vitali-utygov · 7 months
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viktornovgorod · 6 months
17. Demon
Small hton
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2-nd version
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cferten · 1 month
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next time you want to eat, just tell me!
My hton'ki (хтоньки) also love to eat.)
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darkdragon22-23 · 1 year
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andmaybegayer · 2 months
gigajoules per year spent doing ntoh and hton
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masterqwertster · 9 months
54-kidnapping. For the guy in a situation prompts. With a focus on Ashton. Could you please continue on from the presumed dead prompt you recently did? I really liked that one. Bells Hells would never let someone take their punk rock.
Continuing this prompt answer
Ashton is tending a field, a garden. Small animal-shaped eidolons gambol along in his wake, occasionally helping at his direction. Everything is green and growing and beautiful. He breathes in fresh air, appreciating the place he's carved out for himself in the world.
It’s so fucking peaceful.
–e u– –hton.
There's a sound on the breeze. Words they can’t quite make out.
Wa– up, –on.
Ashton quiets his small companions, trying to make out the message on the wind.
Ashton gasps awake.
Fucking fuck. He hates it when his stupid vivid dreams show him the nice shit he can never have.
Not that there’s really time to be upset about the random shit his brain throws at him. Imogen wouldn't poke into his head like that without a good reason.
Which is about the time it registers that this is not where they remember going to sleep. Because they sure as fuck hadn’t been chained up in a crate before they went to sleep.
So Ashton does the obvious thing: he rages and does his best to break the chains. Or crate. Whichever comes first.
The chains, unfortunately, are well-done. Even their raging strength isn't enough to make up for the lack of leverage from having their arms thoroughly pinned to their sides and legs bound together.
They are not, however, enough to restrain Ashton’s thrashing to a level that won’t break the crate. And wood splinters as Ashton’s feet and head slam into the planks.
The thing is, Ashton hadn’t really thought this through. Breaking the crate can get him out of it, but it doesn’t change that his ability to move is restricted to inchworming around because of the chains. Which means running or fighting is–
“Fucking hell! That should have been enough to keep a half-giant out for a whole day!”
–near impossible. Especially when his captors are still around.
Magic wraps around their body, stopping even what struggles Ashton can make chained up as they are. Someone opens the crate, though Ashton can only catch their silhouette from the corner of their bad eye thanks to the position they’ve been locked into.
“Right. Back to sleep with you,” the figure says. 
And something pierces into Ashton’s neck. He can feel whatever poison or drug is on it– in it?– seeping through his system. Ashton does his best to hold onto consciousness, but that shit is still being put into him. More and more, until he loses the fight to remain awake.
Ashton has the helm. 
Most need a compass, an enchanted one at that, in the Shattered Teeth, lest they get lost among the fog and shifting islands. But he is of Ka’Mort’s power, and the Empress of Earth’s power suffuses these isles. Ashton knows where the islands are, can feel them in his blood. Not to mention the eidolons here are the most eager and obedient to their requests over any other place they’ve sailed.
He breathes in the salty air. Blows out a whistle to the air and water eidolons to speed The Hellion along its course.
“There you are, Ashton. I’ve been searchin’ all over for you.”
“I don’t know why, Captain. It’s my shift at the helm,” Ashton says, leaning against the wheel as they eye the sorceress. Odd. She’s not wearing her captain’s coat. Imogen loves that thing, mostly because Laudna made it for her.
“The fuck are you talkin’ about, Ashton? This is a dream,” Imogen insists.
Everything freezes. Everything except him and Imogen.
“Ow,” Ashton says, hand going to their head as it sparks wildly. Realizing that this shit is a dream is a first. As is having Imogen poking in like this.
“Sorry about that,” Imogen apologizes. “Considering how wakin’ up didn’t go so great for you last time, we decided me jumpin’ into your dream to talk with you would be easier. I didn’t realize how much you got caught up in these dreams.”
“You’ve seen my dreams before?” Which probably isn’t the part they should be locking onto, but fuck it, this is, apparently, their dream.
“I go pokin’ around sometimes when I can’t sleep,” Imogen explains with a shrug. “And that’s besides the point. We’re comin’ to rescue you. We’re not gonna to leave you behind. So just hang on, alright? I promise, we’re comin’.
Her words echo through Ashton’s head, loosening a tension he hadn’t even realized was there. He’s alone, but not alone. Bells Hells isn’t going to abandon him to whoever fucking kidnapped him. And Ashton is kind of thankful he’s the only one these fuckers took. A rescue is probably more manageable than breaking out, and they’ll only be short him going in.
“Okay. But you better move fast, or I might get out on my own,” Ashton replies, challenging her, challenging them to come faster. 
“...And thanks.” for coming at all, they don’t say. But they think she can catch that anyways.
“We’re comin’. Promise.”
Had some fun playing with Ashton's alternate life dreams and how the Grim Verity/Omen Archives study of Exaltants said that they could enter others' dreams.
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sybilius · 3 months
🍄🧩 for the ask meme please?
🍄 ⇢ share a head canon for one of your favourite ships or pairings
One of my more treasured headcanons is that Okada is fond of ramune -- this came from a fic a good friend wrote after my first Jaykada fic, ok google what's a synonym for rat where she spooled out a scene from Jay's young lion era, Okada teasing him a bit by challenging him to open the drink without knowing how to pop the glass marble. I referenced it again in leach and lift -- it's a little thing, but it's oddly important to me that when Jay sees or drinks ramune, he thinks of Okada.
🧩 ⇢ what will make you click away from a fanfiction immediately?
Two of my most often bugbears: no line breaks (please for the love of god--), and poorly chosen epithets that read like they are blatantly trying to avoid just using the character's name for no reason (no "the blonde" "the other man" -- unless the POV character is talking about a stranger they just met that's no way to address their lover/object of affections, ffs).
There's been exceptions. There was a fic in the Disco Elysium fandom that was so goddamn good and unique that I overlooked the lack of line breaks (Focus, by HtonS) -- but tbh, you can tell just from the phrase "a quiet kind of crazy; he loves Harry with the focus of a sniper rifle’s scope" that this is worth a second shot.
And then the epithet bugbear is really easy to overcome: just only use epithets when you have a well thought out reason to. Well thought out epithets are hot and sexy and create and emphasize tension. Epithets for the sake of avoiding names is like, well, I am leaving this fic now I'm afraid.
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polbedy · 4 months
i wanna write several posts about slavic mythology! it's interesting i think and also it's good for my English practice✨
also I'm reading such an interesting book now! it's called 'Russian folklore demonology: from shapeshifters and dead men to mermaids and fire snake' (the last one is fiery serpent maybe, i'm not sure). we call such creatures хтонь (hton') or нечисть ('nechist') in russian. it's an ancient mythology but there are people still who believe in it, mostly in the countryside
/don't hesitate to correct my mistakes:)/
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melancholisovich · 11 months
do I fit urban fantasy into a cyberpunk setting?
Originally my dolls live in the not_so_distant future. I have lot's of robots, those who are not visibly robots are either cyborgs or humans taking care of robots.
Do I really need to squeeze non_robotic fantasy guys in there? Hell no. Do I want to? Sure.
That's why I decided that there will be a group of characters who are actually a result of a bug inside the robots' neural networks which led to them seeing things. And currently things are Zhnets and Hton'.
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Zhnets is a Studio Uoo New bone walker. They also need a redesign stylewise, cause sneakers and sweatshirt are definately no the vibe I am looking for them.
But overall they're adorable reaper.
Hton' is a creature. Not sure what they are but they're friendly local entity.
So robots in my story started seeing them. And just accepted it. Whoa that's an attitude we all need.
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vitali-utygov · 8 months
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take me into the swamp pls
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plushyluke · 1 year
and side note: if 5sos want me to keep stanning despite them participating in evil coachella (and their disturbing tour promo/dates), i had better see l*ke and a*hton dancing together to “forrest gump” by frank ocean.
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darkdragon22-23 · 5 months
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I painted on a large canvas with other people, I decided to save it and throw it here, heh Rafeli by me Hton by me
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finelyfrenzied · 2 years
some of yall r so fast to say shit abt as,hton -- he wants to bring la.udna back bc they were just starting to make a true, genuine friendship w/ her. a.shton’s relationship with l.audna was on the track to being just as if not even strong than their connection w letters, imo.  
she was their friend and they want her back. why do yall wanna read bad vibes into as.hton so bad
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sybilius · 2 years
hello! looking for any toxic kim/harry fic recs, do you have any? idk it's just vibes but i strongly believe kim/harry will not be. the healthiest and am surprised by the complete dearth of this niche in this fandom. thank you :)
Oh! Yeah, I know of a few! I think the general reason for it being niche is more so on Kim's side at least for me -- ie. it's very believable that Harry could flip back to being completely toxic, but it takes a talented writer to present a take that Kim would be fucked up enough to stick around and take it. Still, my number one rec for that flavor is always Focus by hton:
Harry thinks that Jean is right. Kim really will stand by him until the end, eventually walk into his own grave, because Kim is crazy, just like him. But Kim is a quiet kind of crazy; he loves Harry with the focus of a sniper rifle’s scope.
I mean, hell, do I need to say anything more than that summary? goddamn. I also think The Long View Down has shades of a toxic flavor, though it does feel like it ends...well-ish? I like the way they did messy Harry + Kim that despite best efforts is drawn to him:
Anyways, hope you find something you like!
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microdevsys · 3 months
IPA Fails to start: Timeout Exceeded and No Route to Host when IPV6 disabled
IPA doesn’t start? Just prints the following when an attempt is made to start it? # strace -f -s 256 ipactl start . . . . socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM|SOCK_CLOEXEC, IPPROTO_IP) = 4 connect(4, {sa_family=AF_INET, sin_port=htons(389), sin_addr=inet_addr(“”)}, 16) = 0 getsockname(4, {sa_family=AF_INET, sin_port=htons(51027), sin_addr=inet_addr(“”)}, [28->16]) = 0 close(4) =…
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astrito · 1 year
miracle paint swatc...hton song
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