#Hetalia Imagines
atom-writings · 4 months
ok like ur one of my top 3 fav hetalia request blogs so uhhh could i get the big 8 (and canada ofc) and how they cuddle???
hetalia main 8 (+ canada & prussia) affection hcs
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2.0k words ~ gender neutral headcanons
tw: mention of suggestive themes, mention of alcohol
a/n: sorry this got turned into just general affection hcs. hope thats ok. also i couldnt find the original source for any of these images :sob:
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Alfred is a very casually intimate person. His legs intertwined with yours while you game, his hand on your shoulder while you introduce him, and his hands held over yours while he shows you anything, are all common sights even before you start dating.
But once you actually get together, he doesn't get much more affectionate as much as he does touchy. Say goodbye to any personal space, as Alfred loves to manhandle you. Anytime he likes something you're wearing, he just grabs it and forces you to stand there awkwardly.
Every time he comes home from work stressed, he insists that you hold his head in your lap and pet his hair.
When the night begins, he's on the other side of the bed. But by morning, the blankets are practically all on the floor while he hugs you from behind, his face buried in your hair and his legs caging you against the sheets.
Also: he's a great hugger (: Any sickness can be ailed by drowning in his arms.  Sometimes it really does feel suffocating, he has no sense of self-control and way too much love for you to realize that it’s alarming to be tackled to the ground.
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Arthur despises PDA. Arthur despises you knowing how much he cares. Arthur despises being vulnerable in any way. Arthur despises rainbows and sunshine. But he loves you, so he'll hold you by the waist when your head falls on his shoulder.
Most of the time, the most you'll get is a chaste kiss, only sometimes on the lips. It took him a while to even agree to share a bed because it's “unseemly“ for an unwed couple. When you do share a bed, he rarely cuddles up to you. He’s almost always an arm's length away, close but not too close.
But when he gets drunk, his real self comes out. Suddenly he's pressing soft kisses up and down your chest, his hands keeping you pressed against the bed while he whispers how much he loves you in languages he hasn't spoken in centuries.
But even when he's in his right mind, you might be able to convince him to let you sit in his lap while he reads to you. He'll deny it, but he does love it greatly. In general, he prefers holding you rather than the other way around.
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While Francis may be incredibly affectionate, he isn't really the biggest cuddler. His physical affection comes mostly in the forms of passionate, breath-taking kisses and slow dancing. But of course, he does love having you close, so you'll end up cuddling anyway.
He loves lounging with you by his side, a nice bottle of wine readily available, while you two reminisce. His hands always find a way to snake underneath your clothing, but it's only so he can trace soft patterns on your skin, making you relax even further against him.
At night, it depends on the mood. If you're feeling needy, he'll happily pull you close to rest your head on his chest. If he's feeling needy, he'll beg for you to hold him close, to run your fingers through his hair and tell him how much you love him. But if it's the summer and he's hot, he'll kick you off the bed if you touch him.
Also, just for the record, he never lets go of your hand throughout the day. Ever. The difference between affection at home and affection in public is completely lost on Francis, so be prepared for him to pull you against him just like he would if no one was watching.
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In terms of love languages, Yao cares much more for quality time than physical affection. But he can be prone to clingy moods, refusing to leave your side for hours at a time. During those times, it's best to just let him nuzzle his face against your neck without protest.
On the rare nights that he lets you cook, he'll hold you tight from behind. Surprisingly not just to criticize your technique, but also because he just loves how you feel pressed up against him.
When it comes to the bed, he is surprisingly cuddly. He'll ghost his hands all over your body while you're falling asleep, seemingly always in awe of your beauty. He's rarely aggressive in any way, his affection always soft and thoughtful.
(Also, he prefers cuddling without clothes. Not for even a single remotely sexual reason, but just because it's so much more intimate)
When in public, he never goes beyond brushing a hair behind your ear; but with the way he looks at you, you always feel just as loved as you would otherwise.
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The moment you give him permission, Ivan is all over you. Constant kisses, constant hugs, never more than a step away, he'll be attached to your side for as long as you let him.
Anytime you two are together, he'll pull you as close as possible. Watching a movie is always done with you on his lap, no car ride is complete without his hand around your thigh, and even when you're separated, he's anxious to keep an eye on you.
Without you in his arms, he'd find it difficult to sleep. He can't get enough of watching you while your eyes flutter shut, his calloused hands running through your hair until you finally relax completely.
Every time you reach out for him first, he finds himself too flustered to speak. He's a very handsy person himself, so it's impossible to make him uncomfortable. All he can do is watch you in awe, never growing tired of the feeling of your skin against his.
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Matthew's affection is always hesitant, as if he's afraid you'll break the moment his skin meets yours. He'd never do as little as hold your hand without your permission, much less pull you into a hug.
But the opposite is true when you're the one asking him for his touch. If you seem nervous, suddenly his kiss is all-consuming, taking the breath out of your lungs and causing you to stumble.
At night, he absolutely melts when you hold each other. Your hands around his waist make him shiver, and he can't stop himself from burying his face in your hair, his fingers drawing feather-light patterns into your back. But it already takes an hour of convincing to get him into bed with you, much less to get him to cuddle without him constantly asking if you’re alright.
In public, however, any affection makes him blush bright red. He can barely believe that you're alright with showing your love for him. If you were to suddenly hug him to say goodbye, it's unlikely he'd be able to pull himself away. He loves your touch, but he can't let himself indulge, the fear of your rejection making him fear getting too close.
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From the moment you two met, Feliciano's hands all over you, at all times. Personal boundaries is not something he's familiar with. No matter where you are, he's grossly affectionate. He usually doesn't care whether or not you hug him back, as long as you don't reject him too bluntly. Then he'll cry. But stop nonetheless.
If you're ever insecure, he's the man to reassure you. You'll never again leave the house without tons of kisses all over your face, much less do anything without his arm around your waist.
As expected, he's also very needy. He's satisfied to just rest his head on your shoulder most of the time, but sometimes he just needs you to hold him. If you're alright with it, his designated spot is always curled up against you with his head in your lap. If you pet his hair too, he'll be yours for life.
In bed, it's the same. If you're wrapped up in each other's arms, he's happy. But if you're holding him, not too soft yet not too tight, he might just start crying. For good reasons this time.
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Ludwig’s affection is always awkward, his grip is always too tight or too soft, but he does truly love being beside you. No matter how afraid he is, as soon as you pull him into a hug, he completely forgets all nervousness. But still, it’s not often he goes out of his way to do any more than rest a hand on your shoulder comfortingly.
At night, it’s the same. He wants you close, close enough that you could always wake him up if you needed to, but not close enough that you’re pressed against each other. But on those awful nights when you just need some comfort, he’s more than happy to wrap you in a bunch of blankets and hold you all night long (He won’t get any sleep, but being so protective makes him feel just as happy.)
What he lacks in physical affection, he more than makes up for in every other area. At least he always knows the best places to kiss you.
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Kiku is a very private man. You knew that before you were dating, but even now, it seems like even his affection is kept to himself. You constantly see him reach for you out of the corner of your eye, before he suddenly pulls away.
He's always rather cold in public. The most you get at home is usually just a chaste kiss, too.
Except at night, when he's too overworked and sleepy to think straight, it's the opposite. Suddenly he's crawling into your arms in the dead of night, desperate and whining for your affection. Sometimes it's the opposite, his hesitant hands running over your side, careful not to disturb you as you're pulled into his embrace.
Either way, it's rare that either of you wake up without the other, strewn across the bed and buried under the mountains of blankets Kiku loves. Just don't bring it up, because he's deathly embarrassed of how much he needs your affection.
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There is not a day that goes by without Romano demanding you two cuddle. In public, at home, at night, in the morning, when you're doing nothing, when you're busy... he is... quite needy when it comes to physical affection.
His favourite way to cuddle is in bed, blankets thrown wildly around the two of you, him wrapped around you and resting his head on your thighs while you play with his hair. But he's honestly not that picky as long as you're almost painfully close.
He doesn't kiss you often (especially in public, just because he's so insecure about how people see the two of you,) but when he does, it feels like something out of a movie. Your breath taken in a second, your mind going blank, your entire body seeming to melt into his effortlessly...
As time goes on, he would probably become less clingy. When you first start dating, he's so anxious to make sure you understand how much you mean to him, that he ends up overcompensating in a lot of areas... especially when it comes to affection.
But his body IS kind of perfect for cuddling, so...
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Gilbert is a very proud man, and that remains obvious in the way he touches you. He's anxious to show off your attachment in public, always having his hand intertwined tightly with yours, his eyes never leaving you no matter what.
At home, it's the same. He's not overly clingy, especially when he gets in snippy moods, but he still believes everything is better when you're by his side. His favourite thing in the world is being cuddled up on the couch, your head resting on his shoulder while he runs his fingers down your thighs, watching probably one of the worst movies ever made.
When in bed, he's a lot more needy. He tends to get cold, so he always pulls you against him. When you cling to his chest, he swears he's in heaven. But that also means it's a struggle to get up in the morning since he always insists on “just 5 more minutes.“
He's rather... grabby. His affection is usually aggressive, and sometimes a little embarrassing, but it's just because he's so desperate to show you how he really feels, beyond the silly act.
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merbear25 · 4 months
Hi, can you please write nsfw headcanons about Axis having spicy dreams about a fem!reader?
Hello! I had some fun thinking of what kinds of dreams they'd have, so I hope I did them justice. I had the most fun with Japan's, honestly. 🤭 Thank you for sending in this request. I hope you like what I've written for you! 💜💜
CW: NSFW, MDNI, fem!reader, vaginal penetration, headcanons
Having a wet dream about you (Germany, Italy, Japan)
You were always strong-willed, able to handle yourself in any situation. However, that night he dreamed of you unraveling beneath him, completely and utterly losing all sense of self.
With a face that typically held a poised expression, your jaw was slacked and he had you panting for more. Only you could make looking pathetic sexy. Pushing both of you over the edge with one final thrust, he was abruptly woken up by his alarm.
Looking down, he groaned at the mess he made. However, the little bit of extra effort in the morning wasn’t something he was going to let sour his whole day.
Heading out the door at his normal time, he was at the track punctually, waiting for the other two to arrive. Japan was on time and Italy was running late just like every day. Looking over, he saw you coming.
His mind immediately recalled the dream he had of you, but he tried with all might to keep his composure, no matter how awkward he felt about it. You informed him that you thought it’d be a good idea to get back in the swing of things and start exercising again. He felt like you adding that being under his guidance would be the best decision was unnecessary, but that was mostly due to it making it hard to suppress the hue on his cheeks.
Clearing his throat, he instructed the session once Italy finally arrived. Remaining focused wasn’t something he thought he’d be struggling with that day.
With the cool wind coming through the window, rain started pitter pattering against the shingles. You were cuddled up with him, slightly shivering from the sudden chilly weather. Wrapping his arms around you, the sweet embrace easily drifted into wandering hands and heated kisses.
Curled up in his warm arms, he thrusted into you. Despite the early morning calling for lazy motions, you were hitting all the right spots for him. The nice breeze casted over him, sending a shiver down his spine. His breath was hot in your ear as he cooed sweet nothings upon climaxing.
Stretching under his newly soiled sheets, he didn’t have a care in the world. Feeling completely relaxed, he lazily made his way throughout the house.
Going about his day as normal - relaxing under a tree, eating, napping, taking a stroll in the park - he caught sight of you coming out of the shop.
Without thinking twice, he called out to you and made his way over. The conversation alluded to no lingering remnants of the previous night’s dream, seeing as he saw no real reason to dwell on it.
Exchanging pleasantries, he always enjoyed chatting with you. You were so kind and easy to talk to. With the wind picking up, you shuddered from the drop in temperature, immediately taking him back to that precious moment that never happened.
You’d just finished eating dinner and were now in the kitchen doing the washing up. You looked so sweet with the pink bow from your apron tied behind your back. You took really good care of him, leaving him wanting to give you a bit more attention that night.
Wrapping his arms around you, he kissed your neck tenderly, whispering how good you were to him. Yanking your skirt up, he thrusted into you with fervor that had you quaking. As you gripped the kitchen counter, you bit your bottom lip so as to muffle your low moans. Cupping your breasts from behind, he placed soft kisses along your shoulder. With a final wave of ecstasy consuming you both, the vibrations from his phone pulled him out of the post-nut haze.
Pondering there for a moment, he had a difficult time wrapping his head around the dream he just had. Besides the obvious, you weren’t his wife. You weren’t even dating. Trying not to overthink it, he proceeded to clean up.
Already shifting to that day’s list of things to do, he was out the door. Though the day was admittedly long, everything went off without a hitch and the dream felt like it was ages ago.
Seeing you outside of your place on his way home, you asked if he’d eaten yet. You told him that you’d prepared a bit too much food and if he’d like, he was welcome to join you.
Taking you up on your offer, he was thoroughly enjoying spending quality time with you. Offering to help clean up, you were grateful for his kind gesture. Trailing behind you, he saw you put on an apron, making the dream feel all too real.
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yawujin · 4 months
I was wondering if I could request how the Allies + Canada would react to meeting an immortal? (Not a personification - so could be vampire, witch, mutant (kinda like wolverine he's over 200 tears old), or any other immortal being). -🪽
request | how the allies would react to an immortal
type | react , gender non specific reader , sad-ish(?) , blood mention
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america/alfred f. jones ♡
he's ecstatic
takes you to meet tony ofc
asks you like, a thousand questions on what it's been living for so many years
he can relate to you in so many ways, being a country himself
although he still feels so young (he's only 245 years old after all)
england/arthur kirkland ♡
arthur became instantly intrigued by you, seeing as you were a witch
he knew a few things about magic too, so he thought you two could relate
however, the magic you knew blew whatever he's learned out of the water
forgetting his pride, he goes to you for help whenever he messes up a spell
he truly enjoys your presence and is so grateful that he was able to meet you
france/francis bonnefoy ♡
francis couldn't believe his eyes
he thought he knew you from before, a long, long time ago
with every question he asked you, the more curious he became
even if you were not the person he thought you were
he's still interested in your life, and your endless experiences
he's happy to share his with you, too
canada/matthieu williams ♡
shocked that you came up to him first
even more shocked that you thought he stood out from the crowd
he tries to get over it quickly so he can listen to what you have to say
when you tell mattie you're an immortal, a million questions come flooding to the forefront of his mind
he's excited, sure, but he's also a diplomat so he takes it step by step
he's just happy you entrusted him with this secret of yours
russia/ivan braginsky ♡
when you reveal to ivan that your upbringing was just as hard as his
he finds it within himself to sympathize with you, and comfort you
you do the same, after a while realizing that it might be better to focus on the good things in your lives
he reminisces with you about all the good times he has had in all the years he's been russia
and you let him talk, for you know that it's been a while since he's had anyone that wants to listen to him remember the happy things
china/yao wang ♡
there are very few things that scare yao, so you being a vampire does not faze him
he's seen a lot in his lifetime (he's old)
he'd rather you feast on blood away from the expensive silks he has in his home
scolds you for staying up late (no, he does not care that you're a vampire and that's just what you do)
he always has fun trying to guess which century you are from (you'll never tell him, even if guesses correctly)
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˚✧ ₊˚ nordics headcanons
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hetalimagines · 7 months
General headcanons for Alfred as a boyfriend (SFW)
Here's my first actual post on this blog, hehe... I can't find the ask but someone requested some Alfred headcanons, so here are my rambles about what I think he's like as a boyfriend!
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He’s honestly not the most traditionally romantic person. Your relationship is more like friends who make out sometimes. But he does have his own little ways of showing you he loves you!
He’ll put together playlists of songs that remind him of you. They’re mostly loose connections, like maybe a song mentions your eye color, or the lyrics remind him of a date you went on together, or it just sounds romantic and makes him wanna kiss you. He likes to sit with you while you listen (to every single song), and he interrupts the songs a bit to explain why he chose them.
“This one had me thinking what if we were dancing in a ballroom together, and out of nowhere, bam! Zombies bust in. The door crashes to the ground! Our dance turns into one of those cool fighting scenes with the—oh, this part reminded me of the time I woke up early and you were about to fall off the bed. You had a cute bedhead.”
(You have no idea what the lyrics are at this point.)
Dates with him are pretty casual, more like “hanging out” than anything fancy. Maybe you stay at home and watch movies/play games, or you go out for dinner at a local diner, or you go do awful karaoke together, or you go and prank a friend together.
He’s happy as long as he’s with you. Bonus if there’s food and/or drink.
He occasionally takes you out to a more traditional restaurant and dresses for the occasion. They’re usually expensive, too. The food isn’t his preference (too complicated for his palate), but if it makes you happy, he’s all for dealing with it for just one night.
His primary love languages are acts of service and quality time. He’s always doing what he can to help you out (and feel proud of himself in the process). Whether he helps you run errands, runs a bath for you ahead of time, or fluffs your pillow before you get in bed, it’s all because he wants to make your life easier!
He gets a little jealous if you ever spend time with your shared friends without him, or if you spend more time with others than him.
He’s so excited if you take interest in any of his hobbies. Movies? He’ll ask if you want to co-write a script with him. (He’s very relaxed about what exactly ends up in the script.) Archaeology? He has so many random facts to dump on you, and he’ll be super impressed by any knowledge you have on it. Conspiracy theories? Time to watch a bunch of documentaries! He enjoys them despite their flaws, but lets you know exactly when something is false and what actually happened.
He tries to take interest in your hobbies, too, even if he doesn’t understand what you’re talking about. It could be the most boring thing and he’d still listen and ask you questions about it. If it makes you happy, he wants to know all about it.
Pet names from him consist of things like babe, dude (💀), honey, occasionally sweetie, (jokingly… mostly) prince or princess. It’s all over the place. He’ll call you honey and dude back-to-back sometimes.
He loves debating if you’re comfortable with it! But be warned, he gets very heated about certain topics. His sense of justice is important to him. Otherwise, he’s usually not serious about these debates and doesn’t care who wins.
He tries to keep things light and doesn’t usually let people see his more serious side. He’ll open up to you more over time, however. It’s really him letting a wall down and allowing himself to get closer to you.
Every now and then, he has days where he’s a lot quieter and calmer than usual. He just wants to relax, stay on the couch with you and watch movies or simply chat. Maybe a movie chattering in the background as he tells you about his childhood. He doesn’t try so hard to keep up this energetic, heroic persona.
He’s right back to normal the next day like nothing happened.
Likes to annoy you for fun. Not in a mean-spirited way. He just thinks your responses are cute and has poor impulse control. Poking your cheeks or ruffling your hair or playing an obnoxious song loudly on the stereo while he dances. But he’ll back off if you’re genuinely upset with him. He means no harm.
He loves if you’re willing to play along with whatever he gets up to. Maybe he’s decided he’s going to try and vacuum the whole house while doing a handstand on the vacuum. You can hold onto his legs to help him stay balanced.
This man is very impulsive and has a tendency to get himself hurt. Random bruises all over his body or a cut along his forearm. He bounces back easily, and doesn’t want to fuss over it, but he lowkey likes if you baby him about it. He’ll always say how it’s not a big deal and he can take it, but his heart does this little flutter when you show concern, and even more if you force him to take better care of himself.
He burns himself in the kitchen and you force him to run it under cold water. He’s swooning inside.
He likes to gossip about others, especially over breakfast. He can’t help it; he’s just nosy, and he always has an idea of what’s going on and how he can help out. Huge bonus if you gossip with him!
He loves to feed you, but the majority of the food he brings for you is burgers or tubs of ice cream. He likes to experiment with the burgers’ toppings and seasonings, but they’re all burgers nonetheless.
Every now and then, he does plan some big romantic endeavor. It’s like a surprise. You never know when it’s coming… You wake up one morning and find out he’s booked a week long cruise, your bedroom is filled with balloons, and there’s enough breakfast food on the table to feed an army.
He does this thing sometimes (often) where he swoops in and has to save you. A puddle on the ground? No need to fear! He picks you up and swiftly carries you over it. The safest place for you is in his arms. He’ll even lay down and let you use him as a bridge if you want.
A suspicious penny on the sidewalk? LOOK OUT, IT MIGHT BE A BOMB! Let HIM step on it before you get blown up!
He steps on it. Nothing happens. Better safe than sorry!
If you’re the more independent type, that won’t stop him from trying. He just wants to keep you safe and have you appreciate his efforts. Being disinterested or resistant will just make him try harder.
Says cheesy stuff like “happy wife, happy life” unironically. He’s also the type to use terrible pickup lines to flirt with you. Totally unaware of how bad they are until you start laughing.
He also doesn’t care that they’re bad. He’s just having fun.
Loves to give you his clothes to wear. Seriously. You want one of his hoodies? Try six of them.
You complain when one stops smelling like him so he puts it on, works out, then gives it back to you like :D! Fixed the problem!
He takes so many pictures of you guys. Videos, too. His phone storage is eaten up by it. His favorite thing is to take selfies together. Usually with some silly filter. Or an even sillier caption.
“me and the babe out shopping” and it’s a picture of you, holding a piece of fruit with the dog ears filter
He’s not the most physically affectionate, but he always gives you morning kisses and especially kisses before leaving the house. He also loves carrying you around (mostly bridal style) in his arms for no reason other than he can. A hand on your back, another on your thighs, your head pressed against his chest. He loves it.
He loves knowing you find him physically attractive! He worries sometimes about being too overweight, so any reassurance that you like his body helps. If you think he’s hot, and you’re hot yourself, that must mean he definitely is.
Has a tendency to call you hot, but he’ll call you other things if it makes you uncomfortable.
Occasionally brags about you and how lucky he is. Not as often as you might think. Though he gets oddly competitive if anyone acts like their partner is better than you and starts spouting whatever he can so everyone knows you’re the absolute best. No competition.
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Can I request Russia x female reader where S/O tells Ivan how much she loves him? He's a big sweetie who needs love! (Just some cute stuff where someone says that they love Russia without being creepy and related to him)
This GIF is gold lol.
Ivan Braginski
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You and Ivan would have a really good relationship.
Except that he would be a little unsure that you would leave him.
You wouldn't be the first person.
Some days he would be more insecure than others.
And on those days, he would need reassurance that you love him.
Or you don't and you notice that a tracker has appeared on your phone XD
Today would be one of those days when he would be insecure and need love.
Maybe he had a nightmare where you left him.
And even if this was a dream it would shock him badly.
Ivan would need you to tell him how much you love him…
And of course lots of hugs and kisses.
One kiss is definitely not enough.
This goes on for at least half an hour.
If you also tell him verbally how much you love him that would also help a lot.
Bonus points if you can speak Russian...
Ivan would really feel better.
He would really believe you when you said you don't want to leave him.
You might still get a tracker on your phone… Because why not.
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hiver-vin · 1 month
Feeding y’all table scraps
I like to imagine Canada being pretty well built due to various reasons. Imagine seeing him in a tank top and getting a good look at his strong arms, grabbing onto them and squeezing softly. He’d be so embarrassed and would downplay it so much while he flexes for you a little bit.
You begin to watch more intently now as he does various tasks like cleaning or cooking. Although he doesn’t think much of himself he’d start wear tighter clothes just because he knows you’re into it- and he kind likes the attention… just a little 😉
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Feliciano Vargas, Lovino Vargas, Ludwig Beilschmidt, and Yao Wang with S/O Who are Serious Most Of The Time Until They Received Their Affection and Get Shy
A/N: Hey @thekitsuneyokumoku! I knew you requested Hetalia Headcanons in the chat and I let it slide this time because I prefer if you request me in the Ask Button instead of in the chat. Anyway, thank you so much for your idea for this headcanon and I hope you like the final result.
Warning: None
Gender: Neutral
Feliciano Vargas - North Italy
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Feliciano is very cuddly and he likes to hug people around him so it wasn't really a surprise if he tries to hug you as his S/O. Then rubbing his cheeks on your face.
Not only cuddly but Feliciano would kiss your cheeks just out of nowhere because he is affectionate to everyone. If you watch the anime, you would see hugs from Lovino to Kiku. He also tried to hug Ludwig.
You are serious most of the time? I would be not surprised if Feliciano is trying to break your guard just to fluster you with his little affection.
Also, he is also a great cook so he would make perfect pasta for you just to show his love to you when you are hungry but really busy because of your work.
Despite his innocent smile and closed eyes. He enjoys when you are getting flustered when you get shy as you receive his affection but he won't show it.
He is still trying to play this innocently while hugging, kissing, and making pasta for you when you try to talk about how shy you are with his affection. "Huh, what's wrong with it mi amor? I'm just being There's nothing wrong about it, right?"
He thinks you are very adorable when you are getting shy because you receive his kisses and his hugs as your face is burning because of him. He won't stop even if you ask him.
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(Y/N) sat in front of their computer, their/her/his eyes fixed on the screen, fingers dancing across the keyboard. The soft glow of the monitor illuminated their focused expression, casting a warm hue on their determined features. The room was quiet, save for the gentle hum of the computer and the occasional tapping of keys.
A mug of hot, steaming coffee sat on (Y/N)'s table. The comforting aroma enveloped the air around them, creating a room filled with a warm coffee scent. As (Y/N) worked diligently, their/her/his hand occasionally reached out to grasp the mug's handle, the porcelain radiating a soothing heat that travelled up their fingers and took a sip of the bitter yet sweet beverage.
Feliciano peered out from behind the slightly ajar door, he couldn't help but feel a pang of concern as he observed your relentless dedication to the task at hand. He wanted to step in, to offer his warm and comforting hugs so you two could just cuddle together and forget all of the burdens.
Aware that interrupting (Y/N)'s focused work would make you pissed off and receive silent treatment from you. Feliciano decided he could do something sweet for you instead of bothering you and ending up annoying the hell out of you.
An idea sparked in his mind, and a bright smile spread across his face. He quietly retreated from behind the door and headed to the kitchen. With his experience in the kitchen, he gathered the ingredients needed for a comforting meal: fresh basil leaves, pine nuts, garlic, Parmesan cheese, and a box of spaghetti.
Feliciano's heart warmed at the thought of surprising you with a delicious homemade meal, something that would surely bring a smile to your face amidst your demanding workload. He couldn't wait to see the surprise and happiness in your eyes when he presented the plate of fragrant pesto spaghetti, a small gesture of love to remind them that taking a moment for themselves was just as important as their dedication to their tasks.
With the pesto spaghetti prepared to perfection, Feliciano held the dish in his hands. He gently knocked on the door before slowly pushing it open. (Y/N) glanced up from their/her/his work, surprised by the unexpected interruption. Feliciano's warm smile greeted them as he entered, holding the plate of steaming pasta. "Mi Amor!!! I thought you might need a break, so I made some Pesto Spaghetti for you," He skips in happily before putting the plate on your table.
With a soft, affectionate smile, he leaned down and pressed a gentle kiss on each of their cheeks. (Y/N)'s surprise was evident, your cheeks warming even more as you blinked in astonishment. You glance at the floor, not expecting a kiss from your boyfriend. "T-thank you, Feliciano," (Y/N) stutters.
Feliciano couldn't resist a playful glint in his eyes as he noticed the pink tint spreading across (Y/N)'s cheeks after the gentle kisses. He leaned against the doorway, his smile dancing with mischief. "Oh, I didn't know a simple kiss on the cheeks would turn you into such a blushing masterpiece, Mi Amor" he teased, his tone light and affectionate. Y/N's shyness deepened, and they tried to suppress a smile as they playfully rolled their eyes.
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Lovino Vargas - South Italy
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Unlike Feliciano, Lovino is much more Tsundere when he is trying to show his affection around his crush. You know how he treats Spain so don't expect him to be as cuddly as Feliciano.
However, he does see his other side with his pickup lines so I could see that he would try to make you blush with his Italian pickup lines to try to make you blush.
This can be a little bit awkward though because mostly you are serious and he's not really teasing as much as Feliciano but he can be quite romantic.
Lovino does hug you or kiss you but not in public because he does not want to be teased so he would only be doing it in the bedroom where you two are cosy.
He does think you look cute though when you are blushing but he is not going to admit it as loud as Feliciano unless he does plan to fluster you.
Would also whisper sweet nothing just to fluster you when the two of you are not in public. He's Italian, so he's as experienced as Feliciano in the art of flirting and romance.
Also, he would surprisingly make pizza for you instead of Pasta. His special pizza and he would be pissed if you decide to eat those fake pizza from convenient store.
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As the sun began its descent on a Friday evening, (Y/N) and Lovino. They had been looking forward to this movie night all week long. The living room was adorned with cosy blankets, and a couple of sodas chilling in the ice bucket but it was not complete with the snacks for the movie night.
Lovino arrived first, his trademark scowl softened by the upcoming evening's prospect. He kicked off his shoes and settled onto the couch, sending a quick text to Y/N that he was there. Soon enough, (Y/N) joined him from Kitchen once you place the ice bucket filled with cold drinks next to the couch, your smile infectious as they entered the room.
"Hey, Lovino! Ready for another movie night?" Y/N asked with a soft smile on her/his/their face.
"Yeah, yeah, I guess so," he muttered, trying to mask his own anticipation.
Lovino Vargas leaned back on the couch, his attention divided between the Netflix menu and the movie selection. He shifted slightly, glancing at (Y/N) seated beside him. With a bashful smile that he tried to hide, he wrapped his arm around you. As he pretended to scroll through the movie options, his fingers brushed against (Y/N)'s arm, a subtle way of conveying his affection.
Lovino's heart raced as he felt a mixture of nerves and excitement, his arm wrapped around (Y/N). Just as he was beginning to feel more at ease, the distant sound of the doorbell pierced the air. He quickly pulled his arm away, the sudden movement accompanied by a muttered grumble under his breath. His cheeks tinged with a faint blush as he tried to regain his composure, cursing his own awkwardness.
As the doorbell rang, (Y/N) sprang up from the couch. (Y/N) hurried to the door, their/her/his steps quick but controlled. Opening the door revealed the pizza delivery person with a frown on the delivery man face. "Here's your pizza," the guy hands the pizza box. "Alright and here's the cash and the tip too," (Y/N) mutters before pulling out a few bucks and giving it to the delivery man.
As (Y/N) reentered the room, pizza box in hand, Lovino's eyes flickered towards the delicious prize they held. However, Lovino glances at the pizza box. The box is written 'American Express Pizza' and he puffs his cheeks together. "Mi amor. Did you buy that Horrible American Pizza?" he asks. "They are not horrible and yes, I did," (Y/N) looks at Lovino.
Lovino's nose wrinkled ever so slightly at the mention of American Express Pizza, his preference for Italian cuisine evident in his expression. "Ugh, American Express Pizza? You know I can't stand that stuff," he quipped. "Hey, how about this? Since I can actually make a proper Italian pizza, why don't we make one together? I'll show you the real deal, and then we can enjoy it while watching the movie," He held one of your hands and drag you to the kitchen.
A light blush painted (Y/N)'s cheeks as Lovino gently took your hand, his touch sending a subtle thrill through you. His actions were unexpectedly tender, and they followed him willingly as he led them to the kitchen. The scent of ingredients and the warmth of the oven filled the air, creating a cosy atmosphere that matched their fluttering emotions.
Lovino turned towards them, his gaze meeting theirs. Before (Y/N) could say anything, he leaned in and pressed a gentle kiss on each of (Y/N) cheeks, his affectionate gesture momentarily leaving her/him/them breathless. The surprise of his kiss deepened your blush, (Y/N) heart beating a little faster.
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Ludwig Beilschmidt - Germany
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Unlike Feliciano, he is much more shy with showing affection so it is going to be awkward between the two of you. He does love you but it takes a long time for him to hold your hand or to give a kiss on your cheeks.
To show his affection to you how much he loves you mostly from his chocolate cake since he could bake the best chocolate cake since we know he doe love baking.
Other than baking chocolate cake for you. Ludwig would be most likely show his affection to you through Act service. It would be like cleaning your room, teaching you the subjects you did not understand, or protecting you.
Nevertheless, Ludwig does try to be affectionate to you. Each time he goes home from the world meeting. He would give a little kiss on the crown on your head but he doesn't always do it often because he would get a bit shy when giving you a kiss.
Sometimes he would try to make himself brave by kissing you on the lips even though it ended up causing him to blush madly and things getting even a bit more awkward than before.
Ludwig might be not affectionate in public but he does give you some little kisses when in the house and no one is watching. He's aware that his brother are going to tease him so he only being affectionate when no one is there too.
Also, he does think when you blush are endearing byt just like Lovino. He is not going to admit it out loud when you are blushing because of his kisses.
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On a tranquil afternoon, (Y/N) found themselves immersed in the company of Ludwig's Dogs, Arter, Berlitz and Blackie. The soft glow of the TV illuminated their faces as they all settled in for a movie night. Blackie lay by (Y/N)'s feet, a comforting presence emitting a quiet warmth. Berlitz perched excitedly on the cushion next to (Y/N), occasionally tilting their head in response to the flickering images on the screen.
Lastly, Aster occupied the space by the window, as if keeping a watchful eye on the world outside and waiting for her master to go home just like (Y/N) too. Despite sitting together with the triple furbabies, (Y/N) could not help but feel lonely as Ludwig had been staying in another country for the world meeting.
Despite the movie playing on the TV screen, (Y/N) found their/her/his thoughts wandering elsewhere, unable to focus on the storyline. Ludwig had been away in America for a week. (Y/N)'s mind was fixated on the front door. Every distant sound, every creak in the house stirred a spark of hope that it might be Ludwig's arrival.
As the minutes stretched into the night, (Y/N)'s gaze shifted from the TV to the clock on the wall. The hands of time seemed to be moving at an excruciatingly slow pace, reminding you that it was growing late. With a sigh, (Y/N) reluctantly tore their attention away from the door and decided to head to the kitchen. The dogs followed closely, their/her/his presence a comforting reminder of the waiting they were all engaged in.
In the warm glow of the kitchen lights, (Y/N) set about preparing a simple meal. They gathered ingredients, chopped vegetables and seasoned the chicken. The dogs sat nearby, their attentive eyes fixed on every movement, their tails occasionally thumping against the floor in anticipation. As the scent of food filled the air, (Y/N) couldn't help but smile at the three dogs' excitement.
For Blackie, Aster and Berlitz, diced some leftover chicken that you had used and some scrambled eggs for the extra since she did not want them to get bored with only chicken. The dogs, their tails wagging in excitement, gathered around their designated bowls, ready to devour their given food.
A sudden hush fell over the kitchen as the distinct sound of boots echoed from outside. The dogs, their ears perked up in unison, froze in their tracks, their meals momentarily forgotten. Blackie, Berlitz, and Aster exchanged knowing glances, their instincts alert to the approaching presence.
The triplets moved in unison towards the living room, their sensitive noses catching the scent of someone familiar. Ludwig had finally returned. The kitchen fell silent but the sounds of the dogs barking from the living room reached out to (Y/N)'s ears. This causes (Y/N) to stand up from the chair, following Balckie, Berlitz and Aster together.
The door swung open, revealing Ludwig's figure framed by the warm light spilling in from the outside. (Y/N)'s heart leapt at the sight, a mixture of relief and excitement flooding your senses. Without hesitation, Ludwig closed the distance between them. As he reached (Y/N), a shy yet affectionate smile curved his lips.
With a gentle gesture, he reached out, cupping (Y/N)'s face in his hands, his eyes never leaving theirs. And then, in a moment that felt like a whisper of time, he pressed a soft kiss to your forehead and then placed his lips on top of your lips. The tender kiss from Ludwig left (Y/N) feeling a rush of emotions that spread like wildfire across your cheeks. A delicate blush crept up, tinting their skin with a rosy hue.
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Yao Wang - China
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Yao Wang is shameless when he is showing his love so it was not surprising that he would latch out on you out of nowhere when he feels cuddly.
Yao wang is just as affectionate as Feliciano but a little bit more stern when he is taking care of you when you are sick, scolding you and feeding you hot soup.
When you are blushing. he would squeal as he thinks you look really adorable when you are getting shy as he is showing his affection to you.
You could expect him glomping on you and telling you how much adorable you are when you are blushing madly. Also, not going to let go of you even though you told him to get away.
Does not mind PDA at all and does not even realize that he is really embarrassed as everyone watches him being lovey-dovey to you. Would hug and kiss you everywhere and anywhere but not kiss on the lips. He's surprisingly a little bit shy when it comes to kissing on the lips.
Also, would even smush your cheeks when you are getting shy when he sees you getting embarrassed after he kisses you or hugs you.
Another guy who would be willingly try to break your guard and your serious face just to see you blush and giggles when he is being cuddly to you.
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In the midst of her/his/their daily routine, (Y/N) settled into a virtual Zoom meeting, connecting with your manager and fellow colleagues scattered across different locations. As faces appeared on the screen in the computer screen, the manager greeted their teammates with a smile on his face. "Good afternoon everyone. Let's discuss our project with our upcoming plan for a drink," he places his arms on the table.
Yao Wang found himself reclining on the bed, his patience gradually waning as he awaited (Y/N)'s meeting to come to an end. The passing minutes seemed to stretch, and he couldn't help but sigh softly, his expressive eyes reflecting a mix of anticipation and restlessness. As the voices from the virtual meeting continued to emanate from (Y/N)'s device, Yao Wang shifted his position, starting at the bald glasses men.
Yao Wang's eyes began to droop as the minutes dragged on, the monotony of waiting causing drowsiness to creep over him. The hum of the meeting had transformed into a distant buzz, and he stifled a yawn, his eyelids feeling heavier with each passing moment. Until suddenly a spark of inspiration lit up in his mind.
With renewed energy, Yao Wang pushed himself up from the bed, his boredom momentarily forgotten as he had tons of ideas about what to do to take your attention away from the bald manager. The man decides to surprise (Y/N) with a homemade culinary extravaganza as he dove into the culinary world.
With determination in his eyes, he gathered the necessary ingredients and set about recreating a trio of beloved Chinese dishes. The kitchen came alive with activity as Yao Wang skillfully chopped vegetables, marinated meats, and orchestrated the symphony of sizzling pans. The aroma of sizzling meats and the mingling scents of various sauces filled the air, promising a mouthwatering feast in the making.
With unwavering focus, he whipped up a sumptuous Kung Pao Chicken, the marriage of spices, peanuts, and succulent chicken pieces tantalizing his senses. Lastly, Yao Wang decides to create an Orange Chicken as the chicken fried until perfectly golden-brown and coated with Orange Sauce.
Strutting inside the bedroom with pride, Yao Wang entered the room where (Y/N) is still talking with the other workers and their/her/his manager with the tray in his hand inside there are rice along with the chicken that he made and a pair of chopsticks. Yao Wang set the plates and the bowl on the table, arranging them thoughtfully as he sets them on the table.
A delightful and enticing aroma wafted through the air, drawing (Y/N)'s attention away from the meeting. As you turned around, your eyes met the scene before them, a beautifully laid-out lunch spread that showcased Yao Wang's meals and Chinese food specialities. With a mix of surprise and appreciation, (Y/N) couldn't help but smile a little bit with a blush on (Y/N)'s face.
Yao Wang's observant eyes caught the flush that graced (Y/N)'s cheeks as (Y/N) realizes the meal that he had prepared. A small smile played at his lips, his heart warming at the sight of your reaction. He closed the distance between them with a soft yet purposeful step. As he reached (Y/N), placing a gentle kiss on your cheeks.
"我爱你,你害羞的时候真可爱." (Wǒ ài nǐ, nǐ hàixiū de shíhòu zhēn kě'ài - I love you, you're really cute when you blush.)
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hetaliaimaginesin2022 · 2 months
can i ask for how germany and north italy would react to their crushes falling asleep during a meeting?
2 posts in one morning, boys, we're slaying
Germany • Ludwig Beilschmidt
When the meeting comes to a close and the room is nearly empty, he sees your sleeping form leaning over the table, using your arms as a pillow
He wants to be upset with you, you don't deserve special treatment just because he's romantically attracted to you, but at the same time, he tells himself that you've never done this before, so he can't be too upset
He is quite surprised that you managed to stay asleep with all the arguing though, maybe you needed the rest
The only thing he does is wake you up and tell you not to let it happen again
North Italy • Feliciano Vargas
When he notices you asleep mid-meeting from the seat across the table from yours, he smiles to himself
He thinks you look gorgeous, leaning back in your chair with your eyelids shut, pen still in hand
You look so comfortable that he seriously considers taking a nap too, hopefully Germany won't be too upset, besides, Ludwig can't be upset at both of you at the same time, right? (he can be, and he is)
After getting woken up and thoroughly chewed out, Italy, still in good spirits and with a smile, asks you if you'd like to accompany him for lunch
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sosauced · 2 years
Omg that breeding kink post 🥵
Me being the APH Canada simp I am is BEGGING to see him with a breeding kink as well. 🥵🥵🥵🥵
Matt’s moans were more like cries, his body in ecstasy as he pumped his hips against yours. Never before had you seen him so out of control, so temperamental. “M-Matt!” You sobbed as he continued to fuck your pussy like it was his job, and boy did he love his job. For the first time, you two had decided to duck without a condom, and he was getting a bit carried away. His one hand gripping your wrists, pulling them behind your back as the other head your hips to keep them steady. He was the one telling you what to do, he was the one who got to feel real pleasure for once. Your eyes rolling back, you could barely make sense of up from down or left from right, he was fucking you senseless. “M-matt, slow Dow- AH!” You gasp and whip your head around. His hand met your ass with a crisp slap, now grabbing the flesh and groping your bruised cheek. He looked at you, warning you to leave him be. He pulls you up and backward, your back meeting his chest and your arms locked behind your back. “I can’t hold back, I’m going to cum in you.” He grunts. “I have to cum in you.” His soft voice echoed in your head over and over. “We can’t! Don’t you dare!” You cry out but your reminder and plea go unheard. Completely ignored. He’s in a trance as he pushes your face back down into the mattress, his cock filling you to the brink as he pushes deeper and deeper. He wants to be in you, he wants you to have his cum permanently marking your little hole so you’re branded as his. “Let me do this.” Matt begs, “just this once, let me do this. You just feel so good, I can’t stop. I can’t stop myself. You feel so good…so good. So good.” He’s lost his mind, the man’s gone mental from your pussy. He can hardly hold himself together as he fills your little pussy so full of his cum you’re practically leaking. His body retorting his organs by fucking that cum further into your pussy, flooding your insides with its warm goo. “S…sho good.” He mutters, in awe at the sight of your quivering pussy practically drinking what he’s given it. “Do…do you want more?” He asks, those big innocent eyes watching you for an answer. Not that it mattered, he was getting what he wanted by any means.
Matt’s a little nasty bitch I like him
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doki-doki-imagines · 10 months
Hey there! Can I have a headcanons request of Germany, England and France who have darlings that are quite, calm, introverted and composed most of the time but during their game/fight. Their darling can be very intimidating and dangerous as their rival would be afraid of them (If you know KNB. They are like Akashi Seijuro)
Ludwig Beilschmidt:
-He is so surprised. Like, shocked.
-You have always been so cute and nice…totally didn’t expect that and at first, he thinks it is a joke.
-But Ludwig can’t say he isn’t intrigued by this new side of your personality…unless you get violent. That is a big no-no for him.
-He’ll try to bring that side of you out, not often, but mostly to understand when and with whom it comes out.
-Yeah, he will study you lol. A way to understand every shade of you.
Arthur Kirkland:
-He worries a lot!
-Not for you, for the rival obviously.
-He can recognize the aura around his partner, he and Francis often get it when they meet.
-Gonna kiss your forehead after you destroy your rival and go back home.
-He had to reprimand you in front of others because he is a gentleman, but his true self is so proud of you.
Françis Bonnefoy:
-As Arthur, he recognized the aura around you immediately.
-He has to admit that he prefers your nice and more introverted side of personality.
-Mostly because he doesn’t want you to get hurt.
-Like, it is hot how good you kick ass, but please don’t get hurt, Françis likes to wear his nurse outfit for entirely different motivations.
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atom-writings · 6 months
omgg i cant stop giggling n kicking my feet BUT can i request gn!reader 'accidentally' leaving a lipstick kiss mark on russia, america, canada, greece and japan before they leave for the day and the countries dont notice until either from a mirror or someone else points it out? AAOUGUGGH
hetalia russia, america, canada, greece, and japan when their s/os leave a kiss in lipstick
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1.6k words ~ gender neutral headcanons
tw: none!
a/n: hjey guys did you know being a costume director is time consuming? i did not. send help. also enjoythis idk
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It was never an easy affair to get Ivan out of the house. His clinginess combined with how admittedly boring his job was made it near impossible for him to leave without you forcing him to. Today was one of those days, and you were beginning to think you’d have to leave with him.
"But darling, can't you understand? It's so cold and miserable out there..." He whines as he holds you.
He's got you positioned so that you're standing between his legs while he sits on the couch, his arms wrapped tightly around you and his head resting against your chest. So... no escape available without coaxing.
"I know, I know, but you'll be late..."
"They will be ok without me, but I won't be ok without you!"
All you can do is sigh until you're suddenly struck with an idea. You can't go with him, but you can leave something with him. And looking down at his snow-white skin, you have just the idea.
"But you won't have to be without me, Vanya!" You chide, tilting his head up to look at you. His face lights up instantly.
"What do you mean?"
Instead of responding, you lean down and press a soft kiss against his forehead, leaving a pink imprint of your lips on his face.
"That one was magic, ok? It'll stay with you the whole day, so I'll always be with you!" It's childish, and you're struggling not to laugh, but his innocent expression tells you all you need to know. He'll finally let you go, none the wiser as to what you really meant.
"Ah- Mr. Braginsky..." Some random intern was forced to prompt later in the day, his tone fearful as to how Ivan would react.
"You... you have something on- on your face..."
"Huh?" He reaches up to wipe where the intern had gestured, but only smiles when he comes away with your favourite lipstick. He decides that whatever left can stay... it's just your magic, after all.
Alfred was a busy man for all the effort he expended to prevent that exact reality. He'd much rather spend all day playing video games at home with you, but duty calls. Though, now, was just glad that for once, you were busy as well.
“Hey, babe!” He greets you with a bright smile, resting his hand on your shoulder before moving to sit across from you. The meeting spot he had chosen was busy, but at least it wasn't far from either places you two needed to be.
“Were you waiting long?”
“No, not really,“ You respond with a sigh, twirling the straw in your drink.
”Well, that's good because uh- bad news, I won't be able to stay l-“
”Ugh! Seriously?“
He shrinks a little, fidgeting with his hair, ”Yeah, I know, but like- I can't reall-“
”Do they know you're a person? Like, a person who needs to live?“
“Technically, I'm not, babe,” He laughs, “But I appreciate how protective you are anyway.“
He continued to talk with you for a while, about your day, his day, a weird guy he saw on the street, about how you can't keep threatening his boss because he's the president- until after only a few moments, his phone rang.
He sucked in a quick breath and accepted it, only speaking for a second. Then, he got up with a dramatic groan.
“That's my cue. I guess I'll see you later, K?”
But he wasn't about to get away that easy. You shot up, grabbing onto his tie and pulling closer so you could kiss his cheek quickly.
“For good luck,” You assure, and he grins.
“What are you guys laughing about?” Alfred asks as soon as he goes back to work, looking nervously at the group of co-workers pointing at him.
“Got something on your face, man!”
Instantly, he realizes what happened and hurriedly wipes it off. His face is red with embarrassment, but he can't deny the butterflies in his stomach.
No matter how long you've been together, Matthew never stopped trying to be the picture-perfect boyfriend. At least, that's what you thought as he chose to show up with roses when he came to pick you up. It might've been a fancy event, but you're sure no one else would be doing that kind of thing. But who were you this kind of attention?
“Uhm- good evening, Y/N,” He stutters out as you let him come in for a moment.
“Awww, you shouldn't have!“ You take the roses from him and set them aside.
”It- It's nothing, really-“
”Most men wouldn't even think of that anymore...“ You assure him. He looks sheepish now as if he hadn't expected you to like your gift.
”Then- then, um- they should learn how to t-treat their partners...“
How cute. You walk over to him and stand on your toes to kiss his cheek, to which he immediately stiffens and blushes.
“Thank you, Matthew.”
“Ye-Yeah, uh-huh- yeah- y-you're welcome,” He mumbles, looking down in embarrassment. The colour gracing his cheeks almost perfectly matches the mark your lipstick left behind. You begin to say something about it, but before you can, he frantically cuts you off.
“So- we should get g-going right? Right, time to go...” He blurts out, taking your hand and almost dragging you out to the car.
Finally, once you two arrived at the event, you gathered the courage to tell him.
While you two walked, arm in arm, up to the main entrance, you suddenly blurted out, ”You have lipstick on your cheek!“
Except by that time, more than a couple of people had seen him. causing him to instantly freeze up.
The colour drained from his face, and he weakly whimpered out, ”Um, c-could you- uh- g-get it?“
You immediately obliged, cleaning off his cheek. He was embarrassed, but it was still on his mind all night.
“But do you have to?”
“I’m not getting out of this one, ok?”
“But I don’t want you to go…” His protests were typical, but that didn’t make them any less annoying. Although, it’s hard to resist him when he’s clinging to you like a lost puppy and he smells like he just finished cooking.
“It’ll only be a few hours, ok?” You sigh, finally finishing your makeup.
All he can do now is whine softly, which makes you realize there may be only one way to stop his desperate clinginess. You turn around in his arms, take his pleading face in your hands, and press frenzied kisses all over it. Instantly, his eyes light up and his lips form a dopish smile, and you know you’re free.
“Is that better?” You ask, and he nods. But before you let go, you have to admire how silly he looks with your lips painted all over his face.
By the time you return home, it’s already dark. The house is quiet, and when you check the time, you realize he would’ve fallen asleep hours ago. But considering how exhausted you are already, it’s nothing but a relief.
When you enter your shared bedroom, your thoughts are confirmed. He’s already passed out, his broad body splayed haphazardly over your blankets. At first, you don’t think anything of it. But when you turn on the light to get ready for bed, you notice the red stains still sitting on his cheeks.
Somehow, throughout the entire rest of the day, he never looked in the mirror long enough to notice the lipstick covering his face. Or, maybe he did, and just decided that your tokens of affection could stay.
Kiku was never late. Not even when tired, sick, or at war, was he late to anything. So, the one day that he allowed himself to relax with you, was naturally the first day in centuries that he hadn’t been an hour early. 
“It’s gonna be alright!” You call out from the bathroom while you do your makeup, and he doesn’t even waste the time to respond. Even from all the way across the house, you can hear him desperately throwing things together.
“It is not alright!”
“You’ll still be on time!” That doesn’t seem to convince him to calm down at all, as you can hear his panicked breaths growing louder as he makes his way over to the entry door.
“Wait, wait, hold on,” You insist, and he pauses for a moment. When you meet him at the door, he looks a mess. His hair was askew, his eyes wild with panic, and his tie nearly all the way to the side.
You sigh and begin tidying him up. He relaxes under your touch, you can tell even from under his layers of stoicism; although he can’t allow himself to bask in your attention for long.
“I must go-”
“I know, I know, just…” You pull him forward, quickly pressing a kiss to his cheek. He blushes but doesn’t let that distract him. In a moment, he’s gone out the door.
After a frenzied drive into the city, he can finally breathe a sigh of relief. 10 minutes early… not great, but enough. He looks in the mirror one last time, making sure he looks his best before he finally steps out into the public when he notices it. The print of your lipstick, still on his cheek.
His touch lingers on it for a moment, his breathing stilling, before he rubs it off. You’ll just have to replace it later, he tells himself before he finally steps out of the car.
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merbear25 · 5 months
cw nsfw
haiiii i forgot if i asked this but maybe e ame with breeding kink :3
an d england too ofc ofc
Hey, hey! I can't deny that I'm a sucker for a breeding kink, so I was happy to write this for you. I went with headcanons, so I hope you like it 💜💜
America and England with a breeding kink
CW: NSFW!! MDNI!! fem!reader, headcanons, mentions of impregnating reader, vaginal creampies
He didn't realize he had this kink before meeting you, but when he sees how good you are around children, something in him just cllicks.
He's a bit embarrassed about talking to you about it mostly due to the fact he has no idea how to bring it up.
Not only did you never discuss wanting to have kids, but you were also extremely careful when having sex: using condoms and birth control were a must. However, the desire to fill you completely with his cum was gnawing at him.
When he asks you about exploring this option, he's fairly surprised that you're willing to indulge him in his fantasies. He's not complaining, though!
Before trying it, you two had a discussion about what you'd do if you got pregnant. You pushed this discussion more than he did.
During your first time having sex without a condom, you're both nervous about the 'what if' situation.
That being said, the chemistry between the two of you overpowered your doubts. Soon you're both lost in the midst of passion and the euphoria.
When he releases in you, shivers are sent down your spine, leaving goosebumps in the wake of your lovemaking.
After the first time, it was hard to go back to using condoms. The more you let him creampie you, the less you wanted to keep to your birth control.
Knowing you are off the pill excites him, and leaves him wanting to see you carry his child.
The thought of his cum dripping out of you, then leading to your swollen belly only makes him want to keep himself between your legs until he makes it a reality.
He comes off as a very prim and proper man and to be fair, he is...to an extent.
He may not flaunt it, but he's got a fair amount of experience under his belt. He's had a lot of time to realize his sexual interests and kinks, and he's more than happy to help you explore yours.
He's raised a few countries, so he's not exactly jumping at the opportunity to get back to parenting.
That being said, when you come to him with that sweet face and doe eyes, he finds it hard not to listen to you wanting to explore your kink to have him breed you.
Now, the thought of him cumming in you so recklessly does send thrills throughout his body, but he's a bit apprehensive. He wants to talk about the possibility of you getting pregnant and if the both of you are ready for it.
After discussing the options, he's happy to satisfy your desires.
Everything leading up to the main event was perfect, leaving you craving for more.
While having your first time throwing caution to the wind, you couldn't get enough of it. The energy you're bringing gives him a massive confidence boost.
You've unleashed a primal urge within him, and he's fully committed to cumming in you as deep as he can.
Watching everything he pulsated into you drip out is one of the most satisfying things for him. Knowing how much you love the feel of it makes it even better.
If you decide that you want children, he's now happy to take that next step with you. He comes across as very gentlemanly when you bring it up.
But, when you're in the bedroom, his true feelings towards it come out. He's clearly on a mission to impregnate you, chasing a fantasy of his he'd kept burried.
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yawujin · 3 months
texting with the nordics
type | light hearted , fluff , platonic , short read
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denmark/matthias køhler ♡
random and hyper 3am texts
is the type to screenshot funny messages from a groupchat and post them to social media
definitely sends people brainrot humor ig reels ironically
also sends super up close pics of himself out of nowhere to strike up a conversation
his most used emojis are: 😁 😳 😜 👀 🤸‍♂️
norway/lukas bondevik ♡
he double texts but like not
as in he'll type two different things but space them out using the enter button
so it ends up being one text
it's on purpose too (he's weird i love him)
likes to send pictures of his meals
alot of one word replies ("mhm" , "sure" , "k")
the type to like a message to signify the end of a convo
sweden/björn oxenstierna ♡
sends gifs to react to messages
doesn't use any other abbreviations unless it's like, 'LOL'
most used emoji: 👍
doesn't use his phone that much
only really texts anybody if it's a holiday
iceland/emil steilsson ♡
his phone is almost always on 'do not disturb'
unlike sve, he mostly uses abbreviations
types in all lowercase letters (autocorrect is his worst enemy so he had to turn it off)
if someone asks what he's doing, he'll send a picture of his surroundings accompanied by a simple "just here" text.
will be constantly checking his phone and reply immediately if a person he really likes is chatting with him
finland/timo väinämöinen ♡
when he's comfortable enough with the person he's talking to, he'll start to send voice messages
gives random updates about his day via text
prefers calls tbh
sends a bunch of pics of hanatamago
the type to text someone "good luck!" , "have a good time ❤️" , "hope it goes well!!" and other words of encouragement when they have to do something/go somewhere
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˚✧ ₊˚ allies headcanons | more nordics headcanons
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jazzmasternot · 6 months
No hate personally, but I just don't really like engaging or being associated with Hazbin Hotel. So if you could delete the post you reblogged from me, that would be fantastic. Cheers.
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Omg is this us rn?! 😩
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headingalaxys-spicy · 4 months
can i request 1p!america x fem reader with a breeding kink and a size kink :3 (yn is da smaller one) plspslslslslslsslPLEASE also love ur writing very slay
Aw thanks, Anon I’m glad you like my writing! Hopefully, you enjoy this one!
Alright, Y’all know the drill this is a Spice Post. So viewer discretion is advised.
Alfred has always loved to dominate on and off the international stage; the same can be said for the bedroom.
“Hey, Y/N guess what?” You hear him crashing through the bar door.
He slams his hand down on the table you were at. It was a subtle sign that you were in for a rough night. He placed his other hand on your shoulder and whispered shouts into your ear.
“Bottoming tonight! Buwhahahahha!”
“Alfred, we’re in public you can’t say that out loud!” You playfully jab his arm.
“We’re in a bar, sweets~ Who cares?”
He leans his face down to your neck. The tip of his warm nose gives you goosebumps that decorate your skin like a lit-up Christmas tree. He at first places a light kiss on your neck before biting you.
“Ah! Alfred, no!” You giggle. “At least let me finish my drink first.”
“Sounds good to me, but I’ll at least get a shot of whiskey first.” He needed the drink to help him wrangle the snake that was almost near ready to burst.
Ever since Alfred started dating you he knew he wanted to fuck your brains out & have his babies. But he couldn’t start your relationship that way. He wanted to ease you into it. However, his pulsating cock had to be confined for awhile. His pants were always tighter than normal whenever he was around you. He wanted to wait until you were ready.
He will accidentally rub his Florida against your small back from time to time. But as time marched on it was more difficult to keep it at bay when your tiny body was there teasing him. Waiting for his seed.
Once you started dating he’ll refuse to touch himself. Why waste when he now had you? Patience was the key.
Alfred was crazy enough to clasp down on his balls with a special seal so he wouldn’t waste an ounce of himself. Although this progressively gets more difficult, he knows it will be worth it & fun to stretch out your walls as he pins you to a floor or a wall. He adores that he can encase your small body within his two tree trunk-like arms and burly legs. (Although some nights if he has an erotic dream about you his shaft can’t help but nut just a little.)
Hope you don’t plan on walking for a few days y/n because his 8 inch cock that’s currently swelled to a 10 fully intends on filling you to the brim and almost ripping you in half.
You could hardly keep up with him as he walked at an extremely brisk pace.
“Slow down Alfred! One step for you is like five for me!” You were heardly prepared when he swiftly swept you off your feet with only one strong arm. You felt the early summer air sweep through your hair and made you feel light as a feather.
‘God, I love how small she is. I can’t wait to pound into her mercilessly if she lets me because, damn, my ball clasp is killing me.’ As he walked, he felt his dick more intensely it was anxious to get out.
Your cute giggle brought his heart joy, and he thought about how cute you’d be with singular, double, or triple babies. The thought of your swelling belly made his cock twitch with excitement against the metal that keeps his swimmers at bay. He was eager to get you in his bed.
Once you got to his apartment, he slammed you against the wall & kissed you.
“What’s got you all excited Alfie?” Now that the two of you had come up for air. He grabs your tiny wrists tightly and places them above your head. You let out an excited squeak and continue with a delighted giggle. His left hand led one of your hands down to his engorged cock which had swelled to 11 inches in size.
“Does that answer your question?” As he gently placed a kiss on your forehead.
You kiss him in your response as you interlock your fingers in his sandy blonde hair. The feelings are electric as your (eye color) collides with his excited puppy blues.
“Y/N, I’ve wanted to fuck you relentlessly for so long.” He wasted no time taking your shirt off and unclasping your bra as you hungrily removed his bomber jacket and tossed it aside. Alfred hastily removes his pants so that he could unleash his aching cock. The two of you swiftly removed your clothes.
He forced your back against the wall while his wide hands held firmly to your delicate legs. He spread them apart fiercely forcing them to meet the cold painted white wall.
“Ah!” You squeak. “Alfred …please be gentle. You’re like a giant compared to me.” He was a staggering 6 feet while you stood at 4.
“Well, that's one of the many reasons I love you y/n.” While keeping your legs spread apart, he un does the metal clasp that kept his nectar in his sack. It was music to his ears to hit the hardwood floor. (hahahah hardwood *rim shot*) While he did so, you go a full view of his distended cock. Since he was so close to 13 inches or so.
“How’s that even supposed to fit?” Shocked at his size.
“Like this.” Alfred wastes no time ramming himself into you. You let out pained shreiks as he didn’t even give you time to adjust to his size. It was like a harpoon was forcefully wedging itself between your thighs. All you could really do was let him fuck your brains out. Once his Florida had been unleashed, there was no stopping him. He loves the way your walls squeeze the life out of his dick. Every time he releases his seed, he’ll be panting & will barely be able to talk. He will wipe your sweaty hair on your forehead & tell you how great it will be when you have your pregnancy glow.
Alfred will not allow his cock to be outside of you. He’s also into cock warming but firmly believes the longer it stays inside, the higher likely hood of pregnancy along with having more babies in one go.
No surface in that apartment will be untouched/ you definitely have been thrown on it spread eagle style.
He will not stop fucking the daylights out of you until you show a decently sized baby bump. Even then he’s going to be handsy as hell rubbing your growing belly and squeezing your aching boobs. During this he will lay off the persistent love making … but not by much. Now that you are pregnant it will make him want to fuck you more. Essentially his Florida always rises to greet you every time he sees how your belly has flourished with his sperm.
He finally did it he created life with his cute little wife.
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appleandsnow · 6 months
Francis and hairties
Au contraire to popular belief, Francis was a laid-back person; preferring to spend his days cooking warm, hearty stews and meals, or, on other days, reading.
It was soothing.
He was soothing.
He calls for you from the kitchen and you're only too happy to check in on him.
"Darling, i need a hair tie"
"Got it"
It was a rare thing for Francis to forget to tie his hair back but now that he had, you stand on your toes to reach up and tie it back.
"Thank you, sweet one"
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