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Thanks for coming and join us
Mr. Hochang Ahn / Heayoung Jin
Mount Bromo ijen tour from Yogyakarta 3 Days 2 Night 29 Nov - 1 Des 2022
Itinerary and price click here : https://tripwisatabromo.com/tours/yogyakarta-bromo-ijen-tour-package/
Tour Included :
Private car for trips ( licensed driver, fuel, private car with AC, toll ticket, parking)
4WD jeep for Bromo Tour
All entrance to the National Park Bromo, and Ijen
1 night Hotel in Bromo
1 night Hotel in Ijen
Local Guide at Ijen
Gas mask rent in ijen
Tour Excluded :
Personal expenses
Lunch & Dinner
Horse In Bromo
Contact us : +6281336276475 / +6281252370780
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fotozbranek · 5 years
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Poslední dobou jsme vás trochu zanedbávali a tady máte důvod proč. O další fotky se s vámi ještě určitě podělíme. Nejdřív se ale budeme snažit dohnat všechny resty. Takže kdo čekáte na fotky, mějte ještě chvilku strpení. S kým jsme se před odjezdem na focení teprve domlouvali, radši se nám ještě připomeňte, ať na někoho nezapomeneme! 📷😊 #hochanger #loserfenster #austria #greimuth #osterreich #styria #panorama #rakousko #landscape #mountains #panorama #alps #alpen #alpy #altaussee #schladmingdachstein #visitau #priroda #nature #traveleurope #travelers #travelphotography #wildness #europe #igerslbc #iglifecz #travel #azfotky #mountainlovers #canoncz #canonphotography (v místě Greimuth) https://www.instagram.com/p/B16xIaVoeoF/?igshid=mkxhfyobo4sv
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bahnzumberg-blog · 5 years
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Ein neuer Beitrag wurde auf https://www.bahn-zum-berg.at/2019/08/mountainbike-nur-hinunter-ist-es-schneller/ veröffentlicht.
Mountainbike - nur hinunter ist es schneller
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Ich bin dabei zu evaluieren, ob das Fahrrad, das Mountainbike, für mich ein Sportgerät werden kann, das ich auch in den Bergen einsetzen möchte. Bergauf ist es (noch) keine Unterstützung…
Gut, das ist erst meine zweite Mountainbiketour. Vielleicht hätte ich – jetzt nachträglich betrachtet – auch nicht unbedingt gleich eine Strecke mit durchschnitlich 13% Steigung nehmen sollen. Das wäre schlau gewesen. Leider ist „schlau“ nicht meine Stärke…
Hochanger mit offizieller Mountainbikestrecke
Bisher habe ich immer wieder mitbekommen, dass sich Mountainbiker und Förster/Waldbesitzer regelmäßig in die Haare bekommen. Da ich darauf wenig Lust habe, habe ich nach einer legalen Mountainbikestrecke gesucht und von Bruck an der Mur auf den Hochanger auch gefunden. Siehe auch Alpenvereinaktiv.com.
Die Anreise nach Bruck an der Mur ist von Wien aus sehr einfach, weil wirklich jeder Zug, der nach Süden fährt in Bruck nach zwei Stunden stehen bleibt. Direkt vom Bahnhof sieht man den Hochanger auch schon.
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Den Hochanger kann man vom Bahnhof Bruck/Mur aus sehen
Vom Bahnhof radle ich hinaus, über die Mürz drüber und danach links hinunter Richtung Mur. Auch die Mur quere ich, weiter geradeaus bis zum großen Kreisverkehr, diesen nach Osten verlassen, ein Stück weiter und nach Weitental abzweigen, unter der Schnellstraße durch und ab jetzt geht es bergauf.
Ich zweige beim Schild nach links ab um auf der offiziellen Mountainbikestrecke hinauf zu fahren. Bei der ersten Kehre steht ein nettes, verfallendes Kirchlein.
Danach geht es etwas weniger steil weiter – aber halt kontinuierlich hinauf.
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Mountainbikestrecke (Demarstraße)
Ist man zu Fuß unterwegs gibt es einige Alternativen zu der Schotterstraße – speziell wegen der Mountainbiker. Wenn sie rauffahren ist es nicht schön ihnen zuzusehen, wie sie sich abmühen, wenn sie raufschieben möchte man sich von deren Elend auch nicht den Tag verderben lassen und wenn sie runterfahren, stellt eine Kollision eine ernsthafte Gefahr für alle Beteiligten dar.
Ohne es ausprobiert zu haben, würde ich den westlicheren Herrensteig zum Aufstieg zu Fuß nutzen.
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Ich gehöre jedenfalls zu denen, deren Elend man sich anschauen kann/möchte. Fahren tu ich nur einen Bruchteil des Weges – den größten Teil schiebe ich.
Zuerst denke ich noch, das wäre angenehm, weil ich mich am Lenker abstützen kann und so das Gewicht des Oberkörpers und des Rucksacks auf den Lenker verlagere.
In den Tagen danach merke ich allerdings, dass das Schieben anscheinend eine Fehlstellung in meinen Knien verursacht hat. Da ich mir im Frühjahr beim Schifahren irgendwas verletzt/gezerrt/eingerissen habe, ist mein linkes Knie seit Monaten sensibel und schmerzt jetzt ziemlich.
Weiters muss ich sagen, dass es deprimierend ist, wenn man selbst sein Fahrrad schiebt und man von E-Mauntainbikern mühelos mit 15 km/h überholt wird. Richtig demotivierend ist es aber von einer (wenn auch sehr fitten) Pensionistin auf einem normalen Mountainbike überholt zu werden.
Nach zwei Stunden ist die Schutzhütte Hochanger zu sehen. Glücklicherweise bin ich gerade wieder am Rad und komme fahrend bei der Hütte an. Mein Ego ist also nicht völlig zerstört.
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Schutzhaus Hochanger
Die Alm am Hochanger oben ist wirklich sehr malerisch. Kühe weiden – manche ruhen – eine schnarcht sogar, was ich sehr unterhaltsam finde.
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Panorama zwischen Schutzhütte und Gipfel des Hochanger
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Gipfelkreuz Hochanger
Vom Gipfel sieht man sehr schön auf das Hochschwabmassiv im Norden. Im Osten und quasi direkt gegenüber, ist das Rennfeld und der Hochlantsch schön zu sehen.
Im Schutzhaus Hochanger esse ich ausgezeichnet zu Mittag, hole mir ein paar Tipps von einem einheimischen Mountainbiker und fahre schließlich die Straße wieder hinunter.
Kurz vor der Hälfte der Abfahrt zweige ich nach rechts zur Schweizeben ab. Das bedeutet, dass ich eine kurze Gegensteigung von 50 Höhenmeter zurücklegen muss, bevor ich am Gasthaus Schweizeben vorbei fahre.
Ich brauche von hier aus 30 Minuten bis zum Bahnhof. Wer also lieber hier, als am Bahnhof warten möchte, sollte noch eine kleine Pause einlegen. Ist recht hübsch hier.
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Abfahrt Richtung Schweizgraben
Mein Weg führt mich jedenfalls durch den Schweizgraben hinunter.
Man könnte eventuell auch über den Gamskogel wieder Richtung Weitental hinüber fahren – ich fahre aber direkt bis zum Wildgatter an der Schnellstraße hinunter. Die Türe links läßt sich öffnen.
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Das Wildtiergatter läßt sich auf der linken Seite öffnen
Von hier fahre ich der Mur entlang Richtung Bruck an der Mur auf Asphaltstraßen.
Auch die Heimreise gestaltet sich unschwierig. Mit Fahrrad muss man halt nicht nur ein streckenabhängiges Entgelt für das Fahrrad zahlen, sondern im Intercity auch einen Platz reservieren, wo man es aufhängen kann. Letzteres ist zuggebunden.
Wenn man Pech hat, dann muss man halt auf einen Regionalzug ausweichen. Dort braucht man keine Platzreservierung für Fahrräder.
Ich werde mir als nächstes ein E-Mountainbike mieten um das auch auszuprobieren. Wenn das Schieben des Fahrrads wegfällt, stell ich mir das alles schon viel lustiger vor.
Was mich hierbei stört ist das höhere Gewicht eines E-Mountainbikes beim Ein- und Aussteigen im Zug und beim Aufhängen im Waggon. Unklar ist mir wie hoch das Risiko ist ein E-Mountainbike im Wald an einen Baum zu ketten, zu Fuß eine Runde zu gehen, um bei der Rückkehr kein Fahrrad mehr vorzufinden. Bei mehreren tausend Euro würde mich das stören. Mein Mountainbike hat gebraucht EUR 120,- gekostet, da würde mich ein Verlust nicht so extrem schmerzen, wie bei einem teuren E-Mountainbike.
Naja, hinunter vom Hochanger war es wenigstens ganz flott…
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onenewspacefr-blog · 7 years
| DRAMA | 09082017
"Nouvelles informations sur le personnage d'Onew"
Kwon Hochang, un étudiant en ingénierie qui n'y connait rien à l'amour. A cause de mes tendances autistes, je ne peux pas créer de liens avec les autres, j'ai donc de douloureux souvenirs d'école. Est-ce qu'un esprit malade en a reconnu un autre?
Ye Eun ( Han Seung Yeon), qui est traumatisée suite à une relation abusive, reconnait les blessures des autres aux premier regard. Le scénario met en scène la rencontre de deux jeunes gens malades qui partageront leurs problèmes et s'aideront l'un l'autre.
Onew: J'ai déjà regardé " Age of Youth ", jusqu'au huitième épisode ( d'un seul coup ) avant même de réalisé combien de temps il s'était écoulé et j'ai énormément apprécié. J'ai indirectement éprouvé beaucoup d'excitation en rejoignant " Age of Youth 2 ". HoChang est quelqu'un de joyeux de l'extérieur mais les blessures de son enfance sont toujours présentes telles des cicatrices. J'espère que HoChang et Ye Eun pourront prendre soin des blessures de chacun.
Le premier épisode sera diffusé Vendredi 25 Aout à 15h ( Heure française )
Cr: Naver | FyeahJinki 
Trad fr: #Tokkish ONS
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citious · 7 years
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Chapter 8
Characters: Jung Yeeun, Kwon Hochang, Kang Yina, Dongjoo, Yoon Jinmyung, Song Jiwon, Im Sungmin, Jo Eun, Eunjae
Note: If you haven’t read the previous chapters, you may do so here –> Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 2.5, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7
In a nutshell: Yeeun’s parents called Yeeun to discuss her relationship, how will it go? Meanwhile, Kang-eonni is entering her first day of work, and faced a terrible experience, luckily, someone came in the rescue - who is it? Jihun – the dance instructor who’s also Yoon-sunbae’s high school crush appeared again in her life, what will happen between the two? Lastly, Ssongsungmin is attending Jiwon’s friend’s wedding.
Rating: T
Friday 9th March 2018
Following their past discussion about Yeeun’s relationship with Hochang, mom and dad decided to take Yeeun to the house to tell her their expectations. Yeeun knew what her parents were about to tell her. She’s prepared for the worst, and she looked totally fine from the outside, but inside, her heart was wrenching. Despite the impossible twist that her parents would let her continue seeing Hochang, she still had a small hope that her parents would say otherwise.
Mom: Yeeun-ah…
Yeeun raised her head to look at mom who’s sitting across her on the sofa. Beside mom was dad, whose expression was as neutral and flat as it always had been.
Mom: Mom and dad have discussed enough about your future and your relationship.
Upon hearing mom’s opening sentence, Yeeun tried her best to maintain her composure. She didn’t want to let mom and dad see her vulnerable side. Mom continued,
Mom: We think that you should call it an end. If I have to be honest with you, there are so many other gentlemen out there who can give the best things fteor you. And mom knows you know very well our family’s legacy to marry someone from a prominent family. Yeeun-ah, mom felt empathetic about Hochang. I couldn’t imagine how hard he must’ve tried to go on after his dad’s passing, but I still believe that our family’s tradition and legacy outweigh my empathy for Hochang. You know what I mean, right, Yeeun-ah?
Yeeun who expected all the things that mom just uttered, tried to stretch her mouth a little, her expression was ambiguous, as it didn’t show acceptance nor rejection. She had had enough of an argument with mom. Yeeun thought, ‘It’s useless anyway if I even try to oppose her’.
Yeeun: Yes, I know that all too well, mom.
Mom: I hope you understand us, because we all want the best for you. You’re still young, and you still have a long way ahead of you. Mom and dad can find you a better candidate who can make you happy.
Yeeun wanted to curse so bad if it was possible, but she didn’t anyway. ‘What do you even mean by making me happy? Buying all those expensive designer items? Treating me to 5-star hotel restaurants? Bringing me to a holiday abroad? I don’t care about all those,’ Yeeun thought. She realized that happiness wasn’t just about money. She genuinely felt the love for Hochang, and she received the same, even though Hochang isn’t the heart-fluttering type. Aside from that, she knew Hochang could protect her from any kinds of danger, but it’s sad that her mom isn’t even trying to appreciate that.
The serious conversation was about to end, mom who felt that it was enough of an explanation, left the living room and entered her room. Yeeun raised from the seat and when she almost exited the front door of the house, her dad stopped her.
Dad: Yeeun-ah
Yeeun: Hm… appa… what’s wrong?
Dad looked back to see if anyone was around. There wasn’t anyone, thankfully, so he continued what he was about to say to Yeeun.
Dad: You don’t want to breakup with Hochang, right?
Hearing her dad’s unexpected question, her pupils expanded and her eyes went watery as she hesitantly answered with her shaky voice,
Yeeun: Honestly… yes, I don’t want to. But what can I do? Mom said no.
Dad who looked super concerned about Yeeun, and said,
Dad: Yeeun-ah. Don’t follow mom’s orders. Keep your relationship as it is with Hochang. Dad will take care of everything. Don’t worry about a thing.
Yeeun couldn’t hold her tears anymore and started crying as she couldn’t believe that her dad would actually say that in front of her. She remembered what Eun told her, that she must speak up about herself and try to find a win-win solution for her parents and herself. Before even trying to speak up, her dad, who’s the last person she could ever imagine would give in, was actually on her side now.
Dad who saw his daughter crying, kept her in his arms as he said,
Dad: Don’t worry, it will be alright. You’re such a nice daughter, do you know that? It’ll be alright. Honestly, Hochang is a good guy, dad really appreciates his effort to protect you. I think it’s unfair if I have to decide on your happiness. It’s already stressful that you had to go to Yonsei, although you do love your major. I don’t want to make myself a bad memory to you, all I want is for my daughter to be happy.
It’s been such a long time since Yeeun was in her dad’s embrace. The last time was probably during her high school graduation when her parents came to school for the ceremony. All these time, Yeeun just didn’t realize that her dad was honestly very caring towards her, and an actual ddal babo – A yes man to his daughter.
At the boutique
8.30 a.m.
It was Kang-eonni’s first day of work at the boutique. She arrived much earlier before the store opened as instructed by the manager who interviewed her. As she arrived at the boutique and put all her belongings in the locker, she introduced herself to all the employees in the store during the morning briefing.
Manager: Alright, good morning everyone… Today we have a new member to our team. Let’s all focus and work hard today.
The manager signaled her to introduce herself to the team.
Yina: Hello, my name in Kang Yina. Please take good care of me. I’ll work hard.
The team’s expression looked alright that day, and it somehow gave Kang-eonni strength for her first day at work
Manager: Alright, everyone, it’s a Friday, so do expect that more customers are gonna come especially during the second shift in the evening and night.
All: Yes, we’ll keep that in mind!
As all the employees seemed to understand what they had to do already, they all proceeded to their stations and started doing their tasks. Kang-eonni who wasn’t sure of what to do, took initiative to make sure that all the clothes are displayed extra neatly on the racks.
Her day at the store went quite smoothly at first, but maybe it just wasn’t her lucky day, as an ahjussi who seemed to be in his late 50s came into the store.
He decided to try on some clothes in the fitting room and shouted for an assistance
Ahjussi: Excuse me, can someone help me with the fitting?!
Some employees who were outside the fitting room could hear the loud noise and were all actually taken aback by the loudness of it, but since Kang-eonni wanted to show her best performance on her first day, she hurriedly walked towards the changing room cubicle and asked nicely,
Yina: Sir, how can I help you with?
The ahjussi scanned Kang-eonni from head to toe as he peeked from the curtain and let her inside the fitting room. Kang-eonni tried to maintain her expression as the ahjussi told her to button the silk shirt that was brought inside. Kang-eonni had sensed that something’s wrong, and something sure did. The middle-aged man deliberately molested Kang-eonni’s body. She tried to avoid making a fuss over that to keep her professionality, but her pride as a woman couldn’t let that happen.
Yina: Sir, what are you doing?!
Ahjussi: What are you talking about?!
The other employees in the store heard the sound of the customer and approached the scene. Luckily, there weren’t many visitors at that time, so it was easy to distract them from the commotion.
Just then, Dongjoo entered the store with his cougar. He purposely asked to go to that boutique so that he could see how Yina was doing on her first day at work. As soon as he entered the shop, he heard the fuss that was going on from the fitting room, so he approached the scene to see what was going on. As soon as he arrived at the scene, the ahjussi exclaimed,
Ahjussi: I told you I didn’t try to touch you! Is this how you should treat a customer?!
Yina: You know that’s not the truth!
At that moment, Kang-eonni tried her best to hold her tears from falling, but everyone could see how red her cheeks were from her suppressed anger.
Before the argument could go even worse, Dongjoo who had the grasp of the situation shouted,
Dongjoo: Kang Yina!
The fuss went silent suddenly as they heard the loud voice who screamed Kang-eonni’s name. She was started and couldn’t believe her eyes at who did it.
Yina: Dongjoo-ya…
What’s even more shocking is that the ahjussi was also startled as he saw someone whom he knew,
Ahjussi: You!
Suddenly, Dongjoo’s cougar jumped in and said,
Ahjumma: Yeobo?!
The argument ended as the ahjussi’s attention was altered as his wife suddenly appeared in front of his eyes. Kang-eonni too had some questions to ask as to why Dongjoo was there at the boutique. As Kang-eonni sneaked out from the scene, the ahjussi and ahjumma fought like cat and dog.
Convenience Store
06.00 p.m.
The sun has set as it signaled nighttime’s arrival. Kang-eonni’s shift had ended, and she sat outside a convenience store. Dongjoo came out of the store while bringing a couple can of beers and handed one over to Kang-eonni.
The two stayed silent for a while and then Dongjoo finally uttered a few words,
Dongjoo: You okay?
Kang-eonni opened the can of beer and gulped a sip before she replied with a sigh. She didn’t know how to explain her feelings, but she tried her best to,
Yina: I’m okay, but I’m not.
Dongjoo who heard Kang-eonni’s explanation suddenly turned his expression even more serious than before.
Yina: Even though I used to be a sugar baby, getting money from married men, I do have my pride as a woman. I don’t let just anyone touch my body. You know, it’s MY body and not even any girl can touch me. Do you understand?
Dongjoo understood how she felt. He’s also a player, but he had a perfect manner as a man.
Dongjoo: How about your work?
Kang-eonni let go of a big sigh, but she answered,
Yina: I talked to the manager, thankfully she understood my position. I’ll resume working next Monday.
Dongjoo nodded and felt relieved that Kang-eonni’s motivation to gain experiences during the break won’t go in vain. Wanting to get away from the topic, Kang-eonni tried to change the subject a little as she didn’t want to think further about the incident,
Yina: So are you done with that woman?
Dongjoo took a sip of beer and answered,
Dongjoo: I guess so. She texted me just now, saying that she and her husband made up.
Kang-eonni resumed,
Yina: Have you ever thought of stopping?
Kang-eonni didn’t exactly explained what she meant by stopping, but Dongjoo seemed to understand where the question was headed towards.
Dongjoo: Stopping? Honestly I have thought about it, but I can’t imagine my life without all those money that I can get from this job.
Yina: Well, you’re not exactly wrong, you get a good amount of money and the only thing you need to do is make your client happy. With your techniques.
Dongjoo stared straight at Kang-eonni and then asked,
Dongjoo: I’ve never dared ask about this, but why did you decide to stop?
Kang eonni smirked and responded,
Yina: Because I know this thing that I was doing won’t last, and I have to prepare for what’s gonna happen in the future. We’ll get old, and I didn’t even attend university at the time. If I turn old, who wants to use me? No one, right?
Dongjoo sighed as Kang-eonni finished her explanation. He was annoyed at himself because what Kang-eonni said was totally right and rational.
Dongjoo: You’re right.
At that very moment, Dongjoo sincerely thought of stopping his career and start attending school like Kang-eonni. The serious conversation highlighted their night and the two continued to finish their beers as the moon shines bright in the velvet dark blue sky.
Belle Époque
07.00 p.m.
Yeeun was laying down on her bed, staring at the ceiling blankly above her. She grabbed her phone on the bedside table. She opened the kakao-talk app to text Hochang
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Yeeun quickly put on her coat and grabbed her purse and went out of the room. Eun and Eunjae were at the dining table eating ramyun from the pot. They all looked at Yeeun who’s out with her pajama pants, completely not her style to go out.
Eunjae: Yeeun-sunbae, where are you going at this time?
Yeeun: I’m going to the usual café, meeting with Hochang.
Eunjae looked at Eun and asked in whisper,
Eunjae: Did something happen to her?
Eun kind of guessed what happened, but kept quiet as she realized it wasn’t her place to tell other Yeeun’s problems.
At the café…
Yeeun entered the café hurriedly and went over to Hochang who’s sitting at the usual table. Hochang raised from his seat as he saw Yeeun approaching.
Hochang: Yeeun-ah, did something happen?
Without giving an answer, Yeeun wrapped her arms around Hochang tightly. She said,
Yeeun: I’m never gonna let you go. You understand?
Hochang then hugged Yeeun tighter, expressing his understanding. He thought, ‘I guess she met her parents…’ Despite knowing that Yeeun might have met her parents, he couldn’t exactly predict the outcome.
After some time, Hochang let go of Yeeun and asked,
Hochang: Do you want some smoothies?
Yeeun looked up to Hochang and nodded as she took a seat at the sofa, but before Hochang went towards the register to order, Yeeun added,
Yeeun: Hochang-ah…
Hochang: Hmm?
Yeeun: I’m hungry too.
Listening to Yeeun’s cute remark made him smile like an idiot, he wanted to pinch Yeeun’s cheeks so much,
Hochang: Arasseo. Wait here, okay?
Hochang is one super understanding boyfriend. He’s calm and mature, although he might seem like an anti-social guy. He being understanding was one of the reasons why Yeeun felt comfortable being with Hochang.
OH & PARK Entertainment
07.14 p.m.
Yoon-sunbae was clearing her desk as she prepared to go home, when her phone buzzed. She looked at the list of notification on the locked screen and realized that it’s from Jihun. She had exchanged kakao talk with him the day before, but didn’t really expect to receive a message from him.
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Yoon-sunbae left the last message as read, and didn’t reply the text. She was happy that she got to meet her high school friend again, but she didn’t really like the fact that he’s her ex-crush. It would honestly feel uncomfortable for her even though there was no more feelings attached anymore.
Yoon-sunbae waited patiently for the elevator as she pressed the ‘down’ button. At the lobby, she saw the figure of a tall guy who’s dressed casually, looking different from the usual sweat pants and t-shirt fashion that he always had after giving dance classes.
As Yoon-sunbae approached him, Jihun said,
Jihun: You’re here~
Jinmyung: Hm…
Jihun: Let’s go!
The two exited the main door and they walked to the dinner place that wasn’t that far away from the office building location. The weather was quite chilly that night, but thankfully Yoon-sunbae wore warm clothes to protect herself from the chill.
At the Restaurant
08:00 p.m.
As the two sat down at a table and ordered their dinner plus soju, Jihun opened the conversation for the night,
Jihun: Jinmyung-ah
Yoon-sunbae looked up and waited for Jihun to continue.
Jihun: If you have the choice and miracle to go back to our high school time, would you do it?
Yoon-sunbae frowned a little as the question was odd in the first place, but she thought for a while and answered,
Jinmyung: Why do you want to know?
Jihun: You’ll be surprised if I tell you why I asked that.
Jinmyung: What do you mean?
Jihun: You really don’t know?
Jinmyung: Know what?
Just then, the ahjumeoni came with two bowls of sizzling beef soup and rice bowls. The weather hit a single digit that night, so ultimately hot soup was the primary choice of dinner menu for the both of them. Their conversation was cut off, but Yoon-sunbae who was still curious at Jihun’s statement said,
Jinmyung: Jihun-ah, you haven’t answered my question. Know what?
Jihun’s expression looked a little dumbfounded when Yoon-sunbae didn’t know what he was trying to say.
Jihun: We were always together in High School.
Jinmyung: I know that, so what?
Jihun: So? Do you even realize how many girls in our school literally sent me love letters and gifts every single day?
Jinmyung: Well, you were indeed famous. Of course I know.
Jihun: Why do you think I never once gave any of those girls attention?
That one question hit Yoon-sunbae so much. She was enjoying the gukbap a lot (it’s honestly her favorite food), but she was forced to stop, and her heart suddenly beat faster.
Yoon-sunbae’s expression was flat as ever, from the High School era, Jihun could still not read her expression well.
Jihun: I liked you. A lot.
All of a sudden, Yoon-sunbae whose heart was bursting suddenly had her pupils expand, surprised at Jihun’s words.
Jihun: It’s so sad that you never realized the things I did for you. I waited for you at the junction near your house almost every day so that I can take the bus with you every day. I put a pain reliever tonic on your desk during that time of the month, and I wrote all the notes for the subjects you missed during that time when you had to take care of your brother, although you know I don’t ever take notes. I didn’t expect you to thank me or anything, but you know, the feeling of not being realized by the person you like is more hurtful than being rejected.
Flashback – Mundo High School
Spring, 2005
Class 12-2
It was 8 in the morning, Jihun and Jinmyung arrived together at their class. The weather was sunny and breezy as the vernal equinox had passed a week before. Cherry blossoms had started to bloom and it’s beautifully decorating the view outside the class window.
It wasn’t a rare sight for Jihun and Jinmyung to go to school together, though, a lot of girls from every level definitely didn’t like the fact that she was seen around Jihun frequently. Despite that, the kids never suspected Jihun to land a feeling for Jinmyung as she really wasn’t ‘attractive enough’ in everyone’s eyes. She was that typical hard-working student who had no interest in anything but studying. No one would have suspected Jinmyung to like Jihun either, she’s just so cold towards any guy in general and had that image of a tough girl.
By the time Jihun and Jinmyung entered the class, Jinwoo – Jihun’s bestfriend said,
Jinwoo: oii Jihun-ah, some girls left things under your desk earlier
Jihun put on a poker face and walked towards his desk at the back of the class, leaving Jinmyung behind. Jinmyung just stared at Jihun’s back for a few seconds before sitting at her desk on the first row. Jihun bent his body to look at the under compartment and saw several nicely decorated letter and expensive chocolate bars. He took a sit and opened the letters one by one and read them.
Jinwoo who sat next to Jihun exclaimed loudly,
Jinwoo: Yaah, look at all those letters! Mwoya, isn’t this chocolate pretty expensive?! Those girls really are determined.
Jihun hadn’t spoken a word since then, and looked at Jinmyung’s direction instead of reacting to all those letters to see whether she’s bothered by it or not, but it seemed that she wasn’t interested by a tiny bit, as she was busy with doing some practice papers. ‘If only you knew…’ Jihun thought.
Honestly, Jinmyung heard it, and she could suddenly feel a throb in her heart when she heard that he’d received a bunch of letters and chocolates. ‘Jinmyung-ah… focus!’ she tried to distract herself from not caring about Jihun and pretended her best to study.
Fall, 2005
The college entrance exam was approaching very soon, and everyone was expected to stay for a night study period at school. From behind, Jihun could see Jinmyung touching her belly and flinched, seemingly in pain. Everyone seemed to be immersed in studying that no one noticed Jinmyung suffering in silence. It was break time, Jinmyung said something to her desk mate and brisk walked outside the class. There were two girls asking what’s wrong with her, and the desk mate said,
Desk mate: Period cramps.
The girls acknowledged it straight away and continued with their own thing. Jihun heard it, and being the most sensible guy by nature, he risked running out of school to buy a menstrual herbal tonic at a convenience store near school and ran back to class. Thankfully, all the kids weren’t paying attention, so he quickly slipped the tonic under Jinmyung’s table and walked back to his seat.
Jinwoo who was napping the whole time, woke up when Jihun came back.
Jinwoo: Where did you go?
Jihun: Toilet
Just then, Jinmyung came back, looking a little pale and moved towards her desk. She groped under her table to get her exercise books, but felt an unusual item. She took it and read the sticker on the bottle, ‘Menstrual Pain Reliever’. Jinmyung tried to look left and right to guess who could have given her the tonic. Jihun looked towards the window to avoid being caught by Jinmyung for staring at her too long.
After the night study
11.00 p.m.
Jinmyung walked outside and stopped before the school gate, she opened her bag and took the tonic out and cracked the cap open. On her last gulp, suddenly Jihun approached her from behind,
Jihun: Mwohae?
Jinmyung got startled and quickly hid the bottle away so Jihun couldn’t see it.
Jinmyung: Ani, nothing. I thought you went home already?
Jihun: Ahh…. I- went to the teacher’s room first. Kang-seonsaengnim wanted to see me. Kkaja!
The truth is, Jihun was there all along, waiting for Jinmyung to finish the tonic, but of course he didn’t want her to know this. After telling her to go, Jihun walked right away in front of Jinmyung, before she followed slowly behind.
The two’s high school crushing on each other continued to be like that. Jinmyung kept her feelings as discreetly as possible and Jihun remained careful but caring towards her. If only one of them had the bravery, they would have lasted for a long time.
Flashforward – Restaurant
Awkwardness quickly grew between the two adults, but Yoon-sunbae who at the time thought that she should clear everything out, said,
Jinmyung: Jihun-ah. You’re talking as if you’re the only one hurting, but you seriously don’t know the truth at all.
Yoon-sunbae continued,
Jinmyung: Honestly, I really liked you too. For the whole 3 years of high school.
Yoon-sunbae didn’t know why, but she laughed as soon as she finished her late confession.
Jihun: Jinmyung-ah. Are you being serious?
Jinmyung: Well, have I ever not?
Jihun knew Jinmyung’s not the type to play around, and if she says something, she means it. He pressed his forehead in frustration as he couldn’t believe the golden chance that he missed.
Jinmyung: When I met you a few days ago at the office, I was really concerned because you were once my ex-crush.
‘Ex-crush’ she said, Jihun thought.
Jinmyung: I have a man that I truly love now. He’s a chef, currently in Busan.
Jihun smirked as he heard Jinmyung’s painful explanation.
Jihun: Wow. I should have not hesitated back then.
Jinmyung; Jihun-ah, please… don’t.
Jihun: Do you know how much regret I have now?
Jinmyung: Jihun-ah, I’m not the only woman in the world, you see.
Jihun: But you’re the only one I can’t forget.
Suddenly, Yoon-sunbae felt as guilty as ever.  She never felt like that before. For some reason, she did feel sad when she had to say goodbye to her crush in high school without even being honest with her own feelings. Yoon-sunbae was a motae solo when she met Chef Park, and she didn’t know the art of dating and being a relationship, but he completely changed her to who she is right now.
Jinmyung: I’m sorry.
Jihun: Ani, don’t be sorry.
Jihun came to his senses and said,
Jihun: We can still be friends, right?
Jinmyung: Of course we can.
Jihun: Promise?
Jinmyung: Promise.
Jihun filled his shot glass with Soju and raised it to invite Yoon-sunbae to make a clink in celebrating their friendship. Yoon-sunbae thought the conversation would continue to be awkward, but it was really nice to see Jihun who could accept the reality.
Jihun and Yoon-sunbae didn’t realize it, but as they had the conversation, their bowl of gukbap went empty.
Jihun: So… you’re in a long-distance relationship with your boyfriend now. Don’t you feel that it’s hard?
Jinmyung: Well, it is really hard, but thankfully he’s moving to Seoul in June. He’s gonna set up his own restaurant in here.
Jihun nodded in understanding, and sighed,
Jihun: Well, I have to move on now, right?
Yoon-sunbae could only put on a bitter smile at Jihun’s rhetorical question.
10th March 2018 - Belle Époque
8.30 a.m.
Jiwon woke up from her deep sleep when her alarm rang. She hid herself completely with her blanket, but put it off when she realized that today’s her friend’s wedding day. She made her way down from her bed and went out of the room to get ready. There wasn’t anyone in the kitchen or living room. It was really a quiet weekend at Belle Époque.
When she went out, all dressed up in a pretty dress and her hair let down, Jiwon entered her room to spay some perfume and putting all the necessary things on the bag that she’s gonna use. Her attention was alarmed as her phone rang. Yeeun was still fast asleep on her bed, so Jiwon quickly answered the phone outside the room.
From the other side of the line,
Sungmin: Good morniiiing
Jiwon: Mwooo mwoo mwooo??? What’s up with you early in the morning like this?
Sungmin: I just woke up, and I just think of you right away.
It’s true. Sungmin was still on his bed, blanket still covering his body with his messy hair showing. Jiwon smiled when Sungmin said those cringe-worthy line.
Sungmin: Jiwon-aaaaah, I’ll come pick you up at Belle Époque
Jiwon: Hmm arasseo, go and take a shower now! The event starts at 11. Don’t even dare to come late. You’ll see what happen if you do.
Sungmin: Ayyyyy, okay Princess. I won’t be late. See you later!
Jiwon ended the call without even replying to Sungmin’s last words. ‘Seriously… How did I end up with this guy?’ Jiwon thought.
Suddenly, her phone rang once again. Jiwon quickly answered without looking at the caller ID, it must have been Sungmin again.
Jiwon: mwoo?! Why are you calling me again? You still want to listen to my voice?
There was silence for a split second from the other end of the line. Jiwon continued,
Jiwon: Sungmin-ah? Why are you so quiet?
Suddenly a woman’s voice could be heard from the call,
Caller: Yaaa, Jiwon-ie you surely are enjoying your relationship, huh?
Jiwon’s eyes widened in surprise as she recognized the voice coming from the other end.
Jiwon: eom...eomma?!
Mom: Geurae, it’s your mom.
Jiwon: Why are you calling early in the morning? Did something happen?
Mom: You always ask me if there’s something wrong, I just wanted to check on you. Everything’s alright, right? How about Im-seobang?
Jiwon: Im-seobang?! Eomma... Please…
Mom: Aigoo… mom just cares a lot about him, that’s why. He’s your first boyfriend after all.
Jiwon: Arasseoo arasseo. Everything’s alright. Next week’s he last university week, so I’m pretty much free until graduation
Mom: Graduation? Isn’t in In June? You have almost 3 months of nothing. How great, why don’t you go home to help us with some chores?
Jiwon thought for a while for an answer,
Jiwon: Okay, I’ll help
Mom: Good daughter! What are you doing today?
Jiwon: Me? I’m going to a friend’s wedding
Mom: Ah really? Im-seo- I mean, Sungmin-eun?
Jiwon chuckled a little and said,
Jiwon: He’s coming too.
Mom: Aaaah, alright. Don’t forget to take pictures and send it to me!
Jiwon: Arasseo-yo… eommaa… I’ll hang up!
Mom: Eung, be careful on your way! Send my regards to Im-seobang~
Jiwon: Hmmm
Jiwon’s lips stretched as mom called Sungmin Im-seobang again at the end of the call. She went inside her room to continue where she left off before getting the calls from two of the dearest people in her life.
Sungmin’s Apartment
09.00 a.m.
Sungmin came out of the shower, covered with a white bathrobe. He headed towards his closet to pick a clothing set that he’s gonna wear to the wedding. He picked a white shirt from the railing and buttoned it in his toned body before putting on a pair of black pants. His expression looked extra happy that day. It was his first time going to a wedding ceremony with his significant other.
Sungmin came out of the closet looking super dandy with his hair styled part ways – on fleek. He stopped by the vanity at the end of his room to check himself up in front of the mirror. Sungmin then uttered convincingly,
Sungmin: okay, looks good. Jiwon-ahh, I’m coming!
On the road…
09.45 a.m.
Sungmin connected the Bluetooth connection on his phone to the car’s stereo and played a playlist full of his favorite songs. The morning sky was visibly beautiful. It was the definition of a good day. The weather was also not so cold, as spring was about to come in just one more week.
When the car approached Belle Époque, Jiwon was already outside waiting to be fetched. The time read 10.20, just in time for them to reach the venue before the ceremony starts at 11. Sungmin hit the car’s hand brake and alighted from the car quickly to give Jiwon a quick kiss
Sungmin: You look pretty today
Jiwon: I look pretty every day, you dumbass!
The two let go of a playful laugh before Sungmin opened the passenger’s car door for Jiwon.
They arrived at the 5-star hotel where the wedding was held at. Sungmin parked the car at the basement and they walked over to the lobby. Jiwon told Sungmin that she wanted to greet the bride first at the waiting room, so Sungmin had no choice but to wait outside the ballroom all by himself.
At the bride’s waiting room…
Jiwon: Aaaaaaah, Jinhee-ya! You look so beautiful today!
Jinhee: Gomawo Jiwon-ah. How did you get here?
Jiwon: My boyfriend drove me here.
Jinhee: Boyfriend?! You have a boyfriend now?
Thank God there weren’t that many people in the room, because Jinhee’s voice was really loud when she said that.
Jiwon: Hahaha, yes I do. It’s unexpected, right?
Jinhee: Totally! When I sent you the invitation, I was actually concerned because I didn’t want you to come alone, but I’m relieved now that your boyfriend is here too. Ahh, I can’t wait to see him later. Is he handsome?
Jiwon: You would probably regret marrying your husband if you see him.
The two ladies laughed happily at Jiwon’s joke. Just then, the photographer asked them for a photo. Jiwon put on her signature sweet smile and let the photographer shot a few pictures before Jiwon hugged the bride.
Jiwon: Jinhee-ya, I’ll see you from the guest’s seat later. Don’t be nervous. Fighting!
Jinhee: Eo, thank you! See you later!
Jiwon exited the room and went over to where she left Sungmin.
Jiwon: Sungmin-aaah, sorry for waiting
Sungmin: Ani, it’s fine.
They went inside the hall and took a seat at the guest seat section. Not long after, the ceremony started. The crowd cheered when the bride walked on the altar with her father. It was a beautiful sight for Jiwon. As the father handed Jinhee over to the groom, he teared up a little. This made Jiwon comment, ‘My dad will not cry at this thing.’ Sungmin who heard Jiwon’s nonchalant remarks smiled. The bride and groom exchanged the rings and shared a brief kiss. It was a smooth-sailing ceremony and everyone looked happy.
The MC for the day announced,
MC: Congratulations for the bride and groom! After this, for those of you – friends or relatives of the bride and groom who are single or still unmarried, please get ready to stand in front of the stage because the bride is going to throw her bouquet!
Hearing this, Sungmin said,
Sungmin: Jiwon-ah, are you going?
Jiwon: Do you want me to go?
Sungmin: Why are you asking me?
Jiwon: What if I catch the bouquet?
Sungmin gulped his saliva, his eyes wavered a little at Jiwon’s sudden question,
Sungmin: Then what? You’ll bring the flower home.
Jiwon showed her frustration at Sungmin’s answer, that wasn’t what she wanted to hear from him. Jiwon walked towards the end of the stage and joined the others who were standing, ready to catch the bouquet.
MC: Alright, ladies and gentlemen, be prepared to catch the bouquet! Bride are you ready?
Jinhee looked over to her left where the MC was standing, and nodded.
MC: Okay she’s ready… 1….. 2……. 3!
Jinhee threw the bouquet right away, Jiwon’s eyes widened as she wanted to catch the bouquet so much. Unfortunately, it went passed her and someone right behind her caught it. Jiwon swore in frustration,
Jiwon: Aish!
She turned back and saw a familiar figure standing behind her holding the bouquet in his hand.
Jiwon: Sungmin-ah… you!
Sungmin’s expression was rather bland, and he showed the bouquet that he caught. Everyone cheered in excitement. Having caught the flowers, the MC asked Sungmin,
MC: Wow a handsome young man caught the bouquet! If I may ask, are you single?
Sungmin: Uhm… no, I’m not.
MC: ahhh, so you’re not married yet, then. What is your connection to the happily married couple here?
Sungmin: My girlfriend is the bride’s friend.
That’s when Jinhee realized that the person who caught her bouquet was Jiwon’s boyfriend. Jinhee then grabbed the microphone from the MC and said,
Jinhee: Jiwon-ah!
Jiwon was startled.
Jinhee: Now I understand what you told me in the waiting room hahahaha
Not understanding what Jinhee said, Sungmin looked at Jiwon and asked in whisper,
Sungmin: What did you say?
Jiwon didn’t answer Sungmin and continued to smile and laughed.
Jinhee: Alright, you two be happy! To my family and friends, thank you very much for allowing your leisure time to attend my wedding ceremony and thank you for all the blessings. Jiwon-ah, I’ll wait for the invitation!
Jiwon nodded in happiness when she heard Jinhee’s closing remarks. Sungmin looked nervous as hell. As soon as she finished her words, she gave the microphone back to the MC for him to finish off.
MC: Right, we don’t know what story the bride’s friend told at the waiting room, but we sincerely congratulate the boyfriend for catching the bouquet! Don’t forget to contact me for your wedding MC hahaha. Now, for all the guests who have attended, you are welcome to consume the food that have been provided. Enjoy the rest of the event. Thank you.
When Sungmin and Jiwon were about to head to the dining area, suddenly two people walked towards them. Sungmin knew who they were, and he had a million questions as to why they were there. Sungmin quickly warned Jiwon,
Sungmin: Jiwon-ah, from now on, please be in your best behavior.
Jiwon: Why?
Before Sungmin could answer, the two people were already in front of them. Jiwon was confused at the whole situation. In front of her were a middle-aged man and woman, the two of them were smiling, without knowing anything, Jiwon initiated to show respect,
Jiwon: Annyeonghaseyo… nugu…?
The ahjussi and ahjumma looked at each other and put on a smile before answering,
Ahjussi: Ahh, of course, you don’t know us. We’re Sungmin’s parents. Sungmin had told us a lot of stories about you.
Jiwon who heard the ahjussi’s explanation nodded and surprisingly seemed cool, the opposite of how Sungmin had thought of her to react.
Jiwon: I’m sorry. Annyeonghaseyo, eomonim, abeonim, my name is Song Jiwon. I’m sorry I didn’t recognize you. The both of you look so young, who would have guessed you have a son my age
Mom: Hahaha, thank you for the compliment. By the way, we just found out that you guys were here. We saw Sungmin catching the bouquet. You are Jinhee’s friend?
Jiwon: Yes, she’s my friend from High school. We were really close back then.
Sungmin’s parents nodded in understanding. Jiwon asked a question in return,
Jiwon: How about abeonim and eomonim? What relation do you have…?
Dad: The groom’s father is my good friend at work.
Jiwon nodded at dad’s answer.
Dad: Ah, Jiwon-yang… we were just talking about this, when can we prepare a meeting with your parents?
Jiwon who could keep her cool from just now suddenly looked at Sungmin with her ‘save-me-please’ look, so Sungmin answered,
Sungmin: Abeoji, why don’t we take this slowly? I’ll talk about this over with Jiwon and make sure we can arrange a meeting.
Sungmin’s dad looked over to mom who seemed to agree with Sungmin.
Dad: Alright, I don’t want to disturb the two of you anymore. We’ll go over to the bride and groom’s parents.
Jiwon: Aniyeyo, abeonim, eomonim, you did not disturb us at all.
Mom: Arasseo. Until then.
Sungmin and Jiwon bowed in respect as the parents walked past them. Sungmin told Jiwon right away,
Sungmin: Jiwon-aaaaah
Jiwon: Mwoo?
Sungmin: You did well. I didn’t expect you to be able to carry a conversation with my parents so suddenly.
Jiwon: Well, you don’t call me Song Jiwon* for nothing.
Sungmin: You’re right. Okay, let’s eat!
Sungmin offered his right hand to Jiwon and Jiwon grabbed it right away. Oh right, the bouquet was still on Sungmin’s left hand.
[T/N: Jiwon (지원) in Korean can also mean Support or Backup]
- To be continued - 
Thank you guys for reading!
[I’m so sorry that I took such a long break to release the 8th chapter.... But it’s finally here and hopefully it will be a good start to wrap up the rest of the story. As always, love you guys!]
52 notes · View notes
amalialyah · 7 years
Here are the playlist of OST Age of Youth for celebrating the end of most beautiful drama. The most beautiful playlist I’ve heard.
Thank you, Age of Youth! Surely waiting for Season 3. Waiting for ssong sung min, jo eun-janghun, jinmyung-chef, ye eun- hochang, and kang ina, lastly, still loner, uri eun jae:)
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oct-jaehwan-blog · 7 years
O que você achou de Hochang e Jihae irem combinando de a Bela e a Fera?
Eu achei lindo! Eu amo muito esse filme e adorei as fantasias, até pareceu combinado né? Mas eu não sei se foi, se foi, tá ótimo também, tá lindo. Parabéns pros dois! Lindo.
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pisaliv08 · 5 years
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Hochanger, Hochalm
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gkknowledge · 5 years
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Wikipedia picture of the day on October 14, 2019: Hochschwab (2,277 metres (7,470 ft) – view from Hochanger mountain (1,682 metres (5,518 ft)) near Turnau, Styria, Austria
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livioacerbo · 5 years
Picture of the day for October 14, 2019 selected by Livio Acerbo Bot
Picture of the day for October 14, 2019 selected by Livio Acerbo Bot
Wikipedia picture of the day on October 14, 2019: Hochschwab (2,277 metres (7,470 ft) – view from Hochanger mountain (1,682 metres (5,518 ft)) near Turnau, Styria, Austria https://ift.tt/2qcWKbt
View On WordPress
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tofnew · 7 years
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kwon hochang is coming alive
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heyswbr · 7 years
Onew fará parte do elenco principal do drama “Age of Youth 2″!
Foi confirmado a participação de Onew no elenco principal de Age of Youth 2, preparado para ir ao ar pela emissora JTBC em agosto deste ano!
Onew estrelará como Kwon Hochang por quem Jung YeEun, papel de Han SeungYeon, desperta interesse amoroso – embora o inocente estudante de engenharia que não saiba muito sobre amor e relacionamentos.
A segunda temporada de "Age of Youth" dá continuação à história de cinco universitárias completamente diferentes umas das outras e que compartilham uma casa. O drama foi anteriormente bem recebido pelo retrato realístico de preocupações comuns entre os jovens.
Fonte: soompi
Tradução & Adaptação: Maya @ SWBr
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jcp-johncarlo · 5 years
Wikipedia picture of the day on October 14, 2019: Hochschwab (2,277 metres (7,470 ft) – view from Hochanger mountain (1,682 metres (5,518 ft)) near Turnau, Styria, Austria https://ift.tt/2qcWKbt
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bloggstar247 · 5 years
Hochschwab (2,277 metres (7,470 ft) – view from Hochanger mountain (1,682 metres (5,518 ft)) near Turnau, Styria, Austria. Learn more.
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onenewspacefr-blog · 7 years
| DRAMA | 10082017
Photo du making of du teaser de " Age of Youth 2 "
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citious · 7 years
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Main: Song Jiwon, Yoon Jinmyung, Jung Yeeun, Yoo Eunjae, Jo Eun, Kang Yina, Im Sungmin, Kwon Hochang, Jo Chungwon, Seo Janghoon
Supporting: Lawyer - Jo Eunhee, Prosecutor - Jung Jaechan, Han Gwanyoung, Wife - Kim Haesook
In a nutshell: A follow up from the open-ending stories of Belle Epoque girls. Has Eunjae moved on from her first breakup? How will Teacher Han’s case unravel? and last but not least, is it the beginning of the end in regards to Ssongsungmin’s friendship?
Rating: T
9th February 2018
Though Kang-eonni isn’t exactly a member of the Belle Epoque anymore, she often comes over. She and Jo Eun are now familiar with each other, so the 6 girls are very cose now. On some occasions, the girls would have a feast party every month or so, and Kang-eonni would stay overnight, occupying the sofa until the next morning. Belle Epoque has practically become her second home.
During one of the gatherings, the Belle Epoque girls swarmed the living room and had a feast of chicken, beers, and decided to play truth or dare. It was a no-guy meet-up, so the girls could be comfortable playing. Using spin-the-can-of-beer method, the girls decided whose turn it would be.
Eunjae got picked. The girls waited for her choice to either answer a question truthfully, or do a dare as requested.
Eunjae: Uh… this is a hard choice
Yina: Ya, come on. This is just a game, and it’s just between us anyway.
Hearing Kang-eonni’s explanation, Eunjae made her choice.
Eunjae: Truth.
The girls got excited to hear Eunjae’s choice as there are many things to dig out from one of the maknaes in the house. Without further ado, Yeeun swiftly raised the question.
Yeeun: Have you ‘done that’ with Chungwon?
(Oh wait. If you don’t know what happened yet, Eunjae and Chungwon finally got together in the end.)
20th December 2017
Up until the end of 2017, Eunjae still couldn’t move on from her first love, Jongyeol. It was her first love and boyfriend at the same time, so it’s super hard to forget about him.
Chungwon knew all these because every time he fetched Eunjae after class outside her lecture room, she always didn’t listen to his greetings and instead tried to find Jongyeol, obvious by her eyes that followed where Jongyeol was going complete with her habitual sulk. At first, Chungwon is cool with that as he understood her feelings and how bad she must’ve tried to move on. But this time, he couldn’t hold it anymore.
The two headed for lunch at a restaurant near the campus. While eating, Chungwon decided to talk to Eunjae.
Chungwon: Eunjae-ya… you still haven’t moved on from him?
Eunjae being Eunjae, her eyes expanded in shock.
Eunjae: …what?
Chungwon: The guy who’s in your class. Your ex. You haven’t moved on from him?
After much hesitation, Eunjae continued.
Eunjae: Yes… I’m so sorry… I’m not supposed to do this, but I just can’t seem to forget about him :’(
Chungwon: No… it’s okay. We all go through that process. To be honest, I also experienced the similar things as you are now.
Hearing that, Eunjae’s expression turned curious.
Chungwon: I met her during uni orientation and from there, we dated. But it only lasted for 7 months. She felt that her feelings for me was simply an infatuation from the start, so she dumped me. To be honest, even though I might seem tough, as a guy, I was hurt too. I did so many memorable things with her, and for one month since the breakup, I couldn’t concentrate at all, I even get scolded by Sungmin-hyung countless times because I lost focus. But you know what?
Chungwon’s question made Eunjae even more curious.
Chungwon: I finally learnt that it’s impossible for me and her to start all over again, because we’re just not meant to be anymore. When Jiwon-sunbae told me to go on a blind date with you that time, I was actually still recovering from the breakup. I wanted to meet other people and do normal things again.
This statement made Eunjae a little surprised.
Eunjae: Gosh, so that’s what happened? I was moving on from my ex too at the time. I’m sorry if I was being rude or weird at any point.
Chungwon: Oh, it’s fine. You didn’t do anything wrong. I actually found you cute. I never met anyone who’s as honest as you were. So when you suddenly appeared at the university newspaper office, I was surprised and happy that you came.
At that moment, Eunjae’s mind suddenly stopped thinking about Jongyeol, and realized just how patient and nice Chungwon is for the past few months. She thought, maybe it’s God’s will that Chungwon is there for her.
Long story short, Eunjae and Chungwon got together in the end. On New Year day. And yeah, she got her New Year’s kiss with Chungwon. He’s always there for her and he’s been the best companion in many things. He’s not pushy about fulfilling his sexual desires. From Eunjae’s experience, she thought that’s the best a guy can assure her about.
Eunjae’s New Year’s first kiss ended with Chungwon as the mass countdown event and the fireworks ended. Chungwon held Eunjae’s small hand, and took her away.
Eunjae was already in front of an open door to an apartment. She stepped in, guided by Chungwon who walked backwards, gazing at Eunjae’s charming eyes.
Flashforward - Truth or Dare
Eunjae: Well… (She grinned). I’d say… almost?
Everyone (Jiwon’s voice was the loudest): MWOYA!!! I thought you said you picked truth. So tell us the truth!
Flashback - New Year’s
The door behind Eunjae automatically closed and locked itself, while the two headed towards the double bed that’s positioned at the end of the small studio apartment, making out. The kiss got deeper and rougher, but as they reached the climax, Eunjae suddenly pulled herself back, trying to catch her breath while she sat on Chungwon.
Chungwon: Are you okay?
Eunjae hesitated for a while…
Eunjae: I’m okay, but…
Before she could finish her words, Chungwon continued-
Chungwon: It’s okay, Eunjae-ya… We don’t have to go that far if you don’t want to. Take your time. It’s not your body that I want. I truly love you for who you are.
Eunjae: Oppa…
Right at that moment, the two gazed at each other for 5 seconds, before Eunjae moved to cuddle beside him and kissed him once more. This time, as softly as she could, fully expressing her gratitude and affection for her boyfriend, whom she promised to grow together with. The two slept soundly on the same bed as the time read: 3 a.m.
Flashforward - Truth or Dare
Jiwon: Ya! It was so close! How did you hold it in???
Yina: Sshhh! It’s just her. Not everyone can do it easily for the first time.
Jiwon: Aish, it’s so nice that you all have had boyfriends, what about me? I haven’t even kissed anyone ever… If I did, I think that’s with my golden retriever who already died when I was in 6th grade.
Jinmyung, being the oldest of the girls, contributed her two-cents.
Jinmyung: Jiwon-ah, the time will come. Just be a bit more patient. I’m sure God has set a soulmate out there for you.
Eun: ayyyy, It’s so obvious that you and Chef Park are having so much fun together ;D
Just like that, the girls kept laughing and teased each other until as the time ticked and the night became darker.
11th February 2018 – Belle Epoque (2 days later)
It’s Sunday morning and everyone was starting their day lazily.
Jiwon walked outside her room while yawning and stretching her arms, finding Yeeun who’s already sitting down on the dining table holding her pink phone on her right ear, smiling cheek to cheek.
On the phone…
Yeeun: So, what are we planning to do on Valentine’s day this year? Ah, really? You don’t want to tell me? Is it a surprise?
Yeeun kept smiling. This time, she curled the strands of her long hair with her fingers.
Yeeun: Arasseo, I’ll wait. Eung… Love you. See you later!
Seeing how happy Yeeun looked made Jiwon feel empty.
Jiwon: It’s nice that you have a boyfriend. You have so many fun things to do. Meanwhile, I’m single and have to go back and forth to meet with Teacher Han’s victims to discuss the case.
Jiwon walked past Yeeun towards the bathroom.
Jiwon: I’ll do my morning business first!
Yeeun: Ya! There’s no need to tell me that!
Just then, the toilet door closed. Eunjae then came out of her room.
Eunjae: Yeeun-sunbae, are you excited for today?
Yeeun: Of course! It’s my first time having a double-date XD. So how? Did Chungwon say he can go?
Eunjae: Of course, he just called me.
Yeeun: Arasseo, Let’s get ready!
Eunjae: Ok ^.^
Eun then came out of her room, with a gloomy face. She headed straight to the sofa, staring blankly at her phone. Noticing what’s happening, Yeeun initiated to ask what’s happening.
Yeeun: Eun-ah, what’s with your mood? Did something happen?
Eun just stayed still, still looking at her locked screen phone. Yeeun and Eunjae approached her and tried to get something out of her. Suddenly, Eun burst out crying. Jiwon and Yoon-sunbae simultaneously came out from the bathroom and bedroom to approach the girls.
Jinmyung: Eun-ah, what happened?
Jinmyung gave the others the look – trying to ask if anyone had any idea of what happened. Yeeun and Eunjae shook their heads lightly as a response that they don’t know. Being clueless as she always had been,
Jiwon blurted: Is it because of your man who’s in the army? Why? He hasn’t called you yet? How long has it been?
As soon as Jiwon finished her bombardment of questions, the other girls finally grasped the situation. Eun finally opened her mouth.
Eun: A week. He hasn’t called me for a week. I miss him so much. I really don’t know how to handle this. It’s been almost 5 months since we dated and since he enlisted. We haven’t even spent that much time together, but he left me here to serve the military. I know he can’t always have the privilege to call. I even heard some soldiers had to prove themselves every week to make a single phone call. It’s been a week now, and I’m so worried that something might have happened :’(
Hearing Eun’s story while she sobbed made the hearts of the girls sink deep. They gave Eun a group hug.
Jinmyung: It’s alright… he should be okay.
11th February 2018 – Military Training Ground
A group of soldiers gathered at a field. A few soldiers were lined up in front.
Army Senior: Private Seo Janghoon, you’ve shown an incredible result in the military training. As a result, you will be promoted as an assistant sergeant of the platoon and will be granted a 5-day off holiday period. During that period of time, you can go back home and spend time outside the base, but be reminded that you have to report back no later than 15.00 hrs on 18 February. If you fail to do so, you will see what happens.
Janghoon: PRIVATE SEO-JANG-HOON ACCEPTS THE COMMAND GIVEN! SALUTE! *smiles cheek to cheek*, looking excited and happy.
11th February – Seoul Café
Back in Seoul, Chungwon and Hochang apparently have arrived at the café where they’re supposed to meet at for the double date. The atmosphere between the two guys were so awkward, but Chungwon opened the conversation first.
Chungwon: Which year and major are you in?
Hochang: I enrolled in 2015, this is my 2nd year. I’m majoring in Software engineering. You?
Chungwon: oh, you’re a year ahead of me. I’m a 2016 student, majoring in journalism.
Hochang: Ah, arasseo. So you’re my junior?
Chungwon: Yes…
Just when their conversion was about to turn awkward all over again, Yeeyun and Eunjae arrived. Both boys raised from their seats as they smiled to welcome their girlfriends. The boys sat next to each other, facing the girls.
Yeeun: Have you guys waited a long time?
Hochang: No, we came not long ago too.
Eunjae: Ah Yeeun-sunbae, this is Chungwon, oppa, this is Yeeun-sunbae.
Both Yeeun and Chungwon exchanged their greetings. To break the silence, the boys asked what they wanted to order at the same time, and the four people laughed the scene. In the end, the boys went to order together. Those two couples looked happy as their first double date with an awkward start turned out to be a fun date after all.
12th February 2018 – University Newspaper Office
Jiwon is back, investigating Teacher Han’s sexual assault case. Since her hoobaes are helping her out to find information for the past 5 months, she felt more relieved. But she couldn’t help the fact that the case still scared her to death.
As Jiwon sat in the meeting room, Sungmin who just arrived at the venue walked towards Jiwon and tapped her shoulder.
Sungmin: Let’s go.
Jiwon who was zoning out, worrying about the case, switched her expression instantly and replied:
Jiwon: let’s go let’s go!’
In the car, Sungmin looked at Jiwon who was zoning out on the passenger’s seat.
Sungmin: Are you okay?
Jiwon: *sighs* No, I’m not okay. I’ve been dealing with this case for over 5 months now, and even if more and more victims have emerged, which increases the chance of conviction, I feel even more scared. But it’s going to go well, won’t it?
Sungmin: We’ve got a lawyer and a team of prosecutor who are helpful towards this case, and don’t you realize the kids back at the uni are all helping us to find all relevant information? You don’t need to worry, because there are so many people backing us up. Where’s the Song Jiwon who’s always full of spirit?
Jiwon: You’re right. I don’t have to be scared.
At the lawyer’s office…
Lawyer Jo Eunhee: Oh, you two came together again… 
Eunhee tried to confirm whether Jiwon and Sungmin are dating or not
Jiwon: ahh HAHAHAH of course we came together, he’s my servant.
As Jiwon uttered the word ‘servant’, Sungmin stared at Jiwon in disbelief and stayed quiet as he always does.
The meeting started and the lawyer, Jiwon and Sungmin discussed about the case.
Jo Eunhee: Compared to our first trial in October, I think we can be 99% sure that Mr. Han will be convicted at tomorrow’s hearing.
Those words of assurance coming from the lawyer’s mouth made Jiwon’s expression full of hope and light again.
Jiwon: really? O.O
Eunhee: Yes, you know I never bluff to my clients. From the meetings that I previously had with the witnesses, I can really assure you that we now have enough evidence to charge Mr. Han as a sexual assault offender. Jiwon-ah, the reason why I called you here is because we just got a lead from the prosecutor’s office.
Jiwon and Sungmin looked at each other in reflex, with their eyes goggling like never before.
Jiwon: What kind of evidence?
Eunhee: A voice recording.
Jiwon and Sungmin who were already taken aback by the fact that there’s a substantial evidence found, were even more startled upon hearing the emergence of a voice recording evidence.
Eunhee: So, after a thorough investigation, the prosecutors found out that Mr. Han actually has a wife, but she’s in the hospital now. Dementia. You can probably guess what happened.
13th February 2018 – Court
This time, Jiwon is not going in as a plaintiff, but rather as a spectator in the court room, as the charges are now coming from the prosecutors.
The time read 9.53 a.m., at 10 a.m. sharp, the final trial will start, where the verdict will be announced by the judge at the end. The Belle Epoque girls including Kang-eonni is there. Yoon-sunbae also took a leave from the office, so she could join the final hearing as well. 
Of course, we can’t leave out Sungmin who’s apparently always beside Jiwon at every important occasion.
Sungmin stood at the side while the girls gathered to give the final support to Jiwon. They’re all aware of how hard she had been working for the case. Sungmin knew all the girls already, but he’s not very familiar with Kang-eonni as it’s his first time meeting her.
Yina: Jiwon-ah, he’s your friend?
Jiwon: Yeah, he’s from the same newspaper club
Yina: ani, that’s not what I meant. Why didn’t you tell me you have a guy friend like that?
When Kang-eonni blurted that question out, the other girls stayed quiet but at the same time curious because Jiwon clearly always complained about not having a single guy in her life, while in reality, she does. A loyal one at that.
Jiwon: Well, I don’t see why I have to talk about him. showing her straight out ignorance.
Upon hearing her answer, the girls sighed all at the same time. Suddenly, Sungmin poked Jiwon’s shoulders with his two fingers.
Sungmin: Hey, it’s time….
As the squad entered the court room, Sungmin sat beside Jiwon and stared at her, who looked as worried as ever. He really wanted to hug and assure her that it will be alright, but he held it in. 
Kang-eonni who’s known for her quick-wittedness on relationships, caught on the situation right away.
The audience, prosecutor as well as Mr. Han and his lawyer were seated on the designated spaces. The court room door behind the audience closed as the judges proceeded to the Bench. The hearing started right after the attendees raised to respect the judges.
Judge: Prosecutor-in-charge, you may read out the opening statement.
Prosecutor Jung Jaechan:
Today, on 13th February 2018, we’re holding the final hearing on Mr. Han Gwanyoung’s case.
His crime is having committed repeated sexual assault towards his female students when he worked as an Art Teacher in several institutions à primary school, junior high school, and senior high school.
A total of 4 victims have come up to the prosecutors’ office and they all have suffered from long-term depressions as a result of sexual trauma caused by the offense initiated by the defendant.
At the time when the sexual violence took place, the victims’ age varied. They were 9, 13, 15 and 17 years old. Therefore, the Act on Special Cases Concerning the Punishment of Sexual Crimes as well as the Act on the Protection of Children and Juveniles from Sexual Abuse will constitute the charges pressed upon the defendant.
Continuing from that, the prosecution will be charging the defendant for life-imprisonment. In addition, he will be liable to pay a total of ₩30 Million in compensation towards the victims’ rehabilitation programs.
That’s all.
As the judge acknowledged the opening statement, witnesses (victims) came out one by one to provide their accounts. Despite constant denial and objections raised by the defendant’s spokesperson, the court seemed to lean more towards the prosecutors.
All 4 witnesses are done with their testimonies, and several evidences have been presented to the Judge.
Judge: Prosecutor-in-charge, is there any final evidence you would like to submit?
Jaechan: Yes, your honor. There is.
Judge: What is it?
Jaechan: It’s a voice recording containing the defendant’s voice at the time his crime was committed.
The crowd showed their disbelief and disgust as Jaechan explain what the recording was about, until the judge had to hit the gavel multiple times on the sound block to maintain the court’s order.
Judge: and how exactly was the evidence obtained?
Jaechan went through a background check on Han Gwanyoung. He noticed something off. Han Gwanyoung’s wife is clearly listed on the family registry, and there’s no record of her death, but how come she has never been spotted anywhere near Han Gwanyoung?
Having the curiosity to dig more into the information, Jaechan finally found Mr. Han’s wife. She’s apparently been admitted to a local hospital to receive treatment there for dementia.
With a special warrant, Jaechan’s able to get access to personally question the wife.
As he stepped into a VIP-room with a name slot that read ‘Kim Haesook’, he saw an old lady with greyish-white hair resting just over her shoulder. She seemed like she’s in her late 60s.
While the lady sat down on her bed while looking outside the room’s window, Jaechan sat on a chair next to the patient’s bed.
Jaechan: Kim Haesook-ssi?
There was no reply, so Jaechan tried one more time.
Jaechan: Kim Haesook-ssi, do you know that your husband is being investigated for sexual assault on the underage?
As Jaechan went straight to the point, Kim Haesook finally gave him some attention.
Haesook: Jerk.
Jaechan: I’m sorry, what did you say?
Haesook: That scumbag deserves that.
Jaechan: Kim-Haesook-ssi can you explain what you meant by that?
Without saying a single word, Haesook reached out to her old-fashhioned phone on the side of her hospital bed. She clicked some buttons on it and handed the phone over to Jaechan.
When Jaechan saw the screen, it showed ‘Voice_Recording_002’ with the date and time stamp ’08 June 2009, 15:54 p.m.’
Jaechan played the file, and closed his eyes as he couldn’t stand hearing the cries of a girl who pleaded Mr. Han to ‘stop’. The recording continued as Mr. Han repeatedly said ‘it’s okay, it’s not gonna hurt’ to the young girl. However, a few moments later, a helpless scream echoed from the recording, and Jaechan who couldn’t stand hearing it, pushed the stop button right away.
Flashforward - Court’s room
Judge: ‘The court is adjourned.’ as the judge hit the gavel thrice on the sound block.
Jiwon and the squad exited the premise. She was quiet the whole time until she arrived at the lobby. Sungmin was beside her while the Belle Epoque girls followed the two behind.
Jiwon stopped, and suddenly covered her face. Sungmin thought to himself ‘Is she crying?’ Looking at Jiwon’s gesture made his suppressed feeling burst. For the first time ever, he reached out both his arms to hug Jiwon tightly, Cupping Jiwon’s tiny frame on his chest, while Jiwon released her tears.
Jiwon is thankful that her debt towards Moon Hyojin has now been paid in full.
The Belle Epoque girls felt both sympathetic and happy at the same time. Sympathetic because Jiwon rarely cried in front of them, and happy because of the sight they’re seeing now – Jiwon being hugged by her loyal ‘servant’. The girls looked at each other smiling, as they admired the two human beings in front of them.
Jiwon has been crying for a while, and she finally let herself out of Sungmin’s embrace and turned back to convey her gratitude to the housemates.
Jiwon: Girls, thank you so much for being here with me today. I know you all are actually busy with college and work, but the fact that you came here just to accompany me to the trial is something I never imagined.
Hearing Jiwon said those heart-felt statement for the first time, the housemates approached Jiwon to give her an affectionate group hug.
Yina: Jiwon-ah, we’ll go first, okay?
Jiwon: Sungmin-ah, how many people-
Yina: aay, stop iti! I have a car and I’ll take care of it. Guys, let’s go! Uhm… Sungmin-ssi, please take care of Jiwon, okay?
Sungmin who couldn’t say no, slightly bowed his head in acceptance of Kang-eonni’s request. He and Jiwon watched as the girls left the lobby.
Sungmin: Let’s go.
Jiwon: Hmm…
Just like that, the two went back together, while the girls rode on Kang-eonnis car, in fear.
In the basement as the  Belle Epoque squad headed towards Yina’s car.
Eunjae: You saw it right? Jiwon-sunbae and her friend.
Everyone nodded.
Yina: I saw it. The guy totally likes her. I mean, how can Jiwon not notice? Don’t you guys think it’s obvious?
Jinmyung: That’s actually true. From my point of view, I think Jiwon is the only one who’s not aware of this situation. What should we do?
Yina: What do you mean what should we do? Don’t worry, Kang Yina is always available for LOVE-911.
Yeeun: Wah, I really can’t wait until they get together. Will my joke come true? Remember when I said your servant will be your bae and your bae will be your hubby? What if it comes true?
Eun: If It comes true, I think Jiwon-sunbae will be the happiest person ever.
Eunjae: By the way, where are we going?
Yeeun: Kang-eonni, did you forget where you park the car?!
Jinmyung: Yina-ya, do you know how to drive????
Eun: What’s happening? What’s wrong with Kang-eonni’s driving?
As a response to all the girls’ questions, Kang-eonni could only grin.
Jiwon broke the silence between her and Sungmin.
‘Finally, it’s all over.’ Jiwon let go a huge sigh, symbolizing freedom and relief.
Seeing Jiwon who has regained her beautiful smile on her face, Sungmin smiled in disguise while focusing on the road ahead.
Unexpectedly, this time Jiwon realized Sungmin’s subtle smile and teased him.
Jiwon: ayyy, did you just smile?
Sungmin: What? No! are you hallucinating now?!
Jiwon: don’t lie! I saw it! I saw you smiling!
Sungmin: Ah, I don’t know! Be quiet! I wish I can have the quiet Jiwon back just before the trial.
Jiwon: Aigoo… what a lie. You said you wanted to see the cheerful me, didn’t you?
*Red Light*
Sungmin hit the brake upon seeing the red traffic light, and gulped as Jiwon caught him this time.
Jiwon: Sungmin-ah… Thank you.
Sungmin, who was focusing on what’s in front of him diverted his attention to Jiwon, as they both caught each other’s eyes.
*Green Light*
Sungmin got back to his senses as he heard the cars behind him honking, and realized that the traffic light had turned green for don’t know how long. He stepped on the car’s pedal and continued driving. This time, with his heart pounding like crazy.
Thanks for reading.
Read the next Chapter:
Chapter 2
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