#House Locke of Oldcastle
tronodiferro · 1 year
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House Locke of Oldcastle
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velcryons · 3 months
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Daughters of House Velaryon
Valaena Velaryon. Daughter of Vaesaerion Velaryon and Vhaenyra Targaryen. Mother to Visenya, Aegon I, and Rhaenys Targaryen. Alyssa Velaryon. Daughter of Aethan Velaryon and Alarra Massey. Mother to Rhaena, Aegon, Viserys, Jaehaerys, Alysanne, and Vaella Targaryen, and Boremund and Jocelyn Baratheon. Laena Velaryon. Daughter of Corlys II Velaryon, the Sea Snake, and the Queen Who Never Was, Rhaenys Targaryen. Rider of Vhagar and mother of Baela and Rhaena Targaryen. Septa Vaenna. Daughter of Vaemond Velaryon and his lady wife. Lady's companion to the queens Helaena and Jaehaera Targaryen. Daenaera Velaryon. Daughter of Daeron Velaryon and Hazel Harte. Queen of the Seven Kingdoms, mother to Daeron I, Baelor I, Rhaena, Daena, and Elaena Targaryen. Coraena Velaryon. Daughter of Alyn Velaryon and Baela Targaryen. Lover of Aegon IV, and mother to Laeron and Daenella Bar Emmon. Lady of Sharp Point. Saerys Velaryon. Daughter of Jacerion III Velaryon. Aunt to Lucerys II and Shaera Velaryon, and lady's companion to Queen Rhaella Targaryen. Lady of Bitterbridge. Shaera Velaryon. Daughter of Laeron Velaryon and Alarra Bar Emmon. Mother of Corlys III, Laena III, Daella, and Jacaera Velaryon. Grand admiral and Mistress of Ships to Daenerys Targaryen. Laenaera Velaryon. Daughter of Lucerys II Velaryon and Alys Penrose. Mother of Robb Locke. Lady of Oldcastle. Jacinda Velaryon. Daughter of Ser Corwyn Velaryon and Mayrina Massey. Lady's companion to Queen Selyse Baratheon and the Lady Melisandre of Asshai. Daella Velaryon. Daughter of Shaera and Daeron Velaryon. Handmaid, lady's companion, and Mistress of Whispers to Daenerys Targaryen. Viserra Waters. Daughter of Lucerys II Velaryon and famed Lyseni courtesan Orryna Irratis. Owner of the brothels The Golden Cat, The Silver Fox, and The Bronze Dog.
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feraylocke · 9 months
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lord nasir manderly returned from war with the news that lord bekarys locke, the heir of oldcastle, had died from his wounds after shielding amir from an arrow meant for him. lord okan locke and lord enver locke had fallen victim to a surprise attack while they were out scouting. when it was discovered they were sons of house locke, well known for following the old way and for their fierce loyalty to house manderly, both brothers were immediately beheaded and their heads were mounted on sticks in front of one of the northern camps. their heads were quickly retrieved and have been returned to oldcastle on the orders of nasir. amir was able to have bekarys' body sent back to oldcastle for a proper funeral.
house locke has been in deep mourning since receiving the news. lady feray locke returned to oldcastle from white harbor for their funeral rites and was pronounced as the heir to oldcastle upon her arrival. the only houses invited to attend the funeral rites and burial outside of house locke's own household were the houses known for following the old way. as it was a traditional funeral, only the men took part in the actual burial of the remains of the three brothers while the ladies continued to pray together. lady nasrin locke, formerly rowan, has not spoken a single word since receiving the news that all her sons had perished in the war.
feray did not leave oldcastle after the funeral before it was time to travel to king's landing for king jaehaerys' coronation. she has been sent there as the official representative of house locke as her parents both chose to stay home to continue their mourning.
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indisden · 2 years
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House Locke of Oldcastle, a noble house from the North. The Locke were once First Men Kings, before being reduced to vassals by the Starks.
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nasirofmanderlys · 10 months
who: @feraylocke where: upon the return of nasir manderly to white harbour, roughly two weeks following the return of lady manal manderly. amir manderly remains upon the isle of skagos. what: nasir manderly informs lady feray locke that all her brothers have perished in the great northern war, leaving her as the sole heir of oldcastle.
the mighty vastness of the north ensured that communication, as vital and important as it was, was an issue in itself. how easily were extreme snow storms the reason for ravens being delayed, and losing contact was relatively easy. not the biggest worry in the world, considering it happened so often: the last he had heard from his brother was in the run up to his rescue of manal, in which he had shared some news of his own. one of their most faithful bannermen, a close family friend, lord bekarys locke had been killed by an arrow, which slipped through the visor of his helmet.
what had been recieved to oldcastle was the body of the eldest son of house locke, where he would be buried according to their customs.
and telling a sister of the death of one brother would be hard enough, if he did not also need to tell her of the two deaths of her brothers, lord okan and lord enver, who had perished alongside him in the conflict on the bolton borders. so it was not only one brother of house locke that perished, but all three: whilst their sister remained safe as a ward of house manderly, within the walls of white harbour. she had been there to see the next generation of house manderly be born, and now, it was on her to secure the future of her own family name.
only, how could she know that as nasir manderly approached her as she had been brought to his audience chambers? there was no way to be able to tell something was wrong, apart from the tone when he spoke to her. he always spoke to her in a formal tone, as a ward rather than anything that much closer: it came mostly out of placing boundaries and lines out of respect for his own marriage. but here and now, his tone was quieter, softer - a tone he had never once taken with her before.
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"thank you for coming to see me, feray." he spoke, in the language that shared their roots; the language of the old tongue. "come sit by the fire." he indicated for her to sit down. he wondered whether he ought to have brought tea and snacks, but she would not want such things. grief was shocking, before anything else. it was his responsibility to break the news to the new ruler of his closest banner house, and yet still, there was no way to feel a sense of pain installed deep within him. perhaps because only some days ago, he feared losing his own sister: and now, the tables had turned and he were breaking the news to another. she seemed so small, fragile in the way snowflakes were.
the only sign of him being softer than usual, apart from his tone, was the blanket he moved to pass into her lap so casually. as though she would need to wrap herself from the aftershock of this news. "there is something we need to discuss, but first i ask you to brace yourself." he spoke, remaining stood as he looked upon her. and the next words would change everything forever. "all sons of house locke have been returned to oldcastle, to be buried. bekarys, okan and enver - none have made it through the war." there was no need for him to utter his condolences yet. they would not be heard.
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ericanoelle · 2 years
What if Petyr had been fostered at Winterfell and now Riverrun?
Rickard Stark would have met Lord Baelish during the war of the Ninepenny Kings. Rickard would have been fond of him and when he learned that the elder Lord Baelish had died, leaving Petyr an orphan, he took him as a ward. He would have been close with Benjen and Lyanna. Instead of Catelyn, Petyr develops feelings for Lyanna.
They are not returned and Benjen cautions him in those affections, causing him to remain silent. However, Brandon still learns of them and challenges Petyr to a duel, much like he had in the books. When said and done, Lyanna begs for Petyr’s life and Rickard is pissed at the whole affair- but doesn’t send Petyr away. If anything, he handles the situation like an adult and things move on. An odd sort of friendship sparks between Petyr and Brandon but it does not last long.
The tourney of Harrrenhal happens and Robert’s Rebellion kicks off, Petyr sees Lyanna run off with Rhaegar . Petyr tells Brandon and this sends his friend south along with Rickard, ending in their death. During all this, Petyr would be at Winterfell and only learns of the ending when Ned brings a baby Jon Snow home. Learning that Lyanna had died, he is devastated. Ned confesses who Jon is to both Benjen and Petyr, causing Petyr to vow to forever care for the boy. 
Time moves on, Petyr goes to White Harbor and makes his fortune there with the good word of Ned as a recommendation. Jon Arryn takes note of him and brings Petyr to King’s Landing to sit on the small council. Petyr doesn’t kill Jon Arryn, but he does learn of the secret that Cersei’s children are not Robert’s. Petyr would have a strange friendship with the King, then bonding over their love of Lyanna. Petyr and Jon Arryn would have told Robert the truth about Cersei and the children, who would have flown into a rage, executing his wife, Jaime and banishing the kids to Essos. 
This would have set off a war and at the end of it, Robert would have been killed, placing Stannis on the throne. Renly would marry Margaery during the war to bring the Reach into the mix. The Lannisters would have all but been exterminated. Stannis would have given the Westernlands to maybeing the Westerlings or some other family to elevate them. Petyr would have also been named Lord of some castle during his efforts in bringing down the Lannisters, maybe some castle in the North since Petyr viewed the North as home (maybe Oldcastle/ Wolf’s Den if House Locke is destroyed by the Lannisters). Plus, since Stannis isn’t the biggest fan of Petyr, despite the friendship Petyr had with Robert, it would send him away from King’s Landing.
For Stannis’s coronation, all the lords come South, including Ned and his family. The Starks have remained pretty untouched by everything. Now, since Petyr and Ned know each other well and there is a trust there, it is not unthinkable that Ned and Petyr would come to an agreement in regards to Sansa. When Petyr and Sansa meet, she learns of Petyr’s contributions to aiding the throne and finds it rather gallant. Perhaps not in the knightly way she would have assumed but she admires him nonetheless. She begins to develop a crush and the two get along well. Catelyn, who doesn’t know Petyr overly well, only from what her husband has told her, puts the idea in Ned’s mind. 
After Stannis’s coronation, the Starks go North and a wedding is held at Winterfell between Petyr and Sansa. They head to Oldcastle and begin their lives together. They create the house Baelish which becomes recognized as a noble house even if it is new. They have a few children and aid in the long night when it comes. They bow to Daenerys when she crosses the narrow sea and over all, have a rather good life together. They may not have been in love when they married, but it does grow over time. 
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westerosenvogue · 5 years
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What a Lady of House Locke would wear
Dolce & Gabbana
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dwellordream · 4 years
LYSARA STARK, Queen in the North, the sole child of Robb Stark, King in the North, Lord of Winterfell, and his queen, Lady Donella, of House Bolton
Her mother, LADY DONELLA, of House Bolton, widow of King Robb Stark
Her stepfather, LORD HARRION, of House Karstark, Lord of the Karhold and Lord Protector of the North
Her aunt, QUEEN SANSA, queen consort of Harrold Arryn, King of the Vale
Her uncle, PRINCE BRAN
Her grandmother, LADY CATELYN, of House Tully, widow of Lord Eddard Stark
HARRION KARSTARK, Lord of the Karhold and Lord Protector of the North
His sister, LADY ALYS, of House Thenn
His goodbrother, LORD SIGORN, of House Thenn
His niece, JONELLE, daughter of Alys and Sigorn
MARIYA BOLTON, daughter of Roose Bolton and his lady wife, Lady Walda, of House Frey
Her mother, LADY WALDA, of House Frey, widow of Lord Roose Bolton
DARYN HORNWOOD, son of Lord Halys Hornwood, and his wife, Lady Donella, of House Manderly
His wife, LADY WYLLA, of House Manderly
His mother, LADY DONELLA, of House Manderly, widow of Lord Halys Hornwood
His ward, MARIYA, of House Bolton
Her mother, LADY WALDA, of House Frey
His squire, WALDER, of House Frey
MEERA REED, daughter of Lord Howland Reed, and his wife, Lady Jyanna, of House Fenn
Her daughter, JYANNA
WYNAFRYD MANDERLY, Lady of White Harbor, Shield of the Faith, Defender of the Dispossessed, Lady Marshal of the Mander
Her husband, LYALL, of House Flint, Warden of the White Knife 
Her twin sons, WENDEL and WYLAN
Her mother, LADY LEONA, of House Woolfield, widow of Ser Wylis Manderly
Her sister, LADY WYLLA, of House Hornwood, wife of Lord Daryn Hornwood
BARBREY DUSTIN, Lady of Barrowton, widow of Lord Willam Dustin
Her ward and heir, WYNNE, daughter of Lady Jocelyn Dustin and Lucas of House Harclay
LYESSA FLINT, Lady of Widow’s Watch
Her daughter, JONELLE, of House Flint
Her son, CREGAN, of House Flint
Her son, LYALL, of House Flint, husband of Lady Wynafryd of House Manderly
Her daughter, LYNARA, of House Flint
Her daughter, ALYSANE, of House Flint
BENNARD FLINT, Lord of Flint’s Finger, son of Beron Flint and his wife, Wynta
His wife, LADY MARNA, of House Flint
His son, BERON
His mother, WYNTA, of House Stout, widow of Beron Flint
His aunt, JOCELYN, of House Tallhart, widow of Willam Flint
His aunt, ALYS, of House Norrey, widow of Artos Flint
EDDARA TALLHART, Lady of Torrhen’s Square, daughter of Master Helman Tallhart, and his wife, Lady Brenna, of House Glover
Her mother, LADY BRENNA, of House Glover, widow of Master Helman Tallhart
Her aunt, RAYA, of House Norrey, widow of Leobald Tallhart
Her cousins, BRANDON and BEREN
Her goodsisters, SERRA, and MARISSA, of House Frey
MARK RYSWELL, Lord of Rills, son of Lord Roger Ryswell, and his wife, Lady Serra, of House Marsh
His mother, LADY SERRA, of House Marsh, 
His sister, BETHANY
His brother, ROBB
His aunt, MYRA, of House Locke, widow of Roger Ryswell
His cousin, BARBA, daughter of Roger Ryswell and Myra Locke
JONELLE CERWYN, Lady of Castle Cerwyn, daughter of Lord Medger Cerwyn and his wife, Lady Gilliane of House Hornwood
Her husband, MORGAN, of House Liddle
Her son, CLEY
GAWEN GLOVER, Master of Deepwood Motte, son of Robett Glover and his wife, Lady Sybelle, of House Locke
His sister, ERENA
His mother, LADY SYBELLE, of House Glover
CREGARD UMBER, Lord of Last Hearth, son of Lord Greatjon Umber and his wife, Lady Gilliane, of House Burley
His wife, LADY LYNARA, of House Flint
His son, JON, of House Umber
His brother, OSRIC
His sisters, BERENA and AREGELLE
ALARRA, Lady of Bear Island, daughter of Lady Alysane Mormont, Lady of Bear Island
Her brother, JONNEL
Her aunts, LYRA, JORELLE, and LYANNA
Her goodbrother, SER OLYVAR, of House Frey
WILLAM, Lord of Blackpool, son of Lord Robard Slate, and his wife, Lady Jenny, of House Flint
His mother, LADY JENNY, of House Flint
His sister, DELLA
His aunt, MARA
THEO, Lord of Wull, son of Lord Hugo Wull, and his wife, Lady Karla, of House Knott
His wife, LADY MARA, of House Slate
His sister, BRANDA
His brother, EDRICK
His brother, HARLON
His sister, RAYA
TORGA, Lady of Clan Flint, daughter of Lord Donnel Flint, and his wife, Lady Branda, of House Wull
Her mother, LADY BRANDA, of House Wull
Her uncle, ARTOS
Her aunt, LYARRA, of House Liddle
Her cousins, ALYS, BRANDON, and RODRIK
RICKARD, Lord of Oldcastle, son of Ser Donnel Locke, and his wife, Lady Alicent, of House Manderly
His mother, LADY ALICENT, of House Manderly, widow of Ser Donnel Locke
His sister, LYSA
JEYNE, daughter of Master Vayon Poole, and his wife, Gwynne, of House Wells
BETH, daughter of Ser Rodrik Cassel, and his wife, Anya, of House Burley
Val, Leader of the Free Folk
Her husband, TOREGG
Her daughter, DALLA
Her nephew, AEMON, son of Mance Rayder and Dalla
Her ward, SAMWELL, son of Gilly
His mother, GILLY
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fulminari · 4 years
the courts offer bread and salt to aydva mormont nee locke of house mormont. many say that the thirty year old ruling lady of bear island is known to be charming and decorous, though ill tongues whisper that she is exigent and unwavering. when her name is uttered , one is reminded of unflinching eyes hiding agony; constellations telling the story of the unavenged; dark red roses weighed down by glistening snow; hushed giggles echoing off lonely walls; secrets being whispered into the night, drowned by rain; spirited debates and an unapologetic gaze. may she be blessed and protected in this war of crowns. ( fc: ece cesmioglu )
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a new star came to life the night she was born. the former ruling lady of oldcastle, her mother olyria, birthed her under a night sky full of shining stars. and the moment she was introduced to the world, she did exactly was stars do and lit up her entire family's life. at only a few days old, aydva's father placed a delicate star-shaped pendant around her neck -- a pendant she would never take off, a pendant that would prove to be her source of strength in her later years.
born the first and only daughter to lord and lady locke, aydva was the jewel of her family. despite being under the constant eye of her parents, she was often left to roam free and do as she pleased. if the child wasn't running amuck and chasing her brothers with sticks as a declaration of war, then she was to be found outside drawing in the dirt or making little flower crowns to place upon her mother's head. they were a big but close family. they ate together, sang together, laughed, and played together. the locke's may not have been the richest, but they had each other. that was all they needed.
aydva was as creative and as boisterous as they come. the halls were filled with her laughter and voice until the death of her father shook her family to its core -- it was as unexpected as snow in the summer and as harsh as winter's winds. the only thing aydva remembers is being awoken by the sound of her own screams in the middle of the night. in the early morning, she comes to find that her father, the person she looked up to the most, was gone and her eldest brother was taking his place. since then, she's not been herself. the light in her eyes went dark and the smile on her face faded.
a wife’s duty is to stand by her husband. with her proudly by lord mormont's side, it's beyond clear that aydva respects and cares for him, but whether she loves him or not has always been a whispered question among gossiping folk. aydva pays no mind to the gossip surrounding her marriage and relationship with lord mormont as only they know the true nature of their relationship. their marriage has produced two children, a boy aged three and a girl aged one. her children are her utmost priority; the toddling boy is always close behind her and the baby girl always in her arms.
more will be added / updated but sol's brain is not working rn so here this is!!
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thetudorslovers · 5 years
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~House Blackhood of the Raventree ~
"House Blackwood of Raventree Hall is an old house from Raventree Hall in the riverlands, one of the main families sworn to House Tully of Riverrun. They once ruled the riverlands as kings during the Age of Heroes.They blazon their arms with a flock of ravens on scarlet surrounding a dead weirwood upon a black escutcheon. Their words have not yet been revealed by George R. R. Martin."
"Amongst the houses reduced from royals to vassals we can count the Flints of Breakstone Hill, the Slates of Blackpool, the Umbers of Last Hearth, the Lockes of Oldcastle, the Glovers of Deepwood Motte, the Fishers of the Stony Shore, the Ryders of the Rills...and mayhaps even the Blackwoods of Raventree, whose own family traditions insist they once ruled most of the wolfswood before being driven from their lands by the Kings of Winter (certain runic records support this claim, if Maester Barneby's translations can be trusted)."
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game-of-style · 5 years
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House Locke of Oldcastle, sworn to Winterfell - Zimmermann Fall 2019
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velcryons · 7 months
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Relations of House Velaryon: House Locke
Lord Ondrew Locke Once one of the most sought after strategists and warrior of the North, Ondrew has since retired to Oldcastle to live our the rest of his days, toothless and gray. Despite this, he's still bold and outspoken, being fiercely loyal to the Starks despite being in Bolton hands.
Ser Donnel Locke The youngest and only son to make it to adulthood of Lord Ondrew Locke. Quick witted and skilled with a sword, Ser Donnel is one of Robb Stark's sworn swords, slain along with the King at the Red Wedding. Before his death, he married Lady Laenaera Velaryon. Though it was a political match, it is said the two were happy either way.
Lady Sybelle Locke Wife of Robett Glover and Lady of Deepwood Motte. With the same sharp mind as her aged father, Lady Sybelle is a force to be reckoned with at the best of times. During the siege of Deepwood Motte by the Ironborn, Lady Sybelle and her children are taken captive. She is freed by Stannis Baratheon.
Robb Locke The only son of Donnel and his lady wife, Laenaera, before his murder at the Twins. Named for Robb Stark, Robb is a shy boy, preferring reading and other quiet activities instead of the usual antics of the other boys of Oldcastle. Robb never met his father before his death.
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feraylocke · 1 year
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♛ → THE NORTH presents FERAY LOCKE, the LADY of OLDCASTLE. when the dragons danced in the sky they thought the BLACKS who would still fly, but in the blink of an eye, they would all die. The TWENTY-FOUR year old FEMALE who was THOUGHTFUL & KIND before they saw the first of the flames, is now FRAIL & RESERVED after seeing the last. they’re now associated with the sound of cards being shuffled against a table, laughter echoing through the halls, reading by the light of the moon and the strong smell of poppy milk. ( özge yağız )
tw illness, tw addiction, tw death mention
in 119 ac, she was born as the fourth and last child, and first daughter, to lord and lady locke of oldcastle. she was born on a night of a full moon and was given the name 'feray' meaning the radiance of the moon. but in 129 ac, when she was only ten, feray became ill as all children do. there was nothing special about the illness, a sore throat and a slight fever. she recovered after a week in bed. however, just a few days after she felt well again, feray was struck down with a high fever and this time the illness was serious. she was in so much pain and discomfort that the maesters resorted to giving her milk of the poppy. unfortunately, her illness lasted far longer than anyone had expected, she was seriously ill for weeks and the maesters could not get rid of the fever, no matter how hard they tried to sweat it out. the only thing they did was help to keep her asleep by dripping poppy milk down her throat. after three weeks, she would stay awake for a few hours every day and slowly she began to recover. but she was afflicted for more than three moons. the maesters stopped giving her milk of the poppy after a moon had passed as she had begun to rely on it too much. however, she managed to plead with one of the maesters to secretly allow her small doses of poppy milk at night for the remainder of her illness. 
feray sees her life as before the illness and after the illness. she never recovered her full strength after her bout of rheumatic fever as it permanently weakened her heart. she will still get infrequent bouts of episodes with an irregular heartbeat which leaves her breathless and in pain. but despite everything she went through, feray kept her good spirits, still stubbornly trying to keep up with her older siblings. when her brother, okan, wanted to go for a ride, feray would try to follow even if she could never ride as fast or as well as him. when her brother, enver, left for his travels, feray would often plead to tag along and once she even hid among his luggage, but she was discovered a few hours later and sent back to oldcastle. but above all, she was her oldest brother's loyal shadow. when she was a child, it was rare to see bekarys go anywhere without the little girl running behind him, eagerly reaching to grab his hand.
in 132 ac, when she was thirteen, she was sent to white harbor as a ward of house manderly. bekarys had been a ward with the manderlys before he left for home to do his duty as heir of oldcastle. the moment amir manderly first spoke to her when they were still children, she fell in love with him and throughout the years that love has never diminished. in fact, it has only grown stronger. feray has never confessed her feelings to anyone. she believes herself lucky to even be considered a friend of amir. she believes in him above all else. she is convinced amir is destined for greatness, but she is also just as sure that his future is by the side of someone else, not her.    
her love for amir is not the only secret she keeps. unbeknownst to her family and the manderlys, feray still takes microdoses of poppy milk to sleep soundly at night. after the three moons of illness, she did eventually wean off poppy milk by going through great discomforts, but after her first serious attack of pain only two years after then she was given it again… and she never stopped taking it. even before she got sick, feray suffered from insomnia, but it has flared up ever since her illness and she is combatting it by taking a small dose of poppy milk each night. she is very aware that it is wrong and that she must keep it secret. but she is just as aware that she struggles to stop drinking poppy milk and that her doses have slowly been increasing over the years to get the same effect. she hates waking up with a cloudy mind as she always does. it takes her hours to fully shake off the effect of the poppy milk. every time she has tried to stop, she has been in agony and unable to sleep for days at a time. feray has been using her allowance sent to her by her father to procure milk of the poppy in secret. she has struck a deal with one of the suppliers down at the harbour. 
during the war in the north, she was at white harbor and helped the manderlys in any way she could. her brothers all died fighting in the war alongside house manderly's forces. this has left feray as the heir of oldcastle.
feray believes that the gods saved her life during her illness. her poppy dreams often consisted of, and still do, images and scenes that she believes to be connected to the gods. and as a consequence, her faith is a big part of her life. she finds comfort in devoting herself to the gods through prayers. she is of rhoynish blood and follows the old way. 
when people visited white harbor or oldcastle, the sound of feray's laughter echoing through the halls could be heard frequently - especially when she was in the company of amir manderly. while all laughter, even hers, has dimmed for now as they mourn what the war took from them, she is the one still trying to make people smile even if only for a brief moment. 
while she laughs easily and enjoys playing games, feray is more reserved of nature. she speaks freely among friends and family, as she feels comfortable with them, but she can be considered quiet by strangers... until they play a game against her, then no one finds her quiet. 
feray is genuinely afraid of thunderstorms. during the worst night of her illness, before the maesters resorted to poppy milk, a fierce thunderstorm illuminated the night with lightning and loud cracks of thunder. whenever a thunderstorm rolls in, she is reminded of the pain, the fear of death and the anguish of her family and maesters that night as she wreathed in pain and blabbered feverishly. now whenever feray hears thunder, she will run to her chambers and crawl beneath blankets to avoid seeing the flashes of lightning. while she is fully aware that it is a childish fear, it is one that is so deeply embedded in her that she has still not gotten rid of it.
while enjoying most games, she particularly excels at card games. feray enjoyed nothing more than to challenge and win against her siblings and the manderlys. she gets especially competitive with them and can be a bit of a sore loser. 
after she had recovered from her illness, the maester of oldcastle warned her that she might never be able to survive pregnancy due to her heart problems. while she was only a child when receiving the news, feray chose and has continued to choose not to share this with anyone. bekarys was the only one who knew apart from her, as their father was not present at the time and the maester passed away shortly after, and he swore to keep his sister’s secret. now that he is gone, only feray knows.
northern friends: these will be the friends she gravitates towards at feasts. while feray is close to her family and the manderlys, i would also like her to have a small group of friends outside them. they have likely been friends since they were children.
religious friends: people she has met through their faith. while feray has not travelled extensively, she has made trips to the septs when she has travelled for weddings and the like. they could have met there or maybe their families go way back.
competitors: someone that feray has met a few times and they always end up playing games against each other and it gets very intense. every time she sees this person, she's like "i want a rematch" and then the cards come out.
"the one who knows": for a reason that will be plotted out, this person has figured out feray's secret about her addiction to poppy milk. how they find out will probably be related to the white harbor in some way or it may be that a servant discovered her stash of poppy milk and reported to this person for some reason. this connection can go two ways. either this person will try to help feray overcome their addiction or they will threaten to reveal her secret, maybe there is some blackmail involved. ― taken by aleksander karstark.
healer: someone who is dabbling in healing in some sort of capacity. i am thinking more alternative healing. while feray has put her faith in the maester and the gods to help heal her, she would be intrigued by other ways of healing. she would keep this on the down low because she knows that it will not be well accepted by the faith. this can also be a fake healer and be more of a con where someone promises her that they can help her, but they are just out after gold or something else she can offer.
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disregardcanon · 5 years
noble houses of the north in alphabetical order, in the style of a maester at the citadel with the knowledge a maester at the citadel would likely have after adwd 
house bolton of the dreadfort
house words: our knives are sharp
sigil: a red flayed man on a pink background
notable members: the former red kings. roose bolton, the current lord of the dreadfort and warden of the north. his late son, domeric, and his living son, ramsay bolton, nee snow, married to arya stark. ramsay is currently styled as lord of hornwood and lord of winterfell. 
house cerwyn of castle cerwyn
house words: honed and ready
sigil: a black battle ax on silver
notable members: the current lady jonelle cerwyn
house dustin of barrow town
house words: unknown 
sigil two black crossed long axes with a crown above them on a yellow background
notable members: william dustin, slain at the tower of joy, and his widow barbrey ryswell dustin. house dustin is currently among the most loyal of the northern houses to the bolton overlords. the dustins claim descent from the first king and the barrow kings of old. 
house flint of the mountains with cadet branches in widow’s watch and flint’s fingers
house words: unknown
sigil: unknown
notable members: arya flint, mother of lyarra stark and grandmother to ned stark
house glover of deepwood motte
house words: unknown 
sigil: a silver fist on a red background
house hornwood of hornwood
house words: unknown 
sigil: a brown bull moose with antlers on an orange background
notable members: donella manderly hornwood, widow of the former lord of hornwood, forcibly married to and murdered by ramsay then snow. the man claimed the title of lord hornwood through the action. 
house karstark of karhold
house words: the sun of winter
sigil: a white sun on a black background
notable members: lord rickard karstark, executed by robb stark. harrion karstark, his heir, a hostage to the iron throne. alys karstark, his daughter, recently married to signor of the new house thenn. 
house locke of oldcastle
house words: unknown 
sigil: two golden keys on a purple and white background
notable members:  marna locke stark, mother of rickard stark and grandmother of ned stark.
house manderly of white harbor
house words: unknown 
sigil: a green and white merman with a trident on a blue-green background
notable members: the current lord wyman manderly, his second son wendel, slain at the red wedding, and his granddaughter wylla, vocally still loyal to the starks. 
house mormont of bear island
house words: here we stand
sigil: a black bear in a green wood 
notable members: current lady maege mormont, her eldest daughter dacey, guard of robb stark, slain with him at the red wedding. alysane, the current heir. lyanna mormont, who told stannis that house mormont would bend no knee unless it was to a stark. jeor mormont, former lord commander of the night’s watch. jorah mormont, exiled knight and formerly in the service of daenerys targaryen.
house reed of greywater watch
house words: unknown 
sigil: a green lizard lion on a green background 
notable members: the last marsh king’s daughter, who married king rickard stark and brought the neck into stark rule. the current lord, howland, who was present at both the tourney of harrenhal and the tower of joy, and his two children, meera and jojen, formerly staying at winterfell with prince bran, then held hostage at winterfell by prince theon, the two are currently missing and presumed dead. 
house ryswell of the rills
house words: unknown 
sigil: a black horse with a red mane on a tan background
notable members: the current lord, rodrick, his late daughter bethany, married to roose bolton and mother to domeric, and his younger daughter barbrey, current lady of barrowtown and widow of william dustin. the ryswells are one of the most loyal northern houses to the bolton overlords. 
house stark of winterfell 
house words: winter is coming
sigil: a grey direwolf on a white background
notable historic members: brandon the builder, a legendary figure from the age of heroes said to have built winterfell and sometimes both storm’s end and hightower. king rickard defeated the last marsh king and married his daughter, bringing the neck into stark rule. king theon, who made common cause with the boltons to prevent the north from slipping into andal rule. king brandon, who burned the northern fleet after his father (also brandon) was lost at sea. king torrhen, who knelt to the targaryen invaders and became the first warden of the north. 
current members: eddard stark, married to catelyn tully , executed by king joffrey baratheon 
their children
king robb, killed at the red wedding
princess sansa, married to tyrion lannister, missing and presumed dead
princess arya, married to ramsay bolton
prince bran, killed by theon greyjoy during the occupation of winterfell
prince rickon, killed by theon greyjoy during the occupation of winterfell 
jon snow, eddard’s natural son, lord commander of the night’s watch
the name stark is likely to be erased entirely from history, as the only remaining living member is a married woman. 
house tallhart of torrhen’s square
house words: proud and free
sigil: three green pine trees on a brown background
notable members: the current lady eddara tallhart
house umber of last hearth 
house words: unknown 
sigil: a giant with broken silver chains on a red background
notable members: jon “the greatjon” currently hostage at the twins, his son jon “the smalljon” slain at the red wedding, and jon umber, husband to serena stark. the two had no children. 
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alasdairlocke · 6 years
( sam heughan / 34 / cismale ) → there has been whispers around the keep that ALASDAIR LOCKE, the RULING LORD of OLDCASTLE has been spotted. everyone knows he can be very STUBBORN, but some may know that he can be HONEST & HUMOROUS he has pledged his allegiance to HOUSE LOCKE & HOUSE STARK, i wonder how long he’ll last in the capital ? 
lil queen trash mouth is back with another
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His father died a few months ago of illness, making Alasdair the ruling lord of Oldcastle. He is the oldest of four, with one younger brother and two younger sisters. His youngest sister Morwenna was his fave because they both had a good sense of humour and loved pulling pranks and getting into trouble.
But when Alasdair found out that Morwenna was having a secret affair with one of the stablehands, he became worried. The stablehand had caused problems a few times before, and Alasdair found something about him that he didn’t like. The discovery of the affair was the final straw, and Alasdair insisted that Morwenna end the relationship. Being the rebellious type, she refused and although he hated himself for it, Alasdair informed their father of the affair. Alasdair pleaded with his father to simply dismiss the stablehand from his post in order to spare Morwenna’s feelings and keep the scandal of the affair hidden. They dismissed him for stealing, and his father quickly made arrangements for a betrothal for Morwenna, to keep something similar happening again.
Since that day, Alasdair has regretted letting that man live. He noticed Morwenna sneaking out one night and followed her only to discover that she was meeting with her former lover. He remained hidden and listened in on the conversation, where Morwenna told the man that she could not elope with him, but had to go through with her betrothal for her family’s sake. Believing that if he could not have her, then no one could, Alasdair saw the glint of metal produced from under the cloak of his sister’s former lover, but was unable to leap from his hiding place to Morwenna’s defence in time. She was stabbed, and her former lover disappeared into the forest while Alasdair was distracted trying to care for his sister. She died in his arms. He swore that night that he would have his revenge for his sister’s death, and his search for her murderer continues even now, years later.
He has been so consumed by his need for revenge that he put other responsibilities aside until his father’s death. When he became ruling lord, his other sister decided the time had come to slap some sense into her brother, and she demanded he let go of his desire for revenge and start taking things seriously. Even though he is ruling lord, she is very good at ordering him around and he often listens to her advice.
Some personality notes!
Even though he is still motivated by revenge, Alasdair is still a softie at heart.
He knows how to be intimidating, but he is also the kind of guy to nurse a baby bird back to health. He is very sweet and gentle, but few people know about that vulnerable side because he’s good at keeping up the brash persona.
He has a good sense of humour, which he uses to disguise the pain and guilt he feels over his sister’s death.
Even though he’s trying to be more responsible, he still can’t resist mischief and having a good time, and has been known to stumble home drunk only for his sister to throw a bucket of cold water over his head.
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titanialocke-blog · 6 years
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( sarah bolger / 27 / cisfemale ) → there has been whispers around the keep that TITANIA LOCKE, the LADY of OLDCASTLE has been spotted. everyone knows she can be very ILL-TEMPERED, but some may know that she can be MATERNAL & RESPONSIBLE she has pledged her allegiance to HOUSE LOCKE & HOUSE STARK, i wonder how long she’ll last in the capital ? (sab, 17, est)
hello everyone i am so so so excited to be here with my baby titania. true story i just came back from ren fair and felt the immense need to play her so here i am in all my only on season 2 of got glory. 
titania has always been bigger than she’s supposed to be, she’s never quite gotten the hang of the whole “demure lady” thing
try as she might she’s incredibly ill-tempered (she’s kind of famous for it tbh) she bites like a snake
she spent most of her life taking second place to her brothers, something she never quite learned how to deal with 
despite that somehow she was always in her father’s war rooms and strategy meetings and now finds her doing the same with her brother
she’s smart as a whip and has a knack for just pissing people off tbh, she’s bad at holding her tongue
very serious, makes jokes once in a blue moon 
she has three kids nikolai (9), rosamunde (6), and emmeline (3)
the mom friend all the way
loyal to death to her family, her house and her ruler. she would never betray them. she’s big like death over dishonor. 
hates being kept out of things and will force her way in
could probably kick someone’s ass in a duel
lowkey insecure but she’ll never tell anyone that
mom of the year 
when will she relax probably never
just bottles up all her feelings it’s not healthy
“feelings what feelings”
can and will rain hell on you if something doesn’t go the way she wants
judgy mcjudgerson
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