#Hes a shark btw for people who didnt see him the first time i posted him
sonknuxadow · 5 months
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somebody tell me what to name him
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okayish-omens · 4 years
Eddies in a box
or Flowers in a Box but it’s cyberpunk. anyway here u go
Chapter 1 – The Beginning
autors note: okay just so you know i dont like this game. well sorta, but not really. but my older sister really like it though so i'm writing it for her as a present for her birthday. :) i hope that she likes it!
dedcated to my sister, haley :)
-okay beginning now-
Vee walks into the flat megabuildign 10. he is wearing a scarf and has squinty eyes. then he sees johnny sitting on the chair in the flat. the flat is pretty and has many BDs in it.
"hollo johnny" he says
"hello Vee" jonnhy says but bitchily.
"what are you on your period of something?" said ve also bitchily (but Johnny can sound way more bitchy because Koala Reeves plays him)
"you should knows i'm not a girl after you spend all night sucking my dick ;)" said johnny (johnny has the hots for v even if he has squinty eyes)
(i bet johnny has a squinty eyes fetish)
"what?' said ve e because he was smoking and not paying attention.
"oh nothing i guess that was a dream" said jonnhy sadly
"oh cool" said vee (hes kind a dumbazz lol) "anyways i came back from the store because rogue says we have a new case"
"oh really?" johnny said. He got up and walked over to eve. "Wow that's cool :)"
"We should go" said vee. "rouge will be wondering where we're going"
-some time later-
The crime scene was very bloody. It was at a muesum. everyone was there. even Takemura (everyones a bitch in this game and so is takemura). Takemura walked over to veee and there was some black chick by him (she kinda looks like the girl from being human, lol i love that show you sould watch it)
"Hi freak-v” Takemura said. (hes a jerk but he gets alot of dick he's like a pimp lol)
"why don't you go fuck a dinosaur taekmura" said Eev. 'jerk and also your cheating on your Wife."
"WHAT" said tkaemura (even though he's pimp hes still lame :)) and then he run off (but he didn't fuck a dinosaur like frea-v said)
(i know i'm not that good but the story isn't that bad :D please review)
Then Rouge came by and that made stuff more interesting. (i like her shes cool).
"Hi vee" she said. "how is this case going"
"Good" said V. "I think I know the killer"
"wow vee you're so hot" Said Jhonny.
"what?" said v.
"I mean smart" said johnyn.
"i know right?" Ve says
"can you just tell me who the killer is?"
V looked down at the body and narrowed his already squnty eyes. then some white words (it happens in the game guys don't flame me) appeared in front of him.
"the killer is takemuar;" said Vee e. "because he is a douche".
"Ok arrest him guys" said Rgoue. "Thanks vea for your help".
"no problem," said V.
then they took away takemura, but someone was watching from the shadows. Someone who would want revenge.
-authors note: please r and r! i'll write more i have a great twist coming up :)-
Chapter 2 - The Skull
autors note: FCK H8TRS ! but for that 1 person who liked my fic thnx you 3 ! ! keep reviewin guyz! :)
-2 days earler-
takemura stempted through the doorway of the door. in side was a bunch of creepy stuff like spider web and a fish tank with deadly fish and a hammer head shark in it. and so was adam smasher.
(i hate yorinobu i like to call him Adam MASHER :))
Tkaemura sat down at the tabel across from smasher. "hello" he said.
"hello takemura why are u here" said smaher
"well yor i was wonderi ng if uo could fix somthing for me." said Taekmura. (get it cause in the game they say 'adam can u fix it for me? :O)
"wat?" said smaser
"well u see in the future this guy caled V-" said takemura
"oh i know him hes tawsome" said smashr
"ikr anyways he arrests me in the da future so i ned you to kill him." said taekmura
"how do u know the futre" masher saided
"well you see" said takemura
Takemura is in the megabuild10 wen he touches Vees skull (not his REAL skull under his ksin lol his UNREAL 1 on the s helf)
then he (dun dun dun)… COULD SEE THE FURTE
-flashnack over-
"cool faslback" said smsher
"i know right"
"you no takemura you're really pimpin (well it's true real the first chatper of my sotry) so I think i will kill him for you"
"thnx then" said takemura.
"your welcome" said smashre
-back at the flat in the presnt time-
"i wonder what adam is doing now" sid vee
"yea me to," said johnny wisfuly "last time we saw him was at the hq. remember it blew up becasue u shot the bomb then the elevator began to explode. Yorinoub jumped away on his mototcyle-copter and smasher fired up his lazers into the smoke and climed up them. i pushed you in too the water beloe and (can you guys tell im trying to add more desription to make it god :)) saved us botg. then rouge came in and saved us. we never saw adma agan after that night.'
"yea johnyn …. i know i was there." Veee said.
johnyn did not like smasher much he liked to call him MASHRE haha (like me) because vee obvously liked him better. vee was a smart man who neded someone to kepe him intrestd johnny was simply a borin rockstar terrorist. he wold nevre me as good as adam..
he looked over at the skull which lay on the shelf… … . . and had an idea.
(okay guys do u like it? i added some more long bits and i tried to make it good and post some good scifi stuff in it :) :) :) please REA DAND REVIEW
Chapter 3 – The Kill
athorus note: thnx for all the revews guyz! I really aprciate it :) btw I found some bold font on my compter so now I;m going too bold some fstuff to mke it more dramatic ::)
-presetn time-
Vee and johnny were having dinner at a resuatrant. Mama welles was theyre (it's funny because JACKIe and yea) and they were eatin g gphagetti because thats what italina people eat (or maybe mama welles is spans hi cant remember) and she brouhgt over some candles and it was nice BUT THEN
a guy with a gun crahsede through the widow and shot vee dead and he fell to the floro dead and johnny said "OH NO" and held him in his arms
a single tear dripped donw his check add it was sad. every one of the cnadels in the restuarnt was blone out. it was sad.
it was a sad day.
-back at the flat-
johnyn was stiging theye sad when all of a sudden the dore opend. in came a fmalr face- it was (dun dun dun) VEE.
"WOW SAID JOHNNY" "your mback!"
"i know" said eev "wait wat do yu o mean"
"you died"
"no i didnt" said v
"yea i didnt why do u say i did."
"because you did!"
"hmmmph" said veee
"okay" said jhonny and then he went aoutside
then he saw misty (who is uhso tarot reder) and she said johnny i need "to talk to you"
"oka" he said
mitsy said "look eve died"
"yeah i know :(" sdia johnny
"but hers here"
"yea i know" said johnny
"see what happned is when vee touched the skull he sthins he saw the futue but realy his future self was swraped with his past self so his ptas self died and his futre self lived"
"oh" said johnny. "okay"
"lok smashre is trying to kill vee's fture slef you have to help him"
johnny thought about what would happen if vee wa s a striper "I DEDUCE THAT UOU ARE SEXY" he said
"what" said mistey
"nothing okat bye" said johnny going back
futurev was there and he said "hi johnny"
"hi Veea"
-1 day later-
"okay hi" said takemura "you said you killed him but hes skill alive"
"i know" said smashr. "because he touched the skull too"
"oh no"
"yes. which means that your past self has been aresttd and is in hail right now"
"good" said tkaemura
"no not good"
"i mean tnot good " said takemura
"godo said" adam "anways we need to kill the other vea too okay"
"okay" wait no
"pahy me"
"okay i'm a pimp so i have lot of mony"
-1 day earlier-
vee touhec d the skull
-1 day later, at the flat-
John y touched the skull. (dun dun dun) (dun dun dan)
autors note: thnxs for reviwing guzy! keep it up 3! :):)
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