#Holby City Bake Off
bygone-age · 5 years
A fun little idea I had while my mam was catching up with some recent Holby episodes and I decided the writers don't know how to do happy and fun.
It's an AU of course - Dom isn't adopted, Lofty didn't cheat, Ric isn't suddenly past it, Jac is happy (and still in charge of Darwin), Kian is around, but a bit less annoying (I'm getting used to him), Serena and Bernie are still together and Hanssen is not in Sweden. Also Gaskell wasn't a total bastard and Roxanna is still with us.
So anyway, here it is!
Sacha Levy was not fond of working nights, but he owed Dom a favour and it was only for a few days.
Of course, night shift had its advantages - his last ward round had passed without incident, the patients were settled for the night and barring any unforseen emergencies, they should remain that way till handover in the morning, so all he had to do was check in with the junior doctor and ward nurses every now and then and the rest of the time was his own.
He had a supply of good coffee (a present from Jac and Emma, along with a mug covered in doctor jokes), he'd managed to get ahead of his paperwork for once and he'd even gone over a research proposal from his junior, so he was going to spend the next hour with Agatha Christie. Or least, that had been the plan. Almost as soon as Hercule Poirot had boarded the Orient Express, his office phone rang.
"Mr Levy?" it was the rather shaky voice of Nicky McKendrick. "could you come down to Darwin? I- I- I know you're probably busy, but... well, there's a problem with Ms Naylor."
Five minutes later he was hurrying out of the lift and onto Darwin. Nicky was waiting for him, looking positively queasy.
"Nicky, what happened?"
"Well, everyone was settled for the night and she had me doing half a mountain of paperwork and practicing for tomorrow morning's surgery, while she worked in her office. About ten or so minutes ago, she stuck her head out and said she wasn't to be disturbed unless it was a critical emergency. She said anyone who did would be thrown out of her office window."
"That's pretty standard for Jac."
"Yes, but I walked past her office and I could hear her going "he's an arsehole, she's an arsehole, he's never going to win, she's just crap" and I knocked on her door to see if she was OK and..."
"and what?"
"She told me to fuck off. Then she threw a cupcake at me."
Now he was just curious.
"OK, first you need to calm down. Get yourself a cuppa and take five minutes, then try and tackle the rest of that paperwork. I'll go and see Jac."
Nicky went off to the break room and Sacha went to Jac's office to see what was going on.
"I thought I told you to fuck off!?!"
"Not since I knocked Emma's glitter onto the floor!"
Jac turned to see it was Sacha, rather than Nicky butting in as she had before.
"Oh. Sorry, I thought you were Nicky bothering me again."
"No and you should apologise. And explain why you're throwing cupcakes."
"I told her - no interruptions. The cupcake was burnt, it shouldn't have been in the box, but Emma insisted it was fine and I forgot to take it out of the box."
Sacha sat down beside her on the couch and finally noticed what she had on on the portable TV on the coffee table.
"Still mean though, you should ap- Bake Off? I thought that started next week!?!"
"Tonight. Half of them are doomed, but Hollywood is such a dick, I want the worst one to win just to spite him."
Sacha laughed out loud and settled in beside her.
"Mind if I join you? Watching you critique cooking shows is one of the funniest things you can get away with at work!"
She nugded him playfully and grinned.
"Shut up and make yourself comfortable... if you can take time away from Agatha Christie!"
"She can wait for a hour, but I will nip up during the break and grab some of that lovely coffee. And while I'm doing that, you can apologise to Nicky"
He looked at her with just a little bit of sterness and she gave him her best put upon sigh - one borrowed straight out of her daughter's playbook.
"Fine! As long as she isn't going to make a big deal out of it."
They settled in to a comfortable silence for the next few minutes and when the break came, Sacha went to fetch the coffee, hearing Jac call Nicky over as he left.
"Oi, foetus! Put that lot down, I need a word!"
A few minutes later, having checked in with Keller and grabbed his coffee maker, Sacha returned to Jac's office to see her and Nicky side by side, Nicky practically bouncing with excitement and Jac trying very hard to keep a stern look on her face. He avoided eye contact and set the coffee up on her desk.
"Sorry I'm late, I stopped in at the break room to fill this up" he motioned to the cafetiere. "what have I missed?"
"They're making Angel Cake Slices for the technical" Nicky pipped up brightly "I don't know why-"
"Because you don't know anything. Now be quiet or you'll get another burnt cake thrown at you."
Sacha smiled. Jac wasn't fooling anyone, she was enjoying the company and she knew it. As if on cue, she softened (slightly. Very slightly) and turned towards Nicky as he passed out the coffee and sat on her other side.
"It would be too easy to just do three traybakes and jam them together. This way requires much more skill, so it's a better challenge."
"Oh! That makes sense. You know, you should-" Nicky sneaked a quick look at Jac and decided against what she'd been about to say. "nevermind. It can wait."
"Good. Now, not another word unless the judges make someone cry"
NEXT: BISCUIT WEEK. The action moves to Sacha's flat. Jac makes ginger snaps, Nicky brings tea and Ric has definite opinions on the "loose vs bagged" debate.
Hope you liked that! I'm going to try and do one for each week, so I know I have some to catch up on and I've never been very good at deadlines, but I will try and if anyone has any ideas, drop me a line any time.
This is especially for @foxyroxysstuff, who I hope will forgive me for delaying finishing her prompt to finish this first! I'm going to do yours now, promise!
EDIT:- Forgot to post this 👇 👇 it's the coffee maker that Jac and Emma bought Sacha.
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madam-wakefield · 6 years
Is the bake off on catch up yet? I need to start untraumatizing myself!!!!
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hi my dudes just to let ya'll know I'm not okay with the fact that Dominic Copeland used to have two best friends and in less than two weeks when Zosia leaves he won't have any so petition for Dominic Copeland and Oliver Valentine to become best friends bc honestly it would be such a cute bromance and we need MORE of it
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magnass · 7 years
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12 bakers. 10 weeks. 30 challenges. Nothing is quite like the Great British Bake Off. Will Bernie and Serena make it through to the final? Will their sponges be moist? Their pastry flaky? Or will their dough be under-proved and their bottoms soggy?
catch up on all the baking trials and triumphs on ao3
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salty-af-ace · 4 years
Quarantine Tag Game
I was tagged by @basmathgirl thank you for keeping me going during this lockdown!
1. Are you staying home from work/school?
Not particularly. My course was online (I recently graduated) and I was job seeking but this all this hit the fan so now I have no education and no job.
2. If you’re staying at home, who’s there with you?
My parents, uncle and cousin. Don’t ask how That’s going.
3. Do you have pets to keep you company?
I tried uploading a photo of my dog wearing a dust mask to keep this themed but tumblr is an asshole. So instead here is ANOTHER photo of my dog not allowing me to study and another at Christmas. Her name is Lexie and she’s 11 and if she’s sitting in my lap likes to jump up on my computer table and rest her head on my hand stoppping me from doing anything.
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4. What do you miss the most?
I miss a lot. I miss my friends. I miss the waterfront on a nice day with a cup of gelato. I miss my friends and I stupid little competitions when the price is always who buys food. I miss the freedom. I miss having a purpose and a job. I miss my mental stability. I’m somehow missing my internet friends. So basically I’m missing spending time with my friends.
5. When was the last time you left your home?
Technically I leave everyday to take my dog for a walk but other than walk wise it would be yesterday to pick up my prescription but before that it would have been a month.
6. What was the last thing you brought?
Escape room tickets and food. Just before NZ went into lockdown it was my birthday so I shouted my friends to an escape room and we went for dinner afterwards.
7. Is quarantine driving you insane or are you finally relaxed?
I’m being driven absolutely insane ask any of my friends. I cannot handle it. I have a very toxic relationship with my cousin atm and I’m stuck at home with her so that’s making it worse. My safe space isn’t even my safe space anymore.
8. Are you a homebody?
Absolutely. But the people in my life are also very important to me so I tried to see them at least once a month. Even if it was just going to each other’s place or into town or to go sit by the river.
9. What are movies you have watched recently?
Honestly I play games more than watch tv but:
- Maleficent 2
- Aladdin (the one with Will Smith)
- Frozen 2
- JoJo Rabbit
- A dogs purpose (I’ve read the book series)
And I’ve rewatched doctor who series 5.
10. An event that you were looking forward to that got cancelled?
Armageddon. (Comic con in NZ) it might not be big but I just want to nerd out ok.
I’m extremely lucky though because all festivals and concerts I had planned was mainly in February.
11. What’s the worst thing you’ve had to cancel?
A funeral coz we can’t travel out of our city.
12. What’s the best thing you’ve had to cancel?
Literally nothing.
13. Do you have any new hobbies?
Not new but I’m back into coloring in and reading.
14. What are you out of?
Iced Chocolate and serotonin.
15. What music are you listening too?
Mainly whatever my game is playing. TWAU start up music be getting me everytime.
But when I’m cooking dinner or baking it’s the same old music of Imagine dragons, Twenty one Pilots, Queen, ABBA etc.
16. What shows are you watching?
Documentaries and breaking dad (the one with Bradley Walsh, it just started on NZ TV)
Same old build up of Holby City, NCIS, Charmed and 8 out of 10 Cats.
17. What are you reading?
I have this giant book of DW history that I read, and of course fanfiction but I’m also reading The Art of Racing in the Rain atm.
18. What are you doing for self care?
A weird self care but it helps, but I’m matching my socks (I have a lot of themed socks) to my shirts coz even though nobody sees me it helps me stay sane a bit coz I’m not the kind of person who can stay in their Pjs all day and putting some effort helps me feel better about myself.
19. Are you exercising?
I’m going for a walk around the block everyday but unfortunately my dog has had leg surgery and she has heart problems so she can’t walk more than that. I’m not doing more than that and feeling shit.
20. How’s your toilet paper supply?
Normal amount like it should be. Stop stock piling. Yes I’m looking at you twits posting videos of dogs jumping over piles of them and all that.
21. Have you made any changes to your hair during quarantine?
Well my hair was already dyed blue but I didn’t have any dye at home and can’t go out and find more. I do have an under cut (my hair is very thick) so we’ve shaved that back down, but believe me when I say, I have thought about shaving it all off nearly everyday of this isolation. It’s always up coz it pisses me off.
Im tagging
@werealljustwinginit @beckaaay @crazyrichfilipinos @biwindblade @milfrandaotto coz these unfortunate souls have fallen under the category of friends and or close mutruals in my mind so sorry you get tagged in everything but those them rules.
And anyone else who needs a distraction!
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anonymouspersonanon · 5 years
Holby city on Bakeoff?
Just finished watching stand up 2 cancer bake off and now I kinda want to see Holby vs Casualty cast do bake off. Just imagine the fun that could be had.
Any thoughts?
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lightwxlker · 6 years
hnggngnhh the first thing I thought when I woke up was ‘holy balls it’s holby city day’ but bake off is on at the same time honestly bless bbc iPlayer
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17th August 2017
I ended up going to bed with a really bad headache. We fell asleep straight away and I had the best nights sleep since we arrived. Steve sleeps great every night. We woke up at 0530 and got out of bed at 0540, the latest Steve has allowed me to lay in bed for. Katie and Mitch didn't move into the room next door to us so I'm dreading tonight now.
We got dressed, had weetabix and made our sandwiches. We're now on our third bottle of milk and our third loaf of bread. We waited outside the back gate for the rest of the B2 gang to arrive before heading off to work.
We got there and I was packing again which is good. I picked up my letter and walked to my section. You have to stand on a platform because everything is up fairly high. The first thing I heard was a girl called Nikki behind me scream. A massive frog leaped at her and she didn't see it. The frogs here are bright green and camouflage with the bananas. I've also decided that we're not on a banana farm anymore. They look like gherkins because they're that green so we're now on a gherkin farm. Steve thinks I'm an idiot but the small ones actually look like gherkins.
Steve was de-handing and said that he found some cockroaches and decided to put them onto the conveyor belt so that we could find them and scream. He's not funny - that's bullying in the workplace!
The first third went really quickly for me which was great. My back wasn't hurting as much as yesterday so I'm hoping my body is getting used to it. I managed to pack 61 boxes which I'm not sure whether it's good or bad. The second part went just as quick, I was so happy. This time I packed 50 but it's half an hour shorter so that's not too bad, I hope. Steve said that the day was absolutely dragging for him which is rubbish. He also managed to slice his finger but luckily it didn't go through his glove, otherwise he would only have 9 left. I did say it was silly letting him have such a big tool.
The last third went so ridiculously slow it was unreal. I think I packed just under 50 but I was hurting so much. The boxes are so heavy to lift and my hands are so bruised from breaking bananas. Roll on the next few weeks so our bodies will feel used to this. Vicki stopped us girls to say that the smaller bananas cannot be on the top otherwise the box will be refused. She then said “I can see that Charlie has got two boxes going at once for when the smaller ones come along the belt, you should all be doing this”. I was absolutely mortified. I thought it was the general idea to do two at once... Steve spent the rest of the day calling me a teachers pet.
I quickly ran to the toilet after the final bell went until I realised I wasn't alone. I had a lizard and a grasshopper with me. I decided to hold until I got home... Bloody things. I've had multiple spiders on me today and it makes me feel funny.
We got home and collapsed on the bed. Tomorrow we only work until 1040 to get the shed tidy for the weekend, so technically the weekend is already here, am I right or am I right?!
We got showered and decided to not have dinner again. I was going to have beans and rice because I really fancied it but I was too tired to cook it. Steve wasn't that hungry either so it made my decision easier. We chilled in the courtyard with Ciar, Matt, Matt, Emma, Nikki, Shay, Lucas and Lisa. Lucas and Lisa are from Germany, Nikki is from Scotland and Shay is from Canada.
By 2030 (half an hour late to bed), we went into our tin home. I said that we were all baked beans living in the can. I put the TV on and found the Aus version on Holby City so we both watched that. 
A very boring day in the life of BOY AND GIRL MEETS WORLD. I'm kidding, although that title does sound good.
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bygone-age · 5 years
Holby City Bake Off Week 5
Something slightly different this time - it's girl's night! We start a day or two after Dairy week and Nicky puts her idea to Jac.
"What do you think then?"
Jac didn't look up.
"About what?"
Nicky shook the book she was holding right I was Jac's face. She took it out of the younger woman's hand and looked at it properly.
"Prohibition era cocktails?"
"Yup. Girls night at mine next week. I even found some period canapé recipes on Pinterest. Just need to make sure there's enough alcohol and mixers and that shouldn't be too hard."
"Alright. It's half term next week and Emma's at her dad's, so I don't have to get back early and I've got a bottle of prosecco and a couple of open bottles. We're not doing fancy dress though, it'll be a right fuck on, especially at this short notice."
"Well, I saw Ms MacMillan on my way and she said she can get some of those headbands the women used to wear, but other than that, we don't need to bother."
"Fair enough. I'll go down to the ED after Mr Mountfield's triple bypass and ask Duffy if she's up for it. Rumour has it she mixes a mean cocktail."
Charlie and Duffy were just leaving the ED after their shifts when Jac caught up with them.
"Duffy, Nicky's doing girl's night next Tuesday for twenties week, are you up for it? I heard you do a bloody good cocktail."
The older woman grinned.
"I do mix an excellent sidecar, if I do say so myself, I'll be there."
"Great, I'll text you her address la- what's that face for Fairhead? You like we're about to start binge drinking in the cubicles."
"I've had her cocktails, it might be quicker if you did just that."
"Oi! They're not that bad! Cheeky sod!"
"Elle's birthday? How much vodka was in those martinis!?!"
"Duffy, you married a lightweight!"
She laughed.
"Tell me about it! He refuses to even drink any whisky cocktail I make!"
"Which is why lightweights aren't invited. See you next week."
"Bloody hell woman! How much whisky is this!?!"
Jac was wincing from just a small mouthful of what was supposed to be a Rob Roy cocktail.
"Exactly what the recipe says to use, but it is a stronger whisky than you should probably use. It's the only whisky we have though."
"Now I know what Charlie was talking about!"
They shared a laugh as Roxanna, Nicky and Essie came and sat down.
"Nicky, this Yellow Bird is delicious! Where did you get the recipe."
Roxanna took another sip of her drink.
"Online. There's a website with a load of twenties era cocktails and there's the book I got."
Conversation stopped for a couple of minutes when a contestant's custard tart fell on the floor shortly before the time ran out.
"What the hell is a bayonet!?!"
Essie's tipsy mispronounciation provoked a round of laughter.
"It's a beignet! It's made with choux pastry and fried and- basically it looks like a posh donut."
"Oh! Why don't they just call it a French donut?"
Duffy stood up with a wobble. Lol
"No idea. Who wants a sidecar?"
Nicky giggled before replying in a singsong voice.
Duffy chuckled.
"I'll put a pot of coffee on as well. Just in case, because we are definitely not sober."
"He is a horrible man. My Charlie wouldn't be that mean, he'd kind. Because he is kind, very very kind."
"Ssssssh! She'll wake up!"
Nicky pointed at Jac, who was busy snoring on Essie's shoulder.
"You're going to have to wake her up eventually."
"In the morning, when I can put a cup of coffee, some ibuprofen and a slice of toast in front of her. You saw what happened the last time and she wasn't even fully conscious!"
Roxanna smiled. Of the five, she was the only one drinking coffee. Two Yellow Birds and a Sidecar were enough for her. Even if they'd demolished most of the canapés, it wasn't enough to soak up all the alcohol.
"Well not everyone would have their boss as a houseguest, especially when they've put away the alcohol we have."
Duffy suddenly piped up.
"It's very kind of you Nicky, just like my Charlie. He's very kind you know."
"It's not that kind, I'd just rather deal with a hungover Jac Naylor than wake up a Drunk Jac Naylor. Even if I have to tell her that she missed double elimination."
Essie tried to sit up straight with Jac still snoozing on her shoulder.
"You think it'll happen tonight?"
"We're about halfway through, so it's a good time to do it."
The remaining four of them settled down to watch the rest of the round and the elimination.
Twenty minutes after the end of the show, everyone who was conscious was on coffee. Roxanna had cleared Nicky's coffee table, Essie was making a valiant attempt to tidy the alcohol away (even if it did take three attempts to put the top back on the cognac), Nicky and Duffy were making sure that Jac was comfortable and Charlie and Sacha had arrived to take Duffy and Essie home.
"So, how was girls night? Where's Jac?"
"She fell asleep two minutes into the showstopper. Three and a half cocktails and some canapés finished her off."
"And she called me a lightweight! Hopefully, she won't feel too bad in the morning."
Sacha had his arm around Essie, keeping her upright.
"Do you want me to wake her up? I can take her back home before I drop Essie off."
Nicky tried to shake her head, but thought better of it.
"It's alright, she's comfortable on the sofa. I don't she's in till tomorrow afternoon, so she can get a cab back to hers in the morning to shower and change."
"Fair enough, but ring me instead and I'll come and pick her up. We should get going, goodnight."
"Bye. Bye Essie!"
Essie waved sleepily, then squinted through the doorway.
"Roxanna? I think your taxi is here."
This prompted the rest of the goodbyes before Nicky closed the door and locked up.
NEXT WEEK: DESSERT WEEK - Everyon does merengues. Seriously, there are tons. Nicky also does her vegan cookies again, but mainly merengues. Except for Bernie and Serena, who doe a Bombe Glacée (show offs).
Hope you enjoyed this! All cocktails are genuine prohibition era drinks that I got off the Internet.
EDIT:- I accidentally skipped Dessert Week, so I've gone back and changed it.
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urgentinformation · 7 years
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myrtlesboobflap · 5 years
4, 12, 23, 29
4. What’s a British stereotype that you hate?That we are all super posh Londoners. Like this is disgruntled northern erasure and i won't stand for it.
12. What’s the best dunking biscuit? Rich tea and you can all fight me on that
23. Give us some British TV show recommendations. So I'm a massive shit panel show fan like mock the week, would I like to you etc. Also we do a good quiz show like pointless, the chase, and if we want a throwback bulls eye. Would also recommend sewing bee which is like the only decent bake off format spin off- plus Joe lycett is the new host which is great. (I should probably recommend holby city but I haven't watched it in months eeek)
29. Pick a song to be the new national anthem. Honestly I truly believe nothing is as uniting as a primary school style rendition of Cauliflowers Fluff and like a true national anthem we all only know the first two lines
Thanks for asking
Ask me some oddly British things or anything if you are so inclined i haven't done this in forever
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magnass · 7 years
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Meet the Contestants for The Great British Bake Off (Holby City Edition)
Dom is a journalist from London, whose flair for the artistic is evident in all his bakes.  Raf, a Scottish solicitor who lives in London with his husband and their four kids, bakes with delicate precision (unless the kids decide to help out, that is). Ric runs a boxing gym in Winchester and loves putting a healthy twist on his recipes—and using ingredients from his garden to do so.  Bernie, a trauma locum currently in London, hasn’t been baking for very long, but her already considerable knowledge about the craft shines through.  Jac, who works as an executive in Manchester, brings a cool head and quiet confidence to the kitchen where she prides herself on perfecting classic French bakes.  Essie, a stay at home mum to three teenage children, has honed her skills baking for her kids and community in Ashford.  Henrik is from Sweden originally, but now works as an accountant in Oxford and enjoys baking biscuits and cakes for his coworkers at his firm.  Morven, this year’s youngest baker, lives in Cambridge with her fiancé, teaches reception and loves bringing her bakes in to share with her students. Zosia works in Exeter as a plummer. She learned to bake from her Nan when she was a girl and has been perfecting her skills ever since. Mo grew up in London, but now lives in Cardiff where she runs a tech startup. She has a passion for flavours and makes daring combinations in her bakes. Sacha works in Banbury as an insurance broker. He and his wife Helen met in a home economics course and have been baking together ever since. Serena is a surgeon and clinical lead in Holby. She’s been baking her whole life, and tests out all of her bakes on her most dedicated critics: her daughter and her nephew.
~fic coming soon to an AO3 near you~
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ao3feed-berena · 7 years
wheat kings and pretty things (let's just see what tomorrow brings)
by PotofCoffee When Bernie applies for The Great British Bake Off she never expects to make it on the show. Somehow she does, and there she meets Serena Campbell. Between signatures, showstoppers, and not insignificant amounts of Shiraz, Bernie and Serena become closer than Bernie would've ever anticipated. It's all awfully complicated though, what with the competition, the publicity, the stress of their jobs, and of course the fact that Serena is straight as an arrow and Bernie's quickly growing crush is wildly inappropriate at best. Baking, at the end of the day, is simple. Predictable, even. Love not so much. Words: 5,899 Chapters: 1/? Language: English
Fandoms: Holby City
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F
Characters: Serena Campbell, Bernie Wolfe, Raf Di Lucca, Adrian "Fletch" Fletcher, Dominic Copeland, Henrik Hanssen, Essie Harrison, Morven Digby, Mo Effanga, Jac Naylor, Zosia March, Ric Griffin, Sacha Levy, Jason Haynes, Elinor Campbell, Cameron Dunn, Charlotte Dunn
Relationships: Serena Campbell/Bernie Wolfe
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - The Great British Bake Off, Background Raf Di Lucca/Adrian Fletcher, Slow Burn, Fluff, Baking, Pining, Everyone Thinks They're Together, Friends to Lovers, Surgeon Serena, Surgeon Bernie
Read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2sbUvRp
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fortytworedvines · 7 years
Me: Going to watch Holby instead of Bake off.
Also me: Nina and Matteo? uhhhhh
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guidetoenjoy-blog · 5 years
Missed this week's entertainment news?
New Post has been published on https://entertainmentguideto.com/must-see/missed-this-weeks-entertainment-news-2/
Missed this week's entertainment news?
Image copyright Getty/Reuters/PA
It’s been another packed week in the world of entertainment news – for example, we learned who will present I’m A Celebrity… with Dec, what the TV critics thought of Bake Off, and which star Prince Harry had on his bedroom wall as a teenager.
If you missed these stories and other happenings this week, read on.
Image copyright Getty Images
Like most teenage boys, Prince Harry had a poster of a famous crush on his wall – in his case, it was Oscar-winning actress and former Bond girl Halle Berry.
The US star jokingly trolled the Duke of Sussex after spotting herself in the background of a recently resurfaced photo.
“OK Prince Harry, I see you!” she wrote, after seeing the image of his bedroom at Eton College.
Image copyright Channel 4
The Great British Bake Off is back for series number nine – and series number two on Channel 4.
An audience of 6.1 million tuned in on Tuesday to see the series kick off with biscuit – rather than cake – week.
Critics were united in their delight at its return, with one telling BBC Radio 5 Live: “Ah lovely telly, the world’s a better place when Bake Off’s on.”
Image copyright Getty Images
Strictly Come Dancing is almost back, and last year’s winner Joe McFadden said that, despite claims it’s not the strongest line-up, it still “ticks every box”.
The former Holby City star said there is somebody for everybody in the new crop of contestants.
The BBC show begins on 8 September.
Image copyright BBC/ITV Studios
University Challenge is to focus on posing “gender neutral” questions, according to the show’s executive producer.
Peter Gwyn made the remark following a viewer complaint that the questions were skewed towards men.
“We try to ensure that when hearing a question, we don’t have any sense of whether it was written by a man or a woman,” he said.
Image copyright ITV/GETTY
Image caption Willoughby sent McPartlin (far left) “support for a continued recovery”
Holly Willoughby will co-host this year’s I’m A Celebrity… Get Me Out Of Here! alongside Declan Donnelly.
Willoughby will fill in for Dec’s regular partner Ant McPartlin while he takes a break from TV presenting.
“I couldn’t be more excited to have been asked to stand alongside Dec for the next jungle adventure,” said the This Morning regular. Dec said he was “hugely grateful”, adding: “I’m thrilled she said yes.”
Stacey Solomon hit out at gossip magazines for making women feel as though “they’re not good enough”.
The TV presenter was featured on this week’s cover of Now magazine with the headline: “Stacey ‘boring’, ‘desperate’, ‘cheap’ – why fans are sick of her.”
The 28-year old Loose Women panellist shared the cover with her 1.4 million Twitter followers, writing: “That’s the meanest thing I’ve ever seen.”
Stacey Solomon and the ‘toxic’ world of gossip magazines
Image copyright Ken McKay/ITV/REX/Shutterstock
Coleen Nolan said she regretted her on-screen row with Kim Woodburn, describing it as “ugly, upsetting and unpleasant”, adding that she wished she could turn back time and undo it.
More than 7,000 people complained to Ofcom about Wednesday’s Loose Women, which saw the singer clash with the former How Clean Is Your House? host.
Some viewers accused Nolan and the ITV show’s other panellists of bullying.
Image copyright Getty Images
Queer Eye star Karamo Brown urged fans to look after their mental health after revealing he tried to take his own life in 2006.
Brown is the culture expert on the Netflix show, in which five gay men give a straight man a makeover, both physically and often emotionally.
Brown, 37, said he had been “in a very dark place” in 2006 and felt like his life “could not get any better”.
But he told fans: “I want you to know that things do get better.”
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bygone-age · 5 years
Holby City Bake Off Week 4
After the mini epic that was Bread Week, Dairy Week will be a lot shorter, honest!
John Gaskell looked up from his paperwork and put on his best "I'm pretending I don't know why you're pissed at me" smile.
"Rox! What can I do for-"
"Don't you dare pretend that you don't know why I'm here, you little shit! What the fuck were you thinking!?!"
"Oh. You mean the baking thing? It seemed funny at the time. I'm guessing you don't agree?"
"No I bloody well don't! You know how private Henrik is and how the hell are we supposed to prepare in two days!?!"
"Come on Rox! It's baking a few cakes and putting the kettle on, not a five course dinner with silver service."
"I'm covering for you tomorrow, have you forgotten that little detail?"
"Oh shit. Yeah, sorry about that. Really. Pay you back?" John at least had the sense to feel genuinely guilty.
Roxanna smiled. Like somebody who just thought of a great payback.
"Oh you will, I guarantee that."
"...you should have seen his face! He has to spend the next fortnight "offering guidance and advice" to groups of gifted students!"
Henrik, who'd been arranging cake slices onto a new cake stand, merely looked up and raised his eyebrow.
"Oh, alright, he thinks he has to spend the next fortnight on an initiative he hates, but it serves him right for dropping us in it! And anyway, he's actually good at it. He's not a professor because it looks good on a letterhead, he's a bloody good teacher when he chooses to be."
"All true of course, but the last time you and John had a "prank war", as I believe it's called nowadays, I had to lie the police."
Roxanna stole a lemon bar from a plate and laughed.
"I remember! You invented two new conditions in process! The Dean didn't know whether to be awed by your ingenuity or to suspend the three of us!"
"Luckily, he decided just to pretend it never happened. On the condition it never happened again or at least that it never got back to him again."
"What time is everyone coming? These are lovely, by the way."
"The lemon bars a recipe I found online. They apparently go well the Earl Grey tea Ric is bringing. He'll be here just before nine - he's been visiting Darla today. Sacha is picking up Charlie and Duffy, they should be here in a few minutes and Ms Naylor will be calling as soon the programme starts. Hopefully, her mood won't be too affected by having to work - according to Ms McKendrick, her "cupcake aim" is deadly."
"No Bernie and Serena?"
"Family dinner. They're meeting Cameron's girlfriend. Serena told me the whole family will be there, so she's anticipating lots of stress."
"I hope it goes well, for Cameron and for them."
At that moment, the doorbell rang and while Henrik finished getting things ready, Roxanna went to let their guests in.
"...so I've done a dairy free chocolate cake, a ton of vegan cookies because they're really easy and take like ten minutes in the oven - I did some this morning while I had my breakfast - and I did a blueberry buttermilk cake and a banana yoghurt cake in case it's all about using alternative dairy products. I sent the banana cake and half the cookies to Mr Hanssen's."
"Impressive, I just bought loads of tea and a kettle. And a Disney themed tea strainer and an infuser."
Nicky stopped doing the paperwork she needed to finish before nine.
"Why didn't you just borrow the one from the break room?"
"It's crap and this one only cost a fiver, the Disney stuff cost more. "
Jac motioned to Nicky's paperwork.
"I've got prep Mr Murphy's valve replacement to finish, you get that done and make a check of the ward and I'll see you in the office."
"What the hell are maids of honour!?!"
Jac's voice sounded slightly screechy through the the speaker of Sacha's phone, but everyone agreed - the choice of technical was strange, to say the least.
From his seat on the couch between Duffy and Sacha, Charlie took a drink of tea before replying.
"Tudor tart apparently, made using cheese curds or sweetened milk curds according to Google. You can also put jam in them."
"Didn't they do a Tudor week when they were still on the BBC? They should have just done that."
"Probably a rights thing. According to the net, it's twenties week next week, that should be interesting."
For the next few minutes, tea was drunk, cake was eaten and talk revolved around the technical results and the following week's theme.
NEXT WEEK: TWENTIES WEEK - Cocktails a plenty at Nicky's when she hosts a girl's night. Roxanna supplies costumes, Duffy makes the strongest Sidecars ever and Jac has an impromptu sleepover when she falls asleep during showstopper and everyone is afraid to wake her!
Well, there we are! Hope you enjoy that. Obviously Nicky wasn't the only person that baked, but I've had over twenty tabs open on my phone for over a week, so I thought it would be simpler to concentrate one person (and Henrik's lemon bars). That means that all recipes are genuine and available online, apart from lemon bars which are a converted pound cake recipe (that is available. don't ask me how it was converted, Henrik did it). You can buy Disney themed tea accessories.
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