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Today's disabled character of the day is Hikari in Persona Q2: New Cinema Labyrinth, who has depression and complex post-traumatic stress disorder
Requested by Anon
[Image Description: Drawing of a girl with short white hair and red eyes. She is wearing a orange and black Japanese school uniform; which consists of sailor shirt and a skirt. She has a large orange ribbon on her chest and a white cap with a grey film reel attached to it.]
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wabatle-ocs · 2 months
Estranged Friends chapter 7: Practicing "Together"
Tw: Both of them take their shirts off, but nothing is shown or described
tagging: @ravenmoon903 and @stellas-starry-stories13
“Good morning, Rinnie!” Hikari greeted him loudly, storming into his room.
“Hey! Have you ever even heard about the concept of knocking?” Rin scowled.
“Wow, just a ‘good morning, Hikari! It's a pleasure to see your hot and sexy face on this fine morning.’ would be nice.” She told Rin, her voice dripping with sarcasm.
“No, just get out! I'm not even ready for the day yet!” Rin shot at her.
“Oh.” Hikari realized he was still in his pajamas. “My bad.” She backed out of the room, shutting the door behind her.
A few minutes later, the door slid open, and Rin stepped out. “Hey.” He greeted Hikari.
“Hey.” Hikari said back.
“What's the plan for training today?” Rin asked.
“Whatever. I don't have a plan yet.”
Rin and Hikari started walking to the field. Once they arrived, Rin spoke, “How about a 1v1?”
“Huh? Ah, sure, if you want.”
“Then, a 1v1 it is.”
“Don't get too cocky. I'll win.”
“Nah, I'd win.” Rin replied.
“Mhm.” Hikari smiled.
After retrieving a ball, Hikari set it on the ground. “Ready?”
“Whenever you are.” Rin said.
For hours, this 1v1 went on. Relentlessly fighting for control of the ball, trying to score first, doing everything in their power to win against the other. Hours.
And in five hours, there were 10 goals. Five for Rin and Five for Hikari.
Panting, Hikari spoke. “Had enough, Rinnie?” She was wearing a smug smile, her face dripping with sweat.
Also panting, Rin responded. “No… Not yet.”
“Well, I’m taking my shirt off. You okay with that?”
“Yeah, as long as I can’t see anything.”
“Sure.” Hikari slipped her shirt off and threw it to the side.
Moments later, Rin decided to take his shirt off as well.
Three more hours they went on for, each scoring three more goals, six goals total.
Hikari flopped into the grass. “Haah… I’m so tired. Bleh.”
Rin sat down next to her with his water bottle, and handed Hikari her own water bottle. “Here.”
After around five minutes of silence (other than the sound of them panting and drinking water), Rin noticed Hikari fell asleep. “Seriously…” Rin mumbled. “You can’t just fall asleep anywhere, Hika…” He tried shaking her awake, but to no avail.
“No, sis… Let me sleep…” Hikari mumbled sleepily, rolling over.
“I’m not your sister… Hikari, get up…”
Rin stopped and looked at Hikari’s face for a second. On impulse, Rin leaned down and pressed a soft kiss onto Hikari’s forehead. After realizing what he did, he jolted back and covered his face, a blush spreading across his cheeks. He was incredibly thankful that Hikari was still asleep.
He grabbed her water bottle, opened it, and dumped it on her face.
“Eugh!!” Hikari exclaimed, sitting up. “Why’d you do that?!”
“You fell asleep. Idiot.” “Oh, did I? Shoot, my bad.”
“You were mumbling a lot. Something about your sister.”
“My sister? What was I saying?”
“I told you to wake up and you said ‘sis, let me sleep’ or something like that.”
“Oh. Weird.”
“Were you dreaming about her?”
“No. I mean, yes? I dunno. I was dreaming about us, Sae, and my sister.”
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da-millerrrrr · 1 year
mav I fear I’ve opened the rai mei thirst gates once again.
Why would you do that.
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starkittnd93 · 1 month
(Spoilers for… journey to dawn?? But ig you could come to the conclusion from Temenos chapter 3 crackridge and Ochette 1 if you pay enough attention- idk-)
(Hikari and Ochette are under a cherry blossom tree)
Ochette: Hey… Is it true that people make confessions under cherry blossom trees?
Hikari: (nods) the petals that fall from the trees set a nice mood, so some people find it fitting to confess under them…
(Ochette nervously looks to the side-)
Ochette: …
Ochette: Hikarin… I’d like to confess to you.
Hikari: ..wh-
Ochette: I think I accidentally killed Temenos’s friend Roi…
Hikari: w h a t -
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cafeinnewdelsta · 6 months
Juvah: No humans in the village, Ochette. Sorry.
Ochette: What about Hikarin?
*they both look to Hikari*
Juvah: ...OK, I will make an exception because he looks very polite.
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satsuha · 10 months
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comic was something i drew for a mutual for their birthday using their modern au (detective temenos and his malewife hikarin)
last 2 pics were drawn using trace bases
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shintsukimi · 4 months
DRTA Translation Notes
Some clarification about my translation choices for DRTA so far. This goes from episode 12 to 16. Read more for spoilers if you haven't watched the episodes already (which you totally should be doing!)
Arumada's Kansai dialect
Not much to add here, just letting you know that Arumada speaks in a strong Kansai dialect. I tried to reflect this in the translation by making him speak in non-standard language.
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The nickname Arumada gave to Hold Nova. In Japanese, it's "Hologramko", basically meaning "Hologram Gal". Hollie was my choice of translation since I feel it was smoother than typing "Hologram Gal" all the time, especially since it's supposed to be a nickname.
Episode 13
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Here Hold Nova hits you with phrases involving water and relationships in Japanese. It was definitely a challenge to translate, but I tried to keep the translation one with idioms that
Reflect the meaning of what she's trying to say
Make use of the word "water"
If you're curious, the terms she uses literally translate to
You cut ties with distant (水臭い) people right away
If the issue is a trivial one, you forgive and forget (水に流す)
Ate box
The Japanese name of the Hate Box is アンチボックス (anchibokkusu), which Arumada mishears as ランチボックス (ranchibokkusu, lunch box). I went for something close enough.
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Hidden hate
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Some wordplay. Hold Nova says 本音 (true feelings) in written speech, but this line is voiced and she reads it as アンチ, a term colloquially used to mean "hater". Incidentally, the Japanese term for "Hate Box" makes use of the term アンチ too.
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Another one of Arumada's nicknames, this time for Chisa. I kept it the same, but I figured it might be a confusing nickname for people unfamiliar with the language. The Kou part of Chisa's surname is written with the kanji for light (光), which has Hikari as another possible reading for it. Hikarin comes from there.
Hate Box and speech patterns
I would talk about everyone's speech patterns, but that should probably take another post altogether. I tried to reflect everyone's difference in speech patterns in my translation, and I can only hope I was succesful.
The important part here is that Hatami has a very rough way of speaking that is the same as the one from the last recording except for one little detail. Hatami's first-person pronoun of choice is ore, but it's always written in katakana throughout the series (オレ), while the first-person pronoun from the mysterious speaker is ore written in kanji (俺).
Episodes 13 and 16
Hatami's title
Saving the best for last, this was the hardest part of the translation. His title in Japanese is 超高校級の悪運...which well...in Japanese can mean both having the luck of the devil (putting some emphasis on it being undeserved good luck) and having bad luck. What the series tries to do is lead the other students into believing Hatami's title has to do with bad luck, while it's actually about having the devil's luck. You can check Hold Nova's speech about the term in episode 16 to understand more about my thought process.
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detectiveichijouji · 1 year
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Case 10 disguises (part 1 of ??) - Hikarin Luka and NinjaTailmon.
What do ya mean this is Hikari-chan and Tailmon!? Don't you see they're the mysterious fighter duo from the Digimon Arena!?
(btw, "Luka" is a reference to GokaiYellow, Luka Millfy. If you know, you know.)
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beantothemax · 3 months
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spreading the any/all genderfluid hikarin agenda
DIVERSITY WIN!!!!!!!!!!!🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
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auncyen · 9 months
Néné feels sick from the smell of blood. Ochette had always felt sorry for her about that--both that her stomach wasn't stronger and that she'd had to spill blood anyway, because humans wouldn't stop at collaring beasts but collar each other too--but she couldn't say she knew what that felt like.
But Ochette smelled blood closer to the campsite than seemed safe, so she followed the scent's trail and found its source, and now she does feel sick, her heart hammering, her ironclad stomach roiling with disgust. Because the blood is Hikarin's, freely running down his arm from two neat, shallow cuts. And the dagger drawing that blood, the tip still pressed into the flesh, is also Hikarin's.
Hikarin is staring back at her, now that he's spotted her at the edge of the clearing. He looks sick to his stomach too--he has to be sick, Ochette knows humans do a lot of things that don't make sense to her but they don't hurt themselves--but she's seen beasts hurt themselves when they're very sick and confused--Hikarin's sick, he's always had that bad smell around him and now he's sick--but she knows who can help him.
"Ochette," Hikarin says in a small voice when she steps back. "I can explain--"
"MA," she bellows, and startles back when Hikarin shoots to his feet.
"Ochette, wait--"
"MA!" She's not expecting him to hurt her, not with one arm injured and the other hand now trying to cover the cuts, but his eyes are wide and panicky and he's doing things that don't make sense and Ma needs to come look at him right now.
Her shouting summons both Ma and Néné. Néné appears first, nearly at Hikarin's side before either of them see her and Hikarin pulls away from her, still holding his arm. Even though the smell of blood repulses Néné, she looks calmer than Ochette feels. Definitely calmer than Hikarin looks, but he's squaring his shoulders, pulling himself up straight as Ma breaks into the clearing.
"Hikarin hurt himself," Ochette says as soon as Ma gives her a questioning look, and immediately all of Ma's attention is on Hikarin. Good. She'll figure out what's wrong with him and make him better.
Hikarin rolls his sleeve back up for Ma when she approaches him, but he says, "It's nothing significant. It was an accident." Even if Ochette hadn't seen him pressing the blade to his arm she'd still know something wasn't right by the waver in his voice.
"An accident that happened twice?" Néné says, which is a good point. It's a bad, stupid lie. Hikarin doesn't usually lie. Ochette doesn't get why he's doing it now, when he knows Ma is here to help him.
"We can talk about how it happened later," Ma says, taking some bandages from her satchel. "For now, let me treat you."
The upset in Ochette's stomach settles a little, now that she knows Ma is on the job. She's good at figuring out how to fix humans and beastlings and even beasts up. She'll get to the bottom of whatever's wrong with Hikarin.
And hopefully soon. There's a heavy, sad look in Hikarin's face now that the panic is fading. And that bad smell is hanging around him like rotten meat.
just a lingering thought about if hikari might hurt himself for different reasons (punishing himself for the shadow's thoughts, or since the shadow seems drawn by blood having a desperate thought of 'if I give you some will you stop because I can give you mine') and uh. yeah
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wabatle-ocs · 3 months
Estranged Friends chapter 2: Isn't it “A”
Tagging: @stellas-starry-stories13 @ravenmoon903
Both sweaty from running around, Hikari and Rin decided to take a break.
“I think we're doing good.” Hikari said through heavy breaths.
Rin nodded, taking a sip of his water.
“Hikari…” Rin breathed quietly. “About what happened.”
“What do you mean?” Hikari asked, hoping he wouldn't bring up their fight.
“You've improved a lot.” The conversation took a sharp turn.
“Of course I have! Did you know my coach put me on the men's team because I was better than all the girls?”
“That's stupid. Girls should stay on the girls team.”
“You sexist?”
“No, but if the teams are supposed to be separated by gender, you shouldn't be allowed on the other gender’s team.”
“Mhm. Sounds sexist to me.”
“Shut up.”
Hikari giggled, and lightly nudged Rin with her elbow.
“I still don't need your help, by the way. I'm perfectly capable of passing this test on my own.” Rin said bluntly.
“Yeesh. Stubborn as ever, aren't you, Rin? Well, not that we have a choice. You're stuck with me for a while, Rin.”
He scoffed and took another sip of water.
“Besides, I still hate you for what you did to me.”
Rin flinched lightly.
“But… I'm willing to forgive you, because it would just be tragic if we couldn't understand each other.”
“Don't say that. This world is empty.” Rin mumbled.
“Huh? This world is beautiful! If it was empty, I don't think we'd have all these fun things like soccer and singing.”
“Oh, I'm an idol now. See, see? I found a purpose for my otherwise worthless life.” Hikari said with a questionable grin.
Rin’s eyebrows creased. “I shouldn't have said that to you. That was a horrible thing to say, I—”
“After you said that, I started thinking a lot. And I thought, ‘if I can't be useful to someone, then why am I alive?’ so, here we are. Maybe what you said was right.” Hikari's grin spread to an oddly sinister one. “I guess what was ‘hate’ to you was ‘like’ to me.”
Rin nodded.
“Take it easy. Don't overwork yourself.”
“Don't try to play god with me. I'll work myself as hard as I want.”
“If we keep on judging each other, things will just go wrong.”
“I hate it when you act high and mighty like that.”
“Isn't it pathetic that we're beating each other? We're just hurting each other.”
Rin sighed a hefty sigh. “As always, what's right to you is suffocating to me.”
“I'm gonna call it a day, anyway. See you later, Rin.” Hikari waved as the door shut behind her.
All Rin could think about was that day.
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hikarinlove · 2 years
When Red Meets Wolf
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Author: Hikarin Love Rated: T Summary: Red fears she'll get nowhere in life. Wolf is nowhere in life. Red is a lonesome teenager who(only on Wednesdays)works as a nightclub singer until she can fufill her dream to become a real artist. Wolf is a lone biker who happens upon a certain nightclub on a Wednesday. Red wants to be a singer. Wolf doesn't have a purpose. A chance incounter might free them both from their boredom of life, if only things were that easy!
Link: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5781497/1/When-Red-Meets-Wolf
This is an absolutely shameless self promotion of a decade old fic because I never finished its sequel; until this year, where I’m finally uploading the final chapters! It’s wild and I hope new readers can enjoy these two finally getting their happily ever after!
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da-millerrrrr · 1 year
ochette and hikari are two tired parents and their shadows are their extremely hyper kids
(not saying this as in like. shipping hikari and ochette because ew)
ochette: please... please just let me sleep...
'ochette': NO. im going to go HUNTING WITH HIKARIN.
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Hikari’s voice shook the dancer out of her thoughts. She stared at Hikari with a bewildered expression, and only realised his hand was resting on her shoulder after she looked down.
“Are you alright?” he asked, and she trembled underneath his touch. “...Quite, thank you. Just- lost in thought.” She looked away, desperately hoping to avoid eye contact.
Hikari frowned, and it was clear that she wouldn’t be getting off that easily. “You seem to be doing that more often lately. Is something bothering you?”
Primrose hugged her elbows, keeping her eyes trained on the rocky terrain of the Crestlands. Her booted feet kicked at rocks and climbed over boulders, her lightweight skirt aiding her in the trek.
“You can tell me, Prim. We’ve known each other for years now. Please, I want to help you- but I can’t if you don’t tell me.”
Primrose wiped at her eyes, quite aware that she was crying. “I’ll be alright, Hikari.”
“Is it because our journey is almost over?”
Our journey. Not his journey. Theirs. His and here together. She was not a simple tagalong on his adventure, but an aid. A companion. A friend. Someone who had taken his journey with him in stride and never once looked back.
“What will you do once Mugen is overthrown...? ...What will we do?” Hikari straightened, holding his head high. “We will rebuild. We will recover. And you will remain by my side the whole time, right?”
“Of course. I refuse to abandon you. I will fight with you until my last breath, Hikarin,” Primrose vowed, and Hikari smiled kindly. “There. See? You will not abandon me, nor will I with you. We will remain at each others’ backs, and we will fight to reclaim what is ours,” he placed his hand on the hilt of his sword, and she felt a swell of pride.
This was her friend, her brother. She had been there since his youth, his teens. She wouldn’t ask for forgiveness from Sealticge for feeling a sisterly protectiveness over him- nor for feeling proud of his resolution.
He would bring glory to their desacrated kingdom, and she would be there to bask in his sunlight, content with knowing she helped unveil the brightness. “Ours. ...Yes, you’re right. We will get Ku back, one way or another. I have faith in you, Hikarin.”
Hikari gently grasped her hand. “And I in you, Prim. Now, come. The others will be waiting for us.”
And the two red-clad fighters set off, climbing the mountains.
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inbox sick-fic fr temmy and hikari being besties
“Temenos, I will not ask again. Please take the medicine Castti has given you.”
“Absolutely not. I assure you, it’s not as bad as Castti has m-”
Temenos cut himself off with a coughing fit. He pounded his chest with a fist, visibly shaking.
Hikari crossed his arms, an eyebrow raised.
“Do not give me that look, Hikarin. I promise you, I’m fine.”
“Temenos, you are so pale you could pass for a ghost. Take. The. Medicine,” Hikari ordered, and Temenos relented, shoulders sagging. “Very well...”
The inquisitor grabbed the bottle Castti had given him, and downed it in a single gulp, shuddering. “I always forget how bitter skybalm-based tinctures are...” He murmured, and Hikari finally relaxed his posture. “Shall I fetch you some water?”
Temenos smiled gratefully. “If you don’t mind...”
Hikari rose to his feet. “Not at all. I’ll be back soon. If you can, try to get some sleep.”
Temenos opened his mouth to protest, but was met with only a small yawn. “...Yes, you’re right. I ought to get some rest, shouldn’t I?”
Hikari nodded, watched as Temenos sank his head onto the pillow.
The prince blew out the candle on the bedside table, and left the cleric to sleep.
Oh Aelfric, what if this is what Temenos is like every time he's sick? He keeps insisting he's perfectly fine;meanwhile, he has never been more congested and is hacking up a storm.
Now I'm wishing we got more Temenos + Hikari friendship moments. I'll have to look back at their travel banters lol
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quotidianish · 2 years
It's Hikarin- but like Wahoo!
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