#Heroine for Hire
shoujo-dump · 5 months
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Heroine Hajimemashita
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ddem1urge · 2 years
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𓆩 ♱ 𓆪
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lilsleepyone · 1 year
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towascat · 2 years
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darkwebmarket1 · 10 months
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Heroin , codine , fentanyl, methaphine all available
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shoujo-screenshots · 1 year
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untilyouremember · 3 months
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Heroine for Hire
Available digitally
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readtilyoudie · 7 months
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engshoujosei · 1 year
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Heroine for Hire
4 volumes (digital only as of 4/24/2023.)
Licensed by Kodansha
Shuko Kodakamine is strong—too strong, by the standards of some. She hopes to make a good high school debut, but that plan goes up in smoke almost immediately when she injures the attractive, charismatic Serizawa-kun...and later suplexes him, to boot! But when Serizawa-kun finds himself in hot water with a jealous boyfriend, it's Shuko who comes to his aid...and he comes up with a ridiculosu proposition: If Shuko becomes his bodyguard, he'll make her the most important girl in his world!
Status in Country of Origin
4 Volumes (Complete)
Female Bodyguard
Female Lead Falls in Love First
High School Student/s
Popular Male Lead
Role Reversal
Same Age
Strong Female Lead
Weak Male Lead
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knightoflodis · 2 months
I read the first volume of Heroine for Hire. And while I liked it. I am very worried about something. They set the main girl up as a very strong girl that can fight and stuff. But then set up the whole premise of her wanting to be more girl like. And now I am worried that they are going to try and make the whole manga be about her losing her strength and not being as much as a toughie and acting more feminine. And. That’s. I don’t want that. Tomo-chan is a Girl did it more or less right where Tomo tried to change and be more girly but still stayed mostly as she was at the end of the story.
I just don’t like the idea that being a strong girl is a bad thing and that girls should want to do girly things and should do less athletic things and less tough things. I think in order to continue I would need to see some minor spoilers letting me know if they keep her being tough or if they just drop it. That last scene of the first volume makes me think that the main guy is going to try and take away her opportunities of showing off her strength and stuff. I didn’t like that.
I think I need to find a different story with strong girls that stay being strong girls.
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milfbro · 2 years
fucking weird how people treat giving money to people like a problem. They'll tell me 'they're taking advantage of you good will' or something (cause I'm afab so they always say 'taking advantage') cause I'm like. If I have some spare money, and someone else needs money, how are they taking advantage of me by asking for some???
sure they're probably lying what the money is for. I'm not an auditor I don't need to know what it's for
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shoujo-dump · 17 days
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Heroine Hajimemashita
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lovelynerdy4chan · 11 months
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onelittlespiral · 27 days
FML: Sealed
The plan was simple, if time consuming. Rent some apartments out, and wait. Of course, there were some preparation required. First, buy an old apartment building, something not too expensive and not too flashy. Make some small changes to the central air system and temperature control. Bring the whole thing up to code and install a beautiful, in building gym. Hire a team of savvy young women to help manage the apartments. Then, carefully and selectively rent out the one bed, one bath apartments to single, young men who showed promise. Some were just graduated 20-somethings, with a bright future ahead in STEM careers. Some were trust fund kids moving to the city for the first time, drawn to the quickly gentrifying downtown. Some were just personal pet projects that I wanted to see grow into their potential. Like this fellow:
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I wanted to see what would happen on a bit more of a bear-ish body type. We set him up in Unit 514. Or this bro:
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He was already pretty close to what we wanted our final results to look like. But I wanted to see how much we could push him. Unit 112, low and close to the gym. Good eye candy for some of the twinks we set up on the sixth floor. After about 3 months, every unit in the building had been filled, all eight floors. It was the first of June, around 4 a.m. when we had verified all residents were home. The overnight receptionist was sent home early for the day as upstairs, all door locks were remotely engaged, power was cut, and the new air conditioners kicked in. All subjects were sealed in their experiment chambers.
Slowly but surely, a thick fog billowed from each bedroom’s vents. It was a thick, sticky vapor, smelling like sandalwood and cool like peppermint. Subjects’ rooms were soon filled as they began breathing it in deeply. Some began to toss in their sleep, subconsciously fighting the mist, while others just huffed away and began the absorption process. One fellow on the second floor managed to toss himself awake, but was quickly sedated by an extra pump of vaporized melatonin added to his room.
As the men all settled down and opened up, the mist began absorbing into their bodies through any gap available: mouth, nose, pores, cocks, and asses. Within thirty minutes, the last of the gas has been administered, and all subjects were once more peacefully at rest. Bodies began twitching and pulsing as faint moans emitted from some of the smaller men’s mouths. The experiment had began.
The first to wake up in the morning was a subject in apartment 211. His transformation was among the more subtle. The lanky guy had put on a few pounds of muscle as his beard thickened and some hair grew in. He immediately began to sense something was off, as he felt his body and now bushy beard. He tried to check his phone. Dead. He gets up and tries to walk out into the apartment. Locked. A look of confusion sets in as he sits and tries to think of what to try next. That is when it catches him. With the power out and the sun rising, temperatures were rising. And as he began to sweat, he began to smell:
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The gasses that seeped in last night were slowly beginning to seep back out, causing more radical changes. But this second exposure is different. It is coming from inside him, and carries his unique pheromones with it. This gas is heroin to him, designed to addict his body to its presence and slowly bring out the best in him. And as the smell fills his nostrils for a second time, he is fighting the urge to give in. Give into himself and what he is becoming. He knows that the smell is rancid, musky and earthy with notes of spice that burn his nostrils. But it is a lost cause. As he huffs away at his own funk, he glides his free hand down his chest, feeling thick, matted hair and slick abs. He takes a moment to feel his muscles twitching and stretching as his skin becomes sensitive to the touch. He wraps his sweaty, calloused hand around his cock, and begins to pump.
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Once he begins to pleasure himself, there is very minimal risk of a reversal. The changes are rapid and extensive his body grows to match the smell that now saturates the air around him. Muscles swell, bones crack and reshape, feet stretch, and his eyes roll in the back of his head as he starts to drool. The fog settling into his brain leaves no room for inhibitions as he starts to self worships his pit, devouring his own sweat. Our scanners also begin to detect deterioration in brain activity. The pleasure center is growing, eating into non-essential regions like memory and comprehension. No part of the original subject is left unchanged as he continues to evolve into a sweaty, smelly, hairy beast of a man. And as he reaches climax, he lets out a deep roar as all inhibitions about his new form are shot out the swollen mushroom tip of his cock. He rolls his foreskin back up and shoves his filthy cock into a pair of sweatpants.
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He stares at his body, flexing and feeling up his muscles. Experiment 211 has been a success, able to turn a scrawny nerd into a horny, sweaty, smelly gym bro with an insatiable need to fuck. Now we just need to test how powerful his sperm and scent are. He hears a click as his chamber is unlocked. We pulse the lights in the room with a code his mind will understand. He now knows his mission is to go over to Apartment 212 and begin round two of testing…
It is a bit later in the morning now and subjects all around are beginning to wake up and face their new reality. Through our camera network we watch as their transformations are slowly taking place, as muscle, fat, and fur are packed on and a cloud of musk begins to cloud the room.
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And slowly as men finish their first rounds, their chambers are unsealed. They begin to wander and find their neighbors, mixing musks to help each other grow and change even more.
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The experiment will run sealed off from the general public, at least until new subjects are needed to collect additional data points. Interested parties are encouraged to apply now to our waitlist. Otherwise, we expect to host an open house next month, with all subjects free to leave the complex and continue experimenting as they see fit. I can already tell that our friend we started with in Unit 514 will be popular.
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Thank you for your time today. We expect to see you again very soon.
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copperbadge · 7 months
We're currently watching a pretty enjoyable Hallmark Christmas movie* about the Butterball Hotline (even if I did it first). It concerns a widowed father falling for his Turkey Hotline helper, and there was just a scene where the hotline helper's manager notices she's making an emotional connection with a caller. In response, I announced in a dark "action film" voice, "Rule one of the Turkey Hotline is you don't get involved with the client."
Now I can't let go of the idea of either a Hallmark film where the protagonist is a hired assassin (which is really just The Long Kiss Goodnight) or a thriller where the secret agent's cover is working for a turkey hotline.
* caveat that it's good for a Hallmark film. They did just make the heroine speak the phrase "The secret to a good cheesecake is cottage cheese" out loud on film.
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shoujo-screenshots · 1 year
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