#sicarian battle tank
acornminiatureslog · 5 months
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Guess who used the last of his thunder hawk blue to try and airbrush a tank, only to get fed up and start hand painting it
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darkvolt · 2 years
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been wanting to do a full shot of my army for years, but it’s always been a work in progress. Luckily I lost my patience and just cracked up my boxes and put them all out on the family dinner table.
Compared to other armies, I’ve seen on the internet, this is a small collection.  Started in 2008, with procrastination, the occasional batch painting bug, scratch building units for cheap/didn’t wanted to get the metal models, and the long breaks.
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2 day Techmarine. 1 day building till my hands hurt, and one day painting, cardboard, plastic card, greenstuff, brown stuff, zip ties, sprue parts, and random bits
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Caestus Assault Ram, 4 week papercraft + bits
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Sicarian Battle Tank, 4 week Papercraft + powerdrill wood turning and bits, still need to make the side sponsons.
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2 day, eyeballed cardboard warhound titan
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Objective Marker
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lone Fallen... also an objective marker?
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It’s nice to have them out of the boxes, and seeing them all together. All “finished” models, anyways.
Got a whole box of marines, painted, without arms, and I could swear I had more Devastators... At the very least more Laz Cannons. And lots of loose bits, primed or unprimed that yet need to be assembled.
...still lots to do...
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farsight-the-char · 2 years
Sunday Preview – Massed Reinforcements for Warhammer: The Horus Heresy - Warhammer Community
Holy Fuck a lot of stuff.
So much Marine Heresy stuff. Sicarian Battle Tank, Spartan Assault Tank, both relic Terminator variants, Leviathan Ranged Dreadnought (plus a separate to order ranged weapon sprue), Contenpor Dreadnought, and the Praetors from Age of Darkness (may have missed something?)
Liber Mechanicum, the Horus Heresy rules for Admech, are also coming.
Some Lord of the Rings forgeworld stuff.
The Witchhunter Warband for Underworlds is also coming out. (Sweet).
Black Library stuff.
New "Hammer and Bolter" on warhammerplus.
World Eaters debuting on Khorne Day (August 8th)
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sovietsoldier1120 · 4 years
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Trooper Zhukov of the Crimson Eagles Legion, at rest with his Volkite Cavalier
Art made by the ever wonderful @hawker-the-gary Tysm once again!!!
Behold! A Crimson Eagle, a Space Marine from the Legion I mentioned here. Still working on their back story a bit (was thinking that they could reliably manufacture gene-seed but it seems that some people can do that already?? Idk, I’ll have to look into it more), but I can give an overall look at their tactics.
The most numerous Legion, even outnumbering the vaunted Ultramarines, the Crimson Eagles took the ancient adage of quantity being it’s own quality to heart. Spearheaded by heavy armor, particularly Fellblade and Sicarian battle tanks, the Eagles would use their numbers to crush and overwhelm their opponents in a red tide. Essentially, think Soviet tactics and doctrines from WW2. Many criticized the unimaginative tactics of the II Legion Primarch, Zhilova Maximovna, but could not doubt her successes. Nor could they fail to be surprised when she could pull a trick out of her sleeve every now and again.
“Wait, isn’t that just IG tactics?” You ask.
Maybe, but ask if I care. Spoilers, I don’t.
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acornminiatureslog · 5 months
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Battle tank principle is painted! Tried my hand at some freehand lettering and a chapter icon, not perfect, but lines up with the old school writing on models from rogue trader era stuff. Very happy, but definitely not gonna paint another vehicle for a while.
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