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ozmatippetarius · 1 year
The Nembutal wasn't Henry's first attempt to poison Charles
Pretty late in the novel, Charles shares that Henry gave him a bottle of Nembutal capsules; Richard immediately recognizes this as a poisoning attempt and is horrified. (If you google "nembutal alcohol", like I did when confirming my understanding for this post, every result that comes up is a suicide hotline: that's how well-documented this interaction is.)
This isn't Henry's first attempt to poison Charles, though, although it's the first one recognized by the characters. Charles's "infection" that lands him in the hospital is. This one is a lot better planned-out and executed, and as a result is a lot less obvious to everybody. At this point Charles's mental health is in such a bad state that it's easy to believe that he could land himself in the hospital through poor self-care alone. I'll call out below a number of points that are pretty damning to Henry, though, from a narrative standpoint.
The hospital can't diagnose Charles's illness, and it resists treatment.
The doctors couldn’t figure out quite what was wrong with Charles. They’d tried two antibiotics over the course of the week, but the infection—whatever it was—didn’t respond. The third try was more successful.
If you've ever heard anything about poisoning cases, this will sound familiar. Even today, "It is difficult to determine whether a patient has been poisoned and, if so, what toxins caused the poisoning."
Henry discourages Richard from bringing Charles to the hospital.
After Richard picks up Charles, he tries to call Francis, who isn't home. Afterwards he calls Henry and is surprised when Francis answers the phone. Francis is clearly uncomfortable.
“Francis? What are you doing over there?” I said. “Oh, hello, Richard,” said Francis. He said it in a stagy way, as if for Henry’s benefit. “I guess you can’t really talk now.” “No.”
When Richard explains the situation, before Francis can give any sort of response, Henry takes the phone.
“Did you give him some aspirins?” “A few minutes ago.” “Well, then, why don’t you wait and see. I’m sure he’s fine.” This is exactly what I wanted to hear. “You’re right,” I said. “He probably caught cold sleeping out of doors. I’m sure he’ll be better in the morning.”
I'm obviously not suggesting that it's criminal for somebody to say the answer to a fever is "give him an aspirin, wait and see". I am suggesting, though, that narratively it's suspicious that Henry has apparently coerced Francis (the one person we know would be certain to say "go to the hospital") to come to his place, where he is clearly uncomfortable for reasons that are never explained to us, and takes the phone before Francis can make that recommendation.
Henry had opportunity to acquire poison.
“I mean,” he said, pushing his glasses up on the bridge of his nose, “that strictly in terms of virulence there are any number of excellent poisons, most of them far superior to this. The woods will be soon full of foxglove and monkshood. I could get all the arsenic I needed from flypaper. And even herbs that aren’t common here—good God, the Borgias would have wept to see the health-food store I found in Brattleboro last week. Hellebore, mandrake, pure oil of wormwood.… I suppose people will buy anything if they think it’s natural. The wormwood they were selling as organic insect repellent, as if that made it safer than the stuff at the supermarket. One bottle could have killed an army.”
Henry had access to poison Charles.
Just days before Charles ends up in the hospital, Henry has been in his apartment moving Camilla out. The novel actually goes out of its way to remind us of this, and call out that Henry has had his hands not only on Camilla's things but on Charles's that were left behind, by telling us that when Richard goes to the twins' apartment, "The place was ominously neat." (We've been previously told that both of the the twins are quite messy.)
Henry had motive to poison Charles.
Just a reminder: Charles and Francis were 100% not involved in the farmer's death, and serve as each other's alibis. I've written about this elsewhere, but I think it's clear that Camilla implicated herself intentionally to protect Henry (believing that Charles would never go to the police to report Camilla, when he very much would have reported Henry.)
We know that the twins' estrangement begins during the visit to the Corcorans' for the funeral. Francis speculates that Charles learned about Camilla's relationship with Henry during this time, and Richard is reminded that Cloke told him about a conversation between Camilla and Henry that he overheard on the phone, while Camilla thought he was asleep. Richard never gets more details of this phone call from Cloke, but Charles (who spent this entire visit hanging out with Cloke) certainly did.
I feel certain that whatever it was that Cloke overheard and shared with Charles was badly incriminating, and exposed that Camilla had been disingenuous about her involvement in the farmer's death. Imagine how shocking and awful that would have been for Charles to learn: instead of having participated in the murder of his friend to protect his sister, he actually did it to protect a man he actively hates.
I mean, this isn't jealousy. This is a more deep-rooted anger about a very serious betrayal.
“Have you talked to my sister?” he said to Francis. He said it in a very cold way, as if he were saying Have you talked to my lawyer? “Yes,” Francis said. “She’s all right?” “Seems to be.” “What does she have to say for herself?” “I don’t know what you mean.” “I hope you told her I said go to hell.”
(And I mean, if you do think that Charles is just jealous about their relationship here... this actually becomes quite funny. He was expecting Camilla to have spilled her guts to Francis about having left her incestuous relationship for another lover? Absurd.)
Anyway, this is all to say: at this point Charles is furious and no longer has as much reason to shield Henry for the farmer's killing. He's now a liability who could go to the police at any time.
This conversation between Richard and Henry while Charles is in the hospital.
As he said this, he trailed away. “There,” he said at last. “Does that look all right? Or do I need to open it up more in the middle?” “Henry,” I said. “Listen to me.” “I don’t want to take off too much,” he said vaguely. “I should have done this a month ago. The canes bleed if they’re pruned this late, but better late than never, as they say.”
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recklesstreacherous · 7 years
Oh my gosh, Rebekah Harkness had such a messy and sad life www(.)nytimes(.)com/1988/05/22/books/is-there-a-chic-way-to-go(.)html?pagewanted=all
Thanks for linking this article! I love reading about her… and yes, she did have a very unique and tragic life. I’d love to watch a documentary about her.
_______________________________________________________________________‘IS THERE A CHIC WAY TO GO?’A week after her death on June 17, 1982, the mortal remains of Rebekah Harkness were toted home by her older daughter Terry in a Gristede’s shopping bag. The ashes were placed in a $250,000 jeweled urn made by Salvador Dali. They didn’t fit: “Just a leg is in there, or maybe half of her head, and an arm,” said one of Rebekah’s friends. Several hours later, the top of the urn - called the Chalice of Life - was somehow, by unknown agencies, uncovered. “Oh, my God,” said a witness. “She’s escaped.”        
This post-mortem mischief was going on at Harkness House, the East 75th Street town house headquarters of the Harkness Ballet Foundation, which Mrs. Harkness had modeled on the St. Petersburg Ballet School. The building, according to Craig Unger, the author of this rich-man/eye-of-the-needle biography, was in a state of putrefaction, “crumbling like Tara after the Civil War.” Meanwhile, in her apartment at the Carlyle Hotel, people who called themselves Rebekah Harkness’s friends were pillaging, “grabbing things right and left.”        
Rebekah’s younger daughter Edith, a failed suicide who had spent many years in mental institutions, took only her mother’s pills: Seconal, Nembutal, Valium, Haldol, Librium and various painkillers - 40 vials in all. Allen Pierce, Rebekah’s son by the first of her four husbands, was unable to be present. Convicted of murder in the second degree, he was behind the bars of a Florida jail. Bobby Scevers, Rebekah’s lover, 25 years younger than she and a self-declared homosexual, pronounced her children “the most worthless, selfish, useless creatures I’ve ever seen.” (Mr. Scevers has a stunning way of placing himself squarely in the center of every sentence he utters; he appears to believe that Rebekah Harkness’s death happened more to him than to her.) If I report on the demise of the multimillionaire patron of the dance dry-eyed, it is because I am confident in the belief that nothing we say about the dead can prejudice the Defense or tip the Scales of Judgment. I myself wouldn’t give the time of day to anyone who cleaned her pool out with Dom Perignon, put mineral oil in the punch at her sister’s debutante ball and (all in the middle of the Great Depression) got tossed off an ocean liner for shouting obscenities, throwing dinner plates at an orchestra of Filipinos gamely playing the American national anthem, and offending the sensibilities of her fellow passengers by swimming nude - for which actions she counted herself witty. (I do admit, however, that I’d go a long way to read a sentence like this, spoken by Bertrand Castelli, the co-producer of “Hair,” about the time he made love to Rebekah Harkness in her office: “It was as if we were two camels in the desert who suddenly know that the only way to make an oasis is to really talk sense.” After his brief interlude in the oasis, Mr. Castelli was made the artistic director of the Harkness Ballet. “Kiss me,” she commanded. “The others, they just know how to bite.”) Craig Unger, a former editor at New York magazine, appears to be dazzled by all this, although it is sometimes hard to tell whether his breathlessness arises from approval, disapproval, sadness, awe or simple bewilderment. Mr. Unger, who records interviews uncritically and unreflectively, does not permit us to know exactly how he feels about his subject.        
Rebekah Harkness was born in 1915 to a rich, emotionally frigid St. Louis family. She was brought up by a nanny who was chosen because she had worked in an insane asylum. She went to Fermata, a South Carolina finishing school that had sheltered Roosevelts, Biddles and Auchinclosses. There she delighted, as she wrote in her scrapbook, in setting out to “do everything bad.’'  After her divorce from W. Dickson Pierce, an upper-class advertising photographer, she chose for her second husband the Standard Oil heir William Hale Harkness, who enjoyed a lofty social status, as her own family did not. He appears to have been an embarrassing sort of man; he wrote and privately published a book called ’'Totem and Topees,” which he described as a “conglomeration of uninteresting misinformation,” and followed that with a book called “Ho hum, the Fisherman,” which, he said, did not “have the excuse even of literary merit.” We are told by Mr. Unger - who is an uncomfortable stranger in the world of the rich, unused to deciphering nuances of caste - that the Harknesses’ seven-year marriage was a happy one. Little evidence is given in support of this thesis except that the two wrote a song together called “Giggling With My Feet.”        
After she was widowed, Mrs. Harkness renovated her Rhode Island house; she installed 8 kitchens and 21 baths. This arrangement effectively kept her from having to see her three children on anything like a regular basis. She had a salon of sorts. She traveled a lot.        
She fancied herself a composer.        
She acquired a guru, also a yogi.        
She married again. And again.        
She was surrounded by a group her son Allen described as “all the fairies flying off the floor, the blackmailing lawyers, the weirdos, the people in the trances.” “We were the favorites,” says a dancer. “We were the loved ones.” In 1961, Rebekah Harkness became the sponsor of the late Robert Joffrey’s small ballet troupe. She did this in grand - if occasionally Marie Antoinette-ish -style. Generous, wasteful, willful, demanding and delusional, she broke with Joffrey to form the Harkness Ballet when he refused to perform the compositions she insisted on writing. In the eyes of many, she had betrayed him. “Costumes, sets, musical scores,” Mr. Unger writes, “many of the best dancers, the entire repertory - even the works choreographed by Joffrey himself - were owned by her foundation.”        
“You see,” she said. “Money can buy anything.” It bought her the services of George Skibine, Marjorie Tallchief, Alvin Ailey, Erik Bruhn and Andy Warhol, but it did not guarantee her success. Mr. Unger tells us that under the direction of the dancer-choreographer Larry Rhodes the company began to garner critical raves - whereupon Mrs. Harkness fired him. Soon Clive Barnes was writing that the Harkness Ballet had “descended beyond the necessity of serious consideration,” and in 1975 it folded. She had spent the 1987 equivalent of $38 million on a failed enterprise.        She rang J. D. Salinger’s bell dressed as a cleaning lady, having conceived the harebrained scheme that the reclusive writer’s short stories be put to music.        
She dyed chocolate mousse blue. She dyed a cat green.        
She moved hundreds of thousands of dollars from one bank to another for the pleasure of confusing her accountants. She believed in reincarnation. She filled her fish tank with goldfish and Scotch.        
Her daughter Terry gave birth to a severely retarded and disabled child. For a time, Rebekah Harkness appeared to be enamored of the passive child, called Angel. Her passion, such as it was, burned itself out quickly, coincidentally with the baby’s pulling a ribbon out of her hair. Bobby Scevers, Mr. Unger writes, “had no sympathy” for the child. “So absurd,” Mr. Scevers pronounced. “When they started talking about putting the nursery over my room … I just hit the ceiling. I don’t want this screaming baby over my room! … Let the little creature die!” When she was 10 years old, she did.        
Her daughter Edith jumped off roofs, swallowed pills and managed not to kill herself. “How should she do it?” Rebekah Harkness asked. “Is there a chic way to go?”        
She lived on champagne and injections - Vitamin B, testosterone, painkillers - as a result of which her bathrooms were splattered with blood and her muscles calcified. (“She walked,” an acquaintance said, “like Frankenstein.”) One could almost feel sorry for her.        
At the very end, according to Bobby Scevers, as she lay dying of cancer, “It was complete chaos… . It was so wonderful - everybody running around signing wills and trying on different wigs.”      
Her daughter Terry hired Roy Cohn in a (failed) attempt to have her will invalidated.        
Her daughter Edith killed herself. (“I’m glad Edith is gone,” said the unquenchable Bobby Scevers.        
“I can’t believe it took her this long to succeed.”) Her son Allen says the years he spent in prison were the happiest of his life. He likes to talk about blowing people away.       Knowing all this (and much, much more; Mr. Unger withholds no ugly or racy detail), what is it exactly that we have learned?        That money can’t buy happiness? That even the rich must die? These are facts of which we have already been apprised.      
One sometimes wonders if the point of all these poor-little-rich-girl/boy biographies is to lull the rest of us into a false sense of security: She is so unlike us that we are not encouraged to reflect upon our own mortality, the contemplation of which is a healthy and necessary exercise. We are meant to take comfort and a measure of relief from our difference - though, as we know but do not frequently wish to remember, the grave awaits us all.        
It would be interesting to see what a social historian, someone familiar with the hierarchies of caste and class in America - or, better yet, a novelist with a theological bent - would make of the raw material Mr. Unger has gathered. I am beginning to think that biography, especially the biography of such a chaotic personality as Rebekah Harkness, needs to be molded and informed by a novelist’s ordering imagination. It might also have been interesting to see how a feminist writer would have assimilated the facts of Rebekah Harkness’s sorry life. Might Mrs. Harkness be seen as a casualty of her own doomed and defiled expectations? Unfit for mothering, unfit for ordinary love, unfit - untrained - to be the caretaker of a great fortune, was she altogether silly or altogether bad? Was she power or pawn? And how in the world did she get that way?        
It is possible to write an edifying biography about an unedifying life. Jean Stein and George Plimpton did that brilliantly in “Edie,” the biography of poor Edie Sedgwick. “Blue Blood” is edifying only insofar as it raises questions about what a biography should be. A terrible story is told here. It makes no sense - and no sense is made of it.        
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Pentobarbital is used to treat severe cases of seizure disorder. Pentobarbital sodium also acts as a sedative, or sleep inducing agent. It is widely used in hospitals to treat short-term conditions such as insomnia in the elderly and seizures. When taken orally, this medication will usually have no serious side effects. However, it may cause drowsiness, dizziness or lightheadedness or cause you to miss some time while sleeping, Buy Pentobarbital online.
Nembutal Oral Liquid, sold in liquid form, contains sodium pentobarbital. When dissolved in water it acts as a sedative, or sleep inducing agent. Nembutal is also used to treat seizures in certain patients. Nembutal is commonly prescribed for insomnia in the elderly, in combination with other drugs, or when patients are expected to remain constantly sedated. Nembutal can cause drowsiness, dizziness, lightheadedness, short-term memory loss, slurred speech, and daytime sleepiness.
Nembutal, sold under the brand name Nembutal by the chemical company Hospira Inc., is a central nervous system depressant, or a sedative. It contains pentobarbital and is administered to patients under medical supervision as a combination with other sedatives or anesthetic agents.
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NEMBUTAL Sodium Solution (pentobarbital sodium injection) is a sterile solution for intravenous or intramuscular injection. Each mL contains pentobarbital sodium 50 mg, in a vehicle of propylene glycol, 40%, alcohol, 10% and water for injection, to volume.
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We only sell non-butyl (sodium pentobarbital) 99.99% pure and high quality in the form of powder, tablets and liquids (Nembutal Sodium Injection Solution). All unfinished purchases (sodium pentobarbital) are confidential, professional and very discreet deliveries in unlabeled sealed packs. We also provide medical advice on dosing and how to use non-butyl (sodium pentobarbital). Contact us now for your order with 100% guarantee to get the best quality of cleanliness and nembutal with privacy.
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You're advised to prevent alcohol and any recreational drugs like cannabis when taking Lorazepam, as some side effects could possibly be made worse. The medication needs to be affordable, and it must be covered by all insurances, states Grube. Speak to your doctor about other drugs so that you won't have a poor interaction of both medicines.
Don't use secobarbital without telling your health care provider if you're pregnant. One that's very unknown, does not have any mention any where. Your buddy or girlfriend makes your pick.
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Do not skip any doses, continue to choose the medication even in the event that you feel better. If you anticipate stopping the medication, your health care provider may want you to decrease the dose gradually to lessen the seriousness of withdrawal effects. If it's more than 12 hours until the following dose, put on the dose you missed and resume your usual dosing a day later.
Lorazepam should be kept at room temperature, in a dry place totally free of sunlight and dampness. If this medication is used for a lengthy time, it may not operate also. On the flip side, many common Chinese medications sell for only a few dollars.
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Consequently, check with your physician to ensure you are taking enough folic acid and vitamin K. Infants born to mothers who've been using this medication when pregnant might also have symptoms like fussiness, shaking, or bleeding.  Only anti-emetic drugs have to be taken in advance, so as to protect against any vomiting from occurring. Other medications can impact the removal of phenobarbital from your entire body, which might affect how phenobarbital works.
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myyouthshark-blog · 8 years
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Probably the most hazardous a part of barbiturate revulsion may be the potential for the appearance of blood pressure levels and also difficulty in breathing. They have to be handled quickly or the predicament can become debilitating. Typical symptoms of the actual revulsion symptoms contain vomiting and nausea, elevated heartrate, perspiration, ab aches, as well as smoothies. There are situations during top drawback regarding significant seizures, uncontrolled heart rhythm, delirium, as well as loss of life. Just click here find out more concerning Where to buy nembutal A few medications any time when combined barbiturates can be very dangerous. Phenobarbital has shown the greatest incident. The subsequent fall into this kind of class: Anticoagulants like Dicumarol, Warfarin, Acenocoumaral, along with Phenprocoumon, Corticoseroids, Guseofulvin, Doxycycline, Phenytoin, Sodium Valproates. Whenever detoxification via barbiturates it is very important take any scientifically administered detoxification ability. After a level of stabilizing is attained having an individual in a detoxification facility the method to healing from drug abuse can begin. Instructing junkies for the outcomes of barbiturates as well as the withdrawal signs or symptoms is effective inside the recovery process. Drug treatment stores may help fans as soon as the flahbacks method handle trauma, emotional troubles, tensions that will led to abusing drugs. Barbiturates are usually sedative drugs which can be useful for disorders like sleeping disorders. It is not rare for folks to use these particular medicines in addition to alcohol consumption and also other medications. A chemical dependence could be designed to cause a continuing of the individual thought process along with out of shape understanding during habit. This kind of reliance interferes with the readiness associated with contemplating abstractly. Issues turn out to be hard to target and look after concentrate. As soon as your mind and body is actually telling you that you'll require a foreign material to outlive, then the continuing development of thought and pondering skills continues to be disadvantaged. In case medications isn't received in no time there might be bodily development problems when the enthusiast is surely an adolescent or even teen. Young adults stay away from his or her not comfortable feelings abut sexual growth. Specialist consultants will need to be aware of this kind of concern and concentrate on the progression of secondary sexual intercourse qualities which could are already interupted along with. There could be misunderstandings inside family tasks and also private interactions. Drug addiction can transform the energetic of the household. It may tear people and relationships separate when help is never ever acquired. Pay a visit to How to get nembutal to find out much more about
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nembutalaustralia · 6 months
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Buy Nembutal in Sydney Australia a short-acting barbiturate typically used as a sedative but gained prominence for its use in voluntary euthanasia and assisted suicide. For euthanasia, Nembutal is taken alone, or in combination with complementary agents such as phenytoin, in commercial animal euthanasia injectable solutions where it causes death in high doses.
People choose Nembutal for suicide because it is very easy to administer and provides a peaceful passing after just 3 minutes of consumption. Getting Nembutal can be very difficult though from testimonies of people who have tried acquiring the illicit drug. It is even more difficult for Australians due to their strict drug laws hence they buy it from the black-market. The problems faced by many Australians trying to buy Nembutal online is customs seizing packages. This is for those who try to buy the drug oversea but if you buy directly from Buy Nembutal in Sydney Australia then you have no problem.
BuyNembutalinAustralia.org provides a list of verified and genuine Nembutal vendors in Sydney Australia hence you do not have to worry about your package getting seized. Simply send an email today to BuyNembutalinAustralia.org and buy Nembutal in Sydney Australia.
How to buy Nembutal in Sydney Australia
No matter where you are in Australia, you can order Nembutal online from our vendors and have it delivered within 2 hours. The process is very simple and straightforward. Once we confirm you are not police and have a genuine health condition, we give you the vendor’s email. You make contact with the vendor, pay and then receive the Nembutal powder or solution anywhere in Australia. The vendors cover the following cities in Australia:
Gold Coast
For the above cities, you can order Nembutal and have it dropped within 2 hours. No need trying to buy Nembutal overseas when you can simply order in Australia and have it delivered same day. Send us an email today and get the contact of the Nembutal vendor in Australia.
Why terminally ill elderly Australians buy Nembutal
Terminally ill people and elderly Australians buy Nembutal because of its use in Euthanasia. Nembutal can cause death when used in high doses and the lethal dose is 12grams. It is used for euthanasia for humans as well as animals. It is taken alone, or in combination with complementary agents such as phenytoin, in commercial animal euthanasia injectable solutions.
In countries like Switzerland where euthanasia is legal, Nembutal is administered to the patient intravenously. Once administered, sleep is induced within 30 seconds, and the heart stops beating within 3 minutes. Oral administration is also used. A Swiss pharmacist reported in 2022 that the dose for assisted suicide had been raised to 15 grams because with lower doses death was preceded by a coma of up to 10 hours in some cases.
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