#Help I have a new comfort character
sasssysuzume · 1 month
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Here, have an Odile getting ready
Sketch started as an excuse to practice hands and here we are
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blazefire2012 · 2 months
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I thought I'd just draw a few of my favorite screen shots...
This is not a "few"...
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autisticaradiamegido · 6 months
thoughts on dave and aradia (<>)?
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day 356
BIG fan tbh. in this house we love and respect timerails
truly yall read this log and tell me theyre not cute
#day 356#year 4#dave strider#aradia megido#aradave#homestuck#she really saw this kid and was like OH YOU HAVE ISSUES WITH YOUR MORTALITY?? :D#boy do i have some relevant life experience and wisdom to impart on THAT ISSUE SPECIFICALLY#and then she just. very gently and kindly makes the subject more approachable for ghostdave#the pesterlog i linked is literally my FAVORITE aradia moment. to me it is THE character defining moment for god tier aradia#yes she is being kind of ominous and trickstery at first#but it VERY quickly becomes clear shes got genuine concern for this kid she's had very little to do with up until this point#she really wants to connect with him over their shared time aspect stuff#and she really DOES care about how he feels about everything. she wants to help and she wants to put him at ease#because she KNOWS from experience that being dead and having to cope with what that means for you is like VERY UPSETTING AND TRAUMATIC#shes not just like. 'hee hee i think death is great and awesome because im edgy'#shes like 'no dude being dead is scary if you dont have anybody to explain this shit to you. so im going to explain it-'#'-and hopefully by the end of this conversation you will have some new things to feel relief and maybe even joy and excitement about'#'not just in spite of the death thing but BECAUSE of it'#i know shes spooky and has weirdgirl swag and we all love that about her but like#at her core she is a very KIND person. she may occasionally struggle to connect to people through the Death Special Interest Haze#but she WANTS to and when she DOES she is like. a genuinely very warm and comforting presence for her friends#ANYWAY. if andrew hussie or i guess james roach now want to give me an honorary doctorate for my 12+ years of intensive aradia studies#i will be here waiting patiently#timerails
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Phoenixposting..... they're shaped
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koorinokujira · 7 months
Yakuza 0 is a SPECTACULAR game and I'll shove my love for it in everyone's faces now
Alright, I'll take a bit of a break from regularly scheduled Basara-posting (don't worry, the next batch of imagines is getting worked on), because boy, am I full of emotions right now. This will most likely turn into a mini-series of posts, I don't know yet.
TLDR: Background of me getting into it all and me gushing about my appreciation for the game since I finally finished it. Some (at least vague) spoilers will definitely be involved, so if you haven't played the game yet, here's your warning! Also, I ramble a lot, sorry.
So, I am still fairly new to the Yakuza fandom, all things considered. While I first discovered the Yakuza/Like a Dragon series a few years ago (through a Majima meme, lol), I wasn't that into it at the start. I had other hyperfixations at the time, and it was just sort of at the background. I watched some gameplays, saw some memes, and after watching a full playthrough of Yakuza Kiwami (and a bit of Y0), I eventually decided to get Y0 and play it myself. Bought it and played for a few chapters, but then it got buried again beneath other games, even if I liked it a lot. But this year, it all just came back to me, and I decided to throw myself into it fully this time, restarting my Y0 playthrough (and engaging with the fandom a bit more).
And I'm incredibly glad I did.
At the time of writing this, I finished the game like 30 minutes ago, give or take, and I feel like I'm feeling everything right now. There aren't many games that hit me so hard. Every single second of this game just kept my eyes glued to the screen, and even when I was not playing, the feelings from the story lingered.
You know, I've been sort of living through other people's experiences with the series lately, especially here on Tumblr. Even if I don't know half of the characters everyone talks about yet, I still appreciate the funky stuff everyone here creates. I love the ridiculous memes, the sweet Minedai and Kazumaji fanarts, the kick-ass cosplays, and all the other stuff! You guys made me love it even more and keep going, so I could enjoy it even more! But I have to say, experiencing at least Yakuza 0 for myself hits so much harder than just watching a gameplay.
I got to play as a buff, scary looking man that races toy cars with kids as if his life depends on it, and constantly gets tangled up in ridiculous situations and helps people around town, all the while he's putting his life on the line to protect those he loves the most. I got to hire a chicken as a real estate manager, enjoy some karaoke with my best pal Nishiki, and save some poor ladies from terrible guys who harassed them on the street. And there was also so, so many heart-wrenching things that made me stop what I was doing, because I just hated to see Kiryu's kind, gentle heart get torn apart by the world he willingly stepped into.
I also got to play as a man that went through hell and clinged onto life through sheer determination. A man that was lost, but slowly found what was important to him through the course of the story. But even with him, I got to experience a ton of hilarious weirdness, which may or may not include things like pretending to be a desperate girl's boyfriend, beating up a cult leader or accidentally raising the taxes for all of Japan. Majima, I love you too, you crazy bastard!
All the characters are written so well, and felt very real to me the whole time. Nothing was really black and white, and even the simpler looking characters ended up being very complex most of the time. Honestly, I could ramble on and on about how it broke me to see Tachibana cry, or how much I adore Kashiwagi, even with the limited screentime. I will probably make a few more in-depth posts about certain characters and how I view their themes in the future.
But all this is to say, I'm glad that I finally took the plunge, and I am looking forward to what I have yet to experience! I even have a few OCs that I may share in the future (if I finally learn how to draw properly, that is), and maybe some fanfics, too!
After I finally 100% Ghost of Tsushima, I am definitely buying Kiwami, too! Glad to finally count myself a "proper" member of the RGG fandom \( ̄▽ ̄)/
Thank you for reading my excited ramblings, and as I always say...
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Have an amazing day!
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ofgentleresolve · 8 months
the way i think moving blogs might help with my enthusiasm on here but also not knowing if it would actually help....
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anemoflower · 4 months
Not feeling valentines day feelings atm
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quodekash · 1 year
im rewatching the no one else like me music video bc the brainworms are writhing, and it keeps randomly hitting me, over and over again, that 
a) those flashbacks happened. they HAPPENED. soundwin actually DID THAT, in ACTUAL CANON?? THEY CANONICALLY ARE IN LOVE WHY DO THEY KILL ME SO MUCH 
idk how the flip im supposed to survive without this silly little band every single week 
surely theyll renew it for a second season 
or just a soundwin spinoff pls 
so many of us have asked for it I NEED IT OH MY GOSH 
like. this show has killed me twelve times over. but without the show, i think i might literally cease to exist. i know ive said it a lot, but i genuinely dont know how the flip im gonna get through life without new canonical soundwin content filling my screen and brain every single friday night / saturday morning 
(and literally while i was typing this out, captain posted this 
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byanyan · 5 months
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ㅤat this point, they're beyond wasted and vibing out to music that's too loud with several substances on standby for when the buzz starts wearing off. happy new year!!
#━━ ˟ ⊰ ✰ ic status ⋮ fighting a fight i'll win anyway.#excuse to make use of this gif bc it's one of my faves? maybe.#but mostly i don't want to make an ooc post bc i don't much care for new years#THAT SAID....... i do actually have a goal for this year#and that's to finally ACTUALLY take fucking steps toward getting a diagnosis so that i can maybe start to be a functioning human being#for the first time in far far too long#at this point i'm p sure i'm on the autism spectrum and/or adhd and only having treatment for depression & anxiety#and having psychs guess at MAYBE things like bpd are the underlying main issue#then not actually doing anything about it#has royally fucked over my quality of life since middle school (:#i don't like talking much about my life bc it's genuinely so embarrassing#but i figure maybe baring a little of my soul will help encourage me to finally take steps forward.#this is basically my happy place. my retreat. my escape.#and byan has effectively become my comfort character and a bit of an outlet#so while i'm out here crying about shit i just want to say a huge thank you to all of you lovely mutuals who have kept me company#and put up with my sharp and glittery little freak and given me all these amazing relationships for them#i'd be doin a whole lot worse if not for y'all you have no idea#thank you i love you and here's to hoping that 2024 is good and a better mental health year for all of us ♡♡♡#...there's a good chance i'll be embarrassed enough to delete all these tags later tbh#but i'm in basically the last time zone to hit midnight so it's probably late enough that most people won't see it anyway lmao
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torgawl · 1 year
slightly disappointed - just slightly - that they didn't include fischl in the windblume event because she would fit the legend/fairytale category of the charade so much?!
#how did they not remember the person that actually lives in one?#logically it would make sense okay 😂#i hope we get to see the other mondstadt characters even for a second at the end#jean barbara fischl kaeya diona and diluc the excluded ones ✌️#like i don't care about timmaeus and his crush sorry give me characters i care about (mona was so real for interrupting him yes queen <3)#okay sorry timmaeus i hope you succeed in romancing her 😔#i think you're a great addition to the synthesis thingie when i need to make materials the game wouldn't be the same without you 😔#on another note!!! i love when genshin's events or quests are like therapy sessions like yes thanks for teaching us about anxiety and#struggles with self identity and how sharing our problems with others isn't a burden and how being vulnerable will allow us to create#meaningful connections and relate to others around us that only through connection and being able to see other people we are able to#fight the feeling of alienation we had in the first place and gain a new found confidence!!! like yes. trauma holds us back and can#influence the way we interact with others around us and follow us for so much time but we can also thrive regardless!!!!#genshin lore is so good but also the way this game helps us find peace regarding so many things we all struggle with is beautiful methinks#a lot of the struggles the characters face in the game are related to the fantasy world their inserted to sure but they're also still#incredibly relatable to the most common person if we strip down that fantasy layer#i think it's about being seen and understood feeling less lonely and also seeing others through less of a 1st person lense about finding#beauty and significante in diversity#but anyways rant over#i'm having fun with windblume and i love events like this where we just get to revisit characters and see them have a good time with each#other!!! it's so comforting plus mondstadt looks so pretty
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a-lonely-dunedain · 1 year
must a fic "have plot progression" and "a pont"? is it not enough to simply have two guys talk about their feelings alongside a narrator prone to rambling for *checks notes* 6 pages and counting?
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rainbowcarousels · 1 year
30. Tell us an idea for a longfic you want to write in the future.
I feel like I'm about to curse myself, but there was a discussion about what would happen if Nicki and Bianca had been the ones to find Armand after TVA as opposed to Benji and Sybelle and I haven't been able to get the idea out of my head.
I think they both deserved a chance to be featured since Bianca is around in PL and just about everyone BUT Nicki comes back from the dead, with Armand's contrasting relationships with them both fascinate me. Bianca is ruthless but emotional and I think it would have been a beautiful thing for her to help him as she nursed him when he was sick and dying and for him to realise there are people he loves still around and how he impacts them. She's also done with Marius' shit, so that would have been interesting to look at too.
I feel like it would have had a lot of meaning for Lestat, who is always the light and bright one to Nicki's darkness, awoke from his state to him playing to mirror what happened in TVL and that the echo of Daniel's condition to Nicki's could have been explored in a really interesting way. Looking at Louis and Antoine with the Mark 1 around? Absolutely fascinating. He's also just, and I can't really use another word for it because this is it, a bitch and I love that about him. He does not give even a little fuck what people think of him, he's not afraid to die (he's tried enough) so he's not afraid of the older generation in the slightest and just does whatever.
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gearbox-doll · 1 year
If I see one more post about how liking HP and separating the art from the artist is a Moral Crime I'm going to scream
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tvrningout-a · 1 year
I GREW UP ON DISNEY | plots & connections for your convenience ♡
featuring: tsugumi and miyuna
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these are just some ideas ( some vague, some more specific ) that i'd like to write and that hopefully catch your interest! feel free to like this post if there's a plot you'd like to write, and i'll message you about it! ♡(>ᴗ•)
ngl i’ve thought about what if she did follow in geto’s footsteps when she was still in high school. i think it’s something i’d wanna definitely discuss a good lil bit bc i feel like she would have needed to witness the same kind of gross situation/a similar situation, to be pushed over the edge. so depending on who i write this with and whether your muse is all for her defecting or trying to stop that, we’ll talk about it!
i'd kinda like to explore tsugumi's time in high school just bc it so much happened to her that changed her views and personality. she went from being super outgoing and bubbly to reserved and melancholy, so maybe!! let your muse be a classmate or upperclassmen of hers who helps her get through the biggest rough patch of her life.
pals who stay professional until they're around each other and then complain to their hearts' content? yes <3 friends who don't show weakness around anyone but each other? yes <3 friends who patch each other up after a fight? yes <3
tsugumi is already miyuna's mentor, but let her mentor your muse, too, even though she'll stress 24/7 about whether she's doing a good job or not :' ) she avoids taking on students bc that's just one more thing to add pressure, but maybe your muse wears her down just like miyuna did.
despite how she acts around others, tsugumi is a pessimistic and cynical person. she doesn't believe society can change as much as she'd like to, so maybe help change her mind!
when will i get to write wholesome friendships with miyuna and her classmates… when will i get to write her annoying them but also being fiercely protective of them bc despite how she acts, she feels all mushy for the people she cares about. when will i get to write her and another person roasting each other so much that people around them go “ they’re supposed to be friends?? ” when
considering miyuna comes from a clan that once held some power, i'd love to explore the possibility of her growing up around other kids who had to deal with stuffy and rigid clan rules and whatnot or kids who have no idea what that's like. i think it'd be just as fun to write either dynamic bc either you get a friend who understands exactly what you're going through, or you get a friend who doesn't get it at all and you gotta talk about it :' ) either way, it makes for a solid friendship that miyuna can draw comfort from
miyuna is very self-reliant and independent in pretty much everything she does; teamwork is her weakness, though maybe more so in her first year of high school than in her second year. either way, i'd like to write her in a situation in which she's forced to rely on someone else, be it a fight she can't possibly win alone or the aftermath of a fight that leaves her too injured to function without help. it'd drive her up a wall and make her uncomfortable and open the door for the other muse to be like ??? why are you so stubborn and adamant about doing things alone???? and miyuna can go >:( none of your business shut up >:(( before maybe getting somewhere emotionally at last asdfg
pls ask miyuna why the hell she's willing to work so hard to gain recognition from people she hates so she can reveal how badly she wants to create change in a society that makes her wanna pull her hair out! and in general, i'd like to write situations that let the mask miyuna wears to slip off bc she's constantly?? exhaustingly playing pretend on some level
possible romantic plots, if that's your cup of tea <3 some may be adapted to be purely platonic!
miyuna blows a kiss at your muse, but instead of simply getting flustered, they just wanna punch her bc it’s 100% sarcastic and she’s 100% trying to be annoying asdf gimme a hateship that maybe stems from rivalry? and could possibly go enemies to friends to lovers if you so choose <3
this is indulgent but i just think it'd be funny for the jinja to attempt to arrange a marriage for miyuna and her going haha : ) respectfully y'all can choke instead : ) and it's more than likely not even bc the other person is awful -- she'd just rather die than let her extended family control her life to that extent, particularly when she's still just a teen. thinking about marriage at her age?? insane and out of the question!!
and ofc i'd love to do this for tsugumi, too, bc she'd be boiling with rage if her clan tried to do this with her, but i can also see her struggling to shut it down bc of her personality :' ) and with these plots, your muse could either be the betrothed or the friend with a crush who really doesn't wanna lose them to a silly arranged marriage -- both would be fun to write!
i think it would be fun to write a " missed chance " kinda ship with tsugumi! maybe she and your muse came close to dating in high school, but then everything fell sideways; maybe they stayed close after high school, or maybe they let tsugumi's choice to move to kyoto create both physical and emotional distance. gimme people who used to be so familiar and comfortable with each other awkwardly learn how to be that way again :' )))
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blue-howlite · 2 years
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I did a thing. It's my first time doing something like this so I hope it's good.
I don't own any of the pictures above, I just put them together and added a filter to make the colours match!
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cupcakesmoothie · 1 year
Something about me and mean lesbians with their cute sweet girlfriends that they're absolutely whipped for
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#Jenn#I've probably written more than two lesbian characters/pairings but the two most recent that I remember are just this#I don't know why even#Something about a bad bitch who don't need no man but WOMEN however#Anyway girl help I'm making another WIP#She's not the main character but her name is Jennifer Mortimez and she's a grim reaper basically#It's a story about being a grim reaper (or death bringer is what I'm calling them in the story) and how hard of a job that is#It's probably not anything special but I was just kinda feeling my mortality tonight after watching a video about Itaewon#Anyway Jenn is a death bringer (for money like the main character is) to pay for her girlfriend's cancer#She receives the news of her girlfriend's death when she's given the job to bring her to the afterlife.#She runs home in the rain and her girlfriend is there. Out of bed for the first time in a while (she got up on her own too).#She's watching the rain and says she feels so much better now and Jenn spends the entire job crying and getting comforted instead of being#the one comforting. She doesn't put on her unifrom that time (It's a suit. It's not the official uniform but she's being like that one SCP)#sweetmountainseeds#I promise I'm not killing off all my lesbians I swear YuanShu and Rumi will grow old and maybe have cats or adopt humans I don't know#I figure if people who don't care or aren't good at writing can get shows and make movies#And I care and think my stories are ehh kinda sorta pretty good I can make a good story too#And it doesn't have to get real big but if someone out there will enjoy it then there's value in it. Y'know?#Anyway enough rambling it's sleepy time#writing things
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