#Highest Currency in The World 2022
the9jafresh · 2 years
Top 10 Highest Currencies In The World
Top 10 Highest Currencies In The World
Top 10 Highest Currencies In The World Most people believe that the highest currency in the world is the US Dollar, British Pound, or Euro, and so on. Sorry to disappoint, but there are a few currencies with a higher value than the ones they have in mind. Despite the fact that the USD is the most widely traded currency, it is near the bottom of the list. Here is a list of the world’s top ten…
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The standard legend of India’s Green Revolution centers on two propositions. First, India faced a food crisis, with farms mired in tradition and unable to feed an exploding population; and second, Borlaug’s wheat seeds led to record harvests from 1968 on, replacing import dependence with food self-sufficiency.
Recent research shows that both claims are false.
India was importing wheat in the 1960s because of policy decisions, not overpopulation. After the nation achieved independence in 1947, Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru prioritized developing heavy industry. U.S. advisers encouraged this strategy and offered to provide India with surplus grain, which India accepted as cheap food for urban workers.
Meanwhile, the government urged Indian farmers to grow nonfood export crops to earn foreign currency. They switched millions of acres from rice to jute production, and by the mid-1960s India was exporting agricultural products.
Borlaug’s miracle seeds were not inherently more productive than many Indian wheat varieties. Rather, they just responded more effectively to high doses of chemical fertilizer. But while India had abundant manure from its cows, it produced almost no chemical fertilizer. It had to start spending heavily to import and subsidize fertilizer.
India did see a wheat boom after 1967, but there is evidence that this expensive new input-intensive approach was not the main cause. Rather, the Indian government established a new policy of paying higher prices for wheat. Unsurprisingly, Indian farmers planted more wheat and less of other crops.
Once India’s 1965-67 drought ended and the Green Revolution began, wheat production sped up, while production trends in other crops like rice, maize and pulses slowed down. Net food grain production, which was much more crucial than wheat production alone, actually resumed at the same growth rate as before.
But grain production became more erratic, forcing India to resume importing food by the mid-1970s. India also became dramatically more dependent on chemical fertilizer.
According to data from Indian economic and agricultural organizations, on the eve of the Green Revolution in 1965, Indian farmers needed 17 pounds (8 kilograms) of fertilizer to grow an average ton of food. By 1980, it took 96 pounds (44 kilograms). So, India replaced imports of wheat, which were virtually free food aid, with imports of fossil fuel-based fertilizer, paid for with precious international currency.
Today, India remains the world’s second-highest fertilizer importer, spending US$17.3 billion in 2022. Perversely, Green Revolution boosters call this extreme and expensive dependence “self-sufficiency.”
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marveltrumpshate · 8 months
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Civil Rights Advocacy & Litigation
Since there is no Avengers Initiative working to physically fight our way to a more equitable world, we have to rely frequently on advocacy, public education, and litigation to bend the arc of the work more quickly towards justice. If this is your personal charitable focus, you have a lot of options to choose from, from organizations working on systemic change for marginalized populations to those focusing on freeing individuals from the prison industrial complex and defeating censorship. 
For more information on donation methods and accepted currencies, please refer to our list of organizations page.
ALA "Unite Against Book Bans" Campaign
This campaign run by the American Library Association is the best way to fight against the book bans happening in several U.S. states. This fight is more crucial than ever; in 2022, the ALA recorded the highest number of censorship attempts in the past 20 years. The initiative works to halt the spread of censorship in school and public libraries across the U.S., empower individuals to fight censorship in their communities, and preserve our right to choose what to read. 
Autistic Self Advocacy Network 
The Autistic Self Advocacy Network seeks to advance the principles of the disability rights movement with regard to autism. ASAN believes that the goal of autism advocacy should be a world in which autistic people enjoy equal access, rights, and opportunities and have their voices heard. For that reason, the organization is run by individuals on the autism spectrum. ASAN's primary focuses are advocating for policies that protect disability and civil rights, creating tools and leadership training for autistic self-advocates, and offering educational resources. 
The Bail Project
In their own words, “The Bail Project, Inc. is an unprecedented effort to combat mass incarceration at the front end of the system. We pay bail for people in need, reuniting families and restoring the presumption of innocence. Because bail is returned at the end of a case, donations to The Bail Project™ National Revolving Bail Fund can be recycled and reused to pay bail two to three times per year, maximizing the impact of every dollar. 100% of online donations are used to bring people home.”
The financial burden that bail places upon many arrestees means that they stay in the system disproportionately longer than necessary, disrupting their economic options and personal stability. This is particularly true if they’re poor and/or people of color. To fight bail and provide pretrial support is to fight mass incarceration and the racial and economic disparities of the bail system in the United States.
Center for Reproductive Rights
The Center for Reproductive Rights is the only global legal advocacy organization dedicated to ensuring reproductive rights are protected in law as fundamental human rights for the dignity, equality, health, and well-being of every person. With local partners across five continents, they have secured legal victories before national courts, UN Committees, and regional human rights bodies on issues such as access to life-saving obstetrics care, contraception, maternal health, and safe abortion services and the prevention of forced sterilization and child marriage.
Disability Rights Education & Defense Fund
DREDF is the leading civil rights organization in the United States that fights for and is directed by people with disabilities and parents of children with disabilities. Not only does DREDF work directly with their clients to help them know their own rights, but they train and educate lawyers, lawmakers, and other societal gatekeepers to make sure they know those rights as well.
Electronic Freedom Foundation
The leading nonprofit defending civil liberties in digital spaces, EFF champions user privacy, free expression, and innovation through impact litigation, policy analysis, grassroots activism, and technology development. They fight against online censorship and illegal surveillance, advocate for net neutrality and data protection, and more so that technology supports freedom, justice, and innovation for everyone. 
Innocence Project
The mission of the Innocence Project is deceptively simple: exonerate those who have been wrongly convicted through the use of DNA evidence. The reality of it involves much broader strokes covering support for exonerees rebuilding their lives post-release and criminal justice reform through targeted litigation and the implementation of laws to prevent wrongful conviction. They strive to restore freedom for the innocent, transform the systems responsible for unjust incarceration, and advance the freedom movement.
Native American Rights Fund
NARF is the oldest and largest nonprofit that defends Native American rights and provides legal assistance to Native American tribes, organizations, and individuals across the U.S. They concentrate on issues such as tribal sovereignty, land rights and treaty compliance, tribal natural resource protection, education on Native American human rights, and more.
Red Umbrella
Red Umbrella Fund is the first and only global fund dedicated to supporting the rights of sex workers. Their aim is to ensure that all sex workers can live free from criminalization, stigma, and violence, and the majority of their governance and grantmaking structures is composed of sex workers. In response to the lack of funding in this space, they focus on grantmaking and grant application and planning assistance for sex worker-led community groups and national/regional networks. 
Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and Legal Services (RAICES)
Most known for their work on the Texas/Mexico border but operating on the national frontlines of the fight for immigration rights, RAICES provides free and low-cost legal services, bond assistance, and social programs to underserved immigrant children, families, and refugees. Among their many accomplishments, RAICES established the largest bond fund in the U.S., which they use to secure the release of individuals from ICE detention, and has more immigration lawyers than any other organization in Texas. These lawyers represent individuals, including children, in court, offer residency and citizenship services, assist asylum seekers, and deal with removal defense. RAICES also offers social services ranging from case management and resettlement assistance to a national hotline connecting migrants with local community resources and transit support for recently released migrants.
Southern Poverty Law Center
They’re mostly known in the U.S. as a hate group watchdog of sorts, but their work goes beyond tracking and exposing hate groups and promoting tolerance education programs. SPLC works on voting rights advocacy, children’s rights, immigration reform and family reunification, LGBTQ+ rights, economic justice, and criminal justice reform, working “with communities to dismantle white supremacy, strengthen intersectional movements, and advance the human rights of all people.” Essentially, if there is injustice against a vulnerable and/or marginalized group in the U.S., SPLC aims to address and fix it.
Transgender Law Center
Transgender Law Center, the largest trans-specific and trans-led organization in the U.S., changes law, policy, and attitudes so that all people can live safely and authentically and free from discrimination regardless of their gender identity or expression. Through its precedent-setting litigation victories and community-driven programs, TLC protects the rights of transgender and gender nonconforming people in areas spanning employment, prison conditions, education, immigration, healthcare, and more.
Violence Policy Center
Named "the most effective…anti-gun rabble-rouser in Washington” by none other than its opponent, the National Rifle Association (NRA), the Violence Policy Center has a long and proven record of policy successes on stopping gun violence. The VPC informs the public about the impact of gun violence, exposes the profit-driven marketing and lobbying activities of the firearms industry and gun lobby, offers expertise to policymakers, organizations, and advocates on the federal, state, and local levels, and more.
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satoshi-mochida · 2 months
Deckbuilder card game HEART of CROWN Online for PC now available in Early Access
From Gematsu
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Publisher Japanime Games and developers illuCalab. and FLIPFLOPs have released deckbuilder card game HEART of CROWN Online in Early Access for PC via Steam at a 10 percent-off launch discount price of $17.99. The price will change to $19.99 after April 30.
Here is an overview of the game, via its Steam page:
The great emperor’s untimely death… Seven princesses are candidates for his succession! Who will save the empire from chaos? HEART of CROWN Online is a deckbuilding card game based on HEART of CROWN 2nd Edition, which was relaunched in 2022.
A four-player turn-based game.
Use the money you earn from your estates to buy new lands and various action cards to advance your game.
Once you have enough resources, you’re ready to recruit the Princess! Every Princess has a powerful effect, but be careful, the early bird gets the worm.
Get the senators, dukes, and other influential people on your side, and when your “succession score” reaches 20 points, you will be crowned. The throne is yours.
Online cross-play is supported! Ranked matches and free matches are also available.
In a wild time when swords and magic still ruled the world, an empire had united the entire continent and ended a long war. However, before the peace could be solidified, the great emperor fell ill, without a successor in place… If this continues, we could be back to a war-torn world! You are one of the most powerful people in the empire. You must quickly establish the emperor’s throne and ensure the unity and peace of the continent. The emperor had no male children, but fortunately, he had seven candidates to succeed him, including two princesses of direct descent. Now, let’s get the princess of your dreams to ascend to the throne!
And here is the Early Access roadmap:
April 2024
Early Access Release
June 2024
Enhancement of Visual Effects – We plan to enhance the presentation, starting with adding effects and animations for the princesses.
Expansion of CPU Battles (Add Level 6 and Battle with Preferred Supply) – We will add even more challenging difficulty levels, and implement a feature that allows you to choose and play with your favorite supplies from those available.
Expansion of Music and Sound Effects – This will include the background music for each princess that was popular in the previous game.
Q3 2024
-First Major Update
Ranked Matches – With this, you can earn titles by defeating rivals, similar to the previous game. The highest title you can achieve is “Archduke.”
Daily Quests – HEART of CROWN Online will adopt a seasonal system where scores are reset every 2 to 3 months. In line with this, we will implement daily quests that allow players to earn in-game currency and items by completing specific tasks each day.
And More…
Q4 2024
-Second Major Update
Single-Player Mode – We will introduce a new single-player mode that is different from the CPU battles.
Voice-Overs – We will also implement voices for key characters, starting with the princesses!
Shop -In the shop, you will be able to use in-game currency and items to purchase titles and emotes. These can be used to customize your profile, which will be reflected in your matches.
Exclusive Graphics for Coronation – We won’t say much now about the accession-only graphics… stay tuned!
End of Early Access: Official Release
*Minor user interface updates and additional cards will be implemented and updated as needed, so they are not included in the roadmap. More details will be added when we publish a more detailed roadmap in the future.
Watch the launch trailer below.
Early Access Launch Trailer
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mariacallous · 2 years
For a man on a moral crusade, Sam Bankman-Fried lived a life of surprising luxury. The $40m penthouse in the Bahamas, the supermodels and celebrities roped in to back his business ventures, and the fawning glossy magazine profiles would all be perfectly standard trappings for a Wall Street tycoon or hedge fund playboy. But they seem strangely reminiscent of the tired old capitalism Bankman-Fried got rich rejecting, not the one he was supposedly building in its place.
Once one of the world’s youngest billionaires, Bankman-Fried made his fortune in cryptocurrencies – forms of digital money originally invented to circumvent the supposedly corrupt financial elite and empower the little guy – and had grand plans for giving it all away to life-changing progressive causes. But instead of bringing the rotten old order crashing down, he was this week arrested on fraud charges (which he has denied) relating to the implosion of his currency exchange FTX in what bankruptcy lawyers describe as “one of the most abrupt and difficult collapses in the history of corporate America”.
Cryptocurrency is sometimes called “the people’s money”, because of the way it tapped into the rage of those who had lost trust, for understandable reasons, in the post-crash financial system: often young men, economically disfranchised, willing or desperate enough to take a gamble on a volatile and intangible asset, and prone to hurl threats and vitriol online at anyone arguing for tighter regulation of this wild new frontier. But if you thought Wall Street couldn’t be trusted, try being an FTX user, wondering if you’ll ever get your money back.
Will we come to see 2022 as the year populism finally ate itself? For if the last few years have been all about the collapse of public trust in the establishment then 2022 was the year trust in the anti-establishment collapsed too. It’s been a bad year for revolutionaries, but a worse one for those who badly needed to believe in them, only to realise too late they seem to have jumped out of a frying pan into the fire.
God knows there are legitimate criticisms to be made of mainstream politics, the City, and – as Harry and Meghan pointed out at length from their Netflix soapbox – the mainstream media, among a raft of other institutions recently in the firing line. It’s hardly surprising that so many want to believe in better. But this has been a year of realising that untrammelled populist alternatives are just as capable of turning toxic, if not sometimes more so, than the supposedly broken systems they seek to disrupt.
Liz Truss’s surreal six weeks in power looks in retrospect like the peak of this phenomenon. She was determined to rip up stuffy old economic orthodoxy and, in doing so, finally deliver the mythical fruits of the Brexit revolution. Instead she proved that orthodoxy exists for a reason, with a mini-budget that cost the country billions and drove former leave voters into the arms of safe, conventional, remain-voting Keir Starmer, the polar opposite of everything she represented.
Perhaps a similar kind of disillusionment with the radical alternative explains last month’s otherwise decidedly surprising finding by the pollsters Ipsos that trust in journalists has hit its highest point in 39 years. Closer inspection of the numbers shows faith in the written press has been quietly rising for years as faith in the internet – which once promised to democratise information, bringing truths quashed by corporate media or political censors to the masses – correspondingly declined. Perhaps it’s not that people have learned to love Fleet Street hacks so much as that they’ve grown disillusioned with new media platforms awash with conspiracy theories, fake news and hate.
New Twitter owner Elon Musk’s decision to suspend several journalists covering his activities from his platform after he said they were “doxing” him, meanwhile, is a useful reminder that revolutionaries often end up morphing into what they once decried. Having previously declared too much content moderation “contrary to the will of the people”, Musk seems to have decided there are limits to free speech after all, especially when it’s him you’re talking about.
The moral of the story isn’t that the establishment is perfect, nor that all revolutions are doomed. But it is to beware of populism in all its guises, and perhaps especially the profit-making ones. The people’s rage turns out to be easily monetised, and some have made fortunes from it. But this was the year of realising that it’s the people, in the end, who usually pay.
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naturalrights-retard · 11 months
The dollar’s value sank to its lowest in 14 months against other major world currencies on 14 July, according to the U.S. Dollar Index.
Twenty-eight of 31 currencies Bloomberg tracks advanced against the dollar on Friday.
The Swiss franc was its strongest against the buck in 15 months; Japan’s yen gained 1 percent Friday to strengthen its value to fewer than 140 against the dollar. The euro’s value grew to $1.11 and the British pound rose to $1.30, both reaching their highest value this year.
The dollar has risen along with U.S. interest rates, which the U.S. Federal Reserve began lifting in March 2022. June’s inflation data shows U.S. price increases slowing to 3 percent, well within reach of the Fed’s 2-percent target. 
Investors increasingly are betting the Fed will end its campaign of rate hikes after this month, which would let the air out of the dollar’s bubble.
The new inflation number and the surging world currencies “breathe life into the view that the Fed is close to the end of its cycle” of rate increases, Bipan Rai, foreign exchange chief at the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, told Bloomberg.
“We can’t say that definitively for a few of the other major central banks, which is a powerful cue for a weaker U.S. dollar.”
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Potosí and Cerro Rico At an elevation of more than 4,000 meters (13,000 feet) in the Bolivian Andes, Potosí is one of the highest cities in the world. Higher yet is the adjacent Cerro Rico (Spanish for “rich mountain”). The city and nearby mountain are also known for their long relationship with silver. Miners began extracting silver ore from the mountain starting in the 16th century, providing a legendary source of currency for the Spanish Empire. At the time, the mine was considered the world’s largest industrial complex and supplied most of the world’s silver—creating a source of wealth that helped shape a global economy. The Operational Land Imager (OLI) on Landsat 8 acquired this image of Potosí and Cerro Rico on November 24, 2022. In this view, the city’s close relationship with mining is apparent; built structures are visible up to the base of the mountain, and several tailings ponds are visible to its south. Cerro Rico is an extinct volcano that developed in the Miocene along a belt of tin and silver. The mountain later eroded, exposing a core that remained riddled with veins of silver. Relatively easy access to these veins prompted the rapid growth of mining. Production peaked in the late 1500s, at which time there were more than 600 mines on the mountain. By the 20th century, tin and zinc were being mined at the mountain. Potosí has been designated a UNESCO world heritage site given its historical economic significance and its preservation of past industrial production. But reports indicate that hundreds of years of mining have left the mountain unstable, and it is slowly sinking and collapsing amid other environmental degradation. UNESCO writes on their website: “The authenticity of the property is thus threatened, and urgent and appropriate action must be taken to protect human lives, to improve working conditions and to prevent further deterioration of this vulnerable component of the property.” NASA Earth Observatory image by Lauren Dauphin, using Landsat data from the U.S. Geological Survey. Story by Kathryn Hansen.
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fonecablecom · 6 days
FP Markets Reduces Spreads Across Key Asset Classes
June 11, 2024 at 09:49AM In response to increasing investor demand for more cost-effective trading solutions, FP Markets, a global multi-asset Forex and CFD broker, has further reduced its spreads across various trading instruments. Christodoulos Psomas, Head of Risk at FP Markets, expressed his enthusiasm for the move and commented: ‘Through the continuous optimisation of our trading infrastructure, we have successfully lowered spreads on several key instruments. Implementing this change across our platforms has resulted in a more cost-efficient trading environment for all our clients. We remain committed to maintaining and further enhancing these conditions as our goal will always be the delivery of a superior trading experience’. As part of the broker’s efforts to minimise trading costs for its growing client base, the reduction in spreads applies to a selection of widely traded CFD products, including Spot Gold (XAU/USD), a range of Major and Minor Currency Pairs, as well as major Equity Indices, such as the Dow Jones Industrial Average (US30), the S&P 500 (US500), and the Nasdaq 100 (US100). The FP Markets website provides a breakdown of the revised spreads and the affected asset classes. With a selection of over 10,000 CFDs to choose from, combined with low spreads, fast execution, a wide range of world-class Trading Platforms, such as MetaTrader, cTrader and TradingView, as well as a multi-regulated trading environment, FP Markets continues to distinguish itself as the broker of choice for investors across the globe. About FP Markets: ● FP Markets is a Multi-Regulated Forex and CFDs Broker with over 19 years of industry experience. ● The company offers highly competitive interbank Forex spreads starting from 0.0 pips. ● Traders can choose from the leading powerful online trading platforms, including FP Markets’ Mobile App, MetaTrader 4, MetaTrader 5, WebTrader, cTrader, Iress and TradingView. ● The company's outstanding 24/7 multilingual customer service has been recognised by Investment Trends and awarded ‘The Highest Overall Client Satisfaction Award’ over five consecutive years. ● FP Markets was awarded ‘Best Global Forex Value Broker’ for five consecutive years (2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023) at the Global Forex Awards. ● FP Markets was awarded the ‘Best Forex Broker – Europe’ and the ‘Best Forex Partners Programme – Asia’ at the Global Forex Awards 2022 and 2023. ● FP Markets was awarded ‘Best Trade Execution’ at the Ultimate Fintech Awards 2022. ● FP Markets was crowned ‘Best CFD Broker in Africa’ at FAME Awards 2023. ● FP Markets was awarded ‘Best Trade Execution’ and ‘Most Transparent Broker’ at the Ultimate Fintech Awards APAC 2023. ● FP Markets regulatory presence includes the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) Financial Sector Conduct Authority (FSCA) of South Africa, the Financial Services Commission (FSC) of Mauritius, the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC), the Securities Commission of the Bahamas (SCB) and the Capital Markets Authority (CMA) of Kenya. ● FP Markets was awarded the Best Price Execution Award at the Brokersview Awards 2024 Singapore. ● FP Markets was awarded the ‘Best Trading Experience - Africa’ at FAME Awards 2024. For more information on FP Markets' comprehensive range of products and services, visit https://www.fpmarkets.com/ This article was written by FL Contributors at www.forexlive.com.
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palmoilnews · 1 month
Indonesia's Q1 GDP growth beats forecasts but outlook uncertain JAKARTA Indonesia's economic growth in the first quarter beat expectations, buoyed by high public spending for the country's elections, but maintaining the strong pace will be challenging due to global developments and tight local monetary conditions. South-east Asia's largest economy grew by 5.11 per cent on a yearly basis in the January to March period, the highest growth rate in three quarters. Growth exceeded the 5 per cent rate expected by economists polled by Reuters and the 5.04 per cent achieved in the fourth quarter. In the first three months of 2024, campaign expenditure for the Feb 14 election and higher household spending during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, which started in March, bolstered economic activity. That helped offset the hit that Indonesia's economy has taken from declining commodity exports in the past year. The resource-rich country is the world's biggest exporter of thermal coal, palm oil and nickel, among other commodities. Some economists said the election and Ramadan spending gains are one-off factors. Going forward, higher-for-longer US interest rates, Middle East tensions, as well as Indonesia's own rate hiking cycle -- totalling 275 basis points from mid-2022 to April 2024 -- are clouding the growth outlook. "We think the economy is set to struggle over the coming quarters as high interest rates, lower commodity prices and below-trend global growth weigh on demand," Mr Gareth Leather, Capital Economics' economist, who predicts full-year 2024 growth of 4.5 per cent, said in a note to clients. Rate hikes by Bank Indonesia (BI) included a surprise move in April to step up support for the rupiah currency, which has fallen to four-year lows amid global market volatility. DBS Bank economist Radhika Rao said the strong first-quarter data reaffirmed her view that BI would keep the door open to further tightening should the rupiah fall further. "Firm growth will allow the BI to stay focused on price and FX stability," she said, predicting 5 per cent full-year growth. The rupiah has recovered some of its losses against the dollar in the past few days, after the US Federal Reserve indicated it would maintain a dovish tilt. The currency gained 0.4 per cent against the dollar at 5.30am GMT on May 6, compared with last week's close. The first-quarter growth rate was slower than the government's forecast of 5.17 per cent. For 2024, the government is targeting growth of 5.2 per cent, up from 5.05 per cent in 2023. In the first quarter, government spending jumped nearly 20 per cent annually in the first quarter, versus a growth rate of just 2.81 per cent in the previous three months, with higher spending for election and welfare programmes to help the poor cope with high food prices. Household spending grew 4.91 per cent on a yearly basis, compared to a 4.47 per cent expansion in the previous quarter. Household consumption makes up over half of Indonesia's GDP. Investment growth, however, slipped to 3.79 per cent in the January to March period, from 5.02 per cent in the fourth quarter. Some government officials have expressed hope investment would return after Defence Minister Prabowo Subianto's victory in the presidential election. REUTERS
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umadeochake · 2 months
Benzyl Salicylate Market 2024-2036 | Size, Growth, Industry Trends and Report
Asia Pacific Benzyl Salicylate Market is projected to view noteworthy growth during the forecast period on the back of the presence of a large number of consumers present in the region. The market in North America region is also expected to witness growth over the forecast period owing to the higher disposable income of the people.
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Further, for the in-depth analysis, the report encompasses the industry growth indicators, restraints, and supply and demand risk, along with a detailed discussion on current and future market trends that are associated with the growth of the market.
The global benzyl salicylate market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 2% during the forecast period. The market is segmented by end-user into hair care products, skin-care products, and pharmaceuticals & nutraceuticals, out of which, the skincare products sub-segment is expected to acquire a larger share on account of the growing demand for the cosmetics. The benzyl salicylate is also utilized as a UV ray absorber in sunscreens. The increasing usage of sunscreen lotion is estimated to add to the demand for benzyl salicylate.
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The global benzyl salicylate market is projected to grow over the forecast period on the back of the proliferating fragrance and cosmetic industry. People are using a myriad of self-care products, such as musk, soaps, sunscreens, perfumes, and lotions. Benzyl salicylate is the key ingredient in making such products; owing to this the global salicylate market is estimated to witness exemplary growth over the forecast period.
In Q4 2021, USA current-account deficit widened stood at $224.8 billion. However, in Q1 22, CAD rose by 29.6%, reached to $291.4 billion, adding $66.6 billion to the gap. Export of good and services increased by $25.7 billion to reach $1.03 trillion in the first quarter of 2022. However, goods and services deficit were $79.6 billion in June, down $5.3 billion from $84.9 billion in May, revised- reflecting some sight of relief. On the other hand, annual inflation rate in the country hit 8.5%. Energy CPI surged by 32.9% in July 2022, inflating the cost of logistic and some signs to disrupt supply chain whilst electricity cost upsurged by 15.2%, highest since Feb 2006. Apart from that, In July 2022, existing US home sales declined 5.9% to 4.81 million (seasonally adjusted annual rate), the lowest since May of 2020 and below market expectations of 4.89 million. As mortgage rate touches to peak 6%, sales for houses declined for a sixth consecutive month. Global energy crises to remain at focal point, pushing consumers to spend less on the products and services and save more.
On the other hand, the worst is expected to be seen in the European countries especially during 2022 winters. The energy and gas crises has already started grappling the region where in many Western European countries including Germany is looking for coal fired solutions to tackle the gas supply shortage, created by Russian-Ukraine conflict.
Amidst global concerns, market players have started looking for safe investments by holding on to the new technology and product launches. Factors like currency translation, disruption in global supply chain, Anti-China sentiments brewing across the globe, slowdown in Chinese economy, inflated products prices, USD getting stronger every week, decreasing purchasing power and strict measures taken by central banks/institutions across the world to ensure less spending and more saving, could hit the demand for the product and service badly in near future.
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The research is global in nature and covers detailed analysis on the market in North America (U.S., Canada), Europe (U.K., Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Hungary, Belgium, Netherlands & Luxembourg, NORDIC [Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark], Poland, Turkey, Russia, Rest of Europe), Latin America (Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, Rest of Latin America), Asia-Pacific (China, India, Japan, South Korea, Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, Australia, New Zealand, Rest of Asia-Pacific), Middle East and Africa (Israel, GCC [Saudi Arabia, UAE, Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar, Oman], North Africa, South Africa, Rest of Middle East and Africa). In addition, analysis comprising market size, Y-O-Y growth & opportunity analysis, market players’ competitive study, investment opportunities, demand for future outlook etc. has also been covered and displayed in the research report.
Growing Awareness for Hygiene and Grooming to boost the Market Growth
The global benzyl salicylate market is estimated to witness remarkable growth on the back of growing awareness for hygiene and grooming amongst the people. With the advent of the pandemic, world organizations are campaigning to convey the message of the importance of cleanliness. Additionally, benzyl salicylate is a key ingredient in making products such as soaps and lotions. Owing to this, the global benzyl salicylate market is estimated to witness remarkable growth during the forecast period.
However, the related health hazards are expected to operate as a key restraint to the growth of the global benzyl salicylate market over the forecast period.
This report also provides the existing competitive scenario of some of the key players of the global benzyl salicylate market which includes company profiling of Zhenjiang Gaopeng Pharmaceutical CO,. Ltd, Jiangsu Puyuan Chemical Co., Ltd, JQC (Huayin) Pharmaceuticals Co., Ltd., ECSA Chemicals AG, LLUCH ESSENCE S.A de C.V., OQEMA AG., Glentham Life Sciences Limited., Taytonn ASCC Pte Ltd, Whole Chem, LLC. and The Lermond Company, LLC. The profiling enfolds key information of the companies which encompasses business overview, products and services, key financials and recent news and developments. On the whole, the report depicts detailed overview of the global benzyl salicylate market that will help industry consultants, equipment manufacturers, existing players searching for expansion opportunities, new players searching possibilities and other stakeholders to align their market centric strategies according to the ongoing and expected trends in the future.
Access our detailed report @ https://www.researchnester.com/reports/benzyl-salicylate-market/4103
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actowiz-123 · 2 months
Scrape Food & Drink Delivery Data from Favor
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In today's digital age, data is the new currency, and businesses are constantly seeking insights to stay ahead of the curve. Food and drink delivery services like Favor have become integral parts of our lives, offering convenience at our fingertips. But did you know that you can extract valuable data from Favor to uncover trends, preferences, and consumer behavior? In this blog post, we'll explore the world of web scraping and how you can leverage it to scrape food delivery data from Favor.
About Favor Delivery
Established in Austin in 2013, Favor Delivery expanded its reach to encompass over 400 cities throughout Texas. With a fleet exceeding 100,000 Runners, the service has facilitated the delivery of over 80 million Favors to date. These deliveries include various items, from restaurant meals and alcoholic beverages to groceries and everyday essentials. Notably, in 2018, Favor achieved a significant milestone by becoming the first on-demand delivery company in the United States to attain profitability. This success caught the attention of grocery giant H-E-B, a cherished institution in Texas since its inception in 1905, leading to its acquisition of Favor.
Some Key Statistics of Favor Food Delivery in 2023
These statistics are taken from the inaugural "How Texas Orders In Report released by Favor Delivery, the sole restaurant delivery app designed by and for Texans, and now a part of H-E-B.
The data extracted for the report, covering the period from August 2022 to August 2023, confirms what many might expect: tacos hold the 1st position as the most favorite item in the state. Following closely behind are burgers as well as French fries, securing their spots as the 2nd and 3rd most favorite items in 2023, respectively.
The Rio Grande Valley emerges as the frontrunner for culinary preferences in tamale orders. At the same time, Dallas-Fort Worth takes the lead for the highest volume of chicken-fried steak, which is favored over any other market.
After considerable debate regarding the ideal accompaniment for tortilla chips, salsa emerges victorious, claiming the top spot, closely followed by queso, and then guacamole.
Regarding coffee preferences, Favor orders for iced coffee considerably surpass those for hot coffee statewide.
In San Antonio, residents satisfy their thirst with Big Red and iced tea, while Austinites lean towards kombucha, Dr Pepper, and coffee deliveries.
Houston solidifies its position as the wine consumption capital of Texas, leading in delivery orders for this beverage compared to other markets. Chardonnay, Cabernet Sauvignon, Pinot Grigio, and Rosé are among the preferred choices in the Bayou City.
Burgers, tacos, and chicken tenders are renowned favorites among college students at Texas' top universities. However, the cravings of Rice University students distinguish them from their peers, with a preference for donuts, sushi, and kolaches. Texas Christian University students opt for pasta, quesadillas, and burritos as their top choices, while Baylor University students are known for their fondness for cookies. Meanwhile, at the University of Texas at Arlington, egg rolls have captured a notable preference among students.
In Austin, the preference leans towards milder condiments, with ranch and ketchup topping the list of most ordered. Meanwhile, in the Rio Grande Valley, residents opt for a spicier palate, favoring hot sauce and chamoy to add some heat to their dishes.
In Dallas-Fort Worth, a display of Texas pride is evident, with the highest orders for cowboy boots and hats.
Texans' affection for their furry companions shines through in Houston, where pet owners prioritize ordering dog toys, closely followed by residents of Austin.
Austin, known for its outdoorsy vibe, demonstrates a penchant for over-the-counter allergy medicine and sunscreen, catering to its active population.
Corpus Christi, basking in sunny weather, leads the pack in ordering pool floats, reflecting the city's love for aquatic leisure activities.
Wing orders reach new heights during top national football and college basketball games.
On the Fourth of July, burgers are the preferred choice over hot dogs in all markets.
Why Scrape Food Delivery Data from Favor?
Scraping food delivery data from Favor provides businesses, researchers, and academics with valuable insights that can drive market analysis, competitor analysis, menu optimization, marketing strategies, forecasting, planning, and research. By leveraging Favor's datasets through scraping tools or APIs, stakeholders can gain a competitive edge and unlock new opportunities for growth and innovation in the dynamic food delivery market.
Market Analysis: Scraping food delivery data from Favor allows businesses to conduct comprehensive market analysis. By analyzing Favor's datasets, businesses can gain insights into consumer preferences, popular food items, peak ordering times, and regional trends, helping them make informed decisions about their offerings and marketing strategies.
Competitor Analysis: With the strategic advantage of Favor scraper tools or Favor scraping APIs, businesses can gather data on their competitors' performance on the platform. By analyzing competitor data, businesses cannot only identify gaps in the market and assess their competitive position but also take control of their market position and fine-tune their offerings to stand out in the crowded food delivery market, empowering them to make informed decisions.
Menu Optimization: Favor food delivery data scraping provides valuable insights into which menu items are popular among customers and which are underperforming. Businesses can use this data to optimize their menus, remove unpopular items, and introduce new dishes likely to resonate with customers, ultimately increasing sales and customer satisfaction.
Marketing Insights: By doing Favor app data extraction, businesses can uncover valuable marketing insights, such as the most effective promotions, advertising channels, and customer engagement strategies. This data can inform businesses' marketing efforts, helping them target the right audience with the right message at the right time to maximize ROI.
Forecasting and Planning: Favor datasets can forecast demand and planning operations. By analyzing historical data on order volumes, seasonal trends, and demographic preferences, businesses can predict future demand, optimize inventory management, and plan staffing levels accordingly to ensure efficient operations and timely order fulfillment.
Research and Innovation: Researchers and academics are crucial in shaping the food delivery industry. By leveraging Favor scraping APIs to access large datasets, they can conduct studies on consumer behavior, food trends, and the impact of food delivery services on society. This data is not just information but a valuable resource that can contribute to the development of innovative solutions, policies, and strategies, emphasizing the importance of their work in shaping the industry.
Data Fields You Can Scrape with Favor Food Delivery Data Scraping
When scraping food delivery data from Favor, you can extract a wide range of data fields that provide valuable insights into customer preferences, restaurant performance, and market trends. Some of the key data fields you can scrape include:
Restaurant Name
Cuisine Type
Location (Address, City, State, Zip Code)
Operating Hours
Contact Information (Phone Number, Email)
Menu Name
Dietary Labels (E.G., Vegetarian, Gluten-Free)
Order Id
Date And Time Of Order
Delivery Address
Order Status (E.G., Confirmed, In Progress, Delivered)
Payment Method
Customer Id
Contact Information (Phone Number, Email)
Delivery Preferences (E.G., Delivery Instructions)
Delivery Driver Information (Name, Contact)
Delivery Time
Delivery Fee
Special Promotions Or Discounts Applied
Customer Reviews
Ratings (E.G., Star Ratings)
Feedback Or Comments
Previous Orders
Order Frequency
Order Value
Special Offers
Discount Codes
Promotional Campaigns
Popular Menu Items
Peak Ordering Times
Seasonal Trends
Market Preferences By Location
Scraping Food Delivery Data from Favor
Several effective methods exist for scraping food delivery data from Favor. One popular approach involves utilizing Python libraries like BeautifulSoup or Scrapy, which enable you to parse the HTML content of Favor's website and extract relevant information such as restaurant menus, prices, delivery times, and customer reviews. These libraries provide flexible and customizable solutions for Favor app data extraction, allowing you to create comprehensive datasets tailored to your specific analysis needs.
Alternatively, you can leverage specialized web scraping tools or services designed explicitly for extracting data from delivery platforms like Favor. These tools often come equipped with user-friendly interfaces and pre-built scrapers optimized for scraping data from Favor, streamlining the scraping process and saving you time and effort. Additionally, some tools may offer advanced features such as scheduling, data cleansing, and integration with other data analysis tools, further enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of your data extraction efforts.
Whether you choose to utilize Python libraries or specialized scraping tools, the key is to ensure that you adhere to Favor's terms of service and respect their data usage policies. By employing proper scraping techniques and tools, you can gather valuable Favor datasets to fuel your analysis and insights, empowering you to make informed decisions and drive success in the competitive food delivery market.
The Code
This code sends a GET request to the Favor website, parses the HTML content using BeautifulSoup, and extracts the names of restaurants. You can modify the code to scrape other information such as menu items, prices, delivery times, and customer reviews by inspecting the HTML structure of the webpage and identifying the appropriate tags and classes to target. Additionally, you may need to handle pagination or use other techniques if the data you want to scrape is spread across multiple pages.
At Actowiz Solutions, we recognize the transformative potential of scraping food delivery data from Favor. Businesses, researchers, and enthusiasts can unlock valuable insights into consumer behavior, market trends, and business opportunities by harnessing the power of web scraping techniques. Whether you seek to refine your restaurant's menu or conduct in-depth market research, Favor app data extraction is a formidable tool. Elevate your strategies and drive success with Actowiz Solutions. Contact us today to explore how we can empower your endeavors with actionable data insights. You can also reach us for all your mobile app scraping, data collection, instant data scraper and web scraping service requirements.
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marveltrumpshate · 8 months
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Current Events
This year continued to be A Lot and we decided to ensure that there were charities that directly addressed current events. Folded into this post are groups that work for aid targeting every natural disaster as well as man-made ones, climate change, the ongoing pandemic of gun violence, and more. If you're looking for an organization that directly addresses any of those, this is your spotlight post. 
For more information on donation methods and accepted currencies, please refer to our list of organizations page.
ALA "Unite Against Book Bans" Campaign
This campaign run by the American Library Association is the best way to fight against the book bans happening in several U.S. states. This fight is more crucial than ever; in 2022, the ALA recorded the highest number of censorship attempts in the past 20 years. The initiative works to halt the spread of censorship in school and public libraries across the U.S., empower individuals to fight censorship in their communities, and preserve our right to choose what to read. 
Clean Air Task Force
As we've seen for a long time now but especially this year with constant natural disasters and alarming news from all over the world, climate change is real and we need to do something about it. Over the past 25 years, CATF, a group of climate and energy experts who think outside the box to solve the climate crisis, has pushed for technology innovations, legal advocacy, research, and policy changes. Their goal is to achieve a zero-emissions, high-energy planet at an affordable cost.
Direct Relief
Direct Relief provides humanitarian relief regardless of politics, religious or ethnic identities, or ability to pay and prepares the most vulnerable communities worldwide for more frequent, destructive emergencies. When disasters strike, they respond effectively and efficiently to provide requested medical equipment, medicine, and supplies to locally run healthcare facilities and projects.
Electronic Freedom Foundation
The leading nonprofit defending civil liberties in digital spaces, EFF champions user privacy, free expression, and innovation through impact litigation, policy analysis, grassroots activism, and technology development. They fight against online censorship and illegal surveillance, advocate for net neutrality and data protection, and more so that technology supports freedom, justice, and innovation for everyone. 
International Rescue Committee 
Founded in 1933, the IRC is a long-standing trusted partner in supporting those whose lives have been upended by sudden violence, political or natural. They are no stranger to areas of disaster and conflict throughout the world as they currently work in 40 countries. The IRC provides emergency aid and long-term assistance, including refugee settlement, and focuses on health, education, economic well-being, empowerment, and safety. 
Médecins Sans Frontières/Doctors Without Borders (MSF)
Odds are you’ve heard of MSF, the global organization that sends trained medical professionals to the places they’re needed most. MSF has been working globally for over 50 years, providing medical assistance to people affected by conflict, epidemics, disasters, or exclusion from healthcare—no matter what. They’re guided by principles of independence, impartiality, and neutrality to global political policies or movements. 
National Disaster Search Dog Foundation
This organization rescues, trains, and places abused or abandoned dogs with first responders at no cost to rescue humans in disasters. Search dogs are one of the best resources for locating survivors buried under wreckage, and this is a great solution for dogs whose personalities might make them unsuitable as family pets but ideal for search and rescue.  
Partners In Health
Founded by Paul Farmer when he was still in medical school, PIH is committed to bringing exceptional health care to every corner of the planet. PIH also works to provide access to food, transportation, housing, and other key components of healing to the most vulnerable. Their work started in Haiti but has expanded rapidly across the globe. 
RIP Medical Debt 
Over 100 million Americans (one in three) are struggling with paying off medical bills. COVID has only added to those numbers, putting people under significant financial burden and emotional distress. This organization buys up medical debt in order to forgive it with no tax consequences to donors or recipients. Donate just $1 and you wipe out $100 of someone's medical debt, $100 to get rid of $10,000 in debt, and so on—the ripple effect is real. Through their work, RIP Medical Help not only helps with financial relief but also brings attention to the need for a more compassionate, transparent, equitable, and affordable healthcare system.
Transgender Law Center
Transgender Law Center, the largest trans-specific and trans-led organization in the U.S., changes law, policy, and attitudes so that all people can live safely and authentically and free from discrimination regardless of their gender identity or expression. Through its precedent-setting litigation victories and community-driven programs, TLC protects the rights of transgender and gender nonconforming people in areas spanning employment, prison conditions, education, immigration, healthcare, and more.
Violence Policy Center
Named "the most effective…anti-gun rabble-rouser in Washington” by none other than its opponent, the National Rifle Association (NRA), the Violence Policy Center has a long and proven record of policy successes on stopping gun violence. The VPC informs the public about the impact of gun violence, exposes the profit-driven marketing and lobbying activities of the firearms industry and gun lobby, offers expertise to policymakers, organizations, and advocates on the federal, state, and local levels, and more.
Waterkeeper Alliance
In 1966, this movement was started by a band of blue-collar fishermen pushing back against industrial polluters, and their tough spirit remains intact through the 300+ local community groups that make up the global Waterkeeper Alliance today. The Alliance works to ensure, preserve, and protect clean and abundant water for all people and creatures. Their programs are diverse, spanning from patrolling waterways against polluters to advocating for environmental laws in courtrooms and town halls and educating in classrooms.
World Central Kitchen
Started by Chef José Andrés, WCK makes sure that people are fed in the wake of natural disasters. Their programs advance human and environmental health, offer access to professional culinary training, create jobs, and improve food security. WCK also teaches food safety and cooking classes to native people who live where disasters have occurred, so they may open restaurants and support the local economy more permanently. You can follow where WCK is currently on the ground assisting and feeding people affected by natural and man-made crises here.
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biblenewsprophecy · 4 months
ZH: American Totalitarian ‘Crypto Dollar’ May Come Before The Election; CG: EU Parliamentary Committee votes in favor of ‘digital euro’ CBDC
We continue to see steps in the USA and Europe about the rise and possible implementation of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs). Let’s start by looking at two reports related to the USA:
American Totalitarian ‘Crypto Dollar’ May Come Before The Election
February 21, 2024
Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) threaten to replace the cash we use with programmable, trackable, and censorable tokens controlled by governments. Your financial choices could be suppressed, and privacy eliminated. Based on what I’ve learned and experienced directly, this could happen before the 2024 election.  …
The Political Landscape for CBDCs in the United States
This is why I believe a CBDC might be rolled out in the United States before the 2024 Presidential election.
1/ President Biden has Authorized the Exploration of a CBDC, and There Isn’t any Real Resistance in Congress.
On March 9, 2022, President Biden signed Executive Order 14067. This EO places “the highest urgency on research and development efforts into the potential design and deployment options of a United States CBDC.” It also calls for a whole-of-government approach to regulating digital assets. As you will see in a further section below, the technology for a US CBDC has already been developed. …
In June of 2023, I had my first conversation with Vivek Ramaswamy. …
The first thing Vivek did after exiting the race after the Iowa Caucus was to convince Donald Trump that he should oppose CBDCs. On January 17, 2024, in my home state of New Hampshire immediately before the Presidential primary, Trump made the following statement: “I want to thank my friend Vivek for bringing this important issue to my attention. He’s been a great help in understanding the dangers of CBDCs, and I’m grateful for his guidance. Together, we’ll make sure that these digital dollars never see the light of day in America.” …
2/ The Technology for a US CBDC has Already Been Developed and Could be Deployed Quickly.
The Federal Reserve has already completed three successful pilots. …
3/ Most Americans are Unaware of What CBDCs are and Could be Easily Manipulated in an Emergency.
An article in Forbes on March 8, 2023, Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell stated “Given the very modest and biased mainstream media coverage on this topic, most Americans are fairly complacent about the issue.” The Cato Institute recently conducted a survey on the issue, and while it shows that 34% oppose a “central bank digital currency,” most don’t know enough yet to have an opinion. …
4/ In Recent History, Emergencies Have Driven Major Legislation That Strips Us of Our Rights.
There has been a recent trend of passing larger and larger emergency legislation in shorter and shorter timeframes with less scrutiny over time. Winston Churchill stated, “Never let a good crisis go to waste” and the US Congress and Senate have not missed this opportunity to use an emergency to strip US citizens of their freedoms. … we could see a CBDC passed in under two weeks. …
Don’t Believe the Hype
You should be aware that the people pushing CBDCs (central banks, the United Nations, the World Economic Forum, Bank of International Settlements, and others) have refined their messaging and will be presenting a full propaganda campaign extolling the virtues of CBDCs. …
Christine Lagarde, President of the European Central Bank, remarked, “Without CBDC, we risk losing the role of anchor.”
Neel Kashkari, President of the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, observed, “CBDC doesn’t solve any actual problems, other than enabling central bankers to monitor all transactions and deduct taxes directly from people’s accounts.” https://www.zerohedge.com/political/american-totalitarian-crypto-dollar-may-come-election
What Will America Look Like When Joe Biden’s Central Bank Digital Currency Becomes a Reality?
February 21, 2024
A Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) is a digital form of a country’s national currency issued by its central bank. Unlike traditional physical money such as banknotes and coins, CBDCs exist in electronic or digital form. …
Is a Central Bank Digital Currency good for the federal government or our people?
Former President Donald Trump warned that a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) or a Fed-controlled Digital Dollar “would give our federal Government absolute control over your money.”
“They could take your money, and you wouldn’t even know it’s gone. This would be a dangerous threat to our freedom.”
Are there any cases where countries have introduced a CBDC while maintaining control over their citizen’s financial resources?
Christine Lagarde, head of the European Central Bank, admitted that the purpose of CBDCs, like the digital euro, is control. She also noted that those who pay more than 1,000 EUR in cash for any transaction are doing so off the grid and will be fined or go to jail.
Whoa, using your own cash for private transactions over 1,000 EUR in the European Union will send you to jail? That’s a pretty scary thought.
Are there any reports as to how China is using its CBDC?
Wired magazine reports that “China’s Digital Yuan Works Just Like Cash—With Added Surveillance.”
Back in January 2021, a Forbes article had the headline: “China’s Digital Yuan Reported To Be the Ultimate Financial Censorship Tool.” …
At the beginning of his tenure, President Joe Biden signed Executive Order 14067 on “Ensuring Responsible Development of Digital Assets.” Hidden in section 4 of this order is some alarming language. In just a few paragraphs, our current president has possibly set the stage for…
Legal surveillance of U.S. citizensControl of all bank accounts and purchasesThe ability to crush free speech and silence opposing voices
Then we have Sen. Sherrod Brown’s (D-OH) pro-digital dollar draft—Senate Bill 3571—Banking for All Act. It describes Federal Digital Wallets.
Now, to add icing to the cake,  Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), along with Sens. Joe Manchin (D-WV) and Lindsey Graham (R-SC), introduced legislation to abolish digital money privacy. It’s called the Digital Asset Anti-Money Laundering Act of 2022.
This Act could strip privacy from digital money transactions, should the United States enact a CBDC, also known as Fedcoin. This is what American Banker, an organization dedicated to updating bankers on all financial and banking affairs, had to say about the Act:
This bill violates our digital privacy. The bill would require digital wallet companies to register as money services businesses, which means they would have to monitor clients’ payment transactions like banks even if they don’t move money. This means that a wallet company would be responsible for monitoring our personal digital wallets … for filing reports to the federal government.
As Forbes has reported in the past: “Privacy advocate experts worry that digital currencies would give governments too much control over how and where people spend their money. Many see them as the ultimate tool of government financial surveillance.” …
Rep. Byron Donalds (R-FL) says, “CBDCs pose a clear threat to Americans’ financial independence.”
Rep. Barry Loudermilk (R-GA) says, “The Federal Reserve’s push to develop a central bank digital currency would allow the Fed to track an individual’s transactions indefinitely.” https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2024/02/21/what-will-america-look-like-when-joe-bidens-central-bank-digital-currency-becomes-a-reality/
While various ones in the USA and elsewhere have concerns, digital currencies are more and more being studied and implemented.
That said, I believe that Donald Trump would make CBDCs a BIG election issue if it looked like they would be fully implemented before the 2024 election.
That said, notice the picture at the beginning of this post shows. It was from Pixabay when I searched for CBDC. It is an illustration pointing out that CBDCs would be a surveillance tool for the Euro.
The European Union is moving faster towards CBDCs than the USA as the following helps demonstrate:
EU Parliamentary Committee votes in favor of ‘digital euro’ CBDC
20 February 2024
The European Parliament’s Committee on Civil Liberties and Justice (LIBE) has overwhelmingly voted to endorse the latest digital euro report backing the European Central Bank’s (ECB) proposed digital euro, taking the bloc one step closer to a central bank digital currency (CBDC).
The draft legislation would make a proposed CBDC legal tender and was passed by a resounding 48 in favor of with only six against (and with seven abstentions).
A digital euro has been in the works since June 2023, and the latest draft of the bill, approved by LIBE on February 15, includes amendments that provide support for permissionless blockchains and address prior concerns raised by European banks. It also states that payment providers can use their own wallets. https://coingeek.com/eu-parliamentary-committee-votes-in-favor-of-digital-euro-cbdc/
We continue to to see many European and some American leaders pushing for CBDCs.
According to the Bible, Europe will end up with the ability to control and monitor buying and selling.
That would seem to have to require some type of computers and digital currency.
The Bible says that a coming totalitarian, European Beast power will control buying and selling.
Moves in that direction were part of #13 of my list of 24 items to prophetically watch in 2024:
13. CBDCs and 666
Notice the following prophecy:
16 He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, 17 and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
18 Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666. (Revelation 13:16-18)
This type of financial surveillance could not have happened during the time of the Apostle John as there was no real way to monitor many financial transactions then (despite the fact that ‘preterists’ believe this was fulfilled almost 2000 years ago, see also The Dangerous Rise of Preterists). The same was true for all the centuries that followed until the late 20th and now the 21st century. But now not only does the technology exist to monitor most financial transactions, the political will is there as well.
It will be a European power that will fulfill the above prophecy of 666 (watch Can You Prove that the Beast to Come is European?).
It will likely take supercomputers aided with artificial intelligence to aid in the fulfillment of the scriptures in Revelation 13:15-18, as well as cyber-spying/monitoring. I do believe that cyber monitoring will be used by the European Beast, King of the North, 666 power.
We are seeing a move to digital/electronic money. Notice a news item from 2023:
EU making use of large amounts of cash illegal: Yes, this is a step towards 666!
Now, now some items from 2023:
‘2023: The ABC’s of CBDC, the Great Reset(s) & MORE Centralized Control’
WEF wants to ‘master the future’–CBDCs are part of the way
World Economic Forum pushing the inevitability of CBDCs
‘We Are Working Hard On A Global CBDC’ ‘The Reset: When Will Globalists Attempt To Introduce Their Digital Currency System?’
‘CBDCs are a solution for a problem we don’t have, and they want to implant it under our skin’
WORSE THAN CBDCs: Globalists Publish Plan for Worldwide Financial ENSLAVEMENT Under “Unified Ledger”
‘Putin Signs Digital Ruble Law Making a CBDC Possible in Russia’
NEW WORLD CURRENCY ANNOUNCED? – New BRICS CBDC To Be Launched Next Year? ’10 U.S. Sectors To Be Affected If BRICS Stops Using the Dollar’
‘EU Parliament Agrees on Digital ID Introduction and Pro-Censorship Chief Suggests CBDC Integration’
Knowledge and monitoring of financial transactions is greatly increasing.
Europe has claimed that it will be the dominant force in cryptocurrency.
The Europeans will push for a CBDC.
Many within BRICS will push for a CBDC.
While 2024 will not see a cashless world, expect to see more movements towards monitorable payments.
Expect to see more steps related to Central Bank Digital Currencies in 2024.
The fall of the US dollar and the trend towards digital money will concern many.
Look for more totalitarian steps to be proposed and/or implemented in 2024.
Biblically, we know that 666 financial controls will be put in place in Europe, and likely elsewhere.
Actions towards Central Bank Digital Currencies looks to make that easier. The US Congress will not stop what the Bible shows will happen in Europe.
Related to CBDCs and prophecy, we put together the following video on our Bible News Prophecy YouTube channel:
World Economic Forum, CBDCs, and 666
Are there concerns about CBDCs (Central Bank Digitial Currencies)? The Summer meeting of the World Economic Forum (WEF) was held from June 27-29, 2023 in China. Did WEF speaker and Cornell University professor Eswar Prasad warn of CBDCs could “take us to a pretty dark place’? What did the European Commission say about the future of a digital euro and various protections the same week? Is the tweeted statement, “No one will be able to control how you use your euros” false in the long run according to biblical prophecies, such as Revelation 13:16-18? Is there a real ability to program a CBDC with an expiration date as well as restricting what it could be used to purchase? Has monitoring of purchase transactions been proposed by various European leaders? Does the EU already have a potential enforcement arm of ‘666’? Has the European Central Bank said that cash was “not fit for the digital economy’? Are we moving more towards a cashless world? Are things really changing towards that? Steve Dupuie and Dr. Thiel discuss these and other matters.
Here is a link to our  video: World Economic Forum, CBDCs, and 666.
Are YOU paying attention? Things are changing and will not remain as they have.
Steps towards ‘666’ are clearly happening.
Yes, Europe will adopt some type of digital currency.
Probably by 2028.
For a time it will “master the future” under a totalitarian dictator.
But the good news is that it will one day be replaced by the coming Kingdom of God.
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Lost Tribes and Prophecies: What will happen to Australia, the British Isles, Canada, Europe, New Zealand and the United States of America? Where did those people come from? Can you totally rely on DNA? What about other peoples? Do you really know what will happen to Europe and the English-speaking peoples? What about Africa, Asia, South America, and the Islands? This free online book provides scriptural, scientific, historical references, and commentary to address those matters. Here are links to related sermons: Lost tribes, the Bible, and DNA; Lost tribes, prophecies, and identifications; 11 Tribes, 144,000, and Multitudes; Israel, Jeremiah, Tea Tephi, and British Royalty; Gentile European Beast; Royal Succession, Samaria, and Prophecies; Asia, Islands, Latin America, Africa, and Armageddon;  When Will the End of the Age Come?;  Rise of the Prophesied King of the North; Christian Persecution from the Beast; WWIII and the Coming New World Order; and Woes, WWIV, and the Good News of the Kingdom of God.
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bitcoincables · 4 months
Bitcoin Surges Past $61,000 Due to Institutional Demand and Supply Dynamics
The cryptocurrency market is experiencing a major rally, with Bitcoin breaking the $61,000 mark and reaching its highest price since November 2021. This surge is attributed to a new wave of institutional money entering the market, driven by the approval of Bitcoin ETFs by the SEC. Major players like BlackRock and Fidelity have jumped into the Bitcoin space, with BlackRock's iShares Bitcoin ETF alone pulling in $520 million in new inflows recently.
The increase in demand for Bitcoin is meeting a tight supply, leading to natural supply-demand dynamics pushing prices higher. Additionally, the upcoming "halving" event where the daily new supply of Bitcoin will be cut by 50% is likely contributing to the surge in demand. As a result, Bitcoin has climbed around 40% since the beginning of the year, creating a positive sentiment in the crypto industry after a turbulent period in 2022.
Not only has Bitcoin seen a rally, but other cryptocurrencies like Ethereum have also surged in value. Ethereum, the second largest cryptocurrency by market cap, is trading at around $3,300 after experiencing lows close to $1,000 last year. The return of the crypto bull market is expected to face regulatory scrutiny, but the growing acceptance of digital currencies in mainstream finance is driving continued interest from investors looking to diversify their portfolios.
Overall, the current crypto market rally is fueled by institutional demand, supply dynamics, and the perception of digital currencies as a hedge against inflation and store of value. Investors should remain cautious due to the market's volatility and regulatory uncertainties, but the resurgence of cryptocurrencies signals their increasing relevance in the financial world. The industry's growth and mainstream acceptance highlight the ongoing evolution of digital assets as investment options. 🚀
#bitcoin #cryptocurrency #investment #ETF
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yessadirichards · 4 months
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Chinese 'Swifties' shake it off at Beijing watch party
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Waving glow sticks, and wearing sequin dresses and friendship bracelets, Chinese fans of American pop sensation Taylor Swift turn a normally-quiet Beijing cinema into a raucous celebration of their favorite singer.
The 14-time Grammy winner this month kicks off the Asia-Pacific leg of her "Eras" world tour with dates in Japan, Australia and, in March, Singapore.
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She won't, however, be stopping off in China, where she has a devoted fan base.
"She might have more fans in China than all her followers on Instagram," 31-year-old auto industry worker and superfan Flora Sun told AFP.
A bold claim -- Swift has 280 million followers on Instagram.
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But the devotion is definitely intense, and fans hope that by packing out cinemas with wild watch parties for her concert film, "Taylor Swift: The Eras Tour", they can convince her to come perform.
"Today is the eighth time I have seen the film," 28-year-old educator Qi Yi told AFP at a recent watch party in the Chinese capital.
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Wearing a silver sequin dress resembling one of Swift's concert outfits and holding a silver microphone, Qi said she was "really happy" the film was being shown in China.
Fans know every song by heart, belting out the lyrics word for word. Many have the number 13 -- Swift's lucky number -- in temporary tattoos on their hands.
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There are in-jokes aplenty: references to Swift's public spats with mercurial rapper Kanye West and even a special "Eras" currency.
"I go to the cinema every weekend to watch it," said 25-year-old Mu Guangyuan, dressed in a purple-and-black graduation robe mimicking one Swift wore when she received an honorary degree in 2022.
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He and his friends held papers proving their status as graduates of Taylor Swift University -- with a degree in "Doctor of Swiftie".
Mu told AFP he's been a fan for 15 years -- and that he is going to Singapore to see her next month.
"I'm really looking forward to seeing her," he said. "I also really hope that she can come to China and meet us Chinese fans."
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More than 1.8 million movie tickets have been sold since the concert film's release in December -- making it the highest-grossing music documentary in China with 93 million yuan ($13 million) in earnings.
Fans said they would see every one of her gigs if she made it to China.
"Be it Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou or Shenzhen -- wherever Taylor Swift holds her concert, I will go and watch every one of them," one 22-year-old fan said.
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Not everyone is so optimistic that she will come to China.
Jess Wang, a megafan who has seen Swift perform in the United States, said she believed that authorities would disapprove of the American superstar's progressive politics.
Her open support for LGBTQ causes, her decision to work with dancers who do not conform to traditional gender roles and "revealing" -- by Chinese standards -- clothing could all land her in Beijing's bad books, Wang argued.
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"I don't think Taylor Swift's team would risk censoring (those things) just to get the approval."
And for her fans, that message of openness and good vibes is what they love about her in the first place.
"Taylor Swift gives me positive energy, which helps me to work hard", student Liu Jingyi said. "She gives me a lot of strength."
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dubaiapartments · 5 months
Here's a breakdown of the pros and cons to help you decide:
Strong economy: Dubai has a consistently growing economy with a projected GDP growth of 2.5% in 2024. This creates a stable environment for real estate investment.
Rising population: Dubai's population is expected to continue growing, fueled by immigration and a high birth rate. This creates a high demand for apartments, especially in popular areas.
Thriving tourism industry: Dubai's tourism industry is booming, with over 23.7 million visitors in 2022. This presents an opportunity for investors to rent out their apartments for short-term stays.
High rental yields: Dubai boasts some of the highest rental yields in the world, ranging from 5% to 10%. This means you can expect a good return on your investment through rental income.
Government incentives: The Dubai government has implemented several initiatives to attract and support investors, such as tax-free property ownership and long-term residency visas.
Market volatility: The Dubai real estate market is not without its risks. Prices can fluctuate, and there have been periods of oversupply in the past.
High initial investment: Property prices in Dubai can be expensive, especially in prime locations. This can be a barrier for some investors.
Dependence on oil: Dubai's economy is still heavily reliant on oil. A decline in oil prices could impact the real estate market.
Geopolitical risk: The region is not immune to geopolitical tensions, which could potentially impact the market.
Fluctuating currency: The UAE dirham is pegged to the US dollar, which can fluctuate in value depending on global economic conditions.
Therefore, whether investing in Dubai apartments is a good idea for you depends on your risk tolerance, investment goals, and financial situation. It's crucial to do your own research, consult with financial advisors, and carefully consider all the factors before making a decision.
Here are some additional resources that may be helpful:
Bayut: This website provides information on Dubai real estate, including property listings, market trends, and news.
Dubai Land Department: The official website of the Dubai Land Department, which provides information on property regulations and transactions.
Cushman & Wakefield: A global real estate services firm with a strong presence in Dubai.
GoGold: seasoned real estate experts from Business Bay, Dubai
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