#House of Drăculești
draculestigame · 4 months
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I have given the letters; I threw them through the bars of my window with a gold piece, and made what signs I could to have them posted. The man who took them pressed them to his heart and bowed, and then put them in his cap. I could do no more.
Unable to function outside in daylight, the vampiric residents of Castle Dracula rely on human help: their most reliable human helper is one Nicoleta Popescu.
Years of service to the House Drăculești have numbed Nico to the suffering around her, but there might still be some feeling down in that cold heart. Could she be an ally? Or is she too far gone?
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thewritersplace · 7 months
Writeblr Intro
Hello, all!
My name is Kendra, and this is my writeblr introduction. It's a bit simple stylistically, but that's how I am. Now, onto the intro!
I'm currently twenty-seven, use she/her pronouns, and am an asexual, demiromantic, biromantic cisgender woman (may as well cover all the bases, right?). I was born and raised in Northern California, spent my undergraduate years in Oregon, and then returned to NorCal, where I still reside.
I have an MA in History, a BA in Religious Studies, and a double minor in History and Psychology.
I've been on this website for over a decade (via my main blog), and have been writing in general for almost fifteen years. I started out with original works, then discovered fanfiction, and worked solely on that for over a decade, before slowly venturing back into original works again. Nowadays, I write both concurrently, though I admittedly do still find fanfiction easier, and my original works often take a backseat to my fics. Yet, somehow, I've ended up with a (current) total of six WIPs — all of which I will introduce you to today.
It's been a long time since I've shared my original works with such a large audience, so I have some natural apprehension, but ultimately I'm looking forward to doing it again.
Now, without further ado, I present my WIPs!
The Road To Eternity Is Paved With Blood (drafting)
Dracula's Daughter (outlining) (prequel/sequel to Road To Eternity)
The Wrath Of The Vampire Queen (outlining + drafting)
For The Love Of A Goddess (outlining)
The Other Side Of Paradise (outlining)
Red Thread Of Fate: Love In The Modern World (outlining + drafting)
The Road To Eternity Is Paved With Blood is a Dracula retelling of sorts that was inspired largely by Hellsing, with other snippets of inspiration taken from Bram Stoker's Dracula (1992) and Dracula Untold (2014). The story begins in the 1880s, and extends at the very least to the early 1900s. It follows the life and times of Rose Rowan, a beautiful noblewoman, and her relationship with her husband, Vlad Draculea (former Voivode of Wallachia, and member of the House of Drăculești), as they navigate eternity and a life of vampirism together. Her twin brother, Judas, is also featured prominently — as are his experiences with vampirism, which contrasts some with his sister's. Of course, as with every good Gothic novel, there is darkness to be found within this tale. Abraham Van Helsing and his ilk have made it their mission to bring about the end of Vlad Draculea, and anyone connected to him. The challenge in this quest, however, lies in said connections that Vlad has — namely Rose, who will stop at nothing to protect him from the infamous vampire hunter. She will have her fairytale ending, even if it has to be achieved through darker means. For while the road to hell may be paved with good intentions, the road to eternity is paved with blood.
Dracula's Daughter is a sequel/prequel to the above story, and focuses on Beáta, the daughter of Vlad from one of his late wives. She is also a vampire, and has been living for centuries, though largely on her own. She has lived many lives, and is a worldly young woman, though at the beginning of our story she has come home to Wallachia to see her father again after his most recent remarriage, and to meet his new wife. While she ultimately becomes fond of her new step-mother, she also has to contend with the sinister plotting of some of her father's immortal brides — namely The Queen — who would like nothing more than to rid Vlad of his new wife. Thinking herself as perhaps the only one who can bring peace and stability to the family, Beáta wrestles with who she should side with, or if she should side with anyone at all. There is more to her new step-mother than meets the eye, however, and Beáta soon finds that perhaps she is not as alone in this fight as she thought. In fact, for the first time in centuries, she has someone on her side who will fight with sharp claws and bloodied teeth to make sure such a conflict will never come to pass again.
The Wrath Of The Vampire Queen is a story somewhat inspired by Dracula Untold (2014), as well as the life and times of Vlad the Impaler. The tale begins in the mid-1400s, where Vlad Draculea and his wife, Senka Slavkov (born Deirdre Delacroix) are navigating the wars and politics of his reign. It then extends well into several of the following centuries, where Senka is still searching for her husband centuries after his disappearance (which occurs some years after his historically recorded death). Her brother, Didier Delacroix (who adopted the name 'Renatus' upon arriving in Wallachia), a dhampir, accompanies her in her search, as they are the only family each has left, and his connections with the Church and various religious organizations consistently prove vital to their search. Senka believes she knows exactly who took her husband — Hungarian and Turkish enemies from his mortal life, now vampires themselves. Didier, however, is not so certain, as some things don't add up. Still, they both believe that Vlad is out there somewhere, and will continue their search until they find him — be it alive or truly dead. If it is the latter, then there will be no saving his former captors from the wrath of Senka Slavkov, the vicious and vindictive Vampire Queen.
For The Love Of A Goddess is a story set in the present day, and follows two young women — Megara and Zarina — as they navigate their lives as best they can. These two women are the best of friends, and share in many things — including being chosen by two goddesses to be their mortal partners in this iteration of their immortal lives. Megara, a historian and religious studies scholar, caught the eye of Athena, who admired her intellect just as much as her beauty. Zarina, a librarian with a previous background in psychology, attracts the attention of Aphrodite, who finds her beauty to be dazzling, and the depth of her kindness and compassion to be a rare thing in such an egocentric world. While very happy with their respective partners, Megara and Zarina find that being with immortals comes with a variety of challenges — and not just the more obvious ones. Athena and Aphrodite are just two of an endless list of deities who are trying to survive in a growing atheist world, and if they lose this fight, they may very well disappear for good. Not wanting such a thing to occur, all four women come together to try and create a plan to prevent this disappearance from happening — though they face difficulties in the form of other various deities not wanting to band together to save each other from extinction. After all, immortals are just as egocentric as the mortals they so often think of themselves as better than, and much more difficult to persuade. Thus, the four women must not only enact a plan to prevent the extinction of various deities, but also contend with the fact that they may be the only ones in this fight. With time very much not on their side, this group of mortals and immortals must figure out a way to ensure that they do not lose this existential battle, and keep the existence of so many deities alive.
The Other Side Of Paradise is a retelling of Genesis in some ways, with the focus being on Lilith and Eve, rather than Adam and Eve. It begins in the Garden of Eden, with Eve pondering the idea of a world outside of the garden, and curiosity about her husband's alleged first wife, who had fled Eden long before Eve's creation. Eventually, Eve dared to venture to the edge of the garden, and it was there she saw Lilith. The two spoke over the wall, and met every day thereafter, eventually becoming friends. Lilith tried to get Eve to leave both Eden and Adam, but Eve was just the slightest bit apprehensive. Eventually, after tasting the forbidden fruit from the tree, Eve was expelled from the garden, and Lilith was there to greet her upon her exit. Eve, who was excited by the prospect of seeing the world, happily took Lilith's offered arm, and went off with her. The two spent many eons together, though not always in the same physical forms, as souls eventually begin to outlast bodies. In the present day, their souls have come to reside in the bodies of two young women who have never met, but are destined to find each other — as that is what souls do.
Red Thread Of Fate: Love In The Modern World is a story about two young women, Shu Nazhi and Zhou Xue Li, who live in similar yet vastly different worlds. Shu Nazhi is a businesswoman who runs her family's company with the help of her older brother, Hou Zhu Zhi, and younger sister, Shu Nuan. Zhou Xue Li is a model, actress, and singer, who is down on her luck when it comes to love. The two are introduced by a mutual friend (Nazhi's foster sister of sorts, and Xue Li's close friend) under the guise of Nazhi being Xue Li's new bodyguard, and become close over the course of Nazhi's assignment. After Nazhi finds herself falling for Xue Li, she turns in her letter of resignation, and then promptly asks Xue Li out upon the latter's acceptance of said letter. Xue Li, already secretly head-over-heels in love, happily accepts, and the two spend the day doing various activities throughout the city. The relationship, blissful as it is, also comes with the complications of things like paparazzi, work commitments, as well as their differing personalities and lifestyles. As the two women navigate these challenges, they begin to wonder about what it would have been like to love each other in a different time, and if they ever did — for they know that the red thread of fate works in mysterious ways, and that some souls are always destined to find each other.
(Disclaimer: Zhou Xue Li was created by/belongs to @bwaldorf, who was kind enough to allow me to use her in my story)
Tagging @bwaldorf, @veneritia, @helioselene,
@moariin, @socialmediasocrates, @lasbrumas
(Please ask to be added or removed from the taglist)
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coffeewithcutcaffeine · 9 months
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— Blood on your hands, they say. As though it stops there; at your wrist, like a glove. As though you could do this, and there could be any part of you that wasn’t stained or dripping.
𝗯𝗮𝘀𝗶𝗰 𝗶𝗻𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗺𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻
date of birth: November 8, 1431
place of birth: Sighișoara, Transylvania
family affiliation: the House of Drăculești (the House of Basarab)
father: Vlad Dracul
mother: Doamna Vasilisa of Moldavia (the House of Mușat)
Mircea Drăculea (brother)
Alexandra (sister)
Radu Drăculea (brother)
Mircea (half-brother)
Vlad Călugărul (half-brother)
mistress: Cătălina, daughter of Costea
Ilona Hunyadi (m. 1462-1472)
Jusztina Szilágyi de Horogszeg (m. 1475)
Mircea (* 1455)
Mihnea (* 1460)
Vlad (* 1464)
𝗽𝗵𝘆𝘀𝗶𝗰𝗮𝗹 𝗮𝗽𝗽𝗲𝗮𝗿𝗮𝗻𝗰𝗲
height: shorter (the shortest of the three Drăculești brothers)
body type: muscular, stocky
complexion: slightly fair in winter, becomes tanned and darker in summer; tans very easily and quickly in the sun and his skin freckles lightly
hair: black and curly, worn long in adulthood (the exact length tends to vary depending on practicality)
eyes: oval, large, moss green; framed by dark eyelashes and thicker eyebrows
features: aquiline nose, full lips, high cheekbones, occasionally slightly hollow cheeks, black moustache worn in adulthood, strong and prominent square-shaped jawline, wide and calloused hands, noticeable scars on several body parts (the largest scars on back)
positive traits: courageous, direct, ambitious, independent, passionate, determined, protective, focused, loyal
negative traits: secretive, stubborn, vindictive, controlling, distrustful, aggressive, dominating, resentful
strengths: strategic intelligence, efficient management, determination and tenacity, willingness to take bold actions, ability to maintain control and command respect, strong sense of justice and loyalty, fierce dedication, resourcefulness, resilience
weaknesses: lack of moral ambiguity, diplomatic talents, manipulation
likes: family time, nature, horse riding, hunting, manual craft (blacksmithing and tailoring), good food, effectiveness
dislikes: treachery and betrayal, idleness, weakness, disorder, indecisiveness, cowardice, disrespect, condescending behaviour
intellect: training in leadership, military tactics, rhetorics, philosophy, and governance, exposure to Ottoman culture, military practices, and education, education in Christian doctrine and the principles of chivalry (the dual exposure to both Christian and Islamic influences provided him with a broad and diverse perspective on the world), fluency in multiple languages (Romanian, Hungarian, German — basics, Latin, Greek — basics, Old Church Slavonic — written form, Turkish, Arabic — basics)
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vxmpirehunterd · 9 months
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The Pilgrimage of the Sacred and Profane; Jujutsu Kaisen Verse
"What a terrible night to have a curse. And I've been this way since birth."
D is a descendant of an ancient cursed bloodline spawning from Vladislav Dracul the Third, infamously known as Vlad Tepes (AKA Vlad the Impaler) in human life; And would later be reborn and known throughout the world as Dracula...the first vampire!
It was rumored that the House of Drăculești (Vlad's and D's family line) dabbled in dark magics through the Order of the Dragon and during his reign, Vladislav participated in the order. At the end of his reign and war with the Ottomans, Vlad cursed himself and God before dying while drinking the blood of fallen enemies on the battlefield. This act of sacrilege would turn his body and soul into something beyond a cursed spirit. Even in Death, he would live again!
Fast forward to London England in 1893-1897, Dracula encounters Mina Harker, the woman who would go on to birth D. The first hybrid child--an unholy spawn of human and vampire (curse). Though Dracula would seemingly be defeated by Van Helsing and Quincy Harker, the vampire king made sure his curse would live on through his son--as he infected Mina with his blood while she was pregnant during those events involving Dracula.
In Present-day D is a powerful century-old sorcerer, Neither human nor cursed spirit. An anomaly to all those who meet him. He is classified as a special-grade entity of cataclysmic proportions--a would-be threat to all humanity by his sheer existence. Much like his father who he learns is still ALIVE. But worry not, D does not share the same machinations of his tyrannical father, for he is here to put a stop to his reign permanently. And he will cut through as many cursed spirits in his way to get to him to see his mission through.
D's curse(d condition) grants him all the powers of a vampire from myth and legend. This ranges from immortality, eternal youth, Supernatural strength/ durability/ agility/ speed/ senses /aura and condition, regeneration, blood manipulation, darkness manipulation, mimicry, channeling the dead, Reality and Time Altering, Self-resurrection, Precognition (access to the Akashic records), telepathy, and telekinesis.
One of D's innate techniques is called Unholy Blood. Spawning from the damned bloodline of Dracula, D can infect and turn any living entity into a creature of the night like himself through a blood-sharing ritual via biting his target. His cursed ability acts like an infection and can override a person's will, making them thralls he can control like puppets. There are levels to his thrall ability from making them mindless puppets (ghouls) to full-fledged vampires like himself under his power.
He can manipulate their memories, thoughts, and actions through his blood, forcing them to do his bidding. Even control the very blood inside of each and every thrall. His thralls will have absolute devotion to him and him alone.
But the most terrifying part of his ability is that by consuming blood, whether human or curse (Or drinking his own blood) his power will grow. The stronger the entity D drinks from, the more power he gains. Another application of his Unholy Blood ability is that he can use his blood as a weapon much like the Kamo clan through the creation of weapons and force fields using blood as an intermediary. But due to D's supernatural condition, D can manipulate anything his blood touches and use his blood as a deadly poison. More disturbing applications of unholy blood is that D can ignite his blood, causing his target to burst into flame should they touch it. Or even detonate his blood like a bomb.
The second innate technique is called Endless Darkness. This ability allows the dhampir to control the very dark itself. From very shadow to the expanse of the night sky itself. Applications of this ability can range from combat to stealth, to surveillance. He can turn his entire body into living darkness itself and even possess the shadows of others. Making shadow puppets of his enemies.
However, D isn't entirely invincible, for there are weaknesses that come from the vampiric curse. Sensitivity to the sunlight is one such weakness--too much exposure to the sun will cause the hybrid to become afflicted with a heat syndrome (also known as sunstroke). During his episodes, D will experience nausea, dizziness, and eventual paralysis until he passes out. To combat the illness he needs to bury himself in the ground in a dark area to recover and regain his strength.
Another weakness is bloodlust. Going long periods without feasting on blood can make D succumb to his darker impulses and become feral. Entering into a berserker-like state changing from Dhampir to a full-fledged vampire and attacking ally and foe in his proximity.
A more peculiar note about the hybrid is that he has a sentient symbiotic cursed parasite on his left hand that can absorb cursed energy, spirits, and even entire Domains. The parasite can also aid him in self-healing and resurrection.
D's Domain Expansion: Coming soon
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autumnmobile12 · 2 years
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This is an interesting and really vague line, and it’s unfortunate Zamfir’s arc is probably the most rushed subplot in the series.  (I mean, I didn’t really care for what Sumi and Taka had going on, but at least they got a brief flashback explaining their motives.)
So let’s dive into the historical context here:
Since it’s founding in 1310, Wallachia was ruled by the House of Basarab, a family that some historians believe may have migrated from Asia.  Wallachia’s first ruler on record was Basarab the Great.
After the death of Mircea the Old in 1418, a direct descendant of Basarab the Great, the ruling family split into two factions:  Mircea’s descendants through his sons known as the Drăculești and the descendants of his brother, Dan I, known as the Dănești.  This split would become the defining feature of Wallachian politics for this time period.  During the last years of Mircea’s reign, he named his only legitimate son Mihail as co-ruler to ease the transition of power after his death.  Within three years of ruling on his own though, Mihail was overpowered by the Ottoman Empire and the boyar lords under him defected to his cousin Dan II and Wallachia broke into a civil war.  Mihail was killed in the spring of 1420, after which several of his illegitimate half-brothers took up the Drăculești line’s bid for power, fighting the each other as much as Dănești faction.  It’s like Game of Thrones but even more chaos and the bastards are 100% valid players in the eyes of the law and society.
Castlevania takes place in 1476, so in between this year and the year of Mihail I’s death, rule of Wallachia (the Voivodate) would change hands 24 times and see a total of 10 separate rulers, only one of whom would die of natural causes.  (In comparison, England’s throne saw three different occupants in the same amount of time.  Although, one of those three was a usurper and one died under mysterious circumstances of the ‘probably murder’ variety.) So Sypha coming out and guessing that Zamfir is the last of the nobles is thought-provoking in that the royal court was already a hostile place even without Dracula bearing down on the capital.
Zamfir’s psychosis may have deeper roots than what happened when Dracula attacked, and I really want to explore that further.  ‘Last person of noble birth’ can have a few meanings.  The Wallachian nobility were the boyar lords, whose power and influence was dependent on wealth and/or land.  At court, there was the princely council who advised (or schemed against) the ruling prince, and there were also a few court positions that weren’t part of the council.  More to the point, Wallachia’s society behaved the same way as most European nations did at the time: ‘You have no power for you are but a woman.’
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As for the mummified corpses in the Underground Court, in the interest of loose historical accuracy, the dead prince could only be Vlad III Dracula of House Drăculești.  In November of 1476, Vlad III usurped the throne from Basarab III, who had held it since 1474 after killing his predecessor Radu III (Vlad III’s younger brother, actually.)  In December of that year, Basarab III returned to Wallachia and took back the throne, killing Vlad III in the process.  Basarab III would live another four years.  In addition, the capital of Wallachia was moved from Târgovişte to Bucharest this same year.  So intentional or not on the creators’ part, the show roughly matches up with the historical timeline.  There’s also the fact that it’s not entirely clear exactly how Vlad III died and there is some speculation by historians that Bram Stoker’s Dracula and the historical Dracula only share the same name and the latter was not the actual inspiration for the former.
It’s a bit of a stretch to say Vlad III Dracula and the vampire Vlad Dracula Ţepeş were intended to be two separate people in the series, so I won’t go out there and make that claim.  The mummified royals are probably just nameless artifacts for the plot and we are definitely in speculation, headcanon, string and thumbtacks territory now.
Still, the ‘last person of noble birth’ line does have me wondering what Zamfir’s connection to the court is aside from ‘leader of the Târgovişte resistance.’  Daughter of a courtier, daughter of a council lord, or daughter of the ruling prince himself?
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daeva-agas · 2 years
Theres an ikeman Vlad?
Well, I don't think he's specifically meant to be Vlad Dracula/the Impaler because it's all vampire fantasy woo woo that doesn't really sound like anything I've read in history, but his name is "Vlad from House Drăculești" (and the English translation has him speaking Romanian occasionally)
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He just looks like Ikesen Nobunaga with white hair and that makes me laugh forever
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ordinary-wonder · 2 years
Bran Castle
No visit to Transylvania is complete without a quick stop at Bran Castle, the reputed home of Vlad III, Prince of Wallachia, a member of the House of Drăculești, also known, using his patronymic, as (Vlad) Drăculea or (Vlad) Dracula and posthumously dubbed Vlad the Impaler. Regarding his nickname, Wikipedia has this to offer: As the cognomen ‘The Impaler’ suggests, his practice of impaling his…
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thesiat · 2 years
I think the really important thing that writing Thesiat has really made me pay attention to about Vlad III of House Drăculești is that he was a defensive warlord/king, and that is very different than a conquering one. I think we are so used to colonialism and empire mindset that it's hard to remember not all rulers had it.
As a non-Romanian it's also critical to remember that he is a hero to Romania and considered one of the most important rulers Romania has ever had. He was a real person with a real life.
I include him in my story not just because of the outside-of-Romania connection to him as a vampire, but also because once I started studying him (as much as I could), I was... not surprised, because that would imply I hadn't thought of him as a real person before, and I did; but I was excited in the way I always am when I get a clearer picture of a historical person's humanity. It quickly became clear that he was, actually, genuinely the best person to be the king of the vampires, like that was such a natural and organic choice, not really having anything to do with Stoker's work at all.
I'm actually very pleased that I (almost) wholly ignored Stoker's work and my 'Our Friend Mister Drăculești' is based almost entirely on the idea of 'What if the historical person had become a vampire'.
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heliotrope-journey · 3 years
Warmth in a Cold Heart
Good evening, vampire hunters.
The fourth and final prototype episode, The Heir of Drăculești, is now available for download on itch.io for Windows users. Professor Onionhead has enlisted Treyton and co. to accompany her on a crucial trip to a region in present-day New England that had been struck by an eternal winter. She uncovered much from her research on the origins of Vlad the Impaler’s illustrious power, including the possibility that an ancient khopesh containing magic not dissimilar to the Dark Lord is being kept inside a citadel located at her destination. Regrettably, the Veiled Nocturne’s interim leader is also interested in claiming this weapon and offer it to his father on the off chance he is brought back from the dead. What’s more; if he manages to capture Treyton, he’ll kill two birds in one stone. There is no time for the boy to waste for he will need all the strength and support he can get if he hopes to survive long enough to wield the khopesh. Or just maybe listen as his friends discover the truth concerning his ailment. This installment will not be for the pusillanimous so if you can stomach reading about how Treyton and his brother ended up where they are now, this is the storyline you won’t want to miss. (As usual, viewer discretion is advised.)
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The development of this installment has been a wild ride because much of my time late last year and this year was dedicated to self-care and will continue to be while I focus on alternative modes for the previous episodes and building the engine for the upcoming Heliotrope Chronicles. From the bottom of my heart, I deeply appreciate everyone on the team who pitched in to help in any way they can and bore with me on days where I was too drained to make any progress, including Cronix (who I found great comfort in confiding about our personal lives and letting me compensate him for his time when I couldn’t immediately afford it.), KawaiiPixelArts (who I found common ground with when our relatives passed away and provided emotional support when she needed it.), Chubbo (who was often more than ready to dive right in to the drawing board when I needed an asset finished at short notice and his commissions are offered at cheap prices.), The.Pixel.Junky (who shared a laugh with me over an error I made on PayPal before we turned it into an opportunity to design his take on Krasue. 😂), Sidiyq Qadim (who I check on every morning, is a soothing shoulder to cry on, and never lets me down when there’s work to be done.), Siegfried Croes (who took the time to design his take on Mihnea cel Rau before his plate piled up.), and more importantly, Jay, whose not necessarily part of the team, but I am eternally grateful for how he ran out every inner demon Allgloss has plagued me with from my psyche (He’s not called a scary boy for nothing. ;) ). The Heliotrope Journey team has become a tight-knit group over the course of the pandemic and our respective troubles brought us closer together. The development and storyline behind the fourth prototype is, in a way, a reflection of the way I see the world in its current state. Reality is inescapable for me, but my passion for video games and my desire to tell stories coupled with creating fantasy worlds gives me reason to make the best of it. Even if you haven’t contributed to the project, reading just one blog post, viewing just one video on my channel, or downloading just one stock photo from my UnSplash portfolio, is enough to get me through every day. Thank you for doing just that and pretty soon, I’ll return the favor. ^_^
With health and happiness,
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vladpostings · 4 years
Vlad and (some of) his family
Vlad Dracula
Mircea the Elder (grandfather)
Vlad Dracul (father)
Stephen the Great (cousin)
Michael the Brave (great-great-great-nephew)
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thewritersplace · 8 months
WTW Relationships Week | Love Interest
Vlad Draculea | Former Voivode of Wallachia | Member of the House of Drăculești
She was twenty when she laid eyes on him. Her father’s family had thrown a ball in honor of her visit, and it was an open invitation. She met with nobles from England, France, Ireland, and Scotland, as her family had ties to all of them, but none impressed her. She’d resigned herself to simply observing the party when an exceedingly tall and distinctly foreign-looking man approached her. He was pale, with beautiful blue eyes and long black hair, wearing a black suit and red cravat, with a red overcoat. His voice was deep and smooth, and his accent was thick. When he spoke to her, his tone was soft and he was humble, as if he knew he was undeserving of her presence. He got down on one knee and bowed, then asked her if he might have the honor of a dance. She had smiled and told him to rise, then offered her hand, granting his request. He took it and brought it to his lips, before leading her to the center of the room. They danced for the rest of the night, talking between breaks in the music and song changes. 
They married after a month of courting. Her family was delighted and relieved, though he was not who they imagined for a son-in-law. She was happy, happier than she had ever been, and it showed. He was devoted and worshipped her like she was a queen, or a goddess. They spent their newlywed years in his castle in Romania, but visited her family in Paris with frequency. They were exceedingly happy, and even though the castle was far too big for two people, it felt like home. 
He told her the truth a month into their marriage. She had always suspected, always known something was different about him, but to hear it said aloud was something else entirely. 
“So, you are a vampire.” she said, standing next to her boudoir, looking at him as he sat on the edge of their bed. 
“Yes, I am.” Vlad affirmed, then bowed his head, avoiding her gaze. “I am sorry I did not tell you before, and that if it were not for the guilt, I would never have told you.” he admitted. 
Rose tapped her fingers on the furniture’s surface, then shrugged. “So what?” 
“I beg your pardon?” Vlad raised his head, looking at her in bewilderment. 
“So what if you are a vampire? Why should that matter?”
“I… I feed on the blood of humans to survive. I am a creature of the night, an abomination of nature. A product of a deal with the Devil.” 
Rose shrugged again, arms now folded. “So what?” she asked again, walking towards him. “So what if you drink the blood of humans? So what if you are a creature of the night? So what if you are an abomination of nature? So what if you are a product of a deal with the Devil?” 
Vlad blinked at her. “You…. You do not care?” 
“Of course I don't care.” Rose replied, now only a few inches away from him. She took his hands and offered a small smile. “You're my husband, and I love you.” she leaned down and kissed his cheek, thumbs stroking the tops of his hands. “Besides, do you really think I would've married you without even considering the possibility that you weren't quite normal?” 
“You knew? All this time, you knew?” 
“I had my suspicions. And there were… incidents, shall we say.” 
Vlad winced. He knew what she was talking about. “I am sorry for those. I never meant for you to see.”
“Don’t be. The world's not going to end if I don't wear silver.” Rose assured. She studied his face for a moment, trying to see if there was something in his features, a telltale sign of vampirism, that she had missed all the others times she'd looked at him. “Vlad, let me see your eyes.” 
“You are seeing them.”
Rose rolled her own at that remark. “Let me see your real eyes. I know they have not been naturally blue for a long time.” She took a seat sideways in his lap and wrapped her arms around his neck, waiting patiently to see if he would oblige. 
Vlad closed his eyes and inhaled deeply, then squared his shoulders and exhaled slowly. When he opened his eyes, they were a startling shade of red. “There.” 
Rose stared at the color in awe, a delighted grin on her lips. “How beautiful.” she murmured, her hands moving to cup his face. Thumbs brushed the top of his upper lip, and she laughed softly when his tongue flicked out and licked the digit. 
“Beautiful?” Vlad repeated, withdrawing his tongue. “I stand before you, a monster, a creature of the night, and yet…” 
“And yet I want to be like you.” Rose smiled, lowering her hands to his shoulders. “Will you change me?”
“Absolutely not.” Vlad straightened up, bristling at the mere thought. 
“Aw, why not?” Rose pouted, looking a bit like a child who had been told they couldn't have the toy or treat they wanted. 
“Because it's a curse, Rose.” Vlad sighed, rubbing her back. 
Rose ran her fingers through his long hair, affection in her eyes as she gazed at him. “My love, you are worth any curse. You are worth any sin. You are worth a ‘deal with the Devil’. You are worth it all.” she smiled, pausing the movement of her hand. “You are my life, Vlad, and I will follow you anywhere.” 
“Even into the deepest, darkest pits of Hell? To the end of the Earth? Into battle?” Vlad asked, his hand cupping her neck. 
“Yes.” Rose answered, placing her hand over the one he had on her neck. “You can pose as many scenarios as you like, but my answer will always be the same.” 
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coffeewithcutcaffeine · 9 months
5, 10, 17, 31 for both Vlad and Trystan dear Lin! <33
My most beloved Mads! Thank you for sending these my way. It means the absolute world to me! 🥰️❤️️
5. What sort of succession system is it? Agnatic? Primogeniture? Gender-biased?
In Vlad's 15th-century Wallachia, the succession system is not fixed but rather functions as a loosely structured polity. Future voivodes are chosen from any male members of the royal family who are not disfigured or maimed noticeably. This type of succession is defined as os de domn (of voivode marrow), which means that any man from the royal family (brother, nephew, son, etc.), regardless of being born as a legitimate son or not, has the right to become the ruler of the land. At the same time, the voivode does not need to consider the order in which possible successors are born but instead chooses his heir based on skills and capabilities, hence why it is not uncommon for the heir to first become the associate ruler which allows the voivode to prepare his successor and teach him the craft of politics. This type of succession is, to a certain extent, favourable as it eliminates the stigma associated with illegitimate children because, regardless of whether they are born out of wedlock or not, all male members of the family are treated equally and have the same opportunities. However, it also creates an unstable political environment characterised by frequent violent power struggles among family members.
In Trystan's 21st-century Drakovia, the succession system is primogeniture, meaning that the firstborn legitimate child inherits the throne. Unlike in the past, this system is no longer biased based on gender, allowing daughters of the kings to also become rulers (this option was implemented through the Drakovian Pragmatic Sanction which allowed Queen Catalina to rule during the last two decades of the 1800s). This type of succession ensures the stability of the country, with the heir being prepared for their future role from childhood. However, it does discriminate against the illegitimate children of the king, which is why Juliana Georgescu eventually proposes the draft of the Drakovian Act for Heir Equity.
10. Is the dynasty old? Or new? How does this affect how they operate?
Vlad belongs to the House of Drăculești, which traces its origins back to Vlad’s father, Vlad II Dracul (Dragon). While the family is part of the House of Basarab, the Basarabs eventually split into two separate lines, with the other line being the House of Dănești. These two lines have been in constant competition for the throne since the late 14th century. The Basarabs are a ruling family of Cuman origin, and they established Wallachia as a state in the early 14th century under the leadership of Basarab I (hence the name of the royal house). At the time of Vlad’s first rule in 1448, the country (and the royal house) is still relatively young, being only 138 years old. The relative youth of the House of Basarab itself does not cause problems in the functioning of the state. However, the split of the royal house into two lines certainly contributes to the instability in the region.
Trystan belongs to the House of Tornović which first began to rule Drakovia in the 18th century. Prior to Drakovia becoming a Socialist republic in the 1940s, the royal family was renowned for being enlightened rulers who promoted education and art. However, due to the volatile and turbulent political landscape of the Balkans, the Tornovićs often had to govern with an iron fist, making them rather authoritarian, almost despotic. After the fall of the Communist regime, the descendants of the House of Tornović return from exile to a country that becomes instantly engulfed in a bloody civil war that ultimately leads to the restoration of the kingdom at a high cost. However, due to the volatile nature of regional politics and the transformation of Drakovian society, the country merely undergoes a different kind of dictatorship under the rule of King Maksim, Trystan’s father.
17. Does your OC dislike living in the public eye? Or do they believe it's part of the job?
Growing up in the family of the Great Pretender and later moving to the Royal Court in Târgovişte, Vlad is accustomed to being in the public eye. He sees it as a small price to pay for being a Drăculea, and it is an aspect of his life that he does not have a personal preference for but rather sees as a constant presence. He can manage it as long as he can find a way to maintain some privacy for his family and for an environment where he can simply be a regular person for a while. However, when he becomes a prisoner at the Hungarian court, he strongly dislikes being constantly observed by the public, primarily due to the constant humiliation that comes with it. He begins to prefer the solace of privacy, being surrounded only by family or using it for quiet contemplation.
Trystan not only enjoys living in the public eye, he thrives in it. Whether he is publicly praised as an enigmatic heir to the throne or closely followed as a scandalous rebel in exile, he relishes the attention at all times. His perspective on public life does not solely derive from being born into the most closely observed family in the kingdom, it also arises from his personality and his somewhat eccentric soul. However, this perspective shifts with age as he develops a greater appreciation for tranquil environments and a desire for privacy.
31. Your OC has been the target of some bad press. What do they do to straighten out the story?
It is a historical fact that Vlad's reputation has been tarnished by a series of pamphlets aimed at ruining his image, so much so that this negative perception of him persists to this day. During his imprisonment by Hungarian King Matthias Corvinus, Vlad had no opportunity to correct the narrative or defend himself against the slanderous accusations and, as a result, his bad reputation has continued to follow him without anyone giving him the chance to make his voice be heard. After his release and his third time becoming the voivode, Vlad is too disillusioned and bitter to even think about actively addressing his tarnished reputation. He only cares about being understood by his family and closest associates.
Trystan firmly believes in the motto that “any press is good press”, so he isn’t easily offended by negative publicity. He is accustomed to appearing on magazine covers due to his supposedly scandalous behaviour and enjoys being seen as a provocative rebel. However, if the bad press includes something too sensitive, he would go to great lengths to restore his reputation. For instance, there is a lingering cloud of suspicion surrounding his involvement in Juliana Georgescu’s death, and the desire to uncover the truth (and potentially clear his name) continues to haunt him for years. Eventually, we know that the Detective helps him uncover what truly happened on that fateful night.
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thenightling · 4 years
The weird thing about Castlevania using Țepeș as a surname is it’s really just Romanian for “impaler.”   Dracula (Drakulya or other archiac spellings) is the actual chosen surname.  Dracula (Vlad the III of Wallchia) was of the House Bassarab but he changed his surname in honor of his father and his membership to The Order of The Dragon, making himself head of the house Drăculești (House of Dracula).   
Dracula was the last name.  Țepeș was a title given posthumously.  I know.  I know Castlevania is FAR from historically accurate but I keep looking at Lisa and thinking to myself “She’s calling herself Doctor Impaler” and no one is questioning it...
I’d trust Doctor Dragon (it didn’t really mean devil yet.  It came from the Latin Draco / Draco = Dracul) before Doctor “Shove something pointy up your ass.”  
I love Castlevania.  This is my only petty complaint about its Dracula.
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thecount-dracula · 4 years
What are you up to, Vlad of house Drăculești...
You should know, Ihrin Antanasia Daciana Munteanu.
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count-v-dracula · 4 years
Tumblr media
†††  𝙳𝚛𝚊𝚐𝚘𝚗 𝙰𝚄 ††† 𝚃𝚒𝚖𝚎: 𝟷𝟻𝚝𝚑 𝚌𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚞𝚛𝚢 (𝚖𝚊𝚒𝚗𝚕𝚢, 𝚋𝚞𝚝 𝚌𝚊𝚗 𝚋𝚎 𝚖𝚊𝚗𝚒𝚙𝚞𝚕𝚊𝚝𝚎𝚍 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚘𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛 𝚝𝚒𝚖𝚎𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚎𝚜)
Select male members belonging to the House of Drăculești are the first in centuries to possess the capability to take the shape of an ancient, winged wyrm--a dragon. The last ones to be able to take flight in the shape of a dragon were the ancient Dacians that the first Dracul, Vladislaus’s father descended from. One of those belonging to the Drăculești clan is Vladislaus Dracul--the son of the Dragon. Shapeshifters, especially those that could morph into a terrifying creature that breathed fire, lived in secrecy. However, the Roman Catholic Church sought to employ the fantastical nature of this family of shapeshifters in crushing all other empires that opposed their influence and presence.
Thus, the Order of the Dragon was born, and all legitimate-born males officially adopted the surname of Dracul and its variants/derivates. However, non-legitimate-born males may possess the shapeshifting ability. Their shapeshifting is channeled/harnessed by a ring bearing the insignia of a dragon with unfurled wings that all capable of shifting wear.
Notable Powers/Abilities of the dragon shapeshifters in dragon form:
Breath of Fire
Armored scales/flesh
Decelerated aging
Mystical Blood
Elemental Manipulation
Magic Adaptation
***Any threads/asks/headcanons/drabbles/and perhaps some images/relevant material within this verse will be tagged as→ v; son of the dragon (au) ***
WIP (updated 11/23/2020)
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blood-and-cigars · 6 years
My knowledge of the book Dracula is a little fuzzy. I also can’t remember much of Vlad the impaler (I’m really tired?) but as a human Dracula had a kid??? I think. So when Alucard was human did he have a kid that either died as a result of wars or maybe he has a descendant out there somewhere. Idk. Like I said I’m very tired and wanted to toss my ridiculous thoughts into the world.
Yeah Vlad III had three sons and…possibly a daughter but records are iffy on it. Either way the House Drăculești absolutely carried on, though descendants are a bit more difficult to track down after the mid 1600s— with a cursory wikipedia trawl anyway. So it’s not a ridiculous idea at all!
There was a son (his name was lost to time) who was killed while still fairly young, even so he managed to outlive his father by a good decade. But given that in Hellsingverse Alucard obviously did not die, and we see plenty of medieval Ottomans and Wallachians among his familiars, he must’ve stuck around for a while even after his own so called death. Must be a very odd experience though.
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