#Horsebow Moon 29
habibi-holseti · 1 year
My Almyra Oc’s Birthdays and Khalid and Shahid’s
Disclaimer: I am khara (shit) at math so if any ages are wrong forgive me lol. Plus for the “Almyran Calendar” I am basically just using the Jalali Calendar.  (The Jalali colander is under the moon names.)
I hc the calendar was used all throughout eastern almyra, but was put into  fruition by the eastern Almyran king across the whole continent after the Alliance attacked and took Western Almyra’s vital lands and kingdom borders making them unify under the Eastern Kingdoms for protection. 
Khalid info- birthday: Jul 24, 1162 blue sea moon Mordad 2, 541 pre timeskip: 17/18 post timeskip: 23/24 From : Khalmanu Almyra's Captial
Shahid's info- Birthday: July 1st, 1156 Blue Sea moon Tir 10, 535 pre timeskip: 23/24 post timeskip: 29/30 From: Tirazis, Eastern Almyra
Farahzad's Info- Birthday: May 17th, 1152 Hartstring Moon Ordibehesht 27, 531 Pre timeskip: 28/29 Post Timeskip: 33/34 From: Tirazis, Eastern Almyra
Nureddine's info- Birthday: April 12th, 1159 Great tree moon Farvardin 22, 538 Pre timeskip: 20/21 Post Timeskip: 26/27 Form: Damas (Western Almyra) and Khalmanu
Mumtaz info- Birthday: November 16, 1174 Red wolf moon Aban 25, 553 pre timeskip: 6/7 post timeskip: 12/13 From: Khalmanu
Elias Info- Birthday: Dec 22nd, 1163 Eternal Moon Azar 30, 542 pre timeskip: 16/17 post timeskip: 22/23 Form: Jbeil, Western Almyra
Pari info- birthday: June 9th, 1161 Garland Moon Khordad 19, 540 Pre Timeskip: 18/19 Post Timeskip: 24/25 Form: Daylam, Eastern Almyra
Yasmine info- Birthday: September 29th,1160 Horsebow Moon Mehr 7th, 539 pre timeskip: 19/20 post timeskip: 25/26 From: Beit-Khubz, Western Almyra
(my arabic is crap I am trying to say house of bread here.) 
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kyogre-blue · 9 months
White Clouds calendar notes
Just notes to myself about the caledar and events. I definitely missed some, so I'll try to update on the next pass.
Year 1180
Month 4: Great Tree Moon (April) Prologue (Kostas): 4/20 Picking a house: 4/23 First explore: 4/27 Mock battle: 4/30
Month 5: Harpstring Moon (May) Practice battle with Knights of Seiros: 5/18 Saint Macuil Day: 5/21 Kostas at Zanado: 5/31
Month 6: Garland Moon (June) Reports of Lonato's uprising: 6/1 Sweet-tooth week at the dining hall, choir festival: 6/8 Edelgard's birthday: 6/22 Interhouse reception: 6/29 End of Lonato's uprising at Magdred Way: 6/30
Month 7: Blue Sea Moon (July) Group announcement of the mission: 7/5 Looking for clues: 7/6 Quest from Seteth regarding thieves north of Faerghus. Sword Tournament Give teapot from Ferdinand to Lorenz as he bought two Rumor of Death Knight, also students wandering around at night Saint Cethleann Day: 7/12 Claude's birthday: 7/21 Rite of Rebirth: 7/26
Month 8: Verdant Rain Moon (August) Briefing about Miklan: 8/1 (Edelgard nightmare: 8/2) Fish bounty festival: 8/10 Conand Tower mission: 8/31 Quests: clear out bandits at Magdred Way (for western and southern merchant shops), help the blacksmith get ore, visit to Sitri's grave with Jeralt Flayn kidnapped: 8/31 also (though after we return from the Conand mission)
Month 9: Horsebow Moon (September) Mission to find Flayn: 9/6 Gathering info: 9/7 Hunting festival, choir festival, delivering admiring letter to Cyril, horse pregnancy herbs for Marianne: 9/7 also Leicester Alliance Founding: 9/8 (Byleth's birthday per Jeralt's diary: 9/20) Founding of the Alliance celebration: 9/21 (so far apart?) Manuela attacked by Death Knight: 9/30 Flayn joins Byleth's class after being rescued
Month 10: Wyvern Moon (October) Manuela up and about: 10/4 Fishing tournament, Harvest Festival: 10/5 Battle of Eagle and Lion: 10/27
Month 11: Red Wolf Moon (November) Byleth collapses due to dizziness: 11/2 Faculty and Knight mixer: 11/9 (Tales of the Red Canyon available, brawling tournament) (Quests: two-toned whetstone, mock battle with Fraldarius knights, investigate missing students from Seteth, ) Holy Kingdom Founding Day: 11/21 Founding celebration, Marianne's birthday: 11/23 Remire mission: 11/25
Month 12: Ethereal Moon (December) Mission briefing regarding the chapel and Jeralt joining: 12/6 (mission delayed because of Jeralt's absence on another mission) (Quests: woodcarving for Gilbert) Choir festival: 12/7 White Heron Cup: 12/16 Dimitri's birthday: 12/20 faculty and knight mixer: 12/21 Garrge Mach establishment day: 12/25 Old chapel investigation (monster outbreak): 12/26 Saint Cichol Day: 12/27
Year 1181
Month 1: Guardian Moon (January) Rhea sends large-scale investigation near Garreg Mach: 1/2 Spice festival: 1/4 (Quest: practice battle with the Adrestian Empire's Imperial guard.) Saint Seiros Day, Rhea's birthday: 1/11 Interhouse reception: 1/25 Solon discovered in the sealed forest: 1/30 Battle against Solon: 1/31
Month 2: Pegasus Moon (February) Seteth confronts Rhea, Rhea instructs Byleth to enter the Holy Tomb: 2/1 Bitter Eats: 2/8 (House vs House Magic Tournament) (Edelgard's coronation) Ritual of the Goddess's Revelation: 2/29
Month 3: Lone Moon (March) Saint Indech Day: 3/2 (Intended: Graduation ceremony) (Edelgard declares war on the church: before 3/15) Shamir reports back on the Imperial advance, two week notice: 3/17 Choir festival: 3/21 Last mission briefing: 3/29 ---> CF: preparations for battle at temporary encampment: 3/30 Imperial invasion: 3/31 (Intermediate lance tournament, quest: gather information on the imperial army)
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Dream Oath Opera
So, since this phenomenal woman and I share a birthday, I thought it only fitting to write a fic to celebrate the special day. This is also, in essence, my birthday present to myself, so I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I did writing it. Apologies for any spelling or grammatical errors, I’m not totally sober while proofreading this piece.
Once again, the end of the Horsebow Moon drew near, and the chill of autumn had reached even the streets of Enbarr. This meant many things for many people, but for the Mittelfrank Opera Company it meant it was time for the final show of the season, and it would have to be their biggest one yet. It had been but a year ago that the Fódlan Unification War came to an end, and the people were slowly settling into normal lives once more. One way to aid with this, the powers that be had decided, was to bring back all the amenities and luxuries from before the arduous 5 years, bring back all the frivolous things that made the people happy. Thus, the opera had been in full swing since peace was reestablished.
It was a grand time, though busy to the point of exhaustion for many of the performers and crew. And in this moment, Dorothea felt all of that burden. She was once again the star of the troupe’s newest production, and while she loved her work no less than before, it was wearing her down. On top of it all, today was her birthday, and while all of her colleagues had congratulated her, and her sweet partner had gotten her flowers, a bejewelled ornament for her hair that she would wear proudly during this night’s performance and prepared a luxurious breakfast for the both of them, the fact that she would have to work on this day still had her sighing. Just this once, a day off would be nice.
A knock sounded at her dressing room door and the brunette turned from her vanity with a soft ‘come in’, ready to greet any guest that might have approached. Upon seeing well groomed (h/c) hair, shining (e/c) eyes and a smile all too familiar to her, Dorothea felt her own lips curl upward. She rose from her seat with all the grace she had learned – though perhaps a bit more hastily than usual – and in no more than four strides stood before her lover to plant a gentle kiss on their lips. She had not thought it possible, but that gaze she loved so much seemed to soften even more at that action alone.
“To what do I owe this sudden visit, darling?” Dorothea asked playfully as a pair of arms snaked their way around her waist. Whether technically an appropriate display of affection in public or not, she couldn’t bring herself to care. Today was her birthday, she was allowed to enjoy such an action on this day, she decided.
“Well, dear siren, I have come to whisk you away from this place, in fact,” (Y/n) spoke, the teasing lilt to their voice oh so familiar, a staple of their relationship. “I have quite the night planned for us.”
Dorothea felt herself pull back from the comfortable embrace, her mind simultaneously racing and at a total standstill at the declaration.
“You know that that is not possible,” she said, an edge now having entered her voice that was not there previously. “I have a performance tonight. Or did you somehow forget?” A little bit of her heart cracked at the thought that they might have. (Y/n) was usually so attentive to both of their schedules and needs, how could the events of this day have slipped them by?
But the continued smile on their face told the songstress that this was not the case.
“Fear not, my fair lady!” An overly dramatic tone tinged (Y/n)’s words and Dorothea’s heart calmed from its nervous beating. “I have spoken with your director and she, in all her graciousness, has granted me permission to steal you away for the whole rest of the day. And before you protest; they have a fitting replacement lined up for tonight’s performance, you don’t have to worry about a thing.”
Attentive to the last, as they always were. Dorothea felt herself let out a heavy breath, a hand coming to rest gently against her chest. As much as her partner’s theatrics amused and reassured her in their own way, it was the calming, gentle tone used in the last half of their little speech that had her the most at ease. The crack in her heart caused by her own thoughts mended itself delicately and as forest green eyes met (e/c) softly, Dorothea once again felt the urge to kiss her lover. So she did. It was, after all, her birthday.
“Alright then, you silly romantic,” Dorothea conceded after a tender moment of silence, “take me away to wherever it is that you have planned.”
Another gentle smile crossed (Y/n)’s face as they gently took Dorothea’s arm: “With pleasure, beloved.”
The night turned out to be quite the affair, though thankfully not in the sense that it was hectic. A quick return to their shared home in order to freshen up – allowing for (Y/n) to gently reassure Dorothea that, even though she would not be performing tonight, she should still wear the gifted ornament in her hair – was followed by an evening spent at one of Enbarr’s finest restaurants. When Dorothea had tried to ask how in the world (Y/n) had been able to afford such a thing, and nearly insisted that not even her birthday was worth such extravagant spending, all the reply she got was that friends in higher places were always good to call upon for occasions like this. The songstress could only sigh, again, but followed her partner into the restaurant, arms locked, without any further protest.
The meal was delicious, naturally, and their seating private enough to allow Dorothea to feel comfortable. Normally, going out into the public in such a way would have her overrun with admirers of all kinds seeking her attention. But tonight, there were no such interruptions; merely two people in love, enjoying a meal in each other’s company.
Having finished their dinner, and redressed themselves in their outerwear, the couple took to the darkening city, watching as the lights along the streets were lit, one by one. The soft flicker of the streetlamps’ candlelight gave Enbarr a completely different glow, a warmth that sunlight did not allow for. Walking side-by-side through the city, not even the biting cold breeze that characterised the later days of the Horsebow Moon dissuaded the lovers in their gentle stroll, soft, meaningless chatter filling the air between them.
Only too late did Dorothea recognise exactly where it was that her partner had led them, and a gasp left her lips very suddenly as (Y/n) handed over a pair of tickets to the member of the opera house’s staff on duty that night. When the youth began giving instructions on exactly how to reach the balcony reserved for them – one of the prime seats in the house – Dorothea felt herself having to physically restrain her jaw from dropping.
“Enjoy the show!” the youngster called after the couple as they moved through the building, (Y/n) calling a quick ‘thank you’ over their shoulder, a grin that was far too pleased spread across their face. Dorothea continued to feel stunned, though she had managed to compose herself since the initial shock, and did not fully return to her senses until the light in the theatre dimmed and she heard the orchestra finish their tuning.
As the opera began to play out before the audience, Dorothea felt a hand gently hold onto her own and her eyes left the stage in front of her to gaze into eyes of (e/c) that somehow managed to shine even in the darkness.
“I thought that it might be nice for you to watch an opera performance for once, instead of simply participating in one,” (Y/n) spoke so that only the two of them could hear, lifting their intertwined hands to place a gentle peck on Dorothea’s. The songstress’s breath hitched gently, but her eyes quickly returned to the performance in progress.
Despite knowing exactly how the opera was going to play out, Dorothea still found herself mesmerised by the display, enthralled by the characters and music. And as she watched the lead role walk onto stage, the role that had been hers up until now, she could not help the tears that welled up in her eyes at seeing Manuela dressed in a fashion so resplendent that Dorothea herself suddenly felt ten years younger.
The soft squeezing of her hand returned Dorothea to the present moment, and as Manuela began to sing her first bombastic few lines, the younger songstress’s eyes fell back on her lover smiling with all the love in the world.
“Happy birthday, beloved.”
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fftwister · 5 years
Three Houses Character Birthdays (So Far)
Ingrid: 1/4 - Guardian Moon (Capricorn)
Hilda: 2/3 - Pegasus Moon (Aquarius)
Felix: 2/20 - Pegasus Moon (Pisces)
Lysithea: 2/28 - Pegasus Moon (Pisces)
Ignatz: 3/14 - Lone Moon (Pisces)
Hubert: 4/17 - Great Tree Moon (Aries)
Ferdinand: 4/30 - Great Tree Moon (Taurus)
Annette: 5/9 - Harpstring Moon (Taurus)
Raphael: 5/18 - Harpstring Moon (Taurus)
Mercedes: 5/27 - Harpstring Moon (Gemini)
Sylvain: 6/5 - Garland Moon (Gemini)
Lorenz: 6/13 - Garland Moon (Gemini)
Edelgard: 6/22 - Garland Moon (Cancer)
Caspar: 7/1 - Blue Sea Moon (Cancer)
Claude: 7/24 - Blue Sea Moon (Leo)
Leonie: 8/21 - Verdant Rain Moon (Leo)
Dedue: 8/31 - Verdant Rain Moon (Virgo)
Petra: 9/7 - Horsebow Moon (Virgo)
Dorothea: 9/29 - Horsebow Moon (Libra)
Ashe: 10/17 - Wyvern Moon (Libra)
Linhardt: 11/7 - Ethereal Moon (Scorpio)
Marianne: 11/23 - Red Wolf Moon (Sagittarius)
Bernadetta: 12/12 - Ethereal Moon (Sagittarius)
Dimitri: 12/20 - Ethereal Moon (Sagittarius)
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tripolarity · 4 years
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Hot on the heels of the Battle of the Eagle and Lion, another event is set to pit the three houses against one another! The Horsebow Moon will be dedicated to the White Heron Cup and, of course, its accompanying ball. It's an occasion for all not to only show off their dancing skills but also mingle in the year's fanciest gathering, and - who knows! - see for themselves whether the superstitions surrounding the Goddess Tower are true. Before disquieting rumors come creeping in, that is...
7. Petra's birthday 15. Catherine's birthday 29. Release of the next calendar
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