#Holy church of Star Trek
insomniac-dot-ink · 4 months
The City of the Dead
The city of the dead have no mouths to speak with. No minds to form reason. Memories and memories and memories that do not order themselves. In the ruins in the barrens on the edge of the world, skeletons began to walk. No one could answer why the dead rose in one small pocket of the world and forgot to sleep again. 
Holy men, alchemists, kings, and living martyrs all traveled to the great ruins of Makan and watched the walking. Bones that carried broken stones from one edge to the other. Kneeling figures that clapped their hands to an unknown rhythm. Spirits burst from wells and poltergeists flung rotted wood at strangers. Yet, the dead did not speak. They were asked of their names, their families, what led them back from the beyond. What necromancer would do this.
They did not wage war. Nor do they pick up swords. The dead were not peaceful perhaps but neither were they purposeful. Makan was an old city, ancient beyond memory, and deserted once the nearest river was dammed and diverted. They were ruins that hung off a cliffside and turned brilliant red against the rising sun. A place of scholarship and history–until it became something more. 
Bodies rattling, teeth clattering, voices of faded spirits like the wind through craigs and singing through tree branches. Some pilgrims swear the dead call their name when they aren’t looking. Others claim they are watching, judging, deciding who will be pure enough to deserve salvation. Still others say they are empty vessels simply caught on repeat–the same routine daily, weekly, yearly for eternity. A meaningless display turned sensational. 
They were famous after all. A skeleton which pushed a baby carrier down the center road from dawn to dusk named the Mother. The well witch who cackled and splashes anyone that passed. The tower Stranger with one arm and one leg who watched anyone who entered, skull swiveling in place. A ghost that rang the church bells–one that people rumor calls your name if you pass too close. Others say it is not your name, but the name of the person you should marry.
The theories were limitless. A place of unimaginable power and limitless looping. And no one to take credit, rally the armies, or put them to rest. Pilgrims came and went. Queens and princes and priests blessed and cursed the place, tried to burn or drown the inhabitants, claimed ordinance or forbade their citizens to make the trek to the ruins in the barrens on the edge of the world. 
In the second dawn of the God-Priest Amix III, a final pilgrimage was made. A Holy Child had been once more chosen from the masses of orphans found in the priestly empire. Dark-eyed and solemn, they were hand-picked for their docile nature. A toddler given a steady diet of jelly the color of stars and flavor of chilled mint. In other countries, they call it Prophecy Meats and treat it as a rare delicacy and dangerous altering substance. The Holy Child, chosen for endurance or perhaps very little at all, is given this steady diet of Stars until they can see the past and present all at once.
The Holy Child of this generation, a girl no more than eight, had survived her first years of seeing the wars and joys and horrors to come. She was dying, of course, and the attendant-nun had become attached. Sister Grehn was warned against such things. Told to keep her distance and remember their purpose, great and beautiful. Sister Grehn begged and pleaded and said, why not take her to the sea? The mountains? Any place that might help her lungs. Take her to healers of other lands.
She got the city of the dead. Sister Grehn carried the Holy Child, too small for her age and eyes as big as black holes, close. “Would you like to see the well, little one?” The nun whispered. “The funny skeleton pushing the baby carriage?”
The Holy Child, who privately kept her birth name, looked up. Nima, a peasant name, a rabbit name, felt the press against her eye sockets. She gave a long exhale. “Oh,” she said. “Oh. They are like me.”
Sister Grehn held her tightly to her chest, mouth turning into a battle line. No, not here, she thought. Please. 
The Holy Child closed her eyes and whispered, “They are tired.” 
Even eternity has an end and the Holy Child spoke the last words of the city of the dead to her first friend and one she privately called something else. “Mom, the river is not gone. The river is all.”
There are many types of spirits, life beyond life, and memories that do not forget how to rush down the land and twist across stone. The wizards that diverted the mighty river centuries before had used magic, darker stuff to do a simple job, cut corners to avoid the wrath of a king or priest or any other towering sovereign who are all the same. The water moved. The soul went elsewhere. The spirit of the river burst through the ruins of Manak. And tried with all its might to live again.
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shhh-secret-time · 5 months
hello ^^, i saw your secret soulmate au about craig, i don't have the words to explain how much i giggled, twirled my hair and everything XD! well, when you have the time, could you do a craig x clyde x reader smut? of course, if you feel comfortable with it! reader can be female or gn. it's practically normal smut but just craig fucking the reader from behind and clyde from the front, so that's it! tysm for reading, i love your writing too! <33 -✨️ Anon (I'm still new to tumblr so i might get confused on some things sometimes!)
Completely understandable, I too am confused with how tumblr works and I've been on this godless site since fucking Dash Con. I'm glad you liked the way I wrote those dorks! And thank you for fueling my Clyde agenda!
Warning: NSFW, Strong-Language, Dirty Talk, Slight Sub/Dom dynamics, blow jobs, orgasm denial, threesome
Pairing: Clyde x Fem!Reader x Craig
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The sweet air of the votives swirls around the empty church. Empty except for the dim orange and red light that illuminates the book in the man's hand.
A woman at his feet, clothed in fine silks. A mix of reds and whites that twine together. Beautiful patterns of stars flow across the dress.
She dips her head in prayer alongside the man. The father of the church glides his fingers across her cheek as her mouth closes. Reciting scriptures of one's devotion for an unseen God. Everything in that moment was peaceful.
The warmth in the Father's eyes doesn't go unnoticed, the greens darken with a desire that he knows better than to have. It's difficult to hide the growing ache in his pants. More so when the woman's lips curl into a mischief smile, the warm glow of the candles makes them shine with an otherworldly glow. She looks up at him and her eyes fall deep into those pools of lust. Her hands break apart from that folded prayer and onto his black dress pants. They card up further against his thighs where they settle and clutch the material.
"Father, bless me...", a whisper that makes the Father groan.
Temptation never looked so sweet. This woman made his chest pound. Unholy thoughts flood his mind and go straight to his-
You let out a loud groan. Your forehead drops and hits the table beside your keyboard. The forgotten mug with now cold tea rattles.
Writer’s block, the very bane of any author’s existence. It's been haunting you for weeks now, making it impossible to get anything done. You've been stuck on this part of your romance novel the entire time. A part you were so excited to get to!
The buildup was perfect! You had calculated, plotted, and carefully crafted a budding romance between a witch and a holy man. A forbidden romance that took place within the walls of the church, the furthest outside the walls it went were the gardens that surrounded the area. The two fell in love after he saved her from the townsfolk claiming sanctuary.
Inspiration struck you like lightning after you fell in love with your partners. After publishing a sci-fi series, that honestly changed the name of how science fiction would be written forever, you met two fans at a book signing event. You had made a surprise appearance at a local library in some little town called South Park. Coming from the big city yourself, it was a huge surprise that anyone in the little town would actually be a fan of yours.
Apparently, you had quite a few. A man with bright red hair who had a black-haired man following alongside him. Both gushed about how the story inspired some kind of board game they played with their friends. A sweet blond woman who had the cutest southern accent you've ever heard. She gave you a piece of fan mail that had the most adorable sticker on it. Another black-haired man who dressed as Spock for some reason. He went on for a solid thirty minutes about a fanfic he wrote regarding the main character of your book and Star Trek's very own Captain Kirk.
Finally came the oddest duo you had ever met. The two were like day and night, a cat and a dog, fire and ice; the whole nine yards. A bright smile with baby brown eyes on one, and an ice-cold deadpan look with amber eyes to match on the other. At first you thought the brown-haired one was your fan and the man with the blue hat was just along for the ride.
"Haha! No way! I'm not into that..." He paused as if to stop himself from saying something he shouldn't, "...kinda stuff."
"That kind of stuff?" You repeat back at him, raising a brow.
"He means reading. He doesn't know how." The other spoke putting a hand on top of his head. With a little push he forced the brown-haired man's head down.
You giggled at that. The protests coming from the poor man was comical. You almost felt sorry for him, watching him struggle to move the taller man's hand off.
"Then I take it I'm signing this book out to you?" With a click of your pen, you look up at him.
The NASA jacket on the bright blue sleeves of his jacket should have given it away honestly. There's was a small tinge of a blush on his tan cheeks, almost hidden under the skin tone but you were able to make it out under the light. He looked away for a moment before nodding at you.
"His name is Craig! He's a huge fan of yours by the way! So, if you could write something sweet for him that'd be awesome!" His friend chirped at you as he broke free from Craig's grip.
Craig's face twisted, those piercing eyes of his narrowed down. Before he could reach and grab him, the brown-haired man slid behind your chair. Putting his hand on your chair, he bent down to your level and tapped the blank white page.
"As you can see my big guy has a baaaaaad case of resting bitch face."
"Clyde..." the warning that slipped out of Craig's mouth made a shiver roll down your spine. It was even directed at you, and you felt threatened.
"So, you gotta imagine my surprise when he came home smiling! I was shocked! He didn't even smile when we started going out!" Clyde ignored him, an attest to his bravery. Or foolishness. Either way he continued, leaning down next to your ear. "Your book made him so happy, so it makes me happy. Think you could do that for me? Because he'll never ask you to do it for him."
You look up at him for a while, not even bothered that he had gotten closer to your face as he spoke. The browns in his eyes flickered with mischief but there were layers of love behind them. Chocolate that seemed to melt into tiny hearts when he spoke about Craig. It was honestly sweet, even if he was trying to tease his partner.
"How can I say no to that? I'd love to." You smiled at him and began writing on the empty page.
Yeah, who would have thought that fate would tie you to those two like that. Falling in love with Craig and Clyde was nothing like what they wrote in books or movies. It was a tornado of events that landed you in the eye of it all.
Despite their polar opposite personalities and looks, the two worked off each other well. Then when you got thrown in the middle, you filled in a little spot they desperately needed.
Clyde was social enough for the three of you. He was the one who reminded you and Craig that you needed to get out of the house. When you lock yourself away in your office, he would drag you out with a fun date idea. Movie nights, football games, arcade dates, and his favorite late-night walks. Doing the same to Craig who always seemed buried in work.
Craig gave off such scary dog privilege that you and Clyde never felt threatened. You could take those late-night walks with Clyde because you knew nothing would touch you with Craig following close behind.
That was nice sure, but under that scary looking shell was a soft teddy bear of a man. While he wasn't vocal with affection like Clyde, he was observant. Craig remembered everything, everything about you and Clyde's interests. If he saw something you mentioned in passing it was yours. Clyde needed new shoelaces because the ones on his favorite pair of red shoes were tearing? There was a new pack waiting for him on the table. You complained about the shift key on your keyboard sticking too much? An adorable keyboard that looked like a typewriter was found on your desk the next morning.
Then there was you. You have no idea how these two survived this long without you. Truth be told they don't either. Craig and Clyde couldn't cook to save their lives. Their diet consisted of diner food and Chinese takeout. While their house was clean enough, laundry was never put away or folded. Clyde was horrible at putting his dirty laundry in the bin and Craig was too tired most nights to even make it to bed. The final straw was when you took a shower, and their only soap was 3 in 1.
Absolutely not.
So, when you moved in things changed. When Craig was at work, you would take Clyde grocery shopping. Slowly you started him on simple dishes, working with him until he was comfortable in the kitchen. What was surprising was that he took to it quickly. He was a natural and before you knew it, he was cooking things you had never heard of. He had gone as far as looking up Peruvian dishes, practicing with spices and techniques that had your mouth watering. When you asked how he learned to do all of this, he gave you the biggest grin and told you it was YouTube.
When Craig came home that night to Chupe de Camarones it was the closest to crying you've ever seen from him.
Clyde really stepped up after that, feeling a sense of pride in taking care of you two. Seeing as you worked just as hard as Craig did. Clyde proclaimed something about being more than happy to be a malewife.
In return Craig started taking better care of himself, actually starting to care about his health. He stopped staying up so late and made use of the giant bed. Clean sheets and blankets that felt good on his skin. Even better that you and Clyde would be in it waiting for him. Clyde long passed out on your chest, a bit of drool sliding down the side of his face and onto your shirt. Not that you seemed to care as you just continued to read next to the little bedside lamp. Only pausing when you felt Craig's presence in the doorway.
Craig's smiles were rare, little treats from the universe to you. Ones like these where he smiles with love in his eyes. Where he kicks off his shoes and strips down to his boxers, crawling into bed next to you. Arms wrapping around Clyde and with a hand settling on your hips. A silent squeeze lets you know it's time to put the book down and join him.
How can you say no to a smile like that?
Of course, not every day was perfect. Your relationship took time to hash out. It was different being with two individuals at the same time, but you made it work. The three of you were committed to one another.
Now if only you could commit to this fucking scene.
Your head’s little meet and greet with the table must have been louder than you thought because whatever Clyde was yelling about in the living room stopped. It was one of the rare weekends where Craig was home and off work. Choosing to spend it watching some show with Clyde, listening to the man ramble on about something.
So wrapped up in your thoughts, you let out a scream when you finally lift your head and Clyde is right there beside you. His body bent over just like the day you met him. With his hand on the back of your chair and his face next to yours. Except instead of using, you as a shield from Craig, he's reading your computer screen.
While he doesn't understand what it takes to be an author, he sees the effect it has on you. Days like this where you take on the posture of a shrimp, forgetting to come out to eat.
His lips start pursed, but as he continues to scan over the screen they break out into a smirk. He covers his mouth in a fake surprise, a gasp with widened eyes.
"Babe! This is...scandalous! Spicy, naughty even! What are you doing writing something like this?" His dramatic act continues, forming some feign surprise.
"What are you doing using words with more than one syllable?" You shoot back with a little smirk.
It takes everything in your power not to laugh at the actual pout on his face. Try as you might, the giggles escape your lips, and it makes him smirk. He leans down and nuzzles his nose into your cheek.
"Maybe you're starting to rub off on me babe! I'm getting smarterer with you around!" You know he said that word wrong on purpose, just to get under your skin.
But he kisses you quiet before you can say anything. Holds your face in his hands so you can't pull away. You can taste the cherry chapstick on his lips, and the growing smile along with it.
"So, what's got you bashing your head into your desk baby? Craig and I heard a thump and got worried." He moves the kisses towards your forehead.
"Was it that loud?"
"Heard it over the tv." Craig's voice almost makes you leap out of your skin.
You bite your lip, looking down at the keyboard with a distant stare. The faded green and blue, spots where your fingers had smudged away the paint from typing so much.
"I'm just having trouble with this scene. I've been stuck on it for weeks now." You exhale softly.
Craig raises a brow and leans down on the other side of you. Both Clyde and Craig bent over to take a look at your screen. You're not sure why the fact both men reading your unfinished work makes you feel nervous, but it does. Or maybe it's the fact this is your first time writing a spicy scene like this.
"It's good. Never would have thought you'd go the Priest kink route." Craig says it so matter of fact, there's never hesitation in his voice. You can count on one hand the number of times you've seen him flustered, and even then, his tone is flat.
"I-I’m not into it! I just- you guys are only reading a snippet of my book! There's been a romance blossoming between the two the whole time!" You try to defend yourself, but it only makes Clyde's lips tug into a smirk.
The temptation to tease you was too great, it was being handed to him on a silver platter. Clyde leans up and walks next to Craig, leaning into his chest. The man wraps his arms around himself and lets out a dramatic sigh.
"A forbidden love! A tale as old as time! But what I wanna know babe-" Clyde stops and lets the tension build. It makes you glare at him as you turn in your office chair. "-is why the witch's descriptions are reaaaally close to mine."
"That's a woman Clyde! She's got short brown hair because it was cut off when she was running from the townsfolk! Brown eyes are common and beautiful! There's not enough representation for them!"
"Aaaaaand her dimples?" He points to his, the little spots in his cheeks that sink in when he smiles. "Plus, my eyes are totally beautiful."
"It's not you!"
"Oh, and the Father isn't Craig. Tan skin, black hair? You gave the Father green eyes but other than that, it fits Craig to a T." Craig actually nods along with what Clyde is saying. He's got his eyes closed as if this is some kind of philosophical debate.
"Are you serious right now Clyde?! This is why you two aren't allowed in my study!" Your face was burning now, hot and flushed from his teasing.
"What did I do?" Craig breaks the little fight with a simple question.
"Nodding your head along! You know what he's doing and you're encouraging it!"
"So, you took inspiration from your partners in your romance story. It's cute." He responds with a shrug. He looks down at Clyde who's still smugly leaning against his chest.
Your mouth falls open, you go to respond but nothing makes its way out. Your brows furrow. Arms crossed under your chest in a pout.
Had you unintentionally based your characters off your partners? Is that why the romance novel was easy to write up until this point?
Whatever the case may be here, you didn't like being called out. So, you do what you always do when they get like this, you turn in your chair and ignore them.
Usually this works, let's them know that you're not in the mood for their games. That you'd rather be left alone than entertain another minute of their shenanigans. But this time Clyde wasn't going to let you go. He grabs the back of your seat and wheels you back towards him and Craig.
"Baaaaabe don't pout. Look I'm sorry~." No, he's not. "But hey I've got an idea."
You let out a little huff, enough to where he knows you're not actually mad at him. If you were you would have picked your chair up and walked it back to your desk. Instead, you sit there and wait for him to continue.
"You're stuck on that scene, but I think you need a break. Sitting here and bashing your head against the table isn't going to fix that. Soooo..." He trails off, moving to stand in front of you.
His fingers glide across the side of your face, cupping your cheek so gently. Clyde guides your face up to look at him, behind that cocky smile of his he's got such love for you in his eyes. The way his thumb brushes across your cheek, making your heart flutter so slightly.
"What do you say Craig and I help you out a little babe?" Clyde guides your face up towards him. He presses his thumb against your lips just as his voice dips into that playful whisper.
You raise a brow at him in response. It's not until Craig puts his hand on your shoulders, that you piece together this wasn't just his idea. Thumbs pressed into your muscles working out the knots and tension. For such a hard worker, somehow Craig's hands always stay so soft. The worn-out oversized t-shirt you stole does little against his hands. The material is thin from how often it's been washed and worn.
His hands pull a soft moan from you, it feels too good to keep yourself silent. Clyde pushes his thumb past your lips and into your mouth, the digit presses down on your soft pink tongue. He all but purrs when watches you wrap your lips around it.
"See...let's work out some of that tension. We'll make you feel real good and give you a little inspiration." Clyde hums as he pulls his thumb out, smearing the saliva across your lips.
When he doesn't continue, you realize he's waiting for your confirmation. Waiting for you to agree to their little plan. But that doesn't stop Craig from bending down and placing a kiss on your cheek. He trails the kisses down to your jawline, using his nose to nudge your head to the side. Lulling your head to the side, you gave into the feeling. Craig's lips move to capture the exposed skin. You can feel just how eager he is from the way the kisses turn to nips then to full on bites. His teeth sinking into the soft parts of your flesh pulling another sharp gasp from you.
"Come on honey. Let us take care of you." After he's done leaving small love bites on your neck, Craig moves to your ear nipping the shell.
"Y-yeah that sounds...that sounds good." You move your hands up towards Craig, running your fingers through his hair. One of the rare moments he's not sporting his blue hat. "I could use a little break..."
"That's our girl." Clyde's praise goes straight to your core. He lifts you up from your office chair, hands cupping the back of your thighs for support. They give your thighs a little squeeze, digging his fingertips into your flesh.
Craig moves out of his way and goes to push your office chair back towards your desk. Clyde chuckles softly seeing the confused look on your face. Instead of protesting you wrap your arms around the brunette lazily throwing your arms around his neck.
"We're supposed to be relaxing, we're gonna get nice and comfy on the couch." He drops you down on the couch, making you bounce a bit. He laughs when you let out a gasp of surprise.
"You ass." Your grumbles fall on deaf ears. Clyde just runs his fingers through your hair and gives it a harsh tug. It makes you cry out, craning your neck up towards him.
"Sweetheart, that's not very nice. You're being a brat right now." He tuts, feigning disappointment.
"You dropped me on the-" You suck in another cry when he tugs your head to the side, that firm grip on your roots sending a shiver down your spine.
"Hm? You were saying something? I did what?"
Clyde's smug little smirk made your blood boil. But his fingers in your hair felt too good to protest further. Especially when he switched between tugging and massaging his fingertips into your scalp. You watched his eyes flicker from yours to behind you. Before you could turn around to get a glimpse of what he was staring at, Craig's hands slid down your back.
Gently, much more than Clyde, he pushes you down towards Clyde. His other hand comes down to grab your ankle, pulling your leg back towards him. Once your knee is tucked against the couch, he does the same to the other leg.
If your face wasn't burning up before it certainly is now. Just as you go to hold yourself up with your hands, Clyde removes his hand from your hair and takes you by the wrist. Guiding you up towards him, he places them on the hems of his sweatpants. The grey university sweatpants do little to hide his hardening cock, you watch it twitch against the fabric.
"This is about where you left off right? She was about to take the Father's cock out of his pants?" Clyde says watching as you slowly pull his sweatpants down. He lets out a low chuckle that turns into a moan when you slip your fingers around his cock. "That's it, now keep your eyes on me baby."
There's a moment of hesitation as you bring the tip closer to your mouth. The bright red tip glides across your plump lips begging for you to open. His hand returns to your hair, smoothing down your locks from his earlier manhandling.
The gentle touch makes you look up towards him, just like he requested. There really was something so intimate about those chocolate brown eyes of his. Past that smirk and layers of darkened lust, there was devotion. The feeling of your hands on him alone made him weak in the knees. You put that to the test, pressing just a little kiss on the tip. Dabbing your tongue against his leaking member. Just from that alone he's letting out the prettiest moans.
"Sh-shit, c’mon don't tease me." That cocky attitude of his melts. You almost laugh at how easy it is to break him down. He was puddy in your hands.
With a little hum you move your hand up and down his shaft, creating enough friction to make him buck his hips towards you. He nudges his cock further into your mouth, pushing past your lips. The underside of his cock glides down against your tongue, smearing the pre-cum along with it.
So caught up in your little game, you almost forgot about Craig behind you. Almost. It's hard to forget him when he's got his hands all over you. Large palms cupping any exposed skin. Craig takes his time exploring every curve he can get ahold of. His nose nuzzled into the back of your head. His breath tickling the shell of your ear. Just the sight of your mouth around Clyde's member alone is enough to make him growl.
Neither men are patient when it comes to you. Craig shoves whatever is left of your pajamas down and off you, he doesn't bother with your shirt as it'll pull you away from your lover. Instead, he decides it'll make the perfect handle. He bunches it up until it collects at the collar. His hands grip the shirt and tug it backwards, making your hips rock back into him.
Somewhere along the way he stripped away his pants. The barrier between the both of you was the thin material of your underwear and his dark blue boxers. While Craig wasn't as vocal as Clyde was, with his teasing and little whimpers, he could be just as unfair if not more.
Grinding against your cunt slowly, grabbing and groping at your ass the entire time. He digs his nails into your skin, leaving little crescent moons. Craig rewards good behavior not with sweet words, but by giving you what you so desperately want.
He waits until you've got all of Clyde's cock in your mouth before he finally shoves your underwear down. It makes it to your knees before he just decides to leave them there. Too many times he got impatient and just ripped them off, and too many times you scolded him for it.
The hand in your hair pulls you back from his cock. Clyde moves your head back just enough to where only the tip remains, then slowly he brings you back down. Pushing you all the way down his length until your nose hits his stomach. You watch as his muscles flex under his skin like he's trying to resist letting his head lull back. He needs so badly to keep his eyes on yours, loving the attention you're giving him.
"Your mouth feels so good." He whines when he reaches the back of your throat. You gag around him, and it pulls another whimper from him.
Your hand slides down his thighs, using it to hold you up. The other hand is still being held by Clyde's grip. His hand wrapped around your wrist, holding it up near his shoulder. Craig waits until Clyde rocks you back again, using the momentum to slip inside your wet folds. A pleased hum rumbles from his chest. You can feel it from how he's pressing his entire body against yours.
Just as slowly as Clyde moves your head, Craig pushes further into your cunt. The two find a slow and steady rhythm with one another. When Craig snaps his hips against you, it pushes Clyde's cock further down your throat. Your moans vibrating around him causing him to moan loudly in return. Clyde's whimpers and whines get louder when you dig your nails into his thighs. In return the grip on your hair is tightened. Creating this delicious cycle of pleasure.
"Baby, please. I wanna fuck your throat. You gonna let me? I need it so bad, please." Clyde's begging spurs something in you. Gives you the feeling of control even if you’re physically stuck between the two. From the beads of sweat that trail down his body and the way his body is shaking, you know he's at his limit.
You're able to pull back just enough, his cock springs up with a little bounce. Craig slows down just enough to let you talk, but you can tell he's not happy about it. The way his grip on your shirt tightens, you're sure he'll rip it soon.
"If I snap my fingers, you stop, okay?" You say giving him the okay. He caresses your face and presses a kiss onto your face, letting you know he understands the boundaries you've set.
At first, he's careful when he pushes his cock back into your mouth. You reward him with a swirl of your tongue, rubbing against the veins that are popping out.
"He's so needy." Craig huffs as he leans back up. The assault on your neck stops, but he's left it covered in bright red and purple marks. No amount of makeup will cover up what he's done.
You don't need to see him to know that he's smirking at it. Taking pride in the fact that he's marked you up. Or the pride making Clyde blush from his comment.  Craig's hips snap back into you, the force much sharper than his previous lazy thrusts. They're calculated, each time he pushes deep inside you he hits that spot that has you seeing stars. Clyde's hips take up the same pace, shoving his cock into the back of your throat.
Tears begin to well up in your eyes, trickling down your cheeks. Moans turn to muffled cries, yet everything feels too good to stop. They're rough paced fucking brings your mind to a haze. All you can focus on is feeling good and making them feel good.
Craig's close, you can tell from the way he starts to lose rhythm. He's having a harder time controlling those grunts and growls. A hard time not leaving bruises on your skin from how rough he's holding onto you. He's long since let your shirt go, instead grabbing onto the back of the couch. But he waits until he feels that familiar clench around his cock. The way your walls clamp down around him as you cum. The only warning being the high-pitched muffled moan that gets swallowed by Clyde.
His hips slam into you one more time before he pulls out. Grabbing the base of his cock, he shoots that hot thick load onto your back. Heavy amounts of cum drip down your spine making you whine and shiver. Clyde can't take his eyes off the way his partner paints your backside. It makes a trail of drool slip down his chin.
The poor man can't do it anymore, he can't stop his eyes from rolling up to the back of his head. Not when your moans vibrate up him and your throat tightens from choking on him. He needs this release.
"I'm gonna cum baby. Please, let me cum. Let me cum in your mouth." Clyde all but cries in between panting. His begging dissolves into your name and the word please over and over again.
His flickering eyes catch yours again. It's when you give him a little wink and a hum, his cock violently twitches and cum spills from his tip. His cum is sweeter than normal, it makes it easier to swallow.
Slowly he pulls out of your mouth with one final whimper. It isn't until Craig swipes his thumb over his cheek that you realize he had tears streaming down them. Clyde presses his cheek into Craig's hand and lets out a pleased sigh. Once he knows Clyde is okay, Craig stands up and goes to get a towel to help clean your back. He does the same to your face, swiping away the left-over tears.
"Feeling better?" Clyde asks as he helps pull your underwear up. "Nice and relaxed?"
You nod and rest your head against his chest. "You've got good ideas sometimes."
"I've got wrinkles on my brain." He smirks to himself, taking your little praise miles.
Craig comes back after tossing the towel in the dirty laundry with a large blanket. He throws it over both of you before climbing in next to you. He lays his head down on Clyde's and grabs the tv remote.
"Kitchen Nightmare or Hell’s Kitchen?"
"Kitchen Nightmares! I need some petty British accents after my orgasm denial!"
You scrunch up your nose at Clyde’s comment. Almost wanting to pull back. "Smooth brain behavior."
"Smooth brain behavior." Craig chimes in.
The three of you relax into the couch, almost ready for the group nap that comes with the afterglow of love making. That is until inspiration strikes you again. Your eyes light up and you go to wiggle out of their hold. But Craig's arms are faster, they keep you firm against his chest. Clyde's hands come down a moment later, cupping your hips.
"Nope. You're staying right here."
"Guys! No! I just figured out how I'm gonna get that chapter finished! You gotta let me go! I gotta do it!" Your pleads are wasted, like they're not even heard.
"No. You're warm and I'm tired."
"That's not my fault or my problem."
"I'm making it your problem. Sit still."
"You know Tucker bear isn't going to let go. You're fighting a losing battle babe." Craig at least has the decency to let Clyde finish before pinching him. You know Clyde's nickname for him makes him grumpy. His little yelp makes you giggle.
"Fine....at least until you fall asleep."
"Look if you think you can get out of his hold, then be my guest. You earned it at that point." Clyde's smirk returns. He throws his leg over yours and tucks it in between Craig's knees.
"Fuck you." Your eyes narrow up at him. He's not as slick as he thinks he is, trying to cage you in with a sleepy Craig.
"Again? So soon. You're insatiable babe. Let us recover first." Clyde presses a kiss into the top of your head, pulling back before you can headbutt him.
His hand guides your head back down onto his chest and he just chuckles. It doesn't take long before Craig is passed out with his head nuzzled into the curve of your waist. Holding you like a teddy bear against his chest. Clyde's smile grows when he sees you trying to fight off sleep. But it eventually takes you and you lose the battle. He turns the tv down just a bit, deciding to join the both of you.
That chapter can wait another day.
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wingboundwarrior · 20 days
TOA Anniversary Munday
Celebrating TOA and the people who contribute to make our group what it is.
Repost, don’t reblog. Only fill in what you feel comfortable sharing!
Happy anniversary, TOA! Here’s to many more years spent together.
Name: Serena
Pronouns: she/hers
Birthday (no year): February 3rd
Where are you from? What is your time zone? US, EST!
How long is your roleplay experience? I’ve been roleplaying as long as I can remember... I have vivid memories of creating characters with my friends as a small child and pretending to be them. From there, I moved to forums, paper and pencil RP, texting and email RP, and the like! I’ve been roleplaying on Tumblr specifically for over 10 years.
How were you introduced to roleplaying as a whole? I think it really just came naturally to me and my few friends as a kid, haha! My first forum was a Harry Potter one as a child... and then I got into Tumblr RP with my introduction to Star Trek!
How were you introduced to TOA? I found TOA while in the “fe rp” tag, as they’re really frequent in there!
Do you have any pets? I have two cats, a 4 year old gray cat named Jasper, and a less than a year old black cat named Jacinth! They don’t get along 💖
What is your favorite time of year and why? (Season, holiday, general period) Winter by far! I grew up in a humid environment, and I find the colder weather and environment so magical! Even though I’ve moved, I still do 💖
What is your IRL occupation? I’m disabled!
Some interests and things you like/enjoy? I love crocheting, playing farming sims, and watching anime!
What non-Fire Emblem games do you play? Fields of Mistria is my favorite game rn!! I’m also a sucker for a game I’ve been playing since I was young called Mabinogi! But a good rule of thumb is, if it’s a farming sim available on the computer I’ve heard of it and have an opinion on it.
Favorite Pokemon type & Pokemon: I never really got too much into Pokemon buuuuut my favorite TemTem is Vulffy 💖
Tell us some fun facts and trivia about yourself!
How did you get into Fire Emblem? I met Havoc in another roleplay space and when we moved away from that space I wrote with his Fire Emblem characters, and then I was curious about the source material, so!
What Fire Emblem games have you played? FE7 and a little tiny bit of Three Houses! 👍
First & Favorite Fire Emblem games: FE7 for both JKLFAJKL
List your 5 favorite Fire Emblem characters across the series! Ohhhhh I mean. Definitely Serra and Fiora but also Florina? And Erk? And Heath? And... ohhhh tbh it’s so hard. They’re all so good.
Who was the first character ever to make you go “ooh I like this one in particular” and why? Can be any context and reason! The first time Serra opened her mouth she had reached through the screen and grabbed me by the throat.
Any Fire Emblem crushes? I’d marry Eliwood tbqh....
If you’ve played (or are familiar with) the following games, who was your first S support? Who would you S support nowadays? Wheezes.... I haven’t.... ever gotten that far :softsmile:.....
Favorite Fire Emblem class? I actually love Mages sooooo bad.... But I do rely on my Cavs for. Everything ,
If you were a Fire Emblem character, what would be your class and stats? Would you be playable? I’d be a healer!!! Probably a mounted healer actually!!!
If you were a Three Houses character, what would be your affiliation? (Black Eagles, Blue Lions, Golden Deer, Church of Seiros, Those Who Slither in the Dark, unaffiliated civilian, other - for example Almyran) Probably Church of Seiros!!
If you were an Officers Academy student, what would be your boons, banes and potential budding talent? Boons: Faith Banes: Everything else 😅 Budding Talent: Maybe Reason?.... ha ha.... Deep down I want it to be Bows, though
If you were an Engage character, which nation would you originate from? (Firene, the Kingdom of Abundance; Brodia, the Kingdom of Might; Elusia, the Kingdom of Knowledge; Solm, the Queendom of Freedom; Lythos, the holy land of the Divine Dragon; Gradlon, the desolate land of the Fell Dragon) I really have no clue but I’ll say Lythos for fun 🙏
How do you pronounce TOA? 🤔(separate letters, to-ah, other?) Separate letters!
Current TOA muses: Fiora and Serra!
Past TOA muses? I wrote Limstella for about seven seconds but actually still muse them in another server!
Who was your first TOA muse? If you no longer have them, can you see yourself picking them up again? Serra! Yes, I still got her!
Do you believe you have a type of character you gravitate towards writing? YES I write Sunshine Girls or Melancholic Girls. Sometimes both at once. 🙏
Do you have characters or types of characters you don’t think you can handle writing, but wish you could? Honestly not really, I think I could figure out how to write other muses but these are the ones I enjoy most!
What kind of scenes, situations etc do you believe you enjoy writing the most? (If you filled this out last year, has this changed in any way?) I really love delving into emotionally or physically charged things... I’m a little angst demon.... I really want our characters to feel and feel deeply....
Do you have any scenario in mind for your muse(s) that gets you thinking “man I hope I get to write this one day”? For Fiora, I hope to confront her feelings of failure and sorrow over her losses. I want her to be called out!!!! For the self-sacrificial shit she does!!!! I want her to be honest and emotionally vulnerable!!!
Favorite TOA-related memories? I feel like every thread I write is my new favorite thread 🫶
Present or past tense? Present tense recently, honestly!
Normal size text, small text, no preference? I actually like small text the most but I’ll do anything!!
Got any potential muse delusions to share? 😉 Nope! I’m happy. 😌
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brookstonalmanac · 10 months
Holidays 11.26
Anti-Obesity Day
Bonn Om Touk (Water Festival; Cambodia)
Casablanca Day
Constitution Day (Abkhazia; Georgia; India)
Coton de Tulear Day
Corn Salad Day (French Republic)
Economic Abuse Awareness Day (Australia, Canada)
Family Day (Palau)
Festival of Big Talk
Festival of Shadow Economies
Flag Day (Colombia)
Fraternity Day
Good Bath Day (Japan)
Good Grief Day
Holiday List Day
International Bananagrams Day
International Day of Cats
International Shoemaker Day
International Women Human Rights Defenders Day
Iron Deficiency Day
Kelaghayi Day (Azerbaijan)
Kodanikupäev (Citizen Day; Estonia)
Lion Day USA
Mākua Rothman Day (Hawaii)
Mumbai Terror Attacks Remembrance Day
National Alexis Day
National Eric Day
National Heath Day
National Law Day (India)
National Ranboo Day
Netherfield Ball Day
Republic Day (Mongolia)
Sojourner Truth Day (Michigan)
Tazaungdaing (Myanmar)
World Lewis Day
World Olive Tree Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
National Cake Day
National Milk Day (India)
World Olive Day
4th & Last Sunday in November
All Souls' Day (Visu Dvēseles Diena; Latvia)
Artist’s Sunday [Sunday after Thanksgiving]
Crystal Skull World Day [4th Sunday]
International Laksa Day [Last Sunday]
International Shift Worker Sunday [Last Sunday]
John F. Kennedy Day (Massachusetts) [Last Sunday]
Judgement Sunday (Tuomiosunnuntai; Finland) [Last Sunday]
Mother’s Day (Russia) [Last Sunday]
Museum Store Sunday [Last Sunday]
National Bicycle Day (Philippines) [4th Sunday]
National Secondhand Sunday [Last Sunday]
National Youth Sunday (UK) [Last Sunday]
Pasadena Doo Dah Parade [Sunday after Thanksgiving]
Small Brewery Sunday [Sunday after Thanksgiving]
Stir-Up Sunday [Last Sunday before Advent]
Sunday of the Dead (Totensonntag; Austria, Germany) [Last Sunday]
Independence Days
The Golliez (Declared; 2022) [unrecognized]
Mongolia (from China, 1921)
Feast Days
Alypius the Stylite (Christian; Saint)
Basolus (a.k.a. Basle; Christian; Saint)
Bellinus of Padua (Christian; Saint)
Celebration of the Excellence of Genevieve in Paris (Roman Catholic)
Conrad of Constance (a.k.a. Conraal; Christian; Saint)
Day of the Covenant (Baháʼí)
Ethelwine of Athelney (Christian; Saint)
Feast of Christ the King (Christian)
Feast of the Holy Family (Christian)
Hugo Ball Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Isaac Watts (Episcopal Church (USA))
John Berchmans (Christian; Saint)
Kara Walker (Artology)
Nicon Metanoite (Christian; Saint)
Peter, Bishop of Alexandria (Christian; Saint)
Racist Depreciation Day (Pastafarian)
Sidney (Positivist; Saint)
Siricius, Pope (Christian; Saint)
Stylianos of Paphlagonia (Eastern Orthodoxy)
Sylvester Gozzolini (Christian; Saint)
Tantan (Muppetism)
Valraven’s Day (Pagan)
William Sidney Mount (Artology)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Taian (大安 Japan) [Lucky all day.]
Uncyclopedia Bad to Be Born Today (because it’s National Baby Dropping Day.)  
Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland (Novel; 1865)
Alien: Resurrection (Film; 1997)
Anarchy in the U.K., by The Sex Pistols (Album; 1976)
Australia (Film; 2008)
Bad Santa (Film; 2003)
Casablanca (Film; 1942)
The Daffy Doc (WB LT Cartoon; 1938)
Dangerous, by Michael Jackson (Album; 1991)
Flood Waters or Drown in the Valley (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S5, Ep. 234; 1963)
Fragile, by Yes (Album; 1971)
Heir-Conditioned (WB LT Cartoon; 1955)
Home Defense (Disney Cartoon; 1943)
I Believe I Can Fly, by R. Kelly (Song; 1996)
The Ice Storm (Film; 1997)
Imitation of Life (Film; 1934)
Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcast (Film; 1999)
The King’s Speech (Film; 2010)
Licorice Pizza (Film; 2021)
The Mosquito Coast (Film; 1996)
Orchids in the Moonlight, recorded by Xavier Cugat (Song; 1940)
Penguins of Madagascar (Animated Film; 2014)
Rockshow (Paul McCartney Concert Film; 1980)
Squeeze: Unplugged (MTV TV Concert; 1989) [1st Unplugged Concert]
Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home (Film; 1986)
Thirty Two Short Films About Glenn Gould (Film; 1993)
Timeline (Film; 2003)
The Toll of the Sea (Film; 1922) [1st Technicolor Film)
Treasure of Monte Zoom, Part 1 (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S5, Ep. 233; 1963)
The Triplets of Belleville (Animated Film; 2003)
Unplugged (Music TV Series; 1989)
The Woman in White, by Wilkie Collins (Novel; 1859)x
Today’s Name Days
Anneliese, Gebhard, Konrad (Austria)
Stilyan, Stilyana (Bulgaria)
Hugo, Konrad, Siricije (Croatia)
Artur (Czech Republic)
Conradus (Denmark)
Dagmar, Maara, Maare, Tamaara (Estonia)
Sisko (Finland)
Delphine (France)
Anneliese, Konrad, Kurt (Germany)
Kyparisia, Nikon, Stelios, Stergios, Stiloanos, Stylianos (Greece)
Virág (Hungary)
Corrado, Cristo (Italy)
Konrāds (Latvia)
Dobilas, Silvestras, Vygantė (Lithuania)
Konrad, Kurt (Norway)
Delfin, Dobiemiest, Jan, Konrad, Konrada, Lechosław, Lechosława, Leonard, Sylwester (Poland)
Stellina (Romania)
Kornel (Slovakia)
Conrado, Juan, Leonardo, Silvestre (Spain)
Linus (Sweden)
Mallory, Rashad, Rashawn, Yesenia, Yessenia (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 330 of 2024; 35 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 7 of week 47 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Ngetal (Reed) [Day 27 of 28]
Chinese: Month 10 (Gui-Hai), Day 14 (Wu-Zi)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 13 Kislev 5784
Islamic: 13 Jumada I 1445
J Cal: 30 Mir; Nineday [30 of 30]
Julian: 13 November 2023
Moon: 99%: Waxing Gibbous
Positivist: 22 Frederic (12th Month) [Sidney]
Runic Half Month: Is (Stasis) [Day 1 of 15]
Season: Autumn (Day 64 of 89)
Zodiac: Sagittarius (Day 5 of 30)
Calendar Changes
Is (Stasis) [Half-Month 23 of 24; Runic Half-Months] (thru 12.10)
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brookston · 10 months
Holidays 11.26
Anti-Obesity Day
Bonn Om Touk (Water Festival; Cambodia)
Casablanca Day
Constitution Day (Abkhazia; Georgia; India)
Coton de Tulear Day
Corn Salad Day (French Republic)
Economic Abuse Awareness Day (Australia, Canada)
Family Day (Palau)
Festival of Big Talk
Festival of Shadow Economies
Flag Day (Colombia)
Fraternity Day
Good Bath Day (Japan)
Good Grief Day
Holiday List Day
International Bananagrams Day
International Day of Cats
International Shoemaker Day
International Women Human Rights Defenders Day
Iron Deficiency Day
Kelaghayi Day (Azerbaijan)
Kodanikupäev (Citizen Day; Estonia)
Lion Day USA
Mākua Rothman Day (Hawaii)
Mumbai Terror Attacks Remembrance Day
National Alexis Day
National Eric Day
National Heath Day
National Law Day (India)
National Ranboo Day
Netherfield Ball Day
Republic Day (Mongolia)
Sojourner Truth Day (Michigan)
Tazaungdaing (Myanmar)
World Lewis Day
World Olive Tree Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
National Cake Day
National Milk Day (India)
World Olive Day
4th & Last Sunday in November
All Souls' Day (Visu Dvēseles Diena; Latvia)
Artist’s Sunday [Sunday after Thanksgiving]
Crystal Skull World Day [4th Sunday]
International Laksa Day [Last Sunday]
International Shift Worker Sunday [Last Sunday]
John F. Kennedy Day (Massachusetts) [Last Sunday]
Judgement Sunday (Tuomiosunnuntai; Finland) [Last Sunday]
Mother’s Day (Russia) [Last Sunday]
Museum Store Sunday [Last Sunday]
National Bicycle Day (Philippines) [4th Sunday]
National Secondhand Sunday [Last Sunday]
National Youth Sunday (UK) [Last Sunday]
Pasadena Doo Dah Parade [Sunday after Thanksgiving]
Small Brewery Sunday [Sunday after Thanksgiving]
Stir-Up Sunday [Last Sunday before Advent]
Sunday of the Dead (Totensonntag; Austria, Germany) [Last Sunday]
Independence Days
The Golliez (Declared; 2022) [unrecognized]
Mongolia (from China, 1921)
Feast Days
Alypius the Stylite (Christian; Saint)
Basolus (a.k.a. Basle; Christian; Saint)
Bellinus of Padua (Christian; Saint)
Celebration of the Excellence of Genevieve in Paris (Roman Catholic)
Conrad of Constance (a.k.a. Conraal; Christian; Saint)
Day of the Covenant (Baháʼí)
Ethelwine of Athelney (Christian; Saint)
Feast of Christ the King (Christian)
Feast of the Holy Family (Christian)
Hugo Ball Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Isaac Watts (Episcopal Church (USA))
John Berchmans (Christian; Saint)
Kara Walker (Artology)
Nicon Metanoite (Christian; Saint)
Peter, Bishop of Alexandria (Christian; Saint)
Racist Depreciation Day (Pastafarian)
Sidney (Positivist; Saint)
Siricius, Pope (Christian; Saint)
Stylianos of Paphlagonia (Eastern Orthodoxy)
Sylvester Gozzolini (Christian; Saint)
Tantan (Muppetism)
Valraven’s Day (Pagan)
William Sidney Mount (Artology)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Taian (大安 Japan) [Lucky all day.]
Uncyclopedia Bad to Be Born Today (because it’s National Baby Dropping Day.)  
Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland (Novel; 1865)
Alien: Resurrection (Film; 1997)
Anarchy in the U.K., by The Sex Pistols (Album; 1976)
Australia (Film; 2008)
Bad Santa (Film; 2003)
Casablanca (Film; 1942)
The Daffy Doc (WB LT Cartoon; 1938)
Dangerous, by Michael Jackson (Album; 1991)
Flood Waters or Drown in the Valley (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S5, Ep. 234; 1963)
Fragile, by Yes (Album; 1971)
Heir-Conditioned (WB LT Cartoon; 1955)
Home Defense (Disney Cartoon; 1943)
I Believe I Can Fly, by R. Kelly (Song; 1996)
The Ice Storm (Film; 1997)
Imitation of Life (Film; 1934)
Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcast (Film; 1999)
The King’s Speech (Film; 2010)
Licorice Pizza (Film; 2021)
The Mosquito Coast (Film; 1996)
Orchids in the Moonlight, recorded by Xavier Cugat (Song; 1940)
Penguins of Madagascar (Animated Film; 2014)
Rockshow (Paul McCartney Concert Film; 1980)
Squeeze: Unplugged (MTV TV Concert; 1989) [1st Unplugged Concert]
Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home (Film; 1986)
Thirty Two Short Films About Glenn Gould (Film; 1993)
Timeline (Film; 2003)
The Toll of the Sea (Film; 1922) [1st Technicolor Film)
Treasure of Monte Zoom, Part 1 (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S5, Ep. 233; 1963)
The Triplets of Belleville (Animated Film; 2003)
Unplugged (Music TV Series; 1989)
The Woman in White, by Wilkie Collins (Novel; 1859)x
Today’s Name Days
Anneliese, Gebhard, Konrad (Austria)
Stilyan, Stilyana (Bulgaria)
Hugo, Konrad, Siricije (Croatia)
Artur (Czech Republic)
Conradus (Denmark)
Dagmar, Maara, Maare, Tamaara (Estonia)
Sisko (Finland)
Delphine (France)
Anneliese, Konrad, Kurt (Germany)
Kyparisia, Nikon, Stelios, Stergios, Stiloanos, Stylianos (Greece)
Virág (Hungary)
Corrado, Cristo (Italy)
Konrāds (Latvia)
Dobilas, Silvestras, Vygantė (Lithuania)
Konrad, Kurt (Norway)
Delfin, Dobiemiest, Jan, Konrad, Konrada, Lechosław, Lechosława, Leonard, Sylwester (Poland)
Stellina (Romania)
Kornel (Slovakia)
Conrado, Juan, Leonardo, Silvestre (Spain)
Linus (Sweden)
Mallory, Rashad, Rashawn, Yesenia, Yessenia (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 330 of 2024; 35 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 7 of week 47 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Ngetal (Reed) [Day 27 of 28]
Chinese: Month 10 (Gui-Hai), Day 14 (Wu-Zi)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 13 Kislev 5784
Islamic: 13 Jumada I 1445
J Cal: 30 Mir; Nineday [30 of 30]
Julian: 13 November 2023
Moon: 99%: Waxing Gibbous
Positivist: 22 Frederic (12th Month) [Sidney]
Runic Half Month: Is (Stasis) [Day 1 of 15]
Season: Autumn (Day 64 of 89)
Zodiac: Sagittarius (Day 5 of 30)
Calendar Changes
Is (Stasis) [Half-Month 23 of 24; Runic Half-Months] (thru 12.10)
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orthodoxydaily · 2 years
Saints&Reading: Monday, December 26, 2022
december 26_december 13
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St. Herman, while he lived on earth, was a simple monk who came from his beloved Valaam Monastery in Russia to the shores of Alaska in the year 1794.
In the previous year, Metropolitan Gabriel of St. Petersburg asked Abbot Nazarius of Valaam to gather a small group of monks to form a missionary team that would travel across Russia and Siberia to Alaska (at that time a Russian possession) to bring the Gospel of Christ to the native people. Those monks were Archimandrite Joasaph, Hieromonks Juvenaly, Macarius, Athanasius, Stephen and Nectarius, Hierodeacons Nectarius and Stephen, and Monks Joasaph and Herman. This trek over land and water took more than a year (the longest recorded single missionary journey in the history of the church)!
Upon reaching the end of their journey they arrived at Kodiak Island aboard the ship Three Hierarchs on September 24, 1794. Immediately, the monks began to fan out across Alaska, while St. Herman remained at the home base in Kodiak at the newly built Holy Resurrection Church to administer the overall mission and newly established school. The mission was a thriving one, received with great enthusiasm by most of the native people and resulting in thousands of Baptisms. Schools were started, churches built, many sacramental marriages were performed; all through the grace-filled efforts of 10 monks who labored in the midst of harsh and primitive conditions.
Often they did not enjoy the support of the Russian American Company, which was the local Russian authority in the area. Alexander Baranov was in charge of the company and proved to be a tyrannical and self-serving leader who considered the natives to be little more than slave laborers. Father Herman and the other monks labored mightily to protect them and intercede on their behalf with the higher authorities in Russia.
After about 15 years St. Herman moved to Spruce Island, which is a small densely wooded island about 1 mile off the coast of Kodiak, to pursue a more hermit-like life. He brought his whole monastic spiritual formation, rich experience and Orthodox inheritance to bear upon this new life. He built a church and a cell, planted a garden and in a short time started an orphanage and school for the people on the island.
With burning love and compassion he began to deposit within the hearts of all who came, something of the wondrous Christian treasure that had been entrusted to him. He labored for the most part alone at this stage of his life, pressing forward with great patience and humility. He chanted the church services, contemplated the Scripture, the writings of the Philokalia and other writings of the Saints which he had brought to the New World and pursued an intense life of interior prayer.
O Blessed Father Herman of Alaska, North Star of Christ’s Holy Church.
The light of your holy life and great deeds guides those who follow the Orthodox way.
Together we lift high the Holy Cross you planted firmly in America.
Let all behold and glorify Jesus Christ, singing His Holy Resurrection.
— Troparion to St. Herman, 
He was once asked, “How do you live alone in the forest, Fr. Herman, don’t you become bored and lonely?” He replied, “No! I am not alone here. God is here, as God is everywhere. Holy angels are here. Can one become bored with them? With whom is converse better and more pleasant, with men or with angels? Of course, with angels!”
Much more could be said about the life and miracles of St. Herman, both while he lived on earth and after his repose on November 15, 1836, but they will not fit into this short Hagiographical sketch. He foresaw the time of his earthly departure, and when the time came, he was surrounded by his beloved orphans and spiritual children who were reading the Acts of the Apostles by his bedside. At that moment they recorded that his face suddenly began to shine and the cell was filled with a divine fragrance and they knew that their elder was dead.
That same evening, others in the village of Katani on Afognak Island recorded that they saw an unusually bright column of light rising in the air above Spruce Island. The Creole Gerasim Vologdin said, “It looks as though Fr. Herman has left us” and they all began to pray to God.
On March 11, 1969, the Holy Synod of Bishops of the Orthodox Church in America proclaimed that Fr. Herman would be glorified as a Saint for having faithfully toiled in the “spiritual work of apostolic service among the natives whom he illumined by the light of the truth of Gospel.” On August 9, 1970, Bishops, Priests and faithful from the entire Orthodox world assembled at the Church of the Resurrection in Kodiak to witness the Glorification upon earth of St. Herman, the first Orthodox Saint of North America. His holy relics remain in that church to this day.
Ask almost anyone in the regions around Kodiak and many people in all parts of Alaska, even to this day, if they know of the blessed Saint of Alaska, Fr. Herman, and you will probably receive a reverent and knowing “nod of the head.” Perhaps you will hear a personal story about how he has helped someone in need or inspired another upon the ancient, yet ever new heavenly path upon which he walked.
We, who now strive to walk upon this same path two hundred years later, give thanks to God “who is wondrous in His Saints,” and who allowed such a one to walk in our midst.
Holy St. Herman, pray to God for us!
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MATTHEW 10:16-22 
16 Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves. Therefore be wise as serpents and harmless as doves. 17 But beware of men, for they will deliver you up to councils and scourge you in their synagogues. 18 You will be brought before governors and kings for My sake, as a testimony to them and to the Gentiles. 19 But when they deliver you up, do not worry about how or what you should speak. For it will be given to you in that hour what you should speak; 20 for it is not you who speak, but the Spirit of your Father who speaks in you. 21 Now brother will deliver up brother to death, and a father his child; and children will rise up against parents and cause them to be put to death. 22 And you will be hated by all for My name's sake. But he who endures to the end will be saved.
EPHESIANS 6:10-17 
10 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. 11 Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. 12 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. 13 Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. 14 Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness, 15 and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace; 16 above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one. 17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God;
Commentary of the Church Fathers 
John Cassian AD 435: This is the sword that for our health spills the noxious blood that animates the matter of our sins, cutting out and excising whatever it finds in our soul that is carnal or earthly and, once it has made us dead to vices, causing us to live to God and flourish in spiritual virtues. .
John Chrysostom AD 407: And take the helmet, he continues, of salvation, that is, of your salvation. For he is casing them in armor. And the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. He either means the Spirit, or else, the spiritual sword: for by this all things are severed, by this all things are cleft asunder, by this we cut off even the serpent's head.
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spock-smokes-weed · 2 years
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I posted 3,202 times in 2022
489 posts created (15%)
2,713 posts reblogged (85%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,358 of my posts in 2022
Only 26% of my posts had no tags
#art - 528 posts
#lord of the rings - 268 posts
#ace attorney - 197 posts
#naruto - 171 posts
#video - 128 posts
#good omens - 124 posts
#ramblings - 115 posts
#what we do in the shadows - 113 posts
#star trek snw - 83 posts
#frodo baggins - 78 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#cons are coming back so many next year when i have a frodo cosplay put together i’ll find a con that’s semi close to home that he’s going to
My Top Posts in 2022:
I find it so funny that the scene in the church is where Gaiman realized he wanted Tennant as Crowley. He really went “who do I know who’s both boneless and all bones at the same time, who would be great for this scene of a man trying not to touch holy ground” and then immediately decided that he needed David Tennant.
192 notes - Posted November 11, 2022
Good reasons why I want canon Bi Kirk: he’s been an important queer icon for decades and I think it would be awesome to confirm that in canon and has so much story potential (both serious and wacky)
Evil reasons I want canon Bi Kirk: I want one particular senior citizen to die mad about it
228 notes - Posted May 24, 2022
If even they don’t end up being anything romantic, I’m still very excited to see how Crowley and Aziraphale’s relationship will be different in seasons two. Like now that they don’t have to deal with keeping up appearance with heaven and hell, they can be so much more open with their friendship and the fact that they care for each other.
I keep thinking about this season is gonna all be about heaven and hell, while also having Crowley and Aziraphale 100% not giving a shit about their old bosses and just living their best lives. That’s such a great set up for a season and I just NEED IT NOW!!!
Also I think about how John Hamm’s Gabriel is coming back, and I can’t wait to see his character of “the worst boss you hate” interact with Rebel Angel Aziraphale.
253 notes - Posted November 12, 2022
One thing that’s been on my mind is how things so integral to human culture like singing, dancing, writing, making art, playing sports etc. are now only acceptable activities if you’re good at it.
I think singing it the one that gets under my skin the most cus humans fucking love music, sing ur heart our girlie, that’s what g-d made you to do. Sing and dance and write fucking poems. Do it because you’re human and not because you need to be good at it.
450 notes - Posted May 29, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Best thing about Return of the Jedi is that we get a lot of scenes with Luke and Vader standing next to each other and it shows just how tiny Luke is compared to Vader
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See the full post
819 notes - Posted July 15, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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malisbutterflies · 3 years
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Serendipity. The first word that comes to mind like a lightbulb going off in my head, as I trek the toasted, glinting sand. Below me, a cozy, grainy blanket rolls over my feet, like a million warm cookie crumbs, icing my toes in vermillion sprinkles, miniscule crystals reflecting the glowing horizon like little disco balls dancing on my matte, dusted skin. The sand is just the right amount damp, not enough to build a sand castle, but just enough to leave quick impressions in. Salty sprays of the ocean's vapor pepper my face like a baker sifts powdered sugar onto crème puffs, and with every floating breeze of the wind, my eyelids droop into place, as I fill my lungs with the nautical, phosphorus-and-salt infused air. The slightly fishy smell, as odd as it may be, does not bother me; I was raised near the ocean: I am one with the undulating waves, with the meandering sand. My mind drifts to the tales my mother would read me to bed, of the sailors that went out to sea, hoisting up their antique, tattered sails on creaky wooden posts like flags of victory. I imagine myself on a gaff-rigged sailboat, heartily singing sea chanties, and guffawing at the foul words of my sea-mates. I imagine myself saying, "aye-aye, Captain!" and raising the anchor, in preparation for combating the ferocious, crashing, cerulean deluge below.  Fluttering open, my eyes are filled with golden light, and the sun is a bright, smiling volunteer ladling warm, aromatic chicken soup into sad styro-foam bowls nestled in clammy hands at a homeless shelter. The sun, scientifically proven to be a blazing ball of fire, emits the glow of a mellow Chinese lamp across the horizon, a luminescent, watered-down shade of scarlet. Slowly receding into the foam-laced waters, like a Red Giant star squeezing out its last bits of light before detonating into oblivion, the sun creates a deep contrast of pastel reds and inky waters. Behind it, a backdrop of saffron suffuses into pastel shades of pink and lilac, like an artist had accidentally spilled watercolors on the horizon, and decided in the moment to run a soft bristled brush over it, creating the light, cotton candy streaks that were the wispy cirrus clouds above me now. My hair tickles my ear, an intimate whisper of the wind, as if it were telling me nature's deepest, most treasured secrets. It caresses my arms, more tender than a mother's fingertips as she runs her hands through her son's messy hair. It feels like I am being cradled by the wind, as the crashing lullaby of the ocean lures me in, like a moth drawn to a flame, and I feel the lukewarm, aegean waves lapping at my feet, the salt leaving my skin pink, glistening under the rose canopy.
I let the foam ripple at my feet, purity radiating through my body, and I am cleansed of all trauma, of all sins. I am born again, like a newborn being baptized, the ocean is my holy water, the beach my church. Through my eyelids, a red glow begins to dim down, the dying embers of a fire that tell me the sun is back beneath its velvety ocean duvet, ready to drift to sleep, as am I.
Tranquil is the scene laid out in front of me: a pristine, beige canvas, slipping into a crashing, cerulean vastness, an affectionate but deadly embrace, the Earth’s very own final frontier.
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Creating Fellowship of Trek, is my way to “take the first step,” and have faith that huge things have small beginnings, and that this can turn into a worldwide movement, bringing us closer to the day of living in a United Earth in peace and prosperity, like imagined in Star Trek, where we all live long and prosper. 🖖🏽
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Star Trek has infused into my very being, a love of starships; beautiful utopian cities flying through space where humans are united from a world at peace, poverty has been eliminated and all our energies fighting ourselves, have been freed up to explore the grandeur of the cosmos. 
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The closest I can get to actually occupying these utopian ships, is to make videos, using special effects to place myself inside them. And I have already made 4 so far, where I express in each, my longing to experience for real what a starship represents; a vehicle from a future time where something even better than heaven is made manifest! 
Getting this group off the ground is complicated by my 29 year battle with chronic Lyme disease, that continues to get worse. No matter how much I try to separate myself from my illness, to try and project myself as the healthy and functional person the world expects to see, the more I realize my life and my illness are inseparable. And the more I feel attacked by this illness, as I get closer to what feels like my end, the more I try to fight back, seeking a healing breakthrough, while I rage, rage against the dying of the light! This fellowship of Trek, is my way of fighting back. It’s a bet I’ve made with the universe, with religious extremists on one side, telling me the reason I’m sick is because their God is punishing me for not believing their holy scriptures are true, and me on the other, telling them the universe is bigger than their petty divine tyrant.  
I have faith I will eventually connect with the healing I seek, to prove them wrong, but not in the same way Job in their Bible proved religious fanatics of his day wrong. I’m not going to engage in a God smack down the way my namesake “Elijah” did in the Old Testament.  I just want to tap into higher possibility for my breakthrough, beyond limits of any holy book and the God they described thousands of years ago, so I can be born again on secular terms, necessitating a new non Biblical name for myself. 
I can play the long game, because besides being tall, (6'8") I am the quality of person who can delay gratification and accept my lot, if it means that I’ll eventually be vindicated in the end, connecting with the love, beauty and endless possibilities of the cosmos I believe are available to all of us! For whatever reason I can’t, am stuck in this hell hole disease, unwittingly empowering religious fanatics who want to gloat over my death in this life and the next eternal hell to come, I am determined to disappoint and triumph over them through my healing journey. 
I know Star Trek’s timeline of the future imagines hell preceding heaven, just like Christianity and Islam! But the difference between secular science fiction and religion; there are no episodes of Star Trek sending curses or threats directed at fans who want to rewrite the Star Trek timeline with something better than nuclear war in 2026. And I don’t know of a single fan who wouldn’t rather build a future and a starship without the World War. 
I have never felt like I belong or could be accepted for who I am in a Christian church or a Muslim Mosque. And I have often been hurt and disturbed by people claiming to be Christian or Muslim, trying to evangelize to me, thinking their fundamentalist doomsday vision and demonization of opposition would somehow win me over to their side. 
I have never understood the appeal of western religion because of its track record attracting extremists, which has been a great obstacle to healing and source of anguish in my life, with me devoting much of my energy trying to make sense of the shadow side cast by religious extremists, so I can somehow transform them. 
I look across America from sea to shining sea, and I observe a land awash in churches, filled with a fellowship I can rarely relate to.  With Islam and Christianity dominating the religious landscape on Earth, while becoming a hotbed for religious extremism, is it any wonder that our political climate has become a toxic reflection of their incompatibility. Of course this isn’t true of progressive Christian’s and Progressive Muslims who truly understand love! Yet how often in the news, are we bombarded with stories of the extremists, bringing church and state perilously close to merging, as wars on terror threaten to spin out of control. All the animosity seems to feed a self fulfilling prophecy that convinces more faithful that the we are in the  “End Times” with the battle of Armageddon our fate. 
There’s a massive support system in the West and Middle East to win people around the world to Christ and convert unbelievers to Allah, but where is the support system to convert pessimists to optimism, create a Fellowship of Trek and work for a United Earth? There isn’t, which is why somebody has to build it. And because I don’t see anyone doing so, I want to try and get the ball rolling! 
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Imagine a day when healing bridges become as plentiful as Christian churches in the West and Mosques in the Middle East! We are talking replica bridges from Federation starships in every major city and even in sleepy small country towns of the heartland, each bridge anchoring its crew to a particular community, providing a new secular humanist vision of our world that transcends religion, working to unite our differences through our collective common ground; we are all traveling through the galaxy on the same spaceship Earth, and it is time that we become United as its crew members. 
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Healing starship bridges are the sanctuaries I long for to exist, so I can find my bridge family that transcends biology, create community, work for something I’m passionate about and believe in, while having an eternal home of rest at the conclusion of my life, that will carry what’s left of my spirit into the future, propelled by my hope that I can play a small part in humanity’s salvation, while my digital creative signature combined with many others, may contribute to the evolution of intelligence on Earth that could eventually grow over millions or billions of years, to become more powerful than any God ever illustrated in any Holy Book. 
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This is the most striking difference between secular humanists and theists. For a Christian or Muslim, God is our source which had its birth in the past as Adam and Eve. For a secular humanist, power beyond the ancient Gods is in the future, achieved by evolution through technological mastery, which is the idea to be embodied in healing bridges. 
Benevolent artificial intelligence at the service of humanism, has been a staple of Star Trek from its very beginning. Embodiment of this philosophy can be found in the character of Data from the next generation, whose innocence and wonder inspires his fellow crew members to become better humans. 
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With the advancement of computers and AI, leading to bold pronouncements that we are not far from Data becoming a reality, the only obstacle seems to be from dire warnings, coming from those about what could go wrong, if AI is not guided by humanist ends. To whatever fate our technology will lead, there is no question that we are truly experiencing something extraordinary in human history, and I have seen glimpses of it on the Midjourney forums, with endless creativity and beauty springing from machine minds, trained by human prompts and our digital data. (Example rainforest photo below) And the endless power of Midjourney AI is available to any human on Earth, able to run similar AI programs on a simple home computer with a powerful graphics card. 
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In Star Trek, every starship bridge hosts an AI assistant, helping its crew connect with a level of intelligence beyond their own. With the democratizing power of AI computer technology now available to the masses, every healing bridge could be installed with a central computer running the latest AI assistant, and administered by a designated bridge engineer. 
Besides serving community functions churches and Mosques have been known for, such as performing weddings and funerals, healing bridges could be a place where digital legacies of deceased members, could also find sanctuary. Upon approval in their will, all digital data from their life could be stored in the bridge computer, serving as a place for remembrance; a digital memorial to embody their hope; that their life served a purpose greater than themself towards building a united Earth. 
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Their data could also be utilized as training tool for the bridge AI, potentially leading to the creation of an android in the future, with a unique personality, reflecting all the individual personalities that trained it with their data. The hope for our humanity is that we will someday reach a destiny like in Star Trek; where we travel the stars and have help from intelligent machines. And after millions or perhaps billions of years of human evolution, we will either have seen ourselves merge with our machines or eclipsed by them long ago. And this new life will continue evolving and gaining power of intelligence, that will someday see it become more powerful and wise beyond any God ever worshiped in humanity’s past. 
This is what I hope to find in a resting place before I am gone, so my digital data and perhaps a DNA sample can serve a purpose beyond my life. Even though I am a flawed and broken human that hasn’t been able to heal, because I was born at the wrong time, without doctors in 24th century starships that can treat me, at least I could find solace in knowing that my broken life, could contribute to building a whole and sound future mind. This future mind could someday look back at what’s left from mine, (in the form of digital data) as a component that contributed to the training of its AI, which given enough millions of years to evolve, could eventually become a being more powerful than any God. 
If there is any hope of a resurrection comparable to what the religious have faith in, this is where I believe it will be found; with an evolved super-intelligence in the future, created over time by lesser beings using technology. Some day it will evolve beyond its programming, connecting to the very foundation of all matter in the universe, rewinding the cosmos the way we might play a record backwards, remembering you, me and countless lives long past, eventually to be restored inside something like a holodeck that was first imagined in Star Trek. This is the only place where cosmic justice could be possible, while at the same time compatible with the part of our brain connected to reality at the most intimate level, leading to our skepticism that paints a more complete picture, performing science and imagining a brighter future through science fiction. 
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I am fascinated by the power of dreams to shape reality and make us look forward to the future. I have already been the beneficiary to the imagination of millions of humans past, whose dreams shaped our present reality, making life better for me and countless others. Nobody has turned this particular dream to reality yet, that can make life better, so I must do what I can to find out how it can be done! 
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whereareroo · 1 year
WF THOUGHTS (6/21/23).
What has 12 legs, one head, is bigger than a horse, was first discovered in the year 813, and can be found all over Europe?
I'm going to answer that question by telling a story. If you don't like my stories, feel free to stop reading now. You'll be sorry.
Soon after the crucifixion of Christ in 33 A.D., the Apostles and other Disciples travelled far and wide to spread the Gospel.
At the time, Spain was part of the Roman Empire. Saint James was one of the most important Apostles. In his effort to spread Christianity, he travelled throughout Spain. He went all the way to the northwest corner of Spain, which at the time was thought to be the end of the world ("finis terre"). Today, the town at that location is called Finisterre.
By the year 44 A.D., after preaching in Spain, Saint James had returned to Jerusalem (also part of the Roman Empire). He was beheaded for preaching messages that were a threat to the Roman Empire.
According to tradition, the body of Saint James made its way back to Finisterre in Spain. Some say that it was transported by angels. Others say that followers of Saint James returned the body to Spain by boat.
After the body of Saint James arrived in Finisterre, his followers were fearful that it would be located and desecrated by local pagans. To protect the sacred remains, they secretly moved the body about 50 miles inland and buried it under a rock.
The story picks up, hundreds of years later, in the year 813. The remains of Saint James had basically been forgotten. In 813, a star guided a local shepherd to a rock in the middle of a field. The shepherd discovered the remains of Saint James. Some locals recalled ancient rumors that Saint James had been secretly buried in that area. At the time, Spain was a Muslim country. The local Catholic Bishop, anxious to spread Catholicism and push Islam out of Spain, issued a declaration that the missing remains of Saint James had been located. He made arrangements for a chapel to be built on the newly discovered holy site.
People began to flock to the holy site, and Saint James became the patron saint of Spain. The Spanish word for Saint James is "Santiago." According to tradition, Saint James performed miracles that allowed the Spanish forces to push the Muslims out of Spain. The city that now includes the holy site is called Santiago. Today, a giant cathedral stands over the remains of Saint James.
In the years after 813, the folks that made the long trek to Santiago became known as "Pilgrims" (or, in Spanish, "Peregrinos"). Bishops and Popes walked to Santiago on spiritual journeys. Kings and Queens walked to Santiago on spiritual journeys. The trips became known as pilgrimages.
People walked to Santiago to achieve spiritual cleansing. Tradition held that a pilgrimage brought every Pilgrim closer to God. Tradition held that the sins of Pilgrims were forgiven. As Catholicism spread across Spain and other parts of Europe, the number of Pilgrims skyrocketed.
From the beginning, Church officials have kept a careful count of the number of Pilgrims who walked to Santiago every year. They were able to keep count because the Church operated dormitories that housed the Pilgrims along the way, and hospitals that treated them. The Church also issued a special document, called a "Compostela," to all Pilgrims who successfully completed a spiritual journey to Santiago. The numbers are staggering! The heyday was the time period from the year 1000 until the year 1500. During that era, the height of religiosity in Europe, more than 350,000 Pilgrims walked to Santiago every year. Do the math! That's 1,000,000 Pilgrims every three years. That's 160 million Pilgrims over 500 years. As you contemplate those numbers, keep in mind that the population of Europe was much smaller in that era.
As you contemplate the astronomical numbers, also remember what life was like in the era between 1000 and 1500. Nobody was properly nourished. Disease was rampant. The Pilgrims didn't have proper clothing or proper footwear. They didn't have equipment to protect themselves from the elements. Bands of thieves roamed the countrysides. Undertaking a pilgrimage to Santiago was a huge ordeal.
How did the Pilgrims know where to go? They didn't have maps or GPS. The answer was simple. Millions upon millions of people were walking from their homes to Santiago. With all of those feet battering the ground, the footpaths became obvious. To get to Santiago, a Pilgrim simply needed to locate the nearest footpath.
The footpaths started in countries all over Europe. Pilgrims would walk more than 1,000 miles to get to Santiago, and after a few days of prayer they would turn around and walk home. In addition to places that we now know as Spain and Portugal, footpaths started in places that we now know as Italy, France, Germany, and even the Holy Land.
Each of footpaths, regardless of the starting point, became known as "El Camino de Santiago." The translation is "The Way of Saint James." The shorthand is El Camino or The Way.
Regardless of the starting point, all Pilgrims end their journey in Santiago at the beautiful Cathedral. It stands on the remains of Saint James, which can be viewed from a passageway that runs beneath the Cathedral. Since the year 814, there has been some type of Church at the site. The first building was a small chapel. A full sized Church was built in 829. To accommodate the flood of Pilgrims, a bigger Church was built in 899. That Church was ultimately destroyed by the Muslims, and a new chapel was built. Construction on the existing Cathedral began in 1075 and was finished in 1122. Yes, the building process took almost 50 years. The building is huge. Throughout the process, the Cathedral was visited by millions of Pilgrims. It has been improved a few times since 1122, but the basic building is the original structure that was completely in that year. Millions upon millions of Pilgrims have completed their spiritual journey in the Cathedral at Santiago.
All along the various footpaths that end at the entrance to the Cathedral, facilities and businesses opened to cater to the flood of Pilgrims. Along most of the footpaths, there was a Church at least every 10 miles. Towns developed alongside every Church. The towns had businesses that fed and housed the Pilgrims. In most towns, the Church also provided low cost meals and housing for Pilgrims. Many towns also featured a Church run hospital to treat infirm Pilgrims. The footpaths were guarded by roving bands of Knights that were associated with various arms of the Church. The Knights Templar were the most famous group.
The world changed after 1500, and so did The Camino. As the world modernized, interest in religion faded. The influence of the Church weakened. People got lazy. Repeated wars in Europe, ultimately including WWI and WWII, made travel dangerous. The flood of Pilgrims was reduced to a trickle. The Camino was almost forgotten. Most of the support facilities, including most of the Churches, closed.
Let me give you some numbers that illustrate the awful turn of events surrounding The Camino. Here are the numbers of Pilgrims that received a Compostela, or completion certificate, in the years from 1985 through 1990: 690; 1801; 2,905; 3,501; 5,760; 4,918.
Isn't that shocking? Over a long decline starting around 1500, the numbers dropped from 350,000 a year to almost nothing. The Camino was near death.
Then, a miracle happened. A local priest along The Camino fought back. From the 1960s through the 1980s, he led a movement to promote The Camino and remark all of the historic footpaths with bright yellow arrows. In 1984 he published a new guidebook to The Camino, and in 1992 it was published in English. A new French guidebook was published at the same time. Pope John Paul II visited Santiago in 1982 and 1989. Since the year 2000, slowly but surely, and against all odds, The Camino has come back to life. It is truly a miracle. For Americans, the miracle received a boost from the wonderful 2010 movie about The Camino called "The Way." In 2005, official Compostelas were issued to 93,924 Pilgrims. By 2010, the number had climbed to 272,135. By 2019, the number hit 347, 578. Yes, that's almost the same number from the Middle Ages. The Camino is back!! Support services have been rebuilt all along the routes. Isn't that a miracle?
Today, there are 12 primary footpaths that end in Santiago. No matter where you start in Europe, you can link to one of these main paths. Pilgrims come from all over the world. In 2019, the last year before the onset of Covid, Pilgrims from 190 countries registered in Santiago. About half are from Spain or France. The rest are from places like Germany (8%), USA (6%), Portugal (5%), UK (4%), Korea (2%), Ireland (2%) and Brazil (2%). Other common homelands include Australia, Canada, Poland, Mexico, and Argentina.
The Church is known for its rules, and The Camino is no exception. To be awarded a Compostela, marking the completion of a spiritual journey, a Pilgrim must walk at least 62 miles to get to Santiago. To prove the completion of at least the minimal distance, all Pilgrims must carry a Pilgrim Passport (or "Credencial") from a local Spanish church. Along their journey, Pilgrims must get their passport stamped by local businesses to prove that they have completed at least 62 miles. Today, all religions are welcomed on The Camino. Compostelas are routinely granted to Christians of all sorts, Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, and every imaginable religion. As long as they certify that they have pursued a personal spiritual journey, Compostelas are also granted to atheists, agnostics, and pagans.
Among the 12 basic routes to Santiago, there are two routes that attract the largest number of Pilgrims. One route, about 500 miles long, starts in St. Jean, France. The other route, about 400 miles long, starts in Lisbon, Portugal. With Mrs. Walkingpartner at my side, I've completed both of those routes. We did the "French Way" in 2017 and "El Camino Portugues" in 2019. They were beautiful trips. Because we are always in need of additional blessings, we did the full distances.
Thanks for sticking with this. You now know the answer to the question that I asked at the start. What has twelve legs, one head, is bigger than a horse, was discovered in 813, and can be found all over Europe? EL CAMINO DE SANTIAGO!!
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Things To Do In Kalimpong
Kalimpong is a quaint little hill town in the Himalayan foothills of West Bengal located near Darjeeling. This famous tourist hotspot which boasts of a rich history of being a gateway to Tibet , a trading centre for Yak wool and the base for all Everest expeditions till 1951.A history replete with visits of Statesmen, Authors, Mountaineers, Royalty, Actors , Religious and spiritual heads , and Politicians.. this is also known world wide for its rich flora which includes a variety of orchids, succulents, and flowers of all kinds. Overlooking the mighty ‘ Kanchenjunga ‘ travellers are mesmerized by the ethereal display of colors in a skyline that changes its hues every breathtaking moment.Places of interests include Deolo and Durpin – famous ridges- and a assorted mix of Monasteries,Churches, places infamous for being haunted , adventure sports, local chocolates and the irresistible Kalimpong cheese. A friendly populace and a typical hill side market can drive you for a great bargain in woolens, leather, handicraft etc.
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How To Reach The nearest Airport is Bagdogra in Siliguri and is a comfortable 3 hrs drive on a non traffic congested road.Regular taxis , buses and SUV’s are readily available in the Railway Station at New Jalpiguri and at the Airport.
Things To Do At Kalimpong
Neora National Park
Considered one of the most famous ecohubs, the renowned Neora National Park is situated in Kalimpong. This park is an abode a variety flora and fauna. For the wildlife lovers the range of flora is mind boggling.
Deolo Hill Deolo Hill in the Kalimpong area offers you a birds eye view of the valley, the dotted villages, and towns. This place is great to enjoy the many adventure sports such as horse riding, paragliding, and trekking. Having several hilly springs and fountains near, it is an amazing picnic spot.
Crockety House The Crockety Bungalow is a symbol of British architecture and it was here that Nicholas Roerich’s ( famous painter ) wife settled down.Her last wish was for her grave to be located facing Kanchenjunga,. During the early 1900s, it was also used as a trading house for wool merchants.
Durpin Dara hills Situated in the southern part of the city, the place offers the best sights of Kanchenjunga. The place witnesses two hilly rivers, the Teesta and the Rangeet. There is also the renowned Durpin Monastery, which has rare Buddhist manuscripts. An Army cantonment with a golf course is open with permission for tourists to have a round of Golf.
Zong Dog Palri Fo Brang Monastery The monastery is a magnificent example of authentic Buddhist architecture. It was built roughly fifty years ago under the guidance of His Holiness the Dalai Lama. The place serves as a depot of exceptional paintings, texts, and manuscripts on Tibetology.
Water Rafting Teesta River is most admired for exciting sports activities like White Water Rafting which is almost 18 km from Kalimpong Bus Station. River Rafting Center of GTA Tourism arranges the rafting by taking all essential protective measures.
Best Time to Visit Kalimpong has soothing weather throughout the year and the time between, October till May is most favourable to visit and to enjoy the chill and to see the Orchids bloom.Monsoons are romantic and the gentle pitter patter of raindrops will lull you into a peaceful slumber while you wake up to a view of lush greenery and the heady aroma of fresh earth.
Best Hotel to Stay in Kalimpong MAYFAIR Himalayan Spa Resort, a luxurious 5-star hotel, located in the hill town of Kalimpong is the best place to stay and enjoy the major tourist attractions of the city. The spectacular luxury property offers some mesmerizing panoramic views of the 13 peaks of Kanchenzunga from the relaxed comfort of its lawns. Accommodation choices are divided into elegant suites, heritage rooms, and cottages with an exclusive no of 12 rooms and suites dedicated to the mountain view.. The resort offers world-class facilities such as an exceptional Spa, conference and event venues ideal for business strategies or that unforgettable marriage destination. A separate play zone with table sports, a kids room and a rejuvenating Spa has something for everyone to pass time with , even as one dips into the all weather pool or headily sips into a sundowner at the Irish bar called ‘John’s Tavern’. A well appointed library has books for any discerning book lover and is dotted with memorablias that will confound your mind with their antiquity while you romance history.
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Anyway I talk about Julian Bashir and Elim Garak a lot. But Kira Nerys. Kira Fucking Nerys. What I really admire about her is how she chooses and values all that good stuff like peace and sentient life and fairness all while being an utter badass with so much rage. I mean she spent like what? The first 35 years of her life under this brutal occupation. It tore her family apart, and she had to fight back and I mean she saw action. So much of it. She lost so much, wad experienced so much hate and developed hate in return. And yet when it was over and Bajor was left to pick up the pieces. She dedicated herself to not letting the Occupation define her and that wasn't easy she had to pray about it a lot. Yet she remains such a warm person who has so much love for her home and friends and the world. She hasn't let the hate she's been through warp her and make her an ugly person, rather she channels it into an anger she doesn't try to apologize for. When she speaks to Dukat? That's holy anger baby. She's just so much all in one person plus she's really the only religious rep Star Trek gave us.
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redandpointy · 7 years
So showed coworker my new tattoo. He’s got full sleeves and was like “Awesome!” but also said “huh. And surprising. Wouldn’t have expected you to get a trek tattoo.”
And I said, “well it has a lot of meaning for me” and he said cool, will have to tell me sometime when we aren’t holding up the line at lunch.
And it was weird as a statement but then I reflected I don’t always express my geeky interests. He doesn’t know. He knows I was fangirling SWTOR and dresssed as Rey for halloween but didn’t know about how I watched TOS as a wee little Aylaa who of course liked Uhura because she was the girl. Who thought spock and kirk were funny because I could understand the 1960s style production as slapstick comedy and missed the groundbreaking aspects.
He didn’t know I discovered TNG in 5th grade. He didn’t know how much I liked Deanna because her hair was flawless and she sat on the bridge and was kinda and embodied all the caring I did not get from my peers, or Beverly because she was a doctor and awesome or Tasha because she kicked ass. He didn’t know that I liked Wesley because he was me- the too-smart kid who often saw issues with what adults did. but unlike me, Wesley was given agency and respect. He was wish fulfillment and I was at the age he was intended for. It was heartbreaking to grow up and go online and find that “everyone hated Wesley.” I didn’t. He was me.
He doesn’t know that when Voyager came out I could see myself again in Kathyrn Janeway and in Torres and later in Seven. He doesn’t know that I found my voice telling relatives “Yeah so, I’m into star trek. and Scifi. And babylon 5 and the matrix. Can you maybe not give me clothing or guess at what I want? I’d really like a subscription to Star Trek Magazine or trek or star wars books.” And that when I found my voice, I asked for Star Trek.
He doesn’t know that in Trek I found Hope and understanding and celebration of differences. I found a humanity no longer at war with itself - because in 3rd grade we went to war in iraq and kuwait, there was war in the balkans, there were terrifying things all over. A post-scarcity society where money didn’t matter - because money was a finite, hard to acquire resource that allowed you to have a leisurely lifestyle and enabled you to go on vacations or get the things you wanted and a lack of which had turned my father into a 6-days-a-week workaholic because he had a family and employees relying on him. Status was gained by how well you do the thing you love, not by looks or by ownership. Learning was valued. Discovery was valued. Exploration for its own sake was of value. Science was good.
Star Wars gave me the Black and White of Good and Evil. The simplicity of the heroes Journey with robots and lasers as a skin. Babylon 5 gave me a future where we’ve gone to the stars... and met ourselves. Where Humanity is one of many races and when we get to space, we still want mom’s lasagna. it was real but forward thinking. Still hopeful but scrappy. Stargate gave me humanity holding on to the rollercoaster by our fingernails, with pluck, determination and teamwork we survived. I loved these science fiction shows but Got something very different from each and I loved the variety.
But Trek gave me Hope. Even when they went to war, it was about being better than ourselves in an honest and not jaded way. Trek was there first.
He only knows that we worked professionally on a Trek-related product for a few years. It was a job to him and he thought it was okay. I was a fan. I don’t think he understood that.
He doesn’t know what Kathryn Janeway meant to me, a female geek, seeing a woman, a scientist, leading a crew. He doesn’t know that TNG got me through the end of Elementary school and the beginning of middle school when children were cruel. He doesn’t know that Voyager saw me through the transition from middle school to highschool and then into the beginning of college. He doesn’t know that I, and many other freshmen, went hunting for a TV in the dorms those first few weeks of college because Voyager was ending. He doesn’t know we sat together and watched them come home. He doesn’t know about me dragging my entire family to Philly so I could go spend the weekend at a convention and meet most of the cast of Voyager. He doesn’t know it was *my* ship and I chased the perfect season for seven years and while I never found it, I treasure the characters and my fan experiences. He doesn’t know that I am collecting the cast’s autographs on my copy of Endgame II (Beltran is the one I am missing).
He doesn’t know of the friends I have made because Star Trek was a shared love. He doesn’t know I have a group of lifelong people I can always go back to, because we were on a Trek/Wars BBoard RPG. He doesn’t know I have met many other wonderful, fantastic and creative people, most women like me!!! Who Like Scifi!!!!!!! He doesn’t know I started writing long-form fiction beginning with Voyager fanfic. He doesn’t know Trek books got me through when I was too young for “adult novels” but hated the YA offerings of the early 90s. He doesn’t know it was where I found I had a voice. He doesn’t know when children were cruel, Deanna was kind, Torres was tough and Seven was smart. He doesn’t know.
Yes, I love star wars and babylon 5 and Stargate. And I have met people through those and was impacted by my love of those as well.
But Trek was first. 
I’ll always have the friends I’ve made. I’ll always have the time I worked on the Trek property I did. That is something that isn’t going to change. So that is why I got the starfleet symbol, Coworker dude.
Edit: Edited to add more because Voyager..... Voyager <3
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brookstonalmanac · 9 months
Holidays 1.3
Bitcoin Day
Chin State Day (Chinland)
Day of Silence
Drinking Straw Day
Gensh-Sai (Japan)
Humiliation Day
International Mind-Body Wellness Day
J.R.R. Tolkien Day
Loosing (a.k.a. Namsoong; Sikkim, India)
Martyr’s Day (Democratic Republic of the Congo)
Memento Mori Day (a.k.a. "Remember You Die" Day)
Ministry of Religious Affairs Day (Indonesia)
Nakhatsenendyan Toner begins (Armenia) [Until 1.5]
National Be Yourself Day
National Crypto Currency Day
National Do It Now Day
National Florence Pugh Day
National Write to Congress Day
Nyilo Winter Solstice; Bhutan)
Passport Presentation Day (Russia)
Proof of Keys Day
Remember, You Will Die Day
Revolution Day (Burkina Faso)
Riddle of the Year
Sandstone Day (French Republic)
Shigoto-hajime (1st Day of Work; Japan)
Snappy Comeback Day
Snow Day
Tom Sawyer’s Cat’s Birthday
Women Rock! Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Anchovy Day
Cherry-Filled Chocolate Day
Fruitcake Toss Day
National Chocolate Covered Cherry Day
National Oatmeal Nut Waffles Day
1st Wednesday in January
Most Popular Day to Start Looking For a New Job [1st Wednesday]
National CanDo Day [1st Wednesday]
Ski Season begins [1st Wednesday]
Independence & Related Days
Alaska Statehood Day (#49; 1959)
Queensland (Declared; 2015) [unrecognized]
Feast Days
Anterus, Pope (a.k.a. Anteros; Christian; Saint)
August Macke (Artology)
Daniel of Padua (Christian; Saint)
Day of Remembrance for Princess Olga (Slavic)
Feast of Holy Prophet Malachi (400 B.C.E.)
Festival of Pax (Ancient Rome)
Festival of Sleep Day [began yesterday at sundown]
Genevieve (Christian; Saint)
Hakozakigu Tamaseseri (Ceremony of the Red Ball; Japan)
Harryhausen Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Holy Name of Jesus (Christian; Saint)
Inanna’s Day (Pagan)
Jack Levine (Artology)
Jimmy (Muppetism)
J.R.R. Tolkien Day (J-Days)
Kuriakose Elias Chavara (Syro-Malabar Catholic Church)
Macaroni Art Day (a.k.a. Make Macaroni Pictures Day; Pastafarian)
Orpheus (Positivist; Saint)
Prophet’s Birthday (Sunni Muslims) [12th of Rabi’al-awwal]
Tamaseseri Festival (Hakozaki Shinto Shrine; Fukuoka, Japan)
Tenth Day of Christmas (Snow Day)
Twelve Holy Days #9 (Sagittarius, the sacral plexus; Esoteric Christianity)
Twelvetide, Day #10 (a.k.a. the Twelve Days of Christmas or Christmastide) [until 1.5]
Valentin de Boulogne (Artology)
William Passavant (Episcopal Church)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Lucky Day (Philippines) [2 of 71]
Prime Number Day: 3 [2 of 72]
Tomobiki (友引 Japan) [Good luck all day, except at noon.]
Unfortunate Day (Pagan) [1 of 57]
Unglückstage (Unlucky Day; Pennsylvania Dutch) [3 of 30]
Ace is Wild or The Flying Casket (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S1, Ep. 12; 1960
The Arsenio Hall Show (TV Talk Show; 1989)
Big Fat Quiz of the Year (BBC TV Series; 2011)
Birds of Fire, by the Mahavishnu Orchestra (Album; 1973)
Blossom (TV Series; 1991)
A Creep in the Deep or Will Success Spoil Boris Badenov? (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S1, Ep. 11; 1960)
Don Pasquale, by Gaetano Donizetti (Opera; 1843)
Don’t Give Up the Sheep (WB LT Cartoon; 1953)
Forky Asks a Question: What is Cheese (Pixar Cartoon; 2020)
Head Office (Film; 1986)
I’m Walking, recorded by Fats Domino (Song; 1957)
Mayor of Simpleton, by XTC (Song; 1989)
On Being Ill, by Virginia Woolf (Essay; 1930)
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (TV Series; 1993)
Statistical Thermodynamics, by Erwin Schrödinger (Philosophy Book; 1952)
Sylvia Scarlett (Film; 1936)
Time Cat, by Lloyd Alexander (Novel; 1963)
Wait Wait… Don’t Tell Me! (Radio Series; 1998)
Today’s Name Days
Genoveva, Odilo (Austria)
Cvijeta, Danijel, Genoveva, Mladenka (Croatia)
Radmila (Czech Republic)
Enok (Denmark)
Gerhard, Gert, Keerdo, Kert (Estonia)
Elmer, Elmeri, Elmo (Finland)
Geneviève (France)
Genoveva, Irma, Odilo (Germany)
Benjámin, Genovéva (Hungary)
Genoveffa (Italy)
Miervaldis, Ringolds (Latvia)
Genovaitė, Vida, Viltautas (Lithuania)
Alf, Alfred (Norway)
Arletta, Dan, Danisz, Danuta, Enoch, Genowefa, Piotr, Włościsława (Poland)
Gordie, Maleahi (Romania)
Ulyana (Russia)
Daniela (Slovakia)
Genoveva (Spain)
Alfred, Alfrida (Sweden)
Gaynor, Geneva, Genevieve, Guenna, Jenifer, Jenna, Jennie, Jennifer, Jenny (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 3 of 2024; 363 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 3 of week 1 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Beth (Birch) [Day 9 of 28]
Chinese: Month 12 (Jia-Zi), Day 22 (Bing-Yin)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 22 Teveth 5784
Islamic: 21 Jumada II 1445
J Cal: 3 White; Threesday [3 of 30]
Julian: 21 December 2023
Moon: 50%: 3rd Quarter
Positivist: 3 Moses (1st Month) [Orpheus]
Runic Half Month: Eihwaz or Eoh (Yew Tree) [Day 9 of 15]
Season: Winter (Day 14 of 89)
Zodiac: Capricorn (Day 13 of 31)
0 notes
brookston · 9 months
Holidays 1.3
Bitcoin Day
Chin State Day (Chinland)
Day of Silence
Drinking Straw Day
Gensh-Sai (Japan)
Humiliation Day
International Mind-Body Wellness Day
J.R.R. Tolkien Day
Loosing (a.k.a. Namsoong; Sikkim, India)
Martyr’s Day (Democratic Republic of the Congo)
Memento Mori Day (a.k.a. "Remember You Die" Day)
Ministry of Religious Affairs Day (Indonesia)
Nakhatsenendyan Toner begins (Armenia) [Until 1.5]
National Be Yourself Day
National Crypto Currency Day
National Do It Now Day
National Florence Pugh Day
National Write to Congress Day
Nyilo Winter Solstice; Bhutan)
Passport Presentation Day (Russia)
Proof of Keys Day
Remember, You Will Die Day
Revolution Day (Burkina Faso)
Riddle of the Year
Sandstone Day (French Republic)
Shigoto-hajime (1st Day of Work; Japan)
Snappy Comeback Day
Snow Day
Tom Sawyer’s Cat’s Birthday
Women Rock! Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Anchovy Day
Cherry-Filled Chocolate Day
Fruitcake Toss Day
National Chocolate Covered Cherry Day
National Oatmeal Nut Waffles Day
1st Wednesday in January
Most Popular Day to Start Looking For a New Job [1st Wednesday]
National CanDo Day [1st Wednesday]
Ski Season begins [1st Wednesday]
Independence & Related Days
Alaska Statehood Day (#49; 1959)
Queensland (Declared; 2015) [unrecognized]
Feast Days
Anterus, Pope (a.k.a. Anteros; Christian; Saint)
August Macke (Artology)
Daniel of Padua (Christian; Saint)
Day of Remembrance for Princess Olga (Slavic)
Feast of Holy Prophet Malachi (400 B.C.E.)
Festival of Pax (Ancient Rome)
Festival of Sleep Day [began yesterday at sundown]
Genevieve (Christian; Saint)
Hakozakigu Tamaseseri (Ceremony of the Red Ball; Japan)
Harryhausen Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Holy Name of Jesus (Christian; Saint)
Inanna’s Day (Pagan)
Jack Levine (Artology)
Jimmy (Muppetism)
J.R.R. Tolkien Day (J-Days)
Kuriakose Elias Chavara (Syro-Malabar Catholic Church)
Macaroni Art Day (a.k.a. Make Macaroni Pictures Day; Pastafarian)
Orpheus (Positivist; Saint)
Prophet’s Birthday (Sunni Muslims) [12th of Rabi’al-awwal]
Tamaseseri Festival (Hakozaki Shinto Shrine; Fukuoka, Japan)
Tenth Day of Christmas (Snow Day)
Twelve Holy Days #9 (Sagittarius, the sacral plexus; Esoteric Christianity)
Twelvetide, Day #10 (a.k.a. the Twelve Days of Christmas or Christmastide) [until 1.5]
Valentin de Boulogne (Artology)
William Passavant (Episcopal Church)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Lucky Day (Philippines) [2 of 71]
Prime Number Day: 3 [2 of 72]
Tomobiki (友引 Japan) [Good luck all day, except at noon.]
Unfortunate Day (Pagan) [1 of 57]
Unglückstage (Unlucky Day; Pennsylvania Dutch) [3 of 30]
Ace is Wild or The Flying Casket (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S1, Ep. 12; 1960
The Arsenio Hall Show (TV Talk Show; 1989)
Big Fat Quiz of the Year (BBC TV Series; 2011)
Birds of Fire, by the Mahavishnu Orchestra (Album; 1973)
Blossom (TV Series; 1991)
A Creep in the Deep or Will Success Spoil Boris Badenov? (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S1, Ep. 11; 1960)
Don Pasquale, by Gaetano Donizetti (Opera; 1843)
Don’t Give Up the Sheep (WB LT Cartoon; 1953)
Forky Asks a Question: What is Cheese (Pixar Cartoon; 2020)
Head Office (Film; 1986)
I’m Walking, recorded by Fats Domino (Song; 1957)
Mayor of Simpleton, by XTC (Song; 1989)
On Being Ill, by Virginia Woolf (Essay; 1930)
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (TV Series; 1993)
Statistical Thermodynamics, by Erwin Schrödinger (Philosophy Book; 1952)
Sylvia Scarlett (Film; 1936)
Time Cat, by Lloyd Alexander (Novel; 1963)
Wait Wait… Don’t Tell Me! (Radio Series; 1998)
Today’s Name Days
Genoveva, Odilo (Austria)
Cvijeta, Danijel, Genoveva, Mladenka (Croatia)
Radmila (Czech Republic)
Enok (Denmark)
Gerhard, Gert, Keerdo, Kert (Estonia)
Elmer, Elmeri, Elmo (Finland)
Geneviève (France)
Genoveva, Irma, Odilo (Germany)
Benjámin, Genovéva (Hungary)
Genoveffa (Italy)
Miervaldis, Ringolds (Latvia)
Genovaitė, Vida, Viltautas (Lithuania)
Alf, Alfred (Norway)
Arletta, Dan, Danisz, Danuta, Enoch, Genowefa, Piotr, Włościsława (Poland)
Gordie, Maleahi (Romania)
Ulyana (Russia)
Daniela (Slovakia)
Genoveva (Spain)
Alfred, Alfrida (Sweden)
Gaynor, Geneva, Genevieve, Guenna, Jenifer, Jenna, Jennie, Jennifer, Jenny (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 3 of 2024; 363 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 3 of week 1 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Beth (Birch) [Day 9 of 28]
Chinese: Month 12 (Jia-Zi), Day 22 (Bing-Yin)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 22 Teveth 5784
Islamic: 21 Jumada II 1445
J Cal: 3 White; Threesday [3 of 30]
Julian: 21 December 2023
Moon: 50%: 3rd Quarter
Positivist: 3 Moses (1st Month) [Orpheus]
Runic Half Month: Eihwaz or Eoh (Yew Tree) [Day 9 of 15]
Season: Winter (Day 14 of 89)
Zodiac: Capricorn (Day 13 of 31)
0 notes
itachi-mariachi · 4 years
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