#Hey how can we make Fusion more horrific?
planet-bryyo · 7 years
How about the SA-X?
The X on SR388 were rendered dormant by Metroids, and any DNA information they had from previously infected creatures was degraded with time. The SA-X that infected Samus only had Hornoad DNA at the time of infecting, at which point it acquired Samus' DNA. The one Samus battled at the end of Fusion was the same, allowing it to turn into an overgrown Hornoad-Samus hybrid monster. Other SA-X around the station had infected other creatures along their path, meaning many of them could feasibly have turned into a number of other weird Samus-creature hybrids.
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f4liveblogarchives · 5 years
Fantastic Four Vol 1 #116
Thurs Jul 25 2019 [06:01 PM] Wack'd: Yes, it's our first Doom team-up! But more importantly--holy shit is that a gradient on the title at the bottom?!
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[06:01 PM] Wack'd: A bold new age of comic book coloring is upon us! [06:02 PM] Wack'd: Meanwhile, in the credits, Lee's title has been changed from "plotter" to "editor" [06:04 PM] Wack'd: The remaining three decide they need to make a plan themselves and I gotta admit? I'm surprised that this is our first issue where Reed literally can't work out the solution for them [06:04 PM] Wack'd: With this established a pattern, that's a good hook [06:05 PM] Wack'd: So it turns out the machine Reed slipped into earlier was radioactive [06:05 PM] maxwellelvis: oops [06:06 PM] Wack'd: And Sue determines that they might be able to trace that radiation signature to find Reed, using one of his gizmos [06:07 PM] Wack'd: (They can't use an actual geiger counter because, if an ordinary device could find the amount of radiation on Reed, he'd be very very screwed) [06:08 PM] Wack'd: Unfortunately, the landlord has got out and led the cops to the Baxter Building [06:08 PM] Wack'd: So Johnny fire-bombs them [06:08 PM] Wack'd: He fire-bombs the cops [06:08 PM] Wack'd: Normally I'd be all for this but, uh, time and a place, dude [06:09 PM] Wack'd: Good luck avoiding jail after that! [06:09 PM] Bocaj: Consequences are for people without superpowers [06:09 PM] Bocaj: like money [06:10 PM] maxwellelvis: "Fuck da police!" [06:10 PM] maxwellelvis: "Not now, Bic-head!" [06:10 PM] maxwellelvis: "JOHNNY NO!" [06:10 PM] maxwellelvis: "JOHNNY YES!" [06:10 PM] Wack'd: So rarely do heroes wading through the sewers acknowledge that actually it's not a fun time
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[06:11 PM] maxwellelvis: Spider-Man grumbles about it all the time. [06:11 PM] Wack'd: So! Was Reed mind-controlled? Yes and no [06:12 PM] Wack'd: Reed's earlier boastfulness was him daring the Over-Mind to try and take him over [06:12 PM] Wack'd: Counting on the idea that he'd be able to resist [06:12 PM] Wack'd: And, well [06:12 PM] Wack'd: NOPE! [06:13 PM] Wack'd: Reed's arrogance gets his ass completely, thoroughly kicked [06:13 PM] Bocaj: Good [06:14 PM] Wack'd: Even the ol' "power of love" trick doesn't work!
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[06:15 PM] Bocaj: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xrvh_jB6c70 [06:15 PM] Bocaj: Hey this is some good imagery though [06:15 PM] Wack'd: It is! [06:15 PM] Wack'd: Buscema rules, actually [06:15 PM] maxwellelvis: Pretty sure that's why they got him to draw all those Conan comics [06:16 PM] Bocaj: I mean, he still can't draw children like a lot of artists can't [06:16 PM] Bocaj: Franklin is an unending nightmare [06:16 PM] Bocaj: Cherubic terror [06:16 PM] Wack'd: Anyway Reed is two seconds from being full-on mind-flayed when Johnny and Ben show up to kick the Over-Mind's ass [06:16 PM] Wack'd: Considering this went great when it was all four of them I'm sure this'll be no sweat [06:16 PM] Bocaj: wtf is sue? [06:17 PM] Wack'd: Glad you asked [06:17 PM] maxwellelvis: Getting backup, I think [06:17 PM] Wack'd: She's on monitor duty [06:17 PM] Bocaj: 😐 [06:17 PM] Wack'd: But seeing the guys getting their asses kicked she's like "actually, fuck this" [06:18 PM] Wack'd: And flies over to force-field Over-Mind into submission [06:18 PM] Wack'd: But hey, uh, remember last issue when he effortlessly broke her force field? [06:19 PM] Wack'd: And also how he just kind of in general is impervious to fire and brute force? [06:19 PM] Bocaj: yes [06:19 PM] Wack'd:
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[06:20 PM] maxwellelvis: I was kinda hoping you'd say "Archie doesn't" [06:20 PM] Bocaj: So its not going great is I think what you're insinuating [06:21 PM] Wack'd: You know what? Picking up Johnny by the head *while he's flamed on* is one hell of a move [06:21 PM] Wack'd: Respect [06:21 PM] Wack'd: Also I initially interpreted this as Over-Mind hitting Ben with Johnny [06:22 PM] Bocaj: you gotta hit that motherfucker with this motherfucker [06:22 PM] Wack'd: Which also woulda been pretty cool [06:22 PM] maxwellelvis: You know, for a guy called "Overmind", he's surprisingly beefy [06:22 PM] Bocaj: Might overmind [06:22 PM] Wack'd: He was super strong first and then his entire race filed their brains into his head [06:22 PM] maxwellelvis: Ahh [06:22 PM] Bocaj: As ya do [06:23 PM] Bocaj: If you're a space nonsense [06:23 PM] Wack'd: So with Johnny and Ben out of commission and Reed being promoted to Over-Mind's second-in-command, Sue decides she needs backup [06:24 PM] Wack'd: (She also evades Over-Mind ordering Reed to kill her by taking her weird space bike as high as it could go, and then doing a hairpin turn which causes Reed to topple over, which is pretty neat) [06:25 PM] Wack'd: So anyway, about backup [06:26 PM] Wack'd: The Marvel Universe has conspired to that basically every single superhero has some out-of-NYC stuff happening in their own books [06:26 PM] Wack'd: (Or so the narrator claims--I'm certainly not about to go check) [06:27 PM] Bocaj: It was neat but probably unsustainable how the marvel universe used to do that [06:27 PM] Bocaj: If Iron Man was said to be too busy to do Avengers one month then his book tended to reflect that [06:27 PM] Wack'd: Huh! [06:27 PM] Bocaj: If Beast popped over to do an X-Men crossover, then he's not in Avengers [06:28 PM] MousaThe14: Yeah I’m relistening to Jay and Miles from the start again and it’s interesting to know that they at least attempted to keep that sort of thing consistent with Wolverine disappearing from the main book to have his own solo series and other such things [06:28 PM] Wack'd: Man Buscema out here killing it with the splash pages
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[06:28 PM] Bocaj: I know that during Jim Shooter's era he tried to keep things organized like that so that the shared universe felt more unified. And with New Universe every book was supposed to progress a month at a time with every issue but not all the writers got the memo [06:29 PM] Umbramatic: oooh [06:29 PM] Wack'd: Kinda makes long-form storytelling tough [06:29 PM] Umbramatic: but huh [06:29 PM] Bocaj: It does [06:29 PM] Umbramatic: ye [06:29 PM] Bocaj: Its more manageable if the universe is smaller [06:29 PM] Bocaj: That space bike looks unnecessarily unergonomic [06:30 PM] Wack'd: And while I'm handing out kudos, the color department's doing killer work
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[06:30 PM] Bocaj: Anyway, there's a website that tries to put all the marvel universe in a chronological order. I'll go check what they have to say [06:31 PM] Bocaj: (Huh, Franklin looks less horrific here) [06:31 PM] Wack'd: I feel like with Stan and Jack gone, everyone's starting to stretch their muscles a bit [06:32 PM] Wack'd: Or maybe it's just the natural progression of time, who knows [06:33 PM] Bocaj: Ok so the Avengers were busy with the Kree/Skrull War, including having to deal with the skrull cow loose ends that Reed left behind [06:33 PM] Bocaj: Thanks Reed [06:33 PM] Wack'd: Sue rolls a nat 20 on persuasion
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[06:34 PM] Bocaj: Did she invent his honor and nobility out of whole cloth and mindfuck him into thinking thats who he was for decades to follow? [06:35 PM] Wack'd: It's been there in a few previous issues, though thanks to Stan it comes and goes depending on the needs of the plot [06:35 PM] Wack'd: I remember during the arc where he trapped them in Latveria the story couldn't make up its mind whether or not he cared if his subjects died [06:36 PM] Bocaj: Where he had the DOME? [06:36 PM] Wack'd: He also has a tendency to let the Four go when he's bored, which I suppose is kind of honorable [06:36 PM] Bocaj: if you think Goku is honorable [06:37 PM] Wack'd: But yeah, the idea that he isn't just an egomaniacal loon has kinda gently poked him on the shoulder now and again [06:38 PM] Wack'd:
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[06:38 PM] Wack'd: "In about 20 other issues, but I don't recognize it either" [06:39 PM] MousaThe14: Old Man Johnny [06:39 PM] Wack'd: Doom and Goofy have the same dentist apparently
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[06:39 PM] Bocaj: "I'm glad we don't have to deal with a bossy autocrat who tells us what to do everyday" [06:41 PM] Wack'd:
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[06:42 PM] Wack'd: So Doom's plan is that Over-Mind will be too distracted by Johnny and Ben to fight Doom, who will use a "stop hitting yourself" device on him [06:43 PM] Wack'd: But anyway Doom does the comic book thing of announcing his moves [06:43 PM] Wack'd: And Over-Mind is, as established, not an idiot [06:43 PM] Wack'd: So he ignores Ben and Johnny and just wails on him [06:44 PM] Bocaj: Ha [06:44 PM] Wack'd: Sue was the contingency--she could use her force fields to protect Doom [06:44 PM] Wack'd: But, uh [06:45 PM] Wack'd: Well, he was supposed to take more of a beating first [06:45 PM] Wack'd: To weaken him [06:45 PM] Wack'd: So her force field does nothing and Reed is still convinced he needs to murder her, so [06:45 PM] Bocaj: This plan is butts [06:45 PM] Wack'd: It would've worked if Doom wasn't a boastful idiot! [06:46 PM] Bocaj: It was fundamentally flawed [06:46 PM] Wack'd: Fair
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[06:47 PM] Wack'd: So! [06:47 PM] Wack'd: Doom is down. Sue is down. Johnny and Ben are worthless. The gizmo is broken. And Reed is more of a jerk than usual. [06:47 PM] maxwellelvis: Only the author can save them now [06:48 PM] Wack'd: Man, Archie Goodwin's way more buff than I thought he'd be
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[06:48 PM] maxwellelvis: Oh no, not THIS asshole [06:49 PM] Wack'd: You're acquainted, I assume [06:49 PM] Bocaj: He's a gem fusion [06:49 PM] MousaThe14: The Stranger is looking less like a hobo than I last saw him [06:49 PM] maxwellelvis: He's the guy who basically heralded in one of the X-Men's lamest periods by literally spiriting away Magneto and Toad to his alien zoo. [06:49 PM] MousaThe14: But last I saw him was in an Essential X-men [06:50 PM] Bocaj: I like that his icon is his own mustache [06:50 PM] Wack'd: So turns out murdering Sue is a bridge too far for Reed, even as mind-whammied as he is, and he passes out [06:50 PM] Bocaj: They call that the ghola test [06:54 PM] Wack'd: Stranger: You call yourself unbeatable, and yet you are the sum of the Eternals, who were once beaten.   [06:54 PM] Wack'd: Over-Mind: By the survivors of Gigantus. What of it? [06:54 PM] Wack'd: Stranger: 😏 [06:54 PM] Wack'd: Over-Mind: well shit [06:55 PM] MousaThe14: The Eternals? You mean the Irrelevants? [06:55 PM] Wack'd: These Eternals will eventually be retconned to be those Eternals [06:55 PM] Wack'd: Don't worry about it [06:56 PM] Wack'd: Anyway the Stranger traps Over-Mind in the Micro-verse and pisses off [06:56 PM] MousaThe14: This is one hell of a deus ex [06:56 PM] Wack'd: It was actually set up earlier in the story! [06:56 PM] maxwellelvis: That's all the Stranger is is a walking deus ex machina [06:56 PM] Wack'd: It's more of a Chekov's gun, really [06:57 PM] Wack'd: If you put a race of beings capable of defeating your baddie above the mantle in the first act... [06:57 PM] MousaThe14: Oh well that’s fine. [06:57 PM] MousaThe14: Setup payoff, only the most basic form of storytelling. You’re free to go, F4 comic. [06:58 PM] Wack'd: Anyway Doom decides he's gonna go walk it off and next time, Richards! Next tiiiime, that whole bit. [06:59 PM] maxwellelvis: "Oh, by the way, Reed, I despise you, and all that you stand for, and oh you know the rest!" "He's a good kid" [06:59 PM] Wack'd: Johnny's pissed that the Stranger let them get their asses handed to them for like three issues when he coulda curbstomped Over-Mind whenever he wanted [06:59 PM] Wack'd: And concludes this was an act of deliberate malice on someone's part [07:00 PM] maxwellelvis: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U96sqmTFsss [07:00 PM] Wack'd: For once, Johnny actually has a point before storming off
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[07:01 PM] Wack'd: The Watcher, seeing this, decides "fuck it, I'm gonna make this mean something"
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seeasweetsmile · 6 years
Voltron season 8 was GREAT
Yeah, you heard me, the season was great. Of course there was somes default there and there but honestly ? It’s not THAT bad.
As usual, music background were beautiful. Can’t wait to relistened to them)
I’m glad that Matt’s death wasn’t happen. And that Chip is just a robot with Matt’s glasses, not Matt’s soul in the robot like th theory (even though I greet this marvelous theory)
The super wink at the original voltron series and Pidge cosplayed as her was so surprising and amazing !! (Also, Pidge with pigtails guys !!) I loved seeing Iverson, Veronica and the others atlas crew training and talking, especially about animals ! <3
Coran Coran the gorgeous man
The “DAY 47″ episode was soo amazing ! I laughed so hard through the episode ! It so good to see a day from a camera perspective and to learn more about Kinkade ! Rizavi was really funny ! She killed me when she lol ! Bae Bae is such a good dog omg (plus, it’s a female !!) ! Colleen loved and cultivated PLANTS !! <3
The carnaval episode was really fun too ! I loved it ! Poor Hunk and Keith, Shiro the hero, Coran and his Yalmore screechs ahah wtf, Pidge going to his dad for moneys and Colleen start to negociate with her to doing family photo so funny !, and the holt family picture with Matt girlfriend being the part of the family ahh <3
Olkarion’s episode was HEARTBREAKING.
I loved when they didn’t forget the creature that Krolia and Keith let it escaped at the end of season 5 !
SPACE LEBSIANS (aka, Zethrid and Ezor) !! This episode was sooo damn good !
The whole Honevra setting-up for the battles, her flashbacks, the way she deeply wanted to be a family again, her battle with the Paladins... all of this were glorious, horrific/terrific and touching.
ASTRAL PLANE !! Original Paladins interacts with Team Voltron was so damn good ! I didn’t expected too much about that but woaw ! I was so welcomed !
VOICE ACTING (IN FRENCH FOR ME) WAS SO MARVELOUS !! Keith’s french voice while he talked motivation speech was beautiful ! And I totally got chills when Shiro firmly vocal his “FINE” to respond at Zethrid and she went for help them.
Same for the final Voltron at the end, I was like “What the -, they freaking fusioned ?!” That’s so badass !! Plus, all the reality flashing in their minds whilde Honerva cut the tie of other universe...! I think I spotted Arus right before Shiro’s showing but I’m not sure.
About A//urance scenes, I appreciate what we got, their moments were really sweet but I can’t stop thinking that they could did better. Maybe to made the things a little less faster ? Because even if A//urance was canon, it still bugged me that things happened faster in romantic way at the first date, that Allura kept cutting Lance off several times when he was trying to talk to her to make her understand his concern about situations (or maybe it was because she had the creatures rift inside her who corrupted her senses ?), and that freaking tragic end about them relationship.
(I don’t know, guys, I don’t know how to feels about them. I’m maybe a little biased ‘cause I’m a Plance shipper and of course, I’m sad that my ship didn’t become canon, but as the episodes passed and they focused the relationship between Allura and Lance, it when the Alfor’s praise happen that I became resigned. At first, I started to believe that Plance still had a chance, but no. And even if they became canonical at the end, I don’t think I would have been satisfied if things will be rushed. I prefer way more like they ended in open way. But hey, we still have fanfiction and fanart to keep watering your plance, gardeners !
Also, to the Lance’s defense about his relationship with Allura, you see that as season of Voltron passes, Lance’s feelings were constantaly here, grow-up in a deep and serious love. In regard to watchers’s point of view, if A//urance doesn’t happen, peoples probably will be like “WTF, he loved her since day one, it’s not make sense to develop his feelings to reach to nothing at the end”, you know ?)
The Allura’s departure at the end was so sad, nearly moved at tears when Hunk started to cry !
Also, Altean!Lance dang it ! I cleary didn’t expected to that but wow I kinda like it ! And to be honest with you guys, I don’t think Lance actually became altean. I think he just has the marks for aesthetic. Even if I don’t really understand how ?? Like, did Allura give a little bit of her powers or something to him ?? and what’s the point about it ? Maybe to remind him that he has greatness inside him like a altean ?
About the time skip, when I saw Keith talking about his speechs at the Kral Zera, I totally freaking out ‘cause I thought he’ll be emperor but nah. xD
About the ending ; guess the leaks were real after all ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ? lol Nah but seriously, I’m pretty satisating about the ending. It show that everyone kept doing what they love. If another ship in team voltron was showed, it coulded by even worst about fans reactions. With this ending, fans can still imagine things happened between their favorite ship. I still can’t believe that these damn leaks were real omg.
Oh, also ; I was the only one to not recognize Matt with his haircut ?? I was like "who the heck is that nerd guy ??" and after that, I noticed the scar lol.
They changed Chip’s name into “Andro” in french OTL (but maybe to going with the pun “android” ? I don’t know)
About negative things, I’m a little bit sad that we didn’t get to see :
- Lance using his altean broadsword.
- Pidge’s and Lance’s eyes glow individual moment with their lions.
- Lance’s character developpment arc that involving his insecurity (even if all small moments were spreaded throughts all seasons) and not having him focused ONLY to Allura
- More Pallura bonding (I was too hopeful for that unfortunately).
- More Rebels.
- Keith and James talk or apologizes to each other about their battle in the past
As I say at first, sure Voltron has his flaws, but I’ll repeat it ; VOLTRON SEASON 8 WAS GREAT
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kukuandkookie · 7 years
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✩ Homeworld Gem - You’ve been captured as a hostage by the Crystal Gem Rebels! They question you about Homeworld, and start to ask questions you’ve never heard or thought about before…
*Part 2 can be found HERE!
“I'm only doing this for you,” Moonstone grumbled, tapping away at the holographic screens on her ship as it careened toward Earth. “You always said you wanted to see this strange planet.”
She glanced out the window, frowning at the full view she had of the planet. It was very blue and green, with wisps of white floating above. She wasn't entirely sure how she felt about it.
But whatever her opinion, her ship was quickly descending toward the planet, going at full speed. Moonstone tried to get it to slow down, but the ship seemed to refuse. It finally crash-landed in the dirt, skidding to a stop.
She slammed forward, hitting her head on the window of the ship and groaning. The ship hatch above began opening with a puff of smoke.
“Well, it looks like we’re here, Emerald,” she finally whispered after a long, long moment of silence. She swallowed, squeezing the green gemstone in her hand.
Emerald was her owner, as she was a Moonstone. Similar to Pearls, Moonstones were often hired as servants who were treated with an ounce more respect than Pearls. They still did a lot of work, although they acted more like secretaries than maids.
Her mind flashed back to the glare of Yellow Diamond, and the large finger pointed toward her, demanding she be shattered, only for Emerald to rush forward and defend her. As foolish as the gesture was, Moonstone appreciated the love and kindness her owner had displayed for her—especially because she was merely a lowly servant.
She held the gemstone close to her chest as she closed her eyes and let the tears fall. When she felt ready, she took a deep breath and climbed the ladder to clamber out of her ship, sliding down onto the grassy ground. Moonstone looked around.
The entire planet was strange—it was still filled to the brim with the colours blue and green, but there were strange things dotting the “grass” that came in many different colours. “I guess this is it,” she murmured, before taking a step forward.
Almost immediately, she was greeted with the tip of a spear. “Halt!” a voice called.
Moonstone froze, looking up. She couldn't make out the threat, thanks to the glare of Earth’s sun. She squinted, before her eyes widened.
The person commanding her to stop was a Pearl.
From behind her came a smaller, odd-looking Gem. “Pearl, what is it?”
“It's a Homeworld Gem, Steven,” she reported. “Be careful. It looks like a Moonstone.”
“You're…the Crystal Gems,” Moonstone managed to say. “You're the rebels everyone’s been whispering about.”
“Oh, so you've heard of us? Then you should know better than to run.”
“Pearl, I don't think that's necessary…”
The Pearl lifted her head bravely. “You're coming with us, and you will answer any and all questions directed towards you.”
Moonstone hesitated, but watched as more Gems gathered around her and bowed her head. She was outnumbered and outmatched. Escaping being a prisoner only to become another prisoner, she thought.
Soon she was seated in a chair with quite a few Gems gathered around her. She kept her head low, hiding Emerald’s gem in her hand as she waited for the whispering to cease and the actual questioning to begin.
“What’s a Moonstone supposed to do?” the odd-looking Gem asked—the one who'd been called “Steven”.
“They're highly intelligent worker Gems often used as secretaries and sometimes servants,” a small Era 2 Peridot without her limb enhancers stated. “They’re reserved for highly-ranking Gems.”
“Like Pearls?” the Steven asked.
“Yes… Like us.” The Pearl crinkled her nose.
“Well, we have to figure out what we’re to do with her,” a tall Gem wearing shades was saying. Moonstone suspected she was a fusion. “Does anyone have any ideas?”
“I say we fight her!” a small, runty Amethyst exclaimed.
“Why? She's already been captured,” a Lapis stated, looking bored.
“Let’s ask her some questions,” the Steven suggested, turning toward Moonstone and raising his voice (as if she couldn’t hear them before). “Who are you?”
“I am Moonstone, as you have already identified.”
“But who are you, deep inside?” he persisted, placing a dramatic hand over his chest and sighing. “Like, your inner self?”
Moonstone stared blankly back, tilting her head to the side. “Pardon?”
“Steven, nice try, but I'll take it from here.” The Peridot scampered over to her and climbed a chair, getting in her face and yelling, “WHO ARE YOU?”
“Moonstone Facet-6 Cut-3CA,” she said flatly.
Lapis stepped forward. “You're one of Yellow Diamond’s, aren't you?” She pointed almost accusingly at the yellow diamond on Moonstone’s uniform.
“That might not be good,” Peridot muttered. “We all know how fanatic Yellow Diamond’s Gems can be…”
“Yes, I’m sure you know very well,” Pearl commented, sounding almost sarcastic.
Moonstone was surprised by the way this Pearl could freely express and carry herself. “Actually…”
“Hey, that was a long time ago, okay! I've changed,” Peridot protested.
Moonstone’s grip on Emerald’s gem tightened and she swallowed hard.
“Are you aware of what the Diamonds have been doing?” the fusion asked.
She pulled back, startled by the closeness of the odd fusion. “They're…colonizing this planet to be of use to Homeworld.”
“But they're also draining it of all its life,” the fusion added. “They're killing it.”
“I-I didn't know…”
“So do you know about how they're making forced fusions between Gem shards now?” the Pearl piped up.
Moonstone shook her head, feeling the strength drain from her limbs at the horrific news. The very real possibility that that could’ve happened to her and Emerald gripped her, causing her to tremble.
“And they've formed the Cluster using these shards, basically forming a weapon of mass destruction that was meant to emerge from Earth as a horrifying creature that would drain it of all its resources,” Pearl continued. “We did manage to stop it, but it was a very real threat to this poor, innocent planet.”
Steven smiled apologetically. “This must be all a very great shock to you. Sorry you had to find out this way.”
“So you really didn't know?” Amethyst added.
Moonstone shook her head. “I'm a simple servant; we’re usually kept in the dark about this sort of thing. I was restricted to only being allowed to move around in my Diamond’s court.”
“So you don't know how the war ended?” the fusion asked.
She shook her head again. “No,” she whispered, scared of what was coming next.
The Gems all glanced at one another. “They used this song…and a brilliant light… It caused Gems to become corrupted.”
Moonstone squeezed Emerald’s gem. “That's horrible,” she whispered. “I didn't know about any of this.”
The fusion nodded. “Homeworld hasn't exactly been all sparkles and glamour in quite some time.”
“But Rose Quartz shattered Pink Diamond…”
A sad look came over the Crystal Gems’ faces, and the fusion spoke first: “Rose Quartz did what she had to. She did everything out of love.”
Moonstone looked up. “Love?”
The fusion nodded. “Like the kind that binds me together. I am made up of a Ruby and Sapphire, who love each other very much. Without them, I would not exist as Garnet.”
The idea of fusing with a different Gem out of love sent tingles down her spine, and her grip tightened even more on Emerald’s gem. “Love, huh…”
“Do you have someone you love in your life?” the Steven asked. “Rose Quartz did. She was my mother, you know! She fell in love with my father, a human from Earth.”
Moonstone’s eyes widened. “That’s possible?”
“Anything’s possible, dear.” Pearl smiled.
“So do you have someone you love?” the Steven repeated. “I know it's a really big question.”
That's the biggest one of them all. And one I’ve never dared think about or ask. She finally unfurled her fingers, revealing to them what she'd been holding the entire time. “This… This is Emerald, my owner.” She swallowed. “And…I think I love her.”
Steven’s eyes sparkled. “Aww, that's so sweet!”
“I-I dared to venture out of the court once, making my way toward the Labs. I was quickly caught in the process and accused of being a spy. Yellow Diamond demanded I be shattered, but Emerald… Emerald defended me.” She held the Gem close to her chest as tears streamed down her face. “It was so dumb of her… She got poofed in the process��sh-she was lucky it was just that; she could've been shattered too…” She was full-on crying now, unable to hold herself together anymore. “I miss her… I want to tell her that I'm thankful, even though she's an idiot…”
“I think she loves you too then,” Pearl said gently. “I know what it's like to want to defend someone I love.”
“She threw everything away to save me. Why?” she blubbered. “It’s even more sacrificial now that I know just how bad the Diamonds really are… Oh Emerald, why did you do it?”
“Love makes you do rash things,” the Steven offered.
“Earth is a place that just in general makes you do rash things,” added Peridot.
“But why does it have to hurt so much?”
The Crystal Gems exchanged glances.
Garnet placed a hand on her shoulder, causing Moonstone to look up. The fusion offered a sympathetic smile. “Welcome to Earth.”
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THE 19/10/16 UPDATE
Alright hi people. Gotta fun story for you! I’m sick. So yeah, the end. I’m huddled up in my room, experiencing an uncomfortable amount of stomach pain, and I. thought “hey! why dont i just do a liveblog?” and now im here. prepare youreselves, we’ve got a whole 4 pages today! lets just get started.
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Oh right, we left off with these fellas. Jasprose looks more than happy to bother this guy, and Erisol looks like he wants to jump off a cliff but cant because he floats.
ERISOLSPRITE: fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.
Jesus, not to good at socializing are we Erisol?
JASPROSESPRITE^2: Hey you! ERISOLSPRITE: nope nope nope nope nope.
Ok yep, he wants no part of this. I fuckin love Erisol. I mean. The fusion, not the ship. 
JASPROSESPRITE^2: HEY!! ERISOLSPRITE: leavve me alone JASPROSESPRITE^2: Stop that. ERISOLSPRITE: fuck thii2 fuck that fuck evverythiing. ERISOLSPRITE: and fuck you e2peciially.
Ok guys I’m relating to Erisol on an uncomfortable level. Also this conversation so far is golden. 10/10.
JASPROSESPRITE^2: I said stop it! ERISOLSPRITE: iill do wwhatever the fuck ii wwant. ERISOLSPRITE: wwho the hell evven are you anywway? JASPROSESPRITE^2: That’s my line! JASPROSESPRITE^2: Do you have any idea how baffling it is to have some random drifter appear now of all times? You’re a complete stranger! 
Its just about as baffling as everything else that happens in this fucked up story. PLUS, Jasprose, you were going around looking for fun. dont you be sassy with the depressed asshole for it.
JASPROSESPRITE^2: I mean, it's a welcome surprise and all, but I'm still perplexed!
Man I wish Jasprose did cat puns now.
JASPROSESPRITE^2: Here I thought we were finally done with all the pointless bullshit. 
God I hate that I relate to Erisol.
ERISOLSPRITE: actually forget ii evven a2ked. ERISOLSPRITE: ii ju2t met you and ii already hate evverythiin about you.
Gasp! Could this be black love at first sight?
ERISOLSPRITE: and not the 2leazy kiind eiither. iim talkiing about the mo2t platoniic of loathiin my pump bi2cuit could po22iibly mu2ter.
JASPROSESPRITE^2: Well, if you aren’t going to tell me your name I’m just going to call you whatever I want. ERISOLSPRITE: or... ERISOLSPRITE: you could go awway. 
Oh my god I feel bad for him. He just wants to be alone to wallow in his own self-hatred/pity. Which is weird, because normally I would hate somebody who wallows in his own self-hatred/pity.
JASPROSESPRITE^2: So tell me about yourself, sad sack! JASPROSESPRITE^2: How’s sprite life been treating you? ERISOLSPRITE: ugh.
Ugh indeed. Does anybody enjoy being a sprite? I mean, its great to be alive again (unless youre erisol), but other than that you just become kinda irrelevant. Gotta be kinda jarring to see life go on without you.
JASPROSESPRITE^2: I mean, two dull troll dopes in one? What a waste of a perfectly good kernel. JASPROSESPRITE^2: Where did yours even come from? There are precisely ZERO empty kernels remaining in this session. I would know! JASPROSESPRITE^2: The only logical conclusion to draw here is that timeline shenanigans are somehow involved.
Jasprose, thats the only logical conclusion anybody can ever draw. I’m guessing though, that Erisol was just on LOWAS during all that retcon bullshit? I think. None of this makes sense anyways though.
ERISOLSPRITE: wwho knoww2? maybe 2kaiia ju2t got bored. ERISOLSPRITE: but 2ure, wwhatevver. let2 go wwiith that. 2ound2 2en2iible enough. JASPROSESPRITE^2: I knew it! I love being right. ERISOLSPRITE: holy 2hiit, are you obnoxiiou2. 
I know, Jasprose is the best kinda obnoxious. It’s like this perfect blend between playful and snarky. 
ERISOLSPRITE: ii diidnt thiink iid evver fiind 2omeone ii hate more than my2elf but youvve done iit. ERISOLSPRITE: ... diid ii ju2t 2ay that out loud. de2perate much??
Of course you are, you’ve always been desperate. Also, auto correct is hating these quirks.
ERISOLSPRITE: the fact that ii evven entertaiined that thought and contiinue twwo talk twwo you iin2tead of nopiing the fuck out of here remiind2 me of ju2t howw depravved ii really am, and that the only thiing keepiin me from obliiteratiin my2elf ii2 howw much of a deranged kiick ii get out of my owwn 2ufferiing.
HNN youre so perfectly pathetic I love it.
JASPROSESPRITE^2: Wow, are you a trainwreck or what?
No kidding Jasprose. Like, theres nothing this guy can do to ever be happy.
JASPROSESPRITE^2: You know, I think I might actually hang around a tad longer. I happen to find trainwrecks and other horrific disasters morbidly fascinating. ERISOLSPRITE: evvery moment ii spend wwiith you iis hell.
I can sum up this whole conversation so easily.
Jasprose: haha youre patheticness is fucking priceless Erisol: kill me
JASPROSESPRITE^2: Then why not leave? I’m hardly chaining you to the spot here, green cheeks. ERISOLSPRITE: ... ERISOLSPRITE: twwoo much effort. JASPROSESPRITE^2: See? Riveting.
He’s already explained this though! he literally just wants to see himself suffer.
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Nice panel. thats all I have to say on the matter.
JASPROSESPRITE^2: So now that we’ve established you’ll keep up our conversation purely out of apathy and an acute, masochistic sense of self-loathing...
Yes, yes exactly.
JASPROSESPRITE^2: (Also apparently some form of conflicted caliginous attraction to me. Aint that a doozy?)
HIUDNSA <3 FUcking love you Jasprose.
JASPROSESPRITE^2: How did you end up here? WHY did you end up here? ERISOLSPRITE: ii a2k my2elf that evvery 2iingle day. JASPROSESPRITE^2: Yes, yes, you hate yourself. I get it. Can we please move on? I need details! ERISOLSPRITE: fiine wwhatevver.
Oh wow, is he chilling on the self-hatred thing? who would’ve thought.
ERISOLSPRITE: ii followwed an orange biird guy twwo thiis planet that came from fuckiing nowwhere. ERISOLSPRITE: but then he kept tryiing twwo mumble hii2 2tandup routiine2 at me 2o ii fucked off.
Yep, that sounds about right for Davesprite.
ERISOLSPRITE: ii wwandered around debatiin the pro2 and con2 of fiinally 2elf-de2tructiing untiil 2ome 2ort of wwiindy 2hiit 2tarted happeniing.
Oh cool, John’s big quest thingy. Also, that’s kinda morbid... Like, I get this is part of his self-hating schtick, but he was literally contemplating suicide.
ERISOLSPRITE: iit managed twwo dii2tract me from gnawwiing exii2tentiialiism for a miinute there untiil ii stopped giivviing a 2hit and movved on. ERISOLSPRITE: then an iindi2crimiinate periiod of tiime pa22ed and 2uddenly you 2howwed up. ERISOLSPRITE: 2tiill deliiberatiin on that explodiing thiing by the wway.
DONT you fucking dare blow up you green asshole.
JASPROSESPRITE^2: Prrr prrr, I see! So both you and Davesprite came the same way I did. JASPROSESPRITE^2: How intriguing. JASPROSESPRITE^2: But enough about how; let's move on to why. JASPROSESPRITE^2: So, Señor Fishface, what are your plans? Any unfinished business you might want to attend to? In need of a GUIDE, purrhaps? ;3
Jasprose, I think the last thing he wants is for you to guide him.
ERISOLSPRITE: meh. ERISOLSPRITE: not really. JASPROSESPRITE^2: That’s hardly an answer! Aren’t you curious about the cosmic significance of your continued existence? ERISOLSPRITE: fuck no. ERISOLSPRITE: iin fact that ii2 pretty much the thiing ii am the lea2t iintere2ted iin. JASPROSESPRITE^2: Well that’s just boring. ERISOLSPRITE: doe2 that mean youll leavve? JASPROSESPRITE^2: Let me think about that... JASPROSESPRITE^2: Nope! 
This poor fucking guy, Like, he needs to ollie outie outta  here quick, because his submissive self-hatred is almost making me feel bad for enjoying this conversation.
ERISOLSPRITE: fiigure2. ERISOLSPRITE: wwhat2 evven the poiint? ERISOLSPRITE: lookiing at 2kaiia ii can 2ee another uniivver2e frog ha2 2howwn up and relea2ed iit2 vva2t croak thiing. ERISOLSPRITE: wwhich mean2 the game i2 ovver and the player2 are probably reciievviin the ultiimate rewward a2 wwe 2peak. ERISOLSPRITE: 2o there ii2 liiterally nothiing left twwo do be2iide2 wwaiit around for an opportuniity twwo croak a2 wwell. JASPROSESPRITE^2: Now hold on a second! JASPROSESPRITE^2: I’m not so sure about that, actually. ERISOLSPRITE: wwhat noww?
Hm.. Im not sure if enlightenment is the first thing or the last thing this guy needs. Honestly I think he just needs a break.
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And he just
wants to die.
JASPROSESPRITE^2: Well, while I was ignoring your dismal yakking, I think I’ve figured it out!
Goddammit Jasprose.
ERISOLSPRITE: (wwhat are you doiing.) JASPROSESPRITE^2: I am almost certain now that you appearing wasn't pointless after all! ERISOLSPRITE: (...)
She’s gonna say something that’ll make him feel more shitty, isn’t she.
JASPROSESPRITE^2: Of course, I thought so at first. But then again, I bet Rose also thought that of me when I initially sprang into being only a few hours ago. And I turned out to be fairly important for the final climactic battle, didn’t I? ERISOLSPRITE: (*2iigh*) JASPROSESPRITE^2: I also thought Davepeta was fairly pointless but I agree with them now, that is definitely not the case. In fact their destiny has the potential to be quite grand!
Where are you going with all this? Come on Jasprose, don’t say something stupid to him. 
ERISOLSPRITE: are you goiing twwo get twwo the poiint anytiime 2oon. JASPROSESPRITE^2: Don’t interrupt!! ERISOLSPRITE: (wwhy me.)
I dont know man, they just dont see how great you are. 
JASPROSESPRITE^2: As I was saying. Let me dumb things down for you: Even though it may not be immediately evident how you’re meant to slot into place amongst the great puzzle of causality, that doesn’t mean a purpose isn’t waiting somewhere in the brush to pounce upon your puke green sprite tail! JASPROSESPRITE^2: And I definitely want to be here when that happens.
Is it just me, or is Jasprose giving off Vriska vibes? I’m not sure what she means by she wants to be there when it happens, but it’s feeling like she could start getting all controlling over his “destiny.”
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OOH HI KIDS! I’m hoping we get to see some interaction soon. It looks like John’s hanging out at the door, so probably not from him. BUT these other pairs might be interesting to see.
Dirk/Jake: Yeah this one was pretty obvious, I’m not sure with all the. timeline shenanigans, but I’m guessing they’ll need to work out some relationship issues.
DAD/Calliope/Jane: Not much to say on this pairing, other than it might be interesting if we get to see DAD talk? He probably wont though, let’s be honest.
Dave/Karkat: Ohh yis, the gay ship that nobody can agree on. WELL I CAN AGREE WITH MYSELF, and what myself thinks is that they are fucking precious together.
Jade/RoSE OH FUCK: OK DONT MIND ME JUST SHIPPING. Ahem. So THIS is a pairing we haven’t seen a lot of, despite them both being from the same session. WHICH IS INTERESTING, because they have a really neat dynamic. AND ALSO I FUCKING SHIP THEM
Kanaya/Roxy: This should be interesting as well! Again, I’m trying to wrap my head around timeline shenanigans, so who knows how much Kanaya knows about Roxy. But Roxy did the matriorb thing! And I feel like Kanaya is seriously gonna admire Roxy, which is likely going to be adorable.
Terezi/Endless Void: Seems like they’re enjoying a nice staring contest. Even though she’s blind-
ALRIGHT THATS ENOUGH OF THAT! We got a dialoglog to open
JASPROSESPRITE^2: We’re simply going to have to wait and see. :3 ERISOLSPRITE: yeah 2ure wwhatevver.
Waiting and seeing. Oh, I guess that’s not as controlling then. Though it is kinda unlike Rose to stand by and let the game do it’s thing. . .
HMMMmm.. . .
alright that’s the end of thaat. For only 4 pages, I think I made that reasonably long. Anyways, I’m gonna end this now. BYE.
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