#Hisomachi video
o7k5a8m9i · 2 months
Hisomachi vid
Hi y'all I posted a Hisomachi vid 🧵🃏⬇️⬇️⬇️💖🍭 you don't have to watch if you don't want to 🍓💜
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On my youtube channel please watch it🙏💖
BY THE WAY!✨ The vid is 15+ Because of swearing 🌸♠️
Tagging a few folks 💜 (*Sorry for bothering y'all ☠️😭*)
@rinhxh @raizxpz @maria-aooo @anotherworldash @artisticdemon @hisomachi-please @hisojuice @hisomachitrash @tangsakura @itsmyara @thelovelyghostwriter @hisomachiweek @machiwould @hisomachi101-blog
(I'm so sorry for tagging y'all again 😭🙏 I'll leave you guys alone 🌸)
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itsmyara · 9 months
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This movie shot from the Goodfellas film reminds me of either Hisomachi (after Hisoka killed Kortopi and Shalnark) or Tserriednich/Theta (that scene where Theta shot Tserriednich). Weird but it popped up in my head.
I can see why! 👀 No matter the couple, it would make for a lovely scene.
TseTheta kinda reminds me of this video as well (you can jump to the last minute to understand why better lol) and I think it would be a good AU.
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cautionworks · 2 years
【A Little Announcement】
I have neglected my AO3 accounts and I realized I have a shit ton of unread comments/messages for my fics. I apologize for that. I was so busy with making Jilco edits and life in general. Plus I've been really lazy lately when it comes fandom content.
I recently posted a fic today on my other acc and now I have the motivation and (hopefully) have time to finish all works related to writing.
Video editing projects will now be on hold. Of course I will be continuing working on projects related to shipping weeks I will be participating. (It's literally just one big hisomachi edit that will crash After Effects if I'm not careful)
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hisomachiweek · 3 years
Welcome to the HisoMachi Week!
The event will be held from September 13th to 19th and we expect to gather shippers so we can have a good time creating and enjoying new contents on this lovely pairing!
General Rules:
❥ The event will take place on Tumblr, Instagram, AO3 and Twitter. You can choose which platform will work better for your content.
❥ You can post your work on other sites as well, such as DeviantArt, Pixiv or YouTube, as long as you can share the link in one of the official platforms with a preview for your work.
❥ We'll accept fanfics in any format (from drabbles to multi chapters), headcanons, scenarios, fanarts, imagine edits, aesthetics, video edits etc.
❥ The week has 6 themes, each theme has 3 prompts, and a free day.
❥ There are no limits for your participation: you can take part for a single day using only one prompt, or you can join us in multiple days and using multiple prompts combined. For example, if you want to create something using the prompts Cards + Threads on Day 3, go for it! If the day's theme inspires you there's no problem in using it as well.
❥ Use the tag #hisomachiweek21 for your submissions. Tag our profile as well in your post so we won't miss it.
❥ If you're using Twitter or Instagram, make sure your profile is public.
❥ NSFW are allowed as long as you pay attention to the following points:
- Tumblr and Instagram's policies are against NSFW images. In this case, please, post the work in a site that allows them, such as Pixiv, and share the link with a censored, SFW preview.
- For NSFW written content, if you're posting it on Tumblr, write a summary and place the content itself under cut.
- In any case, if your content has sensitive topics, write warnings + tag them properly so people can choose to check it or not.
- Minors, please, don't submit or interact with NSFW contents.
❥ If you dislike the ship, filter/block the tag #hisomachiweek21. Hate, drama and discourse won't be tolerated.
❥ Any doubts? Contact us!
❥ We're on the mentioned social medias as @hisomachiweek and you can check our AO3 collection clicking here.
Let's check the prompts?
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Have fun!
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🎉 NEW GAME: Introduce your mutuals to everyone and what do you think of them? 🎉
@itsmyara : Big shipper of Hisomachi, great friend, also a very good writer.
@anotherworldash : the reason why I became active on Tumblr, one of my favourite mutuals. Also I found love in the Kuraneon pairing because of her.
@cautionworksstuff : really appreciate her multi-shipper outlook into things, very funny and talented video editor
@u-named : makes good analysis posts, also is a multi-shipper, always enjoying the analyses content
@animesexual78 : helped me out a lot back in Wattpad, genuinely a nice person and will always have your back 
@dukina : sweet, always so generous in expressing her like for my kuraneon content and I appreciate her Ging stan posts 
@hxytun and @feitansporcelaindoll : Feitan simps who influenced me to appreciate Feitan more 
@bucketofforks : always loving the random posts on my timeline
@officialhisokasbungeegum : always being crazy and random with him, funny guy, I’m always laughing when chatting
I guess that’s all I can whip up for now. 
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machiwould · 6 years
ask tag my question: how would Machi react to reading a fanfic about her? previous question: what types of video games would she play?
Machi doesn’t really take kindly to any fanfiction of her whatsoever after reading some R18 HisoMachi when Shizuku forgot to log out of the troupe’s communal desktop. This... actually explains itself. I don’t think I have to say anything else on this matter. Shizuku did spend a week in the hospital, though. 
Machi likes FPS games like Call of Duty and CSGO. She plays Mercy in Overwatch. She really, really, really likes Mario Kart. Shalnark introduced it to her and she was obsessed at first sight. Every saturday evening, the troupe comes together to play Mario Kart. You would think that conflicts would arise, but it’s actually one of the only times they get to bond as a family. Machi plays as Toad.
(( :D Nice asks btw! ))
(( Crack fic postponed to tmrw :,c ))
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itsmyara · 2 years
There’s this video on YouTube called “exposing Hisoka” that said Hisoka only sees women as sexual objects…I’m new to the fandom and a Hisomachi shipper can you tell me if this is true? I’m only on chapter 60, did something happen that would imply he’s a sexist? Also not sure if that video was satire or not :(
I don't know wth is this person talking about?
See, as a shonen, even tho HxH has some atypical elements for this genre, one VERY typical one is the lack of female characters/focus on them. Sure there are some awesome female characters but they're just a few and with little screen time. So we don't really get to see much of Hisoka interacting with women, which makes it hard to make such a statement.
The female character he had interacted the most with so far is Machi. Sure, he flirted with her the first time we saw them together, but flirting with her is not the only thing he does in those interactions.
Also, if you consider his lust for fighting as sexual, then oh boy, he does objectify men a LOT more.
Thinking about it, maybe this person thought this Hisoka's obsession about fighting strong opponents as some kind of... ahn... seeing a person as more than just an object? And we really don't see Hisoka being like this with a woman, he never talks about fighting Machi. Still, if fighting and killing someone to overpower them (or just for his own amusement) is regarded as a positive attention then I don't know what to say.
But I'm assuming a lot here, tbh I haven't searched for this video and maybe this is just someone making a joke.
TL;DR: there's no evidence that Hisoka sees women only as sexual objects.
I would like to make a few more observations here tho:
1: To be totally honest with you, every single character is disposable to canon Hisoka, regardless of their gender. Maybe he won't dispose of some right away but it doesn't mean he won't/wouldn't in the future. In this sense, every ship with him is doomed, which doesn't mean you shouldn't ship him with whoever you like. Shipping is something we do for fun and it's essentially a fandom activity. So don't worry so much about it and just enjoy your favorite dynamics 💕
2: There's a lot of fan theories/headcanons being (seriously) treated as canon out there, so for someone who still haven't finished the canon material, I would recommend you to take them as a grain of salt until you see things with you own eyes. Sure there are things that are open for interpretations, but we should make our own before anything.
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