#HoT: Principle
acornminiatureslog · 2 months
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Guess who used the last of his thunder hawk blue to try and airbrush a tank, only to get fed up and start hand painting it
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thewiglesswonder · 9 months
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Taking another shot at Animated Knock Out. I feel like it’d be fun if he were to interact with Team Prime for a while, before going full-time Con.
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akiacia · 16 hours
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(two) little words
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comehomet0myheart · 10 months
Amaya deciding not to take a trade that would save Janai because she recognized that Janai would not want to be saved in a way that would hurt the people and future she wanted to protect is sooo hot why lie.
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gridcheck02 · 5 days
tbh I understand the team if they want to look at a different driver if the current one isnt performing or costing money to the team but never will I excuse team principals who shit talk driver on the media or talk about looking for another driver in public this should be a private matter Because whether you like it or not his under a contract so you have to at least fulfill the contract try to help him regain his confidence that's your job because no driver no matter how talented they are will ever be able to perform at their best if the team behind them don't believe or trust them
Hot take:
I 100% agree with you. I can understand teams and teams principles looking at different divers for next year, outside their current ones, but I’ll never accept or understand, team principles who bash their drivers in the media and publicly court other divers via the media. To me that is disgusting and unprofessional behavior, and I agree these type of conversations should stay behind close doors. Because when team principles do that not only do they cause a media frenzy but they also cause a lot of unnecessary problems. Like this past weekend when James vowels publicly said he wanted sainz in the 2nd Williams seat for next year and then that was constantly thrown in peoples faces, and if that fact was constantly thrown in our faces as fans, I can’t imagine how Logan would have felt knowing that all weekend his team principal was saying that to the media, and this brings me to your point about performance I personally think teams should have an obligation to help there drivers while under contract and not hinder them because as mentioned the teams made a choice in keeping the current drivers on their team for a reason, and by bashing them in the media and saying they want someone else in their seat, we have no idea what that’s doing to them. And yes I know drivers are supposed to have a strong mentality, but everyone has a breaking point even them.
So overall I think this type of issue could all be handled in a much better way and in private, and when team principles get asked about next years seat, its really not that hard to say no comment to be respectful to the current driver in that seat. And I bring up Logan again as an example because this is just my opinion but I think if he had a more supportive team and team principal he would be doing so much better, instead he has a team/team principal that hangs him out to dry in the media and doesn’t seem to want to help him much and also publicly says things that should stay behind closed doors.
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rexcaliburechoes · 3 months
gale is ambition, so he has both crippling self doubt and debilitating pride in his work.
gale is ambition, so if a character tries to undermine him by one-upping him, he'll think he's not nothing left. more else can the orb destroy that it hasn't already?
gale is ambition, so if a character tries to undermine him by one-upping him, he'll vehemently deny that. he's the wizard of waterdeep. he was mystra's chosen. he was her lover. who could be any better than that?
gale is ambition. it's his greatest flaw and his greatest asset.
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thatdogmagic · 11 months
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Shook head, brainworms fell out
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NBC Hannibal certainly has an interesting relationship with neurodivergent representation
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xenon-demon · 1 year
Currently brainrotting about a modern AU where Steve is a fitness instructor. He works at the local gym with Robin (who is a receptionist, since while she’s into fitness enough to work out on a regular basis she’s not into it enough to actually run classes).
Steve occasionally takes on clients for personal trainer work, but mostly he runs classes mainly for people who are in need of encouragement or a gentler hand in the gym (as opposed to the “YEAH YOU BETTER WORK UNTIL BLOOD IS COMING OUT OF YOUR EYEBALLS” approach some of the other instructors have). Think newbies, older folks who aren’t used to this, women who don’t want to be judged for how they look or hit on while working out, teenagers. Lucas (and occasionally Mike, if Lucas forces him to) attends some of his youth classes and absolutely loves it.
And then one day Lucas needs picked up from one of his gym classes so he can attend a late session of Hellfire, so Dustin successfully bullies Eddie into going and getting him and- oh my god who the fuck is that taking the class? It shouldn’t be legal to walk around looking that hot. Steve’s already worked up a sweat so he’s taken his shirt off, exposing his ridiculously chiselled torso to the world, and Eddie is definitely not looking at all. Nope, uh-uh. Lucas introduces them (since he’s genuinely friends with Steve at this point given his regular attendance at classes and their shared interest in basketball) and Steve shoots Eddie with this absolutely charming grin, and oh my god.
Eddie is so fucked.
Eddie, who is but a weak and feeble man, looks up the gym online later that night to see if he can find anything about Steve. Thanks to their instagram page, he finds Steve’s personal instagram... which is filled with lots of workout videos and fitness advice. Most of which is basically uh. Softcore porn. At least for a humble gay man like Eddie. 
...Eddie, in absolute grave secrecy, asks the next day about getting a trial membership at the gym. Look, it’s for research, okay? He’s just... curious.
(And if Steve offers to help the new guy out on the gym floor who clearly has no idea what he’s doing, then he’s just doing it because it’s his job. He definitely doesn’t find the new guy cute or anything, and even if he did, he’s definitely not trying to show off while demonstrating how to do the exercises properly. Nope. Absolutely not.)
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whos-hotter-jjba · 2 months
Preliminary Match - Pick your Favorite Joseph Joestar
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stupidsexpotflanders · 2 months
Me whenever I remember the hardcore environmental subject,taught by one of the toughest professors at uni,then remember how RT made Logan an "environmentalist"
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How the fuck one (1) guy riding a bicycle is going to do anything against air pollution? And considering how intelligent and well-educated Logan has always been(yes,always. He had plenty of problems at school,but none of them were with grades,AFAIK),he'd have realized it was merely an empty virtue signaling gesture. One would think Logan could help clean beaches and other places in Neptune(small scale,but still something with real results - making the city prettier and healthier),petition for proper disposal and treatment of residues(in all scales,not only in the industrial one),be invested in basic sanitation and water supply(those affect the poor disproportionally - see,Noir-relevant),engage in environmental education(bonus points if he gets to mentor troubled youth and take them under his wing - just like the professor did with him). Young!Logan might have plenty of flaws,but he got shit done.
Logan Echolls became what he hated the most - a virtue-signalling shithead who half-asses good deeds to stroke his own ego. Also,a State-Sanctioned Mercenary. Not very different from the vapid Hollywood he hated so much. I know the Doylist explanation was simply incompetence from RT,but can anyone think of an Watsonian one?
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st-just · 6 months
I'm sorry but if you convince yourself a) e.g. wow, sure is weird how all the cringe fandom blogs you dislike are coincidentally all zionists! (to pick the most recent example I've seen) and b) this is something to feel smug and vindicated about, then you're the one embarrassing yourself here.
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ebbpettier · 7 months
i don't believe in the fandom concept of problematic faves (all characters should have at least one Problem, i think, for flavor) but if i did, fiona pitch would have a permanent throne at the very top of my list. i just think she's neato-cheetos.
#on a scale from one to belittling a teenager who was just subjected to weeks of solitary confinement starvation torture#i think that fiona is a 10.5 and should consider prozac#rainbow has a way with multifaceted characters who do things because it's the only thing they know how to do#good things for bad reasons and bad things for good reasons and selfless things for spiteful reasons and vise versa etc#everyone is at least a bit of an asshole about something. even goodboy milk chap boyscout simon killed a bunch of vampires on sight#they were probably up to something shady but the likelihood that they were gonna kill those girls in broad daylight at a crowded renfaire?#probably pretty low. too late to un-kill 'em though. like. those were People. vampires are People. goblins too.#imagine you're a goblin looking to make some serious changes in your society and the only thing you have to do to achieve those goals?#is kill a fifth grader that already hates you and your entire species on principle and would definitely kill you first given the chance#some of those goblins were probably pretty power hungry assholes but i imagine if they have a monarchy they also have tax laws and shit#i couldn't kill a fascist cub-scout for free healthcare but i'm also very anti-murder in general and goblins seem quite pro#i am definitely thinking way too far into this but that's also my One SkillTM#the incredibly similar way that simon and fiona view 'dark' magickal creatures (and what it means about the entire WoM) is an essay itself#its also a LONG essay and i'm too much of a weenie to post in-depth fandom opinions more controversial than 'big teeth Hot'#so the gist of it is 'I JUST THINK THEY'RE ALL NEAT I LIKED THE BOOK A LOT'#del/lat
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zaggyzoo · 15 days
bad day all around 👎🏻
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Had a friend watch a movie with me and I offhandedly mentioned the character was hot and she went "uh he's a murderer!?How could you overlook that?!"
Sorry I was too blinded by his big, sparkling eyes and him being covered in blood with a smirk on his face to be concerned with moral implications
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adamshallperish · 3 months
i don't really think about critical role a lot anymore because idk i'm just disconnected with where they are as a Brand now vs the way they used to be but can i just say. caleb widogast is one of the most interesting things to have ever come out of that show and i will never forgive shadowgast shippers for the way y'all characterized him in fanon.
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