palaceofpassion · 11 months
The life of a House Husband
"Uhm... are you sure that I'm needed for this sir?" Jaune Arc was many things, he was a young awkward man, he was also the only boy in a household of eight women. Something that had a rather grand affect on his life, from cooking to cleaning, he could do every household task with ease. Something that had come akin to his mother wanting everyone to chip in.
And of course, being under the thumbs of his sisters. Whether it was through brute force, or being unable to say no. So... when he received a call from Headmaster Ozpin, of Beacon Academy, that he had a job for him, he was a little shocked.
"Yes, Glynda has informed me that you're quite skilled at helping others."
His cheeks felt flushed as he stared at the elderly man. "I mean, my semblance is good at helping bring out positive emotions but... I wouldn't really say I'm good at helping others." That was a lie, and he sort of wondered what his Auntie Glynda had told him. Glynda being his late father's sister of course.
"Mmhmm, she has spoken quite highly of you."
Now he was just embarrassed, "Oh. Well, that's honors." She was very brutal about the truth, even to family. "But I don't see why that means anything here."
"Well you see." Ozpin put a photo on his desk, ushering Jaune to pick it up. To which he did of course, the image had four young women. Ordered from tallest to shortest. Though he did note that three of them were quite short when compared to the tall redhead, who appeared to rival even him in height. "These four young women are some of our, if not the most promising huntresses this year... except."
"Except what sir?" He was a little confused, a bit embarrassed, if they were important and famous, he should know them... but he was kind of just a country bumpkin.
"Except that they would be unable to take care of themselves if left to their own devices. " Ozpin seemed frustrated by the statement, grabbing a cup of coffee to take a deep sip before continuing, "You see Mr. Arc. These four are the hope of Beacon, and while I would love for them to succeed, they have... problems. Ms. Cruz." He pointed at one of the shorter girls... actually THE shortest. With soft green hair, and dazzling emerald eyes. "She has unfortunately had... issues with the loss of her past team, so it's hard for her to open up to others, and she lacks self confidence in herself. And while the most calculating mind on her team, and their leader... it's doubtful whether she'll be able to communicate with the other three." He next pointed at the next shortest girl, with snow white hair, and frosty blue eyes, "Ms. Schnee is... strong willed, to say the least. She's grown in an environment that was about being used or to use others. As such, she'll be abrasive to the others, she also has very little experience with chores or taking care of herself, or so her mother has informed me."
Next was the maroon haired woman, with a stoutly figure, and pretty grey eyes, "This is May Zedong. She's similar to Ms. Cruz, but whereas Ms. Cruz has fears of being around others. May chooses not to involve herself, she's also had a hard time. Apparently she's had issues with both male and female students in the past. And likes to keep to herself. She's also quite soft spoken."
"And finally, this." He pointed out the dazzling red haired woman, with shining green eyes. "Is Pyrrha Nikos, she is, the strongest member of their team. However, she lacks the will to lead. She would rather not ruffle any feathers, and takes on an overtly polite persona when around other people. She's also quite famous, so it's not strange for people to come to her with ulterior motives. She's not quick to let people in, especially when she feels they'll be coming for her name. Unfortunately Ms. Schnee has already seemed to get on her bad side, and whether they'll work together at this point is impossible to tell."
There was obvious frustration in his voice, "Unfortunately, while each are all incredibly skilled huntresses, they haven't put much time, nor want, into self care. And that's where you come in." "So... you want me to be a nanny?" "Something to that effect, though you'll also be providing them with a shoulder to stand on." He wanted to say something, but as the most normal sibling, amongst a cavalcade of spectacular and amazing sisters. He sort of knew his position, and knew where people with talent tended to lie. Their single minded pursuit on improvement and being the bet. Especially if they have mental or emotional hang ups... he hated to admit it. But his semblance would definitely help. But more than that, as he listened to their stories, he wanted to help. "Okay." He would do what he could to help ease their lives, and besides... while he never wanted to be a huntsman. It would be interesting to see what kind of lives they lived.
While eyeing the image, he started to try to work things out. He didn't know their backstories, but one was afraid that she would see others die, or that she would be the cause. One is afraid of letting others in, because she's lived in a harsh environment, one is unable to communicate her feelings with others, used to being ignored... or something happened between her and a past team. And one has learned to close her heart, an actress if you will... He took a deep breath and sighed, "Okay, I suppose I should go meet them." "Mmhmm, they've already been informed of your... inclusion." He nodded, hopefully things wouldn't be too bad. But as he held the photo, he couldn't help but worry.
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palaceofpassion · 5 months
Household Arc
Is there a betting pool for who will ask Juane out first?
Personally, my money is on Jessica.
"Ask me out?" He was confused, there was no way that any of them would. It wasn't as if they were close enough yet, and they were only a few weeks in.
What people didn't realize, was that Jaune couldn't detect romantic interest. Why? Because he had seven sisters! From dealing with guys and gals that wanted to get close to him to get close to them. To the stories they told! He'd kind of lost his romantic tracker!
Besides, it's not like a certain green eyed latina could ever be interested in him. It's not like she would stare at his butt whenever he bent over to clean for her team.
It's not like she would peak behind her studies and gaze at him cooking... she didn't enjoy the sweat on his brow from a hot kitchen. Nope, not at all.
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palaceofpassion · 11 months
So Jaune is a good cook. Any of the girls try to join/ help him prepare a meal yet?
"Pyrrha tried..."
"I'm sorry!"
He smirked at her response from the other room. "Weiss either thinks it's beneath her... or she can't cook at all."
"It's the second." Chimed in Jess, who was finally feeling a bit braver. "Here, by the way." The young lantern shifted the potatoes over to him.
"Thank ya."
"Here." The other voice came from his other side, this time from May, who had chopped a few carrots for the stew.
"AS you can see, only Jess and May help. But they don't normally cook."
Jessica of course intruded. "I like your cooking."
"A...agreed." And May conceded with her.
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palaceofpassion · 11 months
So, in householdarc, how does Jessica the leader react to this tall, cute blonde guy starting to live with them? What does she says to the rest of her team when they ask her about it?
"I'm not telling them anything." She took a few deep breaths. "May and Pyrrha are nice... but I just... I can't talk to them. Pyrrha is good at... being a star, and May is just as much of a wreck as I am."
She pauses and growls, "I wish either Pyrrha or WEiss could have been leader... I don't even like Weiss, but she would have been better." She grumbled a little, feeling the weight of the pressure on her shoulders. She couldn't do this, she couldn't deal with people, why was she made leader?
"Cause you're the most level headed."
She blinked, tilting her head up to see Jaune. Her eyes opened wide, "IOh! You... you didn't hear that right?" She didn't... need someone else thinking she was weird.
"I uhm, I did, sorry."
"Another screw up, I can't even keep a secret from you." She took a moment, "What do you mean level headed? Pyrrha is super level headed! she's also really strong, and then there is WEiss, whose really pushy but she says she knows what she's doing!"
Jaune shrugged, "I uhm, I don't know much about that stuff, but as someone with seven sisters, you kind have to know how to corral things, and well... I think Pyrrha would let Weiss tell her what to do all the time." He didn't have a good read on them, but Pyrrha seemed content with going with the flow... he wasn't sure why. And he didn't want to bother her with that.
"And you... you're the only one who opposes Weiss... she's kind of pushy?" He diidn't want to sound rude, and he was sure had this been another life, and had she flirted with him. He would have TOTALLY been hooked on her, she was gorgeous after all, they all were. "I know it's scary... though I don't know how you feel, I can't, I'm not you. But... but you've been doing a good job. And I know you're trying." He wasn't really good at this, but he'd seen Jess actively try to get along with WEiss, even though they didn't like onea nother. He'd seen her try to accommodate the others, despite how scared she appeared in a crowd. When he saw her on stage, she was a wreck, when he saw her talking with others, she tried to stay quiet, but seemed anxious.
It was different than Pyrrha who was trying to simply smile. Or May who shriveled away. "I think you got this, and well, I know my word isn't worth much. But I believe in you." She looked at him, and then smiled... this felt, "Thanks Jaune." Nice. SHe hadn't had an actual conversation with someone.
"I know things are scary, but you are a team and... well I'm here if you need to talk. I'm a good listener!"
When he put his arms up as a triumphant praise, she giggled. "I like that." So yeah, maybe she could have a friend.
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palaceofpassion · 10 months
For the HouseHold Arc Au, does Jaune do all the laundry or only a bit of it?
"I do all of it. The girls weren't... happy with that at first. But I asked if they knew how, and only Jessica seemed to raise her hand." He shrugged, "Weiss was particularly upset of course, as she be."
"First of all!" The snowy heiress quickly interrupted. "I was... uncomfortable with you handling them!"
"That's fair honestly." He nodded, he of course had to ask if she was okay with it.
"And... I didn't know how to do it... my butlers always did."
He went along, "Right, you mentioned that the first time. Like I said, it's clothing, that needs to be cleaned. Seven sisters, one ma. Had to learn, and I'm kinda... well..." He shrugged, "Jaded to them?" Tilting his head to the side.
"I noticed... it was peculiar. I was lead to believe that boys would often run off with young women's undergarments in panty raids." He blinked, "Weiss, I think that's an old thing, and I'm not Neptune or anything like that."
She took a deep breath, recalling the young man that had attempted to steal her heart... it had been good, till she realized how much of a womanizer he was. "Point taken."
He smiled, "And, you've said it yourself that-"
"Yes! Okay, yes, the clothes ARE rather soft and fluffy and... really comfortable." She muttered the next part, "Especially our sleep wear."
He smiled, nodding at the approval.
Though he didn't notice the pair of eyes that seemed to frown at the comment he made about being jaded towards underwear.
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palaceofpassion · 10 months
Household Arc. Have any of the girls tried to invite Jaune out to have fun? Take a break and just relax?
"I have." It was Jessica that spoke up. "I'm not... great when around people, but I thought that maybe he'd want to get out. He agreed... but it felt like he was just doing it to placate me. Though, he did seem to have fun, and well... I had a lot of fun."
"Hey Jess?" She heard a voice call out from behind her. Her attention turning to the blonde.
"Hey Jaune." She responded, smiling as she gazed up at him with emerald eyes.
"I just, wanted to thank you... for you know, the other day." He seemed oddly awkward about this. But she was pleased regardless.
"You're welcome. And if you want to go out again, we can. You know, as friends."
"Friends?" There was a moment that seemed almost shocking to him. "I... well my mom did always say, Friends are strangers you haven't met yet... though I wasn't sure how good that advice was... but." He paused, "Yeah, that sounds good... I think, I really needed that break. I was feeling a bit worn out."
"Good. Now then, you should get some rest, we have a long day tomorrow."
And then that's it, right? That smile... that dumb smile. He flashed her a brilliant grin and she felt her heart skip a beat... 'Oh no...'
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palaceofpassion · 10 months
Between Pyrrha, Weiss, May and Jessica, who has the bigger butt to you? Boobs goes to May.
"What?" Jaune didn't want to answer that, "That feels, rude to ask." Despite that he found his attention falling to a specific member, though he wasn't the only one. Everyone found their eyes falling on Jess, who was blushing up a storm.
"Weiss is almost as big!" She blurted in self defense, though that didn't really direct the attention away from her.
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palaceofpassion · 11 months
I'm guessing Glynda's not very keen on the idea of someone like Jaune being the head of Jess's team household
"On the contrary, I was the one that suggested him." Glynda smacked her crop against her hand. "I'm aware of my Nephew's abilities to take care of others. While he isn't... ready to be a huntsman. Nor has he wished for it so far, he has great capabilities at caretaking, as well as a vast amount of empathy. For a team that'll require that much special attention, I doubt there are many others." She did let out a sigh, "He's also a bit desensitized when it comes to women. Seeing how many he grew up with. So I hope none of them fall for him, otherwise it'll be a difficult road ahead."
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palaceofpassion · 11 months
Among the 4 girls, which one most likes to receive affection from Jaune or when he says he's proud of them?
"All of them... I kind of realized that's why Aunt Glynda wanted me here." He thought about the girls, how they each had their own insecurities. "And... I'm starting to see that it wasn't really the cleaning they needed. They just... needed to know it was alright to be themselves."
He had learned, that Jess was afraid to lead, she was afraid of other people. Pyrrha was... she was strong, but she was lonely. She was isolated because of her greatness. Weiss was cold, but she was raised to be so. She didn't know what affection was. And May... May disliked herself. She disliked who she was, and held a great fear of bothering others.
"So I try to affirm all of them if I can help it. And I don't think that picking one over the others helps. But, that's all I can do, they have to be the ones to pick each other up."
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palaceofpassion · 11 months
Does Jaune still wear his bunny onesie in the household au or nah?
"Yep." He popped his p. "I used to be ashamed of it, but well, it's a gift from my sisters, and it's comfy. Besides, when it gets cold, and oh boy does Vale get cold. It's nice to have something warm."
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palaceofpassion · 11 months
Has May opened up to Jaune yet?
"I don't..." She shook her head, "I don't think that's a good idea." May had... a problem when it came to other people. She also had a fear of getting close to others. She was what one called a wallflower, preferring to be by herself. Where Jess had a fear of others, she more or less feared their perception of her. She didn't think she was a good person, nor did she have any confidence. When she tried starting a conversation she would lock up.
"Hey May." SHe noted Jaune already, unlike the others she wasn't caught off guard.
But the weird thing was, that he noticed her. She normally blended into backgrounds, not even her team talked to her much. They either ignored her, or weren't around. Or maybe it was just her own self defense mechanism.
"Are you alright?"
He asked her before she could say anything. "I... am." She was hesitant to answer his question.
"Alright." He didn't seem to make her answer anything else. INstead he smiled, "If you ever need anything, please feel free to ask me, alright? Or your team, especially your team." She rose her brow, "I'm... I'm fine by myself."
It seemed as if he wanted to say something, but didn't. Instead he simply sat a distance away from her. "What are you doing?" SHe asked him, confused by his sudden decision.
"Well, I thought you could use some company. I promise I won't be saying much." Jaune was used to this, he had a sister that often felt left out. She WAS the middle child, so it wasn't hard to imagine why.
And he could see that May, unlike Jessica, wanted to be be part of the group. But she seemed shunned, or ignored... or... ashe looked at her eye, bullied. Something he could understand.
The quiet girl simply looked at him, and looked away. Her cheeks flushed. SHe wasn't used to attention, that wasn't her thing... but it didn't feel bad.
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palaceofpassion · 11 months
So in house hold arc does Jaune live in the same dorm or does he have his own room that just a door connecting them
Jaune looked at the girls nervously. It had been only about a day since they'd been introduced. And while they all seemed nice, Weiss was constantly glaring at him. She believed he was going to do something, untoward, to them. Though he didnt' exactly know what that meant, at least till Pyrrha had explained it.
"Uhm, no. Well, I have a side room. It's smaller in general, but that's fine, I'm used to cramp spaces."
"You said you had six sisters, right?" Pyrrha had been the one to broach the topic this time.
"Seven." He quickly corrected.
"How." Weiss didn't really ask that, as much as she stated it.
The other girls all shared a similar shocked reaction.
"I have... no idea." He wasn't sure how his parents had the time to do it so much but ya know. "Anyways yeah, side room, small. It's nice."
And... it meant that he could get to know them slowly. Pyrrha was the only one who would talk to him. Weiss was suspicious of him, but admitted he did good work. Jessica was an anxious wreck, but... he felt she wanted to branch out. And May, who was just as shy, tended to keep to herself. But he'd note her passing glances every now and then.
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palaceofpassion · 11 months
Househusband AU. How do other teams at Beacon react to the unusual situation Jaune and the girls have found themselves in? Also does Jaune interact with other people at Beacon or is he too busy with the househusband stuff?
"No one cares... except for like team CRDL?" He seemed to tilt his head, "They tried to raise a stink about it, something about harems." There was a rather twisted look on Jaune's face at the term. "Either way, no not really. I'm not a student, and I honestly don't get much free time. It's good experience, and I get paid a decent amount. But uh... friends isn't something I've ever been good at."
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palaceofpassion · 11 months
How's Pyrrha feel about Jaune?
This happened a little after the Jessica thing. Pyrrha was a bit hesitant around Jaune, he knew her name and all. So she doubted he didn't know who she was. But... then something weird happened.
"Okay, yes, thank you. I'll be there soon." Pyrrha was not having a good day. She had yet to eat that day and though she wasn't sure how she felt about him, she could easily say that Jaune's cooking was delicious. It reminded her of home... and yet she had to skip on that! She was assigned a new appointment and she just... "Why can't I say no?"
"It's not that hard right?"
"Ah!" She nearly jumped out of her skin as Jaune, holding a bowl of something, seemed to materialize behind her. "Oh! Uhm, I'm sorry I didn't see you there."
She noted the way he looked at her, quirking his brow as if she had said something strange. "Pyrrha, you don't need to apologize, I'm the one who snuck up on you... and I"m sorry I overheard your conversation. But... you don'tt have to say yes. You know that, right?"
She shook her head, "No... I just... I have to make this deal, my manager wants me to do these things, and I just can't say no because-"
"Manager? Is that a normal thing for huntresses?"
She blinked a few times as she looked at him. "No?" That was an odd question, surely he should know she would have one since she was a young star.
"Then why do you have one?" She tried to read him, to see if he was acting this way to get on her good side... but then, nothing. This wasn't the same situation with Weiss, where she opted to try to use her... he just, didn't know who she was.
"Jaune... do you mind me asking. But when we met, you knew my name."
"Yeah, Ozpin gave me a brief introduction, so I knew all your names."
Her mouth opened and closed like a floundering fish. "So... you didn't know me before that?"
"Nope. Only thing I knew, was that you were cool in those videos he showed, and that you're really prett..." He paused, his face flushing.
Her eyes widened.
":Forget I said that please."
There was a brief pause before she suddenly started to lose it. For the first time in a while she had a good laugh.
"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to say that outloud!"
"No no! It's alright, thank you. It's very kind of you... so you really didn't know me?"
He paused, shook his head, "Nope."
She took a moment... "What's for dinner?"
"OH! Well, I figured you were feeling homesick, and the other girls are out for the day, so I decided to make some Mistrali soup, I got the recipe from my sis Saph in ARgus and well, I figured you'd like it?"
She paused again, then smiled. "You know... I would... let me make a call, I think I can skip a promotion or two."
"Sure! Wait, what promotion?"
Now she couldn't help but laugh again. Maybe Jaune wasn't so bad.
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palaceofpassion · 11 months
So, what are Jaune’s daily tasks as the Household Arc? Getting food? Managing the girls’ schedules? Remind them to eat healthy and get plenty of sleep?
"Let me see, I go shopping for them, I get a bit extra of my own salary for that." He was marking things off, "I handle cleaning the room, they're usually too busy training." He continues marking off his fingers, "Meal preperations are important, making sure they get rest. And at least with Jessica recently, I've been an ear she can rely on."
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palaceofpassion · 10 months
House Husband AU Question. So now we know Jess and May can cook to a point. What about Weiss and Pyrrha? Any skills other than weapon maintenance are they a good at?
"Nope." Weiss was quick to admit, "I had different chef's for different foods."
"I uhm, I can not." Pyrrha admitted, "I didn't really have time to learn, and I mostly eat nutritional meals prepared for me."
It wasn't a bad thing that they couldn't cook. The life of a huntress was tedious, and hardly anyone had time for that when they were so busy.
Though, Pyrrha would continue, "I uh... I like modelling..."
"Of course Pyrrha, as do I, but we all know that."
Pyrrha doubted Weiss understood what kind of modelling she meant. "Right."
She eyed her bag from the distance, a glimmer of plastic and paints hidden and tucked away.
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