#How did this happen to meeeee?
cosmic-ships · 6 months
Well this is new.
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Ship: Ronnie x Kaden
Words: 2,084(OHMYGOD WHAT!? No pressure to read holy shitttttt)
cw: Ronnie's pov, oops Ronnie doesn't know how emotions work! D: Mindy and Cliff being goofs lol (No real CWs)
summary: Bobby's sibling is new in town- Place your bets! :3
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Quiet, it was always quiet. Maybe that's why they say this is a nice place to be. No excitement of the good or bad variety. Not much to do either, wasn't a bustling city with malls and movie theatres, no concert halls or nightclubs, just a quaint little town.
Ronnie sat, arms crossed over his chest at his desk, staring at the clock as it ticked by, every so often checking his cell phone, reading news from other more exciting places in the world. It's not that he hated it here, he liked that it was quiet, fewer people, fewer crimes but sometimes he wished for something to change. Anything really.
"Hey, did you hear?" Mindy broke the silence in the station as she pulled up a seat at her desk. She pushed up her glasses and sat back in her chair.
"Hear what?" Ronnie asked flatly, his brow raising slightly.
"Bobby's got family living here now." Mindy smiled.
That was the one thing about such a small town, nothing was ever kept private and if it was it didn't stay like that for long. Everyone knew everyone and gossip was a pretty common thing.
"Is that so…" Ronnie glanced up from his phone to look at Mindy and Mindy smiled.
"Yeah- some of us are taking bets."
"Taking bets? On what?" Ronnie asked, once again drawing his attention back to his phone.
"On if whoever has moved here ya know…" Mindy gestures vaguely and Ronnie looks at her with furrowed eyebrows. "Looks….like him"
"That's sort of rude don't you think?" Ronnie is looking at her a little more seriously now, he was never one for gossip and not to mention the subject right now had him wildly uncomfortable.
"I guess it kinda is but hey, what else we got going on. Want in?" Mindy grinned.
"Do yoooou at least want to go with Cliff and me to introduce ourselves?"
"You mean go and see who won the bet?" Ronnie raised a brow and Mindy sighed.
"Fine." Ronnie simply said, standing to his feet and grabbing his jacket.
The drive to Bobby's shop wasn't far. He owned a little gas station comic shop hybrid, all the local kids went there for junk food and to get their sci-fi kick. Already something was different, there was music loudly blasting from the shop.
"Someone likes it loud," Mindy mumbled as they pulled into the shop.
Cliff, Mindy, and Ronnie got out of the car and trailed inside the tight little store, a quaint, slightly run-down storefront, full of of nostalgia and a holdout against the creeping decay. The shop's sign, "Centerville Comics," flickers with a vintage neon glow, inviting those seeking escape into worlds beyond the unsettling quiet of their own. Inside, the shop is a labyrinth of towering shelves, each one groaning under the weight of comic book history, from dog-eared classics to the latest issues. The lighting is dim, with sporadic beams of sunlight filtering through dust-speckled windows, illuminating the colourful covers
The music was usually some twangy country but today was more instrumental progressive rock… that was new. Ronnie bobbed his head a little as Mindy and Cliff glanced around the store before someone came out from the back of the shop and everyone's eyes landed on them.
Mindy grinned, subtly holding her hand out towards Cliff who Cliff, reluctantly handed her $20. The person emerged to the counter, they had black-blue hair about shoulder length, and long bangs that swept across their eyes, when they brushed the hair from their face their eyes were green.. light green with a darker green ring around it. They adorned an eyebrow piercing in their left eyebrow with purple studs that matched the same ones that were in their lower lip.
Ronnie's mouth went agape for a moment as he sucked in a breath of air. Why did it feel like he had suddenly run a marathon? His heart was beating wildly in his chest? The regular musk of ink and paper scent of the shop was replaced by something else…Flowery? Fruity? Mocha? it was a combination of the three that filled his nostrils, no doubt it was whatever this person was wearing. It was alluring. Ronnie had to swallow thickly and try to compose himself despite looking calm on the outside, his stomach was doing backflips and it only intensified when he saw them flash a toothy smile.
The smile on their face changed to one of concern, however. "Oh shit! Am I too loud!?" They reached for the remote to the sound system and turned it down a bit.
"No, no you're good. We just wanted to stop in and say hello, we heard Bobby had some family visiting and--"
"and ya'll had to rush over to see if I was a skinny-haired nerd too?" They interjected, grinning widely and Ronnie cracked a little smirk that didn't go unnoticed by Cliff.
"I-- we---" Mindy stammered in shock and Cliff looked rather embarrassed.
"It's alright, Bobby told me that it might happen. So who won?"
"Mindy." Cliff thumbed towards her and she shyly smiled.
"So Mindy.." they turned their attention to the older gentlemen.
"Cliff…" They echoed as they turned towards Ronnie and their eyes flicked up to him.
"Oh, R-Ronnie-" He stammered, a small hitch in his voice as he reached over the case to shake their hand. Why was he so nervous? Again the stammer didn't go unnoticed this time by Mindy and Cliff.
"Kaden, nice to meet you Ronnie~" They smiled sweetly at Ronnie and he felt like his heart was going to explode in his chest yet on the outside he remained his calm and cool self or at least he thought he was.
"Well, it was a pleasure to meet you. Tell Bobby we said hi" Cliff smiled and turned on his heel.
"Coming Ronnie?" Mindy raised a brow, taking note of how his gaze seemed to be lingering on Kaden.
"Huh?" Ronnie broke his gaze and looked at Mindy.
"Are you coming?"
"Oh- uh-"
"Actually…" Kaden pressed their palms against the glass case as they leaned on it. "Can I borrow him for a bit? He has something I need."
"He does?" Mindy looked at Kaden curiously.
"I do?" Ronnie also looked to Kaden and why was he suddenly feeling nervous?
"Yeah. His height. Can you help me out with those.." Kaden pointed to a stack of boxes "Up there?" They pointed to the shelf that was closest to the ceiling. "Bobby wants to put up some of the new arrival comics but he clearly doesn't believe in owning a step ladder or at least one that I can find in this cluttered mess back here. I know it's an odd request but it seems like not much goes on here so can you spare your deputy for a moment?"
"I dunno, Ronnie? Can you be spared?" Mindy's lips pulled into a half smirk and Ronnie felt his heart sink into his stomach.
"Y-Yeah, no I can absolutely help out if you need it." Ronnie stammered again and Mindy shot him a knowing look.
"Great!" Kaden smiled.
Mindy and Cliff left and as they were outside Mindy offered Cliff another little bet..
"He's smitten."
"I see that."
"I give it a month tops before he crack."
"you're on."
Back inside Kaden motioned Ronnie to come around the counter. "Thanks for the help~" Kaden hummed softly.
"Oh, it's no problem." He replied softly. the look on his face was stoic and he offered a small smile to Kaden and noticed the way they soon followed suit, giving a small smile themselves and there were those butterflies again, slowly fluttering in Ronnie's stomach. He swallowed thickly again.
"Here you are sir~" Kaden chuckled as they went into the box and grathered a pile of comics in their hands. Although they didn't have the greatest grip on them within moments they were scattered across the floor. "Shit!"
Ronnie moved on instinct, squatting down to help with the mess as well as Kaden and within moments their heads collided with one another. Kaden hissed and held their head as did Ronnie.
"Ow!" Kaden exclaimed a small laugh coming from them as they glanced up at Ronnie who was also holding his head.
"Sorry..are you alright?" Ronnie asked as he looked over to see Kaden already staring at him. He took relief in the fact that Kaden was laughing and the sound sent a spark of warmth through his chest that he had never felt before.
"I'm okay..heh are you okay?" Kaden chuckled softly as they stood to their feet, handing Ronnie a bunch of books from up off the floor.
"I'm okay." He spoke softly, just above a whisper.
As Ronnie and Kaden finally straighten up, each holding a portion of the spilt sci-fi comics, the last few books find their way back onto the shelf. The slight bump on his head from their accidental collision is nothing compared to the rapid thumping in his chest. Ronnie can't help but replay the moment over and over in his mind, the soft surprise in Kaden's eyes, the brief touch of their hands. It's ridiculous, he thinks, how a simple accident feels like it's rewired his entire day—
As Ronnie and Kaden finally straighten up, each holding a portion of the spilt sci-fi comics, the last few books find their way back onto the shelf. The slight bump on his head from their accidental collision is nothing compared to the rapid thumping in his chest. Ronnie can't help but replay the moment over and over in his mind, the soft surprise in Kaden's eyes, the brief touch of their hands. It's ridiculous, he thinks, how a simple accident feels like it's rewired his entire day—no, his entire outlook on what he came into the comic shop for.
"Thanks for the help," Kaden says, their voice pulling him back from his daze, a smile playing on their lips. It's casual, the way they say it, but to Ronnie, it feels like a scene straight out of one of these comics—unexpected allies meeting in a twist of fate.
"No problem," Ronnie manages to say, hoping his voice sounds steadier than he feels. "Guess we made quite the team, huh?"
"Yeah, we did," Kaden agrees, their smile broadening, oblivious to the feelings that they've flamed inside Ronnie.
As they stand there, amidst the quiet hum of the shop and Kaden's music that was playing in the background, surrounded by tales of intergalactic adventures and time-travel mishaps, Ronnie finds himself wishing they were characters in one of those stories. It would be easier, maybe, to express how he feels if he could blame it on some cosmic anomaly or a twist of fate written into the stars. They just met after all and it would be weird to just blurt out that he found them attractive, plus that wasn't Ronnie. He was calm and collected at all times…..right?
He takes a moment, watching Kaden's enthusiasm for the comics, the way their eyes light up at certain titles, and he wonders if maybe, just maybe, there's a universe out there where he's brave enough to say, "Hey, I know we just met, and we might be nothing more than two strangers who bonked heads over a pile of comics, but I feel like there's something here. Do you feel it too?"
But he doesn't say any of that. Instead, he tucks those words and feelings away, a secret storyline that no one else gets to read. For now, he's content to bask in the aftermath to hold onto the spark of something new and thrillingly unknown.
"See you around?" he ventures, a tentative offer to extend this moment into something more a chance to see them again hopefully, less head-bonking encounters though.
"I'd like that," Kaden responds softly, the smile on their face ever-present. If Ronnie was paying more attention to Kaden than to his own inner thoughts and feelings he may have noticed the faint tint of pink that spread across Kaden's cheeks.
"Okay, well…see you later then."
"Bye, It was nice to meet you, Ronnie."
"Y-You too.." Ronnie stammered and was mentally kicking himself, he wasn't like this. He wasn't someone who allowed strong emotions get the better of him and yet here he was, heart racing and words faltering. He turned on his heel and headed out of the shop and allowed himself for the briefest moment to feel what he was feeling. He smiled fully to himself, something new and exciting was finally happening in this quiet little town.
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Tag list: @ama-ships || @heatobrienswife || @kylars-princess || @roboraindrop || @lysandreslittlechatot || @dragonsmooch
Absolutely NO PRESSURE to read this. I didn't think I could make a 2000 word fic but hi? hello????? If you read it fucking thank you!? you're literally a rockstar and I'd die for you??? <3
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hyenabeanz · 7 months
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They're not good pics, and it was a rough game, but I was stoked because we accidentally got seats behind Minnesota's bench, next to the tunnel, and I WAS SO CLOSE TO THEM AAAAAALL AAAAAAAAAAAAA.
Cava's, Greco's, and Coyne's rainbowed sticks made my heart full. This game honestly had way better promo pieces airing too on the jumbotron than the Wild pride game I went to a couple years ago. It felt authentic 🏳️‍🌈💜 cool that Brian Burke came over for this game too.
Also finally got a look at Rooney's bad ass mask with the First Ave stars motif. 🤩 Be still my heart.
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eriecanal · 2 months
briefly hopped on twitter and discovered the teens on there are still doing bisexual vs pansexual discourse centered around whether bisexual people are into nonbinary people or not. reminded me of when i was like 14 and temporarily socially transitioning for the first time, and someone told me that some girl was her bisexual awakening, but i was her pansexual awakening because i was nonbinary 😭
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britneyshakespeare · 7 months
you know. back when i reviewed poetry submissions for [insert unnamed literary magazine here], i once got a submission containing only two poems (you could submit up to five) both of which were about the author's older brothers, whose names are dan and john (my older brothers' names are dan and jon...athan) and her relationship w them and descriptions of them were not all that unlike my own brothers. still one of the weirdest things that has ever happened to me
#i understand my brother's do not have the most exotic names in the anglophone world#(although this was an international outlet and we frequently got pleeenty of submissions from non-anglophone countries)#(in fact one of the reasons i got sick of it over time was seeing too many worthy poems be rejected for bullshit reasons#and that seemed to happen in especially high numbers to poems from perspectives of other cultures/international issues#that i found to be very well-crafted and objectively deserving! but u can only afford to publish so many poems a week right#so u have to pass over the vast majority of stuff. so u have to grasp at reasons like 'the voice is too close' whatever tf that means)#(that shit used to pissss meeeee offff. i hate literary magazine readers. it's a fool's job and i can say it bc i've been the fool)#however that being said. what a coincidence#tales from diana#they were good poems too. i think i gave them a thumbs up before they were eventually rejected like most other thigns that are worthwhile#did i ever mention the literary publishing world is bullshit? bc it is#especially especially the poetry side of it. completely bullshit and so out of touch w how ppl read and appreciate poetry nowadays#no wonder that shit makes no money. well that and nobody wants to pay for it anyway#but when it comes to my poetry i have no problem being a starving artist. i never made a dollar from my work#but i don't think my work has ever been worth a dollar. it's never COST me a dollar either#and as far as i'm concerned i don't really want to be appreciated much for it#not that i ever have been. well. lol#but it wasn't about me bc i have reviewed thousands of submissions but only submitted to like... a handful of outlets over time#and having been on both sides of that equation. i do think that that's not for me#sometimes i do think about self-publishing but i don't even think the work of that would feel worth it to me#and if i were to do that i would probably do it under a pen name.#i don't have a collection of poems. i just have poems. thousands of em.#if i ever get around to writing those plays i have outlined in my head i might consider it though#bring back the closet drama
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carygrantsbeard · 2 years
Guys I think it’s time to admit the embarrassing truth that I have a crush on a blond guy….I joked around too much
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foxskip · 11 months
tag people you want to catch up with/get to know better
tagged by: @pinnithin saw that almost a whole day later b/c tumblr likes not telling me things lolll
last song: Okizeme by exociety (Rav & Kill Bill: The Rapper) NEW ALBUM TOMORROW YAAAY
last film: Pokémon: Lucario and the Mystery of Mew w/ @bajoranhughculber & @thymedreams like a month ago
current/last read: Started reading One Piece after loving the live action see you in 1000 chapters I guess lol (also keeping up w/ some current comics/manga but I'm not gonna list all those)
currently watching: Jujutsu Kaisen season 2, Gen V, AEW, also slowly making my way through Cowboy Bebop & TMNT 2003
current obsessions: Ninja Turtles but also I can tell I am slowly being consumed by One Piece brainworms already...
tagging: @bajoranhughculber @vaquer0s @zakoa @transedhausen @webvein @pandahasashotgun
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gummmibears · 24 days
y'all really like my cat apparently... like... 175 notes???!???? What the fuck?????? How?????? What???????? Huh???
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Me rn!!! Like what????
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kroosluvr · 1 month
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vending machine coffee
hi guys i did not move for 7 hrs until i finished this HELP MEEEEE (From the lineart+colors stage btw.... it basically took 7 hrs for rendering LKDSKJADKSAHD)
this is technically long winter au (royal trio r trapped together for longer than like 10 minutes) and this is.. i guess.. like a week in? to maruki's actualization. so theyre all very antsy and anxious (and sumire and goro havent reaaaalllyyy had many heart-to-hearts yet)
ANYWAY do u think abt the horror of being slam dunked into an ""ideal reality"" and not knowing what's real and what's fake and Most horrifically. getting used to the fake part
i like to think in long winter au they band together super close bc theyre tbh frightened of this reality, don't know wtf could happen if maruki could do This then he could do Anything right. so they walk all together like ducks in a line LMAOOO
akira feels disheartened at akechi's joke in page 1 - like yeah shit ur right. what's real and what's not. sumire distracts them by buying coffee
akira covers akechi's mouth bc he thinks hes gonna say some dumb shit (he wasn't)
(also for the record sumire hands the first coffee to goro and then the 2nd to akira then akira picks the last one up for her)
THE WAY AKIRA SMILES AT SUMIRE IM GONNA JUUUUUUUUUMP (i forgot to draw his bag strap there. fml. whatever)
woah the posters on the wall thats crazayyy is that the detective prince, the phantom thieves, and kasumi yoshizawa (tm)???? woahhhhh smile
akira grimaces at akechi's ""advice"" bc he Knows how real it is. He knows how haunted goro is by 1) his mother's death. 2) his murders. 3) the death of his Child self and his dreams of being a "hero of justice." sumire obviously doesn't know all this baggage so she just takes it at face-value like "yeah ur right senpai now that i think abt it!" but it really weighs heavily on akira and goro realizes that in the last page. so hes like. shit. well. ermmm. awkward lets get outta here
i like the colors on the last page eheh
ok time for me to eat something im feel like im dying.
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h4m1lt0ns · 1 year
episode eight :: GOOD DAYS
꒰꒰◌‧₊ ⬪˙⋆ pairing ︴max verstappen x ex!y/n (barely), multiple x y/n
꒰꒰◌‧₊ ⬪˙⋆ genre ︴social media au
꒰꒰◌‧₊ ⬪˙⋆ summary ﹔it’s a good day to be y/n, to be a y/n stan and a red bull hater.
꒰꒰◌‧₊ ⬪˙⋆ face claim ﹔ wonyoung jang (28)
꒰꒰◌‧₊ ⬪˙⋆ warnings ﹕ hot dilfs, none.
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♡ liked by alexandrasaintmleux, lewishamilton and 6,204,305 others.
y/n singapore gp ft. george stealing my phone and queen alexandra doing god’s work 😮‍💨
tagged: georgerussell63, alexandrasaintmleux, carmenmdundt, pierregasly, charles_leclerc, danielricciardo, landonorris, carlossainz55, mercedesamgf1
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♡ liked by lewishamilton, charles_leclerc and 9,294,293 more.
y/n ‘is there someone else/starry eyes’ 🎬 mv & behind the scenes are both out now 💐 had the absolute pleasure and honour of working with my closest best friends and literal soulmates on this one and they looked like princesses ⭐️💗 can’t be happier than this 🫧 love u to death!!! directed by me btw >:)
tagged: francisca.cgomes, carmenmmundt, alexandrasaintmleux, lilymhe.
y/l/nestate that “directed by y/n y/l/n” brought tears to our eyes 🥹 so proud ⭐️
jensonbutton easily the most beautiful video on the internet
➜ username SIR.
➜ username this is so.
➜ username i don’t even know what say.
➜ username OH MY GOD.
username they’re 😭 so 😭 gorgeous
pierregasly can’t believe kika got to be in a video before me
➜ francisca.cgomes hater.
➜ username TEARSSSS
username THE GIRLS HUGGING DURING THE “you were there when i needed someone” BROKE MEEEEE 💔💔💔💔💔
theweeknd this is an absolute cinematic masterpiece
landonorris this barbie is my mother.
➜ username OUR mother*
➜ landonorris MINE. i do NOT share 🤺
charles_leclerc beautiful girls
charles_leclerc directed 😭 by 😭 y/n 😭 y/l/n
➜ username HE IS SO ME
➜ username me 🫱🏽‍🫲🏾 charles
➜ username my honest reaction 😭
charles_leclerc my bestie did that
➜ username REALLLL
username how are you everywhere doing everything all at once ?????
username wait weren’t you JUST in singapore???
lewishamilton doll
➜ username OH??????
➜ username SIR LEWIS.
➜ username what the fuck is in the singapore air werent they just being all shy and awkward while giving each other hugs???
➜ username and now he’s flirting????
➜ username openly????
➜ username genuinely what’s in the water he drank there???
aussiegrit my eyes were blessed
➜ username what the FUCK is this crossover
➜ username it’s leaving me speechless.
arianagrande love u forever
username ICONIQUE
username slayed the house beyond repair
sebastianvettel mesmerising
➜ username SEB????
➜ username passing away. WHAT.
username MOTHER
francisca.cgomes genuinely still can’t believe this happened
alex_albon this is my favourite thing ever 🤍
carlossainz55 i want to live in that video
georgerussell63 my roman empire
username IM SO????????
alexandrasaintmleux still violently sobbing
carmenmmundt i love you beyond words
username this video is so 🎀💐🫧🤍⭐️🎬💘🩰 core
username I CANT.
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its-a-me-mango · 18 days
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God damn I'm older now how did that happen, happy birthday to meeeee 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
Based on Mario's animation from m&l dream team it's my favourite one I love mario.
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idkfitememate · 10 months
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This is a really cute idea! ☆૮꒰ˊᗜˋ* ꒱ა
Personally I’d put ‘em in Fontaine, and actually (because to be honest I did base boar off me in this situation) I’d actually try to get closer to Neuvillette because why not?
I can see killing a boar, but why would you ever kill an otter?
And Neuvillette seeing an adorable little otter following him out of the water, chittering behind him, giving him little shells, grooming his hair, and cuddling him?
Tears. Fontaine is about to be flooded sorry everyone.
He walks into court and his jacket is making noise and moving? Oh that’s just his little new otter friend don’t mind them.
He’s meeting with the melusine? His little otter friend is on his shoulder.
Just them hanging out in the water, having a good time.
And because I personally believe you could say the Dragon Sovereigns are directly connected to Teyvat, he’d totally know your the creator, but if you don’t want to tell anyone, that’s fine with him! He just gets your cuddles all to himself!
Sorry Furina, the otter stays on during trials.
I can also see you chittering to the beat of “Oratrice Mecanique d'Analyse Cardinale” in court while Neuvillette delivers judgement.
And you help him through the death of Focalors. Pressing your tiny paws against his cheeks as he cries. Nuzzling against his forehead, gently giving kisses and light love nips to his face. ૮꒰ ˶• ༝ •˶꒱ა ♡
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strniohoeee · 20 days
ahhh you’re my favorite writer!! can you write something about dad!matt please!! maybe something about the whole family going to the cape
Warm Summers
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Pairing: Matt Sturniolo X Female Reader
Synopsis: Fourth of July Weekend calls for fireworks, barbecues and most importantly family. Matt, Y/N and their twins take a trip to the Cape for the holiday weekend☀️
Warnings⚠️: None, this one was kinda cute. Might make more dad Matt fics in the future 😌 to the person that requested this thank you for the support I LOVE YOUUUU😭🖤
Song for Imagine: Tell Me I’m Dreaming- Los Yesterdays
The star make diamonds
Upon your face
The moon smiles down
From outer space
“And the Princess was so so sad because she thought her Prince didn’t want to be with her. He said he was afraid that he would hurt her” I said as I slid the sock on my daughters foot
“No! Mommy… the Princess needs her Prince” She said getting sad
“But then on a rainy cold night the Princess sat in her room, crying and holding her pillow close to her chest. Oh how she wished her Prince would come back” I said as I finished slipping her sneakers on, scooting over to put the socks and sneakers on her twin sister
“And then what?” She practically screeched
“Suddenly a soaking wet Prince ran up her castle stairs and bursted into her room. He fell to his knees crying with a bouquet of flowers in his hand. Begging the Princess to take him back and saying how foolish he had been. He said he wanted nothing more than to spend the rest of his life with her and to make her his Queen” I said watching as her and her sisters eyes lit up
“Did she take him back? Mommy please tell me she took him back” They both screeched as they clung onto their pink stuffed bunnies
“The Princess did! She got up and grabbed the Prince sooo tight and she kissed him” I replied
“Ewwww” they started scrunching their faces up as I laughed
“And they stood there hugging forever. And next thing you know they became King and Queen, they got married and had two twin girls” I replied as I smiled
“Twin girls? Like us!” They said as their eyes lit up
“Just like you both” I responded winking
“Mommy, is that a real story?” they asked
“Yes it is and your daddy was the stupid Prince who almost made the worst decision of his life” Matt suddenly spoke from the bedroom door frame
“DADDYYYYYY” they yelled as they jumped off their beds and into Matt’s embrace. Which caused me to smile
“Daddy you almost didn’t marry mommy? How could you? That’s so silly… she’s the best mama ever” Our daughter asked him
“I know daddy wasn’t so smart when he was younger. I’ll never forget that rainy night. You know that’s why your name is Lluvia. It’s Spanish for rainy season and you so happened to be born during a rainy season” Matt said kissing her on the forehead
“And what about me?” My other daughter asked him
“You’re Luna which is Latin for the moon, the night you both were born it happened to be a full moon and raining” I responded as I took Luna from Matt’s arm
“Mommy and Daddy are so cool” Lluvia squealed as she giggled
“We’re the coolest” I said winking at them
“Now who’s ready for that trip” Matt asked them as they started to jump around in our arms
“MEEEEE” they both yelled
We put them down and let them run down the stairs. Watching to make sure they got to the bottom we both let out a sigh.
Matt looked over at me and pulled me into a hug. Pulling back slightly I leaned in and planted a kiss to his lips.
“I can’t believe we’re 26 with a house and kids” I said reminiscing on our teenage years
Matt and I had been together since we were 18 and friends our whole life. It’s so crazy that this gross sticky boy I used to be neighbors with is the father of my kids and my husband….full circle moment
“Twins at that…. Want one more?” He asked me as he cocked an eyebrow
“With our luck I’d pop out another set of twins or even triplets” I said laughing as I grabbed the girls mini suitcases
“We’d have a herd of Sturniolos” he said giggling
“A herd is insanity, the girls are 4… so another one or two wouldn’t hurt” I said looking over at him
“Good thing we’re all going to be in separate rooms up in the Cod” he responded winking at me
“You are sickkk” I said smacking him playfully
Loading up the car we buckled the girls in. Matt and I’s family always went to Cape Cod during the summer months. It has been a tradition since before we were born. So naturally we thought now was the perfect time to start taking them.
Lucky for us Matt purchased a cabin out there near his parents and my parents so we’d be able to have family get togethers and always be around one another.
Given it was Fourth Of July weekend we thought it was perfect for a whole family get together.
Our hour and a half drive flew by as we spent most of it listening to Disney hits and stopping the girls from fighting with one another. They were just like Matt and his brothers.
We arrived after everyone and settled our stuff into our cabin. Taking the short walk over to his parents where everyone was at.
“Yooooo” Chris said as we walked out back to where everyone was sitting
“Hey guys” I said as I put the girls down
One ran to my mom and the other ran to Mary-Lou. As they hugged their grandparents I said hi to mine and my in laws.
“How was the ride out here?” Jimmy asked Matt
“Not too bad for holiday weekend to be honest” he said opening up the cooler and getting a juice pouch out for each of the girls
“Y/N how are you? Matt driving you crazy?” Justin asked me
“I’m good and honestly he’s been better” I said winking at Matt
Nick came over to play with the girls as I chatted with everyone.
“Okay but who’s the best uncle?” Chris asked Luna
“You both are” Luna said
“What? Not fair I’m better” he said crossing his arms over his chest
“I like Nick the best” Lluvia said as she hugged Nicks arm
“Only because he lets you do whatever you want” Chris said
“nuh uh” she said shaking her head
“Yuh huh” Chris said shaking his head
“He went from fighting with us like a child to fighting with our kids like a child” Matt said laughing
“You’re a meany uncle Chris” Lluvia said sticking her tongue out
“La La La La I can’t hear you” he said covering his ears and sticking his tongue out at her
“Will you quit being a child” Nick said smacking Chris
Giggling at them it was closer to dinner time. We all sat at the large table outside as we chatted.
The girls sat on my lap and Matt sat next to me. Turning our chairs towards each other Matt was feeding the girls while I ate.
Cutting up their hotdogs into bite size pieces he fed them as I held on to them. Wiping their mouth and giving them a sip of their waters
“Babe do you want the rest of my burger”I asked Matt
“Yeah, leave it there I’ll finish it” He said nodding his head
“All done” Matt said in his baby voice as the girls finished eating
“Grandma” Luna said as she began to slide out my arms
“You want to go with grandma” Matt asked her
She nodded her head and rubbed her eyes, anytime Mary Lou was around Luna had to lay on her and fall asleep. Lluvia reached out to my dad and so I gave her to him. Somehow within 10 minutes she landed in Justin’s arms and was dozing off.
Matt sat down and began to eat, standing up I headed over to the cooler and grabbed him a root beer. Opening it up for him I placed it next to his plate.
“Thank you baby” he responded winking at me
“You’re welcome, thank you for feeding them and letting me eat” I said blowing him a kiss
“Always my love” he said taking a sip of his soda
“It’s so funny to me watching you all grow up together. Sitting here at this table since birth and now two of our babies are married with babies” My mom said
“It’s so interesting to watch. I for sure thought Y/N hated all of them. I never imagined Matt and her to end up together” Justin said giggling
“I always thought yall had cooties and that’s why I never liked hanging out with you guys till we got older. I never thought Matt and I would need up together it’s so funny” I responded
“You guys just work so well together, I love you guys” Chris said reaching over and hugging Matt
Laughing at this we all finished our dinner. Having dessert with coffee as we watched the fireworks. The girls enjoy all the pretty colors.
We laid in the grass with the girls as we watched the fireworks. Reminiscing about our past.
We spent the rest of the weekend there jumping between houses for hangouts. And even getting alone time with Matt’s brothers as our parents took the kids. It was beautiful and peaceful, and I loved Matt and the girls with all my heart…
The End
Idk how I feel about this, but I hope you enjoyed it!!!! Can't wait to post more akekekek. Love yall dearly I’m almost at 2,640 followers which is insanity to me. Thank you sooo much🥹🖤🖤
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cordspaghetti · 1 year
feeling nuts ok so i was looking at the full page of that High School Drag interview after um going thru the 5 stages of decomposition over it and i recognized one of gerard’s other answers (about people grabbing their package) as identical to something they said in a much older interview so i was like oh are we pulling quotes from other things here? can i Search the Web and find the og source for what he said about doing drag? so i DID and i found each sentence of his answer, which i bolded, within larger quotes from completely different places, like:
“I like to think of it as a cry for help trapped in a pop song...When I was writing it, I was remembering how hard it was to be a 16-year-old in high school. I always wanted to be an artist, so I was this loner kid who just got drunk all the time. I only had one real friend. There was a girl I really liked, and she ended up taking really sleazy photographs with her boyfriend, and that really crushed me...I was just swimming in this pit of despair, jealousy and alcoholism.” (June 23, 2004 from mtv archive)
“I went to school in drag, in art school and my day was completely different because everybody thought I was a chick.” (we all know this one, earliest place i found it was here from 2003ish but i think the site’s broken now)
“You’re going to come across shitty bands and a lot of shitty people. And if any one of those people call you names because of what you look like or they don’t accept you for who you are, I want you to look right at that motherfucker, stick up your middle finger, and scream ‘Fuck you!’” (found this in a bunch of places, the earliest so far being Oct 22, 2006 on imnotokay.net where it’s listed as an “old article”)
for reference again the lad mag interview goes like:
“How did you find high school? Hard. I always wanted to be an artist, so I was this loner kid who just got drunk all the time. I only had one real friend. 
In what ways were you a loner? I went to school in drag. People call you names because of what you look like, because they don't accept who you are.”
so this has me thinking that at least this portion of the interview is entirely collaged together, with the context abt high school for the second answer basically fabricated? idk how common a practice this is in like. music journalism but LAD Mag (which this is from) was a magazine that came with copies of Sugar for free, so maybe the standards were different OR SOMETHING. idk maybe gerard just happened to repeat himself here. i want to believe in high school drag. but also their history with gender is important to meeeee and i want to make sure i am not consuming Fake Info about it !!!! 
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athingofvikings · 1 year
Two More Stalkers
So I'm drafting this post on October 19, 2022, hoping that I won't have to use it, but getting it set up as a contingency. Just in case.
Lots of screenshots under the cut, but TL;DR:
I have two stalkers who feel entitled to my work and writing, and have been stalking me because I didn't write their historical blorbos to their personal satisfaction and because I haven't written queer characters to their exacting specifications (specifically, they want what amount to Gold Star Lesbians with modern-style adopted children). In the course of their stalking, they have made a hate-blog specifically to target me with insults, and when that failed to get a response, escalated to making a new AO3 account specifically to write hatefic of my work and "gift" it to me.
If you see this post having gone live, I ask you to please review it and reblog it, because I am preparing this contingency in case they escalate to the point of trying to publicly defame me, and if I've hit "post", that means they're actively trying to get people to hate me.
So, without further ado...
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Here are screenshots of their intro posts (still available on my Discord server if anyone wishes to see the evidence). Essentially, they came because of their interest in the historical King Macbeth and the mid-11th century, which is where and when my story, A Thing Of Vikings, is set. The basic concept of the story is that the first How To Train Your Dragon film is dropped into Real Life history in the 1040s AD in the Scottish islands, and events ripple out from there, changing history as a result.
Some red flags began to wave in regards to these two, as nessie wanted to know what the status of his historical blorbos would be in my writing, and did not take it well that they would either A) be dead, B) be reduced to insignificance by changes in the historical timeline, C) be someplace else, or D) not exist at all, due to changes in the timeline. He ended up quietly leaving after the following discussion:
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He then left a few days later on Aug 28th.
Fast forward to October 2nd.
the threat of tortellini starts a discussion as follows:
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At the end of this exchange, the threat of tortellini leaves the ATOV Discord server. To sum up the above, they wanted for me to jettison the core conceit of a piece of writing that I have been working on for six years because they wished to see specific developments catering to their personal desires happen in the text. In short, "Screw your writing integrity, I want you to write it for meeeee!" and then stormed off the server when they were told no.
Two hours later, I am followed by @courtlycringe. Now, I vet my followers for personal safety reasons, due to having experienced harassment and stalking in the past, and immediately saw that this new follower was... unique.
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For obvious reasons, I promptly blocked the two people in the notes for these posts, as well as the courtlycringe blog itself. The next morning, October 3rd, I remembered nessie's fixation, and promptly pulled on the threads with the intro posts, putting together that @themischiefoftad is the threat of tortellini and that @malcolm--of--scotland is nessie. (Note the dates on the posts, too; Nessie had this hate blog already going before his friend stormed off of the server)
Confirmation came after a few of my friends interacted with them:
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(Although it should be noted that I don't believe that courtlycringe is/was run by anyone other than my two stalkers, given the timeline).
I do a little more work, track down their AO3 accounts, and block them. I expected that to be the end of it.
It wasn't.
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In short, these two made a new AO3 account, MillieMilkTea, and wrote some extremely nasty hatefic using my characters and targeting my work. The Necessary Components For The Fall Of An Empire is a giant middle finger to me personally, with my male main characters being brutally and graphically murdered by the female characters (especially their personal blorbos) and having everyone cheering for the deaths, and the female characters going off to be good pure lesbians. Nothing more and nothing less.
I declined the "gift", and have reported them to AO3 Abuse as of the writing of this post on Oct 19.
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However, given that they have written thirty-three thousand words of targeted hatefic, likely just in the past few weeks (the account itself was created Oct 11), I am sure that they will continue to escalate. I will keep this post updated and ready to post in case they shift from targeted harassment to defamation and libel.
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moonshynecybin · 3 months
Do you think the ranch visit 2014 ended with like slightly annoyed sex because Vale just annoyed with Marc beating his record but also slightly admiring him
i love this because its true. marc is ANNOYING ! of course it cannot be ignored that vale is ALSO annoying (max biaggi fight. hello.) like they match each others freak in that regard, but at what point do you look at this sexy ass twink who is obsessed with your dick and your bike (sex to vale. is motorcycle racing lest we forget he keeps that m1 in GROPING distance and marc is like GOD i wish that were me so it does. work comma sexually. for them. like a lot. but i digress) and obsessed with your ability to ride it and be like hmm. maybe this habit is NOT so cute. when beforeeee you thought hey hes just like MEEEEE and got HORNY about it. well obviously if youre vale it is when he doesnt let you win at your own goddamn track at your own goddamn house in front of your own goddamn brother and various peers. that shit is irritating. which i do think marc realizes now, but is also largely unrepentant about because he's hilarious. free my girl he did all that but it was funny. our marc not famous for his wealth of tact and restraint on the track. and vale is thirty six staring down one last chance to maybe win his tenth. and earlier that week when he beat marc at that karting event he said finally somewhere you dont win. so yeah when marc doesnt roll over and let him get the lap record that day in 2014 all of those endearing traits where they overlap and are similar. change. morph. arent so cute anymore. the light shifts. the music hits a minor chord. ominous. foreshadowing. chekov's gun carefully being placed on the wall. and suddenly. kind of a theme with them huh. vale hates him for all the things he learned from vale.
so. we are here to ask how that emotion translates to nasty sex. obviously. like all of these complex emotions do NOT mean that vale does not want to get his dick sucked lmao. like he's here he's thirsty marc's been in a tiny little titty huggin black tshirt all day its happenin. AND. it should be noted that in a very real sense this is their first sleepover. first time fr hanging out outside the paddock in a place where there is PRIVACY. no real REPORTERS. an actual locking DOOR. no way to hide from the fact that theyve been all over each other for like TWO YEARS now. AND multiple yamaha M1S that can be used as somewhat SEXUAL PROPS. (vale feeling also perhaps. emotionally complex here. a lil delicate. like YEAH i can invite my coworkers i like to hang at my track thats bro stuff but what about my years long situationship that —*static noises in vale's brain* like remember this is where MARC thinks things start to change between them...)
so yeah vale ends up like. amping up that competitive edge a little in bed. making this a fuckbuddy thing more than a RELATIONSHIP thing as much as he can in his head and with his hands and failing miserably and feeling even WEIRDER about that. so he's. i think he's working hard at putting marc where he wants him. hot hands a little rougher on the curve of marc's waist. cupping his ass making him gasp. sending him to his knees and making him suck his dick hot and nasty. teasing a little edging on the little feminine nicknames theyve never talked about but that make marc squirm and flush prettily. edging marc with three fingers in his ass while he whines for it. dragging it out. exerting a little control. not mean at all everyone is having fun (marc. out of his MIND.) just. excising some tension. its probably nothing hes just in his head. holding marc in his hands as he looks up at him. and marc trusting it. marc going. marc being just where vale wants him. just like he never does on the track. and marc thinks everything is fine when its happening thinks everything is AMAZING. but after that is when vale starts to go a little cold......
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mixelation · 4 months
What does the working relationship with hiruzen and Minato look like after the Tori murder attempt (seems like being an anbu in hiruzens office whenever they have to talk after it would be the most stressful thing)
excellent question. i'm not sure how i want to develop it exactly, but minato's overall character arc is that he doesn't actually like spending time in konoha. hiraishin means he can just go anywhere he wants, and there's more exciting places out there. he prefers being on missions, and the people he might go to konoha to spend time with are largely also on missions. in canon he'd have his romance with kushina to keep him tied to konoha, but in async they're instead close friends and his wifeguy energies are directed at your local semi-nomadic scam artist. so he's already sort of divorced from konoha as a place
leading up to the murder attempt, hiruzen first attempts to get him in line by giving him a genin team (minato enjoys this) and then when he doesn't get in line, starts overworking him. tori interprets this as "konoha is trying to kill you, idiot" but minato is like "noooo they just need meeeee" and TBH it's a little of both. the tori murder attempt makes his view of konoha leadership sours & he's more inclined to believe tori's hypothesis
i think maybe the murder attempt makes more sense if the plan was to frame someone else. at first i was thinking it'd be a "be more obedient, bc we can and WILL take away your loved ones" type of message, but i'm not actually sure that move makes..... sense? the genin are pretty expendable people that minato has imprinted on, so they could be used against him, but also you have to be VERY confident you've read Minato's personality right and you're not about to make a missing-nin. so maybe the plan was instead to murder tori and then make it seem like some other ninja did it, in order to pull a "you see why you need to dedicate yourself more to konoha?" kind of move. either way, they get caught immediately
i want the murder attempt to be a major ideological turning point for minato, but i'm not sure what his short term move would be because i think he'd be hesitant to actually abandon konoha (or more specifically, his team, kushina, jiraiya). i might kill his old genin teammates to help shift his mood without killing anyone the readers actually care about. also part of his character arc is he just defers more and more to tori's plans so TBH he might just do what tori tells him*
tori: okay hear me out. this is what i would do in this situation. just go back to konoha and act like nothing happened. it will drive them insane but they can't say anything to you without admitting what they did. and you can keep your little genin team
jiraiya: that is a terrible idea
minato: no, no. i like this. tell me more
*minato doesn't just do what she says for the sake of doing what she says. however he does slowly join the tori logic train and is like "but this plan makes sense--"
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