#berena fanfiction
berenaadvent · 9 months
I’ve been AWOL but would anyone be interested in this coming back?
Okay so I’ve been AWOL for a few Christmases but I’m back and wondering if any of the Berena fandom is active enough to still want this?
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madam-wakefield · 8 months
Help me out here - what the hell would Serena buy Bernie for Christmas or Birthday or Anniversaries?
I always feel like Serena is the easier one of the two, but Bernie is such an enigma in so many ways there is so much we don’t know about her!
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silv-paru · 6 months
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starfleetwitch · 1 month
20 Questions for Writers
Thanks for the tag @technicallywrite
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Holby City (Berena)
Doctor who / UNIT (Kate Stewart, Sarah Jane Smith, Ace, Tegan and Osgood)
Worst Witch (Miss Hardbroom)
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Still Beating
The Gift
Happy Anniversary
Happy New Year Mrs and Mrs Wolfe
Operation: Steal your girl
5. Do you respond to comments?
I do my very best because I appreciate every single one of them!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Its probably a toss up between Hush Little Baby , Happy Anniversary and The Ghost of Tomorrow
However, I am on the very CUSP of posting a new fic that even I'm like 'Oh my god... do you just dead ass hate happiness?' 😂
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I'm genuinely looking through my fics like... Omg I really do hate happiness. But alas, it was between The Gift and She's Not You and I feel like She's Not You wins because you technically had to read through trauma before it got there
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not on fics no. I once got hate on artwork though. The commenter said I should be ashamed and what would Elisabeth Sladen's family think about the fact I'd drawn Sarah Jane kissing another woman... Jokes on the commenter though cause Elisabeth Sladen's IRL daughter recently posted the artwork in question on her instagram because she was basically like HECK YEAH, GO FOR IT MUM! 😂
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Me? Write smut? I don't even... I... WHAT IS SMUT?
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I'm currently writing a long ass fic that crosses over with SEVERAL fandoms within the Jemma Redgrave Multiverse just so I can make a 'We don't talk about Bruno' reference
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Technically yes but it was never published. I DID illustrate fics for a couple of people though!
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
Berena... with a side order of Kate Stewart just getting her some from anyone and everyone apparently. Womans been through a lot man... she just needs herself some comfort.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
The multiverse fic with the we dont talk about Bruno reference 😂
Nah for real I'm gonna say Still Beating. Bernies been bleeding out on the trauma unit floor for 4 years now, maybe more. Even if I DO get round to finishing it, it wont be what I wanted it to be. I had a lot of avenues to go down with the ex husband being involved in her treatment and recovery and now I've lost a bit of heart in it that I might cut that section out.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Oh. I... don't know. I don't know if I actually have any, I just write.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Sometimes I compare myself to other writers and I get really frustrated when I cant write poetically like them. When I read their work I really FEEL an emotional connection. I read slowly just to savour the words because they're so delicious and I'd LOVE to know how to do write like that.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
If it calls for it... ok? I don't understand the question. I didn't know this was an issue I needed to have thoughts on.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
1998 Worst Witch. I started as I meant to go on. Inflicting trauma on my favs with no real plan to bring them out of it 😂
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
Oh don't make me choose my favourite child! I enjoyed writing Still Beating but I'm gonna say Operation: Steal your girl cause I just had SO MUCH FUN with it and the comments make me believe others also had fun reading it 😂
RIGHT! On to the taggy tags: @akaanonymouth @seahorsepencils @ktlsyrtis @colourmestoked04 @defo-not-sfw
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defo-not-sfw · 6 months
Chapters: 2/2 Fandom: Holby City Rating: Explicit Relationships: Serena Campbell/Bernie Wolfe Additional Tags: The car was a paid actor, medical convention, Stuck in the snow, there was only one room at the inn, fireside dinner, There Was Only One Bed, the heat went out, Berenice wolfe doesn't wear jammies, First Time, Face Sitting, Cunnilingus, Post first kiss, Awkwardness, Pre-Relationship, Bernie Wolfe is an awkward bean so Serena takes charge Summary:
Polite reminder that you're only ever a few classic tropes away from a gay old time
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sapphicdbc · 1 year
4 for the questions.
Hello Anon!
The week has been chocker block so I’m only replying to you now, sorry :)
“4. How many fic ideas are you nurturing right now? Care to share one?”
I won’t lie anon, I have a good few. I have over 100 drafts of fics that for some dumb reason I never post. I’m working on it though!
I am currently trying to continue Surrender, my Frankie fic.
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Otherwise, I have a couple of Melissa Schemmenti x reader fics that I’m working on;
- Melissa and the museum volunteer
- Melissa at an Italian restaurant
-Melissa goes speed dating
-Melissa and the cover teacher
-Melissa and her nighttime love (this is technically two ideas in one and I’m still figuring out what to do...)
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I’d be more than happy to share my progress of one of them if interested? Let me know!
And thank you for the question, very appreciated :))
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coldblizzardqueen · 1 year
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Song Inspiration ‘Stay Another Day – East 17’ Nominated by @akaanonymouth
 Bernie wandered slowly towards the Holby carpark. Her hands deep inside the pockets of her woollen coat and her head tucked into the warmth of her scarf. As she walked, she could almost feel the invisible thread, she’d always felt connected her and Serena, fraying and the bits blowing away in the thin, cold breeze.
 When Serena had made her little speech, implying that she’d be holding Bernie back if she allowed her to stay in Holby shackled to her, instead of being off having adventures in Nairobi or wherever the wind blew her next. Bernie had agreed she couldn’t stay. “Why did you say that. You idiot!” she muttered to herself as she reached her car. Staying in Holby had been her idea. Finally making a home with the woman she loved. Putting down roots. Being part of a loving family. This was what she wanted. She was just incredibly sorry that it had taken a lonely Serena cheating on her. On them. To make her realise that she needed to act.
 So maybe she didn’t own a pair of slippers in which to take the bins out…Maybe she’d not pushed her own two on the swings when they were small but that didn’t mean that she’d resent ‘having’ to do it with Guinevere and any other little ones who came along.
 She’d never wanted domesticity before. Not with Marcus. Not with Alex. She’d tried to fit into Marcus’ ideas of the way a wife should behave, how she should act, each time she was on leave. She tried to be the version of a mother that her children seemed to want. But it had never worked, because although she’d been a wife, a mother, a soldier, a lover, she’d never once in all that time truly been herself.
 During her relationship with Serena. Even through the horrific time of and after Eleanor’s senseless death. She had slowly and surely blossomed into her own self. She was really, honestly, Bernie Wolfe for the very first time in her over half a century of life. And it wasn’t that she couldn’t be herself elsewhere now. She could. She was sure. She wasn’t dependent on Serena Campbell. It was that she didn’t want to be Bernie Wolfe, the woman who’d let Serena Campbell slip through her fingers. Who’d blindly agreed with non-sensical arguments about bins and swings and not being the right sort of animal.
 As Bernie pulled across her seatbelt and turned the key in the ignition, the radio started up. It was a Christmas song that had been played a lot during a deployment to Cyprus in 1994. As the tune came to the chorus, she hummed along quietly. The music video came to mind. She remembered seeing Take That wrapped in enormous white puffer jackets with furry hoods as ‘snow’ fell around them, as she stood watching the TV in 20c sunshine and feeling slightly disjointed. It was the first time that she’d not been able to make it home since her kids had been born and Marcus had piled on the guilt each time she’d rang home.
She stayed in her memories for a little while, as the words seemed particularly pertinent.
“Don’t you think we’ve come too far now
Just to go and try to throw it all away
Thought I heard you say you love me
That your love was gonna be here to stay
I’ve only just begun to know you
All I can say is won’t you stay just one more day.
 Take That seemed to be saying in song, that which she wished she’d said to Serena instead of having a final dance and then making a quiet exit as the bouquet was being thrown. The irony of Serena catching it was not lost on her. Especially as she felt the small box in her coat pocket.
 She stopped herself as she went to put the car into reverse. Being hit immediately with the vision of herself driving away from the hospital while berating herself for being a complete and utter coward. Running away from Serena because she’d intimated that she loved her after a particularly stressful case.
 She turned off the ignition and took a few deep breaths. As her breath plumed in the coolness of the car, she Googled ‘Stay Another Day’ by Take That and discovered that it didn’t exist. However, the same title by East 17 did. She smiled to herself as she remembered Serena’s joy each time she failed to guess an artist correctly when they were listening to music.
 She attached a link to the song into a text message to Serena and wrote “Please LISTEN to this X”
 Bernie started to walk back towards Albies as she listened quietly to the lyrics of the song. When she reached the corner of the pub, she saw Serena sitting on a bench in the deserted smoking shelter.
 “It says some of the things I should have had the guts to say instead of walking away.” Bernie said.
 “Bloody hell!” Serena gasped. “You made me jump!”
 “Budge up” Bernie made a gentle shooing motion with one hand.
 Serena moved over and Bernie sat down. She placed her hand, palm facing upward in the gap between them. Serena placed her trembling hand into Bernie’s and laced their fingers together. As Bernie folded her own fingers between Serena’s she took a deep breath. She watched the humid air curl from her lips and head into the ether.
 Looking into the distance, Bernie cleared her throat and began to speak. “When I first heard that song, I was stationed in Cyprus. It was my first Christmas away from the kids. I’d have given anything to feel the motherly, familial guilt I was supposed to…Marcus guilt tripped me every time we spoke but truthfully I was relieved…relieved because it meant I didn’t have to go and play pretend happy families.”
 “Bernie…” Serena started. Feeling Bernie squeeze her hand, she stopped. She inclined her head slightly and smiled softly, signifying Bernie should continue.
 Bernie looked away again “For over half my life, the only place I really felt that I fitted in was the army…I enjoyed the adrenaline rushes, the adventures, the camaraderie…I felt as much myself as I ever thought I’d feel…I never thought I’d have a life where I could be openly gay and in love…Create a family of my own on my own terms.”
 She turned to look at Serena. “You are the love of my life…I don’t want us to break up…I want to stay here. With you...We’ve never really had the chance to lay down some proper roots and I want to do that…Our family is in Holby. Our friends are in Holby…And most importantly” Bernie smiled widely. “You are in Holby…And I want to be wherever you are for the rest of my life.”
 Serena smiled hesitantly. “But what about adventure and adrenaline…You’re a force of nature Bernie…You’ll shrivel up and die here…Domesticity isn’t you.”
 “Bloody hell love, you make me sound like some sort of camo clad Indiana Jones!” Bernie laughed as she grasped Serena’s upper arms and turned her gently to fully face her. Sliding her hands down her arms to interlace their fingers once more. “Don’t you realise?... Us being together. Loving each other. Loving our family…That will be the biggest adventure of my life. And it’s one I can’t wait to start.” She squeezed Serena’s hands and shook them gently between the two of them to emphasise her point.
 A tear ran slowly down Serena’s cheek. “I ruined everything Bernie…I cheated…Not just on you but on everything we’d been building…I…” She stopped as Bernie placed a finger tenderly over her lips.
 “You made a mistake…Yes, it hurt like hell. But it’s done…We’ll learn from it…And we’ll draw a veil over it.” Bernie’s eyes implored Serena to believe her.
Serena unlaced her fingers from Bernie’s and reached up to cup her face. “I love you so, so much.”
 Bernie breathed deeply. “Can I stay?”
 Serena pulled Bernie into a crushing hug. She whispered into Bernie’s ear. “I never wanted you to go.”
 They stayed in that hug for a long time. Feeling the solidity of each other was grounding after such a rollercoaster few hours. “Marry me?” Bernie murmured. She held her breath wondering whether Serena had even heard her.
 A loud sob escaped from Serena. “Yes!...Yes!”
 They held on to each other more tightly. “I’ve got a ring.” Said Bernie. Her voice muffled as she buried her head in Serena’s hair.
 Serena looked up. Bernie felt swaddled in the deep love she saw in the eyes looking back at her. Serena ran her hand around to the back of Bernie’s head. “Later.” She purred as she pulled Bernie into a passionate kiss.
EAST 17 “Don’t you say it’s the final kiss (Stay now)”…
And she did.
With Serena becoming her wife 3 months later…
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alisonscotlock · 1 year
i'm 3000 words into writing a crossover fic about bernie + serena from holby and gill + julie from scott and bailey and if anyone would like me to finish it and publish it i would really appreciate knowing that it won't be of interest only to me!
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daystarsearcher · 6 months
First chapter of the new fic is up!
Title: Swordswoman
Pairing: Bernie Wolfe/Serena Campbell
Summary: Serena is a housekeeper suddenly in possession of her mother’s estate…and the attentions of her greedy ex-husband. Berenice is an immortal swordswoman trapped in a prison of enchanted steel. When Serena draws the blade imprisoning the cursed warrior, Bernie will have to defend her new wielder against everything from bandits to inquisitors to her ex-husband…and the sword itself may be the greatest threat of all.
Content warnings: attempted forced marriage, attempted suicide as a plot point (we will be done with this in two chapters), references to a past miscarriage. I swear this is based on a fun and lighthearted book!
(I really thought I might be the first person to do use the Swordheart category on AO3, but nope! There is exactly one (1) other one. It is also an AU.)
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moonxshape · 1 year
I know I'm not the most connected on Tumblr so unsure if anyone will actually see this. Still - a question!!
Anyone fancy doing a virtual write-in? Only ever done one irl before but it was so flipping wholesome and inspiring and lovely. We hung out at one participant's house for the weekend and shared food and ideas and space; wrote in quiet when we wanted... encouraged each other.....did a lot of solid work on leaving the damn perfectionism behind!
And.....idk, I kinda wanna create this vibe somehow, but am not really in a physical location anymore where it'll work.
Humans of Tumblr who are in any way connected w me??
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janewaywatches · 9 months
Some super fluffy Berena fan fiction hope everyone is having a great day and if not then I hope this can be a bright spot and make your day a little bit better.
A little narrative about why Bernie loves Serena so much as she reflects on their relationship on their wedding day
When you live your life like you’re running. Your heart beat never slowing for a second. Your eyes constantly watching. Do you know? You do know what you’re running from. “Bernie you need to stop this.” Was the voice she heard inside her head. The tears told a different story. The denile the want to make everything right, she tried to write a different ending to her story. Marcus wasn’t a bad man, misguided maybe. He was justified in his anger in his bitterness. However, Bernie she needed someone to guide her too. When you live life repressed hiding under lies you tried to believe were true. When you ‘believe’ you love someone and try to hide the niggling doubts deep down inside you. You need someone to guide you. She had never truely lived in the way others talked about. Never her love for Alex was at best a desire for a different kind of life. Her first shot at really feeling. Then everything changed. Things tend to change, life is the most fleeting and beautiful of things. Even the state of dying is impermanent in itself. Love doesn’t belong to the holder love is in most instances in the most special of cases a shared experience. She found this to be true… after everything getting outted to the ward the argument over Cameron the lying to the police. The running… the running had stopped. She decided the moment she got back from her sabbatical. She had been avoiding the one heart that could ever beat in sync. The one person who saw her and all of her imperfections. The one… it hit her then as it always did. Except this time was special they were dressed up to the nines. Today was the day. The day the rings would be on both of their fingers. The day Bernie celebrated the fact that the woman she loved most in world had made it possible for her to stand still. That when they were next to each other there was no where else she would rather be. That she didn’t have to pretend to be perfect. She didn’t have to be the perfect wife the perfect mother because Serena would love her no matter what. No matter how much hurt how many things changed. Their love would always be a permanent fixture within the memory of their lives.
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berenaadvent · 9 months
Berena Advent 2023
Berena advent 2023 is definitely going to go ahead. I just working out a timeline in my head to ensure that I have enough time to create the art work (the advent calendar for each day progress as if you were opening a real advent calendar so it takes a bit of time to create) I'm hoping at some point to open my asks or submissions for prompts too. Then obviously the main event will kick off on the 1st December
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madam-wakefield · 7 months
Open when...Chapter 1
AO3 Link FF Link
When a few years into their relationship Bernie is asked to go back to the army and deploy Serena isn't sure how she's going to get through the nine months without her girlfriend. What she doesn't expect is for it to be her girlfriend who has the perfect set of surprises to get her through both the best and the worst days. Canon divergent - Elinor lives (well actually the accident never happens), Raf lives, and Cameron isn't a total ass! The staff of AAU also probably didn't all work on there at the same time in canon but do in this! The fic is already fully written with the first few chapters having already been Beta'd. 27 chapters including the epilogue. Hoping to post every Monday and Friday!
Chapter 1
Open when you get this…
Serena always knew she’d go to work the day after Bernie had deployed. In some way, she can make herself believe that this is just like the times when Bernie has gone away for a few days for a medical conference or to visit an old army friend. But deep down she knows it’s not, knows that she won’t see Bernie in person for nine months. 
She walks into their office and there on her desk is a beautiful floral box full of what look like ivory envelopes. Serena sits down in her chair and pulls it close to the desk, noticing one delicate envelope propped up against the front of the box.
She stares at it, eyes fixed upon Bernie’s messy writing on the front: Serena - Open when you get this…
She stares at it a little longer, wanting to commit this image to memory before complying. 
My Dearest Serena,
The main reason for writing these letters is because I love you! I love you so much and I want to be able to remind you of that as much as I can. In your moments of weakness. In your moments of joy. When you need to feel loved know that I will always love you. These letters are just here to remind you of that while we are apart for the next nine months. Put them somewhere you will see them often, or carry them around with you if you have to, so you always remember to Open When You…” 
I love you and miss you so much already.
All My Love, Bernie,
Your Big Macho Army Medic x 
She knows she doesn’t have time to respond instantly, she’s got ward rounds to do, and a short surgery scheduled but she promises herself this is the perfect excuse to write Bernie her first bluey. 
She plans to write to her on her break but of course, all the best laid plans always go wrong. Bernie’s red phone rings just as she’s about to go and get herself a pastry from Pulses. She’s missing her girlfriend, so who can blame her if she wants a bit of comfort food?
She goes into surgery with Raf, naturally taking the lead. He’s a good surgeon and she knows it, but it’s going to take her some time to be able to give up control to him in that way. She’s so used to working with Bernie in that respect, where neither of them really takes control, they just work side by side effortlessly without there needing to be a lead. 
After surgery she updates the patient’s family and is just thinking that she’ll have a break now, and maybe actually write to Bernie, when Sacha comes onto the ward to remind her that she’s ten minutes late for the clinical leads’ meeting. Thankfully, she can blame it on the emergency surgery.
She spends more of the meeting thinking about Bernie than actually paying attention. Wondering how Bernie’s flight was. Wondering exactly where Bernie is now. Wondering how she is ever going to get through the next nine months without her girlfriend. 
Normally after a meeting, Bernie will spoil her with coffee and a pastry and kisses if there is time, but she knows she isn’t getting that today or for the next nine months and she can’t help but feel a little deflated at the thought. 
She’s professional enough to offer her opinion a few times to make it look like she’s paying attention to the meeting but doesn’t really stretch herself. She’ll make up for it another time but today isn’t it. 
After the meeting she grabs her own coffee and pastry from Pulses and is this time determined to write Bernie’s letter, so she walks back onto AAU and locks herself in her office. She takes her time thumbing through the envelopes in the box, allowing herself to glance at what’s written on some of them, from love, to sorrow to anger, although she’s not convinced, she’ll need to use that last one. She then turns to her own bag and gets out one of the blueys she has in there—she and Bernie had picked up a stack from the post office before her deployment—and her favourite writing pen before sitting down at her desk. She knows she could use the INtouch electronic mail service to send Bernie an email but she wants the first letter she writes her girlfriend to be a handwritten one. 
Dear Bernie,
How!?! How did you ever get time to think so much about my needs while doing all the things you had to do? The idea of the envelopes has filled my heart with joy and all I can say is I’m so damn lucky that I am the woman you want to share your life with.
I had a quick look through the other envelopes, and I cannot believe all of the different occasions you have managed to cover. I do not have the words to tell you how loved this gesture of yours has made me feel. And you say that you don’t think you’re very good at romance!
I’ve got so much more I want to write but I’ve got to cut this letter short as your red phone is pulling me away from my break, but I promise to write again soon. 
All my love, darling…
Stay safe, soldier.
Serena x
The red phone call leads to a complicated surgery. Serena stays with the trauma patient and completes the surgery, even if it does mean that it’s two hours past her shift when she finally finishes. By the time she gets home and into bed she’s at least so tired and in need of rest that she doesn’t have as much time to miss Bernie, so she falls asleep much more easily than she had the previous night. 
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starfleetwitch · 2 years
Coming soon to an AO3 near you…
The legendary, the amazingly talented, the almighty @ktlsyrtis is doing an update of this masterpiece of a fanfiction: What a lovely way to burn
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Under the cut is an exclusive spoiler/ snippit of chapter 5.
Dashing around her flat, Bernie grabs old coffee mugs off the table and tosses them in the sink, hides the stack of unopened mail in a drawer. They took separate cars, and she knows she only has a few minutes to get things in order before Serena arrives. The rumpled pile of laundry on her bedroom floor gets shoved into the hamper. She hesitates at the foot of the unmade bed, worries she’s being a bit presumptuous. Then she remembers the look in Serena’s eyes, the lingering kiss she’d pressed to Bernie’s cheek as they parted. Blushing slightly, she tugs the bedding into some semblance of order, smoothing the wrinkles out of the duvet just as the intercom buzzes. Bernie’s a little out of breath as she pulls open the door, a situation that isn’t helped by the sight of Serena’s sparkling eyes, her cheeks pink from the cool evening air. She starts, realizing that she’s staring. “Come in,” she says, stepping aside to let Serena pass. “Can I get you a glass of wine?” Serena bats her eyelashes in exaggerated coyness. “You do know how to treat a girl.” When Bernie returns with two glasses of shiraz, Serena is tucked up on the sofa, shoes discarded, a conspicuous open space beside her. Their fingers brush as Bernie hands Serena her wine, the atmosphere heavy with anticipation. She takes a seat, raising a glass between them. “To moving forward.” “Cheers.” Serena taps their glasses together with a smile, takes a slow sip. Bernie can’t help getting a little distracted at the way Serena’s tongue swipes along the rim to catch an errant drop, her smile turning toward the wicked. “Alone at last,” she murmurs, watching Bernie over her wine glass with heat in her eyes. “Whatever shall we do?”
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defo-not-sfw · 6 months
Rating: Explicit Relationships: Serena Campbell/Bernie Wolfe Additional Tags: The car was a paid actor, medical convention, Stuck in the snow, there was only one room at the inn, fireside dinner, There Was Only One Bed, the heat went out, Berenice wolfe doesn't wear jammies, First Time, Face Sitting, Cunnilingus, Post first kiss, Awkwardness, Pre-Relationship, Bernie Wolfe is an awkward bean so Serena takes charge Summary:
Polite reminder that you're only ever a few classic tropes away from a gay old time
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slbrigzi19 · 2 years
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