#sooo perfect to tease Haru with
Hc that when Ikuya and Asahi aren’t fighting Kisumi is teasing the heck out of Haru about Makoto at lunch, once he would tease him about Makoto’s new glasses (he forget to take it off since it was the first time he had them) after he quickly say hi to them before eat with his friends from his class. And Kisumi just had to make comment like: « Geez Makoto sure is handsome with those glasses ne, Haru? » which Haru agrees with a lovestruck look before deny it in a tsund fashion lol. All of that while Asahi film all of it bc he just got his first phone and wanted to use the function and Ikuya be like: « 👀 what’s was that Haru, geez you can’t tell an completely honest answer huh 🙄 » also since then Asahi try to discreetly take photo or video of Kisumi teasing Haru and making him jealous and sometime Ikuya does too (he had to clean Natsuya room every month like that he can borrow his phone for the day which might or might not worth it depend) after they all got separated way Asahi store them on the cloud, while Nat lost them (Ikuya was maaad when he learn it, but actually Nao had the funniest ones since Natsuya show it to him and then he asked to have them for his embarrassing files of everyone bc he def own one) then they forget about them until they got reunite and at some point just remember of their existent, Ikuya asked Asahi if he still had those to show it to the group chat, which he was happy to oblige lol
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I stopped screaming, so yeah
First of all, I suddenly woke up at 3AM today, checked the news and literally spent two hours crying. I'm excited as hell, and by that I mean SCREAMING. Very glad that we're not getting a new season instead. I don't need a shit load of new characters. I'm kinda concerned about Ai and Momo. Hopefully, they'd appear a lot. I adore them. Also, I want to see more of Gou. Whatcha like besides muscles, my girl? Also, Sousuke, who is my least favorite of the whole bunch for some reason. Maybe if he and Rin have a whole movie to themselves, I'll warm up to him more. And to Rin, too. I want to love everybody. I just need some time. Personally, I don't care about Haru. I did when he was growing from being a giant dolphin dick to everybody to legit caring about the whole team. Makoto still is his mom as we've seen already, so he's probably fine. I'd love to see more of Makoto, though. Is he okay? Can he finally let Haru go and start living his own life? I kinda want him to, because he deserves it like no one else, but I don't want him to be heartbroken, either. WHATCHA DOING WITH ME, YOU BIG GREEN SWEETHEART? WHY DO YOU MAKE ME FEEL FEELS? And, of course, Rei and Nagisa, my absolute damn favorite cinnamon rolls ever. I adore their friendship. And the shipping, too. Sooo… can they FINALLY hug, please? When the second season ended without it, that legit got me in tears. C'mon. Just one hug on-screen, please. I don't want to think about their graduation, because that always makes me sad. I feel a lot of tears coming. I can't imagine them not together. These bastards are blooming next to each other. They seem to be very happy. They are perfect for each other. KyoAni, please be gentle. Don't tease me. I want to be free.
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