#Hiyori never felt Haru so deeply lmao
shenyaanigans · 6 months
2,5,6,9,14 and 19 for Free! pls 😏😏
YESSSSS let's go!!!!
2. Are there any popular fandom OTPs you only BroTP?*
so there's the obvious one (rnhru) but i also vaguely feel this way about rei/gisa. HEAR ME OUT. it's not that it's bad. i understand where it comes from, i like totally get it. i just never felt as much of the chemistry there as others did, mostly bc i think nagisa doesn't get quite enough character moments. i have loved what the fandom has done with the two of them, tho!!
Has fandom ever ruined a pairing for you?*
in general for SURE, but i got RLY into free super late in the game, so the ship wars were over. i did have someone who was like. the backseat driver when i first got into the show, and i wasn't so good at standing up for myself or my opinions back then, so for a long time i was a huge hiyo/iku hater. this has since changed, bc i deeply adore how fucked up they both are LMAO.
Has fandom ever made you enjoy a pairing you previously hated?*
^^^ as stated above, hiyo/iku!!!!!!!!!! catherine's love of hiyori and all the meta analysis of hiyo/iku as parallels to mako/haru were some of my favorites, and really helped me move past the bias my ex-friend had instilled in me about the pairing.
Most disliked character(s)? Why?
i'm gonna be so real, i don't rly like ai as a character; i found him vaguely annoying and he doesn't really amount to anything or add to the plot other than being the wet paper bag rin steps on a bunch in the beginning of the show... his parallel with nagisa isn't very strong, and i just like. idk. that's about as far as my dislike goes for characters in this series LOL
Unpopular opinion about your fandom?
makoto deserves to bottom you fools!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! like sure he could top!!!!! i'm sure everybody assumes he does!!!!!! but //grabs you by the shoulders// the way he whines haru's name in canon tells me everything i need to know!!!!!!!! (this is a silly opinion but listen, it's a desert out here for the girlies who don't like dom top makoto or worse, SUB bottom haru (worst. hated take. disgusting. haru can bottom but he is not submissive))
What is the one thing you hate most about your fandom?
honestly, these days it's pretty great!! the echoes of the ship wars and the obsession with who's ship is more canon annoy me tho. canon has no bearing on whether the ship is good. shipping is about extrapolation. i don't really care which ship is "more" canon. it's not a competition, and people getting obsessed with it are obnoxious. like what u like!! it's ur right!!
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Hc that when Ikuya and Asahi aren’t fighting Kisumi is teasing the heck out of Haru about Makoto at lunch, once he would tease him about Makoto’s new glasses (he forget to take it off since it was the first time he had them) after he quickly say hi to them before eat with his friends from his class. And Kisumi just had to make comment like: « Geez Makoto sure is handsome with those glasses ne, Haru? » which Haru agrees with a lovestruck look before deny it in a tsund fashion lol. All of that while Asahi film all of it bc he just got his first phone and wanted to use the function and Ikuya be like: « 👀 what’s was that Haru, geez you can’t tell an completely honest answer huh 🙄 » also since then Asahi try to discreetly take photo or video of Kisumi teasing Haru and making him jealous and sometime Ikuya does too (he had to clean Natsuya room every month like that he can borrow his phone for the day which might or might not worth it depend) after they all got separated way Asahi store them on the cloud, while Nat lost them (Ikuya was maaad when he learn it, but actually Nao had the funniest ones since Natsuya show it to him and then he asked to have them for his embarrassing files of everyone bc he def own one) then they forget about them until they got reunite and at some point just remember of their existent, Ikuya asked Asahi if he still had those to show it to the group chat, which he was happy to oblige lol
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