#*falls on the ground and FUCKING DIES*
Finally. After a month of the episode being out and ignoring my laptop for two weeks. I finished my art.
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I meant to save a version without the filters but forgot and now IbisPaint won't let me 😭
Hope you guys like it!!!
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fallenclan · 8 months
Otterslip was Insecure as an apprentice, then Ambitious as a warrior, mentored by Maplethorn, the current deputy. Adopted son of the former leader Scorchstar and respected deputy Nettlestem. By all accounts, a good mentor.
Stormsight was Lonesome as an apprentice, then Righteous once they got their name, mentored by Silverbelly. Son of Toro, second of the two litters that redeemed the medicine cat Sunwish in her own eyes.
Interestingly, Silverbelly had that same trait progression - lonesome, then righteous. Which on one paw is really cute to consider that they both dropped the lonesome trait at the end of their apprenticeship, as if to signify they have more support than they first did, or at least first thought, but it *also* means this.
Every single medicine cat since Sunwish, sans Eaglestripe(? from all I could find), has had the Righteous trait at some point. (Eaglestripe was Compassionate, now Loyal.) It shifts as it goes on, growing and changing as it's handed from each mentor to apprentice, but the knowledge is the same. The heart of it is the same. It's an unbroken line from Sunwish, all the way down.
The righteousness is a part of that, I think. At least for Silverbelly and Stormsight. Silver might've suspected, and Storm might've found out for sure - after all, he saw Nick in his apprenticeship. It's not unimaginable that he could see another Starclan cat more recently. That he could ask.
I wonder if he told Otter, too. If he thought he deserved to know, or if let it slip in an argument, or Otter saw or heard him and Silverbelly talking and suspected the worst - confirmed it, teeth bared in rage, near the edge of the cliff.
That's not the point of this ask, though - that cycles are. BECAUSE! I'M GOING INSANE ABOUT BOTH THE SIMILARITIES HERE AND WHERE THEY DIFFER.
Both Sunwish and Stormsight wanted to reach out to someone before their murders. Only Stormsight succeeded in this. Both were Righteous, and struck down by someone who grew to loathe them, possibly blaming them for the death of someone dear who couldn't be saved. Otterslip was trying to defend his mother's secret, too. Both were medicine cats struck down by their own clanmates. Sunwish didn't want to be. (Do they even remember that part of her story, anymore?) (God. Lays on the ground. I wonder if it was the opposite that sealed Stormsight's fate. His connection to Starclan gave him the chance to learn the truth, and it was for the truth Otterslip killed him.)
As much as Otterslip's hurt and fury at Grassroot's death (WHICH I AM. SO MOROSE ABOUT I'LL MISS HER… . God. Imagine Grassroot having to look down and see her dad doing this. Being exposed to this seasons-old anguish and having to reconcile her place in all of it. She didn't *ask* for this.) makes sense, it's not a solid defense. Grassroot was killed by a dog - there probably wouldn't be a chance she *could* be saved, even if she was alive when they found her, and still alive when a medicine cat could attend her with the herbs necessary. And besides that, Stormsight isn't the only current medicine cat! Silverbelly, Eaglestripe, both were equally bound to try and save Grassroot's life, and they couldn't. But Silver was here before him, he grew up beside her, and Eagle is still just a kid. And of course - even if Silver's not his favourite cat, he doesn't **hate** either of them like he does Stormsight.
So it has to be his fault.
god… I had to stop typing to handle something so I've kind of lost my train of thought but this is . SO. God.
Thinks about Silverbelly. JUST READ THE NEWEST JAGUARFIC. GOD. THINKS ABOUT SILVERBELLY X100. Ohhh unrelated to current tangent but Jaguar I really enjoy how you take care to use more cats than just the focuses, it makes the whole clan feel a little more alive, it's nice :3… BUT SERIOUSLY. Silver just lost one of her own kits a few moons ago, grandkits left behind, and Stormy - god. Stormsight was her little brother. Stormsight was her little brother, her apprentice, he was stubborn and passionate and he liked to make her laugh, she got to see him come into his own from the lonely kit he used to be, and he just. He never comes back. What did they even talk about last? After everything about Sunwish - did she wish him good luck, when he left? Did she remember to say I love you? What was the last thing he said to Eaglestripe, his apprentice, bound by blood and teaching, that kind-hearted cat who's grown so well herself? Did Eagle even know something was going on?
Does Stormsight weep angry tears for them, from his perch in the stars? Does he wish, desperately, to warn them? For someone to *know?* Does Sunwish sit beside him, bad with cats at the best of times but feeling the need to support him, this apprentice of her apprentice, this kit she saw as a newborn, struck down for trying to reveal her own fate? More than her - does he get his tearful embrace with Toro and Goosewing, do they sit vigil with him from the clouds? Is Scorchstar warned away with raised hackles, the wound still all too fresh?
Sorry. Sorry. I'm thinking all too much.
(- 🐈‍⬛)
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i am so fucking unwell about this whole thing. but yeah Stormsight and Silverbelly were Best Fucking Friends. making me even sadder
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k40su · 3 months
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I've had the flu for a week but I still had to do this so if it's kind of meh that's why I did it in two days.
Happy mar13 day 👍🏻
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pumpkinrootbeer · 4 months
people hate s11 lip but like.
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I get it.
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lestatlioncunt · 2 years
i was tagged by @indorilnerevarine and @denerims to take this quiz and by @florbelles @risingsh0t​ @arklay​ to do this quiz too for some of my ocs so i practically decided to put both together into a single post. thank you so much to everyone!! <3
tagging: feeling a little self conscious of tagging people so whoever wants to do any of these two or both just go ahead and say i tagged you!!
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double, double toil and trouble. yeah you don't really get much facetime in the myths but you're literally the god of magic and dogs so stay winning. mysterious goth energy, does she really do complete dark rituals or is that just her vibe. no one knows and you're not telling
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you literally were born and then invented mischeif. like you were a newborn and you immidiately inbented theivery and then lying. go you. you are the living embodiment of chaotic neutral. Yes people are so annoyed by you sometimes, but you are so unbelievably charming that you get away with everything. who doesn't love a charming rogue
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i mean this in the kindest way possible, you give off huge autistic lesbian vibes. oh you're living in the isolated wilderness? hmm. only with women? yes uh huh. if we're following myths as metaphors you have literal trans egg cracking energy so doubly good for you.
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tarot, the fool is numbered 0 – the number of unlimited potential. as the protagonist, he is ever present and therefore needs no number as well as no introduction. the world revolves around you in ways that i can't begin to describe, though you'd shrug it off if i were to begin to explain. i need you to know that time is running out. if you want to get this done, you need to start now. sloth is your greatest enemy in this world, and you can only run so far from the opposition when you start with such a disadvantage. keep your head high, yeah? the kid you were is still in there somewhere. you need to show him that it was worth it.
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the house has burned around you, and you’re the only one left standing. is it gratifying to be the survivor? fear and anger are weapons in your capable hands, used only to serve your agenda of fighting back when deemed necessary. you're a powerful person, built from the ashes of your despair and your family's mistakes. with time, you'll bloom into someone softer, like the full blossoms that grow each spring and wither away with the leaves in fall. they won't disappear if you take your eyes off of them. you're enough.
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loyalty is the saint you pray to. if you ever were stabbed in the back by your beloved, you'd probably apologize. to your enemies, you're fierce. to your allies, even fiercer. you cultivate a thick inner circle built on promises and devotion, fit only for the best of the best. it's impossible for most to even begin to dissect the type of person you are, owing to your unbreakable emotional walls and confusing philosophies. dream careers? body guard, movie star, unwitting pawn. don't let people get the best of that loyalty.
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no amount of orchestrated class is ever going to hide the fact that you’re doomed to be alone. you’re a puppet, you’re a weapon, but most importantly? you’re a fraud. your facade isn’t malicious, but that doesn’t change a thing. everything in your life is in your control now, and you chose to let yourself become stiff and distant. you’re guilty of everything you blame yourself for, and your misfortune is the fault of nobody but yourself. your selfish nature forges you into a man-made monster, so quick to blame and so desperate to escape consequence. i hope that you can become someone you’re proud of soon.
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origamiyoda · 8 months
muttering and pacing my trashed room I need to write fanfic I need to write fanfic i need to write fanfic I need to wr
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dumbass-bee · 1 year
i remember when i was really little i thought the "tribute" part of tribute videos meant that the character they were a tribute to was dead so I would get really sad watching them like wow i cant believe this guy is died.
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angelgrian · 11 months
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i wish people were more open to critically evaluating their identity
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souredvalentine · 2 years
cant believe im the only one in my friend group who finds keiji hot i think my parental issues are showing
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higgs-the-god · 2 years
Okay, okay, hear this out... it's gonna be vile but we're lowkey on the same level sooooooo *ahem*
inexplicably angry Sam rips Higgs abdomen open and then violates his insides until the poor mother fucker dies.
Poor Higgs, I'd imagine the guy feeling so betrayed that his Sammy boy would treat him as nothing more than a toy.
Anyway, that's the post...👍
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hearty-an0n · 28 days
grantaire and gavroche were like. so close in this production it was so heart wrenching
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chaddicus · 8 months
man, I was playing bg3 earlier and (spoilers if the tags don't catch ur blacklist I think) was fighting in the grymforge, & my tav got shoved into lava literally immediately, first round, didn't even get to go, instantly got KO'd and lost two death saves... I figured I'd just have to let him die & then resurrect him on safe ground to get him back or something, and I was annoyed when one of the allied NPCs kept healing him bc he'd KO again as soon as his turn hit but it reset his death saves so I was like man just let him die so I can get him back & actually participate in this fight...
then two rounds before combat ended I healed him with someone on the same initiative and just. jumped out of the lava. and he was fine. I may be stupid
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ozymoron · 9 months
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god this mans gonna be the death of me
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ghosts-cyphera · 8 months
pornstar!ghost defo gets millions of views because of the way he makes his favourite costar cum on his cock🥴 i don't make the rules🤷🏻‍♀️
"oh, bloody hell."
ghost blew out a breath, his thumb moving to run across his lips. for the past hour his phone had been buzzing so loud in the metallic locker of the gym dressing-room that the front-desk assistant had eventually been forced to come ask him to turn it off.
yet not for a moment had he prepared for—for this.
whatever the fuck it was.
his social media was flooded. twitter, instagram, even his goddamn fucking tiktok account that his coworkers had forced him to create during a drunken night out a couple of weeks ago.
and it was all because of you.
well, because of the most recent video the two of you had shot together.
apparently it was—ghost's brows furrowed, as he read through the comments flooding his posts—relationship goals. apparently it was all that a girl could ever want. apparently the two of you were now... being shipped.
his fingers working fast, he looked up your name from his contacts and brought his phone to his ear. not two rings later you answered the call, a touch of amusement to your voice.
"you've seen it, haven't you?"
he could hear the laughter in your voice—the warmth of it making him feel more grounded as he shook his head. "fuckin' A, love. not sure I should be shitting my pants or feel fuckin' flattered. they're saying that we'll be—shipped."
"that we'll—" your laugh was bright. "oh, they're shipping us now, are they? no it's—they want us to be—together."
"they've already seen me railing the shit out of you in front of—," ghost's words died down on his lips.
"well I'll be fuckin' damned." the widest of grins tugged at the corners of his lips as he nodded his head, slow. "all because of the way I fuck you, eh?"
"something about the way you look at me when you do." he could hear the smile on your lips as you spoke. "price is reworking next week's schedules to see if he can fit more of us in."
"weren't we already scheduled for—," ghost bit down the rest of his sentence.
"thursday, yeah. but apparently his golden couple takes priority. he's—oh, hold up."
the line fell quiet for a moment, and ghost allowed himself to wet his lips with the deepest chuckle. if he hadn't know himself any better, he would've thought that the sudden heat playing on his cheeks was brought there by you, and not by the workout he had just finished.
it was definitely from the workout.
your warm call only brightened his smile, and he nodded his head. "yeah, darlin'?"
"I'll see you next week on—," you laughed, "four days."
four fuckin' days.
"alright," he managed out a chuckle. "yeah, alright. I'll—err—I'll see you then, yeah? tell price I said—" thank you. "tell him I said hi."
"I will," you hummed. "ghost?"
"yeah, love?"
"I'm looking forward to next week."
fuckin' hell.
he bit down his smile, for nothing. for there was nothing he could do to control the sudden flutter at the pit of his stomach: to hide the warmth of his voice as he nodded his head.
"me too, darlin'. me too.”
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a/n: this is not even smut anymore. this is just—it's just fluff. I'm falling for them so goddamn hard, lmao. / pornstar!ghost masterlist / my inbox is so, so open for all your thoughts about him. 💌
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arcaeda · 1 year
activity check.
april 2023   → passed
skill points   →  13 to 15
thread skill points  → (heavy armor +1)
lance → C to C(1/2)
heavy armor → E to E+
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hazardousbiproduct · 1 year
fell on my face walking to my car this morning and fucked up my already fucked up knee and banged my forehead on my coffee cup.on the way down so im gonna maybe get a gnarly black eye
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