#Honestly I'm just so tired
mobilis-in-mobili · 9 months
Hi can someone make me a playlist to dissociate and like cry to I don't really feel like living (or anything in general) but I promised my friend I wouldn't kill myself so if someone made me a playlist with like the Smiths and Flatsound and cigarettes after sex and Radiohead and that kinda thing I'd really appreciate it, thanks, I love you
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aston-reese · 4 years
I hope Derick is ok. I know it was an awful penalty and people are blaming him for the Isles loss and it breaks my heart so much. I hope these “fans” realize that the Isles failed to capitalize on their power play which is a big reason for the loss among other things, not just because of the penalty. I hopped over to the Isles Insta and it was disgusting to read all of those comments calling for Derick to get waived, blaming the entire team for not scoring, and all the other shit. JFC I’m sad
I’m honestly still upset that penalty. Not because of the crosscheck, but because of fast’s reaction, like it was so exaggerated. I mean yes, it was stupid of Derick to have done that with a minute left, and maybe he did cost the Isles the game but it just isn’t fair to lay all the blame on him. What makes me sadder is if you go to Derick’s account and look at his posts, you’ll see that he actually goes through his comments and sees everything
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swainlake · 5 years
i know the show is over and i should be past this but i’m not so i’ve gotta ask: how can people genuinely claim dany is anti-slavery when she a) had slaves of her own, b) demanded a percentage of profit from people selling themselves into slavery because they were so mistreated under her rule, and c) had an ex-slaver who showed zero remorse as her closest companion for years and only sent him away when he betrayed her personally?
actions speak louder than words, ya’ll. a white woman freeing a slave army she conveniently wouldn’t be able to afford otherwise (as she also orders them to kill people while literally holding a whip used to control them) isn’t a great indicator of being against slavery. if she truly, genuinely cared about freeing slaves she wouldn’t have abandoned the slaves she supposedly freed so that she could go off and subjugate an entire continent of people.
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boyfriendsmalec · 6 years
There needs to be more books with LGBT rep. There needs to be more books with POC LGBT rep. There needs to be more books with positive LGBT rep. There needs to be more books where LGBT characters are the main characters and not sidelined supporting characters. There needs to be more books with LGBT romance where m/m and f/f are central to the story. There needs to be more books where LGBT characters get happy endings.
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grlfriends · 6 years
anyway I can't wait for death and those are today's news
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Please... stop saying that the EU copyright reform isn’t as bad as it seems...
It’s been proved to us over and over that an upload filter is imperfect. We need to stop this shit before it’s too late
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taradiddled · 7 years
it’s kinda really hard for me to express how i feel about this entire taylor swift thing because while i agree that taylor has her issues, and so does kanye, i’m just pretty bugged by both of them? like there’s definitely some sexism attached to the taylor swift hate, and there’s definitely some racism attached to the kanye hate. taylor swift is pretty much the idol of White Feminism, and she’s done some shitty things and kanye is a misogynistic asshole and a creep and he supports donald trump. they both have their issues, and i’m a white woman, so i don’t have full context of how other people view this maelstrom. all i really know is how i feel about it, and i feel confused, frustrated, and bugged by the both of them, and worried that i’m going to be losing my friends because of what stance i take. 
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kedreeva · 7 years
I can’t seem to @ mention you, Larenoz, and that post is getting way too long, but I wanted to say yeah, for me specifically, I’d rather get constructive criticism than a kudos. I’d rather get better, and I have literally always been that way, even when I was a young teen writing terribly written young teen things. Most people aren’t like this, they don’t like concrit, and I get that, and for them, sure, leave a kudos. They’re not professional writers (and neither am I) and concrit isn’t usually welcome because fanfic is about having fun in a community. It’s about feeling good and sharing good things with others that like the same thing you like- your same hobby, if you will. So for them, sure, whatever, leave a kudos, idc- if that’s what they want, that is what they want and good job giving it to them.
But the nonny asked me, specifically, how /I/ felt about it, and I said that /I/ personally and specifically feel a kudos is worthless. I wish the system had never been invented. And I feel like it sucks to have to be dependent on that type of system to count as a stand-alone form of feedback. I cannot express to you how many times I have heard/seen “I don’t know why this story doesn’t have more kudos because it’s really good!” and that just hits that soft spot again, to have reaffirmed that folks are judging fics by kudos instead of content. So yeah, if you’re talking about me specifically, yes. Please. I want comments. I like concrit- provided it actually IS concrit, something specific I can actually use to improve as opposed to vague nonsense. I’ve made some of the best friends of my entire life with folks who have helped me to improve my writing.
Speaking only for myself, I personally don’t write for fandom- I write stories so I can read them, and I write stories for my close friends so they can read them. I choose to share them with the rest of fandom in the hopes that someone else may find enjoyment from them. The people who make doing this latter part, sharing with fandom, worth it are NOT (again, for me) the people who click kudos and move on. The people who make sharing with fandom worth it are the people who take the time to say ‘hey, you didn’t have to share this with anyone, but you did and I enjoyed it, so thanks.’ I really do not see how hoping for or preferring that kind of response is wrong or bad.
Desiring praise or encouragement or hell, just a reaction to something I have created is not wrong. It is not bad. It is not selfish. It is human. I am human, and I am a human in a community of other humans, asking those other humans to consider being kind to each other in a more fulfilling capacity than usual, and the echo coming back to me is “but I just want to be given nice things to read without having to give any effort to be nice back to the community.” And, news flash, that’s not how a good, healthy community works.
Like, I’m not sorry if people who only leave kudos and bolt are feeling called out right now, because in my opinion, you’re consuming work someone did and chose to share with you, and returning what amounts to almost nothing in exchange. Which, you know, fine, whatever, if you personally feel that clicking 1 button is the appropriate feedback for whatever story you’ve just read or wrote, that’s your prerogative, you do you. Maybe you’re doing it because you have nothing nice to say, and ok. Maybe others are doing it because they don’t know what else to say. Maybe they feel that’s all it deserved. Maybe they do it out of habit when they finish a fic to tell which ones they’ve read already. I don’t know. And neither does anyone else, because people aren’t in the habit of giving any additional feedback.
So, you know, I guess just don’t come crying to me when you can’t find any good fic because other authors you like stop sharing their work because they don’t feel it’s worth the effort if no one is enjoying their work. Take a moment to imagine fandom without fic, and tell me it’s not worth saying “thanks for sharing” in a comment to encourage folks to continue to do so. Because practice makes perfect, and the more people write the better they will get at it, and eventually those authors that maybe didn’t write something you liked the first time will be good enough later to write something you love. Or maybe something someone else loves. 
I can already tell you that I’ve stopped sharing a lot of my writing with fandom and only show it to my friends instead because if fandom readers don’t care if it’s shared with them or not, why should I?
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catisontheinternet · 7 years
anyway one of my friends is dating my ex-girlfriend, who is also her ex-girlfriend and she thinks i don’t know but it’s plastered all over her story like if you don’t want me to know at least hide it better
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angelsaxis · 8 years
straight people: gay sex is unhealthy and dangerous!!
straight people: there’s an “active” and “passive” partner in sex and basically the man is always doing all the “work” while the woman just lays there because he’s naturally dominant and she’s submissive and this is a healthy way of thinking
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propheticlyre · 8 years
seeing that ppl are apparently claiming andreil is toxic/problematic and i’m just..... are they intentionally just trying to start drama bc they can or did they genuinely misconstrue like all the characterization in the books???
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brandnewfashion · 8 years
ok now that 3.10 has been released to the public:
i literally cannot believe the number of asks i got last night asking me if they broke up--well now you know that they didn't and that they never will over something like that i cannot believe that y'all had such little faith in those two like are we not reading the same comic? why must a break up be necessary to create drama?????
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arrowsandbats · 8 years
ppl: deathstroke seems like a ripoff of deadpool
me: do u not know how to use google?
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jthulus-archive · 8 years
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legalizegayweed · 8 years
If I see you wearing some appropriated shit you better belive I'm gonna be giving you a really nasty look
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thestudypanda · 8 years
Class doesn't start til monday... I should start reading stuff but I don't wanna.... kinda want to nap... it's 7pm though...
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