#Hideaki Sorachi-sama
razberryyum · 5 years
Gintama chapter 704 is out in Japan...
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Dear Gintama gods and Sorachi-sama,
Whether or not the next chapter actually marks the end of the journey as we know it, I will always be truly grateful to you for blessing us with over 15 years of joy, laughter, love, and tears. 
I really have no right to ask anymore of you, but because I am ultimately still a horrible, weak and greedy human being, I must continue to be selfish just once more and hold on to my hope that my three greatest wishes for Gintama may come true:
1) that no more beloved characters get killed off, 
2) that my 3 OTPs became canon (or, at the very least, that you not shut the door on the possibility so that I can continue to dream)
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3) and finally, that Gintama can continue on in some form or another, whether it be through the anime or live action movies, until the day when you feel re-inspired enough to come back and give us more Gintama. Sorachi-sama, I will wait--be it a year, two years, five or 10, take as long as you want, you deserve the rest--I will continue waiting and always welcome Gintama back into my life with open-arms and a tear-filled smile. 
Yours truly,
A Gintama fangirl with Gintama dreams
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dropintomanga · 3 years
I Give Up on Anime (Almost) - A Discussion on Anime vs. Manga
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Over the past few years, I started to enjoy anime a lot less than I used to. I used to watch quite a bunch of anime series around 2013-2015. Since then, my anime viewing has went down to almost zero while my manga consumption increased steadily. I sometimes felt I was the only person left behind as almost all my friends and peers talk about what’s hot and not each and every new anime season.
I don’t know if it was a sheer coincidence, but I found a Reddit manga thread that spoke to me and maybe some other people. A user on the platform honestly asked “Is anyone else literally unable to watch anime since you got into manga?”
The premise behind the post was that the user felt like anime takes too long to get going while in a few short minutes, plot development in manga ramps up. There were about 750+ comments chiming into the discussion. A majority of fans do feel that anime wasn’t worth their time as manga is still serialized even when a 12-24 episode anime season ends. Some fans feel that a lot of anime adaptations tend to be subpar. There’s also still the argument that anime adaptations are just advertisements for the source material that is the manga. Some discussion about clever usage of manga panels telling a quicker story was mentioned as well. And of course, multiple fillers is another big reason for fans’ preference of manga over anime.
But when I think about the argument about anime adaptations being ads, isn’t that a good thing? This is true especially in America, where most fans tend to read/buy manga after noticing how hot an anime series is. In Japan, a decent number of manga sells well before an anime adaptation is announced. However, even constant “ads” become annoying over time when the novelty wears off.
It doesn’t mean that certain series are necessarily better as manga though. The best example I can give is Gintama. Sunrise, the studio behind the anime adaptation, goes balls-out on the series. I love how all the Gintama voice actors take so much pride in their roles. I sometimes find Hideaki Sorachi’s art to be lacking in certain areas and Sunrise helps to enhance it. It’s funny because reading chapters of the Gintama manga made me enjoy seeing its eventual anime adaptation. I think it depends of the kind of series you want as anime. I don’t think every seinen series should be anime as a good number of them are much slower-paced even if there’s action. Certain slice-of-life series (Yotsuba&!, a much-demanded series for an anime adaptation, comes to mind here) might have pacing issues when put on a TV screen versus a drawing board. 
Someone on the Reddit thread did point out a potential elephant in the room - isekai light novel adaptations. Isekai is pretty much everywhere and a lot of the series aren’t always of the best quality. But so many fans worldwide eat it up because of fantasy tropes. I remember reading a convention recap of New York Comic-Con one year and the writer, who is a manga reviewer, of that recap noted that while waiting inside a panel room for a manga panel, he went through a Sword Art Online panel. The writer found it somewhat depressing that there were a ton more fans at the SAO panel compared to the manga panel that happened later. I think he said what he said because the lovable diversity of manga titles out there is being passed over for an isekai series whose reception gets divisive pretty fast.
What to say about fantasy tropes? I remember trying out one of the hottest video games today, Genshin Impact. After playing it for a few hours, I just gave up and that’s not because of the gacha mechanics. I wasn’t invested in the story as it sounds like stuff I’ve heard over and over again. Genshin Impact plays up fantasy anime tropes that I’m mostly over at my age.
I think maybe my mind is not satisfied by tropes that are just easily rehashed. However, that kind of thinking has been challenged at times. For starters, I really enjoy Kaguya-sama: Love is War. I don’t like romantic comedies, but the way the story is told in Kaguya-sama and how it gives every character a good amount of emotional depth has left me impressed. The serious stories being jumbled in reminds me so much of Gintama.
Maybe the real elephant in the discussion is the usage of common tropes and how often they’re used to cater to the lowest common denominator. I know manga can be guilty of this, but anime adaptations make them a lot more visible. That’s because most people would prefer watching anime a lot more than reading manga. Anime is a more mainstream form of media. You need to appeal to those fans a lot more as they bring in more money via other means (The Demon Slayer: Mugen Train movie is a big case of this right now) than just manga volumes. 
Combine that with how consuming anime is more passive than reading a manga and you may have fans who just don’t stop and think about the media they consume. I sometimes feel that anime production committees view fans as mindless consumers of media and only think of them as such. I also wonder if fans reinforce that thinking since corporations enable them to do so.
Honestly, I think in my case, when you learn something that’s outside your comfort zone, you start to come down with uncomfortable truths. I’ll admit that there’s a little cognitive dissonance, but I’ve accepted that my mind has changed. Maybe I was never much of an anime fan in the first place. Maybe I realized watching anime takes up much of my time. A lot of folks stay away from certain truths since people are afraid to admit that they may be wrong about certain things. This is what happens when you begin to understand more about the psychology of crowds/groups and public opinion. I like being in solitude to reflectively gather my thoughts. Being outside of a “popular” group doesn’t subject you to certain cognitive bias that can become damaging over time.
I watched a panel featuring the digital manga service Mangamo and one of its executive editors said that he’s always been more of a manga guy. He said he doesn’t watch much anime with some exceptions (Japan Sinks 2020 was a relevant example, he gave). I’m still going to watch anime series here and there because hey, I got to preach some notable series worth everyone’s time.
I know I’m talking out of my butt here, but I feel that discussing a topic like “why manga over anime?” and vice versa (in a way that doesn’t become a shouting match) is warranted. Hell, I think it’s best to discuss both at the same time. It’s conversations like this that develop into newer insights. I wish more people realize that despite whatever you prefer, anime and manga are very much yin and yang to each other. I think experiencing both anime and manga worlds lead to a better appreciation and understanding of why Japanese pop culture media fascinates us and will continue to do so.
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rike-with-love · 5 years
Kagura’s birthday fic 2018 (chapter 4)
Pairings: Okikagu, Soyoshin
Rating: T for bad language
Disclaimer: I don't own Gintama or its characters, Sorachi Hideaki does. I only own this story.
Author’s notes: I have a link to my fanfiction masterlist on my profile. Please check it out for more chapters and fics!
Chapter 4 – First kisses taste the sweetest, but those are only the beginning
Kagura watched as the man disappeared from her sight and she huffed a little. ”Damn those madaos without anything better to do,” she said and glanced at Sougo who was standing behind her. He was surprisingly silent, but his eyes were doing all the talking for him.
Kagura realized that she hadn't let go of his hand. She felt flustered and quickly loosened her grip on him. His crimson orbs were still strictly on her. ”Uh, sorry...” she mumbled.
”Are you apologizing for holding my hand or letting go of it?”
”Huh?” Kagura gasped and turned to fully face him. She was feeling even more flustered after his question. ”I-I...”
Sougo laughed a little. ”I'm kidding China, calm down”, he teased.
Kagura rolled her eyes at him and smiled bashfully. She knew they were both fully aware of the situation. Before that random man, they were inches away from kissing.
Kagura felt her legs getting tired from all the running and standing around. She rubbed her calf on her right leg and grunted a little.
”Are you okay China? Did you hurt yourself?”
”Ah, no. I just need to rest my legs, yes.”
There was a dry spot under the bridge. Sougo watched as Kagura walked past him and settled down on the dirt. ”Do you want to sit down-aru?” she asked as she stretched out her feet.
Sougo shook his head. ”I'm good”, he said and leaned against the foot of the bridge.
”Okay”, Kagura said and fiddled with her fingers. She felt frustrated, the tension of the intimate moment was still lingering in the air, but Kagura didn't know how to get back into it.
”You know China, I want to confess something to you”, Sougo spoke all of a sudden, breaking the unbearable silence and drawing her full attention.
Kagura swallowed and tried to keep her voice as calm as possible. ”Yes?”
”When hime-sama invited me to be your date, I said yes without really thinking about it.”
”O-oh?” Kagura said and stared into his eyes.
”The truth is, I've really wanted to go on a date with you,” he said, emphasizing the last word intentionally.
”Well why haven't you asked me stupid?” Kagura asked and blushed.
Sougo laughed. ”Think about it China, you would've said no and told me to launch myself into space.”
He was right, not in a million years would she have said yes. Kagura had always held their bond important, but all the bickering and fighting came first, overshadowing everything else. ”You have a point there, uh-huh.”
”Anyway, then I tried to think how to make the date nice and everything. So, I planned the bet.”
”You had that ready? How were you so sure that I would agree to the bet?”
Sougo cocked an eyebrow and smiled. ”China...it's you, winning is what drives you.”
”And food-aru!”
”Yes, food too.”
He knew her so well. Kagura tried to feel a little agitated by him and failed instantly. She smiled for him. ”I guess.”
”Then I tried my hardest to treat you nicely at the restaurant and-”
”Wait!” Kagura interrupted him. ”Are you saying, that for you, our fake date was all...like...real?”
”You're so twisted Sadist,” Kagura said as her heart jumped a cart-wheel. She had a hard time taking in all the new exiting information. Then she giggled.
”What are you laughing China?”
”It's just that, maybe I forgot the bet because in reality you weren't being fake about anything. Maybe I felt it coming from your heart, yes.”
Sougo smiled widely at her words. ”Maybe.”
”You're so stupid, uh-huh”, Kagura stated. Sougo laughed and shook his head.
Despite the warmness she felt from his words, Kagura felt the cold night air surrounding her again. She hugged her legs to warm herself up. Sougo's eyes shifted from jolly to worried instantly. He stepped in front of her and kneeled down. Kagura felt him testing the skin on her arms and legs.
”You're freezing China.”
”A little yeah.”
”A little my ass, you had your bare feet in cold water and you don't have enough clothes on. And where are your shoes?”
”Well I wasn't planning on running around Edo so late at night, okay!”
Kagura stared at Sougo, who wasn't worried anymore, he looked like he felt guilty.
”So this is indirectly my fault.”
”Well no, I didn't say that dummy!”
”But it is my fault.”
Kagura didn't know what to say to him, he was dead serious about everything he said.
Sougo stood up and sighed a little. ”I can't really do much to warm you up, but I'll do what I can.”
”It's okay, I'll get over it and-” Kagura's words drowned at the instant she saw what he was about to do. Sougo opened his shirt and stripped it off. Just like that, he was half-naked. Kagura's eyes were wider than the moon. Her whole face flushed bright red, but she couldn't take her eyes off him.
Kagura knew he trained meticulously and it showed. His bare upper body was fit and firm, certainly inviting to her. ”Y-you you, what are you..?” she stuttered.
Sougo lowered himself to her level and looked into her ocean blue eyes. He wrapped his shirt over her. ”Sorry if it's still a little damp, but I don't have anything else.”
Kagura grasped the shirt resting over her. She pulled it tighter around her and the clothing felt perfectly warm to her. ”Th-thank you.”
Sougo smiled a little and got back up. He returned to his spot next to the foot of the bridge.
The situation felt surreal, but dammit it made her heart race. He had given her his ”jacket”, he had wanted to go on a date with her, he hadn't faked anything. All of those things made her heart truly wild, but she was pretty sure his lack of clothes had something to do with her rapid heartbeat. Kagura smiled and fumbled the soft fabric of his shirt.
Sougo sneezed a little and Kagura realized she wasn't the only one who had stood in the cold water. He must be freezing too, dammit, Kagura thought to herself. ”Oi Sadist!”
Sougo lifted his gaze. ”Mmh?”
Kagura took his shirt off her and offered it back to him. ”You're freezing too and this belongs to you, yes.”
”I don't need it, it's not that cold”, Sougo said and crossed his arms over his bare chest.
”Stop being so stubborn dummy, take it!”
”No!” Sougo huffed, but Kagura saw him shivering behind his words.
Kagura picked herself up and forcefully shook the clothing in front of him. ”Take it!”
Sougo sighed and took couple of leaps to get to her. He grabbed the shirt and wrapped it back around her. He pulled it tightly around her. ”You need it more than I do dumbass.”
Kagura frowned, she felt giddy because of his selflessness, but she felt annoyed from his constant stubbornness. Luckily, she had an idea. ”Let's share it then.”
Sougo kept the shirt firmly closed over her, but somehow Kagura managed to wiggle her hands out. He observed as Kagura's fingers wrapped around his wrists. She looked up into his eyes and lured his eyes to her with a gentle smile.
”Let's share it, yes.”
Without saying anything else, Kagura returned to sitting position, clumsily pulling Sougo down with her. He almost fell, but Kagura kept him in balance. Sougo was on his knees in front of the smiling Kagura. She was happily sitting on her butt, still holding his wrists.
”Sit next to me,” Kagura said and released his hands.
Sougo knew refusing would only lead into a brawl and neither was really in the mood for that. He crouched next to her and sat down on his butt. Kagura didn't waste any time and threw his shirt over both of their shoulders.
The clothing covered them both only if they sat right next to each other, arms in full contact. His skin felt really cold and Kagura wanted to warm him up. As both settled down on a comfortable position their eyes locked again. Kagura's blush was still there and his face wasn't exactly colorless either.
She turned to look down on her lap. ”Are you feeling any warmer Sadist?”
”Sadist?” she asked and looked at him.
”Hellloooo!” she called
”Uh, yeah. I am, but...” he mumbled and seemed to be a little hesitant to speak.
”But what?”
”It's just that...” Sougo said and looked at her from the corner of his eye. ”Can you come closer?”
Kagura's mouth gaped open a bit. ”Closer? How?”
”Like this,” Sougo said and moved the arm closer to Kagura. He lifted it up and rested his fingers on her shoulder. ”Come here.”
He didn't have to tell her twice. Kagura nudged closer to Sougo as his hand tried to reach her other shoulder over her back. Kagura rested her head against his smooth chest. She kept her hands strictly on her lap, just thinking about touching him made her head spin.
Sougo's hand found the shoulder it was looking for and he pulled her as close as possible. His skin felt amazing against her cheek, soothing and sexy at the same time. Kagura felt his small gestures, he stroked her shoulder with his fingers, he rested his chin on her head, he adjusted the shirt to cover her better, she felt all of that.
That was it for her, she yearned to kiss him and nobody was going to stop her. ”Sadist?” she whispered against his skin.
”What is it China?”
Kagura clenched one of her fists loosely and softly pressed it against his chest. She pushed herself off him a little bit and tilted her head upwards. Sougo had to pull his head back as she changed her position.
Sougo studied her eyes, she had a mysterious glow in them. Kagura parted her lips and her heart felt fiery. ”So-Sougo?”
Never ever had this happened before. Sougo's eyes widened, he clearly wasn't expecting that. Kagura wanted to use his name to throw him off a little, so she could finally make her move.
Kagura leaned closer to his lips, leaving maybe an inch or two between them. His lips parted instantly. Before closing the distance, Kagura gave him a look that made him clench his other hand into a fist.
Kagura felt his heavy breaths on her lips and she knew he would kill anyone who dared to interrupt them again. She closed her eyes slowly and with the smallest movement their lips found each other.
It felt so good to kiss him. His lips were soft and full, just perfect for kissing. Kagura felt the rush all over her skin, she unclenched her fist on his chest and spread her fingers wide and open against him.
Kagura pulled away from the tender kiss to breathe a little. She opened her eyes and saw his still shut close. Slowly with few drowsy blinks his eyes opened too. Their eyes connected instantly. Kagura sucked her lips a little, just to taste him again and Sougo could only watch.
”So, h-” Kagura began.
”Shh...” Sougo hushed her calmly. He relaxed his other hand and brought it up to Kagura's face. Sougo slid the hand on her neck. She gasped at the contact, she didn't know her neck was so sensitive, but she wasn't complaining. ”Come here,” he husked and his tone sent a jolt right down her spine.
Sougo pulled her to meet his lips again. Kagura found herself surrendering to his whims quite easily. So annoying, but so irresistable. Tasting him again even made her skin tingle, like kissing him was magical.
The second kiss was eager but tender enough to make her heart melt. Sougo pulled back from the kiss and opened his eyes. Kagura slid her eyes open as well. He was still there, almost on her lips, just heavily breathing into her mouth.
Sougo brushed his lips against hers a little more, just to get a small nibble. Kagura watched him with half-lidded eyes, torn between wanting more and not wanting to rush things any further. ”I...” she breathed and not quite sure what to say next.
He seemed to read her like a book. Sougo dropped his hand off her neck and tucked her back to rest against him. Kagura felt his chin on the top of her head again and it made her smile. He didn't want to rush anything either. Then he snickered a little. ”You used my name China.”
”No I didn't, your hearing sucks, yes.”
”Yes you did.”
”Shut up...”
A little banter on top of their first kiss, it felt just right for the both of them. Sougo grabbed Kagura's other hand, the one still on her lap and claimed it as his. He interlaced their fingers and held their hands over his thigh.
”China?” Sougo asked quietly.
”Happy birthday.”
Kagura hummed as an answer. It had been one hell of a rollercoaster of emotions today, but dammit if it wasn't her best birthday, she didn't know what was.
The night was still young and Kagura didn't know what the time was. Still, the day had taken a toll on her in many ways and she felt her eyelids getting heavier by the second. She felt warm in his arms, she felt safe in his arms, she felt like just him being there could lull her to sleep.
”I had fun, I really did. Thank you...mmh...Sou...go...” Kagura mumbled before she fell into a deep slumber. Kagura began snoring in his arms and Sougo shook his head with an overjoyed smile.
”Who falls asleep right after kissing for the fist time...you're such a weirdo Kagura,” Sougo said and chuckled a bit.
Few hours later, Kagura woke up. Her surroundings were very dark, but very familiar. She rubbed her eyes and sat up. After her eyes got used to the darkness, she began to recognize everything around her. She was in her closet, she was at home.
Kagura usually slept in her pyjamas, but for some reason she had a short white cheongsam on. ”What the hell happened last night...” Kagura asked herself. Then she put her brain to work.
It didn't take long for everything to come back, the date, the bridge, the kiss. Kagura slapped both of her hands over her mouth and blushed fiercely. ”I kissed Sadist...and he kissed me...oh shit...”
After the brief embarrassment, Kagura felt her heart fluttering at the memory. It was totally unexpected, but at the same time, the most natural thing that had happened in her life. Now to the burning question in Kagura's mind. ”How did I get home and where is he?”
Kagura decided to ask Gintoki, maybe he would know something. She slid her closet door open and snuck out of her room. It was still very quiet at the Yorozuya. She could see through the windows that it was still early, the sun hadn't even risen yet.
A soft snoring sound attracted Kagura's attention. She saw someone sleeping on the couch. It wasn't that rare for Gintoki to pass out on the couch after some drinking and gambling. But there was something different about this snoring.
Kagura walked next to the sleeping person under a white blanket and her eyes darted at the flaxen-hair. Her eyes lit up immediately. It was Sougo, no doubt about it. Kagura smiled and sat softly on the edge of the couch. She wanted to ask him about how they had ended up at the Yorozuya, but she didn't want to interrupt his sleep.
Sougo mumbled something in his sleep and rolled on his back. He was so cute, so kissable. Kagura covered her face with her hands for thinking about kissing him again. She breathed for a moment and dropped her hands. Then she turned to look at Sougo again.
Kagura was temped to touch him. Maybe just a little bit, she convinced herself. She leaned her hand over his face. With feather-light touch she pushed his hair back.
”Oi, it's a little rude to touch a sleeping person?” a smug voice of Okita Sougo said.
Kagura startled and pulled her hand back with the speed of light. Sougo muffled his laughter with his blanket. He slowly dragged his eyes open, still looking sleepy as hell. ”Well you weren't apparently sleeping, were you now?” Kagura snarked.
”Don't be so loud China,” he said. ”Danna is still sleeping.”
”Oh...” she said and nervously played with her fingers.
She dodged his eyes, it wasn't a good idea to get too mesmerized by them. ”So...care to explain what are you doing here?”
Sougo slid his hands under is head. ”To put it simple, you fell asleep at the bridge so I carried you here on my back.”
Kagura's eyes darted to him. ”You carried me-aru?”
”Of course, I wasn't going to leave you there.”
”No problem,” he said and smiled a little. ”Anyways, when we got here Danna was still up.”
”Oh no...”
”Right. He almost skinned me alive because you had my shirt over you and...well Danna's imagination did it's thing.”
”Gin-chan has a dirty mind, he can't help it, yes.”
”When he finally believed me that nothing happened between us-”
Sougo looked at the innocent Kagura asking a stupid question. He lifted himself halfway-up to rest on his elbows. ”Don't be silly China, I prefered to keep my life over telling Danna the truth.”
Kagura smiled. ”Good, I just wanted to confirm that Gin-chan doesn't know anything, nothing else, uh-huh.”
”Sure, okay China,” Sougo snickered quietly.
”Moving on. Why are you still here?”
”Danna told me to sleep on the couch because it was so late and he didn't want the Shinsengumi to be all over his poor-ass if something would happen to me.”
”What an earth could happen to you, you're an almost unbeatable bastard.”
Sougo sat up fully and stroked one of Kagura's arm. ”Thanks China.”
”I said almost,” she snorted but couldn't hide her smile.
”China...?” he called softly, his voice making her heart jump. Sougo gathered her hair and pushed it to rest on her other shoulder. His fingers made her neck tickle as he consciously brushed them against her skin.
Sougo kissed her shoulder through her cheongsam. He planted kisses like he was making a trail, a trail leading to her neck. Thankfully she had her high-collared cheongsam, otherwise she wouldn't be able to keep herself in check.
”Mmh...what are you doing?” she almost moaned.
”Nothing...” he murmured.
Kagura grunted like she was bothered by him. ”Oh really...”
Sougo laughed in between his kisses. He leaned higher to kiss her jaw line and lower cheek. Kagura had closed her eyes as soon as his lips had touched her, it was easier to concentrate like that. Sougo placed his other hand on her cheek. She felt him guiding her closer to him.
Kagura opened her eyes and saw him looking at her, eyes hungry and inviting. She licked her lips once and allowed him to pull her into a kiss. The kiss was just as good she remembered.
She didn't know was it her or him, but they sort of began to descent on the couch. Maybe he pulled her a little or maybe she pushed him, maybe both. Kagura found herself crouching over him, letting her bodyweight softly push him against the couch.
Sougo grunted into their kiss as his back hit the couch, making Kagura's kisses more demanding. His hands settled on her waist and Kagura's were on his neck. She rested her body over his, which he wasn't resisting at all.
Kagura broke their kiss to take a breath. Both narrowly opened their eyes to gaze one another. Sougo's lips were parted and ready for her to continue. Kagura swallowed and leaned on to his lips.
She knew that kissing involved tongues and she wanted to see how it worked. First Kagura licked his lip to get a taste. She closed her eyes and sort of kissed his upper lip. Then she nibbled his lower lip, still figuring out what to do with her tongue.
Luckily, Sougo was more than happy to help her. As Kagura was about to nibble on his lip, he copied her action. Kagura dragged her fingers to loosely cup his cheeks. She felt his tongue as he gently  kissed her lower lip. It was Kagura's turn to copy him and she began to get the hang of it.
Kissing was like eating something super delicious. The craving only grew the more they did it. In the midst of it all, their tongues touched. Kagura couldn't hold her moan in, so she had to release it into their kiss. She wanted more of that feeling, more of the exciting sensation his tongue gave her.
Kagura still didn't want to rush with things too much, but she couldn't help herself, the temptation was too great. The dancing of their tongues continued and Kagura felt Sougo's hands roam around her waist, stroking and squeezing her.
Out of nowhere, a crack of the wooden floor froze both Sougo and Kagrua still. Their eyes opened up and Kagura's head popped up to listen closely. The noises were coming from Gintoki's room, slow footsteps, a yawn, lazy scratching sounds.
”Shit,” Kagura gritted.
Sougo still wanted to live another day, he understood what would happen if Gintoki saw them right now. Swiftly as hell, Sougo managed to plant a hand over Kagura's mouth, lunge himself into a sitting position while Kagura was still on him. She felt his muscles tense up as he lifted both of them. Kagura knew there wasn't time to get excited for something like that, but who could blame her. Sougo reached for the blanket and pulled it over both of them.
Before Kagura could fully understood everything he did, she found herself under the blanket, curled into a fetus position right next to Sougo. His head was outside of the blanket and all he did to communicate was to softly press a finger against her lips under the blanket.
Gintoki came out of his room and yawned loudly. He walked by the couch and found Sougo, sleeping on his side, comfortably burrowed with his blanket. Gintoki had decided earlier that he would kick the tax-robber out before the dawn. He looked so calm and harmless sleeping like that, so Gintoki left him alone.
Sougo and Kagura listened as Gintoki disappeared into the bathroom. Both sighed silently. Kagura didn't see Sougo's face under the blanket, but she saw something else. He still didn't have his shirt. That perfect abdomen was there right in front of her eyes.
Kagura bit her lip and traced her fingers on his abs. Not a second after, Sougo's hand grabbed her by the wrist. She startled a little, why was he so quick to reject her touch. Then Kagura noticed him lifting one finger at her. He signed her a sharp 'no-no' and she almost couldn't hold in her giggle. Maybe it was hard to act like a sleeping person if someone was fondling him under the covers, Kagura thought.
Gintoki returned from the bathroom and walked right back into his bedroom. It didn't take long for him to start snoring again. Sougo dived fully under the blanket to meet up with Kagura. Both felt relieved for not getting caught red-handed.
”That was close, yes.”
”Sure was, you were being too loud China.”
”Huh! No I wasn't-”
Sougo shut her rambling up with another kiss. She giggled into his mouth and kissed him back. Sougo cupped her cheeks and she latched her fingers on to his neck. They were in their own little bubble under the blanket, but both knew they couldn't be there for long.
Kagura forced herself to break their kiss. She took in a few calming breaths and prepared to act rationally. ”I think you should go home Sadist, Gin-chan won't be sleeping forever-aru.”
Sougo stroked her cheeks as his eyes studied every inch of her face. ”I know.”
”Yup, let's get up now, yes.”
”...” Kagura waited for him to answer something. His eyes sulked a little and Kagura couldn't deny that she was feeling exactly the same as him.
”I don't want you to go either-aru.”
Sougo hummed. ”I didn't know you can be that cute China.”
”Oi bastard, what do you mean by that?”
”Jeez, you're too easy tease,” Sougo murmured. Then he pulled her into a hug. ”You've always been cute, a weirdo definitely but a cute weirdo.”
Kagura huffed as she wasn't even slightly amused by him, but he knew she was blushing like a fire truck.
”So China, a quick question.”
”Do you want to go on a real date with me?” His voice was so casual that it annoyed her as much as it flattered her.
”But we are rivals, yes?”
”Is it even allowed to date a rival?”
”I don't really care what other people think, I just care about what you think.”
”Well, I don't think Gin-chan and papi are ready for that.”
”So, you're declining the date. Do I launch myself to space now?”
”No stupid, I actually have an idea.”
”I'm all ears China.”
”Let's say to everyone that we are having a fake date competition, uh-huh,” Kagura suggested and tilted her head to look at Sougo.
He looked at her back an smiled. ”But it's really not huh?”
”That sound really lame you know.”
”Well...why don't you suggest something you-”
”Did I say I wouldn't agree to it?” Sougo asked to stop her rambling. He hugged her a little tighter. ”I think it sound perfect.”
Kagura hugged him back and smiled. ”Good-aru.”
It took a minute more for Sougo and Kagura to get up from the warm couch. The sun rose and it was now or never if they wanted to escape Gintoki's watchful eye. Sougo found his shirt and was ready to go back to the compound.
Kagura walked him out of the Yorozuya. She closed the door behind  them and turned to look at Sougo. She tapped her hands on the sides of her thighs and smiled awkwardly. She didn't know how to send him off, how does one send off a rival/bastard/sadist/kissing-partner/fake-but-not-really-dating-contestant. So confusing.
”So...” Kagura mumbled.
”Yeah, I guess I go home then.”
”Yupyup, go now, yes.”
Sougo grinned at her tsundere demeanor. He took one of her nervous hands and lifted it up to his chin. Kagura stiffened a little, what if someone saw them, how could she explain it to anyone. He clearly didn't care at all.
”See you later...” Sougo said and planted a soft kiss on her palm. ”...Kagura.” With that he let go of her hand and began to walk down the stairs.
Sougo turned to look at the tomato-red Kagura.
”S-see you, S-soda-kun,” Kagura grinned.
”Oooh, thank you so very much for that China, really appreciate it.”
”Anything for you,” Kagura snarled, and thought did she really mean that.
”Later,” Sougo said and went on his way.
Kagura watched him for a moment longer before returning inside.
Inside the Yorozuya hallway was a silver-haired madao, arms crossed over his chest and a grumpy look on his face. ”Morning Kagura-chan.”
Kagura jumped a little from surprise. ”Oh! Morning Gin-chan.”
”Where's Souichiro-kun?”
”I just threw him out for being godly annoying-aru.”
”Good, good. I would have done it myself, but you beat me to it.”
”Uh-huh, so what's for breakfast Gin-chan?”
Meanwhile, a young lady and dashing glasses were eating dango for breakfast in the Kabuki district, actually not too far from the Yorozuya shop. To be more specific, the dango shop had a perfect view to the Yorozuya's balcony. And not too long ago, on that balcony was a certain pair of people seeming to be quite intimate with each other.
Shinpachi crossed his arms and shook his head in disbelief.
Soyo giggled at him. ”I told you Shin-chan, didn't I?”
”Yes you did, I always thought they were both too chickens to act on their feelings.”
”They just needed a little push to the right direction,” Soyo said.
Shinpachi took Soyo's hand and interlaced their fingers together. ”You're such a good friend sweetie.” Shinpachi's words were rewarded with a giggle and a soft peck on the cheek.
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crazyasianlove · 5 years
Gintama 2: Okite wa Yaburu Tame ni Soko Aru (JM, 2018) (Sub. Esp.)
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Título: Gintama 2: Okite wa Yaburu Tame ni Soko Aru También conocida como: Gintama 2: Rules Are Made to Be Broken (Las Reglas Están Hechas para Romperlas) País: Japón Duración: 134 min. Género: Ciencia ficción, comedia Fecha de estreno: 17 de agosto, 2018 Dirección: Fukuda Yuichi Guion: Sorachi Hideaki (manga), Fukuda Yuichi Producción: Matsuhashi Shinzo, Hieda Susumu SINOPSIS Sakata Gintoki, Shimura Shinpachi y Kagura están cortos de dinero mientras llevan su oficina Yorozuya. No son capaces de pagar su alquiler y deciden realizar un trabajo a tiempo parcial. Cada vez que van a uno de estos trabajos, se encuentran con Shogun-sama. En ese tiempo, las fuerzas especiales del Shinsengumi, lideradas por Kondou Isao, están divididas entre ellos. El conflicto interno del Shinsengumi conecta con la conspiración que involucra a Shogun-sama. CAST Oguri Shun como Sakata Gintoki Suda Masaki como Shimura Shinpachi Hashimoto Kanna como Kagura Yagira Yuya como Hijikata Toshiro Miura Haruma como Ito Kamotaro Kubota Masataka como Kawakami Bansai Yoshizawa Ryo como Okita Sogo Katsuji Ryo como el Shogun Tokugawa Shigeshige Nagasawa Masami como Shimura Tae Okada Masaki como Katsura Kotaro Watanabe Natsuna como Sarutobi Ayame Tozuka Junki como Yamazaki Sagaru Muro Tsuyoshi como Hiraga Gengai Kimura Midoriko como Otose Sato Jiro como el mánager del Hostess Club Nakamura Kankuro como Kondou Isao Domoto Tsuyoshi como Takasugi Shinsuke Tsutsumi Shinichi como Matsudaira Katakuriko
TRÁILER: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=27wmk466Iog
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demifiendrsa · 6 years
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Weekly Shonen Jump 50th anniversary Shikishi
Hiroshi Kaizuka (Chichi no Tamashii)
Hiroshi Motomiya (Otoko Ippiki Gaki Daishou)
Kazuyoshi Torii (Toilet Hakase)
Daijiro Morohoshi (Yokai Hunter)
Satoshi Ikezawa (Circuit no Okami)
Kontaro (1•2 no Ahho!!)
Yukinobu Hoshino (Blue City)
Yoshinori Kobayashi (Todai Icchokusen)
Osamu Akimoto (KochiKame)
Hisashi Eguchi (Susume!! Pirates/Stop!! Hibari-kun!)
Buichi Terasawa (Space Adventure Cobra)
Yudetamago (Kinnikuman)
Yoichi Takahashi (Captain Tsubasa)
Tsukasa Hojo (Cat's♥Eye)
Shinji Hiramatsu (Black Angels)
Motoei Shinzawa (High School! Kimengumi)
Ryuji Tsugihara (Yoroshiku Mechadoc)
Masakazu Katsura (Wing-Man/Video Girl Ai/I"s)
Buronson and Tetsuo Hara (Fist of the North Star)
Yoshihiro Takahashi (Ginga -Nagareboshi Gin-)
Akira Toriyama (Dragon Ball)
Koichi Endo (Tsuide ni Tonchinkan)
Akira Miyashita (Sakigake!! Otokojuku)
Masami Kurumada (Saint Seiya)
Kouji Koseki (Kenritsu Umisora Koukou Yakyuu Buin Yamashita Tarou-kun)
Hirohiko Araki (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure)
Tadashi Sato (The Burning Wild Man)
Kouji Maki (God Sider)
Kazushi Hagiwara (Bastard!!)
Shinji Imaizumi (Kami-sama wa Southpaw)
Tatsuya Egawa (Magical Taluluto)
Riku Sanjo and Koji Inada (Dragon Quest: Dai no Daibouken)
Masaya Tokuhiro (Jungle King Tar-chan)
Takehiko Inoue (Slam Dunk)
Shin Mitsuhara (Outer Zone)
Yutaka Takahashi (Bonbonzaka High Drama Club)
Keishuu Ando (Kyuukyoku!! Hentai Kamen)
Haruto Umezawa (Hareluya II Bøy)
Kouji Kiriyama (Ninku)
Hiroshi Gamo (Tottemo! Luckyman)
Shou Makura and Takeshi Okano (Hell Teacher Nube)
Kokichi Naniwa (Ousama wa Roba ~Hattari Teikoku no Gyakushuu~)
Nobuhiro Watsuki (Rurouni Kenshin)
Tsunomaru (Midori no Makibao)
Hajime Kazu (Mind Assassin)
Makoto Niwano (Jinnai Ryuujuujutsu Butouden Majima-kun Suttobasu!)
Yuko Asami (Wild Half)
Ryu Fujisaki (Hoshin Engi)
Kazuki Takahashi (Yu-Gi-Oh!)
Kazumata Oguri (Hanasaka Tenshi Tenten-kun)
Mitsutoshi Shimabukuro (Seikimatsu Leader-den Takeshi!/Toriko)
Eiichiro Oda (One Piece)
Masanori Morita (Rookies)
Daisuke Higuchi (Whistle!)
Yoshihiro Togashi (Hunter x Hunter)
Nakaba Suzuki (Rising Impact)
Takeshi Konomi (The Prince of Tennis)
Masashi Kishimoto (Naruto)
Kyosuke Usuta (Pyu to Fuku! Jaguar)
Yoshio Sawai (Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo)
Shinya Suzuki (Mr. Fullswing)
Tite Kubo (Bleach)
Mizuki Kawashita (Strawberry 100%)
Riichiro Inagaki and Yusuke Murata (Eyeshield 21)
Tsugumi Ohba and Takeshi Obata (Death Note)
Hideaki Sorachi (Gintama)
Akira Amano (Reborn!)
Katsura Hoshino (D.Gray-man)
Yoshiyuki Nishi (Muhyo & Roji's Bureau of Supernatural Investigation)
Kentaro Yabuki (To Love-Ru/Yamato Gensouki/Black Cat)
Saki Hasemi (To Love-Ru)
Yasuhiro Kano (Mx0)
Kenta Shinohara (Sket Dance)
Hiroshi Shiibashi (Nura: Rise of the Yokai Clan)
Kouji Ooishi (Inumarudashi)
Tadatoshi Fujimaki (Kuroko's Basketball)
Ryuuhei Tamura (Beelzebub)
Nisio Isin and Akira Akatsuki (Medaka Box)
Naoshi Komi (Nisekoi)
Haruichi Furudate (Haikyu!!)
Shuuichi Asou (The Disastrous Life of Saiki K.)
Yuusei Matsui (Assassination Classroom)
Yuto Tsukuda and Shun Saeki (Food Wars!: Shokugeki no Soma)
Daisuke Ashihara (World Trigger)
Ryou Nakama (Isobe Isobee Monogatari: Ukiyo wa Tsurai yo)
Kawada (Hinomaru Zumo)
Kohei Horikoshi (My Hero Academia)
Yuki Tabata (Black Clover)
Tadahiro Miura (Yuuna and the Haunted Hot Springs)
Koyoharu Gotouge (Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba)
Mikio Ikemoto and Ukyo Kodachi (Boruto: Naruto Next Generations)
Kaiu Shirai and Posuka Demizu (The Promised Neverland)
Taishi Tsutsui (We Never Learn)
Riichiro Inagaki and Boichi (Dr.Stone)
Tatsuya Matsuki and Shiro Usazaki (Act-Age)
Gege Akutami (Jujutsu Kaisen)
Haruto Ikezawa (Noah's Notes)
Masayoshi Satosho (Momiji no Kisetsu)
Kazusa Inaoka (Kimi Wo Shinryakuseyo)
Keiji Amatsuki (Seiji Tanaka)
Takahide Totsuno (Alice & Taiyou)
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sihaulia · 5 years
Review: Gintoki Live Action
Film ini aslinya keluaran tahun 2017, cuma ya karena pejuang streaming kayak saya mah baru bisa nonton sekarang di tahun 2019. Selain itu juga memang kayaknya gak tayang di Indonesia juga sih. Sebagai live action manga dan anime, di film ini kita bakalan disuguhi banyak hal-hal aneh dan nyeleneh yang buat beberapa orang mungkin malah ganggu. Bisa dibilang film live action manga Jepang tuh biasanya punya pasar sendiri yang gak seluas live action nya marvel atau DC soalnya suka plek ketuplek ngikutin cerita aslinya terutama setting tempat sama kostum pemerannya.
Oke balik lagi ke film nya. Kalau udah familiar sama manga atau anime karya Hideaki Sorachi ini pasti bakal familiar juga sama beberapa scenes sama jokes yang ada di filmnya. Awalnya saya agak skeptis sama bobot candaannya, maklum manga sama animenya kocak parah. Ternyata pas udah ditonton ngakak juga saya liat kelakuan Shinpachi. Makin gemes deh sama Masaki Suda yang pas banget bawain peran Shinpachi yang lugu, polos dan cenderung bodoh.
Kalau Shun Oguri mah gak diragukan lagi lah ya kerennya meranin Gintoki, secara doi mah udah malang melintang di dunia per-live action-an semisal Detective Conan sama Lupin the 3rd. Terus ada Ryo Yoshizawa yang lagi banyak banget dapet job beberapa tahun terakhir di film maupun di serial karena pesona kecakepannya, segerrr. Kana Hashimoto sebagai Kagura juga keren banget elah terutama koreografinya apik banget serasa liat Kagura lagi berantem beneran.
Sisanya gak kalah keren kok. Cuma ya gitu kalau gak biasa nonton live action mungkin bakalan ngerasa aneh, ditambah cerita gintama emang aslinya absurd banget, terus suka masuk-masukin anime lain sebagai cameo ditambah jokes nya kadang rada jorok. Buat yang (pernah) ngikutin petualangan 3 sekawan Gintoki, Kagura sama Shinpachi film ini recommended banget buat ditonton. Lumayan lah buat ngobatin rasa kangen akan ke-gaje-an dunia manga dan anime selama ini.
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recentanimenews · 4 years
"Gintama" Kagura Actress Kanna Hashimoto Becomes The 8th Most Tweeted Actor Worldwide in 2019
On December 10, Twitter unveiled the most tweeted TV shows, movies, female/male athletes, sports teams, actors, and musicians worldwide this year. 20-year-old Japanese actress Kanna Hashimoto, well-known as Kagura in the Gintama live-action film series, ranked eighth in the "most tweeted about actors" category, one position below Chris Hemsworth and one above Jennifer Lopez. She is only Japanese actor/actress in the top 10 list.
  In 2019, she starred in four feature films: 12 Suicidal Teens (January/Yukihiko Tsutsumi), Kingdom (April/Shinsuke Sato), Kaguya-sama: Love Is War (September/Hayato Kawai), and Gozen 0-ji, Kisushi ni Kiteyo (December/Takehiko Shinjo). She also plays the protagonist Reina Kasimura in the forthcoming live-action film adaptation of Arata Miyatsuki (story) and Shigure Kondo (art)'s suspense manga Signal 100 to be released in Japan on January 24, 2020.
    Most Tweeted About Actors:
  1. Tom Holland
2. Chris Evans
3. Zendaya Robert
4. Downey Jr.
5. Cameron Boyce
6. Keanu Reeves
7. Chris Hemsworth
8. Kanna Hashimoto
9. Jennifer Lopez
10. Mark Ruffalo
  Top actors of 2019 ????#ThisHappened pic.twitter.com/NeXkCLFxa1
— Twitter Data (@TwitterData) December 9, 2019
    Kanna Hashimoto as Kagura in the Gintama live-action films (July 2017/August 2018):
    万事屋・神楽( #橋本環奈 )✌️#映画銀魂 pic.twitter.com/3E4CB8lK3S
— 映画『銀魂2』公式 (@gintama_film) May 20, 2018
   "Kaguya-sama: Love Is War" trailer:
   "Signal 100" trailer:
    Source: Twitter Data
  (C)Hideaki Sorachi/Shueisha
(C)2017 Movie "Gintama" Production Committee
(C)2018 Movie "Gintama" Production Committee
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ambarawanihonkurabu · 6 years
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Kanna Hashimoto dan Masaki Suda Kembali Bermain Di Film Live-Action Gintama 2
Jadi salah satu film adaptasi live-action paling sukses di Jepang tahun 2017 lalu, film Gintama pun dibuatkan sekuel yang dijadwalkan tayang perdana pada tanggal 17 Agustus mendatang. Jika sebelumnya, situs resmi dari film yang diadaptasi dari manga populer berjudul sama karya Hideaki Sorachi tersebut mengumumkan tanggal tayang perdana kepada penggemar, maka kali ini tiga pemeran utama film Gintama 2 pun telah terungkap.
Penggemar pun patut berbahagia, pasalnya, tiga pemeran utama yang berperan dalam film live-action Gintama pertama juga kembali bergabung dalam film terbarunya kali ini. Setelah aktor Shun Oguri, aktris cantik Kanna Hashimoto dan Masaki Suda akan kembali bergabung, masing-masing mendapat peran yang sama dengan film sebelumnya. Selain itu, adapula aktor senior berusia 48 tahun, Jiro Sato yang kembali bermain sebagai Henpeita Takechi di film Gintama 2.
Gintama Official Twitter
Gintama Official Twitter
Proses syuting film Gintama 2 dikabarkan telah berlangsung sejak bulan Februari hingga awal April kemarin, dengan sutradara Yuichi Fukuda yang bertindak sebagai pengarah gambar. Meski begitu, mereka belum mengungkap secara rinci cerita dari film keduanya ini, dan juga deretan pemeran lainnya yang mungkin baru akan diumumkan di kemudian hari.
Tahun lalu, situs anime Crunchyroll mengumumkan bahwa tiket film live-action Gintama terjual sebanyak lebih dari 1,3 juta tiket dan memperoleh keuntungan sebesar 1,78 miliar yen hanya dalam kurun waktu 11 hari sejak pertama kali diluncurkan. Film yang dibintangi oleh Shun Oguri, Kanna Hashimoto, Masaki Suda dan kawan-kawan tersebut dirilis di 335 bioskop di seluruh Jepang mulai tanggal 14 Juli, dan telah mencapai angka satu juta tiket hanya dalam delapan hari. Dapatkah sekuel ini melampaui kesuksesan film adaptasi live-action pertamanya? Kita tunggu saja.
The post Kanna Hashimoto dan Masaki Suda Kembali Bermain Di Film Live-Action Gintama 2 appeared first on Japanese Station.
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dragonwolf44 · 7 years
“Kita adalah Alien dari sudut pandang  Alien” -Sorachi Hideaki
Manusia dengan segala lebih dan kurangnya dalam lemah ataupun kuat sangatlah unik. Dalam lebih ada beda pun dengan dengan kurang, dalam kuat juga lemah pun begitu. Walau satu nama spesies manusia sangat luas untuk dipahami baik pikiran, persaan, ataupun seluruh anggota badan yang jelas terlihat.
Perbedaan lah yang menjadi ciri dasar mengenali manusia, menjadi beda tentu tidak bisa dipaksakan toh itu memang lahir dari dasar, menjadi beda bisa menghasilkan dampak beragam bagi orang itu sendiri maupun bagi orang lain, bahkan bisa menakutkan bagi yang lain juga menakuti dirinya sendiri dari dampak yang dirasa selama pergerakan yang dengan sadar ia lalui.
Bahkan dari pelbagai perbedaan-perbedaan yang manusia miliki terkadang sebegian berpikir apakah ia manusia ? atau munkin yang lebih rumit mempertanyakan diri sendiri ini sebagai manusia atau bukan. Pertanyaan itu juga lahir ketika saya pribadi dulu yang memang sedang limbung untuk mulai proses, membentuk pikiran, perasaan, tujuan, juga hal lain yang jika ditulis satu per satu takutnya absurd.
Kembali setelah sekian lama pertanyaan itu belum terjawab dan proses pun belum usai bahkan hasilpun sangatlah jauh, di ramadan minggu kedua selepas isya dalam obrolan kopi malam pertanyaan itu muncul kembali namun bukan dari saya melainkan dari rekan ngopi saya pada saat itu, dengan latar cerita hampir sama namun yang ia bisa ungkapkan lebih dari yang menjadi pertanyaan saya dulu, tentu jawaban yang dicaripun banyak lebihnya ketimbang saya yang pada malam itu besar porsi saya sebagai pendengar.
Tak hanya pikiran, perasaan dan tujuan pun ikut terbahas dalam mencari jawaban, jawaban atas apa yang dipertanyakan akan kehidupan yang tak usai dalam berproses. Meskipun telah berbeda dalam pergerakan dengan sebagian manusia diluaran sana yang telah banyak ditemui namun justru pertanyaan itu semakin menakutkan utuk dijawab meskipun tidak harus terjawab akan tetapi tetap saja mengganjal.
Jawaban yang datang tak selalu sesuai dengan pertanyaan bahkan terkadang jauh diluar nalar pribadi, namun yang jauh lebih menakutkan adalah ketika kopi sudah tak lagi dapat dinikmati, bukan suasana nya yang kurang pas kalau kata rekan saya itu namun waktu lah yang telat mempertemukan, dengan kenikmatan kopi tentunya, mungkin.
Jadi apakah kita ini sebenarnya ? ARI UING MANUSA LAIN? Dengan bahasa Sunda yang kapital rekan saya itu bertanya, beberasaat saya jadi terpikir ungkapan seorang komikus dari Jepang Sorachi Hideaki pernah menulis “Kita adalah Alien dari sudut pandang  Alien”. Tak lantas saya bicarakan langsung, bagaimana tidak saya yang berporsi lebih besar sebagai pendengar harus pula berperan sejenak menjadi Alien untuk mengutarakungkapan tersebut secara langsung. Namun lebih dari itu sebenarnya pertanyaan itu  menjadi bahan pemiikiran bagi saya pribadi tentunya, ditambah waktu sudah larut menuju sahur juga kopi yang entah nikmatnya kemana.
Semakin jauh untuk terkantuk saya sudahi dulu obrolan kopi malam itu dengan alasan sahur saya harus pulang, padahal bahan untuk berkipir sudah mulai penuh. Juga agar dapat mencari nikmatnya kopi juga suasana yang nyaman dan jauh dari permasalahan yang walaupun permasalahan takkan pernah usai merampas nikmat dari kopi.  
Sungguh kopi nikmat itu langka bukan soal merk atau jenisnya tapi perihal dalam cara menikmatinya, rumit memang tapi ya itu lah…
kopi di minggu kedua Ramadan, malam menuju sahur. 1428 H/ 2017 M
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razberryyum · 5 years
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Gintama manga chap 704 (prologue)
Dear Gintama gods and Sorachi-sama,
Our amazing Gintama translators came through for us as usual, for one last time, and finally I was able to fully enjoy this “final” chapter of our beloved Gintama. 
And I must say, that is really one of the most bullshit, choose-your-own ending, sham of a final chapter I have ever read in my life and I absolutely LOVED it so damn much my heart is about to burst from the overflowing love for it. It is UTTER PERFECTION. I cannot stop laughing and crying at the same time at how perfect and ridiculous and brilliant this final chapter is. Sorachi-sama, you are truly amazing. I love you so much. If I wasn’t so sure that you were actually a holy gorilla god from another dimension and therefore wayyyy out my inferior human league, I would absolutely marry you.  You have made me so utterly happy I honestly don’t even know what to do with myself. I can literally live off of this euphoric feeling for years to come. 
I wish I had better writing skills and a larger vocabulary to adequately express just how grateful and joyful I am, but I feel woefully incapable of conveying the overwhelming feelings I am experiencing, especially right now since I am too emotional. I will write to you in a longer missive very soon; I have so much I want to say about this precious treasure of a final chapter. It’s really such a brilliantly appropriate way to cap off the decade and a half of loving blessings you have bestowed upon us. I’ve said it so many times already that I’m sure you’re bored of this by now, but I really cannot thank you enough. I also want to thank the powers that be, the Gintama gods, that made it possible for you and Gintama to grace my existence. I’m sure I did nothing in this life or the last to deserve you and Gintama, but I will eternally be thankful to the cosmic accident that allowed me to partake in your brilliance and masterpiece.
Yours truly,
A Gintama fangirl with Gintama dreams
PS: You forgot about Shachi and Asaemon again. XD 
PSS: Because I won’t be me without saying this: thank you for all the GinHiji and KonTae moments! Love you lots, talk to you soon! 
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razberryyum · 5 years
Thank you, Gintama!
Thank you, Sorachi-sama! ❤
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razberryyum · 5 years
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Gintama manga chap 703 (spoilers)
Dear Gintama gods and Sorachi-sama,
This is really the best ending Takasugi could have ever hoped for. I was preparing myself for his inevitable death, for probably quite some time now, and the certainty became more solidified after the last chapter, so I was ready to just weep at the tragedy of Takasugi’s death and all the painful emotional repercussions that Gintoki would have to bear as a result of it. I was expecting extreme sadness and tears, and yet right now, I mostly feel…satisfied and at peace. I am sad that Takasugi is no longer with us, I’ve been invested in him since his first appearance, but I am also glad that he died on his own terms in the way he wanted while obtaining full closure on his life.  For so long his goal has been to destroy the world that took away his Shouyou-sensei from him, but now not only was he able to restore his beloved teacher to the world but he also saved the world as well. In killing Utsuro, he also was able to finally do what he couldn’t in the past: save everyone that was precious to him, his beloved friends and comrades, both of the past and present.  It’s also beautiful that the last image he sees with his remaining eye is Gintoki smiling, which of course acts as a perfect counterbalance to the last image his ruined eye saw in the past which was Gintoki in tears. Full circle, complete closure. I am almost happy for him.  
Would it have been nice if Henpeita and Matako and even Zura and Sakamoto got to see him one last time before he passed on? Naturally; it would have been lovely if each of them had an opportunity to offer their last words to him, but at the same time, if I really think about it, that really would have only served as closure for them, not Takasugi. Takasugi doesn’t need that. With Henpeita and Matako, when he left them two years ago, he had probably already made up his mind to never see them again. He has already closed the book of the Kiheitai in his life, I’d like to think he probably did it when Bansai died. That’s why he was able to leave them and carry out his personal mission these past two years without looking back once. With Zura and Sakamoto, they have already led completely separate lives, so their intertwining chapters have also been closed. What has always remained open were the chapters involving Gintoki and Shouyou, and therefore it is absolutely fitting that his last two people he would get to see and essentially say good-bye to would be just the two of them.
I can’t deny that a small part of me still wishes that Takasugi had survived so that he could live out the rest of his life with Shouyou now that he seemingly is back with the world. It would have definitely been a fairy-tale ending for Takasugi. But at the same time, I do understand that he doesn’t deserve such a happy ending since, despite the warmth we feel about him now, for the majority of Gintama, Takasugi has unquestionably been the villain. Most of his earlier plans were put into motion without any regard for the innocent lives that would be lost in the process. Just because he wasn’t completely successful since his schemes were thwarted, doesn’t make his intentions any less heinous. By your grace we have grown to love Takasugi and forgive him of all the questionable things he’s done because we know how much he has suffered internally, but that doesn’t mean his cosmic scales has been balanced. With this sacrificial act of his, I think his scales are more than balanced; they’ve probably been tipped into light. Takasugi died as a hero, in the arms of someone who is important to him. He could not have asked for a more noble and fulfilling death.
As for Utsuro, I still would’ve really loved to see a 10-on-1 pile up on him; if I have one complaint it would be that I wish the final fight against him could have lasted just a little bit longer and with more outside contribution (and I’m saying all that under the assumption that Utsuro is finally, truly dead), but in lieu of that, having Oboro make an appearance one last time and actually contribute to his death was a fair consolation prize. I must admit I don’t completely understand the sorcery involved that led to Utsuro being tricked and defeated—I can only gather it mostly had to do with Takasugi creating an illusion of Shouyou’s death when in fact he had stabbed himself, and thereby weakening Utsuro to the point where he can be killed—but I’m sure Gintama fans smarter than me will either figure it out so that it all makes sense or dismantle it to prove it doesn’t. Personally, I don’t think it matters anymore. After all, Utsuro’s defeat was a long time coming. If being stabbed by the entire gang and then melted in the Altana stream didn’t do it, then he might as well be felled by an illusion. I’m not going to lie and not say that the whole thing doesn't have a whiff of deux ex machina about it, but then again, you are the god in this machine so why not. I just hope that he is actually, truly, permanently gone this time and that all that remains is Shouyou, completely untainted by any of Utsuro’s darkness.  It would be nice if he still had a smidgen of Takasugi and Oboro in him, but I could live with Shouyou being just Shouyou. But please, Sorachi-sama, no force ghosts. I know you love Star Wars, but I hope you refrain from paying homage to it in that way. I’m fine with not seeing them lined up behind Shouyou. If you are going to give us any more ghosts, give us Bansai, leading Takasugi to the afterlife. In fact, I am still hoping we will get to see that in the next chapter.
I know the word is out that the next chapter will be your last, but I honestly wish it wasn’t. And I promise it’s not ONLY because I want to be in denial and I am being greedy: I know you have been MORE than generous with us, to ask for more is downright disgraceful at this point. But if you were to end everything by the next chapter, I just hope that you have a very long chapter planned, perhaps one that is at least a hundred pages long, including a meaty epilogue as well. I hope that you are not rushing to the end because of outside pressure. I know it’s odd of me to say that considering the time you have taken with this final arc, but so much of the last couple of chapters have just been our beloved characters running around and fighting, I hope you reserved time in the next chapter for some quiet, significant conversations. I am actually most concerned about Gintoki’s state of mind since he was once again forced to strike down someone he loves. I know he had Takasugi’s blessing and he at least got to say proper last words to him, not to mention this time, he didn’t do it under extreme duress, but the fact remains that Takasugi still died by his hands. I hope we have time to see how he will recover from this event, if he needs recovery at all, or if this has provided him with closure as well since it did seem that way. Honestly, the more I think about it, the more one chapter sounds woefully insufficient to cover everything. I can only continue to have faith in you as I always do, that you will give Gintama as noble and fulfilling an end as you have blessed Takasugi with. 
Yours truly,
A silly fangirl with yaoi dreams
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razberryyum · 5 years
As one journey ends, may another one begin someday....
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Dear Gintama gods and Sorachi-sama,
As I wait for our dear, generous translators to translate chapter 704 so that hopelessly Japanese illiterate Gintama fans like myself can finally read it, I couldn’t help but break tradition and seek out the raw images for chapter 704. Normally I would hold myself back until I’m able to fully comprehend everything that is going on in the chapter, but I’m sure you can understand why this time, I simply couldn’t help myself.  
Even though I don’t know what exactly is going on since I cannot comprehend the dialogue, I just wanted to say that what I’ve seen has filled me with so much hope that I found myself crying tears of joy. That last image especially moved me so much because of the promise of continued adventures for our beloved Yorozuya. I can easily imagine you picking up right where you left off now years down the line...and allow us to once again join them on their ongoing journey. Thank you for not concluding Gintama in a way that would have offered no hope of its return. That’s really all I have ever wanted for Gintama’s ending: the possibility for more in the future. I am so grateful that I got my wish, and even more it seems, if I’m interpreting all the images correctly, that right now, I don’t even feel the sadness that should come with knowing the manga has ended. I’m sure the reality of that will hit me eventually and I will be a total weeping mess, but right now, I just feel...invigorated and grateful. Oh so very grateful. You didn’t disappoint us, Sorachi-sama. I knew you wouldn’t but I still want to say thank you so so very much for that. I cannot wait to write to you more in length about this treasure of a final chapter. 
Because of this renewed since of hope you’ve blessed me with, I will continue with my Gintama prayers and fill each of my day with some Gintama. Right now I’m still going through each episode of the anime, I will continue with that, although I am going to take a brief break from it until the scanlations of chapter 704 are available because honestly, I won’t be able to properly focus on the episodes until I get to actually read this last chapter. But once I do, I will continue on with watching, upholding the New Year resolution I made this year. After all, we already have a new Gintama anime season/project announced, so hopefully with my prayers we can eventually get another live action movie with the same amazing cast. Perhaps now that you have more free time, you can actually pen the script for the next movie while Fukuda-san remains the director. Perhaps you can create an original story involving the Yorozuya, Shinsengumi, Zura, and Eli for the third movie? I know, it’s probably asking too much of you right now since you JUST finished the manga, you deserve a good rest, you really do. I don’t mean to be greedy and demanding, but, if you could just, you know, keep that possibility in mind while you’re eating bananas on the beach in Hawaii, or wherever you choose to relax. Either way, in the mean time, I will simply continue praying and hoping that one day, in the future, whether it be a year or even a decade from now, you will once again bless our lives with some form of new Gintama. 
Yours truly,
A Gintama fangirl with Gintama dreams
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razberryyum · 5 years
THANK YOU, Gintama gods and Sorachi-sama!!!
Thank you for answering my Gintama prayers and blessing us with more new Gintama!! It has been greatly distressing to me that I can no longer say my Gintama prayers here for fear of complete obliteration of my Tumblr existence (my blog was inexplicably terminated 6 times within 10 days early July when I tried posting my Gintama-a-Day prayers, with the last time lasting three days)...even as I type this I worry that as soon as I post it my Tumblr will once again disappear for gods know how long this time, or permanently even. Still, despite chancing termination, I simply couldn’t resist writing to thank you because I am so absolutely grateful and joyful that we are getting a new anime movie.  I am so relieved that my Gintama prayers have once again come true and that my offering to watch one episode a day of Gintama has still reached you despite not being able to express all that I love about each episode.  I cannot wait to feast my eyes on the new movie even though I’ll probably lose my sight by the end of it due to weeping too much. Because I continue to be one greedy asshole, I will still continue to pray for a third live action movie, more of the anime somehow, and of course our beloved manga returning in some form to us--it doesn’t have to be in the near future, since I’m sure you’re still resting, but just sometime in the future would be great. In the mean time, I’m so glad I have a new Gintama to look forward to; thank you for your continued generosity as usual!
Yours truly,
A Gintama fangirl with Gintama dreams
PS: At our Gintama gathering this year, I offered up a Madao pinata as a sacrifice to you and the Gintama gods with the hope that my prayers will be answered. Obviously my sacrifice worked and for that I am truly thankful.
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razberryyum · 5 years
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Gintama manga chap 702
Dear Gintama gods and Sorachi-sama,
Please don’t do this to Gintoki again. Please don’t make him kill someone he loves and have to live with the guilt of doing so for the next decade or more. He barely survived the emotional repercussion of having to kill Shouyou the last time; it was obvious his actions took a toll on him since by the time he finally met Otose, he was clearly just a ghost of his former Shiroyasha self.  If he is forced to once again take the life of someone he truly cares about, which would be Takasugi this time around, I am so afraid that he won’t be able to survive the ordeal. While he has a strong network of love and support surrounding him, considering his tendency to internalize his turmoil, I worry that they would not be able to make any difference. I fear that he may very well disband the Yorozuya permanently and then choose to wander alone and live with his guilt until he eventually runs himself to the ground forever. It is such a bleak endgame for Gintoki that it hurts my heart so much and makes me want to weep profusely to even imagine such a scenario. I want to hope that you would never inflict such a devastating ending on us, but at the same time, I also never thought Gintoki would be the one who executed Shouyou in the first place so I am just so utterly frightened right now.  
And actually, my heart already hurts and I have already wept over what has happened to Takasugi. Dear gods, is he still present inside of this Utsuro? And if so, how much he must be suffering to be forced to  experience stabbing his beloved sensei with his own hands, even if they were not under his control. If there is still any of his consciousness left, the vision of Shouyou falling before him must have been so unbearably painful, especially since they only just reunited.  Just thinking of that moment again—the tears falling from Shouyou’s eyes as he apologized to his student, Takasugi seeing those tears while probably thinking that finally, finally, his beloved teacher and father-figure has returned to him, only to have all of it taken away from him, to have his own being taken away from him—is enough to make me want to put my head down and cry all over again.   I know Takasugi has committed some bad deeds over the years, but he already lost Bansai, and Shouyou has been the love of his life and the reason for everything for him...it is almost too cruel to allow him to see that man again only to take away everything from him all over again. To think, the last thing he saw with both eyes was Gintoki in tears; I can’t believe the last thing he might ever see with his one remaining eye is Shouyou in tears.  Just that thought along makes me reject the idea that this might be the last time we ever saw Takasugi.  Honestly, it would really hurt too much. Not to mention, Matako and Henpeita didn’t even get to say good-bye; hell, Gin-chan and Zura and Sakamoto didn’t even get to say good-bye. And now my tears are coming again. Damn it.  I honestly didn’t even think I would ever cry and hurt for Takasugi this much, but this is what you always do to me, Sorachi-sama.  
But it’s not over yet, right? I shouldn’t focus on just the gloom so soon when there’s hopefully still a ways to go and therefore a possible means out of this dreary landscape. Shouyou is a mere mortal now, so that stab could be fatal, but hopefully he will still hang on until he gets to see all his students again? And in the meantime, even though Gintoki and Utsuro will have to face off against one another yet again, perhaps there will be enough of Takasugi left in his own body that he can somehow wrangle control back to defeat the Utsuro in him? I don’t even know if that’s a possibility...I remember the Tendoshuu old fart shifted to Utsuro briefly before shifting back to himself...but that might be a different situation since he willingly relinquished control, whereas Takasugi had no choice whatsoever. I can’t believe that now that Utsuro is finally a normal human being again and capable of being defeated, I am almost reluctant to see him die because of what that will mean for Takasugi. Is it enough if Takasugi’s consciousness returns when Utsuro is in his death throes so that he can at least say some proper farewells to his Joui and Kiheitai family? If that’s all we will be able to get at the end, as sad as that would be, I think I could live with such a scenario. Especially if the one leading Takasugi to the other side is Bansai. I also hope that however Utsuro is finally defeated, that you take a good number of chapters to do so, and that Gintoki gets a helping hand in the fight from his Yorozuya family, the Shinsengumi boys, and the Yato fam, much like he did during the end of the war, except that maybe this time around, the two Joui boys who were off-planet gets to join in as well. It just wouldn’t seem right for Utsuro to be permanently defeated without Zura and Sakamoto’s involvement.  
I am truly grateful that we are given yet more opportunities to look forward to whatever excruciating emotional torture you have planned for us. I know it wasn’t that long ago when I was still living in fear that the next chapter would definitely be the last. I understand that you probably have only a finite number of chapters planned for the app, but you know I will never give up hoping that you will find a way to continue beyond what you had originally planned at the last minute. You have been able to do that time and again anyway, why not continue with that lovely trend? With Gintama becoming a bi-monthly release now, I hope you feel less stress now since you have longer deadlines and hopefully that will also reinvigorate your imagination and your motivation to create more Gintama. After all, Sorachi-sama, Gintama doesn’t always have to continue on Earth or even within the current timeline. There’s always Gintama in space or in a classroom. As long as we get to always see the further adventures of our beloved characters, I don’t really care what setting or time period or dimension they’re in; I have faith that you will still manage to make us laugh heartily and weep painfully while entertaining us thoroughly no matter what.
Yours truly,
A silly fangirl with yaoi dreams
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