#How fast Chronic Kidney Disease CKD
torsoindia · 5 hours
Your Path to Wellness with Omega-3 Marine Triglycerides
It is very important to look for an effective way to support your health in this fast-paced society. OTF-SOFT, the Omega-3 Marine Triglycerides Capsules offered by Torso Lifesciences, is here to bridge that gap. These capsules contain the essential Omega-3 fatty acids such as Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), which are necessary for the general well-being of our bodies, from our cellular level function to our heart health. OTF-SOFT takes a more preventive stand in health. Let’s explore how this wonder supplement can change our lives.
What is OTF-SOFT?
OTF-SOFT is something more than a medicine. It is a concentrate of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) that our body requires. All of them contain Omega-3 Marine Triglycerides, EPA 180 mg fish oil, and DHA 120 mg, which are very important components that play a significant role in metabolism and cellular activities. Not only do these components serve as the building blocks of the lipid bi-layer surrounding cell membranes, but they are also a rich source of calories.
The Benefits of OTF-SOFT
The benefits of OTF-SOFT are far-reaching. Omega-3 fatty acids have been linked to cardiovascular health, improved brain function, and reduced inflammation. Regular use may reverse the effects of chronic conditions such as Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) and proteinuria since they are caused by body inflammation. Many users of OTF-SOFT, within several weeks of using the product, notice sharp mental clarity, a relaxing state of mind, and even energy restoration.
The Science Behind OTF-SOFT
In OTF-SOFT, its constituents, omega — 3 fatty acids, have anti-inflammatory action, which is extremely beneficial. EPA and DHA are incorporated into cell membranes together with arachidonic acid, which competes with them, hence reducing pro-inflammatory mediators and energising the synthesis of anti-inflammatory mediators such as resolvins and protectins. This decreases the level of inflammatory parameters, which is advantageous for patients with conditions such as CKD.
Indications for use
For recommended effects, it is advisable to take one to two capsules of OTF-SOFT per day. Notwithstanding, the regimen may be altered according to the seemingly apparent health needs. It is highly recommended that your medical health provider be consulted as regards dosage when one is on the medication.
Why Choose Torso Lifesciences for OTF-SOFT?
Torso Lifesciences focuses on the health of humans. We have made safety and quality our top priority and, therefore, put efforts toward developing proper, innovative nutritional solutions. Our mission is to help people make the best use of products such as OTF-SOFT, which has been created through extensive studies and scientific relations.
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How Rapid Progression of Chronic Kidney Disease CKD?
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Chronic kidney disease primarily advances slowly. Blood and urine tests can assist specialists in deciding whether the kidneys are still functioning admirably enough or whether dialysis will be required soon, for instance.
Blood and urine tests are beneficial for something other than diagnosing chronic kidney disease. Standard testing is crucial later on: The tests can show whether the disease is deteriorating and how rapidly. They can likewise help in finding out about the risk of complications. Depending upon the stage of the disease, the treatment can be individually adjusted, and the next treatment steps can be discussed and arranged with the specialist in advance. This is significant if it becomes clear that obviously dialysis will be required.
What are the stages of Chronic kidney disease?
Chronic kidney disease has five stages:
Stage 1: Urine tests give signs of kidney harm. However, healthy parts of the kidneys assist them in working continuously.
Stage 2: As well as the indications of kidney damage, the kidneys aren’t working at their total capacity. However, their capacity is just marginally diminished, and there are usually no observable side effects.
Stage 3: Kidney work is moderately decreased.
(Read here deeply Stage 3 of Chronic Kidney Disease CKD)
Stage 4: Kidney work is essentially reduced. Issues like itching, anaemia, acidosis, or pain in bones might happen.
(Read here deeply Stage 4 of Chronic Kidney Disease CKD)
Stage 5: End-stage kidney disease: The kidneys in this stage are not ready to clean the blood well enough, resulting in severe uremia (poisoning because of the development of byproducts in the body). Dialysis or a kidney transplant are then required to do the kidneys’ work.
The health implications of chronic kidney disease will likewise rely upon how healthy somebody is. Hence, specialists investigate conditions that might worsen Chronic kidney disease quicker — including cardiovascular disease, ineffectively managed hypertension, or diabetes.
Estimation of kidney damage and kidney capacity
Kidney damage and kidney capacity are firmly related. The glomerular filtration rate is the main factor of kidney work. Proof of kidney damage is given by the measure of protein in the individual’s urine.
Glomerular filtration rate
Every kidney has around 1,000,000 small “filtering stations” in it called renal corpuscles. The glomerular filtration rate (GFR) shows how much blood is filtered each minute. In healthy individuals, this is somewhere in the range of 85 and 135 millilitres per minute.
It would be genuinely challenging to measure the GFR straightly. That is why it’s generally estimated — for example, utilizing the level of creatinine in the blood. Creatinine is a breakdown result of the muscles. The most commonly utilized formula for estimating the GFR also incorporates things like age and sex.
Protein in urine
The kidneys usually keep certain substances in the blood from entering the urine. Kidney damage might become recognizable when those substances are found in urine. Examples incorporate blood proteins like albumin. They are possibly found in significant amounts in urine if the kidneys are harmed. The measure of protein in urine is taken as an indication of how bad the harm is.
How much time does CKD require to advance?
The short and unsatisfying response to this question is… it depends. It can be hard to figure out which indicators will be precise across the board because individual studies can only examine a certain number of factors at one time.
Chronic kidney disease progression has been analysed, however, most of the studies have focused on the reasons for kidney function decline and the probability of CKD to progress to end-stage renal disease (ESRD).
The objective of accurately, consistently anticipating the speed of chronic kidney disease progression stays at the front line of CKD research. Discoveries show that the rate is impacted by many factors and can generally differ, especially in the latter stages of the disease.
How rapidly Does Chronic Kidney Disease Progress?
Chronic kidney disease (CKD) doesn’t advance at a similar rate for all patients. A certain number of patients with mild to moderate CKD don’t encounter an anticipated pattern of disease progression.
Components like genetics, health problems, age, sex, and lifestyle also impact the speed of CKD movement.
While this makes a question, “How quick does constant kidney sickness progress?”
What are a few indicators of chronic kidney disease progression?
While the pace of disease progression will be different for everyone, numerous studies have shown that dependable indicators of rapid progression include:
Proteinuria (higher than the normal measures of protein in urine)
Anaemia (less oxygen-carrying red blood cells)
Congestive cardiovascular breakdown (and past cardiovascular disease)
Hypertension (high systolic blood pressure)
Low serum albumin (low levels of the protein called as albumin in the blood)
People below the age of 65, particularly if they are diabetic.
Longer duration of diabetes before diagnosis
Extra factors that different investigations have displayed to show a rapid progression of CKD include:
Acute kidney injury (AKI)
Being a smoker
Treatment with double RAS blockades
Low haemoglobin levels (<13 g/dL)
Always talk to your primary care physician and follow your treatment plan accordingly.
Ask your primary care physician what amount of daily fluid intake is ok for you, and make sure to add all fluids in your liquid intake, not simply water and cutoff liquor and caffeine utilization.
Monitor and manage medical problems that could increase your risk for complications and rapid disease progression, including:
Cardiovascular disease
Deficiency of iron
Diabetes mellitus (type 2 diabetes)
Take your medicines and modify your daily habits as per your primary care physician’s directions.
Limit your utilization of over-the-counter (OTC) drugs, particularly non-steroidal drugs (NSAIDs) like headache medicine, ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin), and naproxen (Aleve).
Make healthy lifestyle changes.
Always take a diet that:
Is low in potassium and phosphorus
is high in organic products, vegetables, and whole grains;
is low in cholesterol, saturated fats, sugar, and additives;
includes suitable, not extreme, protein; and
Stop smoking, and don’t begin in case you are not a smoker.
limits sodium to 2,300 mg/day, to assist control with blood pressure;
Exercise routinely and regularly, somewhere around 30 minutes per day, five days a week.
How Ayurvedic Treatment Cures CKD Kidney Failure?
Ayurveda is thousands of years old and has a unique treatment. Ayurveda helps you to improve your health without using any modern treatment and medicine. Ayurveda treatment is based on natural herbal medicine.
Yes, Ayurveda treatment is the cure for CKD. Through the Ayurveda, you can recover your kidney function 100 percent without any side effects on your health and kidney.
If you are in the last stage of CKD kidney failure or whatever stage you are in, still there is a chance you can remove your CKD chronic kidney disease through Ayurveda treatment. Our experts help you with this.
Countless elements can add to how rapidly chronic kidney disease progresses. CKD progress is also dependent on genetics, age, sex, and other various health aspects. Ayurveda treatment for chronic kidney disease is helpful for your health and enhances your kidney function through natural medicine.
1) What is CKD?
Ans- A condition in which the kidney loses its function over a period of time.
2) Why did I get kidney disease?
Ans-Kidney disease occurs due to malfunctioning of kidneys because of unhealthy lifestyle, unhealthy eating habits.
3) How could I have kidney disease if I feel fine?
Ans- In the initial stage, you can’t recognize the symptoms of CKD and a person may not feel sick.
4) Can kidney disease be cured?
Ans- Yes it can be cured with ayurvedic. Ayurveda is a unique and old treatment that is used for improving your health and providing the opportunity to live healthily.
5) Does kidney disease increase my risk for other health problems?
Ans- Yes, by kidney disease you will suffer lots of health problems like Kidney stones, Glomerulonephritis, Polycystic kidney disease, Urinary tract infections, and much more. You must consult your doctor.
6) What happens if my kidney fails?
Ans- You will be in deep trouble as you will have to suffer from many symptoms.
7) How can I protect my kidneys?
Ans- A healthy lifestyle with a proper diet can keep your kidneys healthy.
8)What other health problems can CKD cause?
Ans- CKD can cause many other issues like Gout, Metabolic acidosis, Secondary hyperparathyroidism, Bone disease and high phosphorus (hyperphosphatemia), Heart disease, High potassium (hyperkalemia), Fluid buildup, cardiovascular disease, which will hamper your health.
Author bio:
Prabhat Kumar has been working in the field of medical sciences for many years. Over the years, I worked with numerous Ayurvedic organizations as a Health Expert. I am enlightening readers with information related to all kinds of diseases and their ayurvedic treatment.
Source of Content: How Rapid Progression of Chronic Kidney Disease CKD?
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lindafrancois · 3 years
Benefits of Plant-Based Eating in Kidney Disease, Part 1
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Traditionally, plant-based diets have been considered the wrong choice for some patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) due to their high potassium content. However, recent studies show plant-based diets may slow the progression of kidney disease and have other benefits for overall health.1 In this first part of a two-part series, we’ll discuss benefits of a plant-based diet in CKD, including its effects on weight, blood pressure, diabetes and inflammation.
There are lower rates of obesity and overweight among vegetarians in the general population.2 One diet and weight researcher, Mozaffarian, and team found that eating plant-based foods did not contribute to weight gain.3 Studies have also found that eating a vegetarian diet unrestricted in calories for more than four weeks was associated with an average weight loss of 7.5 pounds.4 More research is needed on the effects of plant-based diets on body weight, specifically in people with CKD.
Blood Pressure
Diets like the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH), which include high intake of fruits and vegetables, are recommended to improve blood pressure in the general population.2 There are limited studies that include CKD patients. One study, by Goraya and others, compared the treatment of metabolic acidosis with sodium bicarbonate tablets to a base-producing fruits and vegetables diet in people with stage 4 CKD.5 In addition to the fruits and vegetables diet improving metabolic acidosis, systolic blood pressure was lower compared to the group treated with sodium bicarbonate at 1 year.
Insulin resistance is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease.2 Insulin resistance is common in all stages of CKD. In a population of people with diabetes, ovo-lacto-vegetarians (vegetarians whose diet includes dairy products, eggs, vegetables, fruits, grains and nuts) showed higher insulin sensitivity compared to the meat eaters and the degree of sensitivity correlated with years following a vegetarian diet.6 A review of several studies on people with diabetes found that a vegetarian diet combined with exercise was associated with a reduction in the use of glucose-lowering medications and hemoglobin A1c.7 There are few studies including CKD patients. A small study found that after three months following a plant-based protein diet, fasting glucose levels were reduced in patients with CKD stages 4-5.8
Uremic toxins are produced during the breakdown of amino acids. Normally, the toxins are removed by the kidneys, but in people with CKD the toxins build up in the blood.9 The toxins contribute to inflammation and oxidative stress and increase risk for cardiovascular disease and insulin resistance. Production of uremic toxins are affected by the diet. A diet high in animal protein produces more uremic toxins. A diet high in plant protein can reduce the levels of uremic toxins. Researcher Wu and team found that in dialysis patients, a vegetarian diet was associated with lower serum blood urea nitrogen, creatinine and C-reactive protein.10
Plant-based diets have been studied more in the general population and have been found to aid in weight loss, blood pressure control, diabetes control and inflammation. There are some studies that include people with CKD that have found the same benefits as in the general population. So, keep eating those fruits and vegetables! A plant-based diet may help people with CKD maintain a healthy weight, lower blood pressure and glucose levels, and help decrease inflammation.
Look for Part 2 in this series that discusses a condition called metabolic acidosis and how plant-based diets can improve it.
What is a Plant-based Diet, and Is it Good for Your Kidneys? National Kidney Foundation. Accessed March 3, 2021. Reviewed August 18, 2018. https://www.kidney.org/atoz/content/what-plant-based-diet-and-it-good-kidney-disease.
Vegetarian diet and chronic kidney disease. Chauveau et al. Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation. 2019, 34:199-207. https://academic.oup.com/ndt/article/34/2/199/5049714.
Changes in diet and lifestyle and long-term weight gain in women and men. Mozaffarian et al. New England Journal of Medicine. 2011, 364:2392-2404.
A systemic review and meta-analysis of changes in body weight in clinical trials of vegetarian diets. Barnard et al. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. 2015, 115:954-969.
A Comparison of Treating Metabolic Acidosis in CKD Stage 4 Hypertensive Kidney Disease with Fruits and Vegetables or Sodium Bicarbonate. Goraya et al. Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology. 2017, 8(3):371-381. https://cjasn.asnjournals.org/content/clinjasn/8/3/371.full.pdf?with-ds=yes.
Insulin sensitivity in Chinese ovo-lactovegetarians compared with omnivores. Kuo et al. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 2004, 58, 312-316.
Vegetarian diets and glycemic control in diabetes: A systemic review and meta-analysis. Yokoyama et al. Cardiovascular, Diagnosis, and Therapy. 2014, 4, 373-382.
Low protein diet in uremia: effects on glucose metabolism and energy production rate. Rigalleau et al. Kidney International. 1997, 51:1222-1227.
Vegetable-based diets for chronic kidney disease? It is time to reconsider. Cases et al. Nutrients. 2019, 11, 1263. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6627351/pdf/nutrients-11-01263.pdf.
Nutritional status of vegetarians on maintenance hemodialysis. Wu et al. Nephrology (Carlton). 2011, 16, 582-587.
Additional Kidney Diet Resources
Visit DaVita.com and explore these diet and nutrition resources:
DaVita Food Analyzer
DaVita Dining Out Guides
Today’s Kidney Diet Cookbooks
DaVita Kidney-Friendly Recipes
Diet and Nutrition Articles                                                       
Diet and Nutrition Videos
Kidney Smart® Virtual Classes
This article is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for medical advice or treatment. Consult your physician and dietitian regarding your specific diagnosis, treatment, diet and health questions.
Benefits of Plant-Based Eating in Kidney Disease, Part 1 published first on https://dietariouspage.tumblr.com/
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lauraramargosian · 6 years
Kidney Disease Treatment: The 11th Annual George Lopez Celebrity Golf Classic!
Kidney Disease: The 11th Annual George Lopez Celebrity Golf Classic is raising awareness!
George Lopez and his team raising money for kidney disease
Kidney disease treatment is no joke. Remember when George Lopez had to learn that he was in need of kidney disease treatment? Well, if you didn’t know there was a time in Lopez’s life when he needed kidney disease treatment and fast. His wife stepped up to the plate and was ready to do all she could to help with his kidney disease treatment plan.
“I’ll give you one of mine,” Ann Lopez told her husband. When the words flew from her mouth the comedian thought she was just joking. George Lopez, best known for “The George Lopez Show,” wasn’t living in a comedic world at this moment in his life.
The day was Tuesday, April 2005, the Lopezes arrived at Cedar -Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles gearing up for surgery in neighboring rooms. First, it would be her surgery and with love, faith and devotion she left George a letter and a rosary.
Mrs. Lopez opened up about the letter, saying:
“I wrote that I was doing this out of love, and that I had faith in the operation,” Ann recalls. “To me, this was about us, about our daughter, Mayan. But George, he comes from a very dysfunctional family, a horrific childhood. It was hard for him to accept that someone would give him the gift of life.”
Ironic, how some people with the hardest lives have to face hardships but the truth is, this makes us all grow stronger and George has been a positive influence in the industry for such a long time, we are thankful that his beautiful wife was able to give him the gift of life. Ann wasn’t worried, in fact she was excited to be able to give her love another chance at a healthy life. But George, he was nervous.
TOLUCA LAKE, CA – MAY 01: (L-R) Cheech Marin, George Lopez and Eddie Van Halen attend the 10th Annual George Lopez Celebrity Golf Classic at Lakeside Country Club on May 1, 2017 in Toluca Lake, California. (Photo by Jerod Harris/Getty Images for George Lopez Foundation)
“I was crying. I thanked her and I told her I loved her,” George recalls. “I was more concerned about her than I was about myself.”
The two (as expected) spoke on one another through the phone because they had to be in different rooms and post kidney treatment would take sometime in recovery.
Ann Lopez’s surgery took two hours. And George’s took five. But he was given the chance to continue making people laugh. And I’ve we’ve said before, laughter is a gift, if you can make someone laugh, you can make someone listen.
It’s great he got a second chance at life. Living a life with Kidney Disease is not an easy life. And we’re certain that’s why George Lopez is now taking part in the 11th Annual George Lopez Celebrity Golf Classic, raising money and awareness about kidney disease.
Sponsors included Century Healthcare, 3 Arts Entertainment, Aftershokz, Allen & Anita Kohl, Alveo Technologies, Axis Capital, Baltaire Restaurant, Beer Pong Golf, Boulevard Management, Bunnin Chevrolet Cadillac, The Gilbert and Jacki Cisneros Foundation, City National Bank, CoachLabs, Coca-Cola, Combi Charitable Foundation, Committed U, Companion Life, Curtis & Co. Watches, El Chicano Productions, Endemol Shine Group, Fifty150 Brand, Glenmorangie, HBO, Healthcare Highways Rx, Ken Corday of Days of Our Lives, King Taco, MGO Wealth Advisors, Moët Hennessy USA, Municipal Packaging, OnCore Golf, PXG, Santo Mezquila, Skadden Arps Slate Meagher & Flom LLP, Snoop’s Premium Nutrients, Stacey & Larry Kohl, Sultana Distribution Services, UTA, Vektor Vodka, Vino Latino USA, WebTPA, WBBO, Sheryl Underwood Radio, ZORIZ Golf and many more!
Doris Bergman’s Annual “Gratitude Lounge,” is also featuring an amazing assortment of luxury gifting!
George has made it his mission to raise awareness to kidney disease and organ donation.
“As we enter our tenth [now 11th] year, we continue to improve quality of life for underprivileged children, adults and military families, giving them the opportunity for a brighter future. Please join George Lopez in supporting this very worthwhile cause.”
Did you know that Kidney disease is the 9TH leading cause of death in the United States.1 An estimated 31 million people in the United States (10% of the adult population) have chronic kidney disease (CKD)?
Kidney Disease Facts and Kidney disease treatment
9 out of 10 people who have stage 3 CKD (moderately decreased kidney function) do not know it.
CKD is more common among women, but men with CKD are 50 more likely than women to have their CKD turn into kidney failure (also called end-stage renal disease or ESRD).
Some racial and ethnic groups are at greater risk for kidney failure. Compared to whites, the risk for African Americans is almost 4 times higher, Native Americans is 1.5 times higher, Asians is 1.4 times higher. Compared to non-Hispanics, Hispanics are almost 1.5 times as likely to be diagnosed with kidney failure.
The leading cause of kidney failure is diabetes.
Kidney disease treatment ranges from simple diet changes to needing a transplant.
“Diabetes causes 44% of all new cases of kidney failure. In 2012 it was the primary cause for 239,837 kidney failure patients. An estimated 29.1 million people have diabetes; 8.1 million of them don’t know they have it. About 40% of people with diabetes will get CKD.7 African Americans with diabetes are 3.5 times more likely than whites to get kidney disease. Most people (69%) participating in a 2011 nationwide survey by the American Kidney Fund could not name diabetes as a leading cause of kidney disease, despite the fact that over half (55%) had a loved one with diabetes.”
And then of course, high blood pressure is the 2nd leading cause of kidney failure.
“High blood pressure (HBP) causes 28.4% of all new cases of kidney failure. In 2012 it was the primary cause for 159,049 kidney failure patients. An estimated 70 million (29%) people have HBP — that is every 1 in 3 American Adults. And most people (85%) participating in a 2011 nationwide survey by the American Kidney Fund could not name high blood pressure as a leading cause of kidney disease, yet most of them (75%) had a loved one with high blood pressure.”
Kidney Disease: Early Detection and Treatment
According to “Medlineplus.gov,” here are some things to consider if you’re worried about kidney disease.
How can you tell if you are at risk for kidney disease? Ask yourself these questions
Do you have diabetes (problems with your blood sugar)?
Do you have high blood pressure?
Do you have heart disease?
Did your mother, father, sister, or brother have kidney disease? (Kidney disease runs in families) and may eventually need kidney disease treatment
It doesn’t matter how old or young you are kidney disease treatment is important.
“If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, you are at risk for kidney disease. Now is the time to get tested. Your health care provider will order two simple tests to check your kidneys—a blood test to check your glomerular filtration rate (GFR) and a urine test to check for protein.”
These tests are a quick and painless way to get tested to see if you need kidney disease treatment. And it’s certainly a great way to stay ahead of the staying healthy game.
[ Eva Longoria, George Lopez, Carlos Santana at Padres El Sueno de Esparanza! ]
TOLUCA LAKE, CA – MAY 01: (L-R) Pat Monahan, George Lopez and Eddie Van Halen attend the 10th Annual George Lopez Celebrity Golf Classic at Lakeside Country Club on May 1, 2017 in Toluca Lake, California. (Photo by Jerod Harris/Getty Images for George Lopez Foundation)
Those are the facts, it’s not all about “drinking too much,” or “doing drugs.” Health is a constant crisis all over the world. And that’s why George Lopez and other high-profile celebrities including Eva Longoria, Andy Garcia, Anthony Anderson, Andy Buckley, Yasiel Puig, Eddie Van Halen, Luke Wilson, Don Cheadle, David Arquette, Adam Rodriguez, Cedric the Entertainer, Joe Mantegna, Dean Geyer, Cheech Marin, Tommy Chong, Alfonso Ribeiro, Dennis Haysbert, Tim Allen, Oscar De La Hoya, Sheryl Underwood, Joe Regalbuto, Joe Pesci, Billy Dawson, Esai Morales, Bruce McGill, D.L. Hughley, Emilio Rivera, Frank Buckley, Dr. Jason Diamond, John Brotherton, John Pyper-Ferguson, Johnathan Fernandez, Ken Corday, Kevin Rahm, Kyle Lowder, Jonathan Antin, Lizzy Small, Mark Rolston, Mauricio Umansky, Norman Nixon, Pat Monahan, Patrika Darbo, Paula Trickey, Richard Karn, Roland Martin, Steven Michael Quezada, Yancey Arias, Vinnie Jones, Gary Valentine, Phillip Palmer and others will be taking part in the tee off Monday morning, May 7th.
But you can make a difference as well and you don’t need to be rich. Firstly, if you can’t visit www.georgelopezfoundation.org and give a donation, make sure to stop in and learn more about kidney disease, share this article and spread the word. It starts with education and the whole point about any disease is knowledge!
[ Selena Gomez teaches us to take care of our health! ]
We all know someone who suffers from a chronic illness but many have become afraid to speak up and talk. That’s why it’s important to share, learn and remember that our bodies are truly amazing, they spend every waking and sleeping moment attempting to heal the damage done naturally and unnaturally, so, if you find yourself on the wagon of drinking, drugs or other things that could be harming your bodies systems, take a step back and remember, you deserve to live a healthy life.
Some people aren’t given a second chance but education, just knowing it can happen to you… well, that can change your life.
Huge shout out to George Lopez and the rest of the team for continuing to tee off to raise awareness to kidney disease, we are proud of you.
Do you know someone who has had a kidney transplant or needed kidney disease treatment? How did it go? How are they doing now? Let us know in the comments below (and of course use an alias for their name) but talking about it is important because it teaches. And you never know who is reading your comment. Words are power as are stories. And it’s all about giving back at the Celebrity Golf Classic and taking action on raising awareness to kidney disease and kidney disease treatment!
Blessed be!
Throwback: 10th Anniversary George Lopez Celebrity Golf Classic 2017
The post Kidney Disease Treatment: The 11th Annual George Lopez Celebrity Golf Classic! appeared first on Celebrity News | Positive Celebrity Gossip | Laurara Monique.
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falgunikurian · 4 years
How To Prevent Kidney Failure? Chronic Kidney Disease
Chronic Kidney Disease, transplants, and Prevent Kidney Failure have become quite common in recent times. Log in to a list of top trustworthy Clinical blogs for disease information or visit a top doctor for tests and dealing with the failure of kidney, disease, and transplant.
This can be associated with the fast-paced, pressured, and stressful life that everyone adheres to. The food and fluid that we consume today have a lot of additives which causes significant problems in urine and top or high damage to the kidney which needs a transplant.
With diseases like COVID-19, we need to better monitor our kidney health. Numerous trials are in progress, though common, management, and prevention of kidney disease and failure are achievable. Education and resources around kidney health and kidney-friendly habits are pretty limited.
Following is an overview where you can learn the symptoms of Chronic kidney failure and ways to prevent it. You don’t have to give or fund expensive treatments or tests or break into your savings fund resources to keep your kidneys healthy without dialysis. Join a good health plan at the Best Kidney Hospital and get kidney-friendly recipes if needed.
Symptoms of Kidney Failure
There are a few top symptoms from a list that can point towards a failing kidney or complications. Following are some of the clinical chronic signs to look for: It’s important to learn to identify and manage Chronic symptoms or disease complications on your own and join dialysis if needed to prevent a transplant from the Best Kidney Doctor.
High itching
High trouble sleeping
Muscle cramps
Loss of Appetite
Blood in urine
Feet and Ankle Swelling
Irregular flow of Urine
Trouble Catching Breath
Another sudden disease
While the top chronic Clinical symptoms and disease problems are high signs of a failing kidney or kidney damage/complications, they defer from signs of the sudden shutdown of all functionality. The following are the symptoms of acute or Chronic kidney failure or damage which may require transplants or dialysis.
Join a good health plan and eat different types of kidney-friendly recipes if needed. Don’t give in to pressure and eat healthy to prevent a transplant.
High Abdominal Pain
High Fever
High Back Pain
High Nosebleeds
Any of the above-mentioned top symptoms and types of Chronic problems or complications in urine can occur in a cluster or individually and lead to kidney failure. Numerous types of trials are in progress to manage these conditions.
If any of these symptoms occur in a severe fashion then a doctor must be consulted for tests or dialysis. Login to trustworthy blogs for more information on transplants and dialysis. However, it’s important to learn to identify and manage high symptoms on your own as education around kidney health and kidney-friendly habits is limited.
Join a good health plan and eat a list of kidney-friendly recipes if needed. Don’t give in to temptation and eat healthy for the sake of your health and prevent a transplant in the Best Kidney Hospital.
Causes of Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)
There are a few top reasons that people can develop CKD. It may require transplants or Clinical dialysis. Numerous lists of Clinical trials are in progress to find better treatments for this. It’s important to learn to identify and manage Clinical symptoms on your own with proper education or visit Best Kidney doctor in Coimbatore for assistance. These types of list of reasons include:
Family history or a list of Kidney failure needing a transplant.
Impaired Blood flow: Pressure complications that interrupt blood flow to the kidneys causes kidney failure problems. Heart attack, heart disease, infection, anemia, and liver failure are some of the types.
Blood pressure: If your blood pressure is abnormally high or low.
Kidney Damage: There is a list of complications that cause enough kidney problems that lead to failure. Blood clotting in and around the kidney, cholesterol deposits, glomerulonephritis, lupus, and infection due to diseases like COVID-19 are some types of diseases to look out for and test for.
Urine Blockage: complications that block the free flow of urine are a common reason for kidney problems. Bladder cancer, blood clots in the urinary tract, cervical cancer, and kidney stones are some of the examples. Don’t give in to fear and seek treatment for the sake of your health and prevent transplant.
Prevent Kidney Failure
Kidney Failure is a serious condition and if goes untreated by a Clinical doctor will lead to complications like high blood pressure, which may lead to fluid dialysis and you eventually get a transplant or multiple transplants.
However, Prevent Kidney Failure are a few simple steps recommended by the best kidney specialists and American specialists which can help you prevent developing CKD and complications. Numerous trials are in progress to find better treatments for CKD.
Problems in urine like CKD is usually the first sign. Login to trustworthy blogs for more information on dealing with this.  Education around kidney health, CKD, and kidney-friendly habits are quite limited. Join a good health plan and eat kidney-friendly recipes if needed to manage CKD.
Don’t hesitate to ask for Clinical assistance at the Best Kidney Hospital in Coimbatore. Remember to keep your blood pressure in check. Don’t give in to temptation and eat healthy for the sake of your health.
Healthy Food to Prevent Kidney Failure
This is a simple step and has many advantages to other parts of your body too. Look for types of diet or recipes of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, low-fat or fat-free dairy products to keep your heart healthy. To have working kidneys and avoid kidney failure, one thing to watch out for is your salt intake.
It is advised to stop or reduce your sodium intake in recipes, less than 2,300 mg/day to be specific. Best Kidney Doctor suggests Other kidney-friendly food tips follow are broiling protein (meat and fish) rather than frying, use skim milk, choose food less in saturated & trans fats, reduce snacking, keeping a diet record, etc. Drink plenty of fluid.
Login to trustworthy blogs for more recommended diets and tests. It’s important to learn to identify and manage symptoms on your own as education around kidney health and kidney-friendly habits is very limited. Join a good health plan and eat kidney-friendly recipes if needed.
Don’t hesitate to ask for Clinical assistance and remember to keep your blood pressure in check. Don’t give in to temptation and eat healthy for the sake of your health and prevent transplant.
Maintain a Healthy Weight
A lot of types of diseases like heart disease, CKD, unhealthy types of recipes, and diabetes are related to obesity and anemia, according to American doctors. Most of these types of diseases lead to the development of heart and kidney failure needing a transplant.
To get working kidneys and avoid kidney failure one must maintain a kidney-friendly weight. Management of healthy weight requires planning and discipline. Some of the best kidney doctors recommend taking the assistance of NIH Body Weight Planner. It is an online tool that helps plan out your physical activity to lose calories and maintain a healthy weight.
You can also work with a dietitian to test and create and join an actionable weight-loss plan and get Clinical assistance for CKD.  Remember to keep your blood pressure in check. Don’t give in and stay active for the sake of your health.
Get Enough Sleep to Prevent Kidney Failure
A lot of problems regarding health like CKD can be directly related to poor sleep. Your body needs to rest and relax to restore its strength and run at maximum capacity. Doctors believe 6-8 hours of sleep per night is kidney-friendly for working adult life. Other than getting enough sleep, it should be uninterrupted. Numerous trials are in progress to find better treatments.
Make sure to have a comfortable mattress and not to consume any substance like sugary drinks and coffee before sleep. Get the right kidney education for CKD and get Clinical assistance. Remember to keep your blood pressure in check. Don’t give in and consult CKD specialists for the sake of your health.
Regular Exercise
To have working kidneys and avoid kidney failure, you need to give regular exercise to keep your mind and body in shape and improve your life. Get an education on what’s right for your body. A vigorous activity like exercising is very kidney-friendly and helps increase vascular diameter, which improves blood flow to all parts of the body, including the kidney.
This helps them remain healthy. Research shows the increase in blood flow also helps clean your vascular pipes from accumulated cholesterol which causes CKD and kidney failure. You can either workout at home or join a gym. Remember to keep your blood pressure in check.
Quit Smoking/Drinking
The kidney’s function is to clean the blood of all the impurities and remove it in the form of urine. While simple impurities that come with food and water don’t damage the kidneys, complex substances within tobacco and alcohol are different. Excluding them from the body can give significant damage to the kidneys and stops them from working like CKD.
While smoking is not very kidney-friendly and must stop completely for a better life, there is some concession in drinking alcohol. To get working kidneys and avoid kidney failure research shows that a man must limit themselves to 2 drinks per day.
One drink equals 12 ounces of beer, 5 ounces of wine, and 1.5 ounces of hard liquor like whiskey.  Remember to keep your blood pressure in check too. Don’t give in and stay healthy for the sake of your kidneys.
Reduce Stress Inducing Activities
Best Kidney Specialist says that Mental stress can create an imbalance in your body and causes many troubles like heart disease and ulcers. All of your organs are on high alert and work on overdrive due to increased blood flow. This damages your organs like the kidneys and can lead to chronic kidney disease in the future.
To have working kidneys and avoid kidney failure, there are a few resources and activities that you can follow like meditation, yoga, and tai chi which helps reduce your stress and pressure-related problems. They give you peace of mind.
Lots of Water
Your kidneys use water as a medium to remove any waste from the blood. To have working kidneys and avoid kidney failure and CKD, it is always advised to drink lots of water because it maintains a healthy concentration of water to waste in the kidneys and keep them working.
Read Also: Ayurvedic Treatment For Kidney Failure
If water is less, then the urine pH levels are too high and cause significant damage due to pressure. Research and resources show that 8 glasses or 4 liters of water per day helps in the management of healthy pH levels. Problems in urine are usually the first sign of kidney trouble.
Limit Pain Medication
If you are on any medication for a pre-existing condition make sure that it is taken as prescribed. Taking medication without prior consultation causes major complications. This can lead to your kidney’s health getting affected.
Also, you must limit the usage of over-the-counter resources and pain medication like ibuprofen. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are not kidney-friendly and have been known to cause problems for the kidneys due to pressure. Don’t hesitate to ask for assistance.
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pharmaphorumuk · 4 years
AZ trumpets Farxiga survival data in renal disease at ESC 2020
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AstraZeneca’s Farxiga is already ahead of rivals in the SGLT2 inhibitor field in heart failure, and now looks set to repeat that success in renal disease after reporting stellar results from the DAPA-CKD trial.
AZ halted DAPA-CKD in July after revealing that Farxiga (dapagliflozin) met its objective of slowed the worsening of renal function and cut the risk of death in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) with and without type 2 diabetes. 
Now, detailed findings presented at the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) meeting over the weekend showed just how well the drug performed, and have the potential to “transform the standard of care” in patients with CKD, according to the trial investigators.
Adding Farxiga to standard therapy resulted in a 39% reduction in the composite measure of worsening renal function or death due to cardiovascular or kidney disease compared to placebo, DAPA-CKD’s primary endpoint. It also hit all secondary objectives, notably achieving a 31% cut in the chance of dying from any cause.
CKD is a progressive condition that affects almost 700 million people around the world, but has limited treatment options other than old drugs like ACE inhibitors and angiotensin 2 receptor antagonists. That unmet need prompted the FDA to award Farxiga fast-track status in CKD last year.
There were already signs from cardiovascular outcome studies that SGLT2 inhibitors like Farxiga and Boehringer Ingelheim/Eli Lilly’s Jardiance (empagliflozin) could preserve renal function in type 2 diabetics.
However, DAPA-CKD is the first large-scale trial to test an SGLT2 specifically in both diabetic and non-diabetic patients with CKD, and showing a clear and sizeable impact on survival goes beyond expectations.
Mene Pangalos, executive vice president of biopharmaceuticals R&D at AZ, who described the data as showing “overwhelming efficacy” when the top-line result was released in July, said that AZ would now be sharing the DAPA-CKD results with regulators around the world.
Farxiga is at the forefront of widening the use of SGLT2 inhibitors beyond their traditional role as treatments for type 2 diabetes.
The company already picked up approvals for Farxiga to reduce the risk of hospitalisation in heart failure patients with type 2 diabetes, and as a standalone treatment for heart failure with reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF) in patients with and without diabetes.
At ESC 2020 Boehringer and Lilly showed off positive results with Jardiance in in the EMPEROR-REDUCED trial in HFrEF that could allow it to challenge Farxiga’s first in class approval for that indication, with filings possible within the next few months. It also suggests that the impact of SGLT2 drugs in heart failure could be a class effect.
In the meantime, Farxiga looks on course to secure the first approval for an SGLT2 inhibitor in CKD as well, although Boehringer and Lilly are in hot pursuit, claiming a fast-track designation from the FDA for Jardiance in that indication in March.
The two partners are carrying out the EMPA-KIDNEY trial in CKD patients with and without diabetes, with results due in 2022 – unless like DAPA-CKD the trial is halted early.
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from https://pharmaphorum.com/news/az-trumpets-farxiga-survival-data-in-renal-disease-at-esc-2020/
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heartcareinstitute · 5 years
How Obesity impacts Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)
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Many factors contribute to obesity. It could be due to unhealthy eating habits, sedentary lifestyle, lack of exercise and various psychological factors like depression, stress, genetic or family history, etc.
No matter what’s your reason for being obese, the problem with this condition is that it increases the risk of many diseases, including chronic kidney disease.
How Obesity Impacts Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD):
The best kidney specialist in Delhi says that obesity can increase the load on kidneys and leads to increased glomerular permeability and hyperfiltration. Due to the rise in renal plasma flow, a person is likely to suffer from proteinuria and hypertension. Podocyte dysfunction, renal hemodynamic abnormality, and endothelial dysfunction may also occur due to higher levels of angiotensin II and hyperinsulinemia.
Obese patients with renal biopsy may have focal segmental sclerosis and glomerulomegaly due to no hemodynamic and hemodynamic effects. Hence, Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) can progress 7X faster in obese patents than a person with normal body weight.
How obesity causes CKD?
Obesity indirectly causes CKD, as an obese person can easily suffer from hypertension and diabetes that are responsible for causing CKD more than 70% times in people with obesity.
Besides CKD, an obese person is likely to suffer from obstructive sleep apnoea, heart disease, gall stones, NASH and body cancer.
How to manage obesity
According to a kidney specialist in Delhi, you can control obesity only by making some lifestyle modifications, such as dietary restrictions, increased physical activity and behavioral therapy.
Here are the five important things you need to follow to manage your weight:
1. You must do regular aerobic exercises for at least 30 minutes every day. Regular exercising like running, brisk walking, dancing, HIIT worktop, etc. can help in controlling your weight, making you feel energetic all the time.
2. Make sure that your diet includes low dense calories, high potassium, low sodium, and low trans-fats. Try to have more fresh vegetables, fruits, and healthy foods. Moreover, try to avoid alcohol, frozen food, and fast food as much as you can.
3. Pharmacotherapy: It includes the use of a handful of drugs that are mostly anorexiants that help in inhibiting fat absorption and causing steatorrhea. These drugs must be taken under the supervision of a physician, as most of them are potentially toxic.
4. Behavioral therapy includes counseling for relieving depression and stress for eating habits. Making certain behavior changes, such as don’t eat fast food every time you feel hungry, keeping a strict diet and not eating too much, are important to maintaining a healthy weight.
5. Bariatric surgery is suggested to people whose BMI is more than 40 kg/meter square or people who are obese with a BMI of 35-40 kg/meter, along with certain obesity-related complications. The procedure is called gastric bypass surgery. It helps in reducing the overall mortality of a person by 40%. This surgery is performed laparoscopically to reduce the patient’s stomach capacity to 200-cc or simply through Roux en Y gastric bypass surgery.
Simple tips to prevent kidney disease
-  Drink 3 to 4 liters of water every day
-  Be fit and active
-  Control body weight by eating healthy
-  Avoid smoking, drugs or alcohol
- Get regular screening done for better kidney function.
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lopezdorothy70-blog · 6 years
Keto for Women: Is Cyclical Ketosis Right for You?
By now you may know a little bit about how a ketogenic diet can be beneficial for fighting cancer, lowering inflammation, and losing weight. But what about our unique health needs as women? It turns out that there are variations of the standard ketogenic diet that may be especially beneficial for us and the health concerns that we face, especially as we get older!
Here's a breakdown of what it is and how it can be helpful for you.
The Ketogenic Diet and Women
Diving into the details of a diet can be just as confusing as that search to find the right one. I know that was the case for me when I first discovered the ketogenic diet. It can seem daunting at first, so I'll start with the basics.
The process of burning fat for energy (instead of glucose) is called “ketosis” (hence the term “ketogenic��). There are amazing mechanisms that kick in with our immune system, metabolism, and detoxification pathways when we move into ketosis.
I don't have to tell you that I have a passion for empowering individuals to treat and beat cancer naturally, so when I learned that following a ketogenic diet could potentially help reverse cancer, I got excited!
Of course, the only constant is change, right? Now that keto has gone mainstream, more research is focusing on how the diet works for specific groups of people. Researchers are discovering that a ketogenic diet can be very effective in healing conditions in addition to cancer, such as diabetes and autoimmune disease.
Experts are also discovering how ketosis works a bit differently depending on gender. One of the primary differences between us ladies and the men is hormones. When our bodies suffer from prolonged stress and poor eating habits, it is often our hormones that bear the brunt of the abuse.
Imbalances in the endocrine system can be the cause of dozens of nasty side effects, all of which can lead to chronic disease.
To get an idea of just how many women are suffering from hormone-related conditions, take a look at these scary statistics:
According to an analysis conducted by John Hopkins University, autoimmune conditions affected roughly eight percent of the U.S. population in 2004. 79% of these cases were women.1
According to the National Institute of Diabetes and Kidney Disease, the thyroid autoimmune condition Hashimoto's thyroiditis is about 8 times more common in women than men.2
Women are also up to ten times more likely to get non-autoimmune related hypothyroidism than men.3
According to the American Cancer Society, ovarian cancer is the number one reproductive system cancer for women and uterine cancer is close behind. In addition, one in eight women will receive a breast cancer diagnosis at some point in their lives.4
Women ages 20 to 34 have a higher rate of type 2 diabetes than men because of the changes that occur during pregnancy, which can lead to gestational diabetes. Gestational diabetes is a risk factor for developing type 2 diabetes later in life.5
According to the American Psychological Association, women bear most of the brunt in terms of self-reported feelings of stress. Adrenal fatigue and burnout, which effects hormonal balance, is largely a result of chronic stress.6
The Cyclical Ketogenic Diet: Why It May be Best for Women's Health
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As you can see by the heartbreaking statistics above, women have unique challenges when it comes to hormones, stress, and chronic disease. That is why many women respond best to modified versions of the ketogenic diet. One version that is becoming increasingly popular is the Cyclical Ketogenic Diet, or CKD.
In a nutshell, individuals who are on a CKD eat the standard ketogenic diet (roughly 20-30% protein, 5-10% carbohydrates and 60-80% fat) most of the week. One day a week, however, they “carb up.” This means they eat a moderate amount of carbs, even lower amounts of fat, and about the same amount of protein as on ketogenic days.
Both the standard ketogenic diet and the cyclic ketogenic diet are based on the concept of “feast or famine,” but in slightly different ways. During ketosis, your body thinks that it is in “famine mode” all of the time. Because of this, there will always be a subtle amount of stress on the body and on metabolism.
If you are a healthy individual and want to employ the ketogenic diet long-term, some research indicates that you may be able to do this safely.7 If you already have hormone-related issues, a ketogenic diet's anti-inflammatory and mitochondrial-boosting effects can help you as well, but you'll need to monitor how you feel more closely and take it slow. Gradually introducing your body to the CKD can do this.
The CKD allows your body a rest with a feasting day when you eat more carbs. The rest of the week can be spent eating a standard ketogenic diet. I recommend starting out slow by cutting down on your carb load and then pushing the envelope just a little every week until you are in ketosis most of the week.
Another important tip to keep in mind with CKD is that carb-up days are not a license to eat junk. On feasting days, you still don't want to go wild with the pasta and bread! Continue to eat healthy, whole, organic foods and keep the sugary foods out of your diet. I like to make one meal on my feasting day moderately carb-heavy and the other two meals and snacks keto-friendly.
And here is a little hack if you decide to give CKD a try: Slow-carb foods like sweet potatoes and quinoa are great for feasting days. In addition, sprinkle a little apple cider vinegar on your food or drink some with water 15 minutes before eating a meal to help with blood sugar issues. I have done this on many occasions, especially on super busy days when I know I need a boost.
Intermittent Fasting and the CKD
Intermittent fasting (IF) became a big deal after a 2012 study from the University of Hail in Saudi Arabia made headlines. The study found that IF during Ramadan increased immune system cell growth and lowered proinflammatory cytokines in healthy individuals.8 In fact, research on the benefits of IF is now widespread. A 2013 study conducted by Thomas Jefferson University discovered that IF slowed the growth of primary cancer tumors and also decreased the number of new ones in breast cancer patients.9
Many experts also advise periods of intermittent fasting throughout the week on both your ketogenic days and feasting days. Intermittent fasting is gentler on the body than going through a regular fast. And in my opinion, gentler is better for us women, especially if you suffer from hormonal imbalance or high stress levels.
Most people follow the 16/8 rule: they do not eat from roughly 8pm in the evening through 10am the next day. If it is difficult for you to go that long without eating, shoot for a 12 hour fast including sleep time.
Then work your way up to a longer fasting period from there if you can. You can also eat a small amount of fat first thing in the morning or at night. Many folks swear by a coconut oil-infused bulletproof coffee first thing in the morning.
One of many great options you may enjoy in the evening is a relaxing keto version of the popular “golden milk.” This is a yummy beverage made from frothing almond milk together with healing turmeric, a little cinnamon, a dash of black pepper and ginger, and a little coconut oil. I like to put a pinch of stevia in it to give it a sweet zing. Delicious! I also like the fact that at the end of the day, I am getting a little bit of anti-inflammatory turmeric in my system. The turmeric is warming and encourages a good night's sleep.10
The best news is that eating healthy fat during your IF period is not really a cheat. It will not pull you out of ketosis on your ketogenic days and can actually help build robust ketones in the body.
6 Reasons Why a Cyclical Ketogenic Diet May Be for You
Here are some situations where a woman may want to consider going on a cyclic ketogenic diet:
If you have a thyroid imbalance. This could include hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism or Hashimoto's. Introducing ketosis slowly and allowing time for rest through carb-up days keeps the metabolism regulated and conserves thyroid-related metabolic functions.
If you have adrenal fatigue. Adrenal fatigue syndrome is when the adrenal glands are not producing enough hormones to keep up with demand; they never really “turn off.” It is most often caused by chronic stress and can lead to adrenal exhaustion if left unchecked. Staying in ketosis for long periods of time sometimes leads to a reduction in adrenal-related sex hormones and this makes the adrenals work even harder. Taking some time off from ketosis every week allows the adrenals to rest and reset.
If you are going through perimenopause or menopause. Following a CK diet can be beneficial for women going through menopause. Research indicates that aging women as well as men can reap great benefits from the IF aspects of the CKD. Fasting allows for a break from digestion, when the body can focus on repair of all systems, including the reproductive and endocrine systems. Just be sure to watch for energy changes and take a break from IF if your estrogen levels begin to vary too much.11
If you want to lose weight safely (and steadily). When I first did the ketogenic diet, I was amazed at how the weight just seemed to melt off for the first few weeks. Then, to my disappointment, I seemed to hit a plateau. If this happens to you, switching to a cyclic ketogenic diet may kick your metabolism into gear again. Many women also experience success getting off the plateau by choosing a consistent IF schedule, including regular “eating windows”- and then sticking to it! Try different times of day (for example, eating between 10 am to 6 pm first then switching to noon to 8 pm). Eventually you will find the sweet spot where you will start to lose weight again until your body reaches its ideal healthy weight.
You are experiencing some not-so-healthy side effects of the standard keto diet. These could include losing your menstrual cycle altogether, having trouble sleeping, and experiencing brittle nails, among other things. Symptoms may be giving you an indication that you are overstressing our body and may need to switch to the CKD.
If you have type 2 diabetes. Research has proven that eating a ketogenic diet even temporarily can have great healing benefits for most diabetics. This is because type 2 diabetes is caused by too much sugar. The best way to restore insulin sensitivity is to simply stop the heavy sugar load. If you follow the standard keto diet, this takes care of the problem.12
Most experts warn not to jump in to ketosis too fast if you are diabetic. Ease into it gradually by lowering your carb count over a few weeks. It may also be wise to do a shortened version of the CKD by “cycling out” of ketosis every once in a while with a moderately carb-heavy meal. A 2005 study published in the journal Nutrition & Metabolism found that people with type 2 diabetes who were also on the ketogenic diet saw major improvements in insulin sensitivity after just three weeks.13
Type 2 diabetes is an autoimmune condition. Since so many women suffer from some kind of autoimmunity, I would like to say one final word here about these conditions in general. Being on a cyclic ketogenic diet gives you the best of both worlds. You are allowing your body to rest one or more days a week yet lowering inflammation and increasing glutathione levels through ketosis and IF the rest of the week. A 2015 study on individuals with multiple sclerosis found that following a ketogenic diet greatly improved mitochondrial function and increased glutathione levels in the body naturally.14
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When Should You Avoid the Ketogenic Diet Completely?
If you are suffering from severe thyroid imbalance or complete adrenal exhaustion, a ketogenic diet can be beneficial later on down the road. However, it would be wise to get your body back in balance before going forward.
In addition, according to the Diabetes Council, if you are pregnant you should not follow a ketogenic diet. When a woman is pregnant or nursing, it is especially important that she eat a well-rounded diet that includes not only fruits, veggies, proteins, and healthy fats, but also healthy carbs like whole grains.15
The Bottom Line on the Ketogenic Diet for Women
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From one woman to another, here is my advice regarding a keto diet: start slow. Cutting carbs too fast may cause the “rebound effect” and put more stress on your body than you can handle. And if you decide to take it easy and cycle your ketosis, keep in mind that introducing too many carbs all at once may produce negative effects as well.
Work with a holistic health practitioner or health coach when trying out a new plan and keep a health journal. Weigh the pros and cons of the path you have chosen and then let common sense and female intuition guide you on what to do next.
Be sure to observe how these dietary changes make you feel every step of the way. And most of all, be forgiving with yourself if you mess up.
Our bodies were created fearfully and wonderfully with the power to heal. Remember, you must take care of your health first, before you can take care of others. So continue to take the time you need to learn what works best for your body. And in no time, you'll be on the way to living your happiest, healthiest life!
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With so much information (and MIS-information) floating around out there, it's hard to get a clear picture of what the ketogenic diet actually is.
In an effort to get the facts, we have connected with 2 of the top experts on the ketogenic diet: Dr. Josh Axe and Jordan Rubin, founders of Ancient Nutrition.
We can't wait to share the TRUTH about the ketogenic diet and also give you the details of the “TTAC Keto360 Challenge.”
Join us THIS MONDAY (January 7th) at 5pm EST as we hang out with Josh and Jordan on the inaugural webinar of 2019.
Register HERE for FREE webinar >>
The post Keto for Women: Is Cyclical Ketosis Right for You? appeared first on The Truth About Cancer.
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Benefits of Caffeine
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In this article, we try to represent all the points that relate to caffeine. Below are mentioned all the points:
How does caffeine work?
Are There Benefits To Coffee For Kidney Disease?
Kidney Disease
The following are a couple of advantages of coffee:
Coffee might reduce inflammation
It promotes mental sharpness
Coffee may reduce the chances of diabetes
Helps in reducing weight
Is Coffee Bad For Kidney Stones?
When Is Coffee Bad for Kidney Disease?
An excessive amount of liquid
An excess of caffeine
Caffeine is a compound found in tea, cola, coffee, and different items.
Caffeine is most usually used to work on mental readiness, yet it has numerous other uses. Caffeine is consumed by mouth or rectally in blend with painkillers or a fusion of ergotamine for treating migraine headaches.
It is also utilized with painkillers for simple headaches and preventing and treating headaches after epidural anaesthesia.
Certain individuals use caffeine by mouth for asthma, gallbladder sickness, and numerous different conditions, however, there is no scientific proof to support most of these uses.
Caffeine is the most widely used energizer among athletes. Taking caffeine, inside limits is permitted by the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA). Urine concentrations of more than 15 mcg/mL are denied. It takes the vast majority around 8 cups of coffee providing 100 mg/cup to arrive at this urine concentration.
How does caffeine work?
Caffeine works by stimulating the central nervous system, heart, and muscles that control blood pressure. Caffeine can raise blood pressure, however probably won’t have this impact in individuals who use it constantly.
Caffeine can also behave like a “water pill” that increases urine flow. In any case, once more, it might not have this impact in individuals who use caffeine consistently. Likewise, drinking caffeine during moderate exercise isn’t probably going to cause dehydration.
Are There Benefits To Coffee For Kidney Disease?
Kidney Disease
For those without kidney disease, drinking coffee might prevent CKD. A 2020 study tracked down a huge decrease in risk of CKD advancement in coffee seekers compared to non-coffee seekers.
A study held in 2019 investigated coffee utilization and kidney function. In the review, estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) and albuminuria (protein in urine) were checked. Results found that drinking an additional cup of coffee each day had a protective effect against stages 3–5 of chronic kidney disease and albuminuria.
Researchers recognized that the reason for this might be because of the antioxidants in coffee that might bring down inflammation.
The following are a couple of advantages of coffee:
1. Coffee might reduce inflammation
Inflammation can be a reason for many other diseases. Caffeine affects your immune system. As indicated by research published in Nature Medicine, the more established people who drank more caffeine had fewer inflammatory molecules. In addition, they had lower blood pressure and more flexible veins.
2. It promotes mental sharpness
Coffee is said to support your mind. As per NCBI, researchers found that members who took three cups of coffee each day had around 65% fewer chances of developing dementia or Alzheimer’s disease.
3. Coffee may reduce the chances of diabetes
Coffee consumption and the occurrence of type-2 diabetes are interlinked. The people who are long-term coffee drinkers had less risk of developing type-2 diabetes.
4. Helps in reducing weight
Green coffee helps in reducing weight. Drinking a couple of black coffee before a workout can help to reduce weight.
Is Coffee Bad For Kidney Stones?
Many with kidney stones are worried about the effect coffee might have on kidney stone arrangement. coffee, all things considered, builds the hazard of drying out. Furthermore, with insufficient liquid, kidney stones can frame.
Notwithstanding, a review in 2014 found that including charged refreshments, including coffee, brings about a lower hazard of kidney stones.
There was likewise an audit distributed in 2020 taking a gander at the National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys (NHANES) from 2007 to 2014. They tracked down an expanded danger of repeating kidney stones in the people who previously had a past filled with repetitive kidney stones. There was no expanded danger found in the individuals who revealed encountering just a single kidney stone in their set of experiences.
A review published in 2021 investigated 13 examinations identified with both espresso and tea with the danger of kidney stones. They tracked down that moderate espresso utilization didn’t expand the danger for kidney stones, “given the suggested every day liquid admission is kept up with.”
When Is Coffee Bad for Kidney Disease?
Since we know a portion of the advantages of espresso identified with kidney illness and normal issues, when is coffee bad for kidneys? Likewise, with various food varieties and beverages, there are certain aspects to focus on when making your next cup of joe.
An excessive amount of liquid
Liquids can in any case add up, regardless of the kind of liquid it is. A couple of extra-enormous cups can undoubtedly take you over your everyday liquid necessities, particularly with kidney sickness.
A ‘tall’ is 12 ounces (1.5 cups)
A ‘grande’ is 16 ounces (2 cups)
A ‘venti’ is 24 ounces (3 cups)
A ‘trenta’ is 30 ounces (3/4 cups)
In case you need to follow a liquid limitation and partake in your morning cup, make certain to consider that to your everyday liquid remittance.
An excess of caffeine
Coffee has a momentary impact on increasing blood pressure. It can likewise cause stress, fast heartbeat, sleep deprivation, and even rhabdomyolysis (muscle breakdown).
Disclaimer: This information provided on this page is for your knowledge. The medical advice should be followed only after the consultation of a doctor or practitioner and also under his supervision. We provide Ayurveda treatment for CKD kidney disease in India.
Source of Content: Benefits of Caffeine
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lindafrancois · 3 years
Benefits of Plant-Based Eating in Kidney Disease, Part 1
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Traditionally, plant-based diets have been considered the wrong choice for some patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) due to their high potassium content. However, recent studies show plant-based diets may slow the progression of kidney disease and have other benefits for overall health.1 In this first part of a two-part series, we’ll discuss benefits of a plant-based diet in CKD, including its effects on weight, blood pressure, diabetes and inflammation.
There are lower rates of obesity and overweight among vegetarians in the general population.2 One diet and weight researcher, Mozaffarian, and team found that eating plant-based foods did not contribute to weight gain.3 Studies have also found that eating a vegetarian diet unrestricted in calories for more than four weeks was associated with an average weight loss of 7.5 pounds.4 More research is needed on the effects of plant-based diets on body weight, specifically in people with CKD.
Blood Pressure
Diets like the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH), which include high intake of fruits and vegetables, are recommended to improve blood pressure in the general population.2 There are limited studies that include CKD patients. One study, by Goraya and others, compared the treatment of metabolic acidosis with sodium bicarbonate tablets to a base-producing fruits and vegetables diet in people with stage 4 CKD.5 In addition to the fruits and vegetables diet improving metabolic acidosis, systolic blood pressure was lower compared to the group treated with sodium bicarbonate at 1 year.
Insulin resistance is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease.2 Insulin resistance is common in all stages of CKD. In a population of people with diabetes, ovo-lacto-vegetarians (vegetarians whose diet includes dairy products, eggs, vegetables, fruits, grains and nuts) showed higher insulin sensitivity compared to the meat eaters and the degree of sensitivity correlated with years following a vegetarian diet.6 A review of several studies on people with diabetes found that a vegetarian diet combined with exercise was associated with a reduction in the use of glucose-lowering medications and hemoglobin A1c.7 There are few studies including CKD patients. A small study found that after three months following a plant-based protein diet, fasting glucose levels were reduced in patients with CKD stages 4-5.8
Uremic toxins are produced during the breakdown of amino acids. Normally, the toxins are removed by the kidneys, but in people with CKD the toxins build up in the blood.9 The toxins contribute to inflammation and oxidative stress and increase risk for cardiovascular disease and insulin resistance. Production of uremic toxins are affected by the diet. A diet high in animal protein produces more uremic toxins. A diet high in plant protein can reduce the levels of uremic toxins. Researcher Wu and team found that in dialysis patients, a vegetarian diet was associated with lower serum blood urea nitrogen, creatinine and C-reactive protein.10
Plant-based diets have been studied more in the general population and have been found to aid in weight loss, blood pressure control, diabetes control and inflammation. There are some studies that include people with CKD that have found the same benefits as in the general population. So, keep eating those fruits and vegetables! A plant-based diet may help people with CKD maintain a healthy weight, lower blood pressure and glucose levels, and help decrease inflammation.
Look for Part 2 in this series that discusses a condition called metabolic acidosis and how plant-based diets can improve it.
What is a Plant-based Diet, and Is it Good for Your Kidneys? National Kidney Foundation. Accessed March 3, 2021. Reviewed August 18, 2018. https://www.kidney.org/atoz/content/what-plant-based-diet-and-it-good-kidney-disease.
Vegetarian diet and chronic kidney disease. Chauveau et al. Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation. 2019, 34:199-207. https://academic.oup.com/ndt/article/34/2/199/5049714.
Changes in diet and lifestyle and long-term weight gain in women and men. Mozaffarian et al. New England Journal of Medicine. 2011, 364:2392-2404.
A systemic review and meta-analysis of changes in body weight in clinical trials of vegetarian diets. Barnard et al. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. 2015, 115:954-969.
A Comparison of Treating Metabolic Acidosis in CKD Stage 4 Hypertensive Kidney Disease with Fruits and Vegetables or Sodium Bicarbonate. Goraya et al. Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology. 2017, 8(3):371-381. https://cjasn.asnjournals.org/content/clinjasn/8/3/371.full.pdf?with-ds=yes.
Insulin sensitivity in Chinese ovo-lactovegetarians compared with omnivores. Kuo et al. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 2004, 58, 312-316.
Vegetarian diets and glycemic control in diabetes: A systemic review and meta-analysis. Yokoyama et al. Cardiovascular, Diagnosis, and Therapy. 2014, 4, 373-382.
Low protein diet in uremia: effects on glucose metabolism and energy production rate. Rigalleau et al. Kidney International. 1997, 51:1222-1227.
Vegetable-based diets for chronic kidney disease? It is time to reconsider. Cases et al. Nutrients. 2019, 11, 1263. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6627351/pdf/nutrients-11-01263.pdf.
Nutritional status of vegetarians on maintenance hemodialysis. Wu et al. Nephrology (Carlton). 2011, 16, 582-587.
Additional Kidney Diet Resources
Visit DaVita.com and explore these diet and nutrition resources:
DaVita Food Analyzer
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DaVita Kidney-Friendly Recipes
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This article is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for medical advice or treatment. Consult your physician and dietitian regarding your specific diagnosis, treatment, diet and health questions.
Benefits of Plant-Based Eating in Kidney Disease, Part 1 published first on https://dietariouspage.tumblr.com/
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battybat-boss · 6 years
Keto for Women: Is Cyclical Ketosis Right for You?
By now you may know a little bit about how a ketogenic diet can be beneficial for fighting cancer, lowering inflammation, and losing weight. But what about our unique health needs as women? It turns out that there are variations of the standard ketogenic diet that may be especially beneficial for us and the health concerns that we face, especially as we get older!
Here's a breakdown of what it is and how it can be helpful for you.
The Ketogenic Diet and Women
Diving into the details of a diet can be just as confusing as that search to find the right one. I know that was the case for me when I first discovered the ketogenic diet. It can seem daunting at first, so I'll start with the basics.
The process of burning fat for energy (instead of glucose) is called “ketosis” (hence the term “ketogenic”). There are amazing mechanisms that kick in with our immune system, metabolism, and detoxification pathways when we move into ketosis.
I don't have to tell you that I have a passion for empowering individuals to treat and beat cancer naturally, so when I learned that following a ketogenic diet could potentially help reverse cancer, I got excited!
Of course, the only constant is change, right? Now that keto has gone mainstream, more research is focusing on how the diet works for specific groups of people. Researchers are discovering that a ketogenic diet can be very effective in healing conditions in addition to cancer, such as diabetes and autoimmune disease.
Experts are also discovering how ketosis works a bit differently depending on gender. One of the primary differences between us ladies and the men is hormones. When our bodies suffer from prolonged stress and poor eating habits, it is often our hormones that bear the brunt of the abuse.
Imbalances in the endocrine system can be the cause of dozens of nasty side effects, all of which can lead to chronic disease.
To get an idea of just how many women are suffering from hormone-related conditions, take a look at these scary statistics:
According to an analysis conducted by John Hopkins University, autoimmune conditions affected roughly eight percent of the U.S. population in 2004. 79% of these cases were women.1
According to the National Institute of Diabetes and Kidney Disease, the thyroid autoimmune condition Hashimoto's thyroiditis is about 8 times more common in women than men.2
Women are also up to ten times more likely to get non-autoimmune related hypothyroidism than men.3
According to the American Cancer Society, ovarian cancer is the number one reproductive system cancer for women and uterine cancer is close behind. In addition, one in eight women will receive a breast cancer diagnosis at some point in their lives.4
Women ages 20 to 34 have a higher rate of type 2 diabetes than men because of the changes that occur during pregnancy, which can lead to gestational diabetes. Gestational diabetes is a risk factor for developing type 2 diabetes later in life.5
According to the American Psychological Association, women bear most of the brunt in terms of self-reported feelings of stress. Adrenal fatigue and burnout, which effects hormonal balance, is largely a result of chronic stress.6
The Cyclical Ketogenic Diet: Why It May be Best for Women's Health
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As you can see by the heartbreaking statistics above, women have unique challenges when it comes to hormones, stress, and chronic disease. That is why many women respond best to modified versions of the ketogenic diet. One version that is becoming increasingly popular is the Cyclical Ketogenic Diet, or CKD.
In a nutshell, individuals who are on a CKD eat the standard ketogenic diet (roughly 20-30% protein, 5-10% carbohydrates and 60-80% fat) most of the week. One day a week, however, they “carb up.” This means they eat a moderate amount of carbs, even lower amounts of fat, and about the same amount of protein as on ketogenic days.
Both the standard ketogenic diet and the cyclic ketogenic diet are based on the concept of “feast or famine,” but in slightly different ways. During ketosis, your body thinks that it is in “famine mode” all of the time. Because of this, there will always be a subtle amount of stress on the body and on metabolism.
If you are a healthy individual and want to employ the ketogenic diet long-term, some research indicates that you may be able to do this safely.7 If you already have hormone-related issues, a ketogenic diet's anti-inflammatory and mitochondrial-boosting effects can help you as well, but you'll need to monitor how you feel more closely and take it slow. Gradually introducing your body to the CKD can do this.
The CKD allows your body a rest with a feasting day when you eat more carbs. The rest of the week can be spent eating a standard ketogenic diet. I recommend starting out slow by cutting down on your carb load and then pushing the envelope just a little every week until you are in ketosis most of the week.
Another important tip to keep in mind with CKD is that carb-up days are not a license to eat junk. On feasting days, you still don't want to go wild with the pasta and bread! Continue to eat healthy, whole, organic foods and keep the sugary foods out of your diet. I like to make one meal on my feasting day moderately carb-heavy and the other two meals and snacks keto-friendly.
And here is a little hack if you decide to give CKD a try: Slow-carb foods like sweet potatoes and quinoa are great for feasting days. In addition, sprinkle a little apple cider vinegar on your food or drink some with water 15 minutes before eating a meal to help with blood sugar issues. I have done this on many occasions, especially on super busy days when I know I need a boost.
Intermittent Fasting and the CKD
Intermittent fasting (IF) became a big deal after a 2012 study from the University of Hail in Saudi Arabia made headlines. The study found that IF during Ramadan increased immune system cell growth and lowered proinflammatory cytokines in healthy individuals.8 In fact, research on the benefits of IF is now widespread. A 2013 study conducted by Thomas Jefferson University discovered that IF slowed the growth of primary cancer tumors and also decreased the number of new ones in breast cancer patients.9
Many experts also advise periods of intermittent fasting throughout the week on both your ketogenic days and feasting days. Intermittent fasting is gentler on the body than going through a regular fast. And in my opinion, gentler is better for us women, especially if you suffer from hormonal imbalance or high stress levels.
Most people follow the 16/8 rule: they do not eat from roughly 8pm in the evening through 10am the next day. If it is difficult for you to go that long without eating, shoot for a 12 hour fast including sleep time.
Then work your way up to a longer fasting period from there if you can. You can also eat a small amount of fat first thing in the morning or at night. Many folks swear by a coconut oil-infused bulletproof coffee first thing in the morning.
One of many great options you may enjoy in the evening is a relaxing keto version of the popular “golden milk.” This is a yummy beverage made from frothing almond milk together with healing turmeric, a little cinnamon, a dash of black pepper and ginger, and a little coconut oil. I like to put a pinch of stevia in it to give it a sweet zing. Delicious! I also like the fact that at the end of the day, I am getting a little bit of anti-inflammatory turmeric in my system. The turmeric is warming and encourages a good night's sleep.10
The best news is that eating healthy fat during your IF period is not really a cheat. It will not pull you out of ketosis on your ketogenic days and can actually help build robust ketones in the body.
6 Reasons Why a Cyclical Ketogenic Diet May Be for You
Here are some situations where a woman may want to consider going on a cyclic ketogenic diet:
If you have a thyroid imbalance. This could include hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism or Hashimoto's. Introducing ketosis slowly and allowing time for rest through carb-up days keeps the metabolism regulated and conserves thyroid-related metabolic functions.
If you have adrenal fatigue. Adrenal fatigue syndrome is when the adrenal glands are not producing enough hormones to keep up with demand; they never really “turn off.” It is most often caused by chronic stress and can lead to adrenal exhaustion if left unchecked. Staying in ketosis for long periods of time sometimes leads to a reduction in adrenal-related sex hormones and this makes the adrenals work even harder. Taking some time off from ketosis every week allows the adrenals to rest and reset.
If you are going through perimenopause or menopause. Following a CK diet can be beneficial for women going through menopause. Research indicates that aging women as well as men can reap great benefits from the IF aspects of the CKD. Fasting allows for a break from digestion, when the body can focus on repair of all systems, including the reproductive and endocrine systems. Just be sure to watch for energy changes and take a break from IF if your estrogen levels begin to vary too much.11
If you want to lose weight safely (and steadily). When I first did the ketogenic diet, I was amazed at how the weight just seemed to melt off for the first few weeks. Then, to my disappointment, I seemed to hit a plateau. If this happens to you, switching to a cyclic ketogenic diet may kick your metabolism into gear again. Many women also experience success getting off the plateau by choosing a consistent IF schedule, including regular “eating windows”- and then sticking to it! Try different times of day (for example, eating between 10 am to 6 pm first then switching to noon to 8 pm). Eventually you will find the sweet spot where you will start to lose weight again until your body reaches its ideal healthy weight.
You are experiencing some not-so-healthy side effects of the standard keto diet. These could include losing your menstrual cycle altogether, having trouble sleeping, and experiencing brittle nails, among other things. Symptoms may be giving you an indication that you are overstressing our body and may need to switch to the CKD.
If you have type 2 diabetes. Research has proven that eating a ketogenic diet even temporarily can have great healing benefits for most diabetics. This is because type 2 diabetes is caused by too much sugar. The best way to restore insulin sensitivity is to simply stop the heavy sugar load. If you follow the standard keto diet, this takes care of the problem.12
Most experts warn not to jump in to ketosis too fast if you are diabetic. Ease into it gradually by lowering your carb count over a few weeks. It may also be wise to do a shortened version of the CKD by “cycling out” of ketosis every once in a while with a moderately carb-heavy meal. A 2005 study published in the journal Nutrition & Metabolism found that people with type 2 diabetes who were also on the ketogenic diet saw major improvements in insulin sensitivity after just three weeks.13
Type 2 diabetes is an autoimmune condition. Since so many women suffer from some kind of autoimmunity, I would like to say one final word here about these conditions in general. Being on a cyclic ketogenic diet gives you the best of both worlds. You are allowing your body to rest one or more days a week yet lowering inflammation and increasing glutathione levels through ketosis and IF the rest of the week. A 2015 study on individuals with multiple sclerosis found that following a ketogenic diet greatly improved mitochondrial function and increased glutathione levels in the body naturally.14
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When Should You Avoid the Ketogenic Diet Completely?
If you are suffering from severe thyroid imbalance or complete adrenal exhaustion, a ketogenic diet can be beneficial later on down the road. However, it would be wise to get your body back in balance before going forward.
In addition, according to the Diabetes Council, if you are pregnant you should not follow a ketogenic diet. When a woman is pregnant or nursing, it is especially important that she eat a well-rounded diet that includes not only fruits, veggies, proteins, and healthy fats, but also healthy carbs like whole grains.15
The Bottom Line on the Ketogenic Diet for Women
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From one woman to another, here is my advice regarding a keto diet: start slow. Cutting carbs too fast may cause the “rebound effect” and put more stress on your body than you can handle. And if you decide to take it easy and cycle your ketosis, keep in mind that introducing too many carbs all at once may produce negative effects as well.
Work with a holistic health practitioner or health coach when trying out a new plan and keep a health journal. Weigh the pros and cons of the path you have chosen and then let common sense and female intuition guide you on what to do next.
Be sure to observe how these dietary changes make you feel every step of the way. And most of all, be forgiving with yourself if you mess up.
Our bodies were created fearfully and wonderfully with the power to heal. Remember, you must take care of your health first, before you can take care of others. So continue to take the time you need to learn what works best for your body. And in no time, you'll be on the way to living your happiest, healthiest life!
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With so much information (and MIS-information) floating around out there, it's hard to get a clear picture of what the ketogenic diet actually is.
In an effort to get the facts, we have connected with 2 of the top experts on the ketogenic diet: Dr. Josh Axe and Jordan Rubin, founders of Ancient Nutrition.
We can't wait to share the TRUTH about the ketogenic diet and also give you the details of the “TTAC Keto360 Challenge.”
Join us THIS MONDAY (January 7th) at 5pm EST as we hang out with Josh and Jordan on the inaugural webinar of 2019.
Register HERE for FREE webinar >>
The post Keto for Women: Is Cyclical Ketosis Right for You? appeared first on The Truth About Cancer.
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. as likely to have erectile dysfunction because both conditions can result. Try this recipe: sesame seed-crusted salmon Burger with Yogurt.
self acupressure for erectile dysfunction statin drugs erectile dysfunction Com It Compare Erectile Dysfunction Drugs is no wonder that when he was the secretary of the provincial party erectile dysfunction drugs committee secretary, Gu Ruikai was very surprised at.cures for impotence erectile dysfunction The scientific justification for this in terms of definitive pathologic diagnosis and treatment has been considerably. urology’s hegemony over the problem of impotence is more legitimate.- Explore jetwynb’s board "Acupressure points for headache" on Pinterest. See more ideas about Acupressure, Acupressure points and Pressure points.does too much ejaculation cause erectile dysfunction erectile dysfunction only at night Three Instagram photos of the woman drinking in different scenarios, presumably from the night before, are overlaid on the poster. The last picture in the row is from the account of "College Guy.". · More than eight million men are at risk for erectile dysfunction (ed) induced by Type II (insulin resistant) diabetes. While the exact mechanism(s) involved in diabetes mellitus induced erectile.
An erectile dysfunction pump is used to help achieve and maintain an erection by drawing blood into the penis via air suction. It’s not a cure for ED. An erectile dysfunction pump is a device used to help achieve and maintain an erection by drawing blood into the penis via air suction. It’s not a cu
The use of herbs for erectile dysfunction goes back over 2,000 years. Now science is catching up. Read on to see which herbs have potential benefits for ED. The search for a cure for erectile dysfunction (ED) dates back way before the introduction of Viagra in the 1990s. Natural aphrodisiacs, from g
Flax and chia seeds: Rich in omega-3 fatty acids and fibre, they aid in the detoxification of your colon, a vital organ in your digestive tract. Certain foods can increase your chances of metal.
Put the almond milk in a bowl (doesn’t have to be very large) and sprinkle the chia seeds on top. Stir vigorously to get rid of any clumps. Drop the cranberries, cinnamon, cardamom, Stevia, and.
erectile dysfunction medicines in pakistan erectile dysfunction at 36 Erectile dysfunction (ED) is considered the most prevalent manifestation of sexual dysfunction in men with chronic kidney disease (CKD). In this meta-analysis including 34 studies and almost 6000.erectile dysfunction and blood flow “Cardiovascular conditions that affect blood circulation also increase the risk of erectile dysfunction. “Addressing it sooner reduces the risk of longer-term damage or effects.”.A Virginia man mailed erectile dysfunction pills to a New Jersey teenager. prosecutors charged atwell with two counts of dispensing drugs without a valid prescription. Atwell spent several.
Erectile dysfunction treatment, causes, and interesting penis facts at Men’s Health. Our product picks are editor-tested, expert-approved. We may earn a commission through links on our site. 9 hard-and-fast rules for awe-inspiring erections No penis is an island. Or so J. Stephen Jones, M.D., F.A.C.
See four expert solutions on how to solve a common sexual problem of men ages 20 and up. RD.COM Health Conditions Nearly 1 in 5 men ages 20 and up has had erectile dysfunction. [step-list-wrapper title=”” time=””] [step-item number=”1. ” image_url=”” title=”Change Your Lifestyle” ]First, see your do
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It’s basically germinating seeds like alfalfa, chickpeas. Selenium, found in it, also prevents problems such as erectile dysfunction. In addition to that, they play an important role in vitalizing.
cialis erectile dysfunction medication Cialis is a medication that has been licensed for the treatment of erectile dysfunction (ED). In previous clinical studies, up to 78 percent of men reported that the drug allowed them to have successful intercourse. In most cases, Cialis starts working within an hour. The most common side effects include facial flushing, headache, and indigestion.
source https://www.vigrxwarning.com/chia-seeds-erectile-dysfunction/
0 notes
lopezdorothy70-blog · 6 years
Keto for Women: Is Cyclical Ketosis Right for You?
By now you may know a little bit about how a ketogenic diet can be beneficial for fighting cancer, lowering inflammation, and losing weight. But what about our unique health needs as women? It turns out that there are variations of the standard ketogenic diet that may be especially beneficial for us and the health concerns that we face, especially as we get older!
Here's a breakdown of what it is and how it can be helpful for you.
The Ketogenic Diet and Women
Diving into the details of a diet can be just as confusing as that search to find the right one. I know that was the case for me when I first discovered the ketogenic diet. It can seem daunting at first, so I'll start with the basics.
The process of burning fat for energy (instead of glucose) is called “ketosis” (hence the term “ketogenic”). There are amazing mechanisms that kick in with our immune system, metabolism, and detoxification pathways when we move into ketosis.
I don't have to tell you that I have a passion for empowering individuals to treat and beat cancer naturally, so when I learned that following a ketogenic diet could potentially help reverse cancer, I got excited!
Of course, the only constant is change, right? Now that keto has gone mainstream, more research is focusing on how the diet works for specific groups of people. Researchers are discovering that a ketogenic diet can be very effective in healing conditions in addition to cancer, such as diabetes and autoimmune disease.
Experts are also discovering how ketosis works a bit differently depending on gender. One of the primary differences between us ladies and the men is hormones. When our bodies suffer from prolonged stress and poor eating habits, it is often our hormones that bear the brunt of the abuse.
Imbalances in the endocrine system can be the cause of dozens of nasty side effects, all of which can lead to chronic disease.
To get an idea of just how many women are suffering from hormone-related conditions, take a look at these scary statistics:
According to an analysis conducted by John Hopkins University, autoimmune conditions affected roughly eight percent of the U.S. population in 2004. 79% of these cases were women.1
According to the National Institute of Diabetes and Kidney Disease, the thyroid autoimmune condition Hashimoto's thyroiditis is about 8 times more common in women than men.2
Women are also up to ten times more likely to get non-autoimmune related hypothyroidism than men.3
According to the American Cancer Society, ovarian cancer is the number one reproductive system cancer for women and uterine cancer is close behind. In addition, one in eight women will receive a breast cancer diagnosis at some point in their lives.4
Women ages 20 to 34 have a higher rate of type 2 diabetes than men because of the changes that occur during pregnancy, which can lead to gestational diabetes. Gestational diabetes is a risk factor for developing type 2 diabetes later in life.5
According to the American Psychological Association, women bear most of the brunt in terms of self-reported feelings of stress. Adrenal fatigue and burnout, which effects hormonal balance, is largely a result of chronic stress.6
The Cyclical Ketogenic Diet: Why It May be Best for Women's Health
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As you can see by the heartbreaking statistics above, women have unique challenges when it comes to hormones, stress, and chronic disease. That is why many women respond best to modified versions of the ketogenic diet. One version that is becoming increasingly popular is the Cyclical Ketogenic Diet, or CKD.
In a nutshell, individuals who are on a CKD eat the standard ketogenic diet (roughly 20-30% protein, 5-10% carbohydrates and 60-80% fat) most of the week. One day a week, however, they “carb up.” This means they eat a moderate amount of carbs, even lower amounts of fat, and about the same amount of protein as on ketogenic days.
Both the standard ketogenic diet and the cyclic ketogenic diet are based on the concept of “feast or famine,” but in slightly different ways. During ketosis, your body thinks that it is in “famine mode” all of the time. Because of this, there will always be a subtle amount of stress on the body and on metabolism.
If you are a healthy individual and want to employ the ketogenic diet long-term, some research indicates that you may be able to do this safely.7 If you already have hormone-related issues, a ketogenic diet's anti-inflammatory and mitochondrial-boosting effects can help you as well, but you'll need to monitor how you feel more closely and take it slow. Gradually introducing your body to the CKD can do this.
The CKD allows your body a rest with a feasting day when you eat more carbs. The rest of the week can be spent eating a standard ketogenic diet. I recommend starting out slow by cutting down on your carb load and then pushing the envelope just a little every week until you are in ketosis most of the week.
Another important tip to keep in mind with CKD is that carb-up days are not a license to eat junk. On feasting days, you still don't want to go wild with the pasta and bread! Continue to eat healthy, whole, organic foods and keep the sugary foods out of your diet. I like to make one meal on my feasting day moderately carb-heavy and the other two meals and snacks keto-friendly.
And here is a little hack if you decide to give CKD a try: Slow-carb foods like sweet potatoes and quinoa are great for feasting days. In addition, sprinkle a little apple cider vinegar on your food or drink some with water 15 minutes before eating a meal to help with blood sugar issues. I have done this on many occasions, especially on super busy days when I know I need a boost.
Intermittent Fasting and the CKD
Intermittent fasting (IF) became a big deal after a 2012 study from the University of Hail in Saudi Arabia made headlines. The study found that IF during Ramadan increased immune system cell growth and lowered proinflammatory cytokines in healthy individuals.8 In fact, research on the benefits of IF is now widespread. A 2013 study conducted by Thomas Jefferson University discovered that IF slowed the growth of primary cancer tumors and also decreased the number of new ones in breast cancer patients.9
Many experts also advise periods of intermittent fasting throughout the week on both your ketogenic days and feasting days. Intermittent fasting is gentler on the body than going through a regular fast. And in my opinion, gentler is better for us women, especially if you suffer from hormonal imbalance or high stress levels.
Most people follow the 16/8 rule: they do not eat from roughly 8pm in the evening through 10am the next day. If it is difficult for you to go that long without eating, shoot for a 12 hour fast including sleep time.
Then work your way up to a longer fasting period from there if you can. You can also eat a small amount of fat first thing in the morning or at night. Many folks swear by a coconut oil-infused bulletproof coffee first thing in the morning.
One of many great options you may enjoy in the evening is a relaxing keto version of the popular “golden milk.” This is a yummy beverage made from frothing almond milk together with healing turmeric, a little cinnamon, a dash of black pepper and ginger, and a little coconut oil. I like to put a pinch of stevia in it to give it a sweet zing. Delicious! I also like the fact that at the end of the day, I am getting a little bit of anti-inflammatory turmeric in my system. The turmeric is warming and encourages a good night's sleep.10
The best news is that eating healthy fat during your IF period is not really a cheat. It will not pull you out of ketosis on your ketogenic days and can actually help build robust ketones in the body.
6 Reasons Why a Cyclical Ketogenic Diet May Be for You
Here are some situations where a woman may want to consider going on a cyclic ketogenic diet:
If you have a thyroid imbalance. This could include hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism or Hashimoto's. Introducing ketosis slowly and allowing time for rest through carb-up days keeps the metabolism regulated and conserves thyroid-related metabolic functions.
If you have adrenal fatigue. Adrenal fatigue syndrome is when the adrenal glands are not producing enough hormones to keep up with demand; they never really “turn off.” It is most often caused by chronic stress and can lead to adrenal exhaustion if left unchecked. Staying in ketosis for long periods of time sometimes leads to a reduction in adrenal-related sex hormones and this makes the adrenals work even harder. Taking some time off from ketosis every week allows the adrenals to rest and reset.
If you are going through perimenopause or menopause. Following a CK diet can be beneficial for women going through menopause. Research indicates that aging women as well as men can reap great benefits from the IF aspects of the CKD. Fasting allows for a break from digestion, when the body can focus on repair of all systems, including the reproductive and endocrine systems. Just be sure to watch for energy changes and take a break from IF if your estrogen levels begin to vary too much.11
If you want to lose weight safely (and steadily). When I first did the ketogenic diet, I was amazed at how the weight just seemed to melt off for the first few weeks. Then, to my disappointment, I seemed to hit a plateau. If this happens to you, switching to a cyclic ketogenic diet may kick your metabolism into gear again. Many women also experience success getting off the plateau by choosing a consistent IF schedule, including regular “eating windows”- and then sticking to it! Try different times of day (for example, eating between 10 am to 6 pm first then switching to noon to 8 pm). Eventually you will find the sweet spot where you will start to lose weight again until your body reaches its ideal healthy weight.
You are experiencing some not-so-healthy side effects of the standard keto diet. These could include losing your menstrual cycle altogether, having trouble sleeping, and experiencing brittle nails, among other things. Symptoms may be giving you an indication that you are overstressing our body and may need to switch to the CKD.
If you have type 2 diabetes. Research has proven that eating a ketogenic diet even temporarily can have great healing benefits for most diabetics. This is because type 2 diabetes is caused by too much sugar. The best way to restore insulin sensitivity is to simply stop the heavy sugar load. If you follow the standard keto diet, this takes care of the problem.12
Most experts warn not to jump in to ketosis too fast if you are diabetic. Ease into it gradually by lowering your carb count over a few weeks. It may also be wise to do a shortened version of the CKD by “cycling out” of ketosis every once in a while with a moderately carb-heavy meal. A 2005 study published in the journal Nutrition & Metabolism found that people with type 2 diabetes who were also on the ketogenic diet saw major improvements in insulin sensitivity after just three weeks.13
Type 2 diabetes is an autoimmune condition. Since so many women suffer from some kind of autoimmunity, I would like to say one final word here about these conditions in general. Being on a cyclic ketogenic diet gives you the best of both worlds. You are allowing your body to rest one or more days a week yet lowering inflammation and increasing glutathione levels through ketosis and IF the rest of the week. A 2015 study on individuals with multiple sclerosis found that following a ketogenic diet greatly improved mitochondrial function and increased glutathione levels in the body naturally.14
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When Should You Avoid the Ketogenic Diet Completely?
If you are suffering from severe thyroid imbalance or complete adrenal exhaustion, a ketogenic diet can be beneficial later on down the road. However, it would be wise to get your body back in balance before going forward.
In addition, according to the Diabetes Council, if you are pregnant you should not follow a ketogenic diet. When a woman is pregnant or nursing, it is especially important that she eat a well-rounded diet that includes not only fruits, veggies, proteins, and healthy fats, but also healthy carbs like whole grains.15
The Bottom Line on the Ketogenic Diet for Women
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From one woman to another, here is my advice regarding a keto diet: start slow. Cutting carbs too fast may cause the “rebound effect” and put more stress on your body than you can handle. And if you decide to take it easy and cycle your ketosis, keep in mind that introducing too many carbs all at once may produce negative effects as well.
Work with a holistic health practitioner or health coach when trying out a new plan and keep a health journal. Weigh the pros and cons of the path you have chosen and then let common sense and female intuition guide you on what to do next.
Be sure to observe how these dietary changes make you feel every step of the way. And most of all, be forgiving with yourself if you mess up.
Our bodies were created fearfully and wonderfully with the power to heal. Remember, you must take care of your health first, before you can take care of others. So continue to take the time you need to learn what works best for your body. And in no time, you'll be on the way to living your happiest, healthiest life!
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With so much information (and MIS-information) floating around out there, it's hard to get a clear picture of what the ketogenic diet actually is.
In an effort to get the facts, we have connected with 2 of the top experts on the ketogenic diet: Dr. Josh Axe and Jordan Rubin, founders of Ancient Nutrition.
We can't wait to share the TRUTH about the ketogenic diet and also give you the details of the “TTAC Keto360 Challenge.”
Join us THIS MONDAY (January 7th) at 5pm EST as we hang out with Josh and Jordan on the inaugural webinar of 2019.
Register HERE for FREE webinar >>
The post Keto for Women: Is Cyclical Ketosis Right for You? appeared first on The Truth About Cancer.
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lindafrancois · 3 years
5 Tips to Lower Phosphorus Levels
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Phosphorus is a mineral in the body that helps build strong bones, aids in metabolism, and helps muscles and nerves function properly. The kidneys and digestive tract regulate phosphorus levels in the blood so that it does not get too high or low.
Chronically elevated blood phosphorus levels can weaken the bones and cause calcium to deposit in blood vessels, arteries and organ tissue. This decreases blood flow in the body, which can cause poor wound healing and tissue or organ death.
Maintaining blood phosphorus levels within the recommended range is particularly important for anyone with chronic kidney disease (CKD). Why? Because CKD is the number one reason for high phosphorus levels in the blood, also known as hyperphosphatemia. Other causes include diabetic ketoacidosis, injuries (specifically to muscles), hypoparathyroidism, high vitamin D levels and phosphorus-containing laxatives.
5 Phosphorus Lowering Tips
Follow these five simple tips to help keep your blood phosphorus levels within the recommended range.
Avoid foods that contain phosphorus additives.
Phosphorus additives, also called phosphate additives, are added to foods for various reasons including preservation, mouthfeel or texture or vitamin or mineral fortification. The body absorbs nearly 100% of the phosphorus from phosphorus additives, compared to only 40 to 60% of naturally-occurring phosphorus.
Foods that contain phosphorus additives include baking mixes, baked goods, dark colas, some bottled or canned beverages, sports drinks, powdered drink mixes, frozen meals, processed meats and many calcium-fortified foods and beverages.
To know if a food contains phosphorus additives, look for ingredients listed on the food label that contain the word “phos.” Examples include phosphoric acid, trisodium phosphate, dicalcium phosphate, and trisodium phosphate.
Fast foods and restaurant foods should also be limited because they often contain phosphorus additives. Ask your dietitian for better options when dining out or use the DaVita.com Dining Out Guides.
Limit high-phosphorus foods.
Foods that naturally contain phosphorus include dairy products, nuts and seeds, legumes, chocolate, organ meats, and wheat and oat bran. These foods do not need to be completely avoided but rather consumed in moderation.
For optimal phosphorus control, limit dairy products to one serving per day. The amounts of other high-phosphorus foods you can consume varies based on your blood levels, calorie and protein needs, and if you are taking phosphorus binders. Talk to your dietitian for more individualized recommendations.
Take your phosphorus binders as prescribed.
Phosphorus binders are pills that should be taken with all meals and snacks. They help lower blood phosphorus levels by binding to the phosphorus in food so that it is excreted in the gastrointestinal tract instead of absorbed into the blood.
Your nephrologist may prescribe phosphorus binders if your phosphorus level is high. There are many types of phosphorus binders that vary in strength, side effects and cost. Your nephrologist and dietitian can work with you to find the type that is best for you.
Phosphorus binders work best if they are taken right before eating or with the first few bites of food. Your nephrologist or dietitian will tell you the number of binders you should take with your meals and snacks based on your diet and blood phosphorus levels.
Promote bowel regularity.
Maintaining regular bowel movements is particularly important for phosphorus control if you are taking phosphorus binders. People with CKD are prone to constipation due to fluid and dietary restrictions that limit intake of high-fiber foods such as fruits, vegetables and legumes. If you are constipated, ask your nephrologist or dietitian about starting a stool softener, laxative or fiber supplement. Other tips that can help with constipation are eating more low-potassium fruits and vegetables, and walking or exercising daily (if approved by your doctor).
Attend your dialysis treatments.
Dialysis helps remove phosphorus from your blood. If you receive in-center hemodialysis, be sure to attend all of your treatments for the amount of time your nephrologist prescribes. If you need to miss a treatment, work with your care team to re-schedule it for the next day.
Check out these articles for more information:
Healthline.com: Hyperphosphatemia
DaVita.com: Hidden Phosphorus In Your Diet and How to Control It
DaVita.com: Top Low-Phosphorus Food Choices for a Kidney Diet
Try these low-phosphorus recipes from DaVita.com:
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Blueberry Cream Cones
Maple Pancakes
Macaroni and Cheese
Additional Kidney Diet Resources
Visit DaVita.com and explore these diet and nutrition resources:
DaVita Food Analyzer
DaVita Dining Out Guides
Today’s Kidney Diet Cookbooks
DaVita Kidney-Friendly Recipes
Diet and Nutrition Articles
Diet and Nutrition Videos
Kidney Smart® Virtual Classes
This article is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for medical advice or treatment. Consult your physician and dietitian regarding your specific diagnosis, treatment, diet and health questions.
5 Tips to Lower Phosphorus Levels published first on https://dietariouspage.tumblr.com/
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battybat-boss · 6 years
Keto for Women: Is Cyclical Ketosis Right for You?
By now you may know a little bit about how a ketogenic diet can be beneficial for fighting cancer, lowering inflammation, and losing weight. But what about our unique health needs as women? It turns out that there are variations of the standard ketogenic diet that may be especially beneficial for us and the health concerns that we face, especially as we get older!
Here's a breakdown of what it is and how it can be helpful for you.
The Ketogenic Diet and Women
Diving into the details of a diet can be just as confusing as that search to find the right one. I know that was the case for me when I first discovered the ketogenic diet. It can seem daunting at first, so I'll start with the basics.
The process of burning fat for energy (instead of glucose) is called “ketosis” (hence the term “ketogenic”). There are amazing mechanisms that kick in with our immune system, metabolism, and detoxification pathways when we move into ketosis.
I don't have to tell you that I have a passion for empowering individuals to treat and beat cancer naturally, so when I learned that following a ketogenic diet could potentially help reverse cancer, I got excited!
Of course, the only constant is change, right? Now that keto has gone mainstream, more research is focusing on how the diet works for specific groups of people. Researchers are discovering that a ketogenic diet can be very effective in healing conditions in addition to cancer, such as diabetes and autoimmune disease.
Experts are also discovering how ketosis works a bit differently depending on gender. One of the primary differences between us ladies and the men is hormones. When our bodies suffer from prolonged stress and poor eating habits, it is often our hormones that bear the brunt of the abuse.
Imbalances in the endocrine system can be the cause of dozens of nasty side effects, all of which can lead to chronic disease.
To get an idea of just how many women are suffering from hormone-related conditions, take a look at these scary statistics:
According to an analysis conducted by John Hopkins University, autoimmune conditions affected roughly eight percent of the U.S. population in 2004. 79% of these cases were women.1
According to the National Institute of Diabetes and Kidney Disease, the thyroid autoimmune condition Hashimoto's thyroiditis is about 8 times more common in women than men.2
Women are also up to ten times more likely to get non-autoimmune related hypothyroidism than men.3
According to the American Cancer Society, ovarian cancer is the number one reproductive system cancer for women and uterine cancer is close behind. In addition, one in eight women will receive a breast cancer diagnosis at some point in their lives.4
Women ages 20 to 34 have a higher rate of type 2 diabetes than men because of the changes that occur during pregnancy, which can lead to gestational diabetes. Gestational diabetes is a risk factor for developing type 2 diabetes later in life.5
According to the American Psychological Association, women bear most of the brunt in terms of self-reported feelings of stress. Adrenal fatigue and burnout, which effects hormonal balance, is largely a result of chronic stress.6
The Cyclical Ketogenic Diet: Why It May be Best for Women's Health
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As you can see by the heartbreaking statistics above, women have unique challenges when it comes to hormones, stress, and chronic disease. That is why many women respond best to modified versions of the ketogenic diet. One version that is becoming increasingly popular is the Cyclical Ketogenic Diet, or CKD.
In a nutshell, individuals who are on a CKD eat the standard ketogenic diet (roughly 20-30% protein, 5-10% carbohydrates and 60-80% fat) most of the week. One day a week, however, they “carb up.” This means they eat a moderate amount of carbs, even lower amounts of fat, and about the same amount of protein as on ketogenic days.
Both the standard ketogenic diet and the cyclic ketogenic diet are based on the concept of “feast or famine,” but in slightly different ways. During ketosis, your body thinks that it is in “famine mode” all of the time. Because of this, there will always be a subtle amount of stress on the body and on metabolism.
If you are a healthy individual and want to employ the ketogenic diet long-term, some research indicates that you may be able to do this safely.7 If you already have hormone-related issues, a ketogenic diet's anti-inflammatory and mitochondrial-boosting effects can help you as well, but you'll need to monitor how you feel more closely and take it slow. Gradually introducing your body to the CKD can do this.
The CKD allows your body a rest with a feasting day when you eat more carbs. The rest of the week can be spent eating a standard ketogenic diet. I recommend starting out slow by cutting down on your carb load and then pushing the envelope just a little every week until you are in ketosis most of the week.
Another important tip to keep in mind with CKD is that carb-up days are not a license to eat junk. On feasting days, you still don't want to go wild with the pasta and bread! Continue to eat healthy, whole, organic foods and keep the sugary foods out of your diet. I like to make one meal on my feasting day moderately carb-heavy and the other two meals and snacks keto-friendly.
And here is a little hack if you decide to give CKD a try: Slow-carb foods like sweet potatoes and quinoa are great for feasting days. In addition, sprinkle a little apple cider vinegar on your food or drink some with water 15 minutes before eating a meal to help with blood sugar issues. I have done this on many occasions, especially on super busy days when I know I need a boost.
Intermittent Fasting and the CKD
Intermittent fasting (IF) became a big deal after a 2012 study from the University of Hail in Saudi Arabia made headlines. The study found that IF during Ramadan increased immune system cell growth and lowered proinflammatory cytokines in healthy individuals.8 In fact, research on the benefits of IF is now widespread. A 2013 study conducted by Thomas Jefferson University discovered that IF slowed the growth of primary cancer tumors and also decreased the number of new ones in breast cancer patients.9
Many experts also advise periods of intermittent fasting throughout the week on both your ketogenic days and feasting days. Intermittent fasting is gentler on the body than going through a regular fast. And in my opinion, gentler is better for us women, especially if you suffer from hormonal imbalance or high stress levels.
Most people follow the 16/8 rule: they do not eat from roughly 8pm in the evening through 10am the next day. If it is difficult for you to go that long without eating, shoot for a 12 hour fast including sleep time.
Then work your way up to a longer fasting period from there if you can. You can also eat a small amount of fat first thing in the morning or at night. Many folks swear by a coconut oil-infused bulletproof coffee first thing in the morning.
One of many great options you may enjoy in the evening is a relaxing keto version of the popular “golden milk.” This is a yummy beverage made from frothing almond milk together with healing turmeric, a little cinnamon, a dash of black pepper and ginger, and a little coconut oil. I like to put a pinch of stevia in it to give it a sweet zing. Delicious! I also like the fact that at the end of the day, I am getting a little bit of anti-inflammatory turmeric in my system. The turmeric is warming and encourages a good night's sleep.10
The best news is that eating healthy fat during your IF period is not really a cheat. It will not pull you out of ketosis on your ketogenic days and can actually help build robust ketones in the body.
6 Reasons Why a Cyclical Ketogenic Diet May Be for You
Here are some situations where a woman may want to consider going on a cyclic ketogenic diet:
If you have a thyroid imbalance. This could include hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism or Hashimoto's. Introducing ketosis slowly and allowing time for rest through carb-up days keeps the metabolism regulated and conserves thyroid-related metabolic functions.
If you have adrenal fatigue. Adrenal fatigue syndrome is when the adrenal glands are not producing enough hormones to keep up with demand; they never really “turn off.” It is most often caused by chronic stress and can lead to adrenal exhaustion if left unchecked. Staying in ketosis for long periods of time sometimes leads to a reduction in adrenal-related sex hormones and this makes the adrenals work even harder. Taking some time off from ketosis every week allows the adrenals to rest and reset.
If you are going through perimenopause or menopause. Following a CK diet can be beneficial for women going through menopause. Research indicates that aging women as well as men can reap great benefits from the IF aspects of the CKD. Fasting allows for a break from digestion, when the body can focus on repair of all systems, including the reproductive and endocrine systems. Just be sure to watch for energy changes and take a break from IF if your estrogen levels begin to vary too much.11
If you want to lose weight safely (and steadily). When I first did the ketogenic diet, I was amazed at how the weight just seemed to melt off for the first few weeks. Then, to my disappointment, I seemed to hit a plateau. If this happens to you, switching to a cyclic ketogenic diet may kick your metabolism into gear again. Many women also experience success getting off the plateau by choosing a consistent IF schedule, including regular “eating windows”- and then sticking to it! Try different times of day (for example, eating between 10 am to 6 pm first then switching to noon to 8 pm). Eventually you will find the sweet spot where you will start to lose weight again until your body reaches its ideal healthy weight.
You are experiencing some not-so-healthy side effects of the standard keto diet. These could include losing your menstrual cycle altogether, having trouble sleeping, and experiencing brittle nails, among other things. Symptoms may be giving you an indication that you are overstressing our body and may need to switch to the CKD.
If you have type 2 diabetes. Research has proven that eating a ketogenic diet even temporarily can have great healing benefits for most diabetics. This is because type 2 diabetes is caused by too much sugar. The best way to restore insulin sensitivity is to simply stop the heavy sugar load. If you follow the standard keto diet, this takes care of the problem.12
Most experts warn not to jump in to ketosis too fast if you are diabetic. Ease into it gradually by lowering your carb count over a few weeks. It may also be wise to do a shortened version of the CKD by “cycling out” of ketosis every once in a while with a moderately carb-heavy meal. A 2005 study published in the journal Nutrition & Metabolism found that people with type 2 diabetes who were also on the ketogenic diet saw major improvements in insulin sensitivity after just three weeks.13
Type 2 diabetes is an autoimmune condition. Since so many women suffer from some kind of autoimmunity, I would like to say one final word here about these conditions in general. Being on a cyclic ketogenic diet gives you the best of both worlds. You are allowing your body to rest one or more days a week yet lowering inflammation and increasing glutathione levels through ketosis and IF the rest of the week. A 2015 study on individuals with multiple sclerosis found that following a ketogenic diet greatly improved mitochondrial function and increased glutathione levels in the body naturally.14
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When Should You Avoid the Ketogenic Diet Completely?
If you are suffering from severe thyroid imbalance or complete adrenal exhaustion, a ketogenic diet can be beneficial later on down the road. However, it would be wise to get your body back in balance before going forward.
In addition, according to the Diabetes Council, if you are pregnant you should not follow a ketogenic diet. When a woman is pregnant or nursing, it is especially important that she eat a well-rounded diet that includes not only fruits, veggies, proteins, and healthy fats, but also healthy carbs like whole grains.15
The Bottom Line on the Ketogenic Diet for Women
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From one woman to another, here is my advice regarding a keto diet: start slow. Cutting carbs too fast may cause the “rebound effect” and put more stress on your body than you can handle. And if you decide to take it easy and cycle your ketosis, keep in mind that introducing too many carbs all at once may produce negative effects as well.
Work with a holistic health practitioner or health coach when trying out a new plan and keep a health journal. Weigh the pros and cons of the path you have chosen and then let common sense and female intuition guide you on what to do next.
Be sure to observe how these dietary changes make you feel every step of the way. And most of all, be forgiving with yourself if you mess up.
Our bodies were created fearfully and wonderfully with the power to heal. Remember, you must take care of your health first, before you can take care of others. So continue to take the time you need to learn what works best for your body. And in no time, you'll be on the way to living your happiest, healthiest life!
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With so much information (and MIS-information) floating around out there, it's hard to get a clear picture of what the ketogenic diet actually is.
In an effort to get the facts, we have connected with 2 of the top experts on the ketogenic diet: Dr. Josh Axe and Jordan Rubin, founders of Ancient Nutrition.
We can't wait to share the TRUTH about the ketogenic diet and also give you the details of the “TTAC Keto360 Challenge.”
Join us THIS MONDAY (January 7th) at 5pm EST as we hang out with Josh and Jordan on the inaugural webinar of 2019.
Register HERE for FREE webinar >>
The post Keto for Women: Is Cyclical Ketosis Right for You? appeared first on The Truth About Cancer.
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