#Here are six hashtags to accompany this explanation:
velocityinstitute · 5 months
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verticityeducation · 5 months
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sunyoonandstars · 7 years
BTS reaction 2.1.: Dating rumors about them and their little (idol) sister
This one is based on  the following anonymous request: 
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So, basically the public is suspecting you, being an idol, and a BTS member of dating, however you are actually their younger sister, which the fans don’t know …
I’m gonna post this in two parts, and hope I’m doing this quite original request justice. I really had fun writing this up, imagining their (bad-ass 😁) idol sisters and their interactions ... Anyways, I hope you enjoy and whoever requested this is more or less content with my interpretation 🙃 Thanks again for the nice request! Keep’em coming! 
1. Kim Seokjin / Jin
It had been a while since your older brother had called you, both of you being incredibly busy with your careers lately. Therefore, you are surprised when your phone rings first thing in the morning, showing six missed calls by your brother already, his sweetly smiling face flashing on the display when you finally take the call. „Y/n!?“ You can hear the tension in his voice as soon as you pick up. „What is it, Jinnie? What happened?“ You can hear him breathe deeply, unsteadily on the other end of the line. „Jin?“ He doesn't reply. „Kim Seokjin!?“ „Well …“, he sighs, still breathing heavily. „You should better not go outside today, little sister. There might be lots of paparazzi and reporters headed your way, if they’re not already there …“ Confused, you get up from your bed and go to your window, carefully pushing aside the curtains to secretly take a look at the street. And indeed the sidewalk in front of your idol group’s dorm is lined with many, many more reporters and photographers than usual. „No freaking way!“, you gasp. „Why, Jin? What did you do!?“ „Why would you think I did something!?“ „Well, you are calling me at 7 in the morning, so come up with an explanation. And a damn good one at that.“ „Well …“ „KIM SEOKJIN!“ You can hear him sigh through the phone. „Those reporters may or may not be under the impression the two of us are dating...“ Your stomach gets upset at the mere thought of it. „Yuck! What the hell!? We’re brother and sister, for god’s sake!“ „Indeed, we are. And I believe it might be time to reveal the true nature of our relationship. No reason to hide it anymore anyway. You’re popular enough without me now, so you won’t have to worry about people harassing you because of your idol brother, you being an idol, too, and all. They’re drooling over you already anyway, no thanks to me, my pretty baby sister.“ „You’re not getting out of this with a compliment, Kim Seokjin. You better make damn sure that this misunderstanding is cleared up before people get the wrong idea. Or else …“ „Okay, okay!“ You can hear the fear in his voice even without seeing his face, the confirmation that you still hold the reins when it comes to your older brother giving you a feeling of satisfaction. „Jeez, I’m still scared of you, even when we’re miles apart. And you’re three years younger than me. How pathetic.“ „Kim Seokjin. Press conference. NOW.“ „Alright, alright, I’m on it!“
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2. Min Yoongi
Out of breath, you come to a halt in front of the door to Yoongi’s building, frantically ringing the bell until finally, a voice sounds over the intercom. „Who is it?“, you instantly recognize the sleepy voice and its annoyed tone. „Who the hell do you think? I know you can see me! And I called like seven times on my way over here! Why didn’t you pick up, asshole?“ „I’m sorry, I’m too tired for this shit right now …“ You press yourself as closely to the door as possible, frantically looking over your shoulder, paranoid for a very good reason. „Oppa! Open the fucking door already! I’m practically live prey out here!“ „What?“ „They spotted me walking Min Holly, okay!!??? It’s all over the internet! Have you been sleeping under some rock for the past six hours??“ „I was at the studio …….. napping.“ „I DON’T FUCKING CARE! Open the door! They’re coming!“ Thanks to your intense physical training and daily dance practice as an idol you had been able to easily take the lead, leaving the most of the reporters far behind, however the first of them are already catching up with you, moving in at a dangerous speed, only meters separating you now. „MIN YOONGI! DOOR! NOW!“ At last the relieving sound of the buzzer fills the chilly air and you can feel the door yield under your weight, quickly closing it behind you as soon as you slip inside and before any of the reporters can get to it. Completely drained, you sink to the floor right then and there, releasing Min Holly, who you’d been holding close to your chest ever since the paparazzi had started chasing you like rabid animals. „You okay, y/n?“ You look up at Yoongi standing in front of you, rubbing his eyes, his expression indifferent, his hair tousled. „Do I look okay!?“ „No. You look like shit.“ „Perfect. I see sooooo many pretty pictures of me popping up on social media tomorrow morning. Like this couldn't have gotten any better …”
Using your sleeve you brush the sweat off your forehead, still breathing heavily. 
„Seriously!?“, you scoff at Yoongi who seems to have forgotten all about you, his attention solely focused on his dog cradled in his arms. „Poor Holly baby. Did those crazy people scare you? Did y/n not take good care of you?“ „Tss“, you hiss, barely managing to get up, your legs still sore from running all the way here. „I protected Holly’s sorry ass from a mob of wack jobs! I’m a freaking hero, that’s what I am, and all you can see is your dog.“ He looks over at you, a smug grin on his face. „You know that’s not true. And you’re adorable when you’re angry, little sis.“ „Yah! Watch your mouth. I’m almost half a head taller than you.“ „Yet two and a half years younger. I’m clearly the more mature one in this equation.“ „You wish!“ You scowl at him. „Anyways, those nasty paparazzi saw me walking Min Holly, took a couple of pictures, posted them online and realized she was also your dog and moreover wearing the exact same collar as in your twitter post from last night. So your, no, our, crazy fans connected the dots, or at least they think they did, and came to the conclusion that we’re head over heels for each other and secretly dating. And, oh boy, they ship us hard. So, deal with it.“ Yoongi grimaces in disgust at the mere idea of people thinking he would be intimate with you, his sister. „Eww! Ewwwww! NO! NO WAY! Why would they even —? We have to —“ „I strongly second that! So, let’s get to it and write up some kind of explanation. It’s time A.R.M.Y. gets to know your charming idol sister...“
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3. Jung Hoseok
„Now, let’s practice the last ten steps just one more time for tonight. Come on! Up on your feet!“ Hoseok claps his hands at you, smiling brightly. You can’t believe your brother’s persistent enthusiasm. „Hobi, you’re killing me! Literally!“, you whine, dramatically falling to your knees, sweat dripping from your forehead. „Jeez, you are most definitely brother and sister, both such drama queens“, Jimin teases from a corner of the room where he’s been sitting and watching you for the past couple of cycles of the choreo your older brother had put you through. „Shut your pretty mouth, babe“, you respond, knowing all too well that he is right, though. „Jimin, stop distracting your girlfriend!“, Hoseok scolds him. „She has a comeback stage tomorrow and her members are counting on her!“ „Alright, alright!“, Jimin backs off, his hands raised in resignation. „I’ll just be over here in my corner, quietly admiring my favorite dance machines at work.“ You blow him a kiss before you get back to your spot and Hoseok starts the music again. About an hour later the both of you are finally satisfied with your performance and you get ready to leave for your dorm. In the doorway, Hoseok stops you to give you some more advice on that one tricky part of the dance you had struggled with before tonight, just to make sure you are best prepared. „Alright, Hobi, I got it. I’m gonna be just fine tomorrow, thanks to you. Bets dance tutor ever!“ You get on your tiptoes to give him a peck on the cheek. „Make sure to watch me tomorrow, will you?“ „Of course! I always watch my talented sister’s performances. I have each and every one of them recorded, too“, he smiles at you proudly. „Aww, you’re too sweet, Hobi.“ You say your goodbyes and wish each other a good night, however, as you step out into the night, it suddenly starts to rain, big, cold drops falling from the dark gray sky. „Oh, no! My car is almost a block away!“ „No worries, sis, I’ll come with!“ Being the gentle man he is, Hoseok takes off his windbreaker and holds it up above your heads as a cover against the rain, accompanying you all the way to your car. „Thanks, oppa!“ Again, you stretch to place a kiss on his cheek before you get into your car. The next morning, a call from Jimin wakes you far too early. „Jimin-ah, what the hell!? It’s not even six o’clock yet. I need my sleeeeep!“ „No. You need to check your twitter. Now. It must be blowing up with mentions of you and Hobi-hyung by now.“ Confused, still half asleep, you sit up, grabbing you laptop. „What? Why?“ „Just take a look.“ You do as told and can’t seem to catch your breath. Trending hashtag: #HobiDumpThisSlut „What the hell!!!?“, you finally manage to gasp. But what pops up in your timeline next as most recent is even worse. You can hear Jimin cough on the other end of the line. „NO, HE DID NOT!“, you exclaim, directed at no one in particular, one hand covering your mouth, jaw dropped, your eyes fixed on the tweets Hoseok just posted a few seconds ago through the official BTS account. 
Dear ARMY! All of you should calm down and take a step back! This is MY SISTER you are calling a slut here!! And how can you just claim she is my secret girlfriend and drag her name through the mud like that? 
All I did was protect her from the rain and all she did was kiss me on the cheek! In an innocent, sisterly way! At THAT you leap instantly. But she and Jimin have been seeing each other for almost a YEAR and nobody noticed. 
So stop making things up and just live your lives, please, and leave my sister alone, if you could be so kind. Thank you.
they read.
You just sit there, frozen, blankly staring at the screen in disbelief.
„Did he just freaking expose us!?“, you can hear Jimin scream on the phone, his voice high pitched in panic. „Oh, Hobi …“
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Hope you enjoyed them so far! The other ones will be up here soon! 
Take care!
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