#WEiss Schnee
yellownicky · 3 days
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Suit Button - Short comic ✨💕
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juanarc-thethird · 24 hours
Let's get a job!
Weiss: What are we going to do if we don't have money to buy dust and ammo? We can't do missions.
Jaune: We can get a job.
Weiss: Who would hire us? We only know how to fight.
Jaune: Don't worry, I've got the Arc charm on my side.
Weiss: *Rolls her eyes* Yeah, sure. I want to see you try get a job with that.
Later that day...
Employer: Sorry, but your resume is empty.
Jaune: I want you to be the one who writes the first lines of our story~
Jaune: *Happy* I got the job!
Weiss: *confuse* What?
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howlingday · 2 days
Bluby: (Sitting quietly)
Jaune: (Reading next to her)
Bleiss: (Watching from a distance) Argh! Why's he not shoving his dick down her throat?!
Weiss: Because he'd only do that if you asked him to.
Bleiss: Okay, then why hasn't she asked him to?!
Ruby: Because she doesn't want anyone to.
Bleiss: What?! Okay, then I'll do it my-
Ruby/Weiss: NO!
Bluby: ...I'm sorry.
Jaune: Hm? For what?
Bluby: I'm boring you, aren't I? That's why you're reading.
Jaune: Huh? No, I'm reading because I thought you wanted to be left alone.
Bluby: I didn't say that.
Jaune: Well, no, but I asked if you wanted to do anything and you said, "No."
Bluby: Oh...
Jaune: Do you... want to talk now?
Bluby: About what?
Jaune: Anything. The weather. The news. What you like, or don't like.
Bluby: Even... Even cartoons?
Jaune: Sure! We can talk about cartoons! What's your favorite cartoon?
Bluby: Well...
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arc-misadventures · 2 days
Warning: Absolute Smutty Filth.
You have been warned.
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Absolute degeneracy.
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theredheadedace · 3 days
Au Where Ruby fell with Jaune in the Everafter
Blake link
????: Stay away from them (crashes into the jabberwalker on Juniper)
Weiss: Is that the Rusted Knight?
Blake: it could be the Withered Rose. Also changed like everyone else
Yang: So I guess the Rusted Knight changed into a little girl
Blake: or she could be the Withered Rose
????: Rusted Knight? Withered Rose? Oh, that’s what they call my parents (takes off helmet to reveal her blonde hair and silver eyes) they call me the little huntress, though my real name is Pyrrha Arc-Rose.
PAR: What
Weiss: Ruby got the Rusted Knight and Jaune got the Withered Rose. Lucky.
Yang: for who?
Weiss: both
Blake: I need to delete some fanfiction
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fillmargarin · 19 hours
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Weiss has a sdc bussiness trip 😔
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wuyi1551 · 16 hours
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rwbygotcha4gaza · 2 days
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Please read all information on the poster and Google Form carefully!!!
Our Donation Drives can be found on our Carrd: https://rwbygotcha4gaza.carrd.co/#donate
eSIMS for Gaza - use discount code NOMADCNG: https://gazaesims.com/
Life for Gaza: https://gaza-city.ensany.com/campaign/6737
Hashem Jadallah’s Family: https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-my-family-to-evacuate-from-rafah?lang=en_US&utm_campaign=fp_sharesheet&utm_medium=customer&utm_source=copy_link
Sirdah Pharmacy *NEW LINK*: https://www.gofundme.com/f/rebuild-sirdah-pharamcy
Camps Breakerz Crew: https://www.gofundme.com/f/reward-our-children?lang=en_US&utm_campaign=fp_sharesheet&utm_medium=customer&utm_source=copy_link
@mcuthoraction @merlin-gotcha4gaza @gtgotcha4gaza @femslashaction @arcanefans4gaza @goodomensaction @orv-gotcha-for-gaza @911actionforgaza @cdrama-action @haikyuuaction @yuri-on-ice-action @danmei-action @hkvthm-action @xiyaogotcha4gaza @ofmdaction @marvelgotchaforgaza @beefleafaction @hellaverse4gaza @baiheaction @twstaction @cookierungotcha4gaza @given4gaza @juniors-action
Thank you @bardock1991 for allowing us to use your art of Ruby holding the Palestine flag and make it into a poster!!!
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rwac96 · 3 days
The first time Bluby called Jaune her Pleasure Baby in front of the others. How did that go? Does she tell the others the truth?
Bluby: *hugs Jaune* "Hi, Pleasure Baby!"
*Teams RWBY & _NPR stare in shock and awe*
Jaune: *laughs nervously* "Bluby...heheheheh, n-nice to see you too."
Weiss: "No! NOOO!!!"
Ruby: *pales* "Gods, what did Bleiss teach her?"
Blake: *cringe* "And the cuteness has died."
Yang: "Welp, my new sister just got corrupted."
Nora: "Awww, she's Jaune-Jaune's cu--."
Ren: "Nora. No! Just...no."
Pyrrha: *visibly unamused* "Oh, y-you must be Bluby." *internally* 'Gods, above! Not another one!'
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neonleon22 · 2 days
The Gang’s All Here!
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space-dream thing team rwby!! not sure what to do with these designs but ill think of something
guess which one was a pain in my rear to remember/draw :D
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falleri-salvatore · 2 days
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Same target, same energy.
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palaceofpassion · 3 days
Here have a piece I'm decently proud of.
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superiorsturgeon · 2 days
Schnarkos: The Meet-Cute
Jaune/Pyrrha: *walking through park while holding hands* 🥰
Weiss: *runs up to Pyrrha* Can I pet your dog?! 😍
Jaune: 😶 ??? 🦮
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howlingday · 2 days
Ren: JAUNE, LOOK OUT! The fandom is gonna turn you into a harem protagonist again!
Sun: OH FUCK! He has headphones on, he can't hear us!
Jaune Arc hummed to the music playing in his ears, writing down names to try out for battle plans. Walking up behind him, Weiss sat down and looked over his shoulder. On the other side, Ruby sat down and watched him, too. From above, in the tree, Blake and Yang watched his pencil dance across the page, sometimes in short skirt, other times in long strides.
As Jaune continued his work, more and more girls drew near, with some men also joining in the buzz. Jaune didn't hear any of it. He was too busy listening to some calming music using his earbuds connected to his scroll. It helped him relax, helped him think. However, it also dulled his senses, blinding him to the 100-plus individuals who were surrounding him.
As Ren and Sun watched with bated breath, only one question hung in the air to be answered.
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howi99 · 2 days
I wonder what i should call the team of the 3 blondsketers + Weiss. JWWW (Jewelry) JWSY (Juicy) JWWN (Jaune) or something else.
Yang: So, let me get this straight; you entered Beacon without any real training, using false transcripts forged by Roman motherfucking Torchwick and you survived initiation with ice queen as your partner?
Jaune: That's uh... That's pretty much it, yeah.
Yang: Hm, not bad.
Sun: *nodding* I agree, most people would be dead against a single grimm. And you held your own against a deathstalker and led us to victory. *Shrug* Your paper may be false, but you ain't.
Weiss: *crossing her arm* See? I told you they would be fine with it. And you probably got the best team to train with. *Sigh then smile* Honestly, you really think we'd give up on you because of that?
Jaune: *scratching the back of his neck, laughing nervously* I mean, you could have gotten a better fighter, right?
Weiss: *roll her eyes* Sure, we could have. We also could have gotten Cardin. Beside, you are the best at making plans on the spot so that's a plus.
Yang: And it's not like we got nothing to work with! You got almost as much Aura as us three combined! *Rubbing her hands together* Eheheh, i'm going to have fun, training you until you can't walk.
Jaune: ... Should i be scared?
Sun: *putting his hand on Jaune's shoulder* Yes, you are going to wish death when we will be finished with you.
Jaune: .... *Sigh* Can't complain since I chose this path.
Weiss: *nod* Good.
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fillmargarin · 2 days
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Weiss violin concert 🎻
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