music she hummed in her head calmed his senses. It was as though against his will, he felt at ease. And no matter how he tried to deny it, he was thankful for her actions. Heimdall frowned, not wanting to rely on the girl to feel at peace.
“I don’t need peace.”
“No. Of course not,” she smiled, “ and you don’t care if everyone knows that your powers haunt you at night.” she saw him stiffen from the corner of her eye, his feet shifting, “Because that would make you weak. Just like peace would.” 
“You don’t know me.” 
“No,” she agreed, turning to look at him as she sat on her bed, “but I doubt we’ll be seeing any less of each other. So we might as well get along.” Heimdall laughed, his voice cold and dry. 
“Is that your logic, queen kindness?” he mocked.
“Maybe,” she shrugged. “What if I put it this way: we can use each other. You need to practice reading minds. Correct?”
“Your point” his brow raised.
“Well,” she started, “ you can practice with me. We will study in quiet places so you can concentrate, and then you can learn to do it from farther reaches. This way you’ll only have one voice you need to focus on at first, before branching off to other people.”
“And I would want to hear your little drabble daily because…?” he rolled his wrist, unconvinced. YN smiled sheepishly, her hands on her knees. “Well, I can practice my powers to calm you. It would let me learn to mediate without taking control. So really, there’s two things in it for you!”
“Hah!” Heimdall snorted, arms crossed. “You’re insane if you think I’m letting you into my head to twist my thoughts around. I don’t need you making me some silly little flower-picking fool.”
“I’ll only use it for your nightmares.” he paused for a moment and she grinned, “Doesn’t that sweeten the pot at least a little bit? You get to practice reading minds, you won’t suffer the nightmares anymore, and I get to practice my abilities.”
“And how am I supposed to trust you in any of this?’ he frowned tapping his foot. YN shrugged, standing to face Heimdall again. “Well, you will be reading my mind. Surely if you notice I have anything “nefarious” going on, you’ll catch it.” Heimdall pondered for a moment, scratching his head.
“I still don’t understand what you get from this. Why do you want to help me so much?”
“ you said so yourself. I've been a thorn under your nail? You’re not much of a peach to be around either. So,” she smirked, “If I do this for you, you need to stop giving me too hard a time. I just want peace, at the end of the day.” she stuck out her hand, hoping he would agree. He scoffed, his eyes shining with that twinkle that said ‘you’re nothing but a fool’
“How pathetic. Letting me take advantage of you so you can be left alone.” he grabbed her hand, shaking it stiffly. “ Fine. But,” he barked, pulling her closer, “ let me make one thing clear. I do not like you and I will throw you to the wolves if you prove to be useless. We are not friends.” YN rolled her eyes. 
And thank the gods for that.”
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multifand0m-gal0re · 2 years
Annoying gods & foresight.
Chapter 1. Prologue
Pairing: Heimdall x reader
Fandom: God of war ragnarök
Warnings: N/A
Word count: 1,112
Summary: When Odin extends an invite to Asgard to both you and your little brother Atreus, what will happen when you slip away together undetected to Asgard to see what you can do to prevent the death of your father figure. Will you both be able to pull off the deception needed to achieve your goal? Or will a certain blond Aesir distract you from your original purpose in Asgard?
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Odins offer, it only sounded partially suspicious. Atleast when extending it to your younger brother. But when he turned to you? His gaze seemed much more predatory, the shiver it wracked from your body would give fimbulwinter a run for its money.
Nonetheless, the offer by Odin rung out in your ears as you and Atreus snuck out of the window in your now makeshift room in the pantry of Sindris house. Guilt gnawed at your stomach and added a slight shake of uncertainty to your movements, but you couldn’t say the same for your little brother who was practically vibrating with excitement as the two of you snuck around the house to the realm gate, opening the path to Midgard.
As soon as you both stepped through the door, you heard Atreus speak. “Do you think he can be trusted?��
You gave your little brother a pointed look. “Odin? Absolutely not. Don’t forget that he isn’t to be trusted, no matter how promising his words may seem. He is a liar-“
Atreus cut you off before you could continue, giving an exasperated groan. “And he has hurt our friends, I know.” He sighed in defeat as you two walked the path on yggdrasils branches, waiting for the door to appear.
The light blue glow signaled its appearance. When you two got closer, you barely heard Atreus mutter something you couldn’t make out fully. “I can’t help but wonder if some of what they say is wrong.”
Before you could ask what he said in full, he stepped through the door, leaving you to follow after him. Blinking rapidly to adjust your eyes as the bright light dissipated, you trailed after your brother who seemed to be in a hurry to get into your old home and away from the chill of fimbulwinter. Honestly you couldn’t blame him, anytime you had to deal with the cold, your regret from your father killing Baldur increased. To avoid thinking of that day, you had a tendency to avoid the biting cold more than others.
Watching as Atreus pushed the creaking wooden door open, you both heard the piercing caws of the raven Odin had sent to retrieve you both, Huginn.
Was the bird as watchful and all knowing as the all father seemed to be, or was it just a simple minded creature completely controlled by the all father? Questions you probably wouldn’t find the answer to, but tucked away for later when life became boring nonetheless. Atreus eyed the bird curiously and gave it a polite wave. “We are ready to see Odin, if you will take us to him.”
The bird looked at you, watchful eyes prompting you to give your consent as well. A sigh tore from your lips as your shoulders hung, the feeling of guilt and uncertainty only growing within you. How long until your father or Sindri found you both missing? What would happen? You knew there would be Hel to pay for the both of you doing this, but looking down at Atreus’s hopeful eyes, you couldn’t help but agree. “We are ready. Take us.”
You held Atreus’s arm as ravens swarmed you both, the feeling of being light headed and dizzy washed over you both before they dissipated just as quickly as they came and revealed the both of you in Asgard, at the bottom of Hrimthurs wall. The pleasantly warm air surrounded you both, making you and Atreus look around in wonder. “Not a sign of fimbulwinter. It’s beautiful.” Atreus breathed out, taking a few steps to look further at the long expanse of large rocks, streams and green fields.
“It is. I’ve never seen anything like it in all the realms.” You muttered as you took the sight in, nodding absentmindedly in agreement. Before you could lose yourself in the sights, another wave of guilt came. “I wish father and Mimir could see this.” Atreus gave you a strange look, as if he couldn’t believe you would think of them at a time like this when surely all they would do is either say you shouldn’t be here or move on like it’s not a big deal. After taking in what you felt was a good amount, you dragged Atreus along with you before he could inevitably get distracted and run off.
Walking across a wooden bridge, Atreus excitedly walked to the edge and pointed down to a settlement below. “Look, I think they are all midgardians!” He eyed the people below with interest, not really used to seeing so many humans in one place.“You need help? You look a little lost.”
You turned to see a young blond boy sitting on the other side of the bridge, eyeing you both up and down like you just walked out of the sky. Although the strange look probably seemed justified considering the gear you and Atreus donned.
Before you could choose to say anything, Atreus stepped in. “Oh, we are just getting our bearings.” The blond boy stood up at that, coming closer to talk with us. “Well there’s nothing to see this way except a big wall. Unless you’re into staring at nothing all day.” The boy seemed keen on talking to Atreus, so you stepped away and allowed them to talk. It provided a good chance to inspect the wall.
Staring up at the large expanse of it, the gears in your head starting going slowly until it clicked. “Is this what I think it is?” you muttered dumbly to nobody in particular before hearing a sudden excited outburst from Atreus.
“Hrimthurs wall? We really are in Asgard!” It was the only bit loud enough for you to hear as they both led the way to a good point to start the climb. “We’re gonna climb that wall now.” You heard Atreus state proudly, you couldn’t help rolling your eyes at him. Already he was trying to impress this boy he had barely met. It was cute, really. But now you just needed to be going.
“Well this I gotta see.” Skjöldr, as you now knew him, said. You gave a small laugh “I just hope you aren’t going to watch us die.” You had meant it as a lighthearted joke but the way your little brothers shoulders stiffened told you it was ill timed.
You gave a nervous smile of apology to Atreus before watching him anxiously attempt to shake out the jitters in his hands before he nimbly started climbing up the wall.
“Odin couldn’t be bothered to bring us into the city? Asshole.” You muttered to yourself before beginning to stretch. This was going to be a long climb.
I am actively reworking this chapter as I keep re-reading it and am not happy with how it was when I first posted. So if you read when the word count was under 800, I have reworked a bit and recommend going through and reading again!
Likes, comments, and reblogs welcome! Constructive criticism is encouraged❤️ Thank you for reading!🫶
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heimdallsbraids · 1 year
Blood of Mine | Ch. 7 (Heimdall x fem!reader)
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Summary: Life is pretty simple. Survive the harsh conditions of Fimbulwinter in Midgard, trade with your dwarven friends in Svartalfheim and – avoid the shit out of Odin’s most loyal lapdog? If word reaches the All-Father about your blood-bending origins, you’re doomed… (Hints of Avatar: TLA, but not a crossover)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Profanity, mentions of sex (minors back tf up)
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Chapter Seven: Bonfire
Heimdall wasn’t lying when he said you’d be put to work. As soon as you returned from your trip to Midgard with Odin, two incredibly nervous servants sought you out before you even had the chance to enter your room, both with differing tasks set out by the blond God. It was a long list written out on some parchment paper, one you were gripping very tightly between shaking hands.
“What the fuck…”
The servants backed out of the room when they realised you had nothing else to say, glancing at each other with worried expressions. Letting your eyes fall shut, you groaned in pure frustration once the door clicked shut. This would take you all day – all night even, if you didn’t pull yourself together – so you hastily changed into more comfortable clothes before heading out.
Trudging through the lodge with heavy feet, you heaved sigh after sigh as you tried to control your temper. The maddening list was tucked (more like carelessly scrunched) into your pocket. Out of sight, out of mind. Sort of.
The first thing to do was laundry. But first, you needed help locating his room because you had no idea, and honestly didn’t care to know, where he even stayed in the first place.
‘My clothes won’t clean themselves, wench,’ he’d written. Most of the list was completed in the same fashion; littered with derogatory terms he had no right to call you (mostly to do with your race or social standing). You couldn’t roll your eyes any harder if you tried. It was like he was trying to outdo himself with each one that followed.
You relaxed a little as you came across a familiar dark-haired man making his way to the kitchens.
“Hey, Amir!” You greeted him with a tiny wave. “You wouldn’t happen to know where Heimdall’s room is, would you?”
“Morning to you, m’lady!” A charming grin graced his olive-skinned features as he saluted you. “You’re on Shining God duty now? That’s rough.” He joshed.
You groaned. “Tell me about it.”
He chuckled and gave you the directions. You thanked him and turned to leave, but he gently reached out to grasp your wrist. “The kitchen crew are having a bonfire tonight. I’d like it if you joined us?”
“Oh, um, sure. I’d like that.”
He winked at you just as he had the first time you met and left, leaving you to stifle a giggle behind your palm as you got to work on finding Heimdall’s room. It turns out there was a whole other area of the lodge you’d never seen before. It was very similar to the hall of rooms where you and Thrúd resided, only it held two rooms directly opposite each other and was significantly quieter.
Amir said Heimdall’s is on the right…
Despite knowing he wasn't inside, you huffed and knocked for good measure. The stubborn, respectful part of you was rearing its head even though you wanted to jump off a cliff every time he interacted with you.
The room was humbler than you expected for someone so obnoxious. It was spacious but not much larger than the one you stayed in – the main difference being the lack of random shields, armour and general junk lying around the place. A bed nearly double the size of yours was situated near the windows with soft furs laid neatly across the top. You had to wonder if he even used the thing or if he was some kind of neat freak.
What fascinated you, however, was the tall bookcase tucked into the back corner. It was filled to the brim with books both thick and thin, old and new, and you found yourself trailing a delicate finger over them as you skimmed the titles. Many of them were most likely Aesir texts since you didn’t recognise the names, but you managed to zero in on a few you’d read (and enjoyed) before.
You snapped yourself out of it, blinking rapidly. So he likes to read, so what?
You lugged a small basked of clothes outside to the designated laundering area and set to work alongside a few other servants. It didn’t take you long to finish, thanks to there being barely anything in the first place, and it helped that they were pretty clean, too, so you hung them out and hurried back to his room, figuring it would be faster to complete the remaining chores in there before heading to another area.
Most of it was the kind of stuff you figured the regular servants did daily, and you were powering through it once you established a rhythm. You swept, dusted, wiped, and even brought in a bowl of fresh apples at one point. The only thing that managed to conjure derisive laughter from you was his wardrobe, which held an abundance of luxurious, well-made clothing. You immediately understood why Amir called him the ‘Shining God’. Anyone could spot the guy shining from miles away with the sheer amount of precious metals that adorned his clothes (namely gold).
By late afternoon, you were standing in front of the stables. Gulltoppr’s, to be more specific. The stableman was taken aback when you arrived to see the beast and even more so when you said you were tasked with grooming it. He almost refused, but once you’d flashed him the list marked with Heimdall’s unmistakable writing, he had no choice but to let you in lest he risk angering the God.
You nodded numbly as he handed you grooming supplies and informed you that it was a male gradungr and was particularly aggressive towards new people without its owner around. It looked just as threatening as you remember, with its incredibly sharp claws, horns, and teeth on display as it regarded you from the back of its enclosed space. You weren’t exactly sure what a gradungr’s diet was, but the way its glowing blue eyes zeroed in on you told you they weren’t impartial to human meat.
“Yep… there’s no fucking way.”
The stableman looked relieved when you left, though you suspected it was more because he wouldn’t have to clean up the bloodied mess your body would’ve left behind if you’d stayed. You knew this would probably piss Heimdall off, but what did he expect? You’d rather be alive to deal with the consequences than die trying to groom his stupid oversized cat.
With that, your chores were done for the day, and you happily returned to your room to get changed for the bonfire. You decided on a simple maroon dress with long sleeves to protect you from the chilly night air while your hair was released from the confines of its usual ribbon. Observing yourself in the reflection of a spoon, you actually felt quite… pretty.
Night-time had truly set in by the time you made it to the meeting spot, the moon casting a cool glow across the realm as wispy clouds hung low in the sky. There had to be at least twenty people gathered around the small bonfire, laughing and drinking away as they watched the fire dance and crackle before them. Your arrival was met with warm greetings, and you were immediately ushered to sit beside Amir, who flashed you a wide grin.
“What do you think?” He asks. “Best cook, me or Jörgen?”
You chuckled, “Pff, Jörgen, of course!”
A flurry of playful taunts came at him from all directions as his face fell in mock offence while others voiced their agreement with hearty laughter.
He held a hand to his chest. “You wound me, m’lady.”
“Oi, don’t let the boss man hear of this mutiny,” an ageing bald man piped up from the other side of the fire. “You’ll be put on dishwashing duty for a month!”
You were handed your own tankard of honeyed mead at some point, and what started as experimental sips eventually turned into easy swigs. Before you knew it, you were on your third round, which doesn’t sound like much, but it was more than enough for someone who usually avoided the drink like the plague.
As the night went on, the group slowly began to dwindle, and soon it was just you, Amir, and a handful of others, including the two young girls (Liv and Tora) who’d giggled at your expense that one time in the kitchens. Even now, they whispered to each other as they shot you and Amir curious glances. You hadn’t realised, but he’d moved closer to you at some point, your knees bumping together as he joked around with someone across from him. Or was it you who moved closer?
Your thoughts were interrupted when you felt a light tapping on your shoulder. “Hey.” It was Liv– the young brunette servant. Her round, doe eyes were laced with mischief as she cupped her hands together and whispered in your ear, “Have you slept with him yet?”
You blinked, your inebriated mind slower in conjuring up a response. Finally, you asked, “Slept with who?”
Those three words successfully gained the attention of everyone around you, including a surprised Amir, and you dragged a palm over your face, embarrassed.
“What the Hel are you two goin’ on about over there?” A stocky middle-aged woman asked. Hilda, you think. It didn’t sound right, but you couldn’t be sure.
“Sex,” Liv bluntly responded.
“Oh-kay, that’s me for the night!” The bald man from before said, standing from his seat with a slap to his knees. “S’been fun, but I’m officially too old for this shit.”
“Speak for yourself!” Hilda replied, chugging down the last of her drink as he flipped her the bird and departed with two others. She shrugged and brought her chair closer to you, ignoring the loud scraping sound.
“So?” Tora, the other young girl, asked, her bushy red hair bouncing as she huddled in as well.
“Wha – why are you all focused on me? Ask someone else!” You laughed, giving a light-hearted push to Liv beside you.
“Bah! We already know each other’s escapades.”
“Oh, come on, lass,” Hilda pressed, refilling your tankard with fresh mead. “You’re young ‘n pretty. There’s gotta be someone ‘round here wanting to bed you!”
You groaned.
“I knew it…” Liv gasped, her brown eyes wide with excitement as she grabbed your hand. “It’s Heimdall, isn’t it!”
The mouthful of mead you were halfway through swallowing wedged in your throat, and you began to cough and sputter, thumping your chest with a closed fist. “W-what the fuck?”
“Oh, come on, we all saw you eating together the other night – which he never does, by the way – and he was staring at you the whole time! Not to mention, you’re suddenly put on Shining God duty?”
When she put it that way, you could see where she was coming from, but it couldn’t be the furthest from the truth. It wasn’t like you didn’t find him attractive because you most certainly did. He was tall, handsome, and had a well-maintained physique. Anyone with eyes would appreciate that simple combination, but, for you, that was about it. He was nice to look at until he opened his mouth. It also didn’t help that you had a mutual dislike for one another.
You snorted, “Something tells me he’d rather use his hand than get into it with a mortal.”
Amir chuckled at your words before adding, “He does seem sort of… egocentric, I should say?”
“That’s putting it nicely!” Hilda challenged with a scoff. “He’s definitely not the youngest God I’ve served, but he certainly acted like it. I’m glad I got transferred to Lady Sif!”
“Wow, that makes me feel heaps better…” You mumbled.
Growing bored, Liv quickly steered the conversation back in her favour, “Well, if it’s not Heimdall, then who is it?”
“Um… no one?”
“So, there’s nothing between you two, then?” Tora giggled, referring to you and Amir’s still-touching knees. “Your body language says otherwise.”
Amir’s hazel eyes met yours, and he coughed awkwardly, rubbing at the back of his neck. He seemed just as thrown off by their bold antics.
“They should kiss and find out!” Liv coaxed, stirring the pot. She jokingly bumped her hip into yours, successfully pushing the rest of your side up against your male friend.
He finally laughed, resting an arm over your shoulders. “Children, children, please!”
“I’m older than you, boy!”
“And yet here you are,” he teased, earning himself a kick to the shin. “Ah!”
The two girls ignored the banter and began chanting, ‘kiss, kiss, kiss!’ The older woman laughed, joining in, and soon you were handing your half-empty cup of liquid courage to the brunette beside you.
“Fuck it,” you decided, grabbing a surprised Amir by the back of the head and pulling him in.
It was only meant to be a light peck, something to sate the rowdy bunch before you. But as soon as you moved away, warm hands were tugging you back, and a pair of lips captured yours once more. You could hear squeals of glee somewhere to your side as this carried on for what felt like a good thirty seconds, and you gasped when he finally released you.
“Gods…” Hilda finally said, breaking the silence. “I wasn’t expecting that.”
You threw back the rest of your drink.
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cuntysiren · 16 days
Yes I am working on chapter one of Kiss of death again ☹️ sorry for the long wait
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grievedeeply · 2 years
the less time, the better.
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pairing: heimdall x gn!reader
summary: as the child of the greek god of war, kratos— you've fought your fair share of enemies. you've prepared yourself for anything, including an obnoxious aesir god who thinks he knows better.
notes: you are already an adult by the events of god of war (2018), and you are the child of kratos and faye. you were not as affected by not knowing your godhood to the extent atreus was. odin invites you to asgard, NOT atreus.
when you set out to spread your mother's ashes at the tallest peak, you made it your goal to protect your brother from anything that may come across. your father, kratos, insisted that there would be bigger threats out there during your youth. you never doubted him. when your mother died, you realized that his words rang truer than you ever expected them to.
years later, you swear you've seen everything.
the more you travelled, the more you saw and the more knowledgeable you became. you learned quickly, how to take on enemies of all different types and sizes. it became a second nature to you, something that took little to no thought to complete. your mind connected every step together with no effort, and it was wonderful to feel strong.
atreus grew into a strong, capable young man and you couldn't be prouder. he became taller, and it nearly brought you to tears. your baby brother was growing up quicker than you would've preferred him to.
with the death of baldur and the beginning of fimbulwinter, things were looking dire. freya was beginning to show herself more often, putting your family in a risky position. living on midgard in those conditions weren't ideal, but home was always going to be home.
thor and odin showing up at your doorstep made things worse. odin had proposed that you visit asgard— see all it has to offer and more.
of course, you denied without missing a beat. your father was out there somewhere, fighting his son. you wouldn't forget everything he did to mimir— to freya. you knew better. of course you did. why would odin invite you to asgard if he didn't need something from you? his goal would always be to manipulate, to deceive.
it was only when things started getting dire that you even considered visiting.
"i'm thinking about going to asgard," you spoke up after a bite of your food. you weren't too sure what it was. týr had made it, with the help of atreus. you were happy for your brother. he had clearly looked up to him, even though he wasn't as much of a help as you hoped he would be.
your father only looked up at you, and out of the corner of your eye, you saw atreus' worried face. "no." your father replied, his voice as cold as the lands of niflheim.
you knew he would say that. you fell silent. you didn't want to go, but you felt as if the situation called for it. "i'll be a pair of eyes on the inside." you reasoned with pursed lips. you knew it would be difficult to convince him to agree with you, but you didn't need his permission. you were an adult. a capable one, at that.
"i said no."
you bit at the inside of your cheek, glancing over at týr— who sat awkwardly at the other end of the table. your gaze shifted to brok, who clearly wasn't paying attention, happily munching on his food.
"that isn't a good idea." you heard freya's voice call out from her room, and you let out a sigh. "maybe not. but i feel like i should try." you muttered, your voice still heard through the silence of the home. what other option was there? you were at a dead end. everything you've found ended up being nothing. if you were going to find answers, they would be in asgard.
"all odin does is lie," she continued after a pause, "and manipulate. i know better than anyone."
"she is right, y'know." mimir said, and you felt your heart weigh heavy. "you learn a lot about a man after bein' tortured by em every day." he let out a chuckle, trying to lighten the mood with a joke.
"all we're finding now are dead ends. we need something real." you said, turning your eyes back to your father. his expression didn't change. it hardly ever did.
"we need you alive. we need you.. safe." he replied without a moment's hesitation. he cared about you. you knew that, and hearing the desperation in his voice made that even clearer.
you decided to end the conversation there. you wouldn't convince him to let you go, but you reassured yourself. you were an adult. you were allowed to make your own decisions, even if they were dangerous ones. you ate your meal in silence, coming up with a plan to leave that night.
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you forced yourself out of bed, slipping on your coat— making sure to take your key of yggdrasil with you. your grabbed your weapons and crawled out of the window in your room, sneaking around the back of sindri's house towards the gateway.
"where are you going?"
you closed your eyes tightly, turning on your heel to be met with the fuzzy face of ratatoskr. "out." you replied, nonchalantly shrugging your shoulders. he shook his head, scampering towards you. "you look.. nervous, master y/n." he continued, not taking your answer seriously. "is there something the matter?"
his concern did put a smile on your face, but you shook your head. "it's nothing. just.. don't tell anyone i went out, okay? i don't want them freaking out over it."
he raised an eyebrow, crossing his arms over his chest, but he nodded. "if that is what you wish. do stay safe, yes?" he looked up at you with a stern expression for a squirrel, and you chuckled. "i will. i'll be back, okay?" you said, returning your attention to the gate. you lifted the key to it, setting your destination to midgard, you pushed open the door and stepped onto the branches of the world tree.
'i'll be back.'
your words rang through your mind like a torturous song. would you be back anytime soon? had you lied to him? all he had done was show you kindness..—
it was bigger than ratatoskr. would you be back to see your father? your brother? freya, freyr, brok and sindri? their faces flashed through your mind, and you shook your head. what did you have to worry about? you were a guest. they wouldn't try to kill you.
maybe you did lie to him. maybe you were making the biggest mistake of your life by thinking this was a good idea, but it felt like the only option. you were doing what you thought was best. you pushed away the guilt that was eating at your mind and continued down the path, waiting for the doorway to open.
being stuck with your own thoughts wasn't something you enjoyed very much, you learned. you pushed the door open with your hip, gripping at your sword. you knew hel-walkers would show up sometime soon and it was better to be prepared. you learned that from your father.
you shivered. this was a bad idea.
you didn't know where you were, and you didn't know how to get to asgard. odin never told you how— so you stood in the middle of the forest and called out for his ravens, huginn and muginn.
"i want to go to asgard!" you said, voice clearly showing your frustration. "no one knows i'm out here!" you continued, your shoulders slumping when there was no response.
that was, until there was.
a large swarm of ravens surrounded you, flying around you. their feathers were everywhere, and your vision was blocked by the sheer amount of them. it took a few moments, and then—
you were cold.
the water made you even colder with the added frost from midgard you carried with you, and you cringed at the feeling. you pulled yourself to shore, your arms getting tired from all of the work you'd had to do to get to that point already. so much walking— it felt as if your legs were going to fall off.
you coughed, laying down in the dirt for a few moments to catch your breath. "seriously.." you spoke breathlessly to yourself, pulling yourself to sit up. as soon as you opened your eyes, all of your efforts to catch your breath were put to waste.
it was beautiful. different shades of greens and blues, birds of all sorts flying above you. in the distance, you could see snow capped mountain ranges. you were surrounded by uninhabited highlands. the bridge above you stretched thousands of miles, and you swallowed. it was gorgeous, but the severity of your actions were only just starting to set in.
you walked for what felt like forever, a massive wall obstruction your vision to anything behind it. this was asgard. you knew that well enough.
"figured asgard would be safer than this," you grumbled to yourself as you killed yet another nightmare. the plains were filled with dangers, and your fathers words from your childhood echoed through your mind.
'there will be greater threats.'
the thought of him now was calming. you hung onto it for as long as you could as you walked, your eyes glued onto the massive wall in front of you. it was covered in large, rusted nails. hrimthur did build the wall. you thought of the flaw he had supposedly put in place, and you suddenly regretted not asking freya what he had told her earlier. you pushed it aside. regretting the past does nothing for the future.
you made it to the bottom of the wall, hands at your hips as you stared up at it. it looked easy enough to climb, so long as you don't look down. you felt weak already, but you figured you could make it.
with a deep breath, you forced yourself to begin the climb. as you expected, it wasn't too hard. your hands were sore from the rock, but you found spots that were easy enough to grab and hold onto. your legs ached, but the adrenaline kept you going.
the feeling of solid ground made you laugh in joy, and you decided to revel in it for a few seconds. you looked down and across the plains and at the mountains in the distance. you saw a village below you, and you furrowed your eyebrows. you noticed it when you passed through, but you saw no one. perhaps you were too focused on the task at hand.
your brother would've stopped. the thought made you chuckle. he was too kind. you wished he were with you. you sighed. you were doing this for him— for your father.
with a grunt, you pulled yourself up an awkward part of the wall, practically walking up the section adjacent to you. you extended your hand, finally feeling the top of the wall. you were so close. you inhaled and..—
the feeling of a hand wrapped around your wrist made you look up, and you were met with the face of a man. blonde, tall— eyes purple and strangely beautiful. "hello." he said, and you raised an eyebrow. what was he doing up here, anyway? there were people who monitored this thing?
"what part of the enormous wall made you think, 'oh. visitors must be welcome!'" he spoke sarcastically, looking down at you coldly. "well, there wasn't a gate. so." you replied, slight laughter escaping your lips as you looked up at him. he rolled his eyes.
"i was sent for," you continued after a moment of silence, "by odin." your voice was loud enough for him to hear you over the wind, and he raised an eyebrow. "the allfather sent for you?" he chuckled dryly, a cocky smile on his lips, "then why are you out there.. and not in here?"
"i wish i knew." you shot back, "let's ask him." you proposed, trying to put a friendly smile on your face. you could feel yourself slipping from his grasp, and you had nothing to hold onto. your shoulder was going to pop out of its socket if he didn't pull you up soon.
"what could odin.. king of the aesir, possibly want with the likes of you?" he spat out. his tone was gentle, but filled with venom. "that's between me and him." you told him.
silence, again.
"so.. think you can pull me up?"
"i don't think i will. i think, actually— i'll just drop you." he let you slip even further out of his grasp, and your feet searched for anything below you to hang onto. "wait, wait, wait— please," you pleaded but your words went unnoticed to him.
your other hand desperately grabbed onto his wrist, "think of what the allfather would say.. finding out you killed his guest. y/n of the jötnar.."
his jaw clenched, but his eyes looked down at your hands at his wrist. "the jötnar?" he chuckled just as sarcastically as he had before, "enemy of my people?"
"i am not your enemy."
his eyes met yours, and for a moment you thought he was going to drop you anyways. he groaned, standing up and pulling you with him. you laid on the ground for a few seconds and he stood above you with crossed arms. "i will be the judge of that." he said in response to your previous statement, and you let out a sigh of relief.
pushing yourself up to your feet, you noticed the horn that hung from his hip. this was heimdall. of course he would be the one patrolling up here. the less time you spent with him, the better it would be for you.
"we don't have all day." his voice cut you out of your thoughts, and you nodded. your feet kicked at the rocks underneath you, following a few steps behind him. you noticed the braids in his hair, and the patterns in his clothes. he was loved by these people. you could tell that much.
"now, feel free to drink in the splendor of asgard's beauty. it is a rare sight for outsiders.. especially giants." you rolled your eyes. all aesir really were the same— but he seemed cockier. more full of himself. you walked past a pouch laying on the ground, and you resisted the urge to pick it up. you knew he would lay into you for it.
"ask your questions, already." heimdall pulled the switch, making the platform the two of you stood on move down towards the town below you. "i don't have any questions." you shrugged with pursed lips, looking over at him. he fell silent for a moment, "everyone does. ask them."
you chuckled, "you're not used to people saying no to you, are you?" he said nothing in response, and you raised your eyebrows, amused. you decided to keep quiet. you didn't want to get too playful with him. you wanted to keep him away from you— to avoid being suspicious.
"we are here. off." he gestured for you to step off of the platform, and he moved ahead of you again. he led you down a flight of wooden stairs, that had clearly been made with care. you looked around. asgard was beautiful. you wouldn't deny it. his eyes lit up at the sight of a creature across the small area you'd stepped into, and if it were anyone else you would've thought it sweet.
you tuned him out as he spoke to the animal, and you looked up at the clouds. no signs of fimbulwinter, as far as the eye could see. "are you coming?" his impatient voice rang out from behind you. he had mounted the animal, and he moved his head as a way to tell you to get on behind him. you pulled yourself up, and a set of doors opened.
"it's beautiful." you decided to say, realizing that the silence was beginning to get more awkward. "obviously." he said back to you, glancing over his shoulder to look at you. "i'm being genuine." you told him, able to tell that he didn't believe you, given his body language. "right." heimdall replied, taking on a tone that almost sounded like he were trying to tease you. you shook your head, deciding the silence was better.
"the great lodge— which the allfather built with his bare hands." he informed you, and you nodded. "impressive." you complimented, assuming that your words would help him see you in a more positive light. you knew that he hated the jötnar, as every aesir would presumably. you thought about your mother. you sighed to yourself.
he stopped in his tracks, hopping off of the animal. he slapped it's rear end, bucking you off and making you land in the mud. "what was that for?" you groaned, wiping the mud out out of your eyes. "helmets! i have a practice dummy for you." he called out to the einherjar, who eagerly jumped out in front of you, ready for battle.
"i thought we were going to odin!"
"change of plans," heimdall chuckled, clearly enjoying the show. "you do have treacherous intent. i am not letting you anywhere near the allfather."
you let out a frustrated grunt as you swung your sword, dodging another one of their bifröst attacks. after a few minutes that felt like hours, all of them had been eliminated.
"my turn." he jumped down off of the animal and walked towards you, a cocky smile on his lips as his eyes met yours. you sighed, and he took a quick step at you, only for you to move out of the way.
you adjusted yourself— took a deep breath and..
you opened your eyes. he had lost his footing when you swung and fell back onto the ground. his breathing was shaky, his gaze glued to the fabric of his shirt— torn apart by your blade. he glanced up at you, his mouth agape as he did so. "what..?" he muttered to himself, his gaze desperately flicking between you and his tattered clothing, hoping as though he thought you would have the answers he searched for.
"sorry.. about the- about the shirt." you spoke quietly. you sheathed your sword. he was beaten. there was no need to continue. your weapon tore right through his clothes, and you could see the blood on his abdomen.
his head turned toward you at the speed of light, his face bright red, but he said nothing to you. he slowly forced himself onto his feet, not blinking the entire time. he averted his gaze from you. as soon as he was standing, he turned on his heel and left you alone in front of odin's home.
all you could do was watch him leave. it was for the best, anyways.. right?
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why was his heart beating so fast?
heimdall rushed to his quarters, digging through his drawers to find a replacement shirt while his current one gets fixed by the seamstresses.
why was his heart beating so fast?
he could feel it— pounding against his ribcage like there was no tomorrow. your face popped into his mind. the smile you gave him while you were hanging off of the wall, the look in your eyes as he walked towards you. you weren't afraid, no.. no, you were confident in yourself.
what was it that let you hit him?
he was embarrassed. he knew that. he had never been touched by anyone else in a fight before, and the thought of a giant being the one to do it made him angry at himself.
what was it about you? were you special, somehow? immune to his powers?
no. you weren't. he knew that.
did he let you hit him?
no. he didn't. why would he?
why was his heart beating so fast?
he thought of you. he shook his head. no— not a giant. a giant couldn't make him feel this way. it was your father that had killed baldur, magni and modi. you were there. you had to have been there. you had to have seen it all. this wasn't right. why was he thinking of you this way?
he lifted his hands to his hair, tugging at it harshly, forcing his breads out with a clenched jaw. he could still feel the blood seeping through the bandage that covered his wound.
not a giant. right?
why was his heart beating so fast?
your smile, your eyes— no, no, no, no.
his arms fell to his sides, and he looked down at the torn fabric of his shirt, defeated.
not a giant.. right?
AHEM. i wrote this in one sitting. hope you enjoyed and let me know if you want a part two because i'm so down to write it if this does well enough <3 their story doesn't have to end here i'm telling yall right now!!
shoutout to the anon who gave me this idea!! i immediately fell in love with the thought of heimdall being head over heels for someone because they beat him somehow. i hope i did this justice!! please reblog and leave comments!! it really helps me out a lot!!
tags: @graciegizmo3184 @anzanishira @chocokaylarobin @uncoveredsun @caelestis-lyrae @prio-motu | join my taglist!
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pyromaniac-skeleton · 2 years
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Y’all really liked the memes I did with Valki (GOW OC) and Heimdall, so have more ✨
(For reference, Valki is around 4’11 anhdjwd)
(And I didn’t want to draw Odin four times for the last one, ahhh- 😭)
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friendlykelpie · 1 year
Chapter 2 up! Introducing my take on the god of poetry, Bragi, cast as Alexander Skarsgård. Wrote all his dialogue in iambic pentameter because poetry, and also because I am a crazy person
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judyfromfinance · 2 years
Olden Times. Modern Thinking.
Summary: You know things you’re not supposed to. You behave oddly. And the way you speak is even odder. Kratos, Mimir, and Atreus have no idea if they should believe your ramblings of another world and of a future they have no way of knowing is real. But, you seem harmless enough. Plus, Faye may rise from her grave if they let a poor woman freeze to death in their forest, right outside their home no less.
Chapter 4
This new world you found yourself in was so vast, and so so terrifying at the same time. Beautiful but other worldly. Like it shouldn’t be real and yet here you are. Witnessing it with your own eyes. You were walking along the spindly branches of the world tree as you followed Sindri to his home. You stared out into the vast periwinkle void and you could’ve sworn you felt something stare back. You think back to your earlier thoughts. Beautiful yet terrifying. Lovecraftian in a sense, but some of his work was based off of Norse mythology so I guess calling something Lovecraftian that existed before him and even may have given him inspiration was just not right. But hey, it made sense in your head.
After Atreus came back in from his talk with Odin, Kratos showed up a couple of minutes after. They got into a slight argument, as they tend to do, and then Kratos decided that it was best to see what had gotten his boy so wrapped up that it would cause him to lie to his own father. But of course that left you, a mortal that could barely use a sword and could definitely not scale cliffs as easily as the two gods before you. “I can just stay here if you want?” Kratos just shook his before continuing to think. “They might come after you again.” He stated. You shook slightly at the thought. Atreus looked at with concern but you saw a twinkle of something else. Curiosity. He took a couple of cautious steps towards you. “Why were they here? What did they talk about?” He questioned. You knew what he really wanted to ask though. What could those gods possibly want with you? And again, just like when you first met them, you told them the truth.
“They think that I can help them prevent Ragnarök somehow.” You turned on your heel as you paced back and forth. You looked back up at them with a sigh of exasperation. “I don’t know how they knew but they knew! They knew I wasn’t from here. I don’t know exactly how much they know because our conversation didn’t get that far.” You think back to your fear ridden self. Your first thought was to get out of there. Not about possibly getting answers of your own. “I don’t know why they would think that but… I don’t know… I’m just really confused right now. I’m sorry.” You mutter softly. You felt like a burden. Not only are you slightly messing up the timeline, though they don’t know that, but you can’t even help them with their problems. They saved your life. They fed you. They clothed you. They gave you a warm bed and helped teach you about this land and all you can say is ‘I don’t know’ and ‘I’m sorry.’ Maybe… maybe you should finally tell them. But how would you even go about explaining it. ‘Hey your whole life’s a video game for other people’s entertainment!’ just wouldn’t cut it. As your mind began to spiral you heard a soft spoken voice speak up.
“She’ll be safe at our house.” Everyone turns to look at the dwarf in the doorway. Sindri smiled and waved. “All of you are welcome actually. You probably need a new place to lay your heads since this one is… well…” he looked towards the hole in the roof. “Compromised. Heh.”
And that’s what lead you to know. Walking through this mystical looking void, trying desperately not to peek over the edges of the branches. The thought of tumbling over your own feet and falling to your death in an endless void making you sick to your stomach. Sindri turns back around to you and starts up a conversation. “Me and my brother don’t often have visitors so this will be new and exciting. Hopefully? Just uh… wipe your feet off before you enter. If you can?” You nod your head in acknowledgment. “Yea I can do that. I can leave my shoes at the front door if you want? Don’t really need them inside tracking mud and melted snow anyways.” He stops before you, hands on his hips and a slight smile on his face. “That’s actually a great idea. I should implement that. Thank you!” You giggle before gasping in shock. A bright white light in the shape of a door appears before you. Sindri ushers you forward as you slowly push yourself through the mist. It felt tingly. Like when you scrub your sock covered feet against the carpet and go to poke at someone. But instead it’s all over your body. It doesn’t hurt, but it’s quite shocking nonetheless. Sindri follows behind you.
“By they way, I think we may have found some items that belong to you.” You furrowed your brow. Confused on what he could have that might belong to you. “What do you mean?” He goes to open the door of his grand treehouse. Taking off his heavy duty boots as he continued, “Well Atreus told me a lot about you. How you may not be of this world and well, Brok and I have found some…” he swallows as he tilts his head. “Unusual items on some of our scavenging expeditions. So I’m just assuming here.” He turns quickly towards you with his hands raised high as you unbuckle your boots. “Of course I could be wrong so if I am I apologize for over stepping.” You place your boots next to his as you wave your hand at him. “Don’t worry about it dude. It’s fine. But I’d like to see them if you don’t mind.” He nods before another burly voice interrupts him.
“So you’re that weird mortal girl they found on deaths doorstep.” Brok looks you up and down behind his smithing station and huffs. “Yea, you look like you wouldn’t be able to survive a greasy warthog tooting at ya, let alone Fimbulwinter.” Sindri gasps before turning to you. “I am so sorry. I’m sure he didn’t mean anything by that.”
“Like hell I did!” You couldn’t stop the laughter as it burst forth. You grasped your knees as your stomach started to ache. Honestly, what he said wasn’t even that funny but you couldn’t help but feel a slight weight be lifted off of you at his strange behavior and odd idioms. You calmed down before apologizing. “I’m sorry, that was just…” you shook your head as you tried to find words to describe your thoughts. “I don’t know man, that was just fucking funny I guess.” Sindri looked appalled at your foul language as Brok bellowed out a laugh not to dissimilar from your own. “I like this one. Well come on then! We haven’t got all day, you wanna see those odd contraptions or not?” You nod enthusiastically as you make your way over to him. He bends down and grabs a big wooden box. “I can tell one of them is a bag but it’s definitely an odd looking one. Don’t know what’s in it. Didn’t care enough to open it and the other one?” He just shrugs. “Fuck if I know what that damn thing is. It gets bright sometimes that’s all I know.” You nodded as you opened the box.
“Oh my god! It’s all my shit! Holy fuck thank you! How did it even get here? Where did y’all find it?” You shouted in shock and awe. Brok laughed his ass off as Sindri sighed. “Do you always speak like that?” You nod your head but apologized to him anyways. This was his home after all. You grab your pink and blue Little Twin Stars mini backpack. It had dirt smudges everywhere and a couple of claw marks. Looked like an animal tried to get into it but gave up halfway. It wasn’t as pristine as you usually kept it back at home but it was here! In your hands! You push it to the sides for now. As you look into the box and swiped your phone. You could cry. It was your phone! Fuck what everyone else said about the evils of material goods in the modern world. You spent good, hard earned money on these things. Of course you’re gonna enjoy them! You’re a material girl in a material world and that’s all you’ll ever wanna be. And you won’t feel sorry about it either. You turned your phone over and looked at the the pink Cardcaptor Sakura phone case. You looked at your phone charms dangling on the side. Toro Inoue and Pipimi and Popuko. They were dirty but fine. You then look towards the screen. Sadly it was cracked. Starting from the left corner down to about halfway down the screen in a spiderweb like fashion. Thankfully though, you had a screen protector. Your iPhone recognized your face as it opened up and you were bombarded with notifications from all of your apps. You began going through them, not even giving a second thought to how your phone is possibly working here at all. Sindri and Brok flanked both sides of you as they watched your fingers slide across the screen. Moving bright little boxes with words they couldn’t understand. Brok, starting to get restless, slapped your shoulder and asked “What the hel is that thing?” Sindri nodded, “I would very much like to know too.”
“Oh my god I’m so sorry. I just got really excited. Um…” you try to think of a way to explain what a phone is to people that don’t even know what technology is. “How do I put this? This is a phone. It allows me to contact people from far away. So say I was here with you guys and let’s say Atreus was all the way across Midgard right and he uh, he also had one of these. We would be able to talk to each other no problem.” Now that you’re hearing yourself out loud you cringe a bit. Describing how things worked or what things did was never your forte. If anyone back at home were to ask you to explain anything you’d hit them with a “I don’t know. Google it.” Sadly, you can’t really do that here. And you can tell that you explanation wasn’t all that great as they still looked confused.
“How does that work? And how can you control all those things with your fingers? Can it do anything else? One day it stated to make a, in my opinion, grating noise. Why did it do that?” Sindri just piled on question after question. And you felt bad because you didn’t know if you’d be able to answer all of them. Brok noticing your exasperation slapped Sindri on the back as he moved around the table. “Give the girl some room. You starting to sound like an ingreased cog.” Sindri stumbled forward as he turned to glare at Brok. “Ow.” He huffed before Turing back towards you. “I’m sorry.” You shook your head and smiled. “No need to apologize. I get it. It’s something new and interesting. You want to know more about it and I don’t blame you. But even though this is mine I don’t know how everything in it works. I just know that it does.” He shuffles forward towards a small door. “I understand. Here, this used to be a broom closet but we renovated it slightly to be a room. I know it’s not the best thing in the world but it’s a place to lay your head.” You peek into the room with a smile on your face. Definitely still is a broom closet if the mop in the corner was anything to go by. But the bed on the other size of the room that seemed to be the perfect size for you was nothing to sneeze at. “It’s perfect Sindri. Thank you.” You turn towards Brok. “And thank you too.” You grab your backpack and the bag you brought with you from the cabin and set them right next to your bed. You turn towards the door and looked at the Huldra brothers with a fond smile.
“I hope you don’t mind but I think I’m gonna sleep for a bit. It’s been a pretty eventful day.” Brok nodded before leaving. You can hear the sound of hammering start back up on the other side of the wall. Sindri smiles, “Of course.” He goes to close the door before peeking his head back in and saying a quick, “Sweet dreams.” He blushes before slamming the door closed. You hear him mutter something before scampering away. Brok lets put a hefty laugh, making fun of his brother’s embarrassment. You lay down and stare at the ceiling. You hear Sindri leave through the front door. Most likely to bring Kratos and Atreus back to their newfound home. You bring your phone back up to your face. And open it. You click on an app that you know all too well. As you scroll through all the different fanart of the very same characters that you are sharing a home with your struck with the sudden fear that your gonna have to come up with some way to help these people. You can’t let any of them die. But again, what can a mortal do amongst gods? You have the advantage of knowing what is going to happen and when. But how good is that when these gods can easily over power you and kill you. You have to tell them. You have to tell them everything. They’ll be able to help you come up with a game plan. You sigh as you turn off your phone and turn to your side. Staring at the stationary mop and bucket of water. You just hope that Kratos will listen to you. You hope that they all will. And maybe, maybe they won’t be mad. God help you.
Sorry this took so long y’all. My sisters been letting me use her pc and I’ve been playing Stardew Valley with a bunch of different mods and loving it! There’s a mod that make Toshinori Yagi a marriageable character and AAAAAAA I love him. Anyways hope you guys enjoy this chapter. Let me know what y’all think in the tags or the comments. Thank you~
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onlydeas · 2 years
i think i should step in and do heimdall headcanons he needs love !! 
ever since god of war ragnarok came out idk i just fell for heimdall. it be the assholes
Heimdall headcanons
Meeting Heimdall wasn't the best thing, in fact, anybody who encountered him never had the best experience, therefore he was always regarded as Asgard's asshole. But you know what? You had so much patience with this man, even if his pettiness had forced you to hold on by a strand of hair, and you couldn't even land a hit on him, so what was the purpose of getting angry? “im sorry im actually here to work with heimdall, odin sent me” His eyebrows furrowed "You have no idea who I am, do you? im heimdall" As he uttered his name, your eyes widened, "no, I'd rather be tossed from the wall now." 
sometimes you honestly wanted to quit your job but the fear you had for odin and the ego of not quitting and no matter how annoying heimdall is you will not let him win. you can not leave “why dont you just let me do my job alone you suck at fighting and you bore me” heimdall was your number one hater “ so if i were to take a tooth from you and sell it for money id be in the wrong huh” heimdall turned around feeling his teeth how could you say that he needs to be careful now and take care of his teeth or one day he’s waking up with none
Working with heimdall was a pain in the ass; how could one be so bossy? Why couldn't we simply have some fun for a while? No, you had to be on your feet with the man whose only friend was gulltoppr. “hey heimdall why dont we have some fun and explore Asgard” heimdall looked at you and only one word left his mouth “no” How could he be so irritating? Why couldn't he show you around and tell you about this place? "But why not? I believe I deserve it because I've been helping you around here." Heimdall gave you a sidelong glance "I already seen it all," you grabbed his arm and pulled him down to you. "I haven't seen everything, so please show me around."
heimdall looked into your eyes seeing how badly you wanted him to take you around he sighed and rolled his eyes “only once you’re honestly really annoying” you smiled and followed him towards gulltoppr and got on. The whole tour of asgard and heimdall explaining the history of it made you so happy you couldn’t believe you didnt ask for a tour a while ago its beautiful, heimdall took a glance at you, you appeared to be paying close attention to everything heimdall was saying. “you know heimdall for someone who always has something negative to say you aren’t so bad” you laughed, you payed attention to the beauty of Asgard while he was mesmerized by you
ever since that day heimdall gave you a tour he’s been surprisingly nicer to you even though he’s tried to drop you off the wall multiple times and still gives you his petty comments for no reason he was nicer while you put no attention to it heimdall was loosing his mind because he was developing feelings for you and he knew that he knew that really well every time you spoke to him his cheeks would turn pink and being a pale guy wasn’t really helping him he felt betrayed by his own body he didnt even want to make eye contact with you for seeing the future or reading your mind would hurt him if he found out you wanted nothing to do with him for someone who can not relax even for a moment this was driving him insane but he needed to be professional
heimdall was a bother to you keyword ‘was’ you couldnt stand him at all but being around him and learning more about him actually made you really happy he made you really happy you couldnt stand not being around him he was your partner after all how could an asshole to everything make you feel this way you would wait for him outside his place every morning to start the day you’d follow him everywhere hearing his voice made you so happy. you and him were like rosemary and thyme you both were amazing together you wouldnt even mind heimdall reading your mind with his foresight but lately he wouldnt look at you
his feelings only grew stronger day by day as much as he wanted to tell you how much you mean to him and how he would go to war for you he tried to focus on what you were here for ‘work’ he didnt want anyone getting in trouble because of his feelings so he pushed them so deep into his heart he thought the only way he wouldnt think about it was to ignore you and act like how he does with everyone. that only hurt your feelings so much why was he acting that way with you, you only wanted to tell him about your feelings but he wouldn’t make eye contact with you or even speak to you, he doesn’t know how badly his actions were hurting you “heimdall can we please talk, why are you ignoring me?” heimdall didnt look at you he only continued what he was doing “heimdall please listen to me”
as much as you tried to speak to him he would only turn his back to you this really was hurting you so much you thought you both were forming a really good friendship now out of no where he starts being a asshole to you again like how it first started “you left me waiting, you know im not really patient heimdall when i confronted you about not speaking to me you didnt say anything why are you doing this?” heimdall looked at you after so long and spoke “what is there to say (y/n) i dont need to listen to you we arent friends so give me space and stay out of my way” that really did it that broke your heart into so many pieces before he could even walk away you grabbed his hand “please dont leave me ive been going through emotions you dont even know about and each time i try to make you look at me so you can see how much i feel for you, you always ignore me!”
“what do you need (y/n)! what do you want?!” your eyes were filled with tears any second you could just burst into tears, you pulled him down and kissed him and for once someone actually touched him your tears flowed down your cheeks as you kissed him “i need and want you heimdall..i really truly love you so much” heimdall looked into your eyes seeing how much you really do love him he sighed in relief that you felt the same way he pressed his lips on yours holding you face
being heimdalls lover was such a dream I mean of course everyone would always ask you what do you see him that they dont with heimdalls cocky personality he was literally such a dream to you imagine just having a boyfriend who's rude to the whole world but with you hes so sweet and patient
heimdall couldn't keep his hands off you he just wanted to feel you all the time he wasn't fond of the pda maybe just holding your hand, kissing your cheeks and hugging you every chance he could get but in private oh gosh he doesnt stop kissing you, touching you he follows you everywhere seriously hes like a duckling he just cant get enough of you, hes so in love with you "heimdall..do you really need to follow me into the bathroom" heimdall nods you dont know if hes trying to protect you orrr hes just being a creep
his foresight is truly amazing he always knows what you want, when you want and how. sometimes he can be such a tease about it too I mean sometimes you want to kiss him but he dodges you and teases you about it when you fail to kiss him not just once, or twice but after hes done laughing and teasing you he gives you so much kisses to make up the ones you tried to give him "how could you dodge my kisses!" heimdall laughs kissing you all over
in heimdalls eyes you are everything he needs in his life he would never leave you, you being a mortal and him being a god gave him so much motivation into protecting you from all harm in the world he always says things like you were created in this world for him to love, protect, to hold, to feel you he can’t do anything if you arent in his life his words are seriously the sweetest thing ever he always knows what to say having a god as a boyfriend and not only that he is very intelligent but sometimes he forgets to think hes very impulsive he hates it when other gods ask you for favors why you? why couldnt they pick all the other mortals or find a god or something why bother whats his?
heimdall surprisingly talks about marriage with you everyone is so surprised since he seems like he’d rather be alone forever cause of his attitude with everyone he talks about marriage and a family how he wants to raise children with you he brings it up more then you do! even at random times like when you both are sleeping together…“so if when we get married should we get gulltoppr to be the flower-“ you groaned and sat up “seriously heimdall go to bed” heimdall sat uo to look at you “its a serious question y/n!!”
lets be honest im sure heimdall would be so clingy the way hes dedicated to protecting asgard im sure he’d always want to be with you its like he’d want to be apart of you he’s the type to stay so close to you never leaving your side for nothing who knows what other gods have in mind
you are what calms him every time hes about to explode he thinks about you he constantly whispers your name every second this man has anger issues he cannot relax for a moment thor literally has him on his last strand his strand is thinner than hair, everyone is very fond of you you changed his attitude he isnt so mean as before but when you arent near him he may explode any second “ just think about y/n yes think about y/n, y/n will get very mad if i do something wrong and i dont want that just imagine y/n” heimdall is smiling at a corner thinking about you so he wouldn’t start a war
whatever you want you shall receive even if he doesnt even know what it is he will find it or create it, his attention is all yours he could constantly stare at you speaking for hours but thats you, heimdall never stops talking and you admire him and how talkative he is. heimdall seriously loves you so much he’s balance he loves to give you everything you need from gifts, communication to love and attention
heimdall and you are seriously best friends and lovers heimdall always comes to you as if he was a best friend ready to spill gossip from anything he seems like he loves having those gossip talks its his second favorite thing and his first is you “yeah thors at it again im surprised Sif hasnt said anything to him she never does its usually thrúd” heimdall rolled his eyes and took a bite out of his food “heimdall you know you cant reason with thor plus hes went through a lot” heimdall looked at you “yes but he handles it with his drinking problem could never and would never be me” you sighed and smiled heimdall is a hater to mankind
(NSFW mild warning ig)
sometimes when hes in the mood if you know what I mean *side eye* its just the best thing ever looking into your eyes and seeing everything you want he'll do it hes so very dominate he always wants to be in control I mean why wouldn't he be he knows the future and he knows what you want during it he loves everything about you I wouldn't say even your imperfections because to him you are the most perfect being ever he loves you he needs you. hes so obsessed with everything about you, his voice is so gentle even when hes being cocky during it, it makes you melt just by him already knowing hes good at what hes doing to you
he can be rough not so rough he doesnt want to hurt you because he is way stronger then you since hes a god and hes extremely fast it feels like you're going into another realm. heimdall loves when you're being vocal during it he wants everyone to know you are his and what you and him are doing that very moment sometimes he can be a asshole and make you cry during it if he doesnt make you cry did you really enjoy it? im sure hes so good with his hands I mean his long fingers says it all as soon as he gets his hands on your body prepare for the best feeling of your life. cant get over his foresight its so attractive seeing into the future he just knows what to do to you. his eyes are the only thing that glows during that moment he always keeps his eyes on you even when you try to look away he moves your face back to him he makes sure to make you look at him every second
when you want to be top and he allows it hes just a mess he cant stop blushing he just cant get over how good you look being on top of him no matter who it is he hates being looked down on but you he cant get over it he loves it so much just holding you and looking at you he cant get his eyes off you
overall heimdall is such a dream hes a tall, strong blond, hes a god and not only that his eyes are so beautiful you get mesmerized with only looking into then hes a asshole to everyone but with you he will always be your number one fan and the person he loves the most and it shows everyone knows how much that man loves you and would live and die for you because you are and always will be the one for him as he always says “until my heart beats for the last time only then will i maybe stop loving you” keyword maybe but we all know even in death he’d love you forever even when hes reborn again he will love
i failed my presentation for AP Seminar for this i hope you all love this because that horrifying grade was worth it i love heimdall
if you guys want more let meee knowww !!!
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