#especially as a trans person
mueritos · 3 months
a little strange to get dms from other trans people saying they agree with biden's dumb statemet that he doesnt want minors getting gender-affirming care. if you really think its such an epidemic that 13 year olds are getting their knockers blown off by surgeons every other day, then please point me in the direction of said 13 year olds that are somehow accessing gender-affirming care that literal trans adults can't even access.
like please be fr. we literally have privatized healthcare and insurance where not even people who go through the appropriate avenues can get approved for care they need to stay alive. what makes you think a trans minor is getting phallo or vaginalplasty. feel whatever you want about 13 year olds who want gender-affirming care, but dont parrot transphobic rhetoric that is based on no facts and a moral panic. they second they legitimize barriers to care for trans minors is the second they start finding ways to do the same for trans adults. dont be a buffoon.
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janort · 20 days
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For your consideration. Sourced from the comments section of a now deleted Pinterest post.
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chopper-base · 1 month
Well, my birthday didn't go that bad. Found out my coworkers all pitched in and gave me some money to fix my car.
And after work, the took me out for food and drinks and paid for everything. So, not so bad.
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I gotta say, I really don't like the state of entertainment these days
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satanfemme · 1 year
honestly so thankful that I openly identify as a dog with my coworkers/irls and they're all super chill and supportive of it. they make a lot of lighthearted jokes about it too but the punchline is always just that I am a dog, never that I'm funny/wrong for thinking I am. (ie: they're laughing "with" not "at" me). like it's absurd that I ended up in this situation to begin with, but it makes me feel really good that you can just meet people irl who are accepting of your most ridiculous or unconventional identities.
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gearbox-doll · 2 years
If I see one more post about how liking HP and separating the art from the artist is a Moral Crime I'm going to scream
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dottie-mcveigh · 6 days
//the transphobia and exorsexism people are showing in reaction to Lex Luthor is… something. 😤
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bugsinthebayou · 1 year
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the-trans-advice-blog · 7 months
Please please please think of trans people of color when you’re going to make a generalized statement. When you’re making posts about passing tips, medical treatments for transitioning, even light hearted stereotypes include people of color in your sentiments.
As a black trans person it is so fucking isolating to see stuff I’m supposed to relate to only to find that they weren’t talking about me or people like me.
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cams-cozy-corner · 7 months
Statement I feel needs to be said, headcanoning a character as an age regressor is NOT the same as infantilizing them
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gynoidgearhead · 2 years
Forget Traditional Homeownership: Meet the Transgender People Who Have Given Up On The Unattainable Ideal Of Traditional Personhood
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blueskittlesart · 7 months
tbh i think the transmisogyny problem on this site is so widespread at this point that nothing short of a complete overhaul of moderation protocol is going to fix it. the current system as outlined by that guy on staff whos digging his own grave rn is apparently purely based on responding to user-submitted support tickets, which relies on A) the users on this site having enough trust in the moderators to believe that submitting a support ticket might actually make some sort of difference, and B) the users on this site not WEAPONIZING that same support ticket system to unfairly target users who they dislike for personal reasons. Neither of these conditions were likely to be met even BEFORE staff had multiple scandals regarding unfair moderation of transfeminine users' content, and any trust that users may have had in that system has been completely eroded now. If staff GENUINELY wants to address this problem, they need to be proactive about it. there are plenty of tags where these people are known to gather. There is literally an entire third-party browser extension dedicated to flagging unsafe individuals. It's not like they're difficult to find. We've seen pretty clearly that staff has the ability to nuke blogs and tags entirely. The fact that they won't even HIDE tags like #radfem, #terfs please interact, etc. shows that they don't actually have any intention of making this site safer for trans women. they just want everyone to shut up about it. Even just removing the ability for terfs to find each other on this site could make a huge difference, but rather than do the bare minimum staff has decided to let one guy make whiny excuses and very loudly and publicly misgender a trans woman who they nuked for no reason. fucking embarrassing fr
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fanficmemes · 8 months
Just had to block a bunch of terfs in my reblogs so let me once again state I love trannies and faggots and dykes and any combo deal of the above I fucking hate terfs get the fuck off of my blog
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weedle-testaburger · 10 months
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she's officially my hero now
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honeydew-wecantwo · 6 months
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[start ID: a meme showing someone's soul leaving their body, with the text ontop of it reading: anti-racism leaving people's bodies as soon as you tell them race is a social construct /End ID.]
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athina-blaine · 4 months
kabru's relationship with his eyes makes for suuuuuch a fantastic trans allegory (an aspect of your body alienating you from your community, being compelled to understand the perspective of someone who also has a complicated relationship with their body in the hopes that you'll better understand your own, people straight up misunderstanding biology) it makes me kind of insane because now I feel like I can't dig into any complicated feelings he might have about his body in relation to his gender without feeling like im just ... double dipping?? like fifjpejgh ryoko kui straight up already told that story in a way that exquisitely fucks??
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