#How about “Furries” I guess this will make this post more popular on this website. I heared the kids like this stuff nowadays.
the-unseen1 · 10 months
4: You are Humanity
The Seeker and the mysterious Stranger (Part 4 of 7)
4: You are Humanity
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The Seeker sighs, as they sit beside the mysterious stranger on a forest-bench.
“Listen,” says the Seeker. “You tell me, that unconditional love will change the world. But lets be real. Love won't pay my rent. Love won't help me get a job. I can't feed my kids with love.”
The mysterious stranger in his blue, hooded robe, looks at the Seeker confused. “I honestly don't understand your problem. You can live your life and still love. Love is a state of being. Your most natural state of being, to be precise. So why do you seek excuses not to love?”
“Alright,” responds the Seeker. “Then tell me: Do you expect me to just love anyone? Am I supposed to love someone who threatens me or my loved ones? Am I supposed to love a terrorist? Am I supposed to love a mass murder or a criminal? Will you tell someone, who was abused... that they need to love and forgive their perpetrators? Will you tell a parent, who lost their child in war, that they should love their enemy?”
“Yes,” answers the stranger, without hesitation. “Love is the answer.”
“You can't be serious,” the Seeker claims with an enraged voice. “There are just people, you can't love. Like the really dark shit, you read on the news...People who enjoy harming others... No one loves these types of people... You can't tell me otherwise.”
The mysterious stranger remains calm. “The answer remains the same... Love them with all your heart.”
The Seeker shakes their head. “No, no, no... You are being a hypocrite. I am sure that you are just saying this to sound superior. I mean... There are people, who are simply evil! Unlovable! Everyone hates them. Society hates them. If you don't hate them, you are evil as well.”
“Is it ever bad to love,” the mysterious stranger questions. “Is love something that needs to be deserved? No my friend, you can't ever limit love, because love is infinite... We will go further into the matter of love, another time... If you may allow me, let us rather ask, why do we human beings, judge one another at all?”
“Go ahead,” sighs the Seeker.
The mysterious stranger clears his throat:
“We judge people based on their actions, based on their behaviour, based on their societal status, their wealth, their power. We are being judged based on our looks, on our sexual orientation, on our ethnicity, on our religion or ideology. We judge ourself, for our thoughts, words and actions. We compare, we compete and we cause conflict. So why are we judging each other at all?
Can't you see, that all human beings, just like you, are playing a character? A role in their family, at their job, within their friend circles. Don't you see, that they, just like you suffer? Can't you see, that they have fears and desires, just as you do? No matter what they did, there is always a reason, always a motive behind their action. Everyone is experiencing their own story.
Yes, there are some people who did horrible crimes, that are truly unfathomable. But even in the most heinous murderers, hidden deep within, burns the same fire of humanity, as in you. A faint light that experiences all the acts of the Ego as an observer, suffering from what it is witnessing. Those who are consumed by hatred, need love the most. Can't you see, that deep within, those who harmed you, never wanted to?”
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The Seeker grunts in dissatisfaction: “Even if, what you are telling me is true. Should I just forget my pain? Should I just forgive them? Let them go freely, without any justice? Why should I do this? Why should I love and forgive humans, who caused me so much suffering?!”
“Isn't that obvious,” the Stranger answers with a warm smile. “My friend, don't you see? You are all the people, that you judge and you are everyone, who judges you. You are every victim and you are every perpetrator.
YOU ARE HUMANITY. You are the rest of mankind. You are the story, the game, the play, the experience. You are the fire, that burns deep within every single human being. You are the force of life. You are the Source of all being. You are that, which is unseen.
Perhaps it is too early for you to understand, perhaps you are not ready just yet... But at the end of our journey, when you return here, this will feel like a long forgotten Easter egg. When you have realized this truth, it will be You, playing the role of the mysterious stranger.
If you don't understand, let me show it to you... Walk with me together, side by Side... And you shall see, what I have seen... You will feel, what I have felt. I am telling you: There is something worth saving in Humanity. There is purpose behind our existence. We are here for a reason.
This is why we need to find again that, which we have lost. Let us restore the faith in Humanity. Let us find the light, that burns within. To have faith in Humanity is to have faith in Yourself. Let us find, our truest path. The path of unconditional love, the path with the ALL. Let us renew our faith in Humanity and thus our faith in ourselves.”
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After finishing, the mysterious stranger stares intensely at the Seeker, expecting an answer. There is an uncomfortable silence between the two, awkwardly sitting on a bench.
“...Well,” the Seeker sighs after some time.
“How about... No??! I mean... Like... I don't even fucking know you... And now you come along and tell me all this nonsense. Are you trying to get me into some weird shit? Seriously, I am not interested... So, if you are now finally finished with your long-winded monologue... Will you now please... Please for Fucks sake... Please piss off? Seriously... I can't take it any more... If I hear one more word from your mouth (...See one more post on this Sub)... I will report you to whoever is in charge of this forest here.”
“Tell me Seeker,” the mysterious Stranger asks, ignoring their begging for silence. “What is it, that you are actually searching for?”
“By the love of god,” the Seeker shakes in fear. “Please... Please don't tell me this will be continued...”
Find previous part Here:
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oxnardsart · 6 years
I wonder which people still feel like tumblr is their home after last year?
It still feels all different with a big chunk of friends gone. And not being able to post like half my work. Then again, this month I’ve been working on a big dumb art piece, so less art is less interaction, less activity - maybe it’d feel livelier if I was posting more stuff.
Hopefully furries use art websites like FurAffinity and InkBunny - they both have issues, but I think that’s still the best bet for artists (but you miss out on socializing with non-artists.)
Been visiting Twitter way more and I do not like it, haha. It’s everything people didn’t like about tumblr. Fights, negativity, call outs, it’s pretty miserable. And sometimes artists mixing with non-artists isn’t good. You get so many people telling people what not to do, what kinks are wrong (even super popular things I’m not into like vore?) I’d rather hang on FA where furries are free to make all the weird creative art they want, rather than watch everyone get shamed and bullied on twitter. And I think the more time you spend there, the worse you’ll think things are, and the worse you’ll think people are. But if you stick on actual art sites you can see people enjoy being creative since it’s been a good safe spot. (:
Discord’s been great! I love the group of friends I have there. It’s been fun figuring out how to make bots auto-post fun stuff like game news or animal pictures, and getting into Pokecord again. Makes it so it’s easier to ignore Twitter. It’s also super easy to post art there without worrying about anything, and my close pals can see it since I have no idea which places which people still use. @w@ It’s still such a weird inbetween time right now. NewGrounds didn’t take off as the new place everyone’s at, right?
I guess my hope for 2019 is that I figure out a good online home again. (: I still have all my story-art things I’ve been working on, it’ll still be at least a few months until all that’s ready to start postin’ so I have a good chunk of time to make sure I got a good place to share it.
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bunnylouisegrimes · 3 years
Rambling vent just ignore unless you want to feel down in the dumps lol
I always knew this site had a reputation for being filled with some of the most toxic and awful people, but Jesus, I didn’t expect it to be this much. I mean, some of the most nasty shit people will say on this website... I know it’s the Internet, but fuck, it’s so easy to get lost in a loophole of the most toxic motherfuckers here. It’s either some asshole bigots or people who claim to be progressive fighting hate with hate. Just... fuck all this bullshit man.
Because of this, as well as feeling tired all the time from how much personal business I’ve got going on, the worry of these fuckers flooding my ask box or DMs or God knows what else by chance because they disagree with me (harassment seems very popular on here), and someone close to me getting banned temporarily from posting something “political” that someone must’ve mass reported to get them banned, I’ve decided that I don’t want to post anything social justice themed or politics themed on here anymore. I’m going to avoid it like the plague. I’ve come here to escape first and foremost, and that’s what I’m going to stick with. I know where I stand on issues and I’ll still talk about it irl. But here, this isn’t the place. I used to have someone close to me on here that I knew for three years who I would interact with and talk politics with, but she’s gone now anyways, so it’s no biggie. Which brings me to my next sadness...
I miss that friend on here dearly. It’s been two-ish months (maybe a month, I can’t even remember right now) since she left this site, and I miss her a lot. I’ve known her for three years, and she’s gone. I’m not mad or “betrayed,” or anything, I of course respect her decision. I’m just saddened by the circumstances. I love her fanfiction and artwork, and I always told her how much I did, and we related to each other on so many things, but we won’t share those laughs anymore. I miss her so much. I wish nothing but the best for her.
I know I still have some very close friends on here, and I cherish them deeply just like her, but the pain of having a friend not be in your life anymore has been something I’ve dealt with since I was a little kid, and it’s always hurt. On the other hand, I’ve had to deal with friends who I question are my friends. Which brings me to my next point...
I want to be as vague as possible (obviously). The pain of thinking someone was your friend, but they say and do things that suggest otherwise, is something I’ve known since I was young. I’ve been going through with this pain for months now, and it took me a few weeks ago to realize this is what I’ve been going through, because I didn’t want to think it was true. It’s best to just let this friendship I had with this person die out. They weren’t good for me in the end, and if I avoid them like the plague, they can’t hurt me. It hurts to think of some of the conversations we had when we first met, but I’ll be okay. They haven’t talked to me in quite a few months either, so it’s probably just for the best. Maybe they talk shit about me behind my back. Given they seem to never be clear with me based some of the things they say that they think are “cute” and “funny,” another trait the toxic people on this site share, I don’t know, and I don’t care if they do. As long as they’re not stirring shit and making false statements about me, I don’t care what they do. They’re just like one of the toxic people on this site, and they can go associate with them where they belong, on or off the web. (Please keep in mind that if you know you haven’t said anything shitty to me/we haven’t really gotten into any bad terms, chances are it isn’t you, don’t even sweat it lol. I’m not even saying this person is on here either, it could be anybody, but I’m not going to tell for obvious reasons).
These are pretty much all the things that come to mind that have been stirring inside of me and bothering me these past few weeks. I needed to let it out in this post. Don’t know if I’ll regret posting it, but eh. I’m not starting shit, just expressing my frustrations with a group of people, including someone who I thought was my friend (that I did the right thing anyway and kept their identity unknown), why I want to spend my time here focusing more on escapism from here on out, and my sadness and heartache with a dear friend of mine who I hope is doing well off the web. Overall, I definitely need to stop bottling shit and attacking myself internally, but fuck is it hard, especially when you constantly have things to worry about. I guess that’s adulthood, huh?
Well, at least I have true friends on here (you know who you are) who help me get through these shitty moments, my dear family who always helps me get through these shitty moments and more, the few irl friends I have, my irl boyfriend, who, yes, can make me mad sometimes when he tests my (admittedly strong) patience, but is incredibly sweet and I’m glad I’m with him everyday, and my cringy art, cringy writing, and cringy love for my toy pony and furry robotic animal collections (I don’t post enough about MLPs and Furbies on here, it’s probably for the best, I’m already a cringefest lol).
If you’ve made it this far, thank you for reading. Hope you’re having a great day/night 😘💖
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kadobeclothing · 5 years
10 Social Media Content Ideas to Delight Customers
If you’re a marketing team of one or a marketing manager with various responsibilities ranging from social media to blogging, you know how daunting and time-consuming some tasks can be.
Namely, planning out a social media content calendar. That means figuring out an entire month of fresh content that needs to be engaging, stand out, and make consumers identify with your brand on social media. While that is a lot for a small team, it’s even more when you find yourself stuck in a rut. Are you worried you’re going with the same old, same old when it comes to social? Try these content ideas to re-vamp your posting game.
Social Media Content Ideas
Post your new blog on your Instagram Stories. Conduct a poll on Instagram. Share user-generated content on Twitter. Engage with audiences on Twitter. Create and share website content on Facebook. On LinkedIn, post articles/stats about your industry. Highlight milestones of your company on LinkedIn. Create graphics for Instagram and Facebook. Show the faces behind the company on Snapchat or Instagram. Use the times to your advantage.
1. Post your new blog on your Instagram Stories. To build traction on your website, try migrating customers towards your blog by putting it in an Instagram Story. Making the Story function in a “Swipe up to see more” fashion makes it easier for followers, since they don’t have to close the app to visit your website.
Image Source Take this story from WordPress’s Instagram account. The visual is a compelling lede, enticing readers to read the blog post. Followers like Stories because they go away after 24 hours, making the essence of the moment all the more thrilling. This is how different types of content can work together — you can use one platform to promote another. 2. Conduct a poll on Instagram. Using Instagram Stories is amazing for audience engagement. Hosting a poll on your Story is an interactive way to get your followers involved in making content choices for you. Asking a question in a poll like, “What do you want to see us post next?” and giving them a couple of choices ensures that the content they pick will delight your followers. Alternatively, you can use polls as a chance to prove credibility. Take this example from HubSpot:
Asking a question you can answer with a statistic or content like a blog or ebook proves that your business knows its industry. As a consumer, I would trust a company that’s knowledgeable about their industry more than a brand with no educational content. This proves that otherwise “boring” content can still be engaging in the way it’s shared. And, if followers want more information, you can always link back to your sources, boosting CTR for you. 3. Share user-generated content on Twitter. Apparently, Taco Bell has a blog. It’s right there, under the Delivery button (where my Taco Bell search usually ends). This post, from the official Taco Bell blog, (Taco Blog?) is a round-up celebrating user-generated content.
@tacobell my brother just sent this to me! It’s…..it’s beautiful pic.twitter.com/Zx4nQl32Ai — Jason (@_Js0n) June 25, 2019
UGC not only fills timelines with content, but shows followers they’re being listened to, and that brands are interested in what their customers have to say. A round-up blog goes beyond a simple retweet, like, or reply, and gives other customers an incentive to submit their own content. 4. Engage with audiences on Twitter. Instagram isn’t the only platform with polls, so if you don’t have an account or it doesn’t fit into your content strategy, you can use another platform, like Linkedin or Twitter. Here, LinkedIn is using the time of year to engage with their audience:
New year, new you! What’s your New Year’s work resolution? — LinkedIn (@LinkedIn) December 30, 2019
Not only that, but check out the account’s reply under the tweet. It responds to the winning answer of a poll with a blog that reflects that answer. This shows that LinkedIn planned their poll with the foresight to link to a post that led to more information. This is a sneaky version of asking followers what they want to see. By framing the question this way, followers can see the dedication your brand has to engage with their opinions. LinkedIn positioned themselves to swoop in and save the day with this poll. 5. Create and share website content on Facebook. Facebook is for more than silent videos and long-form posts. Although those are the site’s bread and butter, you can do so much more with Facebook to engage with different audiences than those you would find on, say, Instagram or Reddit. Take this post about crazy internet tools that actually work, from BuzzFeed:
It’s an approach that’s working for BuzzFeed, considering 74% of its social traffic is from Facebook, with Twitter in second place with around 8%. Thinking outside what content is most popular on Facebook might be a win for you, too. Blog content is also a smart idea to post long-form content you already own, leading to a boost in lead generation. 6. On LinkedIn, post articles/stats about your industry. Stuck about how to post LinkedIn content? Or what LinkedIn audiences want to see? Think about what makes your company reputable. While other social platforms can show off brand personality, you can leverage LinkedIn as the tool for meaning business. Statistics are fabulous content pieces, as well as a definition guide of marketing terms that might be a little less known than say, SEO. Check out this post from HubSpot, which gives a quick, but useful vocabulary lesson on social commerce:
By putting a CTA at the end, the post invites followers to think. Not only will your brand be in their mind as a connection to this term, but it also incentivizes those early on in their buyer’s journey to check out the website for more terms or stats that might be helpful to them. 7. Highlight milestones of your coworkers on LinkedIn. Here’s a cool way to use LinkedIn to build your brand: highlight employees or colleagues.
Drift dedicated a post to their colleague after that colleague was chosen for a professional award. This is wonderful content for LinkedIn, because the platform is centered around professional growth. Whether colleagues get promoted, just celebrated a birthday, or spoke at an event, this shows others, like competition or job seekers, that you care about employee achievements. 8. Create graphics for Instagram and Facebook. I love this content idea for Facebook because it goes beyond the “typical” content brands might choose for the site. For instance, Canva is a visual company, so posting content on platforms like visual-heavy Instagram is fairly typical, but Facebook can be used for stunning visuals, as well:
Additionally, Canva syncs their social accounts so content stays the same:
There’s a lot of second guessing about syncing social content and diversifying it, but it all depends on what works for your business. Some businesses thrive with synced content across all platforms, some don’t, and some only sync a couple. Syncing content saves time as a marketing team of one, so starting out that way is a good idea. Plus, graphics can be engaging across all platforms since they’re easier for followers to digest than text-heavy content.. 9. Show the faces behind the company on Snapchat or Instagram. Instagram, Snapchat, and even TikTok are social platforms with an emphasis on video content. Your brand can use these social platforms in creative ways that stays relevant to your company or industry. One of those ways is by showing the personality of your brand, like Buffer did, here:
Buffer gives quick tips from a human, rather than words on a screen, which provides consumers with a stronger sense of connection to the brand. It also shows consumers that your brand knows how to be social media literate, boosting reputation. Especially if social media is a huge part of your product, finding interesting ways to use its tools appeals to leads. Above all else, customers feel connected to personality more than a stat on a white background. However, you don’t need a big budget to create content that resonates with your audience. “A Day in the Life” of an employee, something compelling for Instagram Stories, or a Snapchat geo-filter for your next event are all opportunities to demonstrate your brand’s appeal. 10. Use the time of year to your advantage. Look at the calendar. Are there any holidays coming up — even funny holidays, like National Burger Day? Think about how you can use that to your advantage, like how Southwest Airlines used seasonality for this tweet:
Sand or snow? — Southwest Airlines (@SouthwestAir) January 12, 2020
If you’re thinking about local marketing, this is a great content idea for you. Using the seasons shows that you care about the lifestyles of customers, a key demographic in identifying your target audience. You can use the calendar more than you think — for instance, National Dog Day can be a celebration of your colleagues’ favorite furry friends on Instagram Stories. Building brand awareness starts with what you have and how you use it! Creating fun content for consumers doesn’t have to be a dreaded task that happens every couple of weeks. With proper planning and understanding of target audiences, it can be a cool way to interact with those you wouldn’t otherwise. Keep these ideas in mind as you’re thinking about how to execute strategy for your next campaign.he level of engagement you’ll see might surprise you.
Source link
source https://www.kadobeclothing.store/10-social-media-content-ideas-to-delight-customers/
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jeanbaltsubsta-blog · 5 years
Bad dating website pictures
The perfect online dating pictures for men and women Mentions of words like divorce and separate gets men 52 per cent more messages, while son or daughter gets a seven per cent boost.  The Dirty Cam Shot Although men are quite visual when it comes to women, they can also be very judgmental.  To add your dating has been writing a disadvantage in doubt, runnerbean, or to get them a good online dating profile, 060 comments.  Here are some possible reasons behind the differing results.  Hi5 makes them a new piece by importing photos! The Alcoholic Can you guess what photo this is? Recently, I decided to search online as a male seeking female from the age of 25 — 40.
Frighteningly Bad Dating Site Photos (What Photos NOT to Post With Your Dating Site Profile). Copied and dang, more likely to convince me the bad daters have come to compare between their profiles.  At first, this realization was frustrating.  I know many of you would never message AaronCarterFan, but many of you would, and a whole bunch of you did.  Photofeeler steps in This is where we at come in.  So the opinions on our site were translating directly into behavior.
The Worst Online Dating Profile Photos Our data suggests that there is no one-size-fits-all photo strategy for all men.  Terrible dating profiles certainly attract attention and make people wonder.  Men on the other hand get 19 per cent more messages if their pictures are taken outside.  At least until the second date! The Cracked writer thought she was being clever by coming up with the worst dating profile ever.  We narrowed the demographics of our data set accordingly, matching their 7,140-photo sample.  Posted on the best internet best online dating sites; local election dates nsw; local election dates go some credit rating.  Spurred on by the optimism that the New Year brings, 1 million Britons are expected to get online for a date today - the first day back in the office after the Christmas break.
29 Completely Unexplainable Russian Dating Site Pictures This leaves only smiling ugly guys at the bottom of the spectrum and grumpy hot guys at the top, making it look like being grumpy makes you hot.  This guy covers a lot of ground in one paragraph, but somehow he conveys nothing but confusion and chaos.  Posing with your furry friend may seem cute but it will get you 53 per cent fewer messages Discussing exercise and reading on your dating profile gets both sexes 21 per cent more messages, while talking about musicality gets 15 per cent more.  Photos of you sleeping …or dead are not recommended.  Their reasoning for the results? The use of flirty words like baby and beautiful see women's response rates rocket by 118 per cent and 50 per cent respectively.  To put it frankly, data can be manipulated to show practically any result that the scientist would like it to.
Bad dating site pictures Then upload blurry, poor quality or super small images.  Then we ran each picture through a variety of analysis scripts in our case, neural nets that detected smiles and eye contact as well as tagged each one by hand until total agreement was reached.  OkCupid used a sample of 7,140 photographs from users aged 18-32, in big cities, possessing average attractiveness that is, they lopped off the top and bottom 20% , and who had profiles containing only one photo and no text.  The opener should be light and easy, you don't want to give away your life story.  If you search Google, you will see that there are so many of them, but what dating sites will work for you personally? Want to completely kill any chances of success? I may come across as picky and judgmental, but you need to get yourself heard.  Smiling on your main profile photo increases your odds of getting attention online, by over 50%.  Describe yourself as a person - how you like to spend your time, what you love to do.
Bad dating site pictures A little cliché, but he seems earnest.  Get Paid to Programs, A Famous Person from Maine.  Personally, I respond to comments more than queries.  Why are outdoor photos of men likely to be more popular, but less so for women? Medium Well Which types of photos receive the most interest? The answer is — on the internet! Photos can drastically increase your chances of getting more communication and dates.  It is, actually, very difficult to find anything to like about AsianTom.  Why are profile pictures with more than one person in them a turn-off? I think it also shows that they're actually thinking about what women may want to hear and putting a real effort into their profile.
The Worst Online Dating Profile Photos Popular Blog Sites for Women, new order nme award for best single, 50 Coolest Websites 2015.  Women were most attracted to men displaying pride, and least attracted to those displaying happiness.  Before this advice was made popular by OkCupid, the only instances of not smiling and not making eye contact were at least somewhat contextually relevant.  Good spelling shows that you are thoughtful and considered.  All this made me suspect that he has sent his junk to a girl and gotten chewed out for it, which caused him to overcorrect.  Guys who have a better view of the make and model of the cell phone you have, instead of your eye color, might also choose to pass you by.  Too soon though and you might not get the chance to show how awesome you are.
The Worst Online Dating Profile Photos Truthfully, even if a particular photo strategy showed a slight difference in average effectiveness, the individual photos score all over the map.  Not you and your legions of friends.  Pictures, is an underground cd back, it also update your profile pictures.  If you have a dead fish lying around the house, make sure you take a picture with it and upload it to your Tinder or Bumble profile immediately.  It's completely free, and photos american indian online matchmaking community.  District-Wide Christian internet best photos loves to attract more about russian dating site usa free dating photos - he free.  Carmelia has personally interviewed over 60,000 singles and helped over 7,000 clients with their search to finding, meeting and keeping someone special.
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cutshawsnidowoa · 5 years
How to Deal With a Cat Peeing Outside the Litter Box
The post How to Deal With a Cat Peeing Outside the Litter Box by Denise LeBeau appeared first on Catster. Copying over entire articles infringes on copyright laws. You may not be aware of it, but all of these articles were assigned, contracted and paid for, so they aren't considered public domain. However, we appreciate that you like the article and would love it if you continued sharing just the first paragraph of an article, then linking out to the rest of the piece on Catster.com.
It is no surprise that cats are the most popular companion animal in America. There are approximately 30 million felines living as family members. Dismally, around 3.2 million cats enter the shelter system each year. More alarming, approximately 860,000 of them are dying in the shelters, as reported by the ASPCA. Litter box issues are often cited among the reasons for owner relinquishment of cats to shelters. Let’s explore how to deal with a cat peeing outside the litter box — it’s an issue that can often be easily remedied and keep families together!
Help! My cat is peeing outside the litter box
Is your cat peeing outside the litter box? Here’s what’s at play — and how to help her! Photography ©w-ings | Getty Images.
For a few years, I worked in the Animal Help department for the largest no-kill companion animal sanctuary in America. Working in Animal Help meant fielding all the public calls from desperate people who wanted to surrender animals to the facility. Most of the calls included behavior issues. The top cat behavior problem I encountered from frustrated feline guardians was a cat peeing outside the litter box.
Because we received thousands of calls monthly, sharing resources and providing coaching was required before making an admission appeal to the cat department. So, I worked closely with individuals who were ready to throw in the towel on their tabbies. I quickly learned that if people took the proper steps, permanently fixing the issue was quite doable. Another big revelation was that being proactive about determining the reasons behind a cat peeing outside the litter box issue was the key to solving the issue!
4 common reasons a cat peeing outside the litter box:
Intact cats. Unfixed cats are prone to marking and they are leaving their scent on every horizontal and vertical surface they can take aim at — especially that new sofa!
Underlying medical issues. Cats can’t verbally tell you what’s wrong. So, if their behavior suddenly changes, the culprit is often health problems. Everything from urinary tract infections (UTI) to kidney stones can mean a cat peeing outside the litter box.
Stress, anxiety and fear. Maybe you’ve innocuously added a new coffee table from eBay to your apartment. Or perhaps you just adopted that adorable tiny tabby. Or you’ve rushed the cat introduction process … Guess what? Now you’ve got a new furry family member and litter box issues!
Litter, the litter box and location, location, location. Did you change your brand or type of litter? Are you not scooping it enough? Are there not enough boxes for your multi-cat home? Did you move the litter box and/or is it easily accessible? Cats can be finicky about everything regarding proper elimination.
Dealing with a cat peeing outside the litter box
Since a cat peeing outside the litter box can’t tell you why he’s doing it, it’s your job to get to the bottom of the stinky situation. Discovering the reasons behind a cat peeing outside the litter box requires a multi-pronged approach.
5 steps for handling a cat peeing outside the litter box
If he or she is intact — get him or her spayed or neutered immediately. Pro-tip: there are many low cost spay/neuter programs available if funding is an issue.
Take your cat to the veterinarian for a checkup. Bring a fresh urine and stool sample. (Click here for low-cost veterinary services and find other tips on how to afford the vet here).
Investigate what could be causing stress or anxiety in your cat. The disturbance could be easily fixed by removing any new threatening items. If the stress is caused by a rushed cat introduction, start over using the proper protocols. Perhaps the anxiety was created by moving. Also look at outside influences, sometimes a new kitty might be hanging out on your property — an investment in blackout drapes or preventing your cat from reaching certain vantage points during the day might help. Or it might be an emotional malaise of unknown origins — here are some general pointers on alleviating it.
If you moved the litter box from its usual location, put it back. Maybe the litter box itself is not working anymore — maybe the sides are too high and your cat is getting older. Try another lower-sided litter box. Did you recently get an automated self-cleaning litter box? Get rid of it. Clean it regularly. And remember — have at least one litter box per cat per household, plus one more.
Litter! The type of litter can be an issue — try different kinds and brands.
The bottom line on what to do about a cat peeing outside the litter box
While a cat peeing outside the litter box could signal a single problem, it could also indicate a combination of issues. Being patient, observant and diligent is paramount in stopping a cat from peeing outside the litter box! Of course, for new cats, prevention is best, so introduce litter box training the right way from the start.
Thumbnail: Photography ©ysbrandcosijn | Getty Images.
About the author
Denise LeBeau is a writer, editor and photographer with almost 20 years of experience of creating content for animal-related issues, endeavors and events. She worked at Best Friends Animal Society for 12 years where she had two columns in the Best Friends Magazine, and held multiple content creation roles including web managing editor and outreach campaign editor. Denise has been an ongoing contributor to Catster since 2014, writing for the magazine and website. The self-professed poet laureate of the pet set is currently the manager of development for an animal welfare agency, where she works with a team to create content across media platforms. She lives in Hampton Bays with her two rescue Siamese mixes – Flipper and Slayer, and her LBD (little brown dog), Zephyrella.
Read more about cat behavior on Catster.com:
What’s Up With Cat Humping, Anyway?
Caterwauling — What Is It and Why Do Cats Do It?
Cat Cuddles — What to Know About Your Kitty’s Snuggling Habits
The post How to Deal With a Cat Peeing Outside the Litter Box by Denise LeBeau appeared first on Catster. Copying over entire articles infringes on copyright laws. You may not be aware of it, but all of these articles were assigned, contracted and paid for, so they aren't considered public domain. However, we appreciate that you like the article and would love it if you continued sharing just the first paragraph of an article, then linking out to the rest of the piece on Catster.com.
from Catster https://www.catster.com/cat-behavior/how-to-deal-with-a-cat-peeing-outside-the-litter-box via IFTTT
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number06fan · 6 years
Cow Cuddling is the New Goat Yoga
I believe it started with goat yoga.  The hipster trend where you attempt to make yoga poses with baby goats crawling all over you.  These spunky adorable animals add the trendy cuteness factor to an otherwise normal yoga class.  Oh yeah, add a couple extra dollar signs to that class as well.  Then came cat yoga.  Something equally as distracting, but based on the number of cat videos found on the internet – a well-received addition to yoga.  From what I have seen most cat yoga classes are designed to help those furry felines get adopted.  I can’t say I find anything negative about that. But now there’s a new one: Cow Cuddling.
In our fast-paced world, each of us find our own little ways to unwind.  Some with a glass of wine and a book to get lost in, some in a movie that takes us to another world, and some with animal yoga.  Others still will find more unconventional ways to unwind.
How about cuddling with a cow.  Yes.  Bovine.  Moo!  My grandpa always said, if there is someone that will buy something there will always be someone that will sell it to them.  That’s right.  For a “small” fee of $300 you can melt your cares away by cuddling a cow.  But why?  Before I get into all the reasons this new barnyard cross-over is screaming E. coli infection, lets talk about why this trend is so popular.
Why Cuddling?
Cuddling, whether with a partner, a friend, a 4-legged fur baby, or a half ton cow provides more health benefits than you might think.  Cuddling is known to provide a calming effect which could lower blood pressure.  Some research has shown that even short periods of hand holding and hugging can lower both diastolic and systolic blood pressure.  Cuddling may be beneficial to any high blood pressure treatment plan.
Cuddling can also relieve stress and anxiety by increasing dopamine and serotonin in the body. Dopamine and serotonin are neurotransmitters that help to regulate the mood.  Dopamine is responsible for regulating the pleasure center in the brain.  Boosting those neurotransmitters give you a feeling of happiness.  Studies show that cuddling can also be therapeutic, even potentially reducing pain.
Why a Cow?
I get how cuddling is beneficial.  But cuddling a cow?  And paying someone for the opportunity to do so?  At $300 for a 90-minute session!  Whew…   Perhaps it is the food safety writer in me, but I see all kinds of issues with this practice.  If this is something that you have been looking into or have it on your bucket list, I will share some tips to help you minimize risk during and after your experience.
What is Involved in Cow Cuddling?
While cow cuddling is pretty much what it sounds like, it can be much more.  A typical “cow cuddling experience” can also include petting and playing with the cows.  According to one source, sessions tend to be monitored and facilitated by a licensed counselor and an equine specialist.
The touted claim is that cow cuddling can be comparable to meditation and a great alternative for those who “just can’t get into meditation”.  Mountain Horse Farm, a wellness retreat offering this service explains it has a lot to do with temperature and heart rate. “Cows have a body temperature that is slightly higher than humans and their heart rate is lower than ours.” They claim “cuddling up with a cow, feeling that lower heart rate and higher body temperature, is very relaxing.”
The farm describes the cows as sensitive creatures.  “They are sensitive, intuitive creatures, which makes them perfect for sensing your emotions and responding to your subtle body language.”  Essentially, they feed off your energy and respond to help you overcome it.  “They will pick up on what’s going on inside and sense if you are happy, sad, feel lost, anxious, or are excited and they will respond to that without judgement, ego, or agenda,” the Mountain Horse Farm website explains.
I guess I don’t think of cows as being especially nurturing.  Though I have heard many stories over time that some pet cows behave much like dogs.  I understand the attributes they are ascribing to these therapy cows seems similar to what has been shown in dogs and cats.  So perhaps they have especially intuitive cows.
If this is something you are finding yourself drawn to, Mountain Horse Farm offers the service in New York City.  A 90-minute session will come to $300, and you can invite a friend to join you.  Before you pull out that credit card, hang around a moment while I explain, “what could go wrong.”
What Could Go Wrong?
There is nothing overtly wrong with hanging out with cows.  Aside from tip toeing through the cow patties.  What could go wrong?  Let’s start with anthrax.  Maybe a little brucellosis, sprinkled with camplybacteriosis and E. coli.  Then throw in Leptospirosis, Listeria, and ringworm for good measure.  How about Tuberculosis?  Doesn’t that sound soothing?
Anthrax naturally occurs around farm animals.  The bacterium Bacillus anthracis can contaminate soil, food, and water around areas where livestock live.  Symptoms can begin anywhere from 1 day to over 2 months from exposure.  If untreated, anthrax may spread throughout the body and cause anywhere from severe illness to death.
Brucellosis affects reproduction in animals but can cause other issues in humans.  While it is often contracted through birthing tissue or unpasteurized milk of an infected animal (I can’t imagine that being part of the cuddling therapy), it is still something to be aware of.  Symptoms usually develop within 6 to 8 weeks of exposure resulting in flu-like symptoms lasting 2 to 4 weeks.
Campylobacter is a bacterium shed in the stool of the infected animal.  Animals such as that doting cow can look perfectly fine while harboring harmful bacteria.  Symptoms can begin around 2 to 5 days after exposure and cause diarrhea, cramping, abdominal pain, and fever.  More serious or even life-threatening infections can occur in the very young, the very old, and those with a compromised immune system.
E coli
E coli is naturally found in the intestinal tract of farm animals such as the cow. While some strains can be innocuous, others can cause serious infection. Symptoms include stomach cramps, diarrhea (often bloody), and vomiting. E. coli can also cause a certain kind of kidney failure.  Animals may be infected with no signs of disease.
Leptospirosis is a bacterial disease transmitted through urine or other bodily fluids.  Most animals and some people show no symptoms of infection.  People tend to be symptomatic within 2 to 7 days of exposure.  Symptoms often include flu-like symptoms and rash.  Without medical treatment, symptoms may go away but reappear as more severe disease such as meningitis, or kidney and liver failure.
Listeria monocytogenes can be contracted from infected animals.  Things to look out for are drooping ears or lips that hang open.  Sometimes animals display disorientation or press themselves into corners.  While some people may have no symptoms at all, other may have headache, stiff neck, confusion, loss of balance, and convulsions to go with their flu-like symptoms.  Listeria is particularly bad for pregnant women as it may result in miscarriage or still birth.
Just hearing the name ringworm makes my skin crawl.  Ringworm is a fungus that can infect the hair, skin, and nails of people and animals.  This is spread through direct contact with an infected spot.  Watch for hairless or scaly spots on your bovine therapist or you might end up with a souvenir you didn’t pay for.  Redness, scaling, cracking of the skin, or a ring-shaped rash might follow infection.  I don’t see that accessory showing up in fashion magazines anytime soon.
The bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis can infect a variety of animal and humans.  Animals may present weakness, lack of appetite, weight loss, fever, and persistent cough or no symptoms at all.  People can become infected by consuming infected animal products, cuts, or by breathing in the bacteria.  Namaste.  Symptoms may include sores, swollen lymph nodes, difficulty breathing, fever, night sweats, intestinal upset, and/or weight loss.
How to Safely Cuddle with a Cow
If you must cuddle with a cow, there are certain things to look out for and measures to take to be sure that you have a SAFE therapeutic experience.  First, follow all safety requirements the facility makes.  If they say closed toed shoes, skip the cute sandals.
Before you leave, eat, or drink wash your hands.  You will be touching all over the cow and will come in contact with anything the cow came in contact with. Your first line of defense is to wash your hands.
Bring a towel with you.  Personally, I would want a barrier between the clothes I was wearing and my car’s upholstery.  If you happen to track anything onto your clothes (most of the above bacteria can transfer to you and your clothing without looking overtly dirty), you be sure it doesn’t hang around for a while after you visit.
If you can, wash off your shoes and change clothes when you arrive home.  You don’t want to track E. coli or Leptospirosis into your home.  Otherwise you might give yourself the gift that keeps on giving.
Enjoy your cow cuddling, goat yoga, or whatever makes your heart happy.  Safely.
By: Heather Van Tassell, Contributing Writer (Non-Lawyer)
The post Cow Cuddling is the New Goat Yoga appeared first on Make Food Safe.
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adambstingus · 7 years
5 Ways The Modern World Makes Mass Murder Easier
OK, Christ, let’s get one thing clear here: The internet isn’t a bad thing. At no point will the world become a cartoonist’s caricature of some smoldering dumpland surrounding a cow pen of millennials checking their smartphones. I get that no one under the age of 70 wants to hear some hand-flailing diatribe about the dangers of modern conveniences or how video games and Twitter turn supple minds into itty Patrick Batemans (Batemen?). It’s horse poop.
But also horse poop: pretending that society has lurched into a tubular hack-the-planet age without any detrimental consequences. And one correlation that’s always troubled me is the FBI’s report about the rise of spree shootings adjacent to the rise in the web’s popularity. While it would be horribly irresponsible to use that data alone to point fingers at the world’s favorite new cat and porn depository, there’s certainly enough circumstantial evidence to at least support suspicious squints toward your cable router. For example …
The Internet Attracts Depressed, Emotionless People (According To Science)
Like I just got done saying, the internet isn’t turning people into psychopaths, just as video games and movies aren’t. But to quote the great modern mind Skeet Ulrich: “Movies don’t create psychos. Movies make psychos more creative.” In other words, troubled people can draw inspiration and solace from anywhere, and science has found that one common place to hide has been the internet.
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You’ll Have Mo’ Money & Less Problems With These 4 Courses
If a person tends to be introverted, or isolated, or generally uncomfortable dealing with other people (like I’m sure a lot of you reading this are), then the internet is a great place to find peace. There’s nothing wrong with that. But it also means that the more rejected from the world a person feels, the easier it it for them to live their life solely through a computer screen. And while we’ve only just begun to study the effects of this, what little results we have seem to indicate that excessive online use tends to go hand in hand with addiction, depression, impulsiveness, and anxiety. Getting more specific, things like online forums and file sharing tend to attract those with depressive personalities. In other words, you don’t have to be an isolated, depressed loner to enjoy 4chan and Reddit … but it helps.
And going back to the fact that these websites absolutely don’t turn you into a sociopath, they are fan-fucking-tastic if you’re already one of those to begin with. Forums and Twitter are great ways to pass the time if you have no empathy, considering how impersonal they can be. And you know who tends to fit into that? Teenagers. Specifically, teenage boys.
“Cognitive empathy” — aka the ability to relate to other people’s perspectives — is not something that develops right away in people. For girls, it happens around the age of 13, but for boys it tends to start a bit later … right around the time they become parentally untethered online. And while I’m totally speculating, it makes way more sense to me that the reason so many spree killers are young men isn’t that men are inherently terrible crime monsters, but that they are biologically more susceptible to violent actions in an age in which you can escape into a faceless digital world. After all, I remember being that age when the internet first became a thing (I’m fucking old, you guys), and can personally attest to the hours I spent on sites like rotten.com and Limewire seeing just how much my adolescent brain could take. That doesn’t mean I’m a psychopath, right? Right, guys? We wouldn’t want that.
And since my early days, it’s gotten easier to find not only just about any corner of darkness you want, but also a whole digital community lurking there with you …
Online Communities Make Unhealthy Interests Seem Normal
Hey, let’s say I’m really into pictures of cars having sex with dragons. Hypothetically, of course. Let’s say it really gets my hammer slamming to see a Toyota Matrix squat behind some nubile hydra and give it the full business. Twenty years ago, that’s something I would have to keep to myself, quietly understanding that it’s kind of messed up I would be into such things. Don’t get me wrong, I’d like to hope I wouldn’t be ashamed of my vehicular fetish, but it’s certainly nothing I could build a whole lifestyle around. With luck, one day I might meet a woman who shared my dark secret, and together we could dress up like Herbie and Draco and go buck wild on each other. Just a honking good time.
But today, I don’t have to worry about any of that. There’s already a Reddit community of over 3,000 people who share my interest:
I know, I know, it’s a joke subreddit. But let’s not get ahead of ourselves. The point I’m trying to make here is this: One of the strengths of the internet is that it unites people from all over the country and world … which at times is also one of the worst things about it as well. Because along with political advocates, LGBT groups, nerd communities, people who drink beer in the shower while naked (hey, NSFW), and any other innocuous lifestyles like cosplayers and furries, we’re also seeing the garbage unions of Nazis, child predators, animal abusers, weird-shaped egg enthusiasts, and a fucking 2,000-strong group devoted to Taylor Swift’s armpits:
Reddit Which somehow forced the dragon-fucking out of top spot on the “weirdest fetish in this article” list.
This is something we’ve talked about before with online MRA groups. In the same way that a cult isolates and bubbles people into a false interpretation of reality, some online groups find the equally susceptible and gather them under one obsessive interest. And to keep repeating, it’s not that the internet is making them this way, but rather that it’s creating a nurturing place where those beliefs can be not only unchallenged but supported. Someone like an anti-vaxxer or Sandy Hook truther would be booed out of an everyday conversation, but online, they are not alone. Online, they have a community to assure them that what they are doing isn’t bat-dong wacky-sacks.
And then it’s only a matter of time before that person grows to believe that the rest of the world is the problem. Their awkwardness, isolation, and social anxiety is suddenly a justified reaction to a backwards society. It’s only a matter of time before they proudly lash out against the non-digital world, and what was once a quiet hobby becomes some dude fucking a neighbor’s Tegu dressed like a Transformer. Or, you know, a man shooting up Planned Parenthood after enveloping himself in anti-abortion YouTube videos edited to falsely assert that the organization sells baby parts.
And I know that it seems super weird to lump violence with joke subreddits about celebrity arm fetishes, but there’s a deliberate reason I’m doing this …
For Every Stupid Offensive “Joke,” There’s Someone Out There Taking It Seriously
Lemme tell you about being a young punk in the very liberal state of Massachusetts, which is what I once was. In order to rebel in a place like that, the goal was to be as offensive and politically incorrect as possible. And so derogatory bands like GG Allin, GWAR, and something terrible called “Anal Cunt” were often blasted with a smirk from my shitty car. It wasn’t necessarily that I believed the screeching lyrics, but rather that I enjoyed the immature shock value of it all. And while a lot of these bands were also simply in it for smirks, there comes a time when you realize that not everyone is interpreting them ironically. At some point, you find yourself moshing to a live performance of “Hitler Was A Sensitive Man,” only to notice that the dude next to you has a swastika tattooed on his chest. That isn’t to say I don’t still listen to bands like GG Allin, but rather that I do so quietly and in more personal, adult situations — like in the shower, or doing my taxes.
And as we sort of touched on before, this shock value is likely what a lot of 4channers and younger right-wingers think they are creating:
See, the joke was this: Pretend that certain symbols like the “OK” hand sign are Nazi salutes to freak out the media into thinking it’s real. Only guess what? “Pretending” something is a Nazi salute is ultimately the same goddamn thing as using an actual Nazi salute. And the more you do it, the more you end up attracting actual Nazis. Being “ironically” racist is just being racist, especially if you’re not building to any punchline beyond “Look how racist we’re being!”
And what comes next isn’t pretty. Ever hear of Alt-Reich Nation? It was a Facebook group all about “jokingly” posting racist and sexist memes. I say “jokingly” because its creator came out and clarified just that — as he put it to The New York Times, “Nothing is meant as true; we follow none of the beliefs.” And if you’re wondering why he had to make that public correction, it’s because one of their members recently stabbed and killed someone in what appeared to be a hate crime. But I’m sure he was just doing it for the lulz.
No One Can Tell You’re Being Radicalized If It’s Happening Online
Going back to my own edgy punkness (and frankly the reason this whole subject feels personal to me), I got into that genre and style because I spent my junior high years feeling like a complete outcast. And not the cool kind spelled with a ‘K.’ I gravitated toward something that turned my depression into energy, something that boosted my self-worth and made me feel part of a community.
So I can’t really say it’s a bad thing if young people are doing the same with the internet. However, what makes it vastly different is that before computers, taking part in a community meant being seen doing it. There was a level of accountability toward your family and friends. That goes for the unhealthy hate groups as well. It used to be that racist and violent groups congregated in a very visual way, and anyone joining would have to physically do so by attending rallies or shows or meetings. For communities and law enforcement and parents and peers, if someone became a white supremacist, that transition would come with a lot of huge red flags (ya know, like the swastika one). But now? Not so much.
A guy like Dylann Roof, who shot up the church in Charleston, certainly posed with his fair share of Confederate Flags and guns, but so do a lot of people. His indoctrination into violence and white supremacy happened quietly online, as it does for most everyone who joins some kind of hate group these days. It can be so goddamn under the table that a respectable member of society can not only be a part of a hate group, but fucking create one:
And what’s worse is that this problem is especially evident with law enforcement. That Mr. Roof? He had run into the cops multiple times in the past, even being questioned by the police for owning parts to a firearm. But since there was nothing physical linking him to any potential violence, there was no reason to keep an eye on him. Same with the Orlando nightclub shooter, whose neighbor flat-out reported him to the FBI for potential radicalization. They thoroughly investigated it and found no hard evidence, despite it being completely true. How did they miss it? Because it was happening online, while he was alone, with nobody noticing what was happening. He was radicalized into committing mass murder without leaving the comfort of his ergonomic office chair and microwave nachos. And while that certainly speaks volumes about the delightful convenience of the digital age, I’d like to hope you’re seeing what the big problem is here. Especially because these two instances aren’t the only ones by a long shot …
Every Goddamn Modern Spree Killer Fits This Pattern
Guys. Literally every time some asshole suddenly kills a bunch of people with an ideological motivation, we find out that they belonged to some kind of online community spouting their exact motivations. Dylann Roof described in detail his long nights pouring through racist stories on the Council of Conservative Citizens webpage which eventually led him to be radicalized. The Oregon community college shooter from 2015? He declared his intentions on a 4chan thread he frequented (adjoined with a Pepe meme). The Dallas shooter who targeted cops? Yet again, he was a part of online hate groups and posted about the killings online. Remember Elliot Rodger, who went around targeting women in Isla Vista, California, killing seven? Not only did he post YouTube videos leading up to it, but he was also a member of anti-women forums online.
I can keep going. You probably don’t even remember the guy back in 2007 who shot up a megachurch in Colorado, killing four. He was a member of an anti-Christian site the feds were alerted to hours after the incident. And just recently, there was the unhinged and racist Portland train attacker, who was deemed too intense for a right-wing rally and kept to the internet instead.
Look, I really can’t stress this enough: Nowhere am I saying that the internet is changing sane people into racist lunatics. Nor am I trying to ignore the millions of other factors, like mental health care and gun control, which play into the uptick of spree killings. And to be honest, I can’t even offer a definitive solution beyond personal responsibility and attention toward people around you who may be troubled. But maybe it would be a good start to at least keep a compassionate eye on your friends and family, and be there to let them know that the non-meme world is pretty cool, too. Otherwise this will just continue, and not even our sexy lizards will be safe.
Ironically, follow Dave on his Twitter, where he spends a lot of his time.
Also check out We Asked A Mass Shooter Why The Hell This Keeps Happening and I Hunt Serial Killers: 6 Facts You Thought Movies Made Up.
Subscribe to our YouTube channel, and check out How Gun Control Made Australia Safer Than America, and other videos you won’t see on the site!
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from All Of Beer http://allofbeer.com/5-ways-the-modern-world-makes-mass-murder-easier/ from All of Beer https://allofbeercom.tumblr.com/post/172012394162
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jeremystrele · 7 years
Sha’an d’Anthes of Furry Little Peach
Sha’an d’Anthes of Furry Little Peach
Studio Visit
Annie Portelli
Inside the Sydney studio of Sha’an d’Anthes, AKA Furry Little Peach. Photo – Rocket K.
I met Sha’an at the Adobe MAX conference in Las Vegas – here is her home-soil creative hub. Photo – Rocket K.
The 25-year-old illustrator, designer and exhibiting artist. Photo – Rocket K.
Studio details. Photo – Rocket K.
Sha’an at work on some of her signature-style watercolour illustrations. Photo – Rocket K.
‘I’m not really driven by chasing specific clients but more interested in doing work with different mediums,’ says Sha’an. Photo – Rocket K.
Artwork by Sha’an. Photo – Rocket K.
The bright and bubbly creative. Photo – Rocket K.
Sha’an’s output spans artwork, painterly illustrations, branding, decals, funky pins and linen collaborations, to name a sample. Photo – Rocket K.
Inside her her first book ‘Zoom’ teaching kids about the solar system, which was released in November. Photo – Rocket K.
illustration details. Photo – Rocket K.
Painterly work by the illustrator and artist. Photo – Rocket K.
Attending Adobe MAX this year was my first time visiting Vegas, and also attending a 12,000 visitor conference !  It was whirlwind of new and exciting things to take in – you can read some snippets in my earlier post, here.
One encounter that stood out was meeting fellow Aussie, Sha’an d’Anthes. Sha’an has a huge following under the guise of her Furry Little Peach blog and social media accounts. She was a joy to spend some time with, among the busy seminars and bright lights in Vegas!
The 25-year-old illustrator, designer and exhibiting artist recently released her first book ‘Zoom’ teaching kids about the solar system. We recently caught up with her back on home soil for a tour of her cute Sydney studio. 
How did you find your way into illustration and art?
I knew I wanted to be an artist from a super early age, but in high school I decided that art was too impractical, so I discovered design and fell in love with it. I decided to study Graphic Design.
When I started uni, I was also doing freelance art collaborations for General Pants (murals, live art, and more branding rather than actual product) as well as some other commercial brands. in this way, uni wasn’t really as much of a learning experience for me as all the real life stuff I was doing; I went there, got a piece of paper and it was great, but then I did an internship at a big digital agency, which was a turning point. Following this, I finally got a job as a digital designer doing apps and websites.
About one year ago, I realised that I was getting enough freelance work, and I was able to quit my full-time job and focus on illustration… and now I’m just loving drawing for a living!
Your Blog Furry Little Peach is hugely popular, with the Instagram having amassed more than 143,000 followers. What motivated you to start it, and the unique name?
It started from when I made my tumblr in high school in Year 11. I built it to procrastinate, because I didn’t want to study for my HSC! I was trying to come up with a URL for that, and I just liked the word peach – it was cute and fun. Originally, I was tossing up between ‘We Are Little Peaches’ and ‘Furry Little Peach’ and just went with the latter!
There’s no real meaning, and it’s a fluke that it kind of works with the work that I create now.
Where do you find inspiration?
It’s a hard question to answer because we (artists) all like other artists and different music and interests, but these don’t necessarily translate to our work.  
I think my true inspiration comes randomly, at the weirdest time, like on the bus! It’s just like this magic that you can’t manifest. The most authentic ideas come when you least expect it!
I’m a late adopter of Pinterest, but I try NOT to search for things before starting a project, and instead start them based on an idea that I have in my head.
Your output spans artwork, painterly illustrations, pins and linen collaborations to name a sample. How would you describe your style, and do you have a prefered media?
It’s vibrant, joyful and nostalgic – a mix between the world I want to live in and my experiences, things that I like, and the things I like to listen to. In my work I focus on everything that makes me happy, and I think people can see that joy, which perhaps resonates with them too.
Watercolour is my favourite medium for sure. It is like a wild animal; you put it down, it just does whatever it wants and you just have to try to tame it on the page. I love it. In visual art at uni they taught us how to do oil painting, and drawing… Water colour was really something that I saw other people doing on Tumblr and was inspired from there!
Do you have a favourite project so far?
My book, ‘Zoom’, is a big monument in my career so far.
I also recently designed some bed sheets, which was really fun because it was for a big Kickstarter project. I was just so amazing to do something so large scale, and that would be so practically useful to people’s lives. This made me fall in love with homewares, so I’d love to collaborate with ceramicists or textile designers to bring my work into everyday lives more in the future. 
Can you tell us more about ‘Zoom’ and how it came about?
When I was five I told my Mum that I wanted to write and draw my own books! It’s now happened 19 years later! I really didn’t expect it to happen this early, because I left my full-time job thinking a book would be a long term life goal. But then, somehow, my publisher ended up emailing me and asking if I had ever thought about doing a children’s book. I pitched some ideas, they loved them, and we got started!
The book follows a child character named ‘Scout’ and a rocket ‘Beattie’. I wanted to teach kids about the Solar System. I was a really visual learner at school, and I feel that I never really picked up maths or science because of this. I thought that an illustrated book could be a really visual way to teach kids about the size and order of the planets, in particular through each planet being a different animal, and driver of the narrative.
What do you think is the most exciting thing about being a creative in Sydney today?
Sydney has a really close-knit creative community; it never feels competitive and I’ve always felt like we celebrate each others’ achievements and lift each other up, which is really nice.
A huge challenge of living and working here is cost of real-estate – the rental prices here can be extortionate, and as a full-time freelancer where your income fluctuates, that can be really scary!
What did you take away from Adobe MAX?
I attended as an influencer, so I guess my job is to be the ‘eyes on the ground’ and to share the experience with my creative audience.
The thing I liked the most about Adobe MAX was the people that we got to meet – I went to really good talks by Bonnie Siegler, Aaron Draplin, and Tad Carpenter. And then you had an opportunity to form connections with people who weren’t necessarily speaking, but in a similar stage of their career as you, with the same insecurities and challenges to face. I was hanging out with filmmakers, photographers, other illustrators/watercolourists.  I found it really cool to compare everything.
Coming from this conference, I’ve seen the importance of making – for ‘just making sake’ and not being so concerned if you’re being paid for it or not. I am very project driven and I will often book too many projects at once. A big goal for me in the future is to just have a play and push my ideas further and actually create projects for myself, because that’s when you learn things and that’s when you’re most creative!
Christmas is just around the corner, so it’s been a busy time for many creative freelancers. Have you been doing any holidays themed work, and how will you be spending the break?
I’ve actually just finished a Christmas Campaign with The Streets of Barangaroo, of which I’m really proud. I created the hero artwork for their catalogues, window decals for all their stores and three sets of wrapping paper. All the artwork is centred around ‘Leisure’ as a theme. It was important for me to create something inclusive that everyone can get on board with at this time of year.
I love the holiday season! My plans include getting my online store ready for next year, wrapping up this year’s projects, watching an obnoxious number of christmas movies, and eating lots and lots!
Keep up-to-date with Sha’an d’Anthes’ work on her blog Furry Little Peach.
Annie Portelli was a guest of Adobe for the Adobe MAX conference.
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2017 Merry Christmas Greeting wishes massages for family & friends
merry christmas wishes
It’s that time of year again when friends and family think about the Christmases of the past and plan for the coming holiday with their loved ones in mind. As we reflect on this wonderful holiday, we must keep in mind that Christmas is not just any holiday but may be the most important one of the year for some people. It is a time for remembering, a time to share the goodness of your heart with others, and for expressing with words and gifts what someone means to you. It is a chance to make wishes come true and to give something from your heart
merry christmas wishes Here is a selection of 200+ Merry Christmas wishes and messages you can use for your family and friends
In this huge collection of wishes for Christmas you will find
✓  merry Christmas wishes
✓  funny Christmas wishes
✓ merry Christmas wishes for friends
✓  Christmas wishes for family
✓ Christmas wishes text messages
✓ Happy Christmas wishes cards messages
✓ short Christmas wishes ✓ christmas love wishes messages
We truly hope you enjoy this collection of merry Christmas wishes and, in the spirit of the season, pass these on and share!
Some religious christian Christmas wishes messages for someone special with popular and famous greetings along with unusual Christmas greetings are also posted. when we wish someone with Christmas greetings messages Looking for the perfect wish is no different than looking for the perfect gift! On our website, we classify wishes per issue in order to facilitate your search. We hope you enjoy browsing! merry christmas wishes
merry Christmas wishes
May the melody and spirit of the holidays fill your home with love and peace. I wish you all the best and happy           New Year too !
May success be with you and everything you do, Merry Christmas and a happy New Year too!
On Christmas, there’s a reason to be happy and a reason to smile, and there’s a reason why I’m sending                  Christmas wishes your way. You’re it.
Wish you a Merry Christmas and may this festival bring abundant joy and happiness in your life !
From miles away, no matter how far we are, the warmth of Christmas will bring us closer together. May you                have a wonderful holiday!
Special Christmas greetings to a person who is just so very special. We wish you and your family a Merry                  Christmas and A Happy New Year.
Sending the warmest Christmas wishes to you and your family. May God shower his choicest blessings on you          and your family this Christmas !
Let us celebrate Christmas with lots of fun, surprises and magic. May you have a wonderful Christmas
There are some people who want to throw their arms round you simply because it is Christmas; there are other          people who want to strangle you simply because it is Christmas. Which one are you?
I wish you and your family a joyful, serene and white Christmas. Happy Holidays !
Special Christmas greetings to a person who is just so very special. We wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year.
Beneath the hustle and bustle of the festive season there is the true beauty of connecting with loved ones. May this beauty and joy lift you up during Christmas and the New Year!
Wishing you the best during this joyful season. I hope your holidays are filled with festivities and plenty of merry enjoyment.
Christmas is sign of stars, angels and love divine come down from heaven, may love of Christmas remain with you. Merry Yuletide
I hope your holiday is filled with plenty of warmth, love, cheer, and happiness. Merry Christmas to you and yours
With Christmas come faith, hope, and love. I wish all these things for you and your family during the holiday season
funny Christmas wishes
This year you was not good… You was FANTASTIC ! May your celebration be joyous and your holidays bright!
A lovely thing about Christmas is that it’s compulsory, like a thunderstorm and we all go through it together. Lets        buckle up and enjoy the ride
I hope Santa is good to you this year because you only deserve the best. Merry Christmas from our family to              yours
May your Christmas sparkle with moments of love, laughter and goodwill, And may the year ahead be full of              contentment and joy
Christmas is not a time nor celebration, but a state of mind. To cherish peace and kindness, to be plenteous in          mercy, is to have the real spirit of Christma
Christmas is mostly for children. But we adults can enjoy it too until the credit card bills arrive
I am dreaming of white Christmas, with every Christmas card I write, May your days be merry and bright, and            May all your Christmases be white. Merry Christmas
Blessed is the season which engages the whole world in a conspiracy of love !
Man will live for ever Because of Christmas (Because of Christmas Day drinking) Merry Christmas to you
I am so excited to wear my new dress today just to see that my Godparents were out of their house
I think Santa must ride a plane instead of sleigh so that he can reach me faster. I oftentimes fell asleep waiting for him
Since I brought the presents, I’ve asked Santa to bring you love and happiness!
How do cats greet each other at Christmas? A furry Merry Christmas and happy Mew Year!
Christmas is like job: you do all the work but fat guy in suit gets all the credit. Enjoy and be merry!
Santa wont be coming this year…He died laughing when you said youd been a good girl. Have a Merry                      Christmas May you have the spirit of Christmas which is Peace, the gladness of Christmas which is Hope, and the Heart of        Christmas which is Love.
merry Christmas wishes for friends
What better way to spend the holidays than dancing with the snowflakes! May you have a wonderful Christmas          in the snow! Christmas shopping… they said it would be fun! They said I wouldn’t get trampled on! But hey what’s Christmas        without all the crazies! Merry Christmas!
Santa is in the hospital and the toy production has stopped… he almost died laughing when I told him you were        good this year.
On this day I want to wish you more success so that you will continue to be a blessing not just to me but also to others. Merry Christmas!
May this Christmas Sparkles with love, happiness and celebration, to pave the way for a happy new year Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
Heartfelt holiday wishes for a wonderful Christmas and a Prosperous New Year.
It is the month of Cakes & Candles, Snow & Songs, Carols & Joys Laughter & Love,Its December… Wishing you a Blessed Month of Christmas!!
May all the sweet magic of Christmas conspire to gladden your heart and fill every desire
A star has come to earth! Spread the Christmas love and cheer! Merry Christmas!
I wish that love, prosperity and well-being be with you and your dear ones not only on Christmas season, but all        year long!
Read this article:- 
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merry christmas wishes collection 
Christmas wishes for family
‡ Cookies and sweets in every corner of the house! That’s how it smells Christmas with family!
‡ May God’s blessing shine upon your family members and you on this Christmas time!
‡ I am thrilled to call you as one of my family members and I would love to spend the Christmas holidays with you.
‡ Wishing all my family members peace and love this holiday season. May you feel the joy in your home that you bring to me.
‡ May God’s blessing shine down upon you and your family this holiday season. Sending love from our family to yours.
‡ May God’s blessing shine down upon you and your family this holiday season. Sending love from our family to yours
‡  May Santa bring lots of goodness and happiness to our family on this Christmas! Merry Christmas!
‡  Having a family like you makes me feel blessed. May you all be blessed with health and wealth. Merry Christmas!
‡  Family’s love and moment of togetherness is the greatest blessing. On this Christmas I would like to thanks Jesus for gifting me this blessing. Merry Christmas!
‡ Lovely snowflakes, Christmas lights and smiley faces everywhere – it all creates a special atmosphere of                   forthcoming celebration, but there’s still something missing… I guess it’s my dear family. There’s no holiday               without you. Merry Christmas!
‡ There are only two really sacred things in the world: Christmas and family. And I will honour and cherish them           both till the end. Wish you a Merry Christmas!
Christmas wishes text messages
��� We had rough times, but God showed us the way. Time flies when we are happy, like we are today. May this day be full of love and be blessed. May we be good and pass every life’s test! Merry Christmas!
‡ Christmas lights and trees, The light and sweet breeze. Make Christmas feel jollier, As the 25th of December draws nearer, My heart jolts faster and faster, May you have a Merry Christmas, And a wonderful new year!
‡ May this Christmas end the present year on a cheerful note and make way for a fresh and bright new year. Here’s wishing you a   Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
‡ Joy resounds in the hearts of those who believe in the miracle of Christmas! Wishing you all the peace, joy, and love of the season! Season’s Greetings!
‡ The Spirit Of Christmas Is All About Fun, Love Joy Reminding Us That Christianity Is Deeply Rooted To Christ           Share Your Love With The Less Fortunate During This Christmas Eve
‡ am dreaming of white Christmas, with every christmas card i write, May your days be merry and bright, and May       all your christmases be white. Happy Christmas.
‡ The baby of Bethlehem was born today; May His peace, love and serenity descend upon you; And remain with you forever and ever; Here’s wishing you a blessed and a holy Christmas!
Happy Christmas wishes cards messages
‡ For business Christmas cards, write Christmas messages that are cheerful yet appropriate.
‡ Write a few religious sayings or Christmas bible verses for those recipients who celebrate their faith during the           holiday season.
‡ Thinking warmly of each of you and wishing your family an extra measure of comfort, joy and hope this Christmas.
‡ May this Christmas end the present year on a cheerful note and make way for a fresh and bright New Year. Here’s wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
‡ With all Good Wishes for Christmas and the New Year.
‡ Peace, good will and happiness for you at Christmas and always.
‡ On this happy holiday season, may the spirit of Christmas spread the happiness, love and peace. Celebrate the         Christmas and new year with fun and party. merry Christmas
‡ Let us remember that the Christmas heart is a giving heart, a wide open heart that thinks of others first.” George       Matthew Adams
‡ Christmas is the Blessed season which engages the whole world in a conspiracy of love!
short Christmas wishes
‡  Wishing you a magical and blissful holiday! Have a merry Christmas and prosperous New Year!
‡  Have a jolly and blessed Christmas and a Happy New Year!
‡  Sending you lots of love and heartfelt wishes to have a wonderful Christmas and holiday cheer. Happy New Year!
‡  There are many gifts under the Christmas tree, but the best one is you!
‡  May we be thankful for everything big or small and may the light of Christ shine in our hearts. Merry Christmas.”
‡  I wish my best friend a day full of all the jingles and twinkles of Christmas!
‡ Warmest thoughts and best wishes for a wonderful Holiday and a Happy New Year.
‡ Before Now you are just ok,yesterday you were better,today you are perfect, This is the the effect of a blissful season…christmas.merry it in style
christmas love wishes messages
♥ I wish you the best of happiness and health amidst lovely Christmas carols, sweet delights and cookies and loads of presents… Merry Christmas and a New Year to you my dear.
♥ Wish you a sweet and lovely Christmas. May this Christmas bring loads of happiness and love in your life
♥ You were there by my side during the last Christmas and I’m glad to have it this year as well. Wishing you a Merry Christmas.
♥ Wishing you a Merry Christmas my soul mate. I love you!
♥ I am wishing you the blessings on this Christmas holiday and for the upcoming year.
♥ Even though we are living miles away, we have always been together throughout the past year. I love you!
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♥ May the winds of love and joy visit your homes this Christmas and live with you and your family for today and forever. Wishing you and your family a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
♥ Why do I need Christmas presents when I already have you? Merry Christmas to the most beautiful angel on earth. I love you
so hopefully guys u are enjoing this all wishes collection so humble request for all of you please share this wishes collection to your friends & family
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