#How to Use Volume Profile in Day Trading
signode-blog · 6 months
Unveiling the Volume Profile Indicator: A Key to Market Structure Mastery
In the intricate world of financial markets, understanding the ebb and flow of trading volumes is akin to deciphering the language of the market. Among the myriad of tools and indicators at a trader’s disposal, the Volume Profile stands out as a powerful method for visualizing the trading activity at different price levels over a specified period. This detailed exploration aims to demystify the…
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sanctus-ingenium · 2 years
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Inver - relief map relative to the continent with otherworld territory marked, broad habitat map, detailed local landmarks map, and political map of the northeast atlantic peninsula as of 1862
i was just having map fun for two days lol. i make habitat maps a lot already but the difference with this one is that i can't just download a handy shapefile and do some GIS magic. this was hand drawn (but obviously. somewhat traced over the actual irl map)
for the outline of the north sea coast i used bathymetry data to figure out where the true coastline would occur. the north sea recedes but the atlantic doesn't (to the same extent). because this landmass was formed through some ancient Event, i felt pretty okay about changing the bedrock because like, whatever, we can't be fully realist all the time. so the northern half of inver is mainly limestone, the southern half is silicaceous - so we got the bog/marl divide there, though lough cánamac (in volume slightly larger than any of the north american great lakes) appears to be the remnant of the north sea, it is freshwater with a relatively low pH. the water of the lough is black to dark brown due to the run-off from the southern bogs and swamps.
in the north, the mountain ranges are calcareous. calcareous grassland, scrubland, heaths and fens dominate with a largely alkaline profile. limestone marl lakes which regularly flood due to groundwater input make the region pretty unsuitable for crops other than rice.
the ruad is the name for a stretch of otherworld territory which contains the lough, though generally used to refer to the forested area. it is completely uninhabitable throughout the majority of its range due to the non-euclidian structure of the land making it impossible to navigate consistently, and the strange and frequently hostile creatures living there. the ruad is faery territory and belongs to an entity known as the Red King, who uses the symbol of a stag. so although inver may look like a large country compared to its neighbours, it has a relatively small population concentrated on the west coast.
however, sailing across the lough is the quickest way to trade with countries in the east, far quicker than trekking through the forest and over land. the trade route through the ruad from invergorken to the cánamac town is one of the most valuable in the continent. it consists of an old road with regularly-spaced ranger safehouses and patrols, and a newer pair of railway lines which can cut through the supernatural aura of the ruad due to their iron rails. the first and older line is no longer in regular use. it was constructed before the development of wrought iron and before the build crews learned how to blast through rock, so it takes a very slow and winding route and required a lot of maintenance. safehouses were constructed to board the workers while the tracks were laid. but without this original track, the construction of the second, far more advanced wrought iron track would have been impossible. workers for the second track were able to commute and sleep on the first track's train, keeping them from harm. the second track can fit two trains side by side and is in constant use ferrying cargo and passengers between the two towns
the country of inver, once The Event wiped out all of its original inhabitants a couple thousand years ago, was settled by hibernians and vikings from the north moving south, and aquitanians from the south moving north (thus the place names). the ruad mostly blocked incursions from the east. there was a long history of dispute over who truly owned the land, and that remained sort of up in the air for most of its history until the 1400s when armorican warlords (like Olivier) decided to make it theirs for realsies and waged war against their old hibernian trade partners (like Finbarr) for control of the land. the hibernians lost because finbarr fucked it up at the last second, and this cemented a ruling class of werewolves in inver until the 1860s
inver consists of three large duchies which cover 70% of the population. Moya in the west is the heart of lycanthrope rule, everybody worships a faery known as the immortal hound and the ruad is far enough away that it is not a fact of life as it is for everyone else. Inver duchy covers the capital city and the south-western farmland, the main sites of production in the country. And Cánamac duchy covers the trade port in the lough and surrounding territories, where forest clearing has led to new farmland and a thriving population. There was a fourth duchy in the north, Aber, but it was historically somewhat isolated and cut off from the south of the country and had developed its own customs and traditions, and its own form of the country's currency. In the 1840s, the duchy of Aber was dissolved and reconstituted into the king's lands, and southern customs were enforced in the north to prevent any more divergence. the palaces of the ruling families in each territory are shown in the local map alongside the family names.
Due to The Event causing massive damage in this region of Europe, forbidding the development of britain and france etc as colonial empires, the last great Empire of this continent was the roman empire, and even that didn't manage to overcome the Ruad. technology is rudimentary in Inver and the people living there are largely considered to be weird backwards superstitious barbarians. aquitan has been threatening annexation for decades, led mainly by the church of suzette, which forbids interaction with otherworld entities. the church holds in disregard the nobility of inver and their cultish ways, and as a result has been banned from attempting to convert inver citizens. but the church is still allowed to make minor inroads into inver for one very important reason: penicillin and antibiotics are the sole creation of the church, and the secret of how they are made is unknown outside suzette. so for the sake of good, advanced healthcare, the church is allowed to set up clinics and hospitals, on the condition that nobody is converted, and members of the church are strictly banned from engaging in any business but importing and selling antibiotics
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electrasev5nwrites · 1 year
Ninja Daily: Vapors 80
"Kami, you look awful." Shizune didn't bother to ask for permission before she invaded Aiko's personal space and brusquely checked for fever. Her pale pink lips curved into a frown. "Hmm." As if the displeased tone wasn't enough, the older girl made a spectacle out of going through medical checks and giving her a barrage of questions (when was the last time she'd smoked? Um, never).
Eventually, she managed to interrupt. "Shizune-san? I was just here for whatever this is."
Shizune gave her a stern glare, but took the paper and read it over. Her expression changed immediately. "Really?" she asked, mildly incredulous. "They get younger every year," she mumbled under her breath, bustling to the cupboards along the wall and gathering up a frightening assortment of small bottles and needles. Aiko wasn't particularly bothered by needles, but the sheer number that the other girl picked up was a bit unnerving.
"Alright," Shizune started professionally, slipping a bit of hair behind her ear and holding up the first shot. "This is a standard inoculation against some infections you might be at risk for. Roll up your sleeve, please."
Looking at the needle go into her flesh made her feel a bit queasy (it was just unnatural to let someone else stick her with a blade, and every reflex she had was screaming 'fight') so Aiko turned her face away and let Shizune's methodical checklist rush over her.
"Are you sexually active?" Shizune hardly waited for her response before she followed up with, "Do you plan to become pregnant in the next six months? Do you have a medical or mental condition that would complicate the use of birth control? Do you consent to receive the standard doses?"
Bewildering, and it only got worse from there. Aiko got vaccinations for what she recognized with horror as various STI's, sleeping agents, and even a compound mentioned as an aphrodisiac from an Icha Icha volume.
"Do you know who you'll be meeting tonight?"
Aiko shook her head, stunned wordless. That hadn't been an encouraging assortment at all.
Shizune rolled her eyes, exasperated. "Oh, Tsunade-sama," she muttered under her breath before clearing her throat and straightening up. "I don't think your mentor will mind me telling you this much. You're about to go through ANBU sex-specific, right?" At the nervous nod, Shizune gave her a soothing smile. "Don't worry. Most of this stuff is completely unrelated." (Here, she gestured to all the inoculations). "You're old enough that this is about the standard time that policy recommends a lot of these shots. I don't want you thinking all day that this is going to be some horrific, invasive training. As far as seduction goes, agents are almost never actually expected to do more than cursory touching. It's not about engaging in relations with your target—it's learning how to use their emotions or desires against them. The real complications come with the possibility that romance could be used both by you and on you in your career. A lot of what you're going to go over is material you already know—profiling targets."
"That is a huge relief, actually," Aiko sighed, giving a faint but real smile.
It was. For a while there, she'd thought that Konoha as a whole wasn't any better than Danzo. The idea that she might be expected to manipulate strangers by feigning attraction to get information out of them or to weasel access to secured locations was much less traumatizing than the crudity of using her body in a literal sense for any goal. Mind games, she could do.
She might not even need this training. Aiko was relatively confident that she could spot someone attempting to manipulate her emotions.
'Don't be cocky,' she reminded herself, even as she traded smiles and good-byes with the medic. 'Unearned self-confidence kills. Right now, I know nothing.'
That was, she knew nothing except that the training she was getting would be expected to be used against one of the few people she genuinely liked. Aiko didn't mind manipulating Gaara, (manipulation was part and parcel of being a shinobi and anyone who thought otherwise was lying to themselves) but in such a selfish way that didn't provide mutual benefit? Fuck that shit.
She'd just have to look like she was trying, and hurry to get Danzo out of power. At worst, she might end up much closer friends with Gaara. That could be nice.
No matter what, she couldn't allow there to be any reason for Gaara to believe that she was working towards a romantic relationship. If she did and the stupid orders from Danzo came out, he would never forgive her. He couldn't know about this at all. Either he would know that Tsunade couldn't control a powerful rebel faction within Konoha, or he would think the order had really come from official channels and Danzo was just a scapegoat. Either way, letting Gaara have any clue about Danzo's stupid plot would undermine their countries' diplomatic status.
"You're here too?"
When she turned, her little brother was pushing his way past a disgruntled nurse, eyes nearly shut sleepily. "Naruto, good morning," she greeted calmly.
He snorted. "How long have you been here?" he mocked lightly, jabbing her in the side with a thumb (and ignoring the way that she jolted and wriggled away). "It's eleven thirty. Did you have shots too?" Aiko gave him a sharp look, wondering if there was a similar battery for boys hitting mid teenage years, and then remembered that a lot of the things she would be getting follow-up shots for were actual wartime precautions—cocktails that would reduce vulnerability to various poisons and infections, generally.
"I did," she agreed mildly, giving a cutesy pout and rubbing at the panda-covered bandaid on her upper arm.
"I bet that makes you want ramen," he wheedled.
"Not really."
"Raaaaaaa-mennnnn," Naruto sung under his breath enticingly, hooking an arm through her elbow and giving her a naughty little smile as he began to tug her out of the doors. "Ramen. Raaameeeeeen. Ramen! Ram-"
"Okay, okay," she cut him off, pulling her arm away and thwacking him upside the head with it, limp-wristed so that there wasn't really any force behind the blow. "I give in. Ramen it is."
Not surprisingly, they were the only ones to show up at the ramen stand so ridiculously early. At least the soup should be really fresh. "Aiko-san," Teuchi greeted politely, before he gave a real smile to Naruto, one that crinkled the corners of his eyes. "Naruto-kun! It's been a while."
"Almost a week!" he agreed mournfully, before flashing his teeth at the older man and slapping his hand down on the counter.
He didn't even have to ask— Teuchi ladled out a bowl and artfully piled it high with the few things Naruto would lower himself to eat (everything that wasn't a vegetable, really) before getting Aiko a less specialized portion. At first, they didn't say anything. Naruto never liked to talk before his first bowl.
"Hmm?" He tilted his head back to slurp down the last broth, eyes darting over to where she was stirring at her own noodles. Aiko had picked out all the beef and vegetables, but she just wasn't in the mood for the rest.
Wordlessly, she pushed her bowl over with a scrape, letting him snatch it up. With the space in front of her cleared, Aiko rested her elbows on the counter and pursed her lips. It was a little galling to her pride after having made such a big deal of this, but… "Would you teach me Rasengan?"
His chopsticks stopped, and Naruto blinked down at her, straightening on his stool. "Well, I guess I could," he started uncertainly. "I've been working on that lately, too. Trying to make it wind-natured instead of just a pure elemental transformation."
An ironic little smile quirked her lips up to one side. "Well, that's a path I cannot follow, but I think I could learn the original."
Naruto seemed to think for a moment, before giving her a mischievous smirk. "Alright then. We're going to need a lot of balloons. And a rubber ball."
"We're only going to need like two, believe it," she shot back a little mockingly, not really believing that herself. But she couldn't let her otouto show her up. He was operating on a ridiculous handicap in regards to chakra control, after all, and she had a lot of experience with that. How long had it taken him to learn the original version, again?
"Boss! You're back!"
At first, Aiko didn't even consider that the slightly raspy little-boy-voice on the verge of breaking was directed at anyone she knew. It wasn't until Naruto swiveled on his stool that she registered it might be relevant. She let her hands drop and twisted to open her chest up towards the voice, looking partially over her shoulder at three children—a genin team by the looks of them.
"Oh hey, Konohamaru," Naruto greeted idly.
'That's familiar. I had no idea they'd actually met.'
Curious, she examined the adorable brown-haired boy who stood at the center of the small group. He was going to be a heart-breaker, that one.
A sharp gasp drew her attention to the little kunoichi of the team, a cutesy little carrot-top confection with a high ponytail. "She's- she's real!"
Aiko recoiled, incredulously turning to see if there was someone behind her that the girl was staring at. Nope. "Me?" She put a hand to her chest, just to check.
The boy who was apparently Konohamaru was staring at her with a vivid blush across his cheeks, hands clutched in fists against his chest. "Boss… I didn't realize…"
"This is my sister!" Naruto interrupted, voice dangerously high. He seemed strangely nervous. "Ah, Aiko, meet Konohama-"
"We're the Konohamaru squad!" the three children in front of them interrupted with a well-practiced ease.
Apparently, Udon liked math, Moegi was the sexiest kunoichi in Konoha, and Konohamaru was their leader.
Konohamaru gave a rude snort and nudged his teammate. "Hey Moegi, if she's real, doesn't that bump you down to the second sexiest kunoichi?"
'Ohhhhh. They thought Naruto's sexy no jutsu was just abstract. They didn't realize that there was anyone in Konoha with those stunning good looks.'
Aiko preened a little. They had excellent taste.
"I don't do that anymore!" Naruto interjected, hand nervously twitching towards his hair as if he wanted to run his hands through it. "There's no artistic integrity in recreating what already exists, after all!" He threw his head back and gave a very fake laugh. "Watch this now!" Naruto slid off the stool and crossed his fingers in a familiar sign. "Sexy no jutsu!"
Aiko tilted her head, mildly disappointed. "That's not what it used to look like," she mournfully noted, examining the blonde girl she could only describe as 'Naruko'. "I liked the other version better."
"Yeah, well." Naruko interlaced her fingers and put them behind her head. "I realized- Ouch!" With a puff of smoke, he regressed to his natural form, already turning to pout at the man who had just hit him over the head with a ladle. "What was that for?"
"Not in my shop," Teuchi scolded mildly, putting the ill-used implement in the sink and extracting a clean one from a drawer to settle back into the shrimp ramen. "This is a family establishment, Naruto-kun."
He blushed. "Sorry, sir."
"Don't apologize, there was no harm done this time. But I want you to remember that discussion about situational appropriateness." He lifted his eyebrows meaningfully at the teen.
"R-right!" Naruto saluted him, grinning. "We'll go practice somewhere else!" He turned to her almost as an afterthought. "The first thing is to get water balloons and practice spinning the water inside in as many directions as you can with only your chakra. When you have it right, the balloon should break."
He scampered off, genin in tow, leaving Aiko with a perplexed look on her face.
'That's weird. I mean, I know that Naruto uses it without handsigns, as did Minato, but I thought that was a mark of mastery and not an integral property. That's usually how it goes. A jutsu is taught with handsigns, and experience and chakra control enables a user to make shortcuts. Is that part of what makes Rasengan so powerful? It's a pure shape transformation without internal aid to guide it? A direct manifestation of the user's will on the environment?'
Then again, it could also be that Naruto had learned Rasengan that way because he was ridiculously talented with ninjutsu and had never had to learn the shortcuts that other people used (and was in fact more inconvenienced by those aids because he was a weird kid).
'The only way to know is to try, I guess.'
"He forgot to pay again," Teuchi commented dryly, leaning over the counter to watch Naruto's back disappear into the distance. For some reason, he appeared to have Moegi sitting on his shoulders while Konohamaru jumped around him in a circle.
"Put it on his tab," she advised, not letting herself get suckered into paying for it. "It's not like he won't be back." Aiko doled out her own bill and slid off the stool, determinedly not looking to see if Teuchi would be put out or not.
Naruto was an adult, so he should act like one. That included being responsible for the unpleasant consequences of his actions, like being embarrassed when Teuchi had to ask him to pay before he ate next time. If she just took care of his problems, he'd never grow up. Being able to reliably pay for his own meals was a pretty low bar to hit.
She'd still take his advice, though.
The cashier gave her a questioning look for purchasing two packets of water balloons and a sparkly purple rubber ball. Aiko considered explaining that they were for serious adult business, but ended up simply shrugging the shade off. Haters gonna hate. She was above pretending she was buying them for a children's party or something.
Maybe it would have been better if she weren't picking up rice wine for cooking at the same time.
(A terrible and wonderful thought occurred. But no, she couldn't have the water pressure to fill the balloons if she poured it from the bottle.)
Bags in hand, she walked outside—and then pulled on her Hiraishin tag to take her directly to her bedroom, bypassing the walk home.
Iruka-sensei would probably tell her not to play with water balloons inside the house, but she was a goddamn adult and could do what she wanted.
She stopped and wondered if she knew another adult who would say a thing about it. Kakashi? Anko? Tsunade? Maybe Yamato, but she wasn't sure. Aiko had to reluctantly conclude that there was just something about being a shinobi that contradicted common sense behaviors associated with being an adult.
Almost immediately, there was a knock on the door.
"That's weird," Aiko muttered, dropping her plastic bag on the couch and meandering over to pull the door open. "Hey, Sai. You have excellent timing, I just got back. Want to come in?"
When he merely nodded and walked in without a word, Aiko rose one eyebrow skeptically. Still, she shrugged and closed the door behind him. "I was going to work on my chakra control for a new jutsu, but we could do something else?"
"No, that's fine." He leaned against the wall to take off his sandals, glancing up at her through his thick lashes. "How was your mission?"
Aiko opened her mouth to respond, and then closed it a second later. Honestly, she admitted, "I have no idea how to answer that question. It turned into a gigantic mess. I would rather not think about it. Tea?" She didn't bother to wait for him to respond. It wasn't really a question—she made tea every time someone came over. It gave her something to do with her hands while they settled in. Sai knew that by now.
He was standing right behind her when Aiko tried to back away from the stovetop to take the water away from the heat. His hands skimmed over hers and gently pried the porcelain out of her grip to put the teapot back down on a different burner plate.
She twisted, settling with her hips against the machine, feeling ambient heat against her lower back. 'He looks… serious. Not that he doesn't usually, but…'
"Where did you go?" Sai tilted his head slightly, seeming to do his best to spontaneously discover telepathy, eyes intent on hers. She couldn't look away.
'Did I hurt his feelings by not telling him I was going to leave? I didn't think I had to. Are we… dating now?'
The thought was … Well, it felt strange. But she couldn't well intentionally work to make Sai emotionally open up to her, flirt with him, and then expect him to have no attachment.
"I'm sorry, I should have told you beforehand," Aiko apologized. Tentatively, she reached up and ran a single finger through his silky hair, tucking it behind his ear and then resting it on his shoulder. "I didn't really know ahead of time, though. I thought I was going to be in-village, but got called in for a team under Yamato-san as a tracker."
She left it at that. Aiko had no intention to get called up on disciplinary charges for running her mouth about her missions. This one hadn't been rated as classified or open yet, so she shouldn't say anything more.
Luckily, he seemed to accept it. "I see." Her peripheral barely caught his hands, which had been brought back to his side when she had turned around, make an aborted movement before intentionally relaxing.
Before he could step back she brought her other arm up to slink around his shoulder and closed the rest of the distance, pressing their torsos together. "M sorry," Aiko breathed lightly into his neck, and then tilted her head up to pressed a closed kiss against his jaw. "Forgive me?" His pulse jumped, but he slowly nodded.
"There is nothing to forgive." His hands gripped her shoulders and gently pushed her back, and he gave her one of his fake smiles.
If she didn't know better, Aiko might have taken that as a lack of sincerity. But fake smiles were the only ones Sai had to offer, so she took it as the gift it was. "Thanks." She reached up to squeeze at his fingers, before pulling away to finish taking care of the tea. He moved away to the other room while she poured. Her tea was set on the table and his passed off, but Aiko grabbed up the bag she'd left on the table and went right back to the kitchen to fill up the first water balloon.
"What are you doing?"
Sai sounded singularly unimpressed when she walked in to the room with a full water balloon. Probably thought she'd gone mad, or was about to throw it at him.
'I guess I found a shinobi who would say something about water-play inside. Poor stiff.'
"It's an aid for that new jutsu," Aiko explained contemplatively, weighing the wiggly plastic on her palm. "A control exercise, of sorts. I'm supposed to burst it using the water inside."
He stared. "You're a water type," Sai explained slowly, as if he thought she had forgotten.
She couldn't help but scoff fondly. "I'm pretty sure I'm not supposed to take advantage of that and use my nature alignment to alter the water's properties to break it. From what I understand, if I do it correctly, merely moving the water in a certain way will break the balloon."
'Either that, or Naruto is just messing with my head.'
No point in sharing that lingering possibility. It wouldn't be the first time he'd pulled a practical joke on her, but he probably wouldn't tease her when she honestly asked him for help. The instructions he'd given her were counter-intuitive but if Naruto could do this, so could she. He was operating under an enormous chakra control handicap, and she'd already done endless monotonous grinds to improve her control. She was hardly going to match Tsunade's expertise, but that wouldn't be necessary.
Sai seemed skeptical, but let the topic be. "Do you know what your next assignment will be?" he asked lightly, bringing one knee up to his chest and letting the toes on his other foot skim the floor. Aiko settled next to him on the couch, respectfully holding the balloon balanced on her palm over the edge of the cushion so that he wouldn't be splashed if it burst.
Keeping part of her attention on the conversation, she tentatively infused the water with her chakra and began spinning it. "I'm not sure," Aiko admitted, feeling the direction she actively began travel into the center of the sphere and create a current independent of what she actually forced to happen. "I have some training to do, but I might end up running messages of some sort. That seems to be the new normal for me."
"I see." He seemed mildly disapproving. "Danzo-sama has introduced new standing orders with the possible emergence of an armed conflict with Lightning."
For a moment, she completely forgot to keep moving the water. Once she'd caught herself, Aiko schooled her face into mild curiosity. Her sudden jolt of nerves had forced her features into studied indifference as a defense mechanism. "Are they interesting?"
It was downright unprecedented for Sai to offer information like this unprompted. Was he passing along orders… or passing along information?
The nuance was an enormous one.
"Not on their own. Others will already know to be prepared for the possibility of an attack on the village center, though it does seem unlikely that Danzo would prioritize that contingency without information implying it is a more likely course of action than the cursory evidence would suggest."
Aiko chewed that over, readjusting the weight on her palm and reaching into the center of the balloon, where the current she'd created on the outer edge flowed fastest due to its short path and slightly twisted the angle that water was spinning at to be more up-and-down than the predominant current.
What could that mean? Was it just Danzo's latent paranoia inspiring him to prepare for the worst possible instance when it would be easier for Lightning to strike at one of their borders? Or did he know something that he wasn't sharing with Tsunade? That was treason in the worst way… If that were the case, it meant that he would rather risk Konoha's citizens than share his informant.
It wasn't impossible that an enemy could completely bypass the protections of their border guard and pierce to the village proper without being detected. She could do it herself, obviously. But it took familiarity with the terrain, a very specific skill set, and a good amount of luck. With the security exponentially increased in light of the new threat, that task would go up even further in difficulty.
Was Danzo really that paranoid?
'It's very possible. He is highly experienced at considering as many potential problems as possible, even if his solutions are worse than the issue itself. But I don't think that's it. There's something else going on.'
How could Danzo possibly benefit from this? Was it just that he would retain his informants for future use and he thought there would be no real danger worth risking his resources?
That would only make sense if he was overconfident instead of paranoid. No, if he was actually assuming there would be enemies within the village, it was because there was no other option or because he thought it was an acceptable risk.
So which was it, and what would lead to each conclusion?
Least insidiously, he could simply have no faith in what Tsunade had arranged for border patrol and village security. Irritating, yes, but not out of character for a man who had formed his own private militia because he didn't trust the man he was supposedly loyal to to do his own job.
Much worse…
'He might think it was an acceptable risk if he benefitted… and the only possible benefit I could see would be in pursuit of the power he thinks he merits. If Lightning got soldiers all the way in here, it would be easy to argue that Tsunade failed miserably at her job. He could either push for control directly or just undermine her.'
Unacceptable outcome, she grimly judged. Tsunade wasn't her favorite person, but she was a perfectly adequate Hokage. The Senju woman erred on the side of compassion, which was much less damaging than overcompensating with authoritarian use of power. Danzo was the opposite.
'I categorically refuse to live under his control. I'm playing his game for now, but if he really became Hokage, then my only option would be to go rogue.'
Naruto wouldn't like leaving Konoha much. It would put a damper in that Hokage thing.
(She took a moment to imagine what she would have to do to keep him happy in that case. Pick another hidden village and just start killing people until everyone left was okay with making Naruto their Kage? Come on, was he really going to be picky about what hidden village he ruled?)
Probably, Aiko judged grudgingly. He was insufferably stubborn about pedantic details like that.
Then the first thing she needed to do was figure out what she could do about it. This couldn't be taken to Tsunade- not without removing her seal. Sai could tell her about Root's activities because she was in Root (it would be idiotic to make it so that he had to personally give out every order to every soldier) but she couldn't share that information with anyone she knew was outside of that chain of command.
Besides, what would taking it to Tsunade really do? She had certainly already taken what action she could to secure the border. If there was anything to be done, it would already have been taken care of. It would perhaps allow her to be on guard, but not really anymore than she would be while knowing that the Raikage wanted Konoha razed to the ground.
'Well, all I can do is be prepared myself.'
But that wasn't true. Aiko swallowed slowly, considering the twenty year old seals in the outskirts of Fire Country.
How long would it take to get a group through Fire Country's borders? At least eight hours of running from the north where they would have to come, even for the fastest, and a group large enough to threaten Konoha would be slowed down by various specialists they'd need. If she had the forest thoroughly coated in seals, she could run a full check alone as fast as she could perceive—spending a hundredth of a second at each location while she was fresh, though that time would decrease exponentially as she traveled. A mental map gave her a quick estimate of how large an area she would have to cover and how many seals she would need.
Sort of a lot of seals, but not really any more than she'd used while fighting Mukade's puppets. Less than hundred-fifty locations would be more than enough for her to scan the entire Northern borders. Konoha would be pretty much impenetrable if they could afford to have a hundred teams just standing around at all the locations she mapped, but that was never going to happen. Manpower and the distance that teams could cover were the real logistical problems with national security in that sense, and neither was an issue when instantaneous travel was introduced.
If she devoted perhaps two minutes to a cursory check three times a day at strategic times… it would be damn near impossible for anyone to enter without her at least being able to provide a warning.
'How very Big Brother of me to even consider that. It's… it's utterly ludicrous.'
Would it be possible to modify her seals to include a sensory agent so that she didn't have to do the manual check unless they were triggered? As far as she knew, a Hiraishin was the only kind of seal with the connective qualities that gave her the ability to monitor it at all times from any distance. Normally, a seal meant to detect intruders was only as good at the people paying attention to it, though it meant they didn't have to be sensors themselves. Who would suppress their signature well enough to hide from a seal for eight hours in the middle of a forest? Who could?
But she didn't have the ability to do that right now. It was possible that she could figure something out, but it would take time and study.
Six minutes a day (plus the time spent to plant seals along the forests) seemed much more viable and less cost prohibitive in terms of effort and time. It wasn't as though it would be a hardship for her to plant them. Aiko had no need to go out the gates when she already had eight widely spread seals planted throughout the north half of Fire Country.
If Sai hadn't been there, she would have gone to trap the hell out of the countryside now. As it was, she realized that she had been rudely quiet for too long and turned her face up to her companion. "That is something to keep in mind. What might those orders be specifically?"
She asked more for form's sake than anything else. The real information had been in what the prioritization implied, not what Danzo thought was most important to protect within the village. (Spoiler: it was his person and the main government buildings).
As enlightening as all that was (and as much as it implied that Sai was more invested in her than he was loyal to Danzo) she couldn't help but wonder if it was really why Sai had come over. It hadn't been a coincidence that he had been practically waiting to knock at her door when she came home, no way. The timing had been too perfect.
When she let herself smile, the easy way Sai's eyes followed the motion only supported her theory. 'It's because he liiiikes me,' she sing-songed, unknowingly giving him a smug look that could pass for sultry without her childish inner commentary. 'He thinks I'm cuu-ute.'
"Sai-kun? Can we talk about what happened the last time we were here together?"
The face he turned to her was completely blank, but she still felt certain that it was a topic he felt strongly about. Perhaps he was embarrassed that she wanted to talk about it- the way that he'd fled last time implied that he was a little overwhelmed by his lack of experience- but he would not have come back to the personal setting of her home of his own volition if he wasn't actually interested.
'Unless it was to tell me we had to stop, of course,' she added internally to be thorough, though she didn't think that was the case.
"What is there to say?"
Aiko recognized the deflection for what it was: nice and ambiguous. He was attempting to avoid being pinned down and vulnerable by taking the risk of expressing interest first. She was just going to have to suck it up and be honest first, or he never would. That was if Sai even had similar feelings and the ability to understand and express them, no small feat considering his background.
"Well, can we do that again, for starters." She shot him a mischievous look to keep the atmosphere light. "I find you attractive and I like you."
Not the most graceful confession, perhaps. No one had ever accused her of being a skilled communicator of emotional honesties. But Sai was hardly equipped to judge her.
"We can… do that again?"
He gave her an inscrutable look, letting the heel resting on the edge of the couch slide off to the floor.
There was a long period of silence, where she was tempted to push for an answer but ended up waiting patiently.
Sai began to look irritated, which for him was probably a concentrated effort planned out two seconds before he initiated it. "Well?"
"Well, what?" Aiko blinked, feeling like she'd lost the plot.
"Again," he repeated patiently, as if she was an idiot.
It took a moment for his meaning to sink in. Aiko couldn't help but to start giggling, covering her mouth with both hands and shaking her head slightly. "What, did you expect me to just leap over and ravish you?" she teased.
"You did last time," he muttered, surprisingly sullen.
"There's this thing called 'mood'," Aiko educated him lightly, leaning over to tap his nose with her index finger and sprawling out onto his lap, looking up at him indolently. "I'm not a machine, you know, to hold poor, innocent men down and start licking them at a moment's notice."
Sai, a man full grown, with more classified missions and talent under his belt than she could shake her finger at, actually heaved a put-upon sigh. "And where might I learn this mood," he indulged her, gingerly pronouncing the word 'mood' like it was actually the word for 'hideous crime against humanity'.
She had to stop and consider that one. "You know," Aiko started dubiously, "I think it's going to have to be through experience. I can't think of a single outside source that wouldn't seriously mislead you. If I ever catch you strewing flower petals on a bed or trying to sing romantic music, I'll know that you've been led far off the path of righteousness."
It was a rather Gai-esque colloquialism, but hell if it didn't fit.
His dubious expression might have indicated that he was re-thinking this arrangement. "Alright?"
"Well, there is one tip," Aiko added helpfully, wanting wipe that disturbed look off his face. "Physical contact can sort of help turn one thing into another. So, like, cuddling can segue way into making out."
Sai opened his mouth, and stopped that way. He closed it again, and let a thoughtful line form between his eyebrows. He tilted his head slightly to ask, "So, when Dickless and Ugly Girlfriend roll around on the ground hitting and strangling each other…?"
"That might be a mating ritual or it might just be that they like to play wrestle," she sighed. "I still haven't figured that one out yet, either."
"Should we ask?"
Aiko took a moment to imagine whose reaction would be better if Sai were to hunt them down and bluntly ask them if they were harboring unresolved sexual tension. Sasuke sputtered when he was truly furious and turned a truly adorable pink on the tips of his ears, but Naruto was the more conventional choice with his shouting, arm-waving, and imaginative invectives (which had only improved by extended proximity to Jiraiya).
"Get your shoes on."
Why choose just one?
"Child, you look terrible." Yugao deliberately stopped, gave her an odd look, and added, "And stop smiling like that."
Aiko gave the purple-haired woman who would be her instructor the nastiest scowl she could manage. With the bags under her eyes and her pale complexion, it was a pretty good one.
Uzuki Yugao wasn't about to be intimidated by a little thing like a teenager's temper. She stared back evenly, visibly unimpressed. "You are no good as an agent if you don't take care of yourself. Come with me."
It was beneath Aiko's dignity to outright grumble, but by a small enough margin that it was still tempting. The path Yugao picked through the training facility was long and winding enough that she might not be able to replicate it on her own. Eventually, she recognized the red-lined doors Yugao strode through as if she owned the place.
"There's an underground entrance to the hospital through the ANBU training facility?" she deadpanned. That was just a security breach waiting to happen.
The look she got in return was about enough to make her quail. Yugao threw open a door and pointed at the examination table. "Up."
'I feel like a dog or something.'
Hackles metaphorically raised, Aiko sullenly did as she was told. This person was supposed to be giving her training, after all, so she was a superior of a sort.
She regretted her obedience when Yugao's cold fingers gripped her chin to pull her jaw down and peer inside her mouth like she was a horse for sale. "Say ah."
"Good enough for government work," Yugao muttered under her breath not unkindly, placing her fingertips gently on Aiko's upper chest for a reason the Jounin couldn't even hope to guess at. Aiko was still gaping in shock when Yugao leaned and checked her pulse, clinically running diagnostic chakra through her throat, up her sinuses, and then up to her temples before she finally let the minty medical chakra fade (it always felt cool and prickly to her, though Aiko'd heard other people describe the experience as warm and soothing).
Yugao sighed and straightened, her long hair swaying with her. "When was the last time you slept? Or had time off?" Before Aiko could answer, she held up a hand that was anything but delicate, clearly strong with well-earned callous and thin scars. "It doesn't matter; I don't want to hear your excuses. I won't be complicit in piling anything more on you when you're obviously not handling your current issues."
"But you were assigned to train me," Aiko half-asked, half-stated, a little incredulously.
Yugao gave her a stern stare before seeming to decide she was being genuinely confused and not argumentative. Her face softened a little. "So I have, and I will. At my discretion. And my discretion is that you're going to go home, relax, maybe watch a movie or spend time with friends without talking about work or training, and then take a long nap. I have a prior obligation tomorrow, but in three days I will see you here again. And I will be giving you a medical check before I teach you so much as how to flutter your eyelashes, little girl, and I won't even blink if I have to humiliate you by putting you to bed myself. Are you even aware of the consequences of long-term sleep deprivation, in addition to whatever else you've been doing to yourself?"
'This woman is surprisingly intimidating.'
Whatever Yugao read in her face (and it definitely wasn't joyous compliance), it didn't stop her from holding up a hand and ticking off points on her fingers as she talked. "Your protein and iron levels are low—eat more nuts, meat, and spinach, or you're going to end up dizzy and sabotaging your own training. Your heartbeat is accelerated because it's working too hard since you haven't let it rest, and I can tell that you've been augmenting your body with chakra for far too long to compensate for lowered reaction time because you can't focus in your current state." She paused. "You are going to burn yourself out if this continues. Do you understand me?"
Aiko shrank back a little, and meekly replied, "I'm going to go eat some fish and take a long nap?"
"Yes," Yugao agreed gravely. "Yes, you are." She leaned in and tugged on one of the locks of hair tumbling over Aiko's shoulder. "Listen up, kid. Your captain should have been watching your back, because it's obvious to me that no one really taught you how to be an ANBU." She held up a hand to stop the complaint that might have welled up, if Aiko were a different person or less bewildered by her forwardness. "Oh, you have the skills and talent, I'm certain, but don't even try to tell me that anyone has talked to you about how to negotiate the demands of this work with outside life, because I don't want to think I got stuck with an idiot who has to learn the same thing twice." She patted Aiko's shoulder twice, like she was a dog or a child, and gave her a look that was somehow amused despite completely lacking a smile. "I'll see you at Tanaka's in a few days. I'll reserve a back room. This place is so depressing, isn't it?"
'Tanaka's? Like, the coffee house?'
She felt a little like she'd just been hit over the head with a salmon. Just… that wasn't the kind of thing that near-strangers said to one another. It certainly didn't seem very professional to make a judgment call like that to put off an ordered training session, make personal comments, and then re-schedule their meeting casually like they were friends.
Then again, Yugao-san had been an ANBU for longer than she had. There very well could be something valuable she would pass on to a younger co-worker. And she was a medic, who would know what she was talking about. Failing to take care of a piddling little thing like sleeping might eventually get her stuck in hospital care, and that was just not happening. People got kidnapped from there, yo.
"So that's settled. I'll go home and relax," Aiko told herself determinedly, trying to pump herself up for calming down.
There was a problem, however.
'I do not know how to do that. If I go home, I'll just start thinking about what I need to get done, like planting seals and learning Rasengan and…' She stopped, cringing. Was it so wrong that she tended to do things that would benefit her in the long-term instead of in the short-term?
Okay, new plan. She would find… find…
Who was good at relaxing?
Karin? Karin could be counted on to just hang out in a semi-relaxing environs, right? And they hadn't spent time together in a very long time.
"I don't understand why we're doing this," Aiko half-yelled to be heard over the booming speakers. Some sort of trashy pop nonsense was spilling out into the night air, and probably warding off missing nin from a twenty mile radius around the village.
She'd rather have the missing nin, frankly. At least you could hit those until they stopped making awful sounds sans consequences if they chose to wail about how totally grand and poignant it was to go and see the beaches of the desert (and no, she had no idea what that was supposed to mean).
Karin gave her a pitying look, sleek and sophisticated in a fire engine red ensemble that no one else in the world could hope to pull off. "Just shut up and dance, woman. Hey, thanks!" She flashed a quick smile at Ino, taking the bottled water the blonde had brought back from the bar.
"No problem!" Ino cupped her hands around her mouth to project her voice, already doing something bizarrely sinuous with her hips. Possibly a secret taijutsu technique, because Aiko didn't think she could replicate it if asked. "Are we all going to stay at my house tonight, then?"
"We'd better," Hinata interjected, cheeks flushed a pretty pink with rouge she never would have worn a year ago. "I think Naruto might cry if we keep him up painting nails again."
"It's not my fault his nose is so good," Karin muttered rebelliously.
Thankfully, they let her fall asleep and stay that way for ten hours. She woke up with three signatures on her face in marker, though. Strangely, she did feel a bit better.
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techinfo-blog · 5 days
Boost Your Crypto Gains with Arbitrage Trading Bots
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It's difficult to stay ahead of the curve in the quick-paced world of crypto trading. Arbitrage Trading is one efficient technique to optimize profits in this volatile market. By utilizing price discrepancies for the same item across several exchanges, cryptocurrency arbitrage enables traders to purchase an asset at a discount on one platform and sell it at a premium on another. However, it takes a lot of effort and time to manually identify and take advantage of these changes. Crypto arbitrage bots can be useful in this situation.
What is a Crypto Arbitrage Trading Bot?
An automated program that searches several exchanges, finds price disparities, and makes trades instantly to take advantage of arbitrage possibilities is known as a crypto arbitrage trading bot. In the quick-moving cryptocurrency market, these bots are made to respond faster than any human trader, spotting and carrying out winning trades in a matter of seconds to make sure no opportunity is lost.
How Arbitrage Trading Bots Boost Crypto Gains?
Speed and Efficiency: Prices on the cryptocurrency market fluctuate rapidly, often as much as a millisecond. Arbitrage opportunities are short-lived and must be acted upon quickly. An intelligent arbitrage bot can recognize and carry out trades more quickly than a human trader, making money before price differentials vanish.
24/7 Trading: Cryptocurrency markets are open around-the-clock, in contrast to traditional financial markets. It is hard for human traders to monitor price variations across many exchanges at all times of the day or night. Even when you're asleep, an arbitrage trading bot keeps working, making sure you never lose out on a possible profit.
Multiple Exchange Monitoring: An arbitrage bot's capacity to keep an eye on many cryptocurrency exchanges at once is one of its main benefits. This extensive coverage raises the likelihood of finding lucrative arbitrage opportunities. After that, the bot takes over and makes transactions automatically, requiring no human involvement.
Increased Profit Margins: A trading bot helps you execute several arbitrage deals quickly and effectively by automating and accelerating the arbitrage process. This volume of trades can greatly increase your overall cryptocurrency returns when paired with modest but steady profits.
Minimized Risk: By taking advantage of the tiny, regular variations in asset pricing between exchanges, arbitrage bots reduce risks. Because arbitrage concentrates on pricing inefficiencies rather than market trends, it carries a lower risk profile than speculative trading.
Selecting the Ideal Crypto Arbitrage Trading Bot
Choosing a trustworthy and efficient bot is essential. Working with the best crypto arbitrage trading bot development company guarantees that the bot you acquire is safe, secure, and can be customized to fit your trading approach.
To provide you with a competitive edge, a reputable arbitrage trading bot development firm can incorporate unique features like multi-exchange support, real-time data feeds, and sophisticated algorithms that adjust to shifting market conditions in your bot.
Crypto traders can increase their profits by taking advantage of price variations across exchanges more profitably than they might with manual approaches provided they use the correct arbitrage trading bot. Gaining an advantage in the market and accessing this automated solution is possible when you collaborate with a professional crypto arbitrage trading bot development company.
Book a Free Demo - https://bit.ly/3XDvBLR
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sa7abnews · 1 month
A software consultant who had an 805% gain trading stocks in 2023 shares his clearest and easiest pattern to identify a breakout
New Post has been published on https://sa7ab.info/2024/08/11/a-software-consultant-who-had-an-805-gain-trading-stocks-in-2023-shares-his-clearest-and-easiest-pattern-to-identify-a-breakout-2/
A software consultant who had an 805% gain trading stocks in 2023 shares his clearest and easiest pattern to identify a breakout
Goverdhan Gajjala, day traderGoverdhan GajjalaGoverdhan Gajjala won the 2023 US Investing Championship with an 805% gain.He watches for five patterns that he likes to trade.The intraday VCP pattern involves price contractions and volume decreases before a breakout.Trading strategies can be as unique as fingerprints. The approaches taught by coaches and other traders aren't always transplanted as is. Students often take tips and ideas from a thesis or pattern and integrate them into their own strategies, building a set of repeatable trades and signals to inform their processes.It's what Goverdhan Gajjala, a 44-year-old, Dallas-based software consultant, did while refining his trading strategy. He began as a swing trader, holding for days to a few months at a time — but gradually refined his approach to become a day trader. The switch made him feel more in control when entering and exiting trades quickly.Gajjala had taken an online course with Mark Minervini, a veteran trader and a past winner of the US Investing Championship, where he learned how to tame his emotions and trade using a set of rules. In 2023, he decided to test his skills in the competition his coach had previously won. According to the competition founder, Norman Zadeh, Gajjala finished first in the stock division for those trading with more than $20,000, with gains of 805%.Gajjala trades about five patterns, two of which he shared with Business Insider in previous interviews: a reversal squeeze and a bull flag pullback. The third pattern he looks for, which he picked up from Minervini, is the volatility contraction pattern (VCP). It represents price action that tightens as it moves from left to right.Intraday VCPThe VCP pattern can be spotted over multiple days or weeks. But Gajjala uses it for day trades, which can last 30 minutes to an hour. He refers to it as an intraday VCP.The first sign of the pattern begins with an initial spike in price or the first move up. A series of smaller sell-offs or pullbacks then follow it. If it develops into a VCP, the volatility will decrease in a gradual upward-moving pattern as it continues to find support at the 21-day exponential moving average line on the five-minute chart. There are longer and shorter EMAs that can work, but for the period Gajjala is trading in, he found that the 21-day option is the most consistent.The contraction pattern must be accompanied by decreasing volume bars after the initial and sudden increase in price. The spike in green volume bars parallel to the first price spike demonstrates this in the chart below. The pullback periods are then accompanied by weaker selling pressure, shown by shrinking red bars as the pattern moves to the right. This pattern will repeat itself until the selling pressure diminishes and the pullbacks become more shallow, narrowing price volatility.Once the contractions have tightened and the selling volume has diminished, it can be followed by a breakout.For Gajjala, it's an easier pattern to trade because the contraction period is longer than other patterns he watches for. For example, the bull flag pullback, a spike in price that resembles a flag on the chart, can happen within seconds and as little as two to three candles. It gives him very little time to make a trading decision.For the VCP, he can watch it for 30 minutes to an hour as the volatility diminishes while the price gradually increases along the 21-day EMA."It's more or less very clear and easy to identify," Gajjala said. "And the volume profile will be so neat, and I'll have plenty of time to wait and watch this setup."The chart below is an example of an intraday VCP. It shows the initial spike in price accompanied by high demand, as demonstrated by the green volume bars. It's followed by tightening contractions and less volume. The "entry" mark on the chart is where Gajjala tries to enter. Here, selling pressure has died down, and price volatility has eased.ThinkorswimThe danger of this setup is that a trader can be too early to the trade and the chances the pattern breaks up or down are the same, he noted. This means a trader must have more patience to play it.When Gajjala first began trading the intraday VCP, he was unsuccessful because he would enter the trade before allowing the contractions to develop. He assumed getting in early would increase his gains, but the pattern would usually break down.Below is an example of a trade Gajjala took on Syntec Optics Holdings (OPTX) on November 17. The stock's price spiked at the stock market open, followed by continued contraction and dropping volume by 11:00 a.m. According to his brokerage statement, he entered the trade buying about 24,000 shares between $7.07 and $8.29 and exited between $8.31 and $8.61.Thinkorswim
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Trading Courses
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Trading courses are designed to equip individuals with the knowledge and skills necessary to navigate the complexities of the financial markets effectively. These courses cover a wide range of topics, including technical analysis, fundamental analysis, risk management, trading strategies, and the psychological aspects of trading. They cater to different levels of expertise, from beginners who are new to the world of trading to experienced traders looking to refine their strategies and enhance their performance. The structured approach of trading courses helps in building a solid foundation in financial markets, starting with the basics of how markets operate, types of financial instruments, and the mechanisms of trading.
One of the key components of trading courses is technical analysis, which involves analyzing historical price data and trading volumes to forecast future price movements. This includes learning about chart patterns, indicators, oscillators, and trend analysis. Courses often provide practical training on how to use various technical analysis tools and software, enabling traders to make data-driven decisions. Fundamental analysis, another critical aspect, focuses on evaluating a company’s financial health, economic conditions, and industry trends to determine the intrinsic value of its stocks. This helps traders make informed decisions based on a comprehensive understanding of market fundamentals.
Risk management is another crucial area covered in trading courses. Effective risk management strategies are essential for protecting capital and ensuring long-term profitability. Courses teach participants how to set stop-loss orders, manage leverage, diversify their portfolios, and control emotional responses to market fluctuations. Understanding the psychology of trading is also emphasized, as emotional discipline and mental fortitude are vital for success in trading. Courses often address common psychological pitfalls such as fear, greed, and overconfidence, and provide techniques to develop a disciplined and objective trading mindset.
Trading courses also delve into various trading strategies, including day trading, swing trading, and position trading. Each strategy has its own set of principles, timeframes, and risk profiles. Day trading involves making multiple trades within a single day, aiming to capitalize on short-term market movements. Swing trading focuses on capturing price swings over several days or weeks, while position trading involves holding positions for longer periods to benefit from broader market trends. These courses provide detailed guidance on how to develop and implement these strategies effectively, tailored to individual risk tolerance and trading goals.
Many trading courses incorporate practical components such as simulated trading environments, where participants can practice executing trades without risking real money. These simulations help in building confidence and gaining experience in applying theoretical knowledge to real-world scenarios. Additionally, some courses offer mentorship and support from experienced traders, providing personalized feedback and insights to help learners improve their trading performance.
The mode of delivery for trading courses varies, with options including online classes, webinars, in-person workshops, and self-paced learning modules. Online courses offer flexibility, allowing learners to study at their own pace and from any location. In-person workshops and seminars provide opportunities for interactive learning and networking with peers and industry experts. Many courses also offer access to exclusive trading communities, forums, and resources, fostering a collaborative learning environment.
In summary, trading courses provide a comprehensive education in the financial markets, covering essential topics such as technical and fundamental analysis, risk management, trading strategies, and trading psychology. They cater to various skill levels and learning preferences, offering both theoretical knowledge and practical experience. By equipping participants with the necessary tools and techniques, trading courses help individuals build a solid foundation, develop effective trading strategies, and enhance their overall trading performance, ultimately enabling them to navigate the financial markets with confidence and competence.
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How to Increase Your Cash App Transfer Limit Quickly and Easily
Cash App, developed by Square Inc., has become a popular mobile payment service that allows users to transfer money to one another quickly. With its simplicity and convenience, many users are curious about the maximum transfer limits that Cash App imposes. Understanding these limits is crucial for anyone who relies on the app for personal or business transactions. This comprehensive guide will delve into everything you need to know about the Cash App transfer limit and how to manage it.
Understanding Cash App Transfer Limits
Cash App imposes various limits on different types of transactions to comply with regulatory requirements and ensure user funds' security. These limits can vary depending on whether your account is verified or unverified.
Unverified vs. Verified Accounts
Unverified Accounts: These accounts have yet to undergo the full identity verification process, so they have lower limits.
Verified Accounts: These accounts have completed the identity verification and enjoy higher transfer limits.
Current Cash App Transfer Limits
Unverified Accounts
Sending Limit: Unverified accounts can send up to $250 within seven days.
Receiving Limit: Unverified accounts can receive up to $1,000 within 30 days.
Verified Accounts
To increase your limits, you must verify your identity by providing your full name, date of birth, and the last four digits of your Social Security Number (SSN).
Sending Limit: Verified accounts can send up to $7,500 per week.
Receiving Limit: There is no limit to the amount you can receive once your account is verified.
How to Verify Your Cash App Account?
Increasing your Cash App transfer limit involves a straightforward verification process:
Open Cash App: Launch the Cash App on your mobile device.
Access Settings: Tap on the profile icon or settings option.
Verify Identity: Follow the prompts to verify your identity by providing your full name, date of birth, and the last four digits of your SSN.
Submit Information: Submit the required information and wait for the verification process to complete. This usually takes a few minutes to a few hours.
Additional Limits on Cash App
In addition to transfer limits, Cash App also imposes limits on other types of transactions:
Cash App ATM Withdrawal Limits
Daily Limit: You can withdraw the maximum amount from an ATM using your Cash App Card every day, up to $1,000.
Weekly Limit: The maximum amount you can withdraw from an ATM using your Cash App Card is $1,000 weekly.
Cash App Cash Out Limits
Daily Limit: The maximum amount you can cash out to your linked bank account is $25,000 daily.
Cash App Add Cash Limits
Daily Limit: The maximum amount you can add to your Cash App balance is $7,500 daily.
How to Increase Your Cash App Limits?
If you need higher limits, you can take several steps to request an increase:
Verify Your Identity: Verify your account by providing the necessary personal information.
Contact Support: If you need limits beyond the standard verified account limits, you can request a higher limit from Cash App support. Provide a valid reason for needing the increase, such as business transactions or high-volume trading.
FAQs about Cash App Transfer Limits
Q: What is the daily transfer limit on Cash App?
A: The Cash App daily transfer limit is part of the $250 per 7-day limit for unverified accounts. For verified accounts, the limit is $7,500 per week.
Q: How can I increase my Cash App transfer limit?
A: You can increase Cash App transfer limit by verifying your identity with your full name, date of birth, and the last four digits of your SSN.
Q: What is the maximum amount I can send on Cash App weekly?
A: For verified accounts, the maximum amount you can send is $7,500 weekly.
Q: How long does it take to verify my Cash App account?
A: The verification process typically takes a few minutes to a few hours, depending on the accuracy of the information provided.
Q: What are the ATM withdrawal limits on Cash App?
A: The maximum Cash App ATM withdrawal limit is $1,000 per day and $1,000 per week.
Q: Can I increase my ATM withdrawal limit on the Cash App?
A: The ATM withdrawal limit can be increased by the standard $1,000 per day and $1,000 per week.
Q: How do I contact Cash App support to increase my limits?
A: You can contact Cash App support through the app by navigating to your profile, selecting "Support," and choosing the appropriate topic. Alternatively, you can visit the Cash App website for more contact options.
Understanding and managing your Cash App transfer limits is essential for effectively using the platform for your financial transactions. Verifying your account can significantly increase your limits and enjoy greater flexibility. Whether you're using Cash App for personal use or business transactions, knowing these limits and how to manage them will enhance your overall experience. Always ensure you provide accurate information during the verification process, and don't hesitate to contact Cash App support if you encounter any issues.
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coffeeroasters · 3 months
The Ultimate Guide to Wholesale Coffee Beans
Coffee is an integral part of daily life for many people around the world. Whether it's a morning ritual, a social activity, or a necessity to get through the day, coffee holds a special place in our routines. For businesses, dealing in wholesale coffee beans offers numerous advantages, such as cost savings, consistent quality, and a reliable supply chain.
The purpose of this guide is to provide a comprehensive overview of how to source, roast, and sell Wholesale Coffee Beans. Whether you are a cafe owner, a retailer, or an aspiring coffee entrepreneur, this guide will give you the knowledge and tools you need to succeed in the coffee business.
Understanding Wholesale Coffee Beans
What are Wholesale Coffee Beans?
Wholesale coffee beans are sold in bulk quantities at a lower price per unit compared to retail beans. These beans are typically purchased by businesses that require large amounts of coffee, such as cafes, restaurants, and retailers.
The primary difference between retail and wholesale beans is the scale of purchase and the price point. Wholesale beans are often sold in larger bags or containers, making them more economical for high-volume buyers.
Benefits of Buying Wholesale
One of the main advantages of buying wholesale coffee beans is the cost savings. Purchasing in bulk allows businesses to get a lower price per pound, which can significantly reduce expenses.
Additionally, buying wholesale ensures a consistent supply of high-quality beans, which is crucial for maintaining the standard of your coffee offerings. This consistency helps build customer trust and loyalty.
Sourcing Wholesale Coffee Beans
Identifying Reliable Suppliers
Choosing the right supplier is crucial for ensuring the quality and reliability of your coffee beans. When evaluating potential suppliers, consider their reputation in the industry, the quality of their beans, and any certifications they may hold.
Certifications such as Fair Trade and Rainforest Alliance indicate that the supplier adheres to ethical and sustainable practices.
Types of Coffee Beans
Coffee beans come in various types, each with distinct flavours and characteristics. The two most popular types are Arabica and Robusta:
Arabica: Known for its smooth, mild flavour and higher acidity, Arabica beans are often considered superior in quality.
Robusta: With a stronger, more bitter taste and higher caffeine content, Robusta beans are generally less expensive and used in blends.
Other varieties to consider include Liberica and Excelsa, which offer unique flavour profiles and can add diversity to your coffee selection.
Evaluating Bean Quality
Several factors affect the quality of coffee beans, including their origin, the climate in which they are grown, and the processing methods used.
When assessing sample batches, look for uniformity in size and colour, a pleasant aroma, and a lack of defects. Tasting the coffee can also provide valuable insights into its flavour, body, and acidity.
Ethical Sourcing
Ethical sourcing is becoming increasingly important to consumers who care about the social and environmental impact of their purchases.
By choosing suppliers with certifications such as Fair Trade and Rainforest Alliance, you can ensure that the farmers and workers who produce your coffee are treated fairly and that sustainable practices are used in the production process. These certifications also appeal to customers who prioritise ethical consumption.
Roasting Coffee Beans
Basics of Coffee Roasting
The roasting process transforms green coffee beans into the aromatic, flavorful beans that we brew. Roasting involves applying heat to the beans, causing them to undergo complex chemical changes.
This process is critical in developing the flavor profile of the coffee, including its aroma, taste, and body.
Types of Roasts
Roasting levels can significantly affect the flavour and characteristics of the coffee. The main types of roasts are:
Light Roast: Light brown in color, with a mild flavor and pronounced acidity. Often preferred for its ability to highlight the bean's origin flavors.
Medium Roast: Medium brown, with a balanced flavor, aroma, and acidity. A popular choice for its versatility.
Dark Roast: Dark brown, with a bold, robust flavour and lower acidity. Preferred for its strong, smoky taste.
Equipment Needed
Commercial roasting requires specialised equipment to achieve consistent results. Key pieces of equipment include:
Roaster: machines designed to roast beans evenly. Options range from small-batch roasters to large industrial machines.
Cooling Tray: Used to cool the beans quickly after roasting to halt the roasting process and preserve flavour.
Grinder: essential for testing roasted beans and ensuring quality control.
Techniques and Tips
Consistency is key when roasting coffee beans. Here are some best practices:
Maintain consistent temperature and airflow throughout the roasting process.
Keep detailed records of each roast to replicate results and make adjustments as needed.
Regularly clean and maintain equipment to ensure optimal performance.
Selling Your Wholesale Coffee Beans
Identifying Your Market
Understanding your target market is essential for successful sales. Potential customers for wholesale coffee beans include cafes, restaurants, and retailers. Each of these segments has unique needs and preferences, so tailor your offerings accordingly.
Packaging and Branding
Attractive packaging and strong branding are critical for standing out in a competitive market. Invest in high-quality packaging that keeps the beans fresh and showcases your brand's identity. Consider sustainable packaging options to appeal to environmentally conscious consumers.
Pricing Strategies
Pricing your coffee beans competitively while maintaining profitability is a delicate balance. Consider factors such as production costs, market demand, and competitor pricing. Offering discounts for bulk purchases or long-term contracts can attract more customers.
Marketing Your Product
Effective marketing strategies can significantly boost your sales. Establish a strong online presence through a professional website and active social media accounts.
Participate in trade shows and industry events to network and showcase your products. Offering samples and engaging in community events can also help build brand recognition and loyalty.
Starting or enhancing a wholesale coffee business requires careful planning and execution. From sourcing high-quality wholesale Coffee Beans and ethical suppliers to mastering the roasting process and effectively marketing your products, each step is crucial to success.
By following the guidance provided in this comprehensive guide, you can establish a strong presence in the coffee industry and delight your customers with exceptional coffee.
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educationedgesworld · 6 months
Express Entry Explained: Your Fast Track to Canada PR
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Canada has long been a dream destination for many individuals looking to start a new life chapter. With its high standard of living, diverse culture, and strong economy, it's no wonder that Canada attracts immigrants from all over the world. If you're considering making Canada your permanent home, one of the most efficient pathways to achieve this is through the Express Entry system. In this blog post, we'll delve into what Express Entry is all about and how it can be your fast track to obtaining Canada PR.
What is Express Entry?
Express Entry is an online immigration application system introduced by the Canadian government in January 2015. It is designed to manage applications for permanent residency under three main economic immigration programs:
1. Federal Skilled Worker Program (FSWP)
2. Federal Skilled Trades Program (FSTP)
3. Canadian Experience Class (CEC)
Through Express Entry, candidates create an online profile showcasing their skills, work experience, education, language proficiency, and other factors that determine their eligibility for immigration. Candidates are then ranked based on a Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) score, which considers various factors such as age, education, work experience, language proficiency, and adaptability factors.
How Does Express Entry Work?
The Express Entry process can be broken down into several key steps:
Step 1: Determine Your Eligibility
Before creating an Express Entry profile, candidates must ensure they meet the eligibility requirements for at least one of the three economic immigration programs mentioned earlier. Factors such as work experience, language proficiency (English and French), education credentials, and adaptability are crucial in determining eligibility.
Step 2: Create an Express Entry Profile
Once eligibility is confirmed, candidates create an online Express Entry profile through the Government of Canada's official website. The profile includes detailed information about the candidate's skills, work experience, education, language test results, and other relevant details. Candidates without a valid job offer from a Canadian employer or a provincial nomination must also register with the Canada Job Bank.
Step 3: Receive a CRS Score
Candidates in the Express Entry pool are ranked against each other based on their CRS scores. The CRS score is calculated using various factors mentioned earlier. Additional points are awarded for factors like a valid job offer, provincial nomination, Canadian education credentials, and strong French language skills.
Step 4: Receive an Invitation to Apply (ITA)
Regular draws are conducted from the Express Entry pool, and candidates with the highest CRS scores receive Invitations to Apply (ITAs) for permanent residency. Candidates who receive an ITA have a limited time (usually 60 days) to submit a complete application for PR.
Step 5: Submit PR Application and Supporting Documents
Upon receiving an ITA, candidates must submit a complete application for permanent residency along with all required supporting documents, such as police certificates, medical exams, proof of funds, education credentials, and language test results.
Step 6: Wait for PR Application Processing
After submitting the PR application, candidates must wait for the application to be processed by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC). Processing times can vary depending on the volume of applications and other factors.
Step 7: Receive Confirmation of Permanent Residency
Once the PR application is approved, candidates receive Confirmation of Permanent Residency (COPR) and can make arrangements to move to Canada as permanent residents.
Benefits of Express Entry
The Express Entry system offers several benefits to candidates seeking Canada PR:
1. Efficiency: Express Entry is a streamlined and efficient way to manage immigration applications, reducing processing times compared to traditional immigration streams.
2. Merit-Based Selection: Candidates are selected based on their skills, education, work experience, and language proficiency, ensuring that those with the most to contribute to Canada's economy and society are prioritized.
3. Job Opportunities: While a job offer is not required to be eligible for Express Entry, candidates with a valid job offer from a Canadian employer receive additional CRS points, enhancing their chances of receiving an ITA.
4. Provincial Nomination: Candidates in the Express Entry pool may also receive a nomination from a Canadian province or territory, further boosting their CRS score and increasing their chances of being invited to apply for PR.
5. Pathway to Citizenship: Permanent residents can eventually apply for Canadian citizenship after meeting residency and other requirements.
Express Entry is a dynamic and effective immigration system that offers a fast track to permanent residency (Canada PR) in Canada for skilled and qualified individuals. By understanding the process and meeting the eligibility criteria, candidates can embark on their journey to building a new life in one of the world's most welcoming and prosperous countries. Whether you're a skilled worker, a tradesperson, or have Canadian work experience, Express Entry could be your gateway to a brighter future in Canada. Start your Express Entry journey today and turn your Canadian dream into reality!
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account-seller · 7 months
Buy Verified Binance Account - Best Sell 2024
Buy Binance Account with Genuine KYC Documents
As the world of cryptocurrency continues to grow, so does the need for reliable trading platforms. One such platform that has emerged as a dominant force is Binance. However, not everyone can easily access or set up an account due to the rigorous verification process. The perfect solution? Buy Verified Binance Account from trusted providers like Buy5StarShop.com.
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Why Buy a Verified Binance Account?
Purchasing a pre-verified Binance account can simplify your foray into the world of cryptocurrency trading. The rigorous process of verifying a Binance account can be bypassed when you purchase a verified account, letting you dive into trading without delay. A verified account offers numerous benefits, such as access to additional features not available with a basic account. 
These advanced features can provide an edge in your trading strategies, enabling you to make the most of the platform. In addition, a verified Binance account affords you unrestricted access to transactions, letting you operate with limitless possibilities. This can be a crucial factor for serious traders looking to engage in high volume or high value trades. Moreover, a verified account can significantly boost the credibility of your trading profile.
 In the world of cryptocurrency trading, credibility can influence your interactions with other traders. Notably, a verified account from a trusted provider like Buy5StarShop.com can ensure your profile carries a stamp of authenticity and trustworthiness, thereby enhancing your overall trading experience.
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The Challenges of Binance Account Verification
Getting started with a Binance account presents an intricate verification process commonly known as KYC, or Know Your Customer. This verification procedure involves users providing personal details, such as their photo identification and evidence of residency. Many find this process to be cumbersome and intimidating, leading to hesitation or delays in joining the crypto trading world. Another stumbling block is the time taken to complete the verification. 
It could stretch from several days to weeks before users are granted full access to their accounts. This waiting period could potentially restrict immediate trading opportunities for new traders. Hence, the rigorous process of Binance account verification presents a hurdle for those eager to start trading in the dynamic world of cryptocurrency.
Buy5StarShop.com – The Reliable Solution
At Buy5StarShop.com, we recognize the complexities and challenges of the Binance account verification process. With this understanding, we're committed to simplifying this journey for our clients. We offer pre-verified Binance accounts furnished with authentic KYC documents and ID-based selfies. The primary aim is to expedite the process for our clients, allowing them to immerse in the world of crypto trading without unnecessary delays.
We are dedicated to maintaining our status as a trusted provider in the marketplace. As such, we adopt stringent measures to ensure the security and privacy of transactions on our platform. Our verified accounts are not just about bypassing the verification process - they also stand as a testament to our unwavering commitment to client satisfaction. By choosing us, you're opting for a seamless, secure, and efficient entry into the expansive universe of cryptocurrency trading.
With Buy5StarShop.com, the path to crypto trading doesn't have to be riddled with hurdles and long waits. Let us help you unlock the full potential of the Binance platform quickly and confidently. Our commitment is to make your journey into the crypto trading world as smooth and rewarding as possible. Trust us to be your reliable partner in your crypto trading pursuits.
How do I verify my KYC Binance?
The KYC verification process for Binance begins when you sign up for an account. Once you have successfully registered, you must log in and go to your account dashboard. Here, you'll see an option for 'Identity Verification'. By clicking on it, you'll be led to a page where you're required to fill in personal details such as your full name, date of birth, and address. Following this, you'll need to provide proofs for these details - a government-issued ID card (like a passport or driver's license) for identity proof, and a utility bill or bank statement for address proof. 
Also, you'll be asked to submit a selfie along with your ID for additional validation. This process can be quite rigorous and time-consuming. Given the sensitivity of the information, ensure that you're in a secure and private environment when you carry out this process. The approval might take a few days to a week, during which your trading activities could be restricted. Hence, if you wish to skip this cumbersome process, consider purchasing a pre-verified Binance account from Buy5StarShop.com, furnished with genuine KYC documents.
Why Choose Buy5StarShop.com?
Opting for Buy5StarShop.com opens the gateway to impeccable service steeped in integrity and commitment. We are renowned for delivering quality service that is both prompt and secure, consistently exceeding our customers' expectations. When you buy a Binance account from us, you're not just purchasing an access point to the crypto market; you're investing in a seamless trading experience that puts your needs at the forefront. We understand the importance of real, accurate KYC information in this industry, which is why our verified Binance accounts come fully furnished with genuine documents. 
This attention to detail is just one aspect of our comprehensive service approach. From the moment you choose us, we work tirelessly to ensure your journey into the world of crypto trading is smooth and unencumbered. By choosing Buy5StarShop.com, you're choosing a partner who values your time and aspirations, helping you to navigate the crypto waters with confidence and ease. Trust us to provide you with the ideal launchpad into the world of cryptocurrency trading.
Can I verify Binance without ID?
For many users, the prospect of verifying their Binance account without providing an ID is an attractive one. Unfortunately, this is not a viable option. Binance's Know Your Customer (KYC) process is designed to ensure user security and prevent fraudulent activity, making it mandatory for users to verify their identity. This involves submitting government-issued identification, such as a passport or driver's license, as well as proof of address. Binance requires these documents to maintain a secure platform and comply with international regulations. 
While this procedure might seem daunting, it's crucial in ensuring a secure trading environment. However, if you're looking for a shortcut around this process, consider acquiring a pre-verified Binance account from Buy5StarShop.com. With genuine KYC documents, these accounts offer an expedited entry into the world of crypto trading. This can save you time and stress, allowing you to dive right into trading without the wait. But remember, the process of ID verification on Binance is there for your protection and the security of your funds.
Where to buy crypto without KYC?
While KYC regulations are essential to ensure the legitimacy of transactions and prevent fraudulent activities in crypto trading, some traders might be interested in platforms that offer services without such requirements. However, it's important to tread carefully as skipping KYC verifications can often lead to higher risk, including vulnerability to fraud and regulatory penalties. One platform that provides an avenue for buying crypto without KYC is decentralized exchanges (DEXs), such as Uniswap or Sushiswap.
 These DEXs allow peer-to-peer transactions, bypassing the need for personal information. However, this often comes with increased risks and limited customer support. Another option is certain peer-to-peer (P2P) marketplaces. Here, users can engage in direct transactions with other users, often without mandatory KYC. Be mindful, though, these platforms are often fraught with increased scam potential. Always remember, while it may be possible to buy crypto without KYC, it's always recommended to prioritize safety and legitimacy when venturing into the world of cryptocurrency trading. Hence, a better solution might be to opt for a pre-verified account from Buy5StarShop.com that complies with all necessary KYC procedures.
Can I transfer funds from an unverified Binance account?
The question of whether one can transfer funds from an unverified Binance account is a common one, especially for those who are new to cryptocurrency trading. The simple answer is, yes, but there are restrictions. Binance allows unverified accounts to deposit and trade cryptocurrencies. However, when it comes to withdrawals, unverified accounts face strict limits on the amount they can withdraw per day. Currently, for Binance users who have not completed KYC verification, the daily withdrawal limit is just 2 Bitcoin. For active traders or those dealing with large sums of money, this limit can prove to be a major hindrance. 
On the other hand, fully verified Binance accounts enjoy a significantly higher daily withdrawal limit, thus facilitating more flexibility in trading. Therefore, to take full advantage of what Binance has to offer, verification is highly recommended. If the verification process seems daunting, buying a pre-verified Binance account from Buy5StarShop.com can be an efficient and reliable solution.
Is it safe to give Binance my ID?
With a surge in online fraud and identity theft, it's natural to be apprehensive about sharing sensitive identification information. However, Binance, as one of the leading cryptocurrency platforms, has robust security measures in place to safeguard user data. They employ advanced encryption technology to protect the sensitive information you provide during the KYC process. Additionally, Binance adheres to strict international regulations and industry standards for data privacy, ensuring your identification data is handled with utmost discretion and security.
 However, you must always ensure you're accessing the official Binance platform and not a phishing site designed to steal information. Be cautious of sharing your information over unsecured networks or public WiFi, which could be susceptible to data breaches. While Binance endeavors to maintain stringent security measures, if the process of sharing your ID concerns you, Buy5StarShop.com offers pre-verified Binance accounts with genuine KYC documents. This alternative allows you to get started in your crypto trading journey without the worry of sharing personal identification information.
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sa7abnews · 1 month
A software consultant who had an 805% gain trading stocks in 2023 shares his clearest and easiest pattern to identify a breakout
New Post has been published on https://sa7ab.info/2024/08/11/a-software-consultant-who-had-an-805-gain-trading-stocks-in-2023-shares-his-clearest-and-easiest-pattern-to-identify-a-breakout/
A software consultant who had an 805% gain trading stocks in 2023 shares his clearest and easiest pattern to identify a breakout
Goverdhan Gajjala, day traderGoverdhan GajjalaGoverdhan Gajjala won the 2023 US Investing Championship with an 805% gain.He watches for five patterns that he likes to trade.The intraday VCP pattern involves price contractions and volume decreases before a breakout.Trading strategies can be as unique as fingerprints. The approaches taught by coaches and other traders aren't always transplanted as is. Students often take tips and ideas from a thesis or pattern and integrate them into their own strategies, building a set of repeatable trades and signals to inform their processes.It's what Goverdhan Gajjala, a 44-year-old, Dallas-based software consultant, did while refining his trading strategy. He began as a swing trader, holding for days to a few months at a time — but gradually refined his approach to become a day trader. The switch made him feel more in control when entering and exiting trades quickly.Gajjala had taken an online course with Mark Minervini, a veteran trader and a past winner of the US Investing Championship, where he learned how to tame his emotions and trade using a set of rules. In 2023, he decided to test his skills in the competition his coach had previously won. According to the competition founder, Norman Zadeh, Gajjala finished first in the stock division for those trading with more than $20,000, with gains of 805%.Gajjala trades about five patterns, two of which he shared with Business Insider in previous interviews: a reversal squeeze and a bull flag pullback. The third pattern he looks for, which he picked up from Minervini, is the volatility contraction pattern (VCP). It represents price action that tightens as it moves from left to right.Intraday VCPThe VCP pattern can be spotted over multiple days or weeks. But Gajjala uses it for day trades, which can last 30 minutes to an hour. He refers to it as an intraday VCP.The first sign of the pattern begins with an initial spike in price or the first move up. A series of smaller sell-offs or pullbacks then follow it. If it develops into a VCP, the volatility will decrease in a gradual upward-moving pattern as it continues to find support at the 21-day exponential moving average line on the five-minute chart. There are longer and shorter EMAs that can work, but for the period Gajjala is trading in, he found that the 21-day option is the most consistent.The contraction pattern must be accompanied by decreasing volume bars after the initial and sudden increase in price. The spike in green volume bars parallel to the first price spike demonstrates this in the chart below. The pullback periods are then accompanied by weaker selling pressure, shown by shrinking red bars as the pattern moves to the right. This pattern will repeat itself until the selling pressure diminishes and the pullbacks become more shallow, narrowing price volatility.Once the contractions have tightened and the selling volume has diminished, it can be followed by a breakout.For Gajjala, it's an easier pattern to trade because the contraction period is longer than other patterns he watches for. For example, the bull flag pullback, a spike in price that resembles a flag on the chart, can happen within seconds and as little as two to three candles. It gives him very little time to make a trading decision.For the VCP, he can watch it for 30 minutes to an hour as the volatility diminishes while the price gradually increases along the 21-day EMA."It's more or less very clear and easy to identify," Gajjala said. "And the volume profile will be so neat, and I'll have plenty of time to wait and watch this setup."The chart below is an example of an intraday VCP. It shows the initial spike in price accompanied by high demand, as demonstrated by the green volume bars. It's followed by tightening contractions and less volume. The "entry" mark on the chart is where Gajjala tries to enter. Here, selling pressure has died down, and price volatility has eased.ThinkorswimThe danger of this setup is that a trader can be too early to the trade and the chances the pattern breaks up or down are the same, he noted. This means a trader must have more patience to play it.When Gajjala first began trading the intraday VCP, he was unsuccessful because he would enter the trade before allowing the contractions to develop. He assumed getting in early would increase his gains, but the pattern would usually break down.Below is an example of a trade Gajjala took on Syntec Optics Holdings (OPTX) on November 17. The stock's price spiked at the stock market open, followed by continued contraction and dropping volume by 11:00 a.m. According to his brokerage statement, he entered the trade buying about 24,000 shares between $7.07 and $8.29 and exited between $8.31 and $8.61.Thinkorswim
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sarojinirai · 11 months
How to start building a Trading Strategy
One of the most important tasks for any trader is to devise an effective trading strategy. A well-thought-out strategy provides the framework and rules for entering and exiting trades in a systematic manner. This helps traders make objective, emotionless decisions and take a business-like approach to the markets.
However, building a trading strategy from scratch can seem like an overwhelming process, especially for new traders. Where does one even begin? 
In this article, we will provide a step-by-step guide to understanding different types of trading styles and getting started with developing your own custom trading approach. 
Opening a Trading Account
The first step in trading is to open a live trading account with a reputable brokerage firm. Brokers in India like Zerodha, Upstox, etc. offer easy to use online platforms to place orders. Most investors maintain separate accounts for trading and long-term investing. 
What is a holding period?
Understanding the concept of the holding period is important in creating a trading strategy. Holding period refers to the length of time an asset is held or maintained in an investment portfolio before being sold. It indicates how long an investor intends to own securities or positions before liquidating them. 
Pointers to build an effective trading strategy
Choose the Type of Trading Style
There are different styles like day trading, swing trading, and position trading based on holding period. Analyze which style complements your risk profile, other commitments, and market knowledge. For beginners, longer holding styles like position trading may be better than trying to capture small intraday movements.
Focus on a Few Instruments 
Rather than darting around in multiple securities, focus your research on the 2-3 most liquid stocks or indices. Markets like Nifty50, Bank Nifty may be suitable for new traders given their high volumes Remember, patience is key when trading and too many positions might increase the level of risk.
Define Trading Plan and Rules
Backtest strategies on historical price data and outline clear entry, exit and stop-loss rules before trading actual money. Document procedures for taking new positions, scaling out profits and cutting losses. Define risks and returns expected over different holding periods.  
Use Technical Indicators
Technical analysis studies patterns in prices and volumes. Common tools include moving averages, Bollinger Bands, RSI, and candlestick patterns for identifying potential reversals and breakouts on charts. Factor them into your trading plan. 
Learn Price Action Patterns 
Along with indicators, study basic candlestick and line chart patterns that denote demand and supply zones in an instrument. Signs of accumulation and distribution by big players can help you spot potential areas of support and resistance on charts.
Trade Simulators for Practice
Most brokers offer virtual trading that allow you to test strategies on historical price data without actual funds. Treat demo accounts seriously for months to learn weaknesses in your trading psychology before going live with real money.
Review Performance Regularly 
Traders must analyze both winning and losing trades to see what worked and what constant improvements are needed. Track metrics like average win/loss, hit ratio, drawdowns over time to assess a strategy's risk-adjusted performance objectively. 
Remain Patient and Disciplined
Rome was not built in a day. Give strategies time to play out as per plan and stick to risk management rules without emotions swaying your decisions. Only then can one methodically build capital over the long run. 
By following these systematic steps, traders can organically develop a customized trading style that aligns with their abilities and market conditions. Remember, proficiency comes with practice, constant evaluation, and honing your strategy over time.
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upcomingtradera · 1 year
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seapiatech · 1 year
​ Become a part of our community, contribute your knowledge, and unlock your earning potential. Together, let's explore the frontiers of human innovation and share the wonders of the world we live in!See you at Seapia.tech - where knowledge meets opportunity!
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incepteos · 1 year
AI Is Not Blue-Sky Thinking, It Is Common Sense
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Artificial Intelligence refers to the ability of smart devices to use the available information sources to take decisions that mimic human behaviour. Termed as AI, artificial intelligence has been developed over the last five decades and is no longer just a blue-sky concept. We interact with AI every day as they route our phone calls, answer our questions, approve credit card transactions and help interpret medical results. There are now numerous branches to artificial intelligence a few key areas are: natural language processing, pattern recognition (including audio and visual recognition), agents, intelligent tutoring Interfaces, machine consciousness, computational creativity, robo-ethics. Here, we describe how it is changing various industries and how you can quickly leverage AI implementation.
AI in the Industry
AI is already producing improvements across most industries, especially ones that require work with the help of machines. Currently, we employ AI in several industries, such as controlling industrial robots, performing sensing, medical diagnosis, online ordering (food or shopping) and electronic trading tools to name just a few. This means that AI is changing the way most industries and organisations are planning their future strategies.
If we focus on an early adopter of AI then aviation has been a leading force. Starting with basic AI in the form of training simulators and autopilots later development of altitude monitoring and realignment for too steep banking help improve safety. The autopilot has grown up over the years. Changing from fixed pre-planned route profiles to using machine learning (ML) to create a more adaptive and resilient system. ML processes thousands of hours of real flight data and builds a library of scenarios that enable it to be more responsive in challenging situations. Maybe one day we won’t just have autonomous cars, we will have fully automated AI co-piloted planes.
Computer scientists are using AI all the time to resolve simple to complex problems, such as creating optimal timesharing resource management, automatic data storage and employ interactive interpreters. Intelligent tutoring systems are being developed and enhanced with the use of AI. DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) already employs AI-based systems to train Navy recruits to develop complex technical skills in the shortest possible time.
Touted by various thought leaders to be the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Al capabilities under development are limitless. Neuro technological brain enhancements, genetic editing and early detection of some cancers. Technology giants are using it as virtual assistants like Siri or Alexa. Whilst the financial sector has been using it to provide investment advice to customers. Big Data, the world’s newest most valuable resource, is enabling ML to create, test and train the AI. Companies that deploy AI will gather more data and from its continual learning will improve their algorithms and develop responsive solutions ahead of their rivals.
How to Leverage AI
Regardless of the industry in which you work, it is always possible to leverage AI to improve your current working practices. Understanding that AI is all about leveraging machine learning, based on volume data and human language processing, then coming up with adaptive computing to constantly improve the functional performance.
You do not have to worry about specific technology, as you should look to improve customer interactions and implement tools that can enhance performance. Here are a few important steps that you can take to ensure that AI is quickly leveraged in your business model:
Customise for the Client
The AI tools can be employed in your business to customise the client experience. This is possible by using AI to collect data, run an algorithm to find out their needs and then employ a service filter to provide each customer with a customised service structure.
Process Efficiency
You can improve the daily business functions as AI algorithms can analyse the data and come up with excellent suggestions for improving the current operations. AI tools can improve the workflow, find out problems in the current supply chain, and ensure that business costs are minimised as much as possible.
Another way to ensure that you can improve business, is to improve the way your business deals with its customers. This is possible to implementing chatbots to empower your business. They can communicate with your customers and learn by interacting with them. They can identify context and emotions and produce interactive replies.
Marketing is enhanced with AI tools. Use them to gather detailed information about your possible market segments and then allow the tools to come up with the optimal strategy to target these segments. AI algorithms can quickly process demographic information, and help you create the best advertisement campaigns.
The summary is clear, AI is here to stay and will only develop further over the years to come. The key is how you identify ways of employing it to better your business and your customer’s experience.
For more details visit: Incepteo.com
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nesttech · 2 years
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