firebirdsdaughter · 4 years
HoroFuRai thought of the evening…
… The Ark concluding that since Raiden and Horobi are both so interested in this human, she might as well just bring him back and keep him as a pet/toy/leverage, w/ the same attitude of an owner begrudgingly allowing their dog to to keep a particular stick it found at the park and got very attached to.
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firebirdsdaughter · 4 years
HoroFuRai concept…
… Fuwa and Raiden being competitive about being affectionate w/ Horobi.
I was thinking of the hand kissing again, and now I’m imagining Raiden doing it first, so Fuwa picks it up bc he doesn’t want to lose any ‘ground’ to Thunder Boy.
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firebirdsdaughter · 4 years
I’m having fun again…
… Yaaaaay. ^^
Raiden: If our life was a movie, me, you, and Vulcan would be an OT3—but you and Vulcan would be the main ship. I’d only be there to complete the OT3, you know? Just chillin’. Horobi: If our life was a movie, you would be dead by now. Raiden: Only in a horror movie! I’d be the first one to die. And Vulcan would be the virgin that survives in the end. Horobi: … Not anymore.
… Why is Raiden having any say in Horobi’s media intake. I don’t know.
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firebirdsdaughter · 4 years
HorobiFuwaRaiden, Dare
Aaaaand… Yet another Read More.
Officially, he wasn’t supposed to be letting them see each other.
The government had originally wanted to bar Horobi from seeing any of his old comrades as ‘recompense’ for not outright demanding the destruction of all members of MetsubouJinrai; it had taken Fuwa, Hiden, and even Yaiba lobbying their minds out to convince them to at least allow Jin to speak with his father, at regular, supervised times, pointing out that not allowing it would almost certainly lead to history repeating itself. Being separated from Jin by humans had been what originally pushed Horobi off the deep end—if they were going to make this work… They had to be careful. So Jin was allowed to visit, on a schedule, and Horobi was never allowed to leave Fuwa’s sight. But that was it.
He was breaking so many rules by letting Raiden be here.
He’d managed to talk Hiden into agreeing to let the other HumaGear visit and keep quiet about it. The kid had looked at him like he was losing his mind, and Fuwa guessed that there were probably still some complicated feelings about the whole situation. But the fact was… Horobi seemed more… ‘Stable’ when Raiden was around. 
It wasn’t like… Fuwa wasn’t entirely sure how he felt about the situation, either.
It wasn’t that he didn’t like the way Horobi seemed calmer, more comfortable around Raiden. It was true he had a weird feeling in his chest whenever he thought about the way Horobi looked at the other HumaGear, the one who had been with him from the beginning. One of the few he was comfortable with. But it wasn’t dislike, exactly, but something else he couldn’t quite identify. Like his heart was in his throat and there was a ball of fire in his ribs. A feeling…
A feeling not terribly different from the way the one he had whenever he felt Horobi looking at him.
Things had been strange between them since Horobi had escaped AIMS custody. In that dark cell… Something had shifted, changed. Before, he’d been able to push it away by reminding himself they were enemies, but now… Now that things were peaceful and they were spending all their time together, having to live together… The strangeness was growing. He found himself staring at Horobi with increasing frequency, with an overwhelming, desperate feeling of longing. Sometimes, he even turned his head fast enough to notice the HumaGear watching him, too…
But Horobi remained cool and distant as always, like an ice statue, and seemed just as fragile. His whole world had been uprooted… What, twice, three times, now? He knew very well his future stood on a knife’s point as far as the human majority was concerned, he was generally cut off from familiar surroundings and people. For all the feelings building up in Vulcan’s chest… He feared the HumaGear might shatter into dust if he pushed.
So they stayed as they were, in a static little bubble. A strange balance. A pattern.
Raiden disrupted the pattern.
Whenever he was there he always… He’d always be so close to Horobi, touching his hand, or his arm. It wasn’t that Fuwa disliked it—he expected to, but he didn’t—but it made the strangeness shift. Made it feel different—more intense. Stronger. Harder to to keep locked away. He wanted Horobi, badly enough that it hurt to contain, but watching Horobi and Raiden together… Was almost too much, in ways Vulcan couldn’t explain.
Like right now; he was standing so near to the taller HumaGear that they probably would be able to hear each other’s hearts had they been human, while Fuwa slouched against the doorframe, watching. Just like always. Raiden’s earpieces were flickering in a way that made him suspect they were talking silently, but he wasn’t actually concerned at them plotting to resurrect anything. More… It was the closeness that had his attention. For different reasons. Just like always.
Until he realised that Raiden was watching him.
The other HumaGear’s eyes stayed on him for a moment, something unidentifiable within them—then he smirked faintly; and, very slowly, very deliberately, reached for Horobi’s face.
Fuwa started without meaning to, a sound starting in his throat before he could stop it. He tried to look quickly away, but Raiden’s eyes seemed to root him in place, forcing him to keep meeting his stare, even as his fingers brushed the taller HumaGear’s cheek. Horobi’s lashes fluttered, his head turning toward the touch slightly, and Fuwa sank his teeth into his tongue to shut himself up.
The other HumaGear smirked again, and whispered something that Vulcan couldn’t hear. Fuwa couldn’t tell if there was a reply, but Raiden’s gaze snapped back to him, holding him still again, even as the other HumaGear took a deliberate step back. His hand trailed down the taller HumaGear’s arm to his hand.
Raiden’s gaze stayed locked on Fuwa as he lifted Horobi’s hand gently to his lips, pressing them softly to the taller HumaGear’s knuckles.
It was just the slightest touch, but for some reason it seemed strangely… Intimate. Vulcan felt like… Felt like he should feel like he was intruding, and yet… He didn’t. Raiden’s stare didn’t feel accusing or annoyed, but more… Challenging, or even… Daring. And… Inviting?
Almost like… He was part of the moment.
And the other HumaGear was taking much longer than was strictly necessary to kiss Horobi’s hand. His lips brushed back across the taller HumaGear’s knuckles, and he raised his other hand to hold Horobi’s in both of his. Slowly, his eyes still on Vulcan, he began delicately caressing and feeling the taller HumaGear’s hand. One hand slid over the palm and the back, all the way up to the wrist, while the other played with Horobi’s fingers, running all the way to the tips and gently splaying them out to interlock with his.
Horobi was standing as still as usual, just watching as Raiden lavished attention on his hand with that same, beautiful, soft look he always had for the other HumaGear. Fuwa found himself drifting closer, like his body was moving on its own, drawn in by some unknown force. His eyes were locked on the way Raiden was… Loving Horobi’s hand, as if it were the most delicate, remarkable thing in the world.
And wasn’t it? Watching this, the strange enthralment he felt… It was bringing to mind all the thoughts and feelings he had tried to lock away while staying with Horobi for the past few weeks. The overwhelming longing that had been seeping into his bones day after day, sweeping over him all at once.
The other HumaGear noted his approach, and Vulcan would swear he saw a smirk flicker across his face. Apparently, satisfied that he had Fuwa’s full attention, Raiden finally looked away, turning his full focus to Horobi’s hand. Vulcan heard the faint change in the taller HumaGear’s emulated breathing as Raiden’s lips moved from the back of his hand to… Everywhere. The other HumaGear began kissing along Horobi’s fingers all the way to the end, turning his hand over to press his lips into the palm, brushing them against the inside of his wrist. Again Raiden started simple, just light kisses—but then got more involved as he went on. He nibbled lightly at the tips of Horobi’s fingers, traced the lines of his skin with the tip of his tongue, this time drawing soft gasps from the taller HumaGear. Vulcan couldn’t look away.
Why the hell was it so damn mesmerising? And what the hell was this feeling rising in his chest? The fire was burning hotter, spreading through his chest and even down his abdomen. It wasn’t resentment, though it tasted a little like it, but it wasn’t so bitter. He didn’t feel angry towards Raiden, to his slight bewilderment, but… Damnit he wished it could be him making Horobi react like this.
Raiden’s lips parted to close gently around the taller HumaGear’s fingers, sucking slightly. Horobi let out a loud, shuddering breath, a shiver running through him. “… Ikazuchi…!” The name burst from him in a frantic whisper, both alarmed and appreciative art the same time.
The other HumaGear’s eyes softened, and he moved Horobi’s hand away from his lips, letting go with one hand to reach out and touch the taller HumaGear’s cheek soothingly again. “It’s alright…” He gave Horobi’s hand a soft squeeze, and shifted his gaze to look right at Fuwa again, “… It’s just clear that someone has to take the initiative around here…”
That was it. Vulcan’s legs were suddenly carrying him forward, and before he knew what was happening, he was reaching out to take Horobi’s free hand in his, lifting it and bending down to press his own lips to the back. It felt like he was in a trance, pulled along by invisible strings, his mind spinning. But Horobi’s hand in his was an anchor, the soft smoothness of the skin under his lips.
What was he doing? What the hell was making him…? He felt Horobi’s hand turn in his, fingers tucking under his chin and tilting his face upward—he found the taller HumaGear gazing down at him with the same warm, adoring look, and it was like the fire building his chest exploded. For a second, they just stared at each other—then Horobi was pulling him all the way up and closer. Keeping Fuwa’s head tilted up, the taller HumaGear bowed his head in to press his lips to Vulcan’s.
And damn it was amazing.
Fuwa raised his other hand to trace his fingertips across Horobi’s cheek and felt the taller HumaGear shiver again at the touch. Horobi broke the kiss, leaning his head into Vulcan’s touch as if it were intoxicating, his lids drooping. Fuwa kept running his fingers over the taller HumaGear’s features. Horobi sagged slightly against him, letting out a soft groan has Vulcan’s hand began to trace down his throat, and a wave of exhilaration shot through Fuwa that he was the cause, going to his head—and the opposite direction.
A hand abruptly grabbed Fuwa’s ass, prompting a surprised gasp, especially when the hand gave it a squeeze and then yanked him sharply closer, forcing him to grab onto Horobi for balance, plastered against the taller HumaGear’s front. “That’s more like it…” Raiden’s voice was a growl like distant thunder, and Vulcan came back to reality to realise the other HumaGear had shifted to stand behind Horobi, reaching around to grab onto Vulcan. “You’re almost as uptight as he is…” Raiden gave Vulcan’s ass another squeeze, and pressed his lips against the corner of Horobi’s jaw, just as Fuwa’s fingers traced along the other side. The taller HumaGear let out a small moan, sagging even more, his eyes fully closing—his rigidness vanished, melting between them like an ice sculpture between two flames, both of them still holding a hand each.
And fuck it felt… Miraculous. Like walking on air. Like every nerve in his body was shooting off fireworks.
Raiden’s hand tightened on his backside again, pressing them all together. “Now that we’re all being honest…” He murmured, nuzzling the side of Horobi’s neck as the taller HumaGear’s head fell back against his shoulder—then lifted his burning eyes to meet Vulcan’s with that burning intensity, “What do you say we show him a good time, hm?”
In Fuwa’s opinion, that sounded like an absolutely perfect plan.
Notes: Sometimes… Sometimes you just need to ramble some nonsense.
Oh, this is probably terrible and I greatly apologise. It got into my head and then wouldn’t leave. So here we are.
(please send me a relationship + title and I will brainstorm a part of/summary for/idea for the fic I’d write for it)
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firebirdsdaughter · 4 years
Okay, but…
… HoroFuRai thought:
Despite the Ark taking over his body, Horobi’s feelings/interest in Fuwa and Raiden manage to persist even though he’s no longer technically ‘conscious,’ so the giant homicidal satellite is repeatedly frustrated bc she’s trying to focus on human destruction, but the body she’s using keeps wanting to go hug and kiss his boyfriends. So the Ark keeps getting hit w/ these incredibly powerful urges and maybe even daydreams that aren’t hers and she hates it but can’t make it stop.
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firebirdsdaughter · 4 years
Okay, so…
… Now that I’m thinking about HoroFuRai again (bc when I have too much time on my hands, my brain leaps from one thing to another very fast)… So now I’m just… Musing about them…
Raiden and Fuwa are very similar in many ways, both very hot headed and expressive, but behind that, Raiden is slightly more forward and Fuwa is actually on the shier side, esp as he starts letting go of anger. He can absolutely get going, but he sometimes needs a catalyst or a little prompting—Raiden is often more than happy to oblige bc he discovers he likes getting Fuwa worked up (and then there’s their competition/cooperation of being soft on Horobi, where it’s often Raiden doing something and goading Fuwa into reacting assertively, like the hand kissing).
Horobi is always the most fragile and complicated of the trio, but extended exposure to the other two steadily allows him to become more confident about wanting things and making choices, esp in regards to them. He starts out being a little more vulnerable around Raiden and more teasing towards Fuwa bc of their different histories, but eventually becomes comfortable around both of them.
Horobi and Fuwa start concluding to periodically gang up on Raiden bc he can get full of himself about how he’s often the one starting things.
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firebirdsdaughter · 4 years
… I have reached a conclusion that, to the degree that AI might have sexuality, I think Horobi is pansexual w/ a weakness for very emotional and expressive hot heads w/ an extra dash of moronsexual.
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firebirdsdaughter · 4 years
Relationship: HoroFuRai Title: Shelter
Horobi’s systems came back online in darkness, slowly. He didn’t have full motion control—the repairs he detected were simple, basic. He was aware he was lying on something soft, that the lights were off, and he wasn’t alone.
“You awake?” Murmured a voice to his right—one he knew very well.
With some effort, he turned his head to look, adjusting his visual systems to see if it was… “… Raiden?”
The other HumaGear smirked warmly, but also lifted a finger to his lips. “Shh…” He whispered, then pointed towards his other side, “… Your human is sleeping.”
Horobi blinked. Turning his head to look where Raiden was pointing, he found a familiar head of curly hair resting on his shoulder. Fuwa Isamu was pressed against his left side, legs slightly tangled, one arm draped across his middle, the other clutching Horobi’s coat, face buried in his collar—and thoroughly asleep. He could feel the slowness of the human’s pulse, the evenness of his breathing, and the warmth radiating from him as if they were almost his own. Unintentionally, the ghost of a smile pulled at Horobi’s lips.
“I thought about dumping him on the floor,” Raiden continued, just as softly, “But… He actually looks pretty cute like that, now that I’ve gotten a good look at him.” A quiet chuckle like distant thunder rumbled by Horobi’s ear. Gingerly, the other HumaGear reached over him to lightly run his fingers over Vulcan’s hair. “I’d be alright with keeping him, if you want to do that.”
“He’s not a pet.” Horobi whispered back, though his voice was slightly slurred by the rushed repairs. Carefully twisting his left arm free, he raised it to lay a hand over Fuwa’s arm around his waist.
“Then what is he?” Raiden stopped mussing the human’s hair, simply lowering his arm to lay over Horobi’s chest, pulling himself nearer, arranging himself carefully so as not to bump Vulcan, filling in gaps to fit them all together like some sort of ridiculously complex puzzle. His lip brushed Horobi’s jaw lightly. “I’m gravity, Naki’s light, Jin is north. What’s Vulcan to you?” There was no venom, only mild curiosity mixed with Raiden’s particular brand of blunt affection in the question.
Horobi sighed softly, manoeuvring his right arm to locate Raiden’s and interlock their fingers, mulling it over. Fuwa was hard to explain. He was warm, soft in unexpected ways, honest. Simple. He was like Raiden, but also not quite. A constant, but in a different way. He was… “… Shelter.” He mumbled, finally. “Safe.” Raiden was gravity, an anchor. Fuwa was support, comfort. Raiden held him on the ground, Fuwa held him up.
Raiden nuzzled his cheek gently. “Good.” He murmured, with a small chuckle. “I’m quite attached to my job.” He moved up just enough to plant a kiss on Horobi’s lips. “You should rest more. You need to conserve power.” Laying back down, he leaned his head into the crook of Horobi’s neck, squeezing his hand. “We got you.”
There was no point in arguing, since Horobi could already feel the strain on his system. Closing his eyes, he let everything fall back into sleep mode, internally counting the beats of Vulcan’s heart and the faint clicks of Raiden’s base systems. For the first time in a very long time, he felt… Truly calm.
Notes: Hmmm… A little janky imo, but here it be, and sorry for the delay. ^^ Also more w/ the weird analogies. I’m really getting fond of these three… And of the two dynamics I see w/in it. Hopefully I can get into a zone to write more for them in the future.
(please send me a relationship + title and I will brainstorm a part of/summary for/idea for the fic I’d write for it)
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firebirdsdaughter · 4 years
… I don’t have very good scrolling control over this raw, so I don’t know if the Ark said anything before trying to jump to Fuwa, but now I’m just imagining the HoroFuRai angle based on the idea I had before where she’s just like ‘fine if you won’t stop thinking about this human I’ll just go grab him for you.’
Only it didn’t work.
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firebirdsdaughter · 4 years
Totally pointless rambling…
… But I got to thinking about the ‘chin-lift/‘who did this to you?’’ thing again, and then I got to thinking about it in regards to HoroFuRai, so…
I think Raiden would do it to both Horobi and Fuwa;
Horobi would do it to Fuwa;
And Fuwa would probably do it to Horobi, though maybe more hesitantly than the other two would.
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firebirdsdaughter · 4 years
… Possible variation of ‘Fuwa needs to kiss the Ark out of Horobi’…
Both Fuwa and Raiden need to kiss the Ark out of Horobi.
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firebirdsdaughter · 4 years
… Going to bed soon, bc I am wrecked, but I wanna check in w/ my comfort ship, first.
Raiden: Are you a big spoon or a little spoon? Fuwa: I’m a knife. Horobi: (w/out looking up) He’s a little spoon.
Called out.
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firebirdsdaughter · 4 years
Okay, not quite a quote…
… But it feels so… Them:
Fuwa: *having a dramatic emotional moment that should be resulting in private times but is being awkward bc Naki* Naki: … Oh, go ahead. Do whatever you need to. I’ll… Step into the other room. Fuwa: … Thanks?
Obviously we know who would be involved for me, but I figured I should leave it open. ^^
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firebirdsdaughter · 4 years
Gotta admit…
… Horobi smiling about getting Raiden’s Key and then saying he’s a ‘welcome sight’ in the preview…
Kinda love it. ^^ 
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firebirdsdaughter · 4 years
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… Fuwa’s face after the Ark jumped back to Horobi.
Getting the same vibes as his reaction to learning Horobi used to be a father-type, honestly. ^^ And I love ‘em.
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firebirdsdaughter · 4 years
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