#Holds Meta Galacta and Morpho in my silly little hands
trijuiceofnature · 1 year
You ever spend several consecutive hours reading the bios and lore of various kirby characters ?? Cause Uhhhhhh,,, y e a h LOL
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the-rat-house · 1 year
💖 - What’s something you like about your muse?
💔 - What’s something you dislike about your muse?
Said muse being all of them owo
posting this on the wrong monday but hey. it still counts.
under a read more cause there are many of them lol. Also I realize I touch on a lot of stuff more related to canon than my personal interpretations on here so... whoops
Daroach: He is just... so fun. Even with how little we get in the games, he just was fun to see and battle - and the fact we get to actually see him fleshed out in a silly but actually sort of in depth way via his dialogue in Mass Attack just makes him all the more endearing; he's a ladies man while being a fucking dork.
Spinni: Gremlin energies. She is small and fast and throws ninja stars and how can you not love how she manages to be cool and chaotic at the same time?
Storo: I want to hug him. But also the damage he deals. Delight cannot describe how happy I am when I get to show him stomping the shit out of enemies when summoned in Star Allies. Look at him go! And he is canonically called a softie.... so he is strong AND kind.
Doc: They really looked at the cute little Squeakers and went "what if one of them was a mad scientist?" and then did it. Well, as much as we can get with limited lore anyways. Really just the fun bit of variety he adds!!
Galacta Knight: His story is so fucked up. So fucked up. I see him and I am so driven to explore everything about him because THERE IS SO MUCH THERE JUST HIDDEN AWAY!!!! The drive and inspiration this orb inspires in me!!!! Living in my head rent free always!!!
Patch: My baby. My beloved. I'm biased cause I created them so like, picking one or even a few things is hard. One thing I suppose would be the fact that even though over the years there definitely have been changes, they are still very much the same at the core. I've tried many different things with them outside a Kirby setting but I always come back to them being this chaotic neutral to evil entity with the same things driving them and like... I guess that just feels comforting, almost? That the character has remained the same despite a bunch of changes... I like that. Like feeling like I'm on the same page as my creations.
Morpho: Morpho is still so mysterious that I am discovering them as I write them; nothing about them is solid and that is fun. I can make shit up and do what I want (this is also my dislike but I'll touch on that in the dislike section). I just have this weird little dude in my hands and that mysterious nature is so fun.
Magolor: I want to marry this egg- In all seriousness. He's cute. He's mischievous. He's smart. He actually got a redemption. I cannot truly tell you one thing I like or love because I adore everything about him. He is by far my favorite character in the series and the bias I feel is unreal. He is my little meow meow. My problematic fave. He can and will commit crimes and I will support him.
Bon: No thoughts head empty. Baby.
Dark Taranza: Ngl one of my top favorite things about DT is how they look. Like, I want them and want to be them. And I definitely write them with that in mind. Obv I don't want to be an arguably evil ruler but like, the vibes, yknow?
Dark Meta Knight: He's an evil asshole that does not give up and I respect him for that. I love edgy characters and he is no different. Exploring the mirror world starts with him and I'm sitting here holding in my hands all these ideas and lore thanks to him existing!!!
Daroach: He is... so hard to write consistently. It's mostly a skill thing, but he exudes confidence that I naturally do not have so I'm constantly at odds when writing him like... am I appealing to this somewhat pompous but still caring leader or am I writing an asshole that is clearly faking it to make it? I Can't Tell. And like... the fact that he has such conflicting vibes sometimes leave me sitting there squinting at him.
Spinni: She shares a lot of personality traits with Patch at times but... it feels more obnoxious, almost, coming from her? And like, that's the point, she is supposed to have her times being childish and obnoxious. And I enjoy that she is! Again, this is a issue with my own writing confidence.
Storo: He is kinda... boring, almost? Just because he is a mostly normal dude. Kind and caring and the big muscly guy... but it is really hard for me sometimes to go deeper than that. Part of my skill, and lack of canon info, and overall just struggling to gain a lot of inspiration with how little I am given from a design perspective... mind you, I still absolutely love him and wouldn't write him if I didn't want to! Just sometimes I sit here looking at him and go... yeah you sure are existing, bud.
Doc: Similar issues with Storo and most characters I like in that I just have so little to work with coming from canon. I like this sometimes, but other times it makes things really really hard. At least he has an interesting design but also,,, in that I have a guy that I don't feel smart enough to write orz
Galacta Knight: Grabs him. He's a fuckening.... idiot sometimes and another consistency issue cause we get So Little in canon (the most we get is in a non canon game AND REALLY BEYOND HIS INCLUSION IN STAR ALLIES WHERE HE GETS EATEN BY MORPHO HE IS NOT A CANON CHARACTER WHICH AAAAAAAAAAAH-) despite his potential and I'm just. Shaking and vibrating cause I want to make him cool but realistic but he's so old and out of touch and it all mixes to make this fucked up man whose existence is really really hard for me to grasp coherently cause I have so many thoughts all the time!!!!
Patch: Literal problematic fave. Patch, with their canon story but even on here, has some very bad things that they do and I cannot express them to their full extent without getting in trouble and it just. Shakes fists. I wish I could be attached to an OC who isn't like them but I just can't. It's boring. But I still feel stifled when writing them cause of that.
Morpho: Everything about them is vague and my ideas, while some solid, are also mostly vague and fluid so while I enjoy writing them, I am super nervous about it because you guys are getting surprises at the same time I am. There is so much possibility which is fun but also frustrating.
Magolor: Taps my fingers together.... genuinely cannot think of something I don't like about him. Even his bad traits I love. My dislike is I cannot write how much I love him or portray him the way I see him because if I did that it'd be insufferable.
Bon: They are listed as a muse but... that's mostly because they act outside of Patch sometimes? So I guess a dislike is that... I dunno where I rank them in regards to muse or NPC. I need more time to flesh them out in my mind. I gotta rotate them in the microwave for awhile, let em cook, yknow?
Dark Taranza: I have very little to go with with them since their place in canon (non canon?) does not line up at all so I get frustrated trying to come up with stuff sometimes cause I am just... battling my own self doubts about telling canon to fuck off (despite me doing a lot of that with my interpretations in general) while trying to keep to whatever the character is... even if what we have isn't a lot.
Dark Meta Knight: Similar with Patch in that I'm never gonna be able to write and express him the way I want because it just... isn't palpable to a lot of people. And again, I still get most of what I like about him across and enjoy him and am excited to write him more since I haven't really had a chance to.. but I know that I won't get to be as mean with him as really fits.
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