#Hey. Hey Salt. I know you're digging in my tags
kweenkday · 4 days
Hey Kween, I just saw your tags saying you're writing Kevseth and... Ahhhhh! I read through the whole tag on AO3 recently because I got obsessed and now my favourite author's writing for them too??! I am so excited!!! Wishing you a good time zone 🧡
Thank youuu! Ok so here's the deal about them. One of my favorite books is Summer Sons, and while I was on the audiobook I thought ok, hold on, what if... Seth, raised in the south, warm southern drawl, shitton of attitude and repressed sexuality??? YES.
Anyway, here's a snippet for you. I already love them. 😍
“Fuck off, Day,” Seth growled in his face. “Don’t act like your name isn’t the reason why you matter.”
Kevin grabbed his face, fingers digging savagely into the joints of his jaw. “I’m not going to apologize for that. You don’t know half of what I had to do to be here. I’ve worked through blood and broken bones to get where I am, and I still barely made it.”
Seth clutched his wrist in a crushing grip. “Boo-hoo, poor Kevin Day, had an accident, how sad, how tragic. Piss off, dick. What, you think my life has been a fucking Hallmark movie?”
Kevin pressed his palm flat on the wall next to Seth’s head, the brush of air across his neck sending a shiver down his back. Seth wanted to fucking punch the air out of him.
“You’re here, aren’t you?” Kevin said, his eyes burning wild. “I know it hasn’t been easy. You wouldn’t be here otherwise. But while Neil and I work our asses off to move this team forward, you only deign to play with us. You act like you don’t care about any of this, Exy, college.” Kevin leaned so close Seth could taste the salt on his lips. “But I think you’re full of shit. You’re scared because it does mean something. You’re just used to being a fuck-up. Don’t you want to know what you’d be if you stopped?”
“Fuck you!” Seth spat out and his head clocked against the lockers.
“Yeah. We already did that. Let me know when you're ready to see what else we can do if you fucking tried for once.”
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lemondemonpickuplines · 7 months
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you, yes YOU could become the next greatest LD pickup artist! that is, if you have a couple free minutes and are a fucking loser. just like me! submit your pickup lines today!
to jumpstart your beautiful and creative minds, I've made a list of songs that are yet to have a line under the cutoff. Remember, though, we're only Lemon Demon in name - you're also welcome to post about a Mouth song, a YouTube video, or anything else that speaks to you and that Neil Cicierega is a part of. GOOD LUCK!
Bowling Alley
Hazel's Modus Operandi
Idiot Control Now
Pepper and Salt
Holy Bison Beaks
Fire Motif
Hydroelectric Viking
The Saga of You
Mr Wolfgang
Fly Straight
Oz Explodes
Booja Jabooja
Chu Chu Rocket
Birdhouse In Your Soul
Mold en Mono
What's In The Toaster
Sunbeam Light Show Flower Seed
Musical Chairs
Matches and Nails**
Fancy Pants Manifesto
Go To Hollywood
Sick Puppy**
Bad Idea
Behold the FUTURE
Not Applicable
Roman Robot Statues
Run, Harry, Run
Take a Picture
There's a Robot in My Head
Dead Sea Monkeys
What Will Happen Will Happen
Subtle Oddities
Gonna Dig up Alec Guinness**
Smell Like a Cookie All Day
March of the Living Figments
Bicycle Race
Bottom Line
Sky Blue Up
I Want to Wake Up
Zero Gravity
Mothers All Over the World
Pirate in a Box
How To Poop
Dinosaurchestra Part One
This Hyper World
The Too Much Song
Stick Stickly
Princess Unicorn Bunny Kitten Angel
Abraham Lincoln's Head
Snakes On a Plane
The Afternoon**
Nightmare Fuel
The Wiggles Hate Each Other In Real Life
You Got a Toothache
Today's Secret Word
While My Keytar Gently Weeps
Treasure Map
Super Hey Ya
Prelude to Presents
Spiral of Ants
Moon's Request
Cat Hacks
Kubrick and the Beast
Everybody Likes You
Christmas Dog
Clark Kent
eBaum's World Dot Com
Fly Away
Happiest Shit Ever
Sorry For the Text Posts
Experiments in VOPM
Happy Songs
Hydoelectric Viking Funeral
It's Gonna Get Weird
Illemonama Polkarama
Magic Dance
Prince Ali
Wiry Song
Wolfden Radio
Zip-up Rap
**the songs with asterisks may or may not already have lines. my blog is old enough now that I struggle to comb through the whole thing, and tagging isn't always perfect. don't worry about re-using a song, though; as long as it's not an egregious duplication of an existing post, you're alright.
also, I only post every few days, so forgive me if it takes a while to get to your submission. sometimes I don't post lines until months after they've been sent in, so if you've submitted and I haven't posted, it may just be lost in my ass-long queue. or i just don't think it's very good. but you have no way of knowing, do you.
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stellerssong · 9 months
Last Line Challenge
tagged by @two-hands-toward-the-sun to post the last line (or, like, chunk, if we're being indulgent) i added to a wip! for my own part, tagging @eri-223, @sunsorbit, @honeyteacakes, @subjectsix, hi kip, uh...i don't know who else hasn't done this who wants to...so like. if you're seeing this, now is your chance! tell them i twisted your arm! tell them you had no choice!
and god damn, wouldn't you know it, the last wip i was digging around in is for a fandom i know for a certainty no one here is interested in. so we'll make it a twofer, just to keep the people hyped up.
first off, a loose sequel to my extremely normal P6 + P7 au for Control (2019, Remedy Games):
“So here the boy is, crying, sad, because that’s his only knife, and when you’re just a nobody-shepherd good knives don’t come easy, so he’s thinking, ai, what am I gonna do, I can’t just go and buy a new knife, my moneypurse is dead as the stone. And the tears fall down in the river, plash, plash, plash. Salt in the good sweet water and all. And the god of the river tastes them, and—” “The what of the river?” “Jahaa.” Ahti gives Jesse a sly smile, like a fox in a picture book. “Your funny man didn’t teach you that word?” “No. What’s it mean?” “Hmm. It’s like a—big man. Or lady. Or both. Or neither. Who got a big job to do. And all the little people, running around under his feet, they tell the god, hey, now, I need your help with this and with that. And the god, well—sometimes he helps, and sometimes he doesn’t, but the important thing for him, and the thing what makes him what he is, is the big job. Making the winds to blow, and the tides to rise, and the sun to rise in the east and set in the west, and the dark to come in at night.” “Casper says the sun rises and sets because of plan-et-ary ro-tay-shun.” “Plan-et-ary ro-tay-shun, saatana,” Ahti grunts. “Your Casper says a lot of things, eh? Some of them might be true, even. Smart man, smart, smart man. But he wasn’t there when the boy dropped his knife in the river. So you gonna believe him, or Ahti?” “Were you there when the boy dropped his knife in the river?” Ahti fox-smiles, and doesn’t answer.
AND, for your trouble, the next bit of the mansand werewolves au, where Dream is, as always, having some kind of a motherfucking day:
“Is…everything all right?” “Yes.” “Do you need a minute, or—?” “That might be for the best, thank you. Just sorting out a few things.” She squeezes Dream’s right paw, and Dream knows to his bones that she’s just trying to hide the fur and claws there, but the weak little creature deep down inside of him lets out a happy whine at the comfort of her touch. “We won’t be long. And you’re welcome to ask Tiffany to help sort the request items if she can mind the front desk while she does it. We’re a little short-staffed at the moment. Gearing up for finals, you know.” “Right. Yeah, no, of course.” Gwen takes a nervous step back. “I’ll, um—I think I’ll get started on the requests on my own, actually. It’s not that much material. And if I pull Tiffany right now, we’re gonna have masters’ students climbing over the front desk to steal each other’s holds when they think we’re not looking.” “It’s surprising how aggressive they get, sometimes,” Lucienne agrees mildly. “Though I’ve had some dark nights of the soul myself when I couldn’t turn up what I needed on JSTOR, so perhaps it’s not my place to judge.” “Been there, babe.”
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secondwhisper · 2 years
The salt lick test post is fake / not true at all
Hey anon, thanks for letting me know. I've deleted my reblog.
(The "salt lick test" post claimed that if you put a pinch of salt on your tongue, and it tastes too salty and gross, you're not sodium deficient, but if it tastes really good, you should keep eating a pinch of salt every few hours, until you hit the point where you have enough / salt tastes too salty and bad. I could not find this test corroborated on any reputable sites.)
I do want to preserve some of the useful, verifiable information from that post. Low sodium is more common in people who are taking antidepressants, diuretics, and some painkillers; being underweight, pregnant, menstruating, and elderly are additional risk factors; drinking too much water or being very active can also affect this. Symptoms do in fact include nausea/dizziness, fatigue, and headaches. Source:
In past research on this topic I recall seeing that one of salt's functions is to improve water retention (relatedly, the original post claimed somewhere that a low-sodium symptom is "drinking water doesn't seem to actually hydrate you") but I don't think the mayo clinic article mentions that and I couldn't be assed to dig up a second source sorry, so count that claim as a maybe.
I would also like to preserve my tags from that post, because I did spend a while chasing CDC citations to glean that info on where the oft-repeated "everyone eats too much salt" figure comes from.
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Anyway, thanks for pointing out that the original post was bullshit. I fell into the confirmation bias trap on this one.
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wonkasmissstarshine · 4 years
The Chocolatier’s Rose {Willy Wonka x OC} Ch. 9
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GIFs not mine. Credit go to owners.
Summary: Willy shows his guests the Inventing Room. And Violet’s gum chewing comes back to bite her in the butt.
A/N: This is where it starts getting really fluffy between Rose and Willy.
Tagging: @holdmeicant​ @willymywonkers​
Willy got out of the boat first so he could usher everyone out of it. Rose was the last one to step off, and being the clumsy girl she was, she managed to trip over her feet. Luckily, she was caught by a pair of arms.
"It's alright, starshine" Willy whispered to Rose.  "I've got you"
"Thanks" She muttered softly to him, looking up at the face of her saviour. Her heart began to beat faster when she realized how close their faces were. The tips of their noses were touching.
It felt like it was only them in their own little world until the sound of someone clearing their throat reeled them back into reality. Rose and Willy turned their heads to see everyone staring weirdly at them. Well, everyone except for Charlie who had a wide grin on his face.
The two lovebirds stepped away from each other. Rose walked over to Charlie. She could feel a set of eyes glaring into the back of her head. She turned her head to see Mrs Beauregarde's eyes flared with jealousy. Rose just decided to ignore the woman for now. The door to the Inventing Room opened, and Willy led everyone inside.
Rose's eyes lit up in fascination when she saw all the machines and flasks, the smoke and colourful liquids. "Now this is the most important room in the entire factory!" Willy explained and then he cautioned. "Now, everyone enjoy yourselves, but just don't touch anything. Okay? Go on!"
Every child was quick to run off, except for Charlie. He looked up at Rose, and she gave him a nod with a smile. Charlie then walked off. He was definitely the most behaved child here, well, the only behaved child. Rose went off to do some exploring of her own. She felt the presence of someone come to stand next to her. She turned her head to see Willy.
"Does anything in particular catch your eye?" He asked her curiously, playfully bumping his shoulder against hers.
"It's hard to say" Rose said, smiling up at him. "Everything here is so fascinating" A smile danced across Willy's lips. He was glad the girl was enjoying herself. He looked down to see that their hands were nearly touching. Rose didn't seem to notice yet though. He was about to make a bold move, and lace their fingers together, but the moment was ruined.
"Hey, Mr Wonka! What's this?" Violet called loudly from a pool with windows which she and Mike were looking at. Oompa-Loompas were swimming inside it.
Willy pursed his lips in annoyance, glancing in the child's direction. He just wanted one uninterrupted moment with Rose. "Oh! Let me show you!" Willy's annoyance was replaced with excitement when he saw what Violet and Mike were standing by. He walked over, and an Oompa-Loompa emerged from the water. He handed Willy a red ball. "Thank you!" He said the Oompa-Loompa. Everyone gathered around Willy to hear what he had to say. "These are Everlasting Gobstoppers. They're for children who are given very little allowance money. You can suck on it all year, and it'll never get any smaller. Isn't that neat?"
"It's like gum" Violet compared.
"No" Willy disagreed. "Gum is for chewing. And if you tried chewing one of these Gobstoppers, you'd break all your little teeth off" He admired the piece of candy wearing a proud smile. "They sure do taste terrific"
He walked off to the next machine and everybody followed after him. "And this is Hair Toffee" He picked up a piece of candy that looked similar to chewy caramel. "You suck down one of these little boogers, and in exactly half an hour, a brand new crop of hair will start growing out all over the top of your little noggin. And a moustache. And a beard"
"Who wants a beard?" Mike asked, clearly not impressed.
"Well," Willy paused a moment as he thought of an answer. "Beatniks for one. Folk singers and motorbike riders. You know, all those hip, jazzy, super cool, neat, keen, and groovy cats. It's in the fridge daddy-o. Are you hep to the jive? Can you dig what I'm laying down? I knew that you could. Slide me some skin, soul brother!" Willy stretched his hand out to Mike, waiting for the boy to give him five. Mike didn't, he just glanced weirdly at the man. Willy pulled his hand back when he realized Mike wasn't going to do anything.
"Unfortunately, the mixture isn't quite right yet because an Oompa-Loompa tried some yesterday, and well, he...." As if on cue, an Oompa-Loompa resembling Cousin Itt walked over. He had hair all over, it was a wonder he could even see where he was going. "How are you today?" Willy asked the Oompa-Loompa. It held up two thumbs. "You look great!"
Then finally, Willy led everyone over to a machine where an Oompa-Loompa had dumped various foods into it. "Watch this!" Willy said excitedly and then pulled on a lever.
The machine whirred and buzzed, bubbled and smoked, until it was finished and dispensed the finishing product. A stick of gum. Violet took it and examined it.
"You mean that's it?" Mike said, unimpressed yet again.
"Do you even know what it is?" Willy mocked Mike's tone.
"It's gum" Violet stated.
"Yeah! It's a stick of the most amazing and sensational gum in the whole universe! Know why? Know why?"
Rose could tell how excited Willy was about the gum so she decided to play along with him. "Why is it the most amazing and sensational gum?" She asked, tilting her head curiously.
"This gum is a full three course dinner all by itself!"
"Why would anyone want that?" Mr Salt asked.
Willy reached into his coat pockets and grabbed the flash cards. He flipped through them until he found the right one, and began to read from it. "It'll be the end of all kitchens and all cooking. Just a little strip of Wonka's magic chewing gum and that is all you will ever need at breakfast, lunch and dinner. This piece of gum happens to be tomato soup, roast beef and blueberry pie"
"It sounds great!" Rose said.
"It sounds weird" Veruca judged.
"It sounds like my kind of gum" Violet decided. She took out the piece of gum she was currently chewing, and stuck it behind her ear. Rose cringed at the little blonde girl. That was utterly disgusting, and she was surprised that Violet didn't get the stuff stuck in her hair.
"I'd rather you didn't" Willy warned. "There's still one or two things that are—"
Violet interrupted him. "I'm the world record holder in chewing gum. I'm not afraid of anything!" She shoved the fresh stick of gum in her mouth, all while Mrs Beauregarde was smiling pridefully at her daughter.
Violet began chewing and Mrs Beauregarde asked her, "How is it, honey?"
"It's amazing! Tomato soup! I can feel it running down my throat!"
"Yeah!" Willy nodded and smiled nervously. "Spit it out!"
Rose even tried getting Violet to stop. "Young lady, I think you'd better—"
She was rudely interrupted by Violet as the gum changed tastes. "It's changing! Roast beef with baked potato! Crispy skin and butter!"
"Keep chewing, kiddo!" Mrs Beauregarde encouraged her daughter. Rose rolled her eyes. She was just as bad as her daughter. "My little girls gonna be the first person in the world to have a chewing gum meal!"
"Yeah," Willy said, still feeling anxious. "I'm just a little concerned about the—"
"Blueberry pie and ice cream!" Violet said.
"That part"
Veruca noticed something odd. "What's happening to her nose?" Everyone looked at Violet to see what Veruca was talking about. A little speck of blue appeared on the tip of Violet's nose and very quickly began to spread.
"It's turning blue!" Mr Salt exclaimed.
Violet looked up at her mother. "Your whole nose has gone purple!" Mrs Beauregarde said.
"What do you mean?" Violet asked as she touched her nose.
"Violet, you're turning violet!" Violet's eyes widened in fright as she looked at Willy. Mrs Beauregarde looked at him as well and asked, "What's happening?"
"Well, I told you I hadn't quite got it right 'cause it goes a little funny when it gets to the dessert" Willy explained. "It's the blueberry pie that does it. I'm terribly sorry" He ducked down and hid behind the machine.
Violet's whole face had gone blue, and now her hands and hair were turning blue as well. The colour change was even affecting her clothes. "Mother, what's happening to me?" Violet asked, feeling horrified as she looked at her hand. Everyone backed away from her. If the colour change wasn't bad enough, Violet also started to engorge.
"She's swelling up!" Rose noted.
"Like a blueberry!" Charlie added.
Once Violet was completely blown up, Willy appeared from behind Mrs Beauregarde. He spooked her as he told her. "I've tried it on like twenty Oompa-Loompas, and each one ended up as a blueberry. It's just weird!"
"But I can't have a blueberry as a daughter!" Mrs Beauregarde shook her head at him. "How is she supposed to compete?"
"That's what you're concerned about?" Rose asked the woman, completely appalled. "Honestly, your daughter is blue and as a big as a hot air balloon, and the thing you're worried about is competitions? Maybe if you had been a better parent, then--"
"Don't you tell me how to parent my child!" Mrs Beauregarde snapped at Rose. Rose flinched a her tone, but she decided against arguing with her any further.
"You could put her in a county fair!" Veruca chirped, a little too happy about the situation.
Suddenly, the machines in the room began making a rhythm. Rose knew that the Oompa-Loompas were going to start singing again, and she was excited to hear them. Some Oompa-Loompas emerged from the smoke and they began to sing. Willy started dancing to the song, and Rose couldn't help but dance too.
Listen close, and listen hard,
The tale of Violet Beauregarde
This dreadful girl she sees no wrong
Chewing, chewing, chewing, chewing, chewing, chewing all day long
Chewing, chewing all day long.chewing,
Chewing all day long.
Chewing, chewing all day long.
She goes on chewing till at last
Her chewing muscles go so fast.
And from her face her giant chin
Sticks out just like a violin
Chewing, chewing all day long. chewing,
Chewing all day long.
Chewing, chewing all day long
For years and years she chews away
Her jaw gets stronger every day.
And with one great tremendous chew
They bite the poor girls tongue in two
And that is why we try so hard
To save miss Violet Beauregarde
Chewing, chewing all day long chewing,
Chewing all day long
Chewing, chewing, chewing, chewing, chewing, chewing all day long
As the song ended, Willy kept dancing, and an angry Mrs Beauregarde approached him. The look she had on her face was one of pure anger. When he noticed Mrs Beauregarde, he stopped dancing and looked at the Oompa-Loompa that approached. "I want you to roll Miss Beauregarde into the boat and take her along to the Juicing Room at once, okay?"
The Oompa-Loompa crossed its arms over its chest. "The Juicing Room?" Mrs Beauregarde repeated. "What are they gonna do to her there?"
"They're gonna squeeze her!" Willy answered with a wild grin. "Like a little pimple!" Mrs Beauregarde's eyes widened and her mouth opened in horror. "We gotta squeeze all that juice out of her immediately"
Without another word, Mrs Beauregarde ran over to help the Oompa-Loompas push Violet out of the room. Willy faced everyone. "Come on, let's boogie!" He beckoned. Everyone began moving along, but Rose was stopped when she felt Willy gently grab her arm. She looked at him to see him smiling wildly at her. "Close your eyes and hold out your hands!"
"Okay" She said. Rose closed her eyes, cupped her hands together and held them out. She could feel something being dropped in her hand. Her hands closed together around whatever had been put in her palms. Then she could feel a pair of hands wrap around her own. Her hands were being guided until she felt something soft brush against the back of one of her hands.
That's when she opened her eyes to see Willy pressing a gentle kiss to her hand. Rose's lips parted slightly, and her eyes locked with his. The two of them shared an intense stare. Willy released her hands and he smirked at her. "Come along, starshine"
Willy walked off. That's when Rose looked down at her hands to see what he had given her. It was the Everlasting Gobstopper. She grinned at the candy and started walking again.
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