#How tf did this take 9 hours sobbing
Finally. After a month of the episode being out and ignoring my laptop for two weeks. I finished my art.
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I meant to save a version without the filters but forgot and now IbisPaint won't let me 😭
Hope you guys like it!!!
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slutqueensupreme · 3 years
Didnt realize how much trauma I dealt with growing up.
Maybe it’s an american thing or a poverty thing idk shits traumatic tho.
It’s however VERY American that my friends’ parent‘s died of cancer (one after getting stage 1 diagnosis the other a terminal) and the main reason being „no money for insurance/insurance won’t pay treatment“
And when my mom had to get hospitalized for the 2-3 months her insurance would cover (that’s hella good tbh) but that insurance was from her job and didn’t cover her kids and so she still had to get health insurance for her kids extra. Wild
The fact that I hear a family member had a blood clot and I assume they’ve died simply bc they didn’t find out til after bc, who tf paying for an extra drs app for a lil bit of leg pain? (They did not but I already had the break down before someone could tell me otherwise whoops)
The fact that I tried to die and the only psych hospital with room for me and would be covered by insurance was 2hrs away and was essentially juvie for „troubled kids“ (lmaoo I wanted to die and my crimes fit the punishment of lockup that essentially isolated me from the outside world making my release and subsequent reintegration so much harder)
Just absolutely buck wild to imagine that I grew up and was like „yea this is cool” until someone had to tell me “dude you shouldn’t have had to deal with a lockdown in which there was a possible active shooter in the building at 8-9 years old”
Wild to me that I hear unexpected fireworks and I’m the only to reactor violently.
Wild that my colleagues take care of not touching me without some kind of signal or assurance that it’s someone I know when they want to greet me seeing as how I almost busted a dudes lip when he patted me on the back on the way to work.
Wild that others noticed the lowkey trauma I got before I could.
And wild that I finally unearthed those repressed memories and sobbed for like an hour and a half
Jesus Christ the amount of times I should’ve been dead as a CHILD growing up in America. It’s astounding.
Anyways, what’s yalls trauma like and how’s it manifesting in your everyday life?
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supercasey · 4 years
Nomad of Nowhere Modern Twins AU Camping Shenanigans
I did this because I have fucking writer’s block and my new medication for my depression/anxiety is making me feel a bit sucky as I get used to it, so here, have some antics that I may or may not try writing/drawing sometime.
I’m gonna set this camping trip when Hunter and Skout are in high school (both 15) and Melinda is still in elementary school (9).
For context, Benjamin and Annabeth are absolutely nature enthusiasts- I mean, they built their own fucking house for crying out loud!- so camping trips aren’t all that out of place for them, but this time they insist that their oldest kids bring their friends from school along! (Last time they brought some of Melinda’s friends, they accidentally started a fire, and no one wants to relive that shit.)
Skout brings Toth, who’s nervous AF to meet Skout’s parents (she knows they’re pretty damn accepting and in a polyam relationship, but I doubt anyone’s all that excited to meet their significant other’s folks), while Hunter brings the Three Amigos, which of course includes Null, who he only just started dating in secret.
While Ben and Anna are really freaking hyped for the trip, Adrian is a bit less excited, as he fucking loathes outdoor activities of any kind (the family has countless pictures of them all together after a hike, and Adrian always looks close to passing out in them), but he’s excited to meet his kids’ friends!
The whole group road trips to a nice forest that they can camp in, but due to the size of their crew, they split into two vans: Benjamin, Annabeth, Skout, Toth, and Melinda are in one van, with Adrian, Hunter, Null, Santi, and Jethro are in the other.
The road trip is a fucking MESS; Ben and Anna keep arguing over directions (despite Skout offering her phone for GPS, also Ben can’t drive at all but Anna drives like a maniac), so they get lost for several hours.
In the meantime, Adrian’s van is loud AF, since the Three Amigos are a pretty rowdy bunch, and Hunter convinced his dad to let him choose the music, which is just Lemon Demon at top volume for several hours straight. Adrian is in hell and it’s Touch-Tone Telephone on repeat.
Thankfully, once they get to the campsite, things are looking up... except that Don Paragon’s family has their giant ass RV parked directly next to the family’s campsite, and Don brought Red Manuel along because his parents told him to bring a friend from school. Needless to say, none of the teens are happy to see each other outside of school.
Santi and Jethro almost get fucking lost in the woods at some point, but they end up finding a really nice little unpolluted lake to swim in when they do. They run and grab Hunter and Null to go swimming, and it’s fun until Don shows up and bitches about how since his family is wealthier, it’s his and (I guess) Red’s private lake to swim in (it isn’t), and how if they don’t leave he’ll call the cops on them (he wouldn’t).
During this rant, Toth and Skout finally catch up to the boys, and seeing Don Paragon doing his usual BS, Toth simply picks him up and tosses him into the lake, getting his fancy bathrobe and slippers soaked.
Don goes OFF, but gets cut off when Skout, who’s stronger than she looks, picks up Red and tosses him in on top of Don. Everyone laughs (even Red, though he’s smart enough to hide it), before continuing with their swim (though Don still bitches the whole time).
Meantime, the parents aren’t doing much better. Ben and Anna start engaging in a sort of “Parent Contest” with Don Paragon’s folks, trying to insist that they’re cooler parents/have better kids.
Ben vs Don’s Dad is a lot more hostile/direct, while Anna vs Don’s Mom is a lot more passive aggressive and soccer mom-like.
Ben: “Oh, yer son’s got straight A’s? Well mine can fuckin’ backflip ‘n clap at the same damn time! How ya like dat, Michael!?”
Anna: “Aw, Karen, your son is such a sweet boy! :) Remember the time he made Hunter cry, so Skout threw him off a jungle gym? :)) They grow up so fast! :)))”
Meanwhile, Adrian and the Paragon family’s butler shoot the shit over some beers and ignore their companions’ bullshit.
Despite all of the arguing earlier, Don’s folks are convinced that Hunter and Don are best friends for some reason, so they insist on doing a huge family cookout, which everyone else begrudgingly agrees to, if only because Ben is excited about eating free “rich people food” (which Adrian reminds him isn’t all that better than middle class food, but whatever).
In short; El Rey (Adrian’s dog) eats a bunch of raw hotdogs and pukes them up in Anna’s purse, Skout and Toth almost kiss but Hunter accidentally ruins it by playing his guitar right next to them, Melinda keeps sneaking punches at Don when no one’s looking because that bitch made her big bro cry a lot when he was younger, Ben accidentally sets his poncho on fire, and Null, Santi, and Jethro all get food poisoning from Adrian’s under-cooked hamburgers.
At one point, Nomad (Hunter’s cat) runs off after hearing a loud bang from the woods. At this point, it’s really late at night, and Nomad is a black cat, so no one can find him. Hunter goes into hysterics, as Nomad is his closest friend/therapy cat, so after all the parents go to bed, the teens agree to put aside their differences and go to find Nomad.
Don, of course, makes it about himself and insists he’ll find the cat first, and when he does, he expects Hunter (he makes a mean joke about Skout needing to do it for him) to give him a sincere thank you, and then an apology for his family’s horrid behavior towards him! With that, he storms off, Red Manuel hot on his heels but looking a bit... frustrated? How very weird.
Hunter is so freaked out, he just starts running through the woods looking for Nomad, but luckily for him, Melinda can keep up with him. She’s trying to get him to go back to the campsite, as he’s too worked up to be looking for Nomad, and after trying and failing to talk him into listening to her, Melinda simply sits down and fake-sobs, saying she’s scared. Snapped out of it by big brother instincts, Hunter picks her up and takes her back to camp to wait with her until someone finds Nomad.
Seeing as the Three Amigos are as sick as El Rey was earlier (oh dear god, did Anna flip about the puke in her purse), it’s up to Skout, Toth, Don, and Red to find Nomad.
Toth and Skout use the time to talk in privacy, discussing future plans and how this trip has gone. Skout is embarrassed, worried that Toth hated this trip/hates her family, while Toth is convinced she made a bad impression on Skout’s parents. It’s a bit awkward, but they manage to convey their worries to each other and have them reassured away.
During this moment, they end up in a nice little clearing with dandelions sprouting everywhere. Skout laughs, and says something about how although she thinks the Dandy Lion mascot at school is dumb, she’s always loved dandelions. Toth, in response, plucks the largest one and braids it into Skout’s hair.
Skout’s Honor finally gets their fucking kiss, since up until now it’s kept almost happening, but due to public embarrassment/awkwardness, they’ve held back. Now though, away from everyone, they get enough privacy to have their first ever kiss.
Of course, it doesn’t last long before Red Manuel pokes his head through the trees and asks what tf they’re doing. Both girls go scarlet, insisting it was nothing, while Red simply cackles.
Toth goes to punch him in the jaw, but stops mid-swing when Red, in a panic, holds up Nomad to stop her.
Both Toth and Skout are baffled, surprised that Red managed to catch Nomad. Toth, who’s never much liked Red, asks why tf he’s not trying to use Nomad as leverage over them, or better yet, why didn’t he give Nomad to Don so he could use the cat to bully Hunter some more.
For the first time ever, Red seems genuinely upset with Don, and vents to the couple that Don Paragon’s been an asshole to him the entire trip, and only brought him along to make himself look good in front of his parents. He goes on to say that Don ordered him not to talk in front of his folks, and although Red hated the very idea, he agreed because it was better than staying at home with his mom all summer.
Skout grows concerned immediately, and tries to ask about Red’s mom, but he clams up, insisting that Skout just take her brother’s dumb cat (who seems to really like Red) because he doesn’t want to listen to Hunter freak out anymore.
After Hunter is finally reunited with Nomad, he’s absolutely ecstatic, hugging his cat while dancing around with joy. Once Skout tells him that Red Manuel found Nomad, Hunter doesn’t hesitate to run and hug him. Red obviously enjoys the affection, but he tries to play it off nonetheless.
Don eventually finds out that Nomad was found, and freaks tf out about how he was supposed to find him, and that he was supposed to get an apology, dammit!
Toth fucking snaps, telling Don straight up that he’s a piece of shit and should just be happy that Nomad got found, to which Don says pointblank that he wishes Nomad had gotten eaten by a bear, if only so he could see that “R-slur mute’s” face when he found the cat’s remains. Hunter starts crying, horrified by the mental imagery, while Don laughs at him, calling Hunter a pussyboy for crying. Red Manuel, in his rage at his so-called friend’s terrible behavior, punches Don in the dick.
Don is Surprised Pikachu Face(TM), because what tf is Red doing? He’s supposed to be Don’s little yes-man! Tbh, everyone is shocked, and Red finally loses his shit, shouting that Don is an awful fucking friend, and that he resents even knowing him.
((Me? Craving a future Red Manuel Redemption Arc(TM) almost as much as Season 2 of NoN? It’s more likely than you think.))
By now, the parents start waking up, and Don’s dad asks his son what’s going on. Smirking, and with his back turned to his father, Don says that Red is going to be going home with Hunter’s family, as he believes he’s about to strand Red in the wilderness as payback.
Red is freaked out, and makes to beg for Don’s forgiveness, when Skout outright confirms that yes, Red is coming with them, because Red is their friend!
Don is shocked again, but his parents just shrug and tell everyone to go back to bed. Adrian and Ben (the only ones who woke up, because Anna’s a heavy sleeper) are confused, but when Skout tells them that Red needs a ride later, they just shrug and say something like “Eh, what’s one more fucking kid?”
Red is nervous as fuck the next morning, still reeling over what he said to Don, but everyone (even the Three Amigos, who are all still pretty sick) assure him that he did the right thing.
Ben, Anna, and Adrian agree to pack up a bit early that morning, on account of the Paragon family terrorizing them, the Three Amigos getting sick, and almost losing Nomad. However, to make up for the short and crazy trip, they offer to host a slumber party at their house for all the teens, which everyone is on-board with.
Red’s a bit hesitant to agree, and says they can just drop him off near his place and he can leave them be, but Ben, sensing the kid’s anxiety, assures him that he’s welcome to stay with them for the night. After Skout tells him the same thing (with Hunter nodding in agreement), Red agrees, and has an awesome time with everyone!
At the start of the next school year (sophomore year/10th grade), Red Manuel goes back to hanging out with Don Paragon, but he’s noticeably less mean to the twins, and even gets caught helping Hunter pick up his books a few times when Don knocks them out of his hands in the hall.
Sorry, this kinda ended up as more of an “I love Red Manuel, or at least, my characterization of him” rant, but oh well, I hope y’all like my dumb rambling anyways!
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prorevenge · 5 years
Don't tell mom the dog-sitter's dead.
TL;DR at the bottom.
This didn't happen to me, it happened to my sister.
My sister moved up to SC from FL about a year ago, but she still visits us periodically. We're a big and close family. Shortly after Thanksgiving, she flew down with her husband and son for one such visit. She has 3 geriatric dogs, so she got a house/dog sitter.
MS (my sister) went through the basics of how they can only be fed at certain times. They get let out at certain times. They need to be in their crates from X hour to Z hour. Most importantly, they don't get treats. They get vitamins in place of treats, but those vitamins have to be given only twice a day. No people food. Very strict diets. They're all happy and healthy, but only because MS is so strict with their regime.
This lady she got to watch her dogs had stellar reviews on the site she was found through. She's a stay-at-home mom who does this as a side thing for extra cash. I feel like I can end it here, you all can guess where this is going.
MS left for Florida for a week. The first 5 days, everything is going well. DS (dog sitter) texts MS regularly or video calls. She shows MS pictures and gives her regular updates of when she comes and goes to MS's house. MS just bought that house, btw. She's been working her butt off to finally be able to afford it. She puts so much into making that a nice home for her family.
MS has some health problems herself. She's got a ton of prescription medication in her medicine cabinet. She brought enough for the week, but left the rest at home. Stuff for epilepsy, asthma, and allergies. But she's also got a ton of pain killers from when she had my nephew not that long ago. She's paranoid about becoming addicted, so she kept the pills for safety, but never used them. It's a full bottle.
On top of that, she's been a collector of rare beer for about 15 years now. Beer that's not even sold anymore because they were promotional from micro breweries. Beer she can't get anymore because she doesn't live in Florida. Those bottles, she keeps as mostly decoration in her kitchen.
On the 6th day of her vacation, DS stops all communication altogether. MS texts, calls, emails. Nothing. Radio silence. She's got a bad feeling, but she doesn't want to kill the mood because she doesn't get to see her family very often anymore.
Day 7, she gets on a late flight back to SC. The plane gets there around 2 in the morning. They drive an hour to their rural town. They get home. The front door is wide open. The lawn looks like someone in a truck (which DS happened to drive) just tried to go drifting over grass and a tree before vacating the premises super quick.
MS goes to handle my nephew who is groggy and screaming. It's been a rough day. She's thinking the worst. That someone robbed the house while this poor lady was there. MS's husband (BiL) goes inside to survey the damages. It's all clear, MS and Nephew go inside too.
The back door is wide open. The couch looks like it exploded. The rug in the living room and the couch, and pretty much every square foot on the bottom floor is covered in the kind of pee and poop that can only be made from 3 geriatric furry buttholes.
The dogs are, thankfully, still in the backyard. But they're shivering and filthy. There are broken beer bottles everywhere. Some have been stuffed deep in the trash to hide the evidence. Some have been refilled with water and put back with their tops precariously situated on top so they might look like they haven't been touched.
82 bottles, each growler sized (roughly 64 oz) - gone. The medicine cabinet is like one of those Western ghost town's with a tumbleweed bouncing through. MS is already thinking this DS threw herself a party. No way in heck could someone 5'6'', 170 lbs, drink that much beer and take that many pills and not be dead.
MS called the cops. Obviously. The police get there to figure this must be a break in. They take a bunch of pictures, take an account of all the bottles and drugs that were missing. MS cleans what she can, but gets to sleep because thankfully the upstairs hasn't been touched.
One day later, the police find DS. MS has assumed she's dead and abducted, so the police were looking for her and her car. They found the truck run off the side of a highway, with this lady about two miles up, tweaking OUT OF HER MIND walking along the side of the road, screaming at nothing.
They take her in for whatever charges. Idk. Her husband bails her out and picks her up. According to her husband, this has happened before. DS has a drug and alcohol problem.
At first, she's messaging my sister, super apologetic, saying she'll reimburse MS and please don't press charges. MS quotes her the price of the rug, a new couch, and the vet bills because her dogs had somehow gained access to 9 containers of doggie vitamins and one of them was having liver failure. (The dog is fine now, but she's an old yorkie so who knows. Also, MS buys in bulk from a wholesaler, hence 9 containers). The total was somewhere around $800. MS didn't bother with the beers, the meds, the lawn, cleaning the house. She could have. Heck, I would have.
On top of that, MS demanded DS never dog sit again and she had to refund MS for her dog sitting. MS works in advertising. I won't say what kind, but basically if she saw/sees DS advertising herself as a dog sitter ever again, she has the means to drag this lady until all she sees is mud for the rest of her life.
DS insists she'd gonna pay it back, but that MS has to wait until they get their taxes back. Ok. So MS waits. Late February, she texts DS asking where her money is. DS immediately starts saying how she didn't do anything wrong, MS is a bad dog owner and her dogs are miserable, none of the stuff MS says DS did was actually done. MS has all the old texts of DS admitting to all of it sooo....?
This goes on for a while. Eventually, DS starts saying how "as a courtesy" she has a friend who owns a furniture store, she will give MS a credit of $200 for a new couch. And she has an old rug she doesn't want anymore that MS can have.
Erm... what?
She payed MS about $500, but and insists she'll get the coupon to MS soon. March goes by. Nothing.
Around March 20th, MS marches her happy butt to the small claims court and files. Then she snaps pictures of everything. Then she sends DS the message. "As a courtesy, I'm letting you know that I just filed this at the small claims court."
Then the fun starts. This lady goes OFF on MS. She says she's going to sue for slander and undue distress and harassment and blah blah blah blah blah. MS saves all of it, including the fun bits where DS threatens her family and calls her the C-word 20-dozen times.
Today is what? April 6th? Tuesday was the court date. Things move fast in a small town, idk. This lady shows up looking like she just got run through by a garbage disposal. She gives the judge her sob-story, talking about how she did nothing but give MS and her animals the best care, that MS is making all this up.
Yeah. MS has the OG cop with her. She's got pictures of all the damage, the vet bills, the bottles, proof that she was out of town, police reports of both the "break-in" as well as DS's DWI the following day. DS tries to spin it with that one law about how you can't serve alcohol to a known alcoholic. That obviously gets thrown right tf out.
DS then tries to appeal to Judge and MS's sense of humanity. She tells them how her husband just left her and is suing her for full custody (good!) and that if she can't dog-sit how is she supposed to support herself or ever get her kids back (tough cookies!). The judge takes my sister's side, for obvious reason, come tf on.
DS is homeless now, living with her parents. She can't see her kids, who btw don't want to see her. Apparently she was a drunk who ran her hubby's credit all the way down, she was abusive to her kids, and because of her heavy alcohol abuse - one of her kids has FAS. DS has 60 days to pay the remaining $300 or she faces jail time (idk how much time, sorry). Her husband filed for divorce already. Oh, and she lost her license thanks to that DWI.
As a former addict myself and someone who's been through a DWI, I want to sympathize. That's a lot of stuff to go through. MS gave her chance after chance, but at some point, you have to take responsibility for your actions. It really seems like this lady has just been using her husband as a crutch while she tries to get better, only to backslide hard. It's rough, I know. I hope she gets the help she needs.
MS's dogs are doing well. She got a replacement couch on Amazon for like $75 and a nice fluffy rug for even less. DS eventually coughed up that coupon. It didn't even work. It was for something like 20% off with a purchase of $500 or more, so um...no thanks.
TL;DR: World's poopiest dog-sitter trashes my sister's house after going on a bender. Claims she didn't do that, while also promising to pay for the damages. Never pays. Gets taken to court. Loses her home, job, kids, and marriage.
(source) story by (/u/anoukdaae)
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chibicrow · 5 years
otp meme: datastorm, and I'm an indecisive trashcan so I say... all? or at least as many as you want/can?
*sob* I’m so glad the first two Anons for this meme want me to give Stardust Boi so much love I’m appreciative. 👏😭 (listen I love making fun of Ryoken, but also. he needs hugs.) 
also giving me the opportunity to gush about Datastorm that much.... Giving me too much power here, Anon. >:3c 
(I omitted #19-21 and #26-27 tho mostly b/c I didn’t think those questions would apply to them dlkafjalksdjf) 
(also this REALLY got lengthy and tumblr won’t save the read more cut for whatever reason so sorry y’all aSDLKFASLFKASJF) 
For the OTP Question Meme!! 
1. Who is the most affectionate?
def Yusaku. like he would drown Ryoken in affection ok. (after the initial “do I really want to be that physically close” + finding out Ryoken’s boundaries phase lmao)
2. Big spoon/Little spoon?
good thing I just looked this up ‘cause I was like “I have no hecking idea what this means.” lmao
anyway, Yusaku’s big spoon, Ryoken’s little spoon don’t change my mind.
3. Most common argument?
Going on the “Ryoken has severe mental health problems thanks to his asshole dad + once he realizes his dad was indeed an asshole” train, Stardust Boi has a tendency to be super self-deprecating, and this freaks Yusaku out a bit, so he just. Unleashes a tirade of compliments on the guy. 
And Stardust Boi’s like “No I’m not. No. No. That’s not true.” until Yusaku hugs him to get him to stop. Usually works for the time-being. :3c
4. Favorite non-sexual activity?
BESIDES CARD GAMES? Taking naps. Particularly naps on the floor. Particularly with Yusaku sleeping on top of Ryoken. Actually it’s more like Yusaku sleeping on top of him and Ryoken just staring at him while smiling the entire time. 
5. Who is most likely to carry the other?
I mean, not that Yusaku ever does it, but he probably could carry Ryoken if he ever wanted to. 
6. What is their favorite feature of their partner’s?
*sharp inhale* AAAAAAAA -
Ryoken about Yusaku: the rare (to him) and elusive Super Soft Yusaku Egao(tm). Gives him butterflies every damn time.
Yusaku about Ryoken: oddly specific, but Ryoken’s hair when it’s just washed (which is.... not everyday lets say. b/c he doesn’t need to. he’s a thick-hair boi) and conditioned. it’s like Supreme Soft(tm) at that point and Yusaku likes running his fingers through it (after Ryoken’s like “YOUR HANDS BETTER BE CLEAN I S2G” + Yusaku’s like “what do you take me for.”) 
7. What’s the first thing that changes when they realize they have feelings for the other?
uh about Yusaku, just watch VRAINS like right when he realizes Revolver-sama’s That Person(tm) i’m pretty sure the answer’s there. //punted
Definitely the way they refer to each other IRL. RIP calling each other Playmaker + Revolver in real life. But then they’d just stick to surnames @ first b/c calling each other by first names? woah there. 
But then, Ryoken’s actually the one who says Yusaku’s name first (probably right before he confesses his feelings) + Yusaku’s like “did u just.”  
8. Nicknames? & if so, how did they originate?
I...really don’t see them as the “giving each other disgustingly cute nicknames” couple lmao. 
now them doing that is a different story but
9. Who worries the most?
Yusaku. Poor guy. With a guy like Ryoken tho, I don’t blame him lmao. 
10. Who remembers what the other one always orders at a restaurant? 
Omg Ryoken hands down. Like he’s probably got Yusaku’s orders memorized to the condiment preferences for different meals of the day at different restaurants 😂 And Yusaku gets so embarrassed about it asdlkfalkjdf. 
11. Who tops?
Ok, this is gonna get super specific but uh, the gist of it is.... it depends, really? (as it should)
So like, if Ryoken + Yusaku are both in a good mood and are just like “hey we haven’t done this in a while” kind of thing, it’s Ryoken.
If Yusaku’s kinda down but still up for it, also Ryoken.
But if Ryoken’s the one who’s down, it’s Yusaku.  
And then that once in a blue moon moment where both somehow get horny af . . . Yusaku. 😂👏👏
and those are my two cents *drops mic*
12. Who initiates kisses?
Ryoken! I mean, I think Yusaku’s affectionate (*gestures @ #1 answer lmao*), but he’d let Stardust Boi take the lead in the kissing department b/c.... well he never knows what he’s gonna get there, so..... 😂
13. Who reaches for the other’s hand first?
ok I know this probably goes against episode 105 when Yusaku just looked at Aoi’s hand like “tf am I supposed to do with that”, but I’m sure Yusaku would reach for Ryoken’s hand first. It wouldn’t be like a gradual “reaching toward the hand” thing either. Yusaku would just. Speed-grab it like “it’s mine now”. 😂
bonus: so like if Yusaku does that while they’re sitting or something, Ryoken will massage his hand by rubbing little circles into his palm. CUTE DATASTORM AMIRITE?!?!?!
14. Who kisses the hardest?
DEFINITELY Ryoken. hot damn lmao. 
15. Who wakes up first?
Ryoken. He wakes up at super weird hours too like boi do u even sleep. 
16. Who wants to stay in bed just a little longer?
Yusaku~ <3 also he definitely tries to keep Ryoken in bed with him too lmao. 
17. Who says I love you first?
ok this is kind of a tough call, but Yusaku, I’d think. 
18. Who leaves little notes in the other’s one lunch? (Bonus: what does it usually say?)
Yusaku definitely leaves notes for Ryoken <3 Just a simple “have a great day ^w^” usually suffices lmao.
....yes Yusaku would def write ^w^ don’t change my mind.
22. Who cooks more/who is better at cooking?
ok so originally I was gonna put Yusaku and leave it at that, but then I realized that it’s possible BOTH of them are hopeless in the cooking department. But, I guess Yusaku would still be my answer b/c at least he knows how to read the instructions on microwavable stuff. 
23. Who comes up with cheesy pick up lines?
RYOKEN.....AND HIS PICK UP LINES ARE LITERALLY SO BAD.....LMAO. But of course Yusaku loves them + falls for them every time b/c of course he does.
24. Who whispers inappropriate things in the other’s ear during inappropriate times?
Yeah still Ryoken dlsafaklsfja. Followed by Yusaku blushing like mad. 
25. Who needs more assurance?
Ryoken...... Good thing Yusaku is an understanding cotton candy boi 💖
28. What do they do when they’re away from each other?
they’re like. super big into FaceTime (or whatever the VRAINS universe equivalent app would be) whenever both of them are up to talking a lot that way (which isn’t often b/c lmao introverts.) But they both know they need their alone time, so.
29. one headcanon about this OTP that breaks your heart
......hello darkness my old friend..... (EVEN THO I TECHNICALLY DON’T HAVE TO ANSWER THIS BUT. alas. I am a fic writer.) 
anyway y’all remember how VRAINS used to emphasize that Yusaku had nightmares for a decade about the Lost Incident? 
well, considering Dr. Kogami (fuck him) let his own son listen to the sounds of screaming children as they’re electrocuted, I’m damn sure Ryoken has nightmares about that and has problems sleeping b/c of it, even having a few panic attacks. Yusaku can help him with those (b/c he’s been there), but he’s not sure what else to do other than be like “Ryoken pls go to therapy I beg you.”
(but Ryoken refuses to go b/c he really thinks talking about it w/ a complete stranger makes it worse)
anyway super unrelated to this entire meme, but wow, fuck you Dr. Kogami. 
30. one headcanon about this OTP that mends it
ok but relating to the above, imagining Ryoken finally decides to go to therapy b/c Yusaku keeps insisting. And with the first few sessions, Ryoken gets worn out with every session b/c “wow emotions I didn’t know I had.” But Yusaku, being the real sweet boi that he is, always waits for him and always gives him a long hug. \ .D. / YAY HUGS. 
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whiparoundandcry · 5 years
Earbuds dump
someone wanted me to go through all the questions so //cracks knuckles
1: What inspired you to write the fic this way?
dunno what ‘this way’ specifically means, but I tried reenacting the way a lot of my fav fics have been, in way of word count per chapter, character interaction, plot balanced w/ the ship, ect
2: What scene did you first put down?
Maaan, it’s hard to remember what came first now. I have a doc thats like, 20 pages of just notes & me outlining the plot and world building. The first scene written on that doc is lloyd revealing his identity to the team, which actually happens about a year before the start of the story!
3: What’s your favorite line of narration?
hmmmm, I’m a sucker for when the narration contradicts the dialogue- I just think it’s really funny, pfft. can’t think of any large scenes I do that in rn, but I also really like this bit, during the city hall meeting The woman sitting at the corner chair closest to the ninja shifted in her seat, and stared pointedly at Kai and Jay. Kai tried not to shift under her stare, but he could feel Jay stiffen next to him. “You two saved Satoshi the night King’s was attacked, right?” Kai’s mouth was immediately dry and his brain cut out. Her voice wasn’t loud, but compared to the silence before, she might as well have fired a gun. The question itself was straightforward enough, but Kai hesitated to answer - first, because Green ordered them not to speak, and second, he had no idea what she was talking about. I try to keep Kai a reliable narrator (aka I project a lot) and I feel like this part is funny for first-time readers, bc you get the feeling of “do I know who that is??? Did I forget?” then kai confirms it like “who tf”
4: What’s your favorite line of dialogue?
Kai looked up from their hands to meet Jay’s eyes, all warmth and kindness. “I dunno. I’ve only know you for a month, but I still feel as close to you as I do any of them.”
5: What part was hardest to write?
GOD ALL OF THE FIGHT SCENES,,, this fic was so ambitious oh my god. That’s part of why the final chapter is taking a lot longer than normal- big fight scene ;v; also the meeting with the mayor was difficult to write bc like, I dont know shit about how city government works. My search history for the time I was writing that scene looked like I was researching for an essay, christ. 
6: What makes this fic special or different from all your other fics?
I’m finishing it :,3
7: Where did the title come from?
real honesty hours: I thre in the bit about Kai giving Jay his earbuds on impulse. I never planned for them to be a reoccurring symbolic plot device or for them to even exist but damn, here we are.
8: Did any real people or events inspire any part of it?
My relationship with my brother def inspires how I write Kai & Nya. I say that I project onto kai a lot, but I project all of my ‘trans younger sibling’ energy onto Nya. ngl, most everything I’ve done in this fic was inspired by batman tho
9: Were there any alternate versions of this fic?
Yeah, I have around 3 scrapped scenes. I’ll probably never release them, bc they were scrapped for a reason :,3
10: Why did you choose this pairing for this particular story?
Kai & Jay are the most boring out of the four boys :, ) so I figure’d it’d be easiest to fit their charters into the plot I had in mind, I couldn’t think of any way to fit in the “zane’s a robot” or “cole literally died” plot into it without making the entire story about those things. If I was made out of time tho, you bet earbuds would be a polyninja story.
11: What do you like best about this fic?
I honestly just like that I’ve gotten as far as I have into it, and the perception that its gotten has been so incredible //sobs. Aside from that, my favorite parts about it are probably Kai & Nya/Lloyd’s relationship, and also that Nya is trans. I hadn’t seen any fics where she was trans before, and tbfh its my favorite headcanon. I’ll never write a cis nya in my life
12: What do you like least about this fic?
The relationship build up seems kinda... eh? I definitely should've put more into it, but at the same time I feel like I did as much as I could with it, just bc I’m so inexperienced with that stuff. I also with I could do a better job of conveying the vibe that I want this version of ninjago to give off (gritty, rough, gotham) but without being super edgy about it?  Also I’m really upset that Cole & Zane are getting shafted in Earbuds. I should’ve come up with more stuff to include them, but everything I came up with just felt forced, so they ended up just being background characters- which is was more than they deserve, bc they’re honestly my favorite boys on the team.
13: What music did you listen to, if any, to get in the mood for writing this story? Or if you didn’t listen to anything, what do you think readers should listen to to accompany us while reading?
Well, there’s always the 8tracks playlist I made a while back (should transfer that onto spotify sometime) but theres a couple songs that I think fit the characters super well that aren’t on the list • “Fresh Eyes” is a super great Kai&Jay song QwQ “so suddenly I’m in love with a stranger / I can’t believe she’s mine / now all I see is you with fresh eyes” From Kai’s pov @ jay??? hell • “Better days” was a song rec sent in by my good bud hedley-ramsay anon, and it’s perfect for Kai’s POV, as he’s trying to stay optimistic about all the shit thats happening around him “Guess I didn't break it, but I bent it / I know I didn't say it, but I meant it / I shoulda had a little more heart and soul” • “Miss Atomic Bomb” is very very good for Lloyd & Harumi. tbh its a good song for them in canon too, but the dark city vibe it gives off fits so well with the Earbuds AU. “I was new in town, the boy with the eager eyes / I never was a quitter, oblivious to schoolgirls' lies” • “Be Still” is also a super great song for lloyd, in this au and just in general. “Be still / wild and young / long may your innocence reign” DONT CALL ME OUT I REALLY LIKE THE KILLERS
14. Is there anything you wanted readers to learn from reading this fic?
not... really? its a fanfiction about legos, I dunno if there’s any lesson to be learned from it. Be gay & do crimes
15. What did you learn from writing this fic?
writing fanfic is super rewarding & fun!! It’s a pretty pig time sink sometimes, but damn if yall don’t make it worth it. 
thanks so much for your continued support everyone!!! The last chapter has 2 scenes to go and is currently over 10k words 💪
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isadora-greenhall · 5 years
The 100 - Favourite Characters
challenge: rank your favourite characters from the 100, 1-10 in order, in gif format! one slot per character, try to force yourself to choose. then tag ten people to do the same!
i’m finally caught up with the 100 so i’m able to do these tags, yay!!!
i was tagged by the lovely @nymini ! thank you, darling, i loved reading your answers and seeing your placements ^u^
(also, i know i said i’d do this a few hours after i saw your post lmao but a few days was the best i could do in the end lmao X’D)
anyway, here we go!
1. every film or show i watch or book i read, i pick one character to be my literary bf. this is he okay lmao. he’s cute as hell, and a good person, whose mistakes are always understandable even if i don’t personally agree with them (the pike stuff was still bs but still...)
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2. LET HER HAVE NICE THINGS PLEASE GOD. she’s super smart, knows it, and isn’t afraid to let everyone know it - hella inspiring. she also puts WAY too much pressure on herself - hella relatable. my heart breaks for her every season, at least she got a cute bf in this last one lol (finally something kinda okay for her!!!!!) <3
sidenote: i had to scroll WAY TOO FAR through the gifs to find one of her smiling gfdi lmao not okay >:C
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3. this little badass! i love how far she comes between the last two seasons - she learns so much from her mentor, and makes the right choice for her own mental health to “drop” (as my mother would say) murphy while in space. love her blossoming interest in tech and engineering, hope to see it go further in future!
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4. another character who’s come so far! who’d’ve ever thought i’d place a character i loathed so much in season one so high now??? he’s another character i want all the good things for - he genuinely wants to do good by people, but they always expect the worst from him, and he can’t always fight past it :’( love him <3
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5. like bellamy, he’s always got the right (and/or understandable) intentions. like murphy, he initially pissed me tf off lol. but he’s the kind of mentor i’d want in that universe, and he’s generally a good role model <3
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6. he suffered too much. so pleased he had a happy ending, but fml i cried from the second his son introduced himself as “jordan jasper green” until long after the credits finished lmao. got what he deserved, but still deserved better :’( <3
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7. SOBBING. things would be so different if he were still here. like, seriously. did he even make a bad choice ever? not that i can recall. don’t @ me tho lol. yu gonplei ste odon <3
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8. listen. she gives me the shits. but when i remember the little girl whose brother let her be the first person to set foot on earth so she’d be remembered as such rather than the girl under the floor, my heart breaks. she’s been through literal hell and come out the other side severely scarred. her story is so well done, and her character is fascinating. i still have hope for her, even if it’s just a single thread at this point lol (maybe two threads after her last exchange with bellamy)
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9. deserved better. last words were an attempt to keep raven safe. died thinking she was gonna die. just fuck me up fam
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10. literal saint. spent the rest of her life eating goop with the love of her life. went through some awful shit she shouldn’t have. r.i.p lovely one <3
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if you’re shocked clarke didn’t make it onto my list, so am i tbh ngl lol. don’t get me wrong, i do love her, but i just love these other characters more *shrug*
honourable mentions:
madi - lil badass, love her guts
gaia - willing to drop everything for her beliefs (bye blodreina, hello heda lmao)
luna - another example of how lincoln alive would have changed everything imo; lost everything, and her convictions along the way, preferred for everyone to die rather than let what she perceived as an evil race endure (I’VE ONLY GOT ONE HEART Y’ALL STOP TAKING TURNS RIPPING IT OUT KTHX)
dante wallace - i think he had his heart in the right place, but his fatal flaw was literally naming his son “cage” and not expecting him to become a psycho lol
ontari - wish she’d lived, she was cool, and i think she would’ve been an asset to the good guys if she came around
also quite like titus, amazingly - another character who felt very strongly for his beliefs, but he fugged up by being a tool in the kill your gays trope so sorry man you aren’t higher
i’m not tagging anyone specifically, don’t know who else watches the 100, so do this tag if you’d like, and be sure to tag me if you do! i’d love to see it :)
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cow5secondchance · 3 years
Episode 2 - Why Did People Flip - Xavier
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Format: Sequester
Eliminated: Wyatt (9-3-1-1-1) || Daisy (Battle Match)
so! week 2 and my plan honestly is to just really still focus on my social relationships. so far, i feel very confident in my ability to connect with people on a 1 to 1 level, and at least hopefully skate through these first few weeks. consistently my problem in the game is missing out on a key group or alliance that is running more than I know. without being too chaotic and paranoid, i would really really like to try to sit here and just scope out the relationships. as for my groups! i really want to work with jennet. she's like iconic? her art is so cute and i do feel like i made a genuine connection with her early on, and i think pointing out we're some of the only award winners in the cast could bring us closer together ! plus 4th place legends... beyond jennet, i have a group with isaac and nicole, and honestly, im feeling suprisingly good about both. i think these first 6 people i mention are the ones im going to focus on most, and focus on really forming game connection wheras the rest im just socially going to really force myself into their LIVES and hope they like me! Daisy and Jarod... loves them and swifties who ive played with in the past both in a way that i feel we were unfinished. jarod got taken out in the doubles round just as we kinda connected on a game level, and then daisy and i were working together in bb netflix before it got canceled. this is really the group i want to strategize with and im really putting myself on a limb being loyal to them because i know they have options, but its a risk im willing to take because if i can be the number 1, their connections can just offer more safety and information for myself. and the final people who i kinda want to work with is captain and wiliam xavier s up there, we just havent spoken tons dont really have much of an opinion on the others? if i had to nominate right now it might be mario just because we havent spoken yet.
It's annoying to be nominated, especially by Jennet. Literally two minutes before we were talking and I was explaining how this round is played. And then Jennet nominates me. I feel betrayed. Getting my G4ce together (Greenhouse 4) so we can vote as a team. And well, well, well, I just found out that the Sequester 4 are also voting together. It is weird that they are all nominated during the Sequester round. They are targeting either Wyatt or Kaleigh. Knowing they are a team, I want one of them out, if I can swing it quietly.
HI I’m back and already went through a ton! Last round a misunderstanding / Lanie throwing me under the bus just because I said I hadn’t spoken to Nyx and Captain really set me up in a weird spot so I had to get rid of Lanie and then she said we all suck (imagine being almost 30 and telling someone who is your students age that they suck! I get it really is terrible to be blindsided but it was her fault, she played too fast! Like yell at me for not communicating properly or whatever she believed I did at that point but don’t take it out on everyone especially like the youngest player in the game!) Anyway, this round is sequester so we are all back together! I finally get to play with Daisy! I love her so much so I’m super glad we got to play, I’m very glad I get to reunite with Lindsay, I’m glad William isn’t mad at me for the whole Lanie situation and now I’m safe for the first vote! It is a very good feeling but I also feel like I should be learning from Lanie’s mistake and playing not fast so I’m trying to take a step back from talking in the house chat. I’m just so excited to see everyone but I will try to contain myself so I don’t annoy anyone. Check back in later in the round!!!
I forget the questions omg but I had a call with Jarod where he kinda threw out wyatts name as an option to go, and honestly I’m completely fine with that because even though they seem super sweet, I feel like I’m juggling enough balls and I don’t need to add them into my mix, whereas I feel a lot better about every other nominee other than Kaleigh, who I don’t think anybody would do this early My strategy is to just campaign for myself to stay to everybody and avoid throwing out names. I’m hoping that comes from Jarod or one of the safe people because they literally have the safety to get away with it 
I like video confessionals. The only alliance of 4 should be Greenhouse
hello dr.. so i'm glad i got saved by jarod :pleading_face: he rlly said i'm gonna make captain safe no matter what happens. and thats exactly what he did :100: for ppl who are vulnerable, i want autumn, jarod and xavier to be safe the most like idc i just want 3 of them to be safe. xavier might be in a bit of trouble tho since the totem pole ppl are voting together for sure hmmm so i need to try to talk to them to sway them from voting xavier. for the plans to avoid battle match? idk i just want them to feel safe around me no matter what. so that if i end up voting them, they're not gonna be bitter at me that much. and i lowkey saved myself with wyatt since wyatt said they wanted to work with me so prays.
also, i secured an alliance with jarod, autumn and jennet. and a greenhouse alliance with mario, nyx and xavier. the latter hasn't been in the talk like with every greenhouse yet but xavier brought it up to me and i think that it should be great. so fingers crossed!
SOOOOOOOOOOOOO, going into Round 2 im having a really big struggle..... im seeing  THAT I DONT DISLIKE A SINGLE PERSON ON THIS CAST, USUALLY THERE IS AT LEAST ONE BUT NOPE    Also we are moving into a Sequester sorta semi safety chain with half vulnerable and half safe cast and lucky me I think Lanie either hated me the most or the least from our Survivor team and decided to give me the Karma twist which gave me safety for the round but made me have to pick the first unsafe out of the whole cast. I think my strategy was to pick someone who didn't talk to me yet (so i had a reason) as well as someone who was sorta loved by most if not all and wasn't a target for it, because I'm thinking if I just fade into the background this round no one would have a need or want to pick me for the Battlematch, i think its safe to assume whoever goes home will pick the person who made them unsafe plus like one other person, so i just have to avoid being that other 1/13 people. As for the vote i have no clue at all, I think maybe Isaac cause i haven't said much to him at all, or maybe Jarod cause i know he is hella busy and prob wont pick me to go into battle..... just not Wyatt or Blake or Kaleigh rn.  So like yeah, just gonna pray, not talk around too too much, let people come to me so it doesnt seem like im pushing anyones name and hopefully vote someone i dont love out. yeah so much fun xoxo William F
So, this round is pretty confusing and difficult to navigate cause not only do we have to vote someone out we have to vote someone out and hope they don't drag us into the battleback. I'm very happy to be safe for the vote since at least then i'll have a chance to battleback in a comp. So, for this vote I can't vote Autumn since she gave me safety, I can't vote Jarod since he took one for the team, I can't vote Xavier cause of the gh alliance, I can't vote Blake due to our bonding on tau ceti, so my only real options for this vote are Isaac, Wyatt, and Kaleigh. If I had my way i'd just pile the votes on wyatt and get them out now but it's not that easy because i haven't talked as much and they could see that as incentive to drag me in. Of course all the people I just mentioned I don't wanna vote for I wanna save because that means they'll be willing to work with me to some capacity. To avoid the battle match is the hardest part cause people can be very impulsive with their decisions and heat of the moment always catches people off guard. My best bet is just not to make too many promises and to just tell the truth and hopefully that'll be enough to gain their respect. 
besties.. i don't know what i'm doing. its between wyatt and kaleigh methinks but wyatt keeps dropping my name everywhere and i don't really like it. idk if they get eliminated, if they would put me in the battle or not. but like if they're this messy, i'm voting them for sure. also sobs kaleigh is so cute.
prays for me DR! sign: captain.
bro no one wants to throw out a name because of the battle drag twist so it's three hours to tribal and i dont know who the fuck to vote my gut is telling me jarod but i am absolutely not letting jarod drag that shit back to me definitely not autumn i dont know like. i'm working the tightest with william, daisy and wyatt weirdly enough and none of us have heard anything so i just. ?????
IT WONT LET ME PUT AUDIO FILES IN!!! But when Monty puts them all together later this season I hope yall enjoy haha
Ok this vote is messy. It started out with Jarod and the Sequester group wanting to vote Kaleigh. They got people on board, and it looked good. Until Wyatt made that alliance chat. And of course the vote shifted to Isaac. But the Sequester group won't vote Isaac. Mario voted Autumn. Captain voted Wyatt. I am voting Kaleigh because I haven't spoken to her much. But I want the vote to go Isaac's way - it breaks up Sequester, and he won't think it was me, so safe from the battle. So it may be 5 on Kaleigh, unless the other people in that Alliance chat are not being honest as well. Ha ha. As long as it's not me, right?!
wyatt made a voting block?? and didn't include me?? the person with no connection to isaac who they kept safe and would have probably voted with them???? wh ok i guess my vote is on wyatt tonight tf 
So, this round is a clusterfuck of scrambling cause no one wants to get pulled into the battleback and potentially lose there. I just don't wanna go home even earlier than last time because my game has just been so much better and to lose it this way would be fucking devastating. i just want to win so badly so im just hoping i can maneuver this right
WHAT JUST HAPPENED. I know Captain voted for Wyatt. Maybe Captain is more influential than I thought? Why did people flip? Because of the alliance chat? It was too much? And why wasn't I included in the flip vote? Agh. Time to make my own rules here.
I am still shookt 
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fragiilexa · 7 years
Get To Know The Mun!
1. Who is your hero?
this is so hard i have so many, like it depends on like what type of hero bc like, i got one 4 everyhting ok, like I have so many? So many people who mean so much to me like, jesus?!? ( both literally and in exasperation lol ) no but really there are so many but uhm I think If I had to pick a person it would have toooo… it would have to be my Mom. I know that’s cheesy, or something, probably as cheesy as the jesus thing but literally she keeps the house together and she does so much & I don’t think I’ll ever be able to explain to her how much she’s done for me & :/ I just love her. She’s my hero. But, like… I could pick more, I could also easily pick Demi, or Taylor or maybe Stevie Nicks, or fricken Julie Andrews??? Iconic. Hero. Bless. Dolly Parton???? Goals aF. I could go on for hours but those are like the tippy top ones. 
2. If you could live anywhere, where would it be?
Oh well, I mean I really do love Michigan? Like, being able to be by the big lakes is amazing & the views are just?? Incredible. But I think if I had the chance of anywhere without needing to worry about money or the fact I’d be super far from family I’d pick California? or ? I don’t know I just,…. maybe not the ritzy bits of it like it’s a huge state ya’ll have some not so populated places but being close to the ocean & also semi-sort of close to somewhere that is just incredibly alive & fresh would be really cool ( plus bumping into celebs l maO ) I would also say NYC or something but lmao sO much traffic & such little spaces.
3. What is your biggest fear?
lmao uh idk either driving or just people leaving idk 
4. What is your favorite family vacation?
We have only really had one huGE one where we went to Disney World together and it was AMAZING it wasn’t v busy cause we went in their off season and it was literally so fun I’d love to go again tbqh
5. What would you change about yourself if you could?
hmmm I’m tryin’ to love myself more so I feel like I defeat the purpose if I say what I wanna change, but also I’m trying to get healthier this year so maybe just so more strength & also clear skin bc those are what I’m working towards right now.
6. What really makes you angry?
I think what really gets on my nerves is & makes me angry is peoples unwillingness to listen to one another. Like I don’t wanna get political bc i hate ( hate ) politics but like seriously. Treat people as humans. Both sides have wrongs in this and it bothers me that both sides act like they’re ‘holier than thou’ but are both, at times, wrong. No one gets anywhere and we won’t get anywhere if we assume things of one another & also if we don’t stop to realize we are all, in fact, humans who just want to live a happy & healthy life. Unless someone is pointedly a bad person and wants to cause destruction, hate, discourse, ect. then just either try to have a conversation or let it go if there’s none to be had. Being an activist is an amazing thing to do & is mostly always a selfless act but unless you fully accept you’re never actually going to fix everyone & change everyone’s views to your own then you’re just going to be unhappy & bitter for the rest of your life.��
also tumblr callout culture. yall need to get the friCK over yourselves & go like, to church or smthin or at least go to a etiquette class like damn ya’ll make me angry & I’m not??? even an angry person? ?  ? 
( addendum : i hate when people treat others like pos just because they disagree with them it bothers tf out of me. ) 
7. What motivates you to work hard?
Music mostly, it just gives me a good vibe ( depending on the song ) and it just??? It’s like pressing play on a movie or something ‘cause if I have background music ( or not so background music ) then it’s like somethings supposed to be happening so I do more stuff.. but like, I am a super unmotivated person unless I actually have a task that needs to get done, like if it’s a personal motivation to do something it’s ten times harder lmao
8. What is your favorite thing about your career?
since I don’t… really have one I… idk I mean if I made writing a career I guess I’d say my favorite thing is when things click for a muse & you have a lot of muse for writing & it all just pours out & you’re happy.
9. What is your biggest complaint about your job?
I don’t got a job fam…. O.O’’
10. What is your proudest accomplishment?
When I was at camp one little girl in my cabin was just??? adorable??? and she said once when we were talking that I made her want to be a counselor because it looked like fun and it just??? me ??? inspiring a little girl ?? to want to do the funnest job ever??? i was happy. proudest moment. 
11. What is your child’s proudest accomplishment?
m m y  ch il d …. u me an m y cat?? He once swatted at our big dog i was proud of him 4 having the courage tbh.
12. What is your favorite book to read?
I haven’t read a book in forever but I really wanna re-read The Last Song so probably that one.
13. What makes you laugh the most?
Corny jokes. I’m a sucker for em, but also just jokes in general if u can make me laugh u basically have me in the palm of ur hand bc I love laughing but also puppies being clumsy & joe jonas. just fuckijng joe jonas ok he makes me laugh & all he has to do is smile ok.
14. What was the last movie you went to? What did you think?
Uh last movie I went to was Underworld: Blood Wars & It was better than I thought it would b tho it was a little awkward I was sitting next to an old bearded man while a girl got eaten out so that was like, O.O but it was good & I really loved one of the girls in it but I can’t remember her name soBS
15. What did you want to be when you were small?
 a dog ( bless the puppy filter ) no but really I don’t know I never really knew what I wanted to be I switched so much I mean I took ballet classes but failed I took art but I’m still meh, I wanted to be a vet but I can’t deal with the death aspect of it at all. I dunno fam I just wanted to be a dog & live a happy pure life as a pupper.
16. What does your child want to be when he/she grows up?
He want’s to be a lion. Rawr.
17. If you could choose to do anything for a day, what would it be?
Cuddling with Cass all day sounds v legit I’d pick that. ( or disney world again…  but with Cassandra, bc yes. )
18. What is your favorite game or sport to watch and play?
I want to get back into sims *side eyes kae* but also I think u mean just sports so I don’t know… I mean football?? It’s interesting to watch tbh but like I don’t really watch any other sport so it’s football as default.
19. Would you rather ride a bike, ride a horse, or drive a car?
I’d rather have someone drive a car for me ( sobS ) but also I’ve never ridden a horse so that’d be fun to try 
20. What would you sing at Karaoke night?
Uh, some Miley Cyrus / Hannah Montana stuff soBS or.… … ..  Hamilton oH GOD HAMILTON OK Fukc KME UP. H A M I L  T ON .
21. What two radio stations do you listen to in the car the most?
Either 105.3 or 104.5 ‘cause they’re the like, top 100 stations near us? that or we just shuffle all of my dads & moms saved stations which are like, old rock music & like 80′s - 00′s stations which are ok too. 
22. Which would you rather do: wash dishes, mow the lawn, clean the bathroom, or vacuum the house?
I do all of these in one day sobs but shit Vacuum, cleaning the bathroom is like some kind of level 10 hell spaces nothings ever actually clean & it takes forever even tho it’s the smallest room jfc. I wash dishes allthe time tho so I’d want a break & mowing the lawn is legit not that bad it’s just like, mentally I gotta get UP and then once I do I’m chill. It burns calories so im chilli. 
23. If you could hire someone to help you, would it be with cleaning, cooking, or yard work?
Yard work fam. I love cooking by myself ( or well baking… I don’t cook much I just make cookies  lmAO ) but also & cleaning I’m used to doing alone so it’s chill but outside work is just annoying & needs to be over asap.
24. If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?
this is super hard but my mom’s bbq chicken with red skin potatoes, it’s like the best thing ever, but this is ridiculous like- food is too good to give up. 
25. Who is your favorite author?
Okay I haven’t read anything is sO LONG so I’m not really sure but just on the premise of knowing a lot of his work I’m going to go with C.S. Lewis because I love the way he explains things & I love Narnia. 
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